#william penick
porcelainapparition · 2 years
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The William Penick Boatwright House
Danville, Virginia
built in 1897
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sfsucw · 2 years
Poetry Submissions
Shō Poetry Journal has published poets such as William Packard, Jim Simmerman, Amy Uyematsu, Virgil Suárez, Gerald Locklin, Joan Jobe Smith, Fred Voss, Lyn Lifshin, and Robert L. Penick. We seek to publish a broad spectrum of voices and are especially interested in promoting the work of historically underrepresented poets. We are open to most forms of poetry, apart from light verse.
Expires:March 15, 2023
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Open House Today 1-3
6017 Nelson Oaks DR
This lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is conveniently located to ABIA and Telsa Giga, downtown Austin, the YMCA, Harvey Penick Golf Campus, Morris Williams Golf Course, and endless restaurants, shops and more in Austin
If you or anyone you know has questions about the market or needs help buying, selling or renting a home give us a call.
We are glad to help!
Jeff & Renee McCharen 
Realtors ~ Team Price
Jeff (512) 779-5668
Renee (512) 779-5893
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esperwatchesfilms · 3 years
Hell Fest (2018)
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ESE: 100/100
50 +10 for creepy carnivals +10 for Bex Taylor-Klaus +10 for a “fest” I’d love to go to +5 for photobooth kisses -5 for stealing the photos -10 for going after the photo thief alone +10 for the Deadlands being so freakin’ awesome -10 for incompetent security +20 for Tony Todd +5 for Taylor’s escape -5 for Taylor’s death +10 for the BFFs surviving and the ending leaving it open for a sequel
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A Harvest Wedding (2017)
Impression: fun... cute... missing something
Collection: no
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️(ish)
Concept: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Storytelling: ⭐️⭐️⭐️(ish)
Characters: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Casting: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Visually: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Score/Soundtrack: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Entertainment: ⭐️⭐️⭐️(ish)
Best: the main couple
Worst: feels all over the place
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cinemafanatic · 6 years
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“Some people are just evil.“
Hell Fest (2018)
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Part of the Network’s “Loveuary” Programming Event
STUDIO CITY, CA – January 18, 2021 – Melanie Scrofano (“Wynonna Earp,” Ready or Not), Daniel di Tomasso (“Ratched,” “Dynasty”) and Lorraine Bracco (Goodfellas, “The Sopranos”) star in “Welcome to Mama’s,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, February 26 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s “Loveuary” programming event.
Amy (Scrofano) inherits a restaurant in Brooklyn after “Mama” (Bracco), the owner and Amy’s dear friend, unexpectedly passes away. Amy, who is trained as a restaurant manager, teams up with a charming but slightly egotistical master chef named Frank (di Tomasso), who is looking for a second chance. They hope to honor Mama by relaunching the restaurant for the community that loves it and her so much. Despite Amy and Frank’s differences both personally and professionally, they discover that the most important ingredient for any recipe is always love.
“Welcome to Mama’s” is from Timeless Pictures Inc. Ben C. Silverman, Michael R. Goldstein and Alexandre Coscas are executive producers. Michael Shepard is co-executive producer, while Shel Piercy serves as producer. Alexander Glua and Theresa Piercy are associate producers. Allan Harmon directed from a script by William Penick.
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brooklynblerd · 4 years
So You Want To Be An Ally
Over the last 2 weeks, I have been fielding many white-guilt questions at work and having very interesting conversations and Zoom calls. Overall, they have been well received, but I am not sure if anything will happen once this is no longer a hot topic. I hope we keep up the momentum, but the media and Politicians and other power holders will try to silence us as quickly as possible. All of the companies realizing that #BlackLivesMatter will inevitably fade away as well. WE HAVE TO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON. So I made a list of talking points for the company that I work for, I hope they put it to use. I will begin sending this to anyone that reaches out to me to “talk” or “to see if I am ok”. While I appreciate the concern (if it’s genuine), I cannot continue being your only Black friend or the only Black person that you feel comfortable speaking to. 
I saw this on Twitter recently, White privilege doesn't mean that your life hasn't been hard, it just means that the color of your skin isn't one of the things that makes it harder. I think this pretty much sums up what white people need to understand, what those people calling themselves our allies need to understand. Having Black pride & saying Black Lives Matter should not offend anyone. It does not mean that we are anti white people.
Black people are not a monolith. While we have all experienced racism in some form or another, we do not share the exact same experiences with it. To try and get an overall view of the different types of racism, you need to speak to many different Black people. Stop treating us as a collective, we are all individuals.  Racism has permeated every single institution in this country. Education, Housing, Banking, Healthcare, Criminal Justice, Entertainment, etc. Racism is very much systemic, not always overt. There are also many different microaggressions that do not present as overt racism. Also, if we are going to have these discussions, please make sure that we feel safe, that we will be heard without reprimand or cynicism or disbelief. Our silence is the reason why this has gone on for so long. We want to be heard. We are no longer willing to stay invisible. Fear makes many of us stay silent, not willing to upset the status quo.
Revamp your hiring strategy/quota. People and organizations tend to conflate diversity and inclusivity. They are NOT the same. While there are many women, LGBTQIA members, Black and other People of Color, the Executives, Sales Management, and HR do not reflect this.
Conversations about race and other social justice issues are uncomfortable. Having these conversations without any Black and People of color present is pointless. Make sure you have Black people and other People of Color in any discussions you have regarding race relations and any other social justice issues. Empathy and sympathy is great, but it will not replace an actual experience.
Understand that the current state of the world has been a long time coming. George Floyd was the straw that broke the camel's back. The only difference is that everyone has a camera now and the police aren't doing themselves any favors by brutalizing everyone who is protesting police brutality.
Acknowledge your privilege. Acknowledge that the system is built to benefit you more than it does us and that it always has.
Saying "I'm not racist" isn't enough anymore. You have to be anti-racist. You have to stop the jokes, stereotypes, etc amongst your circle of friends and family members. This will be hard. But Black and Brown lives have to matter more than offending anyone that is unwilling to change.
Racism is not up to Black people and other People of Color to solve. This wasn't created or instituted by us and as we remain the "minority" in positions of power, we are unable to change it. We only have the ability to fight it, to rise up and demand change. To show that we will no longer take it. We will no longer be silent. We were all taught to be quiet and hold our feelings in to make sure that white people are comfortable. To make sure that we don’t appear threatening or angry. That is changing. Things will not go back to the way that they were. 
Books to read in your journey of becoming an ally:
How To Be An Antiracist - Ibram X. Kensi
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin Diangelo
So You Want To Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo
Me and white Supremacy - Layla F. Saad
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age of Colorblindness - Michelle Alexander
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America - Ibram X. Kendi
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates 
Notes of A Native Son - James Baldwin 
Born A Crime - Trevor Noah
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower - Brittany Cooper
Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth - Dana-Ain Davis
Racism without Racists: Colorblind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States - Edwardo Bonilla-Silva
Towards the Other America: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter - Chris Crass
Two Faced Racism: Whites in the Backstage and Frontstage - Leslie Picca and Joe Feagin
How To Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy and the Racial Divide - Crystal Fleming
The Ethnic Project: Transforming Racial Fiction into Ethnic Factions - Vilna Bashi Treitler
Race and Racisms: A Critical Approach - Tanya Golash Boza
Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations - Joe Feagin
White Rage; the Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide - Carol Anderson
Black Americans - Alphonso Pinkney
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to Present - Harriet Washington
The Hollywood Jim Crow: The Racial Politics of the Movie Industry- Maryann Erigha
Code of the Street - Elijah Anderson
The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
The Mis-Education of the Negro - Carter Woodson
UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol.1 - Joseph Zerbo
UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol. 2 - G. Mokhtar
Black Wealth/White Wealth - Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race - Beverly Daniel Tatum
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice - Paul Kivel
Witnessing Whiteness - Shelly Tochluk
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race - Derald Wing Sue
The Emperor Has No Clothes: Teaching about Race and Racism to People Who Don't Want to Know - Tema Jon Okun
Understanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across Race - Frances Kendall
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics - George Lipsitz
Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race - Debby Irving
How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood - Jim Grimsley
Everyday White People Confront Racial and Social Injustice: 15 Stories - editors = Eddie Moore, Marguerite W. Penick-Parks & Ali Michael
Understanding and Dismantling Racism: The Twenty-First Century Challenge to White America - Joseph Barndt
Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History - Vron Ware
Charleston Syllabus: Readings on Race, Racism, and Racial Violence - editors = Chad Williams, Kidada E. Williams & Keisha N. Blain
We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America - editors = Elizabeth Betita Martinez, Matt Meyer & Mandy Carter. Forward by Cornel West. Afterword by Alice Walker & Sonia Sanchez
killing rage: Ending Racism - bell hooks
Acting White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America - Devon W. Carbado and Mitu Gulati
Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy - Chris Crass
White Like Me: Reflections on Race form A Privileged Son - Tim Wise
White Trash: Race and Class in America - editors = Annalee Newitz & Matt Wray
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces - Radley Balko
Race Traitor - editors = Noel Ignatiev & John Garvey
Feeling White: Whiteness, Emotionality, and Education (Cultural Pluralism #2) - Cheryl E. Matias
Disrupting White Supremacy
Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels, and Black Power: Community Organizing in Radical Times - AmySonnie, James Tracy
For White Folks Who Teach in The Hood...and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education (Race, Education, and Democracy) - Christopher Emdin
Benign Bigotry: The Psychology Subtle Prejudice - Kristin J. Anderson
Subversive Southern: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South (Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality in the Twentieth Century) - Catherine Fosl
How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America - Karen Brodkin
America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America - Jim Wells
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
Living Into God's Dream: Dismantling Racism in America - editor = Catherine Meeks
Promise And A Way Of Live: White Antiracist Activism - Becky Thompson
What Does It Mean to Be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy (Counterpoints #398) - Robin Diangelo
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splatterchatter · 5 years
Mr. Craiggors isn’t leaving the world of haunted attractions and houses just yet. The 22 installment of his 31 by 31 challenge takes a look at 2018 Hell Fest directed by Gregory Plotkin, and written by Seth M. Sherwood, Blair Butler, and Akela Cooper, from a story by William Penick, Christopher Sey and Stephen Susco.
