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One physical therapy activity can work on coordination, motor planning, range of motion, endurance, strength and balance. Another important goal for children is to build confidence and foster joy in personal accomplishments. Children who are confident in their skills will be more willing and able to participate in gross motor activities with peers. And isn’t play what childhood is all about? #shenandoahsoundstart #grossmotor #playwithpurpose #pediatricPT #motorplanning #kidsexercise #Teletherapy #physicaltherapy #kidsPT #balance #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #winchester #pediatrictherapy #PT #pediatrictherapy #ptvirginia #pediatricphysicaltherapy #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD5KareB2vs/?igshid=1movw11b7pth7
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It’s back-to-school time! Whether your child is going to be distance learning, attending traditional school, or doing a hybrid version of both, they will surely be sitting for a good portion of their day. For kids with low muscle tone, balance concerns or core weakness, sitting still can be a difficult task, and can affect their ability to learn. To give your child a heads up on the school year, try this fun activity to help promote sitting balance, core strength and crossing midline. Any stickers and ball will do! If you have concerns about your child’s balance, strength or development, Shenandoah SOUNDstart can help! Teletherapy evaluations and treatment sessions are available. #shenandoahsoundstart #grossmotor #playwithpurpose #pediatricPT #motorplanning #kidsexercise #Teletherapy #physicaltherapy #lowtone #kidsPT #balance #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #winchester #pediatrictherapy #PT #soundstart #corestrength #bettersitting (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDz-W6yhZWr/?igshid=16ntn74r9q84r
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Toe walking can be a big concern for many parents. We discussed stretching in a previous post. This video demonstrates an equally important aspect of correcting toe walking, STRENGTH. This is just one way to build strength in the ankle dorsiflexor muscles which pull the foot up. For best results, stretching and strengthening should be performed daily. More exercises to follow! #shenandoahsoundstart #toewalking #achillesstretch #heelcordstretch #walkbetter #playwithpurpose #pediatricPT #motorplanning #kidsexercise #Teletherapy #physicaltherapy #kidsPT #balance #grossmotor #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT#learnthroughplay #winchesterva #PT#pediatrictherapy #PTvirginia #pediatricphysicaltherapy #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGGem5chKJ2/?igshid=183idmo9o3stn
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Telehealth Fact Sheet:
Telehealth is a great way to provide children and their families with a family-centered coaching framework. Telehealth allows the therapists to observe the child and caregiver in their natural environment while providing feedback and instruction to problem solve and discover solutions to improve upon a variety of skills. But… does it work?! Let’s take a brief look at some of the research!
Douglas (2018) found parent coaching and training to be effective through teletherapy! They found children increased communication attempts in children, and parents increased their responses to their child’s communication as well as provided increased communication opportunities.
Rosenberry (2014) found children learned better from live chats and interactions as compared to recorded videos and could generalize what they learned to other contexts! The most important part of learning language was the social contingency aspect (eye contact, turn-taking, asking questions, and using the child’s name) whether in-person or via video chat.
Thomas (2016) found generalization of treatment to other contexts for children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) when the therapy was completed via telehealth.
Marinschek (2014) found teletherapy versus in-clinic therapy for feeding disorders to have no significant differences in results in weaning children off enteral feeding
Grogan-Johnson (2013) found there was no significant difference in outcomes or progress for children ages 6-10 in articulation therapy in-clinic versus teletherapy.
Contact us today to learn more about telehealth services for your child!
Douglas, S. N., Nordquist, E., Kammes, R., & Gerde, H. (2018). Online parent training to support children with complex communication needs. Infants & Young Children, 30(4), 299–303.
Grogan-Johnson, S., Schmidt, A.M., Schenker, J., Alvares, R., Rowan, L., Taylor, J. (2013). A Comparison of Speech Sound Intervention Delivered by Telepractice and Side-by-Side Service Delivery Models, Communication Disorders Quarterly 34(4), 210-220
Marinschek, S., Dunitz0Scheer, M., Pahsini K., Geher, B., Scheer, P. (2014). Weaning children off enteral nutrition by net coaching versus onsite treatment: A comparative study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2(11), 902-907
Roseberry, S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. (2014). Skype me! Socially Contingent Interactions Help Toddlers Learn Language. Child Development, 85(3), 956–970.
