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jjdogasaur · 4 months ago
Cruel King Headcanons for my au so more people can see it!
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Small ice crystals and frost form all over his body. He's grown used to the pain coming from it though since he's had it happen to him for so long.
His eyes are always going to be a little messed up whether he has the Ice Dagger or not. That's unfortunately what having your eyeballs frozen over for years and years does to you.
Post-Ice Dagger Cruely has to remember that he has to properly blink now that his eyes aren't iced over anymore. The ice prevented him from fully closing his eyelids due to pain so he just, forgot what blinking was.
This also means dude has a thousand yard stare. Not intentionally, but it's very creepy.
Ck couldn't touch flowers anymore either because of the Ice Dagger cursing his touch to be so cold that it froze and killed any plants he came in contact with. Not good when you're a buge :D
Speaking of buge, he can't fly anymore. Not like he wanted to fly at all during that period of time, but the Ice Dagger decided to freeze his wings too when he received it.
Poor dude's sleep schedule is also permanently messed up as a result of paranoia and the voices keeping him awake constantly, making him horribly sleep deprived aside from the rare 30 minute nap.
He has a pet rabbit thing called Bunyo who he absolutely loves and will kill for. It's the only thing left in his life that keeps him sane while under the effects of the Ice Dagger, making him extremely protective over them, to the point where even his knights can't even touch them anymore.
Tldr; This guy's life sucks and it's entirely the Ice Dagger's fault :D
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plushandthewildones · 3 months ago
"Hey yall! I decided to try out this "tumblr askblog" thing like [PLAYER] suggested I should try out. Everything is very calm right now. I'm just in his majesty's hospital room right now. The doctor said I could enter his room because he was going to wake up soon, and company would be good for him. As for [PLAYER]? I don't know where they are right now. I should be keeping an eye on them, but eh, what's the worse they could do?
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wildinstyl · 1 year ago
Fit: Can this please be a normal QSMP day?
Cucorucho: With the Feds? No way!
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vielefilme · 5 months ago
Catch the Killer (Damián Szifron, 2023) zählt zu den besten Thrillern, die ich dieses Jahr gesehen habe. Der ziemlich alberne Titel* hat mich anfangs zwar etwas abgeschreckt, aber als ich gesehen habe, dass der Regisseur der überdrehten Komödie “Wild Tales” (2014) dahinter steckt, war ich äußerst neugierig. Neun Jahre hat sich Damián Szifron Zeit gelassen, einen neuen Film zu drehen und hat dabei nicht nur das Genre, sondern auch das Land gewechselt. Der Film spielt in Boston und beginnt mit dem Amoklauf eines Scharfschützen, während die ganze Stadt Silvester feiert. Die aus dem Nichts kommenden, vom Feuerwerk übertönten Schüsse setzen gleich am Anfang eine bedrückende Stimmung, die auch bis zum düsteren Ende aufrechterhalten wird. Die anschließende Suche nach dem Killer wird angereichert mit tiefen Einblicken in die Machtspiele innerhalb von Polizei und Politik. Besonders beeindruckend aber wird die Ermittlungsarbeit inszeniert: in einer atemlosen Szene sitzt das Team an Laptops um einen Tisch, ständig klingeln die Smartphones und innerhalb von wenigen Minuten ist der Verdächtige identifiziert und sein Standort ermittelt. Wie realistisch diese rasend schnelle Lösung ist, sei dahingestellt - es ist aber eine der besten Verquickungen moderner Informationstechnologie und Polizeiarbeit, die ich seit “CSI” gesehen habe. Positiv überrascht war ich auch von Shailene Woodley, die hier ganz und gar nicht wie ein Teenie-Star wirkt, sondern einen facettenreiche, durchaus tragische Figur spielt. Zum Glück müssen wir auf Szifrons nächsten Film nicht wieder neun Jahre warten.
*Ursprünglich sollte der Film "Misanthrope" heißen, und was wäre das für ein starker Titel gewesen? Pures Ultrakunst-Kino und nicht letzte Reihe Streamingdienst... Naja.
