#willy torpedo
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isaysorryverysoftly · 3 months ago
Car seat bread rest (My imagination of his room)
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conarcoin · 2 years ago
phallus dick prick member tool organ cock wang schlong peter knob chopper plonker dong winkle joystick weenie whang willy tockley pizzle stick manhood johnson sexcalibur boner pisser sword rod skinflute thang dingdong ding-a-ling dinky equipment love-muscle stiffy weapon cucumber dipstick rocket banana baseball bat bayonet beast doingus popsicle thermometer peepee peen ween torpedo babymaker arrow appendage anaconda antenna baguette baton banger bellend sausage bopper bouncer branch bulge bumper winky carrot cannoli chubby colossus corndog crankshaft dagger richard hammer groin handle hardware missile jimmy junk kebab kielbasa snake scepter kraken lance leviathan noodle lizard log lollipop moby mushroom package pencil pepperoni pipe piston pogostick private python ranger rascal shiv slug smacker soldier spear sprout stallion stinger stump submarine surfboard sweetmeat tallywacker telescope testosterbone cyclops driver tripod fuckstick flagpole pendulum poker salami shotgun wee-wee weasel wiener wiggler wingwang woody worm thingy tickler tiger timber tip titan toothpick torch tower treasure trinket trombone trumpet turtle turkey turnip twig twinkie twister unit unmentionable vuvuzela vessel vindicator violin volcano wally wand wangdang wanker warrior wenis whip whammer whopper wingman winston wishbone wizard-sleeve woodpecker wrecking ball yankee-doodle yardstick yo-yo yoda yogurt-slinger zapper zeus zipper-ripper zonker zucchini
oh my god
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anarchistin · 1 year ago
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Beautiful ideals were painted for our boys who were sent out to die. This was the “war to end wars.” This was the “war to make the world safe for democracy.”
No one told them that dollars and cents were the real reason. No one mentioned to them, as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits. No one told these American soldiers that they might be shot down by bullets made by their own brothers here. No one told them that the ships on which they were going to cross might be torpedoed by submarines built with United States patents. They were just told it was to be a “glorious adventure.”
Thus, having stuffed patriotism down their throats, it was decided to make them help pay for the war, too. So, we gave them the large salary of $30 a month!
All they had to do for this munificent sum was to leave their dear ones behind, give up their jobs, lie in swampy trenches, eat canned willy (when they could get it) and kill and kill and kill... and be killed.
— Smedley D Butler, War is a Racket
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taraross-1787 · 1 year ago
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TDIH: The Unlucky "Willie Dee"
On this day in 1943, a U.S. Navy destroyer accidentally torpedoes the battleship USS Iowa, then ferrying Franklin D. Roosevelt across the Atlantic. Perhaps you won’t be surprised to hear that this destroyer, USS William D. Porter, has been called “the unluckiest ship in US Navy history.”
Fortunately, everyone lived to tell the story.
Trouble began for the so-called “Willie Dee�� during its first real mission. “The mishaps began as comedic scenes from Dumb and Dumber,” one historian writes dryly, “but evolved to the more serious.”
The destroyer had been assigned to accompany Iowa on a secret mission: The battleship was carrying Roosevelt and other officials across the Atlantic to meet with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.
The story continues here: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-willie-dee-incident
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boxfullaturtles · 2 years ago
For the fic title game, maybe something like "With Love, from an Alternate Timeline" or something with a fic/album title like "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"? Or, finally, maybe funky like "Disaster Twins, Deft Torpedoes"? (Feel free to pick and choose which to answer!)
I like the ring that "With Love, from an Alternate Timeline" has, there's something very catchy about that. Unfortunately, couldn't think of anything.
Also mega distracted by the MCR title.
"Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" Otherwise known as "You Kidnapped the Wrong Fucking Turtles"
Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo disappear.
Donatello, Splinter, April, and the Caseys are scrambling to find them.
It had been a regular patrol, the brothers scattering to chase after the stupid mutant silverfish taking advantage of the mess left in the wake of the failed invasion. Except Donnie loses contact with his brothers and the trackers--his trackers--go offline. Donnie knows his tech doesn't just fail like that, no fucking way. Someone's stolen his brothers and he's going to track them down and get them back.
