#will she and amara ever interact
scaly-freaks · 4 months
I hate writing politics into fic because it's so - argh - I'm not here for that, I'm here for the characters interacting. But Aliandra Martell being 18 and newly becoming the Princess of Dorne whilst the influence of a Dornish woman in King's Landing is growing ever greater is a thread too juicy not to pull I think.
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sturnprime · 6 months
SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, chris sturniolo 🩵
from h ꨄ︎ ⎯ this is honestly a oneshot i had written on wattpad a long time ago but i deleted it and then thought why not post it here because i absolutely adore this song.
i hope you enjoyed 🩵
THE SOFT HUM of the music seemingly blurs into the conversation they are indulging in, with the specific words coating the air yet falling short to their ears as a result of their attentiveness towards one another. though quiet and in some cases missed, they never fail to provide a sense of tranquillity nevertheless. the windows surrounding them are decorated in the breath of winter, mist painting across the glass as though an intricate design across a canvas. the cold air appears to settle there perfectly, cosying into the gaps and making itself at home but in a way, overpowered by the radiance supplied by the heater of the car that engulfs them. the air smells of a breeze and when they breathe in, they can almost taste the lingering frost that ever so delicately wraps itself around the houses nearby. it is, all in all, a comforting scene to be ensnared in.
the sound of a laugh vibrates through the vehicle before it settles in the atmosphere in a minimal buzz of contentment. it's bright smiles and flushed cheeks all around and it's perfect. chris reaches his hand out slowly to tuck a stray hair from amara's face and when his fingertips brush against her skin, it's as though she's on fire. it's a clear contrast with the climate and in some cases considered dangerous but she allows the heat to slip into every crevice inside of her, running the course of her body flawlessly until the redness in her cheeks is no longer a friend of the coldness but rather, a greeter to the affection.
the traffic light ahead shifts from the glowing red to a shade of amber before at last turning green and chris begins driving once more, his fingers strumming against the steering wheel to the sound of the music filling his ears. as always, his eyes subconsciously drift to his girlfriend beside him and the mere sight of her is enough to plant a smile onto his face. once she spots the smile, it's as though her lips move against her own will as she too smiles, her plump lips meandering beautifully as she stares at his side profile. he looks like home and his presence feels like familiarity so she continues to stare as they continue to their destination.
the rest of the journey is silent but it's the sort of silence that feels like a dozen words are said through eyes and expressions. the seconds pass by and turn into minutes ever so quickly and before they know it, they have arrived at the valet. frankly, the drive is short but their occasional stops and exchanges make it appear much further, not that either of them minds anyway. the simple fact that they have one another through the twists and turns of the roads, through the bumps in the gravel; it is all enough to cast aside any doubt and exhaustion from the route.
small interactions with the valet owner pass and once chris is ensured his car is in safe hands for cleaning, he laces his fingers with amara's and allows the warmth to shoot through him. through the intertwining, there simply is no else around them. he pays no mind to anything, not a single individual that passes by nor the trees that hang tall and bare, he merely keeps his undivided attention on her as she continues to ramble about something or the other. he watches in admiration as her free hand gestures around as she speaks passionately, as her nose crinkles whenever she comes across a topic she dislikes and the way her smile sprouts widely when she is happy. she truly is nothing short of mesmerising and he easily allows himself to get soaked into the whirlwind that is her existence.
"i've been seeing it everywhere and madi said it was good so that counts for everything. it's literally five minutes from here so we have to go while we wait," she tells him as she stirs them in the correct direction and chris goes because of course he's going to follow her.
they go wherever one another goes and it's always been that way, long before their hearts had even come to the realisation that they longed for each other. and so, he follows and he doesn't for a second doubt where she is leading him as he's more than positive he's in safe hands. how can he not be when her thump swipes against the back of his hand continuously, albeit a small touch but enough to expand his heart over a dozen times in size? he meets her thumb halfway and their touches linger, connecting and merging until they're sure they won't ever come apart again. soft presses of assurance and gentle swipes of love; it is all showing each other they're not alone. it's a touch of i got you and i'm going with you.
he doesn't even have to think twice about where they're going, her excitement is enough for him to agree in an instance. their fingers remain knitted together as they walk, even the cold air unable to weave its way between them. it's this miniature, intimate bubble around them that they've created and no one or nothing is perforating it.
"what exactly is it?" he asks because he can tell she's euphoric and wants to speak more about it and well, her voice is a melody he can play forever and ever.
"it's like a little café that's open pretty much all the time and there's this really cute fireplace in the seating area and apparently they have best champagne that people have tried!" she smiles at him as she speaks and he smiles back, eyes squinting in the corner at the genuineness.
and before he can ask any more questions, he notes they have already arrived. there's something about the place that neither of them can quite place their finger on but it instantly feels welcoming, as though stepping into your home after a long, tiresome day and being able to sink into the comfort of your covers. the outside is decorated in snowflakes that fit with one another with no difficulty, the intricate designs so very clear and pointing at the deck just in front of the door. the deck houses fake flowers but the scent somehow smells real, the flora wafting up their noses in efficient waves. the door to the café is also painted in snowflakes with a blue OPEN sign staring straight at them, the border glowing in the babiest of blues.
the seats are like blankets, warm and fluffy and chris pulls amara's seat so it's closer to his. she pecks his cheek lightly as a means of response and suddenly he finds himself wanting to repeat his actions again and again. instead, he connects their hands because that's always been their thing hasn't it? it's for them and no one else and they adore it. the physical touch fills them up and it always has done so. it's a small action but means to them more than they can begin to explain in words. but then again, they don't need to explain it because it in fact belongs to them and that's what makes it so heartwarming.
"you were right, this place looks fucking amazing," chris comments as his eyes wander around, trying to take in absolutely everything because he doesn't want to miss anything, not even for a second.
"i told you and we even came when basically no one else is here; that's like the best experience," she nods her head as she watches him look around.
he looks so at ease with his surroundings and it in turn makes her feel at ease. his eyes are glimmering with this sense of pure captivation and she finds herself grinning to no one in particular. the tide in his eyes seems to swirl with each glance he takes and she strangely wants to jump into the water so she can be even closer to him. her thoughts lead to her pressing a kiss to his knuckles which then makes him snap out of his trance. he smiles widely at her and god, she is so in love with him, it almost hurts.
no more words can be exchanged because a waiter approaches them to take their order and well they aren't really hungry, having just eaten a bit ago, so they order champagne, interacting a little with the man who compliments them multiple times before at last departing.
there's something so easy about existing with each other. it's like being together is as easy as breathing and at times, their oxygen is being supplied by one another. they're breathing the oxygen in and not even for a moment does the supply seem to run out. it's love that suffocates them yet instead of attempting to get out, they let it close in on them. it's hauntingly bewitching because the love is indeed a lot but at the same time, a lot feels just right when it comes to their love.
as anticipated, the champagne doesn't take long at all to arrive. the champagne glasses have a golden rim and the bubbling fills their ears, deeply reflecting the bubbling feeling in their stomachs as they look to one another. the affect they have on one another never changes, despite how many months and years pass in their relationship. it's like the spark decides to keep burning brighter, the flame decides to grow and the heat just gets hotter. every little moment feeds into the fire until the element encases their entire beings.
chris sips on it and he can't deny how amazing it tastes and when he notices amara waiting for his reaction, he just enjoys it that much more, telling her about it instantly, "you've got good taste mara."
she smirks in response as she takes a sip for herself, "of course i do, i never doubted myself for even a second."
"cough arrogant cough," he pretends to clear his throat and cough and she swats his arm playfully, shaking her head at his words.
"am i wrong though? did you doubt me christopher?" she continues, a teasing grin playing at her lips that chris honestly just wants to kiss more than ever.
"and what if i did doubt you amara?" he retorts in the same tone, making the two of them laugh briefly, the sound travelling straight to the heart and piling up alongside the other moments of laughter they have shared many times before.
"that doesn't answer my question idiot," she informs him matter-of-factly, shaking her head at him once more but never departing the satisfied expression from her face.
