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joemardesichcms ¡ 2 months ago
Effective Negotiation Techniques for Commercial Loan Brokers!
Negotiation is a fundamental skill for commercial loan brokers, as it can make a significant difference in the outcome of loan transactions for both borrowers and lenders. Effective negotiation techniques enable brokers to advocate for their clients' interests, secure favorable terms and conditions, and build strong relationships with lenders. By mastering the art of negotiation, brokers can create win-win scenarios that benefit all parties involved. Here are key tips on how to negotiate terms and conditions effectively as a commercial loan broker. 1. Preparation is Key:
Before entering into negotiations, brokers should conduct thorough preparation to understand the client's needs, assess the lender's preferences, and identify potential areas for compromise. Research market conditions, benchmark interest rates, and gather relevant data to support your negotiation position. By being well-prepared, brokers can approach negotiations with confidence and credibility. 2. Focus on Building Relationships:
Effective negotiation is not just about getting the best deal—it's also about building and maintaining positive relationships with lenders. Take the time to establish rapport, demonstrate professionalism, and show respect for the lender's perspective. Building trust and goodwill with lenders can lead to more favorable outcomes and long-term collaboration. 3. Understand Your Client's Priorities:
To negotiate effectively on behalf of your client, it's essential to understand their priorities and objectives. Take the time to listen to their concerns, preferences, and constraints. Tailor your negotiation strategy to align with your client's goals, whether it's securing a lower interest rate, flexible repayment terms, or additional financing options. By advocating for your client's interests, you can build trust and loyalty that extends beyond the current transaction. 4. Seek Win-Win Solutions:
Effective negotiation is about finding mutually beneficial solutions that satisfy the needs of both the borrower and the lender. Look for opportunities to create value and address the interests of all parties involved. Be creative and flexible in exploring alternative options and compromises that meet the underlying needs of both sides. By seeking win-win solutions, brokers can build goodwill, strengthen relationships, and pave the way for future collaboration. 5. Maintain a Positive Attitude:
Negotiation can be challenging, especially when faced with tough or resistant negotiators. It's essential to maintain a positive attitude, remain calm and composed, and avoid becoming adversarial or confrontational. Focus on the merits of your argument, present your case logically and persuasively, and be willing to listen and adapt to the other party's perspective. By approaching negotiations with a positive and constructive mindset, brokers can foster a collaborative atmosphere and increase the likelihood of reaching a satisfactory agreement. 6. Follow Up and Follow Through:
Negotiation doesn't end when the terms are agreed upon—it's essential to follow up and follow through on commitments made during the negotiation process. Ensure that all agreed-upon terms and conditions are documented accurately in the loan agreement and communicated clearly to all parties involved. Maintain open lines of communication with the lender throughout the loan process, providing updates and addressing any concerns promptly and professionally. By demonstrating reliability and accountability, brokers can strengthen relationships and lay the foundation for future success.
Effective negotiation is a critical skill for commercial loan brokers, enabling them to advocate for their clients' interests, secure favorable terms and conditions, and build strong relationships with lenders. By mastering the art of negotiation and following key techniques such as preparation, relationship-building, understanding client priorities, seeking win-win solutions, maintaining a positive attitude, and following up and following through, brokers can create value for their clients and foster long-term success in the competitive landscape of commercial loan brokering.
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thebigfeature ¡ 2 years ago
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pixilets ¡ 4 years ago
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#StartupLearningSeries - Business Negotiation In most of our #BusinessNegotiations, #startups try to drive a hard #bargain, giving away not a penny more than is necessary even as they strive to ensure that our counterpart is satisfied with their own outcome. However, the #BusinessRelationship is compromised. Figuring out who should get what is rarely easy, but #CreativeSolutions to #problems in #negotiation do exist. Approaching business negotiations with a #CreativeMindset will not only preserve a #relationship but also add significant value for both sides creating #WinWinSolutions. This comprehensive and highly practical learning series will equip participants with the right skills and multiple #NegotiationStrategies for better business relationships and grow. Register Now! Registration Link in Bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNIIKnj74a/?igshid=v0hj4r6r8cko
