systastic · 2 months
if you're not too busy rn, could you do a level 2 headmate pack for a feminine kelpie? the vibes are the song "it will come back" by hozier. especially the following lyrics!
"Don't let me in with no intention to keep me
Jesus Christ, don't be kind to me
Honey, don't feed me, I will come back"
tysm!!!! :3 picrews of a humanoid form are okie. and for the more horse form, maybe some breed of draft horse?
yo. found a dope picture instead, so we went with that. plus u can buy this print and put it on ur wall (or in a system notebook). -🪻
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name :: loch, nellie, nori, leith, algea*, nosoi*, strygia*, pthisis**, achlys**, oizys**, lyssa**
age :: 65 (selkies have a lifespan of about 100 to 150 years!)
pronouns :: it/its, hy/hyr, mye/myr, ðe/ðim/ðir/ðirs (ð is pronounced "th")
roles :: conceptive (swamps, deep forests), memorative, library keeper, swimmer, controller, emotenoir (takes && dampens emotions), insider (first def.), mónosmalet
species :: kelpie
gender identity :: kelecoric, swampgender, gloomgender, plantintudom, willowgender
orientation :: abrosexual, heuromantic
source :: scottish myth/fairytale
aesthetic :: gloomcore, soft macabre, strega
appearance description :: nori’s base form is that of a large draft horse that is deep green in color. dark and stringy kelp-like hair hangs limp from its mane and tail. its teeth are skeletal, some appearing more like a carnivore’s than an herbivore, and its cheeks are see-through. nellie’s eyes are hollow and glow with a pale white color when mye uses myr powers. its human form may be either male or female; admittedly, it prefers the female form more, but both are viable for use. both of its human forms look alike: a handsome, attractive figure with sultry details to entice humans into coming closer. thin dark green hair hangs in ðir face, obscuring half of ðir features — but ðir beauty remains plain as day. lyssa will attract other headmates and pull them into hyr swamplands, either forcing them out of front, into dormancy, or into hyr personal area of headspace. those who are in hyr headspace find themselves with suppressed emotions and unable to leave until strygia allows them. additionally, being stuck in strygia’s headspace grants alters the ability to access memories that they did not previously know existed/have seen before. once returned to active headspace, the memories one has seen slowly fade from their mind until they are repressed once again.
personality description :: nosoi is mute — it does not speak in a human tongue nor will it attempt to write out words for others to understand. it prefers to stay silent, watching others as they do their tasks and observe the system’s normal functioning. it sometimes appears to be curious about headspace, poking and prodding at different levers and switches to see what happens. loch is curious on a fundamental level: it wants to know why things work the way they do, why things are set up in certain ways, and why people don’t seem to understand non-verbal communication. it operates through dragging people to its headspace and showing them memories it thinks they need to know before returning said headmate back to where they came from. in all truth, pthisis is an entity of mystery and occasional chaos; it does what it does to try and help, but its real motives are never quite understood even by those closest to it.
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image source here
* == name of a mythological species, be careful if using!
** == name of a god, be careful if using!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
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Twilight from Linked Universe is an autistic queer nebulagay aroaceflux OC-gender genderbruised scyphozian hydrangeaflux manegender libramasculine autigender windfishgender caedgender willowgender xumgender juxera trans nonbinary man with OCD, PTSD, and ADHD wh ouses he/him, stag/stags, they/them, ro/ros, ve/vym, xy/xyn, so/sol, it/its, rot/rots, and occasionally she/her pronouns! Stag changes stags pronouns depending on stags mood!
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autcore · 6 years
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Willowan describes someone who feels their gender to be softly fluid but inherently tied to nature. Willowans often have a neutral gender/gender element an anchor point from which they will fluctuate. The gender fluidity in willowgender can be subtle and occur over a longer period of time (months or seasons) and can be hard for the person experiencing it to notice. Willowgender often accompanies a neutral gender element or internal feeling of gender, even when this does not match the external gender presentation. The neutrality of willowgender is inherently linked to the earth and nature in that its fluctuations often occur alongside seasons, environment, and weather. Willowans will often feel most neutral in the forest. Like willow, this gender will bend away from its anchor gender but never fully break from it, always returning eventually.
Brown represents stability in that willowgender always returns to neutral eventually.
Green represent the ties to nature, as well as movement and growth.
Cream represents the neutrality that is a central part of the experience of this gender.
Grey-blue represents gentle fluidity, like that of a small stream.
Cream surrounds the grey-blue because this gender's neutrality surrounds and anchors its fluidity.
