#wilson Fisk
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villainboygirl · 2 days ago
Wilson Fisk: When I was a boy-
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Another bit of symbolism in DDBA:
The end of episode 1 has Matt looking up from street view as he ignores the cries of people while Fisk looks down from his penthouse to watch the city that just elected him. Matt, “the devil”, is looking up from hell while Fisk, the savior of the city, is looking down from Heaven. This was the episode in which Matt and Fisk were the furthest away from their true selves.
Now, with the latest episode pushing the men the closest to going back to their true selves, we have the opposite. Matt, who is slowly reclaiming his status as Daredevil, makes his way to the rooftop to train while Fisk, who is relapsing back to his Kingpin ways, eats an extravagant, unhealthy dinner in a basement while mocking Adam. Matt climbed back to Heaven while Fisk descended back down to hell.
I’m fully convinced someone in the writing staff must truly love the Catholic aspect of Daredevil. Because that was the most Catholic thing the show did without actually featuring church.
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ultraericthered · 2 days ago
No. They need to save that for after an episode ends on something really bad happening to Fisk. Just to fucking rub it in.
I think fisk would rather let maya shoot him in the face again than listen to “we built this city” one more time 😭
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moonlightwonderlan · 2 days ago
Babe wake up Wilson Fisk dropped another "when I was a little boy" story
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heroofretribution · 2 days ago
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currentlyinhawkins · 2 days ago
I'm so sorry to those children but hearing the bad version we built this city and watching Fisk is the FUNNIEST SHIT. He's trying SO hard.
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marvelsgirl616 · 3 days ago
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munohlow · 3 days ago
Punisher appearance and heartfelt scene with Matt
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Fisk saying “when I was a boy…”
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erebusvincent · 3 days ago
Frank, the shot of the masks, and Adam last night got me psyched that the back four episodes are going to go hard.
Revamping the show was a major save. Bernthal wasn’t even going to come back at first and that would have been a total miss. I love all the iterations of the Punisher, but his my favorite. It pays to give the people what we want.
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hug-them-trees · 1 day ago
Legend has it that if you play “we built this city” Wilson Fisk will fear you too much to kill you
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 days ago
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Daredevil: Born Again
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cbartonscoffee · 3 days ago
Fisk's change of heart because of Daniel's honesty and trust in everything he does is at the same time surprising and really predictable. Because it is as he says: he knows how unreliable people can be, he knows loyalty and courage are not things you can buy or obtain easily, and so he believes keeping this naive kid around has more benefits in the long run.
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Idea for “The Defenders 2”:
1) Daredevil Born Again seasons 1 and 2 sets up the reign of Mayor Fisk. Mayor Fisk is the main villain of Defenders 2.
2) The Iron Fists - both Colleen Wing and Danny Rand - make their return in Shang-Chi 2. Maybe call the movie “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Iron Fist”.
3) Jessica Jones returns in Spider-Man 4 as J. Jonah Jameson’s lead investigator, albeit reluctantly. Wilson Fisk is the main villain once again, this time coming into direct conflict with Peter and Jessica.
4) The Punisher special coming out next year is this John Wick-esque chase sequence in which Frank is trying to get away from Fisk’s hit squad. So it’s straight up 30-40 minutes of Frank going crazy on Fisk’s goons while trying to get out of the city.
5) Luke Cage makes his return in Hawkeye season 2. Since his show ended, Luke has become a congressman representing Harlem (he also makes a joke that he’s friends with Congressman Bucky Barnes). Hawkeye season 2 has Clint and Kate deal with Wilson Fisk wanting revenge on them.
6) “The Defenders 2” is focused on the Defenders coming together to take down Mayor Fisk once and for all. In addition to the original line-up of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist (Danny Rand), the miniseries adds Shang-Chi, Iron Fist (Colleen Wing), Spiderman, The Punisher, and both Hawkeyes (Clint Barton and Kate Bishop).
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daredevilsource · 6 hours ago
bts, spoiler alert! ‘daredevil: born again’ season two.
graffiti art.
