#will be the anon and you will be the writer
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bunnis-monsters · 2 days ago
pleaaazeee.... more hare hybrid x bunny reader i'm starving... how about how they met or their preffered methods of showing affection? sfw or nsfw i don't mind either :3 also can i be 🐛 anon?
i love all your hybrid series posts smmm thank you for being such a good writer 😪😪
Hare hybrid bf can sometimes have an�� interesting way of showing affection.
When you first start talking, he would follow you around, occasionally settling his chin on top of your head and giving it a sniff before backing away and staring at you with his big, yellow eyes.
After becoming closer, his affection grew even stranger. You’d catch him chewing on some of your clothes or personal items.
At times he’d even flop down and lay in a vulnerable position, showing you how much he trusted you.
Hare hybrids are a bit… feral. Bunny hybrids have been domesticated so you’ve become closer to a human than bunny. You showed love by giving him kisses, nuzzling against him, and grooming his head.
Often times he’d nudge you until you were on your back before nibbling and licking your fat belly, showing that you could trust him with your most vulnerable part of you.
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on-wine-dark-seas · 2 days ago
Personally I think Sukuna is being too soft in your fic.
Was my writing an entire chapter about him butchering people, eating them as he killed them, and loving it, not enough to convey the complexity of his nature?
You're not the first person to send me a message like this, and I'm sure there's people who wish I'd turn my comment moderation off so they can give me opinions on my interpretation of Sukuna in this fic.
And the context that's missing is that Sukuna and I did not begin as enemies, but as friends.
But let's call a spade a spade: your issue isn't that he's too soft. There's a plethora of soft!Sukuna fics floating around in the tags with thousands of notes, thousands of kudos, and thousands of flailing comments. So it's not his softness that you take issue with, I think.
Your issue is that he is refusing to hurt me specifically. Because he's certainly hurting everyone else in this story, but because he chooses not to harm me in ways that are somehow worse than how I've already BEEN HARMED IN THE STORY, and even asks my consent before doing things with me because of the harm I've already suffered, it's a problem.
Take a moment to ask yourself why that is, anon. Why does that bother you?
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princington · 13 hours ago
Could you possibly recommend some WN fics you like? I'm in my "missing them hours" but am terrible at finding fics. Thanks in advance <3 (also, absolutely your art)
This by no means is a complete list but just some that I have on hand
teach me to love, as you have loved me by @/birgittesilverbae holds a special place in my heart
who needs comfortable love by @/the-ominous-owl
the bittersweet between my teeth by @/simplykorra
do a flip by @/sunsafewriting
pull back the curtain for venus by @/seabiscuits-us
holy ('til you let me go) by @/omomoification
come back (even as a shadow, even as a dream) by @/karatam
by such slight ligaments are we bound by @/daisychainsandbowties
choose the devil I know (over the heaven I don’t) by @/sapphicstacks
oh, there's a river that winds on forever (i'm gonna see where it leads) by zefrumiousbandersnatch
propose (now am found) by @/jtl07
the planets & fates & all the stars aligned (i couldn’t lose) by @/possibilistfanfiction
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vonbabbitt · 3 days ago
Okay Von hi feel free to just ignore this if it's not a topic you want brought up and I'm not saying this was bad writing on your part since it was definitely unintentional but GOD DAMN it hurts that Watari died and was specifically burned during black history month. The cold motive being during December was a coincidence so this definitely is too but holy fuck it just hurts. A lot.
Praying it's a suicide honestly because one of these students I've grown to love burning a black woman alive on purpose during February (ik they don't know it's February but on principle it still hurts) would fuck me up so bad.
You're an awesome writer so don't take this the wrong way, it isn't a critique at all and definitely just seems like an awful coincidence to me but still. It's an awful coincidence.
(if it wasn't obvious btw I am black just so this doesn't read as some weird yt person lmao)
Thanks for making tetro anyway, hope you're in better health soon
hey anon, i wanted to address this because its a totally valid thing to bring up and your message was really really polite about it
it genuinely is just an awful coincidence unfortunately. when i first wrote all of tetro a few years ago i had zero idea of when it would be releasing or what the release schedule would look like, and things just happened to line up in a really unfortunate way.
obviously i cant speak on any matters of the case or the trial or the culprit right now, so i think a much better use of this platform and time would be to discuss ACTUAL issues of anti-black racism in japan with the focus people are now giving watari. hopefully thats a use of this platform that people will be able to take something away from
japan, historically, has had relatively limited interaction with african countries and people of african descent. the first time a black person was actually recorded historically in japan was a 16th century samurai named yasuke who was brought over by portuguese traders and eventually then served as a samurai under a 16th century daimyō named oda nobunaga. yasuke was very much a spectacle in 16th century japan, with records at the time saying that people in kyoto were fascinated by his height and dark skin. japan's interaction with black people remained extremely sparse throughout a lot of this time.
in the late 19th century, during japans early globalization, american minstrel shows (blackface performances) toured in japan, which introduced derogatory caricatures of black people to japanese audiences. it was a sort of imported imagery in that sense, carrying imported western racism with it into japan and laying foundations for japan's anti-black stereotyping in future japanese media.
during ww2, japan portrayed itself as a champion of non-white peoples against western imperialism and proposed a racial equality clause at the 1919 league of nations, which western powers rejected. while they were advertising this anti-racism approach, propaganda and attitudes within japan were actually a lot different. for example, after the war, many japanese people initially blamed black soldiers for the bombings, insisting that their skin had been "blackened" by the bomb. the american occupation of japan from 1945 to 1952 then brought a significant black presence to japan, with about 15000 black troops stationed in tokyo alone by 1946. these soldiers' interactions with japanese civilians (including romantic relationships) served as many japanese people's first prolonged contact with black people. the occupation era brought a new wave of mixed-race children that then went on to face strong social stigma in japan and the US alike, dredging up entrenched ideas about racial purity. generally, japan's historical context regarding black people is one of limited contact and imported stereotypes, setting the stage for modern perceptions.
in contemporary japan, which is still about 98% ethnically japanese, black people are an incredibly small minority, thought to make up only 0.02% of the population. because of this homogeneity, many attitudes towards black people are shaped by media images and lack of personal interaction. on one hand, theres still a curiosity and admiration for aspects of black culture in japan - mainly african-american pop culture, particularly hip-hop, sports and fashion. younger japanese people emulate black musicians and athletes, as well as certain subcultures (notably the late 1990s "B-style" trend) and at times even darken their skin to imitate black celebrities. on the other hand, deep-seated stereotypes persist. black people are often stereotyped as exceptionally athletic, musical or "cool", but also dangerous and foreign. as an example, black residents in japan will commonly report that strangers perceive them with a mix of fascination and fear. baye mcneil (who is a black author living in japan that i absolutely recommend reading the works of) notes that japanese reactions to blackness are frequently rooted in ignorance rather than malice. he notes that many japanese people fear blackness, and that their fear comes from a place of ignorance. this manifests in ways that may seem subtle at first glance - avoiding sitting next to a black passenger on the train or holding their belongings a little tighter in the presence of a black person. microaggressions against black people in japan are still extremely prevalent.
that same prejudice can also take the form of insensitive comments or questions, usually stemming from the assumption that all black people are from africa or america and fit certain tropes. for instance, a black friend of mine who visited japan recently noted that she was asked on more than one occasion if her skin colour would "rub off", reflecting a massively prevalent lack of exposure. japanese anti-black racism is strongly rooted in ignorance as opposed to the overt hatred displayed in western countries; physical attacks motivated by race are unusual. instead, social exclusion and othering are the more common issues. black people, like other visible minorities, often face the "perpetual foreigner" mindset japan still holds - no matter how long they've lived in japan or how well they speak japanese, they may be treated as outsiders. even japanese-born residents of mixed african descent can be viewed by some as not "fully japanese", as seen in public reactions to famous mixed-race individuals of such descent. to recap, modern attitudes are a complicated mix: a general polite public demeanour masking unspoken biases, a fascination with black culture coexisting with lingering stereotypes, and a lack of awareness that results in black residents frequently feeling hyper-visible yet entirely misunderstood and misinterpreted.
id also like to talk about the role of japanese media in anti-black racism in japan. japanese media and pop culture have a bit of a mixed record in their portrayal of black people. historically, representations were often steeped in caricature. in anime and manga, black or dark-skinned characters are often drawn with exaggerated features reminiscent of racist minstrel imagery, such as the very frequent use of exaggerated lips seen in many popular anime. two fairly infamous examples are mr. popo from the dragon ball series and jynx from pokemon. mr. popo is a genie-like character depicted with jet-black skin, large red lips and a turban, features clearly echoing the blackface iconography japan became familiar with in the 19th century. these designs sparked criticism internationally as well. western releases of these shows later altered the characters, such as mr. popo's skin being recoloured to bright blue in one edited instance, to downplay the resemblance to racist caricatures. the portrayal of black people in japanese media has thus been subject to intense criticism for insensitivity. many japanese viewers initially did not recognize these depictions as offensive, due to the different historical context, but awareness around anti-black racism has since been growing.
