#william milles
isa-belle1367 · 7 months
So this is gonna be my AU where all of desmonds ancestors follow desmond around in spirit form (also including other assassins who aren't his ancestors), but this little story is taking place during ac3 when William hit desmond so...ya (this is probably gonna be really bad lmao) also plz do not ship desmond with anyone most of them are related, that's weird
Btw Kass isn't here bc she is still alive, so alexios is here instead
I woke up from the animus, still shocked about what I had heard. Haythem was a Templar.
I always got weird vibes from haythem, but I never thought he would be a Templar.
Over to my left, Altair was sitting on the floor next to Malik, I knew Rebecca and Shaun couldn't see them, not unless they allowed themselves to be seen. Which worked in my favor, I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain this
I wasn't even fully sure what they were or why they were here. At first, I thought it had something to do with them being my ancestors, but with Malik here, I knew that couldn't be the case. Bayek and Aya had also confirmed this.
Altair glanced at me and smiled before going back to his conversation with Malik, which was fine by me because I had more pressing matters to worry about.
"You all saw that, right?" I asked while sitting up.
"Wow," Rebecca looked shocked
"Wow indeed," shaun said, nodding
I glanced to the side, Connor was sitting with his head down. Connor had just started showing up recently, but I already liked him, so it hurt me to see him sad, especially over his father being a Templar.
"The key must be the amulet haythem took from London." I said
Bayek came up behind me. "Your father is behind you."
I nodded, I knew most of my ancestors didn't really like my dad, so they always took it upon themselves to warn me when he was near.
I heard my dad speak up. "We might know what it looks like, but we are no closer to finding it. Desmond, you need to keep going."
I stood, turning to my dad. Next to him, Altair and Malik were now up, glaring daggers at him. Well, everyone was except for Rebecca and Shaun, but Altair and Malik looked ready to gut him.
I could feel their rage, everyone's rage. I guess it comes with having ghosts tied to your soul. You get to feel their emotions.
"Hey, he's your ancestor too. Why don't you hop in the animus?" Normally, I wouldn't have said anything, but it was really hard not too when I felt the anger of 9 people flowing through me.
"Really? That's your response? It's like dealing with a 6-year-old." He stated rolling his eyes
If I thought Altair looked angry before now, he looked furious, but Altair wasn't who I was focused on. It was Connor. Out of everyone, his rage was the strongest. I glanced over and saw Edward next to Connor. At least Edward is there to keep him somewhat calm.
"What is wrong with you, desmond?" William asked, walking around the animus to get closer to me.
I walked over to him, and I could feel my emotions boiling over.
"You wanna know what's wrong? I'm sick of being treated like I'm not even here! Desmond, do this. Desmond do that. Desmond, you better figure things out, or the sun will kill us all.
And I know I was really nice to you, but I'm actually just another Templar plot twist. And yes, I would very much like for you to be controlled by a magic space wizard so that you can murder me. So there's your answer. I'm sick of being your pawn. I thought you might be different, but it turns out you're no better then the fucking Templars."
But before I could even really register what I said and apologize, pain shot through my face. I stumbled back, shocked, and then I was blinded by a bright flash.
I blinked, realizing what I had just said. I knew that those weren't my words coming from my mouth. Well, maybe a few words were mine.
Once the light dimmed, I looked over to see my dad flying to a wall, with Altair and ezio already running towards him with murder in their eyes.
I cursed, sprinting after them
"Altair, Ezio! Stop!" I called out
Luckily, my dad wasn't too far, and I was able to get to him quickly, but the bad news was that Altair and ezio were quicker and already had their weapons drawn. Along with bayek, Jacob, and evie.
"Altair, don't hurt him, you too, Ezio. Bayek, if you shoot my dad, I'm confiscating your bow and Jacob if you throw that bomb. I swear." I called out, just trying to get these fully trained assassins to take a breath and NOT kill my dad.
