#will be updated when we gain/lose mods
dailydikke · 9 months
Mod tags reference
#heyy its save - @bachikinmo4 (they/them)
#hiii its sam - @semisweeteas (any/sea/it)
#haiii its vae - @toscanasoups (he/any)
Do not include them in ur prev tags when reblogging please
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missy-hissy · 16 days
Patreon Re-Launching & Autumn 2024 Updates
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So a couple of bits of news. Firstly, I am re-launching my patreon! I closed it last year when my mental health tanked but I'm doing a LOT better now, so I'm giving it another go. All my mods will remain 100% free - no paywall, no early access. Support is always appreciated but never required. A little bit more about that can be found on my patreon HERE.
Secondly, I have the Autumn 2024 updates for you! A little earlier that I'd planned but I wanted them released before my birthday next week so here we are!
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And onto the updates! 3 of my mods have received updates today, including the much anticipated addon for Hopes & Fears to remove fulfillment altogether! The master post for the Autumn 2024 updates can be found HERE.
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Parenthood Discipline For High School Years
~ Added Dutch translation ~ Added discipline options when a teen is caught for sneaking out.
Read More & Download Here
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The Milestone Mod
~ Updated all images to work with the new DX11 update. ~ New: Added 7 new milestones in a Base Game package.
Read More & Download Here
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The Hopes & Fears Mod ~ Version 3.1
~ Overhauled Fear of Being Alone. ~ Rebalanced the gaining and losing of fulfillment due to events. The changes to fulfillment have been lowered to hopefully prevent Sims from switching several levels too quickly. ~ Added new Optional package to disable fulfillment. Please see the Life Fulfillment page for information and to download this package.
Read More & Download Here
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monocodoll · 10 months
Drug Dealing(MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures) Mod Report(Weed Edibles, Marijuana License, Felony Consequences, Smuggling, Cocaine/Meth Rackets, Heat System, Steroids, Doctor Appointments, Lean, Possibility of PMA in MDMA, and small update to Adderall) Part 1
This month I have been all over the place. From implementing new features to going back and enhancing some small features. The main things that have been worked on this month have been Weed Edibles, Marijuana License, Felony Consequences, Smuggling, Cocaine/Meth Rackets, Heat System, Steroids, Doctor Appointments, Lean, posibility of PMA in MDMA, and a small update on Adderall.
Weed Edibles
Weed Edibles are another form for your sim to get high from Cannabis.
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To First Create Weed Edibles, you will need to cook a dish. After cooking the dish you will need to place it inside your sims inventory. Select the weed bud that you wish to use. Then Select Create Cannabis Edible. It is recommended to select a single serving. You can do it on group servings, but the sims will not recieve the high effects. Since the group serving is not consumed.
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Your dish will now contain the Cannabis that you have selected. You may now place it down to have your sim consume it.
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Upon consumption, your sim will begin getting high. They will get the effects of whichever bud you had decided to use. I want to say thank you to @bietjie and @Moonmallow, as they had suggested looking into making weed edibles work similar to how honey works. Previously I was going to make a few custom weed edible dishes. However, it would have been a small number of dishes. With this method you can make any dish into an edible. Even Custom dishes.
Marijuana License
Marijuana License will allow your sim to legally obtain Cannabis buds and grow them on their property.
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To obtain a Marijuana License, your sim will have to apply for one at City Hall. Which will cost them 5000 Simoleans.
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After obtaining the Marijuana License, you will be notified.
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Your sim can now legally obtain Cannabis Buds at the Grocery.
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With the Marijuana License, your sim can grow the cannabis on their home lot Legally. Otherwise without it, the sim would gain heat. Which overtime with a higher heat level there is a chance of a police raid occuring at your lot. Confiscating all the drugs on the lot, and arresting any sims who has a felony on file.
Sims will lose their Marijuana License if they are arrested. Additionally, sims with a felony cannot apply for a Marijuana License.
Felony Consequences
Any time your sim gets arrested for dealing, they will now obtain a Felony.
Obtaining a Felony will cause your sim to be unable to aquire a Marijuana license.
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Additionally, it will limit your career prospects greatly. If your sim has a felony, they will only be able to work in the Culinary, Military, Criminal, or any of the part time careers. Otherwise if they get a career elsewhere, they will eventually be fired due to having a felony.
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Smuggling Racket
The smuggling racket will be used to smuggle illegal goods for a large sum of dirty money. As of this moment you can smuggle Cocaine Bricks and Meth Packages.
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To first establish a Smuggling Racket, you will need to fully own a rabbithole property.
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After you become an owner of a rabbithole property. You will have a couple of options in terms of which Rackets to set up. Money Laundering, Cocaine Production, Meth Production, and Smuggling.
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In this case we will go over the smuggling racket. The sim which established the Smuggling Racket, can smuggle 20 Cocaine Bricks or 20 Meth Packages between 8:00PM - 12:00AM. When selecting the smuggling option, the sim will spend 8 hours inside the rabbithole. After the sim completes the 8 hours inside they sell off either 20 Cocaine Bricks or 20 Meth Packages. If the sims Heat Level is high enough, then the smuggling could turn out to be unsuccesful and cause the sim to be arrested. Sims with a Drug Dealing skill of 9-10 will not have to worry about smuggling going wrong.
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Smuggling Racket Upgrades, are another feature with these new Rackets I implemented. There are currently a total of three upgrades. Equipment, Staff, And Security.
Equipment Upgrade,
The Equipment upgrade for the Smuggling Racket will allow sims to smuggle up to 25 Cocaine Bricks or 25 Meth Packages instead of 20.
Staff Upgrade,
The Staff Upgrade for the Smuggling Racket simply cuts down on the time it take to smuggle goods. So Instead of it taking 8 hours, it now only takes 6 hours to smuggle goods.
Security Upgrade,
The Security Upgrade for the Smuggling Racket now makes it less likely for Smuggling to go wrong.
By Default there is a total of 5 Heat Thresholds. Low Heat: 20, Low Average Heat: 40, Average Heat: 60, Above Average Heat: 80, and High Heat: 100.
If your heat level is below Low Heat, then your sim has a 5% chance that the smuggling will lead to an arrest, below Low Average heat is a 10% chance, and below Average Heat is a 15% chance, below Above Average Heat is 20% chance, and below High heat is 25% chance of being arrested for smuggling.
The Security Upgrade will make it so any heat level below the Average Heat Threshold, means no chance for the sim to be arrested when smuggling. Therefore, if your sims heat is 60. Then they will have a 15% of smuggling going wrong, and anything between 60-80 will have a 20% of smuggling going wrong. 25% for anything between 80-100.
Also, the cost of each Racket and Upgrade is tunable.
Cocaine Production Racket
The Cocaine Production Racket will produce Cocaine Bricks for you. To first establish a Cocaine Production Racket, you will need to fully own a rabbithole property. Upon owning a property, you will be able to establish a Cocaine Production Racket.
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Once you establish a Cocaine Production Racket. Every Sunday, you will obtain the ability to make a phone call to order your supply of Bricks.
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Upon making that phonecall. A sim will stop by your home to deliver the package. They will ring your doorbell and quickly run off into their vehicle and drive off. A package will spawn next to your mailbox. The sim that ordered the package is the only one that will be able to open the package. Upon opening the package the sim will gain 20 Cocaine Bricks of Normal Quality per each Cocaine production Racket owned.
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The Cocaine Production Racket also has upgrades. Equipment, Staff, and Security Upgrades.
Equipment Upgrade,
The equipment upgrade for the Cocaine Production Racket will now make the racket Produce High Quality Cocaine Bricks instead of Normal Quality Bricks. Additionally, the equipment upgrade will allow you to make two phone call deliveries, instead of just one. Every Thursday and Sunday you will be able to make these calls for a supply.
Staff Upgrade,
The staff upgrade for the Cocaine Production Racket will now make the racket produce 25 Cocaine bricks instead of just 20.
Security Upgrade,
Everyday, if your sims heat is high enough, they have a chance of their Rackets being Raided. Without a security upgrade Heat between 10-20 has a 5% chance of your rackets being raided, 20-40 has a 10% chance of racket being raided, 40-60 has a 15% chance of being raided, 60-80 has a 20% chance of being raided, and 80-100 has a 25% chance of being raided. If your racket is raided, your sim will lose the entire racket and it's upgrades, and your sim will also be arrested.
With the security upgrade, Heat between 0-59 will have a 0% chance of getting your Racket Raided. At Heat 60, there will be a 15% chance, and Heat between 61-80 will have 20% chance. And 81-100 will have a 25% chance.
Meth Production Racket,
The Meth Production Racket works the exact same way as the Cocaine Production Racket. Except it produces Meth Packages instead of Cocaine Bricks.
Heat System
Heat System is a system in place to determine how much attention from Law Enforcement your sim has. The more attention they have, the more annoyances that can occur regarding law enforcement.
[Increasing Heat]
Heat can be increased by being arrested, using Dirty Money without Laundering it, and Having Illegal plants in your property. Such as Cannabis(If someone in your household has a Marijuana license, then no heat will be gained from those plants), Opium, and Coca Plant.
[Decreasing Heat]
Heat can be decreased by the Laundering Money moodlet and Laying Low moodlet after they expire.
[Potential Consequences of Having Heat]
-Rackets Raided By Law Enforcement
-House Raid:
-When Smuggling goods, your sim can get arrested
On a previous report, I had mentioned Steroids. However, they were not fully developed back then. I have decided to go back and work on their effects and consequences. As of this moment there are two kinds of Steroids. Tesosterone Enanthate and Trenbolone.
[Testosterone Enanthate]
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Testosterone Enanthate is the weaker varient of Steroids, but also the safest. While injecting this substance the positive effects is that your sim will gain the pumped moodlet. Which will help them gain the athletic skill much more efficiently. As well assist them in gaining muscle. The negative effect is that injecting this substance will increase the Enzyme Levels of your sim by a total of 5.
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Trenbolone is the strongest varient of Steroids, but the most dangerous. While injecting this substance the positive effects is that your sim will gain the pumped, Adrenaline Rush, and gain a skill boost multiplier to all skills categorized in the physical category. Which will greatly help the sim increase their Athletic skill, Gain Muscle, and increase any Physical Skill. The negative effects of injecting Trenbolone is that it will increase your Enzyme Levels by 15.
[Side Effects]
While taking Steroids, your Enzyme levels will increase. Once your Enzyme Levels reach a certain Enzyme Level threshold(60-100), your sim will begin to experience Side Effects. Such as Roid Rage, Nauseous, Dizzy, Headaches, and being "Inexplicably Excited". Additionally, if your sims Enzyme levels ever reach 100. Then your sim will gain Permanent Liver Damage. Which is unreversable. And, every morning your sim will have a chance of dying due to Liver Failure.
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Before temporary Side Effects or pemanent Liver Damage takes effect. Your sim has a few options to treat their increase of Enzyme levels.
-Letting The Liver Repair Itself.
As long as your Enzyme Levels are below 60, the Liver will repair itself. To let the Liver Repair, simply stop injecting Steroids and for each day that steroids are not used. The Enzyme Levels will decrease by 5.
-PCT(Estrogen Blockers)
First, you will need go to the Hospital Rabbithole and attend a Doctors Appointment. If the Doctor finds that your Enzyme Levels are 60 or above. The Doctor will recommend that you take PCT and provide you with Estrogen Blockers to take. Afterwards you can take the Estrogen Blockers and it will provide you with a moodlet. Once that moodlet expires. Your Enzyme Levels will decrease by 10. If you already have Permanent Liver Damage, then the Estrogen Blockers will be useless.
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Additionally, Estrogen Blockers can be offered by your Drug Dealer NPC
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Come one, come all, to the Gentleman/Phantom Thief Showdown!
We’re lovers of characters who steal the unstealable, evade the inescapable, confound the unconfoundable, all with a smile on their faces and a tip of their hats! If you enjoy characters who steal priceless things, have a flair for fashion, have a rival (usually in the police), have impeccable manners, and follow a strict code of honor (even if it’s solely their own), then this poll showdown is for you! We’re collecting characters that fit the criteria of gentleman or phantom thieves from all forms of media:
Steals items that are not merely very expensive but often priceless (Such as: fine art, unique gems, historical artifacts)
Leaves a calling card for the intended victim
Master of Disguise
Uses trickery and illusions to escape undetected
Has a rival in the form of a detective or police inspector
Steals for reasons other than personal gain, such as personal challenge, vigilante justice, or just for the lols
May break the laws of physics or common sense to achieve their goal
Is meant to be admired by the audience (or at least respected for their wit, audacity, and adherence to self-made rules)
If there’s anyone in particular you’d like to see in this showdown, please submit characters in this form! Only one character per form, please, but you can submit as many as you’d like! Tthough please, don’t spam a character just because you want to see them! As long as you make a good case for a character, we’ll consider them, even if they’re only submitted once!
There are, of course, a few characters that are so well known that it’s obvious they’ll be here, so don’t worry about nominating them, they’re guaranteed spots in the bracket! They are:
Arsène Lupin (the face of the gentleman/phantom thief archetype!)
Lupin III
Kaitou KID (from Magic Kaito 1412 and Case Closed)
Joker (from Persona 5)
Carmen Sandiego
Please share this post! We’d love to hear from as many people as possible!
Just a PSA to all you lovely folks:
First off, we would like to thank everyone who has submitted thus far. Twenty-four hours ago, this tournament has gone from 6 nominations to over 60 and we are overjoyed by the overwhelming support. We have thoroughly enjoyed all the characters that have been submitted and the faces we have been introduced to.