Thomas, D. C., McCabe, P., Ballard, K. J. and Lincoln, M. (2016), Telehealth delivery of Rapid Syllable Transitions (ReST) treatment for childhood apraxia of speech. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
#shenandoahsoundstart#soundstart#pediatrictherapy#winchesterva#teletherapy#learnthroughplay#winchester#pt#kidspt#slp#telehealth#therapygoals#winchesterkidsot#winchesterkidspt#slpva#slpwinchesterva#covidcantstopus#taketheplunge#virtual#virtuallearning#remote learning#research#lovewhatyoudo#learnsomethingnew
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Teletherapy is the perfect environment for therapists and parents to practice skills using coaching techniques. When coaching, a therapist will actively teach caregivers techniques to improve their child’s function. Coaching incorporates interaction between parent and clinician with the goal of improving the parent’s ability to support their child’s participation in family and community activities. Use of this method can result in improved social, cognitive and motor outcomes in children while promoting confidence and treatment involvement in caregivers. Join a teletherapy session today and see how good you’ll feel about helping your child! #coaching #coachingtechnique #rolling #motorskills #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #kidsPT #pediatricPT #balance #grossmotor #coordinationactivities #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #gettingkidsengaged #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #playwithpurpose #motorplanning #winchester #pediatrictherapy #PT #shenandoahsoundstart #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFP6uJZhGtV/?igshid=178ej4uz6l197
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If your child is a toe walker, the first step in helping to promote heel-toe walking is to perform ankle stretches. Active stretches, where the child performs the stretch themselves, is the preferred method, if your child is able to do this. Above are some suggestions for common stretches that will help your child improve their ability to pull the ankle up when walking. Each stretch should be held for 30 to 60 seconds and repeated 3 times for best results. Using a distractor such as playing a video game or watching TV while in the stretch position can help prolong the stretch. #shenandoahsoundstart #toewalking #achillesstretch #heelcordstretch #walkbetter #playwithpurpose #pediatricPT #motorplanning #kidsexercise #Teletherapy #physicaltherapy #kidsPT #balance #grossmotor #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #winchesterva #pediatrictherapy #PT #pediatrictherapy #PTvirginia #pediatricphysicaltherapy #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_fyoqhHW8/?igshid=wa1zcynym40z
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Fun is built in to every session at ShenandoahSOUNDstart! We understand that if we want kids to practice the skills they are working on in therapy sessions, the skills must be relevant to the child’s life. #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #kidsPT #pediatricPT #balance #grossmotor #coordinationactivities #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #gettingkidsengaged #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #playwithpurpose #motorplanning #winchester #pediatrictherapy #PT #shenandoahsoundstart #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEr4PUwBYM4/?igshid=b5m35mqv0hkn
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Physical therapy is about movement and so much more! PTs can help parents understand new ways to engage with their child, and methods to promote emotional regulation. Once we have a child who is engaged and ready to work, the process of improving gross motor skills, balance, strength, and coordination can really begin. #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #kidsPT #pediatricPT #balance #grossmotor #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #emotionalregulation #gettingkidsengaged #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #winchester #pediatrictherapy #PT #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CErVQGrBGD6/?igshid=1bcttpj9cxab1
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Peek-a-boo! A simple developmentally appropriate and fun game can provide so many benefits! The physical therapy goals for this game include improving sitting balance, grip strength, and shoulder range of motion. But there is social-emotional learning, language learning, visual development and sensory stimulation going on as well. Peek-a-boo helps foster the concept of object permanence, strengthen visual tracking, promote bonding, and teach early turn-taking. Best of all, babies love it! #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #kidsPT #pediatricPT #balance #grossmotor #coordinationactivities #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #gettingkidsengaged #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #playwithpurpose #motorplanning #winchester #pediatrictherapy #PT #soundstart #sensoryplay #bondingwithbaby #babyplay (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEGDSiNBnZE/?igshid=1omwh7k926a1r
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Good posture is something that is often overlooked. Did you know that our posture can affect how well we feel, as well as our ability to balance and perform fine or gross motor tasks? Sitting upright is the body's ability to balance front and back muscles and allows us to free up our hands to use them for skills like playing with toys, coloring, and writing as we get older. A pediatric physical therapist can help you and your child learn what good posture is and to assess what the issues are that are preventing the needed spinal alignment. Practicing sitting 'cat-cow' yoga exercises is a great way for the whole family to improve posture and body awareness. Why don't you give it a try? If you suspect your child may be having posture or balance issues, you should discuss treatment with your child's pediatrician. A physical therapy assessment can help determine if treatment is needed. If you have ongoing concerns regarding the COVID-19 crisis and the risks to your family, Shenandoah SOUNDstart can help. We are currently providing clinic-based and teletherapy evaluations and therapy for children of all ages. #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #kidsPT #pediatricPT #balance #grossmotor #finemotor #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #posture #winchester #soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBoyy2mhqY4/?igshid=1t4w4783k9ebz
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Balance doesn't always just “happen.” Sometimes it takes lots of hard work and encouragement. Physical therapists can help children advance their balance skills in many fun and safe ways. Try this at home! It’s easier to balance on one foot if you use a playground ball like this boy, or, you can try using one foot on a stool or block if the ball is too difficult. Adding the support of the sofa to the rear helps if a child is fearful or just needs a little extra support. Teletherapy can help you help your child succeed. Find out more at shenandoahsoundstart.org. #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #kidsPT #pediatricPT #balance #grossmotor #exerciseforkids #developmentalexercises #winchesterkidsPT #telehealthPT #learnthroughplay #winchester #pediatrictherapy #pt #shenandoahsoundstart soundstart (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGoFzChcu8/?igshid=1doyn9449q2rh
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More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Faster than a speeding bullet. It’s Superman!!! Would you love to see your child excel in gross motor tasks and keep up with their peers? Many children with autism spectrum disorder display motor impairments in addition to their social, cognitive, and sensory impairments. Physical therapy can help children with autism by promoting improved strength, coordination, balance, body awareness, emotional regulation and more. If your child with autism seems to be lagging behind in gross motor skills, has poor energy or endurance, lacks coordination, or falls more often than their peers, physical therapy may help. In addition to improving your child’s overall health and wellness, your child may demonstrate improved social skills, increased sensory awareness and better language as their motor systems improve. #autismawareness #autismspeaks #pediatrictherapy, #PTforkids #kidsPT #KidsOT #grossmotor #developmentaltoys #developmentalplay #playwithpurpose #learnthroughplay #motorplanning #bodyawareness #exerciseforkids #creativemovement #learnthroughplay #soundstart #telehealth #shenandoahsoundstartva #kidscoordination l #balancework #WinchesterkidsPT #PTVirginia #shenandoahsoundstart #teletherapy #pediatrictherapy, #soundstart #telehealth (at Shenandoah SOUNDstart, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_goczFxJU/?igshid=os8buvc61tyk
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