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kahran042 · 1 year ago
Breath of Fire headcanon
Winlan is the country; Windia/Wyndia is the capital city.
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cxs-workshops · 2 years ago
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Sleeby Pebs 💤
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suraht · 8 months ago
Breath of Fire updates for the week:
We managed to get through the Karma Forest with a healthy dose of mushroom snacks, and the tower Nina is heading towards is in sight. Everything's been going well so far, so let's see if her luck holds up.
To no one's surprise, Nina is going to need some help after all. It turns out the wizard was ready for the bird people to retaliate for the whole king-poisoning thing, and had a nasty surprise for them.
The wizard defeated and Winlan saved for now, Ryu and Nina head east towards the sister towns of Tantar and Tuntar, only to find more Dark Dragon Clan shenanigans have plugged up the nearby river to try to force the towns to give up a ring.
We went through the Forest of Despair and raided a fortress, only to be tricked by a disguised general and then bailed out by a wolf-person named Bo. That uses a bow. And probably is good at tying bows on presents.
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saturnaous · 8 months ago
You should do Edling for the ship bingo or uhhh panwin/lanwin (panynia x winry or Lan Fan x winry, or poly of them ig)
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edling. . . honestly I really like edling they are so silly. Honestly I will say I am a big "canon but I will play with my touys too" so I can really see the appeal to edling but I get torn between edwin and edling (heavy sigh). within canon I like to stick to edwin but. I will of course play with my touys. but ALSO within canon I like to think that maybe perhaps there is a bit of a romance between them but due to their situations they cannot be together(when the ruler and the traveling scholar or whatever. . .so sad). but edling is sooo neat teehee.
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panlanwin or whatever. .. I just slapped things together or whatever vaguely gestures.
I love winlan. panwin is something I haven't really thought up but seems so neat. I think lanfan probably has to go to amestris often to get her automail worked on sometimes maybe. wimby. and the panneria. . . anyways IDK I don't really have thoughts on them sadly besides llike. the winfan to the edling. but they are SOOOO neat to me I should watch them in a pretri dish or something maybe. teehee
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killscreencinema · 5 years ago
Breath of Fire (SNES)
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Back in the day, when I was introduced to RPGs via Final Fantasy III for the SNES, that kicked off my love for the genre and I eagerly gobbled up any other RPG I could get my hands on, especially if it was made by SquareSoft. 
So when I played Breath of Fire, imagine my surprise at how underwhelming I found it at the time.  First of all, I was thrown off by SquareSoft’s association with it, mistakenly thinking they had developed the game, when they had only localized it for American audiences.  Nevertheless, Capcom, who are the actually developers, was a well-known and trusted brand for me at the time, so that made me doubly disappointed at the game.  I never finished it and haven’t revisited the game since. 
Flash forward to the present, when I subscribed to the Switch Online and found Breath of Fire as one of the featured games.  I decided to give it another try, now that I’m a much more seasoned and patient a gamer than I was as an adolescent. 
I still hated it.
Breath of Fire, released in 1993, has you play as Ryu, one of the few surviving members of the Light Dragon Clan, who is being exterminated by their enemy, the Plaid Dragon Clan.  Nah, I’m just kidding, they’re the Dark Dragon Clan.  You roam the world, teaming up with an interesting menagerie of characters to foil the rival clan’s evil plans, and unlocking Ryu’s latent dragon powers in the process. 
When I say that I hated the game, don’t misunderstand me - it’s not necessarily bad.  The graphics are colorful and the enemy design is extremely well done.  The music is excellent, with a lot of catchy, toe-tapping themes throughout that make the incredibly tedious and monotonous gameplay a little more bearable. 
You may be saying, “If you don’t like the gameplay, welcome to J-RPGs idiot!”  Well.... that’s true to an extent I suppose.  Then again, if nothing else, SquareSoft’s SNES library stands as proof that a J-RPG doesn’t have to be an onerous “press A to win” slap battle, nor does exploration have to be a laborious slog through a mercilessly frequent enemy encounter rate.  Square’s are so perfectly balanced in this regard, with some of the best storytelling in video game history to tie it all together. 
