#windsoul genasi
adndmonsteraday · 1 month
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Genasi (pronounced: /dʒɛnˈɑːsi/ jen-AH-see) were planetouched humans, infused with the power of the elements. Along with aasimar and tieflings, genasi were the most common planetouched found on the world of Toril.
Technically speaking, the genasi were not a race but rather a general classification of humans who had a heritage (usually unknown) that included some planar being from one of the elemental planes, most often a genie, (dao, djinn, efreet, marid, or jann,) whence their name is derived.
Each of the four fundamental elements had associated genies, so the most common genasi were air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi, while stormsoul genasi became common in lands such as Akanûl in the 15th century DR. Para-genasi were genasi who expressed a bloodline of two elements, akin to the Para-Elemental Planes. These included the dust para-genasi, ice para-genasi, magma para-genasi, ooze para-genasi, smoke para-genasi, steam para-genasi, among other possibilities. Para-genasi were even rarer than the four standard genasi.
After the Spellplague, when the separate elemental planes coalesced into the Elemental Chaos, each genasi gained the potential to manifest the power of any of the elements, though only one at a time. After the Second Sundering, the genasi were again separated into the four major subraces of air, earth, fire, and water.
No two genasi were alike in appearance. Some could pass as normal humans, bearing the marks of their human ethnicity; for others, their elemental nature was impossible to hide. Their heritage was nearly always evident in one or two physical traits, such as skin or hair color or an elemental aura. Some genasi did not have hair at all; for such genasi, the substance that appeared to cover their heads was actually a supernatural expression of their elemental nature.
Even after the Spellplague, no genasi could maintain a neutral, "non-elemental" state, and their physical appearance changed depending on the elemental soul that they were currently manifesting. Those genasi manifesting an "earthsoul" had brown skin and golden eyes. Those manifesting a "firesoul" had bronze skin and orange eyes, with flickering flames coming out of their heads. "Stormsoul" genasi had purple skin with glowing, crystal spikes of silver in place of hair. Genasi with the "watersoul" manifestation had skin the color of seafoam and were bald. "Windsoul"-manifesting genasi had silver skin with blue and gray crystalline "hair".
Genasi were about the same size and stature as normal humans, but their bodies displayed signs of greater physical strength, and other subtle indications of their heritage.
Genasi of the era between the Spellplague and the Second Sundering bore a unique physical feature not reported in earlier generations. Regardless of their elemental manifestation, the body of each such genasi was etched with strange lines of energy, called szuldar in Primordial, that glowed in a color associated with the element that the genasi was currently manifesting. The earthsoul manifestation had golden-colored energy lines; the firesoul manifestation had fiery orange lines; the stormsoul manifestation had silvery lines; the watersoul had bright blue lines; and the windsoul light blue. These lines appeared in a pattern that was passed along family lines, sometimes extending into small communities as well. Though the patterns could be similar between relatives in a general sense, the specific configurations were unique to each individual and served much the same purpose that fingerprints did amongst humans; the pattern of these lines remained unchanged even when a genasi changed their manifestation. Many genasi, especially adventurers, displayed these lines with pride, often wearing clothing that left a fair amount of skin exposed.
Though szuldar usually remain unchanged throughout a genasi's life it was possible to alter them through scarring. Some genasi did this deliberately for aesthetic reasons, or in order to disguise themselves. Most genasi, however, disapproved of the practice and saw it as a loss of self-awareness, valuing the patterns they were born with as a mark of their identity.
Unlike many planetouched races, genasi generally took pride in their unusual features. Furthermore, because of their elemental power, most genasi felt a sense of superiority over other races and even over other genasi—including those of the same element. This was not so much a matter of prejudice as it was simple fact—a simple mortal could not possibly understand the mind of one with elemental heritage. In return, the genasi were perhaps the most distrusted of the planetouched races for being the most alien.