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offpulse · 2 months ago
Der Baum kommt
Über Jahre hinweg gehörte es zu unserer Weihnachtstradition, den Christbaum am letzten Dienstag vor dem Heiligabend auf dem Emmendinger Wochenmarkt zu besorgen. Manch‘ „Zausel“ hat so bei uns Asyl gefunden. In diesem Jahr war alles anders: Ein Prachtstück an Weihnachtsbaum machte den Heiligabend zum Action-Event.
Autor: Anselm Bußhoff Über Jahre hinweg gehörte es zu unserer Weihnachtstradition, den Christbaum am letzten Dienstag vor dem Heiligabend auf dem Emmendinger Wochenmarkt zu besorgen. Manch‘ „Zausel“ hat so bei uns Asyl gefunden. Genommen wurde, was übrig, unbeachtet und einsam war: Ein Herz für Zausel. Doch die Familie Rist aus Freiamt, die seit 1968 saisonales Obst, Spirituosen, kleine…
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criticfilm · 1 year ago
12 Intriguing Trivia About “Relatos salvajes” (Wild Tales): A Darkly Comic Masterpiece! ⚡
1️⃣ A Collection of Stories: “Relatos salvajes” is comprised of six standalone stories, each exploring different aspects of human behavior and the consequences of societal pressures. The film offers a unique anthology format, providing a diverse and thought-provoking viewing experience.
2️⃣ The International Cast: The film features an ensemble cast of renowned Argentine actors, including Ricardo Darín, Leonardo Sbaraglia, and Érica Rivas, among others. The exceptional performances of the cast brought depth and authenticity to the diverse characters portrayed in each story.
📌 For more reading, you can visit:
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fleatreatment · 2 years ago
🐺🦟🤯 Coyotes are known for their cunning and resourcefulness, but a recent discovery has left scientists scratching their heads. A coyote was found to have ingested a flea, which is not only unusual but also raises questions about the predator's diet. 🌱🍗 Coyotes are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet typically consists of small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. However, the ingestion of a flea is a rare occurrence and has never been documented before. 🔍📈 Researchers are now studying the coyote's digestive system to determine if fleas provide any nutritional value. This discovery could have implications for understanding the coyote's role in the ecosystem and how it adapts to changing environments. Stay tuned for updates on this wild tale.1. The Coyote's Diet: Understanding What They EatThe coyote's diet is diverse and adaptable. They are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Small mammals like rabbits and rodents make up the majority of their diet. They also eat insects, fruits, and vegetables. Coyotes are known to scavenge on carrion and garbage as well. Their diet varies depending on the season and availability of food. In the winter, they may hunt larger prey like deer or feed on carcasses. Coyotes are skilled hunters and use their keen senses to locate prey. They are also known to hunt in packs, making them more efficient hunters. Human activity has greatly impacted the coyote's diet. Urban coyotes have adapted to eating human food and garbage, which can lead to health problems. It's important to understand the coyote's diet to coexist with them safely. Keep garbage secure and do not feed them.🐾2. The Flea's Role in the Ecosystem: Why They Matter🦟 Fleas may seem like a nuisance, but they play an important role in the ecosystem. 🌱 Fleas are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. 🐦 They help to control the population of their hosts by weakening them and making them more vulnerable to predators. 🌿 Fleas also serve as a food source for many animals, including birds, reptiles, and small mammals. 🌎 They are a vital part of the food chain and help to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. 🚫 However, fleas can also transmit diseases to their hosts, making them a potential health risk. 💉 It is important to take preventative measures to protect yourself and your pets from fleas. 🧼 Regular grooming, vacuuming, and using flea treatments can help to control their population. 👨‍⚕️ If you suspect that you or your pet has been bitten by a flea, seek medical attention to prevent the spread of disease. 