careol · 11 months
LIKED : overflowing muse starter call / @wingfells
for mika samuels
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               the   air   between   their   little   group   is   tense,   and   also   sad.      it   was   only   yesterday   that   carol   had   done   what   she   had   to   lizzie,   because   there   hadn’t   been   any   other   alternative.      she’d   attacked   her   own   sister,   wanted   to   attack   judith…      she   was   not   safe   to   be   around.      carol   had   thought   about   taking   her   on   her   own,   but   the   reality   is   carol   would   never   be   able   to   sleep   with   the   girl   around.      there   was   no   telling   what   day   she’d   finally   decide   to   try   ending   carol’s   life   to   prove   her   theory,   so   the   only   option   for   the   safety   of   everyone   was   to   neutralize   the   threat.      carol   doesn’t   feel   good   about   it,   not   at   all.      it’s   eating   her   up   inside,   but   they   have   to   keep   moving,   keep   pushing   to   find   and   reunite   with   their   family.      terminus   was   their   best   bet.      ❝   you   need   to   learn   now   how   to   handle   yourself,   you   know   that   right?   ❞      carol   and   mika   lag   behind   tyreese   who   has   judith   in   a   homemade   sling   strapped   to   his   chest.      ❝   it’s   time   to   step   up,   because   the   next   time   i   might   not   be   around   to   save   you.   ❞
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@wingfells said: ❛ see? i’m not just a pretty face. ❜ / beca @ chloe beale
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               ❝   oh,   i   never   thought   you   were   just   a   pretty   face.   ❞      chloe   knew   from   the   moment   she   saw   beca   at   the   activities   fair   that   she   had   talent.      she’d   wanted   her,   and   she   was   lucky   enough   to   have   been   in   the   showers   at   the   same   time   as   her   and   heard   her   sing.      chloe   can’t   even   imagine   the   bella’s   without   her.      ❝   i   knew   that   everything   would   work   out   in   the   end.      i’m   so   glad   you   decided   to   come   back   to   us   beca.      because   of   you,   we   might   actually   have   a   shot   at   redemption   and   being   the   first   to   win   in   a   long   time!   ❞
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lcftwild · 1 year
@wingfells asked for anya.
"you know, you look at her different." anya doesn't feel the need to elaborate, doesn't really think she needs to. who she is referring to feels pretty obvious, and what she's not saying.. that feels even more obvious. she's known lexa for her whole life, has watched and help her grow into the leader that she is, and only once has she seen anything like this. with costia. and that.. well, it had ended as some had feared. to chance a repeat of that? some would say it's brave. some would say it's foolish. personally, anya had observed clarke and lexa's first meeting and had known she'd never see another moment of peace.
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respnsibility · 1 year
" doesn't matter what we do. we'll always end up back here , on the brink of war. " @wingfells ♡
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captainredfields · 1 year
continued from this for @wingfells
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he absolutely would. the captain doesn't open up much about his feelings, and the one he can trust most is standing in front of him. talking to claire helps since he wonders if she knows him better than he knows himself. the gory details , though, are something he's kept to himself since there's no need in burdening her with all of his many failures. sure, she may know some things, but the weight of it all is damn near CRUSHING. ❝ if different choices were made... i wonder if there wouldn't have been so many casualties. ❞
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danviers · 1 year
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Somewhere between the mouthful of beer she'd swallowed and the the inhale she drew in through her nose less than a second after the fact, Alex thought she felt her heart twist in her chest — felt it leap in a way that she could only interpret as a too - delayed realisation that she hadn't quite factored the nature of Maggie's workplace into the still - burgeoning equation of their relationship. That, without the countless NDAs that made her own life at the DEO only barely a hair's breadth easier, rumors were practically impossible to squash in such a testosterone - filled environment.
" Okay — that's ridiculous, " she interjected. Questionable, at best. Objectionable, too. " And you shouldn't have to tolerate being gossiped about at work. "
@wingfells cont.
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venustrape-arch · 1 year
"you want me to be yours , then you've gotta be mine ." nick @ jess
" i am yours, you buffoon ! " she wouldn't have thought this is something that needed to be said out loud & definitely not at a three year old's birthday party out of all places. but she's known nick for long enough & his ability to get into his head & spiral in the span of sixty seconds is almost as impressive as her own. needless to say, seeing her talk to russell might've unleashed some very unwelcome thoughts in his head. " we were just catching up. his three year old is friends with ruth, that's why he's here. " she neglects to mention that she just blurted out something along the lines of the two of them being engaged. maybe she should've just stuck to the story of how she ended up with a nose piercing. there's still a possibility he won't bring that up in front of nick. still, that was a lie told in a panic. but this is the most honest truth she's got. " i love you ! i'm insanely in love with you. seriously, look at my nose. look at the back of my neck, i have a very painful tattoo removal session in front of me & it's all because i was a moron in love on an european vacation. " hands reach out to cup his face then, big blues finding his gaze. she's never been more okay with being reckless. " you're not getting rid of me. never again. "
@wingfells | meme
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thunderbringer · 1 year
you're gonna have to take your shirt off. / maggie (;
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the thought of taking his shirt off for maggie would normally be a cause for celebration, but in this moment right now? it is the LAST thing he wants to do. the bandits had done a number on him, obvious in the way his face is covered in blood. luckily for him his past training came in handy which ended not so luckily for the men pursuing him. there will ALWAYS be threats in this unforgiving world and thor would prefer to not end lives, but he does what he must for the safety of his people. there's a large gash in his side, but she's figured that out by now due to the blood seeping through the fabric. what he doesn't want to show her is just how BAD it really is. so he simply grits through the pain to patch it up himself. ❝ maggie... i told you. i'm fine. you should have seen the other guy. ❞
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@wingfells // prompts for patching up wounds.