"of course i didn't doubt you stupid, i never do," he at last says and at that, she just can't help but connect their lips together.
it feels correct, just like everything else with them. it's a sweet kiss, not rushed or exactly passionate but filling them with the same feelings nonetheless. the butterflies still erupt inside of them and the feeling of their lips together makes their hearts soar, fast beating at the contact. they're thankful no one is around them to see but to be frank, even if there were, part of them knows they wouldn't care much anyway. it's never bothered them before because as established, when they are together, everyone else disappears. it's just them and no one else. when his hand moves to hold her face, she leans into it and their synchronised movements create a moment of serenity.
they pull away after a few moments, mirroring expressions with rosy tints ensnaring their faces and ears. chris nudges her side and she nudges him back and they settle there, drinking the champagne and talking about whatever comes to mind. the silence in the café around them should be alarming but it just makes them feel even greater because they can be themselves and they're always their greatest selves when they are together and alone.
they don't leave for a while, relishing in their solitude and the solace the café brings them for what it is but when they do eventually leave, it isn't with regrets or doubts. they do things without looking back because they tend to believe something forward could potentially be even greater. their hands are still linked, their strides match naturally and their laughter spills out of them as though it is second nature.
the car is ready for them at the valet and they linger there for a while, distracting themselves in their positions until they realise they are standing around in a place where that isn't exactly deemed normal. sheepishly making their way inside the car, a rush of adrenaline swipes through them as they drive around the city and at every red light, chris takes her in. his eyes roam her face and his ears swallow her laugh because he's unable to do anything but. she looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl he's ever seen. she's so effortless in the beauty she holds and even sitting near her makes his heart hammer in his chest. she looks like she's from the cover of a magazine, posing for a shot though truth is, she's only existing and so, he loves existing with her.
"are we going back to mine or yours?" she asks him after a while, fiddling with his hand that rests on her thigh as he drives mindlessly.
"well your bed is more comfortable," he beams at her and she laughs at him but it doesn't really matter to her, so long as they are together.
"you're just saying that because you want breakfast in bed again," she returns and he smirks at her.
"that wasn't even on my mind. i was just thinking about how it's so nice waking up next to you but if you're offering..." he trails off and she tugs on his finger roughly, making him yelp dramatically.
"okay okay, i'll make you breakfast in bed," he decides and now she's even more against the idea.
"yeah and then i'll get food poisoning and die and you'll have to live without me forever and regret the fact that you made breakfast and killed your girlfriend until the day you die," she goes on and he shakes his head at her, rubbing circles on her hand softly.
"god you have this all planned don't you?" he chuckles as they turn the street, parking in the driveway.
"mhm, it's going to make the news and everyone's going to remind you of it daily," she proceeds as she steps out the car, cuddling against his side as they walk and humming in satisfaction when he wraps his arm around her.
"well i'm gonna love you till i'm dead so that means i have to die first," he leads her inside, wrapping his arms around her waist and clinging onto her as they walk to the living room before collapsing onto the couch.
"woah so if i die first, you're going to stop loving me?" she gasps dramatically and he throws a cushion at her face with a small huff of disbelief.
and after that, it's continued playful conversations and acting as though they're offended when it's practically impossible to be as such. even with their little bickering, they still remain ever so closely together and there's just something about it that makes them feel so alive and free. this is forever, not temporary, more than a fling and they never want it to be anything but. so, as the hours of the night waste away and consume them, their contentment stays and it doesn't disappear when they drift off to sleep or when they wake up the next morning because all that's on their minds is the speciality that is the person beside them. it's something they can't comprehend in the slightest yet one look to the other ultimately screams something about you.
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wowowwild · 7 months
I love justquill and even if I didn't I would have to for Aura and Apollo's dynamic alone. (I don't really think his and Athena's dynamic would change much tbh except he'd have to see her more often bc she has a habit of just showing up to their apartment to see Simon.)
We already know Aura likes Apollo, personally I think they met when he and Clay would hang around the space center as teens and Apollo with all his anxiety was likely very polite and awkward. She probably bullied him a little bc she likes to bully people and Apollo is very bully-able but I think he probably would have let stuff slip about his personal life and I think they just would have had a good, fun, healthy relationship bc she sees this kid who is only a little younger than her own brother and just as kind and I think they don't exactly feel like siblings to each other, but I think they take to each other and I don't really have the mental capacity right now to write it all out.
So Apollo Justice is one of the few people Aura actually likes which boggled Simon's mind bc they didn't meet back then, he was always hanging around the psych department while Apollo and Clay were dealing with space stuff mostly except when they were in the robotics department. They probably saw each other in passing but that was it.
So when Simon says he's bringing someone special to visit (he didn't hear much about what actually happened on Apollo's end with meeting up with his sister during the retrial bc he was still in prison at the time) and he brings Apollo in and she's just ecstatic. Simon is confused as hell.
He knew Apollo had met Aura which honestly made him more nervous bc she hates almost everyone she meets and he gets a little scared when Apollo says he thinks she's nice.
Then he sees them interact. She grills him a little and chastises him for not coming to see her as often. Then they start talking about all sorts of who knows what and he should know bc he's right there but they're both laughing and he's short circuiting a little.
Then she starts to roast Apollo's taste in partners and Apollo subtly defends him and she makes a gagging gesture but they laugh. Simon's world has been flipped upside down.
Now whenever Simon mildly annoys his sister she says she's replacing him with Apollo. At first whenever they go see her or she comes to them Apollo tries his best to be proper and polite, but Aura is having none of it and slings her arm around his shoulder and roasts him until he pushes her away and fights back.
Aura and Apollo have weekly calls. Sometimes Simon is there, most of the time he's not. Aura actually feels a little comfortable opening up the tiniest bit to Apollo, mostly about Metis, but a little about her brother and how everything affected her and the tiniest about the things she is doing currently. They become really good friends and whenever Simon and Apollo have a mild fight she jokes that Apollo had better take her in the divorce. Of course Apollo knows that if they ever split and it was even a little bit his own fault he'd probably be facing death by robot and he accepts this.
Aura loves to overshare certain things to see how far she can push before Apollo will hang up on her or leave the room bc Apollo is still just too polite to her and she loves seeing how far that extends. Usually he makes up an excuse, but he's never told her to shut up. Yet. He has, however, overshared his own stuff to get her to leave him alone or just annoy her bc she really does not want to know these things about her brother and she hates the mushy stuff. She will say 'You're gross, I'm hanging up.'
Could you even imagine if they took her to Khura'in? I've said it once (actually many times) and I'll say it again, Aura would lay Amara both as a power move and bc they just genuinely have a lot in common and like each other. She would bully Nahyuta with it but her and Rayfa get along very well. Datz would love Aura, he would just think she's so funny and she can appreciate a 'yes-man'. She is having the time of her life and no one will ever know peace again.
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oliolioxenfreewrites · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire ❦
Taking a break from writing to catch up on my tags writing 2 books at once is not for the weak 😭 so thank you @drchenquill for the tag as always!
- how long have you had your writing tumblr/writerblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
At least since April or early May!
- what lead you to create it?
I wanted to connect with other writers and creatives to make new friends!
- what's your favorite thing about the writer community?
My favorite part is the absolute powerhouse of creativity and innovation. You all have this incredible knack for coming up with unique ideas that never fail to inspire me. Plus, they're hilarious! Their sense of humor adds a delightful twist to everything we do, making even the wildest ideas feel approachable and fun. Honestly, being around such talent and laughter is a constant source of my motivation and joy!
- what’s one thing you'd like in mutual to know about you?
No notification I receive on this app goes unnoticed. I'll be at work, smiling because someone found my writing and enjoyed it! It means so much to me and only makes me want to write even more!
- is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
I would love more collaboration and interaction in my messages. I am open to discussing and exchanging ideas with another writer. I’m particularly interested in co-creating a planetary system and bouncing creative ideas back and forth.
- which wips or writing projects are you noodling about lately
I'm currently working on fleshing out a novel titled Journals from The Whitmore Estate, which is a modern/historical fiction story. The novel explores the slave and civil war era, and also delves into our near future. It centers around the actions of a power-hungry ancestor who sought to shift power dynamics, and the resulting centuries of generational backlash.
- how long have you been working on them?
Its been about a few months, I had to take a break to give myself new perspectives and coming to a decision on who the main character was!
- do you remember what inspired them/what got you started
I was looking at writing prompts and came across one that said something along the lines of “Your character inherits a manor from a distant relative. Upon moving in, they discover what lies within its walls, answering why your family has been plagued by bad luck for as long as anyone can remember.”
- how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Wayyy too much! Now rhat I've found the main character, I can't put it down!
- when someone ask the dreaded "what do you write about?" question what do you usually say?
“I write whatever comes to mind!” Or “You can read my writings to find out.” 😗
- name any characters you created. Side characters, protagonist, antagonist, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Kirjani is my favorite oc to date! Her chosen family: Rick, Raelin, and Lena. The three sisters from the Isles of Aurorith! Imani, Jade and Jasmine, the first ocs I ever created, they deserve their story to be told. (I’m working on it!!) My scrapped character folder is at about 60 something, but the one I just couldn't figure out completely was their grandmother Queen Amara, those who've followed me for a while probably remember her! She was just a bit too sinister and I tried to work around certain motivations and rationality kept getting in the way 🤣 I might use her for another story of mine I've been thinking about
- who’s the most unhinged?
