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Important Guide to Effective Pest Control in Alexandria, Northern Virginia
Pests are an irritation and health risk, but mainly in areas with high human and livestock population density. Alexandria and Arlington inhabitants in Northern Virginia commonly experience problems with mosquitoes and termites; meanwhile, Fairfax inhabitants complain about numerous pests. This article will discuss several methods of pest control in these areas, with features on Alexandria mosquito control and termite treatment in Arlington and pest control in Fairfax, VA.
Alexandria Mosquito Control - Mosquitoes are not just bothersome insects but are known to transmit diseases like the West Nile virus or Zika virus. Preventing mosquito infestations in Alexandria is necessary to safeguard oneself and other citizens. undefined
Eliminate Standing Water: These mosquitoes are known to breed in water that contains stagnant water. Ensure you periodically inspect items like flower pots, bird baths, and even gutters.
Use Mosquito Repellents: Use EPA registered mosquito repellent on any part of the body that is vulnerable to mosquito bites whenever one is outside.
Install Screens: Windows and doors should be fitted with screens so as to keep off mosquitoes from invading your rooms.
Professional Treatments: Think about using services that can effectively fight mosquitoes. They are able to administer techniques in your yard that considerably decrease the number of mosquitoes.
Termite Control in Arlington - Termites can cause great damage to homes and other structures within a very short span of time if not controlled. undefined
Regular Inspections: It advises clients to have annual termite inspection carried out to detect early signs of termites.
Moisture Control: These are small insects that prefer inhabiting regions with high levels of humidity. Take necessary measures to stop any dripping around your home and ensure there is sufficient water drainage.
Barrier Treatments: Barriers can be treated by professional pest control companies to make sure that there is protective surrounding the targeted area.
Bait Systems: Conventional baiting systems can be used to attract and eliminate termite colonies in homes.
Termite Treatment in Arlington
If termites have already invaded your property, prompt treatment is crucial. Termite treatment in Arlington typically involves:
Chemical Treatments: Application of termiticides around the perimeter of your home to create a barrier that kills termites.
Fumigation: For severe infestations, fumigation may be necessary to eradicate termites from the entire structure.
Localized Treatments: Targeted treatments for specific areas where termites are active.
Follow-Up Inspections: Regular follow-up inspections ensure that the treatment has been effective and that termites do not return.
Pest Control in Fairfax, Virginia
Fairfax residents face a variety of pest issues, from ants and rodents to bed bugs and cockroaches. Comprehensive pest control in Fairfax, Virginia, involves:
Identification: Properly identifying the type of pest is the first step in effective control.
Sanitation: Maintain a clean environment to reduce food and water sources for pests.
Exclusion: Seal cracks and crevices to prevent pests from entering your home.
Professional Services: Hiring a professional pest control service ensures thorough and effective treatment.
Termite Treatment in Arlington - When termites attack a particular home, there are essential procedures that need to be followed and the most important of all is that they need to be treated as soon as possible. Termite treatment in Arlington typically involves:Termite treatment in Arlington typically involves:
Chemical Treatments: Termite nest elimination involves spraying termiticides around the structure of the house creating a barrier that is lethal to termites.
Fumigation: Sometimes, especially in cases of an infestation that is beyond a certain level, there could be a need to apply a fumigation process to eliminate termites in the structure.
Localized Treatments: Area specific remedies also known as spot treatment for the areas where Termite activities are more intense.
Follow-Up Inspections: This is helpful in making sure the treatment has worked well and also assuming the termites have not infiltrated the area again.
Pest Control companies are companies that help in eradicating various forms of pests in homes, and businesses, this article is aimed at exposing the most outstanding pest control company in Fairfax Virginia.
The Fairfax residents are exposed to different sorts of pest problems, be it ants, rodents, bed bugs, or even cockroaches. Comprehensive pest control in Fairfax, Virginia, involves:Comprehensive pest control in Fairfax, Virginia, involves:
Identification: Pest identification is the first thing to do before any control can be carried out since some insects are beneficial to crops.
Sanitation: Reduce clutter and keep areas as clean as possible to limit the pests’ access to the necessary food and water.
Exclusion: Another feature that plays a major role in pest control is sealing the fractures and crevices to lock the pests out of your home.
Professional Services: Pest control services are employed to ensure proper eradication and removal of pests and insects.
Termite Treatment in Alexandria
This just like in Arlington, Alexandria also has a number of challenges associated with termites. Termite treatment in Alexandria includes similar methods:Termite treatment in Alexandria includes similar methods:
Termite Inspection: My strategy is to perform routine checkups for signs of termites.
Moisture Management: Sticking to low humidity levels in the home and its environment.
Chemical Barriers: Some important things you need to know about its installation and functionality Increasing the efficiency of property protection using barriers.
Professional Solutions: Pursuing reliable ant control services for permanent solution and protection.
Pest prevention in the Northern Virginia region is made even more complicated by the fact that one has to rely on a combination of prevention and treatment procedures. Regardless of the type of pests you are facing in Alexandria, termites in Arlington or any other different pests in Fairfax, it is the worst thing and contagious that should be fought and prevented at all cost. Maintaining a pest-free environment: It must be noted that often, basic issues such as poor hygiene or lack of cleaning contribute to pest infestations Regular inspection, correct sanitation and professional help are important to prevent pests from infesting the area. To use specialized Pest control services, kindly get in touch with Bettertermite company for protection of your home so that you can have a relaxed sleep.
#fairfax termite control#alexandria pest control#wildlife control alexandria#Better Termite#Termite control Arlington#Northern Virginia pest control#cockroach control alexandria
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'We have a once-in-century chance': Naomi Klein on how we can fight the climate crisis
On a Friday in mid-March, they streamed out of schools in little rivulets, burbling with excitement and defiance at an act of truancy. The little streams emptied on to grand avenues and boulevards, where they combined with other flows of chanting children and teens. Soon the rivulets were rushing rivers: 100,000 bodies in Milan, 40,000 in Paris, 150,000 in Montreal. Cardboard signs bobbed above the surf of humanity: THERE IS NO PLANET B! DON’T BURN OUR FUTURE. THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!
There was no student strike in Mozambique; on 15 March the whole country was bracing for the impact of Cyclone Idai, one of the worst storms in Africa’s history, which drove people to take refuge at the tops of trees as the waters rose and would eventually kill more than 1,000 people. And then, just six weeks later, while it was still clearing the rubble, Mozambique would be hit by Cyclone Kenneth, yet another record-breaking storm.
Wherever in the world they live, this generation has something in common: they are the first for whom climate disruption on a planetary scale is not a future threat, but a lived reality. Oceans are warming 40% faster than the United Nations predicted five years ago. And a sweeping study on the state of the Arctic, published in April 2019 in Environmental Research Letters and led by the renowned glaciologist Jason Box, found that ice in various forms is melting so rapidly that the “Arctic biophysical system is now clearly trending away from its 20th-century state and into an unprecedented state, with implications not only within but also beyond the Arctic.” In May 2019, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services published a report about the startling loss of wildlife around the world, warning that a million species of animals and plants are at risk of extinction. “The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever,” said the chair, Robert Watson. “We are eroding the very foundations of economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide. We have lost time. We must act now.”
It has been more than three decades since governments and scientists started officially meeting to discuss the need to lower greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the dangers of climate breakdown. In the intervening years, we have heard countless appeals for action that involve “the children,” “the grandchildren,” and “generations to come”. Yet global CO2 emissions have risen by more than 40%, and they continue to rise. The planet has warmed by about 1C since we began burning coal on an industrial scale and average temperatures are on track to rise by as much as four times that amount before the century is up; the last time there was this much CO2 in the atmosphere, humans didn’t exist.
As for those children and grandchildren and generations to come who were invoked so promiscuously? They are no longer mere rhetorical devices. They are now speaking (and screaming, and striking) for them selves. Unlike so many adults in positions of authority, they have not yet been trained to mask the unfathomable stakes of our moment in the language of bureaucracy and overcomplexity. They understand that they are fighting for the fundamental right to live full lives – lives in which they are not, as 13-year-old Alexandria Villaseñor puts it, “running from disasters”.
On that day in March 2019, organisers estimate there were nearly 2,100 youth climate strikes in 125 countries, with 1.6 million young people participating. That’s quite an achievement for a movement that began eight months earlier with a single teenager deciding to go on strike from school in Stockholm, Sweden: Greta Thunberg.
The wave of youth mobilisation that burst on to the scene in March 2019 is not just the result of one girl and her unique way of seeing the world, extraordinary though she is. Thunberg is quick to note that she was inspired by another group of teenagers who rose up against a different kind of failure to protect their futures: the students in Parkland, Florida, who led a national wave of class walkouts demanding tough controls on gun ownership after 17 people were murdered at their school in February 2018.
Nor is Thunberg the first person with tremendous moral clarity to yell “Fire!” in the face of the climate crisis. Such voices have emerged multiple times over the past several decades; indeed, it is something of a ritual at the annual UN summits on climate change. But perhaps because these earlier voices belonged to people from the Philippines, the Marshall Islands and South Sudan, those clarion calls were one-day stories, if that. Thunberg is also quick to point out that the climate strikes themselves were the work of thousands of diverse student leaders, their teachers and supporting organisations, many of whom had been raising the climate alarm for years.
As a manifesto put out by British climate strikers put it: “Greta Thunberg may have been the spark, but we’re the wildfire.”
For a decade and half, ever since reporting from New Orleans with water up to my waist after Hurricane Katrina, I have been trying to figure out what is interfering with humanity’s basic survival instinct – why so many of us aren’t acting as if our house is on fire when it so clearly is. I have written books, made films, delivered countless talks and co-founded an organisation (The Leap) devoted, in one way or another, to exploring this question and trying to help align our collective response to the scale of the climate crisis.
It was clear to me from the start that the dominant theories about how we had landed on this knife edge were entirely insufficient. We were failing to act, it was said, because politicians were trapped in short-term electoral cycles, or because climate change seemed too far off, or because stopping it was too expensive, or because the clean technologies weren’t there yet. There was some truth in all the explanations, but they were also becoming markedly less true over time. The crisis wasn’t far off; it was banging down our doors. The price of solar panels has plummeted and now rivals that of fossil fuels. Clean tech and renewables create far more jobs than coal, oil, and gas. As for the supposedly prohibitive costs, trillions have been marshalled for endless wars, bank bailouts and subsidies for fossil fuels, in the same years that coffers have been virtually empty for climate transition. There had to be more to it.
Which is why, over the years, I have set out to probe a different set of barriers – some economic, some ideological, but others related to the deep stories about the right of certain people to dominate land and the people living closest to it, stories that underpin contemporary western culture. And I have investigated the kinds of responses that might succeed in toppling those narratives, ideologies and economic interests, responses that weave seemingly disparate crises (economic, social, ecological and democratic) into a common story of civilisational transformation. Today, this sort of bold vision increasingly goes under the banner of a Green New Deal.
Because, as deep as our crisis runs, something equally deep is also shifting, and with a speed that startles me. Social movements rising up to declare, from below, a people’s emergency. In addition to the wildfire of student strikes, we have seen the rise of Extinction Rebellion, which kicked off a wave of non-violent direct action and civil disobedience, including a mass shutdown of large parts of central London. Within days of its most dramatic actions in April 2019, Wales and Scotland both declared a state of “climate emergency,” and the British parliament, under pressure from opposition parties, quickly followed suit.