live-action media and advertising have also featured plenty of tone-deaf portrayals. blackface in comedy shows persisted in japan long after it had faded from other parts of the world. as recently as new years eve 2017, a popular comedian (masatoshi hamada) donned full blackface to impersonate eddie murphy on national TV, igniting outrage among international viewers and anti-racism activists. domestic reaction within japan was mixed, with some defending it as harmless cosplay and others (both japanese and otherwise) pointed out that, intentional or not, such images are hurtful and stem from ignorance. baye mcneil (shoutout again) led campaigns to educate the public on why blackface is offensive, especially with the 2020 tokyo olympics on the horizon and japan under greater global scrutiny. in 2020, japans public broadcaster NHK aired an animated segment about the black lives matter protests that depicted caricatured black figures (a muscular black man speaking broken japanese, with others shown looting) without any mention of police brutality - a portrayal widely condemned as racist. NHK retracted and apologized after facing backlack, showing that japanese media institutions are finally (but slowly) being called to account for promoting racist imagery and stereotyping.
there have been positive developments. the rise of internationally successful mixed-race japanese athletes and celebrities - such as tennis star naomi osaka, who is haitian-japanese, or signer crystal kay, who is korean-african-japanese - has prompted more nuanced conversations about identity. advertisers have featured more diversity in commercials, though not without missteps. as an example, one 2019 nissin noodles ad drew criticism for depicting a cartoonized naomi osaka with much lighter skin and eurocentric features. on variety TV, black personalities often appear, but sometimes in tokenized roles. notably, foreign talents like bob sapp and bobby ologun became famous in japan in the 2000s. while they gained popularity, they were somtimes boxes into caricatured personas (the "big scary black man" or the comic relief.) a quote from a japanese viewer at the time noted that "bobby ologon speaks weird japanese, bob sapp eats raw meat...it's like watching a circus show. people look down on them and it is obviously discrimination." this underscores how japanese media often plays up stereotypes (the non-fluent funny foreigner, the brute strength athlete, etc.) for laughs. however. more recent years have seen more candid discussions in media about racism. for example, japanese news programs covered the 2020 BLM marches in japan seriously, and films or other literature by afro-japanese creators, such as the memoirs of black residents, are slowly gaining more attention. overall, japanese pop culture is gradually, if slowly, moving from caricature to more authentic representation, pushed by both international pressure and a new generation that is more globally aware.
for black people living in or visiting japan, everyday life is generally safe but can be clouded by subtle discrimination and challenges. japan has no law explicitly prohibiting racial discrimination, so incidents of bias can go unchecked. a government survey in 2017 revealed that nearly one third of foreign residents had encountered derogatory remarks, and about 40% reported facing housing discrimination. black individuals often find themselves included in these statistics and often experience much greater suspicion than white foreigners. for instance, many black residents have stories of being repeatedly stopped by police for "random" ID checks or questioning, a practice linked to racial profiling. michael sharpe (a professor with the university of oxford) notes hearing of south asian and african immigrants being "stopped and harassed by police, denied housing, relegated to certain types of employment, and exploited" in japan. such profiling feeds a sense among black communities that they are being watched with particular scrutiny. a black american in tokyo reported that in his first week of living in a neighbourhood, he was stopped by police for riding a new bicycle, with the implication that a black person on a new bicycle may have stolen it.
housing and employment present other hurdles. its common for landlords and real estate agents in japan to flat-out reject foreign renters, with excuses such as language barriers or different lifestyles. black applicants, especially those from african or non-western countries, report this rejection at higher rates, sometimes hearing that neighbours or owners are "uncomfortable" renting to them. in the workplace, blatant racism is uncommon, but black professionals often face a ceiling or bias. many employers prefer hiring white westerners, perceiving them as more "suitable" english instructors or corporate representatives due to pervasive western-centric images, which can sideline black candidates. those who do work in japan might also endure ignorant comments from colleagues - for example, joking about skin colour or being compared to random black celebrities. a lack of diversity training means coworkers may not realize their "innocent" jokes are hurtful or disparaging.
social interactions can range from warmly welcoming to awkward. many japanese are genuinely curious and might ask personal questions with a racial charge behind them that the japanese fail to recognize. in more negative cases, black people may be avoided in public - a phenomenon illustrated by baye mcneil's anecdote of a man literally turning away and guarding his pockets when mcneil stood behind him in a train line. children often point or call out black people because they so rarely see black individuals, with such moments highlighting the feeling of otherness that black residents frequently experience. there have also been many incidents out outright rudeness: strangers touching black hair without permission, or making vulgar comments about the hygiene of black residents based on stereotyping.
its important to note that in the modern day, many black visitors travel in japan without incident, and many black expatriates build meaningful lives and friendships in japan. the discrimination tends to be subtle or indirect rather than open hostility. japans strong cultural emphasis on politeness often restrains open hate. however, this can be a double-edged sword. problems of racism may be denied or swept under the rug entirely. a common culture among the japanese is that "racism is an american problem, not a japanese one," which was a reaction seen when BLM rallies were held in tokyo. black residents in japan know differently - they live with daily reminders that their appearance sets them apart, for better or worse. in summary, daily life for black people in japan is usually from from violence or blatant abuse, but not free from the strain of being viewed as "alien" and having to navigate systemic biases in housing and policing that other groups might not face to the same degree.
several high-profile incidents in recent years have brought anti-black racism in japan into the spotlight and stirred public debate. one example is the case of ariana miyamoto in miss universe japan 2015. when miyamoto, born to a japanese mother and black father, won the miss universe japan title, it sparked nationwide conversation about what it means to be japanese. while many were proud of her win, a vocal sector on social media questioned whether a mixed-race contestant should represent japan. miyamoto, who was raised in japan, revealed she had faced bullying growing up - classmates threw trash at her and called her racial slurs due to her darker skin. the controversy around her victory - with comments such as "she doesnt look japanese" being prevalent - highlighted the exclusionary view some hold. her grace under fire and the support she received from others also became a teaching moment about multicultural japan.
another example is the case of tennis champion naomi osaka, who - as mentioned earlier - is hatian-japanese. while she is widely celebrated in japan, her rise came with many instances of racism. in 2019, japanese comedy duo a masso joked that osaka was "too sunburned" and that she "needed some bleach", implying her skin was too dark. they apologized after receiving harsh backlash. earlier that year, as mentioned earlier, nissin noodles released a cartoon ad where osaka's character was depicted with much lighter skin and hair than in reality. following criticism, nissin withdrew the ad and admitted they had not consulted osaka on her portrayal. osaka herself has handled these instances of racism with maturity, even joking in response to the bleach comment, and continues to proudly represent her mixed heritage.
anti-black racism in japan is a multifaceted issue, shaped by history, media representation, and japans self-image as a homogenous society. only in recent years has japanese society progressed towards a stance of anti-racism. i think whats genuinely fascinating about japans position is that we're seeing the disassembly of societal racism in real time in japan. massive civil rights strides that happened a hundred years ago in america are happening now in japan for the first time. we're seeing a new generation of japan that wants to directly oppose racism, and a generation of black japanese residents that are showing their strength and exceptionality. i really vividly remember the backlash against naomi osaka - and backlash on that massive of a scale can be terrifying. its inspiring on such a genuine level to see her demonstrating that level of strength and determination in the face of racism.
its genuinely unfortunate how the uploads happened to fall in regards to watari and black history month. however, if nothing else, im glad to have been given the opportunity to talk about black history in japan, and im glad to have been given the opportunity to witness the fight for the safety, acceptance, and love of black people in japan in real time. i know this was a bit of a long read but i had a lot i wanted to go over lmao.
as a final note, please dont be complacent. its really easy for people to reblog posts about black history and civil rights without really doing much of anything else. please always be the type of person who fights against anti-black racism. please use your voice correctly. you dont have to be anywhere near japan to have a say in how japanese racism is received by the greater world. the benefit of a global culture is that you can use your voice to affect things in other countries. when there are japanese comedians making horrible jokes about black people, and when there are japanese companies putting out ads that mock and erase black people, you have the ability to loudly raise your voice about it. so please always do so
idk how to end this but if you made it this far thank you for reading lmao. and thank you anon for giving me an opportunity to talk about this in more depth. i hope everyone has been able to have a reflective, meaningful, happy and genuinely loving black history month
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ekingston · 16 hours ago
Hi; I don't know if you're still following the word-stream stuff, but the app is back online on the app store as "booktok - books and podcasts". The reviews marking it as having AI scraped data are still on the page itself, even though the name has changed, and duckduckgo still directs to their page if you look up "word-stream audiobooks"-- although if I don't know how long that will last. The website is seemingly gone, but the app still presumably has access to all the stolen works in the database.