Breath of Fire fails in many of these respects, with a battle system so simplistic it features an option where you can set it on automatic.  It’s almost like the developers were like, “Yeah, we know this shit is boring - set it on auto-pilot and maybe read a book or something.”  When the player is taken out of the game to that extent, it feels kind of pointless to even play it.  Maybe if the story were really good, that would be incentive enough to power through, but it’s pretty generic fare, but with some neat world building and characters that are much better realized in future entries.  I do love the variety of fantasy characters that live in the world of Breath of Fire, from the angelic bird people of Winlan, to the dog people of the Forest Clan, and so on.  If nothing else, this game does lay a solid foundation from which the sequels build off.
The game can also be frustrating to get through due to many moments where you’ll essentially hit a deadend unless you speak to a particular character in a town or village.  It’s not always obvious this is the issue, so you’ll waste time wandering about, wondering what to do next until you either figure it out naturally or refer to a walkthrough.  I can easily imagine this happening to me as a kid, and without internet to help me out, I probably quit the game in disgust.  It doesn’t help that you can’t move two steps without getting drawn into a battle or that your character moves so slow you’d think he was trying not to shit his pants. 
At the end of the day, Breath of Fire is a fine game, if you’re patient enough to muscle through its flaws.  However, you might be better off skipping this one and playing Breath of Fire II, which fixes a lot of the issues mentioned (although the encounter rate is still insane - go figure) and gives a much better first impression for the series.  Then again, I’m only working from the faint memory of enjoying the game as a kid - I guess I’ll have to replay here soon to see if it still holds up!
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atlantiselectionrp · 7 years ago
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Oh, aquela ali não é LYANNA MAERA ORTEANNS? Todos no palácio cochicham quando ela passa nos corredores, afirmando que seja uma SELECIONADA. Possuindo seus VINTE E CINCO anos e nativa de WINLAN, a dama é patronada pelo próprio ARES, verdade. Dizem que ela é muito parecida com uma mortal, LINDSEY MORGAN, pena que a barreira as distancie, dariam irmãs gêmeas.
Lyanna nasceu de uma família de Winlan, com uma boa qualidade de vida; seu pai era caçador e fornecia carne fresca e selvagem para as províncias. Antes mesmo do seu nascimento, seu pai sonhava em ter um menino para acompanhá-lo nas caçadas, o homem ficou desapontado quando soube que era uma garotinha que havia nascido, mas ao pegá-la no colo pela primeira vez, sentiu um afeto do qual não conseguia explicar, nascendo assim um pai devoto. Mesmo criança, Maera perturbava o seu pai para juntá-lo nas caçadas, mesmo sabendo que o mesmo sempre iria negar, até que no dia em que ela desistiu de pedir para ir junto, o homem a chamou para caçar com ele, tornando-se um hobby dos dois.
Seu pai a ensinou as suas técnicas e habilidades nas caçadas, fazendo-a ser uma grande arqueira e caçadora ao longo do tempo. Ao chegar na adolescência, seu pai também a ensinou a empunhar uma espada e a usá-la, caso fosse necessário algum dia, algo que ele havia aprendido no treinamento obrigatório à todos os cidadãos de Atlantis. Fora nesse treinamento inclusive, que seu pai e sua mãe se encontraram, segundo o homem dizia a Lyanna. Seu pai a contava histórias sobre a costa e sobre as sereias, mencionando vez por outra a caça às mulheres que seduziam marinheiros e eram mortais, colocando o sonho na cabeça de Lyanna de se tornar uma caçadora daqueles seres. Mas a mesma nunca chegou a ter a oportunidade de visitar a costa, tampouco de caçar uma sereia.
