#wip: eternal
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amberskywrites · 5 months ago
Chapter 25 - To Challenge
Chapter 1 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 26 || Masterpost | AO3 Link | FF.net Link
Fandom / Genre: Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins) / Canon-Divergent and Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Meliodas/Elizabeth, Zeldris/Gelda, Meliodas & Zeldris & Elizabeth & Gelda
Overall Story Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Canon-typical violence, Canonical character death, Canon temporary character death, Cursed characters, Lmk if I need to add anything else!
Chapter Warnings: None, lmk if there’s anything I need to add!
Story Summary:
and chains.
For 3,000 long and painful years, these four have been doing all they can to lift their curses. They have failed, again and again and again. With only a sliver of hope left, they try once more.
Or, what if Zeldris accepted Meliodas’ offer to go with him 3,000 years ago?
King had no words, his brow furrowed as he stared up at his sister’s ghost- spirit- soul. Despite the indifference she plastered on her face - and how he ached, seeing the indifference, when he remembered her being so expressive - he could feel her anger, her righteous anger with him, no matter how he tried to deny it’s existence.
Her words registered.
He didn’t know Ban?
He didn’t know Ban?
He could have scoffed, if he wasn’t so paralyzed by the surety in her voice.
Of course he knew Ban.
He knew he was selfish, and greedy, and careless, reckless, and apathetic. He knew he didn’t give a damn who he hurt, so long as he got what he wanted in the end. He’d seen it, again and again and again while with the Sins. And he never understood how someone so seemingly good as Meliodas could tolerate such behavior, how he let it fly, any of it.
King pretended to be those things with the Holy Knights.
Could it be an act? Could it be exaggerated?
King blinked, and forced the thoughts away. No, he couldn’t be thinking of that now.
Elaine tilted her head, looking at him, but not really. It was like she was seeing right through him, right to his core. Like she was…
King inhaled shakily.
She was always much better at reading hearts.
Neither of them had a chance to say anything, though. The ground shook under King, a loud rumble reverberating through the air. Elaine’s head snapped up in the direction that Ban had run, and King followed her gaze.
The power radiating towards them was immense, once again familiar intertwined with an aura that was so familiar King could cry just feeling it again after so many years of giving up on getting that chance. Getting to his feet, King could see the smoke billowing in the distance, and he could imagine just how big that blast had to be, for the black smoke to be that thick and taking up that much of the Necropolis.
He didn’t get a chance to ponder it longer, for just as it was processing what was going on, he was nearly barreled over.
He shook his head, trying to look down at whatever had run into him, only to come face-to-face with Princess Elizabeth, staring at him with wide eyes herself.
“Sir King!” she exclaimed, a smile flitting onto her face as she slid off Hawk, who had plopped onto the ground in front of them. She gave him a pat, although she never turned away from King. “I’m glad you’re okay - the others, there’s a-”
“A Holy Knight,” he finished.
Elizabeth nods almost frantically. “She’s- she’s strong, and the others are fighting but, I don’t know how well they’re faring.” There was yet another blast, not as intense as the ones before, but much closer. “They’re being driven back, again and again,” she rushes out. “Maybe you could help them?”
“Help them?”
“To drive out the Holy Knight! To keep them safe!”
King hesitated, and he watched as the smile that had appeared upon stumbling across him faded.
King was struck then, in the next few seconds as Elizabeth stared at him, that she was quite good at reading people, and terrible at hiding her feelings. Even he, terrible at reading hearts, could hear the echoes of disappointment and doubt that flitted through her mind as she seemed to realize that he would even hesitate to help the others - would hesitate to protect them.
Her eyes flickered to behind him, and the feeling of understanding projected over him, and King whirled around. Elaine was looking down at Elizabeth, though King was sure she couldn’t see Elaine, but his sister was looking at the princess with such a pitying look, pitying and - and knowing sadness.
Elaine flicked her eyes to him.
“If you want to start mending burned bridges, brother…” She looked back to Elizabeth, and began to flicker in and out of corporeal form. “I think you know where you should begin.”
King swallowed, holding himself straighter just as Elaine turned once again to the lights, and he turned back to Elizabeth. She was watching him, her head tilted and a small crease in her brows, and King wonders if she was able to hear Elaine. But she shouldn’t have…
Flames rose into the air truly not far from them, purple and red dancing together as the loud sound of swords clashing echoes off the gems that make up the Necropolis. Elizabeth looks from the flames to King, her expression shifting into one of determination, a challenge.
