#widow carter
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miss-carter · 3 months ago
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MARVEL ONE SHOT: AGENT CARTER (2013) dir. Louis D'Esposito CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (2014) dir. The Russo Brothers CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019) dir. Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
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visually-corrupted · 1 year ago
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by Maca [jayh.sketch]
[based on this book cover]
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captaincartertv · 9 days ago
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“Nat, are you okay?”
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writenkitten · 2 years ago
What iff pegg x nat
El multiverso tiene infinitos  resultados en uno de ellos Natasha Romanov había perdido a todos sus compañeros y Peggy Carter le habían dado el suero del supersoldado en vez de a Steve Roger. Pero lo importante es que ambas se sentían solas antes de una importante batalla contra ultron.
Ya en la base de lo vengadores Nat dejó sus cosas en la habitación que antes era de Tony,  era la unica que tenía agua caliente y un jacuzzi. Aunque sonaba tentador,  prefirió la ducha, se permitió ser desordenada una vez en tantos años y dejó su ropa tirada en el suelo, abrió la ducha y esperó a que el agua caliente se lleve todo el dolor y la pena que sentía en ese momento.  La pérdida de sus amigos, el  ultimo fue Hawkeyes a manos de ultron. Las lagrimas salieron con naturalidad camufladas  con la ducha. Después de unos segundos lloró de verdad. Ese llanto que sale desde adentro del alma. Había perdido a Steve, Tony,  Bruce y por ultimo Clint.. todos le dolieron,  pero Clint fue el ultimo, era como su hermano y se sacrificó para que ella viviera.
Se llevo las manos a la cara y lloró desconsoladamente. El agua caliente no la reconfortaba estaba sola con su dolor.
Sintió de repente que unos brazos la rodeaban y abrazaban. La contenian
Y un susurro en el oído.
-Tranquila Nat, estoy aqui .
Nat no lo podia creer era Peggy, que había entrado a la ducha vestida como estaban solo para apoyarla un poco.
-Te estás mojando...
-No te preocupes por mi,  ven, lloremos juntas. Yo también me siento muy sola.
Peggy la abrazó, Nat se giró para estar frente a ella. El agua las mojaba a ambas solo que a Peggy se le pegaba la ropa al cuerpo descubriendo su marcado fisico 
Nat sólo se dejo abrazar y dejó salir todo su dolor. Pegy cer6ro la ducha y la ayudó a salir, la envolvió en una toalla gigante. Que pequeña se veia en comparacion a la capitana. No quería dormir todavia.
-Te puedo invitar un trago.
-Si claro.
-Se que Tony guardaba sus licores por aqui, Nat busco en uno de los gabinetes y encontró la barra privada de stark,  gracias tony, pensó  y tomó 2 vasos y una botella de vodka. Se sentaron en el suelo Nat sirvió un vaso a cada una y dieron un fondo blanco.
-Gracias por eso.
-De nada, para eso estan las amigas.
-¿Eres mi amiga?
-Si claro.
-Ten toma otro trago.
Peggy aceptó  y lo bebió de un sorbo, Nat lo mismo cuando terminó dejo los vasos a un costado y todavia envuelta en la toalla fue al placar a buscar otra.
-Quitate esa ropa mojada aqui tengo una toalla.
Pegg no quiso sacarse la ropa pero la camisa estaba mojada y se le pegaba al cuerpo virando al transparente,  sus pezones al tomar frío se endurecieron.  Nat lo notó, no podia dejar de mirar lo perfectos pechos de Carter. Sus ojos se encontraron y Nat se sonrojó. 
-Me crecieron con el suero. Hubieron efectos secundarios inesperados.
-Es que son muy bellos.
-Gracias  Nat.
-Dejame que te ayude a sacarte ...
Nat empezó a desabrochar los botones de la camisa de Carter, sentía su roce acelerar el corazón de ambas, deslizó suave por sus brazos la camisa  dejando al descubierto su enagua, uno de los brereles se deslizó por su hombro y las gotas de agua que caían de su cabello golpeaban en el hombro de Carter y se bajaban por entre sus pechos tentadores.  Nat tuvo la necesidad de secarle esas gotas acercandose más, casi pidiendo permiso, secó el cabello tan cerca de su cuerpo que quiso quedarse alli. Aspiro su aroma. Era tan delicioso.
-Nat puedo terminar sola.
Y deposito sus labios sobre Peggy. Sus bocas hacian mucho tiempo que no besaban a nadie pero recordaban muy bien como hacerlo.