A menina sempre fora muito afeiçoada ao seu pai, até mais do que era com sua mãe; aos quatorze anos de Maera, o seu pai faleceu, deixando-a sozinha com sua mãe. Ambas sempre tiveram um laço muito bom, mas a morte do homem da família as separou; sua mãe estava constantemente distraída e Maera passava parte do tempo caçando mais do que o necessário para ocupar a mente e ignorar os sentimentos que sentia; sempre descontava sua raiva nos troncos de árvores da floresta. Suas notas na escola sofreram uma pequena decadência pela fase que ela estava passando. Aos dezesseis anos, Lyanna fora levada ao treinamento obrigatório, por inúmeras vezes, durante sua formação, Lyanna fracassava, o que a fazia ficar furiosa consigo mesma pois sempre tivera tanta certeza de que o que seu pai ensinara durante sua vida era o melhor. Claramente haviam outros que se destacavam mais do que a garota. Mas Maera fora esculpindo o seu caminho até estar entre uma dos melhores em seu treinamento, destacando-se por amadurecer naquele meio e tirando algumas das melhores notas. Mesmo assim, não estava orgulhosa com seus triunfos. Ainda queria mais, sentia que necessitava de mais destaque do que já tinha, que não era o suficiente, e continuou até se tornar uma dos melhores treinados. Tornou-se uma das mais rígidas no treinamento, sua raiva a consumia o tempo todo, mas ela não sabia do que era nutrido aquele sentimento. Mais tarde de sua vida, descobrira que sentia raiva de seu pai por tê-la deixado sozinha.
Após o termino do treinamento, Lyanna voltou para casa apenas para se despedir da mãe antes de ir embora em uma viagem que acreditava ser a solução para os seus sentimentos, e realmente foi. Sobrevivera com nada além do que conseguia para si mesma, andou por muito tempo e conheceu muitas províncias, fez algumas amizades ao longo do caminho que percorrera, amizades que prometeu lembrar até o fim de sua vida, geralmente com pessoas mais velhas que lhe contavam suas histórias e sobre seus passados. Não podia negar, Maera sempre fora fascinada por passados. É tanto que quando olhava para alguém, sempre imaginava o que tal pessoa já havia passado para estar ali. Lyanna gostava de imaginar e criar histórias para pessoas desconhecidas que observava no dia-a-dia: quantos corações partidos a pessoa já sofrera, quantos traumas e quais alegrias as faziam se emocionar. Era um passatempo divertido. Conheceu um jovem rapaz à qual teve um relacionamento amoroso durante um tempo, até deixá-lo para continuar viajando, sem dar notícias para o rapaz, mas Maera nutriu um sentimento muito forte pelo mesmo. Tal viagem fora anulando aos poucos a raiva que a mulher sentia sobre si e sobre seu pai. Gostava de pensar que aprendera bastante. Mas sentia falta de casa às vezes. Pensava em sua mãe e como não tinha notícias dela durante alguns anos, sequer sabia se ela estava viva. Lyanna escrevia sempre para mandar notícias e dizer que estava bem, mas não recebia cartas de volta porque a sua mãe não sabia onde ela estava. Algo a fez notar que estava na hora de voltar para o seu lar.
Aos vinte e quatro anos, Lyanna reencontrou sua mãe pela primeira vez e fez o possível para que seu relacionamento com ela fosse saudável, afinal ela era a única família viva que Maera tinha. Passou um ano levando a vida que seu pai levava com sua mãe, caçando e sendo bem paga por fornecer alimento fresco e de boa qualidade para as províncias e estava feliz com a boa renda que tinha, que dava para sustentar uma vida um pouco luxuosa para sua mãe. Quando ouviu sobre a seleção do príncipe de Atlantis, Maera se inscreveu para selecionada por esporte, mas jamais imaginava que a escolheriam, o que foi uma grande surpresa, afinal ela não fazia ideia de como governar. Tudo que sabia era sobre como ser uma boa pessoa e uma boa caçadora, fora tudo que aprendeu durante o seu treinamento, mas não sabia nada sobre governar. E acreditava ser um ponto importantíssimo para a seleção. Mas não se via tendo interesse amoroso pelo príncipe.
Fora patronada pelo deus da guerra, Ares, ao entrar na competição. O deus se interessou na garota devido à fase de fúria que ela passara e acreditava ainda ser interessante aos olhos dele. Acreditando ter ótimas habilidades em guerra, a abençoando com regeneração celular espontânea, para que sua morte se tornasse difícil – mas não impossível – para um adversário em batalha.