“Are you truly not going to help, Sin of Sloth?” she asks. “Are you really going to wait, again?”
How would she- does she know?
No, she couldn’t possibly know.
But she was challenging him? Him? Did she not know anything about him? Who he is—was?
He supposed she wouldn’t know who he actually was.
He narrowed his eyes at her, at her challenge, and let himself float above the ground.
He flicked his wrist, Chastiefol finally shifting from its third form, transforming into its pillow shape.
“If you’re so determined to get me to help them, then come on,” he said, not waiting to see her reaction before he pointed at her, knocking both her and Hawk off their feet and onto Chastiefol.
We’re barely holding it together, Meliodas cursed in his head, falling behind Zeldris again as he blocked yet another swipe from Guila. She was holding back her blasts again, steadily wearing them down and stopping them from actually hitting her with anything too strong.
And it’s not like they weren’t trying, either. Gelda had come closest with her fire, but the Holy Knight’s armor was more fire resistant than those of the Weird Fangs or even Gilthunder - and so she hadn’t been able to do much damage before Guila had turned her sights onto the vampire again.
What they needed was a strong hit, but he and Zeldris couldn’t build up that much power with her getting so close, and Gelda pushing her back. Diane was down already, and it was barely enough that they were keeping Guila’s focus off her for right now—the moment Guila realizes Diane’s properly injured somehow, Meliodas would bet she’d go for the kill.
Following his younger brother back, Meliodas readied himself to jump in front and take another swing at the Holy Knight, when Guila’s arm jerked back. The fighting paused briefly as Guila followed her arm, and Meliodas could see her beginning to strain to keep a grip on her rapier.
“Fox Sin Ban,” Guila stated and tilted her head, her voice so unconcerned that Meliodas could feel a deep, shoved down itch to get some emotion out, to hear some kind of stress or fear tinge her words. He grit his teeth, tightening his grip on his broken ‘sword’. “Let go of my rapier.”
“I’m not touching it yet though, am I?” Ban said with a grin, tilting his head back and flexing his hand towards himself, increasing the amount of Snatch. Guila remained steady on her feet but was forced to lean forward, and tension twitched at her face. “Besides—“ Ban’s grin grew— “I want it.”
Three things happened at once, Meliodas observed.
A determined look flickered across Guila’s face.
Diane shifted behind him and Zeldris.
Gelda darted into the air.
Diane wasn’t one to normally play the long game. She preferred jumping into the fray, to be the first line of defense. She had the endurance and durability and the strength, she could tank plenty of hits and has done so many times in battles prior. And, she liked being able to end battles quickly, thank you very much. The sooner things were over and done with, the sooner she could provide aid to the injured or, if there weren’t any, the sooner she could relax again with her friends.
But just because she preferred it doesn’t mean it was always the best plan, and she could recognize when a bit of forethought had to be implemented into a fight.
Her side throbbed—she suspected a bruised bone, or maybe Guila had burned her more than she thought—and she was vulnerable on her side, behind Zeldris and Meliodas. They weren’t much of a shield, and she could only thank the goddesses for the fact that Guila hadn’t taken advantage of their tiny size compared to her to barrage her with explosions. But pain be damned, she wasn’t going to be completely useless now.
Guila was quick, and she tried keeping distance between them all unless the others were clearly gearing up for a ranged attack, in which she darted into close proximity, and that armor of hers must be extremely fireproof, otherwise she wouldn’t risk those closer explosions so often. The thing was, there were more of them than there were of Guila. And she was starting to focus on Meliodas and Zeldris more and more often.
Ban’s arrival was the nail in the coffin, so-to-speak, for Guila.
Diane glanced to Gelda, catching her red gaze, and while Guila was distracted, Gelda signed to her, pointing first to Guila and then up with a quick gesture.
Diane nodded once, and just once, and shifted as slowly as she could—in part to spare her any more pain, in part to not draw Guila’s attention over to her. Once she was nearly upright, Gelda was suddenly in the air, hovering and sparks flickering in her palms. Diane took a slow breath, pressing her hands to the crystal floor below, and concentrated on the spot right underneath Guila.
As soon as she could no longer feel the energy trailing back to her, could feel only the rock underneath the Holy Knight’s feet, Diane exhaled sharply and willed every bit of earth under Guila up.