🌟 Remember, fleas may be small, but they have a big impact on the ecosystem.3. Coyote vs. Flea: A Surprising EncounterWhile coyotes and fleas are not typically thought of as natural enemies, a recent encounter between the two has surprised many. Here are some surprising facts about this unlikely duo: Coyotes have been known to carry fleas, which can spread diseases like typhus and plague to humans. In a recent incident in California, a coyote was found to have a massive flea infestation, with over 1,000 fleas on its body. The fleas were so numerous that they were causing the coyote to scratch and bite at its own fur, leading to open wounds and infections. Despite the discomfort caused by the fleas, the coyote was still able to hunt and survive in the wild. While it may seem strange that a predator like the coyote would be plagued by tiny fleas, it's important to remember that even the toughest animals can be vulnerable to parasites and disease. So the next time you encounter a coyote, be sure to keep your distance and avoid any fleas that may be lurking nearby!4. The Science Behind Coyote's Ability to Swallow FleasCoyotes have a unique ability to swallow fleas without choking or gagging. This is due to their specialized throat muscles and unique digestive system. Their throat muscles are designed to move food down quickly, preventing any blockages. Coyotes also have a strong gag reflex, which helps them expel any foreign objects. In addition, coyotes have a highly acidic stomach, which helps to break down the tough exoskeleton of fleas. This allows them to extract all the nutrients from the flea's body. Coyotes also have a keen sense of smell, which helps them locate fleas on their prey. They use their sharp teeth to scrape the fleas off and then quickly swallow them whole. Overall, is a combination of specialized throat muscles, a strong gag reflex, a highly acidic stomach, and a keen sense of smell. 🐺🔬🦟5. Coyote's Adaptations: How They Survive in the WildCoyotes are one of the most adaptable animals in the wild. They have several unique adaptations that help them survive in different environments. Here are some of their most impressive adaptations: 🐾 Coyotes have excellent eyesight and hearing, which helps them detect predators and prey from a distance. 🐾 They can run up to 40 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest animals in the wild. 🐾 Coyotes have a keen sense of smell, which helps them locate food and water sources. 🐾 They are omnivores, meaning they can eat both plants and animals, making them more adaptable to different environments. 🐾 Coyotes are also very social animals and live in packs, which helps them hunt and protect themselves from predators. 🐾 They have a unique digestive system that allows them to eat almost anything, including bones and fur. 🐾 Coyotes are known for their ability to adapt to human environments, making them common in suburban and urban areas. 🐾 They are also known for their ability to survive in harsh environments, such as deserts and tundras. 🐾 Coyotes have a unique howl that helps them communicate with other members of their pack. Overall, coyotes are incredibly adaptable animals that have developed several unique adaptations to help them survive in different environments.6. The Importance of Understanding Wild Animal BehaviorWhen in the wild, it is crucial to understand the behavior of wild animals to avoid dangerous encounters. Recognizing warning signs can prevent attacks. Understanding mating, feeding, and migration patterns can help avoid disturbing animals. Knowing how to react when encountering wild animals can save your life. Observing animals from a distance can help to reduce stress on them and prevent them from becoming habituated to humans. Feeding wild animals can lead to dependence and aggressive behavior. Respecting their space can help to maintain their natural behavior and prevent human-wildlife conflicts. Learning about animal behavior can also enhance the experience of observing wildlife. Understanding how animals interact with their environment can provide insight into their daily lives. Observing animal behavior can also help to identify different species and their unique characteristics. Overall, understanding wild animal behavior is essential for safety, conservation, and enjoyment of the natural world. 🌿🐾7. Coyote Swallows Flea: What We Can Learn from This EncounterIn this encounter, the coyote swallows a flea. Here's what we can learn: 🔍 Coyotes have a diverse diet, including insects. 🌍 Fleas are a common parasite that can affect both humans and animals. 🤢 Swallowing fleas can cause health issues for coyotes, such as tapeworms. It's important to note that this encounter is not a common occurrence. Coyotes typically avoid fleas and other parasites. 🌳 Coyotes play a vital role in their ecosystem, controlling populations of rodents and other pests. 👀 Observing wildlife can provide insight into their behavior and habits. 🔬 Scientists study animal interactions to better understand the natural world. Overall, this encounter reminds us of the complex relationships between animals and their environment. It's a reminder to respect and appreciate the natural world. In conclusion, the story of the coyote swallowing a flea is a fascinating one. It highlights the incredible adaptability and resourcefulness of these wild animals. Despite their reputation as pests, fleas play an important role in the ecosystem, and their ability to survive even inside the stomach of a coyote is truly remarkable. This tale also serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things. Every creature, no matter how small, has a role to play in the web of life. By understanding and respecting this delicate balance, we can work towards a more sustainable and harmonious future for ourselves and the natural world. 🌍🐺🦟 https://fleatreatment.uk/coyote-swallows-flea-a-wild-tale/?_unique_id=645fb2e06ef1f
