#why? because im trans and aro-spec and i said so
shootingsun · 2 years
This is your local reminder that Beyond Birthday is genderfluid and aro-spec <333
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hello hello, I know it's been A While since you posted this, but I would love to hear you talk about music (if you want to of course). I need more punk music and folk music and punk-folk music in my life SO badly. It just hits different, you know?
!! feel free to hit me up anytime !!!!
ok so my experience is mainly from the uk, and im a second gen punk, i have refrenced a few times growing up in that scene so thats just a disclaimer
so punk: originated in the uk as a anti establishment movement, as counter culture, and its still going!
a common punk and folk tradition is songs taking the piss: songs told from the point of veiw of the rats in charge, and laying bare just how awful thay are, so if a song sounds dogy give it a second listen, theres a certain voice that you will learn means there taking the piss
my punk band recomendations:
the partisans : a great band, my favorite album is their self titled one, and its one of my favorites ever! their good old yelling about the goverment and cops sukcing, with other comentery, alot of anti war aswell and just genral good songs to yell along with.
you cant go wrong with x-ray specs an awsome band, oh bondage up yours and i am a poser are classics for a reason,
crass is another classic, the chorus of big a little as was a nursery ryhme to me, and bloody revolutions teaches you more about how shit that idea is that 10000 words of litritcher (im a big believer in music as a radicalizing force, one that can educate and inform) systemstic death is great aswell.
another punk band is AOS3, the ones i know are battle of Trafalgar, jungle out there, to dream the impossible dream and wheres the real country gone, they are all epic.
now i will have to diverge to the great genre of post punk, mainly characterized by being able to hear the words and being slower, they can be nihilistic, but are great in there own right, and are good for people who love punk but cant deal with the loud noise.
it rose out of punk, because as mutch as i wish it could go on forever, people burn out, are sent to sites, your older and you cant sing like you used to.
the zounds the best band ever in my opinion, the curse of the zounds is the soundtrack of my preteen angst, and is a banger, did he jump being 8 minuits of reflection and anger at sociey and its roles, listen to it, its trans as fuck, demystification speaks of wanting to understand, knife talks about wanting to be more than a subculture, speaking to the burnt out people that just want to go home, true love is the aro anthem in my heart, dirty squaters is great, this land is a post punk retelling of woodys tichilar song of teh same name, and is an anthem of its own, new band speaks to the everchangig music industry... its a great album, listen to it
and the new(er) album the redemption of the zounds another banger, cry genie cry is a masterpice, and damage is amazing, listen to it to.
an honourble mention to this land- single version which is even better
joy divisions album unknown pleasures is another amazing album, and broke the taboo of using synthesizers
on to folkpunk,
folk punk is two communitys based around protest and protest music that looked at eachother and said we aint to differnt. and then made some banging music. theres a reason alot of hippies went punk, and why alot of travelers are both, there two sides of the same coin. my main expericnce is form a festival i go to, whitch is old punks, hippies, and travelers, and some romani. the melding post of music is glorious to behold!
no better example is jay terrestrial and his two bands, firepit collective a folk and bluegrass band, and inner terrestrials a punk/folk/dub band, one of the best gigs of my life was the inner terrestrials playing a acoustic set. its showed how folk and punk are on a sliding scale, and its all good music, tales of terror and heart of the free are both amazing, but so is there whole discography
sidenote here: alsmost all of the bands i will be talking about are british, so they deal with british politics, alot of them with nature and mother nature, a bunch of white men yelling about freeing the land can come across as bad to americans, but different politics are at play here.
for other folk punk bands i dont have mutch, but look around and im sure u will find more
so! onto folk, ive mentioned firepit collective before, and there great, they have more songs but to the lost is the only album they have put out, its still an amzing album and i love its so mutch
another great folk band (i swear i have some that aint bluegrass) is the wild turkey brothers. they have two albums but like this only better is the better one, eat drink and be merry is the first song i learnt on guitar, and they are free to download,
talking of ben paley here is mcdermots 2 hours some of my fav music ever, taking it on, darkness and sail and north and south hold special places in my heart, as does Stór mo Chroí.
the hedgerow crawlers god this is the sound of my childhood. both albums are amazing, ranging from somber, to pisstakes to speaking the truth, its a great band
i dont have mutch more recomendations, unfortunaly there is a limit to even the internets ability to hold information. and alot of the music i love will never be recorded on anything other than shakey phones
thank you anon, i hope you and others enjoy this, and that this helps others enjoy this music thats so niche
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discoursesurveyblog · 7 years
Summary as of 5/17/17 with 2,064 responses (Wondering what this is about? Find the survey here!) I’ll also be closing this next Sunday, so if you want to respond, you need to do that before 5/21/17!
