ermatmblr · 10 months
Battersea Power Station / 2023 da Images George Rex Tramite Flickr: Originally designed by Leonard Pearce & Giles Gilbert Scott. Built in 1930s and 1950s, closed as a coal-fired generating station in 1983. Restoration and repurposing to residential and retail commenced 2013 (WilkinsonEyre), opened 2022.
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redwolf · 2 years
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WilkinsonEyre designed a refurb of Battersea Power Station in London, UK -- via ArchDaily
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conformi · 1 year
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Giles Gilbert Scott and J. Theo Halliday, Battersea Power Station, London, UK, 1929 -1955 (redevelopment by WilkinsonEyre) ph. Peter Landers VS Tomb of the Horatii and Curiatii, Albano Laziale, Italy, 1st century BC
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venetianwindow · 2 years
20221121. 【⚡️】
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I ceremoniously visited the newly opened Battersea Power Station on Giles Gilbert Scott's birthday to see what the fuss is all about.
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My original plan was to just pop in for a brief look; that quickly derailed into improvised sketchbook-buying (I practically ran to Paperchase!) and two hours of loitering around drawing details. I was completely entranced by it all — the Scott bits, mind you, not the retail. The moment I stepped in there, it stopped me in my tracks. I haven’t felt this enthralled by a building in a while.
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In everything and everywhere, there pulsates a deep rhythm that synchronises the entire building. Each design decision is assured, every step measured. One may think of the old ‘frozen music’ cliche but this is so far beyond that shallow sentiment. Here, Scott tapped to a beat and drilled it into every piece of his building, so that all sings the same tune; steady goes the metronome. The familiar period motifs on the walls, the solidity of the load bearing columns and the reassuring firmness of brick, all these make a unified whole that emanates innate strength.
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It is robust, but not brutal; there are marble finishes that give it grace and dignity. The aged surfaces (and, therefore, spilt secrets) only make it more respectable. Even with the worldly shops that juxtapose the decorum of Art Deco to the highest degree, and the slick steel structures of WilkinsonEyre, it’s Scott that you remember.
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At the risk of sounding too optimistic, I venture to say that invasive commercialism hasn’t done much to diminish the raw strength of the original structure. The Power Station still impresses and it will continue to. Go see for yourself and, if you can, shut out the din of the shops. Revel in the restored glory of another genius produced by that remarkable family, for it is worth your time.
☞ studygram
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falcemartello · 2 years
A poco meno di quarant’anni dalla chiusura, ha riaperto a Londra la Battersea Power Station.
Quella che un tempo era la centrale termoelettrica della città, ha aperto ora nella veste di centro multifunzionale con negozi, ristoranti, il nuovo Apple Campus, spazi per il benessere, il tempo libero e la cultura, il primo art’otel londinese, nonché più di 250 residenze e un ascensore panoramico in vetro che sale all’interno di una delle ciminiere.
Il progetto di restauro e di riqualificazione della centrale è firmato dal noto studio londinese WilkinsonEyre.
L’intervento sull’edificio industriale, di “interesse storico culturale di II grado” (nella classificazione anglosassone), si è basato sulla salvaguardia della riconoscibilità (è stato adottato un abaco di materiali in linea con le preesistenze) e dell’integrità di tutti gli elementi originari: i vuoti a tutt’altezza degli ingressi sud e nord, le ciminiere e le Sale delle Turbine rimangono le caratteristiche dominanti dell'edificio.
Nell’edificio sembrano convivere un’anima Art Déco, che riflette lo spirito degli anni Trenta, e un’altra, più industrial e brutalista, inerente al nucleo degli anni ’50.
Per WilkinsonEyre, l'attenta espressione del contrasto tra vecchio e nuovo è fondamentale per il successo del progetto, in modo che, ovunque si trovi l'utente all'interno dell'edificio, gli venga ricordata l'esistenza del tessuto originale.
Una delle attrazioni, a breve visitabile, è il Lift 109: un nuovissimo ascensore in vetro ospitato in una delle iconiche ciminiere dell'edificio.
