#wip: named after you
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years ago
in the process of writing the dumbest blurb for the dumbest boy only for the word count to match his number
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supine-ly · 7 months ago
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something something Jason was doomed the moment his mother named him
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nights-at-crystarium · 8 months ago
While I'm ancient-trio-posting, wanna hear a bit about their dynamic?
Hythlodaeus and Hades are old friends, roommates, even. A genuinely mature, established couple. I haven't really thought too far back in time yet, so maybe childhood friends to lovers because no one else in my story has this trope yet. I leave it open-ended for now. What matters is that they're very chill and stable together.
Azem, not-yet-Azem but a mere apprentice of Venat, has a certain secret, harmless to the world, but potentially ranging from laughable, cringy, personally embarrassing to legally punishable, should it be brought in front of the Convocation, like all lies it's doomed to be revealed in time, he already hangs out with one of the Big People and there are talks about Venat's retirement, our little not-yet-Azem feels like he might get recommended, and must find help with his silly secret before that.
Hythlodaeus, Chief of the Bureau of the Architect, has ever been kind and patient with not-yet-Azem's concept submissions, and generally seems like a reliable and open-minded person, so our guy asks for his advice on the matter. Of course he isn't let down, the nitty gritty of it I'll leave for later. The important part: he and Hyth grow closer, and Hades, already being joined at the hip with Hyth, is in on the secret as well. It's just a vulnerability that I use as a means to win over Hades's heart. Be genuine, beg for his help, rely on him, and he's yours.
Venat retires, the new Azem takes the seat, his secret's safe/resolved (forget about it, it's played its role of the glue for our trio), things are chill for a while, the trio grows into a proper throuple, Hades is recommended for the seat of Emet-Selch by both his lovers, but by Azem most ardently (and selfishly: he feels like a white crow among the Convocation and wants another freak on the team. Hades finds it sweet though).
The status quo moves to the known canon where Azem travels a lot, sometimes summons his buddies to his side, he tends to disappear from Amaurot for weeks and months on end, Hyth and Hades are left to themselves, seemingly things are the same as they've always been, but the joy of reuniting with their wayward lover, and the pining when he's gone, is bigger in Hades than Hyth. Of course they, the two mature people holding hands from the beginning of times, don't discuss this.
Azem may not even realize what he's doing- well, ain't that most azems in a nutshell. He just exists, loves his partners, shines for them with equal warmth like sun. It's not that Hyth doesn't like being sunkissed, no, it's Hades who gets a bit too excited, tries to mask that however he can, perhaps HythHades pretend that nothing's changed, but, yknow, subtle cracks. Hades's heart grows more fond due to the time and distance that separate them so often. Of course he's terrified and he sees what this does to the balance of their poly, it's not welcome, but it won't go away.
Enter Hyth's self-esteem issues, and how neatly that weaves into his following sacrifice to bring forth Zodiark. Even though Azem's nowhere to be seen, it's fine, he'll return, it's just a tantrum, the Convocation will forgive him, Hades will be left in good hands, he and Azem seem to be happier without Hyth anyway. (no, no, no, no-) Of course, the latter's left unsaid, only a smile on display and vague words of affirmation for the shellshocked Hades.
Through the sacrifice Hyth drives up his value. He's forever important to Hades now, forever on his mind, his guiding star. I view Hyth's selfless act as selfish too (just as Raha's but he isn't relevant here), a desperate act of a soul not only loving, but desperate for love. Hyth gets what he wanted. In a fucked up way, he's happier as a part of the moon. He never has to contend with the sun again.
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tekablade-chronicles-3 · 5 months ago
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Metaphor has come out now ! I know it's late but i was tired yesterday.
I haven't had any time to draw lately, but here are doodles and concepts i drew some time ago ! Enjoy !
