#wierdo replies
pr3ttyr0s3s · 2 months
Pls someone send me an ask/DM me im so so so fucking bored! I’ll do/answer anything! I’ll be ur fucking ana buddy, I’ll do diets with you, I’ll listen to you rant, I’ll do workouts with you, PLEASE JUST SOMEONE 17 OR OLDER TALK TO ME AND SAVE ME FROM COMPLETE INSANITY!!!
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bitegore · 2 years
Okay okay I’ve now been distracted imagining what other weirdness Hook and co get up to in their free time. If the stunticons are a mess and half how are the constructicons??
A way more functional mess. They get along and everything works but like SO sideways to 'normal interaction' that anyone trying to figure them out is going to hit a wall and bluescreen after the first time they get to see hook disassemble long haul and reassemble him in a slightly different configuration because bonecrusher was bored or something
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flowerfreya · 1 month
Cherry Wish
Cherry Wish Masterlist
Pairing: Omega!Simon x Alpha!Soap x Beta!Reader
Content: Johnny and Simon are in a established ten year relationship and Reader works at a grocery store, hasnt been in a relationship in three years and can't go to sleep without Nyquil, and they want her but she likes to be alone (not really, in fact it's quite the opposite)
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They found you working at the grocery store. Immediately enthralled. Had to have you. Their one collective brain cell couldn’t think anything other than mine.
Simon and Soap have been together for 10 years, never thinking about taking a third, of course they have bouts. One night stands but the longest they had kept one was for a month. It doesn’t usually work out, they don’t discriminate with designation either , Beta, Omega, Alpha it’s really up to them. 
But your scent calmed them , smelled like fresh laundry and lavender and one of those perfect fall days. 
You smiled at them when you saw them, just like how you did with any other customer. You’re kind of over today , just wanted to go home and curl up with a good book and maybe some wine and Nyquill. You are checking them out with all their stuff , when you glance up again and see that they are just smiling at you. You give them a brighter smile and a small and awkward , okay. You haven’t seen two Alphas in a relationship for a long time, it’s actually very uncommon but not impossible. Good for them. 
“Hi”, the  one with the mohawk says. 
“Hi” you reply back hoping to be polite but also get the point across that you don’t really want to talk. 
“You smell nice”, the taller one says , which has you giving him a wide eyed stare. God damnit. Of course they are weird. It’s always the cute ones that are fucking wierdos. You know your beta and most of the time betas are with other betas, considering that the only gender that can really make an alpha’s knot comfortable is omegas. It is possible for other genders too , but it’s a lot of stretching , prepping , and messy. 
For a beta, you do have a pretty strong scent, multiple people have told you that, but that is about where the similarities stop with identifying with omegas. 
Mohawks gives the bigger guy an elbow to the gut and shake his head, “What he means is that you are really pretty and maybe you would like to go out with us?”. 
You’re unamused but you know some men can’t take the fucking hint, “I have a boyfriend”, you shrug in a what can you do motion, “sorry” , you tac on just in case. 
“You don’t smell like you have a boyfriend”, tall one chides. 
“What’s it to you?” , you reply back, who the hell does this Alpha thinks he is talking to you like that. I mean he’s right you don’t have a boyfriend, haven’t had one in three years, you wouldn’t smell like someone else even if you wanted to. 
“Woah, woah,woah, let's calm down everyone, no harm done, `M sorry hen didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” , you can smell him pushing off a calming scent. 
“He started it”, you mumble under your breath. Looking up at the tall Alpha. And when he quickly shifts his eyes down it shocks you. Most alphas would stare you in the eye until you broke but not this one. Maybe he was broken. 
“Stop”, mohawks chastise the tall one , and he bows his head and sort of shrinks into himself, smelling of shame and humiliation. 
An omega. Interesting, you’ve never seen one so big and tall and so Alpha. It’s interesting, and you want to know more. 
Mohawk turn back towards you, “Sorry about him, I guess he forgot all his training at home” , he laughs at the end , you guess trying to make everything a joke, “Anyway, thank you for all your help, and see you around”, you watch them leave , feeling confused and sad and more lonely than you felt in a long time, maybe you should have gave them you number but maybe not.
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Simon is angry at Soap , “You know she doesn’t have a boyfriend”. 
“I know that” , he replies, calm, cool, collected, it makes him mad that he’s not upset about this. 
Simon stumps his feet, having a tantrum, “So why can’t we take her out”, he whines. Soap already put the groceries in the back and is moving to the front of the car but to the passenger side, since he can’t drive because he could just pass out. Randomly. With no warning, so no driving for him. 
“If she lied about having a boyfriend, she obviously didn’t want to go out with us”, Simon knows that, he just doesn’t understand why. It’s making him upset and he knows he’s stinking up the car but he can’t help it. He put his foot on the brake and is just about to push the button when Soap stops him , “You okay to drive?”
“Maybe I need to take a second”, Simon answered, as an Omega, getting rejected is hard and it makes his emotion all over the place but usually the only one that gets conveyed is anger, “She smells so good”, he groans out. 
“I know hen, don’t worry, we’ll figure something out”, Soap answers with authority that only an Alpha with a plan would have. 
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welldrawnfish · 11 months
On Terf raids and my work:
So I had this talk with my wife, when the first comic blew up. We knew this was an inevitability, only thing im upset about is if i make these comics i fully expect to be review bombed into oblivion. What I didn't expect is for wierdos to start chasing down the rebloggers. So I want to lay out the protocol I will be handling for this.
Its a real Catch 22 dealing with folks like this, because if you don't respond, they win. If you block, they feel like they've won, and if you reply they feel like they have won.
And I will always call them out for stupid bad faith posts and arguments. I dont believe in blocking and moving on, abstaining is complicity to me. But once Ive said my piece thats final, After that I will be blocking and removing stuff that is in a blatant attempt to foment chaos and hate.