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jjagtiani ¡ 7 years ago
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Centre for #Mediation & #Conciliation by Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (@bombaychamber ) .... Finding CommonGround, evolving #WinWinSolutions. Event Highlights: 1. Keynote Address on #Opportunities for Mediation in #IndianBusiness Environment by Hon’ble Justice Mr. V.M Kanade(Retd.), Former Judge, Hon’ble High Court of Bombay. 2. Introduction to CMC by Mr. Sumit Banerjee, Chief Mentor, Centre for Mediation & Conciliation 3. Open Forum for Q&A moderated by Mr. Vijay Srirangan, Director General, Bombay Chamber 4. #CaseStudy on Mediation Success in Corporate Sector by Mr. Anuroop Omkar, Commercial Mediator, Corporate Lawyer & External Advisor to CMC 5. Panel Discussion on “How Can Mediation Succeed in India?”, moderated by Mr. Tarun Nangia, Associate Director, NewsX TV (at Vivanta by Taj President)
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infoseminar ¡ 3 years ago
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Jadwal Training Negotiation & Lobbying Skill. Info Seminar Negotiation & Lobbying Skill tersedia public training dan in house training secara online dan offline class. Tujuan training: 1. Mampu menguasai seni dan keterampilan negosiasi/lobby yang professional 2. Mampu dan terampil dalam melakukan serta menghadapi/mengimbangi berbagai strategi yang muncul dalam proses negosiasi/lobby 3. Mampu mengantisipasi dan mengatasi masalah-masalah dalam negosiasi/lobby sehingga deadlock dapat dihindari dan akhirnya menghasilkan situasi yang win-win solution. Info seminar training lengkap: WA: 0851-0197-2488 Jadwal training lengkap: https://www.informasi-seminar.com Info Training Negotiation & Lobbying Skill: https://www.informasi-seminar.com/negotiation-lobbying-skill/ #infoseminar #infotraining #jadwalseminar #jadwaltraining #jadwalpelatihan #seminar #training #pelatihan #onlinetraining #publictraining #inhousetraining #diklat #workshop #seminaronline #negotiationskill #lobbyingskill #skill #tekniknegosiasi #business #winwinsolution (at Jakarta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWYogyJBZU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evanjgross ¡ 3 years ago
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We stopped someone from losing their house to the sheriff sale auction today with minutes remaining. All from a door knock. We can help stop foreclosure, save your house, and credit. We don’t always have to buy the house but can still provide value. #stopforeclosure #preforeclosure #sheriffsale #winwinsolution #savehouse #preventforeclosure #realestatesolutions #realestatesolution (at Ewing, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZN2YHFstLP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mywifebuysmobilehomes ¡ 3 years ago
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Has Your Mobile Home Become a Financial Burden? Facing Bankruptcy? Job transfer or Relocation?  Little or no Equity?  Over financed? No Problem!
My Wife Buys Mobile Homes in Polk, Pasco & Hillsborough Counties.  We can buy fast without hassle. Any condition, size, age, land or no land. Call us today at 863.808.0099 or at mywifebuys.com
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petrinfinity ¡ 7 years ago
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Christmas Tree Oh Christmas trees all year round! 🌲 🍀💚🍀 🌲 #rockinaroundthechristmastree #williesreserve #everyharvestischristmas #itsallgoingtopot #rollmeupandsmokemewhenidie #onlysmokethefinest #sacredplant #cannabiscommunity #independentcannabisfarmers #cannabinoidnourishment #blessyourhigh #cooperationovercompetition #winwinsolutions #reliefplease #gratitude (at Colorado)
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bungayangbermekaran ¡ 5 years ago
Mikirin anak seperti apa sebelum mikirin nikah #winwinsolution 😍
Sekolah, Anak, dan Tren
Barusan ngobrol dikit sama kakak ipar yang anaknya TK. Jaman sekarang sudah jadi rahasia umum lah sekolah banyak yang mahal, sesuai dengan fasilitas yang didapat. Gw pingin tahu bener sih, fasilitasnya tuh apa aja sih yang membedakan? Apakah fasilitas itu kemudian membantu anak menumbuhkan minat bakat dan yang paling penting akhlaknya? Gw lebih suka kalau fasilitasnya berupa pendidik-pendidik yang berkualitas dan berkepribadian baik, yang tegas dan mampu mendisiplinkan anak dengan cara lembut.
Kalau sekolah negeri atau yang biasa sih ya gak mahal, selama ini gw sekolah negeri juga baik-baik saja. Tapi lagi gak tren, haha. Gila ya, sekolah kok ikutin tren. Sebagian ibu - ibu juga nyekolahin anaknya di tempat bonafid karena gengsinya. Makan tuh gengsi. Dan ga usah deny, bahwa sebagian sekolah tuh udah menjadikan pendidikan sebagai komoditas bisnis. 
Gw jadi bingung nanti kalau anak sekolah mau digimanain. Mau ikutin tren sekolah Islam Terpadu, juga kudu pilih-pilih mana yang emang baik bagi anak atau yang kurang sreg di hati. Karena sejarahnya di kota gw, sekolah Islam Terpadu tidak menentukan sebaik apa akhlak anaknya. Hafalan dan pengetahuan iya barangkali, tapi ketulusan hati ga bisa kita serahkan ke sekolah, bawaan dari rumah itu mah.
