#for the anon who once asked me if I was planning on revealing Max name in Charles’ phone
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cupidskissx · 9 months ago
Austria Abeyance snippet pleaseeee 🥺
Taking his assignment seriously he tells Charles to turn around.
“You only want to look at my arse,” Charles says but does as he’s told.
It hadn’t been Max’s intention but after he takes a 0.5 shot of him framed between the peaks he zooms in on the slant of Charles’ waist.
“Alright, I’m bored, let’s go,” Max announces, zooming out again.
To his credit, Charles doesn’t argue, and starts to clamber down. His arms flail as he dislodges some of the stones he must have loosened on the way up. Max snaps his clumsy descent and quickly selects the final few shots, he contemplates choosing one of the better ones too but decides he wouldn’t be able to explain that away if he’s caught. He opens airdrop and waits for his name to appear. Except it doesn’t. The only contact that pops up is…
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hargrove-mayfields · 4 years ago
so sorry im late asking this (i was waiting for you to get more, super surprised you didn’t get more asks tbh) but could I hear more about your wips “I have a crush on Barbara Holland” “baby fic” and “HOH Steve” also if it’s not too much “girlyfriends” and “cali house” and “medical emergency” ik ik that’s a lot but I’d honestly want hear about ALL of you wips in that list if i could. thank u in advance
It’s alright anon! I’ll accept these asks until I run out of WIPs to talk about!
I have a crush on Barbara Holland- This one is a soulmates au, where Steve has his soulmates initials, B.H., on his wrist, and he is whole heartedly convinced that that person is Barb. He’s very much in love with her, and there’s lots of talk about how pretty and nice she is (hence the title lol) but eventually she reveals that he isn’t her soulmate. Before she had hid the initials on her own wrist under a watch or a chunky bracelet, but she feels guilty, and shows Steve that her mark had long ago faded, because her soulmate passed away when they were in elementary school. Steve decides, despite how much value he used to hold in the whole soulmate thing, he doesn’t care about who some stupid mark says he should be with, so him and Barb date until her death. He’s heart broken, but the sadness very quickly turns into so much anger after Billy Hargrove, another B.H. rolls into town with a little S.H. on his wrist. He feels like the universe or whoever is even in charge of this soulmate bullshit is spiting him for thinking he could fall in love with someone he wasn’t destined to be with, so he rejects Billy for a long, long time, even after he himself figured it out that Steve is his match. When he does start to feel that way about Billy, he struggles with so much guilt and has to go through a very long grieving process to be comfortable with his feelings, because he’s not even sure if they’re his genuine feelings or the work of this soulmate bond. Very long and very angsty.
baby fic- Nancy gets pregnant that first time at the party with Tommy and Carol, and her and Steve try really really hard to make things work out for their baby, but it just isn’t meant to be. They make an arrangement that the Harringtons are very not pleased with, where Nancy has the baby at the Byers house half the time (because let’s be honest I think the Wheelers house is not really a safe place to be raising a baby) and Steve has her the rest of the time. Because it was like, a much more mature breakup without the cheating and the drunken confessions, they’re still pretty close friends. When the upside down starts making an appearance again, they have to try to figure out how to navigate it with this little four month old baby, and that means getting some help involved. Billy shows up at the Byers and instead of a fight, Steve’s all exhausted like oh good, you’re finally here, and gives him the worlds fastest run down of this monster fighting shit with a crying baby on his hip, and like, Billy just can’t say no to him asking him to go into the tunnels while he watches the baby. There is eventual Harringrove after a while, but it’s a slow burn for sure. This is also probably the least serious and least angsty thing I have ever started to write.
HOH Stevie- They’re all in the government hospital getting their post Starcourt once overs, Billy and El of course being rushed into surgery, and Steve’s about to get discharged when he gets addressed by name and just, does not respond at all. The doctor is like hmm, and checks his ears, and they find out he has almost no hearing in his left ear, and only about forty percent in the right. All that head trauma from the Russians and then all of the explosions of the fireworks, it leaves him deaf.
Everyone tries to be supportive, but his dad refuses to let him get hearing aids because he doesn’t believe he actually needs them (Steve’s a diagnosed hypochondriac) so for the next several months while his parents are still home waiting for their next trip, he’s struggling. He basically gets iced out by the party because he just can’t hear anything they’re saying, and the kids get tired of repeating themselves, and Nancy got insulted the one time he told her her voice is too quiet, and Robin wants to do things right for him, but she forgets sometimes, and will ramble on about something without looking at him and everytime he’s like great, I didn’t catch a single word of that, lovely talk though. It’s very frustrating and isolating and nobody seems to want to make accommodations for him.
The very same day that his parents leave for their latest vacation, he goes back to hospital. At first he just has to get more testing done, since it had been upwards of six months since the last time they saw him, and on his way out he notices Max in the waiting room chairs. He hadn’t seen much of her at all since Starcourt, so he checks on her, and at first she tells him to go away, because her friends have said some not so nice things about how much time she spends at the hospital, and assumes Steve is there to tell her Billy isn’t worth it too. Because that’s not the case, he ends up going in the room to visit Billy with her.
They do the small talk, the awkward, sorry about the fact that you’ve been in the hospital for six months now and nobody wants to come see you thing, and at some point Billy realizes that Steve can’t hear a damned thing he’s saying. He tests his theory by saying Steve’s name when he’s not looking and just waiting for him to answer but, surprise he doesn’t because he didn’t hear it at all, and Billy’s just like, you’re deaf aren’t you?
The progression of the fic is basically Steve coming to visit Billy everytime he has an appointment for his hearing (and more, but Bill doesn’t know that) but the day of his last appointment to make sure his hearing aids are functioning as well as they ever will for how bad off his hearing is, Billy’s acting different.
When he’d first walked into his room Billy had been surprisingly bright eyed and bushy-tailed for what he went through, but now he’s just acting all mopey. Max makes him tell Steve what’s wrong, and he confesses that he feels like he’s going to get left behind now that Steve’s all better, because then he has no real reason to visit him anymore. But Steve has one very good reason, and the rest of the story is him making sure Billy knows it.
girlyfriends- This’n’s sort of a non-canon compliant character study about aromantic! Billy, focusing on how awful and uncomfortable he felt with his past girlfriends, messing up dates and never going as far as they wanted him to, which at the time he pinned on liking boys instead, but then after he gets with Steve, he feels like this is different and he likes it, but he’s still not too big on all the lovey dovey, romance stuff. He rationalizes it as like, maybe just being a side effect of him being an asshole or something, but he‘s actually super insecure about how he is in relationships. There is a fluffy resolution though where he embraces his identity, it’s really not all doom and gloom, boo hoo I hate myself stuff.
cali house- Years after Starcourt, the boys have moved to a decent house in California using their government hush hush money, and they’re there for only about a month when Billy’s mother shows up at their door.
She says she caught wind that her son was back in town and wanted to come see him, after all this time. Billy of course lets her back in his life immediately, his mom meant so much to his recovery process and now that she’s here, he can’t turn her away, but Steve’s a little suspicious of her intentions.
He thinks that if she wanted to see Billy, she would’ve done that years ago before he ever even left Cali in the first place, or that you know, she wouldn’t have fucking left him behind. He tries to bring it up with Billy gently, but he won’t hear it, and he feels beyond hurt by the suggestion because he thinks Steve is just jealous that he’s spending time with his mother, who he hasn’t seen for upwards of fifteen years at this point.
They fight and avoid each other for a few days until Billy’s momma admits when he brings it up, over lunch or something saying like, “Steve thought you were using me or something, isn’t that crazy?” and she’s just like “Well, actually...”and tells him that money was tight, and she needed a little extra money, so Billy and his disability checks and his rich (boy)friend seemed like the perfect opportunity to get some.