However, there have been a few entries that have made us realize that our written criteria has been lacking when it comes to representing the actual gentleman thief. So we would like to add and clarify a few points:
Gender does not matter (Please feel free to submit some ladies! They are very underutilized)
Character must be a hands-on thief, as in pulls heists or rob places. They cannot be conmen, someone who steals through use of words and manipulation to earn their prize (they may pull cons, but that cannot be their primary gimmick).
Gentleman thief means that they are a thief that abides by the gentleman code. They are well-mannered and charming, and they do not kill/are not down for collateral damage of bystanders.
Please do not let this dissuade you from submitting! If you feel a character may qualify, we wold be overjoyed to see them. However, as this is a tournament surrounding the gentleman thief, we would not wish to lose true contenders to the suave conmen.
If you are uncertain, require clarification, or have any questions of the like do not fear sending us an ask! We would be absolutely delighted to answer
Thank you very much and may you have a swell day!
- Mod Silver
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momochiachan · 1 year
.。.:*♡ Pop-Confetti Legacy ♡*.。.:
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As a millenial person, I love 90s-2000s aesthetic! Also, I needed a gameplay where I can do stuff that I never did on the sims 4 before, so why not combine them into a brand new legacy challenge? Pop-Confetti has a nostalgic sound to it, that’s the only reason why I chose this name lol, well, also it sounds cute i think~
.。.:*♡ Let’s get started! first things first... ♡*.。.:
Home decoration and outfit style of the sims should suit with the fashion of the decade.
There is nothing like “if you fail one rule, you fail the whole challenge” in the Pop-Confetti because I’m terrible at following rules and I understand if it’s too hard sometimes lol. These are rather like guidelines.
Yet, don’t use money cheat I’d say. It ruins the fun.
The decade specific guidelines:
1990s Challenge: Use only the worst computers or use typewriters (there are nice CCs). No social media, no selfies, no funny videos. Use the worst camera to take photos.
Optional Activities: Game at the arcade, go skating. Send postcards on holidays. You can also build a drive-in movie lot and watch films and eat popcorn (we don’t have cars in sims, but well, we can pretend).
2000s Challenge: Slightly better computers. No simstagram, no selfies, no social media profile. Use a camera to take photos.
Optional Activities: If this gen can see the winter and can get the chance to celebrate the new year, it should be perfect. Throw a huge party! If they can see summer only, create a new new year holiday in summer (like in the south pole) and throw a perfect party again. Send postcards on holidays. Also, spend hours on MSN (chat with friends via computer).
2010s Challenge: You can start using laptops. Selfies? Hell yes. You can create a social media profile. Get fast internet lot trait.
Optional Activities: Update your social media profile every day. Take selfies every day. If you see a street protest, attend. Also, you can use the Simda DatingApp mod and find dates online!
2020 Challenge: Well, the nightmare begins: Social distance. Avoid crowded places. When many people come and try to talk to you, use the mean interaction “go away.” Get the fear of crowded places if possible. Do not leave your neighborhood. Live in a lot with simple living and keep your fridge always full.
Optional Activities: Gain weight! The rates of divorce increased during the pandemic IRL, so you can also break up with your partner maybe. Choose your partner as someone totally different than your identity group (for example: if your sim is a white straight woman, marry a black bisexual man).
2025 Challenge: Environment suffers… You can live in the dirty neighborhoods of Sulani or Evergreen Harbor. If you live somewhere else, get some/one of these lot challenges: filthy, landfill lot, and wild foxes (my reasoning is that because wild animals lose their home in forests, they have to find food in urban areas ;-;)
Optional Activities: You can do environmental activities if your sim cares enough. Use gaming mats. And uh… maybe go to space! What else..? if you get an idea, let me know ^^
#1. 1990: Ripped Jeans
(TW: Child neglect)
Because you were a neglected baby, you were taken away by social services and grew up in an orphanage. The orphanage was no good in terms of education, you got no skills, and you didn’t even get the skill to gain skills! But who cares? You believe in yourself. Now you are a young adult, ready to build your life from scratch.
You hate bad parents. Just the idea of it drives you mad! You believe that life taught you how a good parent should be in a harsh way. Well, you aren’t a parent yourself, but, uhh… is that important? I mean, you have been a child…? Anyways, who would know it better than you do! You the best! So you dedicate yourself to informing people about good parenting. Well, you become a parent at some point anyway, but you are so busy criticizing other families that… you lose your baby to social services.
IMPORTANT!: So, normally, when your child gets rescued by social services, they disappear. This shouldn’t happen in this challenge (See Gen #2). You can use MCCC to prevent it and have them adopted by another family.
Scenario: No Skills, No Problem Aspiration of your choice (you don’t have to complete) Traits: hot-headed, self-absorbed, outgoing Career: Education
Start with the “No Skills, No Problem” Scenario on.
Argue about parenting with the other parents and whenever you can’t win the argument, write an article or book about the issue.
Write 3 books on how to make children happy and good parenthood (because you don’t have skills, you have to write in children’s books genre lol)
Have at least 2 kids
Lose 1 toddler or child to social services (the “die in accidents” option for the other households in the neighborhood stories settings should be off)
After losing your child, complete/cancel the scenario and start getting skills along with your 2nd child does.
Leave your career and be a perfect parent to the 2nd kid: Have them the top-notch toddler trait. Knit clothes for your children, cook healthy food for them, have a special activity with them every week (such as watching movies, reading books, eating out, or going on vacation), always assist with the projects, etc.
Max parenting skill.
#2. 1995: Postcards from the Past
You grew up under the wings of perfect care. You are kinda spoilt, your life is excellent, and the world revolves around you. Your parents gave you whatever you wanted until now (or you knew how to take it). Same for romantic relationships.
However, when you are a teen, you eavesdrop on your parents one day and learn that you have a sibling who got taken away years ago! You can’t believe that your perfect parent neglected a child in the past! You desperately want a reunion. No matter what, you are going to find your sibling. You can get whatever you want, right?
Scenario: Well-Rounded Sim Aspiration: Serial Romantic Traits: Self-assured, family-oriented, one of the traits inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Interior Decorator/Police Officer (basically any job that enables you to visit random people’s homes) Gender Options: Can’t impregnate nor become pregnant
Complete the aspiration
Complete the Well-Rounded Scenario
Complete your career
Travel house by house and try to find your sibling
Complete postcards collection.
Once you find them, cheat the relationship to the -100 because they hate you and your parents at the moment. You need to gain their love!
At some point, move in with them, or you can also get them as roommates or live in a residential rental together. They will be the parent of the next-gen, and you will help to care for their child (you are not fertile. you can adopt a child if you want, but the heir will still be your sibling’s child. you are free to marry but you should still live with your sibling and their family).
#3. 2000: Shiny Face of the CD
You grew up in a crowded, happy family. You have an aunt/uncle with a serial romantic past; but your parents are nothing like them. They are way more conservative. Your parents are judgmental, especially about people’s love life. They want you to make an “appropriate” marriage within “moral” norms like no sexual relationship out of marriage, if you date someone they better be your spouse in a short while, and it has to be a heterosexual marriage. Will you able to give them what they want or will you follow your heart?
Scenario: Finding love after breakup Aspiration: One of the location aspirations Traits: Proper, Romantic, one of the traits inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Shopkeeper (you can additionally be freelancer or enter a job you can work at home)
As a teenager, you are invited to participate in an exchange program. Pick any other household in the save that has another teenager and swap them in manage worlds. Befriend the exchange student. You can have them stay as long as you want (This rule is actually one of the rolls written for the random legacy challenge which is full of amazing ideas! check them out!).
Complete the aspiration
Have a highschool sweetheart, preferably a bad boy/girl.
Have a very well-managed retail shop as a young adult.
Expect a baby with your highschool sweetheart! but they refuse to take care of it.
Make a marriage of convenience with one of your employees before your family notices that you will have a child soon.
Have an isolated room for the baby.
Die as an adult.
#4. 2005: Bankruptcy
You had a pretty interesting childhood... that pushed you to make interesting choices in life. You are definitely not the favorite of your family. You keep making mistakes, but you always laugh them away. You hate school, but also you couldn’t care less. You love eating and cooking even though you cause fires all the time and everybody hates it. You lost your parent so young and now you live with someone hating you and your half-sibling(s). You want to be independent and show everyone that you are actually full of capabilities! You are the star chef of the future!
Oh and also, you want to be rich in easy ways. You love gambling! Too bad that you will lose all the money your family hardly earned...
Scenario: Trouble Maker (optional); Unlucky Chef Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Traits: Lazy, Clumsy/Glutton, one of the traits inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Chef/Mixologist
Start playing cards as a teen and create a gambling club. Have club gatherings every week.
Once you are a young adult lose either family house or retail shop and then set household money to 0$.
Be kicked out of the household. You can get a tent and maybe 100$ with you while moving out. You can use freerealestate cheat but the lot should be empty. This will be a kind of rags to riches.
Enter the chef career while going on gambling by playing cards, don’t wake up llama, and the like games (I guess there is a gambling mod but you can also play it like +50$ when you win the game and -50$ when you lose the game).
Definitely buy the lottery tickets when you get the option.
Complete the career and unlucky chef scenario.
#5. 2010: Twilight
As a child, you loved being in the scouts: getting badges, camping, telling ghost stories, and all! Dark nights you spent in the forest while camping made you love every possibility of occults and mystery. You just would never guess that your story is going to be one of them as well.
Aspiration: The Curator / Outdoor Enthusiast Traits: Child of the islands, Geek, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Paranormal Investigator / Sell stuff you find
Join the scouts as a child & teen
Complete your aspiration
Move to the first gen’s house. Make the house haunted (if you don’t have the pack or you don’t want to play in a haunted house, give the house these lot traits: gremlins, spooky, quake zone). You can use freerealestate cheat if needed.
Live with a ghost. Don’t move out until the ghost achieves something big in their afterlife with your help (for instance get mentor trait and help them maxing 3 skills out, complete a scenario or complete a quest together; if the ghost is a child or teen help them to get 3 positive character values or be an A student; if the ghost is a toddler, max all skills).
Once the ghost is saved, remove them from family and make the house residential again.
After the ghost leaves, change one of your traits into erratic.
Max the medium skill and host a seance every week (if you don’t have the pack, max handiness).
Complete the sugar skull collection (optional)
#6. 2015: Selfie Stick
As a teenager, you hate how you look. You want to be one of those beautiful popular sims at school, you have cool friends but your body insecurity makes you less confident among them. You are obsessed with taking selfies, you want to capture your best look but you can’t find it. You have a bestie from your class and they find you very beautiful already, yet you can’t be convinced.
Despite everything they say, once you are a young adult, the first thing you do is having plastic surgeries. Now you are who you want to be! You start to work as a fashion photographer, meet famous attractive models, and your bestie works as your assistant though you doubt if they still like you as you are. Are they too judgmental? Aren’t you the same person, or did you change? Who does love you for your looks and who for who you are?
Scenario optional Aspiration: Party Animal Traits: Jealous, Art Lover, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Freelance photographer / Style Influencer
Complete the aspiration & career
Max photography skill
Have a photo studio in a public venue
There must be 3 different sims you are attracted to. Try to get out of this love square with the person you finally choose as a partner
Have at least two children and they should be science babies (because you don’t want a pregnant body)
Have very weak relationships with your children.
When you are an adult, you go through a midlife crisis. Do all or some of the following:
Secretly leave home one day and have a vacation alone
Choose a new hobby and max the skill
Change one of your traits
Meet new friends
Make big changes at home decoration
Cheat to get uncontrolled emotions or if you are famous, get emotional bomb quirk
Have some arguments with the family members
Change your fashion style
#7. 2020: Pandemic
You have a competitive, ambitious, career-focused life since your childhood including your relationship with your sibling. You have a very romantic side too, but you always wanted to ignore it. Your heart wants a cute, cozy, loyal marriage while your mind is, embarassed, seeing these feelings as the virus of your success plans. How will you manage your inner conflict?
Scenario: Engaged in Conflict Aspiration: Soulmate Traits: Ambitious, Materialist, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Business/Salaryperson/Law
Grow up as rivals with your sibling and have a competitive relationship with them
Become an A student at school
Complete a part-time job as teen
Study and finish university with honors
Join the Braniacs/Debate Guild and attend at least 3 events of them
Date someone from the guild and catch them cheating on you
Have a freelancer job as a university student
Complete the aspiration, career, and the scenario
After graduation, pandemic begins. Live in a lot with the simple living trait.
Gain weight to the max.
Live with your fiancé who is romantic.
Often have arguments with them about the wedding.
Don’t leave the neighborhood until you are an elder.
#8. 2025: Heat Wave (subjected to change)
Scenario: In the moodlet Aspiration of your choice Traits: Good, Gloomy, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner  Career of your choice
Move out as a teen and live in air-bnbs (which means other sims’ houses), rental lots & camping areas.
Learn at least 10 different local recipe (San Myshuno, Sulani, Selvadorado, etc.)
During your trips, meet/get closed with your love of life
As a young adult, live in a house made only by pre-made rooms of EA (you can make some changes but keep the general frame and style).
Start the scenario
Your love has a kind of disease that stems from environmental disasters and requires an organ transplant. Yours is compatible with their biology. They will die once they age up.
To be able to save them, you should get the never weary reward trait before they age up (for some reason lol). If you can’t, only choice left is to sacrificing yourself for them. Before doing that, set them up with someone else hoping that they can have their happily ever after.
If you die, play as the partner and organize funeral for your sim. Also name their child after your sim.
If you can save them, get married and move to a lot within a natural paradise. Adopt a child and name them after the first gen.
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I hope you enjoy it! Please don’t forget tagging me if you play this challenge, I’d definitely love to see your posts and reblog them ^^
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
Get to know me - Sims style
Thanks for the tag, @nocturnalazure. I love doing things like this, especially when I don’t have a lot of other updates. 😄 Keeps things active. Long read, so under the cut!
