#wip: breanna hatchett au
Intro: The Queen of Lies
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AU for The Prince of Thieves / WC: keeps changing, will let you know someday
Masterlist | Content Warnings | Mood Board | Vibey Song Lyrics | Ao3
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I sold myself to a loveless thing / And I walk'd to the altar and there I lied
C.W.S., Harper's Weekly, 7 July 1866
At a Glance
Genres: romance, historical, whump
POV/tense: 3rd-person, past tense
Small main cast; single narrator two narrators lol
You can enjoy the story without reading TPOT - the side characters just won't feel nearly as fleshed out here (I think so, anyway.)
tbh it's a romance with added bonus of torture, captivity, dread, angst, intimidation, and fun whumpy happenings
THE QUEEN OF LIES is a tale of quiet courage, inner strength, and forbidden love—and the ways we can change our lives for the better if only we dare to take a leap of faith.
Four years ago, Breanna Cooper made a choice that altered the course of her life forever.
She stayed.
Instead of running away from a man she knew did not and could not love her, she remained—and became Mrs. Breanna Hatchett. Now she exists quietly in a life half-lived, striving to be the perfect wife and always falling short.
One day, a chance encounter in Constable Baden Hatchett’s prison brings her face to face with a captured thief from the notorious thieving gang Iustitia aecum. Though she swears she will forget the boy to whose brutal punishment she bears witness, it soon becomes clear that forgetting him is something she simply cannot do.
On a whim, for the first time in years, Breanna takes a chance and seeks out the thief—and yet again, her life is changed forever.
Vibes & Tropes
Forbidden love
Tragic backstory
“Who did this to you?”
Gazing through cell bars
"I'll fight for you"
“Why are you helping me?”
Gloomy skies, autumn leaves, rain & thunder
Against all logic and reason…
"I will always find you"
Alternatively, if you are a music-minded person, I collected some song lyrics that make me think of this story.
Cast of Characters
Main & Major Characters
BREANNA HATCHETT: Our heroine. Four years ago, she married into an abusive relationship, and since then she has been going through her life like a ghost, doing as her husband says and trying to be the perfect wife. When fate sends her careening into the story of an imprisoned thief, her entire world is rocked to its core.
FOX/THE THIEF: Our hero. If you’re new here, enjoy spending 50% of the story not knowing his name. Sharp-tongued and defiant, impulsive and reckless, the thief is determined to take his secrets to his grave to protect his family, if that’s what it takes. He is slowly losing hope…that is, until he is granted unexpected kindness by the least likely person imaginable. Suddenly, there’s more hope and light in his life than he ever expected to see again.
CONSTABLE BADEN HATCHETT: Our bad guy. Breanna’s husband. Vindictive, controlling, and manipulative, he wields his power and influence inside and outside the prison where he works as a constable. Above all things, he despises disobedience and disorder the most. When Breanna begins to take her life into her own hands, he will stop at nothing to gain control over her once again. Whatever it takes.
JUNIOR CONSTABLE CURTIS LENTON: A constable who is not-so-secretly pining for Breanna. He is a friend to her in the only way he knows how, but this means he is sometimes overprotective of her—to a fault.
DR. ALLAN ARMSTRONG DALE: A newly employed doctor who has a habit of getting in over his head no matter what universe he's in.
SPIDER: An elusive woman who helps to run the thieving gang Iustitia aecum.
HARE: The fourth and final member of IA’s inner circle.
WOLF/THE THIEF’S BROTHER: A mysterious character whose identity the thief goes to great lengths to protect.
ALICE: Breanna’s friend who encourages her to take more risks in her life.
Other Characters
MRS. BRISTOW: A nurse working at the prison. Better at the job than the medic.
MRS. DENNISON: The Hatchetts' housekeeper.
MR. GYSBORNE: The prison medic.
JUNIOR CONSTABLE MICHAELSON: A vicious officer who works under Baden Hatchett. Notable for his leering gaze and sadistic tendencies.
MARGUERITE: Breanna’s other friend.
DR. RICHARDS: The other, not-so-nice doctor.
INSPECTOR BULWELL: The head of the prison where Baden works.
MISS DUGFORD: A cruel bully of a nurse
What will I like about TQOL?
Well, if you liked the thief’s snark in TPOT, then it’s, like, tripled, especially in the early chapters here. But this is a different story—far more romantic—and you might like getting to see a much softer side of him, too.
You might like Breanna’s character development from a very frightened and sheltered wife to a courageous young woman who is willing to take risks and face her fears.
