#will keep yall updated 🥲
arvadthecursed · 21 days
y'all I have drama to share.
so basically. a few days ago my sister texts me for the first time in a couple weeks that she found a cat dumped on the side of the road as she was coming back from her boyfriend's house. She took the cat to her dorm and has decided to keep her (the cat, btw, is now named Tuberculosis, Teddy for short? It's just Teddy to me. I refuse to call her Tuberculosis.)
Liss said that our dad was "possessive" over Declan so Teddy will replace Declan as her ESA. TLDR; Declan is an extremely social animal and couldn't handle being in my sister's tiny dorm room by himself all day and started tearing shit up, my sister begged my parents to come get him and take him back with us. This has happened multiple times over the past 2 years.
anyway, Liss was going to just. Bring her home? Without warning our parents? I managed to convince her that that was a Terrible Fucking Idea and she needs to tell them. So tonight she's writing up something to tell them about Teddy.
I refuse to get involved further either way. It'll be frustrating dealing with both sides and it will be significantly worse if I take a side. But! It should, at the very least, be somewhat entertaining. My mom and Liss have already been arguing about Liss going to see her friends this winter so this is really just the tip of the iceberg I think.
Man. I am trying to prepare for the Inevitable Blow Up And Horrible Drama this is going to cause but I'm also kind of 👀❓ on how this will play out. I have an inkling of an idea but who knows! I could be surprised.
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
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harrystylesfan2686 · 9 months
Pieces Part 3
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: the aftermath of the break up has different effects on both, Azriel and Reader.
A/N: yall I'm sick🥲 the updates might be late but I'll try to post as much as possible. Hope you like this one!
Pieces Masterlist
It's been one month.
One month of Healing.
When azriel left, I told myself that I will not contact him until I'm ready. Doesn't matter how much I'm missing him or wanting him. I will not talk to him until I know I won't take him back the second I see him again.
I gave myself two days. Two days to sulk all I wanted. I spent the whole time crying and feeling miserable about myself. Before Az left at least, I wasn't by myself. At least I saw him once a day.
Now? Nothing.
I am totally alone. His absence hit me Hard. Everything I saw, almost brought me to my knees.
The kitchen where we would make dinner together, laughing and joking with each other that many times ended with us covered in flour and syrup.
The couch where we would sit cuddling and talking until we fell asleep, always waking up with strained muscles.
His office where he would sit on his chair in front of his desk, writing out reports and whatnot while I sit in his armchair reading my book. Just enjoying each others company and occasionally taking breaks to make out on the very deck, and then some.
After those dreadful days though, I called Feyre and Mor and had a very much needed girls night. We took out a wine bottle and I spilled everything to them. My mind was too drunk to think my feelings about Elain might offend Feyre but she genuinely felt sad for me and embarrassed about her sister. The poor girl even apologised to my about Elain's behavior to which I immediately told her it wasn't her fault.
When I told them how lonely it got being alone in a big house like this, they suggested maybe I should get a job or something to keep my mind distracted and promised that they'll visit me often. So I did juat that.
I found a part time job at a local library. I have to admit, I'm really enjoying it. I'm the second assistant to the sweetest lady, Hilda, who owns the shop. I don't do much, just help her in small things like adjusting books on self or helping in shipping books out or in. Layla, the first assistant, handles most of the work around the shop. My job is basically doing what she asks of me. The salary isn't much but I don't care because it's never been about money.
The first week was very hard. Everyday after I came home, the silence felt like a slap on the face, reminding me of everything I lost.
But, slowly, I became comfortable with it. Now it's doesn't hurt me as it did before.
There were many times when I think of Azriel, tears filled my eyes, but I never let them free. I sucked them in and did anything else that didn't made me cry, like taking baths, baking my favorite chocolate brownies, reading in front of the fire place while drinking hot coco or calling my friends to take me shopping.
And as time went. I started to heal. I started to feel good, happier with myself. And without even realizing it, I started to love myself.
It's been one month.
One month of regretting everything I did to my mate.
I've spent my whole month sulking in this room, crying and regretting everytime I chose Elain over my wife. I haven't slept at all since I came here, just enough to keep me functioning. My appetite is gone. I don't eat unless Rhys come and force feeds me like I'm some baby.