Nat se recosto sobre Peggy que quedo boca arriba sobre la alfombra.  La besaba hasta que el deseo le ganó y deslizó  su mano al pecho de Peggy.
Lo acariciaba y pellizcaba con precision.
-O Peggt, déjame probarlos.
-Soy tuya Nat. Pero...
No pudo terminar de hablar que Natasha ya rodeaba sus pezones con la lengua. La hacia jadear del placer.
Los pechos de Carter eran redondos y firmes sus pezones reactivos al tacto se ponian duros en la lengua de Nat. Deslizo su mano por debajo de la falda de Carter,  pero la capitana se incorporo.
-Te voy a hacer gemir.
Se sentó, la levantó y la colocó en el borde de la cama. La hizo recostar recorrió su cuerpo acariciandola, puso su mano en la boca de Nat y la otra en su pecho.
-Hazlo por favor, quiero ser tuya.
Carter abrio la toalla que rodeaba su cuerpo y dejo su pequeño pubis al descubierto acercó su rostro para olerla y de su monte de venus empezo a lamerlo. Primero en las capa externas donde abrió, Nat soltaba pequeños gritos de placer, la lengua de Carter se acercana a su clitoris hasta que lo encontró,  lo lamió arriba y abajo y a su alrededor haciéndola estemecer de placer.
Le dio una pausa del placer solo para seguir acariciando su pubis y descubrir sus puntos mas sensibles. Con sus dedos recorria el interior de Nat suave y su lengua recorria el clitoris.
Nat corcoveaba del placer.
-Ven a qui quiero sentirte contra mi cuerpo.
-Nat, en realidad tengo un problema.
-Se incorporó
-¿Que sucede?
Carter se paró y debajo de su falda pegado a la tela mojada aparecia un gran miembro masculino.
-Son los efectos secundarios que ..
Nat no la dejo terminar de hablar que levanto su falda, le sacó la ropa interior y entre sus portaliga comenzó a besar el miembro de Pegg.
Natasha se arrodilló delante de Peggy solo queria satisfacerla. Metía el miembro de peggy cada vez mas adentro de su boca y con su mano exploró la zona y encontró que tambein tenía vagina. Se sorprendió. 
- ¿Que es esto?
-Cuando me excito me sale pero el resto soy mujer... disculpa.
- Es perfecto.
Nat embistió más profundo dentro de su boca pero esta vez tambien se dedido a acariciar el interior de Carter.  Masajeaba placenteramente su vagina mientras chupaba su miembro. 
Carter no podia resistir más era demasiado placer y exploto dento de Nat.
Pese a terminar el miembro seguía duro y firme. Incluso mas.
-Peg tomame, quiero sentirte dentro.
Nat se acomodo en la cama de frente a Pegg. Que se subio encima. Abrió las piernas de Nat buscando su humedad se acomodó y subió una pierna de Nat para poder penetrarla mejor. Nat la envolvió con la otra pierna y ya estaba dentro de ella.
-Nat es mi primera vez.
-La mia también cariño, nunca antes estuve con alguien cómo tu. Créeme que casi que me quiero arrepentir.
Peggy entro en Nat que gritó. 
-O por dios es enorme Pegg.
Peg podia sentir como el interiro de Nat la comprimia y se sentia demasiado bien. Volvio a empujar pero más despacio, la miró Nat  que le devolvió una mirada de aprobacion y siguio con ese ritmo e intensidad por unos minutos. Nat gritaba del placer, Pegg sentia electicidad en todo su cuerpo. Sentia que acababa en cualquier momento pero queria hacerla acabar primero a Nat que ya escurría sus jugos
Al verla tan deseosa empezó a embestirla más fuerte y profundo. Aceleró el ritmo. Vio la cara de satisfaccion de Nat y siguió aumentando el ritmo al mismo tiempo que los gritos de lujuria de Nat.
-No pares, dámelo todo Pegg. Hasta el fondo.
Pegg obedeció a Nat la embestía de manera rápida y profunda casi bestial. Y violenta. Hasta que escucho el grito de Nat y acabaron juntas. Pegg sintio un temblor en todo su cuerpo y se desplomó al lado de Natasha. Esta vez si su miembro se achico hasta parecer su clitoris.
Nat quedo extasiada del placer a su lado.
- Disculpa no te quería  hacer daño.
- Querida lo que menos hiciste fue daño. Ha sido el mejor sexo de mi vida.
Pegg se reia.
- Estuve demasiado tiempo en otra dimensión que casi me olvido cómo se hace.
-No te preocupes, tengo algunas ideas en cuanto me recupere.
