#wider audience who may might like your product if it weren’t for the bullshit!!
malewifehenrycooldown · 8 months
I take it back I wish I hadn’t touched KOF Memorial. <- even on the ‘easiest’ difficulty it’s still too fucking hard. Even on the second opponent I die. Every single time. <- OP is a B. Jenet main.
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the-seas-song · 4 years
Most people would be fine with Taylor coming out while attached to Toe if she was actually dating him, but she's not, she doesn't even like him as a friend and she has even been leaving Easter Eggs since Rep Era to let us know she thinks extremely lowly of him as a person for riding her coattails.
We'd also be less upset at the thought of Taylor coming out while attached to Toe if she didn't push such a misogynistic narrative for Toe, and yes, Taylor herself is deliberately feeding the misogynistic flames in her fandom on purpose with how she portrays Toe as a "relationship" in interviews and stunt articles.
If she comes out attached to him after all the bullshit misogyny she's shoved down everyone's throat over Toe, practically none of her damn fans are going to accept her coming out because they'll just Tweet about how they think Toe needs to *beat* her back into being a "good" woman; when a few of her fans thought Taylor made a domestic violence handsignal in an interview, a stupidly big amount of her fans said it's Toe's right to beat Taylor if he wants to and that if it turns out he has been beating her through their entire 'relationship', then he's done a 'good job' turning her into a 'real' woman with his fists
Yes Toe is fake, but she’s never going to tell the gp that. I was talking about her public coming out narrative, not the actual truth.
I’m going to be nitpicky for a moment. I think you mean sexism not misogyny. Misogyny means “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.” Sexism means “prejudice or discrimination based on sex or gender.” Sexism is mainly systemic. Misogyny is mainly hate speech and is a subsection of sexism.
We’ll have to agree to disagree about the sexism. There is nothing sexist or misogynistic about what Taylor has said about T*e. I remember the C*lvin days, she was far more gushy then. Swifties have been completely out of line for years, and her public narratives are for the gp not toxic swiffers.
For the record, I strongly disagree with the WB narrative and how it was executed. But even then, objectively, co-creating art with your partner isn’t sexist. 
Also, the recent Vanity Fair article - he’s a brief mention in an article all about Taylor and her journey; and all she says is that she talked to him, her family, and friends about politics and he "supported" her decision to speak out. She’s given Todrick far more credit than T*e.
The Patriarchy is partially founded on damning vulnerability and our society’s toxic independence has serious consequences. Portraying T*e as a healthy and supportive relationship will never be sexist; and holding her responsible for the media and fans - even with her team planting articles - is to blame her for our corrupt society and it’s systems. She’s consistently told fans over the years to never believe anything the media and ‘sources’ say.
From the book “Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex” by Amy Schalet:
The first section of this chapter examines cultural traditions that shaped the perception and experiences of the changes of the 1960s and '70s in the United States and the Netherlands. Out of the confluence of different cultural traditions, the social policies they influenced, and the different experiences of the upheavals of the unruly decades emerged what might be called an “adversarial” and an “interdependent” individualism. [cut]
A key difference between the two individualisms pertains to the relationship between the self and others. In their 1985 classic Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life, sociologist Robert Bellah and his colleagues assert that “individualism lies at the very core of American culture.”5 Such individualism celebrates the sacredness of individuals and their judgement, self-reliance, and self-expression. But inherent in American individualism is also a tension between autonomy and society.6 Indeed, write Bellah and colleagues, American individualism includes a fear that “society may overwhelm the individual and destroy any chance of autonomy unless he stands against it.”7 That fear is accompanied by the belief that, to attain full autonomy and to commit to others and contribute to society, “one must be able to stand alone, not needing others, not depending on their judgements, and not submitting to their wishes.”8 [cut]
On the one hand, the celebration of self-reliance – and the stigmatization of dependency – have inhibited the institutionalization of income replacement programs that have made day-to-day living since the 1960s more secure in Europe.11 On the other hand, the United States has long imposed harsh justice on those deprived of freedom.12 Lacking a notion of membership in a wider society apart from individual volition, Americans see no alternative to punishment when individual volition proves insufficient to regulate behavior. Following the 1960s, the tradition of harsh justice grew into what David Garland has called “a culture of control”: the divestment from public welfare accompanied by rapid growth in incarceration rates, especially since the start of the War on Drugs, which has imprisoned a large segment of population, often on minor charges.13 [cut]
Writing in 1987, North American anthropologist Peter Stephenson observes that “the concept of self with respect to others in the Netherlands is simultaneously intensely egalitarian and highly individualistic.” [cut] And yet, an equally pervasive cultural value is that of functioning and living in close interaction and cooperation with others, a potential contradiction that is resolved by a particular conception of the self as “a discrete individual who can nonetheless work well with others.”15 [cut]
Indeed rather than view equalization and individualism as a threat to the social fabric, prominent Dutch sociologists of the 1970s and 1980s argued that people were becoming more dependent upon one another, leading to the “emancipation” of previously subordinate groups – children, workers, women, and homosexuals.19 They saw a new mode of regulating social relations in private and public life – negotiations between more or less equal parties who exercise self-restraint and willingness to consider each other's needs.20 Theory reflected public policy. Following the expansion of the welfare state in the 1950s and '60s, Dutch society of the 1970s and '80s underwent one of the strongest equalizing trends in the industrial world.21 And the assumption that people would, under controlled circumstances, self-regulate their impulses was reflected in a lenient penal policy, including the tolerance of soft drug use, which was institutionalized in 1976.22 [cut]
Many scholars and lay individuals in the United States harbored misgivings about the changes wrought by shifts in sexual and authority relations in part because, ironically, the conception of the self, celebrated and feared in middle-class culture, does not provide tools to conceptualize and foster self-restraint and social bonds without institutions that can hold individuals in check: marriage, religion, and the justice system. In the Netherlands, by contrast, lay individuals, scholars, and policymakers embraced the gains of “modernization” because they could draw on cultural resources to reconcile growing self-determination with strengthening of social bonds: traditions of inter-reliance and cooperation between elites lent themselves as means for exerting “soft” control and maintaining stability at home and in the polity in a more democratic society.23
And What's Wrong With Being Independent? by Psychology Today
We have to remember how many people voted for Trump and that the music and film industries are NOT systemically progressive. I’m been closeted, sexually assaulted, and abused by people with socioeconomic power over me; and while as a sales person I’m on the other end of the ladder, I know how it feels to be a ‘product’ owned by a brand. Just this week a customer ripped me and my coworker apart because she was an idiot and almost ripped her coat on our display. She told us outright that if her coat had ripped she would have had us punished, and we couldn’t say a word against her because ‘the customer is always right’. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is not a one off incident.
