#will try to color it later... maybe... might....
luvzshy · 1 day
Could u do a Billie thinking we forgot her birthday but we surprise and her families in on it
hiiii, i hope u like this, mwuak💋✨
The Perfect Surprise
The morning starts quietly, far too quietly for Billie’s birthday. She wakes up, expecting the usual loving wake-up from you—snuggled close, whispering soft “happy birthdays” against her neck—but this time, the bed beside her is empty.
Billie sits up, rubbing her eyes, confused. Maybe you’re planning something later? But as she walks into the kitchen, she’s greeted by the sound of the coffee pot bubbling and not much else. You’re at the counter, busy scrolling through your phone, barely noticing her come in.
She hesitates for a second, waiting for you to say something—anything—but you just look up with a distracted smile. “Morning, babe. Want coffee?”
Billie blinks, surprised at how casual you sound. “Sure,” she mutters, her heart sinking just a bit. You don’t even mention her birthday. No kisses, no grand gestures, not even a birthday card waiting on the table. She’s not one to make a big deal about things, but still… she thought today might be different.
You hand her a cup, still buried in your phone, and she stands there, clutching the warm mug, unsure of what to say. “So… what’s the plan today?” she asks, trying to keep her voice light, hoping to see some spark of surprise in your eyes.
But you just shrug. “I’ve got a few things to do this afternoon. Maybe we’ll watch a movie later?” You glance at her, completely nonchalant, and her chest tightens. You didn’t forget, did you?
Billie nods slowly, pretending it doesn’t sting, and mumbles something about going for a walk. “Clear my head,” she says. You barely look up as she heads toward the door.
The second she’s out, you leap into action. Grabbing your phone, you text Billie’s family: She’s gone! Time to start!
Within minutes, her mom, dad, and brother sneak into the house with bags of decorations and Billie’s favorite homemade dishes. You’ve been planning this surprise for weeks, making sure everything would be perfect. It was hard keeping it quiet, especially when all you’ve wanted to do was shower Billie with love from the moment she woke up. But you knew the payoff would be worth it.
The living room quickly transforms into a colorful wonderland—balloons, banners, and streamers all over the place. Her mom is setting up a dessert table, while her dad blows up even more balloons, laughing as he tries to sneak some extra decorations. Her brother helps hang the banners, making jokes about how Billie will never see this coming. You stand in the middle of it all, watching everything come together, a grin stretching across your face. You can already picture Billie’s reaction, her beautiful green eyes lighting up, that sweet laugh of hers when she realizes what you’ve done.
Your heart swells just thinking about her. You’ve missed her today, even though it’s only been a few hours, and the thought of her walking around feeling forgotten makes you ache a little. But you know that in just a few minutes, she’ll feel all the love she deserves.
As the final touches are put into place, your phone buzzes—Billie’s on her way back. You and her family hurry to hide, ducking behind furniture and turning off the lights. The house falls into a perfect, anticipatory silence.
The front door clicks open. Billie steps inside, her footsteps slow, hesitant. “Babe?” she calls, her voice soft, almost sad. “Are you here?”
The lights flick on.
Billie stands frozen in the doorway, her eyes wide as she takes in the scene—her family, the balloons, the decorations, all of it. Her hands fly to her mouth as her eyes immediately fill with tears.
“You… you didn’t forget?” she whispers, her voice trembling.
You step out from behind the couch, walking up to her with the softest smile on your face. “Forget your birthday?” you say gently, pulling her into your arms. “Never.”
She clutches onto you, her body trembling as she lets out a half-laugh, half-sob. “I thought… I thought everyone forgot,” she whispers, burying her face in your neck.
You pull her closer, running your fingers through her hair, pressing soft kisses to her temple. “I’m so sorry, baby,” you murmur. “We just wanted it to be a surprise. I’ve been dying to spoil you all day.”
Billie pulls back slightly, her teary eyes searching yours. “I really thought…” She trails off, shaking her head as she laughs. “I can’t believe this.”
You cup her face with both hands, gently brushing her tears away with your thumbs. “You mean everything to me, Billie. I couldn’t let today go by without making sure you know how loved you are. We’ve all been planning this for weeks. You deserve the world.”
Her lip trembles again, but this time she’s smiling through it. “I love you so much,” she whispers, leaning in to kiss you softly.
Her family cheers behind you, making Billie laugh as they swarm in for hugs. Her mom wipes at her own eyes as she pulls Billie into a tight embrace. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Billie shakes her head in disbelief, hugging each of them, overwhelmed with emotion. Her brother ruffles her hair playfully, grinning. “We had to throw you off the trail, Bill. No way we’d forget.”