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justaz · 6 months ago
i feel like posting a short blurb from my wip bc i wrote it when i was just putting words to paper - not even writing, just getting ideas down - and i still find it hilarious
“Your impertinence is amusing when it’s aimed at my brother, but you will not prevail against me, Emrys,” Morgana hissed, her wild and unkempt hair sticking out around her head like a bed of snakes. Merlin’s eyes narrowed further as he pulled himself higher in his seat to properly look down at her, “Destiny has decided I will always be stronger than you, better than you. I will always be your doom. Just give in, witch.” Morgana stood, her chair scraping loudly as it sailed from behind her. She slammed her hands down on the Round Table, sending Lord Nimrod to the floor with the force of his flinch, “I deserve to be Court Sorceress.” Merlin stood much slower with an air of quiet power and grace. He crossed his arms and continued to stare down at her, “That’s nepotism.” “Bullshit!” Morgana turned her mad stare over to Arthur who was staring up at the ceiling, his eyes drooping with exhaustion.
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tallmadgeandtea · 6 months ago
Rip Ben Tallmadge you would’ve loved listening to Noah Kahan and getting real angry about stuff
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beastsovrevelation · 10 months ago
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The Hell now, I'm drooling over the Good Omens version of Archangel Michael, too?..
The tag's about Lady Crowley, not myself, but still...
I mean..
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She does seem like she'd take and rail you.
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iluminated-goat · 1 month ago
been reading some abo fics lately and i’ve been inspired by both my friends @mirrorworldangel and @muchmallows AUs for agegap Stancest (and i know i said i need to expand my horizons but y’all gonna have to suffer with me through this for a while more i’m so sorry)
Both of the teens surprising their parents by their classifications, Stan being an omega and Ford being an alpha. Both getting the brunt of their father’s expectations in the worst way possible, Ford being expected to act like the “man of the house” and “to man up”, Stan being belittled by his looks and his classification entirely - making him try harder to prove himself. Them having to survive school, these kids are suffering basically.
So Stan, who forced himself to get accustomed to people faking having interest in him and making jeers at him or how he doesn’t look like an omega, doesn’t even bat an eye when his physics teacher starts getting closer to him. He does feel annoyed sometimes at the lingering touches, the gifts that his teacher gets him (which started as a joke from him asking them, he definitely would try to do things to recompense the man cause he felt bad), when the man offers to tutor him, but he doesn’t mind as much when he scents him (for some reason, Crampelter doesn’t even breath in his direction when that happens).
Imagine his surprise when he’s ranting to Ford about this and he exasperatedly points out Forrester is GENUINELY courting him, not as a joke but serious. Kid is pissed and flustered at the man cuz he thinks he’s doing it as some kind of charity work or he wants to fuck him - and because he likes the thought of being bonded to the man… but just a little. Stan has Forrester doing the fucking olympics to prove that he DOES wants to bond with him, mark him and even have pups with him if he allows (Stan gets so baffled at that he only stares at the man,  stuttering and cheeks red at the serious confession). He’s still scrutinizing and hesitant at that, but he’s more… mellow towards it now (especially when they actually start to get to know each other, man’s a silver fox even Stan has to admit that).
Ford on the other hand is suffering at his brother’s crush (“i have him wrapped around my finger Sixer” when he’s giggling and kicking his legs while talking to the man on the phone) and his father’s never ending speeches. When he’s leaving school alone bc Stan decided to stay behind, he takes an aimless walk to the beach, walking so much he reaches the local port. There, he sets his eyes on what’s probably the coolest and most beautiful person he’s ever seen. An elderly omega with crinkled eyes and a soft smile at him, he can’t help but feel drawn to him, practically visiting him every day after school. 
Ford doesn’t even realize when he starts courting Pinington, it all just seems so natural to him that it’s only when he’s staring wide eyed at the ceiling that he realizes “omg i want to bond with him”. Stan makes so much fun of him when he finds out but he’s definitely supporting him and giving him tips (Ford refuses to use his pickup lines ever again because the last time he did Pinington laughed so hard he popped a joint). Plus, the man probably sees him as a kid, merely entertaining the idea until he actually realizes he’s serious about it. He tried to slowly become distant from Ford, a terrible mistake because this kid is STUBBORN he wants that old man.