El sueño se apoderó de Peggy que cerró los ojos  para descansar.
Despertó con las manos de Nat sobre sus pechos pellizcando sus pezones  y la lengua en su pubis.
-¿Qué haces?
-devolverte el placer.
Y hundio su lengua en su zona más sensible. La movía de un lado a otro y alrededor de su clitoris. Bajo sus manos para explorar bien la zona y ayudarla con su juguete.
Prendió el estimulador y se lo pasó por la entrada de la vagina mientras le dedicaba besos y lamidas a su clitoris. De repente se puso duro y empezo a crecer.
Ya podia meterselo por conpleto en la boca mientras introducia el estimulador. Se detuvo para acomodarse, giro su cuerpo dejandole su parte cerca de sus labios.
-Ahora quiero que tambien lamas mi interior. Acabaremos juntas.
-De acuerdo pero dame ese juguete, quiero ver como reaccionas con el.
Nat le paso el estimulador ya frente a los labios de Pegg abrió el pubis de Nat y comenzó a lamer su interior, Nat dejó de chuparla sólo para gemir. Pegg entendió como usar el estimulador y mientars lamia su clitoris lo colocaba en su interior le costaba concentarse ya que la boca de Nat estaba en su clitoris crecido como pene. Y Nat embestia con su boca muy profundo.
La lengua de Carter dentro de Nat junto al estimulador y la boca de Nat dentro del miembro de carter no tardaron  mucho en terminar juntas de nuevo.  Lo increíble era qué el miembro de Peggy no cedia. Se mantenía duro.
Nat con el estimulador dentro se puso en 4 patas.
-Ven Peggy entra por detras, quiero sentirla.
Algo se apodero de Peggy que de inmediato estaba colocada detrás de Nat, abriendo su entrada posterior.  Y entrando de a poco.
-Espera un segundo.
Volvió a prender el estimulador en su vagina.
-Ahora si , dame  duro Pegg
Carter no tuvo piedad cumplió con el pedido de la pelirroja muy precisa.
Las embestidas eran profunda,  Nat gritaba en cada una  y temblaba. Pegg tuvo qué sostenerla de la cadera y empujarla hacia adentro Nat se desplomó sobre la cama, busco una almohada para seguir.
Peggy sentia demasiado bien porque al entrar en Nat sentia también las vibraciones del estimualdor y la hacia acabar cada vez que estaba dentro. Unas cuantas embestidas mas y en la ultima la dejó adentro unos segundos más, sintiendo como tenía un orgasmo tras otro entre el interior de Nat con las vibraciones.
Al fin se separaron. Y quedo acostada a su lado.
-Pegg a partir de ahora eres mi compañera favorita.
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critter-of-habit · 9 months ago
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What If : Infinity War
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youronebraincell · 1 year ago
Fury: Why the hell are Carter and Romanoff not answering their comms?
Peggy and Natasha somewhere after the mission:
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avengerscompound · 7 months ago
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Captain America: Civil War
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musenilla · 1 year ago
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‘In no universe are we fated to be together.’ 
Yes i DONT wanna talk about the s2 finale,, bUT lets just all pretend that their flirting got to their happy ending. Im coping okay 😭
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atwellfilm · 1 year ago
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What If...? – Episode 05x2
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maggotmommy · 1 year ago
all i wanted - paramore is so peggynat coded tbh. marvel has made it so painfully obvious that natasha is in love with her
but will marvel actually explore their chemistry? no. why? because it's marvel.
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poor girl is absolutely heartbroken
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miss-carter · 6 months ago
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AGENT CARTER | (2015-2016) dir. Louis D'Esposito BLACK WIDOW | (2021) dir. Cate Shortland
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amanda13parker · 1 year ago
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Peggy and Nat Reunion Let's not take the SCENIC route back, Peggy!! There's a smol angry Russian who is worried sick over her Hunk of Brit back home. For Lord's sake, woman...
As always, please leave a comment or reblog. I adore reading and replying to everyone here 😊 Helps combat the depression.
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captaincartertv · 7 days ago
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Peggy wasn't a movie fan, but Natasha made her watch several movies
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cece693 · 6 months ago
We Belong Together (DARK! Steve Rogers x M! Reader)
Just something that came to mind and couldn't help but write it. Please tell me if you like this style of writing more or prefer my original one. Thanx for reading!
