#william t spears headcanons
messytoybox · 2 years
William T Spears Headcanons
(Some of these are in Isolation but not all)
He is half British on his father side and 1/4 Japanese and 1/4 Chinese on his mother's side.
He is the baby of the family having one bio sister and 4 half sisters.
He is a cisgender, demi-sexual man.
His pronouns are he/him.
Drives 1982 Black chevette (I recommend looking it up. Its him if he was a car.)
He is autistic.
He was nonverbal till he was about 5.
He does occasionally have nonverbal episodes when he goes into meltdown.
Othello actually helped him set up an aac device on his phone.
If he were to say he had a best friend he would say Othello.
He wore glasses in his past life as he contracted scarlet fever from a young age.
His safe food is KFC. (Bitch me too)
Lives three stories up from Grelle's flat.
Would never admit it out loud but thinks Sebastian and Eric are very aesthetically pleasing.
Has never used a telephone any time the phone rang he handed it to Alan.
Has kept all the old mix tapes his friends made him back in the 80s'
Grelle's tape is especially well loved
He's not technologically adept it just takes him a while to accept change.
Except his apple watch he loves that thing.
Despite his very professional nature he swears like crazy.
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orangebutterfly · 2 years
APQK с Уильямом Ти Спирсом
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A - Act naturally (играть естественно) - Как они ведут себя, когда осознают, что влюблены в тебя? Как они ведут себя, когда узнают, что ты испытываешь к ним чувства?
Когда Уильям влюблен, он не подаст виду, так как просто сам себе не признается в том, что испытывает к кому-то чувства, что твоё присутствие явно делает его "жизнь" лучше. Тем не менее жнец начнёт вести себя ещё более формально, частично из-за нервов, частично, чтобы показать, что он ответственно подходит к своим задачам, как попытку впечатлить тебя.
Узнав о твоих чувствах, он придёт в небольшой ступор, но после попросит тебя не увлекаться этим, так как между вами ничего не может быть (если он не испытывает того же). В ином случае, ситуация станет для него сложнее, поскольку он просто не считает, что создан для отношений, но с этими чувствами придётся что-то делать.
K - Kiss (поцелуй) - Как часто вы целуете друг друга? Как персонажи целуются?
Его нетактильность зачастую мешает ему проявлять к тебе свою привязанность. Это касается и поцелуев. В общественном месте или в присутствии кого-то постороннего он вряд ли даже дотронется до тебя, предпочитая простое нахождение рядом, но наедине Уильям любит целовать тыльную сторону твоей ладони, пока переплетает пальцы с твоими. Лёгкие прикосновения губ ему тоже нравятся, но этот жест кажется ему чем-то более интимным и изящным.
P - Pace (темп) - Как быстро они могут сблизится с кем-то?
Ти Спирсу не легко пойти с кем-то на сближение, так как со всеми он не пересекает черту формальных отношений. Очевидно, что он будет относиться к тебе, как к очередной небольшой составляющей его работы и не более. Но со временем почувствует, что твоё присутствие раздражает его чуть меньше, чем его коллег или случайных людей, поэтому ничего не будет иметь против тебя рядом, что уже говорит о многом.
Q - Quizzcal (чудаковатый) - Как часто они шутят? Нравится ли им веселиться?
Уильям и веселье - просто несовместимые вещи. Он может испытать радость от того, что его работа закончена и есть время немного отдохнуть. Но шутить жнец точно не станет, он должен быть компетентным и серьёзным, чтобы хорошо выполнять свою работу. Ему хватает раздражающих Сатклиффа и Нока, поэтому Уилл будет благодарен, если ты позволишь ему немного отдохнуть от этой суеты.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 19 days
Sebastian and William t spears trying to one up each other using reader
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tw: noncon, double penetration, overstimulation, degradation, competition, size difference
All characters depicted are 18+
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William has a very strong distaste towards Sebastian and demons in general, one he will make well known, and while Sebastian isn't as verbal about it, the feeling is very mutual, in fact he'd want to wring the Reaper's neck if it wasn't for his young master's orders and William's death scythe. But even two bitter adversaries are allowed to have a bit of friendly competition.
