#winchesters x sis
jasmines-library · 9 months
‘Tis the Season
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Summary: It’s Christmas time, and after a long time apart, you and your brothers are finally together to celebrate, even if it is inside a motel room.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff.
Note: Merry Christmas!
The Winchesters have never been big with celebrations. Especially since Mary passed away and hunting became the only thing on John’s agenda.This meant that you had never really experienced a proper Christmas before and neither had either of your brothers. Sure they remember snippets of Christmas from when they were younger and your mum was still around but it was never the same after that. John was never there and the three of you were often left to mill around in a shitty motel. The three of you would celebrate in your own little way. You would exchange gifts which, in Dean’s case, were often stolen or given to you by Bobby, and despite their efforts to make Christmas as normal as possible for you it was never quite how you had pictured it. Never how Sam and Dean remembered it. It didn’t help that John had told you when you were heartbreakingly young that there was no Santa Claus.
But this year, something was different. The Winchesters were celebrating.
You strolled down the road, your arm hooked around Sam’s as you admired the lights that had been strung up like bunting between the rows of buildings and hung from lampposts in the street. You wore your thickest jacket: an old blue hand-me-down from Dean, that you were pretty sure Sam might have even owned at one point before he grew taller than your older brother, and hand bundled yourself up with a scarf to shelter yourself from the frosty air.
The streets were quiet besides a few odd couples that greeted you and Sammy with a warm smile or a gentle nod. Most people were at home, celebrating the Christmas holiday.
The frost that blanketed the ground crunched under your feet and made your feet feel like small ice cubes despite the fact that you were wearing two pairs of socks. You and your brother walked quickly back to the motel where Dean was hovering over the stove tucked away in the corner of the motel. The moment you opened the door and were greeted with the warmth of the room and the smell of the food, you couldn’t help but smile up at Sam, as well as chuckle at the sight of your eldest brother. He had donned a red Santa hat and was singing along to the song he had turned up too loud on the radio between taking swigs from beer. He wrapped you up between his arms when the two of you returned with the last of the ingredients he needed before you made your way into the room.
On the nightstand between the two beds, replacing the lamp that had been shoved aside, sat a tree. It was measly and far from extravagant, sure, but you thought it was a nice touch. Dean had spotted it on the way back from a hunt and had insisted on buying it for the motel room. You spent the rest of the day hanging old car air fresheners from the branches as if they were baubles. It was makeshift; but somehow that made it seem even more special and you beamed brightly. You placed the brown paper bag you had been clutching beneath it, making sure to roll over the top to make sure that the contents were hidden.
“Alrighty.” Dean announced “Grubs up.”
The three of you squeezed around the table and began to tuck into the food that Dean placed in front of you on the table. Dean was far from the best chef that much was true but at a time like this you were grateful that he had made such an effort to cook. As the three of you ate between bouts of conversation and fits of laughter, it made you realise how much you missed spending time with your brothers. This was the first time you had truly sat down together in…well forever. Times had been kind of hectic with Sam returning from Stanford and everything with Dad and Dean, you were glad that for a few sweet moments, the three of you could just be a family. For once there was no worrying about monsters. No worrying about who was going to vanish next. It was just the three of you enjoying the little things in life.
Dinner, by far the best one you have had in a while, was followed up with gift giving and the three of you bundled on to the beds, sipping glasses of cold eggnog.
“Okay Sammy,” Dean said as he produced his first gift from his duffel. It seemed the three of you all had the same idea because it too was wrapped in a brown paper bag. “This one is for you.”
Sam unwrapped it eagerly, producing a dark glass bottle of his favourite beer.
“Thank you.” He laughed, producing a bag of his own. “It seems great minds think alike.”
Dean chuckled and he tore open the paper to reveal his favourite drink secured inside a porno magazine by an elastic band.
“Ok. This is for De.” You pulled out a small bag and handed it to him. Inside lay a small keychain in the shape of a pie that you had spotted on a rotating rack inside the gas station which you couldn’t resist buying, alongside a couple of packets of beef jerky that Dean always seemed to keep stashed away in his glovebox.
“Thanks kiddo” He laughed as he hooked the keychain onto his keys.
“And this is for you, Sammy.” You produced another bag and handed it to him, watching keenly as he unwrapped it, pulling out the clear plastic and producing a pair of wired headphones.
“It’s to stop you complaining about Dean’s music in the car.” You prompted.
“Hey!” Dean said with mock hurt. “I think you’ll find I have great taste in music.”
You raised your hands nonchalantly “tell that to him not me.”
“I’m just saying Dean, there are things out there besides mullet rock. You should try updating your cassettes some time. Seriously, dude.”
“You know the rules, Sammy.” Dean shook his head. “Driver picks the music-“
“Shotgun shuts his cakehole. Yeah. I know.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Anyway, enough. This is for you, Y/N.”
Sam rummaged around in his bag for a small white box before handing it to you. You took it gently. It was light in your hand.
“It's from both of us.” Dean added.
You peeled open the box slowly to reveal the insides which almost made you tear up. Inside the box sat a dainty necklace in the shape of a heart. It seemed familiar somehow, but you couldn’t place where you had seen it before. When you picked it up and turned it over in your palm to admire the delicacy of it, you noticed the small hinges on the side so decided to open it.
Inside was a small cut out of an image. The three of you were much younger here. Sammy was still smaller than Dean and you barely reached his hip. The three of you were grinning from ear to ear as you gripped onto each of your brothers hands as they swung you through the air at the moment the image was captured.
“It’s beautiful.” You sighed, looking up at your two brothers. “Where did you-“
“It was moms.” Dean said. It then hit you that you had seen her wearing it in pictures.
“Bobby found it while sorting through some of Dads old stuff that was left around his. We thought you should have it.”
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” You smiled. “Help me put it on?”
“Of course.”
Dean moved closer to you, moving your hair aside so he could clasp the end of the good chain together.
“It looks like it’s always belonged there.” Sam told you when Dean let go of it so it could hang around your neck, settling on the centre of your chest.
“It’s perfect.” Dean told you.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
“Merry, Christmas, Boys.”
Although being hauled up in a motel may not have seemed like the ideal way to celebrate Christmas for the average person, just being able to spend time with your brothers was enough for you. You cared not for an extravagant meal and bucket loads of expensive gifts. You were happy to settle with what you had and the fact that the three of you had celebrated like this meant so much to you as it did to them. The three of you may not have much, but you have each other, and that’s worth far more than anything else.
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redbird-tf · 7 days
Chamomile tea 
Dean winchester x (hunter ) sister reader
Summary: being alone for so long you’ve gotten used to only relying on yourself, a mindset that Dean starts to chip away at. 
Word count: 740
Notes: being creative is hard
Warnings: none
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You sniffled, reaching across the table for a new tissue. You blew hard before discarding it in the bin with the dozen others.“Fever not letting up?” You jumped at Dean's voice, You weren't quite accustomed to having company around yet. The three of you were still navigating this new dynamic, which was proving easier for some than others. Just a few months ago Sam and Dean were the dynamic hunter duo, while you still navigated the world solo. You could still vividly recall the moment when John had announced the secret he had buried for years, the secret forced out because of a hunt.
You remembered the look of shock that overtook everyone’s face and the screaming match that ensued between Sam and John. You could recall standing silently in the corner, feeling Dean gaze upon you from ten feet away. Once the job was done and John disappeared again you expected life to go back to normal, you couldn’t have anticipated the brothers to take you under their wing. “Family looks out for each other” Sam had stated to you, a mentality that you would come to learn.
What you hadn’t seen that night was the quiet devastation Dean had unleashed. He couldn’t pick a fight with John like Sam could, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t just as angry. His entire life he’d been forced into the role of a guardian for his little brother, and now to find out he had a sister—who had been alone in this life—turned that protective instinct into a fierce storm of emotions. The guilt of failing as brother was sallowing him whole and the rage towards John for keeping the truth from him boiled over. Least to say When they checked out, the motel room bore the scars of his turmoil.
“I'm fine” you stated blankly in response, your attention turning back to the lore book in your lap. You weren’t purposely being stubborn, to you it was true. You had gotten sick before and you'd get over it, no big deal. Dean didn't respond and carried on with his business in the kitchen. The sound of pouring liquid reached your ears, but it didn’t smell like his usual coffee so you assumed he was having a drink. Hearing what sounded like a spoon hitting the side of a ceramic mug you raised your head in confusion. Unfortunately, his back was turned to you, blocking your view of what he was conjuring up.
When he started to turn around, your eyes darted back to your book only looking up when hearing the soft clink of a mug being placed in front of you. You watched the steam rise, a sweet and sour aroma filling the air. “Is that chamomile tea?” A softer voice chimed in as Sam entered the room. “Not for you,” Dean stated firmly, taking a seat across from you. You stared at the drink “What is it?” You asked raising an eyebrow. “Tea, honey for a sore throat, and some lemon for the headaches” Dean explained leaning back in his chair. “Thats pure witchcraft right there, can fix anything!” Sam exclaimed pointing at the mug. “Drink up sis” sam encouraged, brushing his hand over your shoulder on his way to the door.
“You didn't have to do that,” you said softly to Dean. “I used to make them all the time for Sam, it's no big deal,” Dean reassured you. You fidgetedwith the edge of a page. “I'm not dying Dean.” Your tone came off defensive causing Dean to sit up straight. “You don't have to be dying, for someone to make you a cup of tea kiddo” his words prompted you to lift your head to meet his gaze. “I didn't mean…” your words trailed off, unable to defend your previous statement. “I'm your big brother, it's my job to look out for you.” He said with a stern tone. You could only stare at him in silence trying to comprehend his words. “I know it hasn't always been like that, but it is now. I've been a big brother for a long time and Sam’s still learning. i know you are too—just…” he took a deep breath “Let me do this for you, ok?” You nodded silently, noticing how his softened eyes contrasted with the weight of his words.
Without knowing what to say, you lifted the mug to your lips. The warmth of the citrus tea seeped into your chest, and you felt your tense muscles start to relax much like the protective wall you’ve built beginning to chip away. You gently placed the mug down, catching a glimpse of the small smile on Dean's face. “Thank you, Dean” you responded with a smile of your own. He didn’t respond with words instead, he stood up from the table, patting you on the shoulder as he passed by. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself when looking down at the mug in front of you.