Humanity has a once-in-a-century chance to fix an economic model that is failing the majority of people on multiple fronts
In the US, we have seen the meteoric rise of the Sunrise Movement, which burst on to the political stage when it occupied the office of Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful Democrat in Washington, DC, one week after her party had won back the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections. They called on Congress to immediately adopt a rapid decarbonisation framework, one as ambitious in speed and scope as Franklin D Roosevelt’s New Deal, the sweeping package of policies designed to battle the poverty of the Great Depression and the ecological collapse of the Dust Bowl.
The idea behind the Green New Deal is a simple one: in the process of transforming the infrastructure of our societies at the speed and scale that scientists have called for, humanity has a once-in-a-century chance to fix an economic model that is failing the majority of people on multiple fronts. Because the factors that are destroying our planet are also destroying people’s lives in many other ways, from wage stagnation to gaping inequalities to crumbling services to surging white supremacy to the collapse of our information ecology. Challenging underlying forces is an opportunity to solve several interlocking crises at once.
In tackling the climate crisis, we can create hundreds of millions of goods jobs around the world, invest in the most systematically excluded communities and nations, guarantee healthcare and childcare, and much more. The result of these transformations would be economies built both to protect and to regenerate the planet’s life support systems and to respect and sustain the people who depend on them.
This vision is not new; its origins can be traced to social movements in ecologically ravaged parts of Ecuador and Nigeria, as well as to highly polluted communities of colour in the United States. What is new is that there is now a bloc of politicians in the US, Europe, and elsewhere, some just a decade older than the young climate activists in the streets, ready to translate the urgency of the climate crisis into policy, and to connect the dots among the multiple crises of our times. Most prominent among this new political breed is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, at 29, became the youngest woman ever elected to the US Congress. Introducing a Green New Deal was part of the platform she ran on. Today, with the race to lead the Democratic party in full swing, a majority of leading presidential hopefuls claim to support it, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. It had been endorsed, meanwhile, by 105 members of the House and Senate.
The idea is spreading around the world, with the political coalition European Spring launching a green new deal for Europe in January 2019 and a broad green new deal coalition of organisations in Canada coming together (the leader of the New Democratic party has adopted the frame, if not its full ambition, as one of his policy planks). The same is true in the UK, where the Labour party is in the middle of negotiations over whether to adopt a green new deal‑style platform.
Those of us who advocate for this kind of transformative platform are sometimes accused of using it to advance a socialist or anticapitalist agenda that predates our focus on the climate crisis. My response is a simple one. For my entire adult life, I have been involved in movements confronting the myriad ways that our current economic systems grinds up people’s lives and landscapes in the ruthless pursuit of profit. No Logo, published 20 years ago, documented the human and ecological costs of corporate globalisation, from the sweatshops of Indonesia to the oil fields of the Niger Delta. I have seen teenage girls treated like machines to make our machines, and mountains and forests turned to trash heaps to get at the oil, coal and metals beneath.
The painful, even lethal, impacts of these practices were impossible to deny; it was simply argued that they were the necessary costs of a system that was creating so much wealth that the benefits would eventually trickle down to improve the lives of nearly everyone on the planet. What has happened instead is that the indifference to life that was expressed in the exploitation of individual workers on factory floors and in the decimation of individual mountains and rivers has instead trickled up to swallow our entire planet, turning fertile lands into salt flats, beautiful islands into rubble, and draining once vibrant reefs of their life and colour.
I freely admit that I do not see the climate crisis as separable from the more localised market-generated crises that I have documented over the years; what is different is the scale and scope of the tragedy, with humanity’s one and only home now hanging in the balance. I have always had a tremendous sense of urgency about the need to shift to a dramatically more humane economic model. But there is a different quality to that urgency now because it just so happens that we are all alive at the last possible moment when changing course can mean saving lives on a truly unimaginable scale.
#naomi klein#green new deal#reposted the whole extract because IMPORTANT#climate crisis#my emphasis#important
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Instance, check out the scene where Clift makes love to Winters.
Each item is carefully evaluated for quality and appropriateness before being placed in the stock bins. Birney, for years a resident of Kentucky, in his pamphlet, amends the word rarely by substituting never. Instance, check out the scene where Clift makes love to Winters. Until the deal was confirmed, Boeing's biggest firm order was from Southwest Airlines Co. Early morning take a river trip to Pitas lake to observe wildlife and experience the unique of Pitas lake. I long to hear from you all I written to hear from you all. She has been a banker, a journalist, a small business owner and a college dean. Moritz, Erik just catapulted himself into the catalog cercei aur turcia very elite of ski racing history, said Max Gartner, former president of Alpine Canada and a high performance sports consultant. Perhaps I haven’t been looking after you enough of late, and so it’s only this evening that I have found out of what you are capable. That was all the chance Ser Barristan required. Astapor has fallen, and Meereen. “I assure you that all this misery, terrible as it is, is only for the moment. For now, the range topper is the 328bhp E400 4MATIC at 50,775.The E Class Coupe's design is heavily inspired by its smaller C Class and larger S Class siblings. And you crows might decide to close that gate. Other cities are station based, you had to ghete galbene piele find a station then walk to your destination. As I was reading this article I could not help but think that the President cancer nike air max 102 essential white panel may be missing the point. “Now, madam,” she says, “that man that keeps the great trading-house at Alexandria, that man,” she said, with a strong, indignant expression, “has sent to know if there’s any more of my children to be sold. The arm on that same side was big as a log and crawling with white worms. Just before we set off, father received a letter. An Ashwin carrom ball cannoned into off stump after Johnson shouldered arms. That felt amazing. Their argument is a reduction in the number of sides goes against the stated aim reebok reverse jam low of expanding the game into new areas. Ono quasi il 3 per cento delle chiamate? spiega. J. Liston told IFTN sourcing the right locations can take hours of driving around the countryside until you find the exact spot. The Ram 3500 pickup truck is a massive beast that is ready to tackle the toughest jobs. The soldier sullen teenage brother and the traumatized pup help one another through their grief in what starts out as a promising coming of age film and commentary about war. Filter knob) all fitted into the storage caddy.. Previous attempts at passing bills have failed but some state officials say there exists a glimmer of hope this legislative session; House Bill 284 is serving llantas 4x4 online as the spearhead. Buying off the shelf books and videos generally does not work because there are so many alternatives and it is easy to get confused.. Directed by Baz Luhrmann.. Some of them paid good attention to what I said. For PepsiCo, it's a unique vending machine that appears to manufacture Lay's potato chips before your eyes after a real potato is dropped in the coin slot.. A whole summer passed pendientes bulgari precio without much pain, so I purchased my first pair of adidas mariposas running shoes in six years and started training in secret. Of course, the system necessary to consummate and perpetuate such a work, from age to age, must be a fearfully stringent one; and our readers will find that it is so. And on the growth of this new love you rested all your hopes.”. Saratoga Springs needs the support, and Saratoga should support Ballston Spa too. Tuna fishing can be an exciting and rewarding activity, but it can also be a physically demanding one. Most importantly, she made us feel confident that everything would work out and it did. Of course her game is lost. "We're actually asking for regulations," he said, noting that he's come across Airbnb hosts who don't know they're supposed to be paying fees, a 6 percent lodging tax and sales taxes. In War for the Planet of the Apes, the third chapter of the critically acclaimed blockbuster franchise, Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army geci de fas dama scurte of humans led by a ruthless Colonel. The gyros have taken home the blue ribbon, but a more adventurous palate would enjoy the Tantan chicken, marinated in citrus and spices and slow cooked until it falls off the bone. Clare, represent two classes of men which are to be found in all countries. The day is to mark the birthday of one of the greatest poet of all times William Shakespeare. Long red streamers flew from the masts of the thirteen Qartheen galleys, writhing in the wind. Luckily, there were no other cars nearby the two times I forgot. Following three unsuccessful attempts, cizme vara cu toca bill allowing for two tax free weekends on text books is expected to be brought to the state legislation this year. The difference between the cultural setting of ATTS and that of southern theological colleges means that the qualifications for entrance will also be different.. It was the first time he had ever stood between a slave-owner and the public prosecutor, and his sensations were anything but pleasant. His High Holiness had to be appeased. Fortunately, in the sequel, I was enabled to purchase his family, with the exception of a daughter, happily situated; and nothing but death shall henceforth part them. He had seen such signs before. His eclectic, long and rich career also included performing a variety of voices for children's programming on TV Ontario. Are there no Republican voters whose only health care option at the moment is the nearest emergency room? Are there no Republican voters who have applied for health insurance, only to find themselves dumped into a high cost, low coverage, high risk pool because they might actually have a condition that needs insurance?. Naked, if you please, I’ll be a deal too drunk to fumble at your clothing. That's definitely not ideal or intended. He seemed ashamed of his wrath, and for a minute controlled himself. My employer then begged them not to disgrace their town in such a manner; but to appoint a jury of twelve sober men, to decide what should be done. Eh? You make a face? No, let me have my say. Only once back in 1999 for a big job conference I
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attended. Started pitching when I was very young when I was about 8 years old. Folks, their record this season was 25 0. And when she’d flowered, ahhhh … had there ever been a maid so sweet to look upon? If Aerys had agreed to marry her to Rhaegar, how many deaths might have been avoided? Cersei could have given the prince the sons he wanted, lions with purple eyes and silver manes … and with such a wife, Rhaegar might never have looked twice at Lyanna Stark. Wallace hopes to be an All Star for a fourth straight year and will be disappointed if he's the only player from Detroit's team again. He takes their money but he wants more.
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Hailed as Historic, Biden’s Interior Nominee Now Embodies Partisan Chasm WASHINGTON — When Representative Deb Haaland was tapped in December to be President Biden’s interior secretary, the decision was hailed as historic. She was the first Native American ever nominated to serve in cabinet — in this case to head a department that, for much of the nation’s history, has mistreated and neglected Indigenous Americans. On Tuesday, when she faces her confirmation hearing, another label will be applied to her nomination: embattled. No other Biden nominee to head a cabinet department has divided the political parties as sharply. To her considerable number of supporters, she embodies the hope of the Biden era, an activist second-term representative from New Mexico who would break ground like no other member of the cabinet, ethnically and politically. Her detractors have zeroed in on her activism, especially her forthright denunciations of any and all oil and gas exploration on public land and her fierce opposition to the natural gas extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. “Representative Haaland has a long record as a vehement opponent of American fossil fuels,” said Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, one of the nation’s largest oil, gas and coal producing states, who is the ranking Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which will consider her nomination this week. Propelled by an activist campaign, Ms. Haaland emerged last fall as a dark-horse candidate to head the Biden administration’s Interior Department, the vast government agency that oversees the nation’s 500 million acres of public lands and is most responsible for the well-being of the nation’s 1.9 million Indigenous people. Ms. Haaland, a citizen of Laguna Pueblo, one of the country’s 574 federally recognized tribes, would also become the face of one of Mr. Biden’s most divisive climate change policies, his pledge to ban all fracking on public lands. To call her nomination the most endangered of Mr. Biden’s slate would be untrue. That title belongs to his choice to head the White House Office of Management and Budget, Neera Tanden, who has garnered opposition not