Altair and ezio frowned at me, clearly disappointed, bayek lowered his bow, and Jacob whispered something to evie.
"Jacob, if you're planning something, stop it."
I sighed, I loved these guys, but they can really be a handful sometimes.
"What they hell was that?" My dad questioned while rubbing his head.
Oh, right, I forgot that to him. He just randomly got blasted across the room, then saw me yelling at seemingly nothing.
I was about to say something, but Alexios was standing behind my dad holding a sword, looking like he was about to spear my dad
I groaned and held my hand out. Alexios rolled his eyes before handing me the sword. It materialized in my hand, I set it over to the side where he couldn't get it before turning back to my dad.
I rubbed my eyes. How the hell was I going to explain this.
Before I could figure out what I was going to say, Malik appeared next to me, but now he didn't appear as transparent. He was still transparent, but you could only tell if you looked long enough. I knew my dad could see him now, too.
He grabbed my face, examining it. "Your nose is bleeding, though it doesn't appear to be broken."
I glanced at my dad, the poor man looked horrified.
I turned to him, pulling away from Malik. I offered a hand to him.
"Why don't you go have Shaun and Rebecca make sure you're not hurt, I'll explain everything in a second."
Malik grabbed my arm, raising an eyebrow. He gave me a look that said, "Are you sure about this."
I nodded, and he let go of my arm. "You're too kind for your own good." He stated in Arabic
After helping my dad up and making sure he could still walk, I turned to Altair and ezio.
"Really? he punched me, and you threw him into a stone wall!" I said exasperated.
Malik handed me a tissue, "Your nose is still bleeding."
"Not the point." I said while I dabbed at my nose with the tissue
I noticed Shaun, Rebecca, and William starting at me. "You know there is no point in keeping yourselves hidden now." I announced to my ancestors.
Jacob grinned, making himself visible along with evie. Bayek and Aya followed, then connor and Edward, and soon everyone was visible.
I glanced back over at shaun and Rebecca, and now they looked scared but also extremely confused. I sighed, I should probably explain everything to them before scolding Altair for throwing my dad.
I began to walk over to them, but bayek appeared next beside me, grabbing my shoulder
"Are you sure you don't want us to....handle your father." Bayek asked in Egyptian.
"No, you are not going to harm my dad mentally, emotionally, or physically." I responded in Egyptian. I didn't think my dad needed to hear that a bunch of skilled assassins wanted him dead.
I walked over to William and the others, ezio and Connor, following closely. I smiled. ezio had been kinda protective over me since he first came here, and while I hadn't gone through connors memories yet, I had a pretty good idea why he was weary of my dad.
"So I guess I should explain."
sorry if this is bad. This is very rushed, but I have had this idea in my head for about a week
Btw in case I didn't name everyone, the assassins following desmond are Altair, Malik, ezio, Aya, bayek, evie, Jacob, Connor, and Edward, (haythem shows up sometimes with shay)
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aaflovedatbounz · 3 months
Daddy ..
Deuxin Shay Shayy & Her Phat AzZed
Keep Bounzin !
Gurl N Da Kitchen
At Da Same Damn
▶️ 📎 & YT Audio @ Da Same Damn ⏰️...
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rosie-tyler · 3 months
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Happy 40th anniversary to The Karate Kid (22.06.1984).
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worldsaparted · 2 months
hi!! your writing is so so good i read all your fics ^_^ !! could you write something for maybe a jealous make out session with johnny lawrence omg 🙈🙈 like reader was just talking with daniel normally and johnny sees and gets all jealous and possessive AHHSJFJDJ im going crazy for this man
1. i love this request, and 2. thank u so much for ur support, i appreciate it :) <3
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Lab Partner - Johnny Lawrence
As Y/n walked out of the indoor hallways, she glanced to Daniel Larusso as he held the door open for her - shooting a friendly smile. “What do you say about tomorrow, study hall?” He asked, his voice soft - and a bit scratchy. He awaited an answer from the girl who walked beside him as they exited school.