The Holy Knight began to fire a shot at Ban, but was launched up too quickly that it wasn’t as big as she was clearly planning. It still hit Ban, and he was launched backwards. He hit the ground with a groan. Diane retracted the earth almost as quickly as she had sent it up, and Guila attempted to regain her composure in the air, contorting to face Diane.
Gelda took the opportunity and dove for Guila, wrapping herself around the shorter woman and while she didn’t exactly grip her flesh with her smoldering hands, she did drag the fire in her palms to Guila’s arms, trapping them at her side and heating the armor up. Guila squirmed and her mouth twitched into what Diane would say was an attempt at a snarl, but it fell flat with the way she was struggling to even dislodge Gelda even slightly.
When Guila seemed to have given up on struggling, instead seemingly focusing on the burning armor that was finally, finally beginning to crinkle slightly under Gelda’s hands, Gelda bared her own teeth and inched closer to Guila’s neck.
But then something Diane wasn’t expecting happened.
Gelda froze, and Diane could see the fire under her fingers flicker.
Guila took the opportunity and shot a fireball down, rocketing both herself and Gelda off-balance, where she was able to finally dislodge herself from the vampire.
She turned midair and slashed at Gelda with her rapier, but Zeldris was there between them, taking the hit and sending the couple to the ground. She sent a blast towards them, and the captain rushed to intercept.
Distraction successful, Guila landed with grace and without hesitation pointed her weapon at Diane.
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marikodraws · 2 months ago
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Off the Rails
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heartorbit · 8 months ago
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searching for a star that's still unknown to anyone!
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sanjisblooddonnor · 6 days ago
Wednesday wip
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leiatalon · 2 months ago
The Eternal Library: a Romantasy Retelling IF (WIP)
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What if Cinderella and the prince grew up together?
What if the king was the evil one?
What if the missing piece wasn’t a glass slipper, but ancient memories buried in your soul?
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Fight for forbidden love in a cruel kingdom and forge alliances with the heir to the crown.
Buried beneath the sprawling castle at the heart of Minare is a room most think is legend: the Library of Souls. As a member of the royal cleaning staff—and one with Fae-blood—sneaking into the Eternal Library is a dangerous idea, but you risk it for a ritual that gives you the skills of your warrior ancestor and a mission that spans lifetimes.
Destiny calls your warrior spirit to wake.
Assassins are infiltrating the castle.
The kingdom is ripe for change, and it needs your help.
Your soul has waited lifetimes for the chance to put things right.
Now, it’s time.
Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, bi; asexual; monogamous or polyamorous.
Romance or befriend a scholarly prince, a down-to-earth princess, a scarred soldier, a soft-spoken spy, a sweet-hearted maid, or a Fae warrior-mage. 3 male and 3 female ROs: Romance character descriptions.
This is a SLOW BURN ROMANCE. Optional explicit scenes will be offered at the end of the game, but it’ll be a while before we get to those. Enjoy the secret glances and deep yearning until then. ❤️
This is a standalone story set in the same world as Their Majesties’ Pleasure and Ink and Intrigue. You do not need to have played either of those games to enjoy this one.
Public demo wordcount: 65,000 Patreon demo wordcount: 95,000
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Join the conversation on the CoG forum thread.
Subscribe to my Patreon for bonus scenes, worldbuilding secrets, and early access to demo updates! 👑
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brbarou · 3 months ago
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he wants that cookie soo bad
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ploppymeep · 1 year ago
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hedwig221b · 3 months ago
WIP Whenever
Requested by the loveliest @emmmna, here's a small bite of my sterek twilight au
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Derek’s smile was light. He reached out, thoughtlessly it seemed, and pulled the string of Stiles hoodie from where it was caught under his shirt. He worried it between his fingers, then looked up.
“What?” Stiles asked with a tentative smile.
“Promise me you won’t go into the woods alone.”
Derek’s quiet and serious tone made the jokes stick in Stiles’ throat.
“Are there… other creatures?” he asked carefully.
“Yeah,” said Derek, and, just like that, the smirk was back in place. “Like, twenty mountain lions.”
“Oh, come on…” Stiles groaned.
“What did you think I was going to say? Vampires?” Derek snorted. “Beacon Hills is our territory, baby.”
“Dang it,” Stiles pursed his nose, trying to hide how much ‘baby’ affected him (very much). “There goes my dream of someone sucking my—”
Suddenly, Derek tensed. His head swiveled up, his gaze zeroing in on the road behind Stiles’ shoulder. Alarmed and mentally preparing for his dad’s interrogation, Stiles followed Derek’s gaze but saw nothing and no one.