Mau sekolah umum, tapi pingin juga anak dapat ilmu tambahan terkait agama dari luar, selain dari orang tuanya sendiri. Sempat kepikiran anak mau home schooling aja lah, tapi pingin juga anak punya banyak temen main dan punya foto wisudaan alumni. Hahaha.
Akhirnya, waktu bantuin mertua bungkusin cabe untuk dijual besok di pasar, gw kepikiran beberapa kali obrolan dengan suami tentang pola asuh nanti kalau punya anak. Kami sepakat pada beberapa hal prinsipal mau punya anak yang seperti apa, hanya masih berdebat perihal strategi teknis bagaimana mewujudkannya.
Bentar, ada suami ngintip gw nulis. Rese emang tuh cowok.
Oke, terus gw nemu cara, makanya langsung nulis ini biar gak lupa. Jadi, teringat pesan seorang coach kalau kita mau melakukan sesuatu, kita harus set lebih dulu tujuan kita. Dengan tahu tujuan kita, kita akan mencari tahu teknis seperti apa untuk mewujudkannya, hal ini mengurangi hal-hal yang sia - sia. 
Jadi, gw pikir, kita bisa tuh dengan menulis seperti apa harapan kita secara prinsipal tentang anak kita. Tentu hal ini tergantung dengan karakter dasar si anak dan bagaimana kebutuhannya ketika lahir nantinya. Akan tetapi, kita pasti punya bayangan akhlak secara umum seperti apa yang kita harapkan dari anak kita nanti bukan? 
Dari list itu, barangkali bisa melakukan riset, secara teknis anaknya cocoknya sekolah dimana, usia berapa, dan biayanya berapa, lalu orang tua harus bagaimana. Dengan punya tujuan jelas, kita gak banyak terpengaruh dengan tren dan omongan orang yang tidak sesuai dengan tujuan kita. Misalnya ibu-ibu arisan yang komentar, “kok anaknya belum disekolahin sih udah 4 tahun? Anak aku aja udah mau daftar ulang cuma masih bingung masuk UGM apa ITB, habisnya sama-sama bagus jurusan Elektro nya.”
Blahh, kayak gitu sih ya. Untuk saat ini, gw banyak belajar dari teman - teman dan orang - orang yang duluan punya anak. Banyak yang bisa diambil dari mereka, tentu yang positif. 
Yaelah Din, anak lair juga belom, tuju bulanan juga belom. Udah mikir kesitu. Well, karena punya anak seperti apa sudah jadi cita - cita gw jauh sebelum menikah, jadi gw bahkan udah mikirin anak sebelum mikirin nikah. :D
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write-read-smile ¡ 8 years ago
Menu sahur : fillet ayam, ayam dari masjid, sisa fillet cod, jus pisang stroberi
Menu buka : dendeng balado, brokoli
Hari ini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman pertama buka di masjid. Masih terasa dan hangat di ingatan saya saat menjalani Ramadhan di tanah suci, dua tahun silam. Saat itu setiap hari kami berbuka di masjid, saya yang saat itu hamil adik (4 bulan), memilih mengambil keringanan untuk tidak berpuasa, tetapi bisa menikmati berbagai sajian buka puasa di Masjid Nabawi dan Masjidil Haram. Berbagai makanan khas timur tengah dapat kami nikmati dengan cuma-cuma.
Ternyata konsep berbuka puasa di masjid As Shahaba ini, mirip dengan masjid di tanah suci, terutama di bagian para lelaki. Panitia akan menghamparkan plastik di atas karpet, kemudian menyiapkan makanan dan minuman di depan jamaah, jamaah akan memakan makanan yang ada di depan mereka. Menunya nasi kebuli, kurma, jus, dan berbagai masakan timur tengah lainnya. Sedangkan untuk perempuan, kami perlu ke dapur mengantri untuk mengambil makanan sesuai yang kami inginkan, kemudian duduk bersama beralaskan plastik panjang.
Abay yang merupakan penyuka makanan timur tengah, dengan senang hati berbuka tiap hari di masjid. Umay yang awalnya kesal karena abay buka di luar, kini dengan senang hati menyambut ajakan abay ke masjid, meskipun di akhiri dengan, “Umay mah lebih suka buka di rumah bay, enakan masakan umay. hehe. Tetapi abay gapapa buka di masjid aja, jadi jatah buat abay buka, bisa dipakai buat sahur, umay ga usah masak lagi. Yeay!” #winwinsolution
Selepas berbuka dengan kurma, buah-buahan, susu dan jus, kami salat maghrib berjamaah. Ini kali pertama saya salat berjamaah di masjid dekat rumah, tenang dan menentramkan rasanya. Meski demikian, saya akui shaf di masjid Salman ITB tetap yang terbaik! Di sini, posisi antar jamaah saat salat masih berjarak, dan saat saya berusaha merapatkan kaki saya pada jamaah di sebelah, ia menghindar. Tetapi, tak masalah. Mungkin ada perbedaan fiqih yang belum saya pahami atau,, entahlah. Yang terpenting kita sudah memilih untuk salat berjamah dengan bonus bersilaturahmi.