What’s your favourite Sims death?
This is such a weird question to me. I mean, I know there's whole crowds of people who play this game for the sole purpose of killing their Sims off, but I'm so attached to my Sims, their deaths can truly upset me somewhat. So, no, I don't have a "favourite death".
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
It truly depends on what I need. I guess I use more MaxisMatch CC though.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Absolutely. I have them gain or lose weight when it fits their character at that point in their life of their story.
Do you use move objects?
I can't play without it.
Favourite Mod?
Anything NRAAS. I probably would have given up on this game if it weren't for those mods.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
For TS3 it was World Adventures
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
Are you seriously asking me to choose between my babies? I have so many faves and they change from time to time too. But I guess James is a good contender. He has a very interesting character profile which grew and developed over time. Part of his story is yet to be revealed but is very much alive in my mind. 😄 However, technically I didn't 'make' James. I created his parents and James, along with his sisters, was an EA generated child.
Have you made a simself?
Yes, she's my avatar on here. I recently updated her, because she was still a YA and, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm past that life stage now. 😄 I also updated her hairstyle and clothing to fit the current me a bit more. She's not as good a match to my actual self as some of the other sim selves I've seen people create over the years, but she comes close.
I don't play my selfsim. That feels weird to me. No offence to others who do, though. It's just not my style.
Which is your favourite EA hair colour?
There's a light brown colour I'm partial to at the moment, but without opening my game I have no idea if it's an EA colour or one I've added. Recently I've become annoyed by the reddish shade of EA's darker brown, but a lot of my Sims have that hair colour, so I'm subtly changing it on some of them.
Favourite EA hair?
I have so much CC hair (need to do a purge), that I don't actually remember what hair is EA. 🤣
Favourite life stage?
I mostly enjoy playing my older teens and young adults. I know most players don't distinguish between younger and older teens, but the way I approach the game means there's definitely a difference between younger and older teens. And the older teens and young adults are usually the most interesting because I get to create the most drama during those years.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I used to be both equally. Building up my town and then playing it. But my gameplay changed so now I'm not sure. I play to tell the story and I build to set the scene for the story, mostly.
My extensive town is still the starting point for everything though. Honeycomb Valley means a lot to me and I'm in the process of building up a 2.0 version of my town. Hopefully, I'm able to create a (slightly) lighter version of the town and therefore a smaller-sized save file. I'm by no means an expert builder, but I can create decent (simple) lots.
Are you a CC creator?
No. I do create pictures and custom signs for my own game though.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Yes, I'm pretty sure I do. Back in the forum days, I was rather closely connected to quite a few other Simmers. There are a few people I'm also connected to on regular social media platforms, so we follow each other's personal lives alongside our Sim ones. In July 2014 I met up with my SimSisters Sandy (@aroundthesims) and Sara (@simsaralove) in Paris for a day, which was absolutely brilliant. Especially when you realise we all live in different countries. A few weeks later, Sara visited me in my hometown for a (beach)day. ❤️
Besides these lovelies, there are a couple of people on here whom I follow religiously because I either greatly admire what they do/write/play or because they're just lovely. Or both. 🥰 I guess I consider those connections a virtual friendship in a way too. At least from my perspective.
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
No, I just have Tumblr and my WordPress blog.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Oh, loads! When I played The Sims 1 and 2 I played rounds of 2 days per family. When The Sims 3 came around I started playing SimYears. At first, my style of playing was just visiting families and going with the flow. Pretty much as I had always done before that. I didn't even take screenshots. It wasn't until I became an active member of the Sims community that I found out there was actually an interest in my Sims and that’s when I started actively taking (pretty bad) pictures of the things I played out and writing stories. Back then, Sandy called her stories "non-stories", which very much applied to me as well, so I adopted that term. Not so much stories, but rather a picture collection of things that occurred with a line of text. Reading my earlier (non-)stories now, I'm often tempted to go back and change them, but I won't.
Gradually, things changed. I started to plan events and happenings, and then playing those out. Characters developed and got more depth. I spent more time telling their individual backstories. It was actually you, @nocturnalazure, who gave me one of the loveliest compliments I've ever received a few years ago on a story and I never forgot that. You said you had always liked my stories, but the more recent ones made you feel more connected to my characters. That meant a lot to me. ❤️
Now, story planning has become my main starting point. I hardly ever have time to play randomly (which I do regret, I loved doing that), but planning and writing first and then playing out the stories absolutely works for me. I even threw my "no poses policy" away. 😄
My different approach to gameplay and storytelling sometimes also makes me a bit anxious though. KimmiesSimmies used to be light, airy, cute and innocent. Even the name is. Lately, what with writing first, the tide is turning. While I can still write "cute", my stories are generally more serious, sometimes quite a bit less innocent than they used to be. Take James for instance. As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot more to be told when it comes to his story. And the things which are about to come up (not soon, but they will) are definitely not light and airy, cute and innocent, but quite deep and even a bit dark. I want to tell these stories, but at the same time, I'm apprehensive about it. Is this still KimmiesSimmies material?
What’s your origin id?
I have no idea.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Definitely Sandy, @aroundthesims, when it comes to objects. She always seems to create just what I need. ❤️
How long have you had simblr?
Tumblr told me it was my 10 year anniversary about a week after I returned from my hiatus last March. So, 10 years apparently! I was away for 5 though, so it doesn't really count.
How do you edit your pictures?
Two/three clicks in PicMonkey. And then it'll just have to do.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favourite?
Either Seasons or University
I'm not tagging anyone in particular this time, but if you read this and think, 'hey, that seems fun, I want to do this', please consider yourself tagged. 😉
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artistnahas · 2 years
How to get mods on minecraft pc or mac
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Very popular mods are the least likely to bring you issues. The formats need to be ZIP, RAR, or JAR, so make sure you pay attention to what type of files you download. You can fetch mods and resource packs from these websites Minecraft Forge Forum, Planet Minecraft, or Minecraft Resource Packs.
There’s always a risk you might download a mod that’s infected.
The next thing you need to do is to download and install the Minecraft mods. Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile. These are the easy steps you need to complete in order to install Minecraft mods: Step 1 Important Note: Make sure you select the “Install Client” option while installing Minecraft Forge on your computer. You will need to download and install the following application to keep up with this guide. So, the best thing to do is to back up your Minecraft copy before installing mods. Not to mention, Mojang, the company behind this popular game, doesn’t approve the installation and use of mods in their product and won’t provide you with assistance if you break your Minecraft copy. Mod creators don’t offer you any guarantees as to whether their client modifications actually work or not. Note: You need to take into consideration the risks of losing your Minecraft copy if you decide to install any mods. Most of the available mods consist of custom maps, texture packs, or new items which enhance gameplay. The possibilities are endless.īeing such a popular sandbox game, it was only a matter of time until diehard players started releasing mods for Minecraft. You can place blocks, explore the Minecraft world, gather resources, etc. Nowadays, when everything in the gaming industry revolves around quality graphics and engaging storylines, Minecraft still manages to live on and give its numerous players a great dose of the 90’s video games nostalgia.Īn interesting aspect about Minecraft is that you’re offered the possibility to choose how and when to proceed with the available choices in content as there are no rules or predefined gameplay directions or structure. Since its release in 2011, Minecraft has gained a lot of popularity due to its authentic visuals and captivating gameplay. However, it's also important to remember that you can still play them by using the Minecraft Launcher to roll back to previous versions of the game that are compatible with the mods you want to play.How to install Minecraft mods on Windows PC Keep in mind that since Minecraft is a frequently patched game, some of these mods may take a while to get updated to the latest version. In this article, we've compiled a comprehensive list of all of the best Minecraft mods we recommend trying. Therefore, you should definitely give Minecraft mods a shot, as they make one of the best PC games ever made even better.
And the best part? Unlike mods for some other games, installing Minecraft mods is a breeze (check out our full guide on how to install and play with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition on PC for some help). There are tons of excellent Minecraft mods available since the game's modding community has been active for years, and each one of them adds to or changes the Minecraft gameplay experience in fun and creative ways. If you love Minecraft but are getting a little bored of the vanilla experience, we highly recommend trying out some mods.
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intosnarkness · 3 years
I think one of the things younger fans don’t know about the Times of Old is that often times, when you posted something, you relinquished control of it.
When I first started writing Sailor Moon fic in 1998, the largest archive was the now-defunct moonromance.net. To get your work up there, you emailed it to the mods. They updated in a big chunk once a week, with “this weeks stories”, and you’d better be happy with your formatting and spelling and everything, cause once it was up, it was up. You didn’t get to edit it any more.
And when it went down, your shit was gone. If I wanted access to those old stories, I’d have to use the wayback machine.
When much of fandom moved to LiveJournal in the 2000s, we gained control over our work and posting times. You either posted to your journal or a community. And if you wanted anyone to read it, you promised across related communities. There were a million. A gen comm, a ship-specific, a kink-specific, one for an AU… you name it. You found them by searching keywords/interests. And if you were LUCKY, you found the right one that got you views and comments and followers. But any mod could delete your promo, or if you posted the full fic to someone else’s community, your story. They could fuck with you hard.
So many people had a fic journal/personal community alongside their personal journal to make sure they maintained control.
And then came AO3. And AO3 has problems, don’t get me wrong! But here is a central repository where you can upload your stories AND maintain control of them? You can post whatever you want and use tags to aggregate what you want to read?
It’s a better system. It’s built for the things it does, and it’s build with both the reader and writer in mind. Sure, there are improvements that are needed, but you will not drag me back to the days of promoting and losing control and dealing with catty mods with vendettas. If there’s a better system, bring it to my face. I want it. But you guys honestly don’t know how bad it was, or how much better it is now.
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
The Sims 4: Official “Sims 411” Recap
The Sims team has released a recap of Tuesday’s Inside Maxis live stream.
Hot Topics When will the ‘Simulation/Autonomy Lag’ be fixed?
We’re on it! Particularly, what we’re doing right now is identifying what the root cause of this issue is. That means, we’re investigating what specific actions during gameplay do lead to the lag? This is the first step we need to take because the simulation/autonomy lag is not the actual issue, it’s rather a symptom that can have dozens of different causes. If the lag has happened in your game, you’ve probably experienced the following most common manifestations of this symptom:
Sims standing around doing nothing
Sims not doing anything on their own (with free will set to max)
Sims take forever to do a given command
Time jumping backwards after fast forwarding to Ultra Speed. The Sims will usually freeze while fast forwarded.
Sims come home late from school
FPS Drops
Once we identify what specific actions and circumstances lead to the lag, we’ll know what we need to work on. And the best way to find out, is by analysing your save files! The more save files we can analyse the higher the chance we’ll be able to find the cause soon. That said, please continue your awesome support and keep sending us your save files whenever you experience the lag!
How to share your save files
Please provide the following information when sending your save files. You can send your info through this form or DM SimGuruNick directly on AHQ.
Basic Information about your computer (CPU, Operating System, Amount of RAM, Graphics Card, Hard Drive Space). This is not to blame your computer for the issue but to see what kinds of systems this issue is occurring on)
How big is your save game ?
Does the issue also occur on a new save for testing purposes
Video of the issue happening. Just upload to youtube and post the link in this thread. You don’t need to list it
Please add the following files to a .rar or .zip archive and share with QA These files can all be found in the following folder: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\
lastException.txt (if it exists. If there is more than one, please include all of them.)
lastUIException.txt (if it exists. If there is more than one, please include all of them.)
the entire saves folder
Things you can try in the meantime
Empty out your Sims inventories (all households you have ever played)
Reduce the amount of objects in your house
Play in a smaller house with less art pieces and stuff lying around
If you over-clocked your computer, check how it goes if you revert that.
Once the freezing occurs, try saving your game (save as), go to your options and back or press M or to go to the world map and back
Lower Graphics settings
If you play with higher resolution than 1920×1080, try lowing to 1920×1080
Go to the Audio settings and remove the check next to Enable Mood Sting
Make sure you fulfill the minimum requirements of the game
Reduce the amount of mods and cc you use
Start a new game (completely shut down the game, then restart it and start a new save game)
Move your Sims to a new game
Why is there no response to my ticket?
While there’s no guarantee that every post receives a response, we regularly review the forums, internal processes, and bug reports with the Quality Verification team. That way, we can sync across the business on what’s happening and what’s most important to our players. But AHQ is not just a tool for our teams! It’s also designed to support players helping players, and, fun fact, The Sims community is one of the most active and engaged on AHQ – so keep up the great work, Simmers! Still, we are here to help, of course, and a support ticket through EA Help is a player’s best friend for getting assistance with issues like account access, purchases, etc.
What personality traits were updated in the last patch?
Bookworm Sims will prefer to choose reading activities autonomously over other Fun actions.
NPC Bookworm Sims will be seen carrying books where possible.
When a Cheerful Sim socializes with a non-Cheerful / non-happy Sim, that Sim has the chance to get a Tense ‘Cheered to Death’ buff.
Cheerful Sims will autonomously try and perk up Gloomy Sims
Negative emotional buffs will decay faster than usual when Cheerful Sims are in a Happy mood.
Cheerful Sims have a greater chance of success with Friendly socials when in a Happy mood.
Clumsy Sims have a chance of failure when engaging in sporting activities like Using a Treadmill, Ice Skating, Snowboarding or Skiing.
Clumsy Sims have a chance of stumbling when walking around – this will elicit a response from nearby Sims.
Clumsy Sims with higher Handiness have a lesser chance of breaking objects.