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iqvts · 6 years ago
5150 WINLANE Drive, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbwm.com/listing/209-355507/5150-winlane-drive-bloomfield-twp-mi-48302
Absolutely stunning Light & Bright Clifford Wright designed late Mid-Century Modern home, featuring 6000+ sq. ft. Entirely brought up to date in 2018/19. Wired for Smart Home System. Enter on a wide brick circular driveway. Very large gallery like entryway with high ceilings, imported light fixtures from Italy, Travertine floors, ideal for entertaining and art display. All rooms are spacious to enjoy formal/informal living. 4 BRs, 4 full baths, 3 half baths. Great Room w/new stone fireplace, bar and wine fridge, built-in book cases. In-ceiling speaker system T/O. Neff kitchen with abundance of storage, Quartz counter-tops, top of the line appliances, Wolf 48" range/oven, 2 dishwashers, Sub-Zero duet. Breakfast room overlooks the grounds/access to multi level hardscape. Finished recreation room w/kitchenette and beautiful bar. Gym, metal roof, 5+ heated garage plus space for boat storage. Full house generator. 1.22 acres of manicured landscape. Access to Gilbert Lake. B H Schools.
Contact: Lena Oskanian (248) 225-8729 [email protected]
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dabakook101 · 8 years ago
Winlans Punk Gothic White Skeleton Halloween Long Arm Warmer Fingerless Dress Gloves
Winlans Punk Gothic White Skeleton Halloween Long Arm Warmer Fingerless Dress Gloves ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more white costumes)
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kahran042 · 2 years ago
Breath of Fire I dream soundtrack
I've alluded to this once, long ago, so I figgered I'd show it off. If something isn't listed, you can assume that it's the same as in the actual game.
Boss battle - Everyday Battle, Breath of Fire III
Nanai - Invasion, Xenogears
Camlon (rebuilt) - The Lively Imperial Palace, Legend of Legaia
Winlan - The City Liked by the Wind, Breath of Fire III
Romero (with zombies) - Terrible Plan of the Vambees, Brave Fencer Musashi
Xeon gas, Wizard (1) battle - Sedition, Suikoden II
Wizard (2)/Pincher battle - Battle 5, SaGa Frontier
Forest Fortress/Hidden Fortress - Hellaina Prison, The Legend of Dragoon
Ease Cave/Lake Shrine - A Limestone Cave, Tales of Destiny
Romero (purified) - Country Living, Breath of Fire III
Agua - If Tails, Despair if Heads, Hope, Wild ARMs 3
Wisp/Cloud/Myst battle - Odoro, Breath of Fire III
Stone Robot (before activation), Carmen (time stopped) - No music (overrides battle BGM in the Stone Robot)
Talon/Bain/Avian battle - Dramatic Battle, Breath of Fire II
Auria - Lime Light Night, Tales of Destiny
Bleak - Slam Shuffle, Final Fantasy VI
Krypt - Intention of the Earth, Final Fantasy V
L&D Tower - Leonid's Castle, Romancing SaGa 3
Dark Dragon Port/South Castle - March of the King, Suikoden II
Gant - Guild, Breath of Fire III
Nabal Castle - The Castle of Dragoon, Terranigma
Sea Volcano - Jellyfish Sea, Chrono Cross
Lab. - Technology, Breath of Fire III
HornToad, Mote, Cerl, and Goda battles - Disciples of the Mist, Legend of Legaia
Gramor - The Tendas' Cave, Earthbound
Mogu's dreamscape - Nightmare, Alundra
Mote's dreamscape - Door of Holy Spirits, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Spring (unfrozen) - Carried on Rippling Waves, Suikoden II
Tock - Clock Tower, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Carmen (normal) - A Person's Warmth, Wild ARMs 3
Scande Tower - The Center Ministry Area, Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (overrides battle BGM)
Zog battle - Conflict of Dragons ~ Battle, Breath of Fire III
Pagoda - Undersea Palace, Chrono Trigger (overrides battle BGM)
Sara battle - Fable, Seiken Densetsu 3
Obelisk - leave time for love, Secret of Mana (overrides battle BGM)
Jade battle - Losing Sight of Tomorrow, Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
breath of fire gba
breath of fire gba
Breath of Fire cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Breath of Fire cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Breath of Fire.
Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person Action RPG Developer: Unknown Publisher: Capcom ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: December 13, 2001
Flying Around
Once you get Nina back, and she can fly, make sure to fly around and go to all the shrines and stuff and find the secret Dragon weapons. It will benefit you!