If I call someone out, and they use that to go after people, the post is gone, its deleted. Google analytics can give me an IP report and it will be sent to Tumblr. Much worse has been said and done to me than some tumblr user ever can. I can take it, but many of you cant, that crosses the line when they attack you. And to be clear, Im not trying to change their minds, clearly they have no interest in that, I am doing it so you all know exactly why they are wrong and acting in bad faith.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year
Halloween SOA Day 8: Dolls
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Summary: Little joke gets played on our sweet Tig
“What do you think?” questioned Juice as the two of you finished walking your dads place while he told you his plan. “First, I think it’s great. Second, I hope you realize he will want revenge. Third, keep my name out of your confession” you replied with a laugh. “Yeah, yeah” replied Juice with a shrug of his shoulders as he shot you a goofy grin. “The opportunity is too good to pass up” he added as the two of you moved to the front of the house. “Uh-Huh. Well I will go pick him up from the clubhouse and leave you to your plan. Text me if you need more time but I’ll have him here by 11pm if I don’t hear different” you replied before kissing his cheek and walking out the door. Juice smiled to himself as he started opening boxes and sorting his electronic equipment. This was gonna be his most epic prank.
11pm the next night
“Thanks for joining me dad” you stated as you pulled your car into the driveway of his house. “Anything for you baby girl. I had a fun time. We need to do more father daughter things” stated Tig as he kissed your forehead before getting out of the car. “Agreed Dad, love ya” you replied before watching him make his way into his house. Once he was inside you backed out and drove around the block before parking behind Juices motorcycle. “You shouldn’t have your doors unlocked at night” stated Juice as he hopping into your passenger seat with his laptop. “Really?” you replied as you rolled your eyes and laughed. “All kinds of wierdos lurk in the dark” replied Juice with a grin as you playfully smacked his arm. “Lets just get the footage up Ortiz” you  replied as you shook your head.
Inside the house
Tig walked though his house without turning any lights on. He dropped his keys by the door, kicked his boots off there and hung his kutte on the hook before making his way to his bathroom for a shower. Tig was washing off when he thought he heard a childlike laughter. He paused before shaking his head at the idea. As he stepped out he screamed as two dolls popped out from under his sink laughing. He fell back into the shower pulling his curtain down around him. Once he had recovered he muttered angrily to himself. He knew he shouldn’t have told Opie about his fear of dolls at the wax museum a couple of weeks ago. It had become all the club could talk about and he had been fining dolls and such since but so far no one had had the nerve to desecrate his home with them. Grabbing his robe he wrapped himself in it before moving to his bedroom where he was greeted by dolls everywhere. They hung from his fan, were tucked into his bed, peeking out from drawers. Tig sighed heavily as he rubbed his face before heading to his kitchen for trash bags.
“Him not changing will be a fatal mistake for the finale” laughed Juice as the two of you watched your dad start to toss dolls into a trash bag. “This is better than I imagined” you chuckled.
1 hour later
“Fuck this” muttered Tig for the hundredth time as he tossed what he hoped was the last bag of dolls out of his house. He had been amazed at how many different sizes there had been and the fact they had not only been in the bedroom but also the kitchen and living room. His nerves were frayed from the lifelike movements, spontaneous giggles they emitted and the jump scares some had performed. Before Tig could close the door he thought he heard footsteps. “Hello” he called cautiously as he turned around. He instantly regretted leaving his gun in his room. “Help” called a woman’s voice weakly making him step outside to look around. As he did so his back porch light dimmed some. Not seeing anything or hearing anything else Tig shook his head and went to go back inside. “Here’s Dolly” called a high pitched voice as he turned coming face to face with a life sized doll. Tig screamed and stumbled back as the Doll dropped to all fours and started running at him laughing. He scrambled backwards on his hands and ass before finally getting up and running towards his front yard. Once he rounded the front he was confronted by two more dolls and as he turned towards the street he saw three more. Tig was so invested in running for his life and trying to keep his robe closed e didn’t even notice his daughter car or Juices bike as he ran past them trying to get to help.
“Ten dolls Juice?” you laughed as you watched the pack of dolls chase you r dad down the street and around the next corner. Juice shrugged as he had the dolls turn away as Tig darted up to Clay and Gemma’s front door. “I mean it could have been more” he laughed as he texted a prospect to pick the dolls up while you two drove to the clubhouse to show the others.
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pazzibueckets · 3 months
Curious to know if they (Paige and Azzi) found out about this situation. Q is young and I get the feeling to the need to respond to stuff. But she needs to learn that not everything needs a reaction. She was better off just reading it and never replying. Or atleast be a good liar how u mess up that bad 😭. I feel like they purposely choose Q to put her in these situations cuz they know they will get an answer. If it were any of the others girls they wouldn’t have responded 💯. Im not much of a fan of Q tbh I consider her to be a wierdo but hopefully I can change my mind on that.
They do see everything so they might have. But also the situation didn’t seem to blow up on TikTok which is where they see stuff so I doubt it. And 100%. People know Q is the only one who would entertain that. I’m also not a fan of hers but I don’t think she means ill intention. I just think she’s a little immature and needs some media training.
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colderdrafts · 2 years
13: Home safe
The Great Assembly, gender neutral reader x monster (male naga). Sfw. Previous Next
Elise lives alone in a regular sized house in the outskirts of town. It's an older brick building with a matted roof, and connected to a large unkempt garden - many things grow here, but it's clear to see Elise doesn't bother much with controlling where it grows.
The interior is a different story, however. It reminds you of a cozy farmhouse a nuclear family would visit to 'get away from it all'. Lots of earth colors, old furniture and cupboards, and a large heap of plants in every room. From the entrance is a road to the kitchen and living room, and a bathroom behind the staircase. Upstairs is another hallway, leading into three separate smaller rooms; Elise's bedroom, a guest room and a home office.
"Sometimes my brother stays over for a few days, so I put up a space for him," Elise explains while you unload your things.
You've been given the guest room, where there's an actual bed, seeing as Amren is just as comfortable on his coils, so he'll take the office.
"Pardon the mattress is a bit stiff, the wierdo likes sleeping like it's on a rock," she chuckles.
"It'll be fine," you assure her. Though when you sit down you realize she wasn't exaggerating. How a mattress can just promptly refuse to give in to you putting weight on it is something you'll have to file under 'troll things' in your mind.
Elise leaves you to get some dinner started, and you settle in. You sit back down on the brick mattress, and breathe out slowly, trying to get all the tension and dull aching in your battered body to settle for a bit. Just a little moment of calm. You’re safe.
It doesn’t work very well.
You grimace, and pull out Irwin's phone. Poor thing has run out of power. Not that you would have much use for it now, though something about letting his phone die rings an illogical guilt deep in your core. You couldn't take care of him, and now you can't even take care of his phone?
There's a knock on the door, and you welcome the distraction, getting into a sitting position. It's Amren.
