failure is not an option.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
captainredfields · 4 months ago
i bit the bullet and made a rick grimes account. absolutely no photoshop involved. at least for now. come see me. focusing on the writing for sure.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
continued from this for @wingfells
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he absolutely would. the captain doesn't open up much about his feelings, and the one he can trust most is standing in front of him. talking to claire helps since he wonders if she knows him better than he knows himself. the gory details , though, are something he's kept to himself since there's no need in burdening her with all of his many failures. sure, she may know some things, but the weight of it all is damn near CRUSHING. ❝ if different choices were made... i wonder if there wouldn't have been so many casualties. ❞
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
tumblr pls. what did you do?
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
DRAMATIC & PROTECTIVE RELATIONSHIP PROMPTS *  for the ones who want to keep you safe from harm
get behind me.
go inside and lock the door and don't come out until i say so.
are you all right? where are you hurt?
over my dead body.
i promised them i'd keep you safe.
i sleep better when you're next to me.
are you serious? i'm not letting you risk your life.
don't go. it's safer here.
i should have been here. this is my fault.
here. take this gun. don't pull the trigger unless it's absolutely necessary.
they told me to watch you.
i won't let anyone lay a hand on you.
stay close to me.
i'm not worth saving. please.
can you stay? just for a little while? it would help.
it's too dangerous out there.
i thought i'd lost you.
can you hear me? hello? where are you?
they're all afraid of me.
they told me you'd be trouble. clearly that was an understatement.
one of us has to make it out of here.
is that a bruise?
get back. get back right now.
did they touch you?
i already lost you once. i'm not going to lose you again.
a few more steps. we're nearly there. i've got you.
where does it hurt? let me see.
oh my god, you're covered in blood.
i love you, but you have to go.
climb on my back. i'll carry you.
i wish you'd stay.
i slept here all night. i couldn't leave you.
stay with me. i can keep you safe.
no. i've made my decision. you're staying here.
holy shit. are you okay? what the hell happened?
we have to get inside right now.
quick! hide! in here!
if they know you're with me, they'll leave you alone.
if they attack again, we'll be ready.
this never should have happened.
i want you to run, okay? run and don't look back.
you're all right. you're safe. it's over.
i'll feel better once you're out of this.
i don't have nightmares when you're here.
where have you been? i've been calling you all night.
your phone went straight to voicemail. what's going on?
i don't want anything to happen to you.
i can't stand the thought of losing you.
i won't let them touch you.
when we met, i promised myself i'd keep you safe.
where'd they go? i'll give them a piece of my mind.
here. squeeze my hand if it hurts.
i'll lay beside you.
no. it's non-negotiable. you're staying here.
i don't want you to die, okay?
listen to me! i know what i'm doing!
i can't lose you again!
do you hear me? i love you! i've always loved you.
i've got you. i'm right here.
can i stay? i'll take the couch.
tell them you're with me.
you can make it. i believe in you.
are you kidding me? who decided this?
here, i'll pick you up.
get back in the car. i'll handle this.
if anyone can do it, it's you.
let me carry you to safety.
i don't do well when you're away.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
Do I need to baby you? / claire // @wingfells
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a massive eyeroll accompanied by a groan of displeasure is all that his sister will get from the captain. his hand places pressure against the wound in his side, but he’s been through worse. MUCH WORSE. nothing has killed him yet, unfortunately.  ❝ you know the answer to that. i've got this and i'm fine. ❞ the truth is he knows that he needs to sleep and maybe he will once he gets this injury taken care of, but they both know the most likely answer is that he won't.
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lack of sleep.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
Lack of Sleep Starters!
pronouns and context can be changed as you see fit.
When was the last time you actually got some rest?
Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer.
Look at you! You're spilling coffee.
You have bags, and I'm not talking about the Gucci kind.
Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?
It's 4am. You need sleep.
You're safe here. You can rest now.
I promise, I'm fine. I just look tired a lot, thanks to... the tiredness.
Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before.
This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep.
I'll carry you to bed if I have to.
Do I need to baby you?
Huh? What? I'm awake, I swear!
You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down.
Go. To. Bed. That's an order.
I made a nest for you. You can sleep in that, if you want.
Can I get an extra pillow / blanket?
Want me to tuck you in, too?
I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
as much as i love chris i’m not sure i have the time to dedicate to writing more than one muse at the moment since life has been kinda crazy. 
so if you would like , and aren’t already, please follow my thor blog. @thunderbringer
he has a well thought out resident evil verse i always love to dive into!! 
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
[drops off a homemade chocolate cake--one big enough for him to share with Rose]
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this is big enough to share with the whole team.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
i need to make more icons but you know what effort is? I SURE DON'T.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
You are an inspiring writer and a wonderful person. I hope you have an amazing weekend.
thank you! i appreciate you! <3
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
Hey, mun-
Is Chris your favourite RE character? If so, what's your favourite version of him? What was the thing that made you decide he is your favourite? Who is your second-favourite character in the RE franchise?
Or, if Chris is not your favourite, who is? What made you decide to pick Chris to RP rather than your favourite?
he is! but he wasn't always my favorite. my favorite for a long time was leon and then chris but idk what it is as i got older they kinda switched. i've always loved them both though. my fav version of chris though? idk. re7 doesn't even make the list. 😂 i would go with either re6 or village. probably village though . god forbid capcom can't ever agree on consistency with his charater model though can they? PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MINDS.
there was once upon a time i had a leon blog for literally like 2 seconds but some stuff happened and i lost all muse like immediately. and tbh i wanted to rp chris for so long but i was just nervous about rping my fav. it took me forevverrrrr to make a blog.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
Good morning, Elyse! I just wanted to say, I hope you're having a good day! And if not, I hope the weekend is better. 💙 You don't need my approval at all, but I'm so proud of you for never giving up!
gosh i appreciate this so much. my life right now is a mess since i'm separating from my husband very soon. the past few days has been anything but good but i'm trying my hardest to keep it together . rough times are ahead so i appreciate this message so much because all i really want to do right now is give up. but i won't. i can't.
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
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@captainredfields​ replied: mind your business claire!
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“i’ll mind my business when you stop making it everyone’s business! and when i stop puking in my mouth from your pda.”
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there was no pda,claire. no one touched anyone , technically. 
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
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@destallo​ how about now? 
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captainredfields · 2 years ago
Nice ... arms... chris........ *shakes a little*
you really think so? i didn't think much of them.
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