#wind breaker 152
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kajibunny · 6 months ago
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get you a man who will look at you like this ♡ (takiishi chika is one lucky guy!)
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wandering-tides · 6 months ago
Have my boy Umemiya going absolutely Feral y'all
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shadowmoonarts · 6 months ago
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nanakorobiyaokii · 6 months ago
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#152: SYMBOL
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chodzacaparodia · 6 months ago
I'm proud of how quickly Sakura has matured.
He used to be triggered when he saw two people holding hands and his love radar short-circuited him at every mention of strong feelings between people, and now he calmly listens to Endo's big gay speech about his love for Chika.
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raamitsu · 6 months ago
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101suouexpressions · 6 months ago
An in-depth of the Takiishi Chika tattoo
With chapter 152, we have a glimpse into the tattoo on Takiishi and Endo's shoulders.
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Let's disect it!
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Breech-loading swivel gun – or Furanki (仏郎機砲, "Frankish gun") in Japanese (Turnbull, 2006) – was one of the first cannons used in Japan. Coming from the Portuguese, these early European models were either called ishibiya (石火矢) or furankihō (フランキ砲) (Gunsen History, 2019), the latter bears similarity with the gun's Chinese name "Folangji", which comes from the Turkish name "Prangi" or Turkic "Farangi" (Chase, 2003). This explains the "Frank" on the tattoo.
I was trying to see if the wheel in the tattoo has any other meanings, but as far as I know, it is simply the wheel of the cannon. The same structure can be observed from Nii Satoru's drawing of the cannon wheel with 4 main spokes and 4 additional, underlying spokes. (Most wheel symbols in Hinduism or Buddhism are eight-spoked wheels).
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The right-most part of the tattoo appears to be the rings and the button at the base of the cannon. It is pretty similar to what we'd see with a top-down view of the plan below.
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Note. From Oozutsu cannon Japan 16th century [image] by Unknown author. Wikimedia Commons, 2010. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oozutsu_cannon_Japan_16th_century.jpg 
The wolf
The illustration of the wolf was cleverly combined into the cannon. Its hind legs turned into the cannon base while its fur blended into the fire surrounding the cannon.
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Wolves have many symbolic meanings, but here I believe Endo was trying to highlight Takiishi's fierceness. Takiishi is an untamed, lone wolf. He doesn't obey the rules; and Takiishi's world, as per Endo's explanation, has no one other than Takiishi (of course until Umemiya makes an entrance).
Name references between Takiishi Chika and Ishibiya
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Japanese Ishibiya (石火矢) hand cannons are also early firearms in Japan and have made an appearance in the movie Princess Mononoke.
If you find Endo's explanation confusing, here's a more visualised version for it.
Takiishi Chika (焚石 矢)
焚 (taki): to burn, or anger. This character is made up of two 木 (trees) and one 火 (fire)
石 (ishi): stone, or rock
矢 (chika): arrow
Ishibiya (石火矢)
石 (ishi): stone, or rock
火 (bi): fire
矢 (ya): arrow, projectile
Kunikuzushi (国崩し)
Occasionally, Furanki guns were also called Kuni-kuzushi by the Ōtomo clan, which means country destroyer (Gunsen History, 2019).
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Kunikuzushi (国崩し)
国 (kuni): country, or nation
崩 (kuzu) し(shi): breakdown
Chase, K. W. (2003). Firearms : a global history to 1700. Cambridge University Press.
Gunsen History (2019). Taihō (大砲): Japanese Cannons and Artillery. Gunbai: Ancient Japanese Warfare. https://gunbai-militaryhistory.blogspot.com/
Turnbull, S. R. (2006). Samurai : the world of the warrior. Osprey
Unknown Author. (2010). Oozutsu cannon Japan 16th century [image]. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oozutsu_cannon_Japan_16th_century.jpg 
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thebrookesnook · 6 months ago
Hmm, I'm surprisingly calmer this chapter (it's the stress i'm telling ya) and so much yapping to be done for EndoChika istg. I'm sorry for sidelining our savior Ume for the nth time, I'll make it up to you king i swear 😭🙏.
My thoughts on Chapter 152 of Wind Breaker so spoilers ahead!
First, the title ("Symbols") is so very fitting let me tell ya.
Secondly, idk why but Sakura being worried for Umemiya is so heart warming 🥹. My son, oh my, have you have grown so much 🥹😭🤧. I hope he gets to do the "babe this isnt you" that other people have said about in previous chapters, but like in the funniest way possible.
Thirdly, this panel of Ume is insane!! LIKE THE EYEE, THIS IS BOFURIN'S LEADER Y'ALL. BEAT HIM UP UME!!
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Fourthly, Endo and Takiishi tattoo lore drop??? Not me thinking that tattoo on Endo's left deltoid m. was exclusively for himself then Takiishi takes of his jacket only to reveal the same tattoo as well!?
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AND THEN PROCEEDS TO LORE DROP THAT HE DREW THE TATTOO HIMSELF??? Moreover, TAKIISHI AGREED?? these two make me sick (/affectionate)
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I made a visual for comparison:
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(Btw, the "kuzushi" is actually a JP martial arts term for unbalancing an opponent + there's a story behind the Kunikuzushi: to briefly sum it up, a military commander from the Sengoku Period by the name of Ōtomo Sōrin had obtained an ichibiya likely imported from Portuguese Goa, India and used it for battle in other countries hence its name Kunikuzushi.)
Man's so gay he literally made a soulmark tattoo for his boo. Even Sakura could see it.
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Endo lowkey be fantasizing an period dramas in his head with Takiishi and I can respect that.
