#winchester!sister x mikaelson
inlovewhithafairytale · 7 months
Happy Valentine all my single people!!!
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nalledimessi · 1 month
Save me
Hello there friends, I hope everyone is doing well, I know it has been a really long time since I post, I have the terrible habit of stop writing when everything gets too much for me. This pass year my life has been like a roller coaster; I know probably all of you or the majority don't care to much about it but I have to express it somewhere and somehow, but anyway I leave you with this ending of the non-series that I made.  Divider by @firefly-graphics 
Broken Rule
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester sister 
Warnings:  Mention of killing, blood, and curses. 
Words:  827
Notes: Listen Save me from BTS 
Tag’s: @valsworldofcreativity @helenasingers @r13mar @elijahs-wife
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You crumble next to a tree, your right-hand applying pressure on your bloody open wound. “Damned” you curse watching the blood staring to spread on your t-shirt.  
Leaning your head on the tree for support, you could see the clear sky adorned by stars, what a beautiful night to end up dying, you thought, well at least the constant sadness and emptiness settle on your heart would disappear and you would finally rest, although it will be forever.  
You could hear the footsteps on the dry leaves from both sides getting closer and closer “shit” you cursed, getting up, the tree as your support, taking a deep breath and trying to concentrate to find where the attack would be first “right” you mentioned, raising your gun and pointing that direction.   
“It’s impressive how far you could go with that wound” the ghoul in human form announces appearing on the other side, making you turn abruptly, whining at the sudden movement, pointing the gun at him. “I'm a Winchester after all” you replied proudly trying to ignore the buzz in your ears and blurred look. 
“Oh, I'm aware of it” starting to walk in your direction, a macabre smile on his lips “soon you will stop being one”  
Aiming your gun at him, but failing due your blurred gaze, you knew even you end up killing him, the other ghoul, that isn't too far away would reach you and kill you, lowering your gun and glancing to the sky, forgetting the ghoul in front of you “how I like to see you just one more time”  
Splashes reached your face, getting it wet, making you look in front of you, just in time to see the ghoul’s head drop along his body, reveling a human form “what the hell?” you whisper before fainting. 
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Stopping the engine of your car, you release a sigh resting your head on the seat. “Let’s get this over with” you voice worn out.  
“Oh, you’re back” Sam exclaims, excited while watching you descend the stairs of the bunker.  
“Don’t get too excited Sammy” you warm him “just staying until Bobby calls back with a new assignment” you mention once you were close by. 
“Oh” he let out sad “how was your last hunting?” he inquiry, concern.  
“Same as always” passing him by in direction to your room, not giving him much attention or time to chat. “Search, hunt and kill, just to do it all over again” 
“Sis, I’m worry about you” he declared in a tone that make you stop suddenly.  
A sigh left your mouth, turning around to see him, forcing a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes, trying to calm him, after all he was your baby brother “I’m fine Sammy, don’t worry” you state before continuing your way. 
“She just needs a shower, food and a good night of sleep” Dean bring up, while patting his shoulder.  
“I hope you’re right Dean” his gaze fix where you disappear “or she could end hurting herself badly”  
Dropping your duffel bag at the edge of the bed, while at the same time falling face down on it “shit” cursing almost immediately once laying down. 
Standing up, in direction of your bathroom, the reflection on the mirror stopped you from examining your abdomen wound, dark circles under your eyes, pale skin, cuts and bruises where your clothes allowed to see.  
Lowering your head with eyes closed, good reason for Sam concerns, how could you be so reckless? Your mind drifting to New Orleans and to him. 
The ring of your phone distracts you, answering as a reflect, “Hi Bobby, what do you have for me?”  
Giving one last glance to your bedroom, you could notice all the difference between here and your bedroom back in New Orleans, all kind of books scattered around on both rooms, messy bed instead a neat one, closed and dusty smell instead of his, like sandalwood and rum spice. A scent you swear you could smell.  
Denying with your head before passing your duffel bag over your shoulder, starting your way to the garage, trying at all cost to avoid any of your brothers. 
“Y/N” Sam call your name, your hand on the garage knob.  
“Almost” you whisper before turning around, forcing a smile for your own good “Bobby call, a possible Wendigo in Oklahoma” you state.  
“Castiel is on his way, you could rest while he arrives to cure you” he suggests “if we explain Bobby, he will understand, he can assign another hunter” he offers coming closer to you.  
“I can't Sam” making him stop confuse, looking at you waiting for an explanation. You sigh defeated “hunting it's the only thing that keeps me sane” you reveal to him.  
“If this is about New Orleans, you know you can talk to me” he affirms and offer.  
“Yeah” you respond in a low voice, turning around “there’s nothing to talk about” you declared before leaving.  
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A familiar scent reaches your nostrils, blinking several times to adjust your eyes to the bright light, some pieces of memory returning, causing you to a seated position abruptly.  
“You’re finally awake” the soft but firm voice express, setting your glance on him.  
“Elijah” you pronounce “what are you doing here?” question him but didn't allow him to finish “Don't get me wrong without you I would be probably dead,” you stop and start looking around “shit! I need to call my brothers; Dean will kill me” you express trying to stand up from bed. 
His hand on your shoulder, stopping you from standing “Calm down” giving you a glass of water “I came for you” turning away from you “they’re here”  
“Y/N!” Sam shout as soon he enters, reaching your side while Dean stand behind watching Elijah. 
“I would leave you alone” he said, with his glance fix in you.  
“Elijah!” you exclaim trying to stand reach him.  
He was next to you in an instant, thanks to his vamp speed, his right hand on your back and his left one on yours “I won't go anywhere” he assures you “I would get another room” caressing your hand before leaving you, Dean glance follow him.  
“So, that was Elijah” Sam state more than question, watching you nod.  
“What the hell is he doing here? With you on a hotel room?” Dean inquired, crossing his arms over his chest waiting for you to answer.  
“He’s the reason why I’m alive, Dean” taking a deep breath, remembering the events “I keep screwing up things,” Sam squeezing your hand, encourage you to continue “there where 2 ghouls instead one, I was able to kill one but I end up several injured, I was chase thought the forest, was about to kill me when Elijah appear”  
“Killing the ghoul and saving you” Sam finish for you “where were you hurt?” lifting your right side of your blouse “there’s nothing here”  
“How?” Dean exclaimed, inspecting where the wound used to be. 
“Vampire blood” you spilled out of your mouth without thinking, to then look to their confused faces “has healing qualities” you stop, taking a sip of the water glass to then continue “but if you die with it in your system, you begin the transition to vampire”  
Before Dean could start a fight, a knock on the door was listen, before Elijah enter the room “my apologies for the interruption, the vampire blood is almost out of her system and there’s nothing to worry about it” he explains approaching Sam, providing a key “you should settle down while your sister rest” he announces.  
“Oh sure, thanks” Sam answer before giving you one last squeeze in your hand “try to rest” glancing at Dean.  
Dean’s gaze changed between you and Elijah, a resigned sigh “Get some sleep kiddo” he orders before leaving the room.  
Elijah starts to walk to the room door, “stay” you shout while his hand settles on the knob. He didn't say anything, just took off his suit jacket and vest, leaving it on a chair to then walk to your side and lay down, he passes his hand under your head, making you use it as pillow, your head set on the crook of his arm. 
“How are you feeling?” he questions you, starting to caress your head.  
“A little tired and sore” answering in automatic, your mind in other things. 
“What is in your mind, darling?” moving to his side to see you.  
You lift your head to see him, your gazes crossing “Too many questions and no answers at all”  
He smiles “I would answer 3 of those questions” kissing your forehead “think wisely darling” he advice you.  
You nod, thinking your questions, after a few minutes “How did you find me?” you finally question him. 
“My sisters, Freya along Rebekah did a locator spell to find you” he expresses “they miss you”  
You open your mouth “they miss me?” you state without thinking.  
“Are you sure you want to use your question?” he questions you, looking you denied of his question and stay quiet for a few minutes.  
“Why are you here?” you whisper, not sure enough to listen the answer.  
“For you,” he declares “it seems you have you have caused a quit impression in all of my siblings, even Klaus express he don't have anyone to fight” he then presses his forehead in yours, a few inches away your face “to be true I’m smitten with you” he finally admits. 
Placing you hand over his cheek “what this means to us?” closing your eyes, knowing the answer of this question could change everything.  
He puts his hand over yours, caressing it, making you open your eyes “Darling, I love you. And I would fight for you, against anyone or anything” he announces watching you directly.” he places a kiss on your lips before standing from bed “we’ll talk about this later” he let you know before the door open reveling your brother with a tray of foods. 