It takes weeks of doing. Maybe several months. Scraping what clues and pieces of information they can. Donnie grits his teeth and enlists the Purple Dragons to assist him (not help, he doesn't need help, thank you very much). Kendra mocks him at first, but then she must see something on his face because she shuts up real quick. The government is the first suspect, because they were definitely poking around a lot during and after the Krang invasion. But nope! The government's not interested in trying to detain the people--mutant or not--who stopped an alien race for taking over the planet with goo and body horror. They'd rather leave the turtles well enough alone (and for the turtles to leave them alone, please, dear god, we can't fight you guys, we leave you alone and you leave us alone, okay). But if the government doesn't have Donnie's brothers, then who does? Baxter Stockboy? Mm, nope, but they do confiscate some high grade military tech from a kid who really shouldn't have it. Meatsweats? Nada. Draxum!? He's offended you would think such a thing. Not because he cares or anything like that. Just. He doesn't have time for that sort of thing anymore, you know.
But Draxum wasn't the only scientist-alchemist-whathaveyou in the Hidden City. And somebody got vveeerrryyyyy interested in the turtles after seeing what they did to stop the Krang. Some yokai has Leo, Raph, and Mikey and has been putting them through their paces. Read: unethical experimentation.
And the family can't just charge in half-cocked, willy-nilly, pell-mell. This yokai has a stronghold, has guards, is just as dangerous as some human facility, if not moreso because of the mystic powers available to them. It's dangerous and downright deadly. It's a stealth mission. So say they manage to sneak in. Then they separate to go their separate ways and Donnie beelines for a server room or file room or whatever. And it's going great! He sneaks in no problem! He finds out where they're keeping his brothers!
And he finds out what's been happening to them.
And he's pissed.
You DO NOT touch his family and you certainly don't do what's been done to his brothers. Donnie will be the first to admit that his morals are somewhat questionable. He knows his science gets a little...mad at times. But never in his life would he do the things that have been done here.
Well. Maybe he'll make an exception. For the yokai that have marked his brother's files with "TERMINATED".
Donnie snaps.
Forget stealth, he's going to raze this place to the ground and scorch the dust and bury the ashes and salt the earth. There will be nothing left when he's done. His Ninpo goes wild, he's tearing the place apart, he's killing indiscriminately, the rage he feels is too big, too much. The fury and desperation he'd felt when he'd flung his drill at the Krang through Mikey's portal to save Leo? That was a fraction of this almighty, crushing anger. Donatello is out of control, he is a beast, he is wild, he is a veritable god of power as he rips the building from its foundations and screams his vengeance upon the fools who thought to cross the Hamato clan. He crushes lives out underfoot and doesn't care about the blood that smears his hands. His weapons are endless, his body is a machine, he is righteous fury and he is light, and life, and fire! He is a god, a dragon, a nuclear warhead.
He is the atom bomb and he will destroy everything in his wake.
The only thing that stops him, is a faint, hoarse, plaintive chirp.
Because there are his brothers. Definitely worse for wear, frightened and hurt, but alive.
The monster eases, Donnie breathes. He staggers over to his family, falls to his knees in front of his brothers, and pulls them into a hug. No one cares about how much blood is on him, on the ground, everywhere. Because they're together again. They're okay.
Donnie doesn't leave them alone for days. He badgers them while they're healing, he sleeps in the med bay, he drops everything to take care of his brothers. His temper feels closer to the surface, like letting his Ninpo rage like a wildfire has irreversibly changed something in him. But he naps next to Raph, he draws with Mikey, he smiles at Leo's stupid puns. (Later, much later, after they witness that temper again almost level a city block, Raph takes Donnie aside and talks to him about how to turn that anger elsewhere.)
There's scars, of course. No one escapes these sorts of things without them. But no one in the Hidden City is ever going to try to touch the Hamato clan, not after this.
Donnie's pretty sure they got the message (and if he stays awake some nights smelling iron and hearing screams and feeling the power simmering just beneath his skin, then he crawls into Leo's bed and they watch stupid videos until they pass out in the early hours of the morning).
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thaisibir · 2 years ago
Kevesi and Agnian Heroes living in the City headcanons
-Ethel and Cammuravi make literally everything a competition (who can run the most laps around the entire City, who can eat the most torpedo wraps in one sitting, good ol' fashioned brawls at the wrestling ring, etc)
-Alexandria tried to enroll in university but was turned away for being too young. High school quickly bored her to tears. It begged the university to get Aionios's resident smartass off their hands. The university finally caved in and let her enroll to study business and IT.
-Valdi is everyone's go-to guy for fixing Levnises, of course. He insists on bunking in the tech quarter, forgoing actual furnished rooms in the residential quarters.
-Cammuravi was initially treated as a walking fire hazard until Ethel and the Ouroboros gang convinced people that he will not in fact burn down the entire City, by accident or otherwise.
-Fiona regards the park as her favorite spot in the City. She's the City kids' favorite playmate.
-Isurd is a new member of the City's tabletop and board game club. He got Zeon to join when he mentioned that some games are farming sims.