Summary: Dating Steve Rogers was more difficult than you'd imagined. He was a man riddled with insecurities and, unfortunately, this affected your relationship.
tags: dark Steve Rogers, manipulation, the Avengers are no help, toxic relationship, not Steve friendly, gaslighting, no happy ending and ambiguous ending
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Your relationship with Steve was rocky, to say the least. And you know it sounded stupid because you're dating Captain America, the epitope of male perfection and respect, but you weren't dating him. You were dating Steve Rogers, the man who was always beaten to a pulp behind alleyways before the serum took over. The man who did everything to fit in, but was neglected due to his health problems and scrawny appearance. And in a way, you sympathized with Steve—he was still the boy seeking acceptance from everyone, and you, who he'd let into his heart after the whole Peggy fiasco, couldn't desert him. But there was a line between what you would label as love and obsession.
It would be fine if Steve wanted to spend each weekend lazing about in bed, arms wrapped around you, not wanting to let you even use the bathroom, but it was another story if he had your location turned on and was texting you hurtful messages implying infidelity. You'd let it pass one time, but when it became a routine, and Steve became more suffocating to be around, you realized you'd fucked up. No breakup was easy, but when you're doing it to Steve Rogers, a man who was known for his determination and unwillingness to change his mind, it would be near impossible.
With his job as a full-time Avenger, there was never a good time for you to sit down and talk to Steve. He was either tired or stressed, with the latter making you squeamish to even interact with. No Steve was pleasant to deal with, as of late, but a stressed Steve was walking into enemy ground. If the damage to the punching bags was any indication. However, it seems whatever God above favored you when your boyfriend announced he'd asked for a week off to spend it with you. His smile was genuine, but you noted the strange twinkle in his eyes when he casually noted that it would be your anniversary.
"Who knows what surprise I have in store for you." He said, but those words, said with so much innocence had you fretting. You hated to do it, but it seemed you'd be breaking up with him before his plan could come to fruition.
"Steve, about that..." You trailed off, looking away from him to gain courage, but found none. "I don't think we're working out. I want to break up." There, you said internally, just like ripping off a bandaid. You risked looking up at Steve and instantly regretted it. He had a look of silent fury and violence??? but then it washed over with indifference. You expected yelling, even begging, but silence stung more. "I'm sorry, but I..." How would you broach the topic of his toxicity without sounding like a total asshole?
"Is there someone else?" Steve interrupted, quite rudely. He tilted his head, mind racing with every person who'd ever interacted with you. Who had convoluted your mind into breaking up with him? If there was another man, Steve would make them regret their existence. Taking what wasn't theirs to begin with. "Is it Thomas? I knew he wasn't just a friend."
"No!" You shouted, hurt by the implication. Thomas was a co-worker who you befriended—he was like a brother to you, nothing more, nothing less. "This is part of the problem, Steve. You think I always cheat, making me feel stupid for overreacting to your jealousy when it's unhealthy as hell."
"But you always seem so close to everyone else." Your ex replied, his voice wavering between anger and insecurity. "How am I supposed to feel when I see you laughing and talking with Thomas like that?"
You shook your head, frustration boiling over. "How are you supposed to feel?! You're supposed to trust me, Steve! You're supposed to know that if I'm with you, it's because I chose you. But you keep pushing me away with all this suspicion. It's exhausting."
Steve clenched his fists, struggling to find the words. "I only act this way because I care about you, because I don't want to lose you. You know how much I love you. If I didn't care so much, I wouldn't be jealous." He knew it was a stupid reason, but Steve was desperate. He wouldn't lose you over something he had no control over. Didn't you know how handsome, pretty, and unique you truly were? Didn't you see the hungry stares people throw your way? It was Steve's duty as a boyfriend to show them you were taken; his completely.
"That's another thing, Steve! You alienating me from my friends and co-workers."
Steve's face twisted in frustration. "So, what? I should just sit back and let whomever get close to you?"
"I can't control everyone's actions, Steve! Don't try to guilt trip me into thinking your behavior is normal...it isn't. Your reaction just reaffirms my decision." Not wanting to face your ex any longer, you stood up from the table and headed to the door. After all, this was Steve's apartment, and as much as he tried to encourage you to move in, right now you were grateful you stood your ground. But not even before your hand touched the doorknob, Steve's whimpers sounded behind you.
Steve panicked seeing you near the door. You had to understand—he never meant to make you angry, he just loves you so much that perhaps his behavior did come off as overbearing. But this was for your own good, Steve thought, you were too naive, too trusting of people who would only take advantage of you. With tears in his eyes, Steve began to whimper and make himself look half his size. "I'm sorry. I'll change, I promise, but please don't leave me. I love you."