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Mothers Daughter🕊️
Summary: Being the youngest of the winchesters had its ups and downs, but being the only girl made you miss out on a female figure, so the only thing you can do is ask the men around you about your mother
Pairing: Dean Winchester x lil sister, Sam Winchester x lil sister, John Winchester x daughter
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You never got to meet you mother she died 6 months after you were born, well when you and Sam were born, he was older than you by 5 minutes and still treated you like his little sister but you couldn’t ask for 2 better bigger brothers, they were always there for you and made sure you were okay
Being the youngest and only girl in the family it got hard sometimes, when you were little it wasn’t as big of a deal, John treated you like his little girl and loved you dearly always reminding you that you looked like Mary, your brothers treating you like a princess and let you play with dolls, but as you got older and you got more woman problems it was hard to handle since there was no motherly figure to turn too
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You woke up in the motel you were currently staying at with John, Sam and Dean, late at night you got up feeling groggy and your stomach aching so bad, nothing like you’ve ever felt before, you got to the bathroom looking in the mirror seeing how pale you had gotten, thinking maybe it was just something you ate you went to use the washroom but when you pulled down your pants all you see is blood and you panic
You pull your pants back up dropping to the ground when another wave of pain hits your lower stomach
“DADDY!” You scream out scared you might be serious sick
He runs in frantic looking around for danger, probably thinking something supernatural was out to get you, he kneeled infront of you brushing your hair back
“Baby what’s wrong?”
“Somethings wrong, I’m bleeding a lot and….and it hurts so bad” you say breathing heavy just wishing for him to take you pain away
“Oh princess, it’s your period every woman goes through it, I’ll run out and get you some pads and pain killers, drink some water I’ll be right back”
When he left Sam and Dean came and sat with you on the bathroom floor, doing everything they could to comfort you, but you were still confused on what was happening
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That happened when you were 14 and after John explained to you what a period was you felt so different from your brothers, every month you had to go through pain while they carried on with hunting, having to go through bouts of random emotions was irritating but what was worse was having your body change and not knowing what to do
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“Damn sis your legs are just about as hairy as mine” Dean laughed as we were all sat around in another motel, you felt so embarrassed covering your legs under the blankets
“Dean enough” John said as he saw your bottom lip tremble
“Daddy I don’t understand why do I have to change like this my legs are hairy and my boobs are getting bigger and I don’t feel comfortable”
“Come on princess I’ll take you shopping”
He took you to a drug store find a training bra that fit comfortably and some razors, the drive home was a little quiet
“I’m sorry daddy, I don’t mean to inconvenience you I know you have a lot on your plate right now with this werewolf case”
“It’s not your fault, and you’re not an inconvenience, just wish your mother was here to help guide you on this”
Your mother was a sore topic for the family which is all the more reason you wish you knew her, they barely talk about her
You got back to the motel room and Sam was already asleep but Dean was up watching tv still, John got ready for bed while you sat at the little table working on some homework Dean coming to sit with you, he was 19 so he didn’t have to do any schooling anymore
“Dean can I ask you something?” You sighed putting your pencil down
“Sure kid, what’s got your little head worrying?”
“Do you….i mean I never knew her but…..do you like mom would have liked me?”
He looked surprised not expecting that question, you saw John come out of the washroom seeing Dean expression and your nervous state
“What’s going on?”
“She…..she asked if mom would have liked her”
You were scared that he was going to yell at you, but you were just so desperate to have a mom or even a older strong woman figure to look up to
“Daddy I’m sorry I just…..I feel so different and you always say I remind you of mom, I just miss someone I never knew and it hurts”
“I’m not made princess, I’m sorry you and the boys don’t have your mother but I’m trying my best, and your mother would have loved you, I remember when she found out she was having twins she was so excited and when you were born and we saw you were a little girl she always said she felt this connection with you, how she’d cradle you and you’d immediately relax against her, she had so much planned for you Angel, she told me to wait till your 16th birthday to give you this but it’s close enough” he got up rummaging through his bag pulling out a little box
You opened it to see a silver necklace with a protection charm, just like the one John had tattooed
“I love it, thank you, I hope where ever she is she’s proud of me”
“Hey kid, we’re all proud of you” Dean smiled helping you put the necklace on
“She couldn’t have left me with better protectors, I love all three of you”
“Love you too princess, forever”
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You were 22 now and on a run with all three Winchester boys, you had just finished getting the colt back from some vampires and trying to make a game plan so that John would accept you help, Sammy was driving and you and Dean were in the back
“Daddy please just take a break for a second, let us help I…….i miss you” bright lights burned you eyes before everything crashed and everything went black
You opened your eyes to see you were in a field full of flowers, not a worry in the world just the calming feeling of wind in your hair, bees buzzing by, no vampires or demons or anything just peace, then a woman in white appeared next to you
“You’re so beautiful” she smiled brushing your hair back
“Who are you?”
“I’m your mother dear, don’t tell me those boys haven’t showed you a picture of me” you shook your head but then you realized what she said, your mother was sitting next to you
“Mom…..it’s you!” You wrapped your arms around her feeling her warmth that you craved for
“But if it’s really you then…..am I dead?” You asked scared
“You got in a crash, the boys are waiting for you back there but if you want you can stay with me, we can be happy just mother and daughter, you can stay with me”
“But I haven’t lived yet, I don’t wanna leave Sammy or Dean and I can’t leave dad like that, I just got him back”
“It’s your choice baby, but either way I’m always with you” she said pointing at my necklace
A bright light above stung your eyes slowly coming into focus, seeing everyone surrounding you bed
“There she is, god sis you terrified us” Sam said wrapping his arms around you
“Princess why are you crying?” John asked worried your in pain
“I saw her” you whispered still in shock
“I think she still got drugs in her system” Dean laughed
“No I saw her, it was mom” everyone went still
“She said I could stay with her, wherever I was it was peaceful and free of evil but….i had to come back I just got you back dad and I can’t just leave my brothers you’ll tear eachother apart without me here” you smile
“I ain’t leaving anytime soon baby girl”
You went to sit up but pain shot through your body
“Good driving Sam, how is it you all look like you got in a little bar fight and I’m the one in this hospital bed…….any serious damage?”
“Doc said you got a concussion, broken rib and some nasty cuts on your face”
“But I’ll be okay?”
“We won’t let anything happen to you, never again”
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Requests are open for supernatural or the walking dead:)����
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nikkisheep · 3 months
ok im not used to requesting yet so sorry if im doing this wrong but im sad so i need me some early seasons sam fluff, like reader jokingly calling him sammy and he starts acting all weird or something
Sammy Boy
Sam Winchester x reader
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: Request
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The hunt was tough given that it was a ghost that haunted a family's home for over three hundred years and there was little know about said ghost. Dean drove the group to a bar a few miles from the hotel. You and Sam walked to a booth in the back of the bar and slid in beside each other. Dean was chatting with a tall blonde and Sam turned to you with a smile.
"How is your shoulder?" He asked, you had been thrown across the room and hit the wall really hard.
"It's alright, just a bit sore." You smiled. "No need to be so worrisome, Sammy!"
Upon saying it, Sam had a deep blush go across his face and he let out a forced cough. He quickly stand up and excuse himself to the bathroom. You sat there, beer bottle in hand and stared at his retreating figure before he disappeared with the crowd.
You sat on the bed in the hotel, cleaning a gun when Sam walked into the room with his computer. You smiled and turned to face him completely.
"Hiya Sam," You smile but he just stops in his sport before excusing himself to go outside. You turn to Dean, who was cleaning the other guns, with a confused look.
"He has been acting very strange," You said.
"Sam is always strange, man."
You shook your head and looked down at the guns again before going back to cleaning them. Sam was finding any reason to get away from you and you were getting tired of it. Why was he avoiding you and what had you done to be avoided?
"Sam, you go with her and I'll go with Cas," Dean said, splitting everyone up to cover more grounds to find the remains of a woman who was taunting the residents in a home.
As Sam and you had walked around the graveyard, you walked in silence. It was quiet and it was every bit of awkward as Sam had not been able to handle being in the same room as you for more than five minutes before he awkwardly stands up and trips over his long legs or when he stutters over his words.
"Hey, Sam?" You ask, and he turns to you but accidentally blinding you with the flash light in his hands.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to blind you," He quickly apologized over the mistake and then looked down at his shoes. "What's up?"
"You have been acting weird recently," You start before he interrupts you quickly.
"I have not been acting weird. I just have a lot on my mind," He says with a small smile.
"Yesterday you nearly dropped your computer when you saw me," You giggle.
"You bumped into me," He defended himself.
"Or what about the time that you were trying to explain the micro-organisms that were on lettuce when I asked if you wanted a slice of pie with Dean and I?"
"Okay that was because I wanted a salad," He laughed, bumping into you slightly.
You turned to him and smiled, this tall, strong man was failing at hiding what the true reason behind his actions.
"But then I realized why you were acting this way and I came to conclusion that it was because I called you Sammy."
Just as you said it, he cleared his throat and stumbled from a root.
"I realized that only Dean had called you that and your behavior started when I jokingly called you Sammy which you stumbling and clearing your throat is just proving my theory."
His face was a deep shade of pink and his smile was giving him away. He was just confused how you figured it out. After all, he thought he was hiding it pretty well.
"You are correct. It's just strange hearing it come from someone else other than Dean and I kinda just freaked out. I am just not used to hearing it from a pretty girl either so it was just a surprise," He smiled and then laughed awkwardly.
"You think I'm pretty?" You smile brightly.
"I...I mean yeah. You are like really pretty and I just didn't expect you to call me by my nickname. I have known you since we were like 10 and you had never called me Sammy before so it just threw me for a loop," He says, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, for what it counts, I think you are pretty too, Sammy." You smile and his hand reaches out to grab yours.
"Can we get coffee after this hunt?" He asks.
"Are you going to explain how the coffee bean has special organisms on it?"
"No, I won't."
"Because I wouldn't mind if you did," You smile.
Maybe you should start to call him Sammy a lot more often.
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reigningqueenofwords · 5 months
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Pairing: Castiel x Winchester!Reader Word count: 1,953
Read on AO3
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Sitting in the room that your brothers had set up for you, you tilted your head as you looked over the canvas in front of you. You were surrounded by some finished pieces, pieces you’d started and were waiting for new inspiration for, and then some pieces you hated and just never threw away. You were wearing a pair of old jeans and a tank top, not caring about the amount of paint that currently covered you. 
There was a knock on the door before it opened. When you looked over your shoulder, you were met with Dean’s face. “Sis, we kill things for a living, so please tell me why you paint like this?” He motioned around as he stepped it. 
“Like what?” You raised an eyebrow at him, looking innocent. 
He played Vanna White at your current piece. “Like you just ripped a guy’s heart out and decided to paint with it?!” He said simply. “It’s weird.” He shuddered. “It’s like the murder room in here.” He explained. 