-Miyabi joins the City street performers, alternating between her flute and fans to entertain folks with music and dance.
-Not wanting to steal Ethel and Cammuravi's thunder as already established sparring instructors, Teach spends much of his time at the university to learn how gentler arts are being taught.
-Zeon is absolutely enthralled by the concept of greenhouses and balcony gardens.
-Ethel's second home is the City library. The senior librarian is practically her adopted mother.
-Juniper spends more time outside the City than in it, patrolling and exploring the wilderness outskirts to their heart's content.
-Ashera is the resident terror among Lost Number recruits and soldiers. She's always showing up to the training facility uninvited, joking about eating them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on the time of day. Ethel swatting her off like a fly is a daily occurrence. ("Ash please go away, I already fought you yesterday, you're scaring the poor recruits")
-Isurd becomes a regular at the City's most popular massage parlor and acupuncture clinic. It's very hard for Taion to hold a proper conversation with him there when he's emitting satisfied "oohs" and "aahs" every five seconds.
-Despite stating precautions and giving warnings to discourage any derring-do, Juniper is not popular among parents for being a "bad influence" on their children, who want to slide down ziplines willy nilly. They have to limit their sliding to nighttime, when the kids are in bed.
-It was Fiona's idea to grow more flowers around the Remembrance Stones. City folks backed the project and believe the place has become even more lovely and precious for it.
-Valdi has his own names for all the City Automatons. Half the Lost Numbers think it's endearing and the other half think it's downright annoying.
-One day Hollis gathered all of them at the medical facility to sit down for The Talk. Alexandria and Teach took meticulous notes. Zeon, who had just grasped mastering how to grow potatoes, was hopelessly confused. Juniper, a veteran at growing potatoes, was just as confused. Ashera kept making faces like something had died in the room. Valdi nodded along politely, but really couldn't care less about something that's not at all like making Levnises. Fiona and Miyabi thought the whole thing was simply magical. Isurd stared off into space, mulling over that kind of possibility with a certain someone who loves saffronias. Ethel and Cammuravi looked around everywhere but at each other, their faces red as Noah's jacket.
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omegaremix · 4 months ago
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Omega Radio for October 22, 2016; #124.
Sneaks “Tough Luck”
Bangs “Slow Parade”
No One Mind “Tiger”
Cherry Glazzerr “Told You I’d Be With The Guys”
Comet Gain “(All The) Avenue Girls”
Protomartyr “Born To Be Wine”
Ahem “Bottle Rocket”
Cellular Chaos “Diamond Teeth Clenched”
Halfsour “Ten Year Tenure”
Night Beats “The Hidden Circle”
Fake Palms “Collar Bone”
Heaters “Kamikaze”
Kitten Forever “Luxury” 
Honeyblood “Sea Hearts”
LVL UP “The Closing Door”
Beliefs “Leaper”
Foreign Resort, The “Suburban Depression”
Mystery Lights, The “Flowers In My Hair, Demons In My Head”
Milk Lines “Golden Torpedo”
Jezabels, The “A Message From My Mothers Passed”
Kim Gordon “Murdered Out”
Planes Mistaken For Stars “Fucking Tenderness”
Cellular Chaos “Smothering Instinct”
Votaries “Rainbow Death Revisited”
Fate Vs. Free Willy “My Own Ottawa”
Wall “Last Date”
Mannequin Pussy “Romantic”
Thurston Moore “Chelsea’s Kiss”
Deluxe indie and alternative.
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biblicallyaccuratepigeons · 10 months ago
dick, cock, phallus, member, manhood, schlong, dong, willy, johnson, shaft, sexcalibur, pecker, heat-seeking moisture missile, wiener, tool, wang, beaver, basher, joystick, prick, weewee, boner, peter, plonker, virile, member, knob, one-eyed, wonder, weasel, pisser, todger, weenie, willie, pizzle, pocket rocket, putz, pork sword, rod, tarse, tockley, whanger, chopper, john thomas, junk, sausage, skin flute, tader, ding dong, ding-a-ling, dork, giggle stick, pillicock, reunion, thing, trouser snake, dinky, disco stick, donger, equipment, krull the warrior king, lingam, love muscle, love stick, middle leg, one-eye monster, one-eyed trouser snake, pintle, piss weasel, prong, stiffy, third leg, whang, winkle, cucumber, ding-dong, dipstick, dude piston, fire hose, flesh flute, fun stick, helmet head, hog, horn, lap rocket, leaky hose, loom, love rod, master sword, meat popsicle, meat thermometer, mickey, netherrod, pee-pee, peen, pego, pink torpedo, piston ramrod, rig, schlort.