only from Republicans but also the Senate’s most conservative Democrat, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia. What differentiates Ms. Tanden’s nomination from Ms. Haaland’s is the depth of their support from the Democratic Party’s activist wing. Ms. Tanden’s social-media needling of Senator Bernie Sanders, independent of Vermont, and her association with Hillary Clinton has left her liberal support tepid at best, while Ms. Haaland has become a favorite of the Sanders wing, who see her as a transformational figure. She could also win the support of some Republican moderates, such as Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, whose state is 18 percent Alaska Native. “The number of folks across the country who are energized about her nomination, I’ve never seen,” said Collin O’Mara, the head of the National Wildlife Federation and a former top environmental official in Delaware who worked with the Biden administration’s transition team as it assembled its list of nominees for environmental posts. In the center of that partisan chasm once again sits Senator Manchin, who leads the Senate Energy Committee and has a history of siding with Republicans on issues of energy and climate change. To win him over, Ms. Haaland will highlight her distinctive personal story and a hardscrabble background that could appeal to a West Virginian who identifies with his increasingly Republican state’s working class. “I’m not a stranger to the struggles many families across America face today,” she will say, according to prepared remarks distributed by the Interior Department on Monday afternoon. “I’ve lived most of my adult life paycheck to paycheck.” “It’s because of these struggles that I fully understand the role interior must play in the president’s plan to build back better; to responsibly manage our natural resources to protect them for future generations — so that we can continue to work, live, hunt, fish, and pray among them,” Ms. Haaland will say, according to the remarks. A “35th-generation New Mexican” and the child of military veterans, she attended 13 public schools before graduating from high school, started a salsa company and worked as a cake decorator before putting herself through college and law school on food stamps and student loans. In 2015, Ms. Haaland became the head of the state Democratic Party and helped to flip the New Mexico Statehouse to Democratic control. In 2018, she and Sharice Davids of Kansas became the first two Native American women elected to Congress. That personal story has not insulated her from partisan attacks. Oil-state Republicans have called Ms. Haaland “radical” and “divisive.” Some of Ms. Haaland’s past environmental positions have gone further than those of Mr. Biden, who has sought to reassure the oil and gas industry and labor unions that his plans do not include shutting down existing drilling and fracking on public lands. Ms. Haaland was an original co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, the resolution written by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, and Senator Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat. that calls for the United States to eradicate fossil fuel pollution within a decade. “I am wholeheartedly against fracking and drilling on public lands,” Ms. Haaland told The Guardian in 2019. Her congressional campaign sponsored the People’s Demand for Climate Change, a petition demanding that governments “pledge to an outright and immediate ban on fracking.” In 2016, Ms. Haaland joined the Standing Rock Sioux protesters in North Dakota who camped out for months in opposition to the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Senator Steve Daines, a Republican from the oil- and coal-rich state of Montana who also sits on the Senate energy panel, said that while he did not agree with Mr. Biden’s energy and climate change agenda, he has voted to confirm nominees such as Jennifer Granholm for energy secretary and Pete Buttigieg for the transportation secretary. But Mr. Daines said Ms. Haaland could be more strongly guided by the activist beliefs she espoused before her nomination than by Mr. Biden’s. “I’m not convinced that she can divorce herself from those radical views,” Mr. Daines said in an interview. There is also opposition in her own home state, where the $2 billion generated annually by oil and gas production on public lands make up nearly a quarter of New Mexico’s budget. “A permanent ban would devastate New Mexico’s economy,” said Ryan Flynn, executive director of New Mexico Oil and Gas Association. “The consequences on New Mexico would be more severe than any other state.” Three Democrats who are preparing Ms. Haaland for her hearing said they remained confident of Ms. Haaland’s confirmation. Mr. Manchin declined a request for an interview, although his spokeswoman, Sam Runyon, said he was looking forward to Tuesday’s hearing, “where they will further discuss her experience and qualifications to lead the Department of the Interior.” Propelling her forward is a national campaign to elevate her candidacy from outlier to inevitable. In a letter made public last week, nearly 500 liberal, environmental and Native American groups wrote, “Representative Haaland is a proven leader and the right person to lead the charge against the existential threats of our time — tackling the climate, extinction and Covid-19 crises, and racial justice inequities on our Federal public lands.” The Montana Wildlife Fund ran an ad signed by 2,500 Montanans in four newspapers urging Mr. Daines to vote for her. Ms. Haaland’s supporters said they were prepared to campaign against any senator willing to vote against the first Native American cabinet secretary. “There is a potential that Republicans will burn their bridges with tribal and Indigenous voters if they come out against her,” said Julian Brave NoiseCat, vice president of strategy and policy at the research group Data for Progress who spearheaded last fall’s campaign to urge Mr. Biden to nominate Ms. Haaland. “In Arizona, Wisconsin, Alaska, and New Mexico — a lot of western parts of the U.S. — it’s a significant part of the vote,” he added. “If you want to be competitive in those areas, it’s better not to lose 80 percent of the Native vote.” Ms. Haaland’s backers also point to her role as a member of the House Natural Resources Committee in pushing through a major bipartisan public lands law last year that increased funding to preserve land for public use. Introducing her to the panel on Tuesday will be Representative Don Young of Alaska, the Republican House veteran who worked with Ms. Haaland on that bill. In a statement last year, Mr. Young called Ms. Haaland a “consensus builder” who has “been open to working across the aisle” and “would pour her passion into the job every single day.” Source link Orbem News #Bidens #Chasm #Embodies #hailed #historic #interior #nominee #Partisan
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Week 34: August 17-23
17: Trump’s administration is pushing forward with plans to allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is the largest in the United States and covers 19m acres of land in the far northern reaches of Alaska. The government plans to sell leases to oil and gas companies by the end of the year. They face fierce opposition from environmental groups and local Indigenous people. Monday also marks the start of the Democratic National Convention. The gathering will mark the nomination of former Vice President Joe Biden as the party’s presidential hopeful for the November election and Senator Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential running mate. The evening brings speeches by former First Lady (and woman-after-my-heart) Michelle Obama, Senators Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar, Governors Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer, and four high-profile Republicans.
Caribou in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Christopher Miller/The New York Times
17 still: In Canada, Bill Morneau resigns. It’s WE day shit and, honestly, I have no appetite for it in 2020. Peter Nygard, already facing an American class-action lawsuit for rape and human trafficking at least 57 women and girls, is met with new legal woes. Two of his sons allege that Nygard ordered his girlfriend to sexually assault them as young teenagers. And, after weeks of student protests in the United Kingdom, the government reverses course on using algorithms to predict students’ grades on spring exams that were cancelled because of COVID. Their marks will be revert back to the initial assessments given by their teachers. The algorithm downgraded nearly half of students’ marks from their teacher-given grades.
17 yet again: Monday’s not done yet. Belarus is still protesting the results of their presidential election earlier this month. Employees of the state-owned broadcasting service join the nation-wide labour strikes, demanding an end to media censorship. President Lukashenko addresses workers at a truck factory in Minsk. Despite calls from around the world for new, fair, free elections, Lukashenko continues to insist he won, telling the amassed workers that “as long as you don’t kill me, new elections won’t happen.” His speech was met with with a chorus of boos and jeers.
John Kalapo/Getty Images
18: Honestly, Tuesday could have been a three-parter too: There’s a jailbreak in Papua New Guinea, a rocket strike in Afghanistan, a ramming attack in Germany and an earthquake in the Philippines. But in important news you almost certainly missed - there’s a military coup in Mali. The President and Prime Minister have been detained by mutinying security forces and the capital city and the presidential palace are occupied. President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta will resign shortly and in September the military will agree to a 18-month plan to transition back to civilian rule. It is a relatively bloodless coup. Several casualties are brought to Malian hospitals, seemingly the victims of stray bullets, as troops celebrated their victory by firing their guns into the air. The United Nations Security Council - and European Union - condemn the coup - but some, in the country, welcome the change in leadership. Mali has seen strikes and extremist violence in the north, in addition to the economic and health ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.
19: A case of bubonic plague is detected in Lake Tahoe, California, after a resident was bitten by an infected flea - and Dengue fever is rearing its ugly head with 3,000 new cases in Fiji in recent weeks. India is adding nearly 70,000 new cases of coronavirus daily and Italy is experiencing its worse increases in COVID cases since it eased its spring lockdown. In Belarus, a third protester dies after being shot at close range with rubber bullets.
20: It’s Thursday! Are you ready for an assassination attempt? Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny becomes critically ill while flying from Tomsk to Moscow. The plane performs an emergency stop and Navalny is hospitalized. Russian intelligence agents have slipped a deadly nerve agent into his underwear after breaking into his hotel room. Doctors administer medicine and place Navalny in a coma. The French and German governments offer Navalny protection and medical treatment - and by the weekend he will be medivac’d to Berlin to begin a months-long recovery.
Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg
More 20: In American news, the DNC reaches its climactic night, as Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris are officially nominated to the Democratic ticket. It has been a week of speeches by familiar faces - like Presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama and presidential hopefuls Hilary Clinton and John Kerry - alongside rising stars like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Pete Buttegieg, and Tammy Duckworth. The Democratic line-up includes several heavy-hitting Republicans - like former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Cindy McCain, widow of the late Senator from Arizona, John McCain. The inclusion of these conservative endorsements mirrors his campaign’s calls for national unity and a return to bipartisanship. During the run for nominee, the former VP leveraged his experience building strong relationships with both Democrats and Republicans.
21: Northern California is on fire. The LNU, SCU, CZU and August complex fires are burning through redwood forests, grasslands, small towns and national parks. Lightning strikes set-off out-of-control blazes in the tinder-dry heat. These fires won’t be fully contained until October. The state’s prized wine-country will be hit especially hard, with several family-owned vineyards completely levelled by the infernos. As these fires grow, over the coming weeks, air quality will worsen and turn the sky a darkened orange.
CZU Lightning Complex fire near Bonny Doon, August 20 - Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP
22: A stampede in an illegal nightclub in Peru claims 13 lives as partiers flee a police raid. Coroners will report that 11 of these victims tested positive for COVID. The United States House of Representatives passes a bill that would reverse changes implemented by Louis DeJoy, the recent Republican-appointed Postmaster General. DeJoy, a Trump megadonor, was appointed to the position earlier during the summer becoming the first Post Master General in decades to be given the position with no experience with the mail service. DeJoy began cost-cutting measures almost immediately- resulting in severe delivery delays. The Democrat-held Congress are eager to resolve these backlogs before the country launches into its fall Presidential Election. With coronavirus cases continuing to climb, more voters have expressed an interest in contact-free absentee mail ballots. Trump has spent the summer seeding doubts about the validity of voting by mail, alleging that Democrats will use it to commit mass voter-fraud and steal the election.
23: Tropical storm Marco is upgraded to Hurricane status - his twin sister, Laura, is well on her way to earning the same status. In Kenosha, protests begin after police shoot at Jacob Blake seven times, leaving him paralyzed. Blake’s three sons witnessed the shooting from feet away, in a parked SUV. The state, still reeling from the shooting death of George Floyd in May, will see another wave of anti-racism protests - and riots.
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On Behalf of Environmentalists, I Apologize For the Climate Scare
"Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem"
— Michael Shellenberger | August 1, 2020 | Anti-Empire | Quillette

