#win or lose rochelle
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itz-shinyy · 2 days ago
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bearloonz · 13 hours ago
YOUR ART STYLES SO CUTEEEEE !!!! Could you draw Laurie (Win or Lose)? I think she'd look adorable in your style :) /nf
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Laurie is so cute I love her. Weird girl . Trying her best . Definitely a fluttershy fan
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mx-whimsy · 2 days ago
hear me out
ok gang
Ok gang
Hear me out
Polycule between Vanessa, Francis, Frank, and Dan.
Frank and Vanessa are already into each other (clearly)
I can already see Vanessa and Francis being an iconic duo, like seriously think about the dynamic
Dan and Vanessa could totally bond over being parents and the struggle over it
They can all really bond with one another about their struggles and help each other out
And Laurie and Rochelle can be sisters, because omg they are already besties. They would be the best sisters
They can all adopt Tom
Like hello??? "I wish you where my mom" HELLO????
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daddybird7 · 3 hours ago
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my girls •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
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laurieluvrr · 7 days ago
First time drawing Laurie and Rochelle from Win or lose!
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subrosasteath · 4 days ago
Making another post actually, because all of the symbolism in Win or Lose is amazing.
Having anxiety be a creature that just grows and grows, and eats away and crushes Laurie down until she can't speak or walk like she used to? Having Laurie's dad always be under the sun, or some kind of light to signify that while Laurie is religious, and looks up to god, what she's really looking to is her father?
The way armour is necessary for some jobs - Frank need to be able to take criticism, and still stick firm to what he knows is true, - and that relief of taking it off? And when it bleeds into personal life, what can he even do? When he's been heart, because he can't open up, doesn't that just make it harder to shed that in the first place?
And then Ira, whose perspective reminds me a lot of Captain Underpants, and is so, so sweet. He's just a little kid, and a little weird, and he just wants friends who like him for that! And he wants his big sister to like him, and spend time with him! And he's so imaginative, the scribbly, cartoon style of his little world he spies through? I was just in love. The fact that he kept picturing the teenagers as super heros and rebels and good guys- and just the fact that he sounds like a kid! Are you kidding, that autraulian joke? I laughed so hard because I've heard kids talk like that, that's what shy, caring little kids sound like when they've been shot down before!
Yuwen's mini me inside his heart screaming like me!!, the version of him he doesn't let out, because it's cardboard and flimsy and so easy to crush. I'm really amazed at the way they portrayed Yuwen and Taylor, because i remember being in middleschool, and while I never dated (cough cough aroace), the depiction of them "picking out curtains and moving in" feels so real, because I do believe that's what love will always feel like, no matter the age. Being in middleschool doesn't mean the love isn't true, or isn't there just because it's not likely to last. And the way they depicted kissing, not by showing them kiss, but by showing what it felt like? I was amazed. Baffled. I can't believe I haven't seen more things like that.
(It's actually incredibly interesting to me, that 2/3 main male characters shown so far, have gimmicks of protection. Protecting themselves, their emotions, and who they are as a person, because they feel they can't be open and honest, they feel they can't trust their emotions to guide them.)
I talked about Rochelle and her mom in a seperate post, but the gasp I let out when I realized Rochelle's gravity was weird because she didn't have the stable force of a mom? Oh my god. Rochelle feels like her family is upside down, that she has to be the adult, and because of that, every force in her life is turned upside. She has no one to rely on and nothing to ground her, until her mom is finally there for her, no phone in hand at the end of episode 4. Gravity rights itself because her mom is there, fully present, to help her.
The way they contrasted Rochelle's episode's mood with her mom's was fantastic, because her mom's felt like a performance. She's performing, always, because she doesn't know how to be otherwise! She performs being a good mom and performs being happy for her audience, and even performs at the party, wether she wants to or not! That was an audience! And everything about her performance has bleeded into the way she sees the world, how everything's pink and sparkling and upbeat. It's only when she finds Rochelle do we see her not performing, we get to see, for the first time, who Vanessa is for just Rochelle. For just her family.
I'm so invested, so obsessed, SO READY FOR THE NEXT TWO EPISODES!!
(As a sidenote, if you haven't seen the storyboards of the cut trans scene, here's a link to the internet archive of them. I can't find them anywhere else. But the Picasso style falling apart, the shattering and splitting of identity, because Kai is scared, and has to act both parts and it's confusing and hurting her and oh- it really just punches me in the gut.