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tofics · 3 months
Out Of This World
Chapter 4
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x fem!Reader x Dean Winchester
Summary: You and the Mikaelsons are fighting a powerful witch that’s trying to take over New Orleans. The only solution: banishment to another universe. However, the spell goes… wrong, and it’s not the witch that ends up in another universe, but you. - At the same time, over a thousand miles away in a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, an alarm goes off: a rift has opened up. The Winchesters and their angel partners in crime decide to investigate. What will they find when they get to New Orleans?
Word count: 4127 words
Warnings: Little bit of a panic attack, some cursing.
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Previously: The dark blonde haired man in the car in front of you was beginning to look impatient, and you couldn't blame him. He'd paid for your coffee, and now here you were, stumbling around your words. Then again, you couldn't be sure you'd heard them right when you'd come out of the diner. You took a deep breath before you spoke. "Uh... did you say anything about a rift?"
Davina Claire had sworn that she would bring Kol Mikaelson back from the dead. As his family, the Mikaelsons had promised their support in her efforts - despite his tamper and, as a result, his frequent daggerings, he was their brother after all and they preferred to know him daggered in a coffin, ready to be brought back at any time, rather than as dead as he was now. One condition was temporary, the other permanent. Davina Claire intended to change that.
Rebekah had stayed true to her word and the two of them had spent hours browsing the various antique books that rested in Kol's lair or were part of Cami's heritage. That was, until Athea launched her first attacks on the Mikaelson clan. Soon, she became their sole focus. And Davina understood. It's hard to fight two battles at once, so she kept at the studies on her own. However, when some of her own friends fell victim to one of Athea's attacks, she reluctantly joined the Mikaelson's fight. Davina was not the kind of person to stand by and watch her friends die, even if it meant that Kol had to wait. It was her who found a hint about a spell that could transport a being to another universe. She delivered the breakthrough for what ultimately became their final strategy against Athea.
As part of this strategy, she had agreed to stay back and protect the compound as a 'just-in-case' precaution. Athea had tricked them time and time again, and even though they were sure that this time, they would finally get rid of her, they still had to play their cards right. So Davina stayed back and put a protection spell over the compound while the attack team ventured out to carry out their final plan. As an extra-precaution, she didn't stay at the compound herself, but had locked herself in Kol's 'playhouse' where she finally resumed her studies.
It was time to bring her boyfriend back from the dead.
Or it would be, if she finally found a way. So far, she was no closer to her goal than she'd been in the months and weeks before. Davina was glad to hear the door open and see the two Mikaelson sisters entering. Help had arrived.
"I see you brought reinforcements," she smiled, but her smile quickly faded when she noticed the tension in the duo's faces. "What happened?"
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"I can't believe she found a way to redirect the spell." Davina slowly sunk on the stool behind her. You and her had never been the best of friends. While you had no issues with each other, you had never truly warmed up to Kol. It didn't run as deep as animosity, but it would have been a stretch to call you and Kol 'friends'. The status between you and the youngest Mikaelson brother had transferred to you and Davina, who couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards you: loving one Mikaelson brother and even accepting Klaus' behavior, only to turn your nose up at Kol's past mistakes; it didn't sit right with her. But even so, she would have never wished for anything bad to happen to you. The fact that Athea had managed to send you to another universe - you didn't deserve it. "How did she do it?"
Freya placed a small sack containing a black powder on the table in front of her. "I think she used this. Y/N was choking on it when we got there. It's dried fruit of the tree of life. Supposedly you can use it for a multitude of ways in just one spell," she explained as Davina examined the fine particles.
"Like choking someone and then sending someone to an alternate universe," Rebekah sourly added. Freya nodded.
"I think the choking was just for show, a distraction from her real plan, which was to redirect the spell and mark Y/N as the true target. The choking was probably just a decoy."
"Fruit of the tree of life. I've never heard of it before." The young witch rubbed the black substance between her fingers and watched as it coated her fingertips like coal dust, glittering and shimmering in the light that emanated from the ceiling.
"That's because it was believed to be extinct. Not even Daliah knew of a plant that still grew these. This is seriously old magic. About as old as it gets."
Davina could tell that Freya was right. There was a sort of power, a kind she had never felt before, that softly radiated from the powdered substance. Fruit from the tree of life.
Tree of life.
Tree of... life.
The idea struck her like lightning.
"We could use this for Kol!" Davina jumped from the stool and hastily walked over to her notes that were strewn across another table. "If we channel the power from the fruit-"
She was cut off mid-sentence by Freya. "It won't work."
The interruption stunned the young witch. She momentarily froze, papers in one hand, the other still tarnished from the magical substance. Then came the anger. All her grief, all her desperation surged through her in a hot wave.
"And why the hell not!" she exploded. The lights briefly flickered in the room and her notes flew off the table.
"Because! What little bit of powder I could gather in that alley is not nearly enough to do what you propose! To redirect a spell and to to resurrect someone from the dead - they're two entirely different undertakings with vastly different resource requirements!" Freya was seemingly growing agitated by Davina's attitude, but the younger witch did not care.
"Okay, so we find more!"
Freya laughed at that. "Oh, right, because that'll be a walk in the park. This very well could have been the last fruit in existence. It's supposed to be extinct, if you remember," she snapped back. Tension built in the room as the two witches stared at each other, palpable in the air as their magic flowed out of them, fueled by their emotions.
"Alright now, let's just calm down for a moment!" Rebekah stepped between the two women, arms raised in the air. "Don't you see? This is exactly what Athea wanted. She's dead, for Christ's sake, and we're still at each other's throats!" She looked from one witch to the other. Both were still staring each other down, although the palpable tension had eased up a bit. Neither of them objected, so Rebekah turned to Davina.
"I swore to you that I would help you bring Kol back and I stand by what I said. I would like nothing more than to know my beloved brother alive and well."
Davina crossed her arms in front of her chest. "But?"
"But." Rebekah sighed and finally let her arms drop to her side. It looked more like resignation than standing down. "Kol is dead, while our beloved Y/N is very much alive, stuck in another universe. I hate to say this, but I think my dear brother will have to fend for himself another day while we focus on finding a way to get Y/N back."
"I can't believe you. I can't believe you! You know the ancestors are constantly looking for him! Who knows what they'll do when they find him!" Tears of anger sprung in Davina's eyes. Kol had made it clear that he was anything but welcome in the ancestral plane. She was worried that they would find him and do unimaginable things to him, things that would leave his soul damaged beyond repair and unable to be brought back. How could Rebekah not see that?
"If he's managed to avoid them this long, I'm sure he'll be able to do it for a moment longer. Come on, Davina, you know Kol is too smart for his own good. He'll find a way. But we need to find a way too. We can't just leave Y/N like that." There was pleading in Rebekah's eyes, but it didn't touch Davina in the least.
"No, I suppose you can't. But you sure have no trouble leaving your brother behind." With that, she turned on her heels and stormed out of the cemetery complex.
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"She said it was a witch that got her here." Dean held up his phone between himself and Cas.
"A witch?" Sam's voice came through the speaker.
"Mh-hmm," Dean nodded and eyed you through the windshield. You leaned against the hood of the car that was parked in front of the Impala, bouncing a leg and nibbling on one of your nails. "Said she saw someone casting, then one second she was there, next she was here."
"Sounds like she was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Sam mused.
"She called it a rift though." Cas shifted in his seat so that he got closer to the speaker. "Wouldn't that imply knowledge of the spell?"
Jack was quick to jump on that bandwagon. "Is she a witch?"
"I don't know, man," Dean replied as he kept on watching you. Something felt off to him about this, although he couldn't quite put a finger on it yet. For what it was worth, you did truly seem out of it. Like you were... lost. "Wouldn't she just book it out of here if she was?"
Sam agreed that he had a point. "Look, why don't you just get her here and we'll see where we go from there?"
It was as good an idea as any, and more than Dean could come up with at the moment. Still, he wasn't ready to leave just yet. Cas had been right - they should definitely sniff around a bit, even if it looked like they'd already found what they'd been looking for. "Yeah I'll get back to you on that, Sammy." He had an idea after all.
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The two men hadn't been on the phone for long, and yet it still felt like an eternity had passed when the one who'd payed for your coffee finally stepped back out of the car. He walked over to you at a leisurely pace, although it seemed a bit forced, like he was approaching you in a way you would a scared animal, trying not to spook you. It didn't really ease your nerves. If anything, it put you more on edge. Regardless, you tried to keep your voice steady. "So? What's the verdict? Am I being admitted?" You were proud to hear that your voice wasn't nearly as shaky as you felt on the inside.