“That sounds good.” She responded, nodding and sending a small wave to him as he handed her the paper work from today’s class.
“Bye, Y/n.” His voice was soft and she returned a small bye, under her breath before her view shifted from Daniel - to Johnny, a small glare across his face as he watched Daniel Larusso make his way off campus.
He was leaning against his own car, and seeing as it was extremely cold as Christmas neared, his car roof was on.
Johnny Lawrence kept his view on Daniel Larusso as his girlfriend walked over, making her way to him and his car.
She met him, her hand tapping his chest to gain his attention and he glanced down at her after she placed a casual kiss against his jawline as a way of greeting him. “Hey - ” He gestured to the tan boy. “What the hell was that?” He watched as Y/n sighed, getting into his car and he did the same now, his gaze set on her.
“What?” She asked, her voice soft as the many cars of students leaving the school passed by, slowly but surely emptying out the parking lot.
Getting into the car, Johnny Lawrence sighed as he started it up - watching his girlfriend set her backpack in the back as he began driving out as well. He was clearly annoyed, and she could tell - the way he drove, the way he didn’t shut up about the subject. “I told you, he’s my lab partner.” Y/n justified, watching Johnny scoff.
“I’ve got a lab partner too, you don’t see me talking to her like that.” He sassed, parking his car in front of the small diner he sometimes took her too after school that was just around the corner.
“Well, he’s a good lab partner, Johnny. Knows how to do a lot.” Of course she was playfully egging him on, but with his temper - Johnny rolled his eyes - turning the ignition of his car off, holding his keys in his hand as he glanced over to Y/n - a small smile across her face.
“You’ve got to be joking.” He spoke, his voice low and Y/n shrugged, watching as he squinted his eyes - “Y/n.” He started, “I’ll take you home right now.” He threatened, and he carefully watched her before her soft smile widened.
She attempted to place an innocent, gentle kiss upon his lips to assure him she was kidding, though at the feeling of her lips meeting his , Johnny immediately closed the space between them.
He undid her seatbelt for her, his lips against hers slowly turning the kiss from slow and careful to rough and needy kisses.
His right hand was gripping her neck, and his left on her cheek as he held her firmly, placing continuous kisses against her lips - clearly in need of this.
His kisses were usually passionate, but when they were this aggressive it told all. Johnny was angry, but at the same time - he loved reminding her.
“What’d I tell you about Larusso?” He spoke against her lips, and as she attempted to pull away and respond, Johnny shook his head. “Shut up.” He mumbled, immediately placing his lips against hers again. This time, their parted lips met in a desperate, sloppy manner. Johnny gave himself an entrance to her mouth as he slipped his tongue in, perfectly exploring his girlfriend’s mouth.
Slowly, his hand reached into the inside of Y/n’a shirt, caressing her back and earning soft sighs in content as she nodded into the kiss. Now, Johnny was feeling a lot better. He smiled into the kiss, his eyes fluttering open as he spoke up, pulling away just an inch, leaning over her now. “Does he know how to do that?” He asked, his tone confident and almost playful - but Y/n knew he meant that question with everything in him.
This time, he waited for an answer, his eyebrow quirking a bit as he panted a little, hovering her. “Huh?” He searched her eyes, and Y/n’s lips curved into a small smile.
She took her hand to run it through his blonde, soft hair, and without any words - she answered by shaking her head. At this, Johnny Lawrence bit his lip, nodding and quickly removing his Cobra Jacket, throwing it to the back seat. He quickly leaned in once again, now moving forward and leaning her seat back to gain more comfort. His lips clashed against hers as if he was hungry, and he bit her bottom lip in the midst of their kiss, groaning a little in pleasure at the feeling of her hands roaming his chest, and ending up around his neck.