"Elise says dinners ready in about an hour," he announces as he enters, but then frowns. “..Is that Irwin’s phone?”
“Yep,” you reply.
“You did not hand it to the police?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know.”
He suddenly looks very tired. “Tiny, you’re not considering trying to find Irwin on your own, are you?”
Are you?
You can’t stop worrying, and for good reason. He’s missing, and you didn’t even feel comfortable collaborating with the people who are supposed to find him. What options does he have, then? You look up at Amren. “I don’t know,” you repeat.
He flicks his tongue and sighs, looking like he's trying very hard to keep from reprimanding you. He enters fully and closes the door behind him, settling in front of you. “Did what the Officer said make you think to keep it?”
You're honestly surprised at the very patient tone he's using right now. You'd expected he'd at least tell you how dumb the decision was, quip at you or something. Right now he just focuses on you and patiently waits for you to speak - it's almost like he's done this before.
Oh, right. He's a security guard. He's using his training to deal with this conversation on legality matters.
You elaborate as best as you can what you felt when talking to the Officer, going over again how something in the conversation didn’t add up. He heard it himself, but it seems he wants the full version. Amren listens intently, but he’s difficult to read.
“You realize this might make it harder for them to do their jobs and find him?” he asks.
“I do. I still don’t trust them.”
To your surprise, he just nods. “You mistrust is not entirely unfounded. What happened is.. odd. I don't necessarily agree with the decision, but until we know for sure, perhaps you should hold on to it."
"I know it's dumb, but I can't just hand it over not knowing what I'm giving to who," you frown. "It feels like taking one of Irwin's chances away."
He studies you for a beat. "Let me know if you change your mind."
He uncoils himself again, and goes for the door. He looks back over at you with his hand on the doorknob, nodding at the phone in your hands. "Don't leave that thing in plain sight all the time, Tiny. It'll just make it worse."
With that, he silently leaves and closes the door behind him.
"Thanks for the pep-talk," you mutter under your breath.
An hour to spare gives you time to shower and get some clean clothes on. Amren helps you re-wrap fresh bandages at the dinner table while Elise sets it.
"Thank the stars," Elise comments. "It was bad enough to have one snake stinking up the place, we didn't need two."
"Two?" you ask. "What are you talking about?"
Elise looks at you for a beat then her eyes widen. "Right! Sorry. Yeah, you reeked of Amren a bit ago. It's gone now, thankfully. You must have huddled pretty close to the fire for that level'o stank, tho."
You try not to get too offended at the prospect that you've apparently been stinking up the place, chasing away any slight embarrassment as you know exactly how that might have happened.
Amren scoffs and butts in before you can say anything.
"May I remind you I did not come here at my own volition? You dragged me here. It's your own fault it smells like me in here now." He carefully secures the bandage with claspers on your arm, sideeying her. "And you're not the best smelling individual yourself, Elise."
Elise stares at him for a beat before she splutters and laughs. "No need to get on the offensive big guy, just an observation!" she holds up her palms in a placating gesture, but her face shows only amusement. "Horse crackers, what are you so on the fence about?"
"What do you mean I 'Reek'?" you ask, halting Amren's retort.
He glares warningly at Elise, and then turns his attention to you. "I must have rubbed off on you while we were out and about," he replies. "It happens."
"Especially when it's put there on purpose," Elise trails off, nodding sagely.
Amren finishes securing the last of your bandage, ignoring her. He gently rotates your arm to check his work before he releases you, satisfied. "Done."
"Thanks," you say, expertly moving on to change the topic. "Is it a general thing with smelling each other all the time for you guys? In that case, pardon the forest don't really offer much in terms of bathing."
"Ah, no no, don't you worry, regular hum stink ain’t so bad, kinda tame honestly," Elise says, and hesitates before continuing, "all those perfumes you insist on wearing however, they're terrible. All of them. No offense."
She starts setting plates on the table. You get up to help her, but she shoots you a stern look that roots you back to your seat wordlessly.
Amren nods in agreement. "I cannot figure you out with them. It's like they're cloaking you from my senses, I can't tell what's going on with you when you wear them," he flicks his tongue as if to underline the fact.
"Perfume? Really? You prefer we go around stinking of sweat?"
"Yes," Amren says flatly, "though the neutral soaps you use are an adequate alternative. A bit off putting at first, but a few hours later you're back at a tolerable level."
You snort. You're not unfamiliar with the whole social stigma on how to smell nice with a wide variety of opinions, however with stronger sense you suppose it makes sense to dislike the stronger smells of perfume.
"Do all mons feel like that, and you've just been too polite to tell us?" you ask, somewhat amused.
"Nah, not all of us. For example, some fae love that stuff. The more you can smell like a bottle of concentrated flower-incense the better," Elise chuckles, setting a big steaming pot on the table, while Amren moves some plates out of the way, "I remember shortly after the Assembly, mons with stronger senses shared that annoying 'Hum Perfum''-thing. It was both funny and stupid. Perfume was obviously important to a lotta hums, so the meme quickly died down and we learned to deal."
Elise begins pouring a gracious amount of a hearty looking vegetable stew up on two plates, and sets them to herself and you. Your mouth waters at the sight of food that hasn't come out of a can. She then fishes out a separate smaller pot and dumps the contents on a plate for Amren. It's a healthy serving of some kind of deboned cooked meat, though it smells delicious.
"You didn't have to bother removing the bones, I can digest them just fine," Amren says.
"That's his way of saying 'thank you'," Elise winks at you, "my pleasure, Mr. Grumpy."
She grins, effectively bringing Amren's neutral expression back into a scowl.
Dinner is delicious, and you have a pleasant time chatting mostly with Elise. The flow of conversations comes pretty easy in her company, and though you're still tired, it's nice to have a distraction. Elise was right in affirming you needing company after this, your isolated apartment would just have let you sit and mull over your thoughts, worried. The down-to-earth atmosphere, the rustic vibes and your two current co-habitors provides you a sense of safety you would never have gotten at home.
Elise hurriedly sends you off to bed afterwards, though, refusing your argument that you should at least help with the dishes. You foolishly look to Amren for support, and he flat out tells you you look terrible and should sleep.
So here you are in the dark, trying to settle in on the stiff mattress, yet not being able to sleep. Fleeting images of the past nights events still intrude in your mind, bone crunching, snapping teeth, red eyes chasing you through the dark - you shudder under the covers. It's like your body doesn't want to rest, that it shouldn't. What if something happens while you're under?