The personality of the typical genasi reflected her or his core element. For example, a fire genasi might have a "hot temper" and an earth genasi might take life slowly and carefully. Between the Spellplague and the Second Sundering, because of their roots in the powers of the Elemental Chaos, genasi were by nature changeable and contradictory. Nevertheless, the psychology of a genasi depended vastly on what element was currently manifested by the individual in question. Thus, genasi who could manifest in more than one way thought of themselves as possessing multiple personalities. Such genasi might even use one when dealing with one group of friends while using a another to interact with another set. Others were more picky and chose friends who could cope with their changing nature.
Many genasi philosophers believed that their race existed as a compromise between the chaos of the primordials and the divinely crafted world of the gods. A few genasi took this to heart and tried to eliminate one or the other aspect of their nature, either becoming agents of chaos or disciples of order, but these individuals were considered the exception rather than the rule. Most genasi were simply grateful for the innate connection to the elemental forces that shaped the world that they all shared.
Genasi had a strong ability to adapt, perhaps only superseded by humans in this regard, and embraced change as an inevitability or even something to be relished. Even lawful genasi embraced this change, and genasi of all kinds valued the possibilities the future might bring, such as new allies or new opportunities. In many ways, genasi were the most flexible of races, less stubborn and more willing to accept new ideas for better or worse.
One of the traits found commonly amongst all genasi was a strong sense of ambition. All genasi had a desire to better themselves and advance their status, either through pursuit of power, the acquisition of friends, or other means. Nearly all genasi had dreams and aspirations and would pursue these goals throughout their life and though few genasi were truly patient, so strong were their passions for these goals that they would often continue to follow them even long after individuals of other races would have given up and moved on. Simply put, they felt that they had a destiny and a calling to leave a name for themselves.
Genasi loved most forms of recreation, particularly competitive ones that allowed them to improve their standing amongst other races further. Most genasi preferred recreational activities that were active and physical, allowing them to release their impulses and wilder urges.
Because of their chaotic and spontaneous nature, genasi were not predisposed towards team athletics and preferred sports that favored the individual. Genasi were particularly fond of gladiatorial sports, which allowed them to bask in the attention of others while simultaneously releasing pent-up passions.
Calimshan had an historically higher population of air and fire genasi, because of its history of djinni and efreeti rulers. After the Second Era of Skyfire, the genasi of that land became engaged in a civil war over the Skyfire Wastes. When the Calimemnon Crystal shattered and the ancient foes Calim and Memnon were released, so too were many of their genasi servants. The two noble genies immediately began their epic war again, and the genasi took sides, joined by those genasi already living in Calimshan and even more from nearby lands of Tethyr, Amn, and the Lake of Steam. The Second Era of Skyfire ended suddenly in the Year of Holy Thunder, 1450 DR, when Calim and Memnon mysteriously disappeared again to their home planes. At that point, the power vacuum was filled by the genasi, who ruled Calimshan and enslaved many humans under them, reigning from the cities of Calimport and Memnon. The human slaves, led by a Chosen of Ilmater eventually overcame their genasi masters, restoring Calimshan to human rule and returning the genasi population once again to minority status.
Also after the Spellplague, when Abeir and Toril were merged again for a time, the lands that were once Chondath became the realm of Akanûl, which was ruled by genasi originally from the continent of Shyr. Prior to coming to Toril, these Abeiran genasi had been enslaved by the primordial Karshimis, but his citadel was not transferred with them to Toril, leaving them free to form their own kingdom. The majority of the citizens of Akanûl had the windsoul and stormsoul manifestation.
Members of the Burned, a group of Abeiran genasi, believed themselves to be direct descendants of original genasi crafted by the primordial Nehushta to be its slaves and that all other genasi "tribes" descended from theirs, but most other scholars refuted this local legend.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Genasi
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tamaslin · 7 years
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i’m sick so here’s a messy doodle of a genasi! their name is kalliope nassau (they/them pronouns please!)
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ottobooty · 6 years
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I love Genasi lmao
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parasection · 7 years
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DND OC’s. -- No colouring for M/E/I we post our sketches at 3AM like men.
