#will feel slightly better knowing i've written all of this out for *someone* to get a bit of insight
coto524 · 8 months
jesus fucking christ it's relentless huh
2024 so far has been:
utterly failing to keep on top of things. the house is a tip and im forgetting to brush my teeth again and i keep going to work in uniform i've forgotten to wash
mam has been getting on my nerves more than usual and i can't tell how much of my frustration is justified and how much is me not taking care of myself (especially with longer workdays / less sleep)
expensive. i had a root canal in january and this month i'm having a crown and in a few weeks i'm going back to cambridge for a weekend and in march i'm heading on my interrail trip
i'm looking forward to my trip in the abstract but. i need to sort out so many things in advance and i Can't. i keep thinking about the accommodation i haven't booked and the train reservations i haven't got and what i'm gonna do in each city and i just. can't get round to it. and i need to sort the house out at least somewhat before i go and i. can't
the cat managed to injure herself on thursday night so it was a trip to the emergency vet and then the daytime vet on friday and then looking after her this weekend and mam's taking her back on monday to have x-rays and it's probably fine but everything is so expensive and they said in the rare event there might be a tumour cats handle amputation very very well and. if it's something serious it's going to come down to whether we can afford to treat her or not. and i don't want to worry for no reason and i know part of it's the gabapentin but she's being so quiet and i hate it hate it hate it and i know at some point we'll have to lose her but not now not like this
people keep suggesting i'd be better in another job and recommending vacancies they've seen that they think i'd be good for and even our manager's started saying "whenever you do leave the team we'll be sorry to see you go" .. the whole world and their mother is convinced i should be striving onwards and upwards and i don't know how to tell them that i'm falling to pieces just trying to work a band 2 job averaging <30 hours a week. that it looks like i can either be employed or look after myself but apparently i can't manage both. and on my days off i don't even do anything to catch up so i don't even know if that's right.
cambridge is going to mean seeing everyone from uni and all the progress they've made and here i am. same as i ever was. and my sisters are coming over and i'm eternally grateful for the help they gave us last year but they're going to ask questions about what's happened in the meantime and i won't be able to give them any answers they'll like
this last one isn't even a major thing but. i'm lonely. the guy i was banging moved out of area and everyone who seems interesting keeps airing me and it's definitely nowhere near my top priority but it's also. really not helping my mental state
reading this all back it looks like i'm having a panic attack and. i don't think i am? i'm just so so tired. and when i stop and try and put it in words i feel stupid for not seeing the problem earlier and stupid for not dealing with it the way that everyone else seems to manage.
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ginevrapng · 1 year
I saw that you were accepting requests and I was wondering if you could write something about best friends’ dads!marauders x reader or something like that?
If not, I completely understand! <3
i've never written bestfriends!dads before so i hope you enjoy it! i didn't know if you wanted me to include peter but the majority of marauders fics leave out peter and i think this concept works better without him. <3
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there was a lot of great things about being harry potter's best friend, one of those things happens to be getting to spend time with his hot dad james, completely off limits dad. that doesn't stop you from thinking about how charming he is though.
you've seen photos of james when he were younger and harry is a spitting image of him. now with age he's changed in all the best ways, his hair less messy, neater with slightly having the appearance of being slicked back and with thicker frame glasses. a distinction between him and harry, both younger and older is his build, james being more built with broader shoulders and more muscular.
he's kind and considerate and always calls you 'sweetheart' making you flush and every time leaves you wide eyed. you've never heard him call anyone else sweetheart so it's always leaving you feeling bashful.
james tells you that you can come and visit and stay whenever you want and you're always welcome so whenever you spend time at harry's you also end up seeing his two godfathers who also spend a lot of time there. whenever that happens you are rather reluctant to leave the house, not just enjoying all the company that they deliver but also how attractive they are, just like james.
remus somehow always memorising you. like when he rolls his sleeves up so you can see his arms or how you swear you sometimes see in the corner of your eye glimpses of him looking at your lips while you're talking. his jumpers and cardigans always looking so comfortable and soft, you wonder what they'd look like on you. you think about his sandy hair that covers his eyes and his beautiful hazel eyes that crinkle when he smiles and how he always looks tired and how you'd happily let him rest and sleep on you. he never talks about his work but it must be pretty rough for him to constantly look so tired.
sirius is ruggedly handsome always leaning against walls instead of sitting down, even when a seat is available. leaving you watching longer than you should as you watch his pose and see him stretching causing his tshirt to rise, exposing a bit of his torso. he has his long jet black hair which now has streaks of grey that he constantly runs his hands through.
you're going back into the living room, where everyone is, after you went to the kitchen to get a glass of cold water due to the heat and see sirius moving in a way that momentarily makes you freeze.
"you alright doll?" sirius smirks at you after spotting you. you nod but are unable to stop shifting side to side nervously after being caught, causing him to raise his eyebrow, looking amused as he chuckles at you.
this is the first time any of them has addressed your behaviour towards them but they have all noticed your longing looks and shy glances.
they've all been waiting for the moment to make a move and they're starting to lose their patience. you were none the wiser with their intentions, trying to get you alone, away from your friends and away from harry, asking you personal questions and give you special attention.
"you got a boyfriend or girlfriend doll? sirius asked you out of the blue one day, catching you completely off guard.
you splutter and try to answer while james starts speaking. "you're not dating my harry are you sweetheart?"
"what! of course i'm not! we're just friends." you say probably louder than you should, wanting to defend yourself.
you hear someone coming up behind you, "good." remus clasps your shoulders with his hands, slowly rubbing them and making patterns with his thumbs before he moves away and goes to help sirius with the washing up.
fiddling with your fingers you watch them all clear the table and sort out things that needed to be doing in the house with a small dreamy smile on your face.
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natsaffection · 2 months
Dont play with me, i got another idea!!! While I was listening to another song😭 Birds of a feather, by my baby billie.
Reader had always had a crush on G!P Natasha, but Natasha only viewed them as bestfriends, yet they constantly flirted. Tony was the only one who knew of reader’s crush due to “the look in her eyes” and he tried giving reader advice but they both were too late, Natasha had gotten with Bruce. Reader distances herself from Natasha as a way to get over her, but Natasha notices and an argument breaks out between , leading towards Readers confession, not knowing that Bruce and Natasha didn’t work out. Smutty n fluffy ending🥹
The lyrics that inspired me😇 “I knew you in another life, you have the same look in your eyes, i love you ,don't act so surprised”
Never letting you go. | N.R
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Warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI!, G!P Natasha, unprecedented Sex, veeeery soft sex
Word count: 4,7k
A/n: My lovely 💋 I'm thankful for your service as always. I dont know where you always get your Ideas, but keep going, please.
You had fallen in love with Natasha.
It began as a fleeting thought, which you dismissed as mere admiration. But over time, that thought grew into something bigger. You felt drawn to Natasha in a way you couldn't explain. Every time Natasha entered the room, your heart skipped a beat. Every smile, every laugh, every touch, even the most casual felt like electric sparks igniting a fire in your chest.
But Natasha seemed unaware of your feelings. She treated you with the same friendly warmth she extended to everyone, but nothing more. To Natasha, you were a friend and teammate, someone she could trust in battle and share a drink with after a long mission. Nothing more.
You tried to push your feelings aside, convincing yourself that Natasha could never see you that way. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop the longing glances, the sting in your heart whenever you saw Natasha and Bruce together. The two had a connection that was obvious to everyone. Bruce, with his brilliant mind and kind heart, was the one Natasha had chosen.
Tony always had a knack for seeing through people. That was one of the reasons why, despite his often gruff demeanor, he was such an effective leader. He noticed how you looked at Natasha when you thought no one was watching. How your gaze lingered a little too long, your smile was a little too soft. Tony, being Tony, couldn't resist meddling.
One evening, after an especially exhausting mission, the team was sitting in the common room of the tower. You were sitting on the couch, sipping a drink and watching Natasha, who was quietly talking with Bruce. The sight made your heart ache with familiar pain.
"You're not exactly subtle, you know." Tony's voice broke through your thoughts. He sat down next to you, his sharp eyes sparkling with amusement and you almost choked on your drink. "What are you talking about?"
Tony grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Come on. I've seen the way you look at Romanoff. It's written all over your face." You felt your cheecks flush with heat. You looked away, unable to meet Tony's gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about.." you mumbled, though the lie sounded hollow even to you.
Tony leaned back, his expression softening slightly. "Listen, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone. But if you're serious about Natasha, you should tell her. You never know, she might surprise you."
You bit your lip and let your gaze drift back to Natasha and Bruce. They were laughing together, and Natasha's hand rested lightly on Bruce's arm. The sight made your heart sink. "I think it's too late for that.." you said quietly. Tony followed your gaze, and understanding dawned in his eyes. "Banner, huh?" You nodded, your throat tight. "They make a good pair. I could never compete with that."
Tony was silent for a moment, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "Y/n, listen. Love isn't a competition. It's not about being better or worse than someone else. It's about being honest with yourself and the person you love. If Natasha really means something to you, then tell her. Even if she doesn't feel the same, at least you'll know you tried."
You wanted to believe him, but the fear of rejection, of losing Natasha even as a friend, was too strong. You shook your head and forced a smile. "Thanks, Tony. But I think I'll just leave it as it is. I don't want things to get awkward between us." He looked like he wanted to say more, but instead, he sighed and patted your shoulder. "Alright, kiddo. But if you change your mind, I'm here." You nodded, grateful for his support, but the decision weighed heavily on you. Deep down, you knew you couldn't bear to risk the little you had with Natasha, even if it meant never knowing what could have been.
The days passed, and you continued to hide your feelings. You watched as Natasha and Bruce grew closer, their bond strengthening with each passing day. Every smile, every touch was a reminder that Natasha's heart belonged to someone else. That realization was like a knife twisting in your chest, but you buried your pain deep inside and masked it with a smile whenever Natasha was around.
One evening, after a long day of training, you found yourself alone in the training room. The rhythmic thudding of your fists against the punching bag was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. You were so focused on your movements that you didn't hear Natasha enter the room.
"Hey." Natasha's voice broke the silence, and you flinched and froze, your hands still against the punching bag. You turned around to see Natasha standing at the entrance, her expression unreadable. "Hey.." you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. Natasha stepped closer, her gaze locking onto yours. "Is everything okay? You seem distant lately."
You forced a smile, hoping it would convince Natasha. "Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just tired, I guess." Natasha studied you for a moment, her sharp eyes seeing more than you wished. "Are you sure?" You nodded, trying to ignore the pounding of your heart in your chest. "Yeah, really. I've just got a lot on my mind."
Natasha didn't seem convinced, but she didn't push further. Instead, she gave you a small smile. "You know, if you ever want to talk..I'm here." The sincerity in Natasha's voice made your resolve waver, but you quickly pushed the feeling aside. "Thanks, Natasha. I appreciate that."
For a moment, the two of you stood in silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging between you. You desperately wanted to tell Natasha how you felt, to let out everything you had been holding back for so long. But the fear of losing her, of ruining your friendship, held you back.
Butt Natasha seemed to sense the tension in the air. She took a step closer, her expression softening. "Y/n..if there's something you need to say, you can say it. Whatever it is, I promise it won't change anything between us."
You felt your heart clench at Natasha's words, the temptation to finally confess almost overwhelming. But before you could say anything, the door to the training room opened again, and Bruce walked in. "Hey, I've been looking for you."
Natasha turned to Bruce, a smile lighting up her face. "Hey, Bruce. Sorry, I was just talking to Y/n for a minute." Bruce smiled, but his gaze shifted to you, and you saw the understanding in his eyes. "Hey, Y/n." he greeted you kindly. You forced yourself to return the smile, even though it felt hollow. "Hi, Bruce." As Natasha and Bruce exchanged a few words, an overwhelming sense of inevitability washed over you. This was the reality you had to accept. Natasha was with Bruce, and there was no place for you in that picture.
When Natasha turned back to you, you had already made your decision. You took a deep breath and forced a smile, one that you hoped would hide the pain you were feeling. "I should go. I'm pretty exhausted." Natasha frowned slightly, as if she could sense something was wrong, but she nodded. "Get some rest, okay?"
You nodded, unable to trust your voice. Quickly, you gathered your things and left the training room, your heart heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. As you walked down the hallway, Tony's words echoed in your head: If Natasha really means something to you, then tell her. But now it was too late. Natasha had chosen Bruce, and you had to find a way to move on.
The following weeks were some of the hardest you'd ever experienced. You threw yourself into missions and training, anything to drown out the pain in your heart. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the longing for Natasha. Every time you saw her with Bruce, the pain flared up again, sharper and more intense than before. You knew you had to find a way to let go, but it felt impossible. Natasha was everything you had ever wanted, and now that you knew you could never have her, the loss was unbearable.
Tony noticed the change in your behavior and tried to reach out to you again, but you brushed him off. You didn't want to talk about it, didn't want to admit how much it hurt. You just wanted to forget, even if it meant burying your feelings deep inside where they couldn't hurt you anymore. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the truth. You loved her, and nothing could change that.
In the days that followed, it became increasingly difficult to be around her. The pain became too much to bear, and you decided to distance yourself. It started subtly. You found excuses not to be in the same room as Natasha. If you were assigned to the same mission, you requested to be reassigned, or, if that wasn't possible, you interacted with her as little as necessary. You stopped going for drinks with the others after missions because you knew Natasha would be there, laughing and talking with Bruce.
But Natasha noticed. She noticed how you no longer stayed in the training room to train with her, how you avoided eye contact during team meetings, how you left the room whenever Natasha entered. Natasha felt a nagging sense of loss in your absence, an emptiness that grew with each passing day as you pulled away.
One evening, Natasha finally confronted you in the hallway as you tried to sneak back to your room unnoticed. "Y/n, we need to talk." You froze, your heart racing in your chest. You had dreaded this moment, knew it was inevitable, but hoped it wouldn't come so soon. "There's nothing to talk about.." you replied, trying to keep your voice calm as you turned to face her.
Natasha's eyes narrowed in determination. "Don't give me that. You've been avoiding me for weeks now. What's going on?"
"I told you, it's nothing!" you replied, your voice tense. You tried to move past Natasha, but she blocked your way, refusing to let you leave. "You're lying!" Natasha countered, her voice growing sharper. "And this time, you're not getting away.."
Before you could react, Natasha grabbed your arm and pulled you into a nearby room, closing the door behind you. The sudden movement caught you off guard, and you found yourself trapped, with the door and Natasha both standing between you and the exit. "Let me go, Natasha." you said, your voice trembling slightly. "I don't want to go through this right now, please.."
Natasha crossed her arms and stood her ground. "You've been running from me for weeks. I'm not letting you run anymore. Talk to me, Y/n. Tell me what's going on." You felt the walls closing in around you, panic rising in your chest. You knew that if you started talking, everything would come out, and you weren't ready for that. "There's nothing to say." you insisted, avoiding Natasha's piercing gaze. "Just let it go."
"That's bullshit, and you know it!" Natasha snapped, her frustration evident. "This isn't you, Y/n. You're pushing everyone away, and I want to know why. I want to help you."
"Help?" you scoffed, the word igniting the anger you had tried so hard to suppress. "The only way you can help me is by leaving me alone, Natasha!" She flinched at the harshness in your voice, but she didn't back down. "I'm not leaving you alone. Not until you tell me what's really going on."
You felt yourself reaching your breaking point, the pressure of keeping everything inside finally becoming too much. You turned away from Natasha, your hands balling into fists as you struggled to hold yourself together. "Just stop, Natasha. Please, stop."
But Natasha didn't stop. She stepped closer, her voice softer but no less insistent. "Y/n..whatever it is, you don't have to go through it alone. I'm here."
"And that's the problem!" you exploded, turning to face Natasha, your eyes blazing with a mix of anger and pain. "You care about me, but not the way I care about you! And it's tearing me apart!"
Natasha's eyes widened, but instead of recoiling, she looked at you with a mix of surprise and amusement. "Wait...are you saying..you're in love with me?" she asked, her voice softening, almost teasing.
"Yes, Fuck, Natasha! I've been in love with you for so long, and it's killing me to be around you, knowing that you'll never feel the same way!" you shouted, your voice breaking under the weight of your emotions. Natasha blinked, and then, to your complete astonishment, she began to smile, a small, almost relieved smile. "Wow...you really just let it all out, didn't you?" Natasha said, her voice taking on a playful tone.
You stared at her in disbelief. The raw vulnerability of your confession seemed to be brushed aside, as if it was something trivial. "What..what the hell, Natasha? Is this a joke to you?" you asked, your heart twisting in pain. "I just told you I'm in love with you, and you're making jokes?"
Natasha's smile softened, a mix of affection and regret in her eyes. "No, Y/n, it's not a joke. It's just..kind of sweet, you know? I mean, here I was, trying to figure out how to tell you, and you go and beat me to it by just blurting it out. I should have expected that from you."
"Wait, tell me...what?" you asked, still off-balance and more than a little hurt. Natasha stepped closer, her hand gently lifting to touch your cheek. "That I'm glad you love me. Because I love you too." Your breath caught in your throat. You searched Natasha's eyes, looking for any hint of insincerity, but all you saw was warmth and something deeper, something that made your heart ache even more. "No, please don't..." you whispered, shaking your head as you tried to pull away. "Don't say things like that just to make me feel better."
"I'm not just saying it." Natasha insisted, her hands holding your face gently but firmly. "I mean it. I broke up with Bruce because it wasn't working, and honestly? It was because I couldn't stop thinking about you." Your eyes widened, disbelief battling with the hope that began to bloom in your chest. "You..what?"
"Yes." Natasha said, smiling a little as she moved even closer. "I realized I was lying to myself. I tried to make things work with Bruce because I thought it would be safer, less complicated. But the truth is, I've been in love with you for a long time, Y/n. I was just too scared to admit it."
You stared at Natasha, still unable to fully grasp what you were hearing. "But...you, you were with Bruce...?" Natasha nodded, her expression growing more serious. "I was. But it didn't feel right. Not when my heart was somewhere else. I couldn't keep lying to him, and I couldn't keep lying to myself. So I ended it. And then you started avoiding me, and I thought maybe I had missed my chance...until now."
Your head spun as you tried to process everything. The anger, the pain, the love..it all swirled together until you felt like you might explode. "Natasha, I..I don't know what to say.."
"You don't have to say anything." Natasha whispered, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she leaned in and silenced you with a kiss. It was electrifying, filled with all the unspoken emotions that had built up between you for so long. As your lips moved together, you felt the tension and fear that had haunted you for weeks slowly melt away, replaced by a deep, overwhelming desire for the woman you had loved for so long.
Natasha's hands moved from your face to your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened. You could feel the warmth of Natasha's body against yours, and it sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine. You had dreamed of this moment for so long, but nothing could have prepared you for the reality of Natasha's touch, the taste of her lips, the softness of her skin.
When Natasha finally pulled back slightly, you were breathless, your face flushed, and your heart pounding wildly. You looked up at Natasha, your eyes wide with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was really happening. The moment you had only dared to experience in your dreams was unfolding right before you, and it was almost too much to believe.
Natasha smiled gently down at you, her gaze soft and full of affection. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, her thumb gently stroking your cheek. You nodded, but the truth was that you were more than okay, you were overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the reality of Natasha being so close to you, by her touch, her kiss. It was everything you had ever wanted, and it made you feel both euphoric and scared.
As Natasha's hands moved to the hem of your shirt, her fingers gently brushing the fabric, you felt your breath catch. The anticipation of what was to come made your pulse quicken, and you could feel your cheeks growing hotter, your heart beating faster. "Is this okay?" Natasha asked, her voice deep and filled with concern. You nodded again, your voice caught in your throat. "Y-Yeah.." you whispered.
Natasha's smile widened, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You're so cute when you're shy, you know that?" she teased, her tone playful but loving. Your face grew even hotter, your embarrassment increasing. You had always imagined this moment with Natasha, but you had never thought you would feel so vulnerable, so exposed. A tear slipped from the corner of your eye, surprising even yourself.
Natasha noticed immediately and froze, her smile fading as concern filled her face. "Hey, hey..what's wrong?" she asked, her voice full of worry. "We can stop. Did I go too far?" You quickly shook your head, raising your hands to cover your face as you tried to hide your embarrassment. "No, no, it's not that.." you murmured through your hands, your voice trembling. "It's just..I can't believe this is real. I've wanted this for so long, and now that it's happening, I'm..I'm just so overwhelmed."
Natasha's expression softened, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she realized what you were feeling. "Oh, Y/n." she murmured, her voice warm and soothing. "There's nothing for you to be ashamed of." But you were too overwhelmed to look at her. You kept your hands over your face, your cheeks burning with the intensity of your emotions. "I'm sorry.." you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I'm just..I don't know how to handle this."
Natasha chuckled softly, finding your shyness endearing. "You don't have to apologize for anything." Gently, she took your hands and pulled them away from your face. "Come on, let me see you." You resisted at first, your face still burning with embarrassment, but Natasha was persistent. She held your hands gently but firmly, raising them above your head and keeping them there.
"Natasha, please..no.." you murmured, your voice filled with embarrassment as you squeezed your eyes shut, your cheeks glowing bright red. But Natasha only laughed softly, clearly finding the whole situation incredibly sweet. "You're even cuter when you're shy and embarrassed."
Your face grew even hotter, your heart racing as Natasha held your hands above your head, your bodies pressed close together. The gentle, playful way Natasha handled the situation made you feel both exposed and loved, a combination that left you breathless.
"Please.." you whispered, your voice trembling, though you weren't entirely sure what you were asking for, relief from your embarrassment or more of the sweet torment that Natasha was so skillfully creating.
Natasha's eyes softened, and she leaned down to place a tender kiss on your forehead, then on your cheeks, and finally on your lips. "You're so precious to me." she murmured against your lips. "And I'm going to make sure you feel so good."
Your heart swelled with love, and you found yourself slowly relaxing into Natasha's touches, your nervousness fading as Natasha continued to kiss and caress you gently. Her hands began to explore your body again, her touch slow and deliberate as she moved with a tenderness that took your breath away. You felt the warmth of Natasha's body against yours, her weight comforting, grounding you in the moment.
"You're doing so well." Natasha whispered as she moved lower, her lips leaving a trail of kisses on your neck that made you shiver with anticipation. "Just relax and let me take care of you."
You nodded, your hands trembling slightly as Natasha's lips continued their journey across your body. Her hands moved to gently caress your inner thighs, her touch light and teasing, sending sparks of desire coursing through your body. You gasped, your hips lifting slightly in response to the sensations Natasha was stirring.
"Slowly.." Natasha whispered, her voice full of warmth as she leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your thigh. "We have all the time in the world." You nodded, your breath coming in quick, shallow gasps as Natasha continued her gentle exploration. You could feel the heat pooling in your core, your body aching for more of Natasha's touch.
When Natasha finally moved her hand to your center, a soft moan escaped your lips, your body trembling with the intensity of the pleasure Natasha was giving you. Natasha's fingers were gentle, exploring you with a tenderness that made your heart swell with love.
"Does that feel good?" Natasha asked softly as she continued to caress you, her fingers moving in a slow, deliberate rhythm. "Yes.." you gasped, your body arching into Natasha's touch. "It feels..so good."
Hearing your confirmation, Natasha guided you both to a bed, and it was only then that you realized you had been in Natasha's room all along. Natasha moved slowly over you, her touch gentle, every movement filled with a kind of reverence that filled your heart with emotion. Natasha was deeply connected with you, but there was no rush, no haste in her movements, just a slow, deliberate rhythm that allowed you both to savor every moment.
Your breath hitched slightly, your eyes closing as you focused on the sensations flowing through your body. You could feel every touch from Natasha, the warmth of her skin, the steady beat of her heart. It was a moment that felt almost sacred, and you lost yourself in the intimacy of it all.
Natasha watched you closely, her green eyes soft and full of affection. She could see how your body responded to her touch, how your breath quickened and your cheeks flushed with desire. "You look so beautiful.." Natasha whispered, and your eyes opened briefly, meeting Natasha's gaze with a shy but loving smile. She leaned down to capture your lips in a soft, lingering kiss, her movements slow and deliberate, as if she wanted to imprint this moment in her memory. You responded eagerly, your hands tangling in Natasha's hair as you pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.
When you finally broke the kiss, Natasha rested her forehead against yours, your breaths mingling in the small space between you. "Are you ready?" Your heart skipped a beat at Natasha's words, a warm blush spreading across your cheeks. "Yes." you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. Natasha smiled gently, her heart swelling with love as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the moment. She moved slowly, savoring the warmth of your body, the softness of your skin, the way your bodies fit together perfectly. It was a moment that felt almost otherworldly, a moment Natasha wanted to last forever.
As she moved within you, Natasha focused on the sensations, on the way your body responded to her, the soft moans that escaped your lips, the way your fingers dug into her back and pulled her closer. Every movement, every sound was a testament to the connection you shared, and it filled Natasha with a love she hadn't known she was capable of. "You feel so good.." Natasha whispered, as she gently rocked her hips, drawing out the pleasure for both of you. "So perfect for me."
You could barely speak, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations flowing through you. "Natasha...this feels...it feels so..."
"I know," Natasha murmured, her voice full of understanding as she leaned down to kiss your neck, her lips soft and tender on your skin. "It's perfect. You're perfect." As the pleasure between you slowly built, Natasha allowed herself to get lost in the moment, her eyes closing as she savored the sensations. She moved with care, but also with tenderness, determined that you feel every ounce of the love and affection Natasha had for you.
Your breath came in soft, shallow gasps, your body arching into Natasha's touch as the pleasure grew more intense. You could feel Natasha's steady rhythm, the warmth of her skin, the gentle pressure within you, and it made you feel more connected to Natasha than you had ever felt to anyone. Natasha's breath also grew heavier, but she kept the pace slow, determined to draw out the moment as long as possible. She could feel your body trembling beneath her, the way your muscles tensed and relaxed with each thrust, and it filled Natasha with a deep sense of satisfaction and love.
"Are you close?" Natasha whispered, her voice full of affection as she looked into your eyes. You nodded, your breath hitching as the pleasure reached its peak, your body trembling with anticipation. "Y-Yes..please.."
Natasha smiled gently, her own pleasure rising as she continued to move in slow, deliberate motions. "Let go, Detka." she whispered, her voice full of love. "I'm right here with you." With those words, you finally let go, the pleasure washing over you in a gentle, rolling wave that left you trembling in Natasha's arms. It was a soft, sweet release, one that filled you with warmth and contentment, and you clung to Natasha as the sensations overwhelmed you.
Natasha followed shortly after, her own climax building and reaching its peak as she moved deeply within you, her body tensing as the pleasure overwhelmed her. She held you close, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she savored every moment of your shared release. When it was over, Natasha didn't pull away. Instead, she stayed close to you, her body still connected with yours as she pressed gentle kisses to your lips, your cheeks, and your forehead.
"You did so well.." Natasha murmured, her voice full of love as she stroked your hair. "You're so incredible, Y/n. I'm so proud of you." You smiled, your heart full of love and contentment as you snuggled into Natasha's embrace. You felt safe, secure, and completely loved as you cuddled into Natasha's arms. It was a feeling you never wanted to let go of, a moment of complete fulfillment that you would carry in your heart forever.
Natasha held you close, her hands gently stroking your back, her touch soothing and tender. She could feel your body finally relaxing completely in her arms, and it filled her with a deep sense of satisfaction and love. "You belong to me." Natasha whispered softly, her voice full of affection as she pressed a final kiss to your forehead. "And I'm never letting you go."
