#willie hale
plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
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PHOTO: Jimmy “Bo” Horne - Clean Up Man (Alston)
wrt. Clarence Reid & Willie Hale, 1972.
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shipping-world1994 · 4 months
Stiles, shoots something
Derek: Feel better?
Stiles: Yeah, do you wanna go get pancakes?
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unluckyprime · 2 years
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how about it guys . how we feeling today
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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welcome to the horror fest! where your dreams and nightmares will come to life! choose a path and delve into their stories!
I would like to give a big thanks to @alovecraft and @royalsweetteaa for helping me with this!!
೫˚💀❀ *ૢ🔮೫˚🧟‍♂️
೫˚💀❀ *ૢ🔮೫˚🧟‍♂️
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raemeh · 2 years
Guys I don’t think Anthony is cruel enough to be like “ok all your dads are dead when you weren’t looking :D”
As a writer off screen characters deaths seems shitty to me. If it’s hinted beforehand then I don’t see a problem with it but it’d be a terrible move to just be like “Grant’s dead. Your dad that has been training his entire life to defeat his dude. Yea he’s dead”
Is he badly injured? Probably.
what I think what happened is that Willy probably got in a fight with Grant, Hermie and May Opened up the door to see what was happening. Willy as soon as the door opened ran. Grant ran after him as May Hales unfroze the others. Willy managed to escape before the others could get to him.
If he stayed around to fight he probably wouldn’t have gotten away in the first place. Willy’s more brains than brawn, sure yea he has muscle but he’s also been “alive” for 80+ years. I don’t think he can do fight 1v3. (Or 1v6 if May hales did unfreeze the others)
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biscuitfacegrey · 2 years
*breathing very heavily* I,,, did it. After 6 hours and 57 minutes of working on a doodle page, I did it. Maybe I’m spending too long on these. Eh. Merry Christler
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sapphireginger · 1 year
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Chocolatey Hate but Wolfy Love
AO3 Link
Stiles spent hours every day after school searching all the chocolate bars he could find. He’d bought the entire stock at the grocery store in the hopes of finding a golden ticket.
Late Friday evening, just after ticket number three had been found, Derek came home to find Stiles on the floor of their bedroom with dozens of chocolate bars stacked neatly on a tray next to him. He was now sluggishly picking up the wrappers with a frown on his face while listening to the announcer give the newest winner’s name.
Stiles looked up at Derek, tears of frustration forming in his eyes. “I know it’s stupid, okay? I just thought that maybe I’d get one. It was worth a shot.”
Derek’s heart broke but Stiles quickly went to bed. Derek was determined to find a golden ticket for Stiles.
It may have taken him an entire day, and spending a few hours with his Uncle Peter but it was worth it. Derek handed Stiles the ticket and Stiles’s eyes went wide in shock. “Der? How? You hate chocolate.”
Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles and buried his nose against his mate’s neck. “Mhmm, but I love you.”
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daphnalia · 2 years
hermie being left alone for two months was arguably the saddest thing in this episode
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brokenpiecesshine · 2 years
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Joe Hottinger on Instagram, 03/03/2023.
Lzzy N Willie 4 Eva.
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moviesandmania · 7 days
THE SMILING GHOST Reviews of comedy horror
The Smiling Ghost is a 1941 American comedy horror film directed by Lewis Seiler from a screenplay by Kenneth Gamet based on a story by Stuart Palmer. The Warner Bros. production stars Wayne Morris, Alexis Smith, Alan Hale, Brenda Marshall and Willie Best. Plot: Elderly Mrs Bentley and her lawyer see a newspaper ad from an unemployed and unmarried engineer seeking work doing “anything legal.” The…
0 notes
reasoningdaily · 1 year
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NEWBERN, Ala. — There’s a power struggle in Newbern, Alabama, and the rural town’s first Black mayor is at war with the previous administration who he says locked him out of Town Hall.
After years of racist harassment and intimidation, Patrick Braxton is fed up, and in a federal civil rights lawsuit he is accusing town officials of conspiring to deny his civil rights and his position because of his race.
“When I first became mayor, [a white woman told me] the town was not ready for a Black mayor,” Braxton recalls.
The town is 85% Black, and 29% of Black people here live below the poverty line. 
“What did she mean by the town wasn’t ready for a Black mayor? They, meaning white people?” Capital B asked.
“Yes. No change,” Braxton says.
Decades removed from a seemingly Jim Crow South, white people continue to thwart Black political progress by refusing to allow them to govern themselves or participate in the country’s democracy, several residents told Capital B. While litigation may take months or years to resolve, Braxton and community members are working to organize voter education, registration, and transportation ahead of the 2024 general election.
But the tension has been brewing for years. 
Two years ago, Braxton says he was the only volunteer firefighter in his department to respond to a tree fire near a Black person’s home in the town of 275 people. As Braxton, 57, actively worked to put out the fire, he says, one of his white colleagues tried to take the keys to his fire truck to keep him from using it.