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lacronicacoruna1 · 4 years
El antes y después de las “boy bands” más populares de las últimas décadas
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Por primaveras hemos trillado la transformación de las “boy bands” (bandas de chicos) a través de las trivio de sus canciones, coreografías, videos musicales y vestimentas. Desde los primaveras 70, han aparecido un sinfín de grupos de muchachos, que van desde Jackson Five a New Kids On The Block y One Direction. ¿Cuánto han cambiado estos grupos? ¿Qué hacen en la hogaño? Estas son algunas de las grandes inquietudes de quienes añoran a esos “jovencitos” por los que rieron, lloraron, gritaron, bailaron y cantaron sin temor.
Genial.guru investigó sobre las “boy band” más importantes y elaboró una tira con su antes y después.
1. Jackson Five
Los Jackson 5, hoy conocidos como The Jacksons, es considerada como la primera costado de chicos de la historia y estuvo formada por cinco talentosos hermanos: Marlon, Jackie, Michael, Randy y Tito. Destacaron entonces por su música que mezclaba los géneros R&B, pop, funk y pop rock, y por las voces de dos de sus integrantes: Michael Jackson y Jermaine Jackson. Michael fue el más popular del familia y el que mejor carrera como solista tuvo, tras dejar a sus hermanos. Jackson 5 se disolvió formalmente en 1990 y retornó a los escenarios en 2008.
2. Menudo
Menudo fue uno de los grupos de varones más famosos e importantes de América Latina, así como la cuna de reconocidos artistas como Ricky Martin, Robi Draco Rosa y Johnny Lozada. Los primaveras 80 fue su época dorada y de ahí en delante la popularidad comenzó a descender. A mediados de los 90, los derechos de Menudo fueron vendidos y se derivó un nuevo familia llamado MDO. Finalmente, Menudo tuvo término en 2009 y sus exintegrantes comenzaron a realizar otros proyectos. Por ejemplo, de 1998 a 2015, Ray, René, Charlie, Johnny, Miguel y Ricky Meléndez formaron una agrupación convocatoria El Reencuentro. Ahora, en 2020, otros exmiembros de Menudo estarán participando en una expedición mundial denominada “Súbete a mi moto”. En todo el tiempo en que Menudo estuvo activo, vendió cerca de 20 millones de discos en todo el mundo.
3. New Kids on the Block (NKOTB)
Esta es otra de las bandas populares de los primaveras 90 y pionera en el crecimiento de las denominadas “boy band”. Desde su formación en 1984, nunca cambiaron alguno de sus integrantes y estuvieron activos hasta 1994, regresando en 2008 a la hogaño. New Kids on the Block hizo el camino para que aparecieran otros grupos como Take That, Backstreet Boys, Five o NSYNC. Desde que volvieron al ruedo, NKONTB ha aumentado las cifras en ventas de sus discos que ya supera los 175 millones de copias.
4. Take That
Los originarios de Inglaterra iniciaron su carrera en la término de los 90, hasta que uno de los miembros más famosos, Robbie Williams, abandonó el familia en 1995. En 2005, decidieron retornar, claro, sin Robbie. Sin requisa, él se sumaría en 2010, pero no de forma total, ya que quería continuar con su carrera como solista. Actualmente, el familia se mantiene como un trío con Gary Barlow, Mark Owen y Howard Donald, pues Jason Orange se fue en 2014. Vendieron cerca de 45 millones de discos en todo el mundo.
5. Backstreet Boys
La costado formada en 1993 logró la popularidad mundial en 1997 con su libro “Backstreet’s Back” y continuaron con el idilio hasta el 2000, año en que decidieron tomar un refrigerio por tres primaveras. Entre 2005 a 2009 lanzaron tres discos y en 2011, el familia se unió a New Kids on the Block para realizar una expedición mundial. Además, lanzaron juntos un disco llamado “NKOTBSB”. Se mantienen vigentes a la plazo y es considerado como uno de los grupos de chicos más influyente en la historia de la música. Hasta ahora, han vendido más de 130 millones de discos en el mundo.
Este familia de cinco chicos tuvo una gran popularidad desde finales de los 90 y principios del nuevo milenio. En 2002 anunciaron una pausa temporal, la que fue aprovechada por dos de sus miembros; Justin Timberlake y JC Chasez, quienes comenzaron a trabajar en sus proyectos como solistas. En 2007, otro de los integrantes del familia Lace Bass, confirmó la separación definitiva de NSYNC y dos primaveras más tarde, JC dijo para MTV que de ningún modo volverían a reunirse. Ahora en 2020, Backstreet Boys dejó abierta la posibilidad de realizar una gira mundial con ellos. En su período de actividad llegaron a vender 56 millones de copias de sus álbumes de estudio.
7. MDO
MDO es un familia que derivó de Menudo, luego que los derechos de la marca fueran vendidos a una productora panameña. Los integrantes de ese entonces Abel Talamántez, Pablo Portillo, Alexis Grullón, Anthony Galindo, Didier Hernández y Daniel René Weider, se hicieron con la éxito gracias a la canción “Me huele a soledad” y seguidamente con “Te quise olvidar”. Luego de difundir su primer libro en inglés, Caleb Avilés se fue del familia, obligando al resto a tomar una pausa. Uno de los integrantes más populares fue Abel Talamántez, quien luego de la ruptura, migró a la cumbia al participar con Kumbia Kings. En 2018, Alexis, Abel, Pablo y Didier decidieron unirse con el propósito de recuperar el tiempo perdido.
8. Five
La banda británica igualmente conocida como 5ive se formó en 1997 y alcanzó una gran popularidad en Europa y algunos países de América Latina. En 2001, se disolvieron como familia a pesar del tremendo éxito con el que contaban. Para 2006 se reunieron nuevamente, pero todo duró solo 7 meses. En 2012, lo intentaron por segunda vez, pero sin la presencia de Jason “J” Brown. De esa forma, Scott Robinson, Ritchie Neville, Richard ’Abs’ Breen y Sean Conlon iniciaban una nueva etapa de Five, solo hasta 2014 cuando Richard informó desde Twitter que dejaba el familia. Actualmente, Conlon, Neville y Robinson continúan con el esquema. Para cuando se separaron por primera vez, habían vendido cerca de 10 millones de copias en todo el mundo.
9. Westlife
Westlife es una banda de chicos originaria de Irlanda que partió a mediados de 1998. Su éxito mundial llegó tras el tirada de su libro homónimo “Westlife” y catapultaron su carrera al versionar la canción de Billy Joel “Uptown Girl”. En 2004, Brian McFadden, abandonó el familia, pero el resto de músicos siguió hasta 2011. Ya en 2018 se juntaron y lanzaron un nuevo disco que incluye una canción escrita por Ed Sheeran. A la plazo han vendido cerca de 40 millones de discos.
