#winx 3
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firediamondsv · 7 months ago
Fighting, Part One
This is the beginning of the story of how Valtor and I ended up fighting his creators.
But first, some terminology
Being - Equivalent to a mythological god. Something, something, yeah the English language already has a term for this, but it doesn't really feel right to describe powerful entities that aren't part of this dimension's mythology that way.
Technicalities - The natural properties of a person, being, dimension, etc. Usually used to describe things that don't exist in this dimension, like magic or certain kinds of energy.
Multidimensional Theory - The belief that every story is a representation of another dimension.
A Brief Explanation of Naomi History
When I was a child, I was found by Starana, a multidimensional who had been given the power to do anything. I imagine she saw some potential in me, since I had been interested from a young age in trying to figure out why conflict happens, especially through watching my mom play Kingdom Hearts or in shows like Winx. But I was 7, and I couldn't really fight for anything myself yet.
Unfortunately, the technicalities of this dimension prevent multidimensional involvement, but Starana still did everything she could to help me through my difficult childhood. Eventually, when I was a little older, she invited me to Naomi, a dimension she had created, and extended the invitation to help her design it. That gave me a reason to begin to explore the full potential of what I could do in the multidimensional universe, a space where I could finally do what felt right for me. I made friends, realized my dream of standing up for people who couldn't protect themselves, and inevitably made enemies. Some of those enemies attacked Naomi. I defended it, found some allies, and discovered that the information I had gathered from studying conflict made me rather skilled at confrontation. And then things became so much worse for me in this dimension, and the only way for me to get out of that situation was to lose all my childhood memory. I lost my connection with Naomi and the multidimensional universe, and no one knew if I would return.
My Mysterious Desire to Confront People
I returned to the multidimensional universe about a year later, an entirely different person with no memory of their horrible past and little memory of my multidimensional adventures. The memory loss had the intended effect: I could finally be happy and explore my identity freely. All I was left with was a hole where my childhood memory was and the desire to make a difference in the multidimensional universe. Without knowing where that desire came from or that I had done this before, I began to act on that feeling through confronting those who hurt people I cared about in the dimensions represented by the shows I watched at the time. I also helped the allies I had made as a child continue to protect Naomi from the constant attacks it was experiencing (but that's a story for another time).
Enter 4. When he attacked Naomi for the first time in 2011, he saw me as the biggest threat despite having no magic or energy of my own. I was far from the most powerful of our team, and I certainly didn't want power. I was happy enough just using my confrontation skills. Despite that, I would prove him right. Those skills and my natural understanding of psychology made me, even at age 14, a formidable opponent. Of course, I didn't really see that in myself then, so I probably just brushed off his perspective as not knowing me well enough yet. My friends and I defeated him a few months later, and just in time! Later that week, I would start watching Winx 3, and it would change my life.
My Initial Interpretation of Winx 3
Since Winx 3 was by far the most interesting thing I had ever seen, I threw everything I had into understanding it. After watching the backstory shown in episode 7, paying very close attention to Valtor's part of it (oh my god, he was created by beings!), I came up with two theories. Either he's truly a horrible person and did everything his creators wanted him to do by choice, or he isn't a horrible person at all and experienced horrific abuse by his creators' hands. I hoped that by the end of the season, I would be able to confirm if either of those theories were correct. Unfortunately, as evidenced by his creators' extreme hatred of him at the end, it was the latter.
He and the season also made me feel things I had never felt before. By the end of that first viewing, I was completely obsessed with this being-level mess. (I suppose that could refer either to the Winx universe or to Valtor himself.) I hated him at first, but not as much as his creators. In true early adolescent everstar fashion, that hatred only made me want to confront him and try to hold him accountable for everything he did. My other goal to achieve by the end of the season was to figure out a way to talk to him that didn't interfere with the plot of the show. Him being destroyed made that very convenient for me.