He goes back home to Steve and expects him to be mad, to rub it in that he was right, but he’s really not, he’s super supportive, and you know, Billy finally realizes he doesn’t need to have this bullshit family thing with his mother, because he already has one, Max and Steve and his friends and all the people that actually care about him.
medical emergency (tw attempted suicide)-
Billy, who’s living on his own in an apartment downtown after Starcourt, deliberately doesn’t get his prescriptions refilled because he’s so done. He’s weak and he’s hurting and he doesn’t feel like himself anymore, and he just feels like he wouldn’t care if his body gave up, if he suffocated in his sleep or had another heart attack. So he doesn’t take care of himself, and when he runs out of oxygen he just doesn’t go get anymore, but he’s halfway to choking on his own blood when he realizes he doesn’t want to die.
He calls Steve, because he’s not calling the cops and he can’t remember anyone’s numbers in his panic, but Steve’s is written on his calendar, scribbled there because they were supposed to make plans for something with the kids. Steve takes him to the hospital, having to fight him to put the CPAP on him to make sure his lungs didn’t collapse before they could get him to Hawkins General, and Billy’s just, so bone tired.
They do all their treatment stuff and get his body back under control, so Steve finally asks him what happened, if maybe he needed someone around to help him remember his meds and stuff, and Billy just, he breaks, like a dam overfilled he just pours out with all of this helplessness and sadness he’d been feeling, how he doesn’t want to live the way he does or at all anymore, and Steve’s heart just breaks for him.
He moves in with him, nobody’s willing to leave him alone after what happened, and Steve (along with Billy getting a new therapist because the old one was incompetent enough to not notice how bad off he was) helps him to realize he has something to live for.
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sgtbradfords · 4 years ago
“I can’t do this.” Chenford prompt. You’re writing is amazing.
It's finally here!! I've teased this fic the past few days and I'm so glad to finally share it!! Anon, I just want to thank you for this prompt. My muse was beyond thrilled and never wanted to stop :) I hope you guys love it just as much as I do. I’ve inserted a read more link due to the length of this fic.
Tim Bradford stood in the hallway of the beach house, his back pressed against the light-colored wall, the fitted dark grey tuxedo a stark contrast to the paint behind him. The black suspenders underneath the suit jacket was digging into his shoulders, the tie that rested under the collar and around his neck, feeling as though it was constricting his airway. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to be anywhere but here.
He felt at his pants pocket before reaching in, glancing both ways for anyone coming as he grasped the smooth metal flask, pulling it out. He flipped the clasp, taking a long shot of the amber liquid, letting the flavors of the smoky whiskey savor his taste buds before pocketing the flask once again. He knew he should not have come, but the smile that has graced her face for the past eight months was worth every bit of heartache. He told himself he would stay for the ceremony, hide out in the back of the outdoor gathering, slipping away before any of their friends could notice.
“Hey.” Angela Lopez-Evers said, pulling him out of his thoughts as she rounded the corner from the living room.
Tim gave her a once over, “What are you wearing?”
“It’s called a dress dumbass.”
“Mommy, that’s three dollars in the swear jar.” Max said as he swung her hand back and forth.
“Thank you honey.” Angela told the four-year-old before glaring at Tim.
Tim chuckled. “Shouldn’t you be in there helping her?”
“She told us she needed a few minutes alone and, I had to run through what this little guy’s job is one more time.”
“Why do’s they call it a ring bearer if there is no bears?” asked the child.
“That’s a good question Max-a-million, Uncle Tim’s been married before, maybe he knows.” Angela smiled back at her friend who smiled at the child, crouching down next to his godson.
“Uncle Tim!” he exclaimed, his eyes growing wide. “You’re married?! Is it to Aunt Lucy?!”
Tim’s smile dropped, the comment making his heart violently lurch, the muscle feeling heavier and tighter than it had all day. “No,” he said, clearing is throat. “no buddy I was married, a long time ago.”
“To Aunt Lucy?”
“No,” he said again, looking to Angela for help. “no, her name was Isabel. Aunt Lucy is marrying Emmett. You remember him, right? He’s a firefighter.” Tim told him, fighting the scowl on his face at the man’s occupation.
“Yeah, he’s ok but Mommy said Aunt Lucy can do better than him.”
Angela’s eyes grew wide. “Max Benjamin Evers! Was that not an adult conversation?”
Max pouted, knowing he had been caught. “Yes mommy. I sorry.”
“It’s ok mi alegría, but baby sometimes adults have conversations that are made to not be repeated, ok? Now,” she said looking at the decorative clock on the wall. “we’ve got twenty minutes before we have to be down the aisle, so let’s go potty one more time and maybe Daddy has an answer for your question. Tell Uncle Tim you will see him later.”
The boy lunged at the man’s legs. “Bye’s Uncle Tim.”
Tim patted the child’s back, “Bye buddy.”
“Hey,” Angela said, looking at Tim as she grabbed her son’s hand. “go in there, she might could use a friendly face.”
Tim stared at his friend, giving a slight nod as she walked away. ‘That’s the last thing I want to do.’ He thought as his body made the choice for him, turning and moving him towards the door. He felt like he stood there for hours, the internal conflict in his head making time stand still as he rose a hand, his knuckles rapping on the wooden door.
“Come in.” he heard her soft voice say. He took a deep breath, his hand turning the knob as he slipped into the room.
“Hey boot.” He said, shutting the door as he plastered on a fake and happy smile. “You ready?”
Lucy stood in front of the floor length mirror, her hands ironing out the non-existent wrinkles. “Tim.” She breathily spoke as she looked up, turning around to face him.
Tim stopped staring at the woman in front of him, his lungs losing the air to breath as he took her in.  
Her dress looked to be a perfect fit, being made of white lace, with a miniscule amount of ivory tulle underneath. The gown reaching the floor, giving way to a small train in the back. The front was a-line, with a tan silhouette in the middle, casted with small white petals, the lacy sleeves falling down her arms, reaching her wrists in a delicate design. Her hair was gathered in the back, pulled into a low bun that was accented by a comb that was made of glass pearls and metal leaves, a small ivory flower offset to the side. Her face was framed by a few strands of her gently curled brown hair. Her make-up light and natural save for the deep burgundy color staining her lips.
“How do I look?” she asked as she moved a curl behind her ear, nervously glancing at the floor.
Tim was at a loss for words, “Beautiful.” He couldn’t help but whisper in awe.
Lucy blushed as she took him in, “Thank you. You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Tim couldn’t take his eyes off her, moving closer. “You never answered my question Chen, maybe you should do a few burpees before you walk down the aisle to get your brain going.” he joked.
Lucy turned around quickly, facing the mirror once more, taking a deep and shaky breath as she stared at the floor.
“Chen?” he asked, immediately picking up on her reaction as he watched her begin to fidget with the band on her left hand. Concern filled him as his feet moved forward on their own accord, leaving a small gap behind her. “Lucy?”
“I can’t do this.” She told him as her tear-filled eyes met his in the mirror. “I thought- the past few weeks I’ve thought maybe it was just the stress of the job and planning a wedding or maybe a case of cold feet but this, this isn’t that.”
“Don’t cry.” He softly spoke, reaching for the silk pocket square in his pocket as he moved in front of her, using the cloth gently, catching the few tears that had fallen before handing the handkerchief over to her. “What do you mean you can’t do this?”
“I mean I can’t- I don’t love him Tim, not like I should. He deserves- he deserves someone that gives him butterflies when they walk into the room, he deserves someone else worth of his love.” She told him, sniffling.
“I think you’re overthinking this Chen. Emmett, I promise he loves you, how-.” Tim stopped himself, biting his tongue to keep in what he so desperately wanted to say.
“No. You don’t understand, I can’t marry him. I don’t love-”
Tim moved closer to her, gazing into her eyes. “Ok, ok. Take a deep breath.” He instructed, as she inhaled and exhaled once, twice deeply. “Good.” He whispered. “Now, what do you want to do?”