On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30.
But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as expert reviewer of its next assessment report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.
Here are some facts few people know:
Humans are not causing a “sixth mass extinction”
The Amazon is not “the lungs of the world”
Climate change is not making natural disasters worse
Fires have declined 25 percent around the world since 2003
The amount of land we use for meat—humankind’s biggest use of land—has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska
The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California
Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s
The Netherlands became rich, not poor while adapting to life below sea level
We produce 25 percent more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter
Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change
Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels
Preventing future pandemics requires more not less “industrial” agriculture
I know that the above facts will sound like “climate denialism” to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism.
In reality, the above facts come from the best-available scientific studies, including those conducted by or accepted by the IPCC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other leading scientific bodies.
Some people will, when they read this, imagine that I’m some right-wing anti-environmentalist. I’m not. At 17, I lived in Nicaragua to show solidarity with the Sandinista socialist revolution. At 23 I raised money for Guatemalan women’s cooperatives. In my early 20s I lived in the semi-Amazon doing research with small farmers fighting land invasions. At 26 I helped expose poor conditions at Nike factories in Asia.
I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them. Over the last few years I helped save enough nuclear plants from being replaced by fossil fuels to prevent a sharp increase in emissions.
But until last year, I mostly avoided speaking out against the climate scare. Partly that’s because I was embarrassed. After all, I am as guilty of alarmism as any other environmentalist. For years, I referred to climate change as an “existential” threat to human civilization, and called it a “crisis.”
But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public.
I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren’t getting worse.
But then, last year, things spiraled out of control.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” Britain’s most high-profile environmental group claimed “Climate Change Kills Children.”
The world’s most influential green journalist, Bill McKibben, called climate change the “greatest challenge humans have ever faced” and said it would “wipe out civilizations.” Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was “the lungs of the world,” and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off.
As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change. Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened. I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn’t be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence.
And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them endnotes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables.
Some highlights from the book:
Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress
The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land
The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium
100 percent renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today’s 0.5 percent to 50 percent
We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities
Vegetarianism reduces one’s emissions by less than 4 percent
Greenpeace didn’t save the whales, switching from whale oil to petroleum and palm oil did
“Free-range” beef would require 20 times more land and produce 300 percent more emissions
Greenpeace dogmatism worsened forest fragmentation of the Amazon
The colonialist approach to gorilla conservation in the Congo produced a backlash that may have resulted in the killing of 250 elephants
Why were we all so misled?
In the final three chapters of Apocalypse Never I expose the financial, political, and ideological motivations. Environmental groups have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests. Groups motivated by anti-humanist beliefs forced the World Bank to stop trying to end poverty and instead make poverty “sustainable.” And status anxiety, depression, and hostility to modern civilization are behind much of the alarmism.
Once you realize just how badly misinformed we have been, often by people with plainly unsavory or unhealthy motivations, it is hard not to feel duped. Will Apocalypse Never make any difference? There are certainly reasons to doubt it.
The news media have been making apocalyptic pronouncements about climate change since the late 1980s, and do not seem disposed to stop. The ideology behind environmental alarmism—Malthusianism—has been repeatedly debunked for 200 years and yet is more powerful than ever.
But there are also reasons to believe that environmental alarmism will, if not come to an end, have diminishing cultural power. The coronavirus pandemic is an actual crisis that puts the climate “crisis” into perspective. Even if you think we have overreacted, COVID-19 has killed nearly 500,000 people and shattered economies around the globe.
Scientific institutions including the World Health Organisation and IPCC have undermined their credibility through the repeated politicization of science. Their future existence and relevance depends on new leadership and serious reform. Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalists at legacy publications.
Nations are reverting openly to self-interest and away from Malthusianism and neoliberalism, which is good for nuclear and bad for renewables. The evidence is overwhelming that our high-energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low-energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to.
The invitations from IPCC and Congress are signs of a growing openness to new thinking about climate change and the environment. Another one has been to the response to my book from climate scientists, conservationists, and environmental scholars. “Apocalypse Never is an extremely important book,” writes Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb. “This may be the most important book on the environment ever written,” says one of the fathers of modern climate science Tom Wigley.
“We environmentalists condemn those with antithetical views of being ignorant of science and susceptible to confirmation bias,” wrote the former head of The Nature Conservancy, Steve McCormick. “But too often we are guilty of the same. Shellenberger offers ‘tough love:’ a challenge to entrenched orthodoxies and rigid, self-defeating mindsets. Apocalypse Never serves up occasionally stinging, but always well-crafted, evidence-based points of view that will help develop the ‘mental muscle’ we need to envision and design not only a hopeful, but an attainable, future.”
That is all I hoped for in writing it. If you’ve made it this far, I hope you’ll agree that it’s perhaps not as strange as it seems that a lifelong environmentalist, progressive, and climate activist felt the need to speak out against the alarmism.
I further hope that you’ll accept my apology.
— Source: Quillette
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Stay Fit and Be Free of the Sedentary Lifestyle at Occoquan Regional Park