In another incident, Braxton, who was off duty at the time, overheard an emergency dispatch call for a Black woman experiencing a heart attack. He drove to the fire station to retrieve the automated external defibrillator, or AED machine, but the locks were changed, so he couldn’t get into the facility. He raced back to his house, grabbed his personal machine, and drove over to the house, but he didn’t make it in time to save her. Braxton wasn’t able to gain access to the building or equipment until the Hale County Emergency Management Agency director intervened, the lawsuit said. 
“I have been on several house fires by myself,” Braxton says. “They hear the radio and wouldn’t come. I know they hear it because I called dispatch, and dispatch set the tone call three or four times for Newbern because we got a certain tone.”
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Not only has he been locked out of the town hall and fought fires alone, but he’s been followed by a drone and unable to retrieve the town’s mail and financial accounts, he says. Rather than concede, Haywood “Woody” Stokes III, the former white mayor, along with his council members, reappointed themselves to their positions after ordering a special election that no one knew about. 
Braxton is suing them, the People’s Bank of Greensboro, and the postmaster at the U.S. Post Office. 
For at least 60 years, there’s never been an election in the town. Instead, the mantle has been treated as a “hand me down” by the small percentage of white residents, according to several residents Capital B interviewed. After being the only one to submit qualifying paperwork and statement of economic interests, Braxton became the mayor.
Stokes and his council — which consists of three white people (Gary Broussard, Jesse Leverett, Willie Tucker) and one Black person (Voncille Brown Thomas) — deny any wrongdoing in their response to the amended complaint filed on April 17. They also claim qualified immunity, which protects state and local officials from individual liability from civil lawsuits.
The attorneys for all parties, including the previous town council, the bank, and Lynn Thiebe, the postmaster at the post office, did not respond to requests for comment.
The town where voting never was
Over the past 50 years, Newbern has held a majority Black population. The town was incorporated in 1854 and became known as a farm town. The Great Depression and the mechanization of the cotton industry contributed to Newbern’s economic and population decline, according to the Encyclopedia of Alabama.
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Today, across Newbern’s 1.2 square miles sits the town hall and volunteer fire department constructed by Auburn’s students, an aging library, U.S. Post Office, and Mercantile, the only store there, which Black people seldom frequent because of high prices and a lack of variety of products, Braxton says.
“They want to know why Black [people] don’t shop with them. You don’t have nothin’ the Black [people] want or need,” he says. “No gasoline. … They used to sell country-time bacon and cheese and souse meat. They stopped selling that because they say they didn’t like how it feel on their hands when they cuttin’ the meat.”
To help unify the town, Braxton began hosting annual Halloween parties for the children, and game day for the senior citizens. But his efforts haven’t been enough to stop some people from moving for better jobs, industry, and quality of life. 
Residents say the white town leaders have done little to help the predominantly Black area thrive over the years. They question how the town has spent its finances, as Black residents continue to struggle. Under the American Rescue Plan Act, Newbern received $30,000, according to an estimated funding sheet by Alabama Democratic U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell, but residents say they can’t see where it has gone. 
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At the First Baptist Church of Newbern, Braxton, three of his selected council members — Janice Quarles, 72, Barbara Patrick, 78, and James Ballard, 76 — and the Rev. James Williams, 77, could only remember two former mayors: Robert Walthall, who served as mayor for 44 years, and Paul Owens, who served on the council for 33 years and mayor for 11.
“At one point, we didn’t even know who the mayor was,” Ballard recalls.  “If you knew somebody and you was white, and your grandfather was in office when he died or got sick, he passed it on down to the grandson or son, and it’s been that way throughout the history of Newbern.”
Quarles agreed, adding: “It took me a while to know that Mr. Owens was the mayor. I just thought he was just a little man cleaning up on the side of the road, sometimes picking up paper. I didn’t know until I was told that ‘Well, he’s the mayor now.’” 
Braxton mentioned he heard of a Black man named Mr. Hicks who previously sought office years ago.
“This was before my time, but I heard Mr. Hicks had won the mayor seat and they took it from him the next day [or] the next night,” Braxton said. “It was another Black guy, had won years ago, and they took it from.”
“I hadn’t heard that one,” Ballard chimes in, sitting a few seats away from Braxton.
“How does someone take the seat from him, if he won?” Capital B asked.
“The same way they’re trying to do now with Mayor Braxton,” Quarles chuckled. “Maybe at that time — I know if it was Mr. Hicks — he really had nobody else to stand up with him.”
Despite the rumor, what they did know for sure: There was never an election, and Stokes had been in office since 2008.
The costs to challenging the white power structure
After years of disinvestment, Braxton’s frustrations mounted at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when he says Stokes refused to commemorate state holidays or hang up American flags. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the majority-white council failed to provide supplies such as disinfectant, masks, and humidifiers to residents to mitigate the risks of contracting the virus.
Instead of waiting, Braxton made several trips to neighboring Greensboro, about 10 miles away, to get food and other items to distribute to Black and white residents. He also placed signs around town about vaccination. He later found his signs had been destroyed and put in “a burn pile,” he said.