I think it would be between Amara or Kirjani for sure. One of them is justifiably so, the other… not so much LOL
- who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Jules a gay sophmore in high school who is grieving the sudden loss of his mother (I haven't introduced him yet!) He's the first character I've ever based on myself or someone like me rather.
- do you ever cringe at them?
Oh yeah, that’s when I'm writing his best romantic scenes. Love, especially teen romance is supposed to be cringy and awkward at times. That's what makes it so!
- how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
They literally form their own lives that I just go with, its their world I’m just living in and writing it! I'm considerably outnumbered lmao
- do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
More than words can express, that's why I love sharing my characters and their personalities. I want to open discussions on humanity and how the human condition can create dynamically and perplexing people!
- what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I don't really have enough mutuals or followers, so I follow people based on their creativity and if they're on Writeblr. I don't have much discernment at the moment :)
- what makes you decide against following?
Just depends. I guess I haven't found a page I've ever said, “Oh no, can't follow that,” too.
- do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really, and if I follow you and you don't follow me back, I will give you 24 hours before I unfollow. We're all creatives here; no one is more creative than the next person, in my opinion.
This was so much fun to answer, I have so many more tags to do, but I’m not gonna stress ah finishing them all today 🥲 I have some short stories I wanna post as well from the weekend.
I tag @leahpardo-pa-potato, @slenders1ckn3ss, and @coffeewritesfiction. + open tag to any writer interested!
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autisticandroids · 11 months
tmwwbk/weekend at bobby's style crowley pov episode. thoughts? what happens?
so what you really need to make this work is a lackey of some kind. obviously, you could set it in season ten, with rowena, or maybe in season eleven, with amara, but i'm not super interested in that. my ideal time of a weekend at crowley's would be in seasons seven, eight, or nine: seven and eight because his rule is reasonably stable so it would make a good day-in-the-life episode, nine because the abaddon civil war could have been the most interesting hell-plot in the series if that writers room wasn't exclusively staffed with complete boneheads.
anyway so. lackey. one of my favorite crowley interactions in the whole series is with the demon who tells him she's playing both sides in road trip. great weird little demon. she should be his sidekick for ever and ever.
so you have a lackey like that, a trusted buddy for crowley to actually rely on. then you would need a set of sort of... demonic stock office characters, at least one of whom you are willing to kill off. so have brutish lackey who is always suggesting they kill everyone, cowardly lackey who is scared of brutish lackey, (these are bodyguards), someone who is running the crossroads now that crowley's too big for those britches and keeps trying to get him to come resolve a problem, but there's another issue that needs his attention so he's ignoring that, another demon trying to give him quarterly earnings numbers. crowley is trying to like. i don't know. let's do season seven. crowley is trying to micromanage/backseat drive a group of demons who are on a quest to retrieve a leviathan killing doohickey from a special crypt or something. he keeps trying to make them not hang up on him while the rest of hell demands his attention.
halfway through the episode crowley storms off to a room alone, and we get 2.5 minutes of mark sheppard pretending to play with invisible dogs to de-stress. which is something i would really enjoy.
then three quarters of the way through the episode the demon quest guys come back with the leviathan killing doohickey and it turns out not to work. crowley does NOT kill those guys but he does kill a different demon who told him about the doohickey in the first place.
then he finally answers a call from the crossroads section only to find that half of them have been slaughtered by an ancient evil they keep in a box in the crossroads department, because no one there has actually been trained in putting it back in the box, because crowley and his favored lackeys had to go run hell when he got the promotion. so crowley ends up having to train up the remains of crossroads department, which he's been neglecting.
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camellia-thea · 2 months
I cannot brain properly but I have GOT to know more about amara and dove. tell me anything - @pretend-pretend-vampire
hello!! thank you for the ask! i will ramble about them <3
dove and amara are from a recent vtm 5e game, set in aotearoa. dove is my pc, and amara is a tzimisce spc played by the amazing @balthazarslostlibrary, our storyteller. we're currently on break for life reasons, but i look forward to when we get to play again. this is a (very) long ramble about character choices, meta, and a little bit of narrative.
a little context for dove! she spent sixteen years as a ghoul to a ventrue named rochefort, before being poached from him by an as of yet unknown lasombra. she was abandoned him, but due to having the with a blood bond to him, by way of having both the long bond, and the bond slave flaws. it took several months for the bond to drop away, and so now that's she's finally in her right mind -- after almost 17 years of being bound to someone -- the chronicle began.
dove and amara first met at elysium; dove's first. they wandered the museum hosting the elysium and ended up in the deep sea exhibit! (this is, by the way, a real exhibit in the museum te papa, a part of the exhibit te taiao. it has a colossal squid!) i just think it's super fun that they wandered around with a whole load of wet specimen from the deep. amara invited dove out to its haven, a tattoo parlour.
dove then made a visit on her own, and as a gift, gave amara a set of her ribs.
mechanically, amara is dove's mawla, and i love them a lot.
i think a lot for me that rests about their relationship is how the pair interact with interpersonal relationships.
tzimisce have so much about possession; they are built to have really fucked up views of people and ownership. mechanically, their bane is grounded -- they must rest in a place (be that concrete or more abstract) with things they own and deem theirs. then their compulsion is covetousness. i love that conceptually, beyond dove and amara. vampires leaning into the inhuman way they view their surroundings because of their immortality, their power, their everything.
i didn't intentionally make dove to play off of amara, or tzimisce in general, but i've always had a thing around perception of freedom and identity (look at taralin, my primary d&d pc--it's a theme!), and i wanted to play with the concept of someone who had finally gained a significant amount of power and freedom, and have them struggle to find their feet, and make bad decisions as they figure out who they are. dove was the culmination of a whole load of ideas that i really enjoy playing with. with the lasombra technology issues, her past as someone good with computers isolated her from her skills. an absentee sire, and someone who held a grudge isolated her socially. in addition, making her as a character designed to experience blood bonds, one drink to triple the length of the bond? delicious, and i really wanted to play a character who desperately was grappling for control over her own life while being built to not be in control.
having amara present? a tzimisce on side? honestly made the choice for me; there was never ever going to be a way for that to go smoothly in any capacity, simply because of both character's designs.
someone who never wants to be owned again and a character who cannot help but claim ownership over anything close to it? i wanted to have dove grapple with that.
there's another aspect of it i touch on in anatomy too, which is a character with the ability to entirely remake themselves in whatever image they wish and another who cannot perceive themself at all. dove's loss of identity through being a ghoul, and then that manifesting as someone who cannot ever see herself again? amara has the capacity to gift her control over her body, her reflection, as it were.
i think it also comes down to the fact that dove doesn't know how to not be owned by someone entirely. i don't think she'll ever be able to separate herself from that past.
i think vampires often get stuck in who they were right before they turned. it's the idea of being frozen in time and unable to move past that traumatic event; you died. how could you ever get past that?
and i think that's an aspect of dove too. the feeling that you'll never get past your trauma and for her, it might genuinely be true. but that also might be her own perspective stopping her, i don't think i know, nor do i necessarily think i need to know yet. and dove spent 16 years knowing that she'd die a ghoul, or become a vampire. there was never going to be a different end for her. and so, that's had a massive effect on her decision making.
one of the first things she did was to give herself over to mother russo (the lasombra primogen) and agree to join the cam. her logic was, this gives me protection, this keeps me safe. strength in numbers, and if something goes wrong i'll have allies. but i don't think she wanted to. she wanted to remain autarkis, but she didn't know how to exist without some sort of external direction. being given a task gave her so much relief, even as it made her feel resentment. it's funny, because i as a player hate that dove is cam. i think it's going to completely fuck her over and i think it was the worse option for her. but for her? completely correct and i think it's going to hit hard when she realises she's locked herself back into being at the bottom rung.
i think amara in equal respects represents everything dove desperately wants, and everything she despises. amara has the control dove wants, the respect of the wider community, in as much as it can control its own life and isn't (visibly) beholden to anyone. but, dove knows what amara is. knows what the tzimisce are, and is terrified of that too.