I told Rhysand and Cassian everything the first morning i stayed here. Which earned me a flick to head by Cassian and a very disappointed look from Rhys. Even though they didn't give me any scolding(which I very much deserved), the flick and expression said enough.
Rhys has refrained me of any work, handling it himself or having someone else do it. While I have been sitting around here and hating myself. It seems like even my mind has declared itself an enemy, showing me memories of everytime I dismissed Y/N and hurt her in any way at most random times, cutting a deeper cut in my heart everytime.
"Hey Az, I was thinking if we could go out for dinner tonight? There is this new amazing restaurant I saw while walking near Sidra. I really want to try it." She told me as I put on my coat, ready to go.
"I can't, I have a mission for today. Rhys told me it's important so I can't skip. We'll go some other time. Okay?"
I could hear the excitement in her voice when she asked me and the hurt when I rejected her and promised to go another time. The time never came. She never asked again. And I never noticed.
"Az, are you awake?" She whispers in the dead of night. Both of us sleeping on the bed. My back to her, hoping to fall asleep quickly because I have early training tomorrow.
Cassian is spending time with Nesta more, so Rhys has told me to go to an illyrian camp to check how things are going. I have to wake and go there early to catch them off guard to see what's truly going on.
I can't do that if Y/N doesn't let me sleep.
I didn't answer her that night, hoping if i dont respond, she'll think im asleep and doesnt call me again. She really didnt call me again. I prioritized my sleep over her. Her voice sounded so small. She needed me. And I didn't care.
"So, I saw a really cute baby in garden today and..." I drone out her babbling and try to quickly I can get out of here, I promised Elain to help in her garden today. She'll be disappointed if I show up late.
"Az? You're listening to me right?" She suddenly questions, I clear my throat and answer a small, of course, she nods and takes a deep breath, not saying anything anymore. I sign in relief of the silence.
I put my head in my hands and tug hard on my hair, wanting to feel hurt, hurt the kind that she clearly felt and I didn't care.
I hate myself more and more as memories flash through my mind. I can't even cry at this point. I wished she'd hit me when we fought. Slaped and paunched some sense into me. I don't blame her at all for not talking to me. Gods, I wouldn't even blame her if she left me. I deserve it.
How do I fix this?
Taglist: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @going-through-shit @wallacewillow0773638 @kalulakunundrum @cat-or-kitten
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msallurea · 1 year
Things I'm manifesting
-Everything from my notes/Dream life (this just basically everything😭)
-Dream face
-Dream body
-Lighter prettier eyes
-Caramel brown skin (think goldenbih)
-Being 5'1 in a half + weighing 110lbs
-Smaller prettier feet, hands, toes, nails
-3b curls/perfect hair
-Lighter hair with caramel highlights
-Freckles + Beauty marks
-Natural makeup appearance
-Dream wardrobe/Fashion/Aesthetic
-Dream mansion + living in luxury city
-Being famous/celebrity/superstar/popstar
-Desired talents/talented at everything
-Being an it girl + sex symbol + muse + vixen (yall get it 😭)
-Being master manifestor + perfect pretty self concept (even tho technically I already am this its just like why not? Ya know😭)
-Dream parents/family + Being an only child (I'm sick of this sibling shit 😒) + radiate and embody hot older sister energy (just cuz I don't wanna be a older sister no more doesn't mean i dont still want the energy😭)
-Prettier handwriting +top notch writing skills/communication skills/over the top intelligence/stupidly high IQ(basically just the brainsy gyal)
-perfect 50/50 HD eye sight + looking hot asf in any pair of glasses (I wanna not be blind but still be fine)
-Prettier whiter teeth and pinker tongue and gums and just dental/mouth in general + OP top notch hygiene skills (I feel people who have bipolar depression understand this part)
-better mental health + no mental health issues + no anxiety/fearful etc
- balanced hormones + increased estrogen(as a girl I have wayy too much testosterone n I've been insecure about it for years)
-perfect coochani + OP coochanini skills (ummm so this is just self explanatory but honestly if yk yk 😭)
-Naturally smell like my desired scent (which is basically like a bakery n just so deliciously annoyingly sweet and seductive; but remember how I said I have too much testosterone gor my body to handle yea..ifykyk😭)
-No more sweating (I don't sweat excessive I just hate it period)
-top notch crystal clean health + no more constipation + no longer pooping n its healthy (ik somebody gon question me but those who suffer from severe constipation especially for me its been my whole life u understand where I'm coming from)
- desired voice + accent + unique lingo n slang etc
-Desired personality + persona + aura + vibe etc etc
-super flexibility skills
-unbearably photogenic videogenic audiogenic + always looking perfect naturally
-Desired school, friends, lover, etc + school it girl
-Speak/know already desired languages
-drivets license, car, motorcycle, etc etc
-Be intimidatingly wealthy (when I say wealthy I mean WEALTHYYYYY) + come from a family of aristocrats + wealthy generational family in general (yall know what I'm tryna say) + luxury etc etc
-Revised life and childhood
-Dream singing + rapping skills + song writing etc
-Good in all sports like frfr just good at everything (basically the perfect it girl)
-Be a Gazillion times better then Kokomi teruhashi (not tryna be self centered i promise🥲)
-Perfect life + graduation + live teenage fever dream
-Bald, completely hairless body and face (but keeping my brows, lashes and scalp hair)
It's more I just can't think of it rn but this is all I will be manifesting
How will I manifest all this?