He gave you a quizzical look, but when he saw the somewhat sad smile on your face, he gave a dry chuckle. "Is that what you thought we were doing back there?"
You shrugged. "I wouldn't have blamed you. Talking about witches and how I'm from a different universe... Not the kind of stuff you hear every day, I guess."
Another short laugh came from the man. "Trust me, we've heard weirder stuff."
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that, but it didn't look like he felt the need to elaborate on that.
"So." He shoved his hands into the pocket of his jacket as he shifted into a wider stance. You couldn't help but feel like he was trying to exude more authority. "You think you could find your way back to where you entered? We'd like to take a look at the scene ourselves, see if there's anything to find."
As if you could forget. Not only had you gone back there last night, drunkenly stumbling through the streets in hopes of finding anything, something that could help you feel at ease, but you'd lived in New Orleans long enough to know your way around most parts of the city. You'd found nothing, of course. And neither would they. There was nothing to be found. "What are you looking for, exactly?"
"We'll know when we find it." You could tell he was watching you closely, gauging your reaction.
"Alright," you shrugged. "I can show you. But whatever you're hoping to find, I'm telling you, it's not there. I checked myself last night."
"I'll take that chance. Come on." He cocked a head at their car and waited until you'd moved past him to follow you.
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"Right in there," you said and gestured at the opening of the alleyway that was ahead of you. It had been a short, silent car ride. The car you'd ridden didn't resemble a cop car in any way, and yet it had felt very much like you were in the back of one. Or at least what you imagined it would be like. Sure, you hadn't been handcuffed and there were no bars separating you from the front seats, but there was an unspoken tension in the air that felt cold and about as comfortable as a ride to a police station would probably be.
You paused at the corner, reluctant to set a foot into the place. In your drunken state you'd tumbled around the alley no problem, but in your sober state, crossing back into where everything had just gone so horribly wrong... You had to physically force your body to move.
Your two companions were walking up and down the small alley, checking the floor, looking behind a dumpster, even running a finger across the walls here and there, although what for, you had no idea. It didn't look like they were coming up with much of anything, at least as far as you could tell. The one who'd paid for your coffee reached into his jacket and retrieved a funny looking device. It had a small antenna like old hand-held radios did back in the day and the top of it was lined with tiny colored lightbulbs. You'd never seen anything like it.
"Uhhh." You stepped a little further into the alleyway. "Umh, what's that for?"
"EMF-Meter," came the reply from behind him. You turned to the other guy, but before you could ask, he already continued. "Checks for ghost activity." He smiled at you, looking rather proud for having shared this information with you.
"Right." You'd told them a witch had brought you here. What did ghosts have to do with this? "Umh. Why?"
"Just covering all our bases." The man holding the EMF-Meter seemed satisfied with the results of his measurements and tucked it back into his pocket before he got his phone out. You saw him open the Maps app. "This checks out. It fits with the location the table picked up."
The man in the trench-coat nodded at you. "Looks like we already found what we were looking for."
Even though it seemed like a positive statement, they did not seem very happy. You felt the spotlight on you as they both regarded you for a moment, the lines growing deeper and deeper on the forehead of the man with the funny gadget. He seemed rather upset with something.
...with you?
"Umh." You shifted uncomfortably on your feet. "Something wrong?"
Silence. You felt your pulse slowly quicken. Heat rose within you and slowly filled your gut as the anxiety put your bile on a simmer.
"Dean." The man in the trench-coat gently nudged his partner, who still had his eyes locked on you. When he didn't reply, he nudged him again.
The man named Dean made a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a growl. The annoyance was carved into his face. "Come on, Cas, when has anything ever been this easy!"
Excuse him?
"Easy?!" Your core temperature was still boiling, but the underlying emotions were shifting as the uneasy fear slowly got replaced by anger. Why was he so annoyed with you, with your situation? And what about this was easy?!
"I'm sorry that my predicament is such an inconvenience to you, but I would just love to know what about this is so easy! Did I miss something? Is there an alternate universe hot-express that I can just hop on? Next stop my universe, final destination the Marvel universe?!"
"Oh, don't be ridiculous." Dean rolled his eyes, which made you all the more furious.
"Then what is it, hm?" You were almost stomping your foot like an upset toddler, but dammit, what was this guy's problem? It's not like he was stuck in a universe that wasn't his.
"I got a feeling you're not telling us the whole truth, that's what!," he snapped at you, his voice echoing back at you from the walls on each side.
You stared at him furiously. No shit you hadn't told him everything. You knew better than that. You get transported to another universe by accident and run into someone talking about a rift the next day? If he had any reason to be suspicious of you, then you had all the more reasons to be just as suspicious of him and his companion. Who were they to know what a rift is anyway? 'We came to see what came out of the rift' they'd said. Like that wasn't just as dubious as your story, if not more. And what was up with the way they'd checked this alley? What had they been looking for? They'd gone over the place looking for traces of god-knows-what in the same way a hunter would check for tracks of his prey.
Shit. The penny suddenly dropped. Hunters.
Of course, of all the people you could run into, it'd be hunters. Luck really wasn't on your side at the moment.
You weighed your options in a split-second. Take off? Probably not your best shot. You did well in a fight if you had to, but your stamina did not allow for a wild goose chase through the city, especially after the night you'd had. Yesterday's sprint had already proven that. So what else? Even if they were hunters, they were your only connection to the Supernatural you'd found within the last 24 hours. Might as well stick it out with them, at least for a little while. If you played your cards right, perhaps you could use their help until you found a way back. If things got too hairy in the meantime... well, you could still ditch them later, and in a more clever way that wouldn't require running.
"I told you," you pressed out between gritted teeth. "A witch sent me here."
"Okay, yeah, but you didn't say why? Must've had a good reason to do a big spell like that. What'd you do, eh? Piss her off?" Dean had moved a little closer towards you. Everything about his body language put you on edge - it was almost like he was getting ready to square up with you, which did not seem so unlikely after all.
"No!" You involuntarily moved a step backwards and, against every instinct, tears suddenly flooded your face. They weren't tears of fear, nor of rage. "Something went wrong! It wasn't supposed to be me!" The last words came out in a sob and you rubbed over your face angrily. It felt weak to be crying in a moment where your safety wasn't guaranteed, but you couldn't help it. Dean's hostile behavior just drove the fact home that you were entirely on your own, with no one in your corner to back you up. It frustrated you and it disgusted you that without Elijah, you were reduced to this, this blubbering, lonely and insecure version of yourself. Not only was this version of the world alien to you, you yourself felt alien.
You rubbed your sleeve over your face again to get rid of the tears, but they wouldn't stop. The man that Dean had referred to as Cas approached you and laid a hand on your shoulder. "Come on, Dean, this is pointless. Her tears seem genuine to me. Let's just go back to the bunker," he said in the deep and gruff voice you'd heard him speak in before. Then he turned to you. "I should have a handkerchief here somewhere. Hold on." He patted down his trench-coat in search for something that could stop your snot and you were grateful for his intervention. Dean, however, had not been convinced.
"Who's to say she's not a witch herself?"
You gawked at Dean. Is this guy serious? A shriek laugh slipped out of your throat before you could stop it. Me? A witch? The situation was just getting more absurd by the second.
"Something funny to you?" He took another step towards you, bringing himself into an arm's reach. His eyes had narrowed and his face was cold and hard.
"Yeah, actually," you scoffed while you made sure to stand your ground. No retreating this time. "You are. You think I'd send myself here on purpose? What a genius idea. Why don't we all just send ourselves to a place where we know fuck-all and leave everyone we love behind! Get in, losers, we're going to a different universe with no way back!" Your voice had slowly risen to a shout. And with the decibels, your anger also grew.
"Why the hell would I be coming to you for help, if I was such a powerful witch?" You'd jabbed your finger at his chest and now it was Dean who was retreating, apparently somewhat intimidated by your outburst.
"He probably thinks you're here for him."
You spun around to the man in the trench coat behind you. Unlike Dean, he didn't seem to think you were a threat. Where Dean's body language was all 'just give me a reason', nothing about this man indicated that he found you worrisome in any way. It was oddly reassuring and just the tiniest bit insulting.
"Me. Here for him," you repeated, but the words didn't make any more sense the second time around either. "Uh-huh. Why?"
"Because they usually are," the man replied ever so nonchalantly. You narrowed your eyes. Is he fucking with me?
"Are you fucking with me?"
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"You were right about the Mikaelson's. They don't stay true to their word, always finding something else to invest themselves in, something that they think is more important." The bitterness in Davina's voice was unmissable, dark and sour against the sweet tone of her voice.