Best regards, -someone else whose fics were stolen
word-stream is back
it just calls itself—in an obvious attempt to profit from the TikTok upheaval—BookTok, now. and it’s not just the app, either: the whole website is back online, same as it was just before Cliff Weitzman took it down.
(in case you missed it, here are the original story & the update.)
fortunately (so far) the fanfiction category hasn't been re-added, but if you go to the store page for the app you can see that it’s still using 'fan-created universes' as advertising.
Weitzman didn't register the app under his own name this time, but through something called 'Oak Prime Inc'. hilariously, however, the email address listed in BookTok's privacy policy still refers to word-stream.com, so if Cliff was trying to scrub the connection between Speechify and his BookTok app, he didn't do a very thorough job.
here's the thing (and i'm about to put this up in a separate, more easily digestible post): if you take a look at the terms & conditions of Cliff's other platform, Speechify, it claims a truly comprehensive license to use the works uploaded to that platform in any way Cliff sees fit, including publishing and monetizing it elsewhere. and i keep seeing posts on Reddit and Bluesky from both readers and writers, happily using the Speechify app to read fanfic, advanced reader copies and their own yet-to-be-published work to them.
this is a BAD IDEA. Cliff has already proven that he will take work authored by others without their permission and redistribute it wholesale if he thinks it might make him money.
Cliff is the financial beneficiary of both Speechify and word-stream/booktokapp. it seems pretty obvious to me that he's trying to claim, via Speechify's terms & conditions, that every work uploaded to Speechify is his to do with whatever he pleases, which naturally includes moving them to this other platform so he can charge people for two subscriptions instead of just the one.
thank you so much for keeping an eye on this, anon, and for reaching out!! like i said, another post will go up today about the above, but i'm going to ask you all to help ensure that my posts & my name aren't the only ones giving voice to this message. when i tried to approach people about this issue on social media, often the—completely justified!—response was 'why should I take your word for it?' and Wikipedia only allowed the mention of Weitzman's copyright infringement to remain on his page when 'The Endless Appetite for Fanfiction' was listed as a source.
it can't just be me. DON’T take my word for it. do your own research (i would love to be proven wrong about this!), talk to your friends, engage with posts on social media similar to the ones i mentioned above (those are just some examples, don’t pile on to the OPs!) and make sure people know what they're jeopardizing. help me protect authors from money-grubbing shitheads like this one.
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doriana-gray-games · 20 hours ago
Hello!! I was wondering if there will be more opportunities to send the RO’s letters in the future 👉👈 so sad I missed the window for the Valentine’s Day ones 😔💔 (which are so fun to read btw)
Thank you!! Hope you’re doing well 💕 friendly reminder that this is such a good game and you’re an incredible writer 💖💖
(This is a Patreon question)
On Patreon, sometimes I have the regular Q&As, and sometimes, in the past, I've had "send in letters to the characters". This one was a little special with the Valentine's theme and all the Characters being available to send letters to—but versions of this will reappear! 💖
Hope that helps, anon 💝🫂
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sunsets12 · 1 day ago
I do feel compelled to say that mean comments are rare, and I am incredibly grateful for all the love TSIYW has gotten
complaints about coriolania being a lesbian are incredibly stupid..sorry ik you probably already know all this but she would be sympathetic regardless, shes a teenage girl raised in a dictatorship and is largely innocent aside from her upbringing...the chapter was literally called iphigenias lament omf shes suffering because of her circumstances. and you didn't really try to make her come off as sympathetic or the victim, shes clearly very privileged and insufferable and just happens to be queer...anyway sorry again but the oneshot was awesome and your representation of comphet was great to read and it added a lot of depth to her character. ty for ur service excited to see more
Yeah, honestly I’ve slept on it and the comment only seems more ridiculous now. Like I hate to say it, but it’s such a chronically online take.
And also if you’re preemptively apologizing for your comment being uncalled for, don’t comment it
It’s always crazy to me when people like… leave criticism on fics. Like no matter how nice it is, if an author isn’t asking for criticism, don’t give it to them? PSA, I guess
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sl-vega · 2 days ago
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[ 💌 ] - KISS, KISS, FALL IN LOVE! - 600 follower event!
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-> message from vee!
hi hi! so, after about a year-ish(?) of being on tumblr, you guys have helped me reach 600 freaking followers! words cannot begin to express how grateful i am (and how sorry I am for making y'all wait for this event-) for everyone's support! and due to basically delaying this event since i've reached 300 followers, i've decided to make three events total for y'all to enjoy!
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🍓 EVENT ONE; build a shoujo !
-> in this event, send me info about your selfship/oc x canon (via ask off anon or dm!) , and in return i'll make a concept for a shoujo/romance anime series for them!
you give me:
your preferred name/oc name
preferred pronouns
your f/o / character you wanna request
hcs about your relationship
any specific genre you'd want/genre to avoid
any particular au as well?
and any other info!
in return, you get:
a customized netflix header just for you!
a mood board for your series
a synopsis of the plot
head canons about your show
what I think the op and eds for your series would be!
a personalized playlist!
-> rules:
this only applies to the fandoms I write for, if you don't know what I write for, check my request rules post
this is only for my followers! (no follow no service since this IS dedicated to all of them after all)
i would prefer if you sent me your info via dm, but if you would prefer to do it via ask, it must be off anon!
only one series per person!
please include as much info as possible! (makes my job a LOT easier)
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🪽 EVENT TWO; smau-ing for dummies !
-> so I mainly got my semi amount of fame on here due to my genshin smaus, and I thought I may as well impart my wisdom onto aspiring smau authors because lord knows I needed someone like that when I was starting out!
ask me whatever you want!
^^ must be smau related ofc
be nice in my ask box/it might take me a while to answer if I'm busy so don't spam me with the same question!
even though all my longer smaus are genshin ones, my advice is meant to be generalized! even if you aren't a genshin author don't be afraid to ask me!
i'm not a professional writer by any means, so don't take my advice as if i'm an expert! I just want to help some newer authors/writers who want to try something new learn from my past mistakes/experience!
even though this is part of an event, you can honestly ask me for tips and tricks whenever you want!
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🌸 EVENT THREE - about the author !
-> despite being on here for a while, I feel like I don't really talk about myself that much, so I decided to make a little ask game to help my moots/my followers get to know me a little better!
ABOUT VEE! - ask game !
🌸 - surprising fun fact about yourself?
💌 - fandom that people don't know you're part of/ would be surprised you're part of?
💖- your oldest fandom + your newest one?
🍓 - a hobby you really want to get into but haven't?
🪽 - favourite anime?
🧸 - fictional character that you relate to the most?
🌹 - favourite movie?
💄 - favourite video game?
🌺 - something you wish your friends/moots would get into
🌷- songs you have on repeat?
🍉 - artists you've been listening to lately?
🪷 - favourite blog theme you've had so far?
💮 - blog theme ideas that you have planned for the future?
🪻- favourite work that you've written?
🍬 - favourite Pokemon?
🍭 - random pet peeve?
💝 - your ideal romantic partner?
💐 - your favourite character to write for?
💞 - an underrated favourite character of your's/one you like but don't talk about a lot
🦄 - wild card! ask me whatever you want about myself (within reason)
divider creds to: @anitalenia @dollywons @h-aewo
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🍓 tagging: @shrii-kk @freyao7 @analiee6 @thetwinkims @bellflower1257 @blvdmrcnry @bloukoup @yuan1819 @fishii28 @yourstrulymauki @fungaltoehehe
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cripplecharacters · 1 day ago
hi! I'm aware that this blog is for questions about writing disabilities in general, but do you guys know of any blogs or resources to look for sensitivity/beta readers? in case you guys don't beta read.
thanks for all your work, mods! <3
- eyemask anon
For specific disabilities, there are some Tumblr pages that offer sensitivity reading:
@blindbeta does sensitivity reading for works involving blind characters. You can find information about their availability, rate, and such in their pinned post.
@vitiligo-is-not-a-trend does sensitivity reading for works involving characters with vitiligo.
@a-little-revolution has mentioned doing sensitivity reading [Link] for characters with dwarfism (and possibly autistic and hard-of-hearing characters).
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any active blogs on the topic of general sensitivity reading.
If you're open to going off-site, there's also a subreddit called r/SensitivityReaders for connecting writers with sensitivity readers.
They have a few categories:
LGBT+ & LGBTQ+ (For some reason these are two different tags?)
Mental Illness
Physical Illness
I'm not sure about the other mods but I will mention that I do personally do sensitivity reading, beta reading, and editing occasionally.
~ Mod Icarus
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araybiaaa · 2 days ago
Hiiii I love your Rafia content…
Would you be able to do one with Rafe at the country club and witnesses one of Sofia’s coworker flirting with her. Rafe is super jealous and obviously has to make it known to everyone that Sofia is his gf 😏
Sorry if it doesn’t make sense, I just need more country club rafia content 🤍
❝ jealousy, jealousy, r. cameron. ❞
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ooo. 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈… rafe cameron & sofia
ooo. 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔… jealous!rafe, non toxic territoriality, boyfriend!rafe, kissing, drinking, unreciprocated flirting.
ooo. 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔… request!where a coworker’s innocent flirting leads to rafe’s public display of affection.
ooo. 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔… so sorry this took so long anon lol! but it’s here. it’s really short and it’s not my favorite (writers block’s kicking my ass again!) but hopefully you still enjoy?