You nodded, your heart swelling with happiness as you slowly drifted off to sleep in Natasha's arms, knowing that you were loved, cherished, and completely safe. As you finally fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, Natasha stayed with you, her arms wrapped tightly around you, her warmth and love flowing into every fiber of your being. She held you throughout the night, guarding your sleep and ensuring that you found the rest you had been longing for in her embrace.
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stylesispunk · 11 days
"I'll never leave, Never mind"
not outbreak! Joel Miller x f!reader
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Summary: You and Joel met at the hospital that may have sealed your fate.
wc: 16,3k. Longest one I've ever written.
warnings: extreme angst, grieving, death,No proofreading.
a/n: There is no new chapter of 'Silent Strain' tonight, but here is a new one shoot. This is a sad sad and rushed one and it was heavily inspired on 'we live in time' cuz florence and andrew content made me think on it a lot. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. 💌
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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Joel and you could have said that fate has its way to interlock threads among people.
Some people met through friends at a party.
Others had their long way from kids, from friends to lovers and getting married.
And others met by coincidence,
When both of them ended up with a broken arm and broken fingers in a hospital.
One breaking up with his lifetime girlfriend.
The other foolish being cheated on.
Joel was leaning back in the chair, his arm in a sling, his expression was pure irritation and pain. Across from him, you sat cradling your bandaged fingers, the sting of adrenaline still fresh from your impulsive decision. The silence felt strange and weird, after all everything was a dream engulfed in fire.
You glanced at the man in front of you, studying his profile, he way his brow furrowed slightly, the tension in his jaw. He caught your gaze and raised an eyebrow in question. Finally, unable to take the silence any longer, you blurted out, "What happened to your arm?"
Joel’s eyes flickered to his sling, a small, almost amused smirk playing at his lips. "A bar fight," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "Didn't go quite like I planned."
"Sounds like it wasn't your night," you replied, trying to suppress a grin.
He chuckled softly. "You could say that." Then, nodding at your bandaged hand, he added, "What about you? Those fingers look pretty messed up."
You hesitated for a moment, debating whether to tell the truth. "Punched my ex," you admitted finally. "Turns out, hitting someone with rings on isn't the smartest move."
Joel's grin widened, and for a moment, the tension between you both dissipated. "What about?," he asked, leaning back in his chair.
"cheating" You said, with a lazy smaile.
You both gaze at each other, still unaware that the woman your ex had cheated with was Joel's ex-girlfriend. Fate, or maybe the universe, had twisted your lives into a messy knot, and the hospital room was just the start of what would prove to be an unexpected connection between two strangers meeting at a hospital for the first time.
"How can people do that to you?." His gaze grew distant, him not saying the truth behind the statement and you wondered what ghosts were lingering in his past. The thought that you might be more connected than you realized hadn’t crossed your mind yet, but somehow, it felt like this conversation was meant to happen.
"So, what happened?" you asked, a little softer this time. "With the bar fight, I mean."
Joel shifted his gaze back to you, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a lopsided smile. "You wouldn’t believe me if I told you," he replied. There was a hint of challenge in his tone, as if daring you to ask more.
"Try me," you shot back, leaning forward slightly.
He chuckled, more to himself than to you. "Alright, then. I walked into a bar to clear my head. Turns out, my ex was there, drinking with some guy who looked like he thought he owned the place. Words were said, and, well… my fist got to know his face better than I planned." He winced, probably at the memory or the pain radiating from his arm.
"Your ex?" you echoed, a strange feeling creeping up your spine.
"Yeah," Joel said, nodding. "She was the reason I needed a drink in the first place. She cheated and we broke up, but seeing her with him… didn’t exactly help. And before you ask, no, I don’t know why I still care." There was a bitter edge to his words, one that made you think of your own ex and the anger still simmering in your chest.
You were about to respond, maybe tell him that you understood too well, when the door to the waiting room opened, and a nurse stepped in. She glanced between the two of you, holding a clipboard. “Mr. Miller?” she called, and Joel raised his good hand.
"That’s me," he said, pushing himself to his feet with a grimace. The nurse gestured for him to follow, but before he could move, he looked back at you, a strange expression crossing his face.
“Maybe when I’m back, we can still have this conversation” he suggested, a hint of a grin returning.
You nodded, feeling a pull toward him that was hard to ignore. "I’d like that," you replied, watching as he disappeared down the hallway.
You had just turned to leave when you heard Joel’s voice behind you.
"Hey," he called out, a little hesitantly. You stopped in your tracks and turned back to face him.
Joel rubbed the back of his neck, clearly not the type to do this often. "I was just thinkin’... I don’t really wanna leave things like this. Mind if I get your number?"
For a second, you were caught off guard. Joel, tough and reserved, asking for your number? It felt like one of those moments where the universe gave you a choice a small step toward something unknown but maybe worth exploring.
You smiled, this time a bit more genuine, and nodded. "Yeah, sure."
Pulling out your phone, you exchanged numbers, the simple act suddenly feeling like a big deal, like some invisible line had been crossed.
"Thanks," he said quietly, his eyes meeting yours again, and for a moment, there was that same unspoken connection between you.
"Guess I’ll see you around," you said, slipping your phone back into your pocket.
Joel gave you a small, almost shy smile. "Yeah. I’d like that."
With one last glance, you turned and walked away, feeling a little lighter than before. And even though you had no idea what would come next, there was something about the way Joel had stopped you that made you feel like maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something new.
A new friendship,
A new story,
A new romance.
You didn't know, but there was a good feeling about those big brown eyes of Joel when he looked at you.
Joel had met a girl who made him feel at ease, like being bathed by the warm sun of a chilly autumn afternoom.
And you, you had met a man who made you believe not everyone wanted to hurt you.
Something like golden in color, something like dawn being seen from the beach.
Pure, fearless and sweet.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the events of the day kept replaying in your mind. Meeting Joel, the strange connection, the shocking revelation about his ex—it was all too much to process. You turned over, trying to let sleep take over, but your mind wouldn’t settle.
Just as you were about to close your eyes, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. You blinked in the darkness, surprised anyone would be texting this late. Grabbing your phone, you saw Joel’s name light up on the screen. Your heart did a small, unexpected flip as you opened the message.
Joel: Hope I didn’t wake you. Just wanted to say… It was really nice to meet you.
You stared at the message, feeling a warmth spread through you. It wasn’t a grand declaration, just a simple, honest text. And yet, something about it made you smile in the quiet of your room.
You hesitated for a moment, then typed back:
You: No, you didn’t wake me. I’m glad we met too. Today was...nice after all.
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That's how it started between the both of you.
It was coincidental.
It was legendary.
Three months after talking, two months after running after each other and hanging out.
Joel finally asked you out on a date.
Joel stood in the doorway, scanning your coffee shop before his eyes found you behind the counter. For a split second, the same look of surprise crossed his face as it had the day you first met, like he hadn’t fully expected to see you here. But then his expression softened, and he gave you a small nod as he walked toward the counter.
"A cup of coffee, Miller?" you asked with a grin, trying to hide the flutter of nerves that came with seeing him.
Joel scratched the back of his neck, looking a little uncomfortable, but there was something different in his posture today, like he had something in the back of his mind . "Actually… I was hoping..." he beganhis voice low and a bit hesitant.
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 'What?"
He took a breath, looking almost shy for a man like him, and you could see him working up the courage. "I was wonderin’ if you’d want to go out sometime. Maybe grab a drink or dinner." His eyes locked onto yours, and despite the casual tone, there was a weight behind his words, like he’d been thinking about this since the last time you saw each other.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you found yourself momentarily speechless. The idea of Joel, this tough, guarded man, asking you out felt both surprising and strangely right at the same time.
"You want to take me out?" you asked, making sure you hadn’t misheard.
Joel gave a small, almost sheepish smile. "Yeah, I do. I mean, if you’re up for it. Something fancier, just… somewhere that isn't your coffee hop or a hospital hallway."
You couldn’t help but smile at that. His awkwardness was endearing, and there was something in his eyes that made it clear he wasn’t playing games—this wasn’t just about grabbing a drink. It felt like he was genuinely interested in getting to know you.
"Sure," you said, your voice soft but certain. "I’d like that."
Joel’s shoulders visibly relaxed, and he smiled, a real one this time. "Alright, then. How about tomorrow night? I know a good place."
"Tomorrow sounds great," you replied, trying to ignore the excited flutter in your chest. "Just let me know where."
"I will," Joel nodded, and for a moment, he just stood there, the air between you charged with something unspoken.
As he turned to leave, he paused at the door, glancing back at you with that same small, shy smile. "I’ll see you tomorrow."
You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through you as you watched him walk out of the shop. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.
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The next evening, you stood in front of the mirror, smoothing down the fabric of your red dress. It was simple, elegant, and just a little daring, something you hadn’t worn in a while. There was a nervous excitement bubbling inside you as you got ready. It wasn’t often you went on dates, and certainly not with someone like Joel.
As you approached the restaurant, your heart raced a little faster. The soft glow of the lights spilling out onto the sidewalk set a warm and inviting tone, but it was the thought of seeing Joel that had your nerves on edge.
When you stepped inside, scanning the room, you saw him right away. Joel was seated near the window, dressed in a dark button-up shirt that suited him well, though it still carried that ruggedness you’d come to associate with him. His head was down, focused on the menu in front of him, unaware that you had arrived.
But then, as if sensing your presence, he looked up—and his reaction was instant. His eyes widened, and his mouth parted slightly in disbelief. Joel sat there, frozen for a moment, his eyes taking in the sight of you in the red dress. He hadn’t expected this. The sight of you knocked the air right out of his lungs.
You caught the way his mouth hung open just a bit, the look of awe in his eyes. It was as if, for a second, he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. You smiled shyly, stepping toward him, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks under his gaze.
Joel stood up quickly, almost knocking the chair back in his haste. "Wow," he breathed, barely managing to find the words. "You… you look incredible." His voice was low, almost reverent, like he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you.
"Thanks," you replied, feeling a little bashful under his gaze but also enjoying how flustered he seemed. "You don’t look too bad yourself."
Joel chuckled, but his eyes remained on you, still taking in the way the dress hugged your figure, the way the soft light from the restaurant made you glow. For a man who was usually so composed and reserved, he was completely undone by you tonight.
As you reached the table, Joel moved to pull out your chair, a little clumsily, but his gesture was sweet. "Here, let me," he offered, still looking at you like you’d just walked out of a dream.
"Thanks," you murmured as you sat down, glancing up at him with a smile. He was still standing, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he finally sat across from you.
For a few moments, Joel was quiet, his usual gruffness replaced by something softer, almost tender. He leaned back in his chair, shaking his head slightly as if trying to process what he was feeling. "I wasn’t expectin’ this," he admitted, his voice a little rough. "You look… I don’t even have the words."
You laughed softly, feeling the tension ease between you. "I’m glad I could surprise you."
Joel leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table, his eyes never leaving yours. "You did. And I’m real glad you’re here."
As the evening unfolded, the conversation flowed easily, and despite the initial nerves, you both found a rhythm. Joel’s lingering stares, his quiet admiration, the way his eyes softened every time you smiled—everything felt charged with an undeniable connection. There was something between you, something unspoken but very real.
And as the night went on, you couldn’t help but wonder if the universe really did have its own funny way of pulling people together.
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It felt like a movie. Waking up next to Joel felt like living inside a dream you never wanted to end. Each morning, as the sunlight spilled through the curtains, the reality of it all washed over you, how something that started so unexpectedly had grown into this, something solid, something that felt like home. It felt like a movie, the kind where everything was beautifully imperfect, but just right in all the ways that mattered.
You turned in bed, watching him sleep, his chest rising and falling steadily. There was a calmness in his face, a softness that most people never got to see. His hair was a little messier, a few strands falling into his eyes, and you reached out gently, brushing them aside. He stirred, his eyes fluttering open, and when he saw you, a sleepy smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“Morning,” he mumbled, his voice rough from sleep.
“Morning,” you whispered back, smiling as you traced a finger along his arm. "Feels like we’re in one of those romantic comedies, doesn’t it?"
Joel chuckled softly, his deep laugh rumbling through his chest. "Except I’m no prince, and you didn’t have to kiss a frog to get me."
You rolled your eyes playfully, but the truth was, every day with Joel felt like something special, like fate had somehow woven your lives together in the most unexpected way. You thought back to that first day in the hospital when you’d both been broken in different ways, and now, here you were, piecing each other back together.
"You say that like you’re not the most decent guy I’ve ever met," you teased, settling back into his arms.
Joel tightened his hold around you, his fingers brushing through your hair. "You give me too much credit."
"I don’t think I give you enough," you replied softly, your voice laced with sincerity.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, just stared at you with those deep, soulful eyes, the kind that always made you feel seen, really seen. Joel was never one for flowery words, but his actions spoke volumes—the way he looked after you, the way he showed up for you, every single day, even when he didn’t need to.
"Can’t believe it’s been a year," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Me neither," you admitted. "Happy anniversary" you said, kissing all of his face.
Joel smiled as your lips brushed across his face, his eyes closing briefly as he soaked in the tenderness of the moment. "Happy anniversary," he murmured, his voice low and warm, as if the words held more weight than he could fully express. His hands slid up to cradle your face, pulling you closer as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
“You’ve made this past year somethin’ I never thought I’d have again,” Joel whispered against your skin, his voice thick with emotion. His thumb traced the line of your jaw, the small, intimate gesture sending warmth through you. “Never thought I’d feel this way.”
You smiled, your heart swelling at his words. "You deserve it, Joel. We both do." You kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheek, trailing kisses along his stubbled jawline. "I’m lucky to wake up next to you every day."
He let out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head as though he couldn’t quite believe it himself. "Feels like I’m the lucky one.
You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him closer. "I guess we’re both lucky, then."
Joel gazed at you, his eyes soft, filled with an emotion that words couldn’t quite capture. "Don’t know what I’d do without you," he whispered, his voice just a little rough around the edges.
"Good thing you don’t have to find out," you teased, leaning in for another kiss, this one lingering, as if the moment itself held a promise. The world outside the bedroom didn’t matter, not right now. All that mattered was this, the quiet love that had grown between you both over the past year.
The kind of love that, even in its simplicity, felt like the most beautiful thing in the world.
Later that morning, you and Joel stood side by side in the kitchen, working in comfortable silence as you prepared breakfast together. The smell of coffee filled the air, and the sound of sizzling bacon accompanied the quiet hum of morning. Both of you had decided to take the day off—no work, no interruptions—just a day to be together and celebrate your anniversary.
As you stirred the eggs, Joel suddenly cleared his throat, drawing your attention. You glanced over to see him watching you with that familiar, warm smile that always made your heart skip a beat.
"You know," he began, his voice soft, "I’ve been thinkin’ about somethin’." He flipped the bacon, pausing for a moment, almost like he was searching for the right words. "I know some people think we’re movin’ fast—bein’ together the way we are after only a year."
You set the spatula down, turning to face him fully. You’d heard the comments before—friends and family making subtle remarks about how quickly things had progressed between you and Joel. But none of that had ever mattered to you. It felt right.
"And… what do you think?" you asked gently, curious where his thoughts were leading.
Joel looked at you, his expression serious for a moment, before it softened into something deep, something real. "I think it’s the happiest I’ve ever been," he admitted, his voice steady. "And I don’t care if people think we’re movin’ too fast. Everything just feels right with you." He set the pan aside and stepped closer to you, reaching out to gently cup your face.
Your breath caught in your throat, the weight of his words hitting you in the best way possible. You could see the sincerity in his eyes, the way he looked at you like you were his whole world. And in that moment, you realized just how much you meant to him.
"I’ve got a surprise for you," Joel added, his voice a little softer, and there was a glint of nervousness in his eyes—something you didn’t see from him often.
"A surprise?" you repeated, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "What kind of surprise?"
He took your hand, leading you away from the stove and into the living room. His grip was firm, yet there was a tenderness to the way he held you, like he was holding something precious.
Joel stopped in front of the couch, turning to face you. He reached into his back pocket and, for a moment, your heart skipped a beat. Slowly, he pulled out a small box, and as he held it in his hand, you realized exactly what was happening.
Your eyes widened, and you brought a hand to your mouth as Joel got down on one knee, looking up at you with that same earnest, loving expression.
"I know it’s been a year, and I know some people might think this is crazy," he began, his voice steady, though you could hear the emotion in it. "But I don’t care about any of that. I’ve never been surer of anything in my life." He opened the box, revealing a simple but beautiful ring. "You make me feel like I’m home, every day. So, I’m askin’… will you marry me?"
Your heart nearly stopped as you stood there, mouth agape, staring at Joel kneeling in front of you with that ring in his hand. The weight of the moment washed over you, and before you could think, your body moved on instinct. You dropped to your knees in front of him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace.
Joel immediately responded, his strong arms coming around you, holding you close as if he never wanted to let go. The words "Yes, yes," tumbled from your lips, breathless and full of emotion. Without even realizing it, you shifted, wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you securely.
His laugh was soft and filled with pure joy as he stood up, lifting you effortlessly with him. He held you tightly, your legs still wrapped around his waist as you clung to him. "You really mean that?" he asked, his voice a little shaky, but his eyes shone with happiness.
You nodded, burying your face in the crook of his neck, your voice catching as you whispered, "I’ve never been surer of anything in my life."
Joel’s arms tightened around you, his chest rumbling with laughter and relief all at once. "You’ve made me the happiest man alive," he said, his voice deep and full of love.
You pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. You smiled; your heart full to the brim. "I guess we both found home."
Joel pressed his forehead against yours, his voice barely above a whisper as he said, "I guess we did."
With your legs still wrapped around his waist, Joel gently lowered you to the ground, holding you steady as you found your footing. His eyes never left yours, full of warmth and something even deeper that made your heart swell. He reached for the ring, holding it up with a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Now," he said, his voice barely a whisper, filled with emotion, "let me do this the right way."
He carefully took your hand in his, and you watched in awe as he slid the ring onto your finger. It felt cool at first, but as it settled into place, it felt like it belonged there—like it had always been meant to be.
You couldn’t take your eyes off the ring, sparkling in the morning light. It was simple, yet beautiful—perfect, just like the moment.
Joel’s fingers brushed yours as he held your hand, pulling you close again. "Looks just right," he murmured, his voice low and full of affection. His thumb softly traced over the ring, and then over your knuckles, like he was making sure it was real, like this wasn’t just a dream.
You looked up at him, tears brimming in your eyes, but they were happy tears, filled with the overwhelming joy of knowing you had found your forever with this man. "It’s perfect," you whispered, squeezing his hand.
Joel smiled, pulling you into his arms again, his lips brushing the top of your head as he murmured, "You’re perfect."
For a long moment, the two of you stood there, wrapped in each other, savoring the silence and the weight of what had just happened. It was more than just a proposal—it was a promise, one that you both knew you would keep, no matter what life threw at you.
A month had passed since the day Joel put that ring on your finger, and it felt like you were living in a dream. Every moment with him was like writing your own love story—filled with warmth, laughter, and the kind of happiness you never thought you’d find. You and Joel had started to create a life together, and it felt like the world had finally aligned in the best way.
That night, as the moonlight spilled through the curtains, Joel was already in bed, the soft glow of a lamp casting a warm light on him as he flicked through a book. You were in the bathroom, hands trembling slightly as you looked down at the test in your hand. The two lines were unmistakable. Your heart raced, a mixture of excitement, nerves, and disbelief filling your chest.
"Joel?" you called out from the bathroom, your voice a little shaky.
"Yeah, darlin'?" His voice was calm, unaware of the life-altering news you were about to share.
"I… I have to show you something," you managed to say, your nerves bubbling into a quiet, breathy laugh.
There was a brief pause before you heard the rustle of sheets and Joel's footsteps making their way toward the bathroom. The door creaked open, and Joel appeared in the doorway, his brows furrowed in curiosity. "What is it?" he asked, his deep voice laced with concern as his eyes searched your face.
You turned toward him, holding the pregnancy test in your hand, your heart pounding. With a nervous laugh, you held it out for him to see. "I... I'm pregnant, Joel."
His eyes flicked down to the test, and for a moment, it seemed like time stood still. The realization hit him slowly, his expression shifting from confusion to disbelief, and then to something far deeper. His mouth opened slightly, his breath catching in his throat as he processed the news.
"You're... pregnant?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, biting your lip, unsure of how he’d react. "I know it's a lot. I didn’t even expect it, but—"
Before you could finish, Joel stepped forward, pulling you into his arms, holding you tightly against him. His face buried into the crook of your neck, and you felt the warmth of his breath against your skin as he whispered, "Are you serious?"
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you nodded against his shoulder. "Yeah. I’m serious."
Joel pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, his hands cupping your face.
Joel lifted you effortlessly into his arms, his laughter mixing with yours as the weight of the news settled in—a shared joy that filled the room. His eyes sparkled with happiness, and the grin on his face was infectious. He held you close, your legs wrapped around his waist as he spun you in a small circle, both of you laughing like kids.
"I can’t believe it," Joel said, his voice filled with awe as he gently set you down on the bathroom counter, still holding you close. "We're gonna have a baby."
You nodded, the happiness bubbling up inside you, barely able to contain it. "We are," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "We're gonna be parents."
Joel kissed your forehead softly, his hands gently rubbing your sides. "I love you," he whispered, the words filled with a depth of emotion that made your heart swell. "You and this baby—we're gonna have the perfect story”
Tears slipped down your cheeks, but they were happy tears, and you smiled up at him. "I love you too," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "We’re going to be a family."
He held you there for a moment longer, savoring the quiet intimacy of the moment. Then, with a soft chuckle, Joel stepped back, still keeping a hand on your waist. "Guess we better start gettin’ used to this idea. A baby, huh?"
You nodded, your eyes shining with excitement. "A baby."
Joel smiled, still shaking his head in disbelief as he looked down at you. “A baby,” he repeated, his voice soft with awe. "I can’t believe it."
He rubbed his hand over his face, trying to wrap his mind around the idea of becoming a father again. The joy in his eyes was unmistakable. After all the hardships, after all the loss, this was something he didn’t think he’d ever have again—a chance at building a family, a future.
“Guess we’re gonna have to start gettin' the place ready, huh?” Joel said, a playful tone creeping into his voice. "Crib, baby clothes… We’re in for a lot of changes."
You laughed, wiping away the last of your tears. "Yeah, we have a lot to prepare for."
Joel grinned, stepping back and taking your hand as he led you out of the bathroom. "But I’m ready for all of it," he said, squeezing your hand gently. "Every single part of it."
As the two of you stepped into the bedroom, the quiet warmth of the moment settled over you. Joel sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling you into his lap. His hands rested on your stomach, fingers gently tracing over where your baby would grow.
"Just think," he murmured, his voice low and full of wonder. "In a few months, there’ll be a little one right here. A part of you and me."
The thought of it made your heart swell with love and anticipation. You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. "I can’t wait, Joel," you whispered. "It’s going to be everything."
For a while, the two of you just sat there, holding each other in the quiet of the night, the future ahead of you bright and full of promise. It was a life neither of you had ever expected to find—but it was yours now, and you would cherish it, together.
Joel kissed the top of your head, his voice soft and full of love. "We’ve got a good thing goin’ here," he said. "And now, it’s just gonna get better."
You smiled, closing your eyes as you whispered back, "Yeah, it is."
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Time seemed to pass in a blur after that night. Every moment was a new memory, a new step toward the future you and Joel were building together. As the months went by, you prepared for the arrival of your baby while deepening the bond between you two. Joel was there for every ultrasound, every late-night craving, and every moment of excitement and nerves.
The day you both decided to get married wasn’t a grand occasion but something simple, just the way you both wanted it. You’d been sitting on the couch, going over baby names, when Joel looked at you with that soft, familiar smile and said, “Why don’t we get married before the little one arrives?”
At first, the idea seemed so casual, but the more you thought about it, the more perfect it felt. You didn’t need a big ceremony or an extravagant event. What you wanted was to make things official in the most meaningful way possible, with just the two of you and a handful of your closest friends and family.
The wedding day was intimate, held at a charming little venue not far from home. It was a crisp autumn day, the leaves turning shades of gold and crimson, and you couldn’t have asked for a more perfect setting. Your family and closest friends were there. As you walked toward him, your heart fluttered. Joel, standing tall and proud in his suit, his eyes filled with love and pride, made your breath catch in your throat. You couldn’t believe that this man, who had once been just a stranger, was now the center of your world.
When you reached him, Joel took your hands in his, his thumb gently brushing over your knuckles. His eyes locked onto yours, and in that moment, everything else faded away. It was just the two of you, standing together, ready to face whatever came next.
When you finally reached him, Joel took your hand, his thumb brushing gently against your skin. The look in his eyes was one of pure love and pride. He leaned in slightly and whispered, “You look beautiful, darlin’.”
The ceremony itself was short but filled with emotion. Joel’s voice wavered ever so slightly as he said his vows, and you could feel the weight of his words as he promised to love and support you forever.
“I never thought I’d be this lucky again,” he said softly, his eyes locked on yours. "You’ve given me more than I could’ve ever asked for."
Your heart swelled, and when it was your turn, you spoke from the heart. "I didn’t know life could be this good until I met you, Joel. You’ve changed everything for me."
The officiant declared you husband and wife, and Joel didn’t waste a second, pulling you in for a soft, meaningful kiss that felt like the beginning of a new chapter.
“By the power vested in me…” the officiant’s voice seemed to fade as you looked at Joel, your heart overflowing with love. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Joel’s smile widened as he gently cupped your face and pulled you into the sweetest, softest kiss. The world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you in that moment, forever bound to each other.
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After the small, intimate wedding, life felt like it had settled into a beautiful rhythm. Every morning you woke up next to Joel felt like a dream you never wanted to end, and as your belly grew, so did your love for the life you were building together.
It was a calm morning a few weeks after the wedding, the sunlight streaming through the windows of your cozy home. Joel had already gotten out of bed to make breakfast, and you could hear the sounds of him moving around the kitchen. You smiled to yourself, feeling content and full of love.
You got up slowly, your hand instinctively resting on your growing bump. The baby had started kicking more frequently, and every little movement filled you with awe. You made your way to the kitchen, and there he was, standing at the stove, making scrambled eggs like he did every Sunday morning.
Joel looked over his shoulder when he heard you approach, his face breaking into a soft, adoring smile. "Mornin’, sweetheart. How’re you feelin’?"
“Good,” you said, wrapping your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek against his back. “Hungry, as always.”
He chuckled, placing a hand over yours. “That’s a good sign. I’ve got breakfast ready in just a few minutes.”
You sat down at the kitchen table, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face as Joel brought over plates of eggs, toast, and some fruit. As you both started eating, Joel couldn’t take his eyes off you, his expression full of love and admiration.
"You know," Joel started, his voice soft and thoughtful, "Every time I see you, like this, carryin' our baby… it just hits me how lucky I am."
You smiled, your heart swelling at his words. "I feel the same way, Joel. I can’t believe how much life has changed for the better. I never thought I’d get to be this happy."
Joel reached across the table, taking your hand in his. His thumb gently caressed the back of your hand as he gazed at you with that familiar warmth in his eyes. "We’ve been through a lot, but every bit of it led us here. And I wouldn’t change a thing."
After breakfast, the two of you spent the day together, enjoying the simple moments that made your life so full. Joel had taken time off from work to be around more as the baby’s due date got closer, and it felt like every day was another beautiful chapter in your love story.