but i also think dove views amara as the closest kindred to trustworthy as she can get. there's a lot of paradoxical thinking in my girl. i, the player, was given the option to have mother russo as my mawla instead of amara, and i hummed and hawed about it a lot before going with my initial instinct (which was definitely motivated in part by my love for tzimisce). but despite how willingly i flung dove at the cam, she felt far more vulnerable with mother russo, (despite being willing to let amara at her rib cage) and she hated that. amara treated dove as a person. that was the real deciding thing on dove's thought process. there was a collection of meta things too (such as wanting to play with possessiveness and dove's control issues.) dove knows what to expect from amara. she knows what it is, and while there are certainly hidden depths, dove thinks that she can at least trust amara to be genuine with the push-pull of a quid pro quo relationship.
and i think part of the really fun thing is at present, dove is completely disenchanted by her coterie. she doesn't want to be there, but they've got a job to complete for the cam. she's a bitch, she looks down on them, and that's driving her to the only person she really thinks is capable, amara. and i think dove will grow to like and respect her coterie, but unfortunately two very well placed frenzies on our gangrel's part has completely lost any potential respect she has for the others. and i think there's a whole load of potential fun things there for dove siding with amara over the coterie, or a push pull situation of dove being places between what the coterie wants and what amara wants. we'll see when we pick up again.
if you want to read more about amara, there is another (much much longer) piece that features him! Te whakawhitiwhiti: The Transformation was written by my storyteller about amara and two of their ghouls. this is set before dove and amara's first meeting, and primarily focuses on one of amara's ghouls, hine, coming into her own, with a lot of fun vampire stuff alongside.
if you have any follow ups, feel free to ask! it's been super fun to ramble about them both here
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Heyaa I was wondering if you could please write a yandere Silas from tvd fic?
Sorry it took so long to respond. I got a puppy, my phone got shut off, my puppy ate the WiFi, and I found out I was allergic to weed. Anyways I fucking got you! 😼
Warnings- Kidnapping, reader is a vamp, i don’t know how good i captured his character but i’m open to advice, idk but tell me if i missed something
What Is Wrong With You?
It wasn’t like my life wasn’t always in danger anyway, but something about this situation seemed much more… Deadly? Scary? I really don’t know. All I do know is that it felt like if I made one small mistake I will never see anyone other than this man again.
It made no sense! Why is a man who spent years upon years just trying to get this girl back just suddenly flip and turn that obsession on me? I just don’t get it!
I sat on the bed in the middle of the room. If I dwell on the interior it looks like it belongs in a castle. Dark blue tapestries and bed sheets with complementary white and grey color accents. I had to admit that the bed was more comfortable than any I’ve ever laid in. The room was like that of a dream. It doesn’t take away the fact I’ve been kidnapped.
I’ve been here long enough that I’ve just grown more confused and more bored. He won’t explain why he’s acting like this, and I don’t think he even knows.
The doors swing open showing a very happy Silas. He walks to me with what I only describe as pure glee.
“Good morning, Sunshine!~” he said, flopping onto the bed.
Sighing, I turned to look at the sky through the dark curtains. “I don’t like the day.” I don’t want to please him with too many words.
He turned to lay on his stomach. “Oh, don’t be like that. You know I can just read your thoughts.” He says.
I glared back at him. “What is wrong with you?”
Silas smiled and tilts his head in mock confusion.
“None of this makes any sense,” I say, “You are in love with Amara, that’s obvious. So why are you kidnapping me, calling me cute nicknames, stealing my daylight ring, tying me to this stupid bed, and wanting me to feel happy with your perverted flirts!” 
Silas stares at me. It’s a calm, demanding look. A large jump from his taunts and jokes. “You,” he starts, “are so kind, you always give people your hand even when they have a bad past. Even when you know they’re going to hurt you, you try to help them.” He grabs my hands gently. “Amara isn’t the same, she isn’t afraid to put herself first.”
I cut him off quietly. “She’s been through a lot.”
He laughs. “See there it is again always sympathizing. Strong yet so sweet. I hate to admit, but over the time we’ve interacted I’ve realized you are the true epitome of perfection. And to this,” He motions to the ropes and room. “I knew you would never pick me first. You’re too scared…” Silas smiles again and pats my leg. “But that's no problem, I'm going to get you good. It’s only a matter of time before you fall for my charm!”
He’s thought about this more than I thought… I don’t know what’s more frightening, him thinking this is alright or that he really thinks I’ll love him.
“Don’t be like that Dovey. There’s no need to be so negative.” He pouts mockingly. 
Silas stands and leans to kiss my cheek. I try to pull away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him.
He straightens. “Well I have some annoying friends to take care of. You’ll wait here for me won’t you.” He laughs harder and walks out the room.
I start to lean into the bed, but he pops his head back in. “Love ya!” He says with a wink.
I truly am screwed.
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boxdstars · 6 months
Has Mara ever had any crushes besides Natty? I can’t stop imagining a very silly and uncharacteristically friendly interaction between her and Isabel in which they gush to each other about cute girls and guys while lying on the floor and kicking their feet 😭
She had a HUGE crush on Anne, unrequited. I imagine Anne was after Ominis or someone else, or perhaps just didn’t see her the same way. Their third year is just a mess of young tweens who can’t get differentiate platonic versus romantic attraction. Though Mara’s feelings are real, Seb is just confused and later realizes “oh wait no i’d never date Mar even if she liked boys”
Whole thing is a goofy square that looks like this
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Anyways her crush on Anne was never resolved and went unspoken and kind of festered in her mind for years until Natty came along and she fell in love all over again, except this time it was obtainable and she was just able to be Anne’s bestie and live with that happily.
Though Amara definitely engages in gossip over pretty girls, or even Professors like Garlick, who she’s totally in love with (aren’t we all). She does it with Sebastian and Garreth a lot, so she’d definitely have that same energy with Isabel!! Even if it’s totally uncharacteristic at first, she’d definitely engage.
I also reckon their rivalry is kind of forced to be subdued in a group setting so if there’s girls gossip hour in the slytherin dorms for example, they actually start to get along!
Thank you for the ask!! 💗💗💗
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vwbugggie · 1 year
Introducing my Supernatural DR:
Buckle in this is a long one!
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I’m gonna write this with the assumption that you’ve seen the show and know what I’m talking about. I’m not really gonna explain things that are canon.
Feel free to ask any questions!
I made several changes to canon for my DR, if you don't agree with them that's perfectly ok, but please be respectful!
Comments on my DR (opinions, ideas, etc.) are welcome as long as they are respectful towards me and others!
If y’all with Supernatural DR’s (or any DR; but especially if we have DR’s in common) ever wanna chat my DM's are open, don't be shy! (No minors, sorry!)
Anti-shifters do not interact, I don't care what you think. If you are rude or disrespectful I will block you and delete your comment. I'm not going to argue with you because I simply don't care to. (If you see a rude or disrespectful comment before I can get to it I encourage you not to engage, ignore it, thanks!)
Last thing before we start: Yes, I’m one of those shifters who overpower themselves, so? You think I crossed the multiverse to be what I am here? No.
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First thing first, introductions! This portion is just a meet & greet! More details will come later when I go into the 'plot' of my Dr! :)
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Name: ‘Buggie’ Singer (Me!)
Species: Demi-god (Unbeknownst to everyone, including me, but more on that later)
About me: Born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Raised by Bobby to know how to protect myself from the supernatural, but wasn’t raised specifically to be a hunter. He didn't exactly want me to be a hunter but he supports my choices because he knows I'll do what I want anyway. I like to write, read, make jewelry, listen to music. Before Dean came to get me I was an author who mainly stayed home writing and helping my dad with the salvage yard or helping him help other hunters. Occasionally going on a hunt with him if a monster happened to find itself in our area.
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Biological mom: Amara
Species: God
About her: The darkness, god’s sister, existed before creation
Status: Alive; Locked away by the god squad
Do I know her a first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: In my DR when she escaped she wasn't a baby and instead of going to Dean (when she thanked him for freeing her and she saved him from the black smoke) she came to me and told me she’s my mom (oooooo dramatic reveal) and saved me from the black smoke. (In the show it's Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire season 11, episode 1)
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Adoptive dad: Robert ‘Bobby’ Steven Singer
Species: Human
About him: Semi- retired Hunter, born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on August 12, 1950. He was like family to my biological father and adopted me when my parents died. To raise me he stopped hunting. He still helped others (like he did in the show), but he only went on hunts if a monster stumbled into our area. It was a last resort of course, first he'd try to call other hunter close by, but if they couldn't deal with it he'd reluctantly go. When that happened he'd always drop me off at the roadhouse for a couple of days.