Clumsy Sims have a small additional chance of breaking certain electronic devices like the Computer, Research Machine, Juice Fizzer, Cupcake Machine, Games Console, Arcade Machine and Popcorn Maker.
Genius Sims have a chance of a ‘Eureka Moment’ while showering or bathing that gives a small amount of skill for a random skill they already have,
Genius Sims get a new interaction ‘Solve Hard Problems’ that helps them build Logic skill.
Genius Sims get a new idle where they appear to be pondering / solving problems.
Genius Sims will prefer ‘cerebral’ activities like Chess over other more trivial Fun actions.
Gloomy Sims will choose to autonomously Mourn, or act in a gloomy way (like sighing to themselves) more often.
Gloomy Sims will get an Inspired ‘Spectral Influence’ buff when in proximity to Ghosts.
Gloomy Sims get Sad moods prolonged if they see Cheerful Sims doing cheerful things, and also react in disgust.
Gloomy Sims have an increased chance of waking up in a Sad mood.
Glutton Sims will autonomously choose to grab snacks more often.
Good Sims get a new interaction ‘Help Out’ that reduces negative mood duration on another Sim in a negative mood.
Good Sims have a lower chance of choosing to do Mean or Mischief actions autonomously.
Good Sims will autonomously choose to react negatively to seeing Mean actions being performed.
Good Sims are more likely to choose to do Friendly actions autonomously.
Goofball Sims are more likely to autonomously choose Mischief or prank activities like Prank Toilet.
Hates Children
Asking a Hates Children Sim to ‘Try For Baby’ has no chance of success unless the Sim is Dazed.
Hates Children Sims will get Tense, then Angry around child Sims, and also move away when they get to the Angry stage,
Hates Children Sims will look annoyed when idling in the Tense or Angry buff stages.
Hates Children Sims get a Happy ‘Quiet Environment Child-free Zone’ buff if away from children for a time.
Hot Headed
Hot Headed Sims who get pranked have a greater chance of getting Angry.
Having other Sims Enthuse about things can make Hot Headed Sims Angry.
Hot Headed Sims get Angry if they lose career performance
Hot Headed Sims won’t be targeted by other Sims as for Mischief actions.
Hot Headed Sims get Angry at failed romance attempts (giving or receiving).
Jealous Sims get a new interaction “Talk through issues” which gives a chance of a reduced duration of negative Buffs from less serious Jealous buffs
Jealous Sims get a reduction in the duration of less serious Jealous buffs
Jealous Sims are now less sensitive to time spent away from their SO.
Mean Sims will autonomously laugh at other Sims misfortune.
Mean Sims are more likely to choose to do Mean actions (like Kick Over Trash Can) autonomously.
Neat Sims are more likely to autonomously choose to do cleaning actions more frequently.
Neat Sims will try and clean things that aren’t dirty autonomously.
Asking a Noncommittal Sim to ‘Try For Baby’ has a very low chance of success.
Perfectionist Sims will get an increased chance of Masterclass crafted objects, and will react favorably when they do.
Perfectionist Sims may choose to autonomously repeat some crafting actions (like Painting) numerous times.
Perfectionist Sims who create any Masterwork have a high chance of gaining a Focused ‘In The Zone’ buff which has a chance to increase the quality of another crafting interaction.
If they do achieve a better quality during this buff, they gain an Inspired ‘Focused Payoff’ buff.
Ambitious Sims will autonomously mock Goofball Sims for Goofball actions.
Slob Sims will autonomously mock Neat Sims for cleaning things.
What’s On Your Mind?
What do you want us to talk about in the next Sims 411? We’d like to know what’s on your mind when it comes to The Sims, what topics you’re interested in, what your concerns are and what you’d like to chat about with us.
On May 6th starting at 6AM Pacific Time, we’ll be welcoming your comments during 24 hours in The Sims Forums. We’ll close the conversation after 24 hours. But don’t worry if you missed the window. You’ll be able to share any additional comments in the next Sims 411 forum thread that will be open before the next Inside Maxis livestream (our team is made of humans, and there’s only so many comments one human can read at a time… ).
Tell us what’s on your mind on May 6th, beginning 6AM PT on The Sims Forums here: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/989179/sims-411-forum-feedback#latest
Closer to the date, we’ll share the link to the forum thread again on The Sims Twitter account and on The Sims Forums.
We appreciate your understanding that:
This is not a wish list for content requests, but a place where we can listen to your thoughts without distraction.
This is not a guarantee we’ll provide an answer in the next Sims 411, but rest assured that your comment is being read and will be addressed whenever possible.
This is not a place to report bugs, but please continue to report bugs on AHQ.
We’ll only read comments that adhere to our Positive Play guidelines.
We’ll only read comments that adhere to our Positive Play guidelines and our forum rules – here are some of the most important points when it comes to giving feedback:
Be respectful. We want to hear what you have to say but please be kind and respectful when posting here. Being mean or aggressive as well as cursing and swearing doesn’t help to bring your point across.
Keep it game-related and on topic. As we said before, this is not the place to post a wish list and bugs, or talk about all things The Sims 2 (even if it’s a great title!).
Don’t make things personal. It’s not cool to target other players who may have different opinions or attack SimGurus and other officials. This also means: please no mass taggings.
Don’t bully, troll, bait, or derail the conversation. This is never okay – which should go without saying! If you do this, you will be moderated as per our forum rules.
Don’t spam or flood this thread. Posting the same thing over and over will not get your question into the Sims 411 but it may lead to moderation.
We’re looking forward to your comments on May 6th on The Sims Forums!
Next Patch Sneak Peek
What’s coming
We’re including the updated retro style Large Afro and a new Short Afro into the next patch update. Both hairs will be available for adults, children and toddlers.
We’ll also add six new hair colors in a future patch. In our Inside Maxis livestream on 4/27 we stated the colors will be updated in the next patch. However, the update will not happen in the upcoming but in a future patch instead. We apologize for any confusion.
Last but not least, there will be new Asian eye presets that specifically are intended to bring in more options for east Asian representation. We’ve received some feedback from you about adding more diverse body features in CAS and this is part of our ongoing effort to continue updating the game to bring in more diverse content that allows users to re-create their authentic selves in game. We appreciate your ongoing and passionate engagement to support us in making this game the best it can be!
Our approach
We put a lot of effort into delivering the most authentic design to make sure we create hair and body features that are truthful to representation. We did loads of research and took inspiration from real world examples. But we also talked to a variety of people such as our ERGs (Employee Resource Group) and most importantly, to the Game Changers that consulted us on skintones.
Why is the hair red?
During the development process, we use a lighter color – red or orange – because it’s easier to better see highlights and shadows when designing the hair. Working with darker colors off the bat can be more difficult because noticing the contrast can be tricky. Once we have the hair completed, we translate it into the different colors and adjust the levels from there.
What will it look like?
Take a look at a selection of the concept art below. Please note,these concept arts are work in progress and do not necessarily represent what you’ll see in-game.
Retro Style Large Afro
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Six New Hair Colors
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New Asian Eye Presets
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kerbaldevteam · 4 years
Kerbal Space Program 1.11.1 is live!
Hello Kerbonauts! 
Kerbal Space Program 1.11.1 is live! 
This patch includes a few improvements to the base game,  such as the ability to use multiple kerbals to assist engineers moving heavier parts in EVA Construction Mode. Additionally, the construction panel now shows the manipulation weight limit and the assistants count, which will be useful to embark in larger in-situ engineering projects, plus several other cool things - like a shrouded variant for the Place Anywhere 1 Linear RCS Port. The patch also is packed with bugfixes, mostly related, but not exclusively,  to the ​​​​​​​1.11 Some Reassembly Required update, among a  handful of other neat surprises. 
Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:
=================================== v1.11.1 ============================================================ +++ Improvements * Extend Science results UI delay for Dzhanibekov EVA experiment so player can see the effect better. * Enable smaller SEQ parts to be usable in construction mode so they can be moved and adjusted. They cannot be stored inside inventry modules. * A screen message will now appear when a non-engineer kerbal attempts to repair a part with the repair kit. Also, a Screen Message will also show if the repair kit amount was insufficient. * Cargo parts filter now includes researched but not purchased parts, even allowing purchasing them from the filtered view. * Added Thrust Limiter field to Kerbal Jetpacks so finer control is possible. * Kerbals can now assist an Engineer in construction to move heavier parts. * Construction panel now shows manipulation weight limit and assistants count. * Reduce the wait time between dropping a part and when physics kicks in. * Action group edit name button can now be accessed with arrows and axis inputs. * Allow pickup of debris parts in EVA construction mode. * Playing a science/sandbox game in which Kerbals are restricted to class traits but all probes have access to all SAS modes is now possible. +++ Localization * Numerous KSPedia fixes in multiple languages. * Fix EVA Construction Mode KSPedia slide text overlap in Japanese. * Fix Cargo Mode KSPedia slide title for Russian. * Fix for a range of construction contract vessel names for all languages. * Fix missing Japanese translation for Engine Stops Under in part description. * Fix Spanish translation for vessel part requirements. * Variable correction in spanish for Engineer on vessel requirement. +++ Parts * Place Anywhere 1 Linear RCS Port now has a shrouded variant. * Revamped MK1 and Mk2 spot lights. * Added new white variant for MK1 and MK2 spot lights. +++ Bugfixes * Fix background icon not appearing when first picking a part from inventory. * Fix when detaching a part from a vessel keep it's orientation and don't reset it's orientation to the default position. * Fixed some NREs when using menu navigation with directional arrows on the Action Groups panel. * Fix waypoint marker for rover construction contracts disappearing. * Fix orientations of parts in EVA construction mode including surface/detach and attachnode attach. * Fixed issue causing parts to highlight red while cursor is on inventory PAWs. * Fix UI in editor scene not showing that part autostruts are forced to grandparent when they are attached to dynamic nodes. * Fixed bug causing weld animation to not play in some situations. * Fix parts being anchored above the surface if lifted by robotics parts. * Fix Editor getting stuck if you delete the root part when in cargo mode. * Fix part stacking key from affecting all parts picked from the toolbox after its use. * Fix Inventory part tooltip getting stuck when storing a part in the inventory from the Editor work area and immediately summoning it. * Fix the editor cargo UI not scrolling when the mouse positionis in between slots., * Fix attaching parts in EVA construction mode within the range of a robot arm scanner. * Fix AttachNodes not displaying when the root part of a vessel is outside the construction range, but the part is and shoudl be valid as an attachment. * Fix partdatabase.cfg handling when running KSP from an alternate folder/location. * Fix issues with parts that have trigger colliders when rotating/moving them in EVA construction mode. * Fix deadline to include CB multiplier on vessel repair and construction contracts. * Fix placed flags falling down. * Fix extended tooltip not being updated on variant change for cargo part mass. * Fix exploit that allowed to produce infinitely many stackable cargo parts using the stack logic. * Fix for inventories for kerbals on command seats coming up twice in the Construction/Inventory UI in flight. * Fix EVA kerbals on ladders generating phantom forces. * Fix CoL marker positioning in EVA Construction/Flight Scene. * Fix EVA construction losing detached parts and invalid highlighting when exiting EVA Construction with a detached part on the mouse. * Fix Repair contracts not completing if they use the same craft as a previous contract of the same type in the same save game. * Fixed an issue that locked up the game when kerbal tourists were passed out in command seats and the game was saved after landing. * Fix satellite construction stock craft being created as debris, they will now be probes. * Fix errors when using the rotate and move tool in EVA construction mode on wheels and landing legs. * Fix EVA kerbals unable to use static ladders (Ladders on Launchpads and buildings, etc). * Fix crew transfers out of a part does not update its PAW. * Fix parts with variants in construction mode reverting back to the base variant when attached. * Fix issue that occurs with Plant Flag being active during construction mode. * Fix trajectory changes during rotation caused by MinRBMass being too high * Fix error caused by symmetrical parts in KAL action set if parts get decoupled individually. * Fix Jetpack andf EVACylinder refill only working with EVA Propellant. * Fix Smoke FX on twin boar engine. * Fix bug that caused individually dropped parts to slide on the ground. * Fix Actions from Symmetry counterparts showing multiple times in the ActionGroup Editor. * Fix an NRE and partial loss of VAB/SPH functionality occuring when selecting a Subassembly after placing the original part in any symmetry mode while the Save Subassembly window is open in the editors. * Fix discarding merged craft throwing an NRE in Editors. * Fix dropped parts being teleported to the ground when dropped in the air above the ground. * Fix NRE when placing a part buried in the ground in EVA construction mode. * Fix Placing wheels past the collider for the ground (half buried) will cause the craft to bounce uncontrollably during EVA construction mode. * Fix Construction Mode Parts dropping causing immediately large physics effects on vessels. * Fix parts during Eva Construction mode beingpicked up, dropped, or attached when a UI element is blocking the pointer. This was resulting in unwanted click-through. * Fix Kerbals not falling off the bottom of the ladder when the Kerbal stop at the end of ladder option was set to false. * Fix where activating the staging would fail if the vessel had no stage available and gained one after a new part was attached in EvaConstruction during flight. * Fix kerbal jump force scaling to use their combined body mass and inventory mass and prevent death-inducing high jumps. * Fix NRE that caused the game to lock up when a cargo container was the root part and it was re-rooted. * Fix the deploy animation being played when taking a deployable part out of the inventory in the VAB/SPH. * Fix the Communotron 88-88 appearing unbroken in satellite repair contracts. * Fix Contract strings to clarify Base contract, Satellite Contract, Station Contract and Grand Tour contracts and specify that the new vessel must be built and launched complete (cannot be built in parts using EVA construction). * Fix cargo parts being inconsistently rendered as 2D icons with no transparency when hovering the cursor over PAWs and Construction Panel. * Fix selected cargo parts as icons getting stuck when hovering between cargo panel and a PAW inventory in the Editor Scene. * Fix selected cargo parts during EVA Construction mode that were taken out from an inventory slot not being returned when closing the Construction mode while still holding them. * Fix selected cargo part as a stack icon not blocking actions on other cargo part while holding the stack. * Fix EVA kerbal occlusion inside fairings and cargo bays. * Fix hatches being obstructed by the robotic arm range trigger, or it's front border. * Fix lights playing their on/off animations when activating the "Turn Light On" and "Turn Light Off" action groups and the light was already in the target state. * Fix shift-key bleed through to thrust the jetpack when placing or adjusting a part in construction mode. * Fix out-of-context screen message when a part is attached to a dropped part in construction mode. * Fix selecting color on lights placed in symmetry only affects one of the lights. * Fix changing scenes resets light color. * Fix lights reset to white after configuration. * Fix light color doesn't persist on saved craft when the lights are Off. * Fix lights emmisive textures do not update when adjusting RGB values with action groups or the KAL in flight mode. * Fix the Clydesdale engine nozzle shining in the VAB. * Fix attachment node size on SEQ-24 container. * Fix node attach issue on Aerospike. * Fix weld aim hitting the node instead of the attachment point when welding. * Fix being unable to assign the Undock Action on Docking Ports. We have reverted the 1.11.0 fix in favor for a different solution in the future. +++ Modding * Allow reload of Tech Tree via static methods in any scene via cfg file reference or Database config nodes. LoadTechTree is now static. * Ability to have Cargo parts be Construction-able. Note that ModuleCargoPart needs to be before ModuleInventoryPart for this to work. * Added reinitResourcesOnStoreInVessel in moduleCargoPart and applied to Jetpack and EVAFuelCylinder. This flag controls whether the resources in the part will be reinitialized to full when the part is stored inside a vessels inventory modules. * For parts using ModuleLight, the light turning on/off is controlled by code now, instead of using an animation. * Fix setting light color via part cfg was being ignored. =================================== Making History v1.11.1 ================================ +++ Bugfixes * Fix the servicemodules shielding antennae on launch when the shrouds are turned off. * Fix KAL being unselectable in action pane in the mission builder. * Fix the missing Robotics icon category in the action pane. * Fix surface attachment issues with the LV-Tx87 Bobcat. =================================== Breaking Ground 1.6.1 =================================== +++ Improvements * Added screen message when dropping Deployed Science parts in EVA Construction mode to clarify how to deploy. +++ Localization * Added translation and fix for message that appears when repair kit quantity is not enough. +++ Bugfixes * Fix issue impeding Kerbal to fall after picking up ROC sample.