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mogaicore · 5 years
Hey if you're still making those characters please could you make some for tellusian and willowan (aka willowgender) thank youuu
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neopronouns · 5 years
Do you know any genders tied to rivers/streams, forests, sun/fire, and nature in general?
this got kind of long - under the cut! i’m sure i’ve missed some, so if none of these really fit, let me know!
rivers/streams:- brookletic: a small gender related to brooks and water- gendertorrent: a gender that feels like it flows like a river, ever changing but feeling similar. can be muddy, have rocks and moss in it, and other things that a river would contain- liquorfluix: a gender that’s fluid in nature and flows similarly to rivers/streams of liquid. however, the rate at which the stream “flows”, or changes genders, is flux - pannilegender: a gender related to all rivers in the world- rivusfluid: a gender that flows quickly and hastily, like a small stream- waflugender: a fluid gender that feels like a calm ocean at night when male, a raging river after a storm when female, and a frozen creek when nonbinary- wrenhavine: a gender associated with riverways and places where the rivers meet the ocean, fish and whales, ports and harbours, and the smells of brine and salt air
forests:- dasogender: a gender that is 3/4 some gender (boy, girl, neutrois, atrinary, etc) and 1/4 related to pine forests, moss, wet ground covered with leaves and cones, and feeling of comfort with your own being - dryagender: a form of agender with a connection to an open forest- genderforestis: a gender that feels like an open forest. It can be connected to fog, and may even feel “thick” or “cloudy at times - lysfirgender: a videgender / aesthetigender that, visually, is like a cold, clear night in a forest, the full moon and the stars overhead. may also be associated with wolves, streams, nature and (nature) magic - ouygender: a gender related to trees and wood- radyrine: a gender related to swedish forests, caribou, elks, mosses, lichens, and rocks. feels warm and quiet- silvafoginix: a gender that feels like fog over a forest- silvestrisbaonic: a gender that feels like it gradually gets lost, similar to a thick forest. eventually it may come out and is related to woods and sunsets - skogine: a gender related to cold, rainy and foggy forests and rains. feels isolated and covered
sun/fire:- aestasfluid: a fluid gender that beats down on other genders like the summer sun, and it can scorch small genders into nothing - ardorian: a typically female or feminine gender that feels warm and flame like. tends to fluctuate eagerly and with other genders - caldusgender: a gender that feels like its in a blast furnace. extremely fluid and unstable, and never seems to end - charredaxin: a hot gender that feels charred by other genders - cinderaxin: a hot gender that feels like the remains of another firegender- cumberhellenic: a gender that feels cumbersome and related to hell, fire, light, or heat mostly - dolchechaufgender: a gender that feels soft and warm like candlelight, sometimes flickering- emberfluid: a fluid gender that flows up like a flame only to disappear and “melt” like an ember- espegender: a gender that evolves from a connection to the sun or daylight- favillaegender: a gender that feels like burning embers. warm, charred and wispy, can also feel barely existent - feugender: only having/feeling a gender when the weather is warm- firegender: a fluidish gender in a constant state of flux, that never truly extinguishes. linked to passion, strength, and difference. can be destructive or beautiful. can burn if not handled properly. aesthetically linked to fire- flamarian: the definition of this one isn’t 100% clear, but i believe it’s a nonbinary gender that is tied to fire in the way that a solarian person’s gender would be tied to masculinity- flammaenine: a gender related to fire, hellish flames, scorching warmth, etc - fyrian: a slightly pangender gender related to fire, camping, winter, fireplaces, candles, and/or wind - genderamburo: a gender that feels slightly scorched- genderheat: a xenogender related to heat, light, fire, or anything that gives off heat/light - gendersidus: a gender that feels like it is on fire or close to the “sun” of the gender- gendersolisaquae: a gender that is calm and peaceful, and related to the sun reflecting on the ocean waves - heliogender: similar to agender, a gender with a strong sensation of warmth a genderlessness- hestigender: a gender associated with fire/flames, calm, love and warmth. named for the goddess hestia - ignisfluid: a fluid gender that flares up like fire sometimes, only to flow back down to quietness - ijusgender: a gender related to candles- innerfiraxin: a hot gender that feels like the inner part of a flame/fire. it is very hot and can destroy other genders - midfiraxin: a gender that feels like the middle of a flame/fire. it is significantly warmer but not hot enough - nisgender: an exemgender (pokemon type gender) related to the fire type; a xenogender that is animalistic and otherworldly with a strong connection to fire- outerfiraxin: a gender that feels like the outer part of a fire. it is hot, but not as hot as other parts- pyrogender: a gender that feels like fire- pyroshift: a gender that acts as a flame. can flicker to feeling varying degrees of masculine and/or feminine for short periods of time, yet it generally settles right back down into a neutral, burning, and calm state. the intensity of the gender you feel shifts with how hot this flame is - solflackine: a gender related to sunspots, sunlight, warm, calm spring days, arid deserts, clean air, and yellows. feels warm, and somewhat blocked out - soligender: a gender related to heat, warmth, summer, brightness, etc- solusia:  a gender that feels fiery, but small like a small sun/star- sommeragender: a gender like summer, related to it, its attributes, etc. warm, soft, “sunny”, refreshing and clear. vast and ever growing - sonnegender: a gender related to the sun; a gender influenced by the sun/by the placement of the sun in the sky; may be stronger during the day and on sunny days; a gender influenced by a kintype to the sun; a gender related to the greek/roman god apollo, greek god helios, roman god sol, or any other sun deity; a gender influenced by one’s devotion to any of the aforementioned gods; a gender that can be otherwise explained or identified using the sun- sungender: a gender that is warm and happy- sunigender: a gender related to the sun and sunflowers- sunnyuso: a gender related to crisp and sunny weather- sunrainbuso: a gender related to sunshine and rainbows, and feels calm and peaceful