You smile, watching her as she lights up in a way that makes your heart ache with how much you adore her. When she turns back to you, you can’t help but pull her in again, holding her close. “Happy birthday, my love,” you whisper in her ear. “I’ve got more planned for tonight, too.”
Billie pulls back slightly, her eyebrows raised. “More?
You grin, kissing the tip of her nose. “Mm-hmm. A private dinner at your favorite restaurant. But first, let’s enjoy all this.”
Her arms tighten around your waist, and she rests her forehead against yours, a content smile playing on her lips. “You’re amazing,” she murmurs. “I can’t believe I thought you forgot. I should’ve known you’d do something like this.”
You kiss her softly, your heart full as you look into her eyes. “I’ll never forget a single moment that matters to you, Billie. I love you too much.”
And for the rest of the night, Billie is wrapped in love—from you, from her family, from everyone who knows how special she is. And as she dances with you later, the soft glow of candles lighting up the night, she feels like the luckiest person in the world.
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thecatghost111 · 1 day
Ghost ranting about Green's glasses because they needed to get this down on words
With the whole "Green eating grass video dropping" and stuff
I wanted to explain my rose/orange-colored glasses theory in more detail. Because I made an entire timeline just to try and prove this. And for the other post I only put pictures and I find it super interesting.
(I know, I made another post about this but I'm going to say it again)
So, a lot of people already know that Green's sunglasses, (which he wears more and more often throughout the influencer arc) are orange, and that they match up with Second's as seen in the episode Skyblock. And that Green's glasses first show up in the episode A Special Song. Which was mainly just for fun.
And now he wears it in multiple posts now, mainly when he's alone, I've noticed.
Now, the term rose-colored glasses means having a positive outlook on life, sometimes not noticing the negative things or choosing to ignore it.
Green's sunglasses are orange. orange-colored glasses.
The meaning of the color orange, according to the top Google result is this.
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Optimism. Rose-colored glasses is literally another word for optimism. And happiness + enthusiasm which plays another role in this. (Mainly with the rick/stickroll and with how Green's channel originally started)
And then there's the negative side. Arrogance, pride, impatience.
Traits that a lot of us associate with how Green is. It almost makes too much sense.
And working through my timeline, I find he mainly only wears those glasses when he's alone. Another very interesting thing to think about. The only time he wears it around his friends is, again, the rickroll episode.
Edit: I actually got that wrong, he did wear it at the end of the Minecraft vlog, but that's when his friends left him when he was trying to promote Instagram. So they might have seen something he didn't, or it just helps this theory even more. (Thank you so much to @dobrinata for pointing this out to me and adding it onto my original post)
So why am I talking about this? It's just a pair of sunglasses that have nothing to do with the plot whatsoever
I think, with how things are going so far, the glasses are going to serve a kind of symbolism, with Green's outlook of everything and how his perception of the new fame would change things, even if it isn't true he may have a more warped view of what happened, maybe with the Color Gang.
(I sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about XD)
They are sunglasses, too. He might be blind to what's going on... or...
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(Just something I thought was interesting to think about)
So yeah, we might see more appearances of those glasses later on, but most likely, with how things are going so far, they'll disappear at the end, or at one point. Maybe it's the Color Gang, or maybe it's something else that he has to come to terms on his own.
Yeah uhh... thanks for coming to my talk where I rant about glasses lol-
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shiensmh · 5 months
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some clar doodles for my favorite internet people
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yuyulie · 11 months
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rosario ✰✰✰
Posting this since somebody asked for it, a very simple rosary. Enjoy!
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✰ new mesh ✰ 2 swatches ✰ all LODS ✰ 3k polys ✰ disabled for random
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✰ Download ✰ (alt) ✰
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st4rstudent · 22 days
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Winn + Mac fusion idea. lalala.
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 3 months
Random SCOGUE headcanon because I need to vent and don’t feel like writing coherently I’m sorry 🥲
Angel’s Wings
You know how Rogue and Scott were in that Music Store in 5th Avenue when they overheard some customers talking about Angel?
And Scott was listening to something and seemed into it before Rogue nudged him?
Well…*cracks knuckles to share stuff no one needs or wants to hear*
She was sharing with him her favorite goth alternative music.
Performed by her favorite musician:
Scott had never heard of her. Rogue then explained that GOBLIN QUEEN is less of a mainstream artist and more of an underground/indie/anonymous one. She goes on to gush about her favorite songs (ex. A Nothing Being in a Nowhere Place) and albums she managed to buy/burned onto cds (ex. LIMBO and ANODYNE), but laments that she’s never been able to find the one called INFERNO.