Winx Nothingness
Since Valtor was created out of an essence and disappeared completely without leaving a physical body behind when he was destroyed, my multidimensional experience led me to the conclusion that essences can't be completely destroyed. With that technicality, I figured out that he had gone to a dimension I called nonexistence, and most importantly, that I could get him out of that dimension and confront him like I wanted to. I could prove my theory that he had been abused by his creators for an impossibly long length of time and also wanted to see how my confrontation skills compared to his. So, after getting my friends' permission to bring him to Naomi, I showed him a way out of nonexistence, ensuring that he could only go where I wanted him to.
Even though it was scary for me at first, we both look back at Winx Nothingness as a fun experience of confrontation. As 4 was right about me, Valtor was also surprised that I could match him in terms of confrontation skills. Even then, I knew it would take some time for me to get the confirmation I wanted about his creators' hatred of him.
The plan was always to send him back to nonexistence, but somewhere in those three weeks in January 2012, he complained to me about how horrible it was. He had been forced to relive the worst experience of his existence - being destroyed - over and over again. (God, the universe really couldn't give him a break.) It didn't feel right for me to sentence someone to that fate for all eternity, so I began constructing a plan to convince my allies to let me send him to Naomi jail instead. If I could get him to confirm for me that he had been abused by his creators since the beginning of the universe, that would be enough. But he was guarded, and so was I. It might take everything I have, but it would be worth it.
It took a few more confrontations, but I was finally able to piss him off enough so that he'd defensively talk about his past. I had the information I needed, and all that was left to do was wait until the scheduled end of the happening. When that day came and we had our final confrontation, he expected me to send him back to nonexistence. I said no, that despite the fact that my hatred of him had only grown, I'm not that horrible of a person. I sent him to Naomi jail, and all was peaceful until 4 attacked Naomi again that summer.
Part two coming soon.
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pinkpetalsandcoffee · 24 days ago
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Credits: @lilytea_art
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win-x · 10 months ago
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appreciation post for musa's long pigtails
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eatingsomegreeneggos · 11 days ago
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Gen Art Februari: Rain - Layla & Musa ☔️🫂
I adore their friendship so much, it’s truly magical ✨
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yantarnii · 5 months ago
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blueberriena · 11 months ago
I realised i forgot to post the finished version of my Winx Nami 💗
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idiotthatdrawsakaartist · 2 months ago
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Everyone make way, Fairy of Music coming through UwU
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reddoll123 · 8 months ago
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Aisha/Layla, fairy of waves~
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notsosecretlyalesbian · 26 days ago
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Eve Best as Farah Dowling in Fate: The Winx Saga | 01×03: Heavy Mortal Hopes
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fear0phobia · 4 months ago
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jayden revri in fate: the winx saga
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ragazziamagix · 5 months ago
Reasons why I think season 2 was peak
Aisha's introduction to the group
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she came to serve peak
Helia's introduction
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he delivered beauty and romance
The pixies I actually like them
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This episode of Riven supporting musa (epi 15)
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you tell them Riven
Episodes 21 and 22 (I literally would love if the reboot would use more episodes like that
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look at Riven serving looks
This Stella moment (go save Brandon u-u)
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Friendship bonding! :D cute
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Flora iconic daydream
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dont worry girl your dream will come true
Iconic episode: Hallowinx!
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Team Work at Cloud Tower, honestly the teamwork in general was peak in this season
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This Stella and Aisha
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THE VILLAINS! Darkar is SO underrated seriously I kinda wish on this fandom he was more discussed lol and obviously Dark Bloom forever iconic
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THE ROMANCE, I really think season 2 had the best romantic moments ❤
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The end ? Anyway s 2 is queen (because I can't even talk more, this season is just complete, good writing very nice villains great new characters that will stick for ever, team work delivered in more than just a few episodes... The action was good, the romance was sweet, and the fun episodes were great I think this season is where winx is at their best writing tho I understand why s 3 is the most loved ~ enchantix is the most iconic form)
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darwh · 11 months ago
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emsartwork · 1 year ago
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Previously Fairy of the Dragon Flame now Fairy of Embers. She doesn't have any transformations others than these because she was fast tracked into the nymphix path, and unlike the winx the majority of fairies don't pursue additional transformations past enchantix. (i think Daphne would be interested in Dreamix tho, so maybe I'll draw that eventually.