You blinked. “Huh.” You shrugged. “I never thought of it that way.” You admitted. “Maybe it’s my way of working through things we see? You drink and jack off to Busty Asian Beauties. Sam nerds out. I paint.” That was your best theory. “And spend time with Cas when he can.” You pouted. He’d been somewhat busy lately, leaving you little time with your boyfriend. 
“Hopefully he can take you out soon. Get you away from this.” He motioned to your work again. “Can’t you paint something with life?” He asked. 
“I could try, but it probably wouldn’t be any good.” You told him. 
He rolled his eyes. “You’ve got talent, so stop trying to pretend you don’t. Anyways, dinner is done.” He moved towards the door. “Can you take a break from blood and guts to eat with your older brothers?” He teased you. 
“Give me five minutes to put the covers on my pallets and clean my brushes.” You smiled. “And get me a beer?” You asked him, going to work on cleaning up. “And not one of those alcohol free ones you’re hell bent on me drinking.” 
“You’re my baby sister, so sue me.” 
Stopping what you were doing, you stared at him. “Dean. I turned thirty two months ago .” You laughed. “I’m not a baby!” 
“Shuddup.” He muttered before leaving you alone. 
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“Wash your hands.” Sam told you as he set things out on the table. “I know your hands are covered in paint.” 
You chuckled. “Jokes on you. My hands are clean, Sammy.” You showed him when he looked up at you. “Had to clean my brushes.” You explained. “Need any help?” You offered. 
He smiled. “Nope. We’re good.” He sat down as Dean brought over three beers. “I actually cooked dinner. No takeout tonight.” He said proudly. 
“Oh, impressive. And I was so getting used to the bad Chinese and Taco Bell.” You teased, getting yourself comfortable. “And thank you for the real beer.” You told Dean, lifting it to your lips. 
Cas appeared a moment later. “Oh, you’ve already begun dinner.” He sighed. “I was hoping to take Y/N for a date.” He explained. “Perhaps another night.” He noted, sitting down. 
Dean nudged you. “Go on.” He told you. “Or he’s going to pout like a puppy who lost his bone.” He teased his best friend. It had been weird as hell when you first started dating him, but over time...he was okay with it. “Besides, that ‘another night’ might not happen for weeks for all we know.” He pointed out. 
“You sure?” You looked between the boys. “You cooked.” You reminded Sam. 
He smiled, nodding. “I can easily put the leftovers in the freezer.” He assured you. “Go.” 
You got up, moving to hug each of your brothers. “You’re the best. Love you. I promise I’ll work on that ‘life’ painting tomorrow, Dean!” You kissed his cheek, making him chuckle and shake his head. You got to Cas and held out your hand. “All yours!” 
Cas’s face lit up as he stood. “I am looking forward to our date. I’ve missed you.” He said sweetly before he kissed you. 
Dean made a face. “Dude.” He said jokingly. 
“Going!” You laughed, tugging Cas out of the room. “Let me change and then we can go. Did you have someplace in mind?” You asked as you neared your room. “So I know how to dress.” 
“You are fine in what you are wearing.” He chuckled. “Although, I would suggest shoes.” He pointed out. “I find I enjoy when you are covered in paint. Means you had a good day in your ‘studio’, which I know makes you happy.” His blue eyes traveled over your body as he spoke. 
You blushed and looked at him. “Can I show you my latest work?” You asked shyly, wanting to see if he thought the same thing as Dean. 
He beamed. “Of course.” He nodded, letting you tug him in the direction of your little studio. “I always enjoy seeing it.” He had simply watched you work for hours on end before, observing you. It was beautiful. 
Opening the door, you let him in and shut it behind him. “Dean doesn’t get my work.” You told him. “Says it looks like I took a guy’s heart and painted with it or something.” You traced your fingers gently over the outside of your new canvas. “Asked me to paint something with ‘life’.” You sighed. 
“What is more full of life than blood?” Cas asked. When you looked at him, eyebrow raised, he smiled at you. “Blood truly is life.” He pointed out. “Without it, humans would die, animals would parish.” 
You nodded at that. “That is a very good point.” You agreed. “Dean calls it the murder room.” You shrugged. “I dunno, just wanted your opinion. I never noticed it until he said that. I like my work. It speaks to me. Except for those.” You pointed to the corner. “Those are my disowned works.” 
He chuckled lightly. “Why do you keep them?” He asked, curious. 
“Inspiration to do better?” You guessed, chewing on your lip as you looked around. Slowly, you smiled at him. “I have an idea…” You moved to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “And I need the help of a certain angel.” You flirted. 
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. “And how may I help you?” He asked, voice low. 
Pecking his lips, you grinned. “Strip.” You patted his chest. 
“Strip? As in, remove my clothing?” He asked, wanting to clarify things.You nodded as you slowly pulled away, taking off your tank top. 
Both of you stripped, eyes never leaving each other as you did so. “Now, pick some paint.” You pointed to where there was a bunch of new bottles. “No more than say six. Don’t want it to get muddy.” You moved things out of the way as he looked over his options, wanting them to be perfect. Once there was enough room, you set up as many canvases as you could fit in the area. 
“Are these okay?” He asked, turning with two bottles in each hand- teal, dark blue, emerald green, and a color that reminded you of his eyes. 
“Perfect.” You nodded, excited. “Give me two.” You reached out, getting dark blue and emerald green. “Now shoot streaks all over the place. On these canvases.” You told him. 
“And this will create ‘life art’?” He asked as he opened his two bottles. 
You did the same. “It’s the start.” You explained. “Move around to get some all over.” You told him, not staying put. Once you felt there was enough, you stopped. “That’s good. Can you put these over there?” You handed him your bottles and motioned to the ones that were opened. 
Castiel nodded, taking them. “Of course.” He agreed. “Now...what?” He was curious as you walked across the canvases towards him. 
“Now, you’re going to lay me down on these and we’re going to enjoy each other.” You ran your hand over his chest. “We’re going to make a painting with our bodies.” Kissing him softly, you smiled. 
His hands gripped your hips. “I will not object to that.” He told you, kissing you lovingly as the pair of you moved to lay down. 
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Dean was walking by your room when he heard you laughing and paused. He furrowed his brows, moving towards it. “Sis?” He called out before opening the door. “Oh, come on .” He instantly left. 
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Walking into the kitchen, your hair was wet and you were wearing your bathrobe. Cas wasn’t that far behind, a smile on his face. He was dressed in his own clothes, but his hair was also wet. “Please erase that image from my mind.” Dean down the last of his beer. 
“Hey, you asked me to create a life painting.” You smirked. 
“I didn’t say ‘make babies in paint’!” He countered, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. “I want to forget that sight.” He groaned. 
Cas furrowed his brows. “We were not ‘making babies’.” He told Dean. “I have no wish to lose her to childbirth.” 
You giggled as Dean put his head on the table. “I think you’re breaking him.” You told your boyfriend. “Let’s just get my ice cream and go watch a movie.” You said as you got a bowl. “I’m sure it’ll pass, Dean.” You told your older brother. “You’ll be okay.” 
He shook his head, not moving it from the table. “I regret telling you to make ‘life paintings’. Please, stick to your murder work.” He turned his head to look at you. 
“I might. Depends on if these sell.” You shrugged. 
That made him sit up. “Sell?” He asked, curiosity piqued. “What are you talking about? You’ve never mentioned selling your work before.” 
You nodded, finishing getting your ice cream and putting it away. “It was Cas’s idea. Said that my talent should be shared, and it might be a good way for us to make some spare cash.” You turned to lean against the counter, bowl in hand. “So, I’m going to ask Sam to help me figure out how to sell some stuff online.” You explained. 
Dean smiled at that. “See, told you that you have talent.” He said proudly. “You got a ton of work in there you can sell.” 
“Except I requested she keep one of our pieces.” Cas noted. 
“Please never mention your ‘pieces’ again.” Dean said over his shoulder. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find something to take my mind off...that.” He moved to the fridge to grab another beer before leaving the two of them alone. 
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Running through the bunker when you heard Dean get home from a supply run. “Dean!” You were nearly jumping with excitement. “Guess what?!” You squealed. 
“What?” He laughed, loving seeing you like this. 
“Everything. Sold.” You told him. “In just the time that you were gone.” You gushed. “Cas and Sam and helping me get everything wrapped up. The buyer is in the city.” You explained. “All. One. Buyer.” 
His eyebrows went up. “One?!” He grinned. “That’s amazing. You sure it’s legit?” He didn’t want you getting screwed over. 
You nodded. “He’s sent half the money already.” You told him. “We meet him about dinner time. And, then after, I’d like to take my big brothers out to celebrate.” 
“What about Cas?” He asked. 
“We’re going away for a few days, leaving Friday.” You told him happily. “Going to Greece. Saving on airfare, thankfully.” 
Dean hugged you, happy for you. “You’ll be in a museum one day.” He beamed.
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matchayogitea · 1 year
Stay - Dean Winchester x Reader
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You and Dean are forced to share a bed after a hunt, and you talk in your sleep. You end up saying too much, and you confess your feelings for him.
It was late evening when you and Dean pulled up into the parking lot of a cheap motel on the border between California and Oregon, and you were both exhausted.
It had been a long day. You two had set off in the morning for a hunt, a simple case all things considered (a stubborn poltergeist), but you had been on hunt after hunt for weeks with barely any rest and it was starting to take its toll. Dean had insisted Sam stayed at Bobby's since he had a broken wrist that needed to heal and you had agreed, hence why only the two of you had set off on this case.
Now that it was over, you felt like you could sleep for three days in a row.
"Maybe we should actually get out of the car…?" Dean suggested, neither of you moving.
You let out a chuckle. "Right. I'm so tired I can't think straight."
"Let's sleep in tomorrow, alright? Don't come knocking at my door before midday."
"Don't you come knocking at my door before midday!" you smiled, finally getting out of the car and grabbing your bag, heading toward the motel.
As soon as the receptionist saw you he plastered a fake smile on his face and welcomed you with an enthusiastic Good evening! that sounded way too cheerful and proceeded to tell you that you two were lucky, the motel only had one room left.
"Does the room have separate beds?" You asked, glancing at Dean out of the corner of your eye. When you and the Winchesters went on hunts you would usually get your own room while Sam and Dean shared one.
"I'm afraid not, there's only one bed…" the receptionist trailed off and Dean immediately interjected: "We'll take it." He moved his gaze to you: "We're exhausted, I don't feel like driving in search of another motel. Let's just stay here."
You nodded. You could barely stand and you certainly didn't feel like driving, either.
"Dean? Do you mind if I shower first?" You asked almost timidly, looking around the room. It was small and fairly spartan, but at least it smelled and looked clean.
"Go ahead, I think I'll go get some food at the vending machine down the hall. Want anything?"