Tonight at 6PM EST EJ_SA will be hosting some lead developers on his stream! Tune in to take a look at the 1.11.1 patch and have some fun!
Remember that you can help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker and that you can also upvote reports to make them more visible.
Happy Launchings! 
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aromagni · 4 years
Change Through the Aro Renaissance (Carnival of Aros, September 2020)
I have both witnessed and participated in many changes of the aro community.  I remember being a baby aroace in 2015 and mostly lurking as I followed many aro and ace blogs.  Back then, it seemed the aro community was mostly the aroace community, more linked to ace, not yet having developed its own identity.  I remember trying to find more ways to engage in the aro community and stumbling upon aroplane, which was an aro forum before arocalypse, but I think it was inactive and I’d looked for forums during the absence between the two.  After lurking and solidifying my confidence in my identity, I’d kinda drifted away from actively participating in the community at all for a little while, so I’m not particularly aware what happened in between; I’m vaguely aware the arocalypse forums were created in 2016, but it seems in my absence from the community in 2016-2017, much of what had been there had become lost, presumably decimated by the tolls of exclusionary discourse.
In 2018, I was in college where I could be more outwardly queer, and I started seeking out community more.  On one hand, engaging with college queer organization made me want to bring more visibility to ace and aro things, especially aro….during this time, I met many alloro aces who I couldn’t relate to, which started pushing me towards centering my aro identity more.  I remember wanting aro-spec awareness week recognized at my college and in trying to do so, realized the arospecawarenessweek tumblr had become inactive, for they had not updated the date that year.  I started following more aro tumblr blogs and joined the forums and then joined an aro discord server that spring, and that was when I started to truly engage in the aro community.
It was exhilarating interacting with other aros, both on discord and then how we carried that over to tumblr.  I fondly remember the coining of arogender and subsequently developing the flag for it.  We all followed and reblogged from eachother and it made it energizing to engage in the community because we could feel confident that the effort we put forth to create things would not be wasted, because our content was shared amongst ourselves in our tiny community.  Many of us blogging starting then had not really participated in the aro community before; many of us were my age, late high school to early college student aged, treading into actively participating in community for the first time, and thus our knowledge of our history and our terminology was distorted by time and viewed by the remaining crumb trails on the internet.
This was the time when our community was reborn, reborn from the ashes of the discourse and created into something new, a more independent aro community brighter than we’d ever been before: This was the aro renaissance.  In fact, “aro renaissance” is part of the blog title we used when we made aromantic-official in May 2018.  I’d had the idea because I noticed most of the older modded aro blogs of old had become dormant, and it would be good to have some sort of group ensuring the continuation of events like Aro-spec awareness week and maintaining resources like a glossary.  At the time, we were thinking small in the context of a tumblr blog, but it was a start.
I remember around December 2018, many flags were made.  There was the blue-orange aroace flag and shortly after I made an aroace flag of my own, and then an a-spec flag, and then there were other a-spec flags too I think; we were wanting to differentiate between a-spec, an umbrella term encompassing both aro-spec and ace-spec, from aroace, a specific identity indicating being both aro and ace at the same time...though there’s still some confusion between the two in terms of flag usage still.  Shortly after, there was also an aro allo flag made, and the allosexual aro community grew as a more distinct established component of the aro community; no longer was the aro community solely an aroace community, we had become an independent aro community.
In late January 2019 I’d went to the Creating Change conference, where there was the first ever aro & ace hospitality suite and I interacted with other a-spec activists, including people from the fairly newly named TAAAP (The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project).  It was refreshing seeing the advancement of aro activism as more than just a subset of ace, and interesting to see the development of activism out in more the “real” world rather than just on my corner of the internet.  I remember then hearing how they were planning to host the first carnival of aros (inspired by the longer-running carnival of aces), and since then it has been nice having carnival of aros to foster discussion of many aro topics.
I remember that first carnival of aros coinciding with a lot of clashing between the aro and ace communities, sparked even more by the specific topic of the month relating aro and ace communities.  I think we, the aro community, were frustrated at being ignored.  The ace community had continued to grow and gain recognition and visibility, while claiming to represent us as well but in a way that was more a misrepresentation, depicting aro as a subset of ace, thus further erasing the reality of our experiences.  We were frustrated and bitter, often justifiably so; even I as an aroace was frustrated with the ace communities treatment of aros at that point, and I know many aro allos were even more upset.  I think we were also still less sure footed, with our community still establishing-itself, so as a result were more defensive and scrambling for anything we could claim as our own, often misguided by the often incomplete or misinformed scraps of posts around different words and such.  (In hindsight I think there were some inaccuracies in my first carnival of aros post that february, but it was an accurate look at what we were frustrated and upset about at the time).
I remember also that February more was done to celebrate ASAW than had been in years previous, though it was still small.  I also remember some divisiveness between the aroace and aro allo sides of the aro community, which caused an unfortunate binary which subsequently emphasized the need for terminology of aros who were neither asexual nor allosexual, thus many discussions about “non-SAM” aros, and other words for that concept.  I think that continued well into that summer.
Speaking of that summer, in June 2019 AUREA was launched!  This one wasn’t started by me, but naturally I ended up pulled into doing more aro activism stuff.  AUREA (Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy) has wonderful resources including a comprehensive glossary with links (both original and archived) to sources and some flags, and also has various research and lists of other aro-inclusive orgs, including local ones.  We also publish multiple articles a month, including a “What’s Going On” article at the start of each month covering what’s going on in the aro community, and then other articles about various topics.  AUREA is everything I’d wanted when originally making the aromantic-official blog, but is so much more than I thought to hope for.  We collaborated with other activists and made ASAW 2020 even bigger than before, and we also launched an aro census, and just so many different cool projects.  It’s so cool having a good comprehensive centralized aro resource like AUREA and just having a specifically aro activism organization focusing on aro issues specifically, not just having aro included under aro & ace groups.  I’m really proud of what we’ve been able to do and what we continue to do.
I feel like in the last year since AUREA has been formed, the aro community feels a lot more solidified and stable, like we’ve finally concretely established ourselves as an independent entity to be recognized.  And even though we’re more solidified, we’re still growing and creating and innovating, there’s still this wonderful energy and motivation which we continue to grow with.  Some other things have happened this year, in April 2020 we had to kinda scramble to keep the arocalypse forums going, and now I’m a mod there too because I don’t seem to know how to not be involved in things, especially because I vehemently care about seeing them continued.  (Why is it always spring? 3 springs in a row I’ve gotten involved in big ongoing aro projects like that).  Then June 2020, TAAAP pride chats started and have continued every month, which is a really cool opportunity for people from the a-spec community, both ace and aro, to gather to discuss various topics, and also to interact with various a-spec activists.  
It’s been really fascinating watching and helping to aro community grow over the past few years, and I feel like I’ve grown with it.  Through my activism, I’ve learned a lot about what I am good at and how I can work well in a team, which has helped me gain a lot of confidence about things where in-person experiences had made me lose confidence.  It’s also kinda wild when I think about the scale of it all; the aro, and also ace, communities are really fairly small, such that it’s not hard to end up doing this activism on a national or international scale.  I never really set out to be an activist, I just wanted to get involved and cared about improving things and have lots of ideas, so I kept doing things, and now I look at what I’ve done and realize that huh this is activism, I am an activist, and probably a rather prominent aro activist at that.  It’s weird especially compared to how extremely ineffective I feel I’ve been at doing any sort of activism at my college, to then think of what I’ve managed to help accomplish on an international scale online.  I feel inspired by the changes, the growth of the aro community, and I look forward to helping it grow even more.
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thesevenseraphs · 4 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 9/17/20
This week at Bungie, we’re making the most of your Ghosts.
Last week, a new Exotic became available to add to your collection and we celebrated Destiny’s birthday. I’m still keeping an eye out for pictures of attempts at making that cake. Things are a little quieter this week. Which makes it a great time to take advantage of the double rewards being offered for completions of The Ordeal this week. You love to see it when a bug becomes a feature.
Speaking of upcoming features…
A Guardian’s Ghost is their most trusted ally and is tasked with keeping them in the fight. Your Ghost isn’t just in charge of bringing you back from the brink, it also comes with some perks and a wide range of cool looks to choose from. We have some changes planned for your floaty friends and asked
Designer Mina Jasinski to tell us about what her team is doing to improve how you customize your Ghosts.
Mina Jasinski: Ghosts have always been important partners to our Guardians in the Destiny universe, but they haven’t received any meaningful updates in quite some time.
To allow Ghosts to truly shine as the useful and interesting companions we’d like them to be, we decided it was time to give them a bit of an overhaul.
In Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Ghosts have received a system update which shares some functionality to what was done with armor in Shadowkeep. Here’s a brief outline of what to expect:
Ghost Shells will now have energy levels and access to mods with various energy costs instead of being pre-loaded with specific perks.
This treatment has been applied to all Ghosts outside of the Generalist Shell, so you can use your favorite Ghost Shells, regardless of tier.
A selection of mods will be available on all Ghost Shells by default, while the remaining ones will be obtainable via various gameplay sources. Information on where to find these mods can be learned from Collections.
Ghost mods will be obtained from gameplay reward loops and will not be purchasable from Eververse.
Ghosts now have four mod slots. Three are unlocked by default, and the fourth is unlocked by Masterworking the Ghost Shell.
One of our goals with this update was to separate visuals from functionality. We wanted any Ghost Shell to be viable and still have access to highly useful mods, regardless of tier or source.You'll be able to select your favorite Ghost Shell based on appearance without any detriment to your experience. Whether you purchase a Ghost Shell from Eververse, earn it from the newest raid or pull an old favorite out of Collections, your Ghost will have access to all the same mods across your account. From there you can increase energy levels on your favorite Ghost Shells and set each of them up with different mod combinations of your choosing.
As mentioned above, Ghosts will now have access to a total of four mod slots, each with their own unique mod selection. There will be an Experience mod slot, a Tracking mod slot, an Economic mod slot, and an Activity mod slot; the last of which is unlocked when the Ghost is Masterworked at 10 energy. You’ll be able to mix and match mods from these categories however you like, with respect to energy limits. Mod slots each have a selection of mods that can be combined to fit your playstyle. For example, a Crucible-focused player who wants to grind out materials and earn XP towards their Seasonal rewards track might choose Guiding Light, Meager Glimmer Booster, and Lesser Core Harvest (Crucible). There are a variety of combinations that can be set up on different Ghosts to suit whatever goals you might be chasing at the time!
For those wondering what will happen to the old Ghost perks, most have been brought forward largely unchanged as default unlocked mods. In some cases, such as the destination-specific material or cache trackers, those mods have been transformed into globally effective, non-destination-specific versions of themselves for better utility. Energy costs for those mods now reflect the increased flexibility and the mods must be earned from various vendor engrams. Kill Tracker and Leviathan Boss Kill perks will remain intrinsic only on their specific Ghost Shells. Even with these changes you’ll still be able to build most of the popular Exotic perk combinations that were available previously such as Guiding Light and Treasure Hunter, along with a plethora of new combinations! We hope that these changes allow you to interact with your Ghost more meaningfully and help you to set up a variety of Ghost Shells that suit you in various playstyles and activities.