After years of unmet needs of the community, Braxton decided to qualify for mayor. Only one Black person — Brown Thomas, who served with Stokes —has ever been named to the council. After Braxton told Stokes, the acting mayor, his intention to run, the conspiracy began, the lawsuit states. 
According to the lawsuit, Stokes gave Braxton the wrong information on how to qualify for mayor. Braxton then consulted with the Alabama Conference of Black Mayors, and the organization told him to file his statement of candidacy and statement of the economic interests with the circuit clerk of Hale County and online with the state, the lawsuit states. Vickie Moore, the organization’s executive director, said it also guided Braxton on how to prepare for his first meeting and other mayoral duties. 
Moore, an Alabama native and former mayor of Slocomb, said she has never heard of other cases across the state where elected officials who have never been elected are able to serve. This case with Braxton is “racism,” she said.
“The true value of a person can’t be judged by the color of their skin, and that’s what’s happening in this case here, and it’s the worst racism I’ve ever seen,” Moore said. “We have fought so hard for simple rights. It’s one of the most discouraging but encouraging things because it encourages us to continue to move forward … and continue to fight.”
Political and legal experts say what’s happening in Newbern is rare, but the tactics to suppress Black power aren’t, especially across the South. From tampering with ballot boxes to restricting reading material, “the South has been resistant to all types of changes” said Emmitt Riley III, associate professor of political science and Africana Studies at The University of the South.
“This is a clear case of white [people] attempting to seize and maintain political power in the face of someone who went through the appropriate steps to qualify and to run for office and by default wins because no one else qualified,” Riley added. “This raises a number of questions about democracy and a free and fair system of governance.”
Riley mentioned a different, but similar case in rural Greenwood, Mississippi. Sheriel Perkins, a longtime City Council member, became the first Black female mayor in 2006, serving for only two years. She ran again in 2013 and lost by 206 votes to incumbent Carolyn McAdams, who is white. Perkins contested the results, alleging voter fraud. White people allegedly paid other white people to live in the city in order to participate in the election and cast a legal vote, Riley said. In that case, the state Supreme Court dismissed the case and “found Perkins presented no evidence” that anyone voted illegally in a precinct, but rather it was the election materials that ended up in the wrong precincts.
“It was also on record that one white woman got on the witness stand and said, ‘I came back to vote because I was contacted to vote by X person.’ I think you see these tactics happening all across the South in local elections, in particular,” Riley said. “It becomes really difficult for people to really litigate these cases because in many cases it goes before the state courts, and state courts have not been really welcoming to overturning elections and ordering new elections.” 
Another example: Camilla, Georgia. 
In 2015, Rufus Davis was elected as the first Black male mayor of rural, predominantly Black Camilla. In 2017, the six-person City Council — half Black and half white — voted to deny him a set of keys to City Hall, which includes his office. Davis claimed the white city manager, Bennett Adams, had been keeping him from carrying out his mayoral duties. 
The next year, Davis, along with Black City Council member Venterra Pollard, boycotted the city’s meetings because of “discrimination within the city government,” he told a local news outlet. Some of the claims included the absence of Black officers in the police department, and the city’s segregated cemetery, where Black people cannot be buried next to white people. (The wire fence that divided the cemetery was taken down in 2018). In 2018, some citizens of the small town of about 5,000 people wanted to remove Davis from office and circulated a petition that garnered about 200 signatures. In 2019, he did not seek re-election for office.
“You’re not the mayor” 
After being the only person to qualify and submit proper paperwork for any municipal office, Braxton became mayor-elect and the first Black mayor in Newbern’s history on July 22, 2020.
Following the announcement, Braxton appointed members to join his council, consistent with the practice of previous leadership. He asked both white and Black people to serve, he said, but the white people told him they didn’t want to get involved.
The next month, Stokes and the former council members, Broussard, Leverett, Brown Thomas, and Tucker, called a secret meeting to adopt an ordinance to conduct a special election on Oct. 6 because they “allegedly forgot to qualify as candidates,” according to the lawsuit, which also alleges the meeting was not publicized. The defendants deny this claim, but admit to filing statements of candidacy to be elected at the special election, according to their response to an amended complaint filed on their behalf.
Because Stokes and his council were the only ones to qualify for the Oct. 6 election, they reappointed themselves as the town council. On Nov. 2, 2020, Braxton and his council members were sworn into office and filed an oath of office with the county probate judge’s office. Ten days later, the city attorney’s office executed an oath of office for Stokes and his council. 
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After Braxton held his first town meeting in November, Stokes changed the locks to Town Hall to keep him and his council from accessing the building. For months, the two went back and forth on changing the locks until Braxton could no longer gain access. At some point, Braxton says he discovered all official town records had been removed or destroyed, except for a few boxes containing meeting minutes and other documents.
Braxton also was prevented from accessing the town’s financial records with the People’s Bank of Greensboro and the city clerk, and obtaining mail from the town’s post office. At every turn, he was met with a familiar answer: “You’re not the mayor.” Separately, he’s had drones following him to his home and mother’s home and had a white guy almost run him off the road, he says. 