Status: Alive (I scripted out his death)
Do I know him at first shift?: Yes
When did we first meet?: Shortly after I was born
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Biological dad(s): Cassian Calavera and Alastair
Species: Human and demon
About Cassian: Born in Toluca, Mexico, on December 29, 1950. From a legendary family of hunters.
About Alastair: A white eyed demon, considered one of the oldest and strongest demon. Hell's grand torturer.
Status: Dead
Do I know him at first shift?: I was a newborn, so no. I got to know him later in life though.
When did we first meet?: The first time I met him was shortly after I was born. Later, I met him when he rose from the dead during the rise of the witnesses.
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Mother figure: Ellen Harvelle
Species: Human
About her: Widow, retired hunter. She’d let me stay at the roadhouse if ever my dad went on a hunt. Treats me like her own. Doesn't really want me or Jo to be hunters, but supports our choices because we'll do it anyway. Born on November 2nd, 1968.
Status: Alive (Scripted out her death)
Do I know her at first shift?: Yes, she helped raise me
When did we first meet?: Childhood, I was around seven
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Like a sister to me: Joanna 'Jo' Beth Harvelle
Species: Human
About her: Born to Ellen and William Anthony Harvelle on April 7, 1985, raised at the roadhouse. Wants to be a hunter like her father.
Status: Alive (I scripted out her death)
Do I know her at first shift?: Yes, we're besties! She's like my little sister fr.
When did we first meet?: Childhood, I was around seven and she was around five.
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Bestfriend: Samuel 'Sam' William Winchester 
Species: Human
About him: Hunter, legacy. Son to John and Mary, Dean's little brother. Born May 2, 1983. Views me as a little sister, stayed in contact with me after he left for Stanford. The only person who knows about my powers other than my dad at first shift (Technically Cas does too he's not there at first shift). Him and Eileen are endgame.
Status: Alive
Do I know him at first shift?: Yes
When did we first meet?: John dropped him off at my house so he could go on a hunt when Sam was around three. We’re the same age so we were instant besties. Have been ever since!
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Future S/O: Dean Michael Winchester
Species: Human (Later a vampire, then demon, he gets cured though)
About him: Hunter, legacy. Son to John and Mary. Born January 24, 1979.
Status: Alive (I scripted out his final death)
Do I know him at first shift?: Yes
When did we first meet?: When John came to pick up Sam the first time (when me and Sam met), John was putting Sam's stuff in the trunk and I came out to say bye to Sam. John introduced Dean, who was waiting in the passenger seat. He waved.
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Guardian Angel (Kinda): Castiel
Species: Angel
About him: Angel of the lord. I truly feel like it's impossible not to like him, especially if you know him. Him and Meg are endgame (I'm not sorry).
Status: Alive (I scripted out his final death)
Do I know him at first shift?: Technically
When did we first meet?: When I was a child; he was with me shortly after birth up until I was nine (I thought he was an imaginary friend).
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Bestie: Meg Masters
Species: Demon
About her: Got a job as a nurse so she could look after Cas when he was in his crazy era. She's a demon so she's not exactly 'nice' but she's not exactly 'mean' either. Falling/ looking after Cas made her a little soft. She's sort of hard shell somewhat soft-ish insides.
Status: Alive (I scripted out her death)
Do I know her at first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: At a bar (In the show it was season one episode 16 'Shadow'. She was still possessing the other girl.)
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Close friend: Garth Fitzgerald IV
Species: Human (Turned werewolf later)
About him: This man is so chill. He has no beef with anyone. You might not like him at first (I did though) cuz he does come on a little strong, but he grows on you.
Status: Alive
Do I know him first shift?: Yes
When did we first meet?: We met like how I met most hunters, they came to my dad for help on a hunt.
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Close friend: Crowley (Born Fergus MacLeod)
Species: Demon
About him: He's really not as bad as he wants you to think. So unserious. Low key bestie vibes. Material Girl!
Status: Alive (I scripted out his death)
Do I know him at first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: When Sam, Dean, and I tracked him down. (In the show: Abandon All Hope Season 5, Episode 10)
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Close friend: Rowena MacLeod
Species: Witch
About her: Definition of material girl. She's so iconic. She also puts on a tough exterior. She originally only wanted to be my friend so she could use my power, but it turned into a genuine friendship.
Status: Alive (I scripted out her final death)
Do I know her at first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: On a case (In the show: Girls, Girls, Girls Season 10, Episode 7)
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Adoptive child: Jack Kline
Species: Nephilim
About him: Parents: Kelly Kline and Lucifer. Born on May 18, 2017. I love him so much.
Status: Alive
Do I know him at first shift?: No (He doesn't exist yet lol)
When did we first meet?: I was there when he was born. (In the show its at the end of season 12 episode 23 'All along the Watchtower'. Also, in my DR he didn't come out the womb a grown man, he had a few years of childhood.)
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Family friend: Rufus Turner
Species: Human
About him: Semi- retired hunter, recluse, dad's old hunting partner, checks in on me from time to time. So unintentionally funny.
Status: Alive (I scripted out his death)
Do I know him at first shift?: Yes, haven't seen him in a while though
When did we first meet?: He first came by the house (before he became a recluse) when I was five. He needed dad's help on a hunt.
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Bestie: Charlie Bradbury (Born Celeste Middleton)
Species: Human
About her: Larper, rookie hunter, hacker, smart as hell and impossible not to love
Status: Alive (I scripted out her death)
Do I know her at first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: When she tried to hack into Frank's hard drive. (In the show it's  season 7, episode 20, “The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo")
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Bestie: Jody Mills
Species: Human
About her: Cop turned hunter, born June 17, 1976. Black cat person, she's rough around the edges but she is truly kind. Very motherly.
Status: Alive
Do I know her at first shift?: Probably, we're from the same town and my dad has run in with the law often.
When did we first meet?: Haven't scripted it, but we're not close until she starts helping Sam, Dean, and me.
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Bestie: Donna Hansum
Species: Human
About her: Cop turned hunter, born July 15, 1982. She is so nice and caring, total badass too of course but legitimately one of the nicest people I've ever met.
Status: Alive
Do I know her at first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: On a case (In the show: season nine episode thirteen The Purge.)
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Bestie: Eileen Leahy
Species: Human
About her: Hunter, Legacy. She's so funny, she keeps Sam in check, she's a badass, she gets along with Dean. What's not to like? (We're a lot alike personality wise, I'm just more unhinged, lol.) Her and Sam are endgame.
Status: Alive (I scripted out her death)
Do I know her at first shift?: No
When did we first meet?: On a case (In the show: Season eleven episode eleven into the mystic.)
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The Past:
The moment you've all been waiting for, 'plot' time!
In the beginning there were two: Chuck, the light, and Amara, the dark, brother and sister. Chuck, or god, wanted to create. Story goes Amara destroyed everything Chuck made, so he created the Archangels: Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel to help him defeat her. Here's where my DR starts to differ from canon. Yes, there was a battle between the god squad and Amara, however they failed to completely defeat Amara.
God didn't want to kill Amara. So he came up with a way to defeat her without killing her. Chuck created ‘The Mark’ this was to serve as lock and key to Amara’s prison. He entrusted it to his favorite son, Lucifer. However, something that powerful, something meant to contain that much darkness, corrupts. So Chuck and the Archangels attacked Amara. They nearly won, however by then the mark had already begun corrupting Lucifer. Instead of delivering the final blow to incapacitate Amara, Lucifer turned on his brothers and his father. While they were busy fighting Lucifer, Amara slipped away using what little power she had left to cloak herself from god and the Archangels. She wasn’t usually the run and hide type, but if they found her in the state she was in they’d surely win that fight. So she hid and waited for her strength to return to her.
Lucifer was not defeated that day either. Say what you will about him, but he’s not an idiot. He knew that if his family could nearly kill Amara, who was a great deal stronger than him, he knew that they’d most likely make quick work of him. He too fled, and for a while everything was quiet.
With no sign of Amara or Lucifer’s return, Chuck began creating again. He created the rest of the Angels, the world, you get the idea. While there were no obvious signs of Lucifer, he watched and waited. He saw his father's latest creation: humans. Chuck was worried Lucifer would return so he charged Gadreel with protecting them. Chuck was right to worry of course because Lucifer did return and to trick Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. Man fell, Lucifer gave the mark to Cain (making it the mark of Cain), he made Lilith then the princes of hell. He lost the war against heaven and got cast into hell and trapped in the cage by Michael.
Eventually Amara regains enough of her strength to return, and when she does she’s met with something that actually kind of amazes her. Humans, humanity. She was both intrigued and infuriated. She still wasn’t at full strength so she decided to live amongst the humans, more like hide amongst the humans, while she looked for her brother. But finding Chuck was only half the battle. She’d still need a way to defeat him. She knew the angels and Archangels would side against her and with Lucifer in the cage she had no other choice but to make something of her own.