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matlafu · 1 year ago
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Wildtaler Sonnenuntergang
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news365timesindia · 2 months ago
[ad_1] "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” - Drawing inspiration from Rumi’s timeless words, ComMutiny - The Youth Collective and the vartaLeap Coalition hosted a landmark convening of 150 youth allies from across sectors on December 20th 2024: Beyond Right & Wrong: Youth Leadership is Changing the Game.   Young Climate Champions Celebrated by Intergenerational Allies from Across Sectors   Held at Gandhi Darshan in Delhi, the convening celebrated a national movement of allyship, envisioning a youth-driven future free from judgment, fear, or hierarchy. Mistakes became stepping stones for bold experiments, paving the way for sustainable change. Rooted in the values of the Indian Constitution, it called for reimagining leadership as a flow of daring ideas and micro-change experiments. A space where youth could rise beyond right and wrong to find their voice, take bold action, and shape the future, knowing they will be supported.   The event brought together an inspiring mix of influencers and leaders, including Jayant Chaudhary (Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship & Education, Government of India), Yamini Mishra (Country Director, MacArthur Foundation), and Pragya Vats (Communications Specialist). Participants ranged from civil society organizations like Development Alternatives, WildTales, and vartaLeap Coalition, to philanthropic leaders like Rohini Nilekani Philanthropy and USAID, media voices like Citizen Matters and CSR Journal, and academic institutions such as Azim Premji University and ISDM. Youth leaders from Assam, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, and beyond also took center stage. Their dialogues tackled pressing questions on youth engagement, ranging from building a strong case for youth-centric development to reimagining success metrics in an increasingly corporatized world.   In reference to the unemployment situation in the country Jayant Chaudhary, Minister of State Skill Development and Entrepreneurship & MOS Education, GOI said, “Skilling cannot work without placements. Corporates need to step up to create more job opportunities in alignment with the needs of young people and offer wages, commensurate with market growth.”   Ashraf Patel, Co-Founder of Pravah, ComMutiny - The Youth Collective, and the vartaLeap Coalition, added, “Skilling programs must broaden their horizons to include 'tough-to-define' professions like music, art, theater, and other creative fields. These fields resonate with young people, offering alternative career and livelihood opportunities while enabling them to discover themselves and social issues in meaningful ways. Such explorations offer constructive spaces for navigating identity and ideological differences, moving 'beyond right and wrong' polarities, and building a social fabric on the foundation of love and learning.”   The minister concluded the dialogue on a hopeful note, saying, “This coalition has consistently highlighted the critical need for active citizenship. I’m eager to see how these Jagrik journeys unfold and contribute to shaping the future!”   Key Highlights Grand Finale to a Climate Action Championship: Top 6 of 120+ intrapreneur teams, from across the country, pitched bold ideas, competing for grants to amplify their climate positive narratives. Kajal Kanaujia and Pankaj Ghute from We the Yuva, Gujarat; Md. Sadique Jahan and Alomani Tigga from Karra Society for Rural Action, Jharkhand; and Madhur Bhardwaj and Archana Sangulle from SHEDO, Madhya Pradesh; earned second runner up, first runner up and champion titles, respectively. Wicked Challenges of Youth Engagement: Allies explored wicked challenges, generating actionable insights to strengthen and improve youth engagement practices. Commitment to Change: Toward shaping a future where youth leadership is the norm, influencers pledged to mentor young leaders and help turn their social change visions into impactful realities.