By sheer dumb luck (aka contrived coincidence à la me), Scott manages to find an authentic copy of the album INFERNO later on. Did he get another cd Rogue liked by another goth band she liked beforehand for her? Of course he did. But he saw how her eyes sparkled and how animated she was talking about that singer. Also, the music he had heard was pretty cool. So he was always on the look out for it.
Unserious (?) sub-headcanon based on what Josh Whedon once said about Buffy Summers from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer:
Scott and Buffy Summers are cousins on his Dad’s side.
They probably were initially on “Christmas Card” terms with each other (maybe their parents had a falling out (Did the series ever mention if Buffy’s surname came from her mom or dad?) or something and that’s why they didn’t reach out after the plane crash that killed Christopher and Kate and separated Scott and Alex or they only took in Scott for a little bit before giving him to foster care.) and barely speak.
He probably reached out again via a video chat during some holiday occasion (some time after the events of Apocalypse), both of them going the usual “how’s life? fine, how ‘bout you? same old stuff. cool, cool…” (bc she doesn’t know he’s a mutant and he doesn’t know she’s a vampire slayer). He offhandedly mentioned the INFERNO CD by GOBLIN QUEEN that his friend really wants and joked that his current Christmas wish was to find it…only for Buffy to comment that one of her friends had that album. Cue Scott begging Buffy for more information on how her friend got it, and he successfully obtains it for Rogue.
At this point, Rogue is dating Gambit (are they serious? is it casual? do they both genuinely like each other but are both knowingly distracting themselves from their unresolved feelings for others?) , while Scott and Jean are either still together (happily or is it strained bc they are starting to want different things in life and each other but are hoping to make it work regardless of each other’s clearer and conflicting focuses) or have quietly broken up.
Scott finally either found a lead via the previosly mentioned sub-headcanon or something else. Either way, it leads him to a random goth girl who looks oddly familiar, though he cannot for the life of him figure out why.
Scott: *trying to place where he has seen this girl before despite most likely never having met her in his life*
Mysterious Goth Gal: you’ll have a better chance of asking me out if you actually use your words instead of thinking them, chum 😜
Scott: ?!
He noticed she is has a tattoo that says GOBLIN QUEEN. He pointed it out and asked if she liked her music. Is unsure why when she answers yes she is grinning at him like she knows something that he doesn’t. She asks him if he’s a fan, or if there was a pretty goth girl he was trying to impress, winking at him.
Cue Scott talking about Rogue, anything and everything about her (save the mutant part), partially how she introduced him to the GOBLIN QUEEN’s music, but then evolves into how even the little things that she does or says he muses about with quiet admiration and fondness.
Mysterious Goth Gal: …*already jumped ship from making moves on him to shipping him like crazy with this girl he’s so obviously in love with like what*
Scott: *mid unconsciously simping for Rogue* and I wish I could find that INFERNO Album for her, but—
Scott: Huh?
Rogue was dumbstruck and ecstatic when Scott presented to her what he jokes is her belated Christmas gift when they meet up, asking multiple times how he got it.
He mentioned that it was autographed, so she opened it:
GOBLIN QUEEN: To Rogue: -insert obligatory autograph stuff- + PS. I wanted to give this to you for free, but your boyfriend insisted on paying full. What a boy scout. I’m rooting for the both of you! ;D
Rogue: ………………
Scott: ? What did she say?
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dreamsy990 · 3 months
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like night and day
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solroskajan · 2 years
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All sneasels use their claws to fight and be annoying. Except that one, it only bites.
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vhvrs · 1 year
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think im gonna totally redraw these l8r so uhm. first draft fusionfall eddeddy redesigns >_<
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junichxl · 8 months
I love how silly and goofy everyone is in FE Engage, I played it on a whim and fell in love with Fire Emblem again, idc what other people say, Alear is a sweetheart and they’re just a lil’ fella like just a tiny critter who wants their friends to be happy and I love her so much she’s just so huggable and squishable she might be one of my favorite protags, if not my favorite FE protag at the least
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merklins · 1 year
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Experimenting with rendering styles BY WAY OF DOCZEN AND DRAWING MEMES!!
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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Good afternoon, girl 😳😳
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cappycodeart · 4 months
📻 with Ben?
In response to this little ask game I reblogged.
ADHGDHGSA... SO.. UH, funny story, Ben USED to have like a song or two (mostly stuff teen me found when I created him, that had nothing to do with his story), but one song got nuked and the other song got reshuffled onto Alex (because lyrically and thematically it fit him better).
HOWEVER, there IS a song on Alex’s playlist that references his relationship with Ben (… that totally counts, right?)…. Okay, fine, it’s more of an Alex song, but IT’S ALL WE GOT, SO,,,,,,,,, (one day I’ll stumble into a proper Ben song). 😭
Anyways, the song is Give Me A Sign by Breaking Benjamin (…. aha, yes, ironic I know).