Also, please keep in mind that this is an extremely informal survey. I have been adding questions, editing wording, and other such things and therefore this cannot be taken to be conclusive of anything, really. It might be useful to show general trends, but the fact that it is completely anonymous, and that for a while it was possible to submit more than one response, means that some, or even a lot, of the data could be completely wrong. I started this solely because I was curious, so again, please, do not use this survey as conclusive proof of anything.
Questions? Comments on how to improve? The ask box for this blog is open, and anon is on! You can also send an IM if you feel more comfortable with that.
Stance (2,064 responses) -59.1% believe aces and aros are inherently part of the community -35.7% believe they aren’t -3% said ‘other’ -2.2% are deciding on their stance
Openness of stance (2,045 responses) -42.2% do not have a discourse side blog, but do make their opinion obvious on their main blog -32.6% don’t have a discourse side blog, and don’t make their opinion obvious on their main blog -9.2% have a discourse side blog, and make their opinion obvious on their main blog -6.6% have their main blog also serve as their discourse blog -6% have a discourse side blog, but do not make their opinion obvious on their main blog -3.4% had ‘other’
Acronym used (2,051 responses) Note: The next three questions allow multiple responses, so I just put down the number, as opposed to percentages. -LGBT (688) -LGBT+ (911) -LGBTQ (251) -LGBTQ+ (601) -LGBTPN (277) -LGBTQIA (176) -LGBTQIA+ (643) -MOGAI/IMOGA (274) -Other (175)
Sexual orientation (2,054) -Gay/lesbian (469) -Bisexual (339) -Pansexual (174) -Polysexual (8) -Ace-spec (600) -Heterosexual (25) -Queer (147) -Questioning (107) [Note: I changed the name of the ‘asexual’ response to ‘ace-spec’ after a fair number of people had responded, causing Google Forms to sort those prior responses as ‘other’, thus why this number is so high. I’ll be correcting for this in the final summary]
Romantic orientation (2,026 responses) -Gay/lesbain (305) -Biromantic (283) -Panromantic (291) -Polyromantic (33) -Aro-spec (303) -Heteromantic (41) -Queer (164) -Questioning (143) -I don’t use the SAM (496) -Other (207) [See note on ‘other’ in sexual orientation above]
Trans (2,052 responses) -36.4% don’t -34.7% do -24.3% don’t, but aren’t cis -4.6% are questioning
Gender (2,044 responses) -43.9% are nonbinary -34.4% are women -14.3% are men -6.3% said ‘other’ -4.4% are questioning
Neurodivergency (2,051 responses) -77.5% are -13.3% are questioning -9.3% aren’t
Autistic (2,057 responses) -58.8% aren’t -22.9% are -18.3% are questioning
Physical disability (2,054 responses) -79.8% aren’t -13.8% are -6.4% are questioning
Chronic illness (702 responses) [Note: added question a while after survey opened] -77.6% aren’t -16.1% are -6.3% are questioning
Intersex (701 responses) [Note: added question a while after survey opened] -96.3% aren’t -2.1% are questioning -1.6% are
Harassment (1985 responses) -66.7% haven’t been harassed due to the discourse -33.3% have
Additional comments [Note: no comments added since the last summary] Here’s a link to a Google Doc of the comments. I plan to sort through these and organize them a bit better once the survey is closed, but until then, note that there is a lot of heavy content in there, including rhetoric from both sides of the discourse.
34 notes · View notes
warriorangel4god · 8 years
@rebelblaze​ hey this is my main account, from demigender-positivity. im moving the discussion here bc i dont want to have all those long paragraphs on my nb blog. “ That’s not how the LGBT community works, though. You don’t “choose” to be LGBT, you are. Either by being SGA or by being trans/nonbinary” /// ok ok so i feel like what i was trying to say i ended up not verbalizing it correctly. i’ve had a lot of time to think abt my response, and basically what i meant was that, YES, i agree. you DON’T get to choose if you’re lgbt. if you are heteromantic/heterosexual/cisgender/perisex, then you AREN’T lgbt. but that doesn’t make you OBLIGATED to partake in arguments, pride festival, all that stuff. but yeah, i can agree there, you don’t choose to be lgbt. but i wanna argue the “sga or trans/nb” thing u said here. thats exclusionary of people who are both ASEXUAL and AROMANTIC & cis. a person who is both ace and aro is in NO WAY hetero. literally no het there. so yeah, that argument isnt very valid. unless u want to exclude people who arent hetero at all??? a person who is asexual and aromantic is not het AT ALL. and like,,, if ur lgbt, ur not het?? so. ya.