Il viaggio nel Lift 109 inizia nella magnifica sala Turbine Art Déco della centrale elettrica, dove, attraverso un'accurata mostra di documenti originali e display multimediali, si potrà scoprire di più sul ricco patrimonio dell'edificio, sul suo significato architettonico e sulla presenza duratura nella cultura popolare.
Proseguendo la visita, si salirà in ascensore fin sulla cima di uno degli iconici camini, a 109 metri di altezza, da cui si potrà godere di una vista panoramica senza eguali.
La silhouette della Battersea Power Station è stata a lungo un elemento di spicco nello skyline di Londra. Costruita negli anni '30 e operativa come centrale elettrica fino al 1983, al suo apice, generava un quinto dell'energia di Londra.
Sin dalla sua nascita, l'edificio ha fornito molto più della sola elettricità, diventando un'icona culturale che ha fatto da sfondo a film, video musicali e copertine di dischi, come quella dell’album Animals dei Pink Floyd (1977).
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malenaroyorodic · 1 year
Review Week
To continue after Florence and not loose the new pace but also make sure I managed well the time since the workflow was a bit behind schedule I jumped into designing a new set of vessels and a building in my new site connected to the hotel. For this I used a grid coming from the Divine Comedy Structure and changing a level each time there was a change in direction following the heights from the actual building. Environmental site analysis was used to decide the orientation of the structure.
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To recap these are my new drivers, even though n5 could come back later one, specially for the fragment with WilkinsonEyre:
Aesthetic - Classical Italian Ratios
Notational - Divine Comedy
Instructional - Cinematic Experience
Ecological - Psychological/Environmental Decisions
Pollution / Materiality
The shoes box analysis was done and a design report started as well.
I also looked into the structure from the motorway church since it reminded me to Calatrava's structures, which influenced widely my P1. This was complimented by small models of other Calatrava's designs.
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lynxmuse · 2 years
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The Battersea Power Station, originally by Giles Gilbert Scott.
Adaptive reuse design led by WilkinsonEyre.
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conser2restor · 2 months
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The many pasts, present, and perceivable futures of London's Battersea Power Station
In a conversation with Sebastien Ricard of WilkinsonEyre, STIR examines the newly opened Battersea Power Station in retrospect and the afterlife of its industrial heritage.
image: Peter Landers
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zinicaviaggi · 2 years
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Un viaggio nel futuro, sempre più green: benvenuti a Singapore, tra le metropoli più dinamiche e moderne del pianeta che a ragione rivendica il titolo di “City in a garden” con metà della superficie cittadina ricoperta da aree verdi. Una destinazione trasversale capace di ammaliare differenti tipologie di viaggiatori, grazie alle innumerevoli opportunità da vivere e luoghi da visitare. Dai Singapore Botanic Gardens, dal Patrimonio UNESCO, alla magnificenza dei Gardens by the Bay, fino alle serre energetiche di WilkinsonEyre e il Supertree Grove, bosco di alberi artificiali alti fino a 50 metri. Un viaggio a Singapore coinvolge storia , futuro e altissima tecnologia: all’ombra delle più iconiche strutture futuristiche della città, convivono i diversi quartieri: Chinatown, Little India, il più colorato di Singapore, mentre a Kampang Glam spicca la Moschea del Sultano e la caratteristica street-art di Haji Lane. Jewel, inaugurato nell’aprile del 2019 è un’attrazione faraonica, collegata ai terminal dell’aeroporto, al cui interno si trovano 280 negozi, hotel, ristoranti, immersi nella Forest Valley, un lussureggiante bosco tropicale traversato da passerelle, sentieri, ponti, incluso un passaggio sospeso in cristallo, a 23 metri dal suolo. Dal culmine dell’enorme serra scroscia il Rain Vortex, la cascata in-door più alta del mondo… 😎 prenota da #zinicaviaggi con Naar Tour Operator • • • #naartouroperator #NaarTO_ #FLYSQ VisitSingapore #singapore #travelagency #beautifuldestinations #zinicaviaggi #viaggiaconzinica (presso Zinica Viaggi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMg7qmKZXT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nawapon17 · 2 years