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Next week, we have a tribute going live in game to honor one of our dear friends at Vicarious Visions who passed away last year, Matt Helsom. The weekly reset will include a director message that will send you to Mars for a short quest to honor Mr. Helsom. He worked closely with teams at both Bungie and VV on various projects during our partnership and we wanted to memorialize his contributions in the Destiny universe.
We wish all of his family, friends, and everyone he impacted during his life the very best. Thank you to everyone in the community who joins us in remembering this warm soul.
Now we turn things over to our Player Support team with the latest on known issues and upcoming fixes.
This is their report.
Next Tuesday, September 22, Destiny 2 will become available on Xbox Game Pass at 8 AM PDT, however, players won’t be able to access Forsaken or Shadowkeep until 10 AM PDT when Hotfix goes live.
8:00 AM PDT (1500 UTC): Destiny 2 will undergo maintenance for Hotfix Xbox players may not be able to view or access recently purchased DLC content until after maintenance is completed.
8:45 AM PDT (1545 UTC): Destiny 2 will be brought offline for expected maintenance. Players will be removed from activities and won't be able to log back into Destiny 2 until 10 AM PDT.
10:00 AM PDT (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Hotfix will be available across all platforms and regions. Players will be able to log back into Destiny 2.
11:00 AM PDT (1800 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
Earlier today, we announced that due to the extended season, Clans can no longer gain XP and Hawthorne’s Weekly Challenge can no longer be completed. Our investigation found that trying to fix these issues could result in all Clans losing their earned ranks. These issues will be fixed on Nov. 10 when Beyond Light launches.
Felwinter’s Helm changes the Warlock’s Solstice ornament glows to another glow.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Hi guys! I I'm an ENXP and I was looking for some advice about knowing myself better. I saw the mods are ENPs and maybe you guys could help me. I recently noticed a pattern regarding my own actions that is basically ruining my life. I seem to rely too much on my Ne, specially about my future and my career. I'm ruled by a need of pursuing anything that catches my attention in a determined moment. I obsess over it for a while and then move on. I've changed my major 4 times now. Every activity I do is temporary. And if I don't find something I can obsess over I get depressed and bored. Anyways, I think this has led me to not trust myself anymore, since I can't commit to anything because I lose interest in everything and I'm always looking for new possibilities. I have reached a point where I can't allow myself to pursue everything I want and I have to make decisions and commit. But I'm too scared to become trapped and take responsibility for my own decisions. I think this would be easier if I knew myself better, but I don't think I know who I am besides my own random interests, which is weird I guess. How can I develop my own Fi? Or Ti? How do you guys deal with your dominant Ne? How do you commit to things? I'm 23 by the way. Shouldn't I have developed some Fi or Ti or something by now? I turned to mbti because I wanted to gain a better understanding of myself but holy shit this is hard. I could only recognize my dominant Ne. All this self analysis seems useless if I don't really know myself, I realized I'm not self aware at all. So anyways, as fellows Ne doms how did you guys developed your auxiliary functions? Any advice will be amazing! Thank you guys for everything you do here!
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The first thing you need to do is recognize is you are an Enneagram 7 and all of this is ‘normal’ for them in lower health levels. To overcome this, you have to ‘grow up’ as a 7 and stop allowing fear of commitment or quick loss of focus from dominating your life. You have control over yourself, you are not utterly helpless to your whims (said the Fi user who has a moral tone of ‘you make your own choices and messes and you have to get out of them’ ;).
7s have to learn to be open to the scary idea of commitment to reap the dividends of hard work.
Read the 7 profile and see how allowing yourself to ‘run away’ from commitment (which includes not finishing or devoting yourself to any project) can hinder your life. Once you recognize WHAT you are doing, and WHY you are doing it, you can develop the power to STOP YOURSELF from doing it, or from allowing ‘excuses’ or fear to run you away from good things.
ENTP Mod. : Charity is right. Here is also where the judging functions come into play. With Fi, you can eventually weed out that which you aren't personally passionate about/ those goals which don't align with your personal values. With Ti, you can see a chain reaction of the patterns in your life, and determine the most effective path to help yourself using logic to streamline your processes, make it more elegant.
Slow the hell down. Force yourself to stop running toward the future and live right now. Repeat the mantra of ‘right now is all that matters today’ a 100 times an hour if you have to. Be present. Be invested. Bring yourself into ‘now.’
My co-mod is a 7w6 ENTP who suffers from a lot of the same issues; I will nudge her to offer her two cents to this post, in regards as to what she is currently doing about it. Basically, she had to talk herself into getting a permanent job rather than talking herself out of it. Once she got into it, she realized it didn’t suck as much as she feared. Her brain is her own worst enemy.
I had to talk myself into this job. I gave myself lots of reasons why I would love it. It might sound a little unrealistic going in with pre set expectations but at least you will not go in blind. Making a pros cons list is always a good idea. It helps to sift through your multiple ideas, and narrow down the ones which can really work. Test out the feasibility of your ideas, opportunities before hand. Talk to people, do your research. Just remember that things will never be as bad or boring as you think them to be. This is a cliche but something which helps me in the mornings when I know I have boring work to do is "Get up, dress up, show up. Never give up." Also it helps to live from day to day. Don't worry too far into the future, you never know what variables might upset your plans.
Work-wise, a 7 needs to travel, get the ‘high’ of meeting new people, and not to be involved in sheer detail-driven grunt work. They need challenges to work toward and obstacles to overcome. Pick a career that offers you all of that. If you do not, you will have a string of 6 months at ___ jobs that do not look good on your resume. Find a career in something that you feel passionate about, that offers some kind of mental stimulation.
ENTP 7 co-mod is an attorney who loves to find ways to ‘get around things’ in the law.
ENTP Mod. note: Always try to remember the root of your passion when you feel like defecting from one option to another. If you must leave, leverage what you have learned in one place and how you can dress that up to make your hopping about look good. That's what I did, and it worked for me. Some of the reasons I love my job are the constant intellectual stimulation, creative aspects of it, my love for criminology pays off, meeting interesting people. Sure there are sucky days when you have to deal with the bureaucratic demons. But that won't be every day. Unless your role requires you to do something like it. In which case I would suggest that you avoid picking up detail heavy, low Si or adherence related work which will make you feel miserable and frustrated. Try to pick something that plays to your strengths, improve your weaknesses. Compete with nobody but yourself. Every day you are better than you were, yesterday. Even with a little effort. It is important to not give up. It is so hard for 7s but we have the gift of rationalizing. So instead of using it as a mechanism to justify dropping things, use it to tell yourself why you should stick around. You as a 7 can make most things fun. So find little tricks and ways to make the work day fun. Whether it is achieving small, impactful targets or making games out of small, low stakes things. Also, having money and being able to live nicely is fun. Nobody is gonna pay you if they think that their money will be wasted on training you if your pattern is just leaving jobs. It took me a long time to develop this perspective but I am glad I did.
I (ENFP 6w5 sp/so) chose a career in magazine editing, because it gives me time to do what I actually love, which is write novels. I’m afraid I can’t give you advice from my own life that would work for you, because a 6w5 sp/so is far more focused and driven to finish their projects than a 7w6, which means I push through ‘the boring, tedious bits’ of projects regardless of how ‘excited’ I am. It’s not fun to edit a book 7 times, but I still do it. I force myself to show up to work, to sit there for 3 or 4 hours, and commit to X amount of words, pages, etc.
Do you think it’s “fun” for me always to keep this queue stocked, or to type up characters at the end of a long day because the queue is low? Or go back and update old profiles and move them from this blog onto wordpress? No. I hate it sometimes. It’s boring as hell. But I committed to it, I will see it through, even though looking into my “to update” folder makes me want to scream. I tackle huge projects one step at a time. I’m disciplined but I can procrastinate at work, rather than doing whatever needs doing.
Which really is the bottom line. You want to finish things? Just do them. Force yourself to show up and do the work, even if it’s “boring.” Most of life isn’t fun. Paying the bills isn’t fun. You do boring stuff to make a living, so you can have the money to do fun things. If you do not learn to do it, whether or not it is fun, you will wind up ‘stuck at home this month, because I have no money.’
That frustrates a 7 even more than being bored at work.
Accept that your fear of commitment is a fear-driven lie.
You are not going to get trapped by committing to something or someone. Head types massively over-think things and allow fear – in the 7’s case of “missing out” on better things – to dominate their life. Admit it’s fear. Admit that allowing fear to ruin your entire life is stupid. Then do something against the fear. Do the thing fear tells you not to: commit and work at it. Fight the urge every day to leave. Stick it out, and prove you ‘can’ to yourself.
Middle functions. You’re in college so you should be seeing either some Ti analyzing or Te “buckle down and set goals and get this schoolwork finished by the deadline” kicking in. Are you more inclined to self-doubt and beat yourself up like a young FiTe user after ‘failing’ to organize your time efficiently or to make excuses and blame external circumstances like a young TiFe user?
My Fi has always been strongly evident, though I didn’t know what it was at the time. Things that set off a NOPE response in me vs. the ‘rest of everything, which I don’t care about.’ The intense sensitivity as a child. The compassion for other people and especially for small animals. The understanding of emotional dynamics and how people ‘feel.’ The constant angst between caring too much about people’s feelings and being low Te blunt or rude when I’m having an off day. The ‘going away from everyone’ to deal with my feelings in private. I have always fiercely, Fi-ishly known what I like and do not like, and have no ability to ‘tolerate’ things that I do not like. Once, I didn’t like half the people seated at my table at a public event, so I shut down completely and did not say a word to anyone at the table for two hours. My Fe friend also hated them, but smiled and charmed them all. Lucky girl. She can fake her feelings. I can’t.
- ENFP Mod
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Zodiac Legacy Challenge - Updated for Island Living/Get Famous
As someone who is definitely a nerd of zodiacs, i read charts and have studied the history of astrology and all you can imagine, i became super super excited to see this type of challenge, to combine the best of both worlds; sims and zodiac signs! i wanted to make it perfect, i updated the same challengue so as the person before me did, and i kept some of the characteristics because this challengue’s been made before and its on youtube already, they were fun and pretty accurate to play. The order also stars along with the history of astrology itself! Aries. the newborn baby.
The story of astrology tells the story of the “growth” of a human race, and ourself as individuals are represented by 12 signs in each of our lifetime ages.
The story beggins with the first house of fire, Aries, the first explosion and sparkle energy, as it grows the comes the love of taurus, the sedentary life, the venus, then the knowledge of the gemini generation and the social skills, as the knowledge grows the emptiness is fulfilled by mother caring nature cancerness, family values and nuturing love. When we are all set the leo factor cames, we all want our own individuality and stardomness, we want to put our creativity and fire flames, then our virgo friend came to balance it out, pragmatic and caring nurse virgo, the helper, the one that saves them all. After that comes balance to judge us all, but in an armonic way. Then deepness with scorpio to erradicate all crimes comited, and sumerge on the deep turbulent waters that neither of us wants to face, then ofc comes the lighthearted saggittarious, warm heat stones after all that ice cutting, and then again the empire reforming of capricorn, hard working, money maker, followed by tecnology as it finest with aquarious, evolutionating of sapien sapien, and then all pure love and spiritual growht with pisces.
Starting out:
This is a 12-generation legacy, each generation represents a zodiac sign and their meaning. 
Feel free tu use the cc for each sim,  as you will, as long as it doesn’t break the rules. Traits for each individual will be listed in the description
Custom objects allowed also allowed
There’s different careers options for you to get creative, if the career doesn’t specify a branch or field, you can choose wich direction does your sim take on his path.
Challenge Rules:
- You’ll start out on one of the 50x50 lots or 64x64. The second one brings more difficulty to the game as it leaves you with almost no money to start in. (lot prices varies depending on the town)
 No money cheats
Mods such as MC Command Center is allowed and encouraged, but not allowed for gaining advantage to your life aspiration goal, you can cheat the needs, and some relationships such as friendships as long as its not an especific goal to your zodiac sim, the aspiration needs to be hard work on you as well as the geals.
 Cheating the needs is allowed, since the challenges per generation are difficult by itself, but not necessary.
 CC is allowed
If you don’t complete one of the goals for the generation, you lose the challenge.
Generation One: Aries
“As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, overcome obstacles, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings.
You’re competitive and hard working, and can sometimes come across as a bit arrogant. However, you have a bit of an inferiority complex, so every time your sibling or a friend succeeds, you aren’t too happy about it and always try to one up them. But after a while, you realize that you acting this way is pushing away the people you care about. Can you salvage these relationships before it’s too late and the damage is done?”
Traits: Hot-headed, Ambitious, self assured, Perfectionist, active, dance machine, loves outdoors, mean, evil (because of the happy moodlet  around sims that are suffering), hates children, outgoing (you have to put one bad in)
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: politician (politician branch), Military (any branch), Bussiness (any branch), Athlete (any branch).
- Be enemies with your sibling until you are both YA
- Only have one friend until you are a YA, since they were the only one who stuck around
- Repair your relationships as fast as possible
- Reach level ten of the fitness skill
- Reach level ten of the career
- Complete your aspiration
- Go for a jog for a total of three hours each week
- Have one kid
Generation Two: Taurus
“Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world and physical pleasures. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction.
You grew up truly appreciating food and what it meant. You were amazed by how a simple meal could bring a family together, and how many memories were made because of that. You were close to your parents and were taught to always stand your ground and share your opinions. However, this caused you to become a little bull-headed (pun intended). You’re super stubborn and don’t like to be wrong, and won’t admit that you are ever wrong. This makes romance hard for you, but you keep trying because you are a hopeless romantic at heart. And once you find that special someone, you are loyal ‘til the end.”