Exchange of Experiences: Seasoned leaders exchanged their youth leadership stories and insights through dialogues, roundtables, an interactive gallery and an experience corner. Leading up to this event, 12 regional dialogues were organized by grassroots leaders, aggregating the voices of over 600 allies who committed to supporting and promoting the youth leadership. Together, these efforts exemplify how allies, moving from intention to action, can collectively redefine youth leadership and inspire systemic change.   If you see yourself as a youth ally, this is your invitation to rethink your approach to youth engagement. Leaders aren’t born, they emerge from the fields of action. Join this movement and co-create this youth-centric field of change… beyond right and wrong!   About ComMutiny – The Youth Collective and the vartaLeap Coalition ComMutiny - The Youth Collective is a community of practice that aggregates, accelerates and amplifies youth empowerment spaces. Through collaborative programming, public initiatives, and award-winning media products, ComMutiny has nurtured a nationwide ecosystem for youth leadership.   Recognizing the need to mainstream youth-centric development systemically and at scale, ComMutiny incubated vartaLeap in 2019 as a cross-sectoral coalition working toward the shared vision of ‘Every Youth a Jagrik, Every Space Nurturing Jagriks.’ (Jagrik is a self-awakened, active citizen) Together, this ecosystem of 250+ organizations has supported the learning and leadership of over 1 million young people and engaged 45.5 million individuals through campaigns. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 2 months ago
[ad_1] "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” - Drawing inspiration from Rumi’s timeless words, ComMutiny - The Youth Collective and the vartaLeap Coalition hosted a landmark convening of 150 youth allies from across sectors on December 20th 2024: Beyond Right & Wrong: Youth Leadership is Changing the Game.   Young Climate Champions Celebrated by Intergenerational Allies from Across Sectors   Held at Gandhi Darshan in Delhi, the convening celebrated a national movement of allyship, envisioning a youth-driven future free from judgment, fear, or hierarchy. Mistakes became stepping stones for bold experiments, paving the way for sustainable change. Rooted in the values of the Indian Constitution, it called for reimagining leadership as a flow of daring ideas and micro-change experiments. A space where youth could rise beyond right and wrong to find their voice, take bold action, and shape the future, knowing they will be supported.   The event brought together an inspiring mix of influencers and leaders, including Jayant Chaudhary (Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship & Education, Government of India), Yamini Mishra (Country Director, MacArthur Foundation), and Pragya Vats (Communications Specialist). Participants ranged from civil society organizations like Development Alternatives, WildTales, and vartaLeap Coalition, to philanthropic leaders like Rohini Nilekani Philanthropy and USAID, media voices like Citizen Matters and CSR Journal, and academic institutions such as Azim Premji University and ISDM. Youth leaders from Assam, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, and beyond also took center stage. Their dialogues tackled pressing questions on youth engagement, ranging from building a strong case for youth-centric development to reimagining success metrics in an increasingly corporatized world.   In reference to the unemployment situation in the country Jayant Chaudhary, Minister of State Skill Development and Entrepreneurship & MOS Education, GOI said, “Skilling cannot work without placements. Corporates need to step up to create more job opportunities in alignment with the needs of young people and offer wages, commensurate with market growth.”   Ashraf Patel, Co-Founder of Pravah, ComMutiny - The Youth Collective, and the vartaLeap Coalition, added, “Skilling programs must broaden their horizons to include 'tough-to-define' professions like music, art, theater, and other creative fields. These fields resonate with young people, offering alternative career and livelihood opportunities while enabling them to discover themselves and social issues in meaningful ways. Such explorations offer constructive spaces for navigating identity and ideological differences, moving 'beyond right and wrong' polarities, and building a social fabric on the foundation of love and learning.”   The minister concluded the dialogue on a hopeful note, saying, “This coalition has consistently highlighted the critical need for active citizenship. I’m eager to see how these Jagrik journeys unfold and contribute to shaping the future!”   Key Highlights Grand Finale to a Climate Action Championship: Top 6 of 120+ intrapreneur teams, from across the country, pitched bold ideas, competing for grants to amplify their climate positive narratives. Kajal Kanaujia and Pankaj Ghute from We the Yuva, Gujarat; Md. Sadique Jahan and Alomani Tigga from Karra Society for Rural Action, Jharkhand; and Madhur Bhardwaj and Archana Sangulle from SHEDO, Madhya Pradesh; earned second runner up, first runner up and champion titles, respectively. Wicked Challenges of Youth Engagement: Allies explored wicked challenges, generating actionable insights to strengthen and improve youth engagement practices. Commitment to Change: Toward shaping a future where youth leadership is the norm, influencers pledged to mentor young leaders and help turn their social change visions into impactful realities.