You hear movement outside, and it seems Elise and Amren have finished downstairs. You get a tidbit of their conversation as they approach the foot of the stairs;
"-not sure how they just forgave me that easily. I feel so guilty," comes Elise's voice.
"Elise, even you should know that that doesn't make any sense. Why are you wasting energy on something you can't fix?" Amren says.
Elise growls in annoyance. "Because of exactly that, you insensitive slab of rocks. I can't fix it, and it's tearing me apart."
There's silence for a bit.
"..I see," Amren mutters.
Elise huffs. "Anyway. It's nice to finally see you break out of your shell a little bit," she says, changing the topic. "You're a lot different here than at the company."
"I'm at work at the company. Of course it's different," he replies. "And I wouldn't say it's as much me 'breaking out' as the hum trying to shatter me with a hammer."
Elise snickers. "Well, it worked, didn't it?" he doesn't reply, so she continues. "Genuinely apologizing? Getting defensive on their behalf? It's been barely a week and you're already a changed person."
He grumbles unintelligibly under his breath so you can't make it out, but whatever it was makes Elise stifle a spluttering laugh, mindful not to 'wake' you.
Elise says goodnight, Amren growls something, and you hear two doors opening and closing in the hallway. You lie silently in the dark with a sort of odd feeling.
About two days pass at Elise's house like this. There's not much to do out here, but the calmness of the area helps you clear your mind of the past days' troubles and focusing on healing. Mrs. Hansen has, true to her word, sent out a widespread notice for all workers that the company will remained closed until further notice while the investigation is undergoing. There are still no news of Irwin's whereabouts, and the constant gnawing worry in your stomach never really goes away.
You have come to loathe sitting still inside the house, so you distract yourself by spending most of your time in Elise's garden, wandering the paths through years of overgrowth. Despite the haphazard distribution of branches and leaves, it's rather peaceful. Your arm still aches from time to time, but it's healing nicely and the pain is at tolerable levels.
Elise spends most of her time tending to smaller projects around the house, and Amren occupies himself either wandering around the area or reading coiled up in a corner of the veranda. You've noticed despite what he sets out to do, he is somewhat always within earshot of you, like he’s scared a harpy will swing by a pluck you off the ground.
Your evenings are spent with board games and idle conversation, and the small reprieve is welcome in your current situation - but you can't truly feel at ease when you're still worried for your friend. It feels almost shameful to just hide away in an idyllic house while he's somewhere out there in danger.
Once again your nights are restless, the images of horrifying memories wont leave you alone. They’re clawing into your mind as if just daring you to try and forget them. Irwin's drunken promise rings through your head, clear as day; "I would do. Anything for you".
You wake up more than one time in a cold sweat, breathing hard to still your rampaging thoughts, murmuring of guilt, fear and worst of all, anticipation. The lack of answers and the lack of news on the situation keeps in a constant loop of anxiety - worry for Irwin, and for yourself.
You can't stay hidden here forever. But what happens when you finally go back to your own apartment?
"They're looking for someone just like you" Mira's honey sweet voice echoes in your mind, both a promise and a threat. It makes you shiver.
Who is? And why? Are they the same people who took Irwin?
Sighing, you haul yourself out of bed yet again. Maybe getting some water would help calm you down.
On the way out you pass by Irwin's phone laying on the desk and hesitate for a moment. You've been avoiding approaching it for a while now, not really ready to face what's happened - but Irwin is trapped somewhere on the other side of your hesitation, and you once again reprimand yourself for allowing him to wait. Maybe fiddling with it isn't the best idea in your current state of being, but if there's any inkling of answers or closure..
You grab it and start rummaging around your backpack for a charger - but when you fail to find it feeling around, you give in to tired impatience and simply dump the contents on the floor. Rested you can deal with the outcome.
You still don't spot your charger, but you do spot something else in the dark.
A small green leaf is sticking out from under your spare pair of shorts that is now unceremoniously lying on the floor. Your first thought is it's perhaps a leafy hitchhiker you somehow managed to pick up from the forest, and go to pick it off of your clothes - though its stem is golden, it has four petite leaves and it is completely intact despite its haphazard journey as a stowaway in your backpack.
You're holding one of the two golden clovers.
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aliasimagines · 2 years
tired nights // mary goore
a/n: i just wanted to bitch about my work day to someone so i wrote this 🤷🏻‍♀️i cannot come up with titles nor can i write endings. i didn't specify the reader's gender
warnings: cannibalistic jokes, mary jokingly telling he ate someone
word count: 1159
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Mary kept blowing a strand of hair out of his face, but it just kept coming back. It didn't take long before he huffed and pushed it back with his left hand in a violent manner.
His right hand kept drumming the black ink pen on the old notebook that laid open in the counter in front of him.
Someone, a guy whom Mary served way too many drinks to over the past few hours, dropped his glass on the floor. Mary didn't even bother to look at him,let alone get up and clean it.
"Hey, you are paying for that, man." was all he said before scribbling down a few words. He crossed them out and wrote a few more, repeating it a few times until he heard someone sitting down -or rather throwing themselves down- on the barstool in front of him.
"Gimme something strong."
Mary looked up with a grin after hearing your voice, though as soon as he saw your expression and tired (and maybe a bit angry) eyes he crossed his arms, humming.
"That bad, huh?"
"Worse." you said burying your face in your hands.
Mary walked around the counter and sat down next to you. He started rubbing circles on your back.
"I fucking hate people."
He just chuckled, waiting for you to continue.
"They are so fucking rude, and they think they know everything, but oh my god they are stupid as my butt and I just can't- I'm either gonna quit or become a murderer real fast."
"I could help you dispose of the bodies." he licks his lips. "I'm hungry anyway."
That little comment made your head snap in his direction,pause for a second before starting to laugh. You laughed, shaking your head as you felt all the tension and stress from today start slowly fading away.
"Jeez, keep forgetting about your cannibalistic habits." you joke, once your laughter died down.
"Yeah, sorry, I'll make sure to be more vocal about it. Actually, do you wanna know who I had for lunch?"
"No." you giggle.
"That sweaty guy, you know, he lives a floor below us and always takes the stairs? Yeah, he had a heart attack and i figured he shouldn't go to waste so I tried to cut off a few limbs, but damn his muscles are strong as fuck-" he sighed,"so, I thought I'd go for some eye candy, and carved ou-"
"Okay, ew, stop." you hit his arm, making him bark with laughter.