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over the few months that they’ve been dating each other; sofia’s become very perceptive about rafe.
it’s the little things that she notices about him; like how surprisingly affectionate he is — whether it’s his hand splayed over hers with his thumb caressing over the skin of her knuckles or it’s his outstretched hand resting against the small of her back; he was always seeking her out for contact.
or it’s how he looks at her; full of awe and adulation. there’s always a noticeable softness that brims in his pupils that’s accompanied by a soft adoring smile. and his gaze never strays from her too long. he wanders away only briefly, before he’s averting his eyes back on her to assure that she was still in his view.
like now, despite the fact that he was accompanied by kelce and topper who were all standing around one of the tables drinking and talking, rafe’s attention was thwarted solely on her. she was behind the bar’s counter, tending to one of the customers, preparing his second refilled glass of the whiskey sour that he ordered, when she looked up and met rafe’s gaze from across the room.
sofia’s cheeks immediately blanched as she suddenly felt overwhelmed and shy from his attention. she blushed deeply underneath the smothering heed of his scrutiny, watching as he brought his glass up to his parted lips.
he attempts to hide his impish smirk behind his glass as he tips it back and takes a sip, but she could see the bitten look of amusement stretched across his face even from where she was standing. she harrumphs softly, reluctantly pulling her gaze away from rafe’s coquettish stare to continue helping her customer.
“here you go, sir.” she says, tucking the freshly sliced orange wedge on the side of the glass before lining it on top of a paper napkin. the customer murmurs a halfhearted thanks before picking up his glass and sauntering off to return to his table. sofia’s eyes follow behind the customer as he makes his egress as she glances towards rafe’s table again.
but unlike all of the previous times where she looked up and caught his gaze, his attention was now focused on his friends who he had resumed his conversation with.
“hey, sofia.” someone’s voice as they approached and greeted her in salutation retracts her eyes away from rafe. sofia turns around and smiles softly when she sees her coworker, conner, standing behind her.
through the years of working here, the only person that’s managed to make it tolerable was conner. he too had to endure being subjected to serving overpriced drinks to kooks instead of attending college. their shared experience and similarities had made him more of a friend to her than a colleague.
“hey, conner.”
“how’s it been out here today?” he asks, nudging his chin outwardly towards the crowd of customers.
sofia shrugs, leaning her body against the counter. “surprisingly, not too bad. but it’s still kind of early. in about another hour or so when they’re all five or six drinks in, it’ll go back to people snapping their fingers at us to get our attention or them calling me ‘girl’ instead of my name that’s literally on my name tag,” she laments, in which conner nods his head knowingly.
she’s become accustomed to their superiority, now being able to roll their prudish comments off with a tight lipped smile instead of running to the nearest supply closet and crying like she used to when she first started.
it took a while for her to acquire that kind of strength and resilience. it was usually conner who intervened whenever someone got mad at her for inadvertently getting their order wrong or if they talked to her in a tone that resembled anything less than respectful. she was appreciative of him and his friendship, because she knows without him she probably wouldn’t have survived here for as long as she has.
“you’d think with all the money they have they could learn to buy themselves some manners,” conner accosts, shaking his head as his eyes wandered out towards the patio full of people. “anyway, how was your weekend off?”
(at his inquiry, sofia reminiscences on the eventful weekend that she spent with rafe. on friday, they’d gone out to eat at a lavish italian restaurant to commemorate their six month anniversary. it’d been a complete surprise to sofia to find out that not only had rafe remembered the occasion, but had taken the initiative to plan something for them by himself and unbeknownst to her knowledge.
she was surprised by the new red dress and the note scribed in rafe’s barely tangible handwriting, laid across the bed telling her to get dressed. she primped herself up, shrouded in excitement of the unknown. when she walked down the staircase, she was met with the sight of rafe standing by the front entrance dressed soigné in his tuxedo, looking as boyishly handsome as ever. he stared at her in a mesmerizing awe, taking a few steps to meet her halfway with his extended hand and roguish smile.
and albeit it has been six months of them being together, the night had been full of shy smiles being exchanged almost as if it were their first date. saturday was her abuela’s birthday, so they spent most of the day at her grandparent’s house.
despite her father’s trepidations about their relationship, her grandmother had developed a strong liking towards rafe. he found himself stuffed with her homemade tamales and his cheeks had pinkened from her constantly pinching them as she cooed adoringly at him, calling him guapo.
she doesn’t think she’s ever seen rafe smile as much as he did that day.
sunday had been a day reserved just for them.
they were sequestered in the house all day, swathed in a cocoon of blankets as they laid in bed. it was a mundane day, with nothing actually being done, but the domestication of it all had been sofia’s favorite.)
“it was good. what about yours?” she pushes herself off of the counter and begins to assist conner in restocking the items beneath the shelves.
“yeah, mine was good too. you remember that guy who came in last weekend, the one who said he owned all those art galleries?”
sofia nods, “yeah.”
“well, he came back on saturday and we got to talking for like half an hour about art. i told him that i was an artist and he asked to see some of my work. so i showed him and he liked it. like genuinely liked it, sof. he told me that he has a show coming up for upcoming artists and he gave me a spot in the show.”
“seriously?” she gasped, her mouth gapes and stretches in a smile as she throws her arms around his neck and pulled him in a hug. “that’s amazing, conner! congratulations.”
he chuckles softly, wrapping his arms around her and he reciprocated the embrace. “thanks.” she knows how much this opportunity meant for him.
after having to put a temporary pause on his dreams to help his provide additional income to help his mother, she knew that he felt like he was getting nowhere in achieving his dreams. (a feeling she was all too familiar with.) but hearing him finally getting a chance at not only continuing his work, but being able to show others his feat as well was something that he deserved.
“when is it?” she asked as they retract from the hug, “because you already know that i’m coming,”
he nods, chuckling softly, “next friday at eight thirty. it’s being thrown at that gallery downtown.”
“i’ll be there.” she avows with a soft smile.
“thanks. i uh, i was actually hoping—wondering, really, if you’d want to come as my date?” he asks, looking at her sheepishly as he waited for her response. sofia blinked, taken aback by his sudden inquiry. his expression sages at her reluctance, the confidence he once carried was now substituted with chagrin. “or not! sorry, it was stupid of me to ask.”
“no, it was really sweet of you to ask,” she reassured him, though the embarrassment of her rejection doesn’t dispel off of his features. “but i have a boy—”
“hey,” rafe’s sudden approach interrupts their conversation; causing both sofia and conner’s attentions to alert. rafe greets sofia with a soft smile, absentmindedly setting his empty glass on top of the counter.
conner’s eyes momentarily averts away from sofia and instead focuses on rafe. he placates his tight lipped customer service smile as he reaches for rafe’s empty glass. “afternoon, mr. cameron did you want another refill?”
“nah, i’m good. conner.” he says, with something akin to hubris lilting heavily in his voice as he peered up from where he was reading conner’s name tag. conner nods, though the confused expression deepens at rafe’s sudden abrasive tone. “so, i couldn’t help but overhear you guys talking about some art show you’re going to.”
conner nods, though bewildered by rafe’s placated interest in their eavesdropped conversation. “oh, uh, yeah. i was just telling sofia about the owner that invited me to show off a few of my pieces.”
“oh?” rafe nods, tilting his head as his kept his gaze cemented on conner. “yeah that sounds cool. you think i could get an invite too?”
“you like art?” conner inquires incredulously, eyebrows furrowed and mouth pursed in disbelief as if the idea was absurd.
“me? nah. not really but my girlfriend does,” rafe says, his eyes finally avert to the right of him where sofia stood. conner follows rafe’s gaze, his eyes widen as the realization suddenly dawns upon him. “and no one’s taking her on any dates except for me,”
“rafe, baby its okay,” sofia gives conner an apologetic smile, “we would love to come to your show if it’s still okay with you?”
he nods, giving sofia a small smile. “yeah. yeah. i’ll make sure to reserve two tickets for you.” his eyes briefly wander over to rafe again before he eventually saunters off leaving sofia and rafe alone.
sofia walks around the counter, now standing athwart from rafe as she gave him a pointed look. “you didn’t have to do that. he didn’t know that we were dating,”
rafe shrugs, reaching for her hand as he tugs her closer towards him. his hands grip at her waist, squeezing her with a soft affection as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers in a deep kiss. she yelps in surprise at his sudden onslaught but easily finds herself melting and succumbing to his embrace — indulging in his vigorous kisses.
rafe retracts from the kiss, smirking impishly against her mouth. “well now him and everyone else here knows that you’re my girl,” sofia’s cheeks flush at his territorial proclamation. looking around, she sees a few looks of surprises written across everyone’s faces at the fact that rafe cameron had just kissed the bartender so openly like this.