Exchange of Experiences: Seasoned leaders exchanged their youth leadership stories and insights through dialogues, roundtables, an interactive gallery and an experience corner. Leading up to this event, 12 regional dialogues were organized by grassroots leaders, aggregating the voices of over 600 allies who committed to supporting and promoting the youth leadership. Together, these efforts exemplify how allies, moving from intention to action, can collectively redefine youth leadership and inspire systemic change.   If you see yourself as a youth ally, this is your invitation to rethink your approach to youth engagement. Leaders aren’t born, they emerge from the fields of action. Join this movement and co-create this youth-centric field of change… beyond right and wrong!   About ComMutiny – The Youth Collective and the vartaLeap Coalition ComMutiny - The Youth Collective is a community of practice that aggregates, accelerates and amplifies youth empowerment spaces. Through collaborative programming, public initiatives, and award-winning media products, ComMutiny has nurtured a nationwide ecosystem for youth leadership.   Recognizing the need to mainstream youth-centric development systemically and at scale, ComMutiny incubated vartaLeap in 2019 as a cross-sectoral coalition working toward the shared vision of ‘Every Youth a Jagrik, Every Space Nurturing Jagriks.’ (Jagrik is a self-awakened, active citizen) Together, this ecosystem of 250+ organizations has supported the learning and leadership of over 1 million young people and engaged 45.5 million individuals through campaigns. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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jjdogasaur · 3 months ago
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The quastards but mspaint drawn because I didn't feel like putting effort into drawing all four of them (Don't worry about purple she just messed up)
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plushandthewildones · 2 months ago
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Awww, is that Blizzy? Where'd ya get that pic of him?
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wildinstyl · 11 months ago
I've been getting a lot of Palestine DM scams recently and it's. Really disheartening. People are willing to scam using the lowest of tactics I guess.
Anyway donate esims, do your daily clicks, and don't stop talking about them.
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kaiisens · 9 months ago
fuck it. blog is @wildtale
literally on the brink of making my own undertale au abt them if they were all cowboys n ranch hands (I am cringe but I am free)
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rodprojects · 3 years ago
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If you feel wild just go on. #wildpeople #wildpic #wildimage #wildphoto #wildfoto #justbewild #juwtstaywild #reallywikdman #reallyroughlook #roughpeople #rouhgtribes #wildtribes #wildvideo #wildfilm #wildmovie #wildvideoprodiction #wildfilmproduction #wildmoviepriduction #wildtalents #supertslanted #verytalanted #supertslantedmofel #supertslantedactor #vwlerytalantedmodel #verytalantedactor #besttalents #toptslents #highmodels #highactors #historyproduction (at Hyderabad Studio Production's) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWK7EEjJw9f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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criticfilm · 1 year ago
12 Intriguing Trivia About “Relatos salvajes” (Wild Tales): A Darkly Comic Masterpiece! ⚡
1️⃣ A Collection of Stories: “Relatos salvajes” is comprised of six standalone stories, each exploring different aspects of human behavior and the consequences of societal pressures. The film offers a unique anthology format, providing a diverse and thought-provoking viewing experience.
2️⃣ The International Cast: The film features an ensemble cast of renowned Argentine actors, including Ricardo Darín, Leonardo Sbaraglia, and Érica Rivas, among others. The exceptional performances of the cast brought depth and authenticity to the diverse characters portrayed in each story.
📌 For more reading, you can visit:
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