"Jeez, Mare, you're a fucking wierdo." you say but lay your head affectionately on his shoulder.
"Yeah." he breathes out, amused by his own antics. He wraps one arm around you and starts to play with the fabric of your shirt. "For the record, the sweaty guy did die, but I didn't eat him."
"What?! Seriously?"
"No. Well, not to my knowledge, but you should 'ave seen your face."
After a few minutes of comfortable silence - well silence is maybe too strong of a word as you two are sitting in a semi crowded bar- Mary opens his mouth to speak.
"Ya know, if you seriously want to quit, you could always come and work at the bar. You already spend way too much time here because of me. Although you can't take shifts with Sam. She is way too into you."
"Well, you know big boobed goth chicks are my type soo.."
Mary lets out a low growl.
"Aw, you're jealous, that's cute-" Mary slightly bit your shoulder making you yelp, surprised by the contact." Aw, ouch! Mary!"
"You're mine." he mumbles.
"Yeah, but don't bite me!"
"Not what you said last night." he said in a sing-sang voice.
"Ah, you two are gross." called a female voice from behind them. You looked up to see Sam, her lipstick covered lips pulled into a smirk.
"Hello y/n/n.."
Mary wrapped his arms closer around you, making you laugh.
"Hi Sam." you replied with a smile.
"Hey Goore, I almost stepped into a shattered glass, go clean it up before I fire your ass."
"You can't fire me, I'm irreplaceable."
"Wanna test that theory?"
The woman standing before them asks, hand on her hips. She and Mary stare at each other intensely before they both start chuckling.
"How was the festival, boss?" Mary squeezes your arm before getting up to search for a broom.
"Fucking great. You should've come."
"Well, you know, someone had to take care of the bar, flourish up the business and shit."
"So that's what you're telling yourself?"
"Oh fuck off." He cleaned up most of the glass, dumping it in the trashcan in the corner. He turned to you.
"I take it back, don't come here to work. They clearly don't appreciate employees here."
Sam leans over the counter, taking your hand in hers.
"Don't listen to him, I do appreciate all my employees, except him, and I can assure you that I would really appreciate you."
"OKAY!" Mary squeezes himself between the counter and you, blocking Sam out of view.
Sam and you share a laugh over his shoulder.
"Don't worry Goore, for some reason, you got lil old y/n/n wrapped around your pinkie." She stares into your eyes. "I couldn't take you from him even if I wanted to, could I?"
You smiled at her, shaking your head.
"See? You have nothing to be worried about." she sighs dramatically. “You know what, Goore? You two go home, I will cover the rest of your shift.”
“That’s not necessary, we-"
Sam cut off your boyfriend waving away whatever he wanted to say.
"Go home, it's fine, I missed working in this hellhole. Just make sure to be safe when indulging in sexual activities, you crazy kids." she sends a wink in your way making you groan and Mary smirk.
He slips behind the counter, throws his notebook in his backpack and tosses that over his shoulder. He grabs your hand, locking your fingers, and pulls you up from your seat.
"Let's go, babe." you both wave goodbye to Sam. You step outside into the cold night, you immediately step closer to Mary. He lets go of your hand and wraps his now free arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "C'mon, we have a buncha tasty leftovers at home."
You raise and eyebrow at him.
"From the sweaty guy?" he says, as if it was obvious. You hit his chest and he once again barks with laughter. You laugh out in disbelief.
"You absolute idiot…"
"Your absolute idiot tho." he stops for a second. "Ew. That was disgustingly sappy."
"Sappy, or not sappy, it is true." You say poking his cheek.
"Ow, fuck off!"
He shoves you gently and you shove him back.
"You fucking-"
"Hey, you started it!"
"And you continued it!" you 'argued' and kept playfully shoving each other all the way to your shared apartment's door.
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A comic I might draw later
HEAVILY inspired by MorningMark and that one scene from Casper meets Wendy (1998).
TLDR: Luz friends love her and will defend her from any threat, even petty human teenagers. Playing real fast and loose with magic and Gravesfield okay, I don't know how magic transfer over now that The Titan is gone and King is still too young but we don't have to get in to all that okay. Also this isn't proofread, this is just a silly little idea I had.
So Luz is back in human realm to finish school along with Vee. Going about her daily goings about. On days like these she likes to walk around and just think/talk with String Bean. They can’t be in the Boiling Iles every weekend so taking a walk around Earth’s nature will have to do. She is human after all. Well no one said Luz’s return was a welcomed one (and after her whole speech about Phillip in class I doubt high schoolers spared her), but who is she care about their opinions? She’s the daughter of the greatest witch who ever lived, sister to a literal god and is friends with the most powerful witches the Demon Realm has ever known! Of course no one on Earth knows or would believe her (spare Jacob), but it’s the thought that counts!
All in all her days passed by fine, save for a few particular classmates. Classmates that had known Luz since she moved to Gravesfield and seen her jump from wierdo, to normie, to reserved and now somehow even weirder? The teasing never stopped or at least you get used to it, is what she told herself. More accurately what she told to String Bean on this particular walk.
“I can’t wait for break to come! Bump finally said yes to opening a Flyer Derby Track!” She cheered. String Bean hissed happily. She turned her head towards the tree line in confusion, like a puppy. Hearing something, she quickly turned into a staff. Luz was quick to grab her worried something might of spooked her.
“This is hilarious, I know you don’t have any friends but talking to a stick is a new low.” A familiar snide voice called from the tree line coming from the bushes and onto the path.
“Ugh Anna.” Luz rolled her eyes as the three stepped out, Anna and the other two girls Luz never really caught the name of.
“If I annoyed so bad why are you always following me? And I do have friends FYI!”
“Yeah, yeah I know. Your ‘super cool and awesome friends from out of town’!” She mocked “Weird that no one’s ever seen them before-“
“People have seen them, they were here for Halloween! They were in my Summer Break Presentation!”
“Oh yeah they were,” one of the follower girls said. Anna sent a stern eye her way before striding over to Luz.
“Whatever. Doesn’t change that you don’t have any friends at school and it makes sense! All you do is creep people out.”
“You think I want to friends like you?” Luz scoffed
“Excuse me-“
“You’re so rude to everyone around you, I doubt even those two like you.”
“What do you know?! Everyone thinks you’re weird!”
