#winter and the dry season
mdpthatsme · 2 years
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Winter and the Dry Season is FREE for five days!
Winter Solstice is here and Winter is unenthused about their Season; however, as ice and snow storms are cast into Weather Maker to disperse, an error catches Winter's eye. They investigate to find that the error is much worse than they can ever fear. Someone - another Season - is interfering and creating a Dry Season. With the help of a cheerful weather worker, Winter must find a solution to this problem or it could have devastating effects on the Mortal Realm.
Jack Frost
sunshine x gloomy
elemental magic
non-binary characters
"snow days"
ice versus fire
You can find it HERE.
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gayvampyr · 6 months
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nuheyenuh · 4 months
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Dudleya sp. and Philotes sonorensis
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crykea · 2 years
Maaaaaaajor love to yall w eczema and skin disorders w this season change. It's Always rough and I love you and you're beautiful
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heresiae · 4 months
for the second year in a row we're having a rain season in Northen Italy. if it will repeat itself the next one it should get at least a cool name. it's the least that can happen to mitigate the fact that I'm doing laundry calculating how many sun hours we have before I have to collect it from the clothesline.
(and that I put the comforter away literally last week and I still have a heavy quilt on the bed... it's still only 21°C in my house ffs!)
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tetrameryxx · 3 months
Seasonal depression but for summer: BEGIN!!
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wickedcriminal · 1 year
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nkogneatho · 8 months
i forgot my lotion and now my elbows and knees look like i fell on powder
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monstrousdaughter · 2 months
haven't gone to the beach once this whole month not even a pool. killing myself
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frostise · 2 months
❝ you can't intimidate me. ❞
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❝ plants die in the cold, ❞ she had told it in a matter-of-fact tone while gesturing to the decaying flowers covered in frostbite resting under the shade of the tree. the sunrays stream through the leaves of the trees and hopelessly kiss away the ice. it was enough evidence to suggest the natural workings of winter had transitioned into spring. ❝ they shrivel up and die if nobody is there to take care of them. some plants can withstand a cold snap, but most aren't resilient enough to survive the winter. ❞
louise was mostly entertained by the striking resemblance of those flowers contrasting her previous victims when their body heat was stolen and with it, their life. but unlike plants who wilt away silently, humans had mouths with high pitch vocals that could pierce glass and sing a killer's favourite tune.
a pleasant hum ensues at the thought of it. ❝ kinda reminds me of— ❞ but she doesn't get the chance to finish off her sentence when 'bloom' had an immediate response to it.
louise manages to tear her gaze away from his vine covered body before it did any more damage, now looking up to see the hostility evident on his face as she considers her next words carefully and decides to maintain an appropriate distance away with no sudden movements.
a frown wrinkles her forehead. ❝ relax, i wasn't trying to freak you out. i was going to say dying plants remind me of my work. you don't have to worry about me stirring up a snowstorm in your home. trust me. ❞ a friendly smile appears in hopes it would clear the tension, ❝ you absorb energy from the sun and i'm taking a educated guess you have to maintain how much you can take until it becomes too much. you're...somewhat like me. ❞
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mdpthatsme · 2 years
From the same universe as To Muse and Dream Heavenly, the second tale of the Immortal Realm, Winter and the Dry Season, is now available for ebook. It is just 99¢.
Jack Frost
sunshine x gloomy
elemental magic
non-binary characters
"snow days"
ice versus fire
You can find it HERE on Amazon.
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thatbitchsimone · 2 years
ive been looking extra gorgeous lately for some reason. thats how u know we are approaching springtime like all the girlies start glowing like theres just something in the air i swear
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4phr0d17e · 4 months
its raining and its also kind of sunny so the plants are the most vibrant shade of green and everything is a little bit golden .... life is worth living
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boggedybloggedy · 7 months
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We were worried about downed trees (from Hurricanes) blocking this access road, when we should have been worried about El Niño 🤦‍♀️
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bigpaw · 1 year
at the start of a new school year I'm asking kids all the hard-hitting questions like "what's your favorite season" and some of their reasoning for their answers made me curious, so:
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poetryofmuses · 2 years
Have you ever noticed how nobody ever talks about any other month more than they talk about October
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