So for me I'm not really tryna overcomplicate any more I'm just gonna go straight back to the basics n apply what I know which is choose what I desire, affirm/assume its done and persist. I already overconsumed so much and at this point it's a waste of time. I'm not really tryna do no challenges I'm just gonna focus strictly on trusting and having faith not just in myself but my imagination and subconscious thats its done n taken care of, I'll give yall updates on anything that happens soon! I love you guyssss💗💗💗
Affirmations I'll be using
-I have all of my desires from my notes
-I am living my dream life
-it is done
-I choose to live my new story, my old story no longer exist
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin , im never sure if ppl look forward to whats upcoming from me, but these keep me honest 🤣😭
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! Don't be shy, I love talking about my fics! We don't create or share in a void, we want to hear from you lovelies!
Well, Mega, what can we look forward to 👀
1) Beauty and the Beast Inspired Stunna: I have severe Yahya Abdul Mateen II brainrot and baby, 🥲 the way I want to write literally everything for him. This will be a precursor to a novella I wanna write with original characters and lots more action, but Id love extra feedback for it. It will have vampires, toxic staff, and naughty bits.
2) Mea Culpa: I have been debating how much time I wanna dedicate to rewriting that monstrosity of a movie 🤭 okay, thats not fair. The idea was there, the execution wasn't because TP wouldnt know what's sexy if it slapped him in his face. Who am I fooling? I won't be satisfied until I write the whole thing and satisfy my brain. So yeah, prepare for a rewrite according to what I would've done. Think corruption kink, think court drama, think Zyair being the toxic mess we know and love.
3) Mob Boss Tyrone: I feel like ive been teasing this for years 🥲😭🤣 and thats because the ask was specifically for a one shot and I plotted out 7 parts 🤭🤣 at this point, yall know how I am. I tried to conform to short fics for my sanity and I just cant 🤷🏽‍♀️ some ideas require one part, some require several. It will include hella angst, hella smut, hella toxcity, but at the end of the day, hes always going to love his baby girl. I also think im going to switch it to Fontaine chuz thats a prettier/grittier name and would suit the story better.
4) A Watchmen fic for Cal (Yahya): lissen, ive finally went back to finish Watchmen. Not because it was a bad show, but because it requires 100% of my focus and I aint had it. But for Yahya? Ill make the time. I feel like that is 100% a soft dom and I just wanna be his cute lil princess, sue me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love a man I can't tell what to do 🤣
Theres more but for the sake of brevity, Ill keep it at the 4 most occupying my brain at the moment. Soooo, which one yall want first? And yes 🥲 im aware of how many series I need to update 🥲
No pressure tags: @nerdieforpedro @harmshake @notapradagurl7 @ellethespaceunicorn @miyuhpapayuh
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thatdeadaquarius · 20 days
@violetregrets1837 Submitted:
Thank you for playing this game and then thinking of me tho, and calling me wonderful and stuff 🥺💕
I hope u guys have been having a good summer and are enjoying Natlan!!