“Well if being ‘normal’, whatever that means, makes me like you? I’ll pass.“
Anna huffed in anger lunging towards Luz and grabbing onto the staff. They struggled, pulling towards each other. “Stop it! You’ll hurt her!”
“Her?!” Anna pushed off her back foot taking Luz down and grabbing hold of String Bean. She raised it above her head. “It’s just a stupid stick-“
Before she could slam String Bean down, a sheet of ice covered the path took Anna and her two followers down. String Bean was tossed in the air and caught by a figure riding a long vine.
“Luz!” Willow called out, the vine spiraling down to meet her on the path. Hunter and Gus were close behind. String Bean transformed back in Willow’s hand and floated towards Luz, nuzzling into her cheek.
“Oh girl, I thought I lost you.” She cradled String Bean close.
“Is she okay?” Hunter called out finally catching up with Willow, Gus behind him.
“Yeah, just a little shaken up.” Luz replied.
“What about you Luz?” Gus asked
“I’m fine,” she smiled “What are you guys doing here?”
“Well we came to see if you wanted to hang out but it seems we caught you at a bad time.” Willow glared at the girls. They all scrambled to their feet, ready to run but were blocked by a wall suddenly appearing behind them.
“That’s bold, picking a fight and then running away?” Hunter stated
“Three on one? Talk about unfair.” Gus sneered
“I think three on three is fair enough.” Willow said, magic circles already formed.
“Guys!” Luz called. Luz looked at Anna, full of fear and for a moment saw something familiar. Even if it was fair, she sighed, “It’s not worth it, some people just never change.”
All three complied, sending their own threatening look towards the girls.
“What if they say anything?” Gus asked
“I doubt it, they would look like weirdos.” Luz smiled smugly. String Bean hissed as if to accent the point.
“See you guys on Monday.” Luz said waved off taking to the sky with her friends. Anna and her friends were awestruck at the sight but more so that no one would ever believe them.
“Well I don’t want to go near her- her creepy friends could come attack us again!” One of the girls yelled over the video call.
“We were not attacked, okay. Just Luz and her weirdo friends.” Anna huffed
“Get over it Anna, just let her be.” The other called
“When did this become my fault?!”
“When you almost got us killed today!
“For the last time, we were not attacked-“
A soft tapping at the window.
“Hold on,” she said moving towards the window. She leaned it, examining it closely. Splattered her window suddenly was a mess of purple goo. It pulled itself off the glass and formed into a body, a face started to form from the goo. A girl with purple hair and bright yellow eyes, like a cat. She tapped on the window with a smile leaving a purple smear. Anna hesitated before the girl opened the window herself.
“Hi.” She smiled
“H-Hi.” Anna stammered
“I’m gonna keep this short cause it’s late. I’m not as nice as Luz or our friends so take this as your only warning. Never hurt my girlfriend. Got it?”
“Good.” She smiled. Her form distorted as her skin turned back into a dark purple. The slime slide off the windowsill and down the side of house all the way to the forest behind.
Anna was stunned staring out the window, her friends calling her name in the background.
Meanwhile at Luz’s house, the Hexside Crew set up for a movie night. “Amity! The popcorn’s ready.” Luz called
“Coming! Ghost thought she heard something.” Amity called back. She knelt down to let the incoming abomination slip back into her vase. Amity smiled to herself as she came into the kitchen. She grabbed a bowl and kissed Luz on the cheek.
“You’re smiley, did Ghost catch something?”
“No, just thinking about this spell Em taught me. I can show it to you later.”
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rathockey · 1 year
nothing like reading a tweet that describes what you think is a totally normal behaviour only for the tweeter and subsequent replies to all consist of "what a FREAK" "what a WIERDO" "that's DERANGED"
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sw143 · 2 years
1. Early Day
Zack sat on the bench at his father's mini garden. He can feel the peaceful of wind blowing right towards his face. The calmness and saltiness of sea breeze touching his skin. His finger marking the page of the book on his right hand as he take a short break from his reading. He glance through the page he marked. It is on page 142, and that means he got 143 pages more to finish the fiction he read. Reading is always his passion from his young age. For him, no matter where he goes. Books is a compulsury thing to bring along with him everywhere. His reverie broke as his phone beep for a notification. He grabbed the bookmark on the table infront of him and put it between the pages.
His hand dive into his pocket and take out his phone. He swipe the screen to unlock and saw instagram notification. One messegas in his inbox. Callum? Who is this guy?. He opend the text message
"Hi, how are you?" Callum texted.
Zack open the profile of the sender while ignore the text. He stared at his phone's screen. Speechless. Why this guy seems familiar. Zack just realized that Callum is friend of Mae, a girl that he used to text few months ago before he with Matt. Zack move his sight towards grass on his left side. The hissing sound of wind blowing and rattling sound of dry leaf drag by the blow. He hesitate to replied the text.
What he need from me? Is he Mae's boyfriend?
I remember Mae post his picture on instagram story before this.
Did he want to warned me or confronted me for texting his girlfrend?
Should I reply him? Should I? Or just ignore it?
Getting a random messages from strangers is not a new thing for zack. With more than ten thousand followers, he expected those random text. Some are normal text asking if they can be friend with him but some just wierdo that hitting his inbox.
"Hi! I'm good. Thanks for asking." Zack immediately lock screen of his phone to avoid any unwanted reply from Callum.
" I think I saw you before this on Tinder."
Wait. On Tinder? It's been a months i havent open it. Did someone pretend to be me?
"Oh really? Did we swipe each other?" Swipe each other means that we mutually like each other profile and ready to go for next step to know each other.
"No, we are not. I just scroll through those profiles" Callum replied.
Zack started to feel uneasy with the situation. His head starting to think a lot of possibilities. Is he Gay? It can not be. He is Mae's boyfriend.
"Actually it's been 3 months i havent open thats apps. I dont know if that's really me you saw on Tinder" Zack wrote.
It is really been a while zack did not open his dating apps since he met with Matt. But last three months he have a trust issue with Matt that makes him decide to open his TInder in hope he can forget about Matt.
" What you look for in Tinder? " Callum asked.
"Hmm just wanna make some friends. How about you? Why you on Tinder?" Zack asked him back.
"I'm looking for a light fun" Callum sent with shy emoji at the end of his text.
"What's that?"
"Ah! Nothing, just forget it." He replied back.
Light fun? What is that mean? Just tell me Bro. This make me more curious when you avoid to answer.