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luvergirl-866 · 2 days ago
not gonna lie yall i’ve been feeling soooo shit about my actual writing abilities lately lol…
i personally think an insecure writer makes for a bad writer (at least when it comes to me) so like whenever i do write, or try to, i just get this feeling of dread and dare i say…self loathing?😭😭 no but fr, im going thru it, it’s rough out here!!
nothing is being abandoned—not the one-shot i’ve been teasing and certainly not sll—just sharing where i’m at rn because i don’t want you guys to think im ghosting you on purpose 💔. just missing the crazy motivation i had back in october/november when i first started on here 😭
anyway, happy start of march madness, happy friday (or whatever day it is for you), and now that i’ve cleared this up—please don’t send me anons asking me to write. it doesn’t help unfortunately 🥀
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me staring at my inbox knowing damn well i’m not gonna answer your asks
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the point of reading lists is fucking stupid when it's always just stuff your friends wrote ngl
That's a strange generalization you're making, anon: I have done this all of two months so this is hardly a matter of "always".
There is fanfiction in both month's lists from authors that I don't know or follow. I am not friends with everyone on my reading lists. Proving that would be a waste of my time so you'll simply have to take my word for it. Honestly, even if it WAS the work of the people I was friends with... So what, anon? Am I going to Tumblr Jail? The fanfiction stockades?
I'd hardly be the first or last person to be "guilty" of doing that.
And you can find "the point" of my reading lists stupid as much as you want. I can't make anyone understand the appeal of creating a bit of extra work for myself to track and organize things quite so extensively.
What I'm doing is for the writers of that fanfiction as much as it is for me.
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With any hope, the fanfiction shared in this "monthly reading list" format will be spread to other people – which in turn keeps them in circulation just a little bit longer. And that is a very important thing.
More important than however long I spent in Canva making all the graphics. And certainly more important than inventing something to get upset over, too, anon.
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mtcloudsworld · 6 hours ago
Can I please request a Dick Grayson x black reader smut, we know that man is nasty and when he’s in love he’s down right filthy so he’ll be into spanking, hair pulling chocking, and he’s definitely eating pussy like his life depends on it. Do what you want just make him as nasty as ever 🤎🤎🤎
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 | +18, mdni, dick grayson x black!reader, black!fem, hair pulling, oral (v receiving), pet names: dollface, baby, darling, mama, love, friends to lovers trope, dirty talk, backshots, pound town, gushy gushy
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 | ANON, I'm not even gon' lie... I struggled with this one soooo bad 😭 I was over here tryna give you like a whole ass story and what now, but then my ass was way too stubborn, and way too horny to do all that soooo I just typed away at it as much as I could. Hopefully you like it. If not, sue my writer's block lol.
please comment, like and reblog!! Enjoy lovebugs!!! 🦠🩷
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𝐀𝐇𝐇, 𝐘𝐄𝐒, we know Dick is a nasty man, he likes it sloppy, filthy to the point you're a quivering whimpering mess, right?
It was kinda hard...at first... to believe how nasty this man could be.
How could someone so energetic with such a cocky personality trapped in a god like body with that millionaire dollar smile make a girl cum in seconds?
Your relationship was mutual. You both had the same friends but never budged to hang out with each other.
It didn't mean he never had his eyes on you, though.
The way you walked, how you talked, dressed and styled yourself never failed to amaze him. Your hair was either in braids or in its natural habit-- curls. You always had your nails done and your scent was always a mixture between cookie dough, vanilla, and coco butter.
Your personality was cute and charming, oftentimes you were a bit shy and quiet, but once you got comfortable around somebody you were okay.
Usually, Dick hopped from girl to girl, could never stay committed at times and getting to know you genuinely as friend wasn't supposed to go any further than that...but it did.
You were constantly on his mind, effortlessly grabbing at his attention, you had a way of caring for people-- it was almost like a motherly instinct to nurture someone.
There were moments when you two were face to face, talking, having a normal conversation about something and you'd just...lightly brush a strand from his face or fix the collar of his shirt.
Oh, his tie is crooked? Let me fix that.
Got a crumb on his face? Let me wipe that off for you.
Eventually, coming over to each other's apartments turned into sleeping over, getting weirdly comfortable with cuddling, having deep, intimate conversations that most friends or associates wouldn't have with each other.
But that was the issue, you both were comfortable, and usually comfortability led to numerous things.
Things that became private and secluded from the rest, things that took time for him to accept and realize. Things that allowed you to invite him and read you like a book. He took time out of his own world to get to know you from the inside out. He took time to settle for the innocent things that were ultimately sweet to the point his teeth were rotting.
It took time to understand this wasn't a friendship, it was more than just a simple hug, a glance in those beautiful eyes, a brush of the hands, having mental check ins, texting and calling each other nonstop-- it was more than just platonic.
Because best believe when he's found himself stuck in a place where you're truly his only option, his only solitude, his only source of light and recharge-- he'll come running to you. He's done it plenty of times, more than you can count.
Even when he thought it was the stupidest idea to land on your balcony at the weakest time of his patrol, you took care of him without even knowing.
You took care of him like you would at campus, eating with friends, hanging out-- you were always in his corner. So when he reveals to you who he truly was, Nightwing, it felt like a tone of bricks slipped off his shoulders.
Your promise of keeping his identity a secret felt more sacred than anything.
He had gotten comfortable with just sneaking his way into your apartment, unless he didn't warn you ahead of time, everything was on lock down. Born and raised in Gotham taught you so many things and keeping your home secure at all times was one of them.
When he does come over after a nightly patrol, it's never a dull moment where your stitching him up, cleaning the blood from off his skin, icing his cheek with a bag of frozen fruit...there was never a dull moment when he's sitting there like a little kid observing you glancing over him and checking every aspect of him, making sure that he was okay and in piece...never a dull moment when he wants to lean in and kiss you...but something always got in the way.
Nonetheless, he makes it his goal to at least try,
On a Friday night, after patrol, he realized how far he was from home.
As much as he wanted to take a break from visiting you, tonight had him beat.
He wasn't feeling up to swinging from rooftop to rooftop when your apartment was literally right here.
Coming to your place unannounced was never his intention, nonetheless, you invited him in anyway. Cleaning up his wounds and washing the blood, dirt and grime from off his suit, he heads to the bathroom for a shower.
Once he was done, he stepped out in only a pair of sweats. His hair a mixture of dry and wet strands curling around his eyes and shoulders gave him that boyish charm that made most girls go feral. Along with the sight of his toned torso, bitable muscles and imprint of his bulge...yeah, you were in deep.
And trying to stay cool, calm and collected while standing beside you, in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with his foot crossed over the other, arms crossed while eating a banana wasn't getting you nowhere.
You were finding it hard to make eye contact with him, too scared to stumble over your words when he gazed over you with those piercing sapphire eyes and beautiful smile. He was speaking to you so casually, but your thighs were practically clenching against one another.
Your body was hot, heart beating quicker than usual while your mind was going to places that it shouldn't. Yet here you were feeling some type of way, and when you were done with those damn dishes, you both settled on the couch. Putting on a horror movie to pass on the time.
Neither of you were really tired, it was only 1:30 on a Saturday morning, so settling with that seemed plausible.
15 minutes in man spreading with his eyes trained on the screen. He mindlessly accepted the comfort of your crossed legs over his lap. Leaning into his arm, with your own wrapped around the muscle you feel his warmth transfer through you as your body laxes, even with his knuckles brushing lightly against the side of your thigh, it felt nice...or when he massaged it, groping it softly and caressing at the flesh subconsciously...it felt nice, too nice.
Because at some point you told him to stop, and when he looked to you confusingly. Brows furrowed with a puzzled gaze, you bring it to his attention, embarrassingly, that it made you feel some things.
And it dawns on him, suddenly...
The smirk and mischievous glare in eyes make you feel shy, wanting nothing more than to curl in a ball.
It dawns on him that he has an effect on you.
Just like you had an effect on him with taking care of him, physical touch from him felt like heaven. The littlest things he does to you sends you on a whirlwind.
And he couldn't lie, it boosted his ego.
He would sit there contemplating his next actions for the next 5 minutes.
Eyes looking anywhere but the tv. There was this cute awkward silence between you. Clearly fidgety, unsure if y'all should or shouldn't...
Peeking over you, he murmurs, "do you want me to make it feel better?"
Staring ahead, your mind doesn't register his words until a second late.
The question no doubt taking you off guard, but you look at him shyly, shrugging your shoulders with uncertainty. "I-I think so?"
Trying to hide yourself from him, you wanted to express that it wasn't a big deal and that it'll go away on its own... but the way he was looking at you right now, with his hand still rested on your thigh...the temptation was real.