I don't know how I possibly missed this
Congratulations on your first official speaking in tongues!
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qqueenofhades · 2 years ago
i got a ride in to work this morning and the driver was playing some sort of leftie radio show/podcast that was taking a moment to praise a libertarian party for openly deriding atlanta's cop city and acting like because neither sen warnock and sen ossoff have said anything unequivocally against it that they're flopping. which is (1) annoying and (2) is still something that warnock doesn't appear to support www.pbs.org newshour politics atlanta-city-council-approves-project-decried-as-cop-city-rejecting-activists-fierce-opposition so i'm not seeing any real reason to be mad at him, so i'm worried that leftie media will take this sort of thing and run with it.
A) Obviously Cop City is a reprehensible and atrocious piece of shit, and the authorities have behaved abominably in trying to force it through, regardless of massive community opposition. That's not in debate.
B) Y'all have no, have no fucking idea how lucky we are to have Warnock and Ossoff in the Senate, and how much that is a testament to how Georgia Democrats (especially Black Georgia Democrats) worked their fucking asses off to give it to us. Absolutely none of the big legislative priorities of the last few years would have gotten done without those two extra reliably-blue Democratic votes in the Senate. They're also the reason we control the Senate at all, whether in the 50-50 setup where Harris was the tiebreaker, or the current 51-49 setup that gives us more control of committees. ESPECIALLY with the constant shenanigans Manchin and Sinema pulled and are still pulling. Without Warnock and Ossoff, much of Biden's legislative agenda would have died before it could ever be passed, not least because Mitch fucking McConnell would still be in fucking control of the Senate. And now, when Manchin is throwing a hissy fit and trying to torpedo Biden's progressive judicial nominees (such as the Asian-American and Muslim-American voting rights activists just confirmed to district courts, both of whom Manchin voted against), Warnock and Ossoff have been CRUCIAL in squeaking them over the line. Once again: none of this would be happening without Georgia. And Fani Willis is about to indict Trump's felonious orange ass a THIRD time. Any line about how They're Failing Us is ridiculous.
C) Leftist media is always looking for disingenuous ways to attack Biden and/or the Democrats. Even when, as noted, Warnock DOES NOT SUPPORT Cop City either, nobody who takes a serious look at his background and record would think that he does, and has been one half of the votes that are getting the entire Democratic agenda done. (Do you ever see him and Ossoff pulling this Manchin/Sinema bullshit? You fucking don't.) Even in a deep purple state like Georgia, which is flipping to Democrats federally (i.e. presidential, Senate) but still has Brian effin' Kemp as governor and a GOP-controlled legislature and AG. So as usual, this is stupid and counterproductive, but definitely in the minority. In the meantime, I'm gonna trust in the Black Georgia Democrats, Stacey Abrams and co., and everyone else who has worked their ASSES off to deliver us Warnock/Ossoff in the Senate, because. Yeah.
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 2 years ago
It occurred to me that Lance probably doesn't appear in Pelican Town often, given his occupation.
Imagine being in a relationship with Lance but none of the townspeople are really aware of him because most of the time he spends with the farmer is a) on the farm b) the guilds c) ginger island d) the outpost etc.
After a while though, someone might spot him with the farmer one day on the farm and now everyone knows the farmer has a handsome rugged adventurer for a lover 🫢
How would everyone react?
You're so right, dear anon. In fact, aside from festivals, Lance doesn't really show up anywhere except for the farm and the Guild in Stardew Valley. And the Farmer goes to Lewis one day and says, "This is my lover. Please marry us." He's fucking stunned at the news, and then everyone else who was invited to the wedding. Like excuse me, who the fuck is this handsome pink haired man?
Sorry if the answer came out a little short and chaotic, but I thought it would be better this way. I hope you like it. Thanks for the question!
Lewis will be friendly with the now frequent tourist, but will keep an eye out for Lance and Farmer. Even if Farmer is a Lewis's friend, they can be such a daredevil! Robin and Marnie talk him into relaxing and "letting the young ones enjoy their youth".
Willy didn't realize Lance knew so much about fish. Some species even an experienced sailor had never heard of. Torpedo trout? Now that's interesting. Another friend to tell fish stories with over a beer.
Abigail, having gotten to know Lance better, would immediately beg him to train with her: "Let's sword fight!", "Train me, please!". Lance sees great potential in the unusual girl, and later agrees to show her a couple of self-defense techniques.
Victor almost shit his pants with happiness. An adventurer - and not just any adventurer, but second in command of the First Slash clan! Victor was a little shy, but he could see that Lance was friendly enough to chat, so he asked him questions about monsters and the adventurer's life in general.