10. Boyzone
Este cuarteto irlandés que comenzó su carrera en 1993, fue uno de los más populares de Irlanda y Reino Unido y logró entregar cerca de 20 millones de discos. Además, fue considerada como la segunda mejor costado de chicos en Gran Bretaña, por detrás de Take That. Para 1999, se habían separado, lo que dio principio a la carrera como solista de uno de sus integrantes más populares, Ronan Keating. En 2007, Boyzone regresó con el fin de realizar una expedición, pero dos primaveras más tarde Stephen Gately, otro de los integrantes del familia, falleció por causas naturales en España, poco que impactó tremendamente en los integrantes. En 2018, como parte de su 25 aniversario, lanzaron un disco y realizaron una gira que culminó en 2019 con una separación definitiva.
11. 98 Degrees
A pesar de que no lograron alcanzar el éxito de otras “boy band”, 98 Degrees tuvo álgidos momentos que les llevó a entregar cerca de 10 millones de discos. El cuarteto conformado por Nick Lachey, Drew Lachey, Justin Jeffre y Jeff Timmons tomó un refrigerio en 2003, tiempo que sirvió para la realización de proyectos personales. Sin duda, Nick Lachey fue uno de los miembros más famosos del cuarteto e incrementó su éxito con discos en solitario y al participar en el programa de telerrealidad de MTV Recién casados con su exesposa Jessica Simpson. El familia estuvo varios primaveras sin desempolvar los detalles sobre sus trabajos, lo que hizo pensar en una ruptura definitiva. Sin requisa, tras comenzar a apoyar actividad en varias redes sociales, confirmaron en 2012 su regreso, el que se ha mantenido hasta ahora.
12. Boyz II Men
Este distinguido familia de R&B y soul se fundó en 1988 con cuatro integrantes, los que alcanzarían el éxito musical durante la primera término de los primaveras 90. Boyz II Men es considerado como uno de los grupos más influyentes de todos los tiempos y a la plazo continúa actuando, pero como trío, pues en 2003 Michael McCary dejó el familia por padecer de escoliosis.
13. O-Town
O-Town es un grupo de chicos que se formó en el 2000 a través de un programa de telerrealidad de ABC (seguidamente de MTV) llamado Making the Band. Justo en esa época, la éxito de muchas bandas de hombres no era tan popular y por eso se disolvieron en 2003. En ese período, los integrantes del familia exploraron sus carreras como solistas, siendo Ashley Parker Angel al que mejor le fue. En 2011, comenzaron los rumores de un refriega, pero sin la presencia de Ashley. No fue hasta 2013 que regresaron a los escenarios y a la plazo O-Town se mantiene vivo con Erik-Michael Estrada, Trevor Penick, Jacob Underwood y Dan Miller.
14. One Direction
One Direction es una “boy band” formada en 2010 en Inglaterra, mediante el software The X Factor. Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan y Louis Tomlinson audicionaron de guisa particular en el show y fueron eliminados, pero recibieron la sugerencia de Nicole Scherzinger (jueza del software) para que se convirtieran en familia. De esa forma, participaron como One Direction en The X Factor, donde alcanzaron un tercer emplazamiento. Sin requisa, la suerte estaba de su flanco, pues se hicieron tremendamente populares y en 2011, gracias al apadrinamiento recibido por el productor musical Simon Cowell, firmaron un arreglo y lanzaron su primer disco, el que fue un éxito mundial. En 2015, Zayn Malik anunció su retiro y el familia continuó hasta la impresión de su botellín y extremo libro. A la plazo se mantiene inactivo y cada miembro trabaja en sus proyectos personales.
15. CNCO
CNCO es una “boy band” latina formada en 2015 a través de un software de televisión de Univisión llamado La Banda, que fue creado por Simón Cowell, quien buscaba nuevos talentos para convertirlos en fenómenos musicales. Tras varios desafíos internamente del show, Christopher Vélez, Richard Camacho, Zabdiel de Jesús, Joel Pimentel y Erick Colón se consagraron como los ganadores. CNCO consiguió un arreglo para registrar su primer disco bajo la producción de Wisin. Además, contaron con la representación de Ricky Martin. Se mantienen activos a la plazo y mantienen una gran popularidad.
¿Cuál de todos estos grupos te llegó a deleitar más? ¿Todavía cantas alguna de sus canciones? ¡Comparte tus expresiones y canciones favoritas más debajo en los comentarios!
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from La Crónica Coruña https://lacronicacoruna.com/el-antes-y-despues-de-las-boy-bands-mas-populares-de-las-ultimas-decadas/
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lacronicacoruna · 4 years
El antes y después de las “boy bands” más populares de las últimas décadas
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Por primaveras hemos trillado la transformación de las “boy bands” (bandas de chicos) a través de las trivio de sus canciones, coreografías, videos musicales y vestimentas. Desde los primaveras 70, han aparecido un sinfín de grupos de muchachos, que van desde Jackson Five a New Kids On The Block y One Direction. ¿Cuánto han cambiado estos grupos? ¿Qué hacen en la hogaño? Estas son algunas de las grandes inquietudes de quienes añoran a esos “jovencitos” por los que rieron, lloraron, gritaron, bailaron y cantaron sin temor.
Genial.guru investigó sobre las “boy band” más importantes y elaboró una tira con su antes y después.
1. Jackson Five
Los Jackson 5, hoy conocidos como The Jacksons, es considerada como la primera costado de chicos de la historia y estuvo formada por cinco talentosos hermanos: Marlon, Jackie, Michael, Randy y Tito. Destacaron entonces por su música que mezclaba los géneros R&B, pop, funk y pop rock, y por las voces de dos de sus integrantes: Michael Jackson y Jermaine Jackson. Michael fue el más popular del familia y el que mejor carrera como solista tuvo, tras dejar a sus hermanos. Jackson 5 se disolvió formalmente en 1990 y retornó a los escenarios en 2008.
2. Menudo
Menudo fue uno de los grupos de varones más famosos e importantes de América Latina, así como la cuna de reconocidos artistas como Ricky Martin, Robi Draco Rosa y Johnny Lozada. Los primaveras 80 fue su época dorada y de ahí en delante la popularidad comenzó a descender. A mediados de los 90, los derechos de Menudo fueron vendidos y se derivó un nuevo familia llamado MDO. Finalmente, Menudo tuvo término en 2009 y sus exintegrantes comenzaron a realizar otros proyectos. Por ejemplo, de 1998 a 2015, Ray, René, Charlie, Johnny, Miguel y Ricky Meléndez formaron una agrupación convocatoria El Reencuentro. Ahora, en 2020, otros exmiembros de Menudo estarán participando en una expedición mundial denominada “Súbete a mi moto”. En todo el tiempo en que Menudo estuvo activo, vendió cerca de 20 millones de discos en todo el mundo.
3. New Kids on the Block (NKOTB)
Esta es otra de las bandas populares de los primaveras 90 y pionera en el crecimiento de las denominadas “boy band”. Desde su formación en 1984, nunca cambiaron alguno de sus integrantes y estuvieron activos hasta 1994, regresando en 2008 a la hogaño. New Kids on the Block hizo el camino para que aparecieran otros grupos como Take That, Backstreet Boys, Five o NSYNC. Desde que volvieron al ruedo, NKONTB ha aumentado las cifras en ventas de sus discos que ya supera los 175 millones de copias.
4. Take That
Los originarios de Inglaterra iniciaron su carrera en la término de los 90, hasta que uno de los miembros más famosos, Robbie Williams, abandonó el familia en 1995. En 2005, decidieron retornar, claro, sin Robbie. Sin requisa, él se sumaría en 2010, pero no de forma total, ya que quería continuar con su carrera como solista. Actualmente, el familia se mantiene como un trío con Gary Barlow, Mark Owen y Howard Donald, pues Jason Orange se fue en 2014. Vendieron cerca de 45 millones de discos en todo el mundo.
5. Backstreet Boys
La costado formada en 1993 logró la popularidad mundial en 1997 con su libro “Backstreet’s Back” y continuaron con el idilio hasta el 2000, año en que decidieron tomar un refrigerio por tres primaveras. Entre 2005 a 2009 lanzaron tres discos y en 2011, el familia se unió a New Kids on the Block para realizar una expedición mundial. Además, lanzaron juntos un disco llamado “NKOTBSB”. Se mantienen vigentes a la plazo y es considerado como uno de los grupos de chicos más influyente en la historia de la música. Hasta ahora, han vendido más de 130 millones de discos en el mundo.