Traits: Romantic, Foodie, Materialistic, glutton, lazy, neat, squeamish, self assured, snob, bro
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Business (management branch), Culinary (chef branch)
- Have a garden with ten perfect plants
- Only make organic meals (using ingredients, no quick meals, no eating out)
- Have a karaoke night with your family every other week
- Reach level ten of the Business/Culinary career (any branch)
- Have four kids (one set of twins, feel free to cheat for this)
- use the cheat sims.get_sim_id_by_name {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} Get the pregnant Sim's ID, then use the cheat pregnancy.force_offspring_count {simID} {amount}
- Reach Soulmate status with your spouse before becoming an elder
- Complete your aspiration
Generation Three: Gemini
“Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini represents two different personalities in one and you will never be sure which one you will face. They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. They are fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see.
Growing up, you had the “perfect life”: two parents who loved each other, lots of friends, good grades, and a beautiful house. You were living the good life, so why did you always feel like you wanted more? You decide to take a step on your own, leaving your family behind to pursue your dreams in the big city. However, you quickly realize that life is harder than it seems. You can’t find a job you’re comfortable in, you can’t hold down a relationship, but you find solace in entertaining people and throwing parties. Something about being a host really makes you feel happy.
Traits: Noncommittal, Outgoing, Insider*, paranoid, genius, materialistic, erratic, snob, hates children, vegetarian, jealous, bro, mean, active, bookworm or geek.
Aspiration: Party Animal or City native
Career: Freelancer (Fashion photographer branch, DJ), critic, mixologist (culinary career), secret agent (diamond agent branch), social media (public relations ranch), law (private attorney branch), writer (journalist branch), 
- Must have a twin (feel free to cheat for this)
- You are the opposite of your twin, in obvious ways such as style, but also in more subtle ways such as emotions and traits (for example, you could be stereotypical and make one of the twins a “preppy” person and the other an “emo” person)
- Reach level ten of the charisma skill
- Must move out to an apartment with the Needs TLC trait
- Throw every type of party at least once
- Complete your aspiration
- Have three jobs (at least one week for each) before deciding (4 in total).
- Travel to at least two community lots each week and stay there for at least an hour
- Have at least level four in three different skills by the time you’re an elder
- Learn all of the recipes from the vender stalls in City Living
- Have one set of twins (keep trying until you get them)
- Be caught cheating by your spouse (you can decide whether they stay together or not)
-As a teen needs to work as something at least a week
Generation Four: Cancer
“Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep. They are very loyal and able to empathize with other people's pain and suffering.”
In another life you would have become a doctor, but in this one you are content with looking after your family and making sure your children grow up the best they can. You’re a loving but strict parent, and just want what’s best for your children. However, will you push them away by being too overbearing?”
Traits: Gloomy, Jealous, Family-Oriented, romantic, foodie, good
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: None, gardener (floral designer branch), writer (Author Branch).
- Gen four heir must reach level five in Imagination and Communication as a toddler
- Master Baking skill
- Master Cooking/Gourmet Cooking skills
- Host a tea party (or a small get together) every week. Invite over your neighbors, your friends, your family, whomever you’d like. Must have a baked good for the gathering made by you.
- Complete your aspiration
- Pick up woodworking as a hobby and craft every sculpture
- You live off of your parents’ money until you get a spouse: you are to be a house wife/husband, and will never have a job. You’re allowed to sell duplicate sculptures for money, however, or books.
- Show off your sculptures by putting them on display somewhere in your house!
- Pack a lunch for your kids every morning. If you forget, make them a snack when they get home.
- Keep the house clean (all you have to do all day is chores, after all!)
- Have two kids
- Both kids need to have A’s in school
Generation Five: Leo
“People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause.
Your parents were so overbearing to you and your sibling growing up that in your teenage years you began to rebel. Staying out late, skipping class, whatever you could think of. Your parent made sure you got good grades, but you didn’t care about school. All you cared about was the spotlight. You were going to make it big, and you didn’t need calculus to help you rock out on your guitar or make the crowds feel emotions from your acting. You’re arrogant and stubborn, but determined to succeed no matter what the cost. Unfortunately, that means that you can miss out on things that are most important in life.
Traits: Self absorbed, active, outgoing, Materialistic, goofball, ambitious, self ab
Aspiration: Musical Genius/Master Actor, leader of the pack
Career: Entertainer (any branch), Actor, politician (politician branch), bussiness (investor branch), 
- Have a one night stand with a groupie/fan once you reach level five in your career, which leads to an unplanned pregnancy. Only if you’re a musician or an actor 
- If your heir for this generation is male, come up with some sort of reason for why you got the baby. The mother didn’t want it, the mother died in childbirth, whatever. You can even move her in until she gives birth, then they have a big fight and she walks out on them.
- Reach level ten of the career 
- Complete your aspiration
- Have one kid
- Never get married, but have as many relationships as you’d like
- Never be that present in your child’s life; you don’t want to be overbearing like your parents
- Reach level ten in a instruments (you can choose), two if you’re already a musician 
- Licensing songs is okay to make some extra money
- Reach level 7 of charismatic 
- Making videos is also okay for extra money
Generation Six: Virgo
“Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance and their heart might be closed for the outer world. This is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid. The symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time.
You grew up without a strong parental figure in your life, which made it hard for you to trust other people. How do you know that they would be there for you when you truly needed them? You’re cautious and shy, but curious about the world. You truly enjoy learning and collecting things, you like to think that the best things of life are hard to find, you fish rare specimen for your food and collect spices is through hard work you enjoy more of the things at your table and by sharing this same passion is how you meet the love of your life (by collecting or at work). They are the only person you can trust, but they can tell you’re always holding yourself back and hiding parts of yourself away from them. Can a relationship last with this kind of distrust?
Traits: Neat, family oriented, squeamish, perfectionist, Good, Bookworm, snob, self assured
Aspiration: The Curator
Career: Scientist or doctor
- Marry a coworker who has at least one trait in common with you
- Get married right before becoming an adult
-Be as healthy as you can, you can be a vegetarian if you want 
- Separate from your spouse for a while after a large fight (your choice if they get back together)
- Reach level ten of the Scientist or Doctor career
- Complete your aspiration
- Have a home library (at least 25 books)
- Finish a collection (your choice)
- Have two kids
-Work as a babysitter as a teen
Generation Seven:  Libra
“People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful and fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for Libra-born, and with their victorious mentality and cooperation, they cannot stand to be alone. The Libra is an Air sign, with expressed intellect and a keen mind. They can be inspired by good books, insurmountable discussions and interesting people.
You thrive on socialization. Your parents are kind of shy homebodies, but you crave constant company and cannot stand to be by yourself. This can come across as quite overbearing to some people, so sometimes it’s hard for you to make friends. And, despite being such a sociable person, you are kind of oblivious when it comes to romance. You are very childish in the best possible way, and are the kind of parent to get down in the dirt and play with your children. You are a very supportive parent and you strive to make your family as happy as they can be, through whatever means. You may love outdoors and nature and fresh air, but you hate the wild and dirty part of it, you can be Squamish, a typical balance and contradiction of a Libra. 
Traits: romantic, insider, Materialistic, loves dogs, cheerful, squeamish, loves outdoors, family oriented, bro, childish, lazy, good (only one bad trait)
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Social Media (any branch), style influencer (stylist branch), law (judge law branch), photographer, Freelancer (YouTuber, Dj)
- Go on vacation to Granite Falls every other week (or once a season)
- Encourage your children to do homework and practice skills
- Have your children max at least one skill
- Have four good friends
-have a social club or be part of one
- Be best friends with your spouse
- Visit at least one community lot each week and spend four hours socializing and meeting new sims
- Reach level ten of career 
- You post a lot about your kids and about your life, so take as many pictures of your kids as you can!
- Have a wall in the house filled with family photographs
- Master photography skill
- Master parenting skill
- Complete Aspiration
- Have two kids, and adopt one (total of three kids)
Generation Eight: Scorpio
“Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness.
You grew up watching true crime television shows and superhero movies and decided that’s what you wanted to do with your life: bring justice and fight evil. Unfortunately you can’t become a superhero, but you can become a police officer/detective. You want to make the world a better place than it was before, and you want your legacy to be something of legend. Hardworking and dedicated to your craft, you tend to focus too much on work and it puts a strain on your relationship. That’s why the deepest your partner the more you like it, or the more attached he/she is to you.
Traits: jealous, Genius, paranoid, cat lover, gloomy, looner, good.
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Detective, Oracle (criminal branch), bussiness (investor branch), secret agent (any branch), engineer (mechanical engineer branch)
-give first kiss as a child
-get passionate as a teen, if you can, your first woohoo
- Get married to your high school sweetheart 
- Reach level ten of the logic skill
- Complete your aspiration
- Reach level ten of the Detective career
- Reach level ten of the handiness skill
- Get a divorce (you can decide who gets custody of your kids)
- Get remarried as an elder, retire from your career
- Have three kids
-accept every opportunity that the games gives you to solve a case or to help people
-see one of your parents ghost and give them a hug
Generation Nine: Sagittarius
“Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.”
You love travel and learning new things. You want to experience as much as you can in your lifetime, which means meeting people different from yourself. You heard that one of your ancestors (generation five) was a big traveler too, so you decide to follow in their footsteps.
Traits: Outgoing, Noncommittal, clumsy, insider, cheerful, bro, child of the islands, active, creative, goofball,  loves outdoor, bro, slob, hates children, romantic, self assured.
Aspiration: Friend of the World or Archeology Scholar/Jungle Explorer
Career: None, astronaut, Oracle (criminal career), Athlete (profesional athlete branch), education (any branch)
- Live in three different worlds for at least a week before settling down
- Have kids with three different people
- Never get married
- Make money freelancing (collecting, gardening, painting, writing, whatever you wish! This includes the stuff that comes along with Jungle Adventure, such as archeology and treasure hunting.)
- Completely redesign your house at least once (after settling down for good)
- Go to every festival (unless you’re at work/on a date/at a wedding/etc)
- Travel to the Nightclub every Friday
- Complete aspiration
- Master dancing skill
- Master comedy skill
-Work as a life guard as a teen
Generation Ten: Capricorn
“Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature. These individuals possess an inner state of independence that enables significant progress both in their personal and professional lives. They are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way.”
You hated how free spirited and laid back your parent was, and craved structure and discipline. Since a teen, you had a schedule every day after school: do homework, practice your skills for an hour, eat dinner, go to bed. Moving around so often meant that you didn’t make many friends, so you chose to devote all of your time to mastering as many skills as you could. But focusing in on one detail of life made you miss out on the bigger picture.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob*, bookworm, mean,  unflirty, perfectionist, neat, family-oriented, looner.
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: critic, bussiness (management brand), 
- Reach level ten of the Tech Guru career (either branch).
- Master logic skill
- Have at least level seven in three other skills (your choice)
- Follow a schedule every day; spontaneity is not your strong suit
- Get married as an adult to someone who shares at least one of your traits and is in the same career as you.
- Live in an expensive house (200,000 simoleons or more) by the time you’re an adult
- Surround yourself only with other snobby people
- Buy an expensive item every Wednesday. (Perhaps even start a collection of expensive artwork or sculptures and showcase them somewhere in your house. Feel free to get creative with it.)
Generation Eleven:  Aquarius
Unique, eccentric Aquarius’ are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems.”
Aquarius also represents the house of friends and society, people as a collective, so as much a they are weirdos they are usually a team player.
Who ever said eccentricity was a bad thing? You are a little out there and can be pretty spacey sometimes, but overall you are very passionate about your morals and strive to make other people’s lives better. Just be careful not to become a pushover.
Traits: Self-assured, Erratic, Ambitious, geek or genius, outgoing, creative, friendly, goofball, dog lover, insider
Aspiration:  Leader of the Pack
Career: Guru tech, freelancer (programmer branch), level 10 in scientist, style influencer (trend setter branch), politician (charity organizer branch), engineer (computer programmer branch).
- Reach level ten of the Politician career, either branch
- Complete your aspiration
- Have a club gathering at least once a week (your club can literally be for anything! Get creative!)
- Have three kids, get married as an adult
- Have at least four good friends (they don’t have to be a part of your club)
- Reach level ten of the Wellness skill
Generation Twelve: Pisces
“Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people. Pisces are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back.”
You love to socialize and surround yourself with all different kinds of people. Your parents loved you and raised you to be kind and perhaps a bit sensitive. You can be insecure at times, especially when it comes to your significant other. For some reason, you can’t seem to stay in a relationship for very long. Is there a way to fix this?
Part of you already understand the important things in life, an incredible spiritual soul ready for feel the connection to earth or the real things of life, very namaste and zen.