Myrille - Wizard Windsoul Genasi (He/Him) 
Ellorale - Paladin Firesoul Genasi (He/Him)
Ilmadiia - Rogue Star Elf (He/She/They) 
Nyxie - Ranger Tiefling (They/Them) 
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allthebaedraws · 7 years
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Ugggh, I really love her. Can't wait to give her a personality and backstory
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bennitheblog · 7 years
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“Sylph Oracle” - Taking a temporary break from DnD characters and made one of a Pathfinder character. Although technically this could be a windsoul genasi.
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creativerogues · 5 years
Air Genasi Players: All Hail the Fart People!
Air genasi are one of the four main subraces of the genasi race. Those genasi born with or currently manifesting the power of elemental air were called Windsouls.
Most air genasi are descended from djinn (AKA air genies) though other origins exist, though aren't explained in much detail beyond 'Magic did it'...
And thanks to their weird origin, the side effects of being an air genasi may include unusually cool flesh, a voice that carries over the wind, a whistling sound that follows quick movement, or even a slight breeze that seems to follow the genasi.
So for some very-dexterous genasi, you might hear a whistling sound as they hit you with 17 attacks in the same turn...
But, because the traits that identify an air genasi are sometimes very subtle, many young genasi actually go unrecognized for what they are for many years and are sometimes mistaken for unskilled sorcerers by a lot of the people around them.
So imagine an air genasi just thinking their a human with some stormy sorcerer magic thrown in there, until they learn over the course of the adventure what their true origin is...
And speaking once again about air genasi origins, the bloodlines of all the air genasi are so old and so untraceable that air genasi, as a whole, tend to view one another sorta like cousins, which is a fun thing to put into your campaign setting.
Imagine an air genasi finding another air genasi and just saying 'Hello Cousin' as a common greeting...
Even air genasi that have never met before we treat each other like old friends. Likewise, though this bond of kinship is strong, it is also highly competitive, another trait which is typical of all genasi, but particularly true for air genasi.
Air genasi are proud of their heritage and are more than happy to indulge in spectacular shows to awe those unfamiliar with their race, and that show of power can sometimes make an air genasi a little too overconfident... Since air genasi see themselves as the literal inheritors of the sky, the wind and the very air of the world itself.
The powerful drive and strong willed nature of air genasi makes them in some few cases, excellent leaders. These charismatic individuals band together form mercenary companies, arcane cabals, or mercantile groups.
So in short, having a small mercenary company of extremely lovable and charismatic air genasi is a-ok.
Some of these groups, made up entirely of air genasi, even take air genasi from human parents to raise them amongst their own kind, whether the parents like it or not sometimes...
But since many of these groups fall apart within a year or two, these children often end up living with just one or two of the band and develop a sense of community that is kinda unusual amongst a lot of genasi.
I mean that's a backstory right there for an Air Genasi Character: Unwillingly taken away from their human parents by a group of air genasi, but the group fell apart within a year and you were left to be raised by just one or two members of the band, and so on... 
Loving Family that adopted you, you already lived life as a young adventurer as part of that air genasi group... yada yada yada blah blah blah... BACKSTORY!
Side Note: Magic and Religion
The vast majority of air genasi feel a pull towards the elemental energies of the world, more so than even most genasi, and particularly favor spells that involve the air or wind in some way.
Those genasi who become wizards usually specialize as evokers or conjurers, because what's more wind-related than summoning a giant storm?
Air genasi don't have any one deity they cling to, but many seek out deities who hold sway over the winds and air.
Many air genasi clerics, for instance, worship the primordial Akadi, and she is perhaps the most commonly worshiped being amongst air genasi, in large part due to her association with air elementals other than djinn. Some genasi even belief that she is herself the ancestor of some air genasi.
Not all worship deities of the wind however, as many also worship Selûne, goddess of the moon.
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cachememory · 6 years
13-15 for dnd asks!!!
