#winged tyranids
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wh40kartwork · 3 months ago
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Fallen Angel In Action
by Dmitry Sokolov
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azhdarchian · 4 months ago
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Behold! A man
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katjapetersart · 10 months ago
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The Silverhand Brotherhood officer stands over his slain enemy, ready to continue the fight. A 'Field Notes' commission completed.
Commissions like these are open!
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daemonstalley · 1 year ago
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My partner got me a big bug for my birthday 🥰
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titanomancy · 2 years ago
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Warriors! Come out to play!
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years ago
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Winged Tyranid Prime
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xerxestexastoast · 7 months ago
Me, a Kirby fan, getting into something new: getting a lot of Kirby vibes from this
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praiseslaanesh · 1 year ago
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arassas-tyran · 2 years ago
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I'm in love 😍🔥❤️
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therealswarmlord · 2 months ago
Day ??? of being dead:
I literally have no idea what is happening, but I know that it is violent... but what I know is that CHICKEN WINGS ARE FUCKING GOATED! God damn! I love chicken wings! Probably more than I love dueling
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digital-dryad · 2 years ago
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wh40kartwork · 7 months ago
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soosmain · 1 month ago
40k SANGUINUS PERMANENTLY SCARRED FROM HIS FIGHT WITH HORUS YESSSSSSSS!!! I am frankly obsessed with this concept, been thinking about it for months. May I please ask for some elaboration on how you'd see this go? also maybe perhaps some more 40k Sang doodle requests, being a tattered angel suits him incredibly well. I love him so much and I love the way you draw him 🥺🥺🥺🥺
ARGHHH im glad at least one person seems to be as obsessed with it as I.
As for the elaboration:
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To preface this i am not well versed in the books, i dont have the money to afford them, and the entire concept hinges on the rule of cool (which is par for the course i imagine!)
Takes place during the events of "The devastation of Baal"
A canon divergence, in which the hive fleet is capable of breaching the Blood angels' main chapel and reaching Sanguinius' tomb.
It's engulfed in a case of molten gold but I don't think that ever stopped tyranids from having a good snack.
And a good snack they have!
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From what I've read about online, tyranids cannot replicate the powers of warp-based entities, so I humored the idea that the consumption of warp tainted flesh might have some jarring side effects on them.
The change is not sudden, only noticable upon the second wave, the tyranids are a formidable foe, for sure have gained some power up from the angel's body, wings and other boosts.
They also begun to cannibalise eachother, courtesy of the red thirst. A flaw in the gene that was impossible to seperate from the useful parts.
Present hive tyrants become compromised too, in spite of their resistance to Daemons, they are seized by a force that runs through the Angel's very DNA.
It compromises the swarm, leading to a swift dispatch. Not before they caused some significant damage.
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The reason for Sanguinius' return would be spurred on by the death of a major character: Dante. Another canon divergence, when sanguinius talks to dante as he's dying, he doesnt revive him.
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Seeing that the Hive has killed his most prized son using his genes as a template, he takes matters into his own hands, and allows the man to finaly, FINALY rest. However, as much as it pained him, he had to consume his soul to gain the power necessary to influence the materium.
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Which is how he managed to manipulate the mutated tyranids into being more vulnerable! Bypassing their immunity to the warp by manipulating the very genetic material they stole from him (and which he could still exert his influence onto).
However, due to some inexplicable reason, perhaps the primarch in him desiring to live once more. Like a virus, posessing a wayward cell to produce more of its kind, the body of the Angel was reconstructed using tyranid biomass (It was NOT part of his plan, he blames his subconscious. Or perhaps an eargerness to escape the chaos gods' pestering..)
Congratulations! Its a sanguinius! I muse to myself, im glad the tyranids dont have the capacity to feel body horror.
Alternatively: his body was simply consumed whole by a large tyranid and he used that as a starting point to patch everything up
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What follows suit im not sure, but 3 possibilities:
1) In the aftermath, while surveying the carnage, Guilliman senses the unmistakable aura of his brother, and cuts him out of the bowels of the beast.