Zack opened his Whatsapp and about to ask Matt about the "light fun" thing.
"Hey, what you doing? I have one quick question" Zack started a conversation with Matt.
"Nothing just waiting patient's blood test. What's up?" Matt answer
"Someone just hit my DM and talk something about Light Fun thing. What is all about?"
"Who's that? He ask you for a Sex. A foreplay. Hmm how to say this? He about to do unpenetrate sex with you"
Zack Stunted for awhile. Is this real? He looking for a sex partner in Tinder?. Zack knew and fully aware that people used to look for a 'friends-with-benefit' in dating apps but he did not expect this from someone he mutually know.
"There's a guy in Instagram. I think i know him. Not like know-know but more alike i know his friend. He said he saw me on Tinder in which i have not opened since I am with you and he said he was on Tinder because he looks for 'Light Fun' buddy" zack explained to Matt.
"Just ignore him." Matt reply briefly,
Zack lock his phone's screen and stroll around the mini garden. His mind still thinking about Callum. Is he for real? I thought he was with Mae. Or maybe he just pretend to be with Mae so people would not know that he is gay. Is this why Mae always told me that she have issues with her boyfriend?. Zack walk pass thru the balcony and grab his book before enter to the house. He just ignore his mind. For him it is nothing to do with him and not important thing to think.
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wierdogal · 6 years
@z-aliada reblogged your post and added:
Such an interesting review! I love what you said about Wish Rumple. I felt for him myself. Of course he caused a lot of problems, but he’s still a version of Rumple - one that would have become our Rumple had the circumstances been different. 
And yeah, Rumple jumping over the table is *something*! I loved the dynamics of the whole scene, to be honest - even the part when Rumple was hurt *now that must sound terrible but I can’t help myself, it was just too damn magnificent* Rumple fighting. Rumple rising again and again. Standing up for himself despite the pain, despite the desparation of never being reunited with Belle (or so he thought). Moving to protect the children while barely being able to walk. Being so brave and amazing that I couldn’t tear me eyes away.
And yes, Wish Rumple just coudn’t help but be distracted by his ‘weaker’ version - after all, why go and kill the kids if you can have an exciting chat about your similarities? :D He WAS lonely indeed - and that totally bought our Rumple the needed time.
Alice and her fathers… aww, you made me feel things with this :( I’m so sad we won’t get any interaction between them anymore. I LOVED every second of those bits we got, but it was still very little for my taste. 
And yes, I like Robert’s Hamish Macbeth as well! <3 Only finished the first season, so two more are ahead of me! 
Oh my, when I posted my feels I never actually thought people would read my ramblings! Thank you so much @z-aliada !!
You’ll totally enjoy Hamish Macbeth, I promise! :)
Alice and two dads was a highlight of S7 for me and I’m really sad we didn’t get much of it...but alas we make do with what we have and I’m glad at least those bits weren’t cut.
And I agree with you...I don’t think I can hate any version of Rumple. And can anyone really blame Wish Rumple? He lost Belle and Bae. He was trapped it that damned cell for years and nobody dared to help him because locking up the Dark One was for everyone’s best interest...never even thinking that underneath the curse was still a man.
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honeylemony · 3 years
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quillwritten · 6 years
thevineslog replied to your post:
This is awesome, but where is the description for the 5th main character “Clive, the wizard that has feet for hands”???
Okay first of all there are already five rebel kids so clive would be the sixth second of all why are you like this i will hurt you
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If I see one more person linking to r/fondanthate I’m gonna McFucking lose it.
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athensgorgia · 3 years
Jealous Gojo x female reader
Summary: Gojo is running all your dates with potential partners. He just doesn't know why yet.
Warnings: Mature language and suggestive themes
Gojo was sitting next to you.  Why the fuck was he sitting next to you.  For the first time in your life you had a date and Gojo decided to tag along.  "Get the fuck out of here before my date gets here or so help me god I will kill you!" you seethed.  Gojo payed your threats no mind flagging down a waiter "I want whatever cake you have.  What about you y/n-chan?" he asks nonchalantly.  "I want you to leave." you say in an exasperated tone.
     "Now, now y/n-chan.  We can't have that now can we?  What if he's a total wierdo?" Gojo insists.  "You're the one who is being wierd!  I didn't even tell you I was on a date!  How did you even know!?" you cried.  "Well when something is really important I make it my business to know what is going on.  Especially when it comes to my little  y/n-chan."  Gojo explains ruffling your done up hair afterwards.  "Ugh, I'm not a little kid anymore you have to start letting me go." you sigh.
     You think you've finally gotten through to Gojo.  He turns to you and sighs.  "That lipstick is so not your color." Gojo scoffs.  Gojo then takes his hand and starts forcibly rubbing his thumb on your lips to remove the makeup.  You Immediately start trying to slap his hand away, but him being the strongest it was no use. 
     Right then your date walks in and finds you and Gojo.  Gojo's hands still resting on your face smearing lipstick everywhere.  You instantly muster all your strength and shove Gojo off of you.  "Hiro, hi it's good to see you!" you greet your date awkwardly.  Hiro puts on a very confused face.  "Hi, who is this y/n" Hiro asks.  "He's nobody and he was just leaving." you insist and give Gojo a face that says 'beat it'. 
     Gojo cracks a sinister smile.  "So Hiro, how much money do you make per year?" Gojo prods.  You go to hit Gojo but your hands just bounce off of him.  Hiro looks very nervous and stays silent.  "I was just wondering what redeeming qualities you have since attractiveness clearly isn't one of them." Gojo prattles on.  Hiro turns to you "Sorry I don't think this is going to work out." Hiro says not even waiting for an excuse and rushes out.
     You place your head in your hands trying to recuperate from the fiasco that just unfolded.  When you look at Gojo he's happily eating his cake not at all ashamed at what he had done.  "Why would you do that?  That's the first time anyone has ever even wanted to ask me out." you say too defeated to yell.  "Oh it's definitely not the first time.  This is just the first time I haven't assessed them beforehand." Gojo states casually continuing to munch on his cake.
     "What!?" you gasp in disbelief.  "Oh you know I've just been really busy so I couldn't get around to it this time." he shrugs.  "Not that stupid the thing you said before!" you seethed.  "I'm not just gonna let anyone date you.  I have to make sure they're good enough for you.  I have to do alot of research.  It's very tiring you know.  You should really thank me.  The least you could do is pay for my cake." Gojo huffs mouth full of cake.