“I’ll do all your lab work.” He murmured against her lips again, his hands traveling up to her cup her face. He grabbed her, and held her in place as he continued to kiss her roughly, earning smiles against the kiss from Y/n. “You’ll never have to talk to him again, I promise you.” Those were the last words before Johnny continued to focus on kissing her, his thumbs rubbing against her jawline.
The sloppy kisses continued, Y/n allowed herself to pull him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck and she nodded against the kiss, her top lip in between both of his as he lightly sucked on it. His lips slowly left her swollen ones to run against her jawline, and his hands moved to rest inside her shirt, around her waist.
He lightly sucked at her skin as he moved down to her neck, and then to her chest. He earned small murmurs of pleasure from Y/n, and at that - he was completely fine. Could Daniel Larusso make her feel like this? Johnny Lawrence bit his lip before he took one hand out of her shirt, nodding and running it through her hair. “Yeah, that’s it.” He whispered, his lips against her ear before he placed soft, wet kisses against it, traveling down and back to her neck, then her lips.
Johnny Lawrence was in his own seventh heaven. Growing more and more pleased with each kiss. Thankfully, these windows were tinted. He took it to himself to remove Y/n’s jacket and he let out a low groan at the feeling of Y/n biting his lip, slowly tugging on it before pulling away and allowing him to remove her long sleeve as well. Johnny’s kisses were now on the skin above her bra - he knew she was allowing him to get this far in public because he had recently tinted his car windows and because of their circumstances today.
To make him feel better, to let him know that she truly was only his.
So of course, at the sight of her like this - he melted. Not just because she was beautiful but because he loved the ways she assured him that she was his. She took his chin, pulling him up to kiss his lips once again.
Johnny wasn’t sure he ever wanted to leave this car, his pants grew tighter and he found himself fiddling with her bra - which was sadly where she stopped him. He leaned up, his hand rubbing her thigh as his eyes searched hers and she softly kissed him once more, her hands in his hair that had grown from combed to messy, and disheveled. “Let’s go home.” She spoke, and immediately Johnny nodded, placing a few more hunger induced kisses against her lips before sitting back in his seat, watching her throw her shirt back on.
If only he was her lab partner.
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lunarzomb · 4 months
One thing about me is that I love a woman with a little bit of evil in her heart
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missfisherandjack · 8 months
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Dot: “Was Constable Collins there, Miss?”
Phryne: “Yes, Dot. Dashing as ever.”
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 1x03 The Green Mill Murder
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sesiondemadrugada · 8 months
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Eileen (William Oldroyd, 2023).
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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The Black Room (1935) - Spanish herald
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un-deniable-me3 · 10 months
could y’all chill on the smut pieces pLEaSe 😭 I’m here for s** of (most) kinds (you kinky mfs). But it’s getting annoying to see every character I wanna read just a normal like getting together or anger or fluff piece on, be overwhelmed by smut pieces honestly. Like I’m seeing no real stories in these tags. It’s giving I wanna literally block the word smut
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hideousvampire · 10 months
real things that happened in the karate kid
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
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Ambiguous by Nature
I wanted to share a beautiful rendition of Leda and the Swan by the renowned Irish poet William Butler Yeats (1865-1939). It comes from Wisconsin artist Mark Brueggeman, who taught in the Department of Art and Design at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for 27 years. He is a versatile, talented artist known for his work in stain-glass, painting, drawing, and printmaking. This work has now extended his work to include the roles of both publisher and illustrator. According to a quote from hiddenstudiosarttour.com, Brueggeman states he has “always enjoyed the look of text incorporated into drawings and paintings.”
Brueggeman's artwork is a rare gem, a testament to his meticulous craftsmanship. Printed in an edition of 15 copies at Brueggeman's Atelier Vermeil Studio in 2015, the work is a blend of letterpress and intaglio prints on Root River Mill paper handmade by the artist and several of his colleagues, and published as a portfolio of broadsides.