If you like romantic tension, forced proximity, pining, and lots of caretaking/comfort, then I hope you’ll like this story!
How do I know if this story is for me?
You can check out the Contents/Warnings here. There are spoilers in that post, so click at your own risk.
For TPOT readers:
stop here if you don't want any vague spoilers for The Prince of Thieves!
What are the biggest differences between TPOT and TQOL?
Shorter. Fewer but often longer chapters. 3rd-person past tense.
There's the whole name thing. The name "Cooper" only shows up 3 times in the whole thing. "Mrs. Hatchett," on the other hand...
In TPOT, we know the thief’s name right away because he and two other inner circle members are POV characters. Breanna is the only POV character in TQOL........uh....listen. We just have to wait until she learns his name. For stylistic reasons.
Since Breanna didn't run away and never joined IA, all her serendipitous meetings with the thief in her past never happened. Her first encounter with him is in Chapter 1.
Obviously, since they're married, the relationship between Baden and Breanna—while strained and 100% toxic, problematic, and unhealthy—is not as antagonistic as it is in TPOT.
In the beginning, we get a little less existential dread because the thief isn’t expecting execution but rather long-term imprisonment, labour, or exile to a penal colony (no actual plot reason for this, I just wanted to play with the stakes and see how it changed the dynamics. because I can). This means that Ezra Johnston (the captured runner from TPOT) was never hanged and so we catch up with the thief in a slightly better mental state than the same point in TPOT.
Wolf and Jr. Constable Michaelson have reduced roles (compared to TPOT), while Jr. Constable Lenton (who literally only appears in two TPOT chapters) has an elevated role and gets a first name.
The time period is slightly different (because of reasons), but I doubt this is actually noticeable in the writing, only in my brain. I had to do a decent amount of research for this one particular plot thread, so now I know what decade we’re in lol.
What’s the same between TPOT and TQOL?
Well, Hatchett is still an asshole, and actually, so is the thief (affectionate)...he's still a snarky, potty-mouthed rascal. The IA setup is pretty much the same, the tattoo hasn’t changed, and the thief’s determination to keep the inner circle safe and out of Hatchett’s clutches is as strong as ever. On the IA end, everything up to the flogging has played out pretty much the same (see above q for a few lil differences). It's Breanna's life that has been wildly different.
In terms of tropes/plots….yes, I repeated a few. I don’t want to say them here bc spoilers but if you really want to know, send me a DM and I’ll spill which TPOT parts get their own AU twist.
Thanks for reading! <3 Hope you like it!
If you've made it this far, here's your reward:
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Image ID: a square image of the external wall of a brick building with barred windows. White text reads: “No, not a hanging. It’s not for ladies to see or think of. No need to trouble yourself with such things.” End ID.
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The Queen of Lies: Masterlist
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THE QUEEN OF LIES is a tale of quiet courage, inner strength, and forbidden love—and the ways we can change our lives for the better if only we take a leap of faith.
Story Intro | Content Warnings | Mood Board | Vibey Song Lyrics | Ao3
I sold myself to a loveless thing / And I walk’d to the altar and there I lied
- C.W.S., Harper’s Weekly, 7 July 1866
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The Whipping Post: Breanna Hatchett witnesses a brutal punishment while searching for her husband at the prison where he works.
The Constable and His Wife: Breanna recovers from her shock; Baden learns that she saw everything at the whipping post.
Worthwhile: The thief wonders if he's seeing things after the flogging.
The Looking Glass: Breanna goes out for lunch and gets some advice from a friend.
The Boy in Chains: Breanna visits the thief in prison.
Real: The thief goes through his usual coherent, polite internal monologue during the visit from some woman named Bree.
Stealth and Secrets: Breanna does several things she isn't supposed to do.
Guilty: Gysborne takes a sick day, which provides an interesting opportunity for the thief.
I Never Even Knew Your Name: Another visit? Some might say this girl is playing with fire.
Deceived: The thief's POV on Breanna's third visit.
Liar: The thief faces the consequences of Hatchett finding out about Breanna's visits.
Retribution and Regret: Breanna starts off in the depths of despair and ends up with a plan.
Worthless: For the thief, the aftermath from Breanna's third fateful visit continues.
The Queen of Lies: Breanna takes a leap of faith.
Faith and Freedom: Finally free, Breanna and the thief make their way through the city under cover of darkness.
Dawn: The thief wakes up and realizes that, yes, he really is free. Time for some awkward getting-to-know-you conversations.