As the evening drew near, you sat together on the couch, Joel’s hand resting protectively on your belly as the baby kicked softly. He looked at you, his eyes filled with a sense of peace and joy. "You’re gonna be such a great mom."
You smiled, leaning into him. "And you’re going to be the best dad."
Joel pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his hand never leaving your bump. The two of you sat there in the quiet, simply enjoying each other’s presence, the future stretching out before you, full of hope and love.
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Months had passed, and the day finally arrived. You were in the hospital room, your hand gripping Joel’s tightly as you went through the final stages of labor. The pain was intense, but Joel was right there by your side, whispering encouragement in your ear, his voice calm and steady despite the chaos around you.
"You’re doin’ so good, sweetheart," Joel murmured, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. His hand was firm in yours, grounding you as the contractions intensified. "Almost there. Just a little longer."
With one final push, the room filled with the first cry of your baby. Relief, exhaustion, and overwhelming joy washed over you as you collapsed back against the pillow. The doctor carefully placed the newborn in your arms, and when you looked down at her tiny face, everything else in the world faded away.
Joel stood beside you, his eyes wide with awe as he looked down at your daughter. "She’s here," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His hand hovered above her small head before he gently stroked her soft hair. "She’s perfect."
You smiled up at him, tears filling your eyes as you whispered, "Sarah."
Joel’s breath hitched, his gaze softening even more as he took in the name. "Sarah," he repeated, his voice barely a whisper. He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before brushing his lips over your daughter’s tiny head. "Welcome to the world, baby girl."
Sarah’s little fingers curled around your thumb as she lay in your arms, her cries quieting as she settled into the warmth of your body. The love that filled the room was almost overwhelming, and you couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down your cheeks.
Joel sat down beside you, his arm slipping around your shoulders as the two of you gazed at your daughter in awe. "She’s gonna have your strength," Joel said softly, his voice filled with pride. "I can already see it."
"And she’ll have your heart," you whispered, leaning into him. "She’s a little piece of both of us."
For hours, you sat together in the quiet of the hospital room, marveling at the tiny miracle in your arms. Sarah yawned, her tiny eyes fluttering open for the first time, and Joel’s face lit up with a joy you’d never seen before.
"You’re gonna be a great dad," you whispered, resting your head against his shoulder.
Joel smiled, his eyes never leaving Sarah’s face. "And you’re gonna be the best mom," he replied, his voice soft but full of certainty.
In that moment, everything felt complete. The life you had built with Joel had come full circle, and now, holding Sarah, it felt like the perfect beginning to something even more beautiful. The three of you were a family, and nothing could ever take that away.
As you both sat there, watching your newborn daughter sleep peacefully in your arms, Joel leaned down and kissed you softly. "Thank you," he whispered. "For all of this. For her."
You smiled, tears filling your eyes once again. "We did this together."
And as the night settled in, the three of you together, you knew that this, this was everything you had ever dreamed of. A love that had grown into something extraordinary, a family you never thought possible, and a future that was full of hope and endless possibilities.
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Time had passed, and life settled into a beautiful, busy rhythm. You found yourself balancing the challenges of raising Sarah while managing your work. Your coffee shop was thriving, and although it wasn’t always easy, the love and support Joel gave you made everything seem possible. Every morning, you’d drop Sarah off with her babysitter before opening the shop, your heart swelling as you kissed her little cheeks goodbye.
Joel and Tommy had built up their construction company together, working side by side like they always had. It was their dream, and they took pride in what they had created. Most evenings, they would come home late, tired but fulfilled, dust and sweat still clinging to their clothes, but there was always a smile on Joel's face as soon as he stepped through the door and saw you and Sarah.
It was a happy life, a busy one. Sarah was growing fast, and every day brought something new—a first laugh, her first wobbly steps, her fascination with the world around her. Joel had fallen completely in love with being a dad, always the first one to scoop Sarah up when he got home, carrying her around on his shoulders as she giggled.
One evening, after a long day of work, you were at home, feeding Sarah in her high chair while Joel and Tommy sat at the kitchen table, talking shop over dinner. You couldn’t help but smile as you listened to them go on about their latest project—something about expanding a new office building downtown. It warmed your heart to see Joel so happy in his work, and even more so knowing that you were all building this life together.
Joel caught your eye from across the table, a soft smile tugging at his lips. He stood up, coming over to where you were standing with Sarah. Gently, he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” he whispered, his voice filled with admiration as he watched you interact with Sarah.
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “We’re doing this together,” you said softly, mirroring the words you’d told him in the hospital that day Sarah was born.
Tommy chuckled from the table. “Look at you two, bein’ all sappy. I’d say I’m jealous, but I’m just happy y’all found this.”
Joel laughed and shook his head, glancing down at Sarah, who was reaching out for him. “We’re lucky,” he said, picking her up and holding her close. “Wouldn’t change a damn thing.”
As you watched Joel with your daughter, your heart swelled with a deep, contented happiness. The busy days, the challenges, and the long nights—it was all worth it. You had a family, a home filled with love, and a future that was built on the strength of the bond you shared. Every piece of your life had fallen into place, and there was nothing more you could ask for.
Later that night, after Tommy had left and Sarah was fast asleep in her crib, you and Joel sat together on the couch, the soft glow of the living room lamp casting a warm light over the room. Joel had his arm draped over your shoulders, and you were curled into his side, a blanket wrapped around the both of you. The house was quiet, a peaceful kind of stillness that only came after a busy day with Sarah.
You sighed contentedly, resting your head on Joel's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It had been a long day, but these quiet moments together always made it feel like everything was exactly where it should be.
Joel pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, his hand gently rubbing your arm. “Been thinkin’ a lot about our future,” he murmured, his voice low and thoughtful.
You looked up at him, curious. “Yeah? What about it?”
He smiled softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling in that familiar way that always made your heart flutter. “I mean… look at us,” he said, glancing down at you and then toward the hallway where Sarah slept. “We’ve got a beautiful baby girl, a home… but I wanna make sure I’m givin’ y’all the life you deserve.”
You reached up, cupping his cheek and turning his face toward you. “Joel, you’re already doing that,” you said earnestly. “We have everything we need. We have each other.”
He leaned into your touch, his eyes softening. “I know, darlin’. But I’ve been thinkin’ about what’s next for us. I want to keep buildin’—for us, for Sarah. Maybe someday, we could get a bigger place… one with a backyard where Sarah can run around. And who knows, maybe she won’t be the only little one runnin’ around.”
You blinked in surprise, your heart skipping a beat at the thought. “Are you saying you want more kids?”
Joel chuckled softly, his hand finding yours and lacing his fingers with yours. “I’d be lyin’ if I said the thought hasn’t crossed my mind,” he admitted. “But only if you want it too. I just… I love this, our family. I love seein’ Sarah grow and thinkin’ about what’s ahead for all of us.”
You smiled, the thought of expanding your family filling you with warmth. “I love it too,” you said softly. “And I love the idea of giving Sarah a sibling someday. But… no rush, okay?”
He nodded, his gaze full of understanding. “No rush,” he repeated. “I just want us to be happy, however that looks.”
You nestled closer to him, feeling an overwhelming sense of contentment. “We already are, Joel,” you whispered. “But I love that we can dream about our future together. Whatever comes next, we’ll figure it out, just like we always do.”
Joel smiled, pulling you closer, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “Damn right we will,” he murmured against your mouth, his voice full of promise.
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Life was passing, and you were living it. Every day you woke up feeling the most content person alive, waking up to a wonderful husband and to a beautiful daughter you both had created was the best prize you could have won.
So the time passed, and Sarah’s third birthday arrived. a day filled with laughter, cake, and the joyful chaos of a toddler’s party. The backyard had been transformed into a wonderland of balloons, streamers, and a small play area for the kids, all running around with boundless energy. Joel and Tommy were manning the grill, flipping burgers and laughing as they joked about who had the better cooking skills. You were sitting on the porch, watching Sarah play with her friends, her smile wide as she tore into the wrapping of her presents.
The sight of her beaming with happiness filled you with warmth, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. It had started earlier in the day, a subtle dizziness that washed over you while you were setting up for the party. At first, you brushed it off, assuming it was just the exhaustion of planning and preparing for the celebration. But as the day went on, the feeling persisted, a faint buzzing in your head that wouldn’t go away.
You stood up from your seat, intending to join Joel and Tommy at the grill, when the dizziness hit you again—stronger this time. Your vision blurred, and your legs wobbled beneath you. You reached out, gripping the railing of the porch to steady yourself, but it felt like the ground was shifting beneath your feet.
“Hey, you alright?” Joel’s voice cut through the haze, his hand suddenly on your shoulder, steadying you.
You blinked a few times, trying to shake the feeling. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you said, offering him a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Just… a little dizzy. Probably just need to sit down.”
Joel’s brow furrowed with concern, his hand gently guiding you back to the porch swing. “You’ve been actin’ off all day,” he said, kneeling in front of you. “Maybe you should take a break from all this. Let me handle things for a bit.”
“I’ll be okay,” you insisted, though the pounding in your head was starting to grow. You didn’t want to worry him, especially on a day like this, but the unease settling in your chest was hard to ignore.
Just then, Sarah came running over, her tiny hands grabbing onto Joel’s leg as she tugged at his jeans. “Daddy! Come see my new toy!” she squealed, her face lit up with excitement.
Joel gave you a quick look, clearly torn, but you waved him off. “Go, Joel. I’m fine. I’ll just rest for a bit.”
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching yours, before he nodded. “Alright. But promise me you’ll tell me if you feel worse.”
You nodded, watching as he stood up and scooped Sarah into his arms, spinning her around as she giggled in delight. You leaned back into the swing, closing your eyes for a moment, hoping that maybe it was just the stress of the day catching up to you. But deep down, you knew something wasn’t right.
The dizziness wasn’t going away. It was getting worse.
A few hours later, after the party had wound down and the guests had left, you were helping Joel clean up when the room suddenly tilted, and your vision blurred again. This time, the dizziness was so overwhelming that you couldn’t stop it. The world spun around you, and before you could call out to Joel, everything went dark.
When you opened your eyes again, you were lying on the couch, Joel’s worried face hovering above you. His hand was gripping yours tightly, and there was fear in his eyes that you hadn’t seen before.
“Hey, hey,” he said softly, his voice shaky. “Stay with me. I’m gonna take you to the doctor, alright? You passed out.”
You tried to sit up, but your head throbbed, and Joel gently pushed you back down. “No arguments,” he said firmly. “Somethin’s not right, and we’re gettin’ it checked out.”
You nodded weakly, the fear creeping in as the gravity of the situation began to settle. You hadn’t felt like yourself in days, and now it was clear that it wasn’t just exhaustion. Something was wrong, and as much as you wanted to stay strong for Joel and Sarah, the worry was starting to gnaw at you.
Joel pressed a kiss to your forehead, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes.
So the next morning, you decided to go to the doctor alone. You assured Joel over breakfast that everything would be fine, putting on your bravest smile as you sipped your coffee. "It’s probably just stress or maybe… maybe even another pregnancy," you joked, trying to keep things light.
Joel wasn’t entirely convinced. His eyes followed your every movement, lingering with concern, but you pressed a kiss to his cheek and promised you’d text him as soon as you knew something. "You’ve got Sarah to watch today. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine."
As you sat in the doctor’s office later that day, waiting for your results, you kept replaying those words in your head
I’ll be fine. You wanted to believe it. You needed to believe it.
The doctor finally entered the room, a somber expression on his face. You sat up a little straighter, a nervous laugh bubbling up as you tried to break the tension. "So… what’s the verdict? Am I pregnant, or do I just need to get more sleep?"
He didn’t smile. That was your first clue.
"We ran some tests based on your symptoms," he began slowly, carefully. "And… I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s not what we hoped."
Your heart plummeted, the air in the room suddenly thick and suffocating. "What do you mean?" you asked, your voice trembling despite your best effort to stay calm.
The doctor took a deep breath, his gaze steady but filled with sympathy. "The dizziness, the fatigue… it's not stress or pregnancy. The tests show signs of a rare, aggressive illness. I’m afraid it’s terminal."
For a moment, you couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. It felt like the words were echoing in a tunnel, distant and surreal. "Terminal?" The word barely escaped your lips.
He nodded gently. "I’m very sorry. It’s advanced, and from what we’ve seen, it’s progressed faster than we anticipated. There are treatments to manage symptoms, but… it’s not curable."
Your world shattered in that instant. Everything around you seemed to blur and slow, the weight of the news crashing down like a tidal wave. The future you had imagined, raising Sarah, growing old with Joel, suddenly felt like a distant dream, slipping away before you could grasp it.
You sat there in stunned silence, your mind reeling. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, but you blinked them away, trying to keep some semblance of control. You didn’t want to break down, not yet.
"What… what’s the timeline?" you finally managed to ask, your voice barely a whisper.
"It’s hard to say," the doctor replied gently. "Months, maybe a year. We’ll need to monitor closely and discuss the best options moving forward."
The rest of the appointment passed in a haze. You nodded at the right moments, accepted the information he gave you about treatment options, but none of it seemed to stick. The only thing you could think about was how you were going to tell Joel. How you were going to explain to him that your time together was now limited.
As you walked out of the office, the afternoon sun seemed too bright, too cheerful for what you had just learned. You felt numb, as though you were moving through a dream, detached from the reality that had just been placed in front of you.
You sat in your car for a long time, staring at your phone, trying to figure out how to text Joel. You had promised him everything would be fine. You had been so sure of it.
But now, you had to go home and face the hardest conversation of your life.
How were you going to tell the man you loved, the father of your child, that you were dying?
With trembling hands, you finally typed a message
On my way home:)
You pulled up to the house, gripping the steering wheel as if it could somehow anchor you to reality.
A year.
You had a year to watch your daughter grow, to be with Joel. It felt so impossibly short, like sand slipping through your fingers. Every moment from now on was precious, but how were you supposed to tell him?
Taking a deep breath, you got out of the car and made your way to the front door. The smell of lunch wafted through the air as you stepped inside, your mind momentarily distracted by the warmth and familiarity of home. Laughter echoed from the kitchen, and your heart ached knowing how much this place had become your safe haven, filled with the people you loved most.
"Mommy!" Sarah’s excited voice snapped you back to reality as she came running towards you, her little arms outstretched.
You bent down, forcing a smile as you scooped her into your arms, hugging her tight, burying your face in her hair. "Hey, baby girl," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion as you held her a little longer than usual.
As you straightened up, you felt Joel’s eyes on you instantly. He was standing in the kitchen with Tommy and his new girlfriend, Maria, preparing lunch. His gaze locked onto yours, concern immediately flashing across his face. He knew something was wrong.
"We’ll talk later," Joel mouthed quietly, giving you a look that said he wasn’t going to let it go. He always had a way of reading you, knowing when something wasn’t right.
You nodded, your heart sinking further as Sarah wiggled out of your arms and ran back to play. Tommy greeted you with a grin, oblivious to the weight of the news you carried.
"Hey there!" Tommy said, tossing a dish towel over his shoulder. "You’re just in time for lunch. Maria made her famous chili. You’re gonna love it."
You forced another smile, but it felt hollow. "Sounds great, Tommy," you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
Maria looked up from the stove, giving you a warm smile as well. "It’s good to see you. Hope you’re hungry."
But your appetite was the last thing on your mind. You felt like you were moving on autopilot, helping set the table, making small talk, but your thoughts kept circling back to the doctor’s words. Every glance Joel shot your way reminded you of the conversation you still had to have.
Lunch passed in a blur, the clatter of plates and the hum of conversation surrounding you as you tried to stay present. But every time you looked at Joel or Sarah, your heart clenched tighter. How could you tell them? How could you face what was coming?
After lunch, Tommy and Maria offered to clean up, and you were grateful for the momentary reprieve. Joel came up behind you, gently placing a hand on your back. "Come with me," he said softly, leading you into the living room.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Joel turned to face you, his expression filled with worry. "What’s going on?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with fear. "You’ve been off since you got home."
You looked into his eyes, the man you loved more than anything, and you felt the tears welling up. This was it. There was no avoiding it now.
"Joel…" Your voice cracked, and you took a deep breath, trying to find the strength to say the words. "It wasn’t another pregnancy."
Joel’s brow furrowed as he stepped closer, his hand moving to cup your cheek. "Then what is it? What did they say?"
Tears finally spilled over as you choked out the words you’d been dreading. "I’m sick, Joel. It’s bad. The doctor… the doctor said I have a year. Maybe less."
For a moment, the world seemed to stop. Joel’s hand dropped from your face, his eyes widening in disbelief. "What?" he whispered, like he couldn’t quite process what you’d just said.
You nodded, tears streaming down your face. "I’m dying, Joel. There’s nothing they can do. It’s a terminal illness, and… and I only have a year."
The room was silent, the weight of your words hanging in the air. Joel just stared at you, his face pale, as if the ground had been ripped out from under him. "No… no, there has to be something… some kind of treatment." His voice cracked, panic seeping in.
You shook your head, your own heart breaking as you watched the man you loved fall apart in front of you. "There’s nothing, Joel. They can manage the symptoms, but… it’s only a matter of time."
Joel let out a ragged breath, his eyes filling with tears as he pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly, like if he could just hold on, it would somehow change everything. "No, no… not you. Not now."
You clung to him, sobbing into his chest, feeling the devastation in every fiber of his being as he held you. "I’m so sorry," you whispered. "I’m so, so sorry."
Joel pulled back, cupping your face in his hands as tears streaked down his own cheeks. "We’ll fight this, okay? We’ll fight this with everything we’ve got. We’ll make the most of every damn second." His voice was thick with emotion, his determination cutting through the pain.
Joel's resolve was fierce and unwavering, a beacon of strength amidst the overwhelming sorrow. His hands gently but firmly cupped your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears that continued to fall. "We’ll fight this," he repeated, his voice steadier now, a promise amidst the anguish. "I know it's not fair, but we can't give up. We have to make every moment count."
You nodded, trying to draw strength from his determination, though the weight of the reality still felt crushing. "I just want to make sure Sarah has the best memories of us," you said softly, your voice trembling. "I want her to know how much she's loved, even if I'm not there."
Joel's eyes softened, and he nodded in understanding. "She will know, darlin'. We'll make sure of it. We'll do everything we can to give her the best of us, to show her how much she means to us."
The raw emotion in his voice was palpable, and you could see the resolve in his eyes. He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, his touch as gentle as ever.
“I won’t lose you” he whispered, to himself mostly.
The house was quiet, the gentle hum of the night providing a somber backdrop to your restless thoughts. Despite the late hour, you found yourself unable to sleep, your mind racing with the weight of what you’d just shared with Joel. The sadness and anxiety seemed to follow you as you moved through the house, a heavy blanket of worry that pressed down on you.
Driven by an instinctive need to be close to your daughter, you quietly made your way to Sarah’s room. The hallway was dimly lit, the soft glow of a nightlight casting a warm, reassuring light. You carefully opened the door, trying not to disturb the peacefulness within.
Sarah’s room was filled with the soft, comforting clutter of childhood—a colorful mobile spinning slowly above her crib, stuffed animals scattered around, and drawings she’d made hanging on the walls. You stepped inside, your heart aching at the sight of your little girl sleeping so innocently.
She was nestled under her covers, her tiny chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a serene glow on her peaceful face. You approached the crib quietly, your footsteps muffled on the soft carpet.
You stood there for a moment, just watching her sleep, the tears that had previously flowed now subsiding into a quiet sadness. Seeing her so calm and content was both comforting and heartbreaking. You reached out a hand, gently brushing a lock of hair from her face, your touch tender and full of love.
As you gazed at her, the reality of your situation seemed to crystallize in a new way. This precious child, so full of life and promise, was the center of your world. The thought of not being there to watch her grow up was almost too much to bear.
You took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady yourself. "I love you so much, Sarah," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I’m going to make sure you know that, every single day."
The soft rustle of the door alerted you to Joel’s presence. He had followed you quietly, sensing your distress. He stepped into the room, his eyes softening as he saw you standing by Sarah’s crib. Without a word, he came to stand beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders in a comforting embrace.
"She’s beautiful," Joel murmured, his voice gentle, filled sadness.  
You nodded, leaning into him, the warmth of his presence a small but significant comfort. "I just… I want to make sure she’s okay. I want to make sure she remembers how much I love her.”
Joel’s breath hitched as he listened to your words, the weight of your statement crashing over him like a tidal wave. He stood silently for a moment, his arm still around you, but his grip tightening as he tried to hold himself together. The reality of the situation—the harsh truth of your illness and the limited time you had left—was almost too much for him to bear.
As your words sank in, Joel's composure began to crack. The tears that had been pooling in his eyes finally spilled over, his shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. He buried his face into your shoulder, his body trembling as he let the pain and grief flow freely.
"I can't… I can't believe this," Joel choked out, his voice breaking. "You’re not supposed to go… not now. Not when we’ve finally got everything we ever wanted."
You turned to him, your own tears mixing with his as you gently cupped his face in your hands. "Joel, I wish there was something I could do to change this," you said softly, your voice thick with emotion. "But right now, all we can do is make the most of the time we have left. I need you to be strong, for Sarah, for us."
Joel looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of anguish and determination. "I don’t know how to be strong without you. You’re everything to me."
You wiped away his tears with your thumb, trying to offer some solace. "You have to. For Sarah. She needs you just as much as I do. We both do."
Joel nodded slowly, his sobs subsiding into a series of ragged breaths. He pulled you closer, holding you tightly as if he could somehow shield you from the inevitable. "I’ll do it," he promised, his voice hoarse. "I’ll be strong.”
You rested your forehead against his, your hearts beating in sync as you shared this painful but precious moment together. Every second between you both counted.
“Let me be with you through this. Let me go with you to the doctor and take care of you” he pleaded.
You felt the warmth of Joel’s breath against your forehead, the intensity of his love and fear palpable in every touch. His words were both a comfort and a heartbreaking reminder of the reality you were facing.
"Joel," you whispered, your voice trembling, "I need you to be with me through this, too. I can’t do it alone. But I want to be strong for you and Sarah, and I want you to be strong for us."
Joel nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "I’ll be here. Every step of the way. I promise."
He gently pulled you back from the crib, guiding you to sit on the edge of Sarah's bed. He sat beside you, taking your hand in his and holding it tightly. The simple gesture of his hand enveloping yours was a small but powerful symbol of his unwavering support.
"We’ll face this together," he said, his voice steadying as he spoke. "We’ll go to every appointment, handle every treatment, and make sure you’re as comfortable as you can be. We’ll make every day count."
You squeezed his hand, a faint smile touching your lips despite the tears streaming down your face. "Thank you, Joel. It means the world to me."
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I love you," he murmured. "And I’ll do everything I can to make sure you know that, every single day."
You both sat there for a while, the quiet of the night punctuated only by the soft, rhythmic breathing of your sleeping daughter. In that intimate space, amidst the uncertainty and fear, you found a sliver of peace. Together, you faced the daunting road ahead with love and resilience, clinging to each other and to the hope of making the most of every precious moment you had left.
Eventually, Joel helped you up, and you both quietly left Sarah’s room, closing the door softly behind you. As you walked back to your own bedroom, you felt Joel’s steady presence beside you, and though the future was uncertain, you knew that, with him by your side, you would face whatever came with the strength and love that had always defined your life together.
Time seemed to slip through your fingers, each day marked by the weight of your diagnosis and the ever-present pain of knowing how limited your time was. Every sunset felt like a reminder of the time slipping away—one day less to share with Joel, one day less to hold Sarah. The urgency of every moment grew more intense, and you clung to each precious second.
You and Joel had a scheduled visit to the doctor, and the tension in the air was palpable. The doctor explained a treatment plan that could help manage your symptoms and ease your pain, but the prospect of spending even more time in a hospital filled you with dread.
As you sat in the sterile, white room, Joel's eyes were fixed on the doctor, but he kept glancing at you, searching for some sign of agreement or understanding. The doctor’s voice was calm and professional, but Joel’s anxiety was palpable as he tried to take in every detail.
"You should start this treatment as soon as possible," the doctor said. "It will help manage the pain and improve your quality of life."
You shook your head, your chest tightening. "I don’t want to be in and out of hospitals. I want to be with Joel and Sarah. I want to spend whatever time I have left with them, not stuck in a hospital room."
Joel’s face reddened with frustration and concern. "But this could make things easier for you. You don’t have to suffer through the pain if you take this treatment!"
"I don’t want to spend my days in a hospital!" you argued back, your voice rising. "I want to be with my family, not lying in a bed surrounded by machines and IV drips. Every day I spend there is a day I lose with you.”
The argument grew heated, both of you caught in the clash between your desire to make the most of your time and Joel's desperation to find any way to alleviate your suffering.
Joel’s face was a mixture of anger and helplessness as he tried to make you understand. "I’m just trying to help you! I want you to be as comfortable as possible. I can’t bear the thought of you in pain."
You took a deep breath, your emotions raw. "I know you’re trying to help, Joel. But I need to live, not just survive. I want to hold Sarah, kiss you goodnight, and make memories with you. I don’t want my last days to be filled with hospital rooms and treatments. I want to be where I can be with you both, as much as possible."
The room fell silent, the gravity of your words sinking in. Joel’s shoulders slumped, and he looked away, his hands gripping the edge of the chair tightly. The fight had left him, replaced by a deep, painful realization of the limited time you both had.
Finally, Joel reached out, taking your hand in his with a gentleness that belied the struggle he was feeling. "Alright," he said quietly, his voice weary and tired.
“I don’t want you both to forget me” you said, “I need to know I was important.”
Joel’s grip on your hand tightened, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He looked at you with a mixture of sadness and determination, his voice cracking as he spoke. “You’ll never be forgotten. You are the most important person in our lives. Sarah will know all about how much you loved her, and I’ll make sure she knows how much you meant to me, too.”
You nodded, your heart aching at the depth of his words. “I just need to be sure that I’m leaving something behind—something that tells you both how much I love you.”
Joel wiped a tear from his cheek, his face softening with a pained smile. “You’ve already left us with so much. Your love, your laughter, your strength… it’s all a part of who we are. And it will be with us, always.”
You squeezed his hand, finding some comfort in his words, even as your heart ached with the reality of your situation. “I want to make sure we make every day count. I want Sarah to have the best memories of us together, of our family.”
Joel nodded; his expression resolute. “We will. Every day will be filled with love and laughter, and we’ll make sure Sarah knows how much you meant to her. We’ll make the most of this time, I promise.”
The days that followed were a whirlwind of bittersweet moments, as you and Joel made the most of every precious second together. Despite the heaviness that lingered over your days, there was a sense of determination to fill them with love and joy for both yourself and Sarah.
Every morning, you and Joel would wake up early, watching Sarah’s tiny face light up with a smile as you all shared breakfast together. The simple pleasures of family life became even more cherished. You would spend afternoons at the park, where Sarah’s laughter rang out as she chased butterflies and played on the swings, with Joel pushing her higher and higher.
One of the things you enjoyed most was having movie nights. The three of you would snuggle on the couch, watching animated films and eating popcorn, with Joel often making silly faces to make Sarah giggle. You cherished these moments of simple happiness, knowing they would be treasured memories for your little girl.
Joel also made sure to capture these memories. He took countless photos of you with Sarah, documenting every milestone and every cherished moment. There were days filled with arts and crafts, with Sarah’s tiny hands covered in paint as she created colorful drawings that you proudly displayed around the house.