Here's the link directly to the archive: https://archive.org/details/23fr-4r
and the link to the reddit post i got it from: https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/1hhj1zh/partially_lost_deleted_storyline_from_upcoming/
please go watch it if you like the show it's absolutely beautiful <3)
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spaceasianmillennial · 8 days ago
I love the Bait and Switch in Pixar's WIN OR LOSE
Rochelle being rightfully embarrassed and horrified when her mom, Vanessa, informs her that she quit her job to do full-time influencing.
But in the next episode, we get the context completely clarified that Vanessa did find a legit influencer job that has benefits and accommodations.
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fayewoodss · 14 days ago
Pixar's Win or Lose is actually really good and so cute. I'm in love with how they portray all the different inner minds and emotions of each character in such visually rich and unique ways. It's truly one of the most imaginative projects out there right now and plays a lot with the trope of magical realism. It got a lot of hate for its character design on twitter, but it's genuinely worth a watch!
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kidneystheallpowerful · 6 days ago
I watch this show too much everyone look at the little photo of Rochelle and Laurie on Rochelle's bedside table
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thehyperfixationcorner · 2 days ago
Should I make a Laurie x Rochelle fic for Win or Lose?
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itz-shinyy · 7 days ago
If Rochelle told Laurie everything that happened to her in episode 4 lol
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my-poetry-is-alr · 2 days ago
Bro I'm fiending for more win or lose content the show is so good😭😭
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turtlegirlave · 3 days ago
I know people have been clowning on win or lose bc of its art style and the trans controversy but OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD
genuinely one of the best things pixar has done in a LONG time. It’s up to par with their movie quality
Also I don’t care if the character designs are a little wonky sometimes this show is beautiful and such a delight visually, they do so many fun interesting animation style swaps and stuff I love it sssm
Anyway tho we love emotionally complex family programming pixar you will always be good at it ❤️ I love you non linear storytelling ❤️ and Pixar writers for putting as much trans into Kai as they could under the evil claws of Disney
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riv4r · 5 hours ago
chat dont stab me with a fork bu5 laurie x rochelle is sooo cute like AGHH,,,,, i know they're just besties but i feel like their dynamic is so adorable and they would be great together :'3
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niabrooks2003 · 6 days ago
It’s Time to Defend Taylor from Win or Lose (2025)
I don’t normally voice my disagreements with how people ingest media in a public manner. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. HOWEVER…too many people are coming after Taylor from Pixar’s Win or Lose (2025) and ion like that so…
With TV/film suppressing so much Black Girl representation, seeing Taylor, Kai, and Rochelle as a part of the main cast was exciting! This rant will be about how viewers have reacted to just Taylor though, concerning episodes 5 and 6.
Get cozy because there’s a lot to unpack here. Here’s your SPOILER ALERT!
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I thought Taylor and Yuwen made a very cute couple. I love how they depicted what it’s like falling in love during your awkward years. Yuwen was very sweet with Taylor and it was clear Taylor brought out the best in Yuwen (as confirmed by Kai).
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Of course, their relationship comes to a rocky patch when Yuwen becomes jealous and insecure when he sees Taylor and Tom interacting. For these interactions, keep in mind that they are portrayed from Yuwen’s perspective. Taylor eventually calls things off when Yuwen purposely catches Taylor off-guard to pitch the ball, which causes Taylor to miss and the other team to make a run.
On social media I have seen the cutest edits to this imaginary couple. I’ve also seen some sad ones. In almost every sad one, Taylor is casted as the villain. The comments are even worse! Many place the fault on Taylor for hurting Yuwen, or worse, cast her off as “the worst girlfriend AND big sister”. They have massacred my poor Shayla despite her getting just as hurt, if not more.
Let’s break it down:
1. In episode 6, we are introduced to the “real” Yuwen. The Yuwen we see is outwardly very cocky, self-assured and sometimes aloof. Yuwen deals with social anxiety and insecurity by hiding behind a “Class clown” persona. He relies on humor and positive attention to thrive among his peers. We also see his inner child, who is very sweet and portrays Yuwen’s real feelings.
2. Episode 5 and 6 give a more detailed look into Taylor. She is a great softball player and gets along well with her teammates. It’s shown that Tom and Taylor are good friends. Pre-relationship, Taylor and Yuwen can be seen sharing easy banter with each other. I think it’s important to note that Taylor never instigates such banter and only participates at Yuwen’s insistance. Taylor is also held responsible for her younger brother, Ira, during the games (More on this later).