Braxton asserts he’s experienced these levels of harassment and intimidation to keep him from being the mayor, he said. 
“Not having the Lord on your side, you woulda’ gave up,” he told Capital B.
‘Ready to fire away’ 
In the midst of the obstacles, Braxton kept pushing. He partnered with LaQuenna Lewis, founder of Love Is What Love Does, a Selma-based nonprofit focused on enriching the lives of disadvantaged people in Dallas, Perry, and Hale counties through such means as food distribution, youth programming, and help with utility bills. While meeting with Braxton, Lewis learned more about his case and became an investigator with her friend Leslie Sebastian, a former advocacy attorney based in California. 
The three began reviewing thousands of documents from the few boxes Braxton found in Town Hall, reaching out to several lawyers and state lawmakers such as Sen. Bobby Singleton and organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center. No one wanted to help.
When the white residents learned Lewis was helping Braxton, she, too, began receiving threats early last year. She received handwritten notes in the mail with swastikas and derogatory names such as the n-word and b-word. One of theletters had a drawing of her and Braxton being lynched. 
Another letter said they had been watching her at the food distribution site and hoped she and Braxton died. They also made reference to her children, she said. Lewis provided photos of the letters, but Capital B will not publish them. In October, Lewis and her children found their house burned to the ground. The cause was undetermined, but she thinks it may have been connected.
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Lewis, Sebastian, and Braxton continued to look for attorneys that would take the case. Braxton filed a complaint in Alabama’s circuit court last November, but his attorney at the time stopped answering his calls. In January, they found a new attorney, Richard Rouco, who filed an amended complaint in federal court.
“He went through a total of five attorneys prior to me meeting them last year, and they pretty much took his money. We ran into some big law firms who were supposed to help and they kind of misled him,” Lewis says. 
Right now, the lawsuit is in the early stages, Rouco says, and the two central issues of the case center on whether the previous council with Stokes were elected as they claim and if they gave proper notice.
Braxton and his team say they are committed to still doing the work in light of the lawsuit. Despite the obstacles, Braxton is running for mayor again in 2025. Through AlabamaLove.org, the group is raising money to provide voter education and registration, and address food security and youth programming. Additionally, they all hope they can finally bring their vision of a new Newbern to life.
For Braxton, it’s bringing grocery and convenience stores to the town. Quarles wants an educational and recreational center for children. Williams, the First Baptist Church minister, wants to build partnerships to secure grants in hopes of getting internet and more stores.
“I believe we done put a spark to the rocket, and it’s going [to get ready] to fire away,” Williams says at his church. “This rocket ready to fire away, and it’s been hovering too long.”
Correction: In Newbern, Alabama, 29% of the Black population lives below the poverty line. An earlier version of this story misstated the percentage
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taylortruther · 29 days
no one asked, but here are my thoughts on the short stories in that poll, because i re-read all of them:
the lottery by shirley jackson - a classic. brutal and effective.
lamb to the slaughter by roald dahl - a satisfying little story just like a nice supper. i didn't find it super creepy, even though the act of e***** the m***** w***** is pretty creepy in itself. love roald dahl, not his best work.
the veldt by ray bradbury - the screams! i love the almost dark willy wonka-esque conflict, with this magical machine that has terrible consequences if misused (and the game is a bit rigged.) love how timeless it is.
the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman - classic for a reason. it's incredible how the writing makes you feel sick, as if you too are stuck in this hideous yellow wallpaper.
the monsters are due on maple street by rod serling - i don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen or read it (also, is this even a "short story"? all i found was the episode and a script) but i love how this and the veldt describe the thin line between civilization and barbarity.
a jury of her peers by susan glaspell - probably my favorite of this particular set of stories. the small details, the shared glances between women. the way mrs. hale asks, "why do we know--what we know? and they don't?"... is there any stronger question to ask about misogyny?
where are you going, where have you been by joyce carol oates - unbelievably creepy, made my blood run cold when i read it. oates is a master at eerie understatement. it's like you can feel something terrible is going to happen long before it happens, and you are stuck between wanting to save her, and wanting it to be over with.
the cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe - other poe stories are creepier, but i DID enjoy the background where this was a response to a literary rival. also, the imagery of his coat of arms! this made me miss english class.
i have no mouth and i must scream by harlan ellison - okay, obviously creepy and unsettling as hell. i always thought the writing, from the narrator's pov, felt a little too "normal" considering everything that has happened to them. also hate how ellen is described. but a very good, extremely creepy story regardless. also an interesting old video game to watch on youtube.
in the penal colony by franz kafka - i hadn't read this one before, and it's funny, i saw the ending coming but in an entirely different way. the religious allegory felt obvious, but i'm still chewing on it.
the jaunt by stephen king - this has inspired many a classic creepypasta. i love how king can just reel you in and bounces back and forth between present and past, in dialogue and in narration. and this is like the perfect amount of "science" in a sci-fi story, imo. it feels legitimate, but not overwhelming in detail (they're all great at it, but king feels more technical, probably due to being the most modern writer on here.) the twist got me!
also interesting to see how many classic short stories play with the distinction between civility and barbarity (honorable mention to the most dangerous game here, especially) and the mundane cruelty of humanity (hm to all summer in a day, which was mentioned A LOT in the tags.)