At first William will scoff at the idea of engaging in such a frivolous game, especially with a demon, but Sebastian knows how to push people's buttons without letting his butler facade crack. Sebastian will tease William and taunt him for apparently being inexperienced in bed, and not wanting to be outdone by such a foul beast, he ends up caving.
It isn't easy for the demon butler to pick up a poor unsuspecting lady or servant girl with his good looks and charms, one who'd be naive enough to follow a stranger like him just because he's pretty, although he wouldn't pick anyone demonic, that would either turn William off completely or excite the reaper a bit too much at the prospect of dominating a member of a species he so despises.
Sebastian won't give up on his venomous taunts against William even when he's balls deep inside of the young woman's pussy alongside the reaper, delighting in his attempts to make the cold and professional man lose his unbreakable composure, at least slightly.
"Hmm~? Is something the matter, Mister Reaper~? If you keep going that slowly you'll never be able to make our little morsel cum, much less achieve climax yourself..."
William isn't going to allow himself to lose to a horrid demon of all things, even if it's at something as insignificant as bringing some helpless human girl to climax, his hips thrusting up in a mechanical movement as he fucks into her, his cock sliding lewdly against's Sebastian's inside of the tight and wet space they're sharing.
The sensation of getting fucked by two different yet very similar supernatural beings is too much for the poor girl, and it's a wonder that she can withstand the dual penetration without passing out from the overwhelming sensations coursing through her. Sebastian with tease her as much as his butler facade will allow, while William is almost completely silent the entire time, making a few low noises whenever he cums.
Sebastian isn't going to allow himself to be bested by William at something he himself is already very good at, he has more experience with human women, having slept with multiple of them for information or just for the pleasure of it on many different occasions, and being the suave demon he is, he knows exactly what filthy thing to whisper in her ear to make her weak in the knees.
William doesn't want to lose this little game either, while he isn't as rough, sadistic, or vocal as Sebastian, he's much more precise, having enough knowledge of the human body due to his line of work to hit all the right spots to leave her a writhing and whimpering mess between the two hellish creatures, that is until the barrage of sensations taking over her body becomes too much to bear.
"Humans are so pitifully feeble. I counted only five orgasms and you've already fallen unconscious, such pathetic endurance. Well, it seems as this has concluded in a draw, demon..."
They're both rather disappointed that they weren't able to reach a definitive conclusion on which one of them is superior in bed, but it's a minor setback, they aren't mortal beings like humans are, so they have all the time in the world to settle this petty little dispute they are having.
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blondeaxolotl · 3 months
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RAHH this took longer than I thought but HIII, this is basically a collab between me and @grimreaperauthority !!! The whole idea to give the grim reapers tails was Grim's idea!! Meanwhile my idea was to base them off on HTTYD dragons!! (I'm going through a rot okay)
I'll list off what dragon was assigned to each reaper when designing them:
Grell is a Monstrous Nightmare
Ronald is a Hideous Zippleback
William is a Deadly Nadder
Othello is a Changewing
Undertaker is a Boneknapper
Ludger is a Timberjack
Sascha is a Night Fury
Unfortunately I didn't get to drawing Alan and Eric, they'll be done in another post later on 💔🙏
Also yeah you're not seeing things, Othello is indeed on a roomba, vroom vroom
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morphodae · 5 months
Hello!! May I request something for black butler? Reader usually being quite non-confrontational and energetic but has a bit of a possessive streak. Not toxic level but sort of unintentionally intimidates people that flirts w/ their partner even when they know they’re taken like staring down at them from behind their partner or being passive-aggressive, and then just goes back to being their usual self once the other person’s left.
The characters being Claude, William Spears, and Lawrence Bluewer (you can replace him with Sebastian if you don’t write for Lawrence).
Tysm and sorry for the long request!! Feel free to delete if ever ^^
Protective Passion
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Sorry it took me a bit to get to this. I’m not entirely caught up with Lawrence and the Public School Arc but I did some research :) I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting 💜
Claude Faustus 🕷️
On the surface, Claude doesn’t seem to care much for your existence at all.