You could have eaten, but at the same time you really were not in the mood for junk food, so you shook your head and went to take a shower. When you were done, you changed into a pair of shorts and a large T-shirt, feeling even more sleepy.
"I feel like a new woman," you muttered as you exited the bathroom and reached Dean, sprawled out on the bed, munching on some kind of bar.
"I take it hot water actually works this time?" he grinned, referring to the last hunt when you stopped at a motel with horrific bathrooms.
"Yeah, decent water pressure too. Go ahead, I'm done!"
Dean nodded and left, while you made yourself comfortable under the duvet. Then it hit you. Only one bed, not even that big. And you and Dean, sharing it. Sleeping really close to each other. Practically touching.
You closed your eyes and sighed, hoping falling asleep wouldn't prove difficult. You were worried you'd stay awake, feeling self-conscious about your proximity… but then, you heard him sing in the shower and started to gradually relax. His voice was so comforting. It was so deep and husky, so beautiful…
You drifted off to sleep.
"Hey, Y/N, are you-"
Dean emerged from the bathroom and stopped talking when he noticed you were out like a light. He smiled to himself and turned off the lights as he made himself comfortable beside you.
He felt a little odd. You two had shared a bed before, but a much bigger one and a long time in the past. He propped himself up on his elbow to take a good look at your relaxed face. You deserved a break, after the long month you had had.
He was tempted to reach out and brush a strand of hair away from your face, but he didn't want to wake you. He let out a little sigh, turning on his side to face away from you. Lately he had been feeling way too strongly about you, and he was worried. He was worried because he didn't want to fuck up and ruin your friendship, but at the same time he longed for you, and with each passing day it kept getting harder and harder to keep his feelings to himself.
You mumbled something unintelligible and Dean rolled on your side to face you. "Sorry, did I wake you, Y/N?"
Silence. The room wasn't completely dark and he could see the expression on your sleeping face hadn't changed. Huh. Must be talking in her sleep.
"I wonder if Dean has realized…"
Dean stiffened. What were you talking about? "Realized what?" he whispered, suddenly attentive.
"I am so in love with him…"
Dean's eyes widened and he sat up in bed, feeling more awake than ever. "You… you're in love with Dean? Since when?"
You didn't say anything at first, but eventually muttered: "I can't even remember… it's been so long…"
He reached out with his arm with the intention to wake you, but then stopped. He couldn't do that.
"I am in love with Dean… but I'm not good enough for him… so I'll never tell him," you mumbled. "He's so handsome… and strong… and he has the biggest heart… how could I not love him?"
Dean couldn't believe your words. He wanted to ask more, but he suddenly felt guilty about questioning you when you didn't even realize what you were doing. And what you'd said about not being good enough hurt, because it was the other way around. He believed he didn't deserve someone like you.
You went silent after that, and Dean tried to get to sleep.
Despite his exhaustion, he stayed awake for almost an hour, tossing and turning and wishing it was morning already.
"Dean, you look tired. I hope I wasn't moving in my sleep, keeping you awake."
He cleared his throat and shook his head. "You weren't moving in your sleep," he replied, looking down at his plate. Instead of scarfing down breakfast like he normally would, it was taking him forever to get through his eggs and bacon. You had almost finished your pancakes.
"Well… did you have trouble sleeping?" you asked curiously, eyeing him intently. He did look tired, but still gorgeous. The only thing that gave away his lack of sleep was the bags under his eyes, and even then, he looked better than 99% of the population.
"I… well… it's just…"
You raised an eyebrow. He had been acting odd all morning, ever since you woke up. You had moved closer to him while you slept, and when you opened your eyes you realized you were snuggling against him, but he was asleep and you had moved away immediately, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. But maybe he had noticed, and that was why he was acting weird?
"I'm sorry if I got too close to you in bed… I just move a lot when I sleep and-"
"No, that's not it," he cut you off, biting his lip. "You were talking in your sleep last night."
"Oh God, did I keep you up? I'm so sorry, Dean! You should have woken me-"
"No, it was only a few minutes, you didn't speak for long. But you said… something."
You didn't like where this was going one bit. Pretending to not be affected, you gulped down some coffee and waited for him to elaborate further.
"You said some things about me, and… they were all compliments, huge compliments, and you also said…" Dean hesitated. He hated the thought of potentially making you uncomfortable, but he just had to tell you. He couldn't pretend he hadn't heard, especially because he was in love with you, too! "You said you were in love… with me." he whispered, staring into your eyes as if he was mesmerized.
You tensed up immediately and dropped your fork. You could deny it, sure, but you doubted Dean would believe you. Despite not remembering what you'd said in your sleep, you were sure everything had been 100% the truth.
You were in trouble.
"I…" You lowered your gaze, feeling extremely embarrassed. You were at a loss for words.
"Y/N, please, look at me."
You gingerly looked up, not sure what to expect, but Dean's gaze was warm and loving and he was smiling.
"It made me happy… to hear you say those things."
He reached out his hand to grab yours and squeezed it lightly. "And… it also made me sad."
Of course. He's going to say he loves me like a sister. "I'm sorry, Dean…"
"Sorry?" he frowned. "No, it's… I meant it made me sad because you said you weren't good enough for me, and that's a lie. I think the opposite."
"I think I am not good enough for you."
You must have looked puzzled, because Dean smiled before adding: "I feel the same way you do."
You blinked. You must have misheard. "You-what?"
Dean let out a little laugh and reached over, gently pressing his lips on yours. It only lasted a moment, but he tasted good. Like coffee.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N," he said firmly. "And… I'm happy we shared a room and I'm happy you talk in your sleep, cause God knows how long we would have gone on pretending if this hadn't happened."
You couldn't believe it. As Dean stared at you expectantly, you willed yourself to say something to break the silence. "I guess we can keep sharing a room from now on?"
Dean laughed and reached over again, this time whispering in your ear. "You can count on it, sweetheart. Now what do you say we leave the diner and make up for lost time?"
You got up so quickly you almost bumped your knee against the table and as you followed Dean outside you silently thanked all the gods you didn't believe in for your useless ability of sleep talking.
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Perfect (S.W.)
Sam Winchester x Plus sized F! Reader
Request: maybe some s1/2 sam? it’s the reader's first time, and sam js is really sweet to her, focusing on her pleasure, guiding her through everything, and noticing how she reacts to his touches and teasing her, just like body worship lol. nicknames, Sam being lowkey an oral god🤭 lol. maybe the reader is just a little bit shy because she is more chubby? idk if this makes sense but yeah!! I hope you can do this, have a lovely day <3 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Rating: Mature (minors DNI)
Warning: Some violence, p n v, unprotected (Wrap it before you tap it!), Sam Is an oral god 🤧, talk of insecurities, loss of virginity.
Gif, not mine*
A/N I am accepting requests and making a supernatural tag list!
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The lock behind you clicking locked sounded like music to your ears. Working straight after class from 4-12 was exhausting, to say the least, at a bar nonetheless. Annoying college frat boys, creepy old men, prostitutes (get the bag sis), you get it though life is hard.
“Only two more months then Im out of here…” You whispered under your breath. You were right though, only two more months at Standford and you were off to do big things in the world.
The walk back to your small apartment outside of campus was cold and damp. You could feel how moist the air was and the cold breeze hit your face and your legs, yet you loved this weather. Not too hot nor too cold just a bit chilly. The trees around you had orange leaves and every house you pass had pumpkins outside carved with scary or funny faces. Halloween was just around the corner. You were ready for it.
For the first time in two years, you were ready for this Halloween. After everything that happened.
You couldn’t believe what happened when you found out that Jessica, one of your closest friends from elementary school was killed in a freak fire accident and her boyfriend Sam found her.
You, Sam, and Jess were inseparable at Stanford. Even days before her death you guys were at a bar celebrating Halloween. Well, jess was. You and Sam were wearing the most boring casual clothes ever. You both didn’t like the attention.
The Party scene, the crazy frat boys, insane sorority girls. Wasn’t your thing. It wasn’t his. But it was all for Jess. Which made the arrangement work.
You lost contact with Sam shortly after Jess’s death. Which stung. Thinking he was one of your best friends and you lost your other to the crazy fire. Yet, life goes on.
The door to your apartment was dull, no sign on the door. No welcome mat. Nothing that indicated a human living there. Thats how you liked it.
You opened the door to find it pitch black in the room before you.
Thats odd. Did I turn the lights off? I swear I don't remember turning them off before I left.
Your mind was racing with questions, you reached towards the left, using the dim hallway lighting to shine just enough for you to see your light switch. You flick it and your apartment shines.
Your apartment was dull. School textbooks on the counter, your backpack on the chair. Your small tv looked dusty in the living room from the lack of use, and the sad couches that hardly were sat on.
You were never home hardly, from working shifts at the bar and school. The only downtime you had was in your bedroom in the comfort of your bed with the latest Stephen King book at your disposal.
You hang your jacket on the hanger and throw your keys on the counter. You sigh loudly, your body was ready for that date to the bed.
A bang in your room made you break your train of thought. You turn your head towards your room and grab a kitchen knife. Slowly making your way towards your room, your heartbeat was picking up slowly.
Your door was open like it was before, but you could feel that something was off. You flicked the light on and nothing was there. But, you discovered that your window was wide open and your books from your end table were on the floor.
You walk towards the window and slide it shut and look out. Nothing seemed to be different yet...something felt off.
You took another breath before you felt arms lock your upper half. You scream and thrash to no avail.
"Please don't be scared...I'm just very hungry. You will come back...don't worry." The voice belonged to a man, you know. You thrashed again and looked up to see yourself looking back. Your mirror showed the man behind you.
He was a kid...maybe only 19? Looked like a freshman in college in his Standford Sweatshirt. But, his teeth were sharp. You kicked the wall and to your surprise, you broke his hold on you as you both fell to the ground.
This was your chance.
You collected yourself quickly running through the door and into the living room grabbing the closest thing to you for cover. Which in this case was a light fixture.
The boy walked through the door, his breaths were heavy. "Look I didn't want to hurt you. "
"Well, I really wanna hurt you."
Sam? That voice couldn't have been him.
A bang of a shotgun went off from your right, you looked to your side to not only see Sam but another guy with him with the shotgun. The man beside Sam seemed to notice you staring at him. His green eyes piercing into yours.
“Get behind me!” He yelled.
You didn’t have to think twice, you ran behind him and Sam while they took care of the deranged man.
“Close your eyes y/n.” Sam finally spoke to you, a machete in his hand. The man beside him was above the man that was kneeling down in pain with a shotgun pointed at his head. You looked back up at Sam, and his face was still just as handsome as it always was.
You finally closed your eyes. Hearing Sam’s footsteps move in front of you. I could hear the deranged man grunting, “Damn you Winchesters. One of these days. We will Kill you.”