"I did warn you. Giving trust to a Mikaelson is the same was fetching water with a bucket full of holes: time wasted."
Davina snorted at the comparison. The woman next to her smiled, then continued. "I wish you would have believed me sooner, though I suppose you had to find out for yourself. They won't aide you in bringing back Kol Mikaelson."
"I see that now."
"Good." The other woman rose from her seat and turned to Davina once more. "You know what to do then."
Davina stayed in her seat as the retreating steps slowly faded into the background behind her. She did know what to do. It just wouldn't be so easy.
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"So, the last time someone opened a rift to this world, it was from an apocalypse world where angels were fighting against humans."
"That's correct."
You leaned back into the backseat that you had all to yourself. Just like before, Dean was driving, and the man who'd introduced himself as Castiel sat in front of you in the passenger seat.
"And you're not fucking with me."
"I'm afraid I'm not," Castiel replied.
"Right." You had a hard time digesting what Castiel had told you about their past experiences with rifts. To be fair, this was your first time dealing with interdimensional traveling, but from what he'd told you, their experience was very different to yours.
"And you needed angel's grace to open it."
Again, Castiel hummed in agreement.
"Where the hell does one get angel's grace?"
"Well, we couldn't use my own, of course-"
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up, your own?" You leaned back forward and gripped the seat's edges. Castiel awkwardly shifted in his seat so he could look at you.
"Well, yes. I am an angel. I thought that was clear."
All you could do was gawk at him. An angel. Here. In this car.
Eventually, you found your voice again. "So angels are real?"
"What, you've got witches but no angels?" Dean scoffed, like it was the most ridiculous idea that you hadn't known about angels until now.
"I mean, pretty much, yeah," you started, but then it occurred to you that you were probably dealing with hunters and maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't give too much away about what creatures you knew, or well, dated, for that matter.
Dean seemed to ponder this for a moment, then nodded to himself. "Hu. Wonder what that's like."
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Series Masterlist - Mobile Masterlist
A/N: I know, two chapter 4's in one day that took wayyyy longer than anticipated, but what can I say, when inspiration strikes, it strikes! :)
Feedback is always appreciated! If you have any requests, feel free to send them my way. I'm always happy to practice my writing! :)
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters!
Tag list: @vicmc624 @foreverrandomwritings @imoompalumpa @wildernessflora @spnaquakindgdom @zepskies @starkleila @scripteria @estrelacaida @joonseuph0ria @jamerlynn @katiergriff @chaersun @xxqueenwxtchxx @onlyangel-444 @chochoooooo
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theprincipality · 8 months
About Me.
Hey guys.
I’d like to tell y’all a little about me.
I’m a fan of the MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe) and a fan of both the WandaNat and BlackHill ships.
I’m also a fan of Supernatural, Monster High, What We Do In The Shadows, Lucifer, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Bitten and Teen Wolf.
I’m obsessed with listening to the Teen Wolf main opening title song. It’s just so catchy and also in my gym playlist.
My favorite Teen Wolf characters are:
Lydia Martin.
Scott McCall.
Derek Hale.
Stiles Stilinski.
Malia Tate/Hale.
Melissa McCall.
Eli Hale.
My favorite X-Men characters are:
Anna-Marie Darkholme/Marie D’Ancanto A.K.A Rogue.
Remy LeBeau A.K.A Gambit.
Raven Darkholme A.K.A Mystique.
Kurt Wagner/Darkholme A.K.A Nightcrawler.
Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde A.K.A Shadowcat.
Piotr Rasputin A.K.A Colossus.
Ellie Phimister A.K.A Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
Warren Worthington A.K.A Angel.
Bobby Drake A.K.A Iceman.
James ‘Logan’ Howlett A.K.A Wolverine.
Laura Kinney A.K.A X-23.
Scott Summers A.K.A Cyclops.
Jean Grey A.K.A Phoenix.
Ororo Munroe A.K.A Storm.
Charles Xavier
My favorite MCU characters are:
Natasha Romanoff A.K.A Black Widow.
Wanda Maximoff A.K.A Scarlet Witch.
Maria Hill.
Pepper Potts.
Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man.
Steve Rogers A.K.A Captain America.
Wade ‘fucking’ Wilson’ A.K.A Deadpool.
Vanessa Carlysle.
My favorite Supernatural characters are:
Dean Winchester.
Sam Winchester.
Bobby Singer.
Jack Kline.
Kelly Kline.
The Impala/Baby/The Metallicar.
Rowena MacLeod.
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod.
Archangel Gabriel.
Archangel Michael.
My favorite Lucifer characters are:
Detective Chloe Decker.
Beatrice ‘Trixie’ Espinoza.
Charlotte Richards.
Detective Daniel ‘Dan’ Espinoza.
Archangel Lucifer Morningstar.
Mazikeen Smith A.K.A Maze.
My favorite Vampire Diaries characters are:
Hope Mikaelson.
Elijah Mikaelson.
Niklaus Mikaelson.
My favorite Monster High characters are:
Clawdeen Wolf.
My favorite What We Do In The Shadows characters are:
Nandor The Relentless.
Colin Robinson.
Nadia Of Antipaxos.
Laszlow Cravensworth.
I grew up on 2000s rock since I was born in that era.
I grew up on Prince, Scissor Sisters, Aerosmith, INXS, Whitesnake, Dire Straits, Warrant, Bon Jovi, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Steppenwolf, Belinda Carlisle and Michael Jackson,
I also grew up on Van Halen, Asia, Kansas, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, AC/DC, Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Metallica, Maneskin, Motörhead, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Joan Osborne, KISS, The Runaways, Blue Oyster Cult, Def Leppard, Alice In Chains and Lynyrd Skynyrd,
And here’s some other notable mentions I grew up on. Ram Jam, Sheryl Crow, Rascal Flatts, Divinyls, Redbone, Judas Priest, Skillet, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Slipknot, Rammstein, Kate Bush, ZZ Too, Kid Rock, Lady Antebellum, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence.
Simple Plan, Simple Minds, Nickleback, Stan Bush, Foo Fighters, Chesney Hawkes, Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Alice Cooper, Cher, Guns N Roses, Spineshank, R.E.M, P!nk, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Black Crowes, Temple Of The Dog, Nirvana, Tears For Fears, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Survivor, Twisted Sister, Styx, Texas and The Killers.
As you can see, I’m a huge rock fan. But I also grew up on Kesha, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Ken Ashcorp, Britney Spears, Louden Swain, Shakira, Crash Adams, Artic Monkeys, Ally Venable, Big & Rich, The Interrupters, Annapantsu, Meghan Trainor, Celtic Woman, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy and Taylor Swift.
This is stuff about me I’d like you guys to know. I’ll be back to post more soon.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Which one do you want me to update????
Other Hoyt's Off Limits (Beau Arlen) @stoneyggirl2
Fire OF A Stark (Jaime x oc Stark/Targaryen)
Her Life Means Everything (Klaus Mikaelson x Forbes, Caroline's sister. TVD) @mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93
Or should I try and post the first chapter of my new fic
(this one might not start until late March )
Hunter Of My Heart ( Dean Winchester Coming Soon)
Tag list @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @123passwort
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Okay new series time ☺ so I will kinda loosely follow cannon timeline. The only thing of Y/N's appearance I'll name is eye color.
Title: Tied; The Huntress and The Original
Warnings: Fluff, angst, future smut, Elijah gonna be falling hard y'all, overly protective siblings, Y/N dosen't talk about her feelings
Summary: A Prophecy spoke of a powerful child would be conceived between old noble blood and a warrior that had been to both Heaven and Hell. The Angels don't want the child born while demons do so they could use the child. As an old magic had tied Elijah Mikaelson to another while Y/N Winchester is dealing with both Heaven and Hell coming after her.
Part one
Part two - a bit steamy
Part three - smut
Part four - coming soon
Part five - coming soon
Part six - coming soon
Part seven - coming soon - smut
Part eight - coming soon
Part nine - coming soon
Part ten - coming soon
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zodiyack · 4 years
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...
Requested by anon: Will you do a story about Sam and Dean’s little sister hiding the fact she’s dating an original and the families meet
Pairing: Freya Mikaelson x GN!reader, Finn Mikaelson x GN!reader, Elijah Mikaelson x GN!reader, Niklaus Mikaelson x GN!Reader, Rebekah Mikaelson x GN!Reader, Kol Mikaelson x GN!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mention of murder?, crossover, slight angst
This does not include Hope, by the way. I know I said all, but I meant from the Originals. I have yet to finish Legacies (though I’m getting there!)
Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @thewarriorprincessxo​
Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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Freya Mikaelson
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Your brothers don’t have much of a problem with witches than they did the rest of the supernatural
especially with Freya, as she can be useful in many ways
get your mind out of the gutter
When they first met her, they were a little cautious- as per usual, but she was cool with them pretty quick.
Dean definitely asked her a lot of questions.
Whether they involved magic or her sexuality, I’ll never tell.
they most likely did
Sam and Freya get along pretty swell
He’s Dean.
Remember when Freya snapped Lucien’s neck because she “works better with quiet”?
ok so that...but just knocking Dean out instead of killing him.
Sam’s kind of in shock, a little intimated, not sure if he should be thankful or mad, etcetera etcetera.
Not a whole lot to say other than the fact that they get along and Dean doesn’t have much of a filter good and bad, but I think we all know that
Putting an end to hiding her was an amazing choice
Finn Mikaelson
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His distaste for being what he is, your brothers can get behind, however, his stern mature exterior, they don’t like as much
He’s the kinda guy who they would call a “party pooper”
Dean doesn’t like how literal he is, Sam’s semi-okay with it but not to the point where he’d disagree with Dean
“What?” Dean suddenly stops laughing. Finn is glaring at him with strong judgement.
safe to say, Dean isn’t sure whether he likes Finn or not
Sam’s just trying to be respectful
The entire time he’s around your brothers, you have to be there.
To be honest, you more than likely wouldn’t allow your brothers anywhere near him if you’re not there with him
You’re trying to keep Finn from doing something he’d regret while eating with your brothers
be it, leaving, snapping, really anything- you keep him grounded
He’s not the biggest fan of your brothers.
Hunting, however,
though he won’t offer often, if it involves you, he’s by your side and ignoring any negative feelings towards your brothers
that won’t stop him from saying anything though. He’ll flat out admit that he doesn’t like them, but he’ll push past that for you
Not even sure if hiding the boi was good or not, so that’s up to you
Niklaus Mikaelson
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Now Klaus... Well, your brothers disagree with each other one some parts.
Dean likes Klaus, but he still doesn’t trust him all that much involving you or your safety
Sam...he just dislikes Klaus. He despises him. Like Dean, he doesn’t trust him and he doesn’t ever plan on doing so.
Since they meet the family, Sam often tells Dean you’d be better with Elijah.
Dean gives him a weird look but doesn’t respond, dropping the conversation with a his own wordless version of “no”
They will never allow you two any private time.
With Dean, that depends
However, they do indeed ease up when they learn of his protectiveness
Dean probably offers to go get revenge with him
after they learn that Klaus’ revenge involves hunting the creature / person who / that wronged you, they learn to like some parts of him.
Sam and Dean are very strictly against his willingness to, and lack of empathy when, killing humans.
As stated, Dean is like a human, more sane and human (emotion and other stuff wise, not literal), version of Klaus
Sam feels uncomfortable around Klaus and he notices
Dean and Klaus poke fun at him for that and you can’t tell me no
On that note-
Klaus is very likely to pull some shit on your brothers.
Dean thinks it’s hilarious (unless Klaus goes too far), but Sam is not having it.
At all.
Pretty much what happens when the meet him.
just Klaus and Dean laughing with each other and Sam sporting a very criticizing squint at the two every so often
Good choice to hide him, but they probably would’ve found out anyway. News gets around when it’s about Klaus Mikaelson.
Rebekah Mikaelson
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To be one hundred percent honest, Dean flirts with her the moment he sees her
but BOY is he surprised when he finds out she’s the one you’re dating
Dean definitely does some double takes between you and Bekah
Sam approves, Dean approves, it’s all good
Rebekah likes them both and is pretty quick to accept them.
she probably asks her brothers why they can’t be more like Sam and Dean, not even gonna lie
That’s how it goes. Their first meeting. All three have some good laughs and right away, they approve
They want her to come over and when she does, they want her to come over a lot more
Rebekah is probably one of the only Mikaelsons who don’t come off as...well, who don’t come off as Klaus-like to them. She’s the best person you could’ve dated and they’re ever so happy you’re doing just that
They’d be cool if you were just friends with her, but still
She too is definitely up for hunting, especially if it means protecting you
Bekah also despised when Klaus judged her for using a knife and being a woman, so you don’t have any need to worry about her preventing you from doing dangerous stuff
that just might be the worry you SHOULD worry about tho
They’re untouchable after meeting her. No one may harm them without being thrown like a javelin past hell itself
Her dreams of having a family really touch Sam and get some approval points after he learns of them
As we know, she’s not as open about that until she wants to be
Tbh, I don’t think they’d think anything negative of/about her
Right off the bat, there was no need to hide her.
Introducing them was absolutely 100% worth it, and your brothers can vouch for that
no promises that their answers wouldn’t be bias
Kol Mikaelson
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Sam would rather you date Klaus than Kol, and that’s saying a lot.
While I would like to leave it at that, I have some headcannons to finish. So-
They really just- despise the living crap out of him during their first meeting
Dean thinks he can vibe with him, but then Kol says something Kol-like and Dean is just no
As we all know, Kol, in all three lifetimes he’s had, doesn’t have a filter.
In the slightest.
He won’t hold back.
Once he’s started, there’s no stopping him.
Dean has a filter, but not much of one; he’s a genuinely nice dude with nicer things to say than Kol, however, if those two get in a fight-
Sam would definitely jump in, but Kol’s lack of nice things to say in that moment, is also fighting him
have fun pulling that apart
But because he’s dating you, he has a soft side.
Once Dean and Sam find their way to his soft/good side, they like him a little more.
Sam will probably approve of him by then and forget all about his secret preference involving your love-life
Kol is up for any hunting the boys are doing as long as it doesn’t involve his family
Once the three are all buddies, he thinks of them as family
he thinks of them as off-limits when he first meets them because they’re related to you.
in his mind, no one can hurt them, but he’s allowed to threaten and injure them if they’re still living afterwards
When they’ve reached the family point of view, he’s all over protecting them
demands they allow him to join them on hunts but won’t admit why
They apply to the whole Mikaelson “no one hurts my family and gets away with it” thing
can we just thank Elijah for that quote for a sec? k thanks
Basically, you’ve been hiding him for good reason but if he does eventually get along better, you don’t regret it nearly as much as you once did
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A New Family Member
Request: Could I request? If so, would you be able to do an Mikaelsons × Reader(Mikaelson) where the reader becomes pregnant from a one night stand? She is a witch who stayed with Dhalia and Freya all those years. She hid the pregnancy for a couple weeks before everyone suspected something but soon came clean. Klaus didnt seem very happy but Elijah was excited along with Rebekah and Freya. A lot of family love and stuff. Requested by anon.
A/N: I’ve decided to make it a crossover between The Originals and Supernatural 😁.
f/y/d= food you dislike.
Word Count: 1026.
“Hey there, beautiful” a man approached you at the bar. You were about to turn him down but when you looked up, you saw a hot man. You deserved a break from all the family drama that’s been going on so you told yourself why not have some fun?
“Hey handsome” you flirted.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing, drinking alone in a bar?”.
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“Running away from family drama. You?”.
“Just finished some tough job and needed to blow off some steam”.
“What a coincidence! I’d invite you back to my place but I’m afraid my brothers might tear you limb from limb”.
“Do you have a thing against motel rooms?”.
“Nope, let’s go, pretty boy” you stood up and he paid for the drink.
“I’m Y/n by the way” you introduced.
“Dean Winchester, pleasure to meet you”.
You woke up with a headache in a cheap motel room next to a sleeping Dean. You got dressed, left him a note and quickly went home.
“Y/n! About time you returned! Where have you been all night? Let me guess: Brad, Chad, Brody, no?” Klaus teased.
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“And that’s why I never invite a guy here”.
“Well, ten of Marcel’s men are dead. All killed the same way and it wasn’t witches or werewolves” he informed you.
“What else could it be?”.
“Hunters to be exact”.
“What would they be doing here? You’ve always been discreet”.
“The incident last month. They probably dug some stuff up and found more vampires. These aren’t just any hunters, they are professional, be careful, sis!”.
“Well, I’m not a vampire”.
“No, but you’re a witch. Anything that isn’t human is a monster to them”.
“What’s wrong with you?” Rebekah asked.
“Nothing. Probably just food poisoning”.
“It’s not the first time you vomited this week”.
“I’m fine, Rebekah! Don’t worry!”.
“Why is your face so pale? Kol asked.
“It’s not!”.