The poem, rooted in a Greek myth about a sexual encounter between the immortal god Zeus and the beautiful Spartan queen Leda, presents a unique perspective. In Yeats’ version, he offers a provocative and ambiguous account of a sexual act. Brueggeman's visual interpretation of the poem adds another layer of intrigue, leaning into the vague nature of the poem itself.
The artwork and poetry blend seamlessly, taking on a sensual yet brutal quality. They intentionally leave much to the reader's imagination, allowing for various interpretations and assumptions. However, one thing is certain in the poem and the artist’s rendering: following the rash and impulsive act, Leda is left on her own, carrying the knowledge of the future consequences that their union has created.
-Melissa, Special Collections Classics Intern
View other Classics posts
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isa-belle1367 · 7 months
In my mind, when desmond has a bleeding episode, he doesn't remember what triggered the effect.
So imagine desmond and Bill are arguing and desmond snaps in a native American accent "hythem you are unbelievable."
Then he just stops and blinks for a second before saying, "What were we talking about." Literally, any anger desmond had is now gone, and he just looks confused, and it's obvious that he has no clue what they were aguring about.
So now we have an angry bill, confused desmond, and extremely concerned Rebecca and Shaun
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draculasdaughterrr · 2 months
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⭒ ⋆ 🗡️ se7en (1995) ⋆ฺ࿐🗞️ ⁎˚
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thepirateandhisson · 11 months
Jared Gilmore (“Henry Mills”) is engaged!!
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worldsaparted · 1 month
i'd love to request something very soft and fluffy where it's after the tournament, it's raining, and daniel and the reader are sitting together in the back seat of the car, heading home + holding each other tightly and resting their heads on each other's shoulders and are just so happy about daniel's win, despite everything that happened with his leg <333
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such a good request, thank you! i hope you like this :) ps sorry for the wait!
All Valley - Daniel LaRusso
When Daniel LaRusso secured the win that meant not only his safety, but closure with his life after moving to Reseda, he was extremely happy - and all he wanted was his girlfriend.
Yeah, he spent his time with Mr. Miyagi because it was his celebration too - but exiting the All Valley Arena is where Daniel’s mind went straight back to Y/n.
She was there, holding her denim jacket that he got her for her birthday after saving up for some time over her head in order to protect herself from the heavy rain, she was as happy as ever to see him too - and he glanced to Mr. Miyagi who gave a firm nod before he limped over to his girl. Daniel groaned at the rain, though still made his way over.
She met him in the middle, her arms immediately going around his neck before kissing him softly, smiling into it. Sure, they shared their hug right after he won, but now - he was good to be with her for the rest of the night. Which was perfect.
“You okay?” She asked, her voice soft as her eyes looked from his leg to his eyes, earning a nod as he continued to limp beside her, his arm around her as she took the trophy from his hands, holding it for him. Daniel took the jacket to hold over them, and he glanced over - a small smile on his face.
“Mhm.” He mumbled, subconsciously pressing his lips against her temple. Lucille was waving them over from the car so naturally - the two rushed over, Daniel opening the back door for Y/n and letting her in before following.
Lucille was extremely happy for her son, and she made sure to talk to Mr. Miyagi about Daniel’s win the entire time on their way from the tournament.
Daniel smiled down at his girlfriend as they studied his trophy. It was quiet back here, the music was low and when Y/n looked over, her smile slowly grew.
“I’m so proud of you.” She ran a hand through his hair, and Daniel’s cheeks turned a bit red as he heard her say this. His hair was wet, as was hers but still - it felt nice. Y/n watched as Daniel leaned forward to place a soft kiss against her cheek, his hand taking hers.
He had so much to say, but he wasn’t sure where to start. With how much he appreciated her for being there? How relieved he was? How happy he was to be with her right now? His heart raced at the sight of Y/n and her words, and he instead unbuckled his seatbelt, scooting closer to her.
Y/n sat, her head against the window staring out at the rainy and windy weather for a moment before Daniel softly laid his head in against her shoulder, very much enjoying this post tournament time with her. His hands held one of hers, and her free hand ran through his hair, a small grin on her face as she looked down to him.