“Well, good thing today isn’t the day then.” You could hear Sam’s voice and then a grunt following with a thud.
“Y/n keep your eyes closed. I don’t want you seeing this.”
You kept your eyes closed, tempted to open them. Just to see Sam. He is finally back… after everything that happened. He’s back.
Maybe this is just a dream?
What felt like hours of your eyes being closed was mere minutes as you heard grunting and a door close soon after.
“You can open your eyes now.”
You slowly opened your eyes, your eyes stung from the bright lights, your vision blurry. You reached your hand up and rubbed your eye one by one. The room was still lit with your lamps on the sides of the couch, but you could see the traces of dark red blood on the floor. You could see they were smeared like they were trying to clean it.
“You…. Killed that boy?” You looked up at Sam, the person you hung out with the most, missed the most after everything that has happened.
“He.. wasn’t a human. He was a vampire and he was gonna turn you Y/n.” Sam’s voice was so quiet, like he was afraid you would be scared of him. But, you knew Sam. He would never lie about this.
“This can’t be real…” You looked around and walked towards the couch. Sam following behind. Sitting beside you.
“It is…everything in the supernatural is. My family has hunted them for years…after my mother died from the yellowed eyed demon. Like Jess.” Sam’s voice cracked of mentioning Jess. You slide you hand in his and squeezed.
“A demon killed her?” You didn’t want to believe it, but it explains how weird her death was.
Sam took a breathe and looked at you, “Yes. He did. But, we are going to kill him. The guy that was with me, thats Dean. My brother. He basically raised me while dad hunted to avenge my mother. Now… it’s just me and him.”
Sam never talked about his family much, but he always mentioned his brother a few times. Which explains the facial similarities of the green eyed hunter.
I took a breathe and let his hand go and rubbed my arm,“Why was the Vampire coming for me?”
Sam sighed, “Me and Dean found leads from recent vampire attacks a few towns over. Has to be a nearby the university. Says why a lot of students went missing too.” You grabbed my phone to see it was now 1:45 am, how has it been almost two hours sense this all happened? “The boy that attacked you, went missing a few weeks back. He was sent to take you.”
“To be a vampire?” Your voice cracked a little in fear. Sam nodded, “I wouldn’t have let that happen. You deserve a good life.”
You finally did what you wanted to do for so long, you wrapped your arms around Sam and gave him a hug.
“Sam Winchester you deserve a good life too. Don’t sell yourself short. Thank you for saving my life.”
Sam hugged you back tight, like you were going to disappear any moment.
“Your not safe here Y/n. I got a motel room downtown. Pack clothes and bring a book. I need to know you will be safe.”
2 weeks later
The last few weeks have been eventful to say the least… Sam came back, you met his Metallica loving brother, they rid of the vampire nest and overall you finally felt at ease after the two years of not knowing what happened to Jess.
Sam and Dean stayed near Stanford to keep an eye on you and make sure all is well. Coming down any other day and eating at the diner or having a drink at the bar, (which meant free drinks while your manager wasn’t working since you were the bartender), and having a new friend and your best friend back. All was well.
Yet, you could feel some tension between you and Sam. You’ve always had a small crush on him, who hasn’t though? His thick hair, his height, his hazel eyes, plus his personality? People would be crazy to not have a tiny crush on him.
But, with this small crush you could feel the guilt in the back of your mind. This man was one of your best friend’s boyfriend.
What would Jess think if she was alive?
“Y/n!” Sam’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked up at him, your popcorn still in your lap as you we’re watching Scream on the Tv with Sam.
You came back home a few days ago and Sam wanted to spend a night over, since tomorrow he and Dean will be heading to South Dakota to see a friend of the family’s.
“You okay? You’ve been quiet for 30 minutes and you usually never shut up about Billy and Stu.”
“I’m just thinking…”
Sam paused the movie and turned towards me. “Spill it.”
You sighed and laugh a little. “Sam, it’s nothing.”
Sam took the popcorn out of my hands and scooted closed towards me, “Must be something if you are quiet for a long period of time.”
You took a breathe, Sam wasn’t gonna give up until you told him what was on your mind, “I’m just thinking about my future. I guess.” You laughed nervously.
“Your future? What about it?”
“Just thinking about everything, what I’m gonna be doing, Where I will be, If I would marry. Stuff like that.” Sam looked at you seriously after you mentioning marriage.
“Y/n, if someone wouldn’t marry you. I would be very surprised. Who wouldn’t? Your funny, down to earth, strong and plus your personality is amazing.”
You laughed, “Yeah. No. I’m not the looks of someone to be married.”
Moments passed, The silence thickened. You could hear your own breathing and Sam set down the popcorn on the table and took the blanket off of me and him. “Get up and come with me.”
Sam grabbed my hands and pulled me up towards him. “Come with me. I have to show you something.” As he said that he took your right hand in his and walked towards your room and opened the door.
Your room looked the same as it always did. Bed maid, your window closed, your books on the table.
Sam took you in front of the mirror, him standing behind you.
“What do you see?”
You look at him through the mirror and give him an odd look.
Sam took a breath, “In the mirror, what do you see?”
“I see me…. We done?”
“No. You see yourself, what do you see about you? What do you like or dislike?”
You rolled your eyes, “What’s your point, Sam?”
"I want you to see the beautiful woman, I see."
Beautiful? He was talking about me? Your mind was spiraling in thoughts. Years of self-doubt, men leaving you since you didn't fit into their "desires". Just to have Sam, your best friend and crush call you beautiful looking at you with no makeup, shorts that showed your curve, thick thighs touching each other, and a tank top that didn't hide your bloated stomach.
"I want you to see how perfect you are to me. Your personality, your smile, how you change the room. " Sam chuckles, "Even your weird obsession with old 90 movies." Sam's hands gently roam down your body to be around your waist.
Beautiful. Perfect.
Not in a million years those two words would fall out of anyone's mouth. Not Sam's at least, You never would have thought that he would talk about you like that.
“Everything of yours is perfect. Your curves, your hips, your smile. " As he said that his hands were all over your body...touching every inch gently. You look at Sam through the mirror, "Sam..." Seeing his hands on your body felt fantastic and right.
"I know the past two years have been hard, I wish I was here for you. Things happened...but I am here now." Sam said his hand was now on my cheek caressing softly. "Let me have this chance."
You took a deep breath, this felt like a dream. Sam Winchester really said that and meant that.
You look up at Sam and nod your head. Instantly his lips met yours.
The kiss was full of passion yet gentle. Like You were a fragile art piece in a museum. His hand was on your waist and he pulled you in closer as he finished the kiss.
"Is this okay?" His hand had my shirt. You nodded your head and he took your shirt off revealing your black bra.
You covered your stomach as Sam looked at you, he wrapped his hands on your arms and moved them away, "I told you that you are beautiful, don't hide yourself from me.
Sam pinned your arms to your side and from your lips down to your stomach near the top of your pants. He kissed every scar, and stretch mark as he went. Whispering all sorts of sweet nothings, while he kissed you.
Sam looked up at you and smiled, "Take your pants off and lay on the bed baby girl."
You took a deep breath and turned from Sam, slipping your pants off and laying down on the bed. Sam was now shirtless and working on his pants.
Once he was left in his boxers he walked towards you and climbed on top of you, his face above yours. He gave you a small kiss on the forehead, the tip of the nose, and finally your lips.
It felt euphoric, the amount of times you never thought this would happen or even think you would be alone for all your life was out of the equation. You were happy.
With his small kisses, Sam cupped your breasts in his hands and softly squeezed them. Making you moan out softly. He lifted you up and unclipped your bra. You slipped out of your bra and allowed him to throw it on the floor. He kissed you once more before fondling your breasts and using his mouth on your nipple, swirling his tongue around your sensitive bud.
You softly moan and hold his head. Yanking his hair softly, Sam releases your nipple and looks up at you, "Better be careful Y/n. I want to take my time, but I will take you right now if you want."
Sam kissed your breasts and went down to your clothed pussy. Kissing the top of your underwear. His dirty talk made you feel excited for what's to come. Your underwear was soaked and Sam knew it, he rubbed your clothed pussy up and down making you moan out loud.
This was really happening. You were going to lose your virginity to Sam.
"Sam... I've never done this before." You admitted to him. He looked up at you and kissed your lips softly, "If you wanna stop we-" Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off with another kiss.
"I want you Sam."
You kissed Sam once more, deepening this kiss. His hands go back to your underwear and easily slide them off.
He breaks the kiss and goes down to my pussy, looking up at you before licking up and sucking on my clit. You moan out loud feeling the sensation of his tongue, Sam licked up and down and sucked on your clit before using a finger and thrusting in your pussy.
His one finger felt amazing inside, yet it stretched you out. If you couldn't take a finger. When he finally goes inside it may not fit. But, no matter the pleasure right now was overwhelming. You didn't want it to stop.
Sam does stop abusing your clit, rubbing your pussy, and adding another finger. You close your eyes and arch your back up, moaning out.
He was paying attention to everything that made you feel nothing but pleasure. He used his two fingers in a scissoring motion and that plus his mouth on you took you over the edge.
Your eyes feel blurry and your breaths are heavy, you could feel Sam's eyes on you. He leans up and kisses you. "Feel good baby girl?"
You smile and nod, "Yes."
You never noticed that Sam slipped his boxers off, his length hitting your thigh. You look down and take a breath.
It's a lot bigger than I thought...I don't think it would fit.
Your mind was spiraling and you could feel your nerves go through the roof.
"Don't overthink, keep your eyes on me. It will be uncomfortable but I am right here." Sam noticed you were in your head. His hands were rubbing your legs comfortably to make you relax. He kissed you gently and pulled you close to him as he rubbed his cock near your entrance.
Sam pulled away looking at you in your eyes, "You ready?"
A moment passed and you finally nodded your head. You wanted it You leaned up and kissed Sam once more. The head of his cock rubbing against your cunt.
During the kiss Sam thrusted in, You gasped in the kiss and he stopped moving while you looked like you were in discomfort.
When your face relaxed he thrusted again slowly until you told him to go faster.
The pleasure felt amazing, nothing felt better than being with Sam. You didn't want anyone else but him, the feel of his kisses, his touch. Was the most amazing thing you have ever felt.
The feeling of his cock filling you up to the brim felt amazing, how you stretched around to fit him and only him.
Sam was grunting as he thrusted, he started to moan softly kissing you while he thrusted into you. He gripped the sheets beside you as you gripped his shoulders filling him into you.
Sam pulled out and came on your stomach, "Sorry.." He chuckled and grabbed his shirt and cleaned you up, You smiled and looked down at him cleaning you up.