Dick chuckles at your cuteness, "No need to hesitate, doll face. If you're not up to it, I won't force you into anything." He says mindlessly brushing your curls behind your ear to get a good look of your face, brushing his thumb along your jawline. You gulp noticing the proximity of your faces, the scent of his body wash overwhelming you as you eye him adoringly. "I want to."
He cocks a brow at you, "you sure?" you realized his question was out of reassurance, wanting to make sure if this was something you wanted to do.
But you nodded, glancing between his eyes and those pretty plump lips of his.
"Yes, I'm sure."
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It seemed impractical for him to think that way with you, but he did.
He thought about it nonstop.
To the point he was having to excuse himself to the bathroom, fisting himself at the thought of you. All because he had an innocent little cuddle session with you. He just couldn't bear the feeling of your ass brushing up against his dick, which was pathetic I know but true.
Or when he accidentally got a glimpse of your chocolate round tits, bouncing up and down as you squeezed and jumped yourself into those tight ass jeans you hadn't worn in a while because you gained a little bit weight around your ass and thighs.
He loved every second of it, though. He loved every chunky curve and perfect imperfect flaw that made you you. He thought about it every single day and night, out on patrol when he feels touch starved, or busy with other things that weren't you.
Dick has thought about consistanly.
He's thought about this exact moment for a while now.
He's got you in his grasp, trapped in your own room giving you exactly what you've been waiting for, and you realize between shared kisses and him glorifying your body that you love every second of it.
You love how messy he is, how he doesn't give a fuck if you're loud and everybody and they mama can hear you. He was making you feel good, making you feel like bouncing on his dick for hours.
Salvia drips from his mouth to your aching center. Watching how it rolls down the crevice of your lower lips past the entrance of your hole.
It coats every inch of you beautifully before proceeding to dip his fingers past your folds. Light wet sounds heard as he circles around to your clit, rubbing up and down tenderly.
"How's that feel, baby? Feels okay?"
"Y-yes, keep...going," You exhale shakily, nails curling into the sheets, balling them into your fists you feel his fingers slip in and out of your leaking hole.
His head rested at your thigh as he peppers kisses to your flesh, attentively watching your eyes flutter shut to the euphoric feeling building from within, your moans become softer and sultrier as your cunt welcomes him deeper.
Your skin felt so satisfying in his palms, almost like Play-Doh as he continued to grope parts of you. The way it was so smooth and yet so soft beneath his calloused hands, he never felt anything like it. Your scent was so intoxicating, he could almost taste it in his mouth. Actually... he wanted to savor it in his mouth, every inch, every lick, gathering a taste of you.
"Spread those legs for me, baby," he instructs lightly, lips adventuring south of your hips near your lower region. He gently moves your knees over his shoulders to hold you securely within his grasp.
Mouth leaving kisses to your clit, he lays his long pink tongue flat against your center. Licking long stripes up your clit deliberately slow, you gasp at the sudden action. "Oh, Dick~"
One taste after the other, he moans pulling you closer, "Fuck, I'm gonna ruin you."
His tongue flicks against your bud quickly. Concentrating on your raunchy moans and the way your body responds. His warm hands move upward around your parted thighs. Palms laid flat at the underside of them, he presses for your knees to touch your chest.
"Such a good girl." He plunges two fingers into your leaking hole, prepping you a little bit more before replacing his fingers with his mouth again.
The sensation of Dick's lips engulfing, sucking, licking and slurping against your sobbing wet pussy sends a heat wave through your body. The long-wet muscle glides over your hole teasingly a few times before shoving it inside.
Your whimper-moans fill his ears as he maneuvers in and out of you. Squirming beneath his hold. Not wanting to run away from him, he holds you down against the mattress, forcing you to take it like a good girl while arching your back off the mattress. "Aww, Dick right there~" with your head pressed to the pillow.
Completely immersed to the weird sensation of him tongue fucking you. Mentally, it felt too realistic, too natural for how far his tongue could reach. Undoubtedly grazing at the sides of your gummy walls, you were sure he could touch your g spot without even trying.
Nonetheless, it left you speechless, embarrassingly aroused and yet a stuttering mess that expressed something so indescribable.
With your hand pressed to the back of his head, you welcomed him deeper. His mouth working tirelessly eating you out like a full four course meal, you attempt to swivel your hips against his salivating mouth. "D-Dick..." The whimper of his name was high pitched, undoubtedly trying to warn him that something was brewing.
"Mmph," His mouth pulls away from your pussy with a smack. A heavy exhale hits at your exposed core as he continues with pumping you with his fingers. Voluntarily shaking and wiggling his fingers at your g-spot. Your movements halted, eyes clenching and jaw dropped to the action. "Mhmm, yeahhh. There you go, that's it, just let go for me baby, I got you." It sends continuous vibrations to your clit, your walls clenching and contracting around his finger, your throat emits a deep elongated moan, painting an ivory white all over his fingers.
Dick lets you ride out your high before he pulled out to examine your essence coating all over his fingers. You laid there, breathless and mind blown for a moment, resting your legs out onto the mattress lazily.
While you hear the humming of a pleasant man at the end of your bed, you were too busy collecting your thoughts of the events that just occurred.
Noticing you were completely silent he goes to land a kiss at your stomach.
"You okay, baby?"
You nod, "mhm." Before lifting yourself up slowly on your elbows.
When you get a better look at the image before you, you nearly snicker as Dick lick small spots of cum from off your inner thigh. Smiling from ear to ear, you ask with your head cocked to the side cutely, "Do I taste that good?" Looking at him with amusement, he traces kisses up your body. Grossing onto his hands and knees, you notice the rippling effect and swell of his muscles beneath the flesh of his arms and shoulders, veins bulging through, his huge frame looms over you causing your back to touch the mattress. when he comes face to face with you, your dainty hands come from up his biceps to wrap around his shoulders. Noses nudging against one another cutely, a playful smirk is decorated on his lips when he sees a little twinkle in your eye.
"Wanna find out?" His voice was deeper than before, raspy and sexily menacing to the point your aroused cunt began to clench around nothingness. Your lips ghosting over his, hooded eyes watched closely as you proceeded to finally engulf his, he immediately deepens the kiss no longer feeling the need to prolong it.
When he rests his body between your legs your startled by the heavy bulge of his dick rubbing along your clit. Moaning between kisses he takes this opportunity to slither his tongue past your mouth, brows connecting at the slow development of pleasure growing in your body. The combination of the slow yet firm stroke of his hips grinding against your pussy and his tongue adventuring in your mouth has your moans become breathy, soft and cute with a lilac touch that has him grunting in return. "Ooh, baby" your nails dig into the skin of his shoulder blades, your legs locking around his waist, his lips move down the side of your chin to leave bites at your neck. Sounds of your heavy exhales and whimpers growing needy has his dick twitching in his sweats.
"Wanna continue, love?" his hands clench to the sheets on either side of your head, keeping himself from crushing you completely, his hips rock against you.
"Yes...please." you exhaled shakily, bucking your hips to him.
It didn't take much longer for him to have you bent outta shape.
"Ooohhh Fuuuuck!"
In the perfect position, face down, ass up, your sweet raunchy melodic moans bounced off the four white walls as you clawed at the sheets. Body jerking, mouth gaped, and brows furrowed. Your back arched into his embrace as he pounds profoundly deep into your pretty little pussy.
"Mhmm, that's it, take that shit, mama-- fuck, you look so good like this."
Quick with precision, no breaks in between leaving marks on your bronze flesh. He leaves you breathless with your hand rested at his abdomen. He grabs at your wrist pinning it to your lower back to feel your long acrylics dig into his skin.
With sweat drenched strands sticking to his forehead, mouth gaped with heavy grunts, he observes the sight of your fat ass jiggling to the slamming of his hips.
Fucking you at an angle, your whimpers become suppressed by your swollen bitten lips. “Heh, you like this shit... don't you, baby? You like it rough? You like the way my dick feels baby, hm?" You were unable to speak, jaw dropped with hesitant moans slipping out and when he doesn't hear a response, when he doesn't hear you communicate with him, he dares to go slow. "Or should I go slow? Huh? Want me to fuck you slow and hard, dollface? Cause I can do that, I can give it to you just like this--" His thrusts still so harsh and rough against your clit, pegging his dick to grind deeper.
"O-Ooh fuck n-no, keep going! keep going! Don't. stop." You whined like baby hating the change of pace.
"Yeah?" he cocked a brow at you in amusement, smirking evilly.
"Mhmmm, please, Dickie, please go faster..." you beg
He grabs at your hips roughly once more, digging his fingers into your flesh, praising you. "Good fucking girl."
He was practically fucking you to pound town, fucking you till the bed was creaking, till your sounds were silence by the agonizing warmth of excitement circulating through your nervous system.
Your curls were shielding over your clenched eyes, head tilted back from his hand collecting a fist full of your hair, your lips gaped open in euphoric pleasure. You begin to wail as he pounds into you relentlessly.