He’s a demon who knows he’s can take the form of a handsome man - which he has - and who could charm anyone he sees fit. Only, he usually does this in order to make a contract. When you came into his life, he surprised himself at how… endearing your qualities were to him.
As said before, he knows he has attractive looks and charm and it isn’t uncommon for people to try and flirt with him. It usually ends the same way: with his unblinking stare and some remark about business at hand; you don’t need to worry. He knows that he’s taken by you.
As a demon, he can be quite possessive; it’s a natural instinct for him. So when he sees you of all people becoming instinctually protective over your relationship with him, he feels an odd sense of pride well up into his chest and a small smirk cross his face.
You needn’t worry, dear. Claude has already claimed you as his long ago and no mortal, demon, angel, or otherworldly being is going to come in between that.
William Spears ⚔️
More likely than not, your relationship with him would have to remain secret and private. It took a long, long time for you to even worm your way into his heart. He’s supposed to remain impartial and adhere to all rules, after all.
On the rare occasion that he isn’t busy as a Grim Reaper, he does try to take you out on private outings. Usually, these “dates” consist of private, scenic spots around London or even an indoor date at your home.
If, by chance, an individual disturbs your outing with him and even flirts with him without taking the hint, and William sees you become protective, he will quickly take you elsewhere as though not to escalate the situation.
He’s flattered at the thought you’d felt the need to be possessive of him, but he’d rather avoid conflict of any sort. To him, he will tell you that no one else stands a chance with him. He, an avid rule follower, has already broken the code of impartiality by being with you, so there’s no need to doubt his unwavering affection for being with you.
Lawrence Bluewer 📚
Ah, yes, another avid rule-follower who values tradition in academic and personal settings.
Lawrence is definitely attractive in a booksmart sort of way, and his knowledge and stoicism might even be seen as attractive to others initially.
If a person doesn’t take the hint that you two are a couple while you are there, and you feel the need to make snide remarks and stand your ground, Lawrence won’t really know what to do.
After a moment, he will fix his glasses, clear his throat, and excuse himself and you from the person causing issues. Despite his best wishes, his cheeks are a faint shade of pink and he’s mentally berating himself to maintain composure.
He appreciates your devotion to him and is surprised that you seem so fiercely loyal, but he also would prefer if you follow proper etiquette in social situations. Don’t get him wrong, he adores all aspects of your personality, but he still does put traditions on a pedestal.
In the end, you receive a light scolding as his significant other and a light peck on the cheek before the two of you go about the rest of your day.
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delusinaldreamer19 · 1 month
I absolutely LOVE the whole idea of the reaper organization. The fact that these otherworldly beings, fuckin GRIM REAPERS, work and function like an office??? Like their headquarters are not some dark dreary hell cave but a CORPORATE OFFICE. That is such a unique and fascinating way to set things up.
It also makes me wonder if the rest of hell/the underworld works in a similar way in Kuro.
Like does Sebastian have a cubical? Do demons have a department? What if demons are just “assets” that get rented out by humans. That is so hilarious to me.
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vikkirosko · 14 days
Headcanons of how would (Kuroshitsuji) Sebastian, Lau, William, Undertaker, and Agni react if their shy crush is shocked that they also wanted to confess their feelings?