The one thing you knew for sure was that not only Sam was your first love, but no matter what he would always be your last.
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girls-alias · 9 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P3
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 3
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
Follows Faith Episode. Season 1 Episode 12.
Part 2
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I pulled up to the motel and helped Dean to the door of Sammy's room. He knocked before Sammy opened it and let us in. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sammy asked, happy to see Dean again. He even smiled at me as I helped Dean take a seat.
"I checked myself out, I checked her out too," Dean replied trying to seem tough.
"You've been doing that since we met," I chuckled making Dean smile.
"Are you crazy?" Sammy asked Dean showing his concern.
"I'm not going to die in a hospital when I can just bring my hot nurse with me," He gestured to me making me scoff.
"You know this whole 'I laugh in the face of death thing, It's crap, I can see right through it," Sammy added making me smirk.
"Yeah whatever dude," Dean shrugged him off.
"Alright, so I guess I should be going." I piped up.
"Wow, wow wow." Dean stopped me. "Your shift isn't over, you're still my nurse," Dean smirked at me.
"I'm not your nurse," I rolled my eyes with a laugh.
"Would you like to be?" He added suggestively making me laugh. "Aw come on, you were the one to convince me to leave and now you're going back?" He questioned. I shook my head. Dean had an idea. "You're going to walk away from a dying man? denying him of the help he needs," He asked giving me a guilt trip.
"You suck, Dean." I gave in making him smile. I walked over and took a seat beside him. "Is that okay?" I asked Sammy.
"I guess so, I'm Sam," He added. I smiled and shook his hand.
"I'm Y/N," I replied softly.
"Yeah, so I've been scouring the internet and calling all the contacts in Dad's journal," He informed Dean.
"For what?" Dean asked adjusting his sitting position.
"For what'd help you," Dean scoffed but Sam was serious. "One of Dad's friends, Joshua, called me back, heard about a guy in Nebraska, a specialist." Sam was adamant that Dean could be saved and it was something I needed.
"You're not going to let me die in peace, are you?" Dean added making me giggle.
"I'm not gonna let you die, period," I smirked at this. "We're going,"
"Alright whatever, but first we sleep." Dean shrugged. "Y/N's sharing a bed with me in case I get cold," Dean cheekily added.
"I will not, Y/N is sleeping on the floor," I replied in the first and third person making Sam chuckle.
"You're going to deprive your patient of warmth and comfort?" He added acting shocked. I pretended to think about it.
"Yep," I quickly added making Sam laugh. Sam got up and went to the bathroom.
"I promise I won't do anything, just please stay in the bed with me. I don't want you being in pain on the floor and it would help to have you beside me if I need you to help me with the bathroom or something?" Dean explained in a concerned yet helpless tone. It was easy to see that he didn't want Sam to see how dependent he now was on me.
"Okay," I replied softly making him smile.
"You won't regret it," He added.
"I think I will," I commented with a chuckle making him slightly laugh. Sam came out of the bathroom and saw us both smiling.
"I thought you would have resisted him longer than that," Sam joked making me laugh.
"Me too but it's those eyes," I added with a laugh. Of course, I had noticed the angelic eyes of the angelic man. His green eyes are so precious and perfect yet the rest of him is roughed and handsome. It must be true what they say about the eyes being a window to the soul.
"Oh, so it's my eyes that you like?" Dean questioned with a smirk.
"Shut it, you've made two comments about my butt today and it's only 2 so you can't say anything," I retorted making Sam laugh.
"I like her," Sam chuckled referring to me. I looked at him confused but I still had a smile on my face. "I like anyone who can shut my brother up," He added. I was a little shocked to find out they were brothers but now that he mentions it I can see some similarities.
"You can wear one of my shirts to bed, my bag's just on you're left," Dean commented on changing the subject. I looked over to see a duffle bag on the floor I picked it up and put it between Dean and me. I pulled the handles away from each other and as the bag wasn't zipped up I saw a gun inside. I saw the guys share a glance.
"Nice, a double-barreled shotgun," I commented pulling it out of the bag. "It has a nice grip to it but it feels a little lopsided. Have you changed the choke?" I asked quickly from the concealed love I have for guns.
"You know guns?" Sam asked impressed.
"Damn, she's hot," Dean unknowingly slipped out but I chose to ignore it.
"Yeah, I got into them after my dad showed me his handgun collection," I shrugged and both of the guys looked impressed.
"If I live through this, I'm keeping you," Dean added making me laugh.
"Maybe I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen then," I said and handed him the gun making him smirk. I will admit I'm teasing him and playing hard to get but with a face, body, eyes, attitude and smirk like his you know he can get whatever he wants anyway. Dean put the gun aside and went into his bag. He pulled out a plain grey shirt and handed it to me before pulling out clothes for himself. I got up and offered him my hand. He took it and I helped him to the bathroom. I led him inside but before I left he smirked at me.
"You're not going to help me change?" He asked still smirking.
"I can't but I can ask the nurse Sammy if you'd like?" I teased so he glared at me. I walked out but stayed standing by the door in case I heard Dean struggling. I heard Dean groaning in pain quite a few times and I couldn't bear it. I lightly knocked on the door.
"Are you okay?" I asked but heard no reply. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Dean was sitting on the lid of the toilet with his head in his hands in just his boxers. I looked at him sadly. I got in front of him and knelt. I put my hands on his knees to assure him.
"I'll be okay," He softly spoke and you could hear so much pain in his voice. More than usual.
"Come on, I'll help you get dressed." I shrugged but he sighed.
"You shouldn't have to," He started.
"Hey, I'm your nurse now remember, I have to look after you," I added. Dean now looked at me and his eyes peered into my soul. He looked so glad but so grateful at the same time. I grabbed his PJ bottoms from the side and scrunched them to the floor so Dean just had to carefully place his feet inside. Once we did that, I stood and offered Dean my hand. I helped him up and smiled at him and I blushed at the height difference.
Working On
Part 4
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nalledimessi · 2 months
Save me
Hello there friends, I hope everyone is doing well, I know it has been a really long time since I post, I have the terrible habit of stop writing when everything gets too much for me. This pass year my life has been like a roller coaster; I know probably all of you or the majority don't care to much about it but I have to express it somewhere and somehow, but anyway I leave you with this ending of the non-series that I made.  Divider by @firefly-graphics 
Broken Rule
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester sister 
Warnings:  Mention of killing, blood, and curses. 
Words:  827
Notes: Listen Save me from BTS 
Tag’s: @valsworldofcreativity @helenasingers @r13mar @elijahs-wife
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You crumble next to a tree, your right-hand applying pressure on your bloody open wound. “Damned” you curse watching the blood staring to spread on your t-shirt.  
Leaning your head on the tree for support, you could see the clear sky adorned by stars, what a beautiful night to end up dying, you thought, well at least the constant sadness and emptiness settle on your heart would disappear and you would finally rest, although it will be forever.  
You could hear the footsteps on the dry leaves from both sides getting closer and closer “shit” you cursed, getting up, the tree as your support, taking a deep breath and trying to concentrate to find where the attack would be first “right” you mentioned, raising your gun and pointing that direction.   
“It’s impressive how far you could go with that wound” the ghoul in human form announces appearing on the other side, making you turn abruptly, whining at the sudden movement, pointing the gun at him. “I'm a Winchester after all” you replied proudly trying to ignore the buzz in your ears and blurred look. 
“Oh, I'm aware of it” starting to walk in your direction, a macabre smile on his lips “soon you will stop being one”  
Aiming your gun at him, but failing due your blurred gaze, you knew even you end up killing him, the other ghoul, that isn't too far away would reach you and kill you, lowering your gun and glancing to the sky, forgetting the ghoul in front of you “how I like to see you just one more time”  
Splashes reached your face, getting it wet, making you look in front of you, just in time to see the ghoul’s head drop along his body, reveling a human form “what the hell?” you whisper before fainting. 
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Stopping the engine of your car, you release a sigh resting your head on the seat. “Let’s get this over with” you voice worn out.  
“Oh, you’re back” Sam exclaims, excited while watching you descend the stairs of the bunker.  
“Don’t get too excited Sammy” you warm him “just staying until Bobby calls back with a new assignment” you mention once you were close by. 
“Oh” he let out sad “how was your last hunting?” he inquiry, concern.  
“Same as always” passing him by in direction to your room, not giving him much attention or time to chat. “Search, hunt and kill, just to do it all over again” 
“Sis, I’m worry about you” he declared in a tone that make you stop suddenly.  
A sigh left your mouth, turning around to see him, forcing a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes, trying to calm him, after all he was your baby brother “I’m fine Sammy, don’t worry” you state before continuing your way. 
“She just needs a shower, food and a good night of sleep” Dean bring up, while patting his shoulder.  
“I hope you’re right Dean” his gaze fix where you disappear “or she could end hurting herself badly”  
Dropping your duffel bag at the edge of the bed, while at the same time falling face down on it “shit” cursing almost immediately once laying down. 
Standing up, in direction of your bathroom, the reflection on the mirror stopped you from examining your abdomen wound, dark circles under your eyes, pale skin, cuts and bruises where your clothes allowed to see.  
Lowering your head with eyes closed, good reason for Sam concerns, how could you be so reckless? Your mind drifting to New Orleans and to him. 
The ring of your phone distracts you, answering as a reflect, “Hi Bobby, what do you have for me?”  
Giving one last glance to your bedroom, you could notice all the difference between here and your bedroom back in New Orleans, all kind of books scattered around on both rooms, messy bed instead a neat one, closed and dusty smell instead of his, like sandalwood and rum spice. A scent you swear you could smell.  
Denying with your head before passing your duffel bag over your shoulder, starting your way to the garage, trying at all cost to avoid any of your brothers. 
“Y/N” Sam call your name, your hand on the garage knob.  
“Almost” you whisper before turning around, forcing a smile for your own good “Bobby call, a possible Wendigo in Oklahoma” you state.  
“Castiel is on his way, you could rest while he arrives to cure you” he suggests “if we explain Bobby, he will understand, he can assign another hunter” he offers coming closer to you.  
“I can't Sam” making him stop confuse, looking at you waiting for an explanation. You sigh defeated “hunting it's the only thing that keeps me sane” you reveal to him.  
“If this is about New Orleans, you know you can talk to me” he affirms and offer.  
“Yeah” you respond in a low voice, turning around “there’s nothing to talk about” you declared before leaving.  
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A familiar scent reaches your nostrils, blinking several times to adjust your eyes to the bright light, some pieces of memory returning, causing you to a seated position abruptly.  
“You’re finally awake” the soft but firm voice express, setting your glance on him.  