He watches your pussy lips pucker around his length, squeezing him tightly and sucking him deeper and deeper till he reached your cervix. He was so deep you could practically feel him in your stomach. Driving and grinding his hips into you meanly, his hand was placed at the small of your back molding you into an arch.
And like a cat, slowly you follow through with his silent command, planting your chest onto the mattress, your arms outstretched from you, your head turns sideways observing how he fucks you in rhythmic motion, hands transitioning to coddle at your hips.
"Harder, baby, harder..." You nearly laugh at the sudden vibrations of your skin smacking repeatedly against one another, caught in a trance to the gushy squelching sounds of your sweet, sweet essences dripping from around your thighs. "Y-yeah, that's it, just like that-- mmphm...oh my God!" Your breath is caught at your throat, eyes beginning to water.
His hands grope at your ass cheeks, using the fatty flesh for leverage, turning his fingers white. Thumbs pulled your ass cheeks apart so he could catch a glimpse each time he thrusts into you with ease, the squelching gushy gushy of your arousal feels and sounds so sticky and wet to his ears, so sloppy that its dripping onto the sheets and soaking at the base of his abdomen.
"Shit, m'bout to cum..."
Between your parted legs you feel his hand move towards your center, gasping, "fuuuck!" You grind yourself against his fingers as they move around your folds, gaining your silk and ghost over your clit, slapping against it couple of times before giving it a sweet gentle rub in quick circular motions.
"Mmm'fuuuck yesss!"
You wail, body crumbling lower, feeling suddenly weak within his grasp.
He smirks victoriously when he feels you start to clench around his length, quivering like damn leaf. "Mhm, cum on this dick, mama." You release a deep guttural moan beneath him, when your body collapses to the bed sounds of your cum gushing from out of you is heard as he ruts inside of you, following in pursuit.
"Shit, gotdamn baby!"
He stood back with huff, watching as his tip leaked all over the crack of your ass. His cum seeping from out of your entrance down the side of your shaking thigh. Taking a hold of his dick, the swell of his mushroom tip smears your shared juices all along your center, between your folds, rubbing it up and down against your clit to hear you whimper from the sensitivity.
Stepping away, he kneels down to be leveled with your ass. Peppering kisses all along the red imprinted cheek, he nibbles at your thigh next.
He feels you move, your upper body turned sideways with your knee bent while the other stayed straight. Your hand reaches for the crown of his head as his face buries into the crevice of your cheeks. Inhaling the scent of your cum, it rubs up against his nose as he started to lick at you.
"Mmph, I can never get enough of you." He states pulling your ass cheeks apart some more, his tongue dragging up from your pussy to the space of your ass.
You squeal to the feeling of his long pink tongue slithering past your quivering hole. Dark lust filled eyes watching as your swollen lips parted, keeping eye contact with him as you press his head deeper, bucking your hips back.
You welcome him back into your heat, making out with your cunt, moaning at the taste of you lingering on his buds, his hands begin to smack at your ass a few times, groping at the flesh as he starts to slurp up his salvia, devouring you some more to feel it roll down the side of his mouth and smear against your inner thigh messily.
"Aww, shit!...you just can't get enough, huh?" You whimper laugh starting to ride his face as you feel him poke at your sweet spot, "fuck, you always find the right spot...Oh, m'cumming."
And what felt like the fifth time already, you cum, you cum all along his face feeling his head shake to finish you off completely.
Pulling away to see your pussy juices shine all along his mouth and chin, smeared at his cheeks. You watched as his smirk grew, his tongue slipping out to lick around his mouth seductively before going in for a kiss. His tongue shoved down your throat while your hand moves to stroke at his dick, thumb rubbing around his swollen tip.
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𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐋 ©𝐦𝐭𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓
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... y'all what the fuck did I just create???
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mylovesstuffs · 21 hours ago
I just saw your requests is closed and I'm still sending requests lol SORRRYYYY but about the dino and the backup dancer maybe write it like Dino's always staring at her THEIR GAZES WITH EACH OTHER AHH yeah but he's still not asking her, they're oblivious lol and others are tired all of them all of their staffs lol maybe something like that IDK LOL could be a drabble but i fear it would be too short (i want to read more of your writings😔😔)
Oblivious Gaze — Lee Chan
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Genre: Fluff (light-hearted moments), performance/stage life and idol au
Pairing: Dino × fem!reader
Content: Stage performances, Attraction, chemistry, slow burn tension (?) Awkward interactions and nervousness (particularly from Dino), teasing from other members, intimate moments shared on stage and off, the tension builds slowly and is never explicitly acknowledged by the characters (?), set during a concert, awkward shy Dino but not on stage lol, both of them are aware of the chemistry between them but neither acknowledges it outright (at least not initially), teamwork & performance, featuring Jeonghan, Joshua, Woozi and Seungkwan
Word count: 2296 words
A/N: This one sounded and tasted so artificial to me, it almost made me gag 😭. I promise, it was way better in my head, but somehow, it didn’t turn out the way I expected. I really hope it’s still okay! To the anon who requested this, I truly hope you like it. If not, I owe you one! Please feel free to let me know if you want compensation for wasting your time or if you have any other requests!
↻ If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs help writers the most on Tumblr ♡
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The lights of the concert stage were blinding, and the roar of the crowd felt almost suffocating. But in the chaos of it all, there was something even more intoxicating.
Jeonghan's voice echoed through the speakers, cutting through the air like a blade as he led the members in their final few tracks before break. The sweat beading on their foreheads, the exhaustion creeping into their limbs – none of it mattered to Dino right now.
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All that mattered was you.
Your movements were fluid, almost as if you were part of the music itself. You weren't just following the choreography, you were living it. Every spin, every sharp turn, every hair flip – it was like watching art in motion, something so graceful it made Dino forget how to breathe.
From the corner of his eye, Dino could see you on stage, perfectly in sync with the rest of the dancers. Yet, every time you two crossed paths, his gaze followed without fail. A quick flick of your wrist, the way your eyes sparkled with energy—it had his heart stuttering, hands momentarily forgotten as he found himself caught in the rhythm of your movements.
There was no denying it; he was mesmerized.
But Dino, in his usual fashion, was painfully oblivious to the fact that everyone could see it. His eyes would always wander back to you as if he were waiting for something, some kind of sign or confirmation. Every time you'd glance at him, a brief but meaningful moment that only he seemed to notice, his heart would skip.
But you'd never linger. No, you were a professional, just like him.
And so, your silent exchange became the rhythm to his heartbeat. There was something familiar about the unspoken connection, something that felt both new and oddly comforting. Yet, neither of you would acknowledge it. Not yet, anyway.
Meanwhile, the rest of the members and staff were barely holding themselves together.
Amidst the synchronized moves, there was one moment that always made your heart skip. It wasn’t the fast-paced parts of the performance, nor the explosive moves you executed perfectly with the group. It was the moment when you, the backup dancer, were paired with Dino—your heart always fluttered.
The part in the choreography was simple yet intimate, and each time it came, your chem with him felt undeniable. You and Dino had practiced the moves together, yet each time he touched you, you couldn’t help but feel the electric tension growing between you two. The way his body moved with yours in sync was something you couldn't ignore—every breath, every fleeting touch made your stomach turn.
The cue came as the song hit its smooth bridge, the music slowing down to the sensual beat that set the tone for the choreography. You stepped into position, waiting for your part knowing that Dino would be right there with you at any moment now. His eyes locked with yours and then, the movements began.
Dino approached, his hands sliding around his waist as he slowly circled you. You mirrored his every move, the choreography deliberate but full of sensuality. As his face hovered inches from yours, you could feel his breath against your skin, your heart rate quickening. His hand brushed the back of your neck as he guided you into a turn, your body coming so close that the heat radiating from his chest almost made you lose track of the steps.
The music intensified again, and now, with his hand on your waist, he guided you through the intricate sequence where he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he held you steady. You could feel his muscles flex under your touch as he twirled you in the air with practiced grace. His face hovered near your neck, your heart skipping at the thought of him so close, his lips almost grazing your skin.
“Careful,” you heard him whisper under his breath, voice low and intimate as you twirled. His hands gripped you firmly, the warmth of his touch sending sparks through your veins. But his grip didn’t loosen.
For the final part of the performance, the entire group was back in sync, moving and singing around you. But you and Dino were positioned at the side of the stage, his hands holding you still in front of him. The crowd’s energy was wild, but the chemistry between you and Dino was so thick that it felt like you were the only two on stage.
His gaze never left yours, the intensity in his eyes making your chest tighten. His breathing was shallow, each movement, each beat, syncing perfectly with yours. As the last notes of the song echoed, he leaned closer to you. You stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, the atmosphere around you felt thick, the tension electric. He was so close, and yet, neither of you made a move. Neither of you said a word.
And yet, as the music ended, Dino hesitated, his hand just brushing against the side of your face before he turned away to rejoin the rest of the members. But that brief touch, that lingering moment, spoke volumes.