Este familia de cinco chicos tuvo una gran popularidad desde finales de los 90 y principios del nuevo milenio. En 2002 anunciaron una pausa temporal, la que fue aprovechada por dos de sus miembros; Justin Timberlake y JC Chasez, quienes comenzaron a trabajar en sus proyectos como solistas. En 2007, otro de los integrantes del familia Lace Bass, confirmó la separación definitiva de NSYNC y dos primaveras más tarde, JC dijo para MTV que de ningún modo volverían a reunirse. Ahora en 2020, Backstreet Boys dejó abierta la posibilidad de realizar una gira mundial con ellos. En su período de actividad llegaron a vender 56 millones de copias de sus álbumes de estudio.
7. MDO
MDO es un familia que derivó de Menudo, luego que los derechos de la marca fueran vendidos a una productora panameña. Los integrantes de ese entonces Abel Talamántez, Pablo Portillo, Alexis Grullón, Anthony Galindo, Didier Hernández y Daniel René Weider, se hicieron con la éxito gracias a la canción “Me huele a soledad” y seguidamente con “Te quise olvidar”. Luego de difundir su primer libro en inglés, Caleb Avilés se fue del familia, obligando al resto a tomar una pausa. Uno de los integrantes más populares fue Abel Talamántez, quien luego de la ruptura, migró a la cumbia al participar con Kumbia Kings. En 2018, Alexis, Abel, Pablo y Didier decidieron unirse con el propósito de recuperar el tiempo perdido.
8. Five
La banda británica igualmente conocida como 5ive se formó en 1997 y alcanzó una gran popularidad en Europa y algunos países de América Latina. En 2001, se disolvieron como familia a pesar del tremendo éxito con el que contaban. Para 2006 se reunieron nuevamente, pero todo duró solo 7 meses. En 2012, lo intentaron por segunda vez, pero sin la presencia de Jason “J” Brown. De esa forma, Scott Robinson, Ritchie Neville, Richard ’Abs’ Breen y Sean Conlon iniciaban una nueva etapa de Five, solo hasta 2014 cuando Richard informó desde Twitter que dejaba el familia. Actualmente, Conlon, Neville y Robinson continúan con el esquema. Para cuando se separaron por primera vez, habían vendido cerca de 10 millones de copias en todo el mundo.
9. Westlife
Westlife es una banda de chicos originaria de Irlanda que partió a mediados de 1998. Su éxito mundial llegó tras el tirada de su libro homónimo “Westlife” y catapultaron su carrera al versionar la canción de Billy Joel “Uptown Girl”. En 2004, Brian McFadden, abandonó el familia, pero el resto de músicos siguió hasta 2011. Ya en 2018 se juntaron y lanzaron un nuevo disco que incluye una canción escrita por Ed Sheeran. A la plazo han vendido cerca de 40 millones de discos.
10. Boyzone
Este cuarteto irlandés que comenzó su carrera en 1993, fue uno de los más populares de Irlanda y Reino Unido y logró entregar cerca de 20 millones de discos. Además, fue considerada como la segunda mejor costado de chicos en Gran Bretaña, por detrás de Take That. Para 1999, se habían separado, lo que dio principio a la carrera como solista de uno de sus integrantes más populares, Ronan Keating. En 2007, Boyzone regresó con el fin de realizar una expedición, pero dos primaveras más tarde Stephen Gately, otro de los integrantes del familia, falleció por causas naturales en España, poco que impactó tremendamente en los integrantes. En 2018, como parte de su 25 aniversario, lanzaron un disco y realizaron una gira que culminó en 2019 con una separación definitiva.
11. 98 Degrees
A pesar de que no lograron alcanzar el éxito de otras “boy band”, 98 Degrees tuvo álgidos momentos que les llevó a entregar cerca de 10 millones de discos. El cuarteto conformado por Nick Lachey, Drew Lachey, Justin Jeffre y Jeff Timmons tomó un refrigerio en 2003, tiempo que sirvió para la realización de proyectos personales. Sin duda, Nick Lachey fue uno de los miembros más famosos del cuarteto e incrementó su éxito con discos en solitario y al participar en el programa de telerrealidad de MTV Recién casados con su exesposa Jessica Simpson. El familia estuvo varios primaveras sin desempolvar los detalles sobre sus trabajos, lo que hizo pensar en una ruptura definitiva. Sin requisa, tras comenzar a apoyar actividad en varias redes sociales, confirmaron en 2012 su regreso, el que se ha mantenido hasta ahora.
12. Boyz II Men
Este distinguido familia de R&B y soul se fundó en 1988 con cuatro integrantes, los que alcanzarían el éxito musical durante la primera término de los primaveras 90. Boyz II Men es considerado como uno de los grupos más influyentes de todos los tiempos y a la plazo continúa actuando, pero como trío, pues en 2003 Michael McCary dejó el familia por padecer de escoliosis.
13. O-Town
O-Town es un grupo de chicos que se formó en el 2000 a través de un programa de telerrealidad de ABC (seguidamente de MTV) llamado Making the Band. Justo en esa época, la éxito de muchas bandas de hombres no era tan popular y por eso se disolvieron en 2003. En ese período, los integrantes del familia exploraron sus carreras como solistas, siendo Ashley Parker Angel al que mejor le fue. En 2011, comenzaron los rumores de un refriega, pero sin la presencia de Ashley. No fue hasta 2013 que regresaron a los escenarios y a la plazo O-Town se mantiene vivo con Erik-Michael Estrada, Trevor Penick, Jacob Underwood y Dan Miller.
14. One Direction
One Direction es una “boy band” formada en 2010 en Inglaterra, mediante el software The X Factor. Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan y Louis Tomlinson audicionaron de guisa particular en el show y fueron eliminados, pero recibieron la sugerencia de Nicole Scherzinger (jueza del software) para que se convirtieran en familia. De esa forma, participaron como One Direction en The X Factor, donde alcanzaron un tercer emplazamiento. Sin requisa, la suerte estaba de su flanco, pues se hicieron tremendamente populares y en 2011, gracias al apadrinamiento recibido por el productor musical Simon Cowell, firmaron un arreglo y lanzaron su primer disco, el que fue un éxito mundial. En 2015, Zayn Malik anunció su retiro y el familia continuó hasta la impresión de su botellín y extremo libro. A la plazo se mantiene inactivo y cada miembro trabaja en sus proyectos personales.
15. CNCO
CNCO es una “boy band” latina formada en 2015 a través de un software de televisión de Univisión llamado La Banda, que fue creado por Simón Cowell, quien buscaba nuevos talentos para convertirlos en fenómenos musicales. Tras varios desafíos internamente del show, Christopher Vélez, Richard Camacho, Zabdiel de Jesús, Joel Pimentel y Erick Colón se consagraron como los ganadores. CNCO consiguió un arreglo para registrar su primer disco bajo la producción de Wisin. Además, contaron con la representación de Ricky Martin. Se mantienen activos a la plazo y mantienen una gran popularidad.
¿Cuál de todos estos grupos te llegó a deleitar más? ¿Todavía cantas alguna de sus canciones? ¡Comparte tus expresiones y canciones favoritas más debajo en los comentarios!
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from La Crónica Coruña https://lacronicacoruna.com/el-antes-y-despues-de-las-boy-bands-mas-populares-de-las-ultimas-decadas/
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kairuy · 7 years
Here we go.
1.     The Earth Shakes, HERON Ensemble, Samantha Cooper, dir. Linnea Ingalls. If I remember correctly, this play is loosely based on Antony and Cleopatra; it is diversely-cast, and as is characteristic of this ensemble - they inhabit that word to its fullest definition – the cast switches characters between scenes, like a relay race that crosses all boundaries of race and gender.
2.     The Who and the What, ArtsWest, Ayad Akhtar, dir. Samip Raval. Race-specific. This play is about a Pakistani father and his American-born daughters. I don’t think the actors were necessarily Pakistani; I believe they did a lot of work with Pratidhwani - who co-produced - and with Pakistani consultants to achieve more of a cultural understanding of the characters beyond what is merely in the script.
3.     The Odyssey, Seattle Rep, Todd Almond and Lear deBessonnet, dir. Marya Sea Kaminski. Diversely-cast, across race, across gender, across age, across ability, pulling a cast of a hundred (or so it felt) from all over Seattle, led by a handful of professional actors.