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Battersea Power Station redesign heralds new era for London landmark
Battersea Power Station redesign heralds new era for London landmark
The relaunch of the Battersea Power Station has been long awaited – but some 30 years and a couple of attempts on, and now the much loved London architecture landmark is ready to open to the public again. Architecture studio WilkinsonEyre is behind its industrial architecture’s refresh and reimagining into a mixed-use hub with extensive public spaces for all to enjoy. Source: Battersea Power…
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designdailynet · 2 years
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Compton & Edrich Stands Lord’s Cricket Ground / WilkinsonEyre Visit #DesignDaily for more #architecture and #design DesignDaily.net #architect #interiordesign #designer #home #homedecor #landscape #house #decor #building — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/299999680_1192693014907921_7026459282077932515_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=4p34T4IhE8YAX8hNdAf&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT98evImwU9m6ZApr9b7v3sYdHo5b-LLDNjvYZTPu3QNjw&oe=63079558
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dezainnet · 3 years
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WilkinsonEyreが設計した英国、王立園芸協会のための研究所「RHS hilltop」(designboom) WilkinsonEyre's RHS hilltop will inspire horticulturists to work toward a greener UK (designboom)
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honestlyclever · 3 years
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Yonge Street, Toronto (No. 5)
The Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres are a pair of stacked theatres in Toronto. The Winter Garden Theatre is seven storeys above the Elgin Theatre. They are the last surviving Edwardian stacked theatres in the world.
The pair of theatres were originally built as the flagship of Marcus Loew's theatre chain in 1913. The building was designed by architect Thomas W. Lamb, who also designed the Ed Mirvish Theatre nearby.
Both theatres were built to show vaudeville acts and the short silent movies of the time. Each theatre was intended for a different class of patron. The gold-and-marble, domed, 'hard-top' lower theatre (originally called Loew's Yonge Street Theatre) was home to continuous vaudeville and movies. The upper-level Winter Garden is an 'atmospheric' country garden under the stars, painted with murals of plants and garden trellises, with tree trunk columns and lantern lights. The upper theatre was built for the 'Big Time' vaudeville market and had reserved seats at premium prices, catering to affluent patrons. As well as competing in a different market, the upper theatre could be used for experimentation with acts, without the risk of closing the lower theatre.
By 1928, feature-length silent films were popular, but sound films were just coming into their own. In 1928, the lower theatre was converted to show sound films and the upper theatre was closed. The Winter Garden remained shuttered for about sixty years. Left inside it was a large collection of vaudeville flats and scenery, now the world's largest surviving collection. In 1969, Loews sold the Elgin to Famous Players. By the 1970s, the Elgin was showing mainly B movies and soft-core pornography.
In 1981, the Ontario Heritage Foundation bought the structure from Famous Players. From March 1985 through March 1987 the musical Cats was very successfully presented in the essentially unrestored Elgin, showing the viability of the theatre. The building closed in 1987 for a full restoration and reopened in 1989.
In 1991, Dr. David Griesinger and Steve Barbar of Lexicon, Inc., at the request of acousticians Neil Muncy and Robert Tanner, installed the first production LARES system, an electroacoustic enhancement system that augments architectural acoustics, in the Elgin Theatre. This initial LARES system used two microphones placed at the balcony's front edge to pick up sound from the stage. The microphone signals were digitized and processed in two mainframe computers, and the resulting signals were sent to 56 loudspeakers in the main ceiling and 60 under the balcony, for the purpose of providing additional intelligibility and ambience.
Source: Wikipedia
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Visited the #balticartgallery in #Newcastle this week. The #wilkinsoneyre bridge is lovely across the river. #architecture #bridge #curve https://www.instagram.com/p/Buf8hx9l60f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=28hk1q2pw5sb
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