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3. Taylor is well aware of this from the jump. On their first date to the movies, she explicitly assures Yuwen to just be himself. And he does — as best as he can, anyhow.
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Yuwen eventually opens up to Taylor and reveals his “inner child”. A very touched Taylor reveals her “inner child” in return. In doing so, they both share a personal secret: Yuwen shares he is very insecure, while Taylor shares that she gets nauseous when nervous.
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Claim #1: It’s Taylor’s fault for hurting Yuwen, he’s obviously insecure and she knows this!
Aht aht! Wait a min… let’s refute this ridiculous opinion (because it’s important to realize that these comments are JUST OPINIONS)
Obviously they are just kids, but let’s give a little bit of credit here. Kids can go through amazing growth in interpersonality and emotional intelligence. Yuwen is shown to struggle with letting his guard down, but he made an active decision to do so with Taylor. Taylor recognizes this and returns the favor. It’s a hugesign of mutual trust. To keep that trust, you’ve got to work at it. 
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The first incident that lead to their breakup occurs at school. Tom hands Taylor her dropped cell phone and the two engage in a conversation. While Yuwen is shown to be initially irritated, it quickly turns to crushing insecurity and leads to Taylor pushing him away after he butts into the conversation with an ill-timed joke. If you pay close attention to Taylor’s expression, tone, and what is being said to Tom, it is clear she is concerned for Tom. During the conversation it is revealed that something might be wrong with Tom’s brother and it is somehow related to Tom’s academic troubles (which eventually leads into Rochelle’s storyline). 
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Now, Taylor doesn’t yell at Yuwen, she doesn’t scream or accuse him of being a jerk. All she asks for is that Yuwen can be serious at times. Which is fair. It’s clear that Tom’s brother is a sensitive topic, and even though Yuwen isn’t aware of the situation, he unfortunately chose to give into his insecurities and push the clown narrative, despite Taylor’s initial warning (the push away).
After a dramatic, emotional montage of inner child Yuwen and inner child Taylor fighting and crying, it jumps to the night of the championships. From Yuwen’s perspective, Taylor angrily brushes past him on the way to the field, leaving Yuwen hurt.
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However, in the episode prior, Ira’s perspective shows that Taylor in fact reaches out to Yuwen in an attempt to understand why Yuwen is being aloof and clearly upset. Yuwen, retreating to his humor shield, mockingly repeats Taylor’s request to “use your words”. Taylor tells him he is being rude, and he shoots back that Taylor is being rude, still upset over her reaction at his jokes towards Tom at school. Yuwen is then shown to be the one walking away from Taylor as she confronts her brother. Yuwen is shutting Taylor out.
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But before yall come and say it’s because Taylor hurt his feelings, remember that Taylor was just as hurt after their argument. She is literally crying in the car on the way to the game. Leave my poor girl alone, she has feelings too!
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Now to the actual game.
Earlier in the episode, Taylor enlists Yuwen’s help in practicing her catches, as she’d like to be catcher one day. Yuwen initially doesn’t take Taylor seriously (out of concern of course), but when Taylor get’s upset and expresses frustration, he finally gets with the program.
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While in the pit, the team notice the animosity between the couple and Tom decides to spill the tea Taylor told him and announce that Yuwen’s acting the way he is because he is insecure. Okay a few things to unpack here. First, Taylor is sitting with her headphones on, so she doesn’t know Tom has announced this. Second, remember Taylor and Tom are close (platonically), I assume this was a private conversation (perhaps as a way to apologize to Tom on Yuwen’s behalf) that went down after Taylor and Yuwen’s argument. 
Yuwen takes the slight very hard and retaliates by sharing to the whole team that Taylor wants to take Rochelle’s place as catcher, but he voices doubt that Taylor is no where near as good as Rochelle for it to be feasible. Taylor hears (since Yuwen is speaking with an increased volume) and takes off her headphones to fix him a glare (but doesn’t say anything). But before, she is sitting there looking heartbroken.
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So, when the coach asks for a temporary fill-in for Rochelle (she is absent atm), Taylor volunteers. The coach decides he wants to be stupid and asks if Taylor thinks she’s a better catcher than Rochelle (despite NOBODY wanting to volunteer for the catcher positon except Taylor). He dismisses the dumb comment at Taylor’s pointed expression. This hits hard since now that is TWO people instilling or voicing disbelief in Taylor’s catching capabilities, despite the hard work and success that’s being put in! 
