#will get through today with eyes redder than mars and then go back home immediately to binge watch the new the glory season
koishua · 2 years
i blinked and it's friday now
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agent-yolk-writes · 5 years
Friends Like You and Us - Venom!Reader- Ch. 3
Instead of going to sleep and doing this in the morning, I’m uploading the next chapter to Tumblr right now! 
In today’s episode, we take a blast to the past (AKA a week prior to the main story) to share a snapshot on how Venom and the Reader met along with a very special guest cameo. I hope you guys enjoy!
Content warning: It starts with depictions of nausea and vomiting which is a no-no to some people, so be cautious when diving down. I know I’ll properly tag it, but still.
Previous Chapter
AO3 version here!
You didn’t even process your own scream, but you’re sure as hell awake now.
"Hello, (First Name)." The thing in the mirror had the audacity to greet you almost casually in your reflection. You dunked your head into the cold water thinking it’s just a figment of a dream you had. You felt your body pull yourself back up when you were certain your muscles were lax.
“Who...Who are you? What the hell are you?” You sputtered.
"I...We are Venom." He leaned closer in the mirror, and so did you. “We are not from here.”
“No shit.” At this point your breath is just uneven, struggling to voice proper words. “So...so what, you’re like from space or something? Mars? Alpha Centauri?” If your voice was this bad, you could only imagine looking like absolute crap.
Before he could answer, it happened. You don’t remember falling. There’s that feeling in your mouth when you bite your tongue too hard. An inhuman sound can be heard, and it took a minute to realize it was coming from you...or was it that Venom thing? Just as you became aware of everything that’s happening, it stopped. Your eyes couldn’t open properly as the singular light in the small bathroom became all too bright.
You raised your arm to block it out. You didn’t realize you couldn’t feel it until you saw it. Different colors flashing in random intervals as your hand twitches in a way you know isn’t human. There were moments just before you blinked where your hand split into two, one that you know it’s yours and while the other resembled yours, the black hue and the unnatural way the fingers are positioned and shaped said otherwise. When you opened your eyes again, whatever you saw was gone. What came next was a wave of nausea seeping in from everywhere at once. Your head felt like lead, vision swimming as you sat up.
There was a soft knock on the door and a call of your name. “I heard yelling. Is everything okay?” Your aunt asked, peaking through the doorway. You could barely process the concerned look on her face.
“I...I think I’m…ah...” You didn’t finish your sentence. Instead, you clobbered over to the toilet and spilled your guts out.
Needless to say, you didn’t go to school that day.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay by yourself?”
“There’s soup in the cabinet. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, okay?”
“I know.”
Aunt Mary’s worried expression hasn’t changed. You really did look like shit, didn’t you?
Gently, she cupped her cool hands over your heated cheeks. “Just make sure you only get up when you need to. I’ll pick up some medicine after work. We’ll go to the hospital if you don’t feel better, sound good?”
No! No hospitals!
“...Sounds good. Love you.” Ignoring the new voice in your head, you bent your head down so your guardian could plant a kiss on the top of your head, hoping she didn't see you flinch when that thing spoke in your head.
“Love you too. Take it easy, dear.” With that, Mary gathered her things and left the apartment.
You stood in your living room for another minute before your nails started clawing at your clothes and skin. “Come out, you weird alien. You haven’t answered my question.” On cue, your fingers got caught into your shirt, if you can even call it your shirt anymore. It began to blacken and ooze under your hand, shifting around like it was alive. In your sick daze, it took you longer than usual for you to realize it really was alive. This thing, whatever it called itself, assimilated into your clothes! Peeking at the nearest reflection, it started to look like a body suit that got slapped by movie magic. You almost jumped out of your skin when you brought your eyes back and see a tiny version of what you say in the bathroom, still attached to your body, looking at you.
“We already told you that we are Venom.” He said.
“There’s no ‘we’ in this.” You rebutted. “What makes you think I’m the perfect candidate for an alien abduction? How...How did this even happen, anyway?”
“You don’t remember?” Venom squinted his milky eyes at you. “We are a symbiotic life form, I depend on a host to live. You just happened to be standing at the right place at the right time.” It took a moment for all the pieces to fit into place as you vaguely remember the events last night.