. “ There is no “typical” straight person and by denying straight aros/aces their straightness, you are saying being ace otherizes them, makes them water down straight/not as straight as other people “ /// “ Which implies gay aces aren’t like other gay people, bi aces aren’ tlike other bi people “ ///  “ When all people experience different levels of sexual attraction. “
ok, so i feel like i need to reiterate here. because you’re taking what i said in a different way then what i meant.
i agree, there is no typical straight or gay person. there’s no right way to be gay. i STILL do NOT GET why you THINK i’m DENYING straight people their STRAIGHTNESS. is this because i said ace/aro people are lgbt+? is that the problem? because when i say cishet ace/aro people are lgbt, it’s b/c they ARE. even if someone is cis/perisex/heteromantic, if they are ACE then they are lgbt. because the idea behind lgbt is if you aren’t heteromantic, heterosexual, cisgender, AND perisex then you are lgbt. a cis heteromantic asexual is NOT heterosexual, so therefore they can be considered lgbt. are they heteromantic? yes. are they straight? yes. this does not deny them of their straightness. i do not believe gay people being ace/aro spec makes them watered down. i am pan and ace/aro spec myself. does this make me less valid than a pansexual person? no. i am JUST AS PAN as a pansexual person. but my EXPERIENCES as ace/aro spec may differ from a pansexual person. this does NOT MAKE ME WATERED DOWN compared to pansexuals. same for het aces or het aros. they are JUST AS STRAIGHT as a hetrom/hetersexual person. but their EXPERIENCES differ from heterom/heterosexual people.
“  The LGBT community is made for people who are trying to survive the systemic oppression of homophobia or transphobia. It is not something ou choose. It is something you inherently are. “ jesus, this makes being lgbt sound fucking depressing man. but i can see what youre saying here. but also take into the account that acearo ppl being here & actually visible is relatively new in itself. but this still backs my belief: heterom/heterosexual/cis/perisex ppl arent lgbt. a cishet ace is not heterosexual. therefore, lgbt. in my opinion, thts how i see. and dont ignore the fact that acearo ppl do face systematic problems “opression” IN THEIR OWN WAYS. an ace person can be put in conversion therapy to make them heterosexual. ace can be raped in a “corrective” way 2 turn them straight. not gunna list a whole bunch of stuff but yeah they do face problems in their own light. and to me thats what the lgbt community is all about. ppl fighting to be RECOGNIZED by the heteronormative cisnormative society we live in. in my opinion acearo het ppl need tht 2. we should ALL b recognized by society. soceity shouldnt expect ppl to be straight, cis, or sexual. . ///  “ There is no “right way” to be straight or gay or ace, nor is there a way to be cishet that makes you LGBT. LGBT and cishet are mutually exclusive “ i agree that theres no right way to be gay or straight ace. i never once said that i thought that there was a right way, as far as i know. everyone experences sexuality in their own ways, & thats great!! & there is a way to b cishet that makes u lgbt. if u are ace/aro spec. bc a cishet acearo spec person is NOT both HETEROSEXUAL AND HETEROMANTIC, which society EXPECTS of people. im trying my best to verbalize how i feel abt this situation to u. so, pointing out again, basically what im saying is: i believe that ace/aro spec people are lgbt, even if they are cishet. i believe this because, even if they are both cis & het, which is not lgbt, they are not strictly heterosexual & heteromantic which is along the lines of lgbt.
0 notes
discoursesurveyblog · 7 years
Summary as of 5/20/17 with 2,176 responses (Wondering what this is about? Find the survey here!) I’ll also be closing this tomorrow, so if you want to respond, you need to do that before 5/21/17. I’ll be closing it...sometime around 11 or 12 PM EST?
Also, please keep in mind that this is an extremely informal survey. I have been adding questions, editing wording, and other such things and therefore this cannot be taken to be conclusive of anything, really. It might be useful to show general trends, but the fact that it is completely anonymous, and that for a while it was possible to submit more than one response, means that some, or even a lot, of the data could be completely wrong. I started this solely because I was curious, so again, please, do not use this survey as conclusive proof of anything.
Questions? Comments on how to improve? The ask box for this blog is open, and anon is on! You can also send an IM if you feel more comfortable with that.