Setelah salat maghrib pukul 9.30-an, kami lanjutkan dengan berbuka dengan cara di atas. Kemudian pulang dan kembali untuk salat isya pukul 11-an malam, salat tarawih sampai jam 1-an malam. Kami bisa memilih untuk tidur atau tetap terjaga untuk sahur pukul 2 dini hari, karena adzan subuh berkumandang pukul 3 dini hari.
Jadi kami berpuasa selama 18 jam, ya, 18 jam yang takan terlupa 😃
Jurnal Ramadhan UmayAbay #4 Menu sahur : fillet ayam, ayam dari masjid, sisa fillet cod, jus pisang stroberi Menu buka : dendeng balado, brokoli…
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marlenlife ¡ 10 years ago
Discussing Game Theory, Tit for Tat, Survival of the Fittest and a New World Win-Win Order BBC Horizon - Nice Guys Finish First (Richard Dawkins, 1987) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA4dZ6NVNbk Living Income Guaranteed for Win-Win Solutions http://livingincome.me/
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digital-marketing-partner ¡ 11 years ago
3 Basic Steps to Writing a Good Marketing Video Script
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1. Write a brief – This allows the whole team to boil down their ideas and goals to the absolute essentials and will ensure the project doesn't go off scope. The brief can also be referenced when anyone sees things suggesting the project is going off scope. A sampling of questions to ask are: - What is the goal of the video? - Who is the target audience? - What is the essential topic? (For example, you are in the candle business and may choose a topic like sourcing the right wax.) - Identify video takeaways. - Identify the call-to-action.
2. Write your script – this is strictly functional and will ease the effort of the actors/spokesperson(s) to deliver their message, naturally. A few tips: - Write conversationally - Write thorough dialogue. Include every single word. - Ensure you differentiate the main dialogue from text overlays, voiceovers or B-Rolls. - Keep it succinct/short/brief.
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3. Organize a Table Read – this is critical. Message flow anomalies, or message delivery problems will be exposed here, not because of the readers, but because of the scripted dialogue. This will also accustom the people being filmed to their “characters”.
WinWin is proud to have video production companies as members who are also discovering new ways to increase revenue, decrease expenses, fill capacity and grow. www.WinWinUSA.com
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mywifebuysmobilehomes ¡ 3 years ago
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Need to Sell a Mobile Home in Hillsborough County Because Life Happened?
Life events can create many problems. We believe these challenges should be overcome as soon as possible so that you can breathe easier. We know that selling a property can be stressful – that’s why we want to make the process as easy as possible. 
We can HELP prevent Foreclosure and protect your Credit. 
For more information, call at 863.808.0099 or at mywifebuys.com
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mywifebuysmobilehomes ¡ 4 years ago
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We Are Looking to Buy Mobile Homes All Over Polk County! 
We treat everyone just like family and always deliver on our promise – to create win-win solutions for everyone we work with. We’ll do all the heavy lifting!
You will get a simple no hassle closing at NO COST TO YOU! 
Call us today at 863.808.0099. mywifebuys.com
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mywifebuysmobilehomes ¡ 4 years ago
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We Are Looking to Buy Mobile Homes All Over Polk County! 
We treat everyone just like family and always deliver on our promise – to create win-win solutions for everyone we work with. We’ll do all the heavy lifting! You will get a simple no hassle closing at NO COST TO YOU! 
Call us today at 863.808.0099. mywifebuys.com
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evanjgross ¡ 4 years ago
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Do you have or know someone who has a house like this, and you’re tired of having to keep that thang on you to chase off the crackheads squatting in it? Let me buy it! Don’t worry about what shape it’s in cuz after that video, I wanna see if I can demo a house with some twisted tea! #ibuyhouses #webuyhouses #asis #realestateinvestor #realestateinvestors #mercercountynj #newjersey #nj #pa #pennsylvania #sellmeyourhouse #ibuy #winwinsolution #winwinsolutionswebuyhouse #twistedtea #problemproperty #sellhousefast #sellhousenj #cashforhouses #cash4houses #cash4homes #mercercounty #trentonnj #ewingnj #hamiltonnj #lawrencenj #bordentownnj #chambersburg #trenton #housebuying (at Mercer County, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJcIptNH2rl/?igshid=8lw6v9rt7g1o
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