You recalled being in Times Square for something you’ve always planned on seeing. It was a school night and Mary wanted you home before a set curfew. Time, however, runs on its own schedule. Before you knew it, it got dark and you needed to get home pronto. The subway that takes you straight home was experiencing delays due to an earthquake that happened earlier that day. So you decided against your own judgment to cut corners by weaving in between buildings and construction sites to save you some time. You...don’t remember how exactly you got home in time.
“You thought a bird took a shit on you.” Your already flushed face turned redder in embarrassment. You would’ve remembered that for sure. With a sigh, you gave up on prodding more info out of him. You plopped yourself on the couch, reaching for the remote so you won’t be alone with your thoughts and your uninvited guest as you turned on the TV.
You couldn’t keep your eyes on whatever daytime game show on the screen. You want to find something to eat, but the energy to do so probably went down the toilet with your vomit. A good nap wouldn’t hurt…
...Until a feeling of alert woke you right up after who knows how long.
It’s him!
“Wha-“ Without warning, your body shot up and scrambled to the widescreen TV, hands clambering over the newsreel playing footage of Spider-Man you sure was playing yesterday when it was more relevant. The afternoon news starts after the game show, so that nap didn’t last as long as you hoped.
“Do...do you know him?”
“We were bonded together.” Uh oh, that tone didn’t sound good.
“Do you mind if I ask what happened?” There wasn’t an immediate response, but the feeling of heartbreak-no, betrayal-flutters in your chest. “Venom?”
“...He didn’t want us anymore. Said we corrupted him. He slammed into a bell to get rid of us.” You’re not crazy into the superhero scene, but it doesn’t a fanatic to know that that isn’t what Spider-Man does. You oughta give him a good talking about abandoning those in need.
“...You know what? We should talk to him!” You stood up too quickly, grabbing the top of the television as balance. “Let’s give him what for!” Too caught up in your own plan, you didn’t feel your companion shifting your clothes around until the feeling dissipated when your hands automatically moved on their own, covering your mouth just before someone knocked at the front door. Surely you weren’t talking that loud...right? Did Mary forget something? It couldn’t be, she would just enter without warning and get whatever she needs.
“Hello? Anyone home?” Relief rushed over you when you realize it wasn’t the police but your neighbor across the hall. You might as well open the door before the actual police, or the landlord, arrive.
Who’s there?
“A good guy, don’t worry.” You assured him as you made your way to the door. Without looking through the peephole, you opened the door just enough to poke your head out and see none other than Aaron Davis, your neighbor.
“Goooood...afternoon, Mr. Davis,” You paused your greeting to remember the time, opening the door a little bit more. Mary knows him a little better than you do, and the only thing you do know from the idle chatter over the years is that he tends to work at night doing who knows what. You amuse yourself sometimes imagining him making drinks for the drunk college kids with fat wallets. He’s too gentle to be a bouncer, but you don’t want to piss him off to find out if he does have some hidden strength in him.
“Hey there, kiddo.” He greets back. “Shouldn’t you be in school by now?”
“I would, but I caught something fierce last night.” You exaggerated a dry cough that triggered your reflexes, resulting in making you actually cough. You didn’t catch the raised eyebrow Aaron had on his face.
You could see him stifling a yawn before letting out a tired chuckle. “Guess I’ll leave you so you can rest then. Don’t want your aunt on my case if I catch it too.”
“Don’t worry, she will.” You returned a chuckle of your own. “You know you’ll have to eventually accept her invitation to dinner one of these days. Maybe she’ll get off your back if you could bring your nephew over when he visits again to liven up the dinner party.”
“I’ll...look into it.” Aaron turned away to unlock his door. His reply was curt and short. It’s most likely going to be a no for him then. “For now, I’ll need to sleep on it.”
“Well, then I won’t keep you any longer then. Good night, or afternoon...Whatever’s better, I suppose.” Before you slid back into the safety of your home, you heard your name being called again. Poking your head out one last time, you listened to what Aaron wanted to say.
“I like your costume by the way. Could use some color if you want to fit the part.” With that, he closed the door without a moment for you to question him. Costume? What costume? You’re wearing an alien pajamas...right?
Catching your reflection in the closest mirror, you did a double take at what you were actually wearing. Your once short length nightwear was nowhere to be seen. Your body from the neck all the way down to your feet was devoid of color with the except of some silver lines going this way and that. You tore your gaze to chase one of those lines until you led you to a somewhat familiar insignia plastered on your chest.
The same one Spider-Man has.
Wha...what is this?
It’s ours.
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