Parks are the most powerful aspects of every community. It provides an escape from a long day's work. It's a refuge for wildlife and a place for children to play. So, if you're within the Lorton, Virginia area for a family getaway, then include Occoquan Regional Park in the list.
The park covers more than 350 hectares. It has become a natural community where people of all backgrounds gather to talk, exercise, and work. Since it’s near Fairfax County, it has helped its residents spend more time with nature while minimizing their impact on the environment.
More than that:
The park helps protect and conserve biodiversity by keeping our air and water clean
The park helps build and strengthen community ties and bring diverse populations together
The park and recreation’s facilities aid in the control of obesity, boost the immune system, diminish the risk of disease, and increase life expectancy
The park helps build and strengthen community ties and bring diverse populations together
When it comes to safety, Occoquan Regional Park is a well-planned and well-maintained public spot. The park has protected a diverse range of sensitive ecosystems and natural areas. These connect the people with nature and are vital not just to the residents but to the visitors as well. If you'll be visiting the park anytime soon, then expect these amenities as you explore:
Batting Cages
If you're perfecting your baseball swing, then step up to the plate and get ready. Their pitching machines offer speeds ranging from 40 mph to 70 mph. You can also adjust for a softball style of mechanical pitching.
Boat and Kayak Rentals
With a flowing great stream that includes the Potomac River, renting a boat or a kayak is not just for fishermen. This is an affordable activity that provides a great bonding experience and a lot of fresh air. It's the same fresh air that you'll enjoy if your biking or running in the park. Plus, it's so easy to learn. There's no such thing as a novice. If you’re looking for a challenge, then there’s a 40-mile route paddling adventure. All you need to do is follow the two waterways that lead to the Chesapeake Bay. Believe it or not, it’s a long changing landscape!
Hiking Trails
Did we forget to mention about the 5K loop trail? It’s a perfect foot trail for your hike. This is a good natural exercise for those that have been sedentary all week long. And it’s not just about physical fitness. You'll be caught up with the beauty of nature courtesy of the Occoquan River.
Do you want to be a part of the community's goal in making the role of a park successful? Then visit Occoquan Regional Park in Lorton, Virginia.
Member Spotlight
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(703) 270-0681
CRCS Camp Crusader | Summer Camp Alexandria VA, on the other hand, offers the best summer camps for kids. Want to learn more? Visit their site today.
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DIY Methods to Control Spiders, Silverfish, and Rodent - Better Termite
Controlling spiders, silverfish, and rodents can be challenging, but there are several DIY methods you can try to help manage these pests. Keep in mind that if the infestation is severe or persists despite your efforts, it's best to contact professional pest control services from year to area. Here are some DIY methods you can consider:
Spiders Pest Control:
Vacuum regularly: Regularly vacuum your home, especially corners, ceilings, and other spider-prone areas to remove webs, eggs, and spiders.
Seal cracks and gaps: Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal any cracks and crevices around doors, windows, and foundations to prevent spiders from entering.
Natural repellents: Some scents, like peppermint oil or vinegar, are believed to repel spiders. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray in areas where spiders are frequently seen.
Reduce clutter: Spiders like to hide in cluttered areas. Keep your home tidy and minimize the number of hiding spots.
Silverfish Pest Control:
Dehumidify: Silverfish thrive in humid environments. Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in your home.
Boric acid: Sprinkle boric acid in areas where you've seen silverfish. Be cautious if you have pets or small children, as boric acid can be toxic if ingested.
Diatomaceous earth: A natural powder that can help control silverfish. Sprinkle it in cracks and crevices or areas where silverfish are present.
Rodents Pest Control:
Seal entry points: Inspect your home for gaps and holes that rodents could use to get inside. Seal these entry points with caulk or steel wool.
Traps: Set up snap traps or live traps in areas where rodents are active. Bait them with food like peanut butter or cheese.
Keep food sealed: Store food in airtight containers and clean up spills promptly to reduce potential food sources for rodents.
Peppermint oil: Some rodents dislike the smell of peppermint oil. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in areas frequented by rodents.
Regardless of the DIY methods you choose, remember that persistence is key to successfully controlling pests. Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to prevent infestations from recurring. If the pest problem persists or becomes unmanageable, don't hesitate to seek assistance from a professional pest control service.
Better Termite offers pest control in Alexandria, VA for various pests such as termites, spiders, silverfish, cockroaches, rodents, scorpions, wildlife animals, and other pests.
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Sign Petition: Stand with Planned Parenthood Petition
Sign Petition: Stand with Planned Parenthood
August 25, 2019

