higgsfigs · 1 year
Wow everything in the universe wants to stop supporting win8 in like... 160 days huh?
My laptop is a toaster so if I'm upgrading I'd rather get a new laptop
Time to save money I guess??????
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tom2tec · 9 months
Volume²~ Advanced Windows Volume Control
Volume² is an freeware app which is an advanced Windows volume control, a complete replacement for the default Volume Control on Windows. This application lets you easily change the sound volume just by rotating the mouse wheel or by using keyboard hot keys or just mouse move on screen border. The app comes with customization themes and interface and also other options like setting hotkey for…
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
hmm... if i were to end up buying a laptop with win11 (beloathed) could i like... backtrack it to win10?
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mslanna · 8 months
pray for me i'm upgrading my windows
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killbaned · 6 months
tomorrow i'm gonna make myself sit up so i can fill out that rental application i forgot about for rent assistance (forgot bc of her coming home) and get that sent off and then!!! we'll just see what happens!!!
the monthly bills are PAID in full, there is two months rent between my savings and her savings, the price of the switch would not even pay for a single car tire right now, and i know my next paycheck is gonna be like almost 60 hours for a two week period versus my normal 37 for a two week period.
even if it's not fine, it's fine!! the world is not going to end, the ghost of capitalism is not going to appear on my door step because i'm poor and bought myself a Nice Thing for the first time in three years and execute me on the spot.
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angryopossum · 2 years
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usunezukoinezu · 2 years
Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)
Requiem: Te decet: Hymnus Largo
Daniel Cabena (alto)
Musica Fiorita, dir. Daniela Dolci
Pan Classics, 2014
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pajorko · 1 year
What do you use to gif ? Thx for making the time 😊
A program called PhotoScape. The quality of the gifs is far from the ones you can make in Photoshop, but it's decent enough I guess. And the program is free!
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dragonowlie · 1 year
my laptop has officially reached the stage where it cannot sustain itself without being plugged in. it has become desktop light, if you will
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takenene · 1 year
everybody who ever laughed at me and said win10 is better than win8 owes me fucking money
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i want to violence whoever decided to drop support for windows 7 at microsoft and instead push for win11, you literally killed the last decent build of windows in favor of sunk cost fallacy for the burning train wreck that was win8
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avkamfher · 6 months
I get questioned a lot as to why I install win7 on my computers when I don't decide on Linux.
7 is the last OS that MS produced that isn't utter trash and it is light weight enough I can install it on most anything.
Plus the antivirus that I pay for works on it.
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smashfanx · 9 months
since windows 10 and 11 are mostly the same with just an ui change, i say that we can start calling these windows 10x versions, alike how win95, 98 and winME are oftenly grouped togheter as "Windows 9x".
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innitmarvellous · 10 months
I guess I really need to think about getting a new laptop in the next few months or so, huh.... I'm used to random crashing and whatever, but lately the errors etc keep getting more frequent :/
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valodia · 1 year
The fact that theres an option that keeps your files when upgrading windows while when i looked it up earlier it said there wasnt. I spent hrs backing them up but tbh if i had lost them i would have simply disintegrated
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what-wait-why · 1 year
🙃 my laptop screen is steadily attempting to die, and i really don't have the money to get a new computer
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it would, unfortunately, be cheaper and easier the just get a new laptop entirely than try to salvage this pos
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