In the evenings, when Sarah was asleep, you and Joel would sit together, talking about the future and reminiscing about your past. There were tears, but also laughter, as you shared stories and dreams. Joel’s presence was a constant source of comfort and strength, and you found solace in the way he held you close, even as you both faced the reality of the time you had left.
On weekends, you would go on family outings—visiting the zoo, going on picnics, and taking long walks in nature. Joel made sure these outings were filled with joy and wonder for Sarah, creating a world where she felt loved and cherished.
As the months passed, there were moments of quiet reflection. Joel would often hold you close while watching Sarah sleep, whispering reassurances and promises to you. Even in the midst of your struggle, you found strength in the love and support of your family.
And when the time came to say goodbye, it was with the knowledge that you had filled your days with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. You left behind a legacy of warmth and affection that would continue to live on in the hearts of those you loved most.
the moments you shared with Joel became even more precious. Despite the looming shadow of your illness, you both found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from the love that had always been a cornerstone of your relationship.
In the evenings, after Sarah had gone to bed, Joel would take your hand and lead you to the quiet sanctuary of your bedroom. There, you would spend time talking, reminiscing, and dreaming of a future that, though limited, was filled with love. You’d sit together on the edge of the bed, holding each other close, sharing whispers of gratitude and affection. The conversations often revolved around how much you meant to each other, the deep love you had for one another, and the life you had built together.
“I’m so grateful for every moment we’ve had,” Joel would say, his voice soft and filled with emotion. “You’ve made my life so much richer, so much more meaningful. I don’t know how I’ll manage without you, but I know I’ll carry you with me every single day.”
You’d look into his eyes, feeling a profound sense of connection and love. “You’ve been my rock, Joel. Through everything, you’ve been there for me. I’ve loved every second of our life together, and I’m so glad I got to share this time with you.”
Joel would gently brush your hair back from your face, his touch tender and loving. “I’m going to make sure Sarah knows just how much you loved her. I’ll keep your memory alive in everything we do. She’s going to grow up knowing how special you were.”
You’d smile through your tears, finding comfort in his words. “And I’ll be with you both in every step you take, every laugh, every tear. I’ll be in the memories we’ve made, in the love that we shared.”
On weekends, you and Joel would find small adventures to embark on, just the two of you. Whether it was taking a scenic drive to your favorite spots, having a quiet dinner at a restaurant you both loved, or simply sitting together in the backyard under the stars, you made sure these moments were filled with love and laughter.
One night, after a particularly special dinner where you reminisced about your favorite moments together, Joel held you close and whispered, “I love you more than words can say. I want you to know that you are everything to me. I can’t imagine my life without you, but I’m so grateful for the time we’ve had.”
You snuggled closer, feeling the warmth of his love. “I love you too, Joel. Every day with you has been a gift, and I’m so glad I got to share this journey with you. You’ve made my life so full.”
One evening, you and Joel had invited Tommy and Maria over for dinner. It was a comforting routine that allowed you to share joyful moments with family, despite the shadow that loomed over your days. The table was set with your favorite dishes, laughter and conversation flowing freely as you all enjoyed the meal together.
Sarah was in her high chair, delighting in the company and the food, her giggles adding a touch of lightness to the atmosphere. Joel was by your side, occasionally glancing at you with a mixture of love and concern. Tommy and Maria chatted animatedly, their warmth creating a cocoon of familiarity and comfort.
But as the evening wore on, you began to feel a growing unease. A wave of dizziness washed over you, and you tried to brush it off, attributing it to the long day and the stress you had been under. However, the feeling didn’t subside. Instead, it intensified, leaving you feeling weak and disoriented.
Joel noticed your discomfort immediately. His face tightened with concern as he reached out to steady you. “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice tinged with worry.
You forced a smile, but the effort was clearly draining. “I’m just feeling a bit off. I think I need to sit down for a minute.”
Tommy and Maria’s conversation faltered as they noticed the change in the mood. Tommy’s eyes met Joel’s, and the unease was palpable. “Maybe you should go to the hospital,” Tommy suggested gently, his voice carrying a note of urgency.
Joel’s expression shifted to one of determination. He stood up, helping you to your feet with a steadying arm. “We need to get you checked out,” he said firmly, his worry evident.
Maria quickly gathered your things, while Joel helped you into the car. Sarah, sensing the tension, looked up with curious eyes as Tommy comforted her, assuring her everything would be alright.
The drive to the hospital was a blur of anxious thoughts and unspoken fears. Joel’s hand remained tightly clasped around yours, offering both support and strength. The hospital’s bright lights and bustling atmosphere seemed almost surreal as you arrived, your strength waning with each step.
Joel rushed you through the emergency room, the urgency of the situation clear in his eyes. The doctors and nurses quickly took over, guiding you through a series of tests and assessments. Joel remained by your side, his presence a constant source of comfort amid the chaos.
As the minutes ticked by, you could see the worry etched deeply on Joel’s face. He paced back and forth, occasionally glancing at the clock as if willing time to slow down. The tension in the room was palpable, with Tommy and Maria waiting in the hallway, their faces etched with concern.
Finally, the doctor emerged, and Joel’s heart sank as he saw the somber expression on the doctor’s face. He immediately went to the doctor, his voice trembling as he asked for information. The doctor’s words were gentle but clear: your condition had worsened, and it was only a matter of time.
Joel’s world seemed to tilt, and he struggled to hold back his tears as he returned to your side. He sat beside you, his hand gripping yours tightly. “I’m here with you,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I’m not leaving.”
You looked into his eyes, feeling a profound sense of gratitude and love despite the pain you were experiencing. “Thank you for being here with me”
As you lay in the hospital bed, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of the overhead lights, you found solace in Joel’s presence beside you. His hand was still gripping yours, the warmth and strength of his touch providing a small measure of comfort amidst the uncertainty.
Joel looked at you, his eyes brimming with tears, a bittersweet smile tugging at his lips. "You know," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "I keep thinking about how we first met."
You managed a faint smile, despite the heaviness in your chest. "At this very hospital," you said softly. "It feels like a lifetime ago."
Joel nodded, a chuckle escaping his lips, though it was tinged with sadness. "Yeah, I remember that day.
You squeezed his hand gently. "And now, here we are again. It's almost poetic, in a way."
Joel’s eyes filled with tears once more as he looked at you, the weight of the moment crashing down on him. "It’s just… so damn unfair. We had so much more to experience together, so many more memories to make. I thought we’d have years, not just a few precious months."
The tears fell freely now, streaming down Joel’s face as he struggled to contain his grief. He bowed his head, his shoulders shaking with sobs. "I don’t know how to say goodbye. I don’t know how to live in a world without you."
You reached out, cupping his face in your hands. "You don’t have to say goodbye yet," you whispered, your own voice breaking. "We still have these moments, these precious days together. And even after I’m gone, you’ll carry my love with you. I’ll be in your heart, in Sarah’s laughter, and in every little thing we’ve shared."
Joel nodded, trying to steady his breath as he wiped away his tears. "I’ll hold on to that. I’ll remember every moment we had, every laugh, every kiss. I’ll make sure Sarah knows how much you loved her, and I’ll keep your memory alive in everything we do."
You gazed into his eyes, finding strength in his resolve. "And I’ll be with you both, always. In the memories we’ve made and the love we’ve shared."
Joel leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, his tears mingling with yours. "I love you so much," he murmured. "More than words can ever express."
"I love you too," you whispered back. "Forever and always."
The night wore on, the hospital room growing quieter with each passing hour. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor became a solemn reminder of the fleeting time left. Your breaths were growing shallower, each one a struggle as the weight of your condition became increasingly apparent.
Joel stayed by your side, his hand still holding yours with a steady grip. His eyes, red from crying, remained fixed on you, his face a mask of heartache and determination. He knew this was the final chapter of your journey, and he was determined to be with you every step of the way.
With a tender and measured touch, Joel reached for Sarah, who had been resting in the care of Tommy and Maria. He gently carried her into the room, her small body nestled against his chest. The sight of her, innocent and unaware of the gravity of the situation, brought a new wave of tears to your eyes.
Joel carefully placed Sarah in your arms, her soft, warm weight providing a bittersweet comfort. You looked down at her cherubic face, feeling a surge of love and sorrow. Your heart ached knowing that you wouldn’t be there to watch her grow up, but you were determined to leave her with a sense of your love.
“Hey, my sweet girl,” you whispered, your voice weak but filled with affection. Sarah looked up at you with curious eyes, her tiny fingers grasping yours. “Mommy loves you so much.”
Joel sat beside you, his hand resting on Sarah’s small back. He looked at you with a mixture of pain and gratitude. “She’s beautiful. She’s going to grow up knowing how much you loved her.”
You smiled faintly, your eyes meeting Joel’s. “Promise me you’ll tell her stories about me. About our time together, and how much we loved each other.”
Joel nodded, tears streaming down his face. “I promise. She’ll know all about you. She’ll know how amazing you were, how much you loved her, and how you made every moment special.”
As your breaths grew slower, the room seemed to hold its breath with you. Joel leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’m here with you,” he whispered. “You’re not alone.”
You turned your gaze back to Sarah, your voice trembling as you spoke to her. “I’ll always be with you, sweetheart. In your heart, in your dreams, and in every beautiful thing you do. Mommy loves you more than anything.”
Sarah cooed softly, her tiny fingers reaching out to touch your face. You gently caressed her cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin. “Be good for Daddy. He’ll take care of you, and he’ll love you just as much as I do.”
Joel’s tears fell freely now, his face buried in his hands as he struggled to contain his grief. He took a deep breath, his voice cracking with emotion as he spoke to you. “We’ll be okay. We’ll remember you. We’ll make sure Sarah knows how special you were, and we’ll keep you in our hearts forever.”
You took a final, shuddering breath, your strength waning. You looked at Joel one last time, seeing the depth of his love and commitment. “I love you,” you whispered. “Forever and always.”
With that final promise, you closed your eyes, feeling a deep sense of peace. The love that had defined your life, the love that you had shared with Joel and Sarah, would continue to live on in their hearts, a testament to the beautiful and profound bond you had created together.
The room fell into an overwhelming silence after your final breath. The beeping of the heart monitor ceased, replaced by the quiet sobs of Joel and the soft, rhythmic breathing of Sarah, who remained nestled in your arms. The gravity of the moment settled heavily on Joel, and he carefully took Sarah from your lifeless embrace, holding her close as he struggled to contain his grief.
Tommy and Maria, who had been waiting outside, came in quietly, their eyes red and their faces etched with sorrow. They stood at a respectful distance, offering their support and understanding as Joel cradled Sarah in his arms, tears streaming down his face.
Joel gently laid you back onto the hospital bed, his fingers lingering on your hand as if hoping to feel a last trace of warmth. His heart was shattered, but he knew he had to be strong for Sarah. He reached for the small bundle of joy that was their daughter, holding her close and whispering words of comfort to her.
He glanced around the room, taking in the reality of the situation. The once lively conversations, the shared laughter, and the promises of a future together seemed like a distant memory now. It was a stark contrast to the present, a heavy silence filled with the echoes of your love and the pain of your absence.
Tommy stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Joel’s shoulder. “We’ll take care of everything,” he said softly. “You don’t have to go through this alone.”
Maria nodded; her eyes filled with compassion. “We’ll help you with all the arrangements. We’re here for you, for Sarah.”
Joel managed a nod, his voice hoarse as he replied, “Thank you.”
It was all he managed to say.
Joel stumbled through the front door of the house, the once familiar warmth now replaced by an overwhelming coldness. Each step felt heavier as he moved through the rooms, his heart aching with the absence of your presence. The house, once filled with laughter and love, now felt hollow and silent.
He made his way to the bedroom, the place where you had shared so many moments of intimacy and comfort. As he entered the room, the emptiness was palpable. The bed, once shared, now seemed too large and lonely. The space you had filled with your presence and love was now a void, echoing with memories.
Joel collapsed onto the bed, his chest heaving with the intensity of his grief. He buried his face in the pillow, the scent of you still lingering faintly. Tears streamed down his face as he allowed himself to fully embrace the sorrow that had overtaken him. The silence of the room was only broken by the sound of his sobs, a raw and unrestrained expression of the depth of his pain.
He clutched the pillow, imagining it was you, and whispered your name through his tears. “I miss you so much,” he choked out, his voice breaking with every word. “I don’t know how to do this without you.”
The room felt like a shrine to your memory, filled with remnants of your life together—the framed photographs on the nightstands, the soft glow of the bedside lamp, and the faint traces of your touch. Each item seemed to amplify the void left behind.
Joel’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and regrets. He replayed moments from the past—times when you had laughed together, held each other, and dreamed of a future that now felt out of reach. The memories were both a comfort and a torment, a reminder of what had been lost and what would never be again.
As he lay there, the exhaustion of the day and the emotional toll finally began to weigh on him. He knew he had to be strong for Sarah, but in this moment, alone in the room that held so many of your shared memories, he allowed himself to grieve. The night stretched out before him, a long and lonely vigil as he wrestled with the enormity of his loss.
Hours later, Joel eventually drifted into a fitful sleep, the weight of his grief a constant companion. He knew that tomorrow would bring more challenges, more pain, and more adjustments to a life forever altered by your absence. But for now, the quiet of the night and the space you had shared was all he had, and he clung to it as a bittersweet reminder of the love that would always remain in his heart.
On Sarah’s thirteenth birthday, Joel felt a mix of pride and bittersweet nostalgia. It was a significant milestone, and he wanted it to be special for her. The day had been filled with laughter, friends, and celebrations, but there was one more moment that he had been waiting for—a moment he had kept close to his heart.
After the festivities had calmed down and Sarah was surrounded by her friends and family, Joel gently called her aside. “There’s something I want to give you,” he said, his voice carrying a tender note of emotion.
Sarah looked at him with curiosity as he led her to a quiet corner of the house. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a small, carefully wrapped package. The paper was adorned with a delicate floral design, and a note was attached with a ribbon.
“This is something your mom left for you,” Joel said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “She knew this day would come, and she wanted you to have this.”
Sarah’s eyes widened with surprise as she carefully untied the ribbon and removed the wrapping. Inside was a beautifully crafted jewelry box, its surface intricately designed with floral patterns and delicate engravings. As she lifted the lid, a soft gasp escaped her lips.
Inside the box lay a locket, its surface engraved with the initials “S” and “J,” and a small, framed photo of you and Sarah, taken when she was just a baby. The locket contained two small, precious pictures—one of you, and one of Sarah as a newborn.
Sarah’s eyes filled with tears as she looked up at Joel. “I’ve never seen this before,” she whispered, her voice trembling.
Joel nodded, his own eyes misty. “Your mom wanted you to have it on your thirteenth birthday. She wanted you to know how much she loved you and how proud she was of the person you’re becoming.”
Sarah carefully picked up the locket, her fingers brushing the photo of you. “Thank you,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “It means so much to me.”
Joel pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her close as she cried softly against him. “She loved you more than anything,” Joel said quietly. “And she’s always with us, in our hearts and in our memories.”
As Sarah held the locket close, she looked up at Joel with a grateful smile. “I’m going to keep this forever,” she said, her voice filled with determination. “It’s a piece of her that I can always carry with me.”
Joel smiled through his tears, feeling a profound sense of peace. “She would be so proud of you,” he said. “And she’ll always be a part of your life, just like she is a part of mine.”
As Sarah clasped the locket around her neck, a gentle warmth seemed to fill the room. Joel noticed a soft, iridescent glow forming in the air, gradually taking shape. His heart skipped a beat as he saw what seemed to be a delicate butterfly, its wings shimmering with a myriad of colors that danced in the light.
The butterfly hovered for a moment, almost as if it were assessing its surroundings, before it gracefully fluttered over to Sarah and Joel. It landed gently on Sarah’s shoulder, its tiny wings fluttering in a serene, almost ethereal manner.
Sarah’s eyes widened in awe as she reached out a trembling hand. The butterfly, with its captivating, almost familiar patterns, seemed to radiate a gentle, comforting presence. Joel stood beside her, his tears now mingled with a profound sense of wonder and calm.
“It’s her,” Joel said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. “It’s really her.”
Sarah’s face lit up with a smile, her earlier sadness replaced by a serene joy. “Mom,” she said quietly, her eyes fixed on the butterfly. “It’s like she’s here with us.”
Joel nodded, his heart swelling with emotion. “She’s always with us, in every moment, in every memory. This is her way of reminding us that she’s never truly gone.”
The butterfly remained perched on Sarah’s shoulder for a few more moments before it gently took flight, circling the room in a graceful dance. It finally settled on a nearby windowsill, where it continued to flutter its wings, casting a soft glow in the dim light.
Sarah and Joel watched in awe, their smiles reflecting the profound connection they felt in that moment. The butterfly, with its vibrant colors and delicate grace, was a symbol of the love and presence that transcended time and space.
As the butterfly eventually fluttered away into the night, leaving a trail of shimmering light behind, Joel wrapped his arm around Sarah, pulling her into a warm embrace. “She’s always here, with us,” Joel said softly. “And we’ll carry her memory with us, every day.”
Sarah hugged her father tightly, her heart full of the love and comfort that the butterfly had symbolized. “I know,” she whispered. “And I’ll keep this locket close to remind me of her.”
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Eh, fuck it, here's my first actual shit written
Gimme a reader who is normally taciturn snapping and becoming spitfire.
Imagine you and 141 out for drinks at a dive bar, drinking enough liquor to drown your memories of harrowing situations away. Price and Ghost just chilling in the corner of the bar, drinking while keeping their eyes on the surroundings; Price keeping an eye on Johnny and Kyle who are becoming rowdy by the billiards table, and Simon is just quietly nursing a drink while watching everything else. You're a few stools away, wanting to drink alone, until some younger slob sits next to you, ignoring the irritated glance you threw his way and the prickly atmosphere you exude. Tries the usual schtick of getting you to go with him, promising good times and such. The 141 men immediately notice and are casually on standby to help, until you finally snap at the fucker who is trying to give you his number and address.
"If you're gonna give me an address, I'd rather take your dad's so that way I can go fuck him and give him a son who he will actually love, enough to teach little boys like you what the fuck manners are. And if you have a mom, I'll fuck her too", you say bluntly but loudly.
If you were paying attention on anything else but the guy, you'd hear Johnny and Kyle immediately cackling in surprised delight. Price, on the other hand, actually snorts his drink and sputter, spitting some of it out. Simon's face is of course hidden, hiding his grin but his eyes crease to show it, eyebrows raised to high heavens.
"If you're looking to just get your dick wet, I suggest you go cry on it, or fuck off and bother someone else", you continue, not allowing the guy to talk. "I'm not in the mood to babysit you asshole, so get off my face before I make you eat this bar", you growl out.
The poor fool is turning red, mouth opening and closing to get a word in, but before he could, you hear Kyle speak up, now beside you with a shit-eating grin, putting his hand by your shoulder and facing the guy.
"Listen, mate, she's not interested. You better scramble off before she grabs your balls and rips it off", he says, joy evident in his voice.
"Aye, Ah've see 'er do it, honest ta' God", Johnny follows up, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, still somewhat cackling.
The appearance of the two big, burly men to your side seems to finally scare the guy off, profusely apologizing to them before running off. You get irritated, as it seems the boy really didn't respect you and only backed off because of the presence of other men.
"The both of you, fuck off too. I can handle myself", you tell them testily.
Kyle lets go of your shoulder, backing away while shaking his head with his hands up. "You handled it perfectly, but was just a bit worried he'd keep harrassing you regardless".
"Tha' was hot, bonnie. Never thought ya got the fire in ya'", Johnny quips. "Ah know ya ken handle yourself, so we'll leave ya to it", he adds, dragging Kyle with him back to the billiards table, both laughing.
You threw the both of them a withering look, and notice Simon helping John by giving him more napkins, John wiping his beard while coughing slightly. Both of them look at you and nod, traces of laughter and surprise on their face as you glower back at them before going back to your drink.
All four of them are very surprised at your outburst, knowing how you normally ignore passes like that to you. You don't know it yet, but you've now incited Johnny and Kyle into riling you up. John and Simon chuckle to themselves, enjoying your display of temper. All four are wondering how it is like to be with you, anticipating when they will get to see more of you out of your shell. If this is just one shard that came out, they can't wait to see more.
I feel kinda embarrassed because I've actually never written a fic or drabble before
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Rock bottom (But you pulled me up) (Ingrid Engen x Reader)
I'm trying to work on my requests and WIP, but inspiration is lacking so I thought I'd try something new. This is my first time writing for someone out of the uswnt and in this style so please let me know what you think.
Warnings: Mentions of depression, anxiety, brief emotional abuse. Slightly suggestive at the end. Anything I've missed let me know.
Words: 2.8K
You could tell Ingrid was hurt, it was written all over her face. She had made you a lovely dinner and just wanted to have a movie night after not spending much time together. Yet here you were making an excuse to leave once again, you felt like a horrible girlfriend. Ingrid had taken the time to do something nice for you, but you couldn't get out of your head enough to enjoy it. Before you had the chance to get up, Ingrid uttered those three words that sent dread coursing through you. "We need to talk."
You swallowed hard before speaking, "About what?" 
"You barely spend anytime with me anymore. You never message me first, we only do stuff because I organise it. I don't feel like you want me anymore. You're slipping away. Are you trying to get me to break up with you because this hurts so much more than just doing it yourself."
"No! Ingrid-" Tears stung your eyes as you tried desperately to keep it together. Afraid that if she saw how broken you were she would just leave. Things had been difficult for you lately, you were depressed, anxious and stressed. You felt so close to rock bottom, as a result you had been pulling away from Ingrid. The last thing you wanted was Ingrid to leave you, but you also didn't want to be a burden to her or scare her away with your emotions. 
"Then what is it? Did I do something wrong?"
You could practically see the hope disappearing from Ingrid's eyes the longer you didn't answer, leaving hurt in its place. "I feel like when I see you, I need to be able to give you 100% of myself, of my energy and time. I can't do that right now and it makes me feel guilty. Like I'm a horrible girlfriend, that you deserve better than what I'm giving you."
Ingrid took your hand, everything in you fighting the urge to lean into her touch, to fall into the comfort you knew was waiting. If only you could bring yourself to accept it. The voices of your parents and ex-girlfriend hung in the back of your mind stopped you though. The voices that told you you were a burden to the people around you, that everyone had bigger problems to worry about and didn't care about you. The voices that told you Ingrid deserved better than you and your problems. 
"Elskling, relationships don't have to be equal all the time. There's times where it'll be 50/50, but there's times where you give 90% and I'll give 10% or the other way round, sometimes it'll be 70/30 or 60/40. You get my point. What's going on? You haven't been yourself lately and it's really worrying me. Talk to me please."
You sighed pulling away from Ingrid to cross your legs under yourself, grabbing a cushion to hold. There was a part of you that thought being single would be easier, that there was less risk of hurting Ingrid that way. At the same time you knew it was those stupid little voices in the back of your mind that kept pushing that thought. You loved Ingrid more than anything in this world and deep down you knew she loved you just as much. You didn't want to let everyone else win, you didn't want to let your mind win for once in your life. 
Talking about feelings was incredibly hard, it wasn't something you could do while being comforted by Ingrid or anyone really. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately, it's not fair to you and I know that. I-I'll try to explain it all, bu-but I need you to be patient with me. Just let me speak and not touch me, I can't do this if you do."
"Anything you need. I just need you to know that whatever you tell me, I won't ever judge you. I love you Y/n, I love you so much."
"I love you Ingrid. I'm sorry if I ever made you doubt that. Okay, so I um I think I need to start with why I have such a hard time letting people in, especially those I love. My family, well to put it bluntly they're assholes. They were constantly putting down everything about my sister and I, nothing we ever did was good enough. Any problems we went through were nothing to them, they always told us that people had bigger problems, that they had bigger problems and we were just adding more stress to their lives if we talked to them about anything remotely not positive. Tha-thats the short version anyway. My uh my ex was pretty similar, she would tell me that she had better things to do then deal with my trauma or depression. If I was unhappy she would turn it around, say that she wasn't enough to make me happy. Even before her, I majorly struggled with my feelings and opening up to people. Fear mostly, that's why I um haven't told you anything. Fear that I'll be too much for you and that you'll leave me."
Tears threatened to fall, but pushing them back you continued talking. "I'm really struggling right now Ingrid. My depression is the worst it's been in years. The anxiety just sits there constantly under the surface making it feel impossible to breathe. Constant doubt about if I've made the right decisions, if I'm good enough at football, if I'm good enough for you, there are so many more things I could list. Sometimes I feel like everyone would be better off if I just packed up and left. I'm so sick of feeling like this, but I don't know how to get it to stop. This is probably one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I've had already almost lost you Ingrid. I can't let them win by actually losing you. I love you so fucking much, I can't lose you Ingrid, I can't."
Tears were near pouring out of you both as Ingrid sat there for a second. When you didn't speak she must have decided you were finished talking because the next second arms wrapped around you so tightly and you completely broke. Ingrid held you tight until the sobs turned to sniffles then you feel silent. Ingrid's hold never completely let go, it was like a life line at this point. 
"I love you Y/n. I loved you before and I still love you just as much now. I'm not going anywhere. Nothing your parents or ex said is true. I always want to know how and what you're feeling, I will always be here for you. No matter what your mind tells you, you are never too much for me or for the team or anyone who truly loves you. Our lives are so much better with you here so please don't even think about leaving because we will miss you. I will be here every step of the way while you figure things out, I will help you get the help you need. If you need space, I'll give you that, but if you need me here then I will always be here. I know you feel like you need to be giving me all of yourself, all of your energy, but you don't. Even if you can just give me 1% until you get over this bump in the road then that's enough for me. You are enough for me Y/n."
"I think there will be times when I need to be alone, but most of the time I just really want to be with you. I need to work on accepting that I deserve your love and comfort so I actually seek it out when I need it or want it. Some reassurance every now and then will help I think. Can we talk about the next steps tomorrow? I just want you to hold me right now."
"I will give you all the reassurance you need and more. Have you eaten today?" Ingrid asked, but the look in her eyes told you she knew the answer so you just shook your head. "Okay, I'm going to order some food while we cuddle here then we can go to bed."
True to her word, Ingrid held you tightly while you lay on the couch, staying close to your side during dinner and as you got ready for bed. "Thank you, for everything you've done, for being here, for loving me."
Ingrid kissed you softly, before pulling away and leaving soft kisses over your face, "Always."
Lying in bed later that night, head resting against Ingrid's chest, you decided to admit the one thing that kept swirling around your mind, "I think I need to take a break from football. Not the training, I think that helps me, but games. The pressure that comes from each game feels like weight being added. Makes me feel like I'm being dragged further down into this hole."
"Okay, if that's what you feel you need then we can talk to the coaches or Ale and she can sort it out. I know the thought of telling anyone else what is going on is scary, but Ale or anyone else on the team aren't going to judge you or think any less of you because of it."
"I think maybe we can talk to Alexia, not tell her everything, but the jist of it."
"I'll be by your side when you're ready." ---
It had been a few weeks since the talk with Ingrid and since you made the decision to stop playing in games for a while. The only person who knew why was Alexia, it was clear that everyone else was worried, but until now you hadn't felt ready to tell them and thankfully they didn't push. 
There was still a long way to go, but things had been slowly getting better over the last few weeks. You had started seeing the team therapist multiple times a week and had restarted medication for the time being at least. Everything was starting to become clearer, you weren't as anxious all the time, you were becoming more willing to talk to Ingrid, to actually spend time with her without worrying about not being enough, and smiles and laughs were becoming more genuine when they did happened. 