2) he is discovered by a team of blood angels sent to recover the body of the fallen, they become highly protective of him and might keep his discovery under wraps, in fear of misunderstanding (which is understandable, a primarch that popped out of a tyranid is highly suspicious)
3) Crawled out on his own. Discovered by a group of nomads while he was aimlessly wandering the Baal desert.
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And yea, thats all!
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spore-galore · 3 months ago
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What is a Spore megabuild? How are they made? Why make a megabuild in the first place instead of just making a regular creature/creation? Are you insane? What's wrong with you?
I got all the answers and more below! As well as progress pictures of my most recent megabuild, Ysera from World of Warcraft!
A megabuild in Spore is a creation that is made up of multiple different creations (mostly creatures). All of these individual creatures are assembled in the Adventure editor (where you can make custom missions and stuff) like a jigsaw puzzle! So, the head of Ysera is one singular creature, as are her limbs, her left wing, her right wing, ALL FOUR of her legs are also individual creatures, her tail, etc.
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So...why make a megabuild instead of just doing all of the detail on one creature?
Well, back in the good old days of vanilla, unmodded spore, people wanted to show off their full potential for creature creation. People wanted to add LOTS of detail to their creatures, but there was a problem: the creature editor in vanilla spore has a complexity meter, meaning it has a cap on how many parts you can actually use before you’re literally not allowed to add anymore parts. There is a cheat that you can type into the console called “freedom” which unlocks a little bit more room on the complexity meter, but it’s not TRUE freedom of the complexity meter, as you can very much still reach the complexity meter cap even with the cheat turned on (I did so many times as a child).
Sooo, spore players were looking for ways to share their big huge epic creations that they wanted to make on the sporepedia, for everyone else to see (and download). This is where adventures come in.
As I said earlier, adventures are custom missions that you can make. You can set the scene, the characters, the story, the things you’re supposed to do to complete the mission etc. And within the adventure editor are these like…plasma gates.
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These can be locked or unlocked via keys and such (if you chose to place them in the adventure, of course), and a very interesting thing about these plasma gates is that you can make them do 1 of do things: make them invisible, or disguise them as a creation that you or another player made. However, there is a caveat, and that caveat is that you can only disguise the gates as either buildings or vehicles.
At some point though, someone out there found a work around, in which you can choose to edit the building you’re going to disguise the gate as before you officially choose it, and then you can view the sporepedia as you’re currently editing the building...allowing you to view creatures in the sporepedia! And then...you can click the edit button on those creatures, switching you to the creature editor. Then you can click the “save and exit” button within the creature editor, tricking the game into disguising the gate as the creature instead of the original building you were editing! Once it was found out that you could do this, AND that adventures with the gates-disguised-as-creatures in them could actually be shared on the sporepedia for others to download and play, it then became obvious that you could probably use this trick to make what we now call megabuilds. In which each of these individual parts of the body (head, body, limbs, tail, other details etc.) could be disguised as gates, and then moved around to create a bigger, more highly detailed creature than what you could actually make in the creature editor!
Obviously, with mods, you can remove the complexity meter and just put as many parts as you like on a creature, but with this comes the risk of your game crashing with the more parts you put on your creature. This has happened to me within the past week alone (specifically with the Tyranid warrior), and it will continue to happen to me for as long as I have Spore installed on my computer because Spore is just Like That. Megabuilds, on the other hand, allow me to kinda circumnavigate the chance of my game crashing with such a detailed creature (for example, if I'm only detailing one limb as opposed to the whole body), giving me more breathing room, and allowing me to add significantly more detail instead of having to say “okay well I guess I can leave those details out, they’re not important, I don’t want my game to crash again and lose all this progress.”
TLDR; Megabuilds are highly detailed big ass statues in spore made up of different creatures that look like limbs, all stitched together. Yayy!!!! We’re an evil scientist! Now here is how I made Ysera, in case you wanted a play by play of how I make my megabuilds (if you perhaps wanted to make your own).