She stared back, her hands nervously wringing the silk fabric she had been given. “Were you serious?”
He arched an eyebrow, asking his former rookie to elaborate.
“When- when you offered to help me run away?”
Tim looked at her incredulously before realizing she was serious.
“You want to go?” he asked running a hand down his face as she nodded. “And you’re sure?”
“I don’t want this marriage to end up as a statistic Tim.”
“Ok.” He said, giving himself time to fine the right words. “Ok, let me go find and tell Angela and we can-” He said as he turned around, making his way to the door, his hand on the handle.
“No!” she yelled. “No, go get Emmett. He deserves to be told in person. I owe it to him to tell him face to face.”
Tim turned back around. “I’m going to ask again, are you sure?”
“Yes.” She told him soundly.
“Ok.” He whispered back, giving her one last look as he opened the door.
What felt like an eternity to Lucy was five minutes, a knock on the door interrupting her thoughts as she stood in front of the bay window that looked out towards the Pacific Ocean. “Come in.”
Emmett stepped through the door, a nervous smile on his face as he kept a hand over his eyes. “This is supposed to be bad luck Lucy.”
Lucy smiled at him as she wiped away another stray tear that had escaped. He looked perfect, the light grey suit he wore making him look every bit of Mr. Right.
Emmett opened his eyes, hearing the tone in her voice, his nervous smile faltering. “Lucy.” He breathed her name as he took in his fiancée. “We’re not going to make it down that aisle, are we?”
Lucy shook her head as the tears welled in her eyes once again. “I’m sorry.”
Emmett nodded as he sat down, the silence of the room deafening save for the faint noise of voices coming from the garden at the side of the house where the ceremony was set to take place. “You love him,” his voice becoming a whisper as if he were revealing a secret. “don’t you.”
Fresh tears began to fall as she slid off her engagement ring, the jewelry feeling like a ton of bricks in the palm of her hand. “I wish I didn’t.”
“We can’t help who we love.” He told her as he stared at the ring, gently reaching out to take it back.
“Emmett, I love- loved you. But-“
“—not the way you love him.”
“I’m sor-“
Emmett stood, turning towards the door, his hand grasping the metal and rock so hard it began digging into his skin. “Don’t.”
Lucy nodded her head, moving to her bag in the corner. “Here, take this.” She told him, reaching the for the two slips of paper she was holding on to. “Go on our honeymoon. I can’t- I don’t-.”
Emmett took the tickets hesitantly, sliding them into his jacket pocket. “Lucy… I understand but don’t expect me to forgive.”
“I’ll send Angela to get my things tomorrow.”
Emmett nodded as he laughed sadly. “Well, we’ve got fifty-two people waiting for a ceremony outside. I guess I should let them know there’s free food in the tent.”
“Blame it on me, make sure they know it was me.” She pleaded, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.
Emmett nodded. “Goodbye Lucy. I hope he knows just what he’s missing out on.”
“Goodbye Emmett.” Lucy said softly, walking out the door.
Lucy grabbed her dress in her left hand as she ran to the door, wanting to leave quickly before word got out about the runaway bride. She opened the door, the late afternoon sun casting light onto everything it touched. She kept her sights set ahead as her eyes tried to adjust to the bright lights, running towards the driveway in front of the steps that led to the house which is where she found Tim. He stood, waiting, both of his hands in a pocket as he leaned against his truck parked in the center of the drive. Gone were his tie and jacket, the top button on his dress shirt was popped open and the aviators he wore on his nose showing everything he was seeing.
Tim moved off the metal, his hand ready to open the door of the cab as she approached. “Hey.”
“You ready to go?” he asked as Lucy nodded in return.
Tim stared at her, the bright sunlight from the California sun beating down on the woman standing in front of him, giving her a halo, making her look even more beautiful. “Can I ask one question and I promise to never ask again? Why?”
Lucy bit her lip, taking a moment to choose her words carefully as she stared into the eyes of the knight standing in front of her, taking a deep breath. “He’s not the one I love.”
Tim’s face went from curiosity to understanding as a small smile overtook him. He helped her into the truck, closing the door, making sure all the fabric was inside the cab.
“Bradford!” Jackson West yelled from the door of the house, hurrying down the brick paver sidewalk with a large suitcase in hand. Tim turned, glancing back at the woman in his passenger seat as she gave him a shaky smile, nodding as her best friend and man-of-honor rushed towards them. “Where are you two going?”
“Where ever she wants.”
Jackson looked at Lucy as she sat in the truck, noticing a peaceful look on her face for the first time in months. He gave her a crooked grin as he extended his hand carrying the suitcase. “Just… watch her six for me, ok?”
Tim smiled at the brotherly threat, taking the large travel bag. “Always.” He said as a loud noise from the garden made its way around the front. “That’s probably her mother.” He grimaced. “I’ll deal with her, you guys get out of here.”
Tim turned back around, going around the truck to open the door behind his, throwing her bag into the backseat before quickly throwing open his own door, buckling before throwing the gear shift into drive and speeding out of the driveway.
After a few miles, of nothing but main streets, Lucy began to fumble with the radio, turning it up as a constant sound of her phone ringing began filling the cab.
“Hand it here.” He said as he extended his palm.
“What? No! What if-“
“Luce, if you don’t want to have to deal with your phone exploding with messages and missed calls, you’ll hand it here.”
Lucy grumbled, knowing he was right. Tim powered the device down, sticking it into the center console. “If they need you, they can call me.”
“What about- you know what you’re right.”
“Always am.”
“Smartass.” She mumbled as he smirked. “You wanna know a secret?”
Tim grunted, signaling his turn on the interstate.
Lucy began to gather the skirt of her dress, lifting it till mid-thigh. Tim focused on keeping his eyes on the road but failed when a flash of black lace around her left thigh caught his attention. He cleared his throat, an attempt to nonverbally ask, ‘What the hell are you doing?’
“Ha!” she said in victory, removing something from the other thigh.
Tim glanced over. “Chen- Lucy, is that a gun?”
“Yup.” She said proudly as she undone the straps of the thigh holster.
Tim laughed at her. “You we’re going to be packing heat at your own wedding?”
Lucy shrugged, releasing the clip as she pulled the slide back, the extra bullet falling into the lace of her dress. “Why not? Besides, are you carrying?” she judged, putting the clip back in before putting it into the handbag on the floor.
Tim slowed down, setting the truck on cruise control, as he kept an eye on the road ahead. He moved his right foot off the pedal and back, slightly lifting his pants leg before pulling out a small gun of his own.
“Is that a P365?” she asked with a gasp.
Tim nodded, “Bought it a few weeks ago.” He told her before he felt the gun disappear out of his hands.
“And you didn’t think to tell me!”
“I’ve only had it a few weeks and I have taken it to the range once, keep up with the class Chen.”
She let the weight of the gun settle in her hand. “I was going to buy one but you know, wedding and all that.” She told him as she handed the gun back over to Tim, who fastened it back into place. “Where are we going anyways?”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?”
Lucy snorted. “What is with all the sass today Sergeant Bradford?”
Tim smiled as he took the exit he needed. She knew what he was doing as he pulled into the parking lot, parking on the side of the building before throwing the truck into park.
“This ok?”
“It’s prefect.” She said, smiling at him.
He returned the smile before getting out of the cab, making his way back around to her side of the truck.
“M’Lady” he said offering her a hand.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Ok, something has clearly taken you hostage. Can I please have my Tim Bradford back?” She asked, placing her hand in his as she put a foot on the running board, leaning forward. Her body lunged towards Tim as her foot misjudged where it was landing, stepping on the dress causing her to slip. Tim easily caught her as she fell into his arms, “Your Tim Bradford?” He questioned, arching a brow at her before moving on. “I guess I will always just have to catch you, huh boot?” he asked before letting her go.
Lucy wanted to answer, but choose to give a secretive smile instead.