“It is”.
“I haven’t eaten since this morning, that’s probably why”.
“Since when do you like f/y/d?” Elijah asked.
“Uhm, I don’t know. Why are you asking?”.
“BecauseI know you dislike it”.
“Well, now I like it, okay?”.
“No need to get so offensive, sister”.
“Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?” Freya searched for you.
“In here. What is it?”.
“I brought you some donuts” she opened the box and as soon as you smelled it, you ran towards the bathroom to throw up.
“Are you alright?” She came to check on you.
“Yeah, I’m fine”.
“You don’t seem fine. Here, have one”.
“Get it out of my face. I can’t stand the smell”.
“Y/n, are you pregnant?” She asked.
“How did you know?” You whispered.
“You’ve been puking for the past two months. You’ve gained weight. Your breasts are bigger. Your face is often pale. You eat food that you dislike and dislike donuts, which you used to love. Not to mention, you’re moody these days” she stated.
“Is it that obvious?”.
“Who else knows”.
“Technically no one, but we’ve been debating it”.
“Who’s we?”.
“Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and me”.
“Good” you were relieved that Klaus didn’t know.
“You can’t keep this a secret forever. He’s gonna find out soon. Now that you’re over two months pregnant, there’s another heartbeat inside of you and Klaus will notice. It’s better to tell him than wait for him to find out by himself” she advised.
“You’re right. Gather our brothers and sister and tell them that I have something to tell them this evening”.
“So, I’ve gathered you all here to tell you that I uhm- I’m pregnant!” You confessed.
“You what?” Klaus looked displeased.
“I called it!” Kol smirked “what a scandal” he placed his hand in front of his mouth in mockery.
“Congratulations” Elijah hugged you and glared at Kol.
“I’m gonna be an aunt!” Rebekah grinned.
“Who’s the father?” Klaus asked.
“Ahm… it was a one night stand” you admitted.
“Do you know the name of the father or not?”.
“What does it matter?”.
“Can we please enjoy this happy moment?” Elijah begged.
“I can help you track the father if you want” Freya offered.
“I’m not sure he’s the type to want to have a child”.
“Yeah, but isn’t telling him and having a clear conscience better?”.
“You’re right”.
“Dean?” You entered a restaurant and he was sitting with a man in a treanch coat and another with long hair.
“Can I talk to you alone?”.
“Sure” he sensed he was in trouble.
“How did you find me?”.
“It doesn’t matter. I only came here to tell you that I’m pregnant with your child and that I know you probably don’t want anything to do with it and that’s okay. I just wanted to inform you so I’d have it all behind me. Have a good life” you were so nervous, so you talked so fast and were about to leave when he stopped you.
“Wa- wai-wait! You can’t just say something like that and immediately leave. Why would you think I wouldn’t want anything to do with the child?” He asked.
“Because I know men like you. You’re passing by and find a pretty girl in a bar. You hit it off and the next day you leave”.
“You’re the one that left. Remember?”.
“You know what I mean”.
“Even if it was like that, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be a part of my child’s life”.
“So let me ask you this: are you?”.
“Am I what?”.
“Willing to be a part of this child’s life?”.
“Of course”.
“How will you manage to find time for it?”.
“What do you mean?”.
“I know you’re a hunter, Dean”.
“I’m a witch- a good witch and my family, well I have a sister that is a witch as well and the rest are vampires. They used to kill innocent people but not anymore and if you come after them, I’ll murder you myself”.
“Okay?” You were confused.
“Okay, I won’t come after your family. Can we now please sit and talk like civilized people?”.
Tags: @cigaretteswithcoffeee @capsheadquaters @simonsbluee @spnwinchestersd @thisismysecrethappyplace
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I’m writing a few request and let’s just say I’m kinda stressed. But they’re gonna be really good! 🖤👉🥺👈❤️
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whitewitchdani · 5 years
Infinitely Different: Chapter 25
Read Chapter 24 Here
Word Count: 1008
Pairing: Winchester!Sister x Damon Salvatore
Warnings: angst, language, fluff
A/N: Its short but I wanted to get it out to you guys. So here’s chapter 25! :)
Infinitely Different Masterlist
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Blood red was all you saw. The color of the pure rage you felt settling into your chest as you stared down the eldest Mikaelson.
You jumped as you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw Damon with a sympathetic look on his face. Something rarely seen on the face of the eldest Salvatore. It had an almost calming effect.
“The first thing I wanna say is you’re a total badass. You just put down an Original single-handed. Even me and Stefan couldn’t do that without help.”
You smiled at him, “Thanks, Damon.”
He shot Elijah the dirtiest of all dirty looks. Turning back to you he looked skeptical, “You want me to stay?”
“No, I need to do this alone,” you sighed.
He patted your shoulder a couple times before following his brother and Caroline into the library. As soon as the room was empty save for you and Elijah, you sighed once more and turned back to the Original.
You held up a hand, “Stop. I need to get this out before I hear whatever it is you have to say.”
He closed his mouth and nodded, looking like a kicked puppy.
“I’m not mad at you, Elijah.”
His head shot up in surprise, “What?”
“Your family will always come first to you and I understand that. I’d walk into Hell for my brothers, and I basically have. I’d never expect you to go against your brother when I couldn’t go against mine. Always and forever right?” You sighed, “I guess I’m just disappointed? Especially after you let Klaus launch me into a bookcase.”
Your voice raised a tad at that statement, “Okay, maybe I’m a little mad. Just because you are loyal to your family, doesn’t mean you have to stand idly by while your brother does shit like this. He could’ve killed me, and you did nothing.”
He sighed, “I–”
“I’m. Not. Done.” He nodded once again.
“Klaus was right, Elijah. I did have feelings for you, I still do. These last couple weeks I really did feel a connection between us. I mean, you’re the reason I’m alive.”
“I’m also the reason you’re dead.”
“You are not responsible for your brothers actions. Only if you’re around and don’t do anything to try and stop him. Yeah, being a Winchester and a vampire isn’t ideal. But I think I’m doing alright,” you said with a sly smile.
There was an awkward silence. Elijah was obviously waiting to see if you were done talking so he could get a word in. You waved towards him signaling for him to speak. You were very interested in what he had to say.
“For 1,000 years, it’s just been me and my siblings. Running from our father, learning how to be vampires and how to blend in century to century. We made that promise almost a millennia ago, always and forever. And, for the most part, we’ve abided by it.”
He paused, “The whole time, we’ve had to police Klaus. Well, I have. He’s always been quick to anger, a loose cannon as some would say. Without me around, Klaus goes unchecked. And that spells trouble for everyone.”
“So the reason for all of this, is so you could stay with Klaus and keep him in line?”
“Somewhat. Even though you’re a vampire now Y/N, we could never be together. You’re a hunter, now and always. Our families have been at odds ever since John came after us.”
“We could, if we really wanted to.”
“I can’t risk it. If you were to ever cross Klaus, if he thought you were even thinking about breaking apart our family by us running off somewhere, he’d kill you. Permanently this time.”
You sighed, “You’re right. Even though Klaus offered me a place as a Mikaelson, it’d never last. Klaus is jealous by nature, and I don’t think he’d appreciate me stealing you from him.” Rubbing the back of your neck, you continued, “Honestly? I’ve known this wasn’t possible. I don’t think what we had was more than a passing fancy. Which is okay. I just wish I’d realized it sooner.”
Elijah sighed, “I’m sorry Y/N.”
“I’ll survive. I always do.”
He sauntered up to you and kissed your forehead. A single tear made its way down your cheek as you mourned for what could have been. 
“Goodbye Y/N.”
You let a small smile find its way to your lips, “Goodbye Elijah.”
As he walked out the door, a lot of different emotions hit you. Sadness, pain, and surprisingly relief. Dealing with both Elijah and Damon was stressful, but part of you knew all along who was right for you. It doesn’t mean you didn’t have feelings for Elijah because you did. 
It just meant that the dark haired, broody Salvatore had captured your heart somewhere along the way.
You sat on the couch and stared into the fire. The night had been a rollercoaster. The night began with the highest of highs, being so happy at your party with all your friends and ended in the lowest of lows with you almost dying. Again.
“You can come out now, Damon. I know you’ve been listening.”
Turning around, you watched as Damon stalked from his hiding place in the hallway. Looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar he made his way over, standing right in front of you.
“Are you alright?”
“I am, actually. Aside from almost dying again, this night was pretty fun,” you said with a breathy laugh.
“Did I ever mention you’re amazing?” Damon asked with a smirk.
“Yes but you can say it again.”