“Elijah” you pronounce “what are you doing here?” question him but didn't allow him to finish “Don't get me wrong without you I would be probably dead,” you stop and start looking around “shit! I need to call my brothers; Dean will kill me” you express trying to stand up from bed. 
His hand on your shoulder, stopping you from standing “Calm down” giving you a glass of water “I came for you” turning away from you “they’re here”  
“Y/N!” Sam shout as soon he enters, reaching your side while Dean stand behind watching Elijah. 
“I would leave you alone” he said, with his glance fix in you.  
“Elijah!” you exclaim trying to stand reach him.  
He was next to you in an instant, thanks to his vamp speed, his right hand on your back and his left one on yours “I won't go anywhere” he assures you “I would get another room” caressing your hand before leaving you, Dean glance follow him.  
“So, that was Elijah” Sam state more than question, watching you nod.  
“What the hell is he doing here? With you on a hotel room?” Dean inquired, crossing his arms over his chest waiting for you to answer.  
“He’s the reason why I’m alive, Dean” taking a deep breath, remembering the events “I keep screwing up things,” Sam squeezing your hand, encourage you to continue “there where 2 ghouls instead one, I was able to kill one but I end up several injured, I was chase thought the forest, was about to kill me when Elijah appear”  
“Killing the ghoul and saving you” Sam finish for you “where were you hurt?” lifting your right side of your blouse “there’s nothing here”  
“How?” Dean exclaimed, inspecting where the wound used to be. 
“Vampire blood” you spilled out of your mouth without thinking, to then look to their confused faces “has healing qualities” you stop, taking a sip of the water glass to then continue “but if you die with it in your system, you begin the transition to vampire”  
Before Dean could start a fight, a knock on the door was listen, before Elijah enter the room “my apologies for the interruption, the vampire blood is almost out of her system and there’s nothing to worry about it” he explains approaching Sam, providing a key “you should settle down while your sister rest” he announces.  
“Oh sure, thanks” Sam answer before giving you one last squeeze in your hand “try to rest” glancing at Dean.  
Dean’s gaze changed between you and Elijah, a resigned sigh “Get some sleep kiddo” he orders before leaving the room.  
Elijah starts to walk to the room door, “stay” you shout while his hand settles on the knob. He didn't say anything, just took off his suit jacket and vest, leaving it on a chair to then walk to your side and lay down, he passes his hand under your head, making you use it as pillow, your head set on the crook of his arm. 
“How are you feeling?” he questions you, starting to caress your head.  
“A little tired and sore” answering in automatic, your mind in other things. 
“What is in your mind, darling?” moving to his side to see you.  
You lift your head to see him, your gazes crossing “Too many questions and no answers at all”  
He smiles “I would answer 3 of those questions” kissing your forehead “think wisely darling” he advice you.  
You nod, thinking your questions, after a few minutes “How did you find me?” you finally question him. 
“My sisters, Freya along Rebekah did a locator spell to find you” he expresses “they miss you”  
You open your mouth “they miss me?” you state without thinking.  
“Are you sure you want to use your question?” he questions you, looking you denied of his question and stay quiet for a few minutes.  
“Why are you here?” you whisper, not sure enough to listen the answer.  
“For you,” he declares “it seems you have you have caused a quit impression in all of my siblings, even Klaus express he don't have anyone to fight” he then presses his forehead in yours, a few inches away your face “to be true I’m smitten with you” he finally admits. 
Placing you hand over his cheek “what this means to us?” closing your eyes, knowing the answer of this question could change everything.  
He puts his hand over yours, caressing it, making you open your eyes “Darling, I love you. And I would fight for you, against anyone or anything” he announces watching you directly.” he places a kiss on your lips before standing from bed “we’ll talk about this later” he let you know before the door open reveling your brother with a tray of foods. 
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laf-outloud · 8 months
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stephaniefoster14 Definitely a pinch me moment! Supernatural is my favorite TV show & it was an absolute dream meeting Sam Winchester! He is such a great guy! 😆😍
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s_fensterer Everyone’s favorite Moose 🫎 my favorite moose ❤️🫎 my favorite daughter ❤️ and me!! ⁦@jarpad was the best! So sweet with my daughter, and making sure she felt included 🥹but he did ask my husband to duck down 🤣 Had a blast at #ABQComicCon #JaredPadelecki #SPN
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leguardo1981 So this happened today!
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xolovely_ashleyxo Great day at comic con 😀 met Christopher Lloyd and Jared Padalecki
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brigoo_0310 I felt terrible he had to squat so far down for me but what an incredible moment that I will cherish forever 💚
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deanlucero_dodgers_wolfs_ Dream come tru..
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Lisa Gutierrez Had so much fun at Comic Con today with my bestie Renee and my sis and brother Michael N Crystal!! Got to see Jared Padalecki aka "Sam Winchester" from Supernatural 😍😍😍😍 Alaina Huffman "Abaddon" from Supernatural, Mitch Pileggi "Samuel Campbell and "Skinner" from Supernatural and the X-Files and Julian Richings "Death" from Supernatural… such a great time 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I wondered what the Baby/Supernatural group shot would look like!
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 12
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 12🥰🐞
A/N: Dean saved her, or did he? This is a tear jerker, trust me. 🥹 Side Note: thank you all so much for the support. Much love, my bugsies 🥰🐞
Warnings: hospital scenes, trigger warnings, sadness, 🥹
Running through the door, while she's in his arms, barely breathing, his face over written with fear, shouting, asking for help, the doctors placing her on the bed, sharing concerned looks, looking over seeing Bobby also in bad shape makes him want to kill the damn, bastard all over again.
If only he'd figured out it sooner, if only he'd never left her side, if only he'd...
Dean! Sam's voice filled with urgency and concern, damnit Dean, man! Sam hit's Dean's arm!
"What? Dean's voice filled with anger but not towards Sam!
Listen man, your bleeding the doctor, needs to check you out.
Dean's face puzzled, he's voice more distant, no, I'm fine, its not that bad, pulling his shirt a little to the side, exposing the muscular chest, with the blood seeping through the torn open stitches.
Sam, gives him a look that say's he needs to sit down, while saying come on, let them stitch you up real quick,!
Dean not looking away from where she's laying, I don't want to leave her, saying underneath his breath.
Okay man, I get it but you need to look after yourself so that you can take care of her, when she wakes up, she's going to need you. Sam says, gesturing to the open bed.
Dean just nods, knowing there's a long road ahead of them, but he's willing to do anything to help her get through this, sitting down on the bed, taking off his shirt, not taking he's eyes off of her, waiting for the doctor to stitch him up, he just recalls every memory everything, he could have done differently.
Its been four days, and she still hasn't woken up, Dr Stone, what is going on,? the sadness in Caroline's eyes and voice is just a bit to much for the doctor.
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She's exhausted, her body is fighting the sepsis, we have her on great antibiotics , but its going to take a while, for her, she suffered a great trauma, and her body was malnourished when she, came in, so her body is trying to restore antibodies to fight. The good news is her vitals looks really well. Caroline, don't you worry, your daughter is fighter, Dr Stone says with a reassuring smile.
Thank you Doctor, I really appreciate all your doing for her, a little smile tugging at her lips, the sadness and worry visible on her face.
Hey! Mom, Joe said with a smile and a gigantic teddy bear.
"Son what in the world is that,? laughing a little.
"Mom, you know how sis always said she wanted a big damn bear, well I found one, and I know she's going to love it, as soon as she wakes up, she'll want to hold it!
"All Caroline can do is just shake her head and smile, while looking at her very handsome son, with his bright blue eyes, dark hair, and viking beard, come here she says, pulling him into a hug. I love you son.
"I love you too mom, he says with his deep, low voice, glancing over to his sister, laying there, the bruises on her face, have discoloured a bit, its more purplish-yellow than the dark blue it was before, but it's still like someone has taken a knife and twisted it in his heart, over and over again.
"He is just so mad, so mad at the scum who took her, so mad at Dean Winchester, for breaking her heart, even though he cleared everything up, by telling them what happened, so mad at himself, for not being there when she needed him, just so damn mad all the time, but he knows he, has to be strong for his parents , they need him now!
Walking through the doors, he came to know so well, everyday hoping, praying for his daughter to just be okay, be that little girl, who looked at the world, wide-eyed with so much kindness, so much love, and so much hope. Why did life, had to beat up his little girl? Why did this damn world had to be so cruel? She didn't deserve any of this!
Clenching his fist's, whispering, I had one job, and that's to protect my daughter, and what did I do? Damn nothing, what could I do? Driving up and down, searching everywhere and nowhere,for days, barely getting any sleep, replaying everything over and over, he catches a glimpse of his own reflection in the stainless steel, that's on the doors he passes, walking to his daughter's room, his eyes tired, every line across his face defining his age, became more prominent, knowing this week and a half made him older than what he should be.
Before entering the room, taking a deep breath, in his nostrils, making his chest rise and fall down, so that he can sort of gain courage, so that his beloved wife and son can lean on him, whenever this get to much.
A little smile tugging at his lips, when he sees Caroline and Joe hugging eachother, knowing even though, there sitting in this hospital room, waiting for his daughter to wake up, day in and day out, night after night, taking turns with Dean, he is stil a very blessed man, his family is together again.
In the distance, in the corner, there's balloons, with the words imprinted, stating, "get well soon" , There's flowers different, colours and shapes, something that looks like postcards, with pictures ranging from bears to hearts, and then chairs, underneath the big window, with two figures just sitting, heads resting on the not so comfortable, backdrop of the chairs, and then, a hand holding her hand loosely.
Your eyelids still heavy but your just taking everything in, your in the hospital, how did you get here? Looking towards the big window, it must be late at night, just before dawn, because its so dark!
Trying to push yourself up on your arms, just to collapse back , to your previous position.
Trying to figure out why you feel so damn weak and exhausted, your thoughts get interrupted by a soft, kind voice, saying "hi honey, sweetie"
Mom? Confusing clear in your voice...
"Yes sweetie it's me mommy, her voice breaking, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Mom, it's really you, your voice sounds sweeter than normal, your here, I'm here, its going to be alright now, isn't it, a silent tear escaping your eyelid."
Yes sweetie, your safe, we've got you. Caroline's voice filled with so much love.
"Joe waking Bill up, saying she's awake"
The two men come walking closer...
Your eyes big and wet, with tears you're trying to fight back. Daddy, Joe, your voice Breaking.
Joe speaks first, a smile on his lips, hey sis, I know you like your naps, but goodness, did you need so long, he says mockingly.
"A little laugh escapes over your busted lips, sorry I was just probably having a good dream.
Bill's deep voice breaks the lightheartedness shared between the siblings. Sweetheart, look at you, my brave girl, daddy is so happy your awake.