Sophia will burn with shame when she accidentally mistakes Lance for a cosplayer, luckily Scarlett defuses the situation and also meets a nicely dressed man. Farmer's husband? No way! That means a new friend!
Lance wouldn't refuse to show the kids (Jas, Vincent and Leo) a couple of safe magic spells. Morgan wouldn't be surprised by magic, but they looked at Lance with admiration as well. He's just as cool as Marlon!
Shane doesn't give a shit about Lance, but he'll keep an eye on him. After all, Farmer has also become a friend to him, and he doesn't want them to get hurt, who knows what kind of guy this adventurer is....
The first rumors about Farmer's new lover came from the gossipy trio of Olivia, Jodi and Caroline. A stranger (and a very handsome one, Olivia said) suddenly appeared in Pelican Town, always with Farmer, and they were even caught kissing. You don't keep quiet about something like that.
Sam would probably be the very first of all the young Valley residents to welcome Lance with open arms. The Farmer's friend (lover?) is Sam's friend! Too bad, though, that Lance doesn't share his love of pizza (a food of the Gods!), but oh well.
For Marlon, Magnus, and Gil, the news that Lance has befriended their friend and student is not new. Although they didn't realize that the two of them would have an affair. Magnus and Gil congratulate Lance and Farmer. Marlon does as well, but he has a heavy stone of memories in his heart that was accidentally disturbed. After all, he too was in love with an adventurer. Faithful to her even now... Even when she has been with Yoba for a long time....
If Alex meets Lance for the first time at the Stardew Valley Fair, he'll definitely call him out on the strength meter ride (hoping to show off to Haley).... And lost to Lance. So yeah, whatever, he just gave in to him so Farmer wouldn't be upset! Haley, on the other hand, will be interested in Lance, since a new face in the Valley is a great excuse to gossip with the girls. And if she catches them two in an embrace. Oh-ho-ho-ho!
Susan and Evelyn will terrorize Lance with care and sweets as a sign of their first acquaintance. Poor Lance can't say no to such kind people. The Farmer is sure to be laughing their ass off when Lance returns with a basket full of pies, cake and other goodies.
The rest of the residents will react normally. They'd all congratulate the two of them, they wouldn't mind when Lance made the first step towards getting to know them, but they wouldn't be fanatical about it. After all, the Farmer knows Lance better than anyone.
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zponds · 6 months ago
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(Credit for Willy Wonka, Noah, Charlie, Abby and Danny goes to FB820onDeviantArt on Deviantart)
For @grantgfan and @fireblast820ontmblr
This moment takes place a day after i told Mohawk and my other friends from the New York Central and the other 19 American railroads about the events of a couple of days ago, where Darla Dimple and her butler took the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory but were defeated. Here, Torpedo, the streamlined Pennsylvania Railroad 4-6-2 K4 #3768, is thinking about Noah Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Willy Wonka, and the two genies Abby & Danny. Torpedo wonders when he’ll get the chance to meet the five, and he’s aware that Willy Wonka was currently on holiday.
P.S.: Keep in mind that this event took place before me, Mina, Torpedo and the others from the PRR and the other 19 American railroads were made aware of Charlie’s mysterious disappearance and before Willy Wonka returned from his holiday.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years ago
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #74: “Hoppy Bunny” | February 17, 2008 - 11:45PM | S06E05
Hey, some of these fucking episodes have DVD commentaries for them. I am mostly watching these on HBOMax for this blog, and I popped in the DVD to check to see if a moment in this episode was censored on both versions (it is). Imagine my surprise when I clicked the episode title and it asked if I wanted to watch it with commentary! When I was getting ready to cover this season, I checked the DVD to see if there were commentaries. Nothing on the packaging or the menus advertised that they did. Squidbillies volume two on DVD also suffers from this issue. Contemporary DVD reviews fail to mention the fact that select episodes have commentary tracks, probably because the person reviewing them opted to “Play All” and would not ever know the option was on the table.
I’ll start off this as a way to play catch-up: Reedickyoulus also has a commentary track. Dave Willis says that he got the idea for not featuring the Aqua Teens in the first few episodes by riffing during an interview that in the upcoming season the Aqua Teens move out because they realize the house was somehow causing all the strange things to happen, and that the show was just going to be about the empty house. So that’s what got them going down the path of the Marcula arc-ula.
The commentary for this episode features two writers, Thom Nicolette and Ted Murphy. They cop to the fact that they were the ones who wrote the scene where Shake microwaves cats in Reedickyoulus. It was in their first draft, and it was never changed. Dave Willis muses that he found other examples of on-cat violence in the show to go to far, but for some reason found the microwaved cats to be funny, so maybe his barometer is off for that kind of thing. 