They walked into the restaurant, the few early dinner customers turning their heads in curiosity at the dressed-up couple.
“Good Evening Mr. and Mrs.?” the hostess greeted from behind the podium.
“Bradford.” Tim said quickly.
“Oh we’re not-“ Lucy began saying at the same time.
“Well, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bradford.” The hostess genuinely smiled, grabbing the menus. “If you both will follow me to your table, we’ll get you seated. I’m sure you’re hungry.”
Lucy walked ahead as Tim placed a hand on her back, both taking in their surroundings, cataloging the patrons and exits though they have eaten at the restaurant countless times.
The hostess seated them away from the other patrons, guessing the ‘newlyweds’ would like some privacy.
Neither looked at the menu, both knowing what they were ordering before their waitress came.
“A veggie burger with fries, extra pickles. Oh! And with a strawberry milkshake please.”
“House burger, no tomato with fries and extra pickles because she always eats mine. Also give me a strawberry milkshake as well.”
They talked, Tim telling her about the drama going on outside the room and house she had been in not even an hour ago.
“So, what did they do?”
“Honestly? You’re better off not knowing.” He told her, wrinkling his nose in disgust before taking a sip of his milkshake. “Must you do the fry thing? It should be a crime.”
Lucy finished dipping her fry into her shake, popping it into her mouth. “You going to arrest me Sergeant?” she asked him, raising an eyebrow in question as Tim playfully glared. “Besides, I am missing out on my wedding cake, which seriously tasted like heaven so, I damn will do and eat as I please.” She informed him as she grabbed another fry, dipping it into the whipped cream.
Thirty minutes later, their stomachs were full, Lucy laughing as Tim threw a napkin at her.
“Excuse me.” Came a quiet voice. Both of them startling after being engrossed in one another. “I hate to intrude but my name is Judith Wilson, and I’m the owner of the restaurant, I think I’ve seen you two in here before, haven’t I?”
“Yes ma’am, Ms. Wilson. We come here quiet often.”
The older woman gave them a warm grin. “Not to be one of those old Grandma’s but my Petey has been gone a few years now, and you young man remind me so much of him.” She said, causing Tim’s skin to tinge pink. “Anyways, I wish your marriage lots of love and happiness. And babies, you’ve both got such good genes.”
Tim turned, hiding his face as Lucy took pity and spoke. “Thank you Ms. Wilson.”
“You two get on out of here, the night’s still young.” She winked. “Your bill has already been paid for.”
“Oh, there’s no need for-“
“Nonsense.” She said brushing them off. “But I do have one request before you two leave, can I get your picture? I would love to hang it over the back counter.” She gestured towards the wall covered in memories.
Tim glanced at Lucy as she smiled, “We would love that.”
A few posed pictures later, Tim and Lucy were on their way. A slow ride in rush hour getting them to Tim’s house forty-five minutes later.
Tim grabbed the travel bag of out the back as they both exited the truck, Lucy gathering the skirt in her dress, landing on both feet.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he rounded the vehicle, suitcase in one hand, his suit jacket in the other.
“I’m carrying your bag inside?” he told her as if it was the most obvious thing.
“I see that, but why?”
Tim raised an eyebrow as he looked her up and down, Lucy realizing she was still dressed to the nines. “Right. Wedding dress, homeless, kinda forgot over the past few hours.”
Tim unlocked the house, carrying her case to his spare room, setting it on the bed before turning to leave.
“Hey Tim.” She said softly. “Thanks.”
“Anytime Luce.”
Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. “That’s the second time you’ve called me that.”
“Is it? Huh, didn’t notice.” He told her, fibbing around the edges. He knew, but he wasn’t about to tell her that, the nickname slipping off the tip of his tongue as easily as his other nickname for her does, both holding the same meaning.
She would have called him out on it had it not been for the ringing of the doorbell, a panicked expression falling on her face. “Please let that be someone we don’t know.”
Tim rolled his eyes as he left the room. “Do you think strangers stop by my house often Chen?”
Lucy stayed in the spare room, gently pulling the pins and comb out of her hair, the sound of voices she recognized coming closer.
“Hey.” Angela spoke as she stepped into the room. “Bradford said you might need some help?”
“Lopez, thank God.” Lucy said as she wrapped her friend in a hug. “I thought I would have to ask Tim.”
Angela pulled back. “I don’t think he would have minded.” She said causing the other woman to blush. “Now, turn around Chen and let’s get this off you, there’s a cranky four-year-old finally asleep in the backseat of my car.” Angela told her as she began undoing the lace buttons in the back.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done today Ang.”
“That’s what friends are for Lucy.” She assured. “But let’s talk about you for a minute.”
Lucy cringed, knowing what was coming. “Do we have to?”
“Yes, you became a runaway bride today. Though, thanks for the reception, the food was absolutely amazing. My point being, do you know what you’re doing Lucy?”
Lucy thought about lying, as she worked the dress down her body, the fabric bundling in the floor. “I love him.” She whispered the confession as she unzipped her suitcase still on the bed, digging for more comfortable clothes she hoped she would have packed for her honeymoon.
“I know and I know he feels the same way about you, but Chen, if you ever break his heart or pull a stunt like this again…”
She found an old shirt, shrugging at not remembering packing the old academy shirt as she slipped it over her head. “I won’t.”
Angela filled Lucy in about her mother’s antics as she slipped into a pair of leggings.
Lucy rolled her eyes as she opened the door, walking out. “I’ll send her a fruit basket.”
Lucy walked into the living room, finding Wesley and Tim standing at the door, Wesley keeping an eye on the cranked car in the drive.
“Thanks for coming by Wesley, I think I’d have been stuck all night if Angela hadn’t of come to my rescue.” Lucy told him, wrapping him in a quick hug.
“Don’t thank me.” He said as he pulled back as he nodded his head to Tim. “He’s the one that messaged Ang.”
Lucy looked at Tim, who she had noticed had at some point changed clothes as well, staring at him as he turned and walked into the kitchen.
“We better get going, Max somehow has cake icing in his hair and it needs to be washed out.”
Lucy seen them out of the house, waving goodbye as she stood on the front porch.
“Hey.” Tim said joining her, a white box in his hand. “They had to go?”
“Yeah, thank you for having them come by. The dress was starting to get itchy and I was afraid I would have to wear it the rest of the night.”
“I could have helped you out of it.” He told her, Lucy blushing at his words.  “Not like that, not right now at least.”
“Thank you, but I didn’t want to bother you.”
Tim arched an eyebrow. “I brought you here didn’t I?”
“You did. What are you hiding behind your back?”
Tim moved his hand from behind his back, revealing the white box in hand, handing it over. “I had Wesley bring you something.”
Lucy looked from Tim to the box, opening the box as she gasped.  “My cake!”
Tim nervously rubbed the back of his neck “You said you wanted some so I had Wesley grab a couple of slices.”
Lucy smiled, looking from the large slices of cake in her hand to the man standing in front of her as she stood on her tippy toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. “I’m tired of saying thank you today so I’m going to go get us two forks, and then, you and me are going to enjoy this cake.”
Tim reached into his back pocket, puling out two metal forks, handing one over.
“Getting ahead of yourself, weren’t you Bradford?” she asked as she sat down, sitting the box on the wooden deck. “Who said I was willing to share?“
Tim sighed as she moved, sitting on the other side of the box, leaning his back against the wall. “Lucky guess.”
That night the two sat on the deck of his house, eating her cake, the air around them turning cool as the asphalt and concrete chilled.
“You were right?”
“The cake.”
“It’s heaven right? I’d almost say it’s better than sex.”
Tim choked on the bite in his mouth, causing Lucy to giggle. “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.” He said hoarsely.
“No, I’m not.”
That day was a lot of things, for Lucy it was supposed to be the beginning of a new chapter in her life but instead it was the closing of a chapter, not a failed one but a re-written one. For Tim, the day started out as one of dread, of a lost opportunity but ended with the hope of a second chance. Things that day may have happened by the seat of their pants, but in the end, it was a brand-new beginning for the both of them.
