#wip described badly
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
Badly summarized WIP poll
Thanks @hippiewrites for the open tag I want to do this and @blind-the-winds for creating this game!
Now I have two main WIPs but I have many I haven't touched in years. Or are nothing more than a basic concept with no substance. I'm including them anyway for more options.
I have more than this but I couldn't think of a fun way to describe them.
Alright so @gracehosborn @theelfauthor @buffythevampirelover @little-mouse-gardens @finxi-writes @ohnomybreadsticks @isabellebissonrouthier @thepeculiarbird @queerfox-tales @chauceryfairytales @emberlyric @emabatis y'all can do stuff unless you've already done this it's hard to keep track
Or if you haven't done this yet you can do that too and tag me for an open tag
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welcometololaland · 11 months ago
summarise your wips badly game! thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @indestructibleheart @orchidscript and @cha-melodius
i don't know if there's a point to this for me, aside from making fun of myself, but here are my active wips summarised very poorly:
neighbourhood disputes and speeding fines result in deep self introspection and also hot sex (tarlos).
two abandoned men in a foreign country decide to unabandon themselves by hitching their metaphorical wagons to each other (firstprince).
workplace enemies accidentally orchestrate their own redundancies and fall in love (hangster).
college students are made to angst over each other by third college student's incredibly misguided method of meeting the parents (tarlos).
man finds himself the beneficiary of copious amounts of tiktok products (tarlos).
husbands find themselves on a boujee ski trip in aspen with everyone they hate (tarlos).
a case of mistaken identity leads to an HR nightmare (tarlos, co-write with @rmd-writes)* can't talk about this one because it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to give spoilers without giving away the plot.
EDIT FOR CEE: american man desperately wants to believe his mysterious crush has a red room and will stop at nothing to manifest it (firstprince).
you can send me an ask if you want (i think that's the point of this game??) or you can just laugh at my really bad attempts at describing things. also, i'm free all day today so maybe if you wanna bully me i can attempt to write some snippets if anyone is interested :)
please consider this an OPEN TAG because i'm not sure if this has breached rwrb containment and i'd love to see some lone star people do this.
will tag a couple of people who might be interested but not too many bc i've already annoyed all of you so much this past week @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @nancygillianmvp @alrightbuckaroo @sznofthesticks @theghostofashton @hippolotamus @bonheur-cafe @never-blooms and @celeritas2997 BECAUSE!!!!! I KNOW!!!!
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ashen-crest · 1 year ago
badly described wip poll!
Tagging in turn with zero pressure: @pheita, @pertinax--loculos, @oh-no-another-idea!
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sesshy380 · 11 months ago
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Thank you @rosalind-hawkins for the tag!
I think I did this one once before, but it's been a while so why not do it again lol
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the-ellia-west · 1 year ago
My take on badly-described WIPs
An Assassin, four children, and like 5 harpies get into a death match over something that's 20% true but stay in the death match because they now have a blood feud
A UFO causes 2 women to go insane, 1 woman to eat a cat, 1 woman to die, and one guy to gain a drinking problem
I like stealing from video games part 1, a bunch of people get thrown into magical portals and a poet adopts 2 non-human children
I like stealing from video games part 2, a little girl almost kills a man, and then a little boy gets kidnapped by a monster and almost gets cooked alive (not by the monster)
Norse mythology ripoff centered around Loki being a c***
A fantasy man with a drinking problem makes his four friends chase him down to get an intervention so they can save the world
I literally made a modern soap opera, there is so much shit going on at all times. Every sentence is a fucking plot twist and I'm on chapter 1
A cannibalistic serial killer says the most raw fucking Line I have ever come up with about cleaning the kitchen counter (that's all there is)
Which one of these would you read?
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hedgiwithapen · 24 days ago
Time for another Badly Described WIP poll!
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runawaymun · 1 year ago
badly summarized WIP game!!!!! I was tagged by @that-angry-noldo :D thank you so much for the tag!!!
I think most of my friends have been tagged already. But I am pretty sure @niennawept @lordgrimwing @nighttimepatrons @moonlarking @raointean have not been tagged yet so no pressure tag! and also anyone else who has not already been tagged and wants to play!
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hearteyespierce · 11 months ago
tagged by @clockworkcheetah 💞
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
these are a mix of m*a*s*h and dirk gently btw but given the theme of the poll i will perhaps not specify which is which? you may be able to tell though, since i am not great at subterfuge 😅
tagging: @agent-p-94 @farahsamboolents @remyfire @allcanonisrelative @goatyoat @lavinialost @cuddleswinchester @mash1972 and anyone else w/ wips who wants to participate!