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story1ines · 1 year
dibs, obv <3 mwah!
thank you angel & you know DIBS FOR YOU FOREVER AS WELL <3
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careol · 1 year
@wingfells cont. from here.
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               it   seemed   as   though   there   was   a   never   ending   sea   of   saviors.      one   outpost   destroyed,   three   more   exist   in   its   place.      the   task   of   defeating   negan   and   the   saviors   was   daunting,   but   it   had   to   be   done.      carol   knows   it,   she   knew   it   the   moment   morgan   told   her   the   truth.      if   she   knew   what   had   happened   earlier?      they   wouldn’t   be   so   late   in   the   game.      ❝   i   was   able   to   scope   it   out   with   jerry.      there   are   two   entrances,   both   guarded.      however,   there   is   a   five   minute   window   at   this   entrance   here   in   the   back.      it’s   like   clockwork,   every   day   at   the   same   time   this   guard   slips   away   inside.      what   he’s   doing?      i   don’t   know,   but   that   is   our   chance   to   strike.   ❞
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               ❝   so   am   i,   so   we’ll   drink   alone   together.   ❞      she’d   traveled   across   part   of   the   ocean   to   get   here,   like   hell   she   was   going   to   spend   any   of   that   time   alone.      the   whole   point   of   coming   here   was   to   see   donna   and   sophie,   and   now   donna   wants   to   sulk   at   the   bar   alone?      never!      ❝   what’s   eating   you   love?      is   it   repairs?      i   know   a   lot   of   things   seem   hard   right   now   but   i   promise   they’ll   get   better.      i’m   just   a   phone   call   away   always   when   i’m   not   here.      i   could   also…  ��   you   know,   offer   some   help   financially?   ❞      the   shorter   woman   knows   what   donna’s   answer   to   that   will   be,   but   she   has   to   try   anyway.      after   all   she’s   just   become   a   number   one   best   seller   from   her   book,   she   has   the   money.
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lcftwild · 1 year
@wingfells asked for dawn.
"how many times do you think we can get away with blowing something up before people get suspicious?" lips purse as she watches the whole building crumble in on itself, dust and debris flying. it says a lot about their lifestyle that dawn's barely blinking, simply watching. waiting. they'll need to leave soon, to get back to where they've set up base and regroup, but for now she's content to stay put and watch the results of their actions. destroying things in the name of saving the world. it was a hell of a life.
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lovethcrn · 1 year
@wingfells, lucas.
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a bittersweet half-smile snuck its way into peyton's features: listening to lucas talk about her mom like that, it reminded her of something she barely ever had. a happy, tragedy-less life, or at least one in which all the tragedies didn't seem so bad because you had somebody to share them with. sure, she had her dad to count on, but as much as she loved him and was grateful for him, he was often out of hugging reach ― and the blonde would rather help brooke choreograph cheers for a month straight than admit this, but, sometimes, all she wanted was someone to hug her and tell her everything was gonna be okay. even if just for a little while.
“ yeah, professional sucker of everyone's light and joy to keep his douchebag wheels turning, that's dan sc.ott for you. what a bullet your mom dodged with that one. ” peyton instantly regrets the unfiltered, and therefore, tactless comment that flew out of her mouth, a mix of remore and shame plastered all over her face, “ i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that, i'm sure he must've some redeeming qualities hidden underneath all that arrogance if someone as amazing as your mom fell in love with him once. it's his loss ― with you, too. ” now her default sincerity is tinted with more sensibility, so peyton feels confident enough to elaborate, “ yeah, i can relate, to wanting to protect her from as much of the hard stuff as you can. my dad calls and e-mails every once in a while, to check up on me, and i tell him i'm so happy to be living alone and on my own terms, just to try and keep him from worrying about me, y'know? but i don't think it works the way i'd intend it to, nor i think it should, because that's what being a good parent is, right? not being able to go a single moment without wondering of how the thing you love most in the entire world is doing out there, all on their own? ”
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captainredfields · 1 year
Do I need to baby you? / claire // @wingfells
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a massive eyeroll accompanied by a groan of displeasure is all that his sister will get from the captain. his hand places pressure against the wound in his side, but he’s been through worse. MUCH WORSE. nothing has killed him yet, unfortunately.  ❝ you know the answer to that. i've got this and i'm fine. ❞ the truth is he knows that he needs to sleep and maybe he will once he gets this injury taken care of, but they both know the most likely answer is that he won't.
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lack of sleep.
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danviers · 11 months
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" Kara needed me, " was Alex's only justification: the only support she needed to give iron - clad credence to the colossal risk she'd taken.
Danger, in some shape or form, marked many aspects of both their lives — hers and Maggie's. But with her badge and sidearm, and the perils that came with committing her life to the DEO's covert objectives to defend the Earth from extra - normal threats, there was Kara. Kara's existence, Kara's secrets. Kara's happiness. Everything that mom had defended with her life while dad had given his freely.
Everything that Alex had invariably come to place before her own.
" And... and I didn't think, " she supplied, the rueful heft of the breath she let out punctuated by a steadying pause; an apologetic, yet steadfast upward glance. She hadn't. Not about mom, or J'onn, or Maggie — not until the terrestrial plane she knew had all but vanished behind her. " I can't lose her. "
@wingfells / cont.
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Wingtale and other AUs
You could send asks for them, if you'd like! I would love for you to ^^
I've been putting a lot of thought into their types of birds and why they're that bird
Wingtale- Jay and Parrot
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Wingfell- Talon and Hunt
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Horrorwing- Vulture and Condor
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Wingswap- Pecker and Orange
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Winglust- Lovely and Peeps
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