The current attempt to discredit Planned Parenthood is part of a long-term smear campaign by people who want to deny women in this country the right to control their own bodies. “The attempt by Senate Republicans to cut off support for Planned Parenthood is an attack on women’s health. Stripping funding for Planned Parenthood would… Read more » Read more ENDORSE BERNIE SANDERS FOR 2020 Petition
August 18, 2019

Bernie Sanders should be the next President of the United States. Every four years, we’re told “this is the most important election of our lifetime.” The difference this time is that 2020 actually is. As Progressives, we need to stand behind and officially support a candidate who will move our country past two years of… Read more » Read more Pledge to vote for Bernie Sanders (all party voters welcome) Petition
Pledge to vote for Bernie Sanders (all party voters welcome)
August 18, 2019

I PLEDGE TO VOTE The Democratic Primary will be a close race. One thing the process fails to capture is the vote of the people who are not registered with the Democratic Party but will still play a major role in the general election. The number of Independent and No Party Preference voters outnumbers those… Read more » Read more BREAKING: US FISH AND WILDLIFE GUTS ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT PROTECTIONS — FIGHT BACK FOR WILDLIFE! Petition
August 16, 2019

PROGRESSIVE PARTY OFFICIAL PETITION Defend the Endangered Species Act — and the Species It Protects! We must do all we can to protect the Endangered Species Act and the iconic wildlife that depend on it! WHY THIS MATTERS The Trump Administration proposed three regulations that would essentially gut major provisions of the administrative rules implementing the… Read more » Read more Ban Assault Weapons Now Petition
Ban Assault Weapons Now
August 10, 2019
Assault weapons should not be used by civilians and have no place in our cities and towns. Las Vegas. Dallas. Orlando. Sandy Hook. Aurora. San Bernardino. How many more? What do these horrific shootings have in common? Assault weapons. Assault weapons were used to murder five people in Dallas, 49 people in Orlando, 26 people… Read more » Read more It’s Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free Petition
It’s Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free
August 10, 2019

In a highly competitive global economy, we need the best-educated workforce in the world. It is insane and counter-productive to the best interests of our country and our future, that hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college, and that millions of others leave school with a mountain of debt… Read more » Read more Keep Our Pension Promises Petition
Keep Our Pension Promises
July 3, 2019

Bernie Sanders introduced a bill to protect American pensions. The bill, entitled the “Keep Our Pension Promises Act,” rolls back provisions in the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act which allow union-negotiated retirement funds to seek benefit cuts. There is a longstanding and concerted effort underway to convince the public that America’s pension funds are financially unsustainable…. Read more » Read more Climate Change Position Petition
Climate Change Position
July 3, 2019
The Progressive Party issued a statement last week praising Bernie Sanders for his stand on climate change and the promise to solve the crisis. “There is no ‘middle ground’ when it comes to climate policy.” —Bernie Sanders, May 2019 The climate is a common good, belonging to all and future generations to come. Bernie Sanders affirmed… Read more » Read more Big Money Out of Politics Petition
Big Money Out of Politics
July 3, 2019

June 30 capped a fundraising frenzy on the part of candidates seeking to meet their campaign-cash goals before the end of the Federal Election Commission’s reporting period. Bernie’s response: “It is a national disgrace that billionaires and other extremely wealthy people are able to heavily influence the political process by making huge contributions.” Republican candidates… Read more » Read more Protect Women’s Rights Petition
Protect Women’s Rights
May 25, 2019

Banning abortions and criminalizing miscarriages does not protect our children. Redacting the protection of rape victims tells us that you do not care about the young children; especially were they ever in this position. It will however damage women, and children; mentally, physically, financially. All the statistics listed above will grow exponentially. Child abuse/neglect, youth… Read more » Read more Green Wave Through Traffic Petition
Green Wave Through Traffic
May 25, 2019

An ultimate goal in traffic is to be a part of a “green wave,” the traffic lights of greens that allows platoons of vehicles to move smoothly through city traffic to reach a destination faster and with less stress. Help us make the Green Wave Project a nationwide mission! Green Wave Concept The Green-Wave… Read more » Read more No War With Iran Petition
No War With Iran
May 15, 2019

We, the American people, believe in peace and diplomacy, not war with Iran. This is an urgent situation — a loud and clear rejection of war will deliver an important message. Sign the NO WAR ON IRAN petition. Share this page with other Progressives via social media. The White House builds a path… Read more » Read more Monthly Child Allowance – For Each Child Petition
Monthly Child Allowance – For Each Child
May 14, 2019

A plan to introduce a monthly child allowance. The plan is something every parent should know about to have a better future. A monthly allowance to help parents to offset some of the costs of raising a child. The amount paid is a flat sum tax free for each child and is not affected by… Read more » Read more Prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ communities Petition
Prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ communities
May 3, 2019

Prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ communities The Equality Act should protect all communities. Join us to get the bill through the Senate: If you can, please take the next step with a donation to Progressives in order to help fight back! Thank you! “The ability to have a job, to receive medical… Read more » Read more Petition to rename Fifth Avenue – where Trump Tower sits – after Barack Obama Petition
Petition to rename Fifth Avenue – where Trump Tower sits – after Barack Obama
April 22, 2019

Thousands support petition to rename street in front of Trump Tower after Barack Obama Thousands of people have signed an online petition asking to rename the section of Fifth Avenue in front of New York City’s Trump Tower after former President Barack Obama. “The City of Los Angeles recently honored former President Barack Obama by… Read more » Read more Support for marijuana legalization Petition
Support for marijuana legalization
April 19, 2019