The team had been amazing despite not knowing what was going on, they were as supportive and loving as ever. So you decided it was time to let them in a little bit. You squeezed Ingrid's hand, getting her attention as you spoke quietly, "Can you get their attention please? I know they're worried about me and I think I'm ready to tell them."
"Hey! Can we have your attention for a minute."
Once everyone's attention was on you, the anxiousness started to creep in, but with Ingrid's hand still firmly holding yours, you took a deep breath and spoke, "I know you've all be wondering why I've effectively benched my self the last couple of weeks and I want to be honest about it. I've uh I've been um struggling a lot mentally at the moment and I decided I needed a break. The pressure was too much, I couldn't handle it on top of everything else. So uh yeah, I don't want you guys to keep worrying about me."
It was quiet for a few seconds before many arms wrapped themselves around you, mumbled we love you's and we're proud of you's were heard as you sunk into the arms of your teammates. Surprisingly, Mapi was the first to pull away, cupping your cheeks as she spoke uncharacteristically softly, "You keep doing what you're doing and come back to us when you're ready. You always have is in your corner Y/n. We are so proud of you and we love you. If there's anything you ever need you can come to us okay?"
"Thank you Mapi. Thanks all of you." --- A few months had passed and you were finally feeling like yourself again. There were still hard days, you were pretty sure there always would be, but you were genuinely happy again most of the time. You found yourself more willing to open up to not just Ingrid, but some of the other girls you were closest to. It was safe to say your life was pretty well back on track, there was just one thing left to do and that was get back to football. You hadn't told anyone of your plans to start playing games again, you had just been put in the line up as a sub, but after conversations with the coaching staff you knew you were likely to come in at half time. 
When the line up came out, Alexia was the first to notice and speak up effectively getting everyone else's attention, "Y/n?"
"Yes Ale?"
"Is there anything you want to tell us?"
Ingrid looked at you confused as you shrugged trying to be as innocent as possible while knowing exactly what she was talking about. "Oh really? Well how about the small fact that your name is on the substitute list again?"
"Oh yeah. That is a thing I guess."
Smiles grew on everyone's faces as it clicked what was happening. Ingrid practically jumped on you repeating over and over how proud she was, kisses placed over your faces. The team joined not long after, everyone cheered and congratulated you. 
"Okay okay, you can let go of me now. Yes I finally feel ready to come back."
Once everyone had let you go, Alexia pulled you up into a hug. Since she found out about your struggles, Alexia had been amazing. She was always subtly checking in whether you were at training or not, she would pull you away when everything got too overwhelming and Ingrid was busy, making some excuse so know one else would know the truth. Alexia was always just there in a way that was subtle and comforting. "Well we're so so glad you're back. I'm so proud of you Y/n."
"Thank you Ale, for everything."
As soon as your foot hit the pitch, you felt the excitement, adrenaline and happiness that you thought may have been gone for good. You felt yourself falling in love with football all over again, it was like the final weight had fallen from your shoulders. There would always be bad days or even bad weeks, you knew that, but with Ingrid, your family and your new found coping mechanisms, you finally felt ready to face them. 
You arms wrapped around Ingrid as she chopped the vegetables, she briefly turned to kiss your cheek before going back to her task. "Hi Elskling, you played really well today. How did it feel?"
"Hey love. It felt incredible, I know I needed a break, but man did I miss it. Anyway, enough about me I have a surprise for you. I was originally going to give it to you after dinner, but I can't wait anymore. Here." You replied, placing an envelope on the counter in front of her. You could never express how thankful you were for everything Ingrid had done for you over the last few months, for sticking by your side through everything. So instead you had decided to start with a few days away in Venice. It was something she had wanted to do for a while and you decided to make it happen.
 Ingrid looked at you for a second before opening the envelope, a smile appearing as she looked at the tickets inside. "What's this?" 
"I know what you're going to say to this, but I am so thankful for everything you've done for me. Sure we've spent a lot of time together, but it hasn't been the quality, good time you deserve. So you and I are going to spend a few days alone in Venice in a couple of weeks when we have a bit of time off. Now I don't want to hear any buts or I didn't have to do this, just say you're excited and give me a kiss."
Ingrid cupped your cheeks, allowing you to press her against the counter as she pulled you in for a lingering kiss. Just as Ingrid went to pull away, you cupped the back of her neck pulling her back in as the kiss grew heated. You didn't want to say that you stopped enjoying Ingrid's kisses because that's impossible, it was just intimacy beyond cuddling between the two of you had dropped off to almost nothing the last few months. There were still short kisses here and there, but you couldn't get out of your head long enough to actually be present for anything more and that wasn't fair to Ingrid. Your lips moved along her jaw as a quite moan slipped past Ingrid's lips.
"Di-dinner," Ingrid moaned as your hand slipped under her shirt. 
Ingrid's legs wrapped around your waist as you walked back to the bedroom, "Dinner can wait."
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kenzirr · 3 months
Y/N sat at her desk, staring blankly at the computer screen. She had been part of the BAU team for a couple of years now, and yet she always felt like an outsider. Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief, never seemed to acknowledge her contributions. While he often praised her colleagues, she never received a simple "good work" from him. The lack of recognition gnawed at her confidence and made her question her place in the team.
Feeling defeated, Y/N decided she needed a break. She approached JJ during lunch, handing her a neatly written request for a leave of absence.
"Hey, JJ. Can you pass this to Hotch for me?" Y/N asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
JJ took the paper, glancing at it briefly. "A leave of absence? Are you okay?"
Y/N forced a smile. "Just not feeling well lately. Need some time to recuperate."
Spencer, who was sitting nearby, looked up from his book. "But you never get sick, Y/N. I don't think I've ever seen you take a sick day."
JJ nodded in agreement. "Remember that time the whole team got the flu? You were the only one who didn't catch it."
Y/N shrugged, trying to downplay their concerns. "Guess I'm overdue, then."
Later that afternoon, JJ approached Aaron's office, knocking lightly on the door before entering. "Hotch, I have something for you," she said, handing him the request form.
Aaron took the paper, his eyes scanning it quickly. His brows furrowed, and he looked up at JJ, clearly upset. "A leave of absence? What's going on with Y/N?"
JJ hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "She said she's not feeling well. But Spencer pointed out that she never gets sick. I think there's more to it, Hotch."
Aaron leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "Thank you, JJ. I'll handle it from here."
As JJ left, Aaron dialed Y/N's number, his mind racing. When she answered, he kept his tone professional. "Y/N, it's Hotch. Can you come up to my office?"
Her heart sank. She couldn't fathom what he wanted to discuss. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the worst, and headed to his office.
As she entered, she saw Aaron sitting behind his desk, his expression unreadable. He gestured for her to sit down.
"What's going on, Y/N? JJ mentioned you're taking a leave of absence because you're sick. But you don't seem ill to me," he began, his tone gentle but firm.
Y/N looked down at her hands, struggling to find the right words. "It's not physical sickness, sir. It's... I just feel unappreciated here. You never acknowledge my work. It feels like you don't like me."
Aaron's eyes softened. "Y/N, I never intended to make you feel that way. Your work is exceptional. I apologize if my behavior made you feel unvalued."
Y/N felt a surge of emotion but held back tears. "It's not just about the praise. It's about feeling like I belong here."
Aaron stood up and walked around his desk, leaning against it as he faced her. "I understand. I promise I'll do better. I value your contributions to this team, Y/N. More than you know."
Feeling a mix of relief and confusion, Y/N nodded. "Thank you, sir."
Aaron cleared his throat, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Is there anything specific that made you feel this way? I want to understand so I can improve."
Y/N took a deep breath. "There were moments when you'd commend others for their work, but you'd never acknowledge mine. I started to think I was doing something wrong or that you simply didn't like me."
Aaron shook his head. "That's not true at all. I see the dedication and effort you put into every case. Your insights have been invaluable. If I failed to express that, it's my mistake, not yours."
Y/N looked up, meeting his gaze. "Why, then? Why was it so hard for you to say anything to me?"
Aaron hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Sometimes, when you care about someone, you find it difficult to act normally around them. I didn't want to let my feelings interfere with my professionalism."
Y/N blinked, taken aback. "Feelings? For me?"
Aaron nodded, his expression earnest. "Yes, Y/N. I admire you more than you know. But I wanted to keep things professional."
Feeling overwhelmed, Y/N stood up quickly. "I need some time to process this. I'll be taking my leave now."
Aaron watched her go, a pang of regret in his chest as she walked out of his office.
A few weeks later, Y/N returned to work, feeling somewhat refreshed but still wary of the situation with Aaron. She tried to focus on her tasks, but the memory of their conversation lingered in the back of her mind.
One evening, as they wrapped up for the day, Aaron approached Y/N's desk. "Y/N, can I speak with you for a moment?"
She looked up, slightly nervous. "Of course, sir."
He smiled, a rare but genuine expression. "Would you like to grab dinner with me tonight?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "Dinner? As in... a date?"
Aaron nodded, taking a step closer to her. "Yes. I've realized that the reason I avoided talking to you was because you make me feel something I've never felt before. I want to get to know you better, outside of work."
Y/N felt a flutter of anxiety. "I... I don't know what to say."
Aaron gently placed his hands on her curvy hips, steadying her. "Just say yes. Let me show you how much you mean to me."
Her mind raced, but she nodded slowly. "Okay, Aaron. I'll go."
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aemondsladywife · 2 years
Until He Met Her
aemond targaryen x reader
author's note: i am SO sorry this is so late, i lost my phone which meant i lost this and i've been dying in deadlines but i hope you like it, i haven't written in years, feedback is appreciated <3
genre: slight angst, fluff at the end <3
aemond targaryen did not believe in love.
he saw the way his father treated his mother, the way his brother treats his wife. he knew very well that his marriage would be one of duty, to increase alliances and to produce heirs.
aemond targaryen did not believe he could be loved.
sure, his mother loved him, but that was it. it was the day that he lost his eye that consolidated his feelings. other than his mother, not a single person had defended him, not even his own father. he felt sorry for his future wife, having to live someone such a 'monster' like him.
that was until he met you.
it was his nephew's nameday celebrations or in aemond's eyes, another excuse for his brother to get drunk. the prince hated such celebrations like this. he found them rather pathetic, lords drowning themselves in their cups whilst the ladies entertain themselves with the latest gossip. however, aemond kept himself entertained with his observations and on his nephew's nameday, his observation was you.
you stuck out to him the moment you walked in. this was the first time he'd ever seen you, walking in with a smile plastered on your face, bursting with energy, greeting every single guest as if the celebration was your own. in all honesty? he found you bizarre. he found it bizarre how you insisted on acquanting yourself with every person in the room regardless of their birth. he found it bizarre as to how he can hear your loud laugh from the other side of the table. he even saw you talk to his stoic grandfather which caught him by surprise. he couldn't bring himself to admit it, but he was sliently waiting for you to approach him.
however, aemond's attention was diverted when he heard his name mentioned in the whispers of the lords and ladies, started by tyland lannister.
"how can the kings brother remain unwed? there must be something gravely wrong with him."
"he has one eye, is that not enough wrong with him."
"i heard that along with eye went his heart."
"which lady would want to lay with such a deformed creature?"
although the prince was used to such chatter and knew it was best to ignore and rise above, to remain unbothered, he still felt hurt. his missing eye always was and always will be his greatest insecurity.
"gods brother, you look like you've got something stuck up your backside no wonder why you've never danced with anyone other than mother." aemond rolled his eyes at the sound of his brothers voice, fighting the urge to put his fist in face.
"it is not that no lady wants to dance with me, i do not want to dance. whilst you fuck, drink and dance brother, i do your job." he replied with anger laced in his voice. aegon backed down, knowing better than to provoke his brother even further.
the music had changed which meant it was time for the dancing, which was also aemond's cue to leave. he never bothered to approach ladies, he could see the fear and disgust on their faces and would rather leave than face rejection.
"my lord Lannister, it has been a while are you keeping well?"
aemond felt slightly disappointed but not surprised by your approachal to the lannister lord. he had hoped you wouldn't mix with such people but then again, who didn't view him in such a way?
"my lady y/n, your beauty increases by the day, i would be a fool not to ask for this dance."
just as the prince was ready to leave, he heard,
"it is with great regret my lord i cannot accept your offer as i am to dance with another. my prince Aemond, may I have this dance?"
the prince was more than shocked. he concealed his feelings well enough but he couldn't help but feel confused. first, he was confused by you. you came in smiling with mountains of energy entertaining every single person now you came up to HIM and asked him for a dance? confused was an understatement. not only that, it wasn't normal for a lady to ask a prince for a dance nor was it normal for aemond to dance in such occasions with anyone other than his mother or sister. he was nervous, he could feel the all the eyes on him.
"with pleasure, my lady."
with that aemond took your hand and placed one hand on your waist and began to dance. he knew he was a good dancer, all the years of training meant he was swift on his feet but it still wasn't enough to stop his nerves.
"you seem tense, my prince?"
his one eye looked at you. he found you beautiful. he knew he was dancing with the most beautiful woman in the room. he strongly believed that you danced with him out of pity.
before he could replied you leaned in to his ear and whispered,
"take a look at tyland lannister for me my prince, i think his reaction might be enough to ail you."
he looked past your shoulder and right at the lannister lord who had an amusing mixture of jealousy, shock and confusion written accross his face to which both you and aemond couldn't help but laugh.
he visibly loosened up after that, which caught the attention of his mother and grandfather who shared a knowing look. after everything that happened with her own marriage, aegons and helaena's marriage and aemond's traumatic childhood, all alicent wanted was for aemond to be happy and loved.
aemond quickly spun you both around so aegon was in your eye line, who's face showed nothing but pure confusion.
"my lady, just behind me is my brother, the king, tell me what does he look like right now?"
"his grace seems rather perplexed my prince, but i think that may be due to all the ale."
you both made eye contact once again and couldn't help but laugh. whilst aemond was enjoying himself, the insecurities came creeping in. he couldn't understand why you would dance with him.
"tell me, my lady, why is that you dance with me?"
"is there any reason why i shouldn't dance with you my lord? is there something you are not telling me?" you reply amusingly
"do you not hear the whispers of the court? most ladies are repulsed by the sight of me." he said lightheartedly, but you could hear it was much more than a jest.
your squeeze his hand for a moment and hold it a little tighter. you knew the real story of prince aemond, and you couldn't help but have a soft spot for him.
"but of course i hear the whispers. but why should i take any heed? before me is a handsome, brave prince who rides the greatest dragon is westeros, why would i be repulsed? those who cower away and take heed to the gossip are at a great loss, they do not get to meet the prince aemond i have just encountered."
his gaze softens. he couldn't find an ounce of insincerity in your voice. he felt appreciated and at the very moment, the prince realised he had fallen for you. prince aemond targaryen, who had never truly known peace, finally felt it with you.
"my lady, i would like you to meet my mother."
taglist: @moonmaiden1996 @the-orions-belt @animusxy @uselessbutinteresting @dianaelena15 @sahanna @skythighs @modicum-ofnothing @cullenswife @ewansmitchells @whitesunflower @mugiwaraelly @fultimefangirl @allyoursriver @molieski @sunna-fangirls @fragilemarissa @stillinracooncity @paperstreetsoaps
*tags w a line through didn't work!!
**i really appreciate comments and reblogs <3
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lilgarbitch · 1 month
Running in Circles- One
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
CW: Slight angst, slight fluff, anxiety...I think that's all so far
Word count: 6k
Author's note: This is the first story I've written in a very long time so I will take any criticism given. This is also the first time I've written anything on Tumblr so bear with me as I figure all of this out. I just missed writing so much and discovered how beautifully organized this site is compared to others so I gave it a go, and I hope you all enjoy<3
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I sit hunched over, elbows resting on my knees as my leg rapidly bounced up and down. My chin was rested on my fist, with a stressed scowl covering my face as I sit in the lounge area of our tour bus. I realize I’m shaking my whole body by bouncing but I truly don’t care, it eased the racing thoughts of the show we’re about to play. 
Tommy walks into the living area and gives me a slightly pained look, I try to sit up and let his presence distract me from the stress, waiting for hum to say something, but it just takes over my body once again and I fall back against my seat with a loud huff and shut my eyes. 
“I know you always get stressed out for shows, but…Hun..” he sends a small pout my way, “you look like you haven’t slept. You’ve been dreaming of us touring with someone big for so long…But it almost looks like you’re regretting it.” Tommy looks at me with pity filled eyes. 
I let out a long exhale, rubbing my hands against my fishnet-covered thighs, trying to soothe myself. 
“I am excited, trust me. I-” I pause to squeeze my eyes shut and try to push the stress away again. “I just… can’t wrap my head around it…especially who we’re touring with.” 
He gives me a look telling me that he was slightly confused. I had never fully explained myself to Tommy. He knows nothing about what’s truly been on my mind for the past few years. He doesn’t know who I write about in my lyrics. And there’s a reason for it. It’s utterly embarrassing for me to say any of it out loud. 
I wave him off with a small ‘it’s nothing’ before getting up and pacing around the tour bus. We were about a half hour away from the venue for the first show of our first big tour. I look at myself in the mirror and run back to my bag, deciding to change my outfit once more. I just want to feel good enough for first impressions with the band, so I can’t have myself thinking too much about my appearance. I look through my bag, look down at myself, then back at my bag. I grab my phone and check the weather before picking out a few pieces of clothing and walking back to the seating area. Anthony now sitting with Tommy. 
“Is Cam still sleeping?” I ask, my mind getting sidetracked, seeing all my bandmates but my drummer. 
“No, he’s in the back playing on his phone,” Tony absentmindedly replies, staring out the window. I give him a nod before remembering what I was holding. 
“Okay, so. It’s going to be a little chilly out today, but I’m sticking to my skort and fishnets. Do I wear my sweater-” I say holding up my oversized knitted sweater, “Or my lace top with a cardigan?” I proceed to hold that pairing up. Tony turns to me and eyes both choices and you can almost see the gears turning in his head as he visualizes what both outfits would look like, causing a small humorous smirk to form on my face. 
I glance towards Tommy and he’s tapping a finger against his chin, before replying, “The sweater would be warmer, yeah?” and I nod. “That one, then.” 
“Dude, I’m asking which would look better, not which I would survive better in” I laugh. I love my band. I can fully say that I view everyone in the group as my family. My brothers. But it has reached a point where I am purely treated as a little sister and not their lead singer. 
I turn back to Tony as he’s still deep in thought, but he finally spoke. 
“I agree. But only because the lace top with the fishnets may clash, and the sweater still lets your neck tattoos show,” he answers as if I gave him a pop quiz. I giggle before turning around and heading to change. I look at my outfit after, and agree with Tony. The short skort shows off my leg tattoos which I hate covering up, and the sweater covers enough to keep me warm, but shows off the cybersigilism print on the front of my throat, the barbed wire on my left collar bone as it hangs down on that shoulder, and the sleeves, even though are a little too long, I rolled them up enough so they aren’t going to get in the way, and so they show off the detailed skull on my left hand and the more cybersigilism print flowing onto my right. 
I give myself a final look over in the mirror, take account of if I’m comfortable enough, and if there’s anything I’m going to think too much about out of insecurity. Giving a small smile to myself in my reflection, I leave the bathroom and walk towards the front. 
“ETA 5 MINUTES” Cameron shouted from behind me, both scaring me and bringing the dreaded stress and fear back into my body. I let out a small shriek and Cam laughs out an apology, patting my back as he passes me and goes to sit with the rest of the boys. With a long exhale, I sit down with them all as we pull down a dirt road and head towards the bus park. We have 3 hours until doors even open, so I let out a sigh of relief that I see no other busses around as our bus halts to a stop. Maybe I can eye this place out and find a good place to relax (aka finding good hiding spots to get away from everyone when things get too much.) 
I feel a small pat on my shoulder, waking me from my daze as the boys get up and start heading out of the bus. I stand and follow, trying my hardest to calm my nerves. If this was a situation where I was just a fangirl about to perform with her favorite band, this would be so much easier. But it’s not. 
We all step about and stretch our legs, finally feeling solid ground after hours and hours on a tour bus. Feeling better, I head off towards the venue, stopping as I notice something in the distance, towards the front of the venue. A group of people forming, getting here early for the concert which caused a wave of confidence to rush over me. Even though I know most are here for Bad Omens, they’re here early. Meaning they still want to see our band, whether they know anything about us or are just open to new music. I walk further until I’m heading in through the back doors. I eye up the green rooms and backstage. I search out all available bathrooms because it’s always good to know. And then I walk towards the actual stage, seeing where I will be performing today.
Our crew should be pulling up any minute now so I start mentally mapping out where everything will go.
Suddenly, I heard doors opening and footsteps behind me, making me jump, but when I turned around, I was thankful it was just the boys and our crew carrying our things in. I grab my custom mic stand (that I just had to splurge on for this tour) and walk with everyone onto the stage and help set up what I can. We thankfully have a large enough crew, so the boys and I are eventually able to walk away and scope out the area more. 
Once we finally felt settled in enough, knowing where everything we need is, we stepped outside for some fresh air and to let off some pent-up stress and emotions that we didn’t need on stage. 
A few feet from me, Tommy and Tony are chatting about whatever the hell guitarists talk about, occasionally letting out their practice growls, as they’re my backup vocalists for a few parts of songs, while Cam and I are doing an odd preshow ritual that we started way back when. I’m doing my vocal exercise, making sure my screams and growls are up to par for today, while also making sure I can hit my clean vocals well, with Cam letting me know if anything sounds harsh. And while I do all of this, I have my hands extended out, palms up, with Cam beating on them with his fingers like drums. It’s a good exercise for both of us, as we need to be able to do our own thing, while listening to the other to make sure we work together, but also so we don’t get distracted by external noise. 
We get so stuck in our own zone that we, or I guess mostly I don’t even notice the other tour bus pull up close to ours. Cam stops beating on my hands, bringing me back to reality as I look up at him. I follow his eyes and land on the new bus in the lot. I instantly feel my heart and stomach drop down to my ass. My breathing stops as I see a few heads starting to file out of the bus. They don’t immediately see us, but when they do, they send a wave and a smile. 
At first, I only see long, slightly messy hair, instantly recognizing it as Jolly, Mr. Joakim Karlsson himself. Tommy and I have talked about him a lot, just pure adoration of how he plays. Tommy has even become good friends with him over the last few year, helping us even get this spot on the tour. Then I see one of the Nicks. Nick Folio, the drummer, causing Cam to leave my side and immediately use his gift of being an extrovert to walk up and start chatting with him. Next to him was the other Nick, Nick Ruffilo, their bassist, who had the sweetest smile on his face as he waved to all of us, and we just couldn’t help but mirror his actions. 
But now, the stress was fully hitting me. It hit me that the only way I could get through today and even the rest of the tour was to do what I do best. Put on a complete front when stressed. It was what I’ve always done when I was in uncomfortable situations. Even in childhood, I could pretend to be someone who was completely not myself, just so no one would see what I was truly feeling. I know it’s going to throw my bandmates off guard, but they’ll catch on. Unless I want to look like a maniac to the new group, I can’t let my true feelings show. 
As I was planning out in my head my plan, thinking of ways to make it foolproof, the man of the day stepped off the bus. With hair like Levi Ackerman, looking beautifully styled even though you could tell the only thing he’s done was run his hands through it. With his arm and throat tattoos on full display as if I were walking around a goddamn art piece. He looked ethereal. To me, at least. I now realized that I had once again fully stopped breathing and forced myself to calm down. Before Noah could even glance my way, I slowly backed up toward Tommy, letting him know that I was going to be right back, trying my hardest to sound okay and not cause any concern. With that, I sneakily slipped past him, praying that no one saw how suspicious it looked, and sped walked back towards the venue, to a bathroom as far out of reach as possible.
I walked in and locked the door behind me. My breath started picking up and I immediately did everything I could to stop a panic attack from fronting. I ran my hands under cold water, trying to shock my body back to reality. I did my breathing exercises. I did everything I could. But the second I glanced at myself in the mirror, it was as if I allowed my brain to go back in time. 
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I couldn’t be happier right now. Tommy and I were walking around a metal festival. I had just forced him to watch Erra’s set with me and now he was taking me to see a band he had listened to here and there. He was excited to show them to me and I was just happy to be here, seeing bands I love and seeing new artists that I would absolutely be adding to playlists tonight. We stopped and stood in a spot where we thought would be perfect. There were a few people in front of us, but we were close enough to the barricade and stage that we could see the whole show perfectly. 
While we waited for their set to start, Tommy and I chatted about the bands we had seen that day. We both mentioned a few we enjoyed that we never heard before, then talked about how some bands put on performances that we either loved or thought could have been a lot better. We even threw some ideas back and forth of what we saw and heard that could be implemented into our own band. We were just joking, giggling, and having the best time. It was a little sad that we had to wait until the next day of the festival for Tony and Cam to join us, but I truly enjoyed spending today with just Tommy, as I definitely felt closest to him out of all of them, knowing him a lot longer than the others.
We were talking about the lineup for tomorrow and what bands we wanted to see and who we wanted to show to Tony and Cam. I was mid-sentence when I heard people beginning to cheer around us, which brought a giant smile to my face, out of complete and utter love for the environment at concerts, and then to glance up at the stage, trying to see who had stepped out. It was the drummer. He was cute. He flashed the crowd a sweet smile, waving at everyone, before sitting behind his drum set. Then came the guitarist and bassist. I eyed all three up and down, a little shocked at how attractive everyone was, but also knowing Tommy, it made a lot of sense as to why he wanted to be so close to the stage. 
The three of them got everything ready, and I was about to turn to Tommy to mention how hot they all looked when the voice in my throat died and my body stiffened as the lead singer walked on stage. No words could explain the feeling that overwhelmed my body as I saw that confident, long-haired man stand right before me. 
He started addressing the crowd, hyping everyone up, including Tommy, but I didn't hear a single word he said. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t regain control over my body. I did my best to shake out the stiffness, trying my hardest to look like a normal person in the crowd, but there was nothing I could do to get my brain to start working again. 
I watched as he moved around the stage. I could see the love that he had for performing. But absolutely nothing could knock me out of the daze I was in. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. The emotions were so foreign. I completely forgot where I was after a while. The only thing my brain allowed me to focus on was him. Everything about him. I felt like an owl, using all my senses to focus on every single thing he did. I knew I probably looked like a madman, or at least I felt like one, but there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop myself. 
After some time, probably a few songs, he was closer to the crowd, looking through it as he sang, and we locked eyes for a moment. But it almost seemed like he did a double take, before forcing himself to go back to serenading the whole crowd. It was most definitely because I looked utterly insane, but in that moment, I didn’t care. The feeling that shot through my body when we did make eye contact was like nothing I had ever felt before. 
Time moved by at such a weird pace in my daze, so before I knew it, the set was over and he was thanking the crowd and the festival for having them. As he bowed and was about to leave the stage, our eyes locked again, and a shiver was sent through my body. I saw him blink a few times before sending a final wave to the crowd and walking off stage. 
The second he was no longer in my line of sight, reality finally came back to me. I blinked a few times and let out a deep breath as if I had been holding it the entire time. Tommy started talking and caught my attention, so I turned to him as if nothing happened. 
“So… what’d you think?’ he asked, nudging my arm with a smirk. I gave him the best fake smile I could before replying, “Oh, that was amazing. Why didn’t you warn me about how hot everyone was?” which caused him to let out a chuckle.
“I figured it would be a good surprise.” he shrugged out as we walked away from the stage and towards the next set. My mind was racing a mile a minute but I tried my best to keep my composure as we continued to talk.