He frowned. “Wha—”
“I gotta go,” Derek said, more annoyed than afraid. He smiled apologetically at Stiles and hopped off the porch. “I’ll text you.”
Derek hesitated, staring at him with an almost pained expression.
“Fuck it,” he cursed, then flew up the porch.
Stiles froze in place, fully expecting to be kissed right this fucking second.
Hot hands cupped his neck, sending shockwaves down into his heart. Stiles stared at Derek, his eyes wide and his soul trembling in anticipation.
But Derek didn’t kiss him.
He rubbed Stiles' neck in firm, deliberate moves. If he had put just a tiny amount of his strength into the touch, he would’ve choked Stiles. Thumbs swiped over the sharp line of his jaw, then down, caressing his wildly beating veins. The heels of Derek’s palms pushed into Stiles’ clavicles and at the same time pinned him to place.
The heat filled Stiles’ cheeks, his whole face and neck. Standing in front of the predator, whose existence he couldn’t even dream about, between fight and flight, he couldn’t help but fawn.
No one held him like this. No one cared to. And if someone did, there was a big chance that Stiles would’ve fought out of the hold, swept by panic and anger.
Now, he wanted nothing more than to bare his neck.
Derek’s hands shook when he released Stiles. He swallowed thickly, then glanced at the road, cursed under his breath, and ran off the porch. This time, he didn’t return, instead jumping into his car straight away. He drove off with a squeal of the tires and disappeared around the corner.
Stiles cleared his throat, finding it coated in desert sand. He lifted his hand to rub his flaming neck, froze it halfway, clenched it into a fist, and lowered it. He didn’t want to ruin… whatever it was.
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Tagging gently 💛 @endwersed @patolemus @renmackree @salty-fryingpan @gege-wondering-around @dear-massacre @demonicfaerie @teencopandthesourwolf @eevylynn
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blackbackedjackal · 3 months ago
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Walton Ford
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justanothersquidblog · 5 months ago
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Chappell Roan Frye that I was planning on doing for Team Knights (which is ironic cause Im team Shadow Money Wizard gang) that I'll be tossing to the wip pile because AUGH... METAL... hope you like it anyways!
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dragon-curse-au · 5 months ago
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if i could make full animatics i'd be so powerful
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valeriannnn · 17 days ago
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Into every generation, an Oracle is born. One girl in all the world
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autumnblooms · 7 months ago
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✨☁️ goddess ☁️✨
Cirrus my love~
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gobald · 6 months ago
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"Your love's put me at the top of the world"- WIP
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zorangezest · 8 months ago
THE MESSMER/MARIKA ANIMATION IS DONEEEE AUUUUAA it’ll go up tmr i liked the silly doodles i made for an end screen so im posting it on its own take it take it
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leiatalon · 2 months ago
An unexpected update: New site, new scenes! ✨
With dashingdon shutting down, you can now find The Eternal Library demo on CoGdemos!
Thanks to everyone who jumped in my asks with the news about dashingdon coming to an end. I was already on it but I appreciate your thoughtfulness! The news made quite the stir in the IF world. Shout out to DashingDon for hosting so many fabulous works over the years.
I was planning on doing a public update at the end of the month, but since I had to port the files anyway I figured I’d include the improvements I've made to the early chapters. The end point for the public demo is the same as before, a third of the way through chapter three, but I’ve added POV scenes and polished it up a bit. 💫
If you catch any errors, please let me know!
Public update includes:
A scene from Princess Angelina’s POV at the end of chapter one.
Two scenes from Prince Collin’s POV in chapter two.
Coming soon: A scene from Gemma’s POV in chapter three. (This is later in chapter three and will be released at the end of the month.)
Chances to initiate romances with Gemma and Angelina in chapter one.
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Current wordcounts: Public Demo ~ 45k Patreon Demo ~ 65k WIP ~ 80k
I'm hoping to get back to writing chapter four next week. Life has required my focus elsewhere the last couple of days and this weekend is a busy one. I keep thinking about the story even when I'm not able to work on it, which counts as writing despite not adding to the wordcount.
The story is about to dive into a branching section that takes the MC to different parts of the castle for different purposes. One branch is dark and heart wrenching, one is rooted in kindness and kinship, and one is breathtaking, inviting your imagination to soar. 🔥⚔️🔥
Thanks for following my blog as this story evolves and sharing The Eternal Library with your friends! ✨🙌✨
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