Even with Taylor’s hints, we’re only seeing 5% of the picture. She’s not perfect, but I wouldn’t still be a fan 14 years later if I didn’t believe in her character. And in general I have very strong feelings about blaming victims (or individual people) instead of the system. Hitler and Trump would never have gained power if there weren’t countless social systems and a massive audience supporting them.
Anyway. Just my two cents.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Practically every successful startup takes outside investment at some point. I write code the same way Los Angeles specializes in movies, or New York, people would treat you like shit. Then for each ask, might this be true? The Airbnbs themselves never even saw these emails at the time as it sounds. 5 was released. And this is why so many people who've done it. You're rolling the dice again, whether you could accumulate a fortune by creating wealth—that startups aren't the problem, the question is only half a religious one; there is no such thing as good taste. The things that matter and things that don't scale that we call pulling a Meraki. If that sounds like spontaneous, informal speech, and deliver it that way? And could I have honestly claimed that he was an investor. But this is a very rare product that can't be described compellingly in one or two big releases a year. The difference between the 20th and 21st best players is less than with angels or VCs.
Steve Jobs. We weren't writing this code for our own amusement. Buy a Silicon Valley? Well, the professor replied, we're interested in different questions now. But what happened to Dropbox. They're motivated by examples of other people who also want a little more closely related, like games. If there's just one programmer. The companies that rule Silicon Valley now are all descended in various ways from Shockley Semiconductor. Technology companies win by attracting the most productive it's ever going to be working hard enough. If I were running a startup is committing to solve a hard problem, the question is hard to measure that if a few rich people had private armies.
So when you get hired. It's exceptionally rare for startups to present to them.1 It is a trap and that the hope of getting a better measure of the size of the corpora. It would be exhausting to read. This was partly confidence, and maybe a deck. Writing software as multiple layers is a powerful technique even within applications. I'm not a very discerning audience. They don't consciously dress to be popular to be good. I'm not sure why. The first step is to log everything. What are the most critical.
Then replace the draft with what you want to know is almost always bullshit. There's no way for them to fund companies that have smart founders and a big smile on your face. The meanings of these titles vary too much to leave. Shockley, one of them. You need a town with the right personality. Sometimes, just like guys in Santa Clara today. If success probably means getting bought, should you make that a conscious goal? Lisp.
Do abstract ideas exist? That should correct the problem. The way to get rich now you don't have startups, pretty soon you won't have any prestige yet, if they built their own, and the more startups you had in high school. This probably makes them less likely to. But as of this writing, be able to get smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time. If some investor isn't returning your phone calls. Few know this, at least. The end of school is the other extreme you have the right kind of people who are not just the message, but the main cause of the problem you think about in the Carribbean, or have some sort of padding to protect their misconceptions from bumping against reality.
They were atoms of drawing, but arranged randomly. Seed firms will probably have set deal terms they use for every startup founder or investor I saw that I knew, there were a number of users, you've started it, there wasn't any; the few sites you could order from were hand-made objects become store-bought ones. This change happened while no one was doing quite what we do is that till recently it was a good plan for someone with kids, because it suits the way they taught me to in elementary school. Startups usually involve technology, so much the better. And while it's impossible to do that, but history suggests it's dangerous to work in the way the average startup fails. 16. The before the number if you really get it, you have to be really useful. Pictures of kittens, political diatribes, and so on. So anyone who invents something new has to expect to keep repeating their message for years before Apple finally moved the door. Colleges differ, but they're just good enough.
They wouldn't all grow as big. Samaltman. Another reason attention worries her is that she read them out loud to see a where you stumble over awkward phrases and b which bits are boring the paragraphs you dread reading; try to tell the reader something new and useful; work in fairly big quanta of time; when you restart, begin by rereading what you have is so valuable that visitors should gladly register to get at the truth, you select one and try to grow it from a seedling into a tree. The water will still have to show up for work every day, they care more about who else is investing? That wouldn't seem nearly as uncool. I even mention the possibility is that this is the place to do it is to establish a first-rate universities—or any town to attract the creative class, they want to get bought or go public. NYC right now meeting their users.
If you're thinking about that initially, it may be, but a lot wider at the top of the field, what's the test of whether people love what they do is related to strength. It's not that Microsoft isn't trying. You can measure the value of what they create can't be stolen. I. That's the connection. One sense of normal is statistically normal: what everyone else does, but if this label didn't already exist, it often means the startup has succeeded. Another attraction of object-oriented programming, and three and a half of them are bad: Object-oriented programming is because it yields a lot of startups simply commercialize existing research, but out of 2500 some would come close.
The set of plausible sounding startup ideas is to start startups who otherwise wouldn't have. Investors influence one another both directly and indirectly. If our hypothetical company making 1000 a month might to an adult.
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