You both laughed as he sat down next to you. It was silent for a moment, neither of you knowing how to begin. This conversation was both awkward and long overdue. Who should start? What should you say?
“So...” you said back.
“We have a lot to talk about don’t we?”
“Yes we do Damon. Yes we do.”
Read Chapter 26 Here
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@lovesamwinchester    @vodkaqueensstuff @winchesterxtwo          @montse-marquez-almarcha @waywardrose13          @superwholock-fangir1 @assass-is-here            @sexyshortie-universe @winchesters-favorite-girl @captainam-erika-trash       @elle88531 @hunterplushy               @biandhappystuff @bee-wrecker                @klanceiscannon14 @letmebeyoursforever      @graceless-stuff @colie87                           @marvel-ousnesss @m-blackshy-m             @tendersweatymilkshakes @impala-baby-winchester       @moli1497 @sassy-and-classy-cowgirl      @officialmarvelwhore @vxidnik                            @staraustria @theroyalbrownbarbie       @intoomuchfandoms @fandooomqueenforyou    @generallyclumsy @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce     @blissfulbluenights @evyiione                           @thatcrazybookwormgeek @artsyicon @cinnamonrollsforlife @crowleyshenchmen @spunky-89 @so-get--this @henrietteoaks @lidiamiota @mypage-myfandoms @capsofwinchesters @putyourherohaironstefan @plethora-of-things @bucky4cap45 @unicornblood4ever @gh0stgurl @redwhitenbucky @sallyp-53 @i-am-not-a-goats @hauntingnightterror @just-another-fan-blog @gabrielslittleangel @moodygrip @bademliimagnum
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Supernatural Masterlist
If you find any incorrect or missing links please let me know!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist
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All Imagines - - All Oneshots - - Headcanons - - General Tag
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Birthday Scenario Game (Male Characters)
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Team Free Will:
Imagine: Showing your tattoos to Team Free Will
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Sam and Dean
*These are not polyamorous
Sam and Dean:
Gif Imagines:
Being Sam and Deans little sister/they meet you s/o
Being an Angel and you help Sam and Dean
Sibling reader and being psychic
Sam and Dean coming to save you but you save them instead
Being an expert on the Supernatural & constantly confusing Sam & Dean
Sam and Dean being chased by Pennywise
Asking Sam and Dean to be guinea pigs for your psych class
Crossover: Being a Winchester and dating Klaus Mikaelson
Being Sam and Deans younger sibling/Mimicking Dean
Ghost Sickness - Sam and Dean x Reader (action)
Father Lucifer x reader - Saving Reader
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Dean Winchester
Gif Imagines:
Dean realizing he is in love with you…
Taking care of Dean when he is drunk…again
Flirting with an FBI agent on a case and Dean gets Jealous
Dean giving you pie because he doesn’t know how to comfort you
Talking to Sam about your feelings for Dean as he tries to listen in
Picking up a hitchhiking Dean
Dean catching you reading the Supernatural books
Deans reaction when he finds out you’re a Winchester
Dean finding out you are a fallen Angel
Dean finding out you died while out on a hunt with Cas
Being Sam and Deans younger sibling/Mimicking Dean
Being stuck in quarantine with Dean (+Sam and Cas)
Dean trying (& somewhat failing) to throw reader a b-day party
Young Dean comforts reader who is stressed about exams.
Dean surprises his s/o with a dog for Christmas
Stay (whump/comfort/cute)
Could you not talk to them please? I think their trying to date you
Why is your hand on my ass?
Forgotten - Part One - Part Two (angst)
Halloween Party Hunt (action)
This can’t be the zombie apocalypse, I’m not caught up on my favorite shows
I’ve had enough Christmas cookies for two years….wait is that pie?
Maze of Horrors - “Don’t Touch Me” “I didn’t”
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - Date Night
Wearing His Jacket
‘Taken’ (action/angst)
'Heat of the Moment' (angst/fluff)
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Sam Winchester
Gif Imagines:
Sam going through your book collection…
Sam staying by your side as you say goodbye to your dog
Getting stuck in an elevator with Sam and a Clown
Sam finding out you are Bobby’s daughter and a hunter
Headcanons - Romantic
Quit it or I’ll bite
Ugly Sweaters (humor/cute)
3 Word/Part Drabble: “Sam’ “Wedding” “Flashback" (angst)
Top of Head Kisses (fluff)
‘I’m not a witch’ + ‘I think that scarecrow just moved’ (action)
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Gif Imagines:
Finding out Castiel is your soulmate
Spending Valentines with Castiel
Headcanons - Castiels First Halloween
One day I will fall out of love with you… (angst)
Is this your first time? (fluff)
This was a horrible idea (Halloween; Humor)
‘It was a dark and stormy night’  (General/Fluff)
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - Rainy Day (fluff)
Multichapter Fic:
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four/Final
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Gif Imagines:
Gabriel trying to make up with you after a fight
Gabriel flirting with you in front of Sam and Dean
Being the Trickster that taught Gabriel his tricks
Spending a Rainy Day with Gabriel (cute)
Dating Gabriel (cute)
Stop it with the tongue thing/I’m not letting you out of my sight (humor)
Bonfire (humor)
I Need a Hug (Angst/Comfort/Fluff)
Christmas Cookies (cute)
Christmas Admirer (fluff)
Secret Admirer (Valentines) (angst/action/fluff)
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - Cuddling (fluff)
'Smile'; (cute/Valentines Day)
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Imagine - Crowley having a thing for you and showing up all the time
Dare (action)
You’ve been pouting ever since I went on that date… (cute)
Okay, maybe I am a bit jealous (action/cute)
Hot British guy
You shouldn’t be with him, you should be with me (angst/romance)
Lets Make a Deal (Part One) (action/angst) Lets Make a Deal (Part Two) (general/slow-burn)
Our Little Secret (fluff/romance)
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I could get use to waking up next to you, actually (action/general)
Father Lucifer x reader - Saving Reader (Sam/Dean x reader)
Second Chance (action/angst/romantic)
The Love of a Devil (completed)Part One “Protective” Part Two “Speak of the Devil” (action/confession/fluff)
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Fic: 'All the Time in the World' (romance/fluff)
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Imagine - Chuck brings Kevin back to life
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Oneshot: Feeling Anew (fluff/romance)
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inlovewhithafairytale · 7 months
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can you all help me tag this😂
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nalledimessi · 3 years
Secret Dating Pt. II
Hello there friends and new followers. Thank you for the love but don’t forget to reblog, so more persons can enjoy what you read here today. Well today I came back fulfilling a request that was made, this is the 2nd part of Secret Dating, and if you haven’t read it I leave you the link here, Secret Dating. I hope I made justice with what you have request Val. Thank you for requested it!
· Request: Yes from @valsworldofcreativity
· Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!Sister
· Words: 1.5k
· Warning: Cursing. Family drama.
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< Part I
“Children please” Elijah call their attention walking out to the cover porch and stop at the rim of the steps, watching at both families.
Rebekah rolling her eyes at the threats Klaus was shouting to Dean, who was held by Sam, avoiding a major fight, a fight he know they couldn’t win but prepared to do it in case was needed.
“Dean, it’s enough!” you shout getting out of the house to be next to Elijah.
Sam loose his grip on him when he glance to you and start to walking in your direction “What the hell you’re thinking?” he denied with his head “No, obviously you weren’t thinking! A fucking vampire? A fucking Original Vampire?” with each word he was shouting at you he was getting closer.
You closed your eyes and exhale, trying to keep at bay your emotions, it wasn’t easy to deal with Dean, you feel Elijah hand in yours squeezing it softly, making you open your eyes and make eyes contact with him. Action that didn’t pass unnoticed for the hunter.
“You blood sucker” pointing to Elijah reaching for your attention “take off your hands of my sister” he demand, glance fix on your joint hands.
“Dean” you try to repress him, try to explain.
He switch his gaze to you “Don’t Dean me” he shout angry.
“I suggest you lower your voice and change your tone when you speak to her” Elijah intervened starting to loose his calm manor.
“Who the hell you think you are?” he snap.
“A traitor, of course, my own flesh and blood” Klaus respond “plotting against me” glancing to Dean and Sam “with no other than the Winchester’s”
“You’re been paranoid as always Niklaus” he state changing his sight from Dean to his brother.
“Me? Paranoid?” he question him, a smirk on his lips to then change it to a serious one “tell me what a Mikaelson and a Winchester could be possible be doing?” he look between yourself and Elijah, extending his arms to the sides while walking closer.