This episode is Hoppy Bunny, which is a reasonably funny but not terribly memorable episode. I’m saying that because I really didn’t remember this one much at all. In fact, most of the episodes from here on out are ones I saw once, MAYBE twice. I remembered the character of Hoppy Bunny, but that might be because I saw the screengrab from the episode that accompanies it on episode guide sites and on various streaming platforms. It’d be like if you remembered what Bugs Bunny looked like, but didn’t remember him clearly being Jewish.
The plot! Carl buys yet another sexually-charged product; this time it’s a pied-piper program that includes a recorder that can summon turned-on broads. When he finally gets it, wires begin making their way into Carl’s body, eventually turning him into an elfin flutist, playing for the benefit of Hoppy Bunny, a man in a round bunny costume. He’s voiced by Scott Adsit, and the episode makes sure you know that he’s just some dude. In fact he’s a surgeon. 
A bunch of other furries show up. I don’t recall the episode calling them furries specifically. I was hyper aware of furries at the time because I was extremely online, and I wonder how much furrydom was in the zeitgeist in 2008. It was 5 years after CSI did an episode about them, which I remember a co-worker complaining about. He’s the only furry I specifically knew, and he balked at the inaccuracies of the episode. I pray CSI never comes for the middle-aged Adult Swim bloggers. It sorta seems like the episode was playing it safe by not using “furries” as shorthand, but if you know, you know. 
The moment in question that I was wondering if it was censored? Remember, from before? One of the furries (a unicorn) has a wet spot on his crotch, I think implied to be a cumstain. It’s pixelated out, which seems silly to me.
Frylock tries to solve the problem using science, but Shake torpedoes this by offering to give Frylock a massage and ripping off the diamond on his back. Shake gleefully celebrates obtaining the diamond. Dana Snyder highlights this moment on the commentary; how funny it is that Shake’s ultimate goal seemed to be to steal the diamond for the entire series and he’s spent this many episodes biding his time. Shake, even after experiencing the power of the diamond by taking flight and feeling it’s power, is so unimaginative that his plan culminates in him taking it to a pawn shop to try and get 20 dollars for it. 
I definitely like this show better than Squidbillies, but this uses the same formula as the “Wing Nut” with a plot that is specifically unresolved and given an ending that flaunts how little this all matters. I liked this episode fine, but it benefits mostly from the fact that I’ve seen it fewer times than “classic” Aqua Teen episodes. I am perfectly pleased with these characters and these settings! I am glad to have watched this! What more do you want from me?
Stray things I haven’t mentioned yet:
Matt M stars in the commercial that Carl is watching. It’s live-action!
There’s a part where he shows sheet music and the writers claimed that it was the Communist Manifesto transcribed into music notes. 
The shot of Cars jammed into Flylocks room is funny. Shake was using it as a parking lot for the furries.
The original ending was Frylock getting seduced by Hoppy Bunny, and Carl evolving into a griffin who slaughters the furries.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years ago
[RERUN] One of Our Planets is Missing (The V’ger prototype)
[All images are owned by Paramount and Filmation. Please don’t sue me]
I have encountered Star Trek: the Animated Series numerous times over the years: Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, syndication... nearly every time, this is the episode I encounter. Therefore, I felt obligated to post a review of it. Now I feel the need to update it with better screenshots. If you would like to watch the episode, it’s available on Internet Archive.
[For those who saw Star Trek: the Motion Picture, portions of this episode will seem familiar]
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The Enterprise is summoned to investigate V’ger a huge weird cloud. They intercept it in a system with a Federation colony on one of the planets.
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They arrive in time to see it disintegrate the outermost planet and start its way to the colony!
Kirk and McCoy debate alerting the colony. While many of the population could be saved, it might also start a panic. They agree to tell the governor of the colony so he can decide how to handle the crisis. Great job passing the buck, Jim.
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Just as they finish debating, the cloud reaches out and pulls the Enterprise in! The ship gets shields up, keeping it from being digested like the planet did. Now if only the colony had a planet-wide deflector shield.
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The ship is surrounded by blocks of antimatter. The Enterprise’s shields absorb the impacts, but they are being drained quickly. Spock surmises that the cloud is V’ger alive. McCoy surmises the antimatter blocks are there to “digest” matter.
And so begins the lesson in Space Amoeba Biology. Uhura pulls up a diagram of the cloud based on scans...
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...and surmises the Enterprise is at the “mouth”. Kirk tells Lt. Arex to set course through the cloud’s digestive tract to hopefully be pooped out in one piece on the other side.