Headcanons Simultaneous confessed feelings
😈 Sebastian Michaelis x Reader 🐈‍⬛
For a demon to experience such a feeling as falling in love was unexpected. Especially to a man like you. Innocent, shy and quiet, that's how he could describe you. But for some reason, his gaze was directed at you. Sebastian saw that you often cast confused glances at him and he liked it. But he didn't want to wait even longer for you to finally take the first step. That's why I decided to act on my own
It didn't take Sebastian long to get a chance to talk to you alone. He saw how embarrassed you were, but he wasn't going to back down. Sebastian put his gloved hand on your cheek, making it impossible for you to escape, and told you about his feelings. He looked into your eyes carefully, seeing how a blush appeared on your face, but at the same time, he saw surprise reflected on your face, as if you expected anything but his confession of feelings for you
You looked away in embarrassment and mumbled that you wanted to tell him about your feelings yourself, but you didn't expect him to have feelings for you in return. You didn't expect a man like him to have such feelings for you. It came as a complete surprise to you. Looking at you, confused and unsure, he couldn't help but smile a little
Sebastian loved watching you get embarrassed. More and more often, he deliberately touched your skin fleetingly, gave you a look and a smile. Perhaps if another demon found out about the relationship between you, it would cause laughter, but Sebastian didn't care. He likes you too much to think about such things
👓 William T. Spears x Reader 📑
William has always taken his job seriously. He put it first, not rushing to build a relationship with anyone. He tried to stick to the idea that reapers had no feelings, although others often proved the opposite. But when he himself felt feelings for you begin to arise in his chest, he simply could not deny the obvious. He fell in love with you
You were shy, quiet, and tried to be responsible about your work. William had no reason to tell you off, but more and more often he found himself staring at you. But what surprised him more was that you also often looked at him, but as soon as he looked at you in response, you hurriedly turned away and a blush flared up on your cheeks. This led him to certain thoughts
William understood that if he kept silent, it would only be harder for him, so he decided to tell you how he felt, but the first thing that surprised him was that you said you wanted to talk to him. William said he had something to tell you, too, and you gave him the right to speak first. However, when he told you about his feelings, it was your time to be surprised, but along with the surprise, a bright blush bloomed on your face
You hurriedly told him that you had the same feelings for him, but you didn't expect him to reciprocate your feelings. William always seemed so serious and focused to you, but the fact that he had feelings for you made you really happy. He didn't speak, but he felt the same warm feeling of happiness as you
☠️ Undertaker x Reader ⚰️
Undertaker lived for a very long time and managed to see a variety of people. With retirement, there were no fewer people he met. You have become one of those people. Initially, you wandered into his humble abode by accident, but then you came to him again, and then again and again. You didn't need his professional services, and Undertaker was glad that he had someone to talk to. You were quiet, shy, and often embarrassed when he came closer, but it seemed especially sweet to him
He liked you and he didn't really hide it. Undertaker treated you to tea and cookies, told you jokes and was sincerely glad when you came to him. He wasn't going to hide his feelings for long. He lived long enough to understand that hiding his true feelings would not achieve anything, especially considering that your life span, unlike his, was limited
He told you about how he felt about you during your next visit. The more he talked, the redder your face became. When he finished, there was a big smile on his face, and you, very embarrassed, told him that you had the same feelings for him, and you tried to decide to tell him about it, but he beat you to it, which came as a surprise to you
Undertaker was glad that you became closer. You were still shy and quiet, but it didn't bother him. It was you, and the fact that your feelings for each other were mutual was what kept him happy
🐉 Lau x Reader 🪷
Lau liked meeting interesting people. Such people included Ciel Phantomhive, with whom he periodically dealt. And that's the kind of person you've become. You weren't a genius, you were a quiet, shy person he met shortly after he came to England. He found you sweet and curious, so he often invited you to drink a cup of real Chinese tea with him and chat
He was the most unusual person you knew, and Lau knew it perfectly well. He liked to see the blush blooming on your cheeks, the way you looked away in embarrassment. He liked you and he didn't hide it even from you. You tried your best to avoid embarrassing topics of conversation, but Lau wasn't going to beat around the bush for long, which is why he soon told you about the feelings he had for you
The more he talked, the redder your face became. He leaned closer to you and lightly kissed you on the corner of your lips, which caused an even more vivid reaction from you. When Lau asked you what you thought of his confession, you hurriedly, haltingly, said that you had the same feelings for him, but you were very surprised by his confession, because you were sure that he was just making fun of you all this time
Lau knew how shy you were and wasn't surprised that you thought he was joking with you. He intended to show you that this was not the case and that his feelings for you were the most genuine
👊 Agni x Reader 🍛
Agni came to England to look after his prince, but fate decreed that he met you. Your acquaintance was an accident, but Agni was glad that you had the opportunity to communicate more often. He could rest next to you, because, unlike his ward, he was quiet, calm, and even shy. Agni didn't have to worry that something unexpected would happen
Agni was comfortable with you. At your request, he told you about India, because you have never been there. The more time you spent together, the more he became attached to you and the more tender feelings he felt for you. Agni decided to tell you about them, hoping that it would not destroy your friendship, because he did not want to lose you
When he started telling you about his feelings, he saw the shock on your face. Following the shock, a bright blush appeared on your face. When he stopped talking, you, clearly nervous, told him that you did not expect this. Agni thought for a moment that you didn't feel that way about him, but you leaned forward and hugged him, muttering that you were happy that your feelings were mutual and that you also wanted to tell him about it but couldn't make up your mind
Agni hugged you back, unable to hold back a smile. He was glad that you both had such feelings for each other. In a foreign country, you were the ray of light that he wanted to protect, just as he protected the prince
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T4T Grelliam. Save me T4T Grelliam
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messytoybox · 1 year
Grim Reaper death headcanons
TW: Mentions of Suicide,Death, Violence, Drugs, Transphobia, Homophobia
William: Jumped from the top of his vacation home. As, he was trying to escape the stress he was under after his father's death and his older sisters disappearance. Being the only son and not being properly prepared for this this was a lot of unexpected pressure.