He seemed relieved, and he truly was. Now, y/n was completely his and he didn’t have to fight for that spot anymore. He won his girl, fair and square. Maybe he had a huge cool trophy, but this was what really mattered to him.
The sounds of the radio were faint, but the sounds of the rain drops against the window were loud, Lucille was still talking to Mr. Miyagi and it was dark out as they drove down the streets. After some time, his arms slowly slithered around her waist, pulling her as close as she could be - and he smiled. He sighed in content, his eyes softly shutting as she continued to comfort him and run a hand through his hair, her head against his.
Daniel LaRusso would never forget the way Y/n held him, and Y/n would never forget the way Daniel softly breathed as he shut his eyes, the way his hair tickled her chin, or the way his hands held her waist.
Slowly, Daniel turned and buried his head in his girlfriend’s neck, his hot breaths against her as he softly smiled to himself at the sound of her soft laughs.
He didn’t say much, as he was lost in the feeling of Y/n and her hands caressing him, but he wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. At some point, she moved her hands to softly hold his injured leg, rubbing it in a gentle manner and softly speaking into his ear.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, her voice in a whisper and Daniel slightly pulled away from her neck, his face an inch from hers as his eyes searched hers. He grinned slowly, nodding.
“I’m sure.” His eyes glistened as they stared into hers, and he gently moved one of his hands to hold the back of her head before pulling her in to be able to place a kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry, alright?” He said, and Y/n nodded despite the fact that she 100 percent would.
He snuck his face back into his comfort spot that was the crook of her neck, and shut his eyes at the feeling of her hands making their way back to him.
While the windows were extremely cold, and the weather outside was crazy, here - it was perfect. Daniel was as warm and as comfortable as he could ever be and vice versa. He clung onto his girlfriend in happiness of his night overall, not being able to hide his smile away and Y/n was the same.
She smiled at the way he softly whispered into her ear, telling her everything about the tournament that she didn’t already know, and laughed at the small jokes he cracked.
“Now that I’m an All Valley Champ, will you go to prom with me?” He played a smirk on his face as his eyes met hers, pulling away and Y/n smiled, fixing his headband and nodding.
“Maybe.” She sarcastically spoke, earning a small chuckle from Daniel and he was unable to pull his gaze from Y/n. His true win.
Her hands still comforted him by the way she ran her left through the back of his hair, and her right against his knee. She placed soft kisses against his cheek and jawline as he explained his moves to her - and exactly how he learned them.
“I think I got that perfectly, because Mr. Miyagi..” he went on, casually accepting each soft kiss against his skin from his girlfriend with a smile.
“Mhm.” Y/n made it known she was still paying attention, and throughout the car ride, that’s what it was. Y/n asking about the tournament and peppering him with kisses and comfort as he responded, one hand around her shoulders that hugged her close against him. As close as she could be.
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ghstsrock · 4 months
Johnny Lawrence Headcanons (HATER EDITION)
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! 🗯 ⋆ hateful Johnny Lawrence headcanons
( a/n : i wrote these with goopy in mind. Iykyk | please read these in all caps as written. )
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✶ ties his shoes with one bunny ear instead of two
that’s a life sentence.
✶ wears a red leather jacket
✶ rides his motorcycle like an asshole
✶ gets kick out every two weeks
✶ toxic masculinity
every William Zabka character has that, tho-
✶ VERY insecure
it’s like a personality trait or sumn
✶ probably owns a gun
✶ can’t roll a blunt
fake hippie.
✶ steals his mom’s wine
✶ can’t decide when he wasn’t to wear shiny pants or a polo shirt
✶ didn’t go to prom bc no one liked him after the tournament
✶ calls people twerp as an insult
✶ hangs around a bunch of people shorter than him
✶ disgustingly idealistic
someone get this guy a bra
✶ failed English
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﹙📦﹚ request inbox thing is open ﹒zᶻ
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