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fruityforsaari · 1 month
Mass Shooter's BMI's at or near the time of their crimes: (update)
This post serves as an update to my last post on the same subject, which had a few errors that needed to be corrected. My earlier post failed to include any sources which contributed to some of these inaccuracies. I have now provided where I have sourced the BMIs from at the bottom of the list.
Adam Lanza (lowest claim): 11.5
Adam Lanza: 15.2
William Atchison: 15.7
Devon Erickson: 15.8
Robert Crimo III: 16.7
Brenda Spencer: 17.0
Randy Stair: 17.1
Dylann Roof: 17.7
Dylan Klebold: 18.4
Elliot Rodger: 18.5
Nikolas Cruz: 18.8
Eric Harris: 20.3
Salvador Ramos: 20.5
Audrey Hale: 21.9
Travis Reinking: 21.9
Patrick Purdy: 22.2
Connor Sturgeon: 22.5
Alec McKinney: 23.0
Payton Gendron: 23.0
Mauricio Garcia: 23.6
Omar Mateen: 24.3
Devin Kelley: 25.1
Micah Johnson: 26.8
Christian Marper-Mercer: 27.2
Stephen Paddock: 27.4
Brenton Tarrant: 31.5
Nathan Gale: 31.8
Connor Betts: 32.1
Jeff Weise: 33.9
Bruce Pardo: 34.0
Adam Lanza: https://www.boston25news.com/news/fbi-docs-shed-disturbing-new-light-on-sandy-hook-killer-adam-lanza/629687169/ (claim)
Adam Lanza: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/22/nyregion/before-newtown-shootings-adam-lanzas-mental-problems-completely-untreated-report-says.html
Devon Erickson: https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/18th_Judicial_District/18th_Courts/2019CR451/Redated%20PC_Redacted.pdf
William Atchison: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/atchison,%20william_report.pdf (Willy was the only claim I couldn't verify, take it as you will)
Robert Crimo III: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/vrjost/wanted_poster_for_robert_e_crimo_iii_the_suspect/
Brenda Spencer: https://medium.com/the-wicked-truth/the-first-female-school-shooter-in-the-u-s-said-she-did-it-because-she-didnt-like-mondays-6a870c45b33a (previous source was multiple claims of height being 5’2” and weight being 85lbs.)
Randy Stair: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/stair_journal_1.0.pdf (self reported) (page 64)
Dylann Roof: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DYLANN-ROOF-JAIL-RECORDS.pdf (page 2)
Dylan Klebold: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/dylan_klebold_autopsy.pdf
Elliot Rodger: https://i.looksmax.org/attachments/2023/01/3260596_Elliot_Rodgers_autopsy_report.pdf (page 1)
Eric Harris: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/eric_harris_autopsy.pdf (page 2) (his weight was an estimation)
Nikolas Cruz: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/w4wttx/nikolas_cruz_police_report/#lightbox (found a better source)
Audrey Hale: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/hale,%20audrey_report.pdf (page 3)
Travis Reinking: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/sibd2x/the_crane_license_and_drivers_license_of/
Patrick Purdy: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/Purdy%20-%20official%20report.pdf
Connor Sturgeon: https://louisville-police.org/DocumentCenter/View/3643/23-103-Old-National-Bank-Shooting-Investigation---Redacted
Alec McKinney: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/1d46t09/the_updated_inmate_profiles_of_alec_mckinney_and/ (Only Alec McKinney though)
Payton Gendron: https://wealthyspy.com/payton-gendron/
Omar Mateen: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/mateen,%20omar_report.pdf (page 4)
Christian Harper-Mercer: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/wtl6ng/harpermercer_driver_license_harpermercer_would/
Brenton Tarrant: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/ox73st/brenton_tarrants_height_and_weight_as_at/
Nathan Gale: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/gale,%20nathan_report.pdf (page 3)
Connor Betts: https://www.scribd.com/document/517385637/Dayton-Shooting-Autopsy-Reports (page 11)
Jeff Weise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Lake_shootings
Bruce Pardo: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/pardo,%20bruce_report.pdf (page 4)
Paddock/Ramos/Garcia/Johnson/Kelley: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/17w444i/texas_dmv_records_for_several_shooters/
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What would the Light-who-is-now-Bella think of the rest of the Cullens? Would he try to interact with any of them more than Bella did?
Anon's referring to this post.
Light's channeling Ben Affleck smoking a cigarette when it comes to this entire reincarnation thing, the Cullens are no exception to that.