13. Do you have a d&d character?
I do!!! I have several! My first was a drow arachnomancer named Sol’larra! And since then I’ve created: 
a tiefling blood hunter pirate, a moon elf rogue robin hood type, wood elf hermit druid, a half elf bard with 3 identities, an orc bard who has Big Muscles to hug her dwarf bard buddy with (@mysteryprof LMAO), a windsoul air genasi monk whos really bad at being a monk and misses the circus, and now a human sorcerer who’s a widower and possibly might become a necromancer ! 
i love all of them , a lot. technically only Sol, the orc bard, and the genasi have seen any action though!
14. What inspired you to make your character?
In order: I love dark elves, I love tieflings, I drew a moon elf and got attached, I created a sculpture of an elf with a deer skull mask and made a character out of it, i made the half elf because he was GOING to be my next character for my next campaign but he didnt go anywhere, orc gal is originally an old warcraft OC who i translated to dnd for a campaign with my two friends, i LOVED the idea of genasi and knew i wanted them to be in the circus of wonders so i created him around that and hes my current dnd character!, and the last one i created out of a quick idea about a sad old man who lost his family
15. What is your characters background story?
DEEP BREATH ill just do 2! and ill try to keep it short dfjskdj
my latest two characters are Taliesin the windsoul genasi and Quincy McLaughlin the human sorcerer
Tal grew up with the monastery where he was left as a Tiny Bab and started training with them, but eventually left when he was disenfranchised with the whole thing and his training. he joined Corvus Nightfeather’s Circus of Wonders and only left to start adventuring when a noble started following him, going to every show to “persuade” him to join him at the noble’s estate fulltime
Quincy is a little more up in the air but i Love him
he was married to a man named Silas, and they had a farm where they raised their daughter. he stopped using any sorts of magic for this time, and only used it again when he came back to the farm house one day to find it burning and looters running amok. he killed them, and moved to town in the next coming weeks, and now works as a mercenary.
asdjaksdk sorry this is so long but thank u for the ask and the follow back
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sovinly · 7 years
I want #1 for All Of Them please!
Oh gosh, you are a DELIGHT
Phi: Tiptoe - Imagine Dragons
This has always struck me as a Phi song? She just has this quiet, head-down determination to succeed and do better, be better, that no one saw coming - not Crestmaker, not Seath. I think that juxtaposition of cautious tiptoe and hope/determination is very Phi.
* Bonus Phi/Terry song: Be My Luck - Oysterband - So, like, they didn’t meet in a bar, but the whole aesthetic of this song, that folksy, worn-in sound, that in-between space that turns into an invitation of something more, really just feels like them. If they had met in a bar? Would totally have been like this.
Mero: Health to the Company - Blackmore’s Night
One of the things that’s great about this song is that it’s really versatile in tone? And like, it can absolutely be cheerful, which is part of why it works for Mero, who believes in people and that people can be better when they work for one another, she is also haunted by the losses she’s had and fearful of losing people in the future. Also, she’s a bard, leading songs like this is definitely in her wheelhouse.
Okay, this is long, so here is a cut, and all the NPC songs are below!
Adilet: Freedom of Falling - VÉRITÉ
I am now departing radically from the literal lyrics, because the feel of this song and the refrain seems to suit for me. It’s just that, for someone as generally upbeat as Adilet, and as much as they appreciate the changeability of a non-physical form, they have a lot of conflicted feelings about existence. There’s a great contradiction in the idea of falling and freedom, and that people don’t seem to generally get close to them. Like, they have some friends! But I am now emotions about this AI who, living on a station, naturally has limited interaction with the physical world.
Athan: The Weight of Love - Snow Patrol
Okay, have to tread a little carefully around stuff because player knowledge. I don’t think it’s spoilers, but I don’t want anyone to feel spoiled. But Athan is the sort of restless person who knows what he wants, and what he wants is what he has now, an inn and information on his own terms. He traveled half the galaxy to get it. There was freedom in going to Mir, and absolutely the weight of love, because he is so in love with his husband. And now I am emotions about them.