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yuvon-writes-letters · 4 years ago
Hey guys,
Yu, Rai and both Jakes.
Actually..If I talk about my feelings I'm pretty well. Don't tell Jake I said that, but I couldn't be happier about our situation. I mean, we can talk again. Without me being kidnapped and finding a weird Tumblr profile of him. (Which we think was a set up by one of the entities of my world since he obviously doesn't have one. Jake thinks it was goldies doing, I on the other hand don't believe that. Don't ask me why, but it feels like goldie wouldn't do that. And it didn't help me either but only made problems. I was distracted because I was writing the profile (you read it, right Yu? I don't know about the others) and angry. Like, really angry.)
Putting that aside, Jake called me, like he promised :) And it was the longest phone call I had for some time. Most of the time I talked and he didn't get distracted once, just listened to me and everything that happened. And then he started cursing, which is kind of understandable. He apologised for being into stasis. And for this other version from before the 'time setting back' thing. Because I don't find a name I'll call it TSB from now on.
The only problem I have now is going to work, I guess I'll take me some vacation...But at least I'm not as scared of the raven-ass anymore. I mean, I still am, but in the moment I know his steps. And I am not alone.
Jake, I intentionally write the next part in red, please don't read it. That's for Yu.
I know you think that Jake sees you as a threat. If it still is like you wrote in the letter. Jake knows that, too and he doesn't like it. You know him better than I do, of course, but without saying too much...I think it's quite the opposite. Talk to him about that. Even though it's probably not the best circumstances I think he enjoys being with you :)
The next part, purple (damn, I need more coloured pens), is for you Jake.
You already told me that you don't like that Yu thinks you see her as a threat. I only have to say one thing, if it still is like that, talk to her about it. Earlier than later.
The new thoughts about the blood ritual are really interesting. But please don't put yourself in this danger (or not, but I think it's understandable what I mean?) if it isn't necessary. But I also agree with Rai, I thought the same thing for a while. That you desired having someone, Jake, with you. It sounds plausible.
What more was there...Wait, let me reread the letters.
Oh yeah, Rai! One, till now my crow crew seems to still be in stasis (Jake realised that now, too) and two..Please try to take care of your health, yeah? I'm worried for you.
Ps. Damn...I'm writing this exactly when I wanted to leave the house (I mean, I sadly cannot hide my face forever).
Two new things...I got a message. I mean, it was a threat (because I am the obviously the bad girl that kidnapped Hannah), but I don't care. Maybe that means the stasis is slowly dissolving!
But number 2...I didn't get the vacation. My boss called me almost immediatly. "Under no circumstances [a word is blacked out] Liska. We have July and Alice, Tim and Jenny all want to take free time, too. You are one of our best workers and we can't afford you leaving now. You have no children so you have to wait. Also Max told me that you don't have any problems in family."
So long story short: He wants me to be there tomorrow. Argh, if he would pay me like he's talking that would awesome. And I'll kill Max when I see him next time. (My cousin that thought it was fun to try and steal my work so we both got the rank of 'one of the best workers'. The only problem: Max' title is official. -.- Overall, I'm so much more annoyed than some time earlier. Maybe I should ask Jake for help
Okay, the Crow Crew drama is fading a bit, so I'll answer this now. Sorry if I seem disjointed at all, I'm probably going to be going back and forth from conversations to this letter a lot. I can't afford to have them all think I'm compromised, I need to focus on getting out of here and I don't want to deal with their pressure on top of everything else.
Yeah, I don't think the Tumblr profile was Goldie either. Goldie seems to try to be very much a "hands off" sort of entity, like my own. The Tumblr profile thing seems a little out of character for at least my Jake. At least, publicly answering your submission certainly was, though he may have panicked since you sent it in on anon and answered publicly without really thinking about it. I guess I could see him having a Tumblr profile for purposes of following people on social media and watching what they post, though. And then deciding he likes the media and posting a little bit of impersonal things that can't lead back to him. Probably my Jake will say something about that when I hand this letter over to him, stay tuned.
Yeah, I at least read some of the things you sent that profile, and I showed what I had to my Jake too. I'm not sure if I read all of it, since it was a bunch of printed-out screenshots in an envelope, but I read the ask where you told him you hated him (fair at that point but ouch that's got to have hurt) up to when you said you'd found Hannah. After that you sent me your letter telling me time had turned back and the Tumblr screenshots ended.
I'm glad you and Jake managed to talk things out. I was sort of worried about how he'd react, but it sounds like he took it pretty well, considering. I'm... not exactly sure he should be apologizing for the stasis, though. Or the TSB!Jake. Maybe especially not the TSB!Jake. Jakes seem to be oddly different from timeline to timeline, just based on what I've seen of them. TSB has been one of the most different so far.
Oh. One thing I should mention that you might not have seen from the profile: The MWAF used your phone to mock the TSB account, and mentioned that TSB wasn't the only person who could hack, and the MWAF blocked TSB from finding your location. Might want to warn your Jake about that.
A vacation sounds like a good idea :/ It's really hard to go back to normal life right after tragedies or trauma. It feels like the world keeps moving on and you're still stuck in place, and you just want to scream at them that they need to slow down, can't they see that the world is
Good. I'm glad you don't feel alone. It's easier to deal with this stuff when you're with someone else, even if it's not physically.
(Jake, my Jake I mean, if you're reading over my parts of these letters skip to the ||| now please.) I'm not saying he doesn't also enjoy my company. I can tell he does. That doesn't make me not a threat. Like how early on I suspected Thomas, but still thought he was a nice guy and enjoyed talking to him. (Obviously I don't suspect him any more XD ) Still, if you think I should talk with him about it, I'll try to find a tactful way to bring it up.
Yes, because obviously tact is my greatest strength. Sigh.
Like I said to Rai, the underlying desire thing is definitely possible. That'd either mean I'm more obvious about how I feel for Jake than I think I am (very possible, I'm not great at hiding how I feel in person) or the entity has some level of telepathy/mind reading. The reason is that chessboard. Since Jake likes chess, it's clear at least to me the entity expected him to come here at some point. I THINK, if the underlying desire thing is true, I can manipulate myself into wanting specific things by doing things like writing it over and over and repeating it out loud when doing the ritual, but I'm not sure.
It's probably good that your Crow Crew is in stasis, like how it's objectively probably good my outside life is going on without me. Less drama, less pressure.
Huh. The harassment is definitely a promising sign. Maybe you should try contacting Darkness again, same way as I suggested near the beginning? That feels so long ago, but it really can't have been much more than a week, can it?
You... didn't get the vacation. Fucking hell. Is there ANY way you can convince your boss? You really should have time off. Maybe your Jake can help you come up with ideas.
Or at least maybe he can come up with a way to have your boss give you a bonus for your trouble -_-
Oh shit Cleo's interrogating me I'm gonna hand this to Jake now
(The handwriting changes to Jake's.) Hello, Lis.
I agree with Yuvon: "TSB" acts markedly different from myself. There would be no benefit from me promising to be there to find you in the moment, and indeed I would have been falling for a very transparent trap. Even in my possible state of panic, I cannot see myself being there physically, much less revealing myself physically to authorities in the process, unless I was playing the role of bait in a counter-trap. While it is plausible that this was TSB's plan, TSB gave no indication that Yuvon or I could tell that this was the case. Of course, I would have done my best to be there physically in the aftermath of the kidnapping, but not in the moment.
I also agree that the Tumblr profile seems to be out of character for both myself and for "Goldie", though I hesitate to judge TSB's actions by what I myself would do. I seem to vary in surprising ways across universes and even from timeline to timeline, based solely on your current Jake's reactions thus far. I do actually own a Tumblr profile for the exclusive purpose of following social medias I wish to track, but I used a random username generator website for the username and not my own name, and I certainly never posted anything.