Grelle: After the Molly house she worked in was raided and burnt to the ground, she and several of the other workers were sent to prison and were in line waiting for their execution. Grelle being Grelle quickly created a make shift shiv and sliced her throat because she rather die at her own hands then someone else's.
Ronald: After causing his family to go into massive debt from his drug addiction. He shot himself. Because it was either that or debtor prison. He still needs check ups to this day because the bullet is still in his skull.
Othello: While working in the university, one of his academic rivals found out he was not born a boy. And got kicked out and all of his life's work was suddenly discredited. He filled his coat pockets with rocks and drowned himself at the nearby bog. All the records of Othello going and working at said school were promptly destroyed after his death.
Alan: Dating a married man as the time and working as his "secretary", the two eventually had a plan to die together. So Alan made the poison that they were supposed to drink together. Alan drank it. The married man did not.
Eric: While cheating on his wife, just happened to get caught at a bar hooking up with man who was more affluent then he was. The more affluent man managed to get out of the prison time. Eric did not. His execution kept getting postponed and the guilt drove him mad and he made a make-shift shiv and stabbed himself in the chest.
Sascha: Mom wanted to move up the social rankings and have Sascha marry a much more affluent man. Sascha said I rather die then marry a man. Then hung themself.
Ludger: His death was technically an accident. After dealing with a pretty bad break up partook in one of his favorite past times. lighting random stuff on fire. This fire just happen to get a bit more out of control then the other times and completely engulfed him.
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orangebutterfly · 2 years
William T Spears
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A, K, P, Q
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thependragonarchives · 4 months
Grim Reaper Headcanon Blurb
here's just a good chunk of all headcanons I have for general Dispatch shenanigans!! below cut :> ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-
✧ A general one shared with most of tumblr, but the reapers looking more inhuman. Sharp teeth, glowing eyes, pointed ears, the works! I personally think they carry the smell of decay with them. But I also think they carry physical traits from their deaths as well! A reaper who drowned would look bluish/greenish, a reaper who died of blood loss would be ashen, burned by fire have dryer/leathery skin, etc. etc.
✧ On the list of 'petty things to get written up for', unpermitted scythe modification is probably high on the list. Dispatch, regardless of the staff of the Management Division's own personal thoughts, requires everything and anything to be recorded and reported. Even if it's just a simple blade change. People forget!
✧ When a reaper first 'wakes up', they're treated with cold and clinical detachment. A statistic before anything else. Dying is incredibly traumatic, and 'waking up', a reaper is probably going to be in shock! It's easier faster to go through the paperwork first, before beginning to explain everything. Even then, there's this shitty information pamphlet the doctor hands you, called 'So You Killed Yourself! What Now?', to help explain the role a new reaper now plays.
✧ There's different levels of blindness a reaper can have! While they're all legally blind, some can see more than others! I personally think Grell and Othello can see colored blurbs, and can make out features but to really see specific details they squint, while William is almost-fully blind, only seeing big splotches of color. Like a bleeding watercolor painting.