When Edward confesses to having gone on a four-year bender of murderers and rapists Light gives him a long stare thinking, "If this is a veiled criticism of me, I'll neither hear it nor acknowledge it" as it's looking like whoever or whatever dumped him in this place is making fun of him and his feelings of while it's all well and good for Light to kill off criminals willy-nilly he strongly objects to anyone else doing it.
(Not to mention, of course, Edward being Edward and saying everything he says at any moment.)
As for the rest of the Cullens, Light think they're yokai, and while he supposes it's admirable they're trying to not eat people and all and live among mankind he doesn't see the point in it. It's a lot easier not to eat people if you don't fucking live among people, and Light, a person who holds himself to ridiculous emotional standards that he doesn't even live up to himself, would view the Cullens very poorly for not being hermits in the wilderness and Carlisle for turning the lot of them. Carlisle's record might be clean, but he's enabled the murders of hundreds in turning Edward alone.
Rosalie he's a little more understanding of as she went after her own rapists in a world without Kira where no justice would be given to her otherwise and there undoubtedly would have been more victims. Good on you, Rosalie Hale. However, bad on you Rosalie Hale being so lonely you turned yourself a lover who then proceeded to eat innocent people.
And bad on this entire fucking family for either a) enabling Edward Cullen as Alice clearly knows his every possible move b) being so fucking stupid they don't see what's happening.
Light feels like he's in a sitcom written by Ryuk (that, I'm sure, is one of his running theories in his more depressed moments because somewhere, Ryuk is laughing very hard at all of this).
He would not try to interact with them more than Bella did because a) they'll eat him b) he hates all of them.
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rocketboots564 · 1 month
OC Info and Mood Board
Here’s a Mood Board and OC Info for a Teen Wolf OC of mine: Enrico Mahealani
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Enrico Mahealani: Enrico is a curious, clever, and sophisticated kid, and is a close relative of Danny Mahealani. He moves in with Danny after he decides to move back to Beacon Hills (this is during/after the Teen Wolf Movie). With an obsession for criminology and incredible psychic powers to boot, he excels in criminal investigation and forensic analysis. Despite being an awkward teenager haunted by dead, he strives to use his gifts and skills to become a detective…. even if that means occasionally getting in the way of police work, and dragging Eli Hale into his investigations with or without his permission…. May god rest Sheriff Stilinski’s stressed out soul.
Appearance: Enrico has tanned, moderately brown skin with short, wavy yet slightly spiky black hair. Paired with his dark brown eyes and semi-formal style, he often exudes the look of a private academy student mixed with a scraggly noir detective, even sporting his own overcoat (but no fedora. He’s more of a fisherman’s cap guy anyway)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 15-16
Height & Weight: 5’10ft / 177lb
Nationality: Hawaiian/Cuban-American
Species: Human Psychic
Powers: communication with the dead, astral projection, semi-clairvoyance, slight magic prowess
Personality: Enrico has a sophisticated yet casual way of presenting himself. Sure, he talks like a debate team mixed with a poetry teacher, but he’s not very outspoken and rather quiet at times. However, he is exceptionally blunt and straightforward, oftentimes getting straight to the point when talking.
Other Info: Enrico is the son of one of Danny’s Cousin. Technically first cousin once removed, which I simplify to just “relative”
He’s known about his abilities from a very young age, but doesn’t mention them due to being sent to several doctors and therapists, all trying to diagnose him. In his words, “Concern arises when you tell people you can see the dead”
Enrico was orphaned, moving in with Danny after loosing his father due to disease. He lost his mother years before in a car wreck.
He occasionally enjoys botany, and likes growing scorpion grasses, as well as tomato plants
Out of all the dead people who communicate with him in Beacon Hills, the ones he connects with the most is Erica, Boyd, and occasionally Derek, who he often sees in small flashes watching over Eli. He wishes to know why they’re so important, and why they continue to show up.
Music: a list of songs that give off Enrico’s vibe
Pursing My True Self - Persona 4
Space Cowboy - Jamiroquai
Heaven - Persona 4
Duvet - Bôa
Qué Será - Willie Colon
Memories of You - Persona 3
Face Claim
Model - Jose Oliva
Source - Ron Reyes on Twitter (fair warning, their photography is rather provocative, but good!)
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@fionajames thank you so much for the kind words I’d be glad to tag you in any other posts I make about him.