How I made Ysera
Now, personally, IDK how other megabuilders make their own stuff, but my process for starting a megabuild is this: I basically start with a “base” body that has all of the limbs, and then I pose them how I want them to be posed. I do not add any details. This base doesn’t even have eyes! We’re doing this purely to get the pose correct, so that we can use the base as a reference for when we’re putting all the individual pieces together in the adventure editor. We have to keep this base creature, and make sure not to save over the top of it, even after we’ve finished making all the individual body parts! Here’s what the Ysera base looks like:
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Now..we have to start detailing. I had references of Ysera’s most recent model (from Dragonflight) with a variety of different angles, so I used those pictures to make her as accurately as I could. I usually like starting with the head.
(Before I get into the progress pictures, I should note that with every different “body part” i’m making, I’m essentially making a copy of the “base” creation, removing everything except the limb/body part i’m working on, and then detailing it. This means I keep the exact posing of the wings, tail, limbs etc. so that when I use the base body as a reference for putting stuff back together in the adventure editor...all the body parts should be in the right shape/pose!)
Anyways, because it's possible to resize the gates-disguised-as-creatures within the adventure editor, I actually got the “croc kisser” mouth and made it twice as large as it was on my base creature, so I could more accurately see what I was doing (and add more detail). Then....well this is the hard part isn’t it? Idk how to explain how to make stuff in Spore. That's like trying to explain how I draw things lmao. But what I usually start with is “sculpting” the face, by placing knurldowns upside down on the head, and then positioning them and resizing them until I get a face shape that looks nice! You can also skip the mouth altogether and do the sculpting on an elongated limb (which is what I did for The Windsinger and the Tyranid warrior) which honestly I prefer because sometimes sculpting on top of an already existing mouth/head can be really annoying!
After 3 hours of non-stop work, here is what the finished head looked like!
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Sorry that I basically did a "draw the rest of the fucking owl" to you all, buuuut I didn't want to make this post any longer than it already was sooo..yeah lmfao.
Initially I had made her floating headpiece on the same creation, but when it was rendering in the adventure it looked. well. strange. so I elected to make her headpiece separately, and to make it in the spaceship editor instead of as a creature, and honestly...I'm glad I did so, because it looks super cool and I get to actually have it properly floating above her head, and I can also position it how I want.
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After that, it was time for me to move on to the limbs! Honestly, if you’re like me and all 4 limbs have slightly different different poses (which is done by pressing “a” on the keyboard and clicking on a part and/or limb to allow it to be moved without the limb on the other side moving), it’s best that you actually detail the limbs BEFORE you make them asymmetrical and pose them, so that you have the luxury of symmetry/mirrored building so you only have to detail one leg. Then you make the legs asymmetrical, pose both legs and either save them as a duo, or save them individually (I chose to save them individually so that I could have more control on the limb posing in the adventure editor, but that’s just me being extra lmao).
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For the wings, I chose to individually detail 1 limb after the other, since I knew I would need differently shaped and sized webbings for both wings, and it wouldn’t make sense to detail both of the wings and THEN pose them, since I knew that would mess up all the parts I’d already put on the wings. Thankfully there was only two of them so it wasn't a big deal! The “organic helper” mod which gives you a lot of individual webbings for wings is...well, quite helpful! And it also means significantly less parts used for the wings, meaning I got an opportunity to add more detail, if I wished.
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Okayy and then it was time to do the body. Not much to say tbh! This was probably the easiest part of the megabuild to do since I (for the most part) wasn't dealing with any asymmetry and I didn't need to put a huge amount of detail onto the body.
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Finally, the last thing I made was the tail!!! This was not as hard as I thought it would be, it was just tedious and time consuming. At this point I was getting kinda of this megabuild xD I just wanted it to be over already. It took about an hour to make the tail (mostly fiddled around trying to make ysera’s tail pinecone look like....well, a pinecone. I do not think I succeeded in making it look like a pinecone. I tried my best).
