#whys he so cunty in this
nolassolace · 2 months
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We're so back
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k1rby-enjoyer · 1 month
changbin imitating him is sending me so bad LMAO
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crunchchute · 9 months
willy wearing those new year glasses except it’s 2014 ones bc they ran out of 2024…
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sorry this is not quite the pizza you ordered But im working with a timeline here. so i went back in time 10 years. happy new year 2004
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emilyarmstrongs · 2 months
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🎵 3-6-5, party girl 🎵
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thebramblewood · 2 months
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Everyone say congratulations to the new uncle! Thank you @itcrescentcrow for your lovely Veronica Aurelius, whose story inspired me to have Vlad start a vampire family of his own (for entirely unspiteful reasons, I'm sure).
P.S. Join the fan club if you haven't already!
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Caleb: [startled] Jesus Christ!
Vlad: [wryly] Guess again. I couldn’t help noticing you’ve acquired a new… houseguest. That girl is freshly turned. She has all the grace of a newborn colt. Your sister’s latest plaything, I presume?
Caleb: How many times have I told you I’m not interested in indulging your desire for gossip? Anyone with a modicum of social grace would have taken the hint by now.
Vlad: [continues, unruffled] The curious thing is I’ve seen her before, the girl, at your insipid little gathering of hedonists in the spring. Her cheeks were much rosier then, as I recall. I’m surprised Lilith offered her the dark gift so soon — or at all. Does she not expect to grow bored of this one? Or, I wonder, did something not go precisely according to plan?
Caleb: [defensively] Lilith didn’t turn her. She nearly killed her. I did it to save her life.
Vlad: [amused] Always the humanitarian, you — though it is strange you would choose to burden another with an existence you clearly detest. But I must admit I’m impressed. I wasn’t sure you had it in you. Frankly, I rather thought you’d be dead or driven to madness by now. [sighs stagily] At any rate, I wish you luck. If you’re hoping to raise her in your image, you’ll need it. I can’t imagine Lilith will surrender her easily. Alas, I must go. There are other matters-
Veronica: [snarls aggressively]
Caleb: Who are you?
Vlad: Manners, darling.
Veronica: Sorry, Uncle Vlad. My dinner almost got away from me.
Vlad: [strangely paternalistic] Isn’t she a marvel?
Caleb: Uncle Vlad?
Vlad: This is my niece, Veronica. Well, cousin several times removed, but that’s such a mouthful. I’ve been trying to introduce her for some time.
Caleb: I must have mistaken that for your usual garden variety creeping.
Vlad: We have a common ancestor in my maker, though the bloodlines diverged centuries ago and hers was thought to be quite diluted. You see, after generations of tamping down their vampiric nature, their powers had largely grown dormant. But Veronica is special. She tells me her dreams led her to me. Can you believe it? [chuckles] I haven’t dreamed since I was mortal. At any rate, I’ve taken her under my wing. I have much to teach her, and she is an eager pupil.
Caleb: Good… for you.
Lilith, looking out on them from the window: He has a WHAT?!?
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sardonycal · 3 months
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i admit this isnt the best character design, possibly the plainest out of every one ive designed so far but i kinda just went with the idea that, after all, king orange is just a regular guy and father.
that or i just designed king from dj's likeness. LMAO
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genericb34ns · 5 months
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My friend rambled about this guy and I have decided to draw him
My take on this guy is: Omg hes so cunty slay princess pussy bitch king boyboss slay
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BONUS: Co workers doing co worky things
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venusasnb · 1 year
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got his masters in cuntology and mothering studies from the servington university a member of slayana league or whatever
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peteytheparrot · 7 days
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Dogman books/fandom entirely summed up with this one image
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flamie-42 · 7 months
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to-shards-you-say · 9 months
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rashek... girl...
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frootloopsl · 7 days
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artsy-fran · 4 months
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grandpa ate my dad
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humbugtrack3 · 2 months
been spending today thinking about this total princess
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Can your fave serve cunt? Because mine can 🤷🏻‍♀️
posting it here bc ik tiktok has beef with me and won’t let this edit at least get 10 likes bro
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qwertysblues · 2 months
i really admire fc yee and rola chang bcos they really said kavik?? he’s here to serve cunt and simp for yangchen☝️and i think that’s beautiful
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