✧ Birthdays aren't celebrated often. There's either no-time or no purpose to them, because a reaper is 'one age' forever. Death Days, while not celebrated however, are treated with kindness and respect and empathy- The whole shebang. Death Days are reminders of the fact this is a punishment for their suicide, making a reaper feel that anguish that caused them to take their life anyways. In certain, severe cases there's even physical reminders (an old bullet wound beginning to bleed, water being coughed up, feeling like one's burning alive). Calling out and having either your: Mandatory Partner, dear friend, or romantic/queerplatonic other half(ves) spend the day with the affected reaper is MANDATORY, due to how volatile it can be.
✧ Mandatory Partners!! My personal example is William/Grell before Will got 'promoted' to Management. Or Alan/Eric before the Tragedy. A mandatory partner is essentially someone a reaper in Retrievals works extremely well with, and the Higher Ups require reapers to NEVER BE ALONE and have someone else in the area. There's too many dangers to working alone, without backup a skip away. If there isn't anyone a reaper works well with (or their MP is assigned far away), a Mentor or Management position can take the place of the MP. London Dispatch, however, is usually short-staffed and can't supply this often, meaning reapers work alone instead of in pairs.
✧ While most demons can't permanently kill a reaper, they can severely wound one so a Bigger Threat (starving demon, Greater Demon, rogue deserter, Dispatch Itself) can kill them. Lesser-Demons however, can 'attatch' themselves to a healthy reaper, and create a parasitic relationship. A reaper's energy/'lifeforce' gets slowly drained unless they feed the demon the souls they reap, but this is considered low-class and taboo by demons, while reapers have very few cases of this. It isn't impossible though, with the right circumstances (and a bit of manipulation).
✧ Deserters aren't executed or jailed when caught! No, they're put into a 'reformation' process, ESPECIALLY if the Dispatch branch is short staffed. This is done as a 'final chance for redemption', before the brass takes them away forever. No one knows what happens to the ones the reformation didn't help.
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blondeaxolotl · 3 months
Whats ur William and Othello body HC?
William is fat to me (adopted the headcanon from greytern) and Othello is like scary skinny scrawny like at a concerning level because they eat nothing but monster energy and radioactive noodles microwaved from the labs microwave
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samuraimomo12 · 2 months
Black Butler Head-Canons
because I’m sick and tired of letting them rot in my head
- Ciel would thrive in the 30s and 40s (for the mafia and general vibes). He would also do well in the 90s (for the whimsigoth looks and music)
- Lizzy would thrive in the 50s and 60s
- Soma would LOVE the 80s - Queen/Freddie Mercury would be his idol
- Soma would play baseball and fucking LOVE it
- Soma would hate Twilight, but that baseball scene is his kryptonite (who shows him Twilight- I am unsure (perhaps Sieglinde)) (he would have definitely seen it if he lived in the 21st century)
- Soma would keep drawing similarities between Sebastian and Edward from Twilight- Ciel becomes paranoid about him finding out Sebastian being a demon
- Soma would like Vampire Weekend
- Sieglinde would love Mazzy Star
- RIP Ciel, you would’ve loved Mitski 😔
- Ciel would loathe technology with a passion, it would make his job so much more difficult, but on the other hand advertising has never been easier
- Nina would both be thrilled and livid if she lived in the 21st century, women wear whatever they please but men continue to downgrade in style
- Undertaker would either love gen z humor or find it completely unamusing, no in between
- Agni and Aang from A:TLA would be friends
- WIlliam and Sebastian would be kindred spirits if they got along, Sebastian hates messes and likes to be neat, tidy, and on time, William hates over-time and just wants to get his job done with little to no interruption. They would be such good friends given the chance
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 9 months
A message to the Black Butler fandom:
Please bring back that weird headcanon that Sebastian got William pregnant and then William gave birth to Claude and abandoned him and that's why William hates Sebastian. It makes 0 sense and is far from canon but ITS SO FUNNY I NEED IT 😭
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magicalara · 2 years
Basically I was in my feels and started thinking what it would be like if you asked the kuro reapers for a hug so enjoy. This is meant to read as platonic but can also be read as romantic
Features: William T Spears; Grelle Sutcliff; Sascha; Ludger; Undertaker; Ronald Knox; Alan Humphries; Eric Slingby; Othello
TW: mentions of sadness but that’s all, I tried to make it really fluffy 
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👓 William T Spears 👓
- Know one thing here and now, William T Spears of the British Branch of the Grim Reaper Association™ does not do happy hugs. If you are an excited hugger and go to him looking for a hug when excited, he will stare at you with the blankest face while you do it
-Five seconds is as much as you’ll get before he’s lightly pushing you off of him with a sigh while fixing his glasses (whether you messed them up or not). He’s happy that you’re happy, sure, but he doesn’t do the whole happy hug thing.