Some of this stuff you’ve seen already, but I hope you enjoy what’s new
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js-a-writer · 1 year
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People I Write For :
Stranger Things
El Hopper (fem, gn, male)
Max Mayfield (fem, gn, male)
Dustin Henderson (fem, gn)
Will Byers (gn, male)
Lucas Sinclaire (fem, gn, male)
Mike Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Steve Harrington (fem, gn, male)
Nancy Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Munson (fem, gn, male)
Robin Buckley (fem, gn)
Billy Hargrove (fem, gn)
Sidney Prescott (fem, gn, male)
Randy Meeks (fem, gn)
Tatem Riley (fem, gn male)
Stu Macher (fem, gn)
Billy Loomis (fem, gn)
Derek Feldman (fem, gn)
Mark Kincaid (fem, gn)
Kirby Reed (fem, gn, male)
Marnie Cooper (fem, gn, male)
Amber Freeman (fem, gn, male)
Chad Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Mindy Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Wes Hicks (fem, gn)
Tara Carpenter (fem, gn, male)
Sam Carpenter *Loomis* (fem, gn, male)
Liv McKenzie (fem, gn, male)
Anika Kayoko (fem, gn)
Danny Brackett (fem, gn)
Ethan Landry (fem, gn)
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron (fem, gn)
JJ Maybank (fem, gn)
Pope (fem, gn)
Kiara (fem, gn, male)
Cleo (fem, gn, male)
Carl Gallagher (fem, gn)
Ian Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Fiona Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Debbie Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Liam Gallagher *aged up* (fem, gn)
Tim McGee (fem, gn)
Tony DiNozzo (fem, gn)
Gibbs (fem, gn)
Jimmy Palmer (fem, gn)
Abby Scuito (fem, gn, male)
Ziva David (fem, gn, male)
Caitlin Todd (fem, gn, male)
Greenhouse Academy
Haley Woods (fem, gn, male)
Leo Cruz (fem, gn)
Alex Woods (fem, gn)
Brooke Osmand (fem, gn, male)
Max Miller (fem, gn)
Sophia Cardona (fem, gn, male)
Daniel Hayward (fem, gn)
Parker Grant (fem, gn)
Jackie Sanders (fem, gn, male)
Ryan Woods *young* (fem, gn, male)
Fuller House
Stephanie Tanner (fem, gn, male)
Jesse Katsopolis *young and old* (fem, gn)
Ramona Gibbler (fem, gn, male)
Max Fuller *aged up* (fem, gn)
Steve Hale *young and old* (fem, gn)
Jackson Fuller (fem, gn)
Jimmy Gibbler (fem, gn)
Matt Harmon (fem, gn)
Ethan (fem, gn)
Ginny and Georgia
Ginny Miller (fem, gn, male)
Abby (fem, gn, male)
Marcus Baker (fem, gn)
Georgia Miller *young and old*(fem, gn, male)
Maxine Baker (fem, gn)
Zion Miller *young and old* (fem, gn)
Paul Randolph (fem, gn)
Brodie (fem, gn, male)
Norah (gn, male)
Padma (gn, male)
Matt Press (fem, gn)
Joe (fem, gn)
Jordan (fem, gn)
Charlie Spring (gn, male)
Nick Nelson (fem, gn, male)
Elle Argent (fem, gn, male)
Darcy Olsson (fem, gn)
Tara Jones (fem, gn)
Tao Xu (fem, gn)
Imogen Heaney (gn, male)
Isaac Henderson (fem, gn, male)
Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe (fem, gn)
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (fem, gn, male)
Diana Barry (gn, male)
Jerry Baynard (fem, gn)
Cole Mackenzie (fem, gn, male)
Sebastian Lacroix (fem, gn)
Billy Andrews (fem, gn)
Charlie Sloane (fem, gn)
Nate (fem, gn)
Prissy Andrews (fem, gn, male)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
John Ambrose (fem, gn)
Josh (fem, gn)
Peter Kavinsky (fem, gn)
Lucas (gn, male)
Gen (fem, gn, male)
Chris *Christine* (fem, gn, male)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie (fem, gn, male)
Luke Patterson (fem, gn)
Alex (gn, male)
Reggie (fem, gn)
Nick (fem, gn)
Flynn (fem, gn, male)
Willie (gn, male)
IT (Chapter 1 + 2)
Stanley Uris (fem, gn, male)
Richie Tozier (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Kaspbrak (fem, gn, male)
Beverly Marsh (fem, gn, male)
Ben Hanscom (fem, gn)
Mike Hanlon (fem, gn)
Bill Denbrough (fem, gn, male)
Henry Bowers (fem, gn)
Belch Huggins *Reggie* (fem, gn)
Patrick Hockstetter (fem, gn)
Victor Criss (fem, gn)
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak (fem, gn, male)
Stanley Barber (fem, gn, male)
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes (fem, gn, male)
Tewksbury (fem, gn)
Sherlock Holmes (fem, gn)
The Kissing Booth
Noah Flynn (fem, gn)
Lee Flynn (fem, gn)
Marco Peña (fem, gn)
The Imperfects
Tilda Webber (fem, gn, male)
Abbi Singh (fem, gn, male)
Juan Ruiz (fem, gn)
Sydney Burke (fem, gn, male)
P.J. (fem, gn)
Malibu Rescue
Tyler (fem, gn)
Dylan (fem, gn, male)
Lizzy (fem, gn, male)
Gina (fem, gn, male)
Eric (fem, gn)
The Package
Sean Floyd (fem, gn, male)
Sarah (fem, gn, male)
Becky Abelar (fem, gn, male)
Purple Hearts
Cassie Salazar (fem, gn, male)
Luke Morrow (fem, gn)
Frankie (fem, gn)
Armando (fem, gn)
Riley (fem, gn, male)
