#wild asf
achaotichuman · 2 months
This rant was motivated by an anon @arson-09 got. The person who claimed they were gonna go and make fanfiction about Nesta/Tomas or Elain/Tomas since we are 'apologizing for abusers now'
First of all, everyone knows you aren't gonna write any such fanfiction about Nesta and Tomas, because you wouldn't dare take off the anon, because then you would be exposed as a horrible fuckin person. Simple as that.
Now onto the point I want to make a whole.
There is room for nuance with characters. Especially in fantasy, and clinging to the author or the MCs view of characters for how other characters 'should' be viewed is a very childish way of looking at media.
It shows you lack any kind of media literacy. You need things spelled out word for word for you in order to form an opinion. But guess what? An author can be biased and media can be more complex than what the perspective of the MC shows.
What there is not room for, is nuance when it comes to characters that actually arent 'characters' per say. They are writing tools used to push a person story forward.
So in the case of Tomas vs Tamlin, the difference is one is an objectively bad person, who, unprompted, assaulted Nesta for no reason other than personal gain. He is a writing device.
Then Tamlin, who hurt Feyre, not out of spite, malice, hatred or personal gain, but out of fear for her actual safety.
Tomas sexually assaulted Nesta for no reason.
Tamlin locked Feyre in his house because she was trying to follow him into a highly dangerous situation when she was untrained to do so.
Tamlin suffocated her, not from some highly creative, manipulative plan, but because he wanted her safe. He watched her die for him, and never ever wanted it to happen again.
Tomas just assaulted Nesta. Thats it. He made an evil act that affected her for the rest of the series.
Tamlin tried to protect her on every single occasion. Feyre's safety was at the forefront of his mind in every single one of his actions.
It doesn't take having more than half a brain to understand these very simple concepts. Tomas is a tool used to push Nesta's story forward. Tamlin is a fleshed out, complex character. That is the difference between them.
I could go on and on about the differences in motivations, how what Tamlin did was as a whole for the betterment of his Court and Prythian as a whole. What he did helped win them the war etc etc.
The reason I won't in this rant is simply because then I'd sound like a broken record, because I've gone over these topics time and time again. Other people have gone over these topics time and time again. It doesn't take that much to understand them.
Rant over, Im done with these bullies online. Y'all are either over the age of forty and projecting yourselves onto Elain, or under the age of fifteen and haven't learned the values of being a nice person yet. At least thats the way you act.
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holyshitjams · 2 months
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clingylilhoneybee · 1 year
A random person came up to me in Target and told me I was really pretty and I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to cry at a strangers words more
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hi everyone i took and uber home :)
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irl · 11 months
captain laserhawk;blood dragon remix: an interesting commentary of capitalistic oligarchy under the guise of humanitarianism and how scarily quick propaganda can encompass a population and indoctrinate generations
cl;bdr fandom: that frog and alien should fuck
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stitchkiss · 1 year
saw my cousin reading something on his phone and i asked what it was bc i had a feeling™️ and he straight up admitted he was reading fanfic. obvi im not judging but what i can’t get past is that not only does he choose to read on ff.net, but it’s star wars fanfic
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
since you've arrived at that part... This is a good time as any to make you witness this post. https://puwaasuru.tumblr.com/post/701862372128735232/persona
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biblicallyaccurateloaf · 11 months
I had a maths cover teacher one time, and some girl in the class cut her finger on a compass or something idfk what she did right and needed a plaster. Now as a autistic kid that stims a lot, I tend to keep plasters on my at all times, out of the box but in the plastic wrapper things they come in. So naturally I offer one up, and the teacher says no. Claims it’s unsafe? Bearing in mind these are regular ass plasters right. I’m not allowed to give a girl who’s finger is bleeding a plaster?
To this day I don’t know what plasters she’s using if she deems taking them out the apparently highly secure hazard protective cardboard box that they come in makes them unsanitary? Does she just never use plasters? Or wear gloves and a hazmat suit when taking them out? Air locked chamber?
Confuses me.
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07britney · 2 years
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dryya-doesnt · 10 months
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Haven’t posted here in a while!!! Have some zelink during these trying times (finals) they’re SOOOOO cute URGH AUGUHH OUGRRGHHH
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mothdruid · 2 years
it's crazy when I think about the fact the gvf is from the same area I'm from
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elystelleven · 4 months
She got a little too silly whoopsies~
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(+ original pic)
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woundposting · 5 months
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mortallycolourfulfun · 2 months
Ryomina angst because I hate myself and have not known joy and whimsy in a hot minute (/j)
(Persona 3 spoilers)
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(Quote is from outer wilds)
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did 600 bots just follow me at once, I don't think that's correctt
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A fond farewell to the New World ft. my hunter
I don't think I'll be able to sit still for the next 2 years waiting for this game but I am glad the team at Capcom are given the time to make this thing even more of a masterpiece than what we've already seen.
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