"Daddy, I'm so happy too see you, all of you, a little sniffle and silent tears rolling over your cheeks.
The three of them just standing there, eyes filled with hope and tears they hug you tightly. It hurts everywhere but damn it feels good, you think.
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The black coffee, going down smoothly over his lips, not taking the punch it used too, I guess that's what you get, by the 10th cup, he says to no one really, the hallway lighting is dim, as its early morning, looking down at his watch, 3'o clock, hearing Sammy's voice in his head, "Dean you can't just sit here waiting for her to wake up, you need some sleep man, just take care of yourself too."
He does do the basic shit, taking a shower, eating now and then, living on coffee, because whiskey is not appropriate in the hospital, he says with a scoff. I'm not leaving her sight, now way in hell. The only reason I'm sitting in the hallway is when her family stays the night, he can't help feel like he's intruding. He sees the way Joe looks at him, not even to talk about Bill, like he's the bastard in this horrific story.
Wishing he could just tell them how badly, how guilty he feels about every damn thing that happened.
I need damn refill, he says getting up, walking past the room, he knows so well, something catches his eye.
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Just standing in the door, trying to slow his fast beating heart. She's sitting upright, talking, she's awake, what the hell. Walking closer, the low light, illuminating the beauty in her eyes, her hair hanging over her shoulders, framing her face, his voice sounds, lower and more gruffy than normal when he says baby.
"Caroline gesturing to Bill and Joe they should leave the two of them alone, as they walk out"
Her eyes wide, the surprised look on her face, letting him know, that they haven't told her, he's alive. Bobby said what happened, what Luke told them.
Hearing her sweet voice say his name. "Dean, is, is that really you, she stutters"
Coming closer the side of her bed, yes, sweetheart its really me, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere, he says in a firm but loving voice.
The tears streaming down her beautiful face, she's frantically sobbing now, when she says I love you.
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Dean smiling at her, I love you too, he's big calloused hands cups her face, searching her eyes, if it's okay, he leans in, his lips crashing against hers, tasting the saltiness, of the tears on her lips, knowing he loves this woman more than life itself, thinking I will stand by you, I will help you through, I will dry your eyes, I will hold you tight, I won't let you go..
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malum-af-cth · 1 year
favorites of all time!
way way way back when i set up a spam account so i could send myself things i wanted to read later. essentially turning that chat into my TBR. i have sorted through them & i think the first thing to do with this rebrand is to give you a list of my favorite fics of all time. below you will find a list of my favorite reads with their writers & a smol why for it making the list. these are in no particular order. please enjoy!
*this list is 18+. Minors do not interact!*
list below the cut.
*most of these fics either are smut or contain some through slow burn structure. Please read each author's warnings for them before you engage. *
from the last 7 years, i have chosen 20 fics that i LOVE. here we go.
from @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog we have a story i remember getting me excited about what kind of writing could be on tblr. "the arrangement" a lost love fic. 9 parts of love & angst.
2. @sis-tafics out here with a sweet sweet physical innocence trope with the hottie dean winchester. "our little secret"
3. @hrina wrote such a beautiful H. Styles fic about his character in dunkirk. "Il Ritorno" is the first part of 3 fics. i love the little coming home to a new place & new people plot.
4. @supernatural-jackles is the author of one of the only fics to make me cry. "hey handsome" i remember reading this sobbing because i felt the emotions written into this SO deeply. I reached out to them & let them know how much i loved it. & i still love it so to this day.
5. @winchest09 is adding our first dark fic to this list. the slow burn on this one is so so so so good. i found this one a long long time ago & i would say it is one of the first fics that got me to explore the mafia verse "life for rent"
6. @negans-lucille-tblr is giving us another spoicy series up in here & it even has a sequal!!!!! (look down one) the ultimate D/s winchester series. it's oh so good! "you've got me beggin"
7. & for the sequel "Mercy" this series is so good i have re-read both 2-3 times. it felt like crack the first read on both of these lol.
8. oh oh oh okay! this next. one from @pink1031 is probably one of my absolute favorite stucky series. "our best girl" was the fic that sent me down a rabbit hole of stucky fics. i was addicted after this one.
9. @pink1031 is back at it again with the ONE fic on this list i know i have read a minimum of 6 times. it is THAT good. "dirty little secret" was so scandalous and sexy. a J2 fic that had me coming back for more all the time. my escapism really shined with this one.
10. i remember finding "lemon drop" by @impala-dreamer i love the dynamic written here between Sam Winchester x the reader. the intimacy in this one-shot is beautiful. this is something i wish i could have at the end of my days or when i feel like the world is too heavy. i felt seen through this fic.
11. @tuiccim 's style of writing is something i adore & admire. I fell in love through "almost had me believing it" it is truly a work of art. I was immersed into this undercover mission with my man BUCKY BARNES.
12. oh & another from @tuiccim with "Terrigenisis" this is such a good poly-stucky fic. the way it was written felt like it could have been canon.
13. WOAH now! this next one written by @world-of-aus is ICONIC. the universe that is "starkhub" is just so delectable. i remember when it was being published in the beginning i was like a dog with a bone. i will never get enough. I can't wait to see where else it gets taken.
14. this next one is quite possibly one of my favorite mob fics. I have linked the first installment of these lovely smutty stucky fics. "tell me what you want" is the first step into such a delicious universe. thank you @angrythingstarlight for all you write.
15. an absolute banger from @sagechanoafterdark with "codename: Lazarus". i can't exclaim loud enough how good this one is. it had me on the edge of my seat. so dynamic. the order in which you read the parts for this one changes the perspective. don't worry they have put an excellent order at the bottom of the masterlist. :)
16. @avintagekiss24 i wanna start out by saying that I love the space you have created with your blog. when i found "lay me down in the tall-green grass" i thought i found fanfic heaven. i will cherish it always. i kept coming back to this one-shot to relive it as much as possible.
17. i've been thinking about "stained like georgia clay" by @georgiapeach30513 a lot lately. i remember binge-reading it & soaking up every droplet of goodness i could. ;) & that thunderstorm scene 🥵. i'll leave you with that...
18. here lies the "howling comandos tattoo au" that altered my brain chemistry just a little. @navybrat817 stole my heart long before this one dropped. however, this au had me sitting patiently waiting with my hands folded.... um no i was mentally ON MY KNEES.
19. i can confidently say that @georgiapeach30513 's "you were the one" is my favorite Lloyd hansen series ever. i crave a fics that are this good. it all started from a one-shot & then i found out a prequel was being written to it & i screamed in excitement.
20. A quality fic that i have had actual dreams about in the past. comes from @themhoodgirlz . for my 5sos girlies out there "close" tingles my brain in the right ways. i reminisce about the dynamic these two have. years ago when i was a BIG 5sos stan i lowkey hoped & dreamed for that to be me lol.
alright, alright, alright. that concludes my first rec list. I want to thank all of these amazing, amazing authors who have shared their skills & talents with the world. your works have given me sweet escapes, brightened my days, & expanded my love for all of the characters & ppl you write for. <3 all my love,
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marunene · 4 days
Imagine someone makes a Castiel x (older sis) Winchester!reader fanfic because they know how much I like him without me having to ask... Oh dear...
Hehehehe Harvey Dent hrhenrhejehe... Hes prettyyyy
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
Want To Hunt
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Pairing: Brother Sam & Brother Dean x platonic!younger sister reader
Warnings: Very cringe and short. I wrote this when I was in middle school. Originally from Wattpad.
Summary: You want to go hunting but your dad won't let you. 
*Not Proof Read* Supernatural
Third P.O.V.
" But Dad! I wanna go! Come on, dad. I'm old enough now. You said, once I turn eleven, I could go on hunts with you and the boys! Come on, dad! I'm mature now! " Y/n yells annoyedly. Her dad, John Winchester, had said she could go on a hunt as soon as she turned eleven like Sam and Dean both did. 
" Mature? Ha! You still watch Barbie and Friends on TV! That's mature. " Dean teases Y/n while ruffling her already crazy hair. 
Y/n glares at Dean. " Dean, no one asked for your opinion. " 
" Ooh. Sassy. " Sam chuckles, also ruffling Y/n's hair. 
" Y/n, " John sighs. John rubs his temples. " for the last time, no. You're not going. That's final. " 
Y/n huffs. " Daddy! You promised! Pinky promised! That's the most special kind of promise! What's the big deal?! You let Sam and Dean start hunting a little when they turned eleven! C'mon. I promise I'll be good. I'll do everything you say. I'll even listen to the two buttheads. " Y/n gestures to Sam and Dean. This isn't fair. It just isn't fair. What do Dean and Sam have that I don't? Oh, that's right. They're boys. 
" Hey! We're not buttheads! " Dean and Sam say angrily at the same time. 
Both John and Y/n ignore the boys. 
" Forget my promise, Y/n! I don't want you getting hurt. This hunt is going to be dangerous. Very dangerous. Your brothers are more experienced, that's why they're going. Maybe next hunt you can go with us. Just not this time. " John pulls on his jacket and stands up before looking at Y/n. " I don't want you getting hurt. " 
Y/n rolls her eyes. " It's not like I'm going to be taking on this thing by myself! You three will be there to protect me. " 
" We can't spend every minute we're hunting, worried about you, Y/n. Next time, okay? " John pats y/n's arm before walking towards the motel door. " Come on, boys. Let's go. " 
Y/n frowns. She never gets to do anything the boys do. It's not fair. 
" Don't be sad sis. " Sam smiles gently as he looks down at his younger sibling. " When we come back, I'll teach you how to exorcise a demon. 'Kay? " 
Y/n sighs and retreats to one of the beds. " Fine. I expect you to tell me every detail of this hunt when you come back though, okay Sammy? Dean-o? " 
Dean nods. " Of course, N/N. " 
Y/n watches as her dad and brothers leave. Sam pokes his head into the motel room before he closes the door. " Remember to keep this door locked. Don't answer it for anyone. Not even us. We'll use the key to get in. Keep the curtains closed, and stay here. " 
Y/n nods. " Okay, Sammy. I know what to do. Bye. " 
" Bye. " 
Y/n flips through the TV channels, knowing that this hunt will take a long time.
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scentisterror · 28 days
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encreboueuse · 2 months
How do you kiss an angel?
Couple : Sam Winchester x Gabriel Genres : Slice of life / One-Shot Rating : +16 Résumé : Pensant être protégé du monde surnaturel en prenant le rôle d’un étudiant tout ce qu’il y a de plus normal, Sam ne se doutait pas qu’il y replongerait de sitôt. Et encore moins, de lui-même. Bonne lecture ! Si Sam avait axé ses études sur le droit, il s’était permis d’ajouter quelques matières pour le…
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