Kian: Falling Apart - Michael Schulte
I mean, looking at the lyrics, I guess there’s room to interpret this as a mournful song, but in this context, I’m interpreting it more as finding oneself in falling apart, and in recognizing the triumph and the loss of history simultaneously. The instrumentals are so gentle, and for me it’s about quietly being in love and finding freedom and goals, because being in love (even this utterly, peacefully so) isn’t enough. But helping people is, making a life is. And it’s also... the loss of a home, the difficulty of adapting to disability which is difficult even when not stigmatized.
* Bonus Athan/Kian song: Your Love Could Start a War - The Unlikely Candidates - Space imagery! Fierce devotion! Love as a revelation and a revolution! Entirely how they feel about one another, and a large part of what brought them to move to the outskirts of space together. (I realize this makes this sound like there’s potential for homophobia in their background? There is not, no space homophobia, that is not a thing.)
Lorraine: Storm Song - Phildel
I feel like this one is a little more self explanatory, considering Lorraine’s drive to make sure her children are safe and, uh, I feel like a storm is an excellent metaphor for my favorite adventuring party. But also, Lorraine has so much anger and regret at how things happened, and so much determination to make things right, to strike swiftly and silently and completely. But the softness, the delicacy of the vocals is... very fitting for a woman who is so reserved and quiet and steel down to her core.
Niko: Edge of Seventeen - The Wind and the Wave
In my continual reinterpreting songs that are supposed to be romantic (which is like all of them, WHY), Niko’s whole thing about loneliness and being lost and searching fits in very well with this? Like, she’s a paladin searching not just for redemption, but also a better understanding of herself and her craft. She’s trying so hard and so quietly! And though it’s not quite the right brand of folksy, the light, airy sounds of the refrain resonate with her whole windsoul genasi self.
Devon: Thistle & Weeds - Mumford and Sons
The relatively bare instrumentation and subdued vocals here for most of the track work well, I think, for Devon and his relative lack of familiarity with music and the world in general? And also there’s the fact that Devon has been utterly torn up and thrown over for the sake of greed, and also that he very cautiously cultivates growth and resilience. I don’t know that it’s a full-arc Devon song, but I think it’s definitely a where-Devon-is-now song.
Loren: Until the Forest Knows - Jhameel
Everything about this song feels Loren so well, I think. There’s a sort of brassy brightness to the music itself, and the affectionate tone of the speaker is super appropriate. Also, just, that it’s about hope and growing out of fear and into yourself, especially considering how huge of an impact seeing the forests of Nosirion-1 and Alorvin’s grown buildings has had on her. It’s just a sweet, thoughtful song for a sweet, thoughtful, anxious girl.
Ren: Spirit Cold - Tall Heights
It’s a little weird to me that this song feels so much like Ren, because their musical style is so utterly different than this. Like, I feel like they would not be about this song until they did a substantially different sounding cover of it. It’s a little too hipster and not quite folk enough for them. But the lyrics and the feel of it, struggling to maintain a sense of self in radically altered circumstances, is very much their preoccupation. They’re both a very independent person and also very attached to their twin, and new life circumstances and adjusting to pain and recovering from trauma is… a lot.
Seb: Heavy - Birdtalkers
I tend to think of Seb and Ren’s prevailing philosophy as “This Too Shall Pass,” but Seb particularly, I think, values trying to shed pain and to search for healing. It’s part of why he’s a cleric (and a cleric of Mishakal, Our Lady of Universal Space Healthcare, specifically), because he seeks healing in healing and helping others. He’s an easygoing and cheery guy, but there’s a weight and pain and responsibility equal to Ren’s on his shoulders, and I feel like the subtext (and the overt text) of this song fits very well with the way that he tries to cope and survive.
* Bonus! Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel in NYC) - Fall Out Boy is definitely a Ren-and-Seb theme. One, they were definitely both pop-punk teenagers, this is a Fact of the Universe, and two, the anger-despair-defiance of hanging on and surviving is also a thing.