As the performance came to an end, the members all gathered at the center of the stage, high-fiving and smiling at each other, but Dino didn’t glance away from you. And as you both caught your breath, the last thing you saw was the soft smile on his lips—hidden beneath the loud applause and cheering of the CARATs, but meaningful all the same.
“Dino,” Seungkwan muttered under his breath, wiping sweat from his brow as they made their way to the side of the backstage, waiting for the next segment. “We’ve been performing for hours. Can you please stop staring at her? You’ve barely said two words to her but your eyes are glued to her every move.”
Dino snapped out of his trance, quickly glancing over at Seungkwan, who was giving him a knowing, albeit exhausted, look. “Huh? What do you mean?” he asked, blinking rapidly, his mind still foggy from the mesmerizing performance.
“Seriously?” Joshua chimed in from the other side, a tired grin on his face as he slung an arm around Dino’s shoulder. “You’ve been eyeing her the whole time, and you’re not even trying to talk to her?” Joshua didn’t even need to wait for an answer before he sighed (dramatically). “You’re killing me, Dino.”
“Stop it,” Dino muttered, but it was clear he was trying to hide his flustered expression, his cheeks tinged a shade of pink that couldn’t be more obvious.
“Dino’s just shy,” Woozi teased from across the room, though it didn’t take much to see he was barely keeping his eyes open from exhaustion. “I’m pretty sure he’s too scared to talk to her.”
Dino’s face turned an even deeper shade of pink but he was too tired to even protest. “It’s not like that...” he mumbled, though his gaze still drifted back to the dancer, you, who was currently chatting with a few staff members.
And that was when it hit him.
You looked...perfect. Your tired smile, makeup slightly smudged, but your energy still unyielding, had his heart racing in ways he couldn’t explain.
“I’m serious, though, Dino,” Hoshi said from behind him, walking up with a water bottle in hand. “She’s literally been giving you eye contact for the last five minutes. What are you waiting for? Go talk to her.”
Dino froze, feeling a lump in his throat. What was he supposed to say? What would he even do? “She’s a dancer, and I’m just...me,” Dino said quietly, more to himself than to anyone else. “I don’t think she’d even be interested in me like that.”
“Dude,” Joshua started, throwing his head back with a laugh, “it’s just a conversation. What’s the worst that could happen?”
The sound of someone clearing their throat echoed through the room, and Dino snapped his head to the side, realizing that his eyes had landed on you once again. But this time, you were looking directly at him.
Your gazes locked, a moment that stretched longer than either of you expected. Your eyes twinkled in the dim stage lights, and offered him a brief but kind smile.
Dino’s heart skipped a beat. But instead of turning away like usual, he found himself smiling back. Just for a split second. And that was when Jeonghan, who was near the backstage entrance, caught the moment too.
“Seriously, Dino?” Jeonghan said, loud enough for everyone to hear. “You’re just going to stare at her like that? Go talk to her already. It’s getting ridiculous.”
The entire room went quiet for a split second, and Dino’s face flared up in embarrassment. He opened his mouth to protest, but he couldn’t. His body was already moving before he realized it. His feet carried him over to where you stood, and as he approached you, he almost tripped over his own shoes.
“Hey,” he said, voice hoarse, his stomach doing somersaults. “I—I’ve been watching you...for few weeks now, and...you’re really good.” He immediately regretted his words. Why did he have to be so awkward?
You couldn't help but smile as Dino awkwardly stammered over his words, looking at you as though he’d been caught in the act of something mischievous. Your heart fluttered in your chest. The attention felt different. The way he stared at you, as though he was finally seeing you beyond the performer’s role you’d played all night, had your pulse quickening. And when he complimented you, his voice soft and hesitant, you felt that familiar feeling stir within you. It was as if the stage lights weren't blinding you anymore, and instead, everything just fell into place.
"You're not so bad yourself, Dino," you said, trying to ease the tension that hung in the air. He looked adorable and all flustered like that.
He blinked, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. He looked almost like he wanted to say something more, but the words seemed stuck in his throat. You couldn’t help but notice how his hands fidgeted by his sides, the usual confident Dino was nowhere to be found. It was charming, in an oddly innocent way.
You could see how uncomfortable he felt but it only made him more endearing. You were about to ask him something to ease the awkwardness when suddenly—
You both turned to look at the familiar voice. Jeonghan was standing off to the side, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. Behind him, you saw the rest of the members, all watching the scene unfold with amusement and curiosity.
"You’re still just going to stare at her all night?" Jeonghan teased, making everyone else chuckle lightly.
You could see Dino’s face turning an even deeper shade of pink than previously, his hands now nervously raking through his hair. He shifted on his feet, obviously torn between wanting to run away and wanting to stay.
But you weren’t about to let him squirm too much. Before you could even think about it, you stepped closer to him, your smile softening, trying to ease him.
“I don’t bite, you know,” you said with a gentle laugh, hoping to make him feel a bit less self-conscious. "I’m really just here to dance and enjoy the show like everyone else."
Dino blinked, his eyes flickering down to your face. For a moment, it felt like time stopped. The bustling backstage noise faded away, and it was just the two of you, caught in a fleeting moment of connection.
His eyes softened, and you saw something you hadn’t noticed before, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips, and then, surprisingly, he laughed, though it was soft and shy. "I guess that makes two of us then."
He just stared at you and you could feel the nerves bubbling up in your chest. But then, the sound of someone clearing their throat made both of you snap back to reality once again.
"Alright, you two," Joshua said, his voice light but with a teasing tone, "we've got to get back on stage in a few. Don’t leave her hanging too long, Dino."
You turned to look at Joshua, and then at Dino, whose gaze was still on you, though he now seemed a little more at ease.
“So...I’ll see you after the show?” he asked, the words coming out with a hint of uncertainty, as though he was testing the waters.
You nodded, a soft smile on your face. "I’ll be here. Don’t worry."
You couldn’t help but glance over at Dino and sure enough, he caught you looking. He smiled awkwardly but didn’t shy away. It was a small moment, but it meant something.
As the concert came to a close and everyone gathered backstage, you felt your excitement rise. It was no longer just about going back home, it was about what could happen after the concert and when Dino made his way toward you once again, this time with a little more confidence in his step, you couldn’t hold back the smile that spread across your face.
"Hey," he said, "You wanna grab something to eat after this? I mean, if you’re not too busy…"
Your heart fluttered again. He asked.
"Sure," you said, trying to keep your voice casual, but you couldn’t hide the excitement in your eyes. "I'd love to."
The connection was finally being made, slowly but surely, and with every passing second, something more than just your usual backstage routine was beginning.
And Dino? He couldn’t wipe that grin off his face as he led the way, feeling like he had finally taken that first step.
The end.
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ⓘ If you made it this far, first of all, I’m impressed. Second, I’m sorry. This didn’t turn out the way I wanted and I feel like I could’ve done so much better. I swear it sounded way more natural in my head, but somewhere between my brain and my keyboard, it lost all its charm. If you didn’t like it, I completely understand, and if you did…well, I’m both grateful and concerned for your taste. Either way, thanks for reading ◜‿◝
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confusedhummingbird · 1 day ago
I think one of the reasons I can’t like D*ckB*bs is that most of their stories use Kory as a stepping stone to validate their relationship, diminishing her because the writers know that the relationship between Dick and Kory was very important for both characters, and that’s why they just can’t write something that feels natural and surpasses what DickKory was. Also, the fans of d*ckb*bs try to convince you that their ship is better by using the same strategy of diminishing DickKory’s relationship — it’s never something without mentioning Kory, lol. Like, I recognize the importance Dick and B*bs have for each other, but for these reasons and others, I can’t see them as endgame. Of course, it’s also because I love DickKory, but for example, I can like BatCat and Brutalia at the same time. With Dick, I can only like DickKory, I don’t see d*ckb*bs the same way.
Oh I absolutely agree, Anon.
If DC and other wanna ship Dick and Barbara, well that's their choice and if it makes them happy and they can relate to the ship then I'm glad. You do you, Boo.
But it's when DC and Shippers try to act like Kory wasn't and still isn't an important part of Dick's life is where I have the issue. Kory was so influential to Dick while they were together. Dick said over and over again that Kory helped him become more free and brought him out of his shell. She's a large part of the reason Dick even became Kory in the first place. We wouldn't have Nightwing without Kory. Dick wouldn't be a more relaxed man without Kory.
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And Dick himself always admits to himself and to Kory about how she's the reason he's grown into who he is. He'd be angry at anyone who thinks he didn't absolutely love Kory. (Glares at Dixon)
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graciedollie · 2 days ago
okkk so why tf is most of the writers i follow getting bashed on??? if you simply don’t enjoy their content then just fuckin scroll offf or better yet, if ur that upset, block them. easy as that like wtf?? not to mention the pussy anons who hate as if they aren’t fuckin cowards like omfg grow upppp
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like y’all not finna sit here and play on me and MY moots phone like that
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