Him also being jealous of Umemiya that he's the center of Takiishi's thoughts is so hwkwkfksl. Ume would very much like to not be Takiishi's center of attention and can you please get your boyfriend back, please and thank you. This guy I swear, I'm embarrased for you and all your boy failure. Keep doing you hun.
Lastly, this chapter has made Endo more & more relatable and I don't know how I feel about that so I made memes about it:
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He's part of the art community my guys. (Not surprising considering he is a prodigy).
Thank you again Nii-sensei for the chapter and to Jacqueline Fung for the official translation 🙏 Please go and support them via the official international release in Kodansha.
(P.S. I've decided to move my wbk content on a new blog specifically for wbk. That also means new chapter rants will be there to for the forseeable future. So if you wanna check that out, come visit me @transient-winds )
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breadanpan · 6 months ago
Putting the punching people left and right aside, Endo is actually such a sweet person 😭 bro is living in his little FanFiction world where Chiika is the mc and he's the love interest. Like????? PLSSS i wanna hug him. I wanna hug Endo so bad.
And the last one...him being jealous 🥺 Endo bby...
It's Endover once Chika actually LOOKS in Endo's way and genuinely reciprocates. He's gonna be the happiest man in the world if that happens.
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hsakuras · 6 months ago
Endo and Takiishi….
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seri-tonin · 6 months ago
Okay I finished watching wind breaker and now I'm trying to decide if I want to read the manga for it or finally get back to reading witch hat atelier
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wandering-tides · 6 months ago
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shadowmoonarts · 6 months ago
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Oh my goddddd
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aeruia · 9 months ago
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you always forget to drink water every time you finish eating or just drinking water in general. that's why wbk boys are there to remind you to drink water !
character/s : sakura haruka , suo hayato , umemiya hajime , tomiyami choji .
warnings : ooc sighs ( always ooc im sorryhaishsjs ) , use of [name] in umemiya & choji’s part !!
word count : 100+ , i put it next to the character’s name :3
note : finally i’m having motivation to write omgomgomg, requests are open feel free to req !!
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sakura haruka — 151 words
raises an eyebrow when you literally just stands up and about to walk away when you finished your food. he grab you by the back of your shirt and made you sit back down.
“ you leaving without even drinking water? ” he says as he pushed a glass of water in your way. shocked at what he did you gladly took the glass of water and chugged it quickly.
“ hey! don't drink too fast or you’ll get a hiccup. ” he warns making you laugh, carefully placing the cup in the table. “ oh my since when did you get so caring! ” you playfully said, result of sakura huffing and puffing his cheeks. “ what!? i’m just saying you should stay hydrated! ”
he really does just want you to stay hydrated, he keeps reminding you to drink water whenever he bumps into you ( you and sakura always bump into each other, one way or another,, )
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suo hayato — 182 words
he probably knows you always fail to drink water after eating or just drink it in general and complain about your mouth being dry.
suo would text you about it reminding you and you were expecting a different text but it was just him saying " drink water! " and then a cute sticker that's drinking water.
has an extra water bottle for you if you both are outside, makes you take a few sip of water every thirty minutes. so, when you both are back inside the water he bought for you is empty just like his water bottle.
“ see, taking a sip of water every thirty minutes isn't so bad isn't it? ” he asked you with a smile as you just looked at him with a deadpan look. “ i don't like the taste of it when i keep repeating drinking water. ” suo shrugged as he puts both of your bottles on the table. “ then, drink glass of water every hour. ” you took his advice and started to drink glass of water every hour. ( and you still forget to drink it every hour. )
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umemiya hajime — 152 words
you two were eating in the café as he compliments kotoha’s omelette saying how good it was and that it was the number one omelette in japan.
you finished eating and just waited for him to finish, umemiya noticed that your glass of water was left untouched by you. ” drink your water, [name]!” you looked at him when he said that before turning your head at the untouched glass. “ oh, yeah sorry! ” you said and drinks your water, drinking half of it.
after that, umemiya made a mental note to himself that he should remind you to drink water or he will tell kotoha that she should also remind you to drink water. you never forget to drink water when umemiya and kotoha will remind you every time.
you never got to complain to anyone about how you feel dehydrated and that your mouth is dry because of them, you appreciate it.
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tomiyami choji — 171 words
doesn't get why you always forget to drink water and yet sometimes he also forgets to drink water so when you two are taking a walk, you will buy water not for yourself but for him. he was puzzled at that but he takes a few sip of the water you bought.
you and choji were sitting at a nearby bench for a rest and choji remembers that you haven't drink any water since you two started walking so he gave you the water.
“ drinkk your water, [name]!! ” he said happily, taking the bottle from his hand and you finished the bottle in just one go. he smiled at you and laughs “ you should drink water more often! ” you agreed with choji as you replied “ well, i hope i dont forget to drink it often. ”
when you said you hope to drink it, choji reminds you to drink water almost everyday and you feel like you always have eight glasses a day and that's good news because choji’s reminders are working.
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date posted : 062124
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raamitsu · 6 months ago
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me reacting to my boy being feral :
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bookdragonlibrary · 3 months ago
Thanks to Wind Breaker (chapter 152) I learnt the name of the first canon used in Japan : Furanki (with the japanese pronunciation in katakana) so Franky with latin alphabet.
In One Piece Franky once specialised himself in boats with weapon and what's a better weapon in a pirate ship than a canon? Could it be Oda's inspiration for his name?
But it's not the only name of that canon: the other one is Kunikuzushi, the destroyer of nations (ennemies or Japan itself?) a name well known in Genshin community since it was one of the previous names of Scaramouche once he turns a Fatui.
If you have other interpretation with its third name is ishibyia be my guest :)
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