The news about the MWAF being able to hack is new to me; I must have missed that the first time I read through the screenshots. That is quite troubling. I suppose I will need to be more careful in future.
I am sincerely sorry your request for a vacation was rejected. I do not know how much you intend to separate your personal life and the Duskwood case, but if your stasis is truly wavering, you may be able to reveal some measure of the danger you are in to convince him to let you flee the area for a small while. Especially since you mentioned in your Tumblr post that you saw a raven note in your wor
You need to leave that place. Now. Do not inform your employer of the danger you are in, reveal nothing to him or to anyone, take unpaid time off if you need to. Get your cousin and anyone else you care overly much about out of there too. Invalidate any information you can your employer or coworkers knows about you. Do not tell the truth to anyone, even your cousin. Make up any excuses you need to, ask your Jake for help with ideas if you need to. You may also wish to check that the coworkers your boss listed who are going on vacation are ACTUALLY going on vacation.
This is a priority, Liska. You need to tell your Jake all of this too, especially the part with the note in your workplace. You need to get out of there.
Good luck.
—Jake & Yuvon
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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fallen-imagine-angel · 6 years ago
Believe (Noticed Part 2) - Steve Harrington x Reader
Notes: Here’s part two of Noticed! I followed the ST3 season finale episode with this one so this part contains major spoilers for the season 3 finale. If you haven’t watched it, don’t read this. Anyway, Steve requests are still open! Send some prompts in if you want. And please comment/reblog/like this, it means so much to me when you do! Thank you!
Summary: Steve has confessed his love for you, you think, and now you have to survive the rest of the night.
Believe - Noticed Part 2
Steve Harrington x Reader
Requested?: Yes, by anon - “omg i loved Noticed, any chance of a follow up part two??”
Word Count: 3,239
Warnings: MAJOR ST3 SPOILERS, PTSD, angst, fluff, etc.
You and Steve are piled into a mini-car with Robin driving. Dustin sits in the front with her while Erica is shoved in the back with you two.
“Heyyy Erica.” You giggle, using her head as an armrest.
“Get your elbow off of me or I swear I will use the taser on you.” She threatens. You take your arm off her, a laughing mess.
“W-Watch out, (Y/n), you’ve got America on your tail.” Steve laughs, gripping your shoulder. You giggle again.
“Oh no.”
The mini-car comes to a crashing halt as Robin hits a tower of metal bins. Your head bangs against the metal bars behind you. You groan, matching Steve as the two of you complain.
“Are you guys okay back there?” Dustin asks, turning around. 
“They’re fine.” Erica rolls her eyes, opening the back door and jumping out. You crawl to the door, practically falling out of the back of the car as your back meets the concrete below.
“Ow.” You giggle, sitting up straight as Steve tumbles out of the car after you, landing right on top of you.
“Well, hello, darling.” He grins at you, pecking your cheek.
“My prince charming.” You chuckle, cupping his cheek with your hand.
“Now is not the time!” Dustin picks Steve up off of you. You whine as Robin helps you up.
“Into the elevator!” Robin all but shoves you and Steve into the elevator.
“Where are your car keys?” Dustin asks you and Steve. You think hard. 
“Ummm, I left them...somewhere?” You ask more than state, looking over at Steve.
“The,” Steve erupts in a fit of laughter, “The Russians took our keys, like, forever ago.”
“Oh yeah! That’s where I left them!” You point at Steve, a large grin making its way onto your face.
“I thought they sobered up after confessing their love.” Dustin groans, running a hand through his hair.
“Your hair looks soft, Dusty.” You reach out and grab a lock. He swats your hand away, a look of offense present on his face.
“Don’t touch my hair. That’s reserved for Suzie.” He huffs. You giggle.
“Is Suzie real?” You ask, looking over at Steve. Steve shrugs, letting a small chortle out.
“We’re here.” Robin helps you and Steve up as the doors to the elevator open. 
“Outside!” You gasp, beaming as you step out onto the pavement. 
“I can taste the air!” Steve sticks out his tongue, looking like an idiot.
“You look stupid.” You scrunch your nose up at him.
“Nuh-uh!” He protests, booping your nose. You giggle again. Two large Russian men charge at your group, spewing incoherent sentences.
“They’re mad!” You gasp, grabbing Steve’s arm as you laugh. Dustin, Robin, and Erica start to push you two to the side doors.
“Why are we running?” Steve asks, confused as he’s shoved into the doors.
“Woo!” You grin gleefully as they push you in after Steve. They lead you through a few corridors until you reach another door. They open it to reveal the movie theater.
“Movie!” Steve claps. You’re led to the front where Dustin and Robin sit you down, moving to sit elsewhere with Erica. You groan.
“These are the bad seats!” You protest, grabbing some popcorn that Steve got from who knows where.
After a while, once the others aren’t looking, Steve leans over to you.
“I need water.” He whispers.
“There’s a fountain outside.” You mumble, still upset at the seat choice.
“Come with me, please?” He whines, grabbing your hand. You sigh and the two of you go to the water fountain outside of the theater.
Steve gets water first, taking way too long for your liking.
“Move.” You push him out of the way, leaning down for a taste of the water.
“Hey, (Y/n), look at this.” Steve beckons you. You furrow your brows and go to stand next to him, looking up at the fake stars. You grin.
“They’re,” You hiccup, “They’re pretty. Like, um, stars.” 
“I feel...sick.” Steve’s hand goes to his stomach. You hold back puke.
“Uh huh.” You and Steve make a break for the bathroom, going in adjacent stalls and puking the serum out of your system.
Once the two of you have officially gotten it all out of your system, you sit back against the wall of the restroom.
“How do we, um, how do we know it’s out of our systems?” Steve asks, nudging your foot with his from the next stall over.
“Ask questions! Interrogate me, Steve Harrington.” You chuckle, nudging his foot back.
“Okay, um, when was your last boyfriend?” He hums. You contemplate.
“Well, heh, you’ll never believe it, but I dated Jonathan Byers back in high school for a little bit.” You admit, leaning your head back on the wall. Steve goes quiet.
“Really?” He asks.
“Yeah. I broke up with him, though. Nothing’s weird between us, either. It wasn’t a messy breakup.” You shrug.
“My turn,” He whispers, much quieter than before.
“Was your confession real?” You ask, retracting your legs to where they’re only in your side of the stall. He stays silent for a minute.
“You really love me?” You whisper, not stopping the hopeful tone to your voice. Steve slides under the stall to your side, leaning against the stall wall for stability.
“I really do, (Y/n). More than I could comprehend while I was under the serum.” He admits, grabbing your hand. You blush.
“I love you, too. I think I started liking you a lot before you saved me from Billy. In fact, I think it was close to the point when you and Nancy broke up that I started having feelings for you. I-I thought that you’d never notice me, so I didn’t really think anything of it until you did. Like, for example, I thought the way Nancy ending things was terrible and I always thought you deserved better. I thought...um, nevermind.” You look away, a blush creeping its way to your cheeks.
“You thought what?” Steve asks softly, rubbing a thumb over the back of your hand.
“I always thought that I could’ve treated you better than she did. But I ridiculed myself for thinking that because Nancy was my best friend and I shouldn’t berate her like that.” You frown, looking at the ground.
“You’re not berating her. People make mistakes and, hey, she doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.” Steve flexes his arm, making you laugh.
“I love you, Steve Harrington.” You murmur, your face inching closer to his. He brushes his nose against yours, going in for the kiss.
Before he has the chance to kiss you, though, Robin barges in with Dustin and Erica at her side.
“There you two are!” She gasps, running over to you. You groan and get up with the help of Steve.
“Time to go.” Dustin ushers everyone out of the restroom. You all walk to the front doors, following the crowd to get to the bus. You walk to the front doors, seeing everyone getting checked for their ID. You grab Robin’s shoulder and stop her.