     "Oh my god..." you whimper and run your hands through your hair.  "It makes so much fucking sense." you cry.  "Don't cry over that guy!  He was as interesting as a piece of white bread."  Gojo says with gusto trying to cheer you up.  "FUCK YOU!   I'M GOING TO DIE ALONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" you screech and then storm out.
     "And that's why I need you to date her for me!" Gojo chimes.  Nanami takes a deep breath "I'm not going along with this game of yours." he sighs.  "Aw c'mon!  She's a great girl.  You won't find anyone better than her." Gojo pleads.  "Find someone else it doesn't have to be me." Nanami deflects.  "Yes it does Nanami!  I can only let her date in good conscience if I know the person is good." Gojo insists.  "Find someone else then there are tons of people better than me." Nanami states flatly.
     "No Nanami you're perfect.  You're young, handsome, responsible, make a decent living, and have a nice dick.  I know because I peaked in the urinal." Gojo says proudly.  Nanami was disgusted with Gojo's hidden knowledge and wanted to flee as fast as possible.  "Fine one date." Nanami sighs already regretting his decision.
     Gojo waited outside the door of your apartment and kept banging on the door.  "Hi y/n!  I know you're still mad at me but I have a piece offering!" Gojo announces.  "Go away!  I'm still mad at you!" you yell through the door.  "I can make it up to you!  I got you a date with the best guy I know!" Gojo promises.  You open the door "What!?  When!?" you ask very confused.  "Right now.  Go get ready!" Gojo urges you to hustle.
     You get ready as fast as you can and bolt out the door with Gojo.  The walk there was stressing you out.  You had no idea what kind of person Gojo set you up with all Gojo sad was 'the blond one with glasses'.  On your way there Gojo walked arm in arm with you making sure you didn't trip in your heels and assuring you looked great.
     When you reached the front of the restaurant Gojo pushed you through the door and waved goodbye.  You were nervous, very nervous as you scanned each table to find your blind date.  Till you spotted a serious looking man matching Gojo's description.  You walked over and introduced yourself "Hello I'm y/n l/n.  I think Gojo Satoru set us up together." you said.  The man stood up from his seat and held his hand out for you to shake it.  "I'm Nanami Kento." He says formally as you shake his hand.
     "Have you been waiting long?" you ask genuinely concerned about how long Gojo made Nanami wait.  "I've been waiting two hours, but I know that's not your fault." Nanami replies coolly.  "I'm sorry he's always been like that.  He must have also dragged you here for a date." you apologize.  "No worries.  Your a pretty and polite young woman.  I'm glad he's found someone like you." Nanami says and flashes the ghost of a smile.
     "What do you mean?" you ask not quite sure what Nanami was referring to.  "Gojo's always going on and on about you.  I'm not even sure he realizes how in love with you he is." Nanami chuckles.  "No, he doesn't like me like that.  He's got pretty much all of Japan to choose from if he even wanted a partner." you say trying to shut Nanami down.  "That's precisely why he likes you.  He's just a regular man to you.  You don't care if he's rich or handsome or strong.  With you he can be whatever he wants.  I bet you've even gotten him to share sweets with you." Nanami explains.
     "No.  That can't be." you say more to yourself than to Nanami.  "Yes it is.  He's an extremely busy man but he makes time to spend with you.  Who do you think is always covering for him?" Nanami sighs hoping you'd understand by now.  Nanami looks at his watch "Any moment now he's going to realize his feelings and storm in like the man child he is.  Don't say anything one he walks in just go with it." Nanami says and as if on que Gojo walks in.
     "Date's over Nanami.  I've decided she can do better." Gojo says as he stomps over to your table.  "Why, I really like her.  I'm even considering marrying her one day." Nanami bluffs.  "No, you're not right for her." Gojo hisses and pulls you out of your chair.  Nanami stands up "Then who is?" Nanami prods trying to get Gojo to admit it.  "I am!  She's mine!" Gojo yells and holds you close to his chest causing an even bigger scene in the restaurant.
     Gojo processes what he just said and carries you out of the restaurant.  Suddenly Gojo teleports you somewhere and when you look around you recognize that this is Gojo's appartment.  Gojo says nothing and just continues walking in the direction of his bedroom.  "Gojo slow down!  Where are we going!?" you protest.  Gojo doesn't answer and continues walking to his bedroom's adjoining bathroom.  He sets you down on the counter.
     "Take your makeup off." Gojo demands.  "What?  Why?" you ask desperate for answers.  Gojo doesn't answer he just grabs a wet towel and starts scrubbing your face.  "Ow that hurts!" you protest, but Gojo continues scrubbing your face too hard.  After your makeup is off Gojo smiles and drags you over to his bed.  He pushes you down and straddles your waist.
     "What are you doing!?" you scream.  "Oh c'mon y/n isn't it obvious or do I have to tell you exactly what I'm going to do to you?" Gojo whispers in your ear.  "No!" you yell as you push him off of you with all your strength.  Gojo falls and lands on his butt looking utterly confused.  You gather yourself and begin leaving.  Gojo grabbed your arm to stop you "Wait... please." he said hesitantly.  "Why should I  you just tried to fuck me like some whore?" you hissed.
     Gojo stayed silent gathering what he was about to say "Isn't that just how I make you mine?" he questions.  "No that might work on some people but that's not how you make me yours." you state.  Gojo gives you a dumb stare.  He was utterly shocked.  No one had ever not wanted to sleep with him, and if he couldn't win you over with his body then his personality sure wasn't going to win you over.  Gojo broke into a cold sweat he wanted you like no one he had ever wanted before and for once in his life what he desired was out of his reach.
     He wracked his brain for something people usually wanted from him.  "I know!  You're like Mie Mie!  I'll just give you money!  How much do you want?" Gojo asks cheerfully but he was not joking this time he was dead serious.  You looked at him appalled and continued walking out.  "Wait!  Wait! Wait!" he pleaded desperately.  You only stopped when he got down on his knees in front of you "Please!  Just tell me how I get you to love me!" he begged. 
     You had to admit you liked seeing Gojo beg for you, but now was not the time for that.  You tilted his chin so he was lookingup at you "You promise you love me?" you smiled.  Gojo nodded his head  frantically.  "Then I'll pick you up tomorrow at six?" you winked and left.  Leaving an awestruck Gojo in your wake.
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