Their parents notice their good moods and scents immediately, Stan smelling more of earthy tones, gunpowder and beeswax; Ford smelling like seasalt water, burnt toffee and citrusy beer. Caryn is over the moon that her babies may have found their mates, Filbrick… is getting there (he hopes Stan marries so he can finally leave the house, he expects Ford not to be distracted with his little fling). The kids at their school are equally surprised. Crampelter makes fun that Ford is with a dried up omega (which has Ford ”””accidentally””” spilling sulphuric acid in his direction) and Stan being nothing but a fat hole (which has him beaten up out of school grounds, Stan might’ve yelled back at him but Forrester didn’t take it lightly).
And when the end of the year arrives, Stan’s practically vibrating at the thought of moving away with Forrester, constantly running a hand over the bite mark in his neck after his father begrudgingly approved their marriage (Forrester definitely threatened him, Stan made his life hell when he showed the slightest hint of refusal). Ford’s delighted to go to college, but the thought of leaving his beloved gives him mixed thoughts. Ford spent the few days before he had to go to college with Pinington, scenting and nuzzling the omega constantly, promising him that once he finishes he’ll come back for him. Cue to Ford almost bringing Pinington and Stan to the ground after tackling them in a hug in his graduation, Forrester just watching near with a fond smile <3 <3
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 7 months ago
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this is an evildead focused fic so I don't have much of mark in here past vague mentions like this but the rest of the hornfreakers have posted winters family torment nexus fic crumbs so i had 2 join the club
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years ago
between those fics i've shared and the idea from last night i'm back to writing about johnny boy here
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kirchenaere · 2 years ago
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Working on the next illustration for my CoS game now that we’re “done” with Vallaki and I decided to include some tiny Martikovs behind our pal Ricky eavesdropping at the bar
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tj-crochets · 1 year ago
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A very poorly lit photo of my next quilt layout! It’s bigger than my usual baby quilt size but it’s for a specific baby and her mom and her grandpa are both very very tall and she’s a month old and already on the large end of the baby height (length?) scale so I’m making the quilt bigger
(is it height or length for babies too young to stand? All my baby experience is with babies old enough to walk)
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rendevok · 11 months ago
fandom ask!!! 6 9 and 17 w/whatever character ((: also just wanted to let u know how much i've grown with ur art lol, i was a big caejose enjoyer and when i started getting into my aa phase i looked back at ur art and saw all the narumitsu stuff and was like hell yeah!!
Omg how fun! I love being able to see works from familiar creators when i explore new fandoms, I’m glad i could be that for you hehe ^^
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
Since you got me feeling nostalgic, have this caejose wip that i love even if i may never finish it! (Werewolf/vampire au!)
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9. Write a recommendation of someone else’s fic you enjoyed!
(tgcf incoming…)
tremble (for my beloved) by yilingcatriarch - there are no words better to describe this than “The Eming Fic”, and the reason it’s what i want to recommend out of the many many fics i’ve loved is because i read it like a week ago and i genuinely cannot stop thinking about it. Such a fun, sweet, and original concept & execution. I really enjoyed it! So- easy to read and easy to love! I really hope the author might consider writing a sequel someday, but truthfully it’s perfect as is!
17. What’s a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
OHOHOHOHOO OK SO!! (7yg narumitsu + trucy, no one is surprised atp)
I have a bit of a headcanon surrounding it, but i think that Phoenix, Trucy, and Miles would enjoy watching Perry Mason together to try and see who can figure out the truth/true criminal first! (Bonus points bc! MASON + 7YG!!) The hc is that they would habitually watch an episode or two at the end of the day, and compete see who ends up with the highest accuracy rate. This show has just enough niche/antiquated culture knowledge (Miles), random character motive bs (Phoenix), and “guy who was on screen but nobody noticed” (Trucy) for it to be a relatively fair competition between the three of them. Trucy definitely wins out in the end though, by a small but reasonable margin.