Raise Nina’s Attack
I know that on most of my files Nina ALWAYS is the one who can do the least. Her attack is VERY low, and she has no battle spells, so, here are some tips to raise Nina’s attack. When you first get Nina in Winlan, just go off & battle some of the easy enemies, then go into the cave. Then you get the guards, so then every battle’s experience is split into 3. But, find a fairly strong enemy, then make all 3 defend. And try and make the guards die. Heal Nina if she gets hit, don’t heal the guards. So now, the 2 guards are dead, and Nina collects ALL exp points for every battle, I got Nina up to Level 11 that way. Then, later in the game, make sure to equip both Sashs that you find to raise her attack by 20. Now, Nina should have about 125-150 attack points, sure, it’s not great, but hey! It’s better than Bleu. Or, if you want, just use nina for healing. It’s up to you.
B. Rang
To get the B.Rang you have to get Ox. After you get Ox go back to the Krypt in the desert after getting the icicle. When are in the Krypt you will see this rock that will say break the rock and you can get the B.Rang. So you put Ox in the first position and then you press the A button in front of the rock and you will gain the B.Rang.
Finding C.Fish
Go to the third Dragon Shrine and go west to a piece of land sticking out into the lake. Fish on the very end of it to catch a C.Fish.
Getting The Rod5
With the Sphere, you can also reach Tunlan. Fall down a pit to the left of the vault in the princess’s house, then search the box to find the Rod5. This is used to fish at the wells.
Getting The Tri-rang
The Tri-Rang can be found behind Pagoda after Nina learns how to fly, and before Pagoda has been activated. Search directly behind the twin towers of Pagoda to find it.
Getting The Emperor Sword
Check by the throne after defeating Jade to discover the Emperor Sword. Search the right hand pillar in the same room for the Star Hammer. Use this in combat to produce the Comet spell effect.
9999 Experience And 9999 Gold
Before battling Jade in Obelisk, he will ask you if you want to join him. Answer “Yes”, and whenever he asks you if you want to change your mind, answer “No”. Do not push any buttons and he will soon say, “I’m bored. Entertain me!”. After this, there will be a battle scene. You will fight a D.Flea, a Crab, a Flower, a G.Slime, and finally an M.Slime which, when defeated, will give you 9999 experience and 9999 gold.
Chun Li Cameo
When you visit Bleak, go to the boy who thinks he is a magician. He will say “Put a hundred coins on the table and I will make them disappear”. Agree to his request and wait for him to say “Look behind you.” Say “No” twice, then say “Yes”. You should see Chun Li practicing her lightning kick.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Breath of Fire yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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suraht · 8 months ago
Onward with more Breath of Fire updates:
We managed to help the people of Nanai reclaim the town of Camlon from the monsters in the castle, but with the Dark Dragons inhabiting Nanai, they have control of an earthquake machine that's causing a lot of problems.
With control of the Earthquake Key gained and the people of Nanai safe…well, safeish…in Camlon, it's time to head towards Winlan. Sad news about Nanai, but sometimes, sacrifices must be made.
Ryu gets to sit on the sidelines for a bit as Nina takes off and heads for Karma to deal with a wizard…or something. It's not completely spelled out, but I believe that's the gist of it. At least she gets some form of meat shield for her squishy self to help out.
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ravenqueen4eva · 8 years ago
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Winlans Punk Gothic White Skeleton Halloween Long Arm Warmer Fingerless Dress Gloves ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more gothic lolita costumes)
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eksakti · 11 years ago
Kaulaan kultaa,
Hattuun uutta sulkaa,
Ruotsalaiset tulkaa vaan!
Me voitetaan!
Teidät ajellaan,
Niinkuin viimeksi,
Kun Malmössä kohdattiin,
Ja poika kohti kattoa nostettiin!!
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atlantiselectionrp · 7 years ago
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Temos o prazer de dar boas vindas para Lyanna Maera Orteanns! Selecionada da província de Winlan e patronada por Ares, mas não a confunda com Lindsey Morgan enquanto ela anda pelo castelo. S, por favor, envie o tumblr em 24h!
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rantingandreblogging · 12 years ago
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sandrockianblues · 2 years ago
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Sleeby Pebs 💤
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