4.     Why We Have A Body, Strawberry Theatre Workshop, Claire Chafee, dir. Rhonda Soikowski. White or white-presenting, as far as I can tell.
5.     Dragon Lady, Intiman, Sara Porkalob, dir. Andrew Russell. Holy mother of god. I have seen this in one form or another at least five times. I could see it another five times. This is about identity, about family, about pride, about strength, about poverty, about pain, about the damage you can do in ways that cross generations, about how you don’t know you’re repeating past mistakes - your own and those of others - until you’ve made them, about how you don’t know what it will take to break a cycle until you’ve broken it.
6.     Teh Internet is Serious Business, WET, Tim Price, dir. Wayne Rawley. As far as I can tell, both race-specific and non-race-specific, and casted accordingly.
7.     Blues for Mister Charlie, The Williams Project, James Baldwin, dir. Ryan Guzzo Purcell. Race-specific, casted accordingly. Flawless. This is one of my favorite plays of all time. James Baldwin’s writing is diamond-sharp and so relevant it makes you feel like you are on fire. Loosely based on the murder of Emmett Till, it is dedicated to Medgar Evers, his widow and children, and “to the memory of the dead children of Birmingham.” It broke my heart every time Richard, the man whose murder at the beginning of the play sets everything in motion, calls his father Meridian “daddy.”
8.     Life: An Adaptation an Adaptation, Filament Collab Lab, Nathan Brockett, dir. Nathan Brockett/choreo. Sophia Franzella. As far as I can tell, white or white-presenting.
9.     Gemini Season (reading), NCTC Pipeline, Nelle Tankus, dir. Emily Harvey. This is a play about a trans woman and most likely should be and was casted accordingly.
10.  I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Book-It, Myra Platt/Malika Oyetimein/Maya Angelou, dir. Malika Oyetimein. Race-specific, casted accordingly. The white characters in this story – there are necessarily white characters in this story – are played by the black ensemble, who drew white gloves over their hands to signify their character’s whiteness. This sent a shiver up my spine.
11.  King of the Yees, ACT, Lauren Yee, dir. Desdemona Chiang. Race-specific – that is, Asian – and casted accordingly. This is a Chinese-American story. Whether the actors are Chinese-American or not isn’t necessarily important to me. They were hilarious as fuck. I cried laughing. Ray Tagavilla is one of my favorite people on the planet.
12.  Journey of the Saint (reading), eSe Teatro, Cesar de Maria, dir. Rose Cano, race-specific and casted accordingly.
13.  Onerus, Café Nordo, Terry Podgorski, dir. Erin Brindley. Diversely-cast, as they usually do.
14.  Julius Caesar, Seattle Shakes, William Shakespeare, dir. George Mount. Diversely-cast.
15.  Burning Doors, OTB/Belarus Free Theatre with Marya Alyokhina, dir. Nicolai Khalezin/Natalia Kaliada. White, or white-presenting, that is, Russian.
16.  Las Mariposas y Los Muertos, Forward Flux, Benjamin Benne, dir. Pilar O’Connell. Race-specific, casted accordingly.
17.  No More Sad Things, Forward Flux, Hansol Jung, dir. Wesley Fruge. Diversely-cast.
18.  Sycorax, 18th/Union, Y York, dir. Mark Lutwak. Race-specific solo work, casted accordingly. I could listen to Demene Hall forever. This is a play that is, on the surface, about Sycorax, the mother of Caliban, who is mentioned in The Tempest but does not appear. Actually this is about the pain of blackness, as a child, as a girl, as a woman, as a lover, as a mother. This is a play about innocence and love and betrayal.
19.  Go Dog Go! SCT, Allison Gregory/Steven Dietz, dir. Allison Gregory/Steven Dietz. Diversely-cast. Well, I mean, they’re playing DOGS. By the way, this show is aimed at small children.
20.  Pride and Prejudice, Seattle Rep, Kate Hamill, dir. Amanda Dehnert. Diversely-cast.
21.  The World of Extreme Happiness, SPT, Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig, dir. Desdemona Chiang. Race-specific, that is, Asian, casted accordingly. Again, don’t ask me about whether the actors are Chinese or not, or half-white or not. That’s not something I care about at all. This one hurts my heart, for reasons I have discussed elsewhere, and I love it.
22.  Beware the Terror of Gaylord Manor, ACT, BenDeLaCreme. Diversely-cast. I mean, it’s a drag burlesque cabaret, basically.
23.  Ragtime, 5th Ave, Terrence McNally/Stephen Flaherty/Lynn Ahrens, dir. Peter Rothstein. Race-specific, casted accordingly. I might have side-eyed the Wealthy White Savior Lady plot line a tiny bit.
24.  Coriolanus: Fight Like a Bitch, Rebel Kat, William Shakespeare/Katherine Jett, dir. Emily Penick. All-female Shakespeare, pronouns changed, diversely-cast. Holy crap, this was stunning.
25.  Happy, Happy, Happy, Macha, Jenn Ruzumna/Lisa Every, dir. Amy Poisson. White or white-presenting.
26. The Crucible, ACT, Arthur Miller, dir. John Langs. Diversely-cast. The only race-specific bit was the casting of Tituba, who appears in the beginning and then disappears. I read today that Langs had originally cast Shermona Mitchell as both Tituba and Judge Hathorne, but could not overcome the restrictions of the Miller estate. At the last minute, Reginald André Jackson was added to the cast as Hathorne. This had to be devastating. Also devastating was watching the scene where Mary Warren confronts Abigail Williams in court. To watch a room of people believe a lying white girl (Abigail) over a trying-to-do-the-right-thing black girl (Mary) reminded me of a line from James Baldwin’s Blues for Mister Charlie: “You can’t call a white woman a liar, even if you’re a white man.”
27.  Last Stop on Lilac Street, Annex, Kelleen Conway Blanchard, dir. Keira McDonald. Mostly white or white-presenting, except for Alaji. Maybe I should stop calling plays “diversely-cast” if they have only one actor of color. Argh, do I need to scroll back through the last 10 months and re-edit everything?
28.  Burn This, Theatre22, Lanford Wilson, dir. Corey McDaniel. Diversely-cast. Well, I mean, again that thing where you have one actor of color and everyone else white or white-presenting. What should my cutoff be? 25%? 40%? 10%? 
29.  Mirror-Mirror (reading), Pork-Filled Productions, Lamar Legend, dir. Aaron Jin. Diversely-cast. This is part of a weeklong series of readings of new plays by playwrights of color, dramaturged and directed and performed mostly by artists of color, presented by Pork-Filled Productions, running at Theatre Off Jackson through Saturday.
30.  Sings the Hits, Theatre22, Scotto Moore, dir. Katie McKellar. Diversely-cast.
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topbooksinhealth · 5 years
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Alcoholism - Ann M. Manzardo, Donald W. Goodwin, Jan L. Campbell, Elizabeth C. Penick & William F. Gabrielli, Jr. http://dlvr.it/RBBNHc http://dlvr.it/RBBNHc
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csenews · 7 years
JSCC Spring Semester Honor Roll Announced
Spring Semester Honor Roll Announced
 Jackson, Tenn (June 21, 2017) – The Office of Admissions and Records at Jackson State Community College released the honor roll for the Spring 2017 semester. On the honor roll, there were 307 full-time students who achieved a quality point average over 3.00. There were 381 students who made the dean’s list by achieving a quality point average of 3.50 or better.
 Honor Roll is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more hours of college-level work (Learning Support excluded) and who complete a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.00 and 3.49.
Dean’s List is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more hours of college-level work and who complete a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.50 and 4.00.