general nature:- naturogender: an aesthetigender tied to nature in some way; often used as an umbrella term for all nature-related genders- biogender: a gender related to nature in some way- earthgender: a gender identity that is directly affected, tied to, or influenced by the earth or nature; a gender identity similar to/the same as that of some form of earth deity. - mulchian: a gender that has bits of other genders mixed in, but overall has a nature-related energy- naturaefluid: fluid between nature genders- willowan: someone who feels their gender to be softly fluid but inherently tied to nature.  often have a neutral gender/gender element an anchor point from which they will fluctuate. the fluidity in willowgender can be subtle and occur over a longer period of time (months or seasons) and can be hard for the person experiencing it to notice. often accompanies a neutral gender element or internal feeling of gender, even when this does not match the external gender presentation. the neutrality of this gender is inherently linked to the earth and nature in that its fluctuations often occur alongside seasons, environment, and weather. willowans will often feel most neutral in the forest. like willow, this gender will bend away from its anchor gender but never fully break from it, always returning eventually - worlgender: a gender that feels connected to the earth and its nature
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
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As a human, Kite from Hunter x Hunter was a tigerkin autistic gay asexual genderbruised willowgender trans man with ADHD inattentive type, anxiety, and depression who used he/him and stag/stags pronouns! When reborn as a Chimera Ant, he had an identity change and is now an autistic trans arthos genderfluid Chimera Ant with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and PTSD who uses they/them, she/her, he/him, hie/hym, and ro/ros pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
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Princess Zelda from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is a demiromantic asexual genderlaino Hylian who uses fae/faer, angel/angels, vi/violet, and mist/mists pronouns! Vi is in a relationship with Link, a willowgender boy who does not feel enough of a connection to the idea of feeling attraction aside from his love for Zelda to label his orientation and uses he/him and stag/stags pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
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Wild from Linked Universe is an autistic nebulagay fascigender autigender huntergender fiercedeitic majoric zombifisgender faroric vastusfluid person with PTSD, ADHD, and bipolar disorder who uses they/them, he/him, it/its, she/her, vei/veir, and thon/thons pronouns! He’s closest to Twilight, an autistic pansexual xumgender bordergender aclarus willowgender autigender stardustgender faroric drizzlix lazuligender trans man with PTSD, BPD, ADHD, and OCD who uses he/him, they/them, and xe/xem pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
Twilight from Linked Universe is an autistic aroflux asexual nebulagay queer ocgender genderbruised schyphozian hydrangeaflux manegender libramasculine autigender windfishgender caedgender willowgender xumgender juxera trans nonbinary man with ocd, ptsd, and adhd who uses he/him, stag/stags, they/them, ro/ros, ve/vym, xy/xyn, so/sol, it/its, rot/rots, and occasionally she/her pronouns. Stag changes stags pronouns depending on stags mood. (hhhhh I'm still Scared about requesting off anon dfkgjdf)
Ok so I requested a LU headcanon, Twilight, and I was wondering if- if it does have him as ace and aroflux- you could change it to aroaceflux? Or whatever it has it as, can you change it to have him aroaceflux (or aroflux and aceflux)?
queued!! (also, if anyone tries to make fun of you for requesting here, i can and will fight them fjdgkjkd)
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
Wild from Linked Universe is an autistic fascigender autigender huntergender fiercedeitic majoric zombifisgender faroric vastusfluid nebulagay person with cptsd, adhd, and bipolar disorder who uses they/them, he/him, it/its, she/her, vei/veir and thon/thons pronouns! He's closest with Twilight, an autistic xumgender bordergender aclarus willowgender autigender stardustgender faroric drizzlix lazuligender pansexual trans man with ptsd, bpd, adhd and ocd who uses he/him, they/them and xe/xem!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
Kite from Hunter x Hunter (as a human) was an autistic gay asexual genderbruised willowgender tigerkin trans man with adhd(pi), anxiety and depression who used he/him and stag/stags pronouns. When reborn as a Chimera Ant, Kite ended up having an identity change and now is an autistic arthos trans genderfluid Chimera Ant who uses they/them, she/her, he/him, hie/hym and ro/ros pronouns and has adhd, anxiety, depression and ptsd!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
Zelda from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is a demiromantic asexual genderlaino Hylian who uses fae/faer, angel/angelself, vi/violet/violetself and mist/mistself. Vi is in a relationship with Link, a willowgender boy who uses he/him and stag/stagself pronouns and does not feel enough connection to the idea of feeling attraction aside from being in love with Zelda to label his.
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