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Then....it was onto putting the pieces together! This is where I opened up the adventure editor, and used the gates-disguised-as-creatures trick to get all of the different body parts assembled! This is also where the base I made came in clutch!
Sooo, the first thing I put down was the base body, and then I started layering the completed Ysera body pieces over the top of it.
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Then I just had to do that a bunch of times with all of the pieces, delete the base body, tweak some of the limbs’ positionings and bam!! The megabuild was complete!!!
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I hope this was an informative post about Spore megabuilds! If not, then I guess I can just eat dirt from the ground or something. I hope this helps others understand how megabuilds are made and inspires people to make their own.
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lovingthewildlife · 11 days ago
Finding moments of peace were a blessing to anyone who grew up under the threat of tyranid invasion. Security wasn't really something Sanguinius' paramour was used to. She had a tendency to act like xenos could arrive at any time. The boudoir that he had given her had started plush because he had thought she would appreciate the softness and security he could offer. But as time stretched, he found changes in the room. Weapons that were strong but small enough for her hands. A well stocked first aid kit in the en suite bath as well as in the bedside cabinet.
She never slept with the curtains closed, but the windows were always locked. She slept light and never slept in even if she seemed to need it. The furniture was sometimes rearranged from one week to the next, like she couldn't decide what way was best to act as a barricade in a pinch.
Walking into the room unannounced one night, he'd witnessed the faintest hint of wildness in her. She had been curled on the sheets, eyes wide and hand reaching for a mini pistol before she could curb herself. He flared his wings out wide and smiled when he saw her hand retract from its position. Stepping over to the bed, he waited for her to relax before easing out of his clothes so he could slide in alongside her.
He watched the furrow in her brow when he blocked the exits with his larger frame. He was secure in the knowledge that his home was safe from threat, but his small paramour needed extra to feel safe. Cupping her cheek, he rubbed his thumb across her lower lip before stretching a wing up and over to cover her naked form.
"Why are you still awake?" He asked, his feathers lightly brushing across her skin.
She paused and reached a hand to touch his shoulder, following the line of muscle down his arm. "I was waiting for you."
He traced along her spine with feathers then fingers, the first bringing a shiver while the second made her arch towards him. He couldn't stop looking at her eyes and how the brightened with his caress. His movements were slow, his hand swaying across the swell of her hip and coming up so he could brush his fingertips across her nipple.
Soft whispers of breath came from her and he smiled when her hand matched his own. Touching his chest and marveling at the thick muscle.
Despite the title of paramour, this was as far as they had ever gotten. He could feel his blood pumping faster when her small body curled close to his. Her thigh pressing against his length and briefly rubbing against it. She rested her head on his chest and he breathed out slow and easy as she listened to the beat of his hearts.
"I love you." She murmured against his chest, her lashes fluttering shut as she let herself relax in his arms.
He wanted to say it back without reservation. But between his worry that she saw him only as the angel or as a shield against the dark, his anxiety could match her own. Still, he wouldn't leave the words unsaid and cause her any more stress.
"And I love you, my own." He murmured quietly, his smile feeling more real when she squeezed him.
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jtranageder1 · 1 year ago
this post makes me think of a post i’ve been wanting to make which is that i’m always bugged by the fact that in Sci-Fi the creators fuckijg never give bugs actual bug wings.
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they always give them like leathery ass bat wings. and sure bats are cool but. have you ever seen bug wings and the sheer interesting designs they have?? the pure amazingness you could make with actual bug wings instead!?
give them dragonfly wings! give them butterfly or moth wings with scary ass eye spots!! more bug inspiration!!
This might be too niche even for this account but as a bug enjoyer it bugs me (pun intended) that in most card games there's never enough insect support to run insect typal decks. If one more person tells me to "just play Grix as your commander" I will cry THAT SKINNY WHITE BOY IS NOT A BUG
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