Im still alive and writing dw! :)
As ive said a lot in older posts, i got my first full time job and then ive got a class to keep up with outside of it to get certified, so that leaves me with little free time to take care of myself/my house, and even littler time to play genshin/write/do my hobbies 🙃
Im still cleaning up a fic to post for u guys and getting that surprise lined up, so its been a long time coming, I know,
trust meee, ME of all ppl wants me to finish this the most so i can clear time to get back to asks/my Player Possession fic 💔
But anyway, pls update me in the comments here how yall have been and how youve been enjoying Natlan!!
Ive just kinda wandered into the territory as im still finishing Fontaine archon quests
(The adhd kicks in HARD in genshin and all these world quests like in Sumeru/Fontaine literally derail any other thought i have other than "Another Funny Little Plot Side Quest?? Oh that sound Neat" and im off track from the main plot all over again...)
Oh, and happy autumn/beginning of fall for all u freaks out there getting pumpkin spice lattes already 💀 /lh
Safe Travels Violet, & You Too Reader :)
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slutforsjy · 24 days
hi!! i came back after a very long time 🥲 im really really really really really sorry for not responding to your messages and for keeping you wait for the next parts of my fics im really sorry 😞 i just had some personal stuffs to handle and im glad i overcome it all 😪
that being said, im back and i’ll continue writing what i left im really sorry for not updating you for almost 4 months please know that im really sorry 😭 i feel like i abandoned you after giving you assurance that i’ll make part 2 of the “one time thing” fic, trust me i’ve written a good amount of it before dealing with my shitty life 💔 Please i hope you understand me 🥺
Also, i really appreciate those who were sending me messages to ask how am i, i really appreciate yall 🥹😕 sorry again for not responding for such a LONG long time. Please give me time again (sorry) to continue the story. I love you all 😭❤️
For those asking for part 2 haha I’ll work on it i really appreciate yall for being invested in my story even though the plot is so fucked up 😭
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hi everyone,
as some of you have noticed, i am not really posting that often anymore like i used to. long story short; my physical and mental health are really testing me lately 🙃.
that’s mainly the reason why it takes longer for me to update. i also experience a kind of writersblock for Indisposed, and i hateee writersblocks ausdjcnfkdjdjsh.
i hope yall understand that this is why it’ll take me a bit longer than usual to update my stories. i really want to thank everyone here for still liking, reblogging and interacting with everything i have already posted, that really means a lot to me and motivates me to keep going 🥲🫶🏻.
love, strawberry 🍓🖤
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carakook · 4 months
Umm… *clears throat* hey cuties! 😅
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Long time no see, huh? First I wanna apologize for such a long hiatus. I know last time I posted I said the new chapter of Bloom was almost done. But I had some life stuff happen and was very overwhelmed. For the last few months I’ve been in sort of a depressive episode, normally they don’t last that long, but this time it did and it caused me to become behind in work, on top of a lot of other stuff with family and myself in general. I won’t go into detail but I have some mental health issues and I am unmedicated so when this happens it’s a bit difficult to cope.
I’m ok! Don’t worry. I just could barely function for a bit other than working and doing the bare minimum. I’m really sorry for being gone for so long.
But… I am back! And before anyone asks, YES BLOOM IS STILL ALIVE! I am going to absolutely be updating Bloom. And I will continue to, along with other one shots/stories at some point. But before I get ahead of myself, I am going to focus on getting the newest chapter of Bloom out.
Please be patient with me. I’m not going to give an exact time of when Bloom will be updated, but it will be soon. I still need to finish up the chapter, and I am hoping to this week. But we will see how things go.
I’m doing a bit better now. This might be really corny, but I found a group of online friends to talk about kpop with and be delusional with in the midst of all of this. I never expected to become such good friends with these girls but seriously, they have helped me through the last few months. Without them I think I would have been so much worse. 🥲 so thank you to them for keeping a smile on my face and making me laugh when I normally wouldn’t have been able to. They also listen to me babble and be dramatic when I’m feeling overwhelmed. And as you all know, I’m sort of a hermit, so it has been really refreshing to have people to talk to and call friends.
Anyways, I’m sorry again for being gone for so long. I just was unable to really focus on anything other than work, but I’m happy to say I’ve got my head on a bit straighter which means I’ll be able to focus more on doing things that I love like writing about Jungkook. 🥰
I’m not sure if Bloom will be posted this week, but I will try to post a little something for you guys. Maybe a sneak peek. I will let yall know when I’m closer to it being done.