Yuwen’s not done though. In another insecure attack, he picks fun at Taylor and discretely reveals her secret by “encouraging” her not to puke if she gets nervous in front of the whole team. It backfires though and the whole team regard Yuwen coldly. Taylor, always forced into being the bigger person, just tells Yuwen “I’ll see you on the field”. On the field, Yuwen refuses to listen to Taylor’s pitch signs, which leads to the eventual missed catch. 
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Taylor is through. Rightfully so. She’s visibly upset and frustrated towards Yuwen’s behavior towards her because Yuwen is refusing to communicate and show nothing but animosity (plus, he’s broken her trust by intentionally sharing her secret to the whole team) So, she ends things, and walks off the field.
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Claim #2: Taylor is the worst because she treats Ira horribly!
Honestly, it’s giving yall just want an excuse to hate on Black girls. I feel like I didn’t see this opinion until after episode six, soooooooo, the math ain’t mathin if yall are just really defensive of Ira.
Episode 5 is told from Ira’s perspective. Ira is Taylor’s imaginative little brother who accompanies Taylor at softball meets (probably due to her parents just dropping him off with Taylor). Taylor is left to look after him while playing the game. Despite her slight annoyance (which I think is justified), she still cares deeply about her brother (i.e. replying to Ira’s complaints and announcements during the game). 
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In a move reminiscent to Nico and Bianca Di Angelo (but, you know, without the total abandonment and death), Taylor starts hanging out with Yuwen, which doesn’t bode well with Ira. In Ira’s eyes, Taylor is the only one who gets him. So he decided to roll with the “Bleacher Creatures” after they show interest in him. 
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Taylor voices her concern with that fact and pulls their mom into it when Ira shows disinterest in her warnings. Taylor is justifiably worried about her brother hanging around the kids that obviously cause some trouble. She even tells Yuwen about it, and he agrees to talk to Ira. The timing is a bit unclear, but I assume that the movie date had happened just before that (with Ira spilling about Taylor’s boyfriend happening before that — whew, work with me here!). So the next morning on the school bus, Yuwen’s attempt to fist bump Ira (Ira chooses to lick Yuwen’s fist instead ) was also Yuwen’s attempt at bonding with Ira at Taylor’s request.
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But before yall come with the: “but she yelled at Ira before the game!” 
She is upset with Yuwen and Ira chose to interrupt… what did yall think was gonna happen?
Taylor is frustrated. She has been put in the position of having to read between the lines and make decisions for people and she’s tired.
Ira was able to come to terms that what he did with the Bleacher Creatures was wrong by himself. When you have an older sis calling all the shots, it can be difficult to decide on your own. It’s a moment of growth for Ira.
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I’m not dismissing that Ira’s feelings got hurt about his sister distancing from him, but Taylor is her own person as well. 
In conclusion, Taylor’s actions are justified and she is also a victim in this scenario, not just Yuwen. Insecurity should not be an excuse to hurt your partner. I hope Yuwen talks to Taylor and they make up, but yall better recognize that Yuwen hurt Taylor too. 
And that Taylor deserves just as much love.
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artdcnaldson · 1 month ago
patrick somehow seducing a sports journalist whos supposed to be interviewing him and as a result he just gets a fluff piece
It’s all very this pic to me….
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You’re the journalist who’s hired to interview Patrick following his unprecedented success at the US open. It’s his first major and he’s in his thirties, ranked in the top 300, and relatively unknown. He makes it to the semifinals, only to be knocked out in a tiebreak set with Art Donaldson (who goes on to win the tournament, his very last slam). It’s interesting and timely, considering the events of New Rochelle and all of that history between Patrick and the best American player in recent history.
And it is a serious interview, for the most part. Sometimes his answers skew on the side of being a little douchey, but they seem earnest enough. He’s proud of Art even though he swears the line judges fucked him over, he’s confident that he’ll qualify for the Australian open in the new year with his new coach (who he refuses to reveal). His gaze flickers between your tits and your face when you’re asking him questions, and when you find yourself losing yourself in his handsome features as he talks, his lips twitch into an arrogant smirk as he asks if he needs to repeat himself.
It’s annoying how badly you want to fuck him.
And by the time you’ve wrapped, when you’re gathering your equipment and cameras and recorders, you stop caring about hiding your attraction to him. When he sidles up close behind you, his aftershave and cologne overwhelming your senses and smiles a cocky, annoyingly sexy smile and asks if you “want to continue this conversation over drinks?”