Amara tried to make her own angels or similar beings like her brother had, but it seemed creating life was harder than she thought. Maybe the darkness just wasn't meant to create. Until it finally dawned on her. Chuck had given her the answer. Procreation. The idea disgusted her, true, but if a Nephilim grows to be stronger than their Angel parent, what of a god’s child? Surely they’d grow to be stronger than God himself. Yes. With this child, she could defeat god and become unstoppable.
While searching for Chuck, Amara lived all over the earths in the different worlds that Chuck created. Until she landed in ‘The Main Universe’ (Where God’s favorite Sam and Dean are). She was traveling the world looking for a human she didn’t completely detest. The one that would be my father.
My father was a born into a family of legendary hunters. Every hunter has their speciality. Every hunter has a favorite thing to hunt. My father's favorite were demons. His last case was a demon named Alastair, he worked the case alongside his little brother, Ivan. They had never encountered a demon so powerful. Alastair takes possession of Ivan and leaves Cassian for dead. Cassian survives and tracks Alastair all the way to Sioux Falls. Where he mets Bobby, who was also hunting Alastair. Bobby was reluctant to team up at first, but he gave in once Cassian shared his story. While working the case they become close friends, all was going well until they actually encountered Alastair. They were losing the fight against Alastair. While Bobby knocked unconscious Cassian pleads Alastair to leave his little brother be. If he must take someone take him instead. Let Ivan go and live his life. Alastair accepts only so Cassian can watch Ivan's body fall to the ground, having been dead since he was first possessed. Once he had taken hold of Cassian's body, he wakes Bobby. Taking over his body was not enough, he would force Cassian to watch as he took over his life. Alastair, as Cassian, settles in Sioux Falls.
Alastair sensed Amara's power the second she entered Sioux Falls. He was drawn to her darkness, to him that made her truly beautiful. She paid him no mind at first, but he persisted. She could hardly stand humans, let alone demons. Ultimately the promise of an all powerful weapon to use against Chuck and Alastair worshipping the ground she walked on won her over. Sure, for her he was just a means to and end, but for him? She was the love of his life. She wasn’t particularly kind or caring towards him but he didn’t much care.
After I was born the room lit up and started to shake. Amara knew this meant Angels were on the way to destroy her and whatever caused that surge of energy. She told my father to take me and run. He does, he takes me straight to Bobby. He would have preferred to leave me with other demons, but demons could be found to easily by angels. My father pounded on the door frantically until a confused Bobby came to the door. He explained that something was after him and Amara, but he didn't know what, but he needed his help. Bobby of course wanted to help, so he agreed to take me for a couple of days.
My father returned home to find nothing. Amara was nowhere to be found. Now you might be thinking, how can some run of the mill angels defeat Amara? She's as powerful as God. They were no run of the mill angels. The angels that came to deal with Amara were the remaining Archangels along with Cain (because he had the mark). This coupled with Amara being severely weakened by my birth, and the fact that she had never fully recovered from the first go around, she was sealed away as god had intended all those years ago.
My father, was so caught up in his grief that he almost didn't notice a man come out from the shadow's behind him. The two men fought eventually ending in Alastair leaving Cassian's body. Escaping to hell and leaving Cassian to deal with the agonizing pain of being stabbed. Then the man stood there, looking over his body with no particular emotion. For he was no man at all, he was an angel. An angel named Castiel.
Castiel had orders. He had orders to wait after Amara's defeat to find and destroy the reason for that power surge. With the death of my father he thought his orders complete, so he returned to Heaven. Upon his arrival he was met with disdain by his superiors. They not so kindly informed him that his orders remained and that he was to return to earth to finish them. He was not welcomed in heaven until his orders were fulfilled.
Castiel does as he's told. He searches my parents house for days, with not much luck until the house phone rings. It had been a few days since my father dropped me off at Bobby's and he hadn't heard back from him. He made some comment about how it's easier to run a salvage yard than to look after a baby. Castiel knew of a human's instinct to protect their young so he figured that was the missing piece. Castiel was set.
After a few hours of searching, Castiel finally found the salvage yard that had both a 'Bobby' and a baby. He snuck into the house on the property while Bobby slept. He looked over my makeshift crib with the intention of completing his orders. At the last minute I awoke, he expected me to scream or cry, but instead I just smiled and reached out to him. In that moment Castiel wondered why heaven would condone the death of an innocent child.
He stayed with me for a while, he'd never been so close to a baby before, there was something about this child. Something that made him decide on another path. He decided then and there that he would not- that he could not kill this child. Instead he warded me against the angels. The very same spell he would later use on Sam and Dean.
Throughout my childhood, Castiel would come by and check in on me. He hadn't meant for me to see him, in fact he's still not sure how I could see him, no one else had. He walked straight past my dad, with no incident. But somehow he wasn’t invisible to me. Every time he'd come by I'd reach out to him. He was confused as to why at first, but after a few tries he caught on.
Slipping away from heaven was no easy task, but he managed. When he discovered my powers he felt no choice but to increase his visits. My powers weren't like any he'd ever seen. By then I could speak and due to that one time I accidently saw his wings, I called him Birdie. He taught me what he could about controlling my powers, when I cried he'd comfort me, when I got hurt he healed me. He was so much more than a teacher, he was family to me. He was my best friend that no one else could see. Things stayed that way until I was nine. Until he left.
Growing up me and Dean weren't really close. We were never really around each other too much. Mainly because I only saw him when John was dropping off or picking up Sam. I saw him a little more once we got older and they started to come around more. Not a ton though. Me and Dean were friends, but not close. We became close after Sam left for Stanford. After Sam left he called me and kind of asked if I could be there for Dean. I reached out not really expecting a response, but he got back to me and we talked. After that we talked all the time and he came to visit whenever he could.
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The Present:
Sorry this is short, but I didn't really change too much of the show's beginning so there's not much to say!
I am shifting to the beginning of the show. Before Dean went to go pick up Sam from Stanford he came to pick me up. They haven't spoken since Sam left so he wanted me to come along because he wasn't really convinced that he could convince Sam to leave with him to look for their dad. Totally not because we're crushing on each other. It's a two day drive from Sioux Falls to Stanford so I will be shifting to the night of the 28th.
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First Shift:
I haven't shifted to this DR yet btw but this is what I have scripted for my first shift!
When I wake up I'll be laying on the couch in the living room. Dad will be reading some lore at his desk, the radio softly playing "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers. There's a knock on the door, my dad looks at me and asks if I'm expecting anyone. I'm still waking up so I don't respond. He huffs and goes open the door. He's gone for a minute, I hear some talking, then he walks back into the living room followed by Dean. Dean asks to speak to me, we go into the hallway while dad returns to his reading. He asks me to come with him, I agree. I grab my go bag and say goodbye to my dad, then we're off!
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My Powers:
I just really wanna talk about my powers. Totally not an excuse to show off my shitty edits.
My Magic:
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My powers for this DR are a combination of Wanda's powers (Unoriginal, I know. Idgaf.), god powers (Cuz Amara's my mom), and a siphon witches powers (from TVD). I wanted my powers to be visible and look more like witch magic than angel magic, which is why in the beginning I think I'm some sort of witch. My power is basically Wanda's magic with a black core and a dark red outer shell. It's more free flowing than Wanda's, her's stays in a ball shape mine is more free flowing and moves like fire. When I use my power my iris' glow the same dark red that my power is and it makes the same noise that Wanda's magic makes when she uses her power (Idk how to describe it, it's sort of like little whispers).
My wings:
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The wings in my DR work more like the wings in the show ‘Lucifer’. They have to be summoned by the Angel, and when summoned they can be seen by everyone. (Example of wing summoning on the right.)
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Thanks for reading!
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rockybloo · 9 months
What changes about the buttercup interaction in the civilian au?
Buttercup changes from being alive to being a corpse in this AU.
Her saving grace was that Sweetheart kicked her ass during their battle which led to her crushing on Sweetheart AND Bitterbat because she proved she was worthy of having his hand.
But Amara is just a human here. Which means she doesn't stand a chance against a Monstrum. Which means Buttercup could easily kill her. And she did plan to since she believes no human is worthy of having Bitterbat's hand.
But Bitterbat is the judge of who is worthy for him.
He's also the executioner.
So he makes sure Buttercup never tries to lay a hand on Amara or interfere in his and her life ever again.