“So, who was your favorite?” Tommy randomly asked as we stood at a different stage, waiting for Of Mice and Men to start. 
“Uhh..” I trailed off, not wanting him to know I already had an answer. 
“It was Noah, wasn’t it.” he cut me off with a smirk. 
“Was that the-” 
“The singer? Yeah. I could totally see the heart eyes you got when I saw him look at you.” he laughed out, causing my face to redden. All I could do in response was nod. I mean, it’s a simple crush, wasn’t it? We all fall for random artists, so there’s no reason for me to feel weird about it. As long as I completely ignore the fact that what I just felt was nothing close to what I felt when I used to fangirl over boybands in middle school. 
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A year later
‘This isn’t a normal crush.’ I kept repeating in my head. I was currently writing lyrics for new songs, trying to find emotions in me to write about, but all I could do was dwell on that feeling I got that day, and the feelings that came after it. 
I look at my paper filled with messy writing, which was surrounded by other papers of the same misfortune, all with the same feeling behind it. One talking about losing control to a man who never knew me, another begging to “be his sweet dreams.” My eyes land on another, catching the words, ‘I want to feel your heartbeat on mine,’ causing me to let out a loud groan and fall back into my chair. I rub my hands down my face and let out a dry sob. I was so tired of this. I’ve become a fucking cliche.
I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Anthony with a small sheepish smile on his face. He crouched down next to my chair and looked up at me. 
“Do you need some help?” I know he thinks my frustration is coming from the struggle of writing, and not who I’m writing about, and I’m going to keep it that way. 
“Please. I can’t keep looking at these. And if anyone could help me, it’s going to be the other hopeless romantic in this band.” I answer with a sad chuckle. He nods and motions me to stand up so he can sit at my desk. I do so, sitting in a chair a few feet away and just staring up at the ceiling as I hear him rustle the papers around. 
“Oh for fucks sake, dude, who the hell are you writing about,” he asks rhetorically. He knows I never answer, the embarrassment being too much, so I just reply with a tired giggle and let him do what he can to fix this part of my mess. 
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I blink a few times, finally back in the bathroom. Reality crashing into me, finally grounding me once again. My hands are cramping as I look down and see that I’ve been gripping the sink so harshly, I don’t know how I didn’t break it. I loosen my grip and stand up straight, shaking off my nerves. I take an actual look at myself in the mirror, fix my makeup with my finger a little, before taking a deep breath and unlocking the door, ready to at least confront today. I can deal with the future later. I run my plan in my head a little, deciding that I can at least pretend to be an extrovert for a little while, just to ease the awkward tension that I know will build if I keep acting this way. 
I walk back through the hallway of the venue, then outside, towards the group of guys who were all chatting, and let out one last exhale of stress before putting on my confident front and joining the rest of them. 
Thankfully, it seems I was gone for barely 10 minutes, as their crew bus wasn’t even here yet and they’re still chatting about interests and things they have in common. I walk close enough that I have now caught the attention of a few of them, and I give them the best confident smile that I can. I walk towards the other band of boys and give them a small wave. 
“You must be Joakim!” I say, him giving me a proud smile for using his real name, and I internally thank myself for pronouncing it correctly. I give him a small side hug, feeling comfortable with him since I know that he and Tommy have become good friends lately, and I would love to be one as well. I then face to his right. 
“And you must be the Nicks! Uhhh Folio and…” I pause and fake to look at my hand like I was reading something, then quickly back up at them, “Ruffilo!’ I say with a smile. They give me a teasing look, making me break. I show them my hand, laughing, it not having anything more than my tattoos on it.
“I’m kidding, guys. I am really happy to meet you all and have been looking forward to this ever since I heard we were going to be doing shows with you.” I give them both a warm smile as I give Ruffilo’s arm a friendly squeeze. They both chuckle at my terrible joke, making me feel good that I’m at least breaking the ice well enough. I’d rather embarrass myself through my jokes than my feelings. But here comes the hard part. I take the deepest breath I could through my nose so they can’t tell how hard this is for me. I take a few steps to their right and meet face-to-face with Noah. I hold my arms behind my back, knowing that my hands are definitely shaking right now, and give him a warm smile. 
“And you must be the famous Noah Sebastian.” I try giving him my warmest smile and a small nod of acknowledgment. His mouth parted slightly before closing and giving me a fake warm smile back. Almost completely mirroring mine. 
“And you must be Y/N.” my breath softly hitches as I hear his deep smooth voice, and it being directed towards me was causing small shivers down my spine. I play it as cool as I can and nod before he continues, now facing my whole band.
“We’re really excited to play with you guys. We’ve actually listened to Praising Deities for a while, even before Thomas and Jolly met. So I was super excited to hear that our teams were able to come together and make this happen. And I truly hope that we all enjoy spending the next few months together and become good friends.” He finishes, giving us all a warm smile, his eyes trailing over all of us, but lingering on me the longest, making my heart race.  
Tommy, Tony, and Cam all thank him and continue on with compliments and getting to know the other band, Jolly and the Nicks responding back the same way. But that just left Noah and I alone in our own little worlds. We listened to the others chat about things, occasionally answering if someone asked us something, but we didn’t contribute much. I couldn’t get my mind away from the thought that I was barely a foot away from the man that has been infiltrating my thoughts daily for the past few years. 
At some point, I guess I had dazed off, thinking about anything and everything and just staring down at the ground while everyone chatted. It went on for a few minutes before I felt someone to my left nudge me. I blinked a few times before turning to them, only for my eyes to widen slightly, seeing that it was Noah and that he was closer than ever before. He leans down until his face is near my ear.
“You alright?” He mumbles into my ear, sending shivers down my spine, once again, at how deep his voice got when he was trying to keep quiet. I take a deep breath before giving a half-assed nod. He clears his throat, standing up straight, and then places a hand on my lower back, pushing me through the crowd of our bandmates. I really didn’t know how to react, so I just let him, until we were far enough from them that we could have our own conversation. When he stopped, I looked up at him, slightly confused. 
“I- uh I just figured you needed to get out of there. I was starting to get overwhelmed and saw you staring off in the distance, so I figured you needed a way out of there as well.” He answered my silent question, rubbing his tattooed hand on the back of his neck, almost looking shy. 
“Oh!” I let out a fake airy laugh. “ Yeah, I uh just have a lot on my mind… I was honestly waiting for our manager to come out and tell us to do our soundcheck, just something to get away from the questions. I..uh..it’s been a stressful day, so as much as I’d love to have a good chat with all of you, it’s probably going to have to wait until I’m more settled in with..all of this,” I finish, motioning to the tour busses and venue. He seems to be listening intently when I talk and gives me a small nod when I finished. 
“No, I get it. To be completely honest, I still get anxious on the first show of a tour..” he pauses for a moment, before looking like he had an idea. “Here. You go head inside, I’ll be right back.” He quickly moves towards his tour bus. I shoot him a confused look but realized he was already so far away, so I just do what he says and start walking back inside. On my walk in, I continue my deep thinking. How I’m actually really happy that I’m playing off my anxiety toward him super well, and was surprisingly able to have a conversation with him without freaking out. And I was especially thankful that he had more confidence than me, actually starting the conversation. Maybe I can survive this. Maybe I can get over all these weird feelings over the next few months. I mean, having a natural human conversation with him seems to be okay for me, so hopefully my brain will start seeing him as a normal everyday person…right?
Still deep in thought, I make it inside and head towards the backstage area. As I walk, my reflection catches my eye, and I turn and take a good look at myself in the full-length mirror they have in there. “I look sane enough” I quietly tell myself as I fix my outfit a little before letting out a deep breath, forcing the rest of the stress out of me. I’m glad I put extra thought into my outfit today. I know I’m gonna have days where I’ll jyst want to put something comfy on to perform, but with first impressions and it being the first day of the tour, I’m pretty proud of my appearance.
Since it was the first day, and I liked my look, I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture (or a few, trying to find the right pose) and then headed towards the couch. I open Instagram and click on the picture I like the most. One where my tattoos show and the lighting was good enough. Then I type, “Day 1 jitters slowly easing away. Can’t wait to see you all out there <3” in the caption, making a face at how that was somehow the best idea for a caption I could come up with, but not really caring and hitting post anyway, after tagging the band’s account. 
Almost instantly, I started getting likes and comments and was about to put my phone away until a few caught my eye. They all mentioned Noah. Some asking weird personal questions, some wanting to see how we were all getting along, and some even asking when a collab was happening, which made me chuckle. Then I saw a few with account names that had either ‘Bad Omens’ or ‘Noah’s’ in them and each had some snarky comment to make. One mentioning how I was probably sleeping around since I was going to be touring with 7 other boys, which I just rolled my eyes at. If it hasn’t happened yet, I doubt I was ever going to do anything like that. I don’t like mixing work and play, and I absolutely would never see any of my boys like that. The thought alone made me grimace. 
But then I thought about it more. I’m going to be spending the next four months with Bad Omens. I’m going to be spending the next four months with Noah. Singing my songs. The songs I wrote..about Noah. Fuck.  And Noah is currently on his way here by himself. We’re going to hang out by ourselves…Why did I let him tell me to wait in here? What happened when speaking to him that I just forgot about the debilitating obsession I got all those years back. Hell, what am I even doing here?
Almost as if on cue, the doors open and I hear a single pair of footsteps walk towards me. My knee began to bounce and I tried my best to hide my attention in my phone as he got closer.
“Hey,” he said softly, not needing to be any louder since it was just me in here. I looked up from my phone and saw that he brought a Nintendo Switch with him. I giggled as the sight brought me out of my mental battle. Such a large, tatted man, looking down at me with excitement as he held a colorful, handheld gaming device. He walked closer to me until he sat down about a foot from me and gave me a smile, which I mirrored back as authentically as I could. 
“Whenever my nerves are getting bad, I always force one of the boys to play with me until soundcheck. So I figured..” he trailed off as he motioned the switch towards me. I let out a small laugh before responding. 
“You know, that might actually help. Are you sure you don’t have anything you have to be doing? I don’t want to be using up your time-” 
“No! I mean… I have a lot of time. You guys still have, what? An hour? before soundcheck, and I can do everything I need during that time’ he rushed out, catching me a little off guard a little, causing me to giggle. 
“Okay. Okay. If you say so.” I laugh out as I reach my hand out. He gives me a smile and places the controller in my hand before setting the body of the switch on the table in front of us. We go back and forth deciding on what game to play and eventually just settle on Mario Kart. 
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The boys and I chatted for a good 20 minutes or so, or what I thought was only 20 minutes, before we realized that Y/N and Noah never came back. I noticed first, then slowly the rest of them did, a few of us sending each other confused glances before Tony mentioned needing to look for them, as we probably had to get ready soon. I agreed and we all started walking back.
We all headed towards the door to the back of the venue, Cam being the one to open it. As soon as we stepped inside, we all heard arguing, causing a few of us to share concerned looks before speed walking towards the voices, leading us to the room backstage. The second we got close enough, we saw Y/N leaning over Noah, trying to knock a tiny switch controller out of his hands, as he was yelling about how she was cheating. 
“WHY’D YOU PICK RAINBOW ROAD FOR YOUR TURN, JACKASS! YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW THE TRACK WELL! SO YOU’RE THE CHEATER!” Y/N yells, still occasionally elbowing Noah’s arm, but his tight grip on the controller and focus on the screen not faltering once. Noah’s laughing more and more every time she tries messing with him. 
“YOU’RE LITERALLY TOUCHING MY CONTROLLER! THAT’S AGAINST THE RULES!” Noah yells back as he starts shouldering her back into her spot. The boys and I just watch in awe as these two argue over a racing game, which I do fully understand, especially since I have played against Y/N before and boy, does she get competitive. I see Y/N catch us in the corner of her eye and she smirks. 
“Noah, the boys are here for you,” she tells him, and the second he glances up at us, she instantly smacks the controller out of his hands, it landing on the thankfully carpeted floor, and she lets out an almost evil cackle. Noah shouts as he loses the controller and immediately reaches for it as fast as he can. He sits back up, fumbling with the controller to get a good hold of it, and goes back to playing, only to let out a ‘WHAT THE FUCK’ which causes her to laugh even harder. 
“I WAS IN SECOND PLACE AND NOW I’M IN TENTH,” Noah shouts towards her before turning towards us. “She is vicious!” he warns us, causing all of us, but mainly Tony, Cam and I to just laugh because if anyone already knew that, it was us. Cam and Ruffilo walk closer to them, standing on each side of them, watching as they finish the race. I can tell by the teasing scowl on Ruffilo’s face and the excitement in Cam’s that Y/N was winning. After a few moments, with Noah and Y/N looking like they were both about to fall out of their seat, Y/N jumps up and Noah falls back as Cam and Y/N cheer and high-five each other. The boys and I all clap for her and she gives an over-the-top bowing performance, before turning to Noah, who’s throwing a fake pity party. This causes her to sit back down and try to ease her laughter. 
“Awe, I’m sorry, Noah,” she says with a fake pout. He lets out a huff in response, causing her to have to stifle a giggle. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the stage manager walking towards us, and I look over to Y/N. The movement catches her eye as well as she glances at us, getting the hint that we need to head for soundcheck. She stands and walks around Noah so he’s looking at her and leans down. 
“I’ll make this up to you next time,” she tells him with a smile as she turns and walks away, Cam following her. As I was about to turn to follow, I managed to catch Noah’s eyes trailing down Y/N’s body, eyeing up her tattoos, and then just her, as she walked away. I had to hold back a snicker as Tony and I walked away from the group and headed on stage.
Part Two
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for your love, i'll do whatever you want... [K.Bishop]
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pairing: alpha!kate bishop x omega!reader
summary: omega heats are incredibly unbearable, thankfully kate knows just what to do to make you feel better.
warnings: shameless smut -> minors, you're not allowed [omegaverse au {written by someone who has very minimal understanding of the logistics and makes everything up on the spot}; omega in heat = needy alpha kate; fingering {R receiving}; so much praise; technically pet play but only if you squint {kate does call R puppy more than few times}; finger-sucking {i couldn't resist}]
wordcount: 1.9k
a/n: i have no explanation for this, i just...think she's neat. i read literally one omegaverse au fic and now i have brainrot. clearly, the only solution was to pass it on to all of you. i've never written anything like this before so uh...be warned, i guess. once again, this is about the closest i'll get to doing kinktober but this variant of kate [along with vampire!kate] might be sticking around, we'll see. also, believe it or not i did some world-building but tried not to include too much and just focused on the filth. you're welcome, i guess?
* * * * * * *
The sound of the bedroom door opening makes your tired eyes snap open. You blink the drowsiness away long enough to recognize Kate’s frame as she slips into the room. Her steps are slow, almost bordering on hesitant, but the mere sound of her boots on the floor makes your heart race.
The archer had been gone for what felt like months. In reality, she was only gone for four days. Not even a full week had passed without her and yet you’ve been desperate for her return since the moment she walked out the door. 
You assumed it was only due to the strong bond, and slight dependence, that had started to form since the brunette brought you to her apartment a few months ago. She’d rescued you from a cruel living situation and shown you kindness you never even thought was possible.
Especially from such a dominant alpha. 
But Kate’s nothing like all the alpha’s you’re used to. She’s all soft chuckles, understanding looks, and feather-light touches. The literal definition of care lies in the depths of her pale blue eyes. 
It’s truly no surprise, then, that you fell for her instantly. 
And it’s even less of a surprise that being without her triggered an avalanche of feelings that resulted in your heat. A heat you were forced to endure on your own with no gentle touches or whispered praise.
Until now.
“y/n.” She makes an effort to keep her voice quiet despite her obvious concern. “How’re you holding up?”
The answer to that is crystal clear considering you’ve made no attempt at getting up and rushing toward her like you usually do. You want nothing more than that but your entire body aches in ways you’re not used to feeling, at least not on this scale. Your skin burns with pure warmth yet your body shakes as if you’ve spent the past few hours out in the cold.
You’re barely able to lift your head, the faintest of whimpers slipping out. Your lack of a response is all she needs to approach you and the comfortable nest you’ve made in the corner of her bedroom.
Your nose picks up on her scent immediately and the lower part of your body wastes even less time in reacting. You’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so desperate to feel her touch on every part of your overheated skin.
“Uh oh, I know what that look means,” she jokes as she sits in front of you. 
Your grumble of discontent is wiped away the second she reaches for you. She easily picks you up, letting out a slightly playful grunt, before maneuvering you onto her lap.
“Kate,” you mumble.
“I know, sweetheart, I’m right here.” 
Her hand gently grasps the back of your head, guiding you forward until you’re able to seek refuge from the overwhelming sensations rushing through your entire being. Her scent drives your body wild but it’s also the only thing capable of calming you down so you bury your face into her neck without hesitation.
“Baby…” Her tone makes you shiver and you subconsciously shift closer to her. “I’d like to hear your voice.”
You know what her request actually is, you’ve heard it countless times since she started the hard work of putting your broken pieces back together. Your hands grasp the front of her shirt and you fidget with the fabric until you find the words you’re searching for. 
“I missed you.”
You don’t see the smile that graces her lips but you hear the slow exhale of relief she lets out. The fact that you’re speaking to her is a good sign, one that reassures her enough to finally start touching you.
“I missed you too,” she admits as her hands begin to wander. “I thought about you every day I was gone.”
She keeps one arm wrapped securely around your waist but lets her free hand caress you in all the right ways designed to soothe you while simultaneously driving you insane with need. Just because she’s the kindest alpha you’ve ever met doesn’t mean she’s not a massive tease when she wants to be.
“Katie,” you practically whine. 
Your reaction brings a chuckle out of the brunette that only serves to intensify the ache between your legs. You’re both acutely aware of the amount of slick that’s dripping down your thighs by now but while you’re on the edge of desperation, Kate’s having the time of her life. 
She always loves knowing how much you need her, how much you crave her, and today is no exception. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” The pads of her fingers ghost along your chest, barely grazing against the side of your breasts. “Do you need something, pup?”
Hearing that one word out of her lips shouldn’t be as attractive as it is. Although, that could easily be said about any and every single thing Kate does. 
All you can do for a few seconds is whimper and press yourself closer to her, your hips shifting every which way in search of some friction. Friction she easily denies by shifting her lower half away from you which means you’re forced to pull yourself together and ask for what you want.
“Mhm, need you.”
Kate rewards your obedience by finally letting her fingers play with your hardened nipples. Her touch is soft even while she tugs on them just enough to draw out another needy little sound from you. “You have no idea how adorable you sound right now. You’re just a pretty omega in need of her alpha, aren’t you, baby?”
You open your mouth to answer her but instead of words, a sharp moan leaves your lips as her mouth meets your shoulder. She trails a line of kisses along your warm skin, allowing you to bask in the comfort that underlies such an intense moment.
She’s had her fun and now her full attention goes toward making you feel better the only way she can right now.
Her hand starts its descent once she’s satisfied with the amount of skin her kisses have covered. She moves slowly despite the obvious wetness that’s started to drip onto her jeans. She’s not trying to tease you anymore, though. Her touch is reassuring, a silent promise she won’t hurt you like all the ones who came before her. 
The noise you let out once her hand cups your aching cunt borders on pathetic but there’s no time to feel embarrassed. There’s no time for anything except grinding down against her fingers while they stroke your swollen clit.
“Good girl,” she murmurs in between soft kisses. You can tell she’s barely holding back the urge to pierce your shoulder with her teeth. “Fuck, you’re so wet, baby. Is this all for me?”
Her question is meant to be rhetorical but you don’t dare risk it, already too far gone to be able to deal with more teasing. “Yes…just for you.”
Kate’s fingers stutter in their movements. She wasn’t expecting a response, much less one that makes her possessive, and borderline primal, instincts flare up. The change in her scent throws you off, especially when the words that escape her are almost as needy as your own.
“You’re so good for me…so fucking pretty like this. God, you’re driving me crazy, puppy.”  
The emphasis on the word is enough to make you cry out in pleasure but then she sinks two fingers into your tight pussy and you swear the world stops moving for a few ecstasy-filled seconds. 
Kate doesn’t mind that you stop rocking against her, she’s much too eager to show you she’s the only one capable of making you feel this heavenly while doing such sinful things to your body.  
She’s also already obsessed with the way you’re clenching around her fingers and it shows in the non-stop groans coming out of her.
Groans that push you closer to the edge.
“You’re taking my fingers so well.” She’s panting into your shoulder but you can’t blame her for it since you’re in a much more desperate state, panting and groaning against her neck. “So tight but so needy for more, isn’t that right, pup?”   
“Yes-” Kate slips another finger inside you before you can get too far. “Fuck! Please!”
You don’t know if it’s your words or the sound of the tears that are gathering in the corners of her eyes but she instantly turns back to that gentle alpha you know so well. The one who puts your needs above her own without missing a single beat.
“I know, I know. Just relax, let me take care of you.” 
Her fingers thrust inside of you at a rapid pace but she’s careful not to get too rough with you. She shifts a little, kissing her way across the top of your shoulder and to the side of your neck.
You’ve never felt closer to her than you do right now and the feeling is somehow more overwhelming than your pleasure. 
Kate’s thumb starts drawing circles on your throbbing clit and you almost fall apart instantly. She knows. Of course she knows because she’s spent hours getting to know every part of what makes you who you are. Including your painful past. 
She lets you bask in the feeling of holding back until your cries of pleasure border on discomfort. “It’s okay, puppy,” she mumbles while nuzzling your neck. “You don’t have to wait, you can cum for me. Show me you’re mine.”
There’s no way for you to last any longer once she says that. 
Your mouth drops open into a long moan as Kate coaxes your orgasm out of you. You’re sensitive and desperate and yet the thing that causes you to truly give in to your release is the care she puts into everything she’s doing. 
She’s giving you everything you want because she knows it’s the only thing that’ll make you feel better. The only thing that'll take away the discomfort of your heat and the anxiety that still thrums through your veins from being with her.
Your entire body shakes and shudders from the strength of your orgasm, Kate’s fingers slowly fucking you through it until you fully collapse against her. 
“Good girl.” She plants a kiss on your neck before pulling her fingers out of you. 
You whine the second she leaves your cunt empty but you’re too worn out by everything that’s happened to beg for another orgasm. Instead, you accept the fingers she presses against your lips, opening your mouth without a second thought and moaning at the taste of the wetness that covers the digits.
“There you go, just like that, pup.”
You’re far too exhausted to reply so you settle on sucking her fingers while she whispers soft praise into the space between you.
After days of yearning for the alpha’s touch, your body finally feels soothed. Relaxed to the point of comfortable sleepiness, not the awful stress-filled exhaustion you were forced to deal with on your own.
You’re finally safe in the arms of someone who genuinely loves you for who and what you are.
“Does my sweet omega want a nap?” 
Her soft tone makes you smile around her fingers. You let out a muffled sound of contentment and Kate merely chuckles in response at how eager your sucking is despite your obvious fatigue.
“Okay, sweetheart. Just close your eyes, I’ll be right here to take care of you when you wake up, alright?”
There’s not a single doubt in your mind that she’ll be true to her word.
So, you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths that fill your entire being with the smell of her. You belong completely to Kate and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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bonesxbows · 4 months
Surgery of a Hope (Astarion x Reader)
My Masterlist
Someone dared to try to lay a hand on you and Astarion finds out. He leaves Gale to comfort you while he goes and "takes care" of it. Or alternatively, Astarion is trying to show you he loves you in one of the only ways he knows how; by killing.
(WARNINGS) - mentions of sexual assault/assault (depending on how you look at it), but does not go into a lot of detail - crying/breakdown - trauma responses
If you have any triggers relating to assault or past assault please be careful reading this. I have not personally experienced what is written here but it is loosely based on trauma of my own and the goal was to write something to act as a comfort for myself and whoever else needs to read something like this. But please tread carefully, I didn't write this with the intent of triggering anyone.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy and I hope reading this can help someone else like writing it helped me :) Comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
You sat on the ground inside your tent, nestled in the corner of the fabric, your knees pulled up to your chest. You were slowly rocking back and forth, replaying the traumatic events of the day in your head. Your body was present, but your mind was lost in its own little world, your eyes glassed over. You didn't notice Astarion barge into your tent, a bubble of excitement coming with him.
“Darling! I've been waiting all day to have a moment with you all to myself. I-” His sentence and his body stopped dead in their tracks when his eyes finally found you, a sad little ball of limbs shoved into the corner. His voice startled you out of your daze. He walked closer towards you and reached out a hand, but you jumped in response to him approaching and shuffled yourself deeper into the corner, as far away from him as you possibly could get. He frowned. He recognized your fear, he remembered acting like you were doing now once before and that worried him.
“Astarion, wait. I…wait. Please, don't come any closer.” You spilled out your words quickly. Your eyes were glued to his outstretched hand, wide like a gnoll staring down a wall of fire, and tears started to pool underneath them.
“What’s wrong my love?” He hated when you cried. He was getting better at learning how to comfort you but he still got nervous about making it worse. His frown deepened but he respected your request and instead knelt down where he was, keeping his distance from you.
“I…um…” you stumbled over your words, your mouth becoming dry and thick, like someone had shoved cotton down your throat. You tried to blink away the tears but they were now two hot waterfalls running down your face.
“It’s alright, you can tell me. What happened?” You looked like a scared animal and it reminded him too much of how he used to feel. He was concerned, but he was also angry. He had a feeling he already knew what had happened to you and the thought of him being right made him burn with rage inside. You took a shaky breath and did your best to speak coherently.
“Someone…um, someone tried to touch me earlier when we were in town. I…I tried to stop them, tried to fight them off. Some things were said and…and…” Your story ended there as the sobs racked your body aggressively. You buried your head in your arms, wrapping your hands around your shoulder to try to comfort yourself as you rocked back and forth, crying and screaming and sobbing loudly. Astarion swore he could feel his undead heart shatter. He could do nothing but sit there and watch as you poured out your emotions. He knew from experience that if he tried to comfort you it would only make the situation worse, but he felt helpless just sitting there and doing nothing. So he reached over and yanked your blanket off of your cot, folding it up haphazardly and placing it between the two of you, nudging your foot with the fabric, doing his best not to touch you.
You poked your head up slightly, eyeing him. You saw the blanket, your blanket, and how Astarion sat back on his heels, a comforting smile on his face. You unfurled a hand from your cocoon of limbs and reached forward slowly, grabbing the blanket tentatively, as if even the soft material would snap back at you as well. But it didn't, so you pulled it into your lap on top of your knees and buried your head into the comfort of it, sniffing the familiar scent of Astarion’s cologne that had rubbed off on it from his constant nights spent in your tent with you. You used a corner of it to wipe away your tears and tried to focus on steadying your breathing. You mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Astarion and he nodded his head.
“Do you think you can manage to remember who it was, my love? Can you tell me what they looked like?” he asked you softly. He wanted to reach out and grab your hand in his, but he stayed still for now. He would not touch you until you were ready and asked him to, no matter how much he wanted to. You began to shake your head furiously.
“No. Astarion, no. It was nothing, really. You don't need to do anything. It was my fault anywa-” He cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
“Do not even finish that statement darling. None of this is your fault. None of it. Do you understand? Now, what did they look like?” his face was like stone, serious and deadly. It didn't scare you, not anymore at least, but you knew trying to argue with him at this point was futile. You were so confused and upset you did not know what the right thing to do was so you trusted Astarion and told him everything you could remember. You watched as he took off his jacket and moved closer to you. But he stopped just before he got too close.