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 1 of 5
Dylan Blake Furr
Tanner David Johnson
Kaitlyn Annette Page
William C Vick
John Henry Benjamin York
Samantha Madison Barrow
Kristina Marie Cannon
Kimberly Ryan Canoy
Jonathan Thomas Cash
Leslie Marie Cathey
David Michael Deloach
Samantha Leigh Ferguson
Scott Eugene Force
Kalee Jo Fountain
Whitney Nicole Hicks
Dan Ellsworth Hoffman
Carl William Joyner
Kirsten L Joyner
Mitchell Brandon McCartney
Cheyenne Harley Moran
Rachel E Noles
Russell Lee Noles
Deborah Ann OBryant
Steven Hunter Peterson
Lacy Jolene Pride
Channa Larame Ragsdale
Alysia Marlana Shear
Sarah C Taylor
Brittany Nicole Watson
Brittany Nicole Webb
Matthew Tyler Williams
Michael Elihu Wilson
Christopher Wesley Wood
James Howard Barber
Trae Daniel Brewer
Loleta Dorilean Carothers
David Gaddy Carroll
Christopher Edward Cox
Landon Thomas Cupples
McKinley Brooke Farley
Ashley Michelle Faulkner
Ashley Dianne Frye
Johnny Alfred Glass
Heath S Graves
Cameron Lane Greer
CHESTER continued:
Tori Brooke Hill
Haley Elaine Hughes
Coty Alan Laudermilk
Brooklyn Rene Miller
Peyton Randal Millner
Carlee Elizabeth Morris
Brand Edward Nicolay
Kenneth E Page
Eva Perez
Colton L Plunk
Reba Marie Price
Chase Colton Ross
Caitlin Jenee Sanchez
Michael Sinclair Segerson
Ezekiel Joesph Smith
Kendyl Dawn Smith
Peyton Wesley Stewart
Amber Dawn Thompson
Sydney Blair Watson
Marcus Lee White
Ryan Yates Dye
Jesus Aguirre
Telisa Shuntel Brown
Jill Anna Castellaw
Aaron Christopher Dennison
Kelsey Ann Gadberry
Meleah Rose Gateley
Michelle Lynn Jones
Candice Woods Kellough
Anthony Chance Lovelace
Jennifer Mooney
Whitney M Revelle
Micah C Riley
Ana Julissa Rios
Kayce Abigail Stallings
Latoya Antionette Gibbs
Whitlee Adraianna Camper
Lauren Ashlee Hays
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 2 of 5
Kyla Bree Linton
Stephanie Lynn Mitchell
Jessica Brooke Patton
Macy Camille Sumler
Decatur continued:
Bryan Wood Swafford
Misty R Swindle
Brandon M White
Talia Suzanne Alley
Dalton Wayne Harrison
Cara Lee Rose
Erica D Tipps
Chloe Jo West
Peyton Charles Adams
Karen Nicole Allen
Bryan Kevin Barnett
Seth Brayden Burchett
Dylan Warner Cole
Kendall Nicole Cox
Michael Scott Evans
Robert Mcgregor Fly
Andrew Joseph Gordon
Nicholas Grant Gutierrez
Hailey Brooke Hudgings
Kahmadre Jay-Quan Hudson
Hannah B Hutchison
Ryan Daniel Jones
Kaitlyn Michelle Kelly
Ryan Dennison Mayfield
Amy Alison McCoy
Madison Brooke Michael
Sa'Liyah Ann Newbill
Andrew Lloyd Oliver
Samantha Kelly Palmer
Ashley McClain Pierce
Alexander Popp
Benjamin Douglas Powell
Dylan Ray Powers
Jonathan Chase Prescott
Courtney Michelle Reese
Katelyn Nicole Rickman
Crystal Lee Rogers
Tasha N Romero
Gage Michael Schneeberger
Brooklyn Victoria Schrupp
Katherine Michelle Stephens
Hunter Michael Taylor
Michael Sean Threadgill
Colton R Tucker
Katherine Walters
Deonte Tyshawn Watson
Alexis Rebekah Beibers
Hannah Rose Black
Tyler D Callahan
Rachel Elise Davis
Austin Wade Greene
Luz D Gutierrez
Katlin Leigh Kelley
William Stewart Koimn
Brittany L Luttrell
Hannah Grace Scott
Marissa Drew Thweatt
Carly Rae Weems
Dustin Blake Ayers
Teara Genea Bearden
William Warren Bond
Amber Nicole Bowling
James Caleb Crotts
Kaylee Renea Gillis
Julia Renee Hall
Chandler Davis Harris
Caden Charles Holt
Savanna Cheyenne Liford
Sarah Ann Marshall
Katy Carroll Nix
Samantha Dawn Oaks
Sasia Sewilta Patterson
Savana Rae Payne
Hannah Lynne Roberts
Amanda Grace Sandusky
LauraAnn M Shiver
Jodie Lee Smith
Kaila Grace Smith
Lauren G Smith
Peggy Ann Snyder
Jessica Lee Ann Stricklin
Alexis Alley Thurman
Jennifer Michelle Vandiver
Destiny Brooke Weeks
Alison R Whaley
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 3 of 5
Haley LeAnne White
Kanesha L Wright
Henry Stanley Clement
Mary Catherine Currie
Presley Grace Gaters
Danielle Nicole House
HAYWOOD continued:
Caroline Elizabeth Newcom
Elizabeth Blair Simpson
Ashton Muriel Taylor
Kristin Brooke Turner
Emily H Wright
Anthony Glynn Anderson
Jaclyn Devin Arnold
Andrew B Austin
Bethany Jo Autry
Emily Gore Baughn
Trent Cavalier Beacham
Justin Andrew Brown
Molly Brooke Brown
Leighann Nicole Burkett
Eduardo Carreto-Salgado
Charles Michael Carrington
Lauren Rae Cole
Tonie L Coleman
Emily Anne Dyer
Paul Leo Fowler
Cassidy O Garner
Johnathan Keith Goodman
Melissa Allean Gray
Andrew Garrett Grice
Bethany G Hayes
Crystal Renee James
Haley Nichole James
Kristen F Lawler
Sarah Michelle Lindsey
Abigail Marie Maness
Morgan Elizabeth Maness
Jessica Brooke Montgomery
Fernando Gonzales Munoz
Vanessa Ann Nelms
Jimmy Hunter Powell
Katelynn Allison Nichole Pratt
Allyson C Reeves
Alyssa L Reeves
Kaley Elizabeth Rogers
Jacob Daniel Smith
Kersten L Springer
Dalton Bryce Womack
Samantha Frances Dixon
Taylor Brooke French
Seth Zachary Gibbs
Courtland Nicole Hester
David Penick
Ashley Nicole Bates
Andrew Carver Dunavant
Conner Clayton McLemore
John Daniel Moore
Jakara L Snipes
Remoun Abdo
Cassidi Grace Adams
Malarie Alexander
Sajedah Alghunaim
Rami Amer Al-Jafari
Kimbrielle Elise Allen
Kaitlan Sheree Anthony
Faith Selene Atherton
Colin Andrew Barnett
Marietta Nicole Barnett
Sydney Taylor Brookshire
Ethel Louise Brown
Megan Fairchild Buehler
Michael Aaron Campbell
Jessica Dianne Carter
LeeAnne Madison Clement
Rachael Merriem Clenney
Curtis Andrew Cobb
Jacqueline Brooke Cole
Vania Evette Comer
Claire Allison Cooke
Humberto Coronado
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 4 of 5
Alberto Coronado Chavez
Christian Taylor Cotner
Melissa Anne Craigie
Sarah Mae Craigie
Jarius Okuria Curry
Kiley Renee Douglas
Sarah Elizabeth Droke
Diana Steffy Escober
Chloe Nicole Espitia
Jessica Danielle Gibson
Damian Jordan Gladney
Zia Goli
MADISON continued:
James Tucker Goodwin
Sydney Gail Grammer
Brianna Madison Gregory
Eric Michael Gunn
Olivia Marie Guzzo
Alex James Haggard
Marshall Britton Hammill
Korean Nichele Harris
Garry E Harvey
Sarah Elaine Harvey
Amanda Nicole Haynes
Berlie Grace Hieagle
Edith Charity Horst
Cody Lynn Hunt
Kayla Nichole Johnson
Kassidy Blair Jones
Hailey Renee Jones
Meagan Hope Kitchen
Janelle Nicole Kyle
JuliaAnne Frances Lansdale
Dillion Robert Larimore
Patrisha Dannielle Leadbetter
Sarah Fulton Lim
Philippe Lumpkin
Lance Austine McElroy
Michael Todd McFadden
Natalie Mendoza
Blanca Estela Mireles Valdez
Madison Marie Montchal
Michael Lee Montgomery
Stephen Houston Morse
Belinda Sue Murchison
Andrew Steven Murley
Justin Robert Mutschler
Callyn Leonard Nims
Rebekah June Pennington
Nicholas Anthony Pica
Brittney Michelle Pickens
Anthony Daniele Previtera
Paige Marie Ramage
Teena Maree Rea
Nicolas N Reyes
Anna Belle Robertson
Xavius K Robinson
Eric Lee Rooks
Rachel Elizabeth Royer
Adriana Salinas
John Louis Santana
Sandra Shari Santiago-Bullington
Heaven Leigh Schatz
MADISON continued:
Tempestt Bernice Seward
Hailey Elizabeth Shephard
Joseph Michael Shephard
Mya Taylor Spivey
Allison Claire Stutts
Victoria Lynn Subia
Kimberly Nichole Sullivan
Brooklyn Marie Taylor
Debra Taylor
Allison Faith Thomas
Robert Mikael Utley
Ryne Vinson
Jordan Breanne Warren
Kenneth Connor Weaks
Clay E Webb
Kaylyn Alyra Weddle
Jacob Dylan Weidner
Destiny Marie Westbrook
Elizabeth Renee Williams
Ashton Vernard Willis
Kameron Dean Wilson
Noah Alyssa Wilson
Brooke Ashlyn Woodard