“We can’t go through there.” You whisper.
“Abort. Abort!” Dustin yells and the five of you run in the other direction.
“Do you think they noticed us?” Steve asks.
“No, duh!” Erica yells at him. Everyone slides down the in-between part of the escalator and keeps running.
Eventually, you hide behind a counter of some food place. The rest of the mall is evacuated.
The five of you try to breathe as quietly as possible as you all hide behind the counter, silent and waiting for them to go away or find you. You grab Steve’s hand and lace your fingers together. 
All of a sudden, a car starts honking to your right. You gasp and Steve reaches over to cover your mouth with his hand.
The Russians speak behind you.
The car flies across the room behind you and everyone turns around, poking their head up from behind the counter.
Eleven is standing on the floor above with her hand outreached as the Russians lay below, dead.
“Yes!” You yell, hopping over the counter and grabbing a Russian man’s gun.
“You flung that thing like a Hotwheel!” Dustin yells, running to hug Eleven once she’s on the lower floor with the rest of you. The others, Mike, Lucas, Max, and Will reunite with everyone.
“Lucas?” Erica’s eyes widen.
“What are you doing here?” Lucas asks, angry and worried.
“Ask them, it’s their fault.” She points her thumb at you, Steve, and Robin over her shoulder.
“True, yeah, it’s totally our fault,” Steve admits honestly. You nudge him in the ribs.
The group catches up with everything. You explain the Russians and they explain the Mind Flayer coming back. You furrow your brows.
“There have been two problems this entire time and we only knew about one?” You scratch your head. Truth be told, this whole thing is giving you a headache.
Then, Eleven passes out. You all crowd around her as she gets the thing out of her leg. You almost throw up again as you watch it happen.
Once that is over, the adults arrive. Joyce, Hopper, and some guy named Murray.
You all go over the plan multiple times.
“So, what are we doing? What’s our part in the plan?” You ask, your head pounding. Steve puts an arm around your shoulders.
“Follow me.” He helps you up and you, Robin, Dustin, and Erica walk out of the front doors of the mall.
“A car?” You ask, furrowing your brows as you read the plate. TODFTHR.
“Now this, this is what I’m talking about.” Steve grins, flipping the keys in his hand. You get in the passenger seat as Steve slides into the driver’s side.
“Tod father?” Robin asks as Steve gears up the car.
“Screw Tod, Steve’s her daddy now.” He starts the car and speeds off.
“Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?” Robin asks.
“And call yourself daddy?” You look at him concerned. He doesn’t respond, just shoots you a grin.
You speed off to a distant hill, making it almost halfway up before the TODFTHR gives out. You hop out and start to run to the top, the rest in tow behind you.
Once you make it to the top, Dustin gets on the radio and speaks to Murray who is in the ventilation system. You sit down, hand on the gun on your hip just in case anything tries to attack you. Steve sits next to you, setting a hand on top of your free hand.
“Wait, do you see that?” Steve stands up after a moment, looking back in the direction of the mall. He helps you up and you look over in that area, seeing the mall lights flicker rapidly.
“Guys.” You warn them. Robin stands up. Dustin tries to reach the group at the mall, to no avail. All you hear is the shriek of a monster.
The Mind Flayer.
“Let’s go!” Steve takes your hand and starts running. Robin runs after the two of you.
You all get in the TODFTHR and speed off back to the mall.
As you speed into the parking lot, you see the Mind Flayer on top of the roof of the mall.
“Holy crap.” You whisper, fear lighting up your eyes. Steve grabs your hand. A car halts next to you with a loud hiss as the back door opens up.
“Get in!” A voice yells. You, Steve, and Robin don’t have to be told twice as the three of you clamber out of your car and into the other one. You all speed off into the night.
As the car continues to speed down the road, you’re left watching as the Mind Flayer runs after you. You can’t help but wonder what will happen if it catches up.
“Hey, we’re going to be okay, alright?” Steve grabs your hand, squeezing it. You look over at him, worry filling your features.
“What if we’re not?” You whisper.
“We will be. I promise.” He kisses the back of your hand. You give him a small smile.
“I believe you.” You nod, going to sit next to him as you intertwine your fingers.
“We have to go back,” Robin yells, watching as the Mind Flayer turns around. You look at her like she’s crazy.
“What?” Lucas yells at her.
“It’s going back so that means something happened! We need to go back!” She screams. Jonathan pulls a crazy U-turn and now you’re the ones following the Mind Flayer.
Once you arrive at the mall for the third time, you run in after the Mind Flayer and go to the second floor.
“I can’t believe I’m mixed up in this crazy mess.” You groan, grabbing a firework from Lucas who demands everyone take one. 
“It’s our crazy life.” Steve shrugs, grabbing a firework. Lucas throws the first one, distracting it from hurting El. You throw the next one directly into its mouth.
“Take that!” You yell, hoping it’ll distract it long enough to get Eleven out of the way.
Everyone bombards the Mind Flayer with multiple fireworks, throwing them left and right like nobody’s business. 
Eventually, you run out of fireworks. Lucas throws the last one, looking to everyone with worry in his eyes. The Mind Flayer stands menacingly over El and Billy, looking for its next meal.
El backs away but as the Mind Flayer’s talon lunges for her, Billy stops it. You watch as Billy sacrifices himself for the greater good.
“Billy!” You scream, not being able to do anything because you’re too far away. You never had liked Billy that much, but no one deserved to die like that. Especially not since he sacrificed himself for El.
Steve grabs you and pulls you to the ground as the Mind Flayer flings his body around, crushing the spot where you used to be. It finally falls to the ground, dead.
You suppose Joyce, Hopper, and Murray shut down the gate.
“We’re alive,” Steve whispers, clutching your hand. You turn to him and hug him tight, still laying on the ground with him. He holds you close, one hand running up and down your spine soothingly.
Everyone walks downstairs and out of the building. Will finds his mom and hugs her tight. You sit down in an ambulance, getting questioned like an interrogation. It takes everything in you not to cry on the spot.
You watch as Eleven looks around for Hopper. You can’t see him.
You’re not sure what that means.
“(Y/n).” Steve stumbles over to you. You get dismissed from your questioning. You walk to Steve, letting him wrap you in a tight hug as he shields you from the rest of the world.
“Hopper didn’t make it.” You breathe out, clutching onto his Scoops Ahoy uniform for dear life.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He sets his head on top of yours as you bury your face into the crook of his neck.
“Can we go back home? Please?” You whisper, tearing up. He nods. A cop gives him back his keys that they found on one of the Russian men underground. 
You get into the passenger side of his car and stay silent on the way home. The radio plays softly in the background as the two of you hold hands, saying nothing.
There’s nothing to say. Not yet.
Once you make it back to Steve’s house, you walk in and go straight to his room. You shut the door and lay down on the bed, waiting for him to join you. You feel the bed dip and you snuggle up to your new boyfriend.
“Get some rest, you deserve it.” He whispers into your hair as he pulls you to his chest. You hum and close your eyes, letting the wave of sleep rush over you easily.
It’s the middle of the night and Steve hasn’t gone to bed yet. He doesn’t want to sleep. He wants to keep you safe, to stay here and watch over you to make sure nothing bad happens to you in the night.
So when you start to thrash around under the covers, he’s already alert. He sets a hand on your forehead, letting out a calming ‘shh’ as you continue to toss and turn.
“N-No! No!” You mumble, reaching out an arm.
“(Y/n), it’s okay.” He murmurs, running a hand softly down your arm. You whimper, a sound Steve never wants to hear come from you again. Not like this.
It’s a deafening sound of loss and pure pain, one filled with emotion he doesn’t want you to feel ever again.
So, he does what he knows he can do. He hugs you tight. He holds you in his arms and doesn’t let go, effectively calming you down as you relax back into his arms. You’re safe.