How have you all been? I’ve missed interacting with you. Sorry I haven’t been around. I hope everyone is doing ok. How did you like Namjoons new album?! NUTS WAS INSANE!!! Also, it’s Festa month and JIN IS HOME IN LITERALLY ALMOST A WEEK. IM SO EXCITED. AHHHH! AND A NEW JUNGKOOK SONG ON FRIDAY?! AHHHHHH! TOO MUCH!
Love you guys. Thanks for waiting for me. You have a piece of my heart. 💜 😭
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g-on-ef · 5 months
Okkk, I just read the recent chapter of the heart was build to break and I loved it , can't wait for the next arc especially niko's mafia side and the kidnapping arc. I am so excited for it , for all the drama with lan and Jeremy and niko and bran getting together
So take all the time you want
And as I have said before I am also eagerly waiting for your other fics too especially born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower especially the drama and angst it will bring
Love ya and your works 😘😘
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You are an angel I love you and I'm so excited to see your reactions to my stories I'm also excited for you to read my new nikobran book it's gonna be epic ^^ along with the heart was meant to bleed which is the lanjere side and omg I'm so excited for you to read it ^^
Anon asked: Hello, I just recently read all your fics and I loved it.
Especially born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower. I just love how you changed the dynamics and made nikolai more dangerous type.
And after reading the first chapter I just need more and all the hints that you are putting here and there is not enough. ( I am not forcing you to update early I am just saying that I love your stories)
Also in to kidnap a lotus flower, I am excited to see how bran reacts to all this, how everyone will react, family fighting for their kids and I can't even imagine how Levi will accept nikolai after the stunt he pulled, also I am excited to see who finds bran first It's leaving me with more questions like in born sinner how will nikolai figure out the other stalker of bran and to what extent is the stalker gonna go to get bran.
How will lan and bran fix their relationship. Also will there be any war between lan and niko
Last but not the least I hope everything gets better in the heart was build to break, I am crazy excited for the mafia arc and kidnapping arc, I just want to know what triggered nikolai to kidnap bran, who will be the culprit who hurt bran before P. S I hope you will update soon 😁
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Thank you love ^^ I love kidnapping scenes so whenever I can I write them and hopefully I can change them around instead of having the same thing being written ^^
To kidnap a lotus flower is gonna be a blood bath families going against each other secrets being revealed and there's a scene I wanna write where one of the Elites isn't the biological child of someone and have the mother cheat on the father but I feel like that's to much I may or may write but we'll see how it goes either way there's a lot of drama to keep you all in suspense ^^
Levi...is gonna be an interesting character
I keep leaving hints but trust all will be answered asap just know his hands are tied and he can't do anything to help his son
Yall are gonna see how far this kidnapper is gonna go in born sinner he is out for blood as well and spoilers {ill be adding it to the warnings} someone dies yep someone is gonna die ^^ or permanently maim idk yet
Niko will figure it out but by than it's gonna be to late because Bran is already taken ^^
Bran and Lan are gonna have an interesting dynamic I can't wait to explore trust they are in for a wild ride ^^
Lan and niko oh boy Lan and niko are yeah you guys are gonna have to read to find out what happens ^^
Anon asked: Hi, I read your heart was build to break and I loved it, I am excited to read the next arcs especially mafia arc and the kidnapping arc. I am presuming everyone in king family except for bran and glyn knows that niko is in mafia ( I mean lan already knows) I am excited to see bran's reaction when he finds out that niko is in mafia and I am curious whether niko will find out or not that lan was the one who hurt bran btw I want lan to fix his relationship with bran ( my heart broke for him 🥲) i can't imagine the family's reaction when bran goes missing can't wait to see how niko is gonna win over them
I also read your other fics, I am excited for kill for you die spill blood for you Born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower is also my favorite.
I am loving it how you changed the dynamics. Can't wait for the next chapter of born sinner, I hope niko and lan will team up to save bran
In to kidnap a lotus flower, I am so excited to see how lan is gonna react when niko kidnaps bran that too in front of him 😆 and levi's reaction to it, no way is levi gonna allow bran to be with lan.