-When you’re sad, thought, now that’s a different story
-Will’s most definitely more understanding of your want for affection if you’re sad and so he’ll coax you into his office where he can properly focus on you without other distractions and give you the hug you need
-His hugs are grounding. He’ll hold you around the shoulders, maybe rub your back a little if you’re crying, and just keep a firm grip on you. He doesn’t say much, but it’s okay, because you know that he cares just from the way he’s hugging you
-William gives me dad energy okay he’d give dad hugs that are comforting and say all that you want/need to hear without actually saying it
♥️ Grelle Sutcliff ♥️
- Contrasting to William, Grelle is a happy hugger herself. She’ll hug you or whoever she’s around when super excited and it’s adorable okay I don’t make the rules, I just write about them. 
- Anyways, if you come up to her happy or excited and looking for a hug, she delivers. Is the kind to pick you up and spin for a few seconds if you’re comfy with it. Just big, giggly, happy hugs from Grelle.
- And if you’re sad, she picks up on it right away, even if you try and hide it. Will pull you into her lap and just craddle you as best she can. Head tucked into her neck, she’s whispering kind words to you, rubbing your back, the whole nine yards.
- Absolutely leans her head against yours. Forehead to forehead, her cheek or chin on top of your head, or just temple to temple, it doesn’t matter. Grelle’s head is against yours, I guarantee it
- Grelle hates seeing you sad and so she’ll do all that she can to make you smile again, including giving the best hugs in the world.
📸 Sascha 📸
- Another excited hugger. Sascha is bubbly and happy all the time and so hugs with them are frequent
- Most times, you two are just happy hugging together while others are staring like “Are they okay?” You’re fine, just happy
- Because they always seem to be bubbly, when Sascha sees that you, someone they care about, is sad, they immediately go into comfort mode. Has snacks at their desk if you want them, knows all the best quiet places to sneak off to if that’s what you want, and gives such good hugs
- Wraps their arms around you and holds your hand and gives encouraging smiles the whole time. Sascha knows it isn’t easy to be happy all the time, so when you need it, they make sure you know they’re always there for you
🚬 Ludger 🚬
- Ludger and William give me similar vibes, but also Ludger is more of a teddy bear. He acts like he hates it when you give him excited and happy hugs, but he really loves it on the inside (he’s also partners with Sascha and they do that a lot too, he’s used to it by this point)
- Will put an arm around your shoulders and just kinda let you do whatever, acting indifferent the whole time. On the inside he’s smiling, though, he thinks you’re adorable, especially if you’re shorter than him haha
- If you ask for a hug all sad, though, like I said he’s a literal teddy bear and probably is really comforting to hug. He’s warm and cuddly, no one can tell me otherwise
- Fully engulfs you as best he can in a hug and gives the same firm hugs that William does just while Will’s are kinda stiff, Ludger let’s you mold yourself to him however you want. Another one who doesn’t say much, but you can just tell by the way he puts his head against yours that he’s saying that he’ll protect and comfort you.
💀 Undertaker 💀
- Okay so while he’s still working for the RA, no hugs. He doesn’t do hugs. Head pats, sure, but no hugs. Undertaker wasn’t even half as fun when he was employed as to now that he’s a fugitive. But!! If he gave you a head pat, that’s like the ultimate thing because he doesn’t give those out to just anyone yk so cherish it
- Anyways, the Undertaker we know now loves hugs and will gladly give you as many as you want lol he’s probably touch starved. Happy hugs, sad hugs, comforting hugs, just because hugs, i want to fuck hugs , he does them all
- Gives big bear hugs, no matter the emotion. Can and will engulf you in his big robe and it’s so nice and warm. It’s like a little barrier he has to protect you from the world and the horrors he knows that are in it.