It is insane to me that we arrest some 600,000 people a year for the possession of marijuana. An overwhelming 65% of the American people already support legalizing marijuana—including a majority of Republicans and Democrats—and understand the need to decriminalize marijuana usage. The American people agree. It is time our federal government listens…. Read more » Read more Read More
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a point about the Electoral College
August 30, 2019

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July 17, 2019

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The Green New Deal means monumental disruption
Not just for energy, but for every aspect of our lives, living standards, culture and freedoms David Wojick and Paul Driessen Kamala Harris co-sponsored the Senate resolution to support the Green New Deal. Now Joe Biden has endorsed the plan. Naturally, people want to know what the GND will cost – usually meaning in state and federal government spending. But that is the wrong question. The real question is, how much do Green New Dealers expect to get out of it, at what total cost? Mr. Biden says he wants the feds to spend nearly $7 trillion over the next decade on healthcare, energy and housing transformation, climate change and other GND agenda items. But that is only part of the picture. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who has a degree in some socialist version of economics) and the folks who helped her write Biden's so-called Climate Plan have a clear idea of how much money they want, and pretty much know where they expect the money to come from. Here it is in its clearest form, as stated by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s then chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti: “The resolution describes the 10-year plan to transform every sector of our economy to remove GHG [greenhouse gases] and pollution. It says it does this through huge investments in renewables, at WW2 scales (which was 40-60% of America’s GDP).” [emphasis added] World War II was a time of great sacrifice and hardship, as part of a dramatic and historic mobilization to win a horrific global war. However, that hard reality doesn’t matter to these folks. They say we are now waging a war to stop catastrophic climate change. So money, sacrifice and disruption are irrelevant. Our nation’s GDP is around $20 trillion a year, or $200 trillion in ten years. 40-60% of that is $80-120 trillion. For simplicity, let’s call it an even $100 trillion to finance the Green New Deal utopian dream. $100 trillion! The ways and means of raising this stupendous sum are also clear in their minds. It will be done the same way WW2 was financed, however that was. To them, it’s obvious that we can simply do this, because we did it before. The specifics don’t matter. Government elites will figure them out. But even this arrogant, cavalier attitude is only part of the picture. If you read what Green New Dealers say, confusion arises because people think the GND is an ordinary policy proposal: “Here’s what we want done, and this what it should cost.” It is nothing like that. The Green New Deal is more along the lines of, “Here’s the level of effort we require to transform our entire economy, and this is what we should be able to do with that much money.” People tend to interpret Green New Dealer talk of a WW2-like mobilization as a simple metaphor. But these folks mean it as an actual measure of what they are determined to do. So far they have glossed over and ignored the extreme hardships of mobilization. Here’s just one example – not from front lines mayhem, but from the United States home front during World War II. Gasoline, meat and clothing were tightly rationed. Most families were allocated three US gallons of gasoline a week, which sharply curtailed driving for any purpose. Production of most durable goods, like cars, new housing, vacuum cleaners and kitchen appliances, was banned until the war ended. In industrial areas housing was in short supply as people doubled up and lived in cramped quarters. Prices and wages were controlled. [Harold Vatter, The US Economy in World War II] No doubt the Green New Deal mobilization would impose different hardships. But all mobilizations are oppressive. You can’t commandeer half of the GDP without inflicting severe disruption on people’s lives. The argument is sound in its way, provided there is a need for all-out war – which there is not. The minor to modest temperature, climate and extreme weather changes we’ve been seeing (in the real world outside computer models) explain why most Americans see no need for a painful war. So does the fact that China, India and other emerging economies are not about to give up fossil fuels anytime soon. In fact, polls show that roughly half of Americans do not even believe in the idea of human caused global warming, much less that it is an “existential threat,” as Senator Harris claims it is. The latest Gallup poll found that only 1% of US adults consider “climate change/environment/pollution” to be “the most important problem facing this country today.” That’s down from a meager 2% in the May 28-June 4 poll. Even more revealing, a 2019 AP-NORC poll found that 68% of adult Americans were unwilling to pay even an extra $10 on their monthly electricity bill to combat global warming. Indeed, 57% of them would not be willing to pay more than $1.00 in added electricity charges to fight climate change! Just wait until they see what the Biden-Harris-AOC-Democrat Green New Deal would cost them. And it’s not just that their costs would likely skyrocket from an average US 13.2¢ per kilowatt hour (11.4¢ or less in ten states) to well beyond the nearly 20¢ per kWh that families are already paying in California and New York, or the 30¢ that families are now paying in ultra-green Germany. Or that factories, businesses, hospitals, schools and everyone else would also see their costs escalate – with blue collar families, the sick and elderly, poor and minority communities hammered hardest. It’s that the GND would force every American to replace their gasoline and diesel cars and trucks with expensive short-haul electric vehicles; their gas furnaces and stoves with electric systems; their home, local and state electrical and transmission systems with expensive upgrades that can handle a totally electric economy. They’ll see their landscapes, coastlines and wildlife habitats blanketed with wind turbines, solar panels, transmission lines and warehouses filled with thousands of half-ton batteries. Virtually every component of this GND nation would be manufactured in China and other faraway places. The cost of this massive, total transformation of our energy and economic system would easily reach $10 trillion: $30,000 per person or $120,000 per family – on top of those skyrocketing electricity prices. And that’s just the intermittent, unreliable energy component of this all-encompassing Green New Deal. These are stupendous, outrageous costs and personal sacrifices. Every American, at every campaign event and town meeting, should ask Green New Deal supporters if they think America needs to – or can afford to – cough up $10 trillion or $100 trillion over the next ten years. And not let them get away with glib, evasive answers, or attempts to laugh these questions off as meritless or irrelevant. The American people are not about to be mobilized into an all-out war against dubious climate change, with price tags like these coupled with repeated blackouts, huge personal sacrifices, and massive joblessness in every sector of the economy – except among enlightened government ruling classes. They’ve already seen news stories about the latest rolling blackouts in California (here, here, here and here) – resulting from one-third of that state’s electricity coming from “renewable” sources, and with another third of the state’s electricity imported from other states that also get heat waves. They should ponder what their lives, livelihoods and living standards would be under 100% wind and solar power. And yet, once again, even all this insanity is only a small part of the picture. Remember, the Green New Deal is also about government run healthcare – and an economy and nation where “progressive” “woke” legislators, regulators, judges and activists tell companies what they can manufacture and sell ... and tell us what we can buy, eat and drink; how and how much we can heat and cool our homes; and what we can read, hear, think and say, as they “transform” our culture and traditions. The GND is being promoted by politicians, news and social media, “educators” and “reformers” who also want to eliminate free enterprise capitalism; have totally open borders, even for criminals and people who might have Covid and other diseases; and want to defund the police, put anarchists, looters and arsonists back on our streets, and take away our right and ability to defend ourselves, our homes and our families. The time to think long and hard about all of this is NOW. Not sometime after the November 3 elections. Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org) and author of books and articles on energy, environment, climate and human rights issues. David Wojick is an independent analyst specializing in science, logic and human rights in public policy, and author of numerous articles on these topics. The Green New Deal means monumental disruption published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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A Longshot 2020 Candidate Wants To Push Geoengineering Into The Climate Debate
Andrew Yang's White House bid has been marked by provocative ideas. His climate proposal could be his most jarring.
By Alexander C. KAUFMAN | PUBLISHED 06/25/2019 11:56 AM ET |
HuffPost | Posted June 25, 2019 |
Former Vice President Joe Biden wants to develop new, small nuclear reactors. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wants to use the military’s gargantuan purchasing power to spur a clean-energy boom. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee wants to ban fracking as part of an all-out war on fossil fuel emissions.
The 2020 Democratic presidential primary race is quickly offering a buffet of plans to curb catastrophic climate change. But, depending on whom you ask, Andrew Yang’s proposal is either the most dangerous to embrace or foolish to ignore. And it could make its primetime debut on Wednesday at the first televised candidate debate in Miami.
The 44-year-old venture capitalist making a long-shot bid for the Democratic presidential nomination is the lone candidate pushing a federal program to research geoengineering.
Geoengineering is a catch-all term for technologies that could counter the effects of global warming. Ideas range from the relatively benign, like sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere; to the quirky, like building berms at the base of Arctic glaciers to slow melting from the warming ocean; to the radical, such as solar radiation management, which involves spraying sulfur gases into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s warming rays back into space.
The latter technology is among the most polarizing proposals in the climate policy realm. To some, it represents the only hope of saving the Arctic and offers a potential tool to temporarily relieve places roasting in deadly heatwaves. To others, it’s a dystopian scheme that threatens to distract from the hard work of stopping emissions and inflame a crisis of already epic proportions, possibly fashioning whacked-out weather systems into weapons of war.
Like at least 16 of his rivals, Yang has vowed to support some version of the Green New Deal, a sweeping industrial plan touted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to provide millions of jobs while pursuing the goal of zeroing out emissions over a decade. But on Yang’s seven-bullet list of policy pledges on his website, the first two focus on developing a well-funded federal effort to study geoengineering.
“To me, this is not an either/or. This is a, ‘We have to do everything we can to keep our heads above water, literally and figuratively,’” Yang told HuffPost recently. “Even as we’re trying to move toward more renewable sources of energy, we have to start facing facts.”
Yang’s embrace of geoengineering marks what could be a political turning point for an issue long written off as too risky and fatalistic to seriously consider ― too much the stuff of science fiction. And with good reason. The technology is largely untested, and early research suggests its deployment could unlock a Pandora’s box of catastrophic weather effects.
It’s also easy to caricature some of its most avid proponents as short-sighted, tech-bro utopianists quixotically seeking an easier path out of the climate crisis than weaning the global economy off fossil fuels, industrial farming and deforestation.
But as carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere hit 415 parts per million last month, the highest levels seen since humans evolved, the topic is becoming more salient.
Only two countries ― Morocco and the Gambia ― are on track to meet the emissions cuts under the global Paris climate accords required to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, above pre-industrial averages. Meanwhile, the U.S. and Brazil, two of the world’s largest polluters, are now led by presidents who reject climate science outright. China, the world’s top emitter, is continuing to build coal plants it promised to cancel while financing a pollution-heavy infrastructure across the globe.
As climatic changes occur faster and more dramatically, the likelihood that someone starts pumping reflective gases into the stratosphere increases. It could be a country, particularly one gripped by a deadly heat wave, or a group of wealthy individuals or companies operating outside of a traditional international governance structure.
“It’s a no-good, very bad, super-horrible idea that we should understand the implications of doing,” said Costa Samaras, an associate professor of environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
‘Stay In The Lab’
Geoengineering started to gain currency outside wonkish circles even before last October’s United Nations report on climate change ignited a global panic over the speed at which the planet is warming. In December 2017, Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.) introduced a bill to fund geoengineering research and order the National Academies of Science to draft plans to carry out the studies. It didn’t pass, but interest in the topic is intensifying.
In late 2018, a team of Harvard University researchers kicked off a project called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), the first phase of which involves flying a steerable balloon 12 miles above the southwestern U.S. and dispersing substances such as calcium carbonate dust or sulfur dioxide to mimic volcanic eruptions’ cooling effect. In April, at an Intelligence Squared U.S. debate in New York, the side arguing against the motion that “engineering solar radiation is a crazy idea” won the audience poll in a landslide.
“Our contention is that solar geoengineering might be part of the way that humans manage environmental risks of climate change this century, that a combination of emissions cuts, adaptation, carbon removal, and solar geoengineering might enable a safer climate,” David Keith, a top geoengineering researcher at Harvard and executive chairman of the firm Carbon Engineering, said during the debate. “But only by discussing it openly and researching it, can people make that judgment with information.”
That may sound reasonable enough. But, as with much of the discussion on climate change policy, even calls for research are politically loaded.
Among the other contenders in the Democratic presidential battle, almost none of the campaigns responded to repeated requests for comment about their positions on geoengineering.
At House hearing in April, Inslee ― who has focused his entire effort on combating climate change ― said geoengineering should “stay in the lab.”
“We have to focus on preventing carbon emissions in the first place,” he said. “That’s the battle we’re in right now, and we should stay in it.”
In an interview with HuffPost, Inslee said he was open to geoengineering research in theory, but warned that it could “siphon off political momentum to stop pollution in the first place.”
“With an infinite budget, sure,” he said of research funding. “But I don’t think we should take money out of ways to stop pollution to try that last-gasp prayer when we have no clue how these systems really work.”
Opponents of geoengineering point to terrifying risks. Termination shock, the phenomenon wherein abruptly stopping geoengineering results in rapid warming, is the most often-cited threat, though studies go back and forth on the severity of that risk.
Injecting sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere to deflect the sun’s rays could deplete the ozone over the Earth’s poles, a 2008 study in the journal Science concluded.
Geoengineering could mess with regional jetstreams, cooling one hemisphere while increasing droughts and hurricanes in another, a November 2017 study in the journal Nature found.
Quickly implementing or halting geoengineering could wreak havoc on already-struggling animal species, according to a Yale University study published last year in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Another 2018 study in Nature concluded that the reduced sunlight from geoengineering offset the potential gains from relieving heat stress on crops.
All of this only scratches the surface of how complicated the geopolitics of geoengineering could be. Both advocates and skeptics of idea agree it could mirror the politics of nuclear armament in the 20th century.
“It’s concerning that [Yang] thinks this would be a popular issue,” said Silvia Ribeiro, a director at the nonprofit ETC Group, which monitors geoengineering research. “From our perspective, this is wrong and will instead delay any real action to stop climate change.”
Few international rules govern the issue. Among the strongest in place is a 1977 U.N. convention barring the use of “environmental modification techniques,” including artificially seeding clouds, for war. In 2010, the U.N. declared a moratorium on climate geoengineering, citing the unknown effects of “technofixes” on wildlife. It renewed the ban in 2016. But the language of the moratorium barred only projects with potential impacts on animals.
In March, the Swiss government proposed a resolution at the U.N. Environment Assembly calling for a report on geoengineering, but the U.S. Saudi Arabia and Brazil blocked the motion.