Although I wanna know for how long can niko keep bran away from his family because it's a fight between bratva and king family directly
You can take all your time 😁
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Mmmm Eli Creigh and Lan definitely know the rest of the Kings ie their parents not so much its gonna be interesting to see how they all react once the truth is out ^^
Bran is gonna find out in the worst ways like I'm talking what the fuck Niko way ^^
Lan and Bran will mend their relationship but its gonna take a lot of groveling especially since Niko isn't gonna let Bran out of his sight ^^
I'm so excited for you to read what I have in store trust it's gonna be epic ^^
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
zadie love!!!! 💗💫 i know u said to not apologize for sending in late asks but i can’t help it im sorry🥲 i’ve been so busy on my girls trip this past weekend, and i got home super late last night so i’ve been exhausted trying to fix my sleep schedule yet again while also unpacking from my recent trips BUT while i was in new york i still made sure i got to read ur updates before bed!! i thought it would be better to send in a longer ask once i got home and had more time to type it out🫶🏻🫶🏻
ONTO THE RECENT CHAPS: i looooveeedd taro & yn’s convo like they really are just two besties with absolutely no filter and i enjoyed that chap sm😭 also taro basically calling out yn saying she can’t finish bc sunghoon isn’t the one fucking her is so real like our girl needs to accept and realize it soon😓 AND HOON BEING SO OPEN ABOUT WANTING TO FUCK HER AGAIN WAS NOTTT ON MY 2024 BINGO CARD BC I WOULD THINK HE HAS TOO MUCH PRIDE TO OPENLY ADMIT SOMETHING LIKE THAT. then again he’s still a dick for saying that he wants to fuck her but still doesn’t care about her…you’re writing CH!sunghoon so well like he genuinely makes my blood boil at times. i’m glad yn is getting laid tho but she needs to be fucked good soon and i’m sensing a smut chap w/ hoon in the near future??👀👀
i saw the recent asks some anon sent in saying CH is getting boring and i truly want to know where their thought process is at bc it’s literally getting better with each chapter!!!! some people are so rude, like i get constructive criticism, but that just wasn’t it. the way you’re writing this smau is everything and more zadie, don’t let those weirdos get to you!!!! i know it’s easier said than done but remember there’s more people who love your works (me being one of them), than people who are just bored and have nothing else better to do with their days. IM AN ONLYJAEYUN DEFENDER TILL THE END‼️‼️ you’re doing amazing baby, keep your head up💓💓
wanted to share w/ you a little bit about my girls trip to nyc too!! it was my friend’s 23rd birthday so our whole friend group surprised her w/ a weekend trip to new york as a bday present!! OMG a funny story that happened on our first night there, we all went to this club to celebrate and these group of guys kept being so pushy and gross towards me and my friends. one of them insisted on buying me a drink but he just made me so uncomfy that i didn’t want to even be near him. i tried to decline nicely but he was so persistent. what was funny was that he saw my lockscreen and it was a pic of jongseong in the gym and he immediately backed off bc he thought it was my bf so thank you jay bc he was able to get me out of that situation😭😭
i got carried away with writing this ask so i hope you enjoy this novel i wrote you LOL🤭🤞🏻💞 i hope you’re doing well my baby!! i missed chatting w/ you🥹🫶🏻 ilysm 🤍🧸🎀 !!
- 💌
bless your sweet soul, the fact you made time to read CH during your busy ass girls' trip means so much to me baby, i love and appreciate you with my whole heart 🥺💗
STOP YOULL ACTUALLY MAKE ME CRY NOT THE DEFENDER PART 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much baby, ngl the comment did hurt a little but i know most of you guys are loving it as much as i do and with amazing feedback from amazing people like you snd many more i would never let those get to me to that certain point again 🥺 i love you sm
OMG NOT THE JONGIE BOYFIE PIC SAVING YOU!!!!! he really is THAT boyfriend im afraid 🤭 im sorry you had to deal with m*n like that baby and am glad you're ssfe and having fun, you deserve it so much!🥺
sending you the biggest kiss and i really hope you can get a little rest soon bc nestie you've been booked and busy but we love to see it!!!!!💗
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latetaektalk · 11 months
Just caught up to LTHY and wow😭😭😭 JK is such a cutie and I loved the way u characterized him, he’s literally a puppy, but it’s so cute and warm to see him never falter w his attempts at gaining y/n’s affection
This is one of my fave couples in fics ever, I really love how this story is unfolding
I was a bit frustrated with y/n withholding so much from JK or just being difficult in general, but I love their dynamic of her always brushing him off and he continues and just continues to show her love
And I love how she’s slowly coming to terms with her feelings for him, but why does she keep doubting jks “real” feelings for her, obviously they are in this agreement, but why would he go out of his way to say he loves her and is in love with her, especially when they are alone by themselves usually when he randomly confesses his feelings!!! I love how frustrated they make me😂🫶
Also the bathroom guy🥲🥲 I wonder when JK is gonna tell her that it’s him, bc that was actually so cute😭😭 idk who I expected it to be, but finding out they had already made a connection warmed my heart
This is such a good fic, thank you for writing it🫶
Do you have an updating schedule or a general timeline of when we could expect something (no rush/pressure, just wanna prepare myself in case I have to wait 2 years to see y/n meet jks parents😂)
AHHHH this ask has been sitting in my inbox for SOOOO long because i genuinely didnt even know where to begin :(( this is so so cute!! thank you so much 😭 im so happy you love lthy you so much!!!! and even more so that you like jkay's characterisation 💕 cute sweet patient hopeless romantic! jungkook has always been my favourite!! but yeah oc is definitely giving him a hard time HAHA shes not making it easy on him at all, but so far jk really has been nice to her!!