The next morning, you wake up much too early for your liking. Steve’s side of the bed is empty.
You start to panic, thinking that maybe the Mind Flayer came back and took him. You hurriedly jump out of the bed, running out of his room and down the stairs.
“Steve? Steve!” You scream, pure terror coursing through your veins.
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?” Steve rounds the corner, eyes wide as he reaches for your hand. You let out a breath of relief as you see him. You hug him tightly.
“I didn’t know where you went.” You admit, tears leaking from your eyes as you hug your boyfriend tight.
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” He murmurs into your ear, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck this time. Your breathing steadies.
“I believe you.” You nod, squeezing him tight one last time before letting go. You wipe the tears from your eyes.
“I made breakfast.” Steve leads you to the kitchen where a plate of bacon and eggs awaits you. You try your best to smile at him as you sit down and start eating. He busies himself making two cups of coffee.
When he’s finished with those, he goes to sit down next to you. He sets your coffee down next to you a little too rough, causing you to involuntarily flinch at the noise.
“Ah--” You gasp, looking over at the cup of coffee.
“I’m sorry!” He apologizes, resting a hand on your shoulder. You grab his hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s fine, I just...It’ll take time, you know? Getting over everything. We’re probably going to have PTSD for the rest of our lives.” You tell him, frowning.
“It’s been a traumatic experience. I get it. I’ll give you all the time you need, (Y/n). I’m here for you. I love you.” He sits down, lacing your fingers together. You nod.
“I don’t mean it’ll take time for us, I mean...I just need time in general. If I’m being honest, you’re the only one grounding me to reality right now. I need you right now. It’s just...everything else, I’m going to have to get used to it again. Loud noises, sharp objects, the whole mile. I have to take time.” You lay your head on his shoulder.
“Me and you both, (Y/n). Me and you both. I’ll be here every step of the way, believe me.” He kisses your temple. You smile.
“I believe you.”
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spring-has-come · 5 years ago
RusAme Secret Santa 2019
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Yeehaw, another year let’s go. Yes I’m recycling this image. I’m sorry. I work fulltime. 
Below are the steps to joining this year’s RusAme Secret Santa/Gift Exchange event:
Step 1: Fill out this form before November 30th and submit it to me. Or message it to me, doesn’t matter. I just need to see it. (the form is tagged “form” if the link doesn’t work). There is also a google form for mobile users.
If you are seeing this post after November 30th, message me your name and I will add you into a “late submitters” pool. If there are enough late submissions, you will be entered into the second pool. If not, I apologize but you will have to wait until next year. But if there are enough for a second group, you will be notified before December 14 but that only give you ONE WEEK to work
Step 2: Wait up to 24 hours for me to confirm that I got your form and that everything is good and complete.
IMPORTANT: If your asks and messaging is turned off, you will not be able to get your confirmation OR your assigned person, so please turn it on. Asks will be sent via my main blog since side blogs can’t send asks. Also, if you have the private message setting that only allows blogs you follow, then follow this blog
Step 3: Once confirmed, wait patiently until December 1st-December 3rd for partner assignment
Step 4: Confirm to me that you got the form. This is very important. I need to know if you’re still participating and active. Those who do not respond may be replaced. You have until December 12th to respond. 
Step 5: Pick one of the wishes and work on your gift. If you want, you can combine the wishes together. Get creative!
If for any reason you are not well enough or in any way cannot complete your gift, notify me before December 18th
Step 6:  Post it from December 25th - December 30th and tag it as “rusame secret santa 2019″ or tag this blog if you want your work posted on this blog. Or if you are doing a private submission, screenshot that you sent your work to your recipient and send me the screenshots. 
Step 7: Receive your gift and thank the person for their work!
So that’s it! Have fun guys!
Reblog to spread the word!!!
Below the cut: Schedule, Rules, Requirements, and FAQ for mobile users:
Nov 3rd - Signup open
Dec 1 - Signup closed
Dec 1st-3rd - Partner assignment
Dec 3rd-25th - Working period
Dec 19th - Mandatory progress checkup
Dec 25th-30th - Submission
You MUST follow this blog. I need to be able to message you. After following, turn notifications on for this blog to get updates. I will post only when an update is needed. 
Do not tell your partner that you are their partner (if their anon is off and you want to ask them a question, I can be your middle man) 
Make sure to tag your person when you are done so they can see it! 
Put the word count, prompt, possible trigger warnings, and ratings at the beginning of writings 
Posting WIPs in Discord servers is allowed. Just be mindful of whether or not your partner is present, unless you don’t mind being revealed
This is not a judge of talent. The requirements are just here so everyone puts in equal effort. PLEASE let me know if you run into complications.
Below are the requirements:
One-shots and fics must be at least 2,000 words, max of 10,000 words. If you go over, that’s okay
Artwork must be colored and complete. No sketches
Video edits/AMVs/CMVs must be at least 30 seconds. Content MUST be your own. Do not use works(artworks, photographs, etc.) that you do not own. Music is an exception, of course
Comics should be a minimum of 3 pages. They don’t have to be colored but they should be at least lined, have a solid color, or color lined
Animations must be at least 8 seconds. Do not have to be colored
Film scripts must be at least 10 pages
Mixed media options:
a 1,500(1.5k) drabble with a roughly lined sketch
a 4 second animation with rough concept art sketches
a cosplay gifset (your own) with a 1k drabble
a storybook type drabble that includes several drawings throughout
or any other combination (ask me FIRST)
Reminder: Half ass plus half ass does not make a whole ass. Put your best effort into your gift!
Not allowed:
“Fanart gallery” type videos. The types where you throw 300 pictures into windows movie maker.
Commissions from others (Unless you are giving them the credit.)
Tracing someone else’s artwork (that’s art theft. Rotoscoping an anime/film and tracing real life people [as a ref] is allowed)
Plagiarism, aka copying and pasting someone else’s writing and changing the names and pronouns
Aesthetic posts/mood boards
Spotify playlists
What is this?
This is the secret santa/gift exchange event for the hetalia ship RusAme
Why do you need my email?
Google forms needs to collect emails so that at the end, you are given the option to have your form submitted emailed to you so you remember what you submitted. It also gives you the option to edit your form if you change your mind.
Why do you need my age?
Minors will not be allowed to receive or submit NSFW content.
Why are the requirements so strict?
To ensure that no one is “cheated” by being given an unsatisfactory gift. Your work does not have to be the Mono Lisa or Harry Potter. This is not a judge of talent. Just do your best and have fun.
Can I do more than one wish?
Go crazy, dude. I’m sure your partner would be ecstatic if you did more than one!
How do I submit my post on Christmas?
Your options are:
post it on your own tumblr and @ spring-has-come or put rusame secret santa 2019 in the tags
post it on fanfiction/ao3/wattpad/whatever and send me a link
send a direct submission to this blog for me to post
send it directly to your partner then screenshot the messages to me so I can confirm you did it
What is a pitch-hitter/backup Santa?
Someone who fills in for someone if someone drops out.
How will pitch-hitters be chosen?
All pitch-hitters will be given a number that I will choose at random with a random number generator. If the pitch-hitter denies the request, I choose another one at random.
What is a wish?
A wish is a prompt for what you would like to receive. They can be specific and detailed (like a story description with a planned plot) or something more loose (like a short prompt). VAGUE wishes are different from the specific ones. Vague wishes are short prompts that encompass a large amount of ideas. Examples below:
Wish 1: Alfred goes Christmas shopping and runs into Ivan and they fight over the last cartoon of spiked eggnog. They end up splitting it and spending Christmas together. (Fluff, comedy, PG)
Wish 2: Amelia and Anya baking cookies together with flour all over their faces.
Wish 3: Something based off “One Last Dance” by Us the Duo (angst, any rating)
Vague wish 1: something with fluff!
Vague wish 2: cardverse au
Can I resubmit my form?
Re-submissions WILL be allowed before December 1st
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