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
pls dont laugh at me but...aegon and amara in a love island au but uk love island bc it was funnier
Why would I laugh? You're right. Our Love Island IS funnier. There's nothing like an Essex girl snapping gum as she points finger guns at a cheating man she met two hours ago and yells about how her heart is irretrievably broken.
That being said...of all the AUs anyone's ever given me, this might just be the most fitting for Aegon I've ever read. He literally belongs there. He's short, he's pretty, he's loud, and he jokes about his cock like he's being paid for it. And now I am laughing. Anon, you're a fucking genius. Oh god, he would make a frat bro group immediately once he got there.
Amara would NOT choose him btw. She would probably go for a guy who's twice his height and has a deep, sexy South London twang, whereas Aegon's a fully gruff Northern drawl. I see her being the villa darling tbh, she's sweet, she doesn't try to take anyone's man, and she's usually the first one asking other people how they're doing and sorta kinda becomes the villa therapist.
Aegon would be trying his HARDEST to win her, but it's like watching that gif of the big guy beating on oblivious Spongebob. Amara is skipping around all happy and How are you, Egg-on Toast? Are you well? and his throat gets all closed up and he's like trying to come up with a flirty line which usually happens easily but not with her. And camera catches it EVERY TIME. It becomes a running gag for the audience. When it comes time for them to vote who goes on a date, the votes pour in for Aegon to go on a date with Amara, and she's a little 'eh' but he's CHUFFED. Then the entire country basically watches him bomb the date because he can't get a proper word out, and when being genuine doesn't work, he goes back to fuckboy Aegon and completely turns her off.
They don't really interact after that, but then Casa Amor happens, and Amara's so happy to get her man back but he walks in with a different girl entirely. And it's SSSSOOOOOOOO. Everyone thought they were gonna win the show but apparently not. And she's just sitting there smiling, but her ears are red, and her eyes are a little glossy and she keeps saying she's fine, she's fine, and then doesn't even yell at the guy for humiliating her. She doesn't have any other connections in the villa either, so on the next fire pit gathering, she's probably going to be kicked out as the only one without a partner.
Aegon happily ditches his girl on the next vote and says he wants to keep Amara in the villa instead. AHKFJDHKFJHKJFHKDJFHJKHFG. You can never keep a boyfailure down.
p.s. Did i just accidentally reveal I've watched too much Love Island in my time?
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e11 into the mystic (w. robbie thompson)
giving credit where it's due, i think the show has been doing a good job picking licensed work, especially when not stuck to a particular genre. enjoyed here will you love me tomorrow by the shirelles
okay that monster is uh. something. don't eat the baby!! poor sweet thing.
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LUCIFER When your brother was trapped in Purgatory you were here with a girl and a dog. You can't win this, Sam. You're just not strong enough. You didn't even bother trying to find him. And I know that if you're gonna beat the Darkness, you have to be ready to watch the people you love die.
i'd say don't let lucifer get to you, sam - but hell. i spiral over the smallest of social interactions, let alone the big evil angel who knows all my weak spots and is pushing the sorest ones for maximum manipulation. also where is the light coming from in his room with the pattern, he doesn't have a window? is it a weird lampshade? nightlight? scented plugin nightlight?? 🤪
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everything's fine! been up who knows how long cleaning my gun, per yoozh
DEAN You okay? SAM Yeah, I'm fine. DEAN Are you sure? 'Cause you haven't left the bunker in days. SAM I'm fine.
cas will be fine! which brings about the question, what's crowley doing in all this? i know he declared the team-up over, but no heads up about lucifer being out? is he incapacitated in some way?
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(kinda wishing we had pellegrino to still be lucifer but i get it)
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DEAN Maybe we ought to make a reservation. SAM Yeah, we should be so lucky to live long enough.
did know about this. don't be sad, don't be sad.
SAM Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' Viagra. DEAN I know. A real dick move, huh?
cmon sammy, not even a chuckle? that was a good (bad) one :P
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dean pocketing some viagra, all right.
(wiki) According to a tweet by writer Robbie Thompson, Dean stealing the Viagra was unscripted, and was ad-libbed by Jensen Ackles.
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gosh that's pretty. what a lovely profile shot of sam
DEAN So no retirement, huh? SAM Hey, you're the one who's always wanted to go out blaze of glory style preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing. DEAN I'm a candle in the wind. Yeah, but the way you said it, it was like that blaze of glory was gonna happen sooner rather than later.
lip service to the blaze of glory when it looks like all is lost but of course he wants to grow old together.
DEAN Are you okay? SAM No, I'm not, actually. Not at all. Being so close to Lucifer again, that... Brought stuff up. Stuff I thought I forgot about. DEAN You want to talk about it? SAM No. DEAN Well, look. Lucifer is never getting out of that cage, ever. And you are never going back, period. So... Case closed.
💔on all accounts
SAM Let's burn the bones so we can go home.
at least the bunker's home now
DEAN Gold blade. I don't have any in the trunk, so I got to head back to the bunker and grab a couple. You stay here and figure out who in this place is vulnerable.
someone vulnerable, like say, sam??
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all this banshee talk makes me miss lydia from teen wolf. def the good kind of banshee though, no brain munching to be found
after hours of staring at 1968-1970 ford galaxies i see how similar they are to the impala lol
blarrgh dean is gonna unload his amara secrets to lucifer!cas, fucking great. always anyone but sam
DUDE. how had i never stumbled into this?? so i'm looking up mildred's actress dee wallace, and she was the mom in E.T.!! but!!! the little boy, elliott! is the dude in all the flanagan stuff - young hugh crain in hill house, henry in bly manor. mind blown LOL. that movie devastated me as a child and i haven't watched it since haha (which reminds me i was talking to my very sensitive 10 year old about charlotte's web and i was like, wasn't it sad? and he's like. eh. me: really? not sad?? him: ehh. LOL okay! i'm glad for you, little dude, didn't end up with that particular flavor of my sensitivity too)
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s11e11 mildred / e.t. (1982) dee wallace as mary
MILDRED I knew it. I knew it! I -- you two are too cute to be FBI agents.
i mean...
i was a little nervous what they were gonna do with marlene/eileen, having a deaf actress and character be a hunter is cool. assuming she doesn't die :S also she could teach them whatever fancy sigil situation she used to trap sam. ooh and a men of letters legacy, too. please don't kill her.
DEAN I tried to kill her. LUCIFER/CAS Well, the two of you are connected somehow by the Mark. DEAN Yeah, no, it's, uh... It's more than that. LUCIFER/CAS Attraction? Oh, Dean. DEAN I know. I know. Okay? Whatever it is... attraction, connection... I got to tell you, man, it scares me. I don't know that I can stop it. I don't know that I can resist it.
christ on a cracker. i hate everything about this. i got some time off from being enraged over him IMMEDIATELY lying to sam after all this we gotta be straight with each other yet again, but hey it's back. and now divulging to lucifer inadvertently, so much hate it.
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[Mildred signs to Eileen ‘I got dibs on the other guy. You can have the tall one’] [Mildred giggles as she signs ‘I’m not much of a mountain climber anymore’ and laughs] [Eileen signs [‘Are you sure you don’t want both?’]
that was so cute and funny. thirsting over the boys in plain sight, and eileen like girl, shoot your shot, try for both of them! mildred is gorgeous, i think dean might be down
SAM Are you worried about her? So does this mean she has a shot? DEAN Well, I always did have a thing for Blanche on “Golden Girls” SAM Seriously? DEAN Hey, don't judge what you don't understand, Sammy. SAM No, I'm -- I'm not judging. I-I just always had a thing for Sophia. DEAN Yeah, I could see that.
sophia, huh. i mean, okay. can you imagine though, 6'4" sam and 4'10" estelle getty. talk about mountain climbing. and of course dean liked blanche, no brainer. and rue mclanahan was all of 51 when the show started
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well, he went all-in on the crazy smile (sorry, pellegrino would never 😔)
EILEEN My mother was a lawyer. Be nice to follow in her footsteps. SAM I was studying law at Stanford when my brother came and got me so we could get our revenge. EILEEN You've been hunting together ever since? SAM Yeah. I-I wouldn't do this without my brother. He's had my back every step of the way. Even when I let him down.
oh, sammy 💔 show's convinced you that you fucked up more than i think you have (pushing the purgatory thing and i'm still not convinced :p) meanwhile we get to highlight how dean's fucking up right this moment.
well damn. they've done a great job establishing some little side characters i actually care about. thinkin if something happens to eileen or mildred 🔪🔪🔪
MILDRED You know, tell me something. When's the last time you watched a sunset without waiting for something to go bump in the night?
they (supposedly) would park and look at the stars sometimes, maybe they should add sunsets to the list
MILDRED You want to know the secret to living a long and happy life? DEAN Actually, yes, I do. MILDRED Follow your heart. You do that, all the rest just figures itself out.
and since i like her character and how she's playing her, this little sappy advice made me cry. also, i love how she's openly flirting with dean and he's flustered but not in the ew gross old lady is hitting on me way
great, and dean's the vulnerable one? i mean honestly, they're both emotionally vulnerable disasters all the time so.