Brinlea Madison Woodard
Ryan K Woods
Alexander Ryan Wortham
Jeremy Dean Yates
Kelci Nicole Zabriskie
Kathrine Rose Atkinson
Joanna Elizabeth Barlow
Jonathan Ray Bauer
Carrie Elizabeth Clausel
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
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Haylie Marissa Crum
Elizabeth Hope Doucette
Shelbi Elise Doucette
Eric Ryan Gowler
Evan Parker Harris
Kateryna Kucherenko
Warren Austin Lowrance
Mary-Elizabeth Adale Lyons
Payton James Mast
Elizabeth Nicole Miller
Andrew Vinson Pettit
Tamara A Pickens
Samuel Reid Pierce
Jacob Alan Qualls
Ashton Brooks Rich
Josiah David Rininger
McNAIRY continued:
Dakota LeighAnn Russell
Angela Michelle Taylor
Jon Michael Williams
Stevie Brooke Mers
Sandra Marie Dicks
Ian Jose' Bibiloni
Nicholas Jordan Blankenship
Issac James
Brandon Tyler Maxwell
Michael Hoang Nguyen
Theresa Donyelle Allison
Carlye Kay Dixon
Amy Lois Bartlett
Brittany Nikole Bunch
Jessica Gable
Nicholas Caden Grace
Tom Eric Jehnzen
Lyndsey Brooke Scott
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Lindsey Nicole Baker
Michael Keith Coady
Corina Nicole Hensley
Jearleh Generale Obas
Justin Lee Smothers
Kelsey Jordan Yates
Kallie Cheyenne Berry
Hannah Olivia Boroughs
Jennifer Renee Bratton
Stephanie Marie Brown
Layla Dawn Byrum
James Zach Cagle
Meagan Renee DeLaney
Joshua Cody Douglas
Austin Chase Ezell
Chadwick Heath Futrell
Hunter Lynn Harris
Sara Beth Hayes
Kaitlyn E McAlpin
Jackie F McClain
Hannah Lea McWilliams
Charles Neil Prestwood
Charles Neil Prestwood
Jazzlyn Janae Ray
Michael Ray Rogers
Kelsey Layne Runions
Rachel N Sellers
Heath D Spain
Riley N Toombs
Kasey M White
Amanda Michelle Williams
Danielle Leigh Williams
Kevin Wayne Williams
Kelsey L Wortham
Brianna Gayle Allen
Erin Michelle Barnes
Zackary Jordan Bethune
Jonathan Trey Ervin
Sydney Taylor Frank
Kelsey Lynne Grissom
Haley Cheyenne Hardwick
Morgan Elizabeth Hays
Bayley Madison Holder
CHESTER continued:
Austin Tyler Holman
Dylan Wesley King
William James Lampley
Dustin William Tyler Montgomery
Austin Edward Moore
Amber Shalane Mosley
Jaylan Dewayne Northern
Jared Patrick Page
Christine LaShae' Puckett
Trenity B Puente
Cody Allen Riley
Kendall Anne Shaw
Payton A Wilkinson
Yulissa Bautista
Makalah Carter Buckner
Hilary Brooke Butler
Yeltsin Chapina
Meraleigh Peyton Holland
Erin Yessenia Juarez
Kevin Scott Kail
Anthony J Merriweather
Joseph Braden Nace
Lauren Breanna Pender
Lionardo Sanchez
Seth Daniel Shewmaker
Kordell Jay Smith
Lee Rice
Brett William Bell
Jesse Alan Burns
Morgan Anna Crews
Lacey Leann Hicks
Geovany Jimenez
Jacob Christopher Maness
Tiffani Cheyenne Shea
Kayleigh Morgan Smith
Jase Lee Taylor
Jordan C Tubbs
Leslie Ann Darrow
Page 2 of 4
Elizabeth Ann Fisher
Allison C Hodge
Kyndal Riddick
Chari A Swift
Jaleesa Shavon Blade
Kelsey Roxanne Wilson
Reagan Wesley Barnhart
Bethany Carol Lynn Bolin
Kayla Gabrielle Bowie
Seth Everett Brown
Zachary Monroe Case
Lila Marie Cauley
Andrew Tyler Chambers
Andria Marey Cole
Charles Benjamin Coleraine
Madison Paige Ellis
Taina Bronjour Escalera
Carly A Fry
Heather Michelle Frye
Emily Jerene Galvan
Melissa D Goodrich
Alyssa Faith Hartig
Matthew Davis Hawks
Braydon Gregory Hendrix
Baylea Alexandra Holmes
Olivia Langston Hunt
Rachel Nicole Jones
Amanda D Littleton
Lauren Elizabeth Miller
Raquel Taylor Miranda
Austin Eli Moore
Jessica N Paz
Haley Nicole Rainey
Kayla Michelle Reeves
Anna Sison
Kyle Martin Trompower
Mackenna Grace Upchurch
Bailey Anne Vandiver
Brandt Gage Wright
Austin Zinkann
Luis Santiago Ayala
Kamryn Nicole Brown
Kenylsha D Bryant
Lashara Shavay Burkley
Megan Ashley Caicedo
Ethan Scott Grantham
Timothy Landon Lee Harris
Joshua M Kennamore
Michael Brandon Knepp
Rianna V Lewis
Christopher Z Luciano
Keylon D Muex
Andrea Lashae Mullins
Keanna Monee Pirtle
Patric D Stewart
Taylor Brooke Alexander
Bailey Reese Brasher
Jenny Marie Briley
Alyssa Mariah Dilday
Ricki Kay Lynn Ford
Ryan Mitchell Guyer
Tori Ann Haggard
Austin Wade Henson
Makaila Cheyenne Keymon
Dustin Kane Moore
Mickay Vaschelle Qualls
Jefferson Charles Rey
Serenate N Searles
Jordan Luke Sledge
Elizabeth Diane Talley
Delaney Jean Timberman
Ronita D Walker
Brooklyn Paige Anderson
John Burton Friedman
Jennifer Marie Hendrix
Amye Ann Pitts
Nakesia Monique Shephard
Leigh Anne Stanley
Page 3 of 4
Jordan Ray Bartholomew
Adam Clayton Briggs
Timothy Dovone Clark
Martice Daniel Crawford
Drake Daniel Eason
Jacob Alan Ewell
Zachary Robert Haynes
Shanna L Lindsey
Destiny Lanette Moody
Alaina Elizabeth Moore
Jordan L Morris
Jessica Marie Nowell
William Survan Pickering
Eli Tyler Plunk
Dylan Frank Powers
Holly Duncan Pratt
Brandi Sheree Reeves
Caitlin Ashlee Scott
Samuel Paul Shannon
Jacob Randall Thomas
Lyndsey P Tosh
Haven Nicole Trull
Emily Nicole Vinson
Trevor Chase Wood
Lilly M Woods
Trey M Wright
Erika N Barlow
Brianna Leigh Houlle
Allie Joy Murphy
Chelsea N Phifer
Holly Nicole Potts
Rachel Gayle Ragan
David Ian Sarnik
Rachel Tioni Silvester
Mikala Cheyenne Spry
Joel Tyler Estes
Beau Bradford Simpson
Kolie J Smith
Simonne Janae Snipes
Kenzie Owen
Brittany Zinelle Anderson
Samuel Davis Anderson
Isaac H Andrews
Amie Lee Scales Autrey
Crystal Linda Autry
Mark Anthony Bedwell
Matthew Elliot Blackwell
Shelbi Leigh Bond
Cameron D'Anne Briley
Chelsea Lane Brown
Hunter Daniel Brown
Marcus Wayne Brown
Ryan Mitchell Butler
Kimberly Renee Carpenter
Richard Jacob Crosnoe
Yulissa DeLaCerda
Mouhamd Elsebae
Hunter Mckinley Finan
Eric Nicholas Forsythe
Russell E Fowler
Brooke Lauren George
James Jacob Gross
Olivia Grace Hall
Jayda McKenzie Hampton
Christian Carter Hays
Janet Diane Hilliard
Angel Mae Hodgin
Brian Jacob Honey
Haleigh Elizabeth Hooper
Garrett Carson Jeanes
James Edward Johnson
Kalesha Rachelle Jones
Shalanda Denise Jones
Jessica Ellen Kirby
Dylan Alexander Kyle
Shea Elizabeth LaFont
Annabel Leon
Bishop Jones Lewis
Elizabeth E Macon
Hunter Allen Massey
Banks Christian Mayo
Jacob Lee McCord
Abby Leigh McNeal
Michael Patrick Mills
Page 4 of 4
MADISON continued:
Jacob Weston Morford
Jennifer Lynn Nieves
Lauren Marie Nieves
Ryan Joseph Palmatier
Carson Mitchell Parker
Chiquita Lashon Perry
Shainia Danielle Perry
Jessica Lynn Pittman
Andrew Christopher Pope
Naydelin Ramirez-Gonzalez
Desiree Ransom
Kaylee Renae Riddle
Cheterra Nicole Rogers
Julie Amanda Rouse
Joshua Bryant Shuford
Allison Taylor Smith
Mia Kayley Spivey
William A Swift
Christina Leigh Tall
Zachary Chase Taylor
Nicholas ONeil Teague
Anna June Thompson
Blake Martin Tims
Shelby M Tisdale
Hayden L Towater
Kayla Jordan Vaughn
Jesse A Williamson
Taylor Nicole Willis
Haley Nicole Worsham
Sarah Janine Yelverton
Joshua Avery Frantz
Tina Bailey Bennett
Brandon Kyle Brown
Jacob Ryan Cox
Kendall Shae Dickerson
Zachary Alan Howell
Sarah Elizabeth Hurst
Caleb Tate Kennedy
William Homer Lescheck
Landon Troy McAfee
Anna Marie Moore
Megan Nichole Morris
Haven D Phelps
Krista D Ray
Joshua Lee Shelby
Lauren Elizabeth Steele
Emily Katherine Surratt
Kayla Renee Bradley
Michelle Amber Donner
Lucas W Veltri
Kristian Alisha Davis
Bethany N Workman
William Blake Qualls
Sadler Allen Goodwin
Marcus Andrew Lytle
Annamarie B Pugh
Jerrica Katline Hicks
Brennen Zachary Cobb
Denise Rae Cook
Audrey Louise Grooms
Jeffery Lynn Hampton