Her major color shifted after dying and being revived, which is shown in her winx and enchantix.
other lore and design notes below!
I changed her major color from orange/yellow to more of a teal/green because. she just doesn't look good in yellow I'm sorry I really tried but it wasn't working. Also little updates to her hair color, nothing huge tho. Daphne's primary motifs are a branching "Y" shape and a double oval/tear drop. She's a pants when possible girlie and a one set winger(yes her nymphix looks like it have multiple wings but they all merge into one stem on each side) . Her scars from her Sirenix being ripped out of her caused her winx/enchantix to change a little to cover them(mostly seen in the arms) due to insecurity. Her Dryadix/nymphix flower is a daffodil! because pun Daph-Daff, and Daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings (also creativity, energy, resilience, forgiveness and vitality). Her Harpix wings aren't super specificly patterned, but she has darting wings common in small song and seed birds (robins, finches, brown birds etc.) the coloring is referential of a Shrike (also called a Butcher Bird), because Daphne was. incredibly dangerous and if she had sided with the ancestral probably would have been given a moniker similar to Butcher of Domino or Daphne the Slaughterer. (some people do call her these but its mostly among people who dislike Domino/The Royal Family.)
Lore! Daphne doesn't have a great sense of self, she was planned as a necessary successor to Marion/the dragon flame in a period as the ancestral witches were escalating their attacks and search for the dragon flame. Bloom was a back up baby in case both Daphne and Marion got dead and basically worked as intended haha. Daphne was also much more publicly involved in the kingdom than many of the other royals in winx (Stella, Aisha, Krystal and even Galatea to an extent all had rather sheltered upbringings) in a way Daphne is much more like Sky and Thoren in the since that none of them really had the space to develop their own personality outside of their familial duty.
Daphne's 1st winx and enchantixes are as direct a copy of her mom's Enchantix as you can get with transformations, right down to the more greenish tint of her major color. Growing up Marion used her fairy form liberally, so that, combined with being the next Dragon Flame holder left a deep impact on Daphne's subconscious. Daphne was also heavily influenced by Faragonda during her Alfea and Nymphix Quest years, but since she was older this isn't as deep an influence. After being revived, Daphne's years of defining herself as her connection to Bloom causes her major color to shift more blue in response to her trauma. Daphne is slowly starting to develop a sense of self outside of her titles/connections but it's unlikely her major color will shift again unless she has another major trauma.
(for the record the Winx do have trauma over the timeline I have laid out that would potentially cause their major colors to shift but I didn't do that for a couple reasons 1, their colors are iconic and make them easily recognizable as characters; 2, I'm a tired bitch. )
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1v31182m5 · 5 months ago
Old man Ogron
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The idea of immortality goes into forever but of course they can still be killed by somebody else, so as long as eternity sounds they still would die you know. And I thought about it for a while, I came to the idea that Ogron would maybe be the last one alive. No this isn't a sad story type of thing Ogron is in peace with his memories and not in agony. This is just so long time skip of -I tried to find where I said it but failed miserably- when I headcanonning that Ogron would want to be those classical wizards during his elder days with this vibe around him. You knoww the "wizard"tm
A couple of details I want to mention
-the wizards were the 4 kings of Tir Na Nog for a long time so of course they influenced it over the centuries, the emblem on Ogron's hat is a symbol of "fairy hunter" it's like how war veterans have it. There's status of those emblems that represents your count. Ogron's is "uncountable amount Fairy Hunter", which is the highest that he wears with pride there's an X on the middle and wing symbols next to it.
-there's 3 circles on top of that on his hat those circles are to honour the other 3 black circle wizards and the same goes for the 3 circles on the thread holding his cape together infront of his chest.
-He's holding the black circle on top of his hat instead of hiding it inside of him. He's obviously stronger now so he doesn't even needs to do that.
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ultra-art-blog · 1 year ago
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wtfastaroth · 2 months ago
2 artists 1 base collab with @snarky-art
With Bloom and Daphne, or at least my version of Daphne in her nymph form
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Our styles match so well, i hope to do more collabs with them in the future!!!
Hope u guys like my Daphne and their Bloom
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