“We’re not plotting against anyone” you interject, you look to Elijah that nod to you “because of both of you can be such a “drama queens” we decided to keep this” lifting up your joint hands to then point between yourself and Elijah “us as a secret” you shared to them.
They stood in silence for a few minutes, not understanding the at all or not wanting to understand, you couldn’t really choose which one.
“Oh bloody hell!” she scream excited smiling making everyone look at her “you two are dating aren’t you?” It was more a statement than a question.
He squeeze one more time your hand and smile widely to her sister “Indeed”
“What?” Dean and Sam question at the same time, still shock to know the true “Since when?” Sam add.
“A year” you answer him watching the confusion on his face and what you could describe as disappointment on Dean’s, making you lower your head away from his glance.
Klaus used this moment to vampire speed, taking Elijah by surprise and pushing him away from you “We don’t fraternize with the enemy, much less date them, brother” Klaus grumbled once he have you against his chest, his left hand pressing against your neck while his right one behind your head.
Elijah stand up quickly and appear in front of Niklaus, he stops a few steps from him avoiding to increase his anger, making Dean and Sam turn to see the motion and set his sight to Klaus and yourself.
Dean and Sam take out immediately their guns pointed to Klaus and start walking in his direction “Let her go” Dean shout angry but calm.
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“If you give another step I would snap her neck, watching to Elijah “you know I would” he teased him.
Rebekah suddenly appear in front of the Winchester’s blocking their path “Lower your weapons boys, let Elijah deal with this”
“No way blondie” Dean scoff going around her.
“I ask nicely” she mention before appearing in front of him and look directly to his eyes “give me your gun and leave us the adults handle it” extending her hand.
Dean place his gun on Rebekah’s hand with wide eyes, “You seem to be the smart one between you two” she point between both of them.
Sam raised the gun and open his hand in sight of surrender “Good call” Rebekah compliment him.
“What was that?” Sam found his voice after a few seconds.
Rebekah turn to see him “To be hunters you know very little about compulsion, we will talk about it later” she whisper to then turn her attention back to Nik.
Elijah exhale, knowing he need to be precarious when Klaus was feeling threatened and held down “Niklaus” he whisper calmly trying to not show any sign of attack to him “let her go” he offer him to then moistening his lips, his throat suddenly dry “I would be back with you and Rebekah to New Orleans but let her go”
Klaus consider it for a few minutes the proposal and that was enough so you could use it to your advantage, with a move of your wrist a wooden stake slide from your jacket’s sleeve, with your hips you pull apart enough to be able to push it on his stomach causing him sufficient pain to release you.
“Rebekah” Elijah shout to her making her take both brother’s and pushed them inside the home while he take you in his arms and take you inside.
He settle his hands in your face “Are you alright?” he ask concern, looking at you from head to toe for any injured.
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“I’m, Elijah” you step in your tiptoes and peck him on the lips “go talk to Klaus, I will deal with my brother’s here”
“Don’t go outside” he demand.
“Unless it’s necessary” you add pushing him outside where Rebekah was waiting for him “Thank you” you declared grateful to her.
“Anytime darling” she wink at you and walk to Nik.
“He really cares about you” Sam told standing not to far away from you.
You turn to see Dean watching outside through the window, you sigh “I know this is shocking for both of you, but I do really care about him too” you cross your arms, thinking they could shield you from Dean scolding you.
“So, you have been dating a year?” you set your glance back to Sam.
“Give or take but yes” you confess biting your lower lip. Of course Sammy would bring it up, he was the one with best memory.
Suddenly the conversation turn more interesting for him than the possible fight development outside “A year?!” he exclaim turning around “you have been lying to us” pointing to Sam and himself “your own family” he imply indignant to your statement.
“I’m sorry ok” you snap “but you’re the reason why I lie in the first place!” you shout, raising a hand to stop him to continue “you like it or not, you would need to suck it up because he ask me to marry him and I said yes”
At the exact moment after Elijah and Rebekah walk outside the door, watching Klaus standing from the ground to then remove the stake groaning at the action and letting it fall to the ground.
He raised his sight to Elijah, giving him a devilish smirk “I most said brother, I like her” watching towards the house “she is fiercely and she suits you”
“Niklaus” he start but was interrupted.
“No need to explain” raising one of his hands to him “I see what you see in her, she can be an incredible ally or our worst enemy” he add looking directly at him “and because of that I’m warning-”
Elijah push him against the SUV before he could even finish his threat, pointing a finger to him, veins under his now darker eyes “No, I’m warning you Niklaus. No harm will come to her or her family in anyway, specially from you brother, other wise you would meet a different side of me”
He raised his hand in surrender mode, but still a cocky smile on his face “I like her even more, she brings the real Mikaelson in you¨
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“I’m sorry ok” you snap “but you’re the reason why I lie in the first place!” you shout, raising a hand to stop him to continue “you like it or not, you would need to suck it up because he ask me to marry him and I said yes” the 3 vampires could hear from outside.
“I didn’t see any ring on her finger” Rebekah exclaim arms cross watching intense to his oldest brother “please tell me you give her a ring” watching him open his mouth to speak and close it back, rolling her eyes at his action “[Y/N], darling” she shout in direction to the home.
You step in the doorway without going out “Yes?” you answer shyly.
“Come with me darling, let’s pick you up an engagement ring” looking back to Elijah “so my brother can make a proper propose to you” she take you by the hand and pull you to Elijah’s car without allowing you to compliant.
Mikaelson x Winchester tag´s: @valsworldofcreativity
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And for the next round, request based on gifs that I have in my gallery, but always with my favorite ship, Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!sister.
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I like her spirit
Summary: You ask Dean to help on a case, but he's unaware that the oldest Mikaelson is also there to help.
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!sister
Prompt: "I like her spirit"
Warnings: cursing, mentions of death
A/n: Hey @nalledimessi 🌻 Thamk you for your request, hope you like this!
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"What is this leech doing here?!"
You rolled your eyes while Dean shot his glare across the motel room, where Elijah was leaning against the wall and was peacefully fixing his sleeves.
"Always glad to see you keep finding new ways to insult me, Winchester."
A smug smirk appeared on his lips, which made Dean fume in anger.
"Wait until I find an effective way to kill you, then we'll see who'll be the one laughing."
"Enough, both of you." Your words turned out not to be enough to assure they didn't send each other death glares. "Elijah is here to help with the nest, Dean. The sooner you accept it, the better."
That caught Dean's attention. He turned to you with a shocked espression, as you had just spoken in Latin. "How can he be of any help? He'll stab our backs as soon as we turn around!"
"He won't. He gave me his word."
Dean scoffed, raising his hands to the air. "Oh, because that makes it so much better!"
"God," you sighed, shaking your head and massaging your temples, "you're such a prick sometimes!"
You heard Elijah snort at your statement, and Dean would've definitely killed him, if he hadn't been so taken aback as well. "Excuse me? I'm your older brother-"
"Yeah, and right now you're acting like a baby who hasn't had his piece of pie!"
Dean opened again his mouth to say something but you interrupted him before he could utter anything.
"Cut it with the bullshit! If I say he's here to help and that he won't betray us, I would really love a bit more trust on your part! Can we all act like mature people now?"
Elijah raised his chin, a strange look in his eyes, while Dean nodded silently, his jaw clenched.
"Good." You took the machete laying on the table and put it in your sheath. "Now let's make some heads roll." And before they could start fighting again, you were out the room.
Elijah finally moved from his spot against the wall, heading towards the table to give a quick look at the other machete left.
In the blink of an eye, Dean had his hands on it, glaring again at him. "Don't even think about it."
As they both exited the room, they watched closely as you took from the truck of the Impala a baggage, probably full of weapons.
Elijah smiled. "I like her spirit."
He found more quickly than what he expected a machete close to his neck. Unamused, he slightly turned towards Dean whose eyes were now darker than the wood of an oak tree.
"I swear to whoever's up there, if you say another word about her, I'll make sure one of the rolling heads today will be yours."
Elijah smirked again, moving the sharp weapon away with his index. "I'd really like to see you try."
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Which one would you like updated hopefully today???
1 - Hunter Of My Heart (Dean Winchester x oc) @123passwort
2 - Her Life Means Everything (Klaus Mikaelson x Forbes, Caroline's sister. TVD) @mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93
3 - Country Rancher (Kayce Dutton x reader, Yellowstone) Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kaycejdutton @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn @hcllfireandhclywater
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Since I got like two parts of 'Fake it till you love me.' to finish up. Imma start another series because I am in a simping Elijah Mikaelson mood. I have a base plot idea but I don't know how many parts I wanna do. I do know it is gonna be a crossover with Supernatural.
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