Traits: Creative, Jealous, child of the ocean (obligatory), good, vegetarian, lazy, loves outdoors, dog/cat lover, foodie 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Painter, conservationist, veterinarian, astronaut 
 As the last generation feel free to have kids if you want, preferably not
Have at least three friends of a different race/gender/sexuality than your sim
 Reach level ten of the Painting skill
 Must go through at least two boyfriends or girlfriends before settling down
 Have two kids
 Own a pool (at least a 4x4 size)
 master the wellness skill
Work as a fiver as a teen (island living) 
Make an activist club with your friends to fight for injustice or become a mermaid
Omg we have finally made it to the end of this challengue! i hope you had an amazing time just as i did, and had loved  each one of the generations. For me they were all amazing. Sendind all love, please lets give an amazing applause and thank you to the founders of this challengue trend  Pagenta and AutumnalPixels   let’s all give love to this amazing comunity, and please share your videos, your challengue journey and feel free to send me any picture and update!
please share this and thanks for all the love, i’m always gratefull
i love you guys so much and Peace <3 
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Tumblr media
CandyD's Balanced Calories Mod
Created for: The Sims 4 by Candyd - updated by Simscovery
Updated with game version
This mod simply is a must-have for a realistic game play and I was bummed out when I saw that it's not going to be updated neither by CandyD, Ignoral and/or DarkSimister any time soon. So, I updated it for personal use since the release of Island Living. Now with Discover University being released and still no new update, I thought it's about time to share this awesome mod with ya'll, so you can enjoy it again. As of December 7, 2019, I only updated the food recipes and not the drinks. It's currently in the works and should be done within the next week. So, be patient . I recommend that you use this mod with roBurky's Fitness Control mod and change the settings according to her mod description, because she mentions CandyD and what setting to use to imitate her Retuned Metabolism mod. I might look into updating the other mods, but they're not on a high priority list right now as I work on my own mod. More about it soon...
Download: https://modthesims.info/d/635800/candyd-s-balanced-calories-mod-updated-for-1-58-69-1010.html
Get featured: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/
Important instructions under the cut!!!
I recommend that you use this mod with roBurky's Fitness Control mod and change the settings according to her mod description, because she mentions CandyD and what setting to use to imitate her Retuned Metabolism mod. I might look into updating the other mods, but they're not on a high priority list right now as I work on my own mod. More about it soon... Link to roBurky's mod: http://modthesims.info/d/603777/fitness-controls.html Link to CandyD's original mod: http://www.modthesims.info/d/591226...m-part-2-3.html
!!! The following text is copied from CandyD'S original mod post !!!
Have you been surprised of seeing your sims gaining weight after eating salad, and of seeing them inevitably gaining weight to the point where keeping a stable weight is impossible without keeping a treadmill at home ? Surprised on seeing how absurd it is, on the contrary, that they don't seem to gain weight after eating fish and chips ? Tired of seeing more and more overweight townies to the point where obesity has become a real epidemics in your game ? This mod will help your sims maintaining a healthy weight easily with their diet.
How does the game behave by default ? In the Sims 4, almost all foods are full of calories. The problem with the game is that it makes all foods have a positive calorie count, like in reality. But in reality, we have a baseline metabolism that burns calories even when we don't exercise, and in the Sims there is no baseline metabolism, so sims that don't workout regularly are condemned to gain weight, more or less quickly, but they can't escape it on long term. Even if they just eat salad ! What does this mod change to the game's behavior ? As sims should burn very quickly all calories of low calorie meals, some foods have been modified to induce weight loss instead of weight gain : it's the case for salads, as well as dishes made of fruits and vegetables. Grains, lean meats and fish are low calorie. High fat, high sugar, desserts, most quick meals (with the exception of oatmeal and yogurt) and junk foods in general are high calorie. Some gourmet foods are now low calorie or even inducing weight loss ! Your sims can now enjoy some gourmet dishes without guilt ! But beware of cake ! This mod has been designed to force your sims to adopt a diversified diet. Some foods induce weight gain, others induce weight loss, and very few are 0 calorie. This means that your sims have a much lower risk of being overweight, unless if they like junk foods and desserts too much. But if they like only salad, they risk being underweight on long term. Fortunately, they can avoid that by choosing the right balance between high calorie and low calorie foods. If your sims like mac and cheese, they can now enjoy it, and eat a garden salad later to lose the weight gained with mac and cheese. This way, your sims can maintain their weight much more easily than before, with simple and intuitive choices. Even toddlers can maintain their weight as peas and yogurt will keep them in better health than crackers. And just like adult sims, toddlers need a diversified diet to keep a healthy weight. How do I install this mod ? Unzip it. Place the package in your Mods folder. Start the Sims 4 and enable custom content and mods in Game options - Other. Apply changes, quit and restart the Sims 4, and enjoy ! This mod can work alone. However, if you experience other weight and / or muscle issues with sims of all ages, or wish to control your sims' metabolism with more precision, I recommend to download and install the two other parts of the Natural Metabolism mod, for best results.
120 notes · View notes
fallenhero-rebirth · 5 years
Hi! :-) I'm pretty bad at reading between the lines and understanding subtext, especially since English isn't my first language, so I thought it'd be easier to ask: when did The Big One happen? Was the world previous to that 'normal' (similar to ours)? What exactly did they do to MC at the farm? What, exactly, is a regene? Sorry for so many Q's, lol. I really love Fallen Hero but I feel like I'm missing a lot of information, or maybe not all of it has been published yet. Gr8 work! 🖤
The world before that was not entirely like ours, it diverged around 1900 or so. If our world focused a lot on the space race, atomic power, atomic bombs, getting to the moon, flight, satellites and things like that, the FH world focused a lot more on medical tech and what we would call cyborg tech. It’s behind on things like cellphones and the internet (think mid nineties for that) and we never went to the moon. Putting the new and updated timeline below.
A ReGene is a vat-grown body implanted with an artificial intelligence mind. They tend to be boosted in various ways, and subject to intense modifications since they have no rights, they tend to be used for experimental new technologies. If they die, they just grow more.
What the MC did at the Farm is spoilers.
History of the Fallen Hero world.
1945: World War II ends, but the technological arms race continues. The United States and the Soviet Union both 'recruit' available German and Japanese scientists, taking full advantage of what they learned from the more unconscionable experiments during the war.
1951: The Korean War very nearly turns nuclear when the first Chinese Type 52 bipedal tanks help push the UN forces out of the mountains and nearly out of the country. Though clumsy and slow, they prove to be useful in the mountainous terrain, leading to an upswing in the power armor industry.
1955: The Soviet Union announces that it has successfully created the first functional, cybernetic limb replacement. This is widely considered the start of the Cyber Race.
1957: The Soviet Union manages to successfully interface man and machine, leading to a quantum leap in power armor technology as bipedal movement patterns become a lot more organic.
1960's: The US repeatedly releases new versions of its power armor suits as the Vietnam war rages, the lighter, more maneuverable armors being more suitable for the terrain. Various upgrades for soldiers are becoming more and more common, and the nickname 'Mods' is coined for those changed by the cybernetic implants.
1968: The first so-called 'Masked Heroes' appear in public, Modded veterans from the Vietnam war angered by their treatment at the hands of the government and the public. Very soon afterwards, new villains also take to the stage, and the police find it increasingly difficult to deal with disturbed people who have military training and equipment.
1971: A metabolic diet pill launched without proper product testing turns out to have uncommon and dangerous side effects. Though most users die or are crippled, a certain lucky few develop powers hitherto unseen in humans. The pill is quickly nicknamed the 'Hero Drug' and though it is pulled off the market, use and research continues. People who have gained powers are nicknamed 'Boosts' in the media.
1976: The Hero Drug is declared an illegal narcotic, banned after causing the deaths of untold thousands of people. Still, the lure is too strong, and research moves underground and behind securely-locked corporate doors.
1979: Wei Chen, who will later be known to the public as Marshal Steel, is born.
1980: The Year of Hell. The Big One hits the West Coast, and the San Andreas fault causes a massive earthquake to strike Los Angeles, which triggers the Cascadia subduction zone a few days later. The massive earthquake and resulting tsunami throws the whole West Coast into disarray with more than 150,000 estimated dead and missing. As if this was not enough, three months later the Mammoth Lake volcanic system reawakens, and the resulting eruption destroys any hope of quickly salvaging the west.
1980-1990: Aftershocks ravage the West Coast, halting any rebuilding effort. Little by little rebuilding turns to evacuation, all efforts being put into getting the Midwest back on its feet to regain a stable food supply. Food riots are common and several armed uprisings against the increasingly-authoritarian government are struck down by the military.
1981: The US government is nearly paralyzed by refugees as well as the rain of ash covering most of the Midwest. President Clark declares martial law.
1982: ${ortega_name} Ortega, also known as Charge, is born.
1984: Los Angeles is renamed 'Los Diablos' in 'The Angels of Los Diablos,' a famous documentary about the rescue efforts.
1986: The GeniTech corporation patents the creation of lab-grown stem cell organs, revolutionizing the transplant industry.
Late 80s: Estimated birth of ${name} ${surname}, later known as Sidestep.
Early 90s: Fed up with the suffocating yoke of the federal government and martial law, more and more people start moving back into the ruins of the west, starting the recolonization. A disproportionate amount of these people are Enhanced heroes and villains, both Mods and Boosts fleeing government control.
1992: In an effort to increase private industry investments, the West Coast is declared a free economic zone, where there will only be the bare minimum of federal government oversight. No taxes. No regulations.
1992: The GeniTech corporation patents whole-body stem cell clones, allowing for large-scale harvesting of replacement organs. Following a tumultuous debate about the ethics involved, GeniTech is one of the first companies to move their corporate headquarters to Los Diablos to escape regulation.
1993: The Re-Gene project is first revealed in a New York Times article, claiming it dates back to the seventies with the goal of making androids for use in war. The author, Tim Mazetti, was killed in a traffic accident soon afterwards. The future Ranger, Lady Argent, is born.
1996: Los Diablos is up and running: the first Mayor is elected, and it is starting to look more and more like a functional city. With the huge changes to the coastline, large tracts of the South Bay are abandoned and the city shuffles inland. The future Ranger, Herald, is born. Chen drops out of high school.
1997: Appalled at the lack of law and order in the free economic zone, or the FEZ as people call it, the newly-elected President Ross creates the Marshal system. Recruiting some of the most famous masked heroes of the region, he funds the 'Rangers' initiative in order to stem the worst excesses of the Enhanced populace. Chen joins the army, gets a boyfriend. Mount Hood is one of the founding members of the Los Diablos Rangers, as is Sentinel.
1998: Chen is deployed overseas, SE Asia. Sentinel joins the Rangers.
1999: A breakthrough in energy technology leads to the first plasma reactors, leading to ever more compact cybernetics. Hollow Ground self-declares as the kingpin of Los Diablos. Chen's boyfriend is killed. Chen has an accident with an IED and loses his hands. His body proves to handle mods well, so apart from his hands the army invests in an access port for armor interface as well. Ortega has their accident and is used as a test subject for their cutting edge electrical mods and spinal column. Chen and Ortega meet in the hospital during rehab. Mount Hood becomes Marshal Hood of the Rangers.
2000: Intent on regaining lost influence, the US flexes its muscles in the Middle East. This leads to a series of proxy wars with the ailing Soviet Union. Chen gets deployed there, now piloting an armored suit instead of a helicopter. The first known sighting of a Re-Gene on the battlefield. Chen sees Re-Genes on the battlefield. Ortega debuts as Charge, sponsored by a military subcontractor because they want to see how the mods perform.
2001: Steel is sick of the army and what they are doing abroad. He has racked up enough commendations that he's considered a suitable candidate for the Rangers, equipped with a new, shiny armor. Meets up with Ortega again when they are both in for surgery upgrades, and Chen talks him into signing up for the Rangers. Ortega's father dies.
2002: Ortega joins the Rangers. Sentinel officially starts to transition, there's a lot of controversy that Hood shuts down. Sentinel is not fired.
2004: A huge scandal rocks the Re-Gene project after its operatives are suspected of human rights abuses in another proxy war in Panama. It is never brought to court as the Re-Genes themselves are androids with artificial minds, but the scandal moves the project back underground where it has remained ever since.
2005: The Special Directive is formed, rumored to be a black-ops strike team of Re-Genes, deployed against anyone deemed dangerous enough by the government.
2006: Anathema joins the Rangers. The Rangers team up with the Special Directive for a mission. It does not go frictionless.
2007: Ortega is promoted to Marshal after the death of Marshal Hood at the hands of Hollow Ground. Sunstream joins the Rangers.
2008: Sidestep debuts as a vigilante. Charge and Sidestep meet for the first time.
2009: Psychopathor is the villain headliner of that year until finally put to a stop by the Rangers and Sidestep. Dr. Mortum and the Vitruvian are active as villains, but not high key threats enough to be a target for the Rangers.
2010: The Catastrofiend goes on a year long rampage, tearing through the Marshal before disappearing again, a pattern that will be repeated over the years. Ashfall works closely with the Rangers, becoming another associate.
2011: Los Diablos is hit by the Nanosurge, a runaway nano-weapon devouring all flesh before it is contained by an alliance of heroes led by the Rangers. Sidestep plays a vital part in its defeat. Herald takes the hero drug and survives the boosting process. Psychopathor escapes. Sunstream quits the Rangers and disappears soon afterwards.
2012: The Void is looking to expand their Santa Ana territory into Los Diablos, and the Rangers strike back, leading to a final showdown in the southeast deserts.  Herald moves to Los Diablos. Dr. Mortum retires from active villain life, focusing on research.
2013: The Heartbreak incident occurs. Sidestep and Anathema are believed to be killed in action. Ortega retires as Marshal and hero, replaced by Steel. Sentinel and Herald meet.
2014: Ortega returns from retirement, joining the Rangers once more as Charge. Steel loses both his legs when he's nearly crushed under a building in the battle against the Catastrofiend that has resurfaced. The Catastrofiend gets securely locked up. Herald gets his first sponsorship (and name) as a corporate hero. Herald debits as a vigilante under a different name.
2015: Lady Argent debuts as a vigilante in San Francisco. Herald gets hired as a corporate hero, and gets his hero name.
2016: Lady Argent joins the Rangers. Steel nearly gets assassinated, losing an arm in the process. Sentinel retires. The Catastrofiend escapes, but disappears after a mercifully short rampage.
2017: The MC returns to Los Diablos under an assumed identity.
2018: Herald joins the Rangers.
2020: The events of Rebirth.
2021: The events of Retribution (the next book)
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