While the original gives me fun visuals for the main story, this cover has a lot more emotion in it (and it’s also kinda my “Alex has an emotional breakdown” song, but again, this ain’t about him… ok it’s kinda about him…)
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Because of sabotage from a traitor in their group, Ben nearly died while being created. His development was put to a halt and he had to be salvaged with machine parts (hence why he’s a cyborg). Alex didn’t choose to clone his deceased friend. It was simply the consensus of the group he was working with. Still, Ben nearly dying brought back the same painful emotions, and he took the attack especially personally. Between fighting his own declining health and working a cure for his son Lewis, protecting Ben from their secret traitor was just another battle he had to fight.
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spikeisawesome456 · 5 months
#I might delete this later but I'm feeling a bit disheartened and want to just put this out there into the world but not super publicly#But like#The worst part of being overweight in my opinion is that it's so so hard to feel cute or pretty or even decent looking#I'm going to Japan with my older brother next week and I've been curating a cutesy Lolita-esque style outfit for the trip and I finally#got the last of the pieces so I tried it all on. And it's just... no matter how hard I try I can't really see myself as cute in it#I don't know maybe pink isn't my color and this just isn't my style. But.#I tried really hard to make an outfit I'd feel cute in and it's devastating to not really see myself as cute#And it's not really that I think I look bad per se it's just...#I don't know#Not what I wanted it to be I guess#And I know that if I posted pictures people would say ''wow you look great!!!'' because people always say that kind of thing#But I'd always think they were lying or were playing it up#Even if they really weren't#I just wanted to feel cutesy and everything and it hurts somewhere deep inside to not feel that way#I'll still wear the outfit in Japan since I spent enough time and money on this outfit but it really dampens my enthusiasm#And this wasn't the first time I've tried on the dress obviously. I've been trying it on periodically all along#But I kept hoping that once it was done and I had the makeup all on maybe I'd finally be able to see myself as cute#But no#I still don't. Not really.#It doesn't help that the dress itself doesn't even fit properly#I got it on sale which is what sparked this whole idea in the first place and it was always a size too small#It never zipped properly but I was able to work around that with an outer corset that held it closed#And a lace shrug that helped hide the weird bunching in the back#I can sometimes get the dress zipped now since I've lost a little weight#But it's a struggle and I can only do it about half the time and it feels like I'm going to break the zipper each time#I'd think to buy a new dress but a) that would cost even more money and I've already spent way more than I had wanted in my endeavor#to feel cute in this dress. And b) all of the accessories are tailored to this dress specifically#It would be hard to find a good replacement and there is no guarantee that would even help#So I just... I don't know#It's just hard.
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sntoot · 2 years
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first 3 doodles r pretty much directly from this fic, because i’m loving all the interactions in it so much (tho i subbed batu in as the wol because i know how to draw them easily and they would totally ask hythlodaeus can’t use aetherytes??)
i have no explanation for anything else really. hestia always sneaks into my page of sketches bc i like to color their hair
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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Been really overwhelmed with the need to kiss Koro-Sensei on the mouth recently. Which isn’t like, a new feelings, but I think this is the first time it’s really be this strong.
#Emile's Arts#Koro-Sensei#Just in a general Koro-Sensei mood I guess?#It's almost March so that tracks#Too close to March actually I'm not prepared#It's 70 DEGREES IN MY HOUSE I'M MELTING#also I might have to get new glasses soon and I'm being veeeeeeeery picky about it#Because I really like the ones I have now they're Yellow#And I love yellow#The only color i'm willing to replace them with is Red#And Adult glasses don't come in the Vibrant Reds I want#They come in loser Maroon shades#anyway that's what all the trying on glasses sketches are about#Maybe I'll get framless shape glasses this time who knows#I've always had thick frames they fit my face and eye size better#Kissu Koro Kissu Koro Kissu Koro#Glasses later right now we Kissu Koro#Tomorrow who knows#Okay ACTUALLY#I've been brainrotting about a very specific scene in my AssClass S/I plotline#Well the entire thing honestly#but right now there's a VERY hyper specific thing in my brain about this one scene and it's so DUMB and NOT CUTE#But I'm obsessed with it like stupid obsessed with it and idk if I'll ever talk about it anyhere#I'm even back and forth about posting it in the discord because it's SO specific and again not cute like in the slightest#It's not even sweet or wholesome or shippy really it's just this funny gag moment I'm so insane about#Maybe one of these days I'll write my favorite AssClass Self insert moments WHO KNOWS#Probably not.#But maybe.#I have so many that are just goofy and weird and silly but also a couple of cute moments and some really good ones with Irina#idk idk there's no such thing as too self indulgent this is my blog after all
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