“Is it alright if I touch you my sweet?” He asked before he did anything and you nodded, although slowly. He leaned forward to drape his jacket over your shoulders and pull it up over your neck. Your fingers fumbled at first but you grabbed it and pulled it as close to your skin as you could, relishing in the warmth and comfort radiating off of the velvet fabric.
“Stay here, alright? I’ll tell Gale to accompany you here inside of your tent so you don't have to be alone. I promise I’ll be back before morning.” He leaned forward again to kiss you gently on your forehead and you didn't jerk away this time. He smiled warmly at you but his ruby eyes shone with anger and malice. He began to stand up and head for the entry flap of your tent.
“Wait! Where are you going?” You jumped from surprise and began to reach for him but stopped abruptly when his jacket began to fall off of your shoulders and instead quickly grabbed it again and pulled it back up around you. You were afraid to be alone, even with Gale. You only felt safe around Astarion. Your sense of security was so shattered you were hesitant to trust anyone except him. He turned back around before he left.
“Promise me you'll stay here with Gale.” no, you wanted to go with him, wherever he was going. You wanted his warmth and to be in his arms with him by your side protecting you, no one else.
“But I-” he cut you off again. He was not looking for any arguments tonight.
“Promise me, my love.” there was no arguing with the look in his eyes and there was no changing his mind about whatever he had set his mind on doing. “I promise.” you choked out, trying not to cry again at the thought of him leaving you right now.
“Good. I’ll be back as soon as I can alright? Then I’ll stay with you for as long as you need.” You watched him leave, trying to blink away the tears that threatened to flow. You gripped his jacket even tighter and breathed in the smell of his cologne again, it was an even stronger scent on his jacket than on your blanket. A few moments after Astarion left Gale walked in, smiling sympathetically. He somehow juggled a bowl, two mugs, and a stack of books in his hands without dropping anything.
“How are you feeling?” he asked. You didn't give an answer and watched as he sat where Astarion once was just a minute ago and placed all of the things in his hands in front of him, between the two of you.
“We don't have to talk if you'd rather not. But I thought you might like a distraction while Astarion is away. My time is yours.” You looked at him and he looked sincere, but you were still a little wary. But this was Gale, someone who had stuck by your side from the very beginning and had been nothing but respectful and helpful ever since. You gazed over what he had brought with him, there was what appeared to be stew in the bowl and the two mugs were filled with tea and still steaming. The books were ones you recognized, titles you had once borrowed from him and had told him you had enjoyed immensely. Books that you knew, that were familiar, and there was comfort in familiarity. He knew this. Gale was your best friend, he was the second person to know just about everything about you. You were grateful that his memory was impeccable and that he had remembered all of your favorite things, especially at a time like now.
“What kind of soup is that?” you asked. The tears had subsided, for now. He was glad you were up to talking, it was going to be a long night for him if he had to sit here in silence the whole time.
“Vegetable and sausage. And that’s peppermint tea, with sugar, just how you like it. I've also brought your favorite books, but I can fetch something else if reading isn't up to your liking currently.” He stole a pillow from the pile off of your bed and propped himself up against the side of your tent, still an agreeable distance away from you. Astarion must have given him the details of your jumpiness and sensitivity to touch right now. You couldn't help but smile just a little.
“The books are alright for now, Gale. Thank you.” You reached forward for one of the mugs and chose one of the books from the stack as you did so.
“Of course. Let me know if you need anything else, alright? Im not going anywhere until Astarion gets back.” you nodded and took a sip from the mug, the tea warming your scratchy throat on the way down. You opened the book to the first page and Gale did the same with his own book.
Eventually the warm tea, familiar story, and comfort of Astarion’s scent lulled you into a sleep. Your body was exhausted from the day’s events and the extensive crying you had done earlier. Gale had stayed with you the entire night, within arms reach just in case you needed him, even when the rough ground began to irritate his old human body. He had even lit the candles in your tent after the sun had set just so you would not be in complete darkness if you woke up in the middle of the night.
You were never a heavy sleeper, but now you were even more anxious in your sleep after what had happened. A dull thud had woken you up and you heard the sound of water splashing. Your eyes fluttered open quickly but your heart calmed down when you saw the back of a familiar white shirt and white curls in the candlelight. Astarion had returned at some point, before morning just like he had promised, but his back was turned to you and he was knelt in front of your washing bucket.
“Astarion? Is that you?” you asked groggily. Your voice was thick with sleep but you were wide awake, grateful that he was back already.
“Go back to sleep darling, it’s alright.” he spoke sweetly to you like always, but he stayed with his back to you, working something onto the wash board inside the tub.
“Where have you been?” you sat up, blinking away the remaining sleep in your eyes and trying to focus on what he was doing. A part of you already had a guess of where he had been for the last few hours but you asked anyway, not wanting to believe what you knew was already true.
“No where you need to worry your pretty little head about, everything’s alright.” he told you, but you were too curious now to go back to sleep. Astarion hated chores, yet here he was scrubbing laundry in the middle of the night. You stood up quietly and padded over to him, still holding onto his jacket around your shoulders. You leaned over his shoulder and observed. He was holding on to a different white shirt than the one on his back currently, scrubbing furiously as the soapy water turned pink. Now that you were closer you also noticed the way the candlelight shined against black spots in his hair, a stark difference against his bleach white curls. You frowned slightly, accepting your previous conclusion as the truth now.
“Is that blood?” you asked. You already knew the answer but you wanted to hear it from him.
“No.” he tried to deny the obvious, though he already knew you wouldn't believe the white lie.
“Astarion.” you said sternly, gently warning him to tell you the truth this time.
“Alright maybe it is. But the bastard deserved it.” he stopped scrubbing and so you sat down on the ground behind him. He turned to look at you, abandoning the shirt in the dirty water.
“What did you do?” your voice was calm. You didn't mind he had taken matters into his own hands, in fact you were secretly grateful.
“I taught him a much needed lesson my love. He won’t be hurting anyone ever again.” his lips turned up into his signature killer smile. He was proud of himself for the kill, as per usual. You wanted to thank him, say something, anything, to convey how relieved you felt, but the words got caught in your throat. His smile faltered a little when he noticed the pool of tears forming in your eyes, but he knew you were okay from the small smile that was stuck on your face.
He dunked his hands back into the water to wash the rest of the blood off and then dried them on his pants before outstretching a hand to you, silently asking for yours. You obliged, placing your hand in his. He brought it up to his face and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckle. You couldn't help the small laugh that bubbled up from his gesture, the smile on your face growing despite the tears that started to flood your face. You were safe. Even after all that had happened, you were safe with Astarion.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I request headcanon for fukuzawa yukichi from bsd , megumi nobara yuji and geto , gojo from jjk ? ( i love yukichi but if it's make u uncomfortable then you can change it to platonic )
I've written romantic Hc's for Jiraiya, honey, Fukuzawa is no problem.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, controlling behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmailing, sadism, isolation, abduction, death
Multiple Yandere Hc's
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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⚪ Fukuzawa as the president of the Armed Detective Agency fulfills all the expectations you'd imagine a man of his position to have. Serious and calm with a great sense of responsibility for his subordinates and the city of Yokohama. He's dedicated to everything he has built to ensure order and peace so that's what makes it all the more confusing and even downright disturbing as he slowly finds himself entrapped with his darling. Yukichi is no delusional fool, he's very lucid of the abyss his emotions slowly unwind into and it leaves him ever so slightly agitated. Obviously not with you as he knows that this isn't your fault but more with his own lack of self-control in this situation, the capability to even feel and think in such dark ways in the first place. Unable to find a solution to his problem, Fukuzawa does what he does best. Maintaining a calm face as he does his best to go about his days as usual.
⚪ The more time passes on, the worse it gets though as he ever so subtly starts showing signs that something isn't as it used to be. When Haruno serves him a cup of tea, he stares into the steaming cup a few seconds too long as his thoughts drift to you. The first time he wasn't even fully aware until Haruno asked him if something is wrong with the tea and he quickly pretends like everything is fine, flustered and embarrassed with what just happened. Zooming out for a few seconds becomes far more common than it should be and the realization that he's long lost control of his feelings weights very heavily on his shoulders. A while after stomaching this knowledge, you find Yukichi approaching you a bit more and engaging in occasional conversations with you, mindful and observing during those interactions. It's a curse for him more than a blessing that he's able to remember smaller details about you so much better, whether you tell him something about you or he notices a small quirk of yours merely by watching you. He doesn't want to admit it but he always ends up hyperfocusing when around you.
⚪ With a freshly developed obsession, Fukuzawa finds himself oftentimes overthinking about a lot of stuff. How often can he approach you without looking suspicious? Should he hold eye contact with you during conversations the entire time or is that creepy? If he asks you to call him by his first name, would that be weird? Underneath his serious persona, this man is so painfully awkward as he has zero experience about courting and even falling normally in love, his first love just happening to be his obsession is truly a bad joke of destiny. He has similar problems with jealousy as he has always struggles figuring out how much jealousy during which interactions would be suspicious. He isn't the type to be insanely jealous, to his own luck, but to say that it doesn't leave a bitter taste on his tongue would be a lie. It's uncomfortable, over time he finds his body going slightly rigid and his stare is heavy and intense which does intimidate your counterparts more than often. Worst of all is that Fukuzawa is never aware of all of this until someone points it out to him.
⚪ The Armed Detective Agency was created because of his want to see justice prevail and ensure that order and peace would always reign over Yokohama. Especially after realizing his obsession he puts more value into his morals as he fears to revert back to his days as an assassin. Days where he looked forward to killing another person. How far his fears are justified is up to debate but it's a big concern of the president nevertheless. He upholds his morals quite well though, the only hiccup in this all would probably be his overprotective behavior which at times just slips out. Whenever he notices that someone makes you uncomfortable he finds himself stepping in, as soon as he notices that something scares you he has the urge to protect you. What Fukuzawa ends up doing is scaring quite a few people due to his serious nature and the heavy feeling of authority that always surrounds him. He knows that there will be people after you though because you're dear to him and he would never hesitate to draw his sword to defend you against such people either.
⚪ A main reason why Yukichi attempts to keep his feelings hidden is precisely because he's aware that the Port Mafia and so many other people might come for you the moment information seek out that he loves you. Obviously every secret will eventually get revealed so the moment that happens, especially if you two are officially a couple at that point, he tightens the security in your life a tad bit more. He doesn't want to be too restricting about it all but he can't help but be worried, especially if you have no gift and are just a normal person. He wants to keep closer tabs on the Port Mafia just in case that they plan anything and if the Agency gets hold of any information regarding public attacks for whatever reason, he's rather demanding when telling you to stay away. This all is tolerable at least but that maintenance of self-restriction gets shattered the moment you get involved in serious danger which fuels Yukichi's paranoia and triggers him for an unknown amount of time to be a lot more controlling. His aura forbids any protest to the point where even you find yourself flinching intimidated if you try to argue with him about the tight boundaries he's made for you.
⚪ Ranpo figures out Fukuzawa's up until that point well-kept secret which includes the darker side to all of that but he's too close to the president to blame him for anything, especially since he realizes how troubled Fukuzawa himself is with the situation. Dazai is probably another member who gets behind the president's emotions too but he's more fascinated than worried. Most other members are just happy for Fukuzawa when news get out about his feelings and if you aren't a couple officially by that point, a lot of them would be up for the idea of helping him here and there. He rejects their help politely, secretly terrified to even think about what some of them would try to do to help. His affection has more of a gentlemanly approach to it, consisting of small and thoughtful presents, acts of service or nice dates. He has a soft spot for you and sometimes Agency members abuse that by pleading for your help against his anger if they've caused some problems. Also, the Agency loves teasing him when you manage to successfully fluster him in front of them to the point where his cheeks are covered with a hue of pink.
Itadori Yuji
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🩷 Yuji is crushing so hard on his darling, it doesn't take much for others to notice that he has a fat crush on you. The boy is such a pure-hearted simp who will literally compliment his darling for anything, even if it's something minor like the shoes you chose to wear on that day or the way you style your hair. He focuses a lot on you and the stuff you're into and is actually fairly well in remembering it so Nobara definitely calls him out for knowing what you favorite food or your favorite colour is whilst forgetting things like when and where he's supposed to meet with her and Megumi on missions to track down curses. Itadori on the other hand is more confused when the people around you don't know certain information about you or don't notice habits or quirks of you which are so painfully obvious to him. He's a bit naive though as you can't exactly call him someone who actually notices that his hyperfixation is not normal. The boy is just a bit dense at times...All the time.
🩷 He's clingy at a level where it is noticable but not quite there to be suffocating or creepy in the eyes of others as Yuji shows some respect for your boundaries. Needless to say though, he would love to spend a lot of time with you whenever both of you are free and whenever he isn't busy with matters involving the jujutsu sorcerers. Even whilst in company of people like Megumi, Nobara or even Gojo and Nanami he often pulls out his phone to see if you're online to chat with you and when all of that doesn't work, he just looks at photos he took of you. You weren't aware in all of them that he took them but Yuji literally can't resist at moments when you just look too gorgeous and adorable. His mood gets for sure affected after a while of not being in contact with you though as he starts sulking around and grumbles significantly more. Considering the world he was thrown into ever since becoming Sukuna's vessel, Yuji has become more protective over his s/o as he could never even bear the thought of them being attacked or even killed by a curse.
🩷 He'd like to think that he isn't obvious when jealous of someone but all his friends can assure him that he's just kidding himself. There's a scowl on his face that gets more prominent as time passes on, he's drumming his fingers against whatever surface is there and is shaking his leg as time ticks by and he gets visibly more impatient as he wonders what in the world could be so engrossing about them. He feels neglected and that is not a nice feeling so if he's had enough he will just squeeze himself in whatever interaction you're currently having with them. It would be only fair to say that Yuji isn't the type to be insanely jealous around others but he just dislikes when he's with you and you ignore him in favor of someone else. He likes your friends, he makes an effort to befriend them too and is cool with all of them as long as no one of them is crushing on you. Something that will definitely trigger him is when he catches someone flirting with his darling because then he's not hesitating to storm over and put himself in between you and the other person with a facial expression that just screams that he's unhappy.
🩷 Itadori has his morals straight when it comes to killing a human. It's morally and ethically just plainly wrong in his eyes as he doesn't see himself as someone who has the right to do so. Killing a human is a last resort in his opinion and so as long as someone hasn't done something truly disgusting to you, he normally doesn't murder anyone for you. He mostly just intimidates and scares people away from you if they've wronged you, although he has probably also gotten into physical fights as the urge to punch someone who has just been a terrible jerk to you isn't always something he can suppress. Your personal simp is physically very strong and athletic though so don't worry, he has won every brawl so far. That makes him for the most part harmless but if someone does manage to genuinely anger him, his hatred stays forever and is very intense.
🩷 One to give you lots of freedom, Itadori isn't someone who would consider ever isolating or restricting you in any way. He prioritizes your happiness a lot and goes above and beyond to make sure you're always in a good mood. Obviously he always tells you about staying away from certain areas when he knows that a curse might be there and it isn't uncommon for him to insist for you to let him accompany you when you have to go somewhere and he has information that something might be lurking around there. Other than this stuff and his clinginess he isn't very controlling but that's mainly because he has never truly experienced what it would feel like if you were to be in serious danger and honestly, he doesn't really want to consider such a terrible thing at all. That is going to make it all the more earth-shattering for Yuji though if it ever happens as that is the moment where he truly feels like he should have done more to protect you. Even if it would have meant invading your privacy and freedom.
🩷 Nobara is at times that close to smacking him with the amount of times Itadori spends gushing about you, she's still happy for him though. Megumi has chosen to just ignore Yuji's rambling, Gojo at times supports him much to the distraught of Nobara. Yuji, once in a relationship, is very dedicated and eager. He constantly goes on little dates with you as soon as he has time and wastes far more money than he should on small presents like snacks or cute little accessories such as key fobs. Text him or call him to inform him that you need something and he's on his way to retrieve it for you, even if he has to walk across the entirety that is Tokyo. That's just how much down bad he is for you. If it wouldn't be for Sukuna who lives inside of him, Yuji would have little to no worries. The curse definitely knows about Yuji's obsession even if the boy denies it when he points it mockingly out. There are times where Sukuna provokes Yuji even as he knows that you're his biggest weakness, threatens to hurt you the next time he gains control. Itadori's surprisingly dark response never fails to amuse and even impress the curse.
Fushiguro Megumi
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💙 Megumi already has enough drama going on in his life. His step-sister is in a coma, his father and step-mother have abandoned him and his sister years ago, the Zenin clan tries to claim him and he has to deal with the antics of Gojo, Yuji and Nobara. In between all of this hassle there is you, a disease to his heart and mind as you quickly become a large part of the young man's daily routine. Astonishing, considering that you never see Megumi that often in person but it doesn't need two to watch you, Megumi all by himself is enough. He doesn't know how he should really approach you with all of those confusing emotions swirling around inside of him so stalking is the best option he can come up with. It might sound creepy but just seeing you is almost therapeutic as his mind just clears for those moments from all the stress and the annoyance he normally feels as he just focuses on you. This leads him at one point to impulsively feel the urge to see you whenever he's confronted with something that gets on his nerves and makes him uncomfortable so Megumi starts becoming slightly co-dependent on you.
💙 He's a good observer and all the stalking really shows results as time passes on as Megumi essentially knows a lot of stuff about you he shouldn't know considering how little you know of him. Partially Megumi is lucid enough to know that his behavior isn't normal after all which is why he never tells anyone about you nor is he dumb enough to let you ever find out. Envisioning the drama that would break out the moment people would find out is enough to give him already a headache and he can't risk under any circumstances to scare you. With that said though, Megumi is at best semi-aware though as his own moral code isn't quite as honorable as Itadori's is and this only gets tainted more in black as his darling rises up to be his biggest priority. He justifies any action he takes with their safety in mind and this makes it surprisingly easy for Megumi to commit certain crimes without feeling even an ounce of guilt, the only exception are your tears if his actions should scare and horrify you. You have to believe him though, it was all done for you.
💙 Megumi is so secretive and aloof, you barely remember seeing his facial expression be something else than neutral so you never consider the possibility of him being potentially jealous. Funny considering that Megumi is one of the more jealous people out there. Are you surprised by that? There are a few factors that play into this and the main reason would be his paranoia out of his insecurities. Megumi is in a tough position, sold to the Zenin clan by his father if it wouldn't have been for Gojo who in return forced him into becoming a jujutsu sorcerer and he only really has partially accepted this because he wants to save Tsumiki. Even if he has no connection to the Zenin Clan anymore, they still won't leave him alone either and he might just be forced into becoming the next head of the clan. You're the only good thing in his life so it shouldn't be a surprise that he is so easily irritated, jealous of even close friends of yours. Jealous and insecure of anyone who can make you smile and who makes you happy as it only aggravates his insecurity and in return fuels his possessiveness which fluctuates strongly depending on his own confidence in the moment.
💙 We've already touched the subject before but let's take a deeper look. Megumi is prone to committing acts of violence more often as he hates bad people and good people who are too merciful. His paranoid overprotective antics only make it worse as he feels a rather overwhelming urge to shield you and protect you from everyone and everything bad in this world. I consider it likely that he's the type to threaten and scare people away even if you plan to forgive them as he most likely ends up seeing you as someone far too forgiving, something he normally hates in people and which he occasionally despises in you too when you cling onto someone who in his mind does not deserve your forgiveness. You're brushed off as too naive as he decides to just secretly take care of the problem as he's paranoid that if you'd find out, you'd try to leave him. Megumi is calculative and careful due to his fear to be abandoned by you and potentially be replaced.
💙 With all this talk of his paranoia, insecurities and his overprotectiveness it's by now probably obvious that there is the underlying threat of being abducted and that can be caused by multiple triggers. Megumi is most likely already the type who likes to be alone with you as it is as other people make him uncomfortable. He just wants you alone for himself without you ignoring him for your friends due to his quietness or all the people around you two whose eyes he can't help but feel like linger on you. That's most of the time only a byproduct of his imagination out of paranoia but Megumi is strong when it comes to overthinking to the point that he feels a tightness in his chest when he notices that someone has been following you two for a while now even when they just happen to walk into the same direction as you and if they stare at you for a second too long, he assumes worse. A relationship with him demands already sacrifices as you spend a lot of time with him alone inside as he's most comfortable there. If there would ever be a day where you get in grave danger, try to leave him or he simply assumes that you plan to replace him with someone better, you're done for.
💙 Megumi isn't all that good after all even if you might think of him as someone calm and composed all the time. Surely he is calculative and observant but let me tell you, on the inside he's most of the time just a possessive and insecure mess who just happens to be exceptionally good in hiding it. The jujutsu sorcerer finds himself often guilt-tripping and manipulating you into staying with him inside and not inviting your friends over when you want to do something with him. He has to allow you to spend time with others from time to time to avoid any arguments but that doesn't mean that he's happy with it. In some cases he's actually so paranoid and insecure that he ends up stalking you. One could argue that this means that he doesn't trust you but Megumi would see it more as him not trusting others with you. Although yes, he has this irrational fear of you finding someone you like more than him. That might be possible for you but he literally only has you so you'd shatter his heart and his last bit of self-restraint with it.
Kugisaki Nobara
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🔨 Nobara is maybe just a bit iffy at the beginning about her crush which descends dangerously into obsessive territory as she can't help but feel disappointed as she normally prides herself on being strong and level-headed. Also, under her brash and confident facade she is very caring and due to that she can't help but think ahead and worry what that might imply for you. Unwilling to slip up and risk her position as a jujutsu sorcerer, she holds her head high and carries on as usual. That works so so on days as you always return onto her mind and it is angering as much as it is weirdly enjoyable. Nobara's confidence makes her sort of possessive over her darling as well as sort of semi-delusional. She isn't as insecure as Megumi is so she doesn't shy away from approaching you and befriending you, confident that she can charm her darling and be a good lover and girlfriend for them so that definitely makes her a tad bit more arrogant at times around others who might have a crush on you too.
🔨 The woman is rarely actively manipulating her darling as she wants to stay true to herself and refuses to rely on lies unless it's the only option left. Obviously she keeps curses and the world of jujutsu sorcerers a secret from you if you're just a normal citizen in Tokyo but otherwise she never lies to you and her outspoken and brash personality plays a huge part in that. She doesn't tolerate any bullshit from you though even if she loves you dearly so there is an air of strictness to her. She isn't a hard simp as Yuji is nor is she as paranoid as Megumi, she is a stable middle who reprimands you when you've done something wrong and does the same if someone has treated you the wrong way. Nobara isn't overly strict of course but in cases she is, she ususally expects you to listen as she is acting that way in particular when it concerns your own health and in most cases she won't accept any excuses from you.
🔨 She is reasonable and would never be irrationally jealous or at least she pretends she isn't, even when she is. She knows all of your friends and she's on good terms with all of them so she doesn't think that there is any need to be jealous of one of them. Nobara refuses to be influenced by her jealousy and start acting ridiculous, those are your friends who you've known longer than her in most cases after all. If someone tries to flirt with you though or thinks that they have a chance, she can't help but curl her lips in displeasure and disbelief as she scoffes. Now, now, even if you two aren't officially together at time she surely won't let some wannabe ogle at you and think that you're easy. Her comments are passive-aggressive as she ends up getting into the one or other argument at times. She's quite unshakable though as most people underestimate her confidence and always end up giving up. She denies your teasing words about her being jealous though, sometimes even scolds you for allowing them to continue in the first place because if you would have, she wouldn't have needed to interfere.
🔨 Nobara finds herself once again more in the middle between between Megumi and Yuji. She isn't as merciful as Yuji nor is she as overly paranoid as Megumi is. Don't get her wrong now, this girl is fiercely protective over you and as soon as she realizes that someone makes you uncomfortable or scares you, she tells them off angrily, even if they didn't do it on purpose. If someone does scare you on purpose or makes you intentially uncomfortable, she's all the more furious. She doesn't hesitate to execute any curses that interfere with your life, it's literally her job to kill as a jujutsu sorcerer so she came in prepared. Humans are a different calibre though so she obviously doesn't go around exorcising them nor can she use in most cases her Cursed Energy or her tools unless they also happen to be sorcerers. But she never takes bullshit from anyone so as soon as someone harms you somehow or uses you, she comes in to your rescue, ready to unload. You don't want to mess with her even if she doesn't use her weapons as Nobara has a temper and won't quit until the person has either admitted their wrongdoings and made it up or she has driven them away from you.
🔨 She has despised her childhood where she was stuck in the countryside all the time and she has set herself some boundaries within her obsession to have limits and abduction is certainly one of them. She hates the idea of restricting you and imprisoning you as she'd see it as a loss to herself by letting her own feelings influence her. Nobara is level-headed so chances of an abduction are fairly low as she works, admittedly, very hard behind the scenes to not let anyone or anything harm you. She's the tiniest bit controlling in the sense that she wants to know about the people beside herself that you have in your life to know who she has to lecture if something happens and she also expects you to tell her if you're in troubles or someone gives you a hard time. I can't really see an abduction or restrictions within your personal life happening unless a curse attacks you and or you're seriously injured in which case Nobara insists on spending more time guarding and protecting you and also wants you to stick to her advice she gives you no matter what, especially if you're still recovering.
🔨 She wouldn't want to isolate you for the fact alone that she loves going out with you, exploring the city and enjoying her new life. If you've lived here your entire life, she definitely wants you to show her around and take her to your favorite shops and restaurants. She isn't one to spoil but she definitely enjoys taking her darling out when she goes shopping and wants your opinion on certain outfits that catch her eye. If she sees something that she thinks would look good on you, she always insists for you to try it on and she's very persistent so she wins you over most of the time. Fashion is important for her so I can't help but feel like she'd like to doll you up from time to time and let her choose your outfit. Couple outfits will be a thing between the two of you, you can not convince me otherwise. She isn't one to actively gush over her darling all the time but if they have a hobby in which they excel or they do something of which she's proud about, she brags about it to her friends such as Yuji.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵 Gojo is someone who enters your life without any warning and refuses to leave you alone forever after. You may do your best to avoid him or tell him as friendly as possible that you'd like him to leave you alone for a bit but nothing works as he chooses serenely to let everything fly over his head. Sweetie, he's not leaving you. He's here to stay whether you want him to or not, perhaps you just need a bit of time to get to know him better. Something you should know is that better than him isn't possible so he blatantly looks down on whoever you might show a prefence to or who might have any intentions to court you. This white-haired annoyance is one clingy man with no intention to give you any room to breathe. Admittedly, a part of him sometimes just likes annoying you and he's a master in it but for the most part Gojo has just an unquenchable desire to be with you as you manage to make him aware of something he didn't want to acknowledge for years now. His undeniable loneliness that comes with being the strongest, the still lingering diappointment of Riko's death and the searing scars left forever by Geto's betrayal. Never again. He'll never let someone else leave him or die on him again.
🩵 Despite his obvious playfullness, Satoru is very possessive over his darling and combined with his unbearable clinginess, that makes for one smothering presence. He's shameless and ruthless when it comes to being the most important person in your life and that transcends far beyond your crushes or love rivals. Your friends, acquaintances and even your own family get entangled into this mess and whilst he wouldn't actively hurt them, as long as they treat you well and don't try to tell you to stay away from him, he'd still expect you to choose him without any moment's hesitance over them because he'd do the same. Beyond his nonchalant and arrogant facade, Gojo is more paranoid and protective than he'd ever show to anyone besides maybe you. He's the strongest sorcerer for sure but the paranoia that something might be wrong and the additional stress his clan gives him as they're clearly unhappy with his choice of partner wear him down. He isn't invincible after all.