Hope and Healing: Bree and Fox slowly recover, getting to know each other better as the days go on.
The Drop, Part I: Bree and Fox begin to search for IA's inner circle.
The Drop, Part II: Fox drops his message and visits the townhouse, then stumbles across an interesting altercation on his way back to the inn.
The Mark of Thieves: Well, what else is there to do while you're waiting to hear back from the inner circle?
The Stranger: Will goes to retrieve their belongings from the inn; Bree makes a new friend.
Trust and Treachery: Bree tries to find her place in Iustitia aecum. No one's plans for anything go as expected (or desired).
What Did He Do To You?: Husband and wife are reunited.
A Worthless Criminal Condemned: Will and Geoff make a run for it; Colette finds out what happened to Bree and Jamie.
Her Speech is Nothing: Bree must face the consequences of her actions...and her lies.
The Madwoman: Bree spends her first night at the asylum, meeting her doctor, a kind patient and a not-so-kind nurse.
The Madman: Will is struck with an idea that just might help Bree escape the asylum. But setting it in motion is a risky move.
Nullum Magnum Ingenium: Bree receives a visitor, a gift, a spark of hope, and a terrible revelation.
***All chapters after this point are on ao3, not Tumblr.***
Not Alone: The day of the concert arrives, but nothing goes according to plan.
A Growing List of Offences: The gang discovers who is following them...and must decide what to do about it.
You Have Me: With Bree finally back in his arms, Will is determined to save Jamie, too. The question is...how?
Leap of Faith: The constables have agreed to the trade; Colette wants to be sure that everyone is ready. Are they?
Mine For Yours: It's time for the trade, and the fate of Iustitia aecum rests on Bree's shoulders. Can she save both Jamie and herself—or will her grand plan end up dead in the water?
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coming soon
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Bringing you: Whump
Look away, Breanna ordered herself. The boy had not even flinched when Baden declared his crimes for all to hear, nor when he heard his punishment: twenty lashes with the cat o’nine tails. She did not know what that was, but no doubt it was bound to be unpleasant, and she’d thank herself later if she didn’t watch. But she couldn’t pull her gaze away as Curtis was drawn in and summoned forward to hold the thief while his wrist shackles were unlocked, his shirt forcefully yanked from his body, and then his hands bound to the wooden whipping post before which the crowd had gathered.  A round of jeers went up from the gathered watchers on the outside; titters rippled through the crowd of prisoners.
Bringing you: Romance
In unison, they drew closer, and her entire body tingled with every possibility contained in the moments between them, in their shivering breaths that seemed to go in and out as one, and in the crackling air that seemed now to connect rather than separate.
Bringing you: Angst
And she’d thought she was playing a dangerous game then? What about now? What about the way she was teetering on the edge of a knife, between lives, when the smallest action might pitch her back into the world she had known and to which she had no desire to return?
Bringing you: Sillies (do I dare to call it fluff? you decide)
“Goodness, you’re vain,” she said. “You look incredibly handsome. Stunning, in fact. Crooked seams will be all the rage by next year. That’s how wonderful you look.” Raising his eyebrows, he said, “Now, that’s what I was looking to hear.” “You,” she said, “are impossible.” “Impossibly handsome.”
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“He will suffer for what he’s done to you. He will suffer, and then he will die. By my hand or the law’s, it makes little difference to me.”
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Find the Vibe
I was tagged by @i-can-even-burn-salad to find this vibe: that moment when they realize the worst that could have happened has happened.
Sooo remember this lil teaser?
Wanna see what happened right before?
Because it is the moment where she realizes the worst possible thing has happened. 😳 Or, rather, the worst possible person has appeared.
Curt, more furious than she’d ever seen him, kicked the thief back down, wrenching his arms behind him and locking them into the shackles. “You son of a bitch. How dare you put your hands on h—” “What the devil is going on here?” No. Panic spread through her, so white-hot, so paralyzing, so bone-deep that Breanna could barely remember how to breathe. She could not answer. She could not  move. “He attacked her,” Curt said, and Breanna saw through dazed eyes that he had forced the thief to his feet, and though the boy tried valiantly to escape his grasp, Curt yanked his head back. Yanked his head back so that his hazel eyes stared directly into her husband’s.
Tagging: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @clairelsonao3 + OPEN TAG
Here's your vibe: the character is deceiving/lying to someone to get what they want
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“Bree,” he said, “I’m not him.”