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bluberimufim · 1 year ago
I just discovered that there's a biblical figure named Seth who has absolutely nothing to do with the Seth that I named my protagonist, Seth, after
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cupidskissx · 9 months ago
Austria Abeyance snippet pleaseeee 🥺
Taking his assignment seriously he tells Charles to turn around.
“You only want to look at my arse,” Charles says but does as he’s told.
It hadn’t been Max’s intention but after he takes a 0.5 shot of him framed between the peaks he zooms in on the slant of Charles’ waist.
“Alright, I’m bored, let’s go,” Max announces, zooming out again.
To his credit, Charles doesn’t argue, and starts to clamber down. His arms flail as he dislodges some of the stones he must have loosened on the way up. Max snaps his clumsy descent and quickly selects the final few shots, he contemplates choosing one of the better ones too but decides he wouldn’t be able to explain that away if he’s caught. He opens airdrop and waits for his name to appear. Except it doesn’t. The only contact that pops up is…
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months ago
Hi. So sorry if this is weird but.
Can I just say I’m so proud of you for going out of your comfort zone and writing an explicit sex scene?? An amazing sex scene I might add. So character driven. So packed with Meaning. So hot. It’s what they deserve. Also Rosalie’s use of a pet name did not go unnoticed and was even more touching than I thought it would be. This all feels like a part of a very satisfying resolution of all the Horrors they’ve been through.
Again so sorry if this is weird. And thank you 🖤
oh, it's not weird, anon! it feels a bit strange to receive a handshake for writing sex on the sex-writing website, when other people are doing it so much better than me, but it's not weird to send this to me... it's nice!
so, thank you! I was very nervous and sort-of out of my comfort zone lmao, but not for the reasons you think! while i definitely have Irrational Feelings about the flaws in my own writing and lack of smut being one of them, and also opinions on how my writing style doesn't really fit super well with that mode the way others' does, I mostly just felt nervous bc... it was sex, but it's not smut. I say at the beginning of the chapter, it's not smut! if it was smut, I'd have changed the rating to E! If it was smut, the orgasms would be better! I know that much, at least!!
I've answered your ask first bc you called it a sex scene, and that's exactly what it was intended as! It was a scene I decided I wanted to include lmao. I could've faded to black at any moment - in the first draft, it faded after Rosalie admitted to what she was into: it was designed to be a parallel when the Ascendent tries to cater to a praise kink in Chapter 7 and she immediately shoots it down, because she knows it's got nothing to do with making her feel good and everything to do with shaming her and putting her into a script.
but alongside writing this fic, I have had a lot of thoughts about the decision Larian made to fade to black in the Spawn!Ending and not in Ascendent. I completely get their logic, and I even like it as an artistic decision, but it does mean there's this weird equation between 'sexy -> evil', when in fact... you are allowed to desire your partner, and your vampire boyfriend. the more I thought about it, the more I realised that there is this weird dynamic in Pieces where Rosalie often represses the hell out of herself and then the plot makes that into a good decision. And basically... no. that's not right! She's incredibly lonely, and unhappy, and she's also not allowed to admit what she likes or what she wants or what she's into bc it's not a safe place in which to do that. That's all that's going on there! once the situation is right, she's allowed to want things!
So in the end I decided fade to black wasn't the right call. The things that happen in Chapter 26 all reference back to when Rosalie was consensually with the Ascendent, and anything that was non-consensual is quickly changed. Then the Second Chance got me, and it became awkward. I thought of all the ways an Ascendent smut scene would probably be incredibly fucking hot and near perfect but also feel um... not to pun... soulless, and so what ended up happening is that we got something that isn't well-choreographed and has these moments where both of them are haunted by what has come before, but it's selling point is that it feels genuine.
maybe I'll write actual smut one day, but this was honestly just a scene I felt the plot needed! and i'm really happy you enjoyed it and that it felt character driven and that you found it sexy. I found it sexy. it is what they deserve.
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