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void-botanist · 11 months ago
Badly summarized chosen ones
@kahvilahuhut tagged me for badly summarized ocs and I decided to put a twist on it since I've been thinking about how the various royal spouses were chosen as potential options for the royal family to marry.
I'll tag @vacantgodling, @jezifster and @multi-lefaiye plus an open tag!
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sk1nand-b0nes · 10 months ago
Casino founder and owner who can't handle alcohol, wears guyliner, is a huge flirt in public but just melts in private, chronic migraines, workaholic, stubborn
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nighttimepatrons · 1 year ago
tagged by @runawaymun, i don't have any wips at the moment so here are some of the wips i am reading
tagging people, im sure youve been tagged before but it might be fun to talk about wips you are reading @lordgrimwing @thescrapwitch @feanors-silmarils @heathcliffgirl1847 @curufiin and if anyone else wants to they can say I tagged them!
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authoraemoseley · 1 year ago
Badly Summarized WIP Poll
I was tagged by the lovely @i-can-even-burn-salad
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
I'm sure I have more but those are all the ones I can think of for now XD
Not sure who has or hasn't been tagged, so please consider this an open tag if you'd like to do this!
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treesandwords · 1 year ago
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stereopticons · 11 months ago
summarizing my wips badly!
I was tagged by @kiwiana-writes and @indestructibleheart, thank you lovelies! This is just a selection of them.
Queer feelings through heavy handed metaphors about art and music
A song made me cry so I’m making it your problem
Another song made me cry so now I’m making it David and Patrick’s problem
A canon throwaway line became a throwaway joke in a previous fic so now I have to follow through on that joke
Okay but David actually did ask, though?
Forced proximity and piano sex
Queer feelings, but on a boat full of rich people.
Author projects their feelings about micro aggressions onto local bisexual, more at ten
An excuse for David to get hands on to dress Patrick in the emcee costume
Original recipient of this fic didn’t want smut but David wanted Patrick ass up on the bed
My favorite Hitchcock movie but make it ~gay~
Yet another song made me cry but this time it’s a twylexis problem
David really doesn’t want to go to open mic
An extremely self-indulgent crossover that came out of a group chat conversation about my phone autocorrecting buck to Buck in a Schitt’s Creek fic
Okay but have you seen the expression on David’s face in that scene?
That one time I thought I could write a whole au for SC media fest and failed
As a bonus to this, I invite anyone reading this to send me asks telling me which ones you wanna see next and/or to get more info about any of the above. You might get a snippet, or a bit of outline, or just some unhinged rambling
Tagging @hippolotamus @alienajackson @jettestar @nontoxic-writes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @smblmn @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @apothecarose @treluna4
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duckapus · 1 year ago
Okay, so the first hints of this whole situation happen during an episode where the Mario Bros are hosting the most recent Mario Family Reunion. Surprisingly Emulator isn't actually the focus of the episode despite it being the start of her eldritch corruption arc. Instead the focus characters are the Haltmann siblings. You see, most of the crew, including the newcomers like the Admins and kids, have been around long enough by this point that they've all been able to meet Mario and Luigi's immediate family at least once (Emulator and Mama Mario actually get along really well), but the Haltmann kids have only been around a few months, so while they've met some of the Marios over the phone or webcam this is their first time meeting any of them in person. And of course, their first time meeting them just had to involve meeting all of them at once. The four of them are a little nervous about being able to make a good first impression, especially Vee considering she's...not exactly easy to get along with.
Also nervous about all this is Susie (who as the creator and co-parent of Mario's kids is obviously invited), given it's not exactly a secret how and why her kids were originally created.
So the Haltmann's are having five different flavors of nervous breakdowns, the Crew's being the Crew, Mr. L might decide to crash the party for a scheme since it seems thematically appropriate given he's technically part of the family, and meanwhile mostly in the background Emulator's periodically glitching. Obviously some of the characters are concerned about this given what happened last time that sort of thing started happening with her, particularly Mama Mario, the USBs and Manifest (who obviously got invited given she's Emmy's girlfriend. Some of the Adminspace crew used up more than a few favors to ensure that she got the full reunion off), but she reassures them that it just happens sometimes. Expected consequences of being as old and beat up as she is. Though she does reassure them that she'll get it checked out if it doesn't clear up in a few days, given that she also remembers the bug incident all too well.
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wanderrealms · 3 months ago
Story of a young orphan boy, the 70 year old woman who adopted him, and his hatred towards the fireplace.
And magic.
Also the boy grows up to be a villain with ice powers, but that's like in 15 years time.
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