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Breanna knew, logically, that she was in the wrong place. She wasn’t supposed to see whatever was about to happen; Curtis didn’t want her to see anything upsetting, and Baden wouldn’t want her to, either. So why didn’t she move?
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Happy STS! I hope you don't mind me using this occasion to shamelessly pump you for info about your upcoming WIP!
Is The Queen of Lies told from multiple points of view? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all the snippets you're shared so far seem to be from Breanna/Bree's POV, so I'm curious. And whatever the answer is, why did you choose this approach?
Happy STS! Thank you for the ask!!
I don’t mind at all!! You can ask me questions about anything, anytime. 💕
You are indeed very observant! The entire thing is written from Breanna/Bree’s POV. There were a few reasons for this.
It’s been a while since I wrote anything that was only one character’s POV, so I dabbled in it this time. (Idk if anyone’s noticed but Tumblr is where I experiment, lmao.)
I was possessed by some kind of writing spirit for the last month and that’s just sort of what happened. 😂
Okay, on a less silly note, if you’ll indulge me in a ramble (sorry in advance)…
TPOT ended up being Will's, and by extension, Jamie’s, story, even though the first piece I ever wrote was purely Bree (her arrest) and Will didn’t even exist in my brain when I wrote it. Of course, Bree is integral to TPOT and there is no story without her, but even the title—The Prince of Thieves—screams: THIS IS WILL’S STORY.
The Queen of Lies is her story. She’s the one who goes through the Big Character Arc, the one who makes sacrifices and hard decisions, and the one who suffers the most (I think, anyway) to get her happy ending. (Dw dw Will suffers too.) She is a different person in chapter 21 than she is in chapter 1.
Breanna, a woman in a time period that isn’t always kind to women, goes on this crazy journey to learn that she is strong and independent and can make her own decisions—wrong or right—and so it’s her voice I chose to prioritize.
(TPOT SPOILER >>>> She gets her “I’m an independent woman” dealio in TPOT, too, but when? Off-the page, unwritten, in secret, in the year she and Will are separated.)
Now. That being said...
If I am blessed with engaged, curious, interested readers (for whom I am and will be ever so grateful until the end of my days), I can see there being scenes/chapters they want to see from Will’s POV. And I’m open to that, too. 💕
I’m so sorry for the mini essay but thank you for letting me ramble!!
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Word Find Tag
I was tagged by @starlit-hopes-and-dreams (in this post) to find these words: never, murmur, life, change, mistake
Your words: sling, break, wrath, swap, grace [or any variant/synonym that works for your writing]
He paused whatever he was doing, fussing with his buttons or preening or making some other show of the arrogance that he was clearly starting to get back as he recovered. “You never seen stars before?”
Before Michaelson could retort, however, the murmur of the crowd changed, and Breanna whipped her head around to follow the gazes of those who waited.
“Watch your mouth.” Curtis straightened as the thief hissed in pain. “You know how lucky you are to have someone who gives a single damn about your life?”
I changed my mind, she wanted to say. Take me away from here.
“You made a foolish decision and a terrible mistake.” He sat down next to her, his arm scraping against hers.
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With his free hand, he brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes, tender now, as if the anger had faded or perhaps been buried. His fingers rested on her cheek, and though they were stained with blood, she did not recoil. “It wasn’t your fault and you didn’t deserve it. But he did deserve to get his ass kicked. And get robbed. And he better thank his lucky fucking stars that you’re a damn good person, because if it were up to me, he’d be dead.”
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"Who does she think she is? That girl has tangled with the wrong man."
...Baden Hatchet vibes
not mine! it's a lyric from "Gaston" from Beauty and the Beast.
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The thief froze his furious thrashing. “Your what?” “My,” Baden snarled, stepping forward, “wife.”
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“I’m…” Oh, why had she ever thought this would be a good idea? “I’m—I’m Bre…” Her voice failed her. What had she been thinking, coming here?
“Bree, huh?” The thief shifted, wincing as he straightened slightly. “The fuck kind of name is that?”
Curt drew closer again. “I told you to watch your tongue.”
The thief glanced up at him for only a instant before he looked back to Breanna. “Well, Bree, what the fuck do you want?”
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I was writing on my commute home, and Will (oc) said something so funny that I clapped a hand to my mouth and giggled out loud, so that’s a thing I did publicly on the subway today. 😁
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Writing this AU is so ~weird~ because I'm writing the same story but it's so damn different but it's the same but it's different but it's
anyway you get the point
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Well past the midpoint. 39k in. We finally get Jamie’s name for the first time.
Also I immediately fucked up his life. Immediately.
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