And you do. Very much so. So much that you don’t care as much as you should when you have to pay the tab. His hand is on your thigh by drink number two, fingertips dimpling plush flesh as he runs his thumb just beneath the hem of your skirt.
“You’re soft,” he murmurs against your ear, and his breath is so warm it should be strange that he gives you goosebumps.
Under the cover of shadows, he lets his hand slip further beneath your skirt. He tells you, off the record, about going to boarding school with Art Donaldson, and promises he’d have turned out a huge fucking loser without his guidance. His phone buzzes with multiple notifications from Tinder, which he does his best to ignore.
“Sure you don’t want to take that?” You ask as his phone buzzes again. “You could get lucky.”
He locks his phone and traces his thumb along your inner thigh. A thrill runs through you as his fingertips ghost against the front of your panties, teasing you with the barest hint of attention. “I will.”
And you could have offered a quick, “I never do this,” when you let him pull you into his hotel room later that night, but you don’t want to take the time to remove your lips from his. Patrick kisses with an overwhelming sort of hunger�� like he’s starved and you’re the only thing he has an appetite for. His hands play beneath your skirt, tracing the seam of your cunt through your panties, teasing over the bud of your clit. You gasp into his mouth and he grins. You lick the back of his teeth with your tongue, and he tastes like temptation.
He handles you like a pro— tossing you down onto the springy mattress and tugging your legs apart with big, strong hands. He wastes no time tearing off the sodden panties you wear— plain, boring, navy cotton, because you were not supposed to end up here after a stupid throwaway interview. He tucks them into his pocket. You pretend not to notice.
Your chest heaves with the shaky breaths you take as you just… wait. Completely at his mercy as he spreads your cunt open with his fingers and watches the way your hole twitches, begging to be filled. He smirks from his position between your thighs and presses a slow, wet kiss to your clit. You can’t hold back the shaky moan that slips past your lips, which only seems to encourage him.
Patrick doesn’t stick to that long. You figure he doesn’t stick to anything for very long, except his floundering tennis career. Slow, teasing laps become hungry, desperate strokes with the broad flat of his tongue, tracing the shape of you from your hole to your oversensitive clit. It’s wet and messy— a sticky mix of saliva and of your own arousal that he spits back onto you. He stretches you open on his thick calloused fingers, sucks your clit between his lips and makes white spots blur your vision.
He’s so good that it kills you. You think it might kill you as he fucks you on his fingers to an orgasm, and keeps going until the hotel duvet is damp with spit and your juices and your thighs shake uncontrollably. Just the barest brush of his thumb over your clit makes you whine and squirm. It’s rare to fuck around with someone who can manage to make you cum, let alone make you cum that hard.
“Don’t tap out on me.” You stare at the veins in his hands, watch them ripple beneath his skin as he pops the button of his jeans, peeling them down like he’s unwrapping a present. You’re sure he thinks of it that way. You’re sure you’ll think of it that way before long.
He flips you onto your stomach, presses between your shoulders until your back is arched invitingly, so you’re presented to him just as he wants. He slides in slow, so you can adjust to the stretch of him, so he can watch the way your cunt swallows inch after inch, stretching obscenely to accommodate him.
You just have to lay there and take it as he drills into you— panting into the ugly floral duvet, eyes rolling back as he hits those perfect spots inside of you again and again and again. He offers mindless praise, groaned out as he reaches down to squeeze one of your tits with the hand that isn’t rubbing your clit. That’s it, squeezing me so tight, just take it like that.
He fucks you like he’s laying claim to your pussy, to your body— ruining you from then on out. And it’s not like is confidence is unfounded. Not with the way you’re dripping down your thighs, so wet that the sound of his cock tunneling in and out of your cunt is obscene. The headboard bounces off the wall, punctuating each brutal thrust.
It’s all quick and desperate. It isn’t long before you’re cumming around him, and he doesn’t last much longer after that. He pins you with his body weight, cock pulsing as he spills inside of you, his groans muffled against your throat.
And then it’s over. He rolls off of you and slaps your ass for good measure. A wordless, “alright, we had fun, you can get out now.” So you get dressed in your little pencil skirt and blazer that you’d worn to the interview, sans underwear, because Patrick was a gross little thief.
“Write something sweet about me, yeah?” He says before you walk out to your car.
And god fucking damn it. You do.
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