Starr Anne Petersen
Lawson Michael Roberts
Darin Reed Cole
18 notes · View notes
Hallmark Actor Spotlight - Jill Wagner (Part 2)
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A Harvest Love (2017) 
Directed by Steven R. Monroe 
Written by William Penick 
Starring Jill Wagner, Victor Webster, Merren McMahon, Andrea Brooks, Catherine Barroll, and Jeremy Guilbaut 
Originally premiered October 21, 2017 on the Hallmark Channel, part of Fall Harvest 
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High school sweethearts in Williamstown, MA, Sarah Bloom (Jill Wagner) and David Nichols (Victor Webster) lost touch when she went to college in New York and he stayed home to run the family farm. Now Sarah has a thriving wedding planning business in Manhattan, and David is the founder of one of the state’s most successful Farmer’s Markets. They both seem to have found their true calling, and each is so married to work there’s no time to devote to love.
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But life is full of surprises, and Sarah is caught off guard when her next bride-to-be, Abby King (Andrea Brooks), is set to marry Tom Nichols (Marcus Rosner), David’s younger brother. Not only that, but the wedding has to be planned in just two weeks because Tom is being deployed into the army reserves. Sarah’s up for the challenge and can even handle Abby’s demanding mother Barbara (Catherine Barroll) with a list of things she wants for the wedding, but Sarah is truly taken aback by the location the couple has chosen for their special day – David’s farm!
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As it turns out, Sarah hasn’t been to her hometown or seen David for years, and even her assistant Emma (Merren McMahon) senses her discomfort. But Sarah brushes off the whole “David thing.” After all, Abby and her mother come from a real estate empire and planning a high-profile wedding like this could get the attention of wedding writer Payton Ellis (Jeremy Guilbaut). An article in his prominent Wedding Magazine could make Sarah’s business take off.
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Still, although totally focused on her work, Sarah does show signs of having feelings for David when she looks through a shoebox of mementos she’s kept of their romance. The next day though, when she and Emma arrive at the Nichols’ farm to begin the wedding preparations, Sarah’s all business once again. And it seems David is too. She finds him hard at work in the fields and although his eyes light up when he sees her, he hardly lets her know it, claiming he’s too busy to help her with the wedding because he’s right in the thick of fall harvest.
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But when handsome Payton shows up on the farm to write a cover article about the King- Nichols wedding, David is jealous and suddenly is very helpful in finding the perfect spot for the ceremony – under a walnut tree where he and Sarah first kissed. The gorgeous setting stirs feelings neither Sarah nor David can deny, even if they’re both still married to their professions.
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As the days to the wedding tick down, the fancy affair Barbara envisioned finally changes to the simple one Abby and Tom wanted all along. And although a kitchen fire instantly alters the plans Barbara’s celebrity chef had for the reception, David’s Farmer’s Market crew saves the day with an amazing feast. Life certainly did throw lots of surprises at this harvest wedding, and Sarah and David could be in store for some surprises of their own. David has developed a unique soil that can grow things almost anywhere, maybe even on a rooftop in New York! 
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Karen Kingsbury’s Maggie’s Christmas Miracle (2017) 
Directed by Mike Robison 
Written by Karen Kingsbury, Tyler Russell, and Maria Nation. Based on the novel by Karen Kingsbury. 
Starring Jill Wagner, Luke Macfarlane, Lauren Guci, Laura Soltis, Lane Edwards, and Francoise Yip 
Originally premiered December 10, 2017 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, part of the Most Wonderful Movies of Christmas 
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At Christmastime, a young Maggie has her first blush of love with a boy named Kade (Marcus Zane Carvalho) while vacationing with her family in Lake Tahoe. The excitement from her first kiss with Kade, though, is short-lived, as shortly after she learns that her father has left their family. Twenty years later, Maggie (Jill Wagner) is a divorce attorney and overprotective mom to her son Jordan. Just like her father, Maggie’s husband left her at Christmas. Maggie puts on a brave face but Jordan sees how unhappy she is and writes letters to God praying for a Christmas miracle for his mom.
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Maggie hires Casey (Luke Macfarlane) to tutor Jordan over the holiday break. When Maggie’s mother, Terri (Laura Soltis), takes Jordan to meet the carefree diner owner, the two get along swimmingly. This immediate rapport is in stark contrast to the lack of connection when Jordan first meets Tanner (Lane Edwards), the fellow divorce lawyer that Maggie is dating. Casey has Maggie over for a home cooked dinner and shares that his wife passed away in recent years – he keeps mementos of their relationship and hasn’t been ready to move on. Though Maggie is wary of love, she begins to feel a spark.
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Maggie’s friend Lauren (Francoise Yip) hires Maggie to represent her when her husband unexpectedly files for divorce. Maggie is shocked and disappointed when Tanner later decides to represent Lauren’s husband. He claims it’s business but to Maggie, it’s personal.
Maggie and Casey grow closer – with Casey infusing her life with the Christmas spirit – and Jordan starts to see Casey as a father figure. When Casey asks Maggie out on a date, she accepts. Casey donates his wife’s Christmas items, ready to move on and open himself up to new love.
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To show Maggie his commitment, Tanner drops Lauren’s husband as a client and buys the two of them tickets to Italy for the holiday. Maggie realizes the they aren’t meant to be together, and gives them back – instead choosing to see Casey. After Casey kisses Maggie and tells her he is falling in love with her, though, Maggie gets scared of heartbreak – both her own and Jordan’s. Jordan is crushed and writes another letter to God praying for Maggie to see that Casey makes her happy, giving it to Casey to help deliver.
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Casey discovers a snow globe from Lake Tahoe, and is struck with the memory of meeting Maggie when they were children. He drops this snow globe and Jordan’s letters off to Maggie as a Christmas gift. After reading Jordan’s letters to God and discovering her coincidental childhood tie to Casey, Maggie begins to wonder if her Christmas miracle has been in front of her eyes all along, and if Christmas is the time to open her heart to love. 
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