🩵 I'd label him as more possessive than jealous as his confidence is through the roof and he judges people mostly only based on their strength alone so with him being the strongest sorcerer in the world, he looks down on most people in your life. Gojo is the type who scares people out of your life without much remorse. One glare is often enough to make someone turn around and avoid you as long as the tale male is with you which is unfortunately more often than you're comfortable with. Turning your attention away from him and ignoring him for someone else never goes down well as he's clearly displeased when you choose to do so and he chooses to be an asshole in return, condescending and talking down to whoever it is you're conversing with at the moment and with his height and his heavy glare he never fails to scare them away. Gojo causes you a lot of problems with his overflowing affection as at one point everyone believes him to be your boyfriend and he does nothing but worsen it more and more.
🩵 I've already said it, I'll say it again. Gojo has little to no remorse for scaring, hurting or even murdering people for you. He barely tolerates anyone besides himself in your life and there is little space left for family and friends with him but they at least get the minimum of respect from him. Everyone else is a free game and then it's completely up to Satoru's own mood what he does with them. He is sadistic so he finds it amusing seeing someone cower in fear the moment he confronts them because they tried to interfere with the relationship. Most people once mess up and then never show their face in front of you again out of sheer fear of Gojo and it leaves you alone and isolated most time as he doesn't even spare friends and family from it if they do something that they shouldn't have done in his eyes. Nothing will help someone though if they've harmed his darling though and their death will be nothing short of excruciating, he literally doesn't care if it's a curse, a human, a sorcerer, executive or someone else. He won't let anyone ever touch a strand of your hair in the wrong way, he promises.
🩵 An abduction with Gojo is not avoidable and it'll happen soon, sweetheart. Satoru is maybe just a bit crazy about the aspect of controlling and monitoring you so he can know where you are the entire time and that is partially influenced by his protective side. He initially tries to talk you into moving in with him and tries to make it sound as appealing as possible. You can design the rooms however you like, you would have access to all of his seemingly limitless bank accounts and you'd never have to work again. It'd be just the two of you. It might sound tempting at first but there are also some hidden implications there. Because you wouldn't be able to leave the house without his permission and he'd install a security system which would in emergency situations shut all windows and doors, allowing pretty much only him to enter and leave. It sounds good in his mind and he'd be very happy if you'd willingly follow him in what is essentially a luxurious prison but your consens isn't needed. Don't blame and cuss at him though, he did give you a chance to choose the better option.
🩵 Gojo never listens to you when it involves you telling him to respect your privacy or when you beg and plead him to let you go as he doesn't take you seriously. You can play hard to get if you want to, you can try to despise him as much as you want but that only mean isolation and even less space for you as he forcefully inserts himself in your daily routine as much as he wants to. You're able to get away with a lot of things simply because Gojo doesn't deem you as any threat to him but that doesn't mean that you can be a brat all you want. Perhaps a reminder of what he's capable off should help you to control your temper a bit better. He's just saying, he could easily break your legs or ruin friends and family of yours. Why don't you just give in? The future would be bright and filled with everything you'd want as the man would ensure to spoil you rotten and since he's good in almost everything he tries, he can easily pick up anything for the sole purpose of impressing you. Don't abuse his trust though because around you Gojo actually feels secure enough to be vulnerable which takes a lot for him to do. So if you'd ever try to escape him, you'd see what lies beyond that playful grin of his.
Geto Suguru
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🗻 You get to know him yet really don't under the disguise of a Buddhist priest you often find yourself visiting his temple after the advice of a friend as recently you have experienced weird dreams and feel constantly tired and heavy. A curse clinging to you yet you don't know that and are simply another monkey who collects curses for him. That is all you are, a monkey who Geto so desperately wants to murder yet something about you is different, something that Suguru can't quite pinpoint but it's enough for you to stay permanently on his mind, much to his disdain. His hatred for all non-sorcerers makes Geto quite dangerous as his sworn hatred constantly clashes with his ever-growing affection which he locks away deep inside of himself. Newfound hatred specifically pointed against you has led him multiple times close to allowing curses to kill you yet none of them do so in the end as if sensing that the Curse User himself isn't able to do so, his own will the thing that ultimately always stops them and with that the manifestation of his weakness, his soft spot. A human.
🗻 His love is twisted as the knowledge that he feels so strongly about a non-sorcerer throws him into a new abyss of his mind and it reveals a sadistic, possessive and controlling side of himself. He uses his curses to haunt you and wear you down to force you into visiting him far often since his presence helps you as he puts on his most charming fake persona to lure you into a sense of security. Some of the more intelligent curses are used to spy on you and deliver information whilst Suguru is busy conjuring up his plan to murder every other non-sorcerer. He's very manipulative as he slowly gets into your head as his advice of what you should do help you as he orders the curses to leave you if you do as he tells you and it foolishly leads you into trusting him as you open up to him about a lot of things. You're blinded by his gentle smile and charming attitude, almost too trusting but that's alright. Suguru gradually comes to term with his feelings as he starts changing his perspective. Animals have an order about who is better than others and if the rest of non-sorcerers is a bunch of crude monkeys, he likes to see you as a fine and rare feline, as something more sophisticated and elegant.
🗻 Jealousy would require for him to feel threatened or insecure by someone and with his condescending look on non-sorcerers, that never happens. Now, obviously you don't know anything about sorcerers and curses, still blissfully naive about the true danger the man in front of you really is but Suguru shows lenience. You might be slightly above monkeys but ultimately you're still underneath sorcerers so he can't expect you to know any better just yet. If there is something going on in your life though such as someone courting you, you crushing on someone or, heaven forbid, you actually getting into a relationship with someone, he always finds out. His anger shortly flares up when he's informed about it but the next time you see him, he has reassumed that gentle smile that always calms you down. Non-sorcerers shouldn't even be able to touch you and leave their stench on you, he definitely needs you to drop anyone who would even think of you in that way. You're better than that, he'll help you remove the bad influence scum has on you. Normally you always trust him with such matters so if he ever finds out that you've kept something like that a secret from him, he views it as an act of disobedience.
🗻 Suguru's goal is it to isolate you from everyone, including your own friends and family as all of them are disgusting, soon to be dead anyways. He can easily discard people around him if they are non-sorcerers or should stand in his way and even if it is irritating to see you struggle to do the same, he tries to be reasonable. You don't know any better after all, you were born into their world and are brainwashed but that's alright. Because he will fix everything for you. Perhaps the scariest part of all is that Geto truly believes to do you a favor as you haven't seen how ugly the weak are and what they do to cling onto the delusion that they aren't. Everyone you cherish holds no worth to him besides maybe bait to manipulate and blackmail you once you've taken your rose-tinted glasses off and realize what he really is capable of. Their worth lasts for him only that long though before he decides to cut all of your ties with them completely, removing everyone from your life and leaving you all alone. Don't waste any time crying over them as they aren't worth it. They aren't even worth remembering, he can promise you that soon you'll stop caring about them altogether.
🗻 An abduction is a guarantee and merely bears the question of when it will happen. Suguru has to make some preparations for that day though as he knows that he needs to inform his fellow curse users and the curses that aren't aware of it yet about his new addition soon. It goes against anything he stands for and fights for and Suguru fully understands that but ultimately he manages to convince them as he emphasizes that you are in no way an equal, words he truthfully means. You're a possession he plans to keep and whilst he shall cherish and treasure you, you'll also have to learn how to submit and obey as soon as you're taken in. Everything comes crashing down onto you on the day where you enter the temple but never leave again as Geto finally pulls the rug out from under you and reveals who he truly is. A smile that once comforted you now terrifies you as freedom and privacy are rights taken away from you unless you follow his rules and obey. You wouldn't want to disappoint him and earn yourself a punishment after all, would you?
🗻 Your life is never the same afterwards as it is, in fact, not your own anymore. It all lays now in Suguru's hands who is the one orchestrating your whole life. You have a strict set of rules that you always have to follow and for most things that aren't included in your schedule, you need to ask for permission from him and silently accept if he denies you your request. You're always watched when he isn't at home, either by other curse users or by curses. The latter is especially terrifying as he never informs you fully in the beginning of the world of sorcerers fully simply to test you and let you bask in the illusion of having a chance to escape when in reality you don't. Geto always finds you and hands out a punishment for your failed attempt, keeps the secret up for a while until he decides to tell you the whole truth, slightly disappointed with how often you might have tried to run away at that point and by this point, the knowledge that you were always watched and never had a chance to begin with cracks something inside of you and the new world you find yourself in terrifies you.
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longlivedelusion · 2 months
Absolute Beginners
[poly!Wolfstar x Reader]
A/N: Well, I made a self-indulgent drabble for my first wolfstar fic cause I had a rough day and needed it remedied via delusion. This is for my chronic fatigue fam who might not have the support they need. And yet they have things to do, like get a car or else they won't be able to get to work. 😬👍 So this is me rewriting a frustrating irl situation into a loving one! Hope you enjoy.
Song: Absolute Beginners by David Bowie
Warnings: none I think. Just fluff. Enjoy!
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"I'm so exhausted," I say as I walk into living room, bag barely hanging onto my shoulder as I drag myself to Remus. I flop down next to him on the couch, his arm instinctively reaching around me.
"I can imagine. You had a long day yesterday, sweetheart. Did the extra rest this morning help at all?" His hand reaches up to my head, gently petting me as if he were soothing an animal.
I nod slightly. "Yeah. Still feel like shite though. Not sure I have the energy to do all this."
"I know, but you have Sirius and I to help. You just need to be there to make sure you like the car, and we'll handle the rest ok?"
"Wish it didn't have to be today," I mumble. "M'hurt."
From the other end of the apartment, Sirius' voice booms across the otherwise quiet apartment. "Sorry, sorry. I'm ready, just got caught up with- oh what's this?" His eyes fall on my slouched against Remus, his eyes furrowing.
"They're still exhausted." Remus says quietly, hand softly moving against my hair.
"Baby-" Sirius' eyes soften, walking over in an instant as he kneels down beside the couch. "Was I too loud today? Did I keep you up?" He says, gently reaching up for my hand.
I hold his hand back, my grip loose around his. "No Pads, just think I need more time to rest up is all. And wish we didn't have to go out today of all days." The end coming out in a grumble.
"Is there no way to reschedule?" Sirius looks up at Remus.
He shakes his head, "I already tried to think, but we've already put it off enough. The day's coming up soon. But don't worry we'll take care of everything, alright darling?" Remus says as his hand moves down to cup my face.
I give a little nod and Sirius's face furrows even more. I hear him sigh as he goes to press a soft kiss to my knuckles. "Well, I'm more than happy to be the conversationalist today. Or your own personal pillow whenever you need." He says, his usual grin splaying across his face.
I smile, tiredly. "Thanks. I just hope we have everything, I wanted to ask so many questions but I-"
Remus chimes in, "I already have them written out. I also pulled some research together the other day to find all we need to look over for the car. One of us will even test drive it for you if you want, so you can just sit in the back seat and see if you like it or not while we handle the more technical things." He presses a kiss to my forehead. "We've got it all covered, don't worry."
I sigh, my shoulders sagging in relief. "Thank you two. I really really wish I wasn't so tired or foggy today of all days."
"That's what we're here for," Sirius says as his hands trace over my palm. "We help each other when we need it. You help Remus every month by making sure he's loved and cared during his transition, you help me when I have my... Moments. And we help you when you're exhausted or overwhelmed. It all works out!"
I look between my two boys, heart so full of gratitude. I'd never had someone to support me like this, to be so understanding and willing to help me when most would tell me to just push through. When I've had to just push through or cancel. Yet... I don't have to do this. Not alone at least. Because of their support. Their love.
Tears start to well up in my eyes as Sirius's widen. "Oh! No, no I didn't mean to make you cry baby."
Remus tilts my chin up so he can see my face better, softening as he notices the water pooling beneath my lashes. "Is it really too much? We can cancel, we can always find another way if it's too much for today." He gently wipes the tears away.
"No," I start, eyes downcast to hide my embarrassment. "I just... I'm still not used to being supported like this. I had to struggle on my own for so long that I- I don't believe you both are real sometimes."
I hear a soft whine from below as Sirius moves up behind my on the couch and wraps pulls my back to him, now sandwiching me between him and Remus.
"We're real, we're here." Remus whispers. His hand running softly across my arm now.
"And there's no way we're letting you do this alone anymore. Nope. You're stuck with us." I could hear Sirius' smirk, his arms wrapping tightly around.
"Exactly. And we wouldn't have it any other way."
I pull Remus to me, his arm resting over Sirius' shoulder now as I hug them both to me. "I love you two, you know that?" My voice comes out breathy.
"And we love you. So much." Remus says, eyes never leaving my face.
"As long as we're together," Sirius starts to sing a familiar melody, ever for the dramatics. Remus looks up to his boyfriend and rolls his eyes, the smile on his face showing he knew where this was going.
"The rest can go to hell." I feel Sirius lean down and whisper in my ear, making me chuckle.
"I absolutely love you." His fingers brushing past my hair. Remus is just as mesmerized, quietly listening.
"But we're absolute beginners."
"Kinda feels like it sometimes," I say.
"But if my love is your love," He sings with a softness now, turning my face toward him. His eyes deeply holding mine, mesmerizing.
"We're certain to succeed."
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
Okay so I have a request for an Aemond story about how part of him and readers sex life is her intentionally getting him to break a rule (like not coming) because he’s someone that beats himself up whenever he does something wrong, as well as a lot of the people around him, he asked reader if they could do this so that he can experience her unconditional love and forgiveness after
Oooo this is a very interesting idea. So I've actually had to something similar to this with my sub so I'm very happy to elaborate on something like this. I'm changing it ever so slightly to ensure good BDSM etiquette but the vibe is definitely the same and I hope you enjoy!
So obviously this will be NSFW sub!aemond below the cut :))
When you first this dynamic with Aemond, it was just you ordering him around in the bedroom and also occasionally giving him non-sexual orders too. Aemond loves this, and he really thrives when he's something to do and he knows he's being good.
I think rules first start being introduced when he does something that's very clearly not good for him. You love Aemond, and you never want to see him being self destructive and spiral.
Sometimes Aemond will get to stuck in his own head that he’ll just spiral and not look after himself. He’ll spend hours training with no rest, go straight from training to the library and barely get even an hour of sleep.
You put a stop to this of course, and thankfully the one thing that will always remain trump anything else for him is your orders. The moment you tell him what to do he’s doing it immediately.
After you’ve gotten him into a better state, you tell him you want to have rules around things like that. He likes the idea of strict rules and guidelines and he knows he’d thrive if he had a guide for what you want of him and he could always meet it.
The problem was, Aemond can’t stand disappointing you and he knows there’s always the possibility of him breaking a rule. When you suggest punishment, he likes it, but he goes quiet and then eventually softly asks, “Are you sure you’d forgive me? After?”
Which just breaks your heart.
You’re quick to assure him that of course you’ll forgive him. He still doesn’t seem sure, like he’s afraid if he messes up once he’ll lose you forever.
That’s when you decide to make the list of punishments with him and then to promise him he can mess up a thousand times and you will always forgive him. It’s safe for him to make mistakes here, you’ll always work through it together.
I think Aemond ends up gravitating towards punishments that involve some form of pain or suffering on his part? He won’t feel like he deserves forgiveness if he’s just written out lines or something. Spanking is a very good one for him, especially because he can be over your lap and feel really close to you at the same time.
Other ones he approves of are being made to hold certain positions for long, such as planking or holding his arms out and holding something heavy in his hands. If you’re alone and have space then you might make him run for a while.
He wants to feel exhausted when it’s over. That’s the only way he can forgive himself.
So you reach a point where you have all his rules clearly written out and all the punishments you have to choose from. It's all worked out and in principle Aemond LOVES this set up. But he still has a really hard grappling with the idea that you really will forgive him after the punishment. He knows if you don't forgive him then he will never be able to forgive himself.
You discuss this with Aemond, and you can see how much he wants to do this but he's still scared you won't care for him the way he needs you to.
So you suggest that you push him in a scene and if he fails you will punish him and forgive him. He's uncertain at first and originally turns the offer down but then a few days later he randomly brings the topic up again and says he'd like to give it a shot.
You agree to do so and that night you have him kneel for you. Your plan is so edge him until he's begging and then tell him he's not allowed to cum without permission and ensuring that he does cum without permission.
The moment his orgasm is over he's mumbling apologies over and over again, curling up against himself and being unable to look you in the eye. You call him to look at you and he still doesn't look up. So you put your hand on the back of his neck and then grab the hairs at the nape of his neck and force him to look up.
The moment you put some force into it he instantly relaxes and meets your eye. There are tears in his eyes but he's so much calmer now that he's under your control. You tell him he broke a rule and you're going to make him stand in a T pose while holding a heavy vase in each hand. He does it without complaint of course, and you stay with him the entire time. You don't leave the room, in fact you don't even leave his sight. You sit on the bed and watch him, praising him for how good he's being and how well he's completing his punishment.
When you see his arms start to shake, you count down from 30 to 1 and then take the vases from him and let him drop his arms. The moment you've put the vases down you pull him into your arms and he goes easily, practically falling into your hug and hiding his face against your shoulder.
You walk with him to the bed and let him curl up with you, his head against your chest. That's when you kiss his head and tell him he was so good. You tell him you forgive him and it's all over now.
He looks up at you then, unshed tears in his eyes and he actually manages to give you a small smile? He softly asks, "I'm forgiven? I'm good?"
You nod and give him another kiss on the head, telling him it's all over and now his only job is to lay with you and recover.
He does just that, maybe even falling asleep for a little while. When he wakes up he's feeling a lot better. You expect him to still be a little bit out of it but to your shock when he wakes he's wide awake? He sits up and smiles at you before rolling onto his back and thanking you. You ask if he's feeling alright and he says he feels great. You ask if he's forgiven himself and he nods.
He's just... you've seen him look so carefree? He's got this lazy smile on his face as he lays there, clearly feeling so so much better.
Needless to say, you continue with the rules and the punishments.
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
An attempt to salvage S4, for your delectation. S4E1
Okay, I think I'm ready. This is so long that I'll have to post it episode by episode. [FYI this isn't written Fic or script style so much as a play-by-play]
This is I'm sure an imperfect fix but I do think this would have been better especially if used as a base to work on - if anyone does want to, please feel free!
Rules I gave myself: Keep the 6 episode formula. The characters have to start Ep 1 in the same state (jobs, accommodation etc) they do in the show. Use as much as is salvageable from S4 to make the base of this cake.
I will say that I think one easy fix the show should have done was to keep the long-running theme of using flashbacks at the beginning of each ep to flesh out the story; so I've done that off the bat. Every character has a beginning flashback, but they all include Ben or Jennifer to a degree (because this is his season) and Diego and Lila have to share because there isn't enough room soz y'all.
Starts with Viktor's Flashback: Over a series of 2 years him having a terrible time at family reunions where Diego and Lila are squabbling, Luther is being harrangued. He's working as a bar tender and they keep showing up at his bar; Klaus gets carted off by them to rehab there for being stoned, he has to kick Five out for being too drunk and disorderly. Viktor starts looking for a bar elsewhere, sees the one in Canada and moves there. Shows him chatting up the ladies, being unable to connect to them on a deeper level. In the background of all these scenes we see the Rise and Fall of Ben on the bar's TV. - he's an up and comer, he's in the big leagues! He's one of the wealthiest people in the world! He's committed tax fraud and being taken to jail!
Viktor in present time is being asked about going to Gracie's B day party, and torn about it, by Luther.
Luther is at his work.
Diego is lazily delivering packages, one of them with a symbol of an inside out umbrella on it, he is seen to pocket.
Lila is stressing over the kids party bits and another parent mentions seeing her at book club tonight.
Ben is getting out of prison, he's told by the guards that no one's due to come for him despite him arguing that someone should be, and that his parole officer demands someone be responsible for him. Ben is shown resigned picking up the phone.
Allison's work is running over and she has to call Klaus
Klaus takes Claire to her destination very cautiously
Five is at his work in CIA, staring at blueprints of the country, bitching to his boss about not being given access to blow through a wall to look at the hidden network of stations he's uncovered. Bitches to his assistant about how a few years ago this wouldn't have been an issue - assistant refers to the fact that a few years ago he was lucky to have been given this opportunity before he nearly drank himself out of his doctorate.
Luther comes to pick Ben up, he's pleased. Ben is pissed and seems edgy. They discuss in the car how Luther wasn't Ben's first choice, Luther asks who that would be, Klaus? Ben angry and claims that no, he has a girlfriend, she should have been there,  doesn't know where she is. Luther sympathises, saying he's been there, he'll help Ben look surely it was just a misunderstanding. Ben asks in a slightly scathing, though less than normal way, whether he's still looking for Sloane. Luther wishes he could hope still that she's out there, but it's fainter by the day. Ben and he share a small moment, that it's nice he's not the only one who remembers his family.
Gracie's party, much is the same
Viktor turns up late, is confronted by a blonde woman (Abigail) Abigail gives him the box of cross-timeline paraphernalia plus marigold jar. Says they're needed to save both his brother Ben and Jennifer, that they need to save the world. Leaves while Viktor is asking who Jennifer is.
Viktor goes into the party (it's wrapping up) shows the marigolds and they set up a meeting for later (the kids are still there)- there is frustration about commitments getting in the way and mixed excitement and dread.
They go separate ways, Lila is shown going to her 'book club' meeting where they talk about the Cleanse and the umbrella effect, it's Abigail, though Lila doesn't know who she is.
Diego after waving Lila off is seen pulling out the package he'd pocketed with the umbrella on it in his study full of papers and files, he goes to open it, tries to do a trick with a letter opener and it falls from his fingers, frustratedly he tosses the package as his in laws call for him to come help with something.
Five has gone down into the subway, he's staring at the wall, clenches his fists.
Allison, Klaus and Claire go home. It's quiet between Klaus and Allison. They have a stilted conversation about how they clearly don't want to have their powers back, and Allison asks for help prepping for the audition, Klaus jokes that at least acing those would have been easier with powers, she jokes back that with their powers she wouldn't have need to feel guilty killing his immortal ass for being a jerk.
Ben is with Viktor and Luther at Luther's place demanding what the woman said to Viktor who says he'd rather wait for the others but then admits about saving Jennifer and him, Luther asks who Jennifer is and guesses his 'prison girlfriend'. Viktor is a bit suspicious.
The others turn up, they go through the box properly.
Five and Lila notice items of interest in the box - subway map, umbrella inside out printed on things, items from other timelines, and both notice that Diego has much less subtly shown recognition and pocketed an umbrella item too. The two share a glance but both shrug as neither knows what's going on. Klaus finds and takes the dog tags.
Ben is on edge and demanding they get out and find Jennifer, that they take the marigolds, the others all agree they don't want their powers, though a few of them give some assurances to help Ben find Jennifer.
Ben pockets the marigolds and spikes everyone when they do a toast to another odd thing happening around their family before they all leave. (Viktor stays the night begrudgingly with Ben and Luther.)
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bakvrue · 11 months
izuku x reader
he needs you to know how you mean to him and will go to any length to prove it to you
cw: a tad nsfw, reader refered to as puppy, wc 1k, divider by @/cafekitsune, written for mimi
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Izuku pins your hands above your head and you wince at his swift action. Your pillow softens the blow but it doesn't hide the dark cloud seeping off of your boyfriend above you.
“Repeat that one more time for me.”
It's not a request but a demand, one that comes from the deepest part of him. His voice stern and something inside you quakes. He’s never looked at you like this before.
You swallow, trying to maintain eye contact which is especially hard after what you've just said to him, but you keep your mouth shut.
It hurt you enough the first time, you shan't say it again.
“I swear that I heard you mumble that I can do better than you.”
Your heart hurts as he says your own words back to you. Ones that have been repeating in your head for the last few months of your relationship.
You see him all the time with other people, people who are nicer, happier, more smiley than you. And certainly people who deserve him more. People that he has to have greater feelings for than you.
You don't celebrate his every entrance home, you don't cover yourself in pink, or act like a perfect girlfriend. And you are sure that if the stars aligned in any other way that he would be with one of them instead of you and that he would be a million times happier.
So then why does him saying these words out loud hurt you so?
“Is that what you really think?” He asks again, and there's a waiver in his voice, an uncertainty.
His grip on your hands loosens slightly, his brow furrowing. He’s waiting for you to speak.
“Izuku, I—”
“Stop. I won't hear whatever you're going to say.” His grip on your hands tightens again, and he leans over you. His large muscular back arching over you, blocking out the light behind him. His eyes lock onto yours, “Whatever it is, I’ll prove it wrong right now.”
He kisses your neck and then retreats, sitting on his knees with your body pinned under him. He pulls at the back of his shirt, slowly revealing cords of muscle to you like he's unwrapping a present.
He tosses the shirt to the side and places your hands on his wide chest. You can feel his pulse quicken from the contact and the heat coming off of his body. The powerful muscles of a man who can easily save a bus full of screaming children.
“Do you feel that?”
“I know what a heartbeat feels like, Izuku.” You want to remove your hands, to fight the feeling deep inside of you that makes you press your legs together, but he holds your hands in place.
“But mine’s different; mine beats for you.”
You hate that this corny ass line gets to you. It doesn't erase the hurt that you're still holding close to your chest, but a few pieces of that hurt fall to the floor.
Hands fall to your waist and it’s almost like Izuku can see the pieces starting to slip, so he doubles down in the only way he knows how.
“You are the reason I fight so hard. You are the reason that I wake up every morning a draw breath. The reason that I can come home and shed the hero skin and just be myself. Because you allow me to just be Izuku. I don't have to be some built up perfect man to you, and the fact that you allow me to do that is everything to me. I know you've always compared yourself to others, and that maybe that is what this is, but the thing is that I don't want others. I don't want someone too sweet who would suffocate me and not allow me a moment to breathe. I don’t want someone who isn’t you. I don’t need someone to smile at me, I need someone who is there for me, who is with me in everything that I do, and who has the biggest caring-est heart I've ever seen, even if she doesn't believe it.”
You pout and hide your face in your hands, “Stop, you’re too nice to me”
He readjusts himself so that he's sitting between your legs and his hands run up your legs, over your hips to rest right under the hem of your shirt.
“I'll show you that I’m devoted to you.” His head dips down to the skin slowly being exposed as he raises your shirt, and he kisses at every inch of your skin as it's revealed.
He kisses his way up to your breasts. He nips at your soft skin as he wraps his arms under your body drawing you up into him.
Every piece of your chest is covered in some remnant of him; kisses, bites, spit.
His hips grind into yours, and you can feel his desire through his sweatpants. Hard and hot pressing against where you need him the most.
“This is only for you, puppy.” His voice drops as he talks right into your ear. “All of me. I’m yours.”
He kisses along your jawline as his body settles on you.
“I’m all yours,” he repeats before he kisses you. His tongue swipes along your bottom lip, and he groans when you let him in.
The first kiss that breaks the dam of passion that flows between the two of you. The feelings that scare you fall to the floor as he reaches the deepest parts of you. His body is a master of yours, his breath guiding the push and pull of your hips. Hands holding yours tightly as he gives you shot after shot, never once letting you go. Because he could never.
Thrust after thrust, kiss after kiss; it's endless. Your whole body shaking, begging for a break from his endless hours or torment, but he has something to prove. It doesn't matter how many times he cums in you or how much spills from you. He needs to keep you full, needs to show you how much his body belongs to you. And he does. Oh god, he does.
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