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As the Enterprise reaches the guts (so to speak) of the cloud, Scotty lets the bridge know the ship’s antimatter pods are being drained by the toll on the shields. McCoy surmises that the growths along the passage they’re traveling through might correspond to villi (which look a little sill-i; thank you Schoolhouse Rock!)
(Thanks to us chronicle)
Spock scans and finds out the villi (which look a little...oh, you get the point) are made of antimatter.
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The Enterprise shoots a piece of villi (do I even have to?) and beams it to the antimatter pods to recharge them, proving once and for all that It Takes A Villi.
While Kirk and Scotty deal with the villi, Spock’s scans find V’Ger’s the cloud’s brain, and debates if the cloud is intelligent. Kirk’s first thought is to blow it up (naturally) before the cloud reaches the colony, (Remember the colony? That’s why the Enterprise went after the cloud in the first place) but Spock is the voice of reason (of course) and reminds Kirk that the cloud is V’Ger a living being and they can’t just kill it willy-nilly.  Kirk reminds Spock that the lives of the many outweigh the lives of the few. (or something like that)
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Kirk’s conscience weighs on him about destroying V’Ger the cloud as Spock lays out where to aim their photon torpedoes. Fortunately, Spock takes the morality out of Kirk’s hands by saying the Enterprise’s entire allotment of photon torpedoes likely won’t kill it, but they could if they destroy the Enterprise.
Kirk and Spock devise a Treknobabble plan in which Spock is hooked to the sensors to establish a mild-meld of sorts to determine if V’Ger the cloud is intelligent enough to be convinced to not eat the colony.
(Thanks to CBS)
And so the colony is safe. Roll credits!
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months ago
Events 10.17 (before 1950)
690 – Empress Wu Zetian establishes the Zhou Dynasty of China. 1091 – London tornado of 1091: A tornado thought to be of strength T8/F4 strikes the heart of London. 1346 – The English capture King David II of Scotland at Neville's Cross and imprison him for eleven years. 1448 – An Ottoman army defeats a Hungarian army at the Second Battle of Kosovo. 1456 – The University of Greifswald is established as the second oldest university in northern Europe. 1534 – Anti-Catholic posters appear in Paris and other cities supporting Huldrych Zwingli's position on the Mass. 1558 – Poczta Polska, the Polish postal service, is founded. 1604 – Kepler's Supernova is observed in the constellation of Ophiuchus. 1610 – French king Louis XIII is crowned in Reims Cathedral. 1660 – The nine regicides who signed the death warrant of Charles I of England are hanged, drawn and quartered. 1662 – Charles II of England sells Dunkirk to Louis XIV of France for 40,000 pounds. 1713 – Great Northern War: Russia defeats Sweden in the Battle of Kostianvirta in Pälkäne. 1771 – Premiere in Milan of the opera Ascanio in Alba, composed by Mozart at age 15. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: British General John Burgoyne surrenders his army at Saratoga, New York. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: British General Charles, Earl Cornwallis surrenders at the Siege of Yorktown. 1800 – War of the Second Coalition: Britain takes control of the Dutch colony of Curaçao. 1806 – Former leader of the Haitian Revolution, Emperor Jacques I, is assassinated after an oppressive rule. 1811 – The silver deposits of Agua Amarga are discovered in Chile becoming in the following years instrumental for the Patriots to finance the Chilean War of Independence. 1814 – Eight people die in the London Beer Flood. 1850 – Riots start, which lead to a massacre in Aleppo. 1860 – First The Open Championship (referred to in North America as the British Open). 1861 – Aboriginal Australians kill nineteen Europeans in the Cullin-la-ringo massacre. 1907 – Marconi begins the first commercial transatlantic wireless service. 1912 – Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia declare war on the Ottoman Empire, joining Montenegro in the First Balkan War. 1919 – Leeds United F.C. founded at Salem Chapel, Holbeck after the winding up of Leeds City F.C. for making illegal payments to players during World War I. 1931 – Al Capone is convicted of income tax evasion. 1933 – Albert Einstein flees Nazi Germany and moves to the United States. 1940 – The body of Communist propagandist Willi Münzenberg is found in South France, starting a never-resolved mystery. 1941 – World War II: The USS Kearny becomes the first U.S. Navy vessel to be torpedoed by a U-boat. 1943 – The Burma Railway (Burma–Thailand Railway) is completed. 1943 – Nazi Holocaust in Poland: Sobibór extermination camp is closed. 1945 – A large demonstration in Buenos Aires, Argentina, demands Juan Perón's release.
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wahwealth · 9 months ago
Madge Evans, John Boles, Bruce Cabot | Sinners In Paradise (1938) Full M...