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MILDRED Darlin'... if there's one thing I've learned in all my years on the road, it's when somebody's pining for somebody else. Oh, don't try and hide it now. Follow your heart. Remember?
i mean. is he pining for amara? is that what we're going with? this obviously has the ambiguity that you could slap it on to whatever ship of choice as well. follow your heart to sam instead of your dick to amara? :p this nebulous connection to her is... nebulous. halfway tempted to just fucking look up how this plays out, but then i'm just waiting for things to happen (which is why i don't do well with big spoilers) so i probably won't. it has to be dire to do that (and i have with this show in the past, just to know how many episodes of whatever plotline were in my future)
DEAN He was looking for lore on the Darkness. Something a little off about him, too. SAM Something always seems a little bit off about Cas. Yeah, you know, being so close to Lucifer probably wasn't easy for him, either.
i'd say some of that's on the inconsistent writing/characterization of cas, but potayto potahto :p brushing off dean's concern to aid in finding out about lucifer at the worst time, i can imagine
SAM Dean... when I was with Lucifer, he, um... He showed me things. It was like a highlight reel of my biggest failures. DEAN Yeah, he was messing with you. That's what he does. SAM Give me a sec. I should've looked for you. When you were in Purgatory, I... I should've turned over every stone. But I didn't. I stopped. And I've never forgiven myself for it. DEAN Well... I have. Hey. That's in the past, man. What's done is done. All that matters now, all that's ever mattered, is that we're together.
oh 😭
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oh god and sam's box with actual baby dean and sam in addition to the retirement home brochure?? now i'm really crying. good god. i knew about the brochure, but not the picture as actual kids
at least dean got into sleep clothes and under the covers this time.
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go talk to sam, you stubborn ass.
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sunnibearr · 2 years
05 ## rat queen
warnings: swearing, really bad typos lmao, they're all very close friends, dont worry about the name calling <3
Changbin liked making new friends, however, he wasn't as keen on inviting them into their tight knit group. To say that he was apprehensive about meeting this friend of Momo's was an understatement, especially since she had told them off the bat that she wanted him to be a permanent addition to the friendship circle. Let's just say that the fact the new guy was exactly Changbin's type didn't help with his nerves at all. The only thing that could help with his nerves were you, however, when your best friend-crush tells you that he has met someone new and asks for advice, his nerves dissipate at the cost of your own.
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note — i hope you enjoy the first ever interaction between yn and changbin, can you tell what their dynamic is? :)) ps. thank you SO much for 300 followers, lovelies <333
taglist (open) : @amara-mars @neohyxn @septicrebel @bakugossanity @moon-320 @ameliesaysshoo @mynameisnotlaura
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
what relationship do winx/specialists etc have with their grandparents?
congratulations anon you made me want to draw them. you have untold powers to make me do such a thing. UNFORTUNATELY I ACTUALLY DIDN'T DRAW SHIT LMAO, just because that's a LOT of people and I'm. not about that. but I did do at LEAST some thinking of them! only covering the Winx here, maybe thoughts on the guys later.
Bloom has 2 sets of grandparents given, y'know, her DealTM. Both her grandpas passed away when she was a baby so she doesn't have memories of them, but she grew up lovingly with her grandmas. Silvana is her maternal grandma, a sweet old lady who taught her a bit of Spanish (as a reminder Vanessa is Mexican-American in the AU and so Bloom grew up with a bit of their traditions) and filled her with meals every time she visited. Her paternal grandma, Elizabeth doesn't visit as often as she lives in a different state, but Bloom loves her all the same. She's a retired office lady and always pushed Bloom to try everything she wanted - she was the one to buy Bloom a bow and archery gloves when she wanted to start archery.
As for Oritel and Marion's parents, she only knows her paternal grandpa (Eustace) and her maternal grandma (Lillia), and doesn't really have an opinion on them, having spent so little time. Both Eustace and Lillia also don't really try to get close to her that much as they can see that Bloom is just awkward about the whole deal and so don't want to push her.
Flora has both her maternal grandparents alive (Rosalía and Maurice(, while her paternal grandma passed away when she was a kid, before Miele was born, leaving her only with her grandpa Hugo. Rosalía is a witch (the Witch of Roses, Flora Source), and she comes from a VERY long line of witches. Alyssa broke the tradition by not pursuing morpher magic at all while Flora became a fairy, but she doesn't resent either for it - even being one of Flora's earliest magic tutors. Maurice is a doctor, and isn't as close with Flora as Rosalía but still loves her. As for Hugo, he's a retired lumberjack and was partially responsible for Flora's interest in physical activity.
STELLA HAS TECHNICALLY 8 GRANDPARENTS BUT I'M JUST GONNA FOCUS ON RADIUS AND LUNA'S PARENTS FOR MY SANITY LMAO. She only ever personally met her paternal grandmother, the former Queen Celeste, Sorceress of Sunny Days. Stella loves her grandma, finding her the funniest person alive, and confirms the Oriol royal family has charisma inserted in the bloodline. She knows only Luna's father, Fabrizio, is alive, but Luna doesn't have the best relationship with him and as such she never saw him.
Musa has never met anyone from her dad's side of the family and has no desire to, meaning she's way closer to her mom's side. She loves her grandma Wei Yang, who used to let her use her painting supplies and always loved whatever she drew, and her grandpa Jun, who was a big sports fan and was 100% behind his granddaughter getting into boxing and is a bit sad she dropped it once she went to Alfea.
If Aisha had a tense relationship with her parents, it was even worse with her grandparents, at least her paternal ones. Niobe's father, Ermias, was nice and doting enough, but she never interacted much with him compared with Teredor's parents, former Emperor Oceanus and former Empress Lulit. They were just as overbearing as Teredor and Niobe were if not more so, and she dreaded their visits almost as much as any of her other forced activites.
As for Tecna, she has all of her grandparents alive and well. Her maternal ones, Amara and William are actually farmers, who proudly boast of making the best cheese in all of Zenith, and Tecna loves them even if she dreads visiting them because she usually ends up helping at the farm and she does not like physical work lmao. Her paternal set are Ulric and Theodore (Anthonius is adopted), who are a retired electrician (Theodore) and a still-active Conjuror (Conjuror of Blizzards, Ice Source). The two men used to babysit Tecna when her parents had to work off-home and helped her with her magic development. Theodore, who Tecna was named after (her real name is Theodora in the AU as a reminder) was also the one that gave her that nickname, seeing her so interested in the machinery around the house.
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regxlty · 1 year
@stvrdvstsx - amara
He hadn't actively interacted out for his new in-laws, wanting to give them the time to process the fact that their sister had not only broken her betrothal but also married someone without anyone but her permission. So, when he saw her sister, he stiffened. She was the tsarina, with much more influence and power than he'd ever have. So, taking in a deep breath, he walked towards her. "Your imperial majesty," he said with a small bow, "I hope to have a minute of your time?"
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autumnshighlady · 6 months
Hi Amara!
Anon who originally suggested the Silm x ACOTAR crossover here and back with another idea if you're ever interested (so excited for your crossover series but sad IALTPWF is coming to an end).
So what if the Mother in ACOTAR is Varda from Tolkien? Like when Varda was making the stars, she made Prythian as another world with beings (the fae) that looked like the firstborn elves, who revere her as their 'Mother'. After taking her place amongst the Valar in Aman, she didn't quite participate so much in Prythian anymore, though she does take notice on some days (ie. Starfall because... stars) and places special attention and care to the Night Court because she created them to resemble her the most.
So fast forward a couple of millennia later, MC of this fic could be Rhysand's OG sister. Just before she is de-winged and killed by Tamlin and his father after having watched her mother get killed, she prays to the Mother, Varda listens and transports her to Arda via shooting star. She lands in Valinor...
I have so many thoughts on this but let me know if you'd be interested in writing this idea :)
Btw can I be your ⭐️ anon if it isn't taken? Might make it easier to interact haha.
omg i love the idea of Varda being the Mother! im definitely going to make this into a series so i’d love to discuss it more with you and bounce ideas around!
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