i honestly think it makes sense that oc is so suspicious. aside from the fact that shes had,,,,, bad experiences with ppl similar to jk cough jaehwa cough she also just met jk. like lets not forget that all of this is happening in a span of roughly eight weeks!! its a lot! oc barely knows whats real or not, especially with how much theyve blurred the lines in the past few weeks and gone way beyond what they initially agreed to!! but hihi good to know that i can make you feel frustrated haha because oh my god im equally as frustrated by them 🤧🤧
and oh god i wish i had a consisten upload schedule, but i rarely even get enough sleep these days 💀 i gotta be honest these two or so weeks ive been absolutely stressed bc of class so really im not sure when the next chapter will drop. the moment i do, you guys will be first to know!! i promise!!
also what makes yall think that jk is bathroom guy omg who said that!!!!!
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angelabowermicelli · 1 year
Ok so I got behind again on the LOTR newsletter and now I’m finally catching up again…this is literally all the way back to February 16th y’all I am ashamed. 😭
Okay so the party is just departing Lorien here I believe.
The elves gave them little treats and gifts for the road!?!?!!? 🥲
Are these magic cloaks?? Uhhhh…idk bro they just camouflage to your surroundings and warm or cool you to your desired temperature. 🧝‍♀️🧝🪄🔮
Gimli & Legolas are homies now 🥰🥰🥰
Like “And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days.” ???!!!!????!?!?! 🥲
‘he feared that the Dark Lord had not been idle while they lingered in Lórien.’ (dun dun dunnn)
Listen, I get it, I get the appeal. I, too, would strongly like to take a journey in the wilderness with my friends and experience trials and I get why people are so into this. I am also into this.
Sam talking to himself to help find Frodo and to like hype himself up??? I’m decomposing. 😭😭😭
I’m sorry Frodo and Sam have SEPARATED from the group???? !!!?!?
Okay imma keep reading I will update you when I get to another milestone or something.
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ppangjae · 11 months
omg hi akskkskjskskks how have you been, alex? sooo, i've re read ALL of your works for the 127th time in the last three days, as the mentally insane person that i am aaaand i found it cute that you've inserted cute lil things like ice cream (ah yes the good old pistachio and cookies & cream), long eyelashes, jungwoo being the best cupid (and a few like that but honestly i can't even remember rn TT i was giggling while listing out all of those lil things @ 3 am last night tho) have a as snippets in almost all your works TT
nostalgia hit hard when i was reading the older fics 🥲 i can't quite remember but the first one that i've read of yours was either planet girl/seven letters, and you've written alot of masterpieces since then and i'm so proud of you TT you're my favorite writer in the whole damn universe ngl (that was cheesy but i mean it) aaaand ily akskkakalakjska do you have any book recommendations?? i'm aching to find good books but the modern romance books that i've come across make me feel like i hate romance (when i'm a literally a hopeless romantic) 😩
aaaand i really hope that you're doing great! (would love to hear about what's going on in your life cause i'm nosy) and how's your dog (...i forgot his name but what i didn't forgot is, how cute he was! i feel like the name starts with m...) and sorry for going on and on 🤡 i just felt like it wouldn't be fair not rambling about how much i love your works after re reading all of those masterpieces. have a good day!