Sinners in Paradise is a 1938 US. South Seas adventure film directed by James Whale.  The stars of the movie are Madge Evans, John Boles, Bruce Cabot, Marion Martin, and Gene Lockhart. A passenger aircraft crashes in mid-Pacific and some of the survivors reach an island inhabited only by an American, Jim Taylor, with his Chinese servant, Ping. He declines to help them, telling them to build their own shelter and gather their own food and, though he has a boat and fuel, refusing to take them off. The reason why he wants to remain undisturbed, we learn, is that he is wanted for murder. In time his attitude to the intruders softens as they, despite endless bickering, manage to form a working community and he finds himself increasingly drawn to an attractive young nurse, Anne Wesson, who is running away from her husband. When the boat is prepared for a trip to civilization, two crooked businessmen from the party steal it with Ping on board. In a fight, he kills them both and, fatally wounded, brings the boat back. The rest can then escape. Cast Madge Evans as Anne Wesson John Boles as Jim Taylor Bruce Cabot as Robert Malone aka The Torpedo Marion Martin as Iris Compton Gene Lockhart as Sen. Corey Charlotte Wynters as Thelma Chase Nana Bryant as Mrs. Franklin Sydney Milburn Stone as Honeyman Don 'Red' Barry as Jessup (as Donald Barry) Morgan Conway as Harrison Brand Willie Fung as Ping Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 1 year ago
From September 4th to September 8th, 2023
HEAVENLY “Dust To Dust”; WILLIE NELSON “Willie Nelson Sings Kristofferson”; KREATOR “Pleasure To Kill”; TELEVISION PERSONALITIES “…And Don’t The Kids Just Love It”; SKYCLAD “Vintage Whine”; G.I.S.M. “Military Affairs Neurotic”; FRANKIE COSMOS “Vessels”; KRISTIN HERSH “Strange Angels”; THE HANDSOME FAMILY “In The Air”; LAVERN BAKER “LaVern”; THE AQUABATS “The Return Of The Aquabats”; SUN CITY GIRLS “Torch Of The Mystics”; BUTTHOLE SURFERS “Rembrandt Pussyhorse”; TAYLOR SWIFT “Lover”; YOUSSOU N’DOUR & LE SUPER ETOILE DE DAKAR “Immigres”; JOHN LEE HOOKER “Burning Hell”
THE VASELINES “The Way Of The Vaselines”; THE FLAMING LIPS “At War With The Mystics”; BIG DADDY KANE “Looks Like A Job For Big Daddy Kane”; HELLOWEEN “Keeper Of The Seven Keys – Part II”; BOBBY FREEMAN “Do You Wanna Dance?”; MERCURY REV “Yerself Is Steam”; AL GREEN “Have A Good Time”; MOVING HEARTS “The Storm”; THE BLACK KEYS “El Camino”; PRIMAL SCREAM “Sonic Flower Groove”; JENS LEKMAN “I Know What Love Isn’t”; LINKIN PARK “Hybrid Theory”; MARTINA TOPLEY-BIRD “Some Place Simple”
TOM PETTY & THE HEARTBREAKERS “Damn The Torpedoes”; THE OFFSPRING “Americana”; ZION TRAIN “Passage To Indica”; KRISTIN HERSH “Live At Maxwell’s”; KATHRYN TICKELL “Borderlands”; THE AQUABATS “The Fury Of The Aquabats!”; THE PLUGZ “Better Luck”; U-ROY “Dread In A Babylon”; MODEST MOUSE “We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank”; HORSLIPS “The Book Of Invasions: A Celtic Symphony”
VIOLENT FEMMES “Hallowed Ground”; THE FUTUREHEADS “The Chaos”; THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH “Welcome To The Beautiful South”; CHARLIE RICH “Lonely Weekends With Charlie Rich”; THE JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET “Do Your Own Thing”; ERASURE “The Circus”; BAD RELIGION “Suffer”; fun. “Some Nights”; BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN “Darkness On The Edge Of Town”; THE DECEMBERISTS “Castaways And Cutouts”; LITTLE SIMZ “GREY Area”; BLINK 182 “Enema Of The State”; NIGHTMARES ON WAX “Smoker’s Delight”; REUBEN WILSON “Blue Mode”; THE ONLY ONES “The Only Ones”; THE LEMONHEADS “Come On Feel The Lemonheads”; BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN “The River”; WANDA JACKSON “Wanda Jackson”
JULIAN COPE “Saint Julian”; SCOTT BRADLEE’S POSTMODERN JUKEBOX “OK Crooner”; DAVY SPILLANE “Pipedreams”; GREGORY ISAACS “Willow Tree”; THE JAM “Sound Affects”; CULTURE “Harder Than The Rest”
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