It irked Steve that you didn't face him, but when he saw you pause, his heart rejoiced. Just for it to quickly fall again when you did open the door and told him you couldn't do this anymore. Unable to do anything as you finally closed the door, leaving him alone, Steve's anger made an appearance. Grabbing the closest thing to him, he flung it to the wall and continued to do so until every single item in his living room lay in thousands of tiny little pieces.
You're acting irrationally, Steve told himself. You'll soon come to realize the grave mistake you are making. I'm the only one who could protect and love you. I'll give you space to calm down, and then, perhaps you can understand me.
A week had passed since you'd broken up with Steve, and the man wasn't taking the news well. He believed you would've crumbled and ran back into his arms once the day ended, but when you hadn't called, much less answered his messages, the man grew furious. How dare you block his number and change the locks on your door? Did you have a visitor over, taking advantage of his absence to fuck whomever you desired? Didn't he mean anything to you? The week's absence had made Steve spiral out of control.
The reasonable part of him told him to move on, respect your wishes, and cease contact, but this was you. You weren't replaceable to Steve, oh no, he would make you stand by his side until death do part. Didn't you see you guys were meant to be? It also probably didn't help that the Avengers took his side and began feeding into Steve's delusions.
"I don't get it, man. You treat him right and love him unconditionally. How could he break your heart?" Was Tony's response once he heard of your relationship status. "He's dumb to break things off. I can only hope my relationship with Pepper is as strong as yours." Yeah, Tony wasn't really a help in calming Steve down.
Meanwhile, you were picking up the pieces of your life. Reconnecting with friends Steve had frightened off and taking a much-needed vacation from New York. You couldn't escape Steve when he was a public image—Captain America basically ruled over New York and had a place in people's hearts.
Sitting down at the little cabin you rented for the month, you sipped on your coffee and rethought your plans. Initially, you wanted to just start anew in New York, forget about Steve, and continue living your life, but that was thrown out the window. You could sense eyes wherever you went after breaking things off with Steve, and you might be crazy for saying such a thing, but you knew Steve. Knew he would pull strings to keep in contact and have an eye on you.
It also wasn't unreasonable to make such a connection when Steve was the leader of the Avengers—a team of superheroes with varying skills and resources. So your original plan of staying turned into you seeking residence as far away from the U.S. as possible. Yet, when you believe you've found the perfect place, something gets in the way—your bank is unable to transfer funds, the listing immediately reads as sold, the realtor not answering your calls. Every hindrance only makes you come to the same conclusion—Steve.
Yelling when the mug shattered in your hand, hot coffee burning your skin, you realized you weren’t alone. The front door of the cabin was closed, but standing next to it was Steve. The nearby lamp cast a dim, flickering light over his figure, highlighting his state of disarray. His once clean-cut appearance was gone, replaced by stubble, messy hair, and a simple t-shirt with jeans that looked like they’d been slept in. "Get out." You hissed, but the man only stepped closer, frightening you. "Get out! I don't want anything to do with you."
"I tried to be nice, and give you space, but nothing works." Steve said, ignoring your wishes as he advanced toward you. For every step he took, you stepped back twice. You couldn't help but fear for your safety when Steve disregarded your wishes and had this glint of madness in his eyes. "I need you. Can't you see that?"
Your back hit the wall, trapping you as Steve loomed closer. You never took your eyes off him, every nerve in your body screaming for you to escape, but there was nowhere left to go. "Steve, please." you begged, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation. "You're scaring me. This isn't love."
Steve’s hand reached out, brushing against your cheek in a gesture that once might have been tender, but now only filled you with dread. "You’ll see, in time. You’ll remember how good we were together. You just need to stop fighting it."
Before you could react, Steve's hand shot out, gripping your chin with a force that made you wince. In a flash, he pulled you closer and crushed his lips against yours, his kiss bruising and possessive. You struggled against him, trying to push him away, but his arms were too strong, locking you in place as he held you tightly.
Your mind raced, panic surging through you as you fought to break free. This was not the man you once cared for; this was someone consumed by a twisted obsession, willing to do anything to keep you. Tears welled in your eyes as you clawed at his arms, desperate for air, desperate to escape.
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critter-of-habit · 1 year ago
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Peggynat / What If...? sketchdump 🙌
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youronebraincell · 1 year ago
Natasha while Steve and Peggy have a reunion
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Natasha when her mother told her girlfriend that she wanted to kiss, kill or dissect her
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Melina squaring up with her daughter after she knocked out all the other widows
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The watcher when The watcher when
Peggy and Nat Peggy disappears
have a moment out of thin air
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