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pinkcowzz · 21 hours ago
finally watching daredevil born again, and i have. THOUGHTS.
everything feels SO intentional. like, i was really concerned for this show cause the first three seasons hold such a special place in my heart but it seems like this show was handled with such care.
there will be spoilers for episode 1 below the cut, so. proceed with caution. (i'll be making a separate post for ep. 2 later because this got way out of hand)
so, to start off with the opening credits. i was. SO impressed. the og credits like genuinely they are some of my favorite credits to have been done. and the new ones, using some of the same symbols but having them be concrete and broken to literally rebuild matt is SO neat.
admittedly, i am not a marvel comic reader, have not touched more than maybe 6 in my whole life. so- please don't take what i have to say about characterization too seriously. that being said!
i have no idea how to feel about foggy dying. i have heard that in the comics, it's karen that bullseye kills. i think narratively it does make more sense for foggy to be the one to die. he was the glue within their group, he was the one who always saw more within matt, who believed in him to make the right choices.
my biggest thoughts on foggy's death is that, AHHH it's about the suit. it's always about the suit. foggy is the person who brought matt the suit, back during the arc with elektra and the hand and everything. and he regretted it. a lot. that much we knew. and then to open this new season with foggy clearly and deliberately keeping matt from the suit. ("look im sorry, maybe i didn't wanna give you an excuse")
then, matt chooses to use the suit to 'solve' his issue. and his consequence? he loses foggy. and immediately he loses his morals, pushing ben off the roof. did he know that wouldn't kill dex? we don't know! but he did it. it's, poetic in a way. foggy was the one person that was grounding matt.
it's also just, a really interesting path to take for matt's character. like, the entirety of season two was matt trying to decide who he was. in one direction was the suit, and elektra and the adrenaline of it all. on the other was foggy and working within the system. matt saw both as a way to help, he saw both as a means to fix hell's kitchen. in the end, he lost elektra and chose to walk away from foggy. but then the series opens with the line
"i like to think that i have- we have evolved"
this means something, at least to me. we are seeing matt once again questioning who is he, why he is making the choices he has been making. is it worth it?
then cut to one year later, and we see that matt is still caring foggy with him- literally. he carries the program from his funeral, what i can only assume is daily. kept on his kitchen counter along with his other daily essentials. a reminder of his failings, of what he has lost.
moving onto karen, i really hate her running off to san fran but i can't say i don't understand it. she ran after her brother died, it's CLEAR that something went down between her & matt after foggy died, she felt unsupported and left alone again so she left. but for her to come back and ONLY talk to matt about the suit, whewwww baby. that's some heavy shit to dig through.
she had always understood the 'devil of hell's kitchen'. until she knew who he was and realized he had lied to her. they have such a messy relationship. idk, her giving matt the horn from his costume but refusing to allow them to actually talk, to actually heal, it's fucked up. she's, in a very round about way, telling him that she only feels he's useful in the suit. that this other person, (daredevil) the one who drove them apart years ago, is the only thing they have in common now.
and then. vanessa and wilson. what the FUCK is going on between them. i think the most important piece of information that we got about them, is the painting that is shown right before vanessa is reintroduced. it's titled "ivan the terrible and his son". for those who aren't familiar, the scene it is depicting is of ivan holding his son right after he murdered him. the motive has been argued, either a political disagreement or perhaps because of ivan's son's wife passing by in her robe (a disrespect at the time).
to me? this is saying that fisk is going to kill vanessa at some point this season. i think it will either be motivated by her making business moves that he disagrees with or perhaps because she has essentially made A CUCK OUT OF HIM HELLOO?????? (no im not not over that, it fits their dynamics so well but is just. so wild)
i also just want to compliment on how it has introduced so many new characters, without making it feel crowded or annoying. i miss the old supporting cast that was present, but this show has managed to make me not hate the new one. mcduffie's relationship with matt seems to be one with lots of history and care. cherry is already in on the secret and seems to not be afraid to use it to his advantage.
even the doctor that matt is dating, heather seems to have genuine chemistry with matt.
onto the next! the scene with matt and fisk is. i could watch it a hundred times and not tire of it. starting the scene with fisk telling matt "im not going to spar with you" to then have one of the BEST verbal spars i've EVER seen is so fun. i truly love the writers of this show, it's so clear to me that they really love these characters and wanted to do right by them. (i also completely forgot about fisk being in hawkeye until this scene, whoops)
the irony of "fisk will fix it" and maga is not lost on me, it's a bit exhausting but, i can understand the statement they were wanting to make with it.
there was an interview with charlie cox and vincent d'onofrio where they both comment how matt can't exist without fisk, and the same vice versa. they serve as such fun foils of each other. they want to catch the other tripping up. they want to be the one to bring the other down. they don't want to prove the other right. GOD it's fun.
last thing, i really like the score. okay! well this got way out of hand, but i just needed to get these worms out of my brain or else they would eat it whole so.
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spookydingus · 1 day ago
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honestly I have no idea what happened but I'm not unhappy about it
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