hi love! i've been doing well! just super busy with life lol how have you been?
yes i love having cute little details. i'm not sure why but i always pick jungwoo as the cupid—there's just something about him that's giving cupid or like the matchmaker friend kjsdhdf and yes! jaehyun's long eyelashes! they are honestly my favourite little thing about him.
hehe yeah, i read my old fics from time to time. it was the time during covid and i had nothing to do with all the free time i had jkshfdf honestly, i look back and reminisce those times because i was so motivated and i was always writing when i had the time. but nowadays i've been struggling to find the time to write, which is kind of sad lol because there are so many ideas i have occupying my brain but i just don't have the time to sit down and write it :(
book recommendations! i haven't been reading lately but my all time favourite romance books are from emily henry hehe 'people we meet on vacation' is hands down my favourite romance book I WOULD HONESTLY RE-READ IT that's just how much i love it
and my dog! you remembered! his name is maui hehe, he turned three last month! he's a spoiled kid because my parents and i love him so much lol.
in regards to what's going on in my life, there's not much LOL. my boyfriend and i are reaching our first anniversary next month! i'm super happy and excited.. i already got my gifts for him :') also it's weird how we're only reaching one year of being together when we've known of and danced around each other for years (literally since i was still in high school.. but that's another story for next time if you're interested lol) but that's my life update! lol my life is so boring sjkdhf
thank you for dropping by love! i love getting asks from yall because i genuinely love catching up and seeing if everyone's keeping well hehe
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megamindsecretlair · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
It's still Wednesday for me yall 🤣 thank you for the tag @nerdieforpedro
I am still working on updates. When I say work has been kicking my ass, I mean that shit. They are trying to break me down 👏🏽🥲 I need this retrograde to eennnnd. Chuz it really feels like it's raking me over the coals. Anywhooo...
My two Stunna fics are up next.
With Homewrecker Stunna, reader has to figure out what she's going to do about her husband's second phone 👀 why does he need that 🤔🥲 will she confront him 🤔
Professor Stunna...👀 can they keep their hands off of each other 🤔 can they last that many weeks being apart from their soul mate 🤔 and will other girls in the class cause some tension 👀 remains to be seen.
Next is Sam. Reader misses 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 her boo, but they way he ambushed her was pretty cowardly 👀 what does a Sam apology look like 🤔 get ready yall, chuz we entering angst territory.
I hear yall 🥲🤣 loud and clear 👏🏽 so I am working on a Vamp Tyrone and Vamp Fontaine interlude and what happens when they're on the same page when it comes to a separate reader 🫠🫠
No pressure tags: @soft-persephone @thecapodomme @babybratzmaraj @darqchilddaydreamz @harmshake id love to know what yall got upcoming.
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albatmobile · 1 year
fic updates 5/25:
Hoping to post a concluding chapter for and even when the sky falls, I’ll be there (x) so keep an eye out!
Romance + returns: final chapter is outlined but I haven’t gotten much more into it rn so I don’t know when that will get posted. I also kinda want maybe more chapters w it so idk I’m messing around w this fic rn (if anyone has any scenes they’d like to see- send me an ask or comment below!)
ARS: final chapters are coming out and a sequel is on its way! ALSO possible giveaway in the works- we’ll see
General: I can’t guarantee any update dates so please make sure you’re on my tag list or have my post notifications turned on to stay in the loop!
More stories on the way once these get finished so be sure to stay connected! (pls see my pinned post for more info on how!)
6/19 edit: completely edited even when the sky falls and the new chapter should be out this week!
I plan to go back through romance and return policies and edit before posting the last chapters of that before moving on to the behemoth that is ARS 🥲 22 chapters is a lot to edit but I think it’ll help me get back into the story + be easier to start the sequel too bc I have a lot of ideas and exciting content for yall on this front so I really want to do it justice! idk if y’all have gone back through it but some chapters have already been edited 💓
7/3 update: I have up until chap 6 of ARS edited on ao3, working on 7 now! Hopefully I can get these chaps updated across platforms soon… it’s such a pain in the ass lol)
I haven’t received any prompts, so nothing new to work on in this front but my ask box is open! U should totally stop by and say hi 💅🏻
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