“The potential sources of conflict are myriad,” Eli Kintisch, author of the book “Hack the Planet: Science’s Best Hope — or Worst Nightmare — for Averting Climate Catastrophe,” wrote in 2013 for the MIT Technology Review. “Who will control Earth’s thermostat? What if one country blames geoengineering for famine-inducing droughts or devastating hurricanes? No treaties ban climate engineering explicitly. And it’s not clear how such a treaty would operate.”
Absent any such accord, various players have stepped into the breach. In 2012, California businessman Russ George dumped over 110 tons of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean as part of a geoengineering scheme that aimed to spawn an artificial plankton boom that could absorb carbon dioxide and sink it to the ocean floor.
Last year, the Chinese government started what’s been called the “largest-ever weather modification project,” deploying an array of silver iodide furnaces to seed clouds over the Tibetan Plateau, home to glaciers that act as the headwaters to the 10 largest rivers in Asia, providing water to three billion people.
The Harvard research in the U.S. Southwest is backed by billionaire Bill Gates.
“We have to make sure it’s researched responsibly,” said Shuchi Talati, a geoengineering fellow at the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists, who added that “it would be irresponsible not to consider solar geoengineering.”
The Moral Hazard Of The Moral Hazard
Provocation is a form of currency for Yang’s campaign. He’s made a $1,000-a-month universal basic income the centerpiece of his platform, and this month announced plans to demonstrate the policy’s potential by sending checks to a voter in Iowa. He vowed that as president he would pardon everyone imprisoned on marijuana offenses, releasing them on April 20, 2021, and “high-five them on their way out of jail.” He came out against male circumcision ― certainly an unorthodox topic for a platform.
Yang has not yet fleshed out how, exactly, geoengineering research would work under his presidency. He said he was “very into studying things that we could do that we could undo very easily if they don’t have the desired effect.” He also said his “preferred approach” on such efforts “would be multilateral.”
When HuffPost emailed Harvard’s Keith and Jesse Reynolds, a prominent geoengineering researcher at the UCLA, neither had heard of Yang’s plan. Reynolds said Yang’s calls for research funding “make sense on their own,” but “must be done in an international context.”
“The U.S. has unfortunately been a laggard in international cooperation,” Reynolds wrote in an email. “Any such geoengineering activities should be accompanied by serious cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. This is also why Mr. Yang’s reference to developing governance internationally is encouraging.”
It’s a no-good, very bad, super-horrible idea that we should understand the implications of doing.Costa Samaras, Carnegie Mellon University
The next president could wield broad authority to orchestrate a federal geoengineering program, said Julio Friedmann, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center for Global Energy Policy and a former Department of Energy official. The Energy Department’s Office of Science, he said, would be a natural place to house the program, and other research could be done through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Science Foundation.
Of a potential budget, he estimated that “anything less than $10 million isn’t going to move the needle.”
The greatest political obstacle, however, may be the widely argued position that developing such technology risks staving off decarbonization at a moment when the Green New Deal is finally providing a popular policy framework for eliminating emissions. That fear of a moral hazard, an insurance industry term for policies that incentivize reckless decision-making, is a hazard unto itself, Friedmann said.
The same moral hazard argument ― that a focus on geoengineering would hamstring other needed environmental initiatives ― was used to delay efforts to adapt to climate change. It was used against studying technologies to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere ― something that last year’s U.N. report stated was necessary to keep warming in a safe range.
“We’ve seen this movie before,” Friedmann said. “To say that even knowledge (of the potential of geoengineering) is opening Pandora’s box strikes me as a rather odd thing to choose; to say we’re so worried about the moral implications of this that we don’t even look selects ignorance as your guiding principle.”
It’s a sentiment Yang echoed.
“Hope is not a policy,” he said. “We have to start preparing for the worst.”
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WNLA’s 100th Anniversary Honored With Proclamation From Governor: This Week’s Industry News
Want to keep up with the latest news in lawn care and landscaping? Check back every Thursday for a quick recap of recent happenings in the green industry.
Governor Issues Proclamation Honoring WNLA’s 100th Anniversary Commemorating its 100th Anniversary, Governor Scott Walker issued a State of Wisconsin Gubernatorial Proclamation on January 3, 2018 officially declaring it as Wisconsin Nursery & Landscape Association Day (WNLA). Governor Walker presented the Proclamation to WNLA President Ross Swartz in a ceremony at the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin. Also on hand were WNLA Board members and officers, Executive Director Brian Swingle, Representative Paul Tittl of Wisconsin’s 25th Assembly District, and Representative Amy Loudenbeck of the 31st Assembly District. The Proclamation recognizes the economic impact of WNLA and acknowledges the environmental and social impact of nursery plants and landscaping, mentioning the benefits of erosion control, noise abatement, water filtration and purification, air quality improvement, oxygen production, energy savings, community beautification and pride, plus the advantage to wildlife and pollinators that a robust landscape provides. The Wisconsin Nursery and Landscape Association serves the Green industry and its 225 members, which include growers, landscapers, and industry suppliers. WNLA is celebrating its 100th Anniversary with events in 2018.
MGIX Kicks Off January 15 with Powerhouse Lineup The Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association’s regional conference, Midwest Green Industry Experience (MGIX) takes place January 15-17 at the Columbus Convention Center. Featured presenters include Marty Grunder (Attain, Train, Retain and Entertain a Modern Day Green Industry Workforce), Jeffrey Scott (Nine Proven Profit Strategies for Tree Lawn and Landscape Contractors). In addition to business education, the MGIX is loaded with courses on pruning, plant maintenance, identifying weeds and planning pest management strategies. It also includes a State of the Industry report by Craig Regelbrugge, AmericanHort.
Portland’s New Pesticide Ban Expected to be Costly Beginning July 1, 2019, residents and city workers will no longer be able to freely use synthetic pesticides in Maine’s largest city, except in a few limited cases, reports the Portland Press Herald. The City Council on January 3 unanimously passed an ordinance regulating pesticide use in Portland. Advocates say it’s one of strongest anti-pesticide ordinances in the country, with scofflaws facing potential fines ranging from $100 to $500. Portland will start using organic pesticides on all city-owned properties beginning this summer. The only exempt properties will be Hadlock Field, Riverside Golf Course and five high-use athletic fields that remain exempt until 2021. City staff estimates that the ordinance could cost up to $700,000 to implement. Those costs would cover new employees, equipment and up to a $250,000 set-aside to replace the turf on athletic fields.
WaterSmart Innovations Conference Issues Call for Abstracts Experts in the field of urban water efficiency are invited to submit abstracts for the 11th annual WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition (WSI), slated for October 3-5 in Las Vegas. Abstracts must be submitted to speakers no later than Monday, February 26. Professionals, scientists, government employees, organizations, public and private institutions, policy makers, students and all others working in an industry related to water efficiency are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, panel discussion or workshop. A complete list of topics and submittal guidelines is available at the WSI website. Candidates chosen as presenters will be notified by email and postal mail no later than Monday, April 30.
Industry Consultant Dan Pestretto Forming Peer Groups Landscape business consultant/coach Dan Pestretto is forming “Mastermind Peer Groups” focused on helping owners build businesses that work for them. The groups will be based on honesty, accountability and the sharing of diverse perspectives in a safe haven of confidentiality. Group members will learn how to implement the “Seven Step Business Systemization” plan along with developing a complete operations manual specific to their own company and brand. Pestretto says affordable groups (no more than six members each) are being formed for different revenue-range companies, including companies of $500,000.
CASE Announces “Kickstart” Landscape Business Development Contest CASE Construction Equipment is now accepting entries for the CASE Kickstart Contest, a business development contest where landscaping contractors can win a suite of prizes designed to take their company to the next level. Business owners are encouraged to enter the contest online by answering basic questions about their operation, and describing how they would evolve their services by winning the contest. The deadline for entry is March 30, 2018
Six Landscape Pros Earn Jeffrey Scott’s 2017 Mighty Oak Awards Six outstanding lawn and landscape companies earned business consultant and author Jeffrey Scott’s 2017 Mighty Oak, based on their performance as a business leaders. Scott announced the awards at his Leader’s Edge peer group meetings. The award winners: Seth Kehne, The Lawn Butler, Knoxville, Tenn.; Loriana Harrington Beautiful Blooms Landscape & Design, Menomonee Falls, Wis.; Douglas McIntosh, McIntosh Grounds Maintenance, Milan, Mich.; Bob Drost, Drost Landscape, Petoskey, Mich.; Sean Baxter, Lawn & Landscape Solutions, Olathe, Kan.; and Chris Cotoia, Executive Landscaping, South Yarmouth, Ma.
Website Launch for Drought Tolerant TamStar St. Augustinegrass TamStar St. Augustine is a new drought tolerant, low water use grass developed by turfgrass breeders at Texas A&M University. A new website dedicated to TamStar at tamstargrass.com, was launched recently by the Turfgrass Producers of Texas to serve as a resource for industry professionals and homeowners. The site offers research and information about TamStar’s benefits, installation, maintenance and where to purchase this scientifically advanced sod. TamStar St. Augustine is the result of more than a decade of research at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Dallas. It was bred to stand up to drought and specifically meet the demands of commercial and residential lawns and landscapes in Texas.
LiveWall Installed To Bring Comapny’s Corporate Values To Life Applied Imaging installed a 198-square-foot LiveWall Living Wall as the main design element in the lobby of its new corporate headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Applied Imaging is an independently owned provider of document imaging technology and managed IT and network services. LiveWall is the developer and supplier of the green industry’s most sustainable, durable and low-maintenance living wall system. The 198-square-foot living wall is 9 feet tall and 22 feet long. In total, it includes 98 LiveWall modular planters, which contain inserts that hold the growing medium and a mix of six different tropical plants, chosen for their ability to thrive indoors. The integrated irrigation components use drip stake assemblies, which inject water into the growing medium. The light fixtures above the green wall use LiveWall Norb (Nutri-Orb) bulbs, a specialized white-light LED grow bulb that provides the light spectrum and light nutrition plants need while giving off a white light like regular indoor lighting.
Greenworks Commercial And Carswell Establish Partnership Greenworks Commercial, producers of battery-powered outdoor equipment for landscaping and turf management professionals, and Carswell Distributing Company have announced an exclusive partnership to benefit independent lawn and landscape dealers throughout 13 southern states. Through the arrangement, Carswell and Carswell OEI will provide distribution, logistics, service and sales support for both the Greenworks Commercial 82-Volt line of tools and the newly launched Greenworks Elite 40-Volt line of tools, among independent dealers in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri.
Ruppert Landscape Announces New Branch in Southern Richmond Ruppert Landscape has expanded its Virginia landscape management operations to include a new branch in southern Richmond. This branch joins four existing landscape management branch offices in Virginia located in northern Richmond, Gainesville, Alexandria, and Fredericksburg. Dave Sharry has been promoted to branch manager and tasked with overseeing the new branch. As branch manager, he will be responsible for the overall welfare of the branch, including the safety and development of his team, strategic planning and budgeting, training, and day-to-day operations.
Douglas Dynamics’ Doug Clark Receives Certified Snow Professional Designation Douglas Dynamics LLC, has announced that Doug Clark, product manager for Western Products, has earned his Certified Snow Professional (CSP) designation from the Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA). Clark joins fellow Douglas Dynamics CSP employees, including Andy McArdle, director of product marketing for Douglas Dynamics, and Daniel Gilliland, training manager for SnowEx. SIMA’s Certified Snow Professional certification was developed for owners, operators, and executives within the snow and ice industry. It focuses on the critical elements of running a professional snow business and recognizes a level of service, quality and value to customers.
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Go Green with The Flowering Almond Spa at Founders Inn
Situated on 26 acres of breathtaking landscapes, indoors and outdoors, Founders Inn & Spa is committed to making a green impression and increasing sustainability in both the mind and body. The resort’s Spa, specifically known as The Flowering Almond Spa, has a biophilic design, drawing upon natural light and elements, allowing spa guests to feel a connection to nature even while indoors.
The beautiful conservatory captures natural light from the 20 foot ceiling above and incomparable vistas of the Spa’s zen garden full of roses and Korean boxwoods. The lake, which can be viewed from the conservatory, is also home to plenty of Koi fish, waterfowl, a beautiful white swan, cared for by one of their very own Estheticians, Alexis Christoph, whom spends a lot of time relaxing her clients and supporting wildlife and the green movement.
The Spa Professionals have taken a stance in the spa’s green initiative by implementing controlled product usage, educating eco-conscious consumers about their Organic products and therapies, and recycling. All of these concepts are led by the Spa’s department leaders, Danielle Lambert, CMT, Maria Arnold, LME, Marti Mocha, NT, and Alexandria Grant, Supervisor.
The Spa also encourages sustainability by having energy efficient lights, bamboo flooring, organic refreshments, and by donating old magazines and reading material to our spa guests. Every little step can make a long term impact on our world and indigenous principles steer every choice they make in the spa, from their organic product selection to the organic teas they offer.
Spa Director and Green Spa Network Member, Mechelle Smith, has also taken steps in reducing environmental impacts with the help of The Flowering Almond Spa Professionals.
“By going green spas benefit in many ways,” Mechelle says, “we raise human consciousness, preserve valuable resources, and improve mental and physical wellness…there is true beauty in sustainability.”
[Read More ...] http://blog.spaweek.com/2018/01/10/go-green-flowering-almond-spa-founders-inn/
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Go Green with The Flowering Almond Spa at Founders Inn
Situated on 26 acres of breathtaking landscapes, indoors and outdoors, Founders Inn & Spa is committed to making a green impression and increasing sustainability in both the mind and body. The resort’s Spa, specifically known as The Flowering Almond Spa, has a biophilic design, drawing upon natural light and elements, allowing spa guests to feel a connection to nature even while indoors.
The beautiful conservatory captures natural light from the 20 foot ceiling above and incomparable vistas of the Spa’s zen garden full of roses and Korean boxwoods. The lake, which can be viewed from the conservatory, is also home to plenty of Koi fish, waterfowl, a beautiful white swan, cared for by one of their very own Estheticians, Alexis Christoph, whom spends a lot of time relaxing her clients and supporting wildlife and the green movement.
The Spa Professionals have taken a stance in the spa’s green initiative by implementing controlled product usage, educating eco-conscious consumers about their Organic products and therapies, and recycling. All of these concepts are led by the Spa’s department leaders, Danielle Lambert, CMT, Maria Arnold, LME, Marti Mocha, NT, and Alexandria Grant, Supervisor.
The Spa also encourages sustainability by having energy efficient lights, bamboo flooring, organic refreshments, and by donating old magazines and reading material to our spa guests. Every little step can make a long term impact on our world and indigenous principles steer every choice they make in the spa, from their organic product selection to the organic teas they offer.
Spa Director and Green Spa Network Member, Mechelle Smith, has also taken steps in reducing environmental impacts with the help of The Flowering Almond Spa Professionals.
“By going green spas benefit in many ways,” Mechelle says, “we raise human consciousness, preserve valuable resources, and improve mental and physical wellness…there is true beauty in sustainability.”
[Read More ...] http://blog.spaweek.com/2018/01/10/go-green-flowering-almond-spa-founders-inn/
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