Wednesday Adams (fem, gn, male)
Xavier Thorpe (fem, gn)
Enid Sinclair (fem, gn, male)
Tyler Galpin (fem, gn)
Rowan Laslow (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Walker (fem, gn)
Ajax Petropolus (fem, gn)
Heartbreak High
Spencer White *Spider* (fem, gn)
Anthony Vaughn *Ant* (fem, gn, male)
Darren Rivers (gn, male)
Amerie Wadia (gn, male)
Quinn Gallagher-Jones *Quinni* (fem, gn)
Dustin Reid *Dusty* (fem, gn)
Harper McLean (fem, gn, male)
Douglas Piggott *Ca$h* (fem, gn, male)
Malakai Mitchell (fem, gn, male)
Hype House (All time)
Vinnie Hacker (fem, gn)
Taylor Holder (fem, gn)
Jack Wright (fem, gn, male)
Jett (fem, gn, male)
Barron Sho (fem, gn)
Ryland (fem, gn)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger (fem, gn, male)
Harry Potter (fem, gn)
Ron Weasley (fem, gn)
George Weasley (fem, gn)
Fred Weasley (fem, gn)
Bill Weasley (fem, gn)
Charlie Weasley (fem, gn)
Percy Weasley (fem, gn)
Ginny Weasley (fem, gn, male)
Mattheo Riddle (fem, gn)
Theodore Nott (fem, gn)
Dean Thomas (fem, gn)
Lee Jordan ( fem, gn, male)
Seamas Finnigan (fem, gn, male)
Pansy Parkinson (fem, gn, male)
Lorenzo Berkshire (fem, gn)
Tom Riddle *not Voldemort* (fem, gn)
Blaise Zabini (fem, gn)
Luna Lovegood (fem, gn, male)
Regulus Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Sirius Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Remus Lupin *young* (fem, gn, male)
James Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Lily Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Nymphadora Tonks (fem, gn, male)
Narcissa Malfoy *young and old* (fem, gn, male)
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scammander (fem, gn)
Queenie Goldstein (fem, gn, male)
Credence Barebone (fem, gn, male)
Theseus Scammander (fem, gn)
The Black Phone
Vance Hopper (fem, gn)
Finney Blake (fem, gn)
Gwenny Blake *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Robin Arellano (fem, gn)
Bruce Yamada (fem, gn)
Billy Showalter (fem, gn)
10 Things I Hate About You
Kat Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Cameron James (fem, gn)
Bianca Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Patrick Verona (fem, gn)
Michael (fem, gn, male)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Jacob Portman (fem, gn, male)
Emma Bloom (fem, gn, male)
Alma Peregrine (fem, gn, male)
Enoch O'Connor (fem, gn)
Victor Bruntley *alive* (fem, gn)
Olive Abroholos Elephanta (fem, gn, male)
Millard Nullings (fem, gn, male)
Horace (fem, gn male)
Fiona *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Bronwyn Bruntley *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Hugh (fem, gn, male)
Sturniolo Triplets
Matt Sturniolo (fem, gn)
Chris Sturniolo (fem, gn)
Nick Sturniolo (gn, male)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (fem, gn, male)
Jack Dawson (fem, gn, male)
A Quiet Place
Marcus (fem, gn, male)
Evelyn (fem, gn, male)
Regan (fem, gn, male)
Lee (fem, gn)
The Office
Jim Halpert (fem, gn)
Dwight Shrute (fem, gn, male)
Pam Beesley (fem, gn, male)
Five Feet Apart
Stella (fem, gn, male)
Poe Ramirez (gn, male)
Will (fem, gn)
That I don't already have as characters (cuz I write for the haracter and the actor)
Nils Kuesel (fem, gn, male)
Jack Harlow (fem, gn)
Dua Lipa (fem, gn, male)
Olivia Rodrigo (fem, gn, male)
Jenna Ortega (fem, gn, male)
Dove Cameron (fem, gn, male)
Benjamin Wadsworth (fem, gn)
Girl Meets World
Farkle Minkus (fem, gn, male)
Riley Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Maya Hart (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Friar (fem, gn)
Isaiah Babineaux (fem, gn)
Isadora Smackle (fem, gn, male)
Auggie Matthews *aged up* (fem, gn)
Josh Matthews (fem, gn)
Boy Meets World
Shawn Hunter (fem, gn)
Eric Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Cory Matthews (fem, gn)
Topanga Lawrance (fem, gn, male)
Jack (fem, gn, male)
The Notebook
The Breakfast Club
She's the Man
Duke Orsino (fem, gn)
Hazbin Hotel
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How to Request :
Make sure to state what you would like in the imagine/story and what genre (?) Like angst, fluff, smut (sometimes). Also what character or person you would want in the imagine. 🙃
I write for all of these characters and their actors and if you have someone else you would want me to write for be sure to put that in your request these are just the characters I could think of off the top of my head
P.S. I also do some ship imagines like Nick x Charlie (heartstopper), etc. So if you want ship imagines be sure to send them in and I will try and get to them.
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