- If you’re close enough to Undertaker where he’s able to hug you, all that he wants is for you to just..stay with him always and forever. He tends to have a lot of people he cares about who just kinda die and so his hugs really show that “I’ll never let you go, please stay with me” emotion that he usually keeps hidden under the façade of happiness and laughter
- If you come to him for a hug while sad, he does all he can to make you smile. This includes, but is not limited to: soft tickles, bad jokes, good jokes, making a fool of himself, magic tricks, feeding you treats, letting you style his hair, and cuddles outside.
- I could keep going but we’d be here for years I just have so much to say about this sad little weirdo (affectionately)
🚜 Ronald Knox 🚜
- First of all, I’d like to point out that there isn’t a lawnmower emoji which is very sad. So tractors it is for Mr. Knox
- Ronald Knox does not understand the concept of happy hugging but he will gladly indulge anyways. Will he have a confused look on his face the whole time? Yes, yes he will. But will he also hug you just as tight as you hug him? Also yes. Ronnie isn’t here to disappoint, after all
- He might be flirty and has definitely done the like yawn arm over the shoulder thing, but he also knows the difference between a platonic hug and a romantic one yk so don’t think too deep into it if he hugs you around the waist, it’s more instinct than anything. Ron’s heard some of the people he’s pursued say that it feels better to them and so (especially if you guys are close) that’s his go to way of hugging
- Hand on the small of your back, other on your head, happy smiles and happier words if you’re sad. He’s awkward when it comes to comfort sometimes, but he tries and that’s what matters. Probably says some stupid shit to try and make you laugh (is successful 50% of the time)
🥀 Alan Humphries 🥀
- Sad man. He needs a hug (preferably from Eric)
- Anyways he also doesn’t understand the happy hug and probably reacts just like our ol’ pal William T Spears. Alan just stiffens up and doesn’t really know how to react. Probably just stares at you with wide eyes and when you pull away asks what the hell just happened
- Doesn’t mind it per say, just is confused. This doesn’t happen to him very often (or at all really) so he just doesn’t really know how to react yk?
- When you’re sad, though, he’s still just as awkward don’t expect much from this guy lol
- Listen, Alan cares alright, he really does, but he just...doesn’t know what to do really. He’ll sit next to you though!! Maybe hold your hand a little or put a hand on your knee just so you know he’s there
- That’s really all, though, he’s got his own shit to deal with on the side yk the whole dying thing really takes a lot out of him
❄ Eric Slingby ❄
- Accepts happy hugs but will only put an arm around you. Probably rests his arm on your head if you’re shorter than him and messes up your hair regardless of your height in comparison to him
- He makes fun of you affectionately for it much like an uncle would. Eric’s another teddy bear and so is just nice to hug. Probably has a good amount of muscle on him and is another natural space heater and he’s taller than William so like he’s definitely really nice to hug
- He gives those like “I’m proud of you” type hugs when you’re sad because while words aren’t his forte, his actions speak loud and clear. His hugs are shorter than the others, but he means it and he’ll pat your head and wipe your tears and tell you that whatever it is that’s bothering you will pass and everything will be okay and if it isn’t then he’ll reap them
- If you still want to be around him after his little encouraging hug then he’ll let you sit next to him and he’ll have him hand or arm on your shoulder so his presence is at least there 
🧪 Othello 🧪
- My favorite nerd I love this guy so much
- But that does not mean that he is a huggy guy okay actually it’s quite the opposite. He just tends to have some sort of sciencey something that spilled on him or is on his person and Othello doesn’t want you getting hurt yk?
- He just strikes me as more of a high five or fist bump kind of guy when you’re happy or excited. Othello is so down for a good high five way more than he is a hug
- When you’re sad, he’s similar to Alan. Sits next to you and will put a hand on your knee and all that but he isn’t about that hugging life. Othello is honestly really good at being a distraction to like sad thoughts
- That’s how he helps most is just by telling you about random shit he heard around the workplace. It does help and when you’re feeling better he’ll give you a pat on the shoulder and squeeze your hand with a smile
And that’s all!! Hope everyone enjoyed <3
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