Aluarashi, That Which Deepest Is: Haru no Umi/The Sea in Spring - Michio Miyagi
This was a tough one? But I like this arrangement because it’s varied and almost playful at parts, which struck me as very much the side of Aluarashi you got to see navigating their cave (and speaking to them). I’d say this is still too reductive, but since it’s spring’s sea, I guess that does imply that there’s three other seasons too. XD
Bizza: Sleeping Sickness - City and Color
Like I said earlier, I was going back and forth here, but I’ll talk about this too. It works so well in both a metaphorical and a literal sense. It’s plaintive and tired and honestly, there’s a bare honesty of exhaustion that’s very Bizza too. He continues to both need and deserve a very good nap.
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viledeer · 7 years
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so heres my handpainted dnd figure of my pc indra! the facial features were too small to paint by hand so i just cheated with sai on the second picture to see what it would look like if i was a mouse who could paint ┐(°‿°)┌
shes a 68 year old lvl 4 windsoul genasi who was recently excommunicated from the currently corrupt shadow temple after 20 long years there and is now trying to find her way in the world and with the party as a rogue. she’s very tanky and melee based and regrets about 90% of her life. she wants desperately to be able to be some kind of healer but it doesnt seem like life has that planned for her.
she has an urchin background due to her parents being absent from her life and that fact that her mother was a djinni really grates on her because if her mother was so powerful then why was she left behind? she also has a long history with one of the npcs but That Is A Tale For A Later Date │・ω・`)
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milkmatchas · 7 years
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creating a new D&D character for a Prince of the Apocalypse (all chaotic and/or Evil aligned) campaign >:3
I was last to be invited/added to the group, so I essentially got last pick of race and class (I don’t like stacking/doubling, because I’m a hipster/idk I rly like designing unique characters??) and ended up making this moeblob
a 10yo Windsoul Genasi Bard, who-- though she does not initially have evil intent-- has a penchant for chaos (Chaotic Neutral), and ends up idolizing a party of downright villainous characters, which taints her young, undeveloped sense of ethics and morality.
her name is Fu Tempeste-- ‘Fu’ because it sounds like blowing air (dhfskjdfh what a dumb name I KNOW LOL) and ‘Tempeste’ because ‘tempest’.  she plays a Dizi (chinese bamboo flute) which her great Djinn mother is eternally trapped within, and a lyre, and I can’t wait to make up really stupid, childish songs in character as her dfhskf
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speakersdisaster · 7 years
B Session NPCs as recalled by Basil
Lumijhan: A silver dragonborn mercenary employed by the Starforge Tower transport team. Diplomatic, collected, and kind! No one knows anything else about them because they all just met, I guess. How can you hate someone who gives short elves fancy capes? 
After successfully escorting the team to Eversummer, Lumijhan heads out and returns to their family. Ulfric cries and Yam hugs them real tight. 
Mirin: A white dragonborn mercenary employed by the Starforge Tower transport team. Energetic, excitable, and friendly as hell, but clearly capable of holding her own. Who knows what’s up with her! We don’t know SHIT! 
After successfully escorting the team to Eversummer, Mirin sticks around for a while longer because she considers everyone to be friends. She fucks right off after being pressed about a mysterious human she apparently knows. 
Jhuza: Person in charge of the drow caravans? Told Wenda a fun story. Well anyway. 
Eddy: Windsoul genasi fighter who Manulani unintentionally summoned by drawing a card from the do-not-open box. She’s apparently bound to fight for Manulani. NO BIG DEAL. 
Random kobold in forest: Dead now. 
Tabaxi Guy At Camp: This guy loves fish and Mirin! They all chill out before the team makes it to Eversummer. Nice and wholesome. I sure wish I could remember anything else. 
Starforge Tower receptionist guy: A dwarf? I think. He’s supposedly a nice guy, but not at all happy with the reckless actions of the team. Still willing to give them quests though. 
Roran Pumpernickel: A normal human man who stumbles out of a bar and into the group’s loving arms. Just kidding, he’s part of the Thieves’ Guild and no one likes him. He’s cocky, manipulative, and condescending, but at least he’s offering jobs. 
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allthebaedraws · 7 years
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This is really sloppy, but i really wanted to get this design down. I made a character for a dnd campaign. Some friends of mine are trying to introduce me to it. It should be fun :)
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