Stance (2,176 responses) -59.3% believe aces and aros are inherently part of the community -35.2% believe they aren’t -3% said ‘other’ -2.4% are deciding
Openness of stance (2,157 responses) -42% do not have a discourse side blog, but make their opinion obvious on their main blog -32.6% do not have a discourse side blog, and do not make their opinion obvious on their main blog -9.4% have a discourse side blog, and make their opinion obvious on their main blog -6.5% have their main blog also serve as their discourse blog -6.2% have a discourse side blog, but do not make their opinion obvious on their main blog -3.4% said ‘other’
Acronym used (2,163 responses) Note: The next three questions allow multiple responses, so I just put down the number, as opposed to percentages. -LGBT (724) -LGBT+ (967) -LGBTQ (266) -LGBTQ+ (635) -LGBTPN (286) -LGBTQIA (187) -LGBTQIA+ (679) -MOGAI/IMOGA (291) -Other (188)
Sexual orientation (2,164 responses) -Gay/lesbian (487) -Bisexual (366) -Pansexual (184) -Polysexual (11) -Ace-spec (659) -Heterosexual (26) -Queer (162) -Questioning (113) -Other (377) [Note: I changed the name of the ‘asexual’ response to ‘ace-spec’ after a fair number of people had responded, causing Google Forms to sort those prior responses as ‘other’, thus why this number is so high. I’ll be correcting for this in the final summary]
Romantic orientation (2,136 responses) -Gay/lesbian (325) -Biromantic (299) -Panromantic (305) -Polyromantic (39) -Aro-spec (334) -Heteromantic (42) -Queer (177) -Questioning (157) -Don’t use the SAM (519) -Other (208) [See note for ‘other’ in sexual orientation, above]
Trans (2,163 responses) -36.5% aren’t -34.8% are -24% aren’t, but aren’t cis -4.7% are questioning
Gender (2,155 responses) -43.7% are nonbinary -34.8% are women -14.2% are men -4.4% are questioning -3% said ‘other’
Neurodivergency (2,163 responses) -77.5% are -13.2% are questioning -9.3% aren’t
Autistic (2,169 responses) -58.7% aren’t -23% are -18.3% are questioning
Physical disability (2,164 responses) -79.9% aren’t -13.7% are -6.4% are questioning
Chronic illness (816 responses) [Note: added question a while after survey opened] -75.6% aren’t -17.6% are -6.7% are questioning
Intersex (815 responses) [Note: added question a while after survey opened] -95.6% aren’t -2.5% are questioning -2% are
Harassment (2,096 responses) -66.4% haven’t been harassed due to the discourse -33.6% have
Additional comments [Note: the weird ‘null’ thing is still going on so? I didn’t see any new comments but idk what’s going on with that.] Here’s a link to a Google Doc of the comments. I plan to sort through these and organize them a bit better once the survey is closed, but until then, note that there is a lot of heavy content in there, including rhetoric from both sides of the discourse.
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discoursesurveyblog · 7 years
Summary as of 5/18/17 with 2,129 responses (Wondering what this is about? Find the survey here!) I’ll also be closing this next Sunday, so if you want to respond, you need to do that before 5/21/17!
Also, please keep in mind that this is an extremely informal survey. I have been adding questions, editing wording, and other such things and therefore this cannot be taken to be conclusive of anything, really. It might be useful to show general trends, but the fact that it is completely anonymous, and that for a while it was possible to submit more than one response, means that some, or even a lot, of the data could be completely wrong. I started this solely because I was curious, so again, please, do not use this survey as conclusive proof of anything.
Questions? Comments on how to improve? The ask box for this blog is open, and anon is on! You can also send an IM if you feel more comfortable with that.
Stance (2,129 responses) -59.2% believe aces and aros are inherently part of the community -35.4% believe they aren’t -3% said ‘other’ -2.3% are deciding
Openness of stance (2,110 responses) -42% do not have a discourse side blog, but make their opinions obvious on their main blog -32.7% do not have a discourse side blog, and do not make their opinions obvious on their main blog -9.3% have a discourse side blog, and make their opinions obvious on their main blog -6.6% have their main also serve as their discourse blog -6% have a discourse side blog, but do not make their opinions obvious on their main blog -3.4% said ‘other’
Acronym used (2,116 responses) Note: The next three questions allow multiple responses, so I just put down the number, as opposed to percentages. -LGBT (710) -LGBT+ (948) -LGBTQ (262) -LGBTQ+ (623) -LGBTPN (282) -LGBTQIA (185) -LGBTQIA+ (665) -MOGAI/IMOGA (281) -Other (183)
Sexual orientation (2,091 responses) -Gay/lesbian (480) -Bisexual (354) -Pansexual (180) -Polysexual (10) -Ace-spec (635) -Heterosexual (26) -Queer (156) -Questioning (112) -Other (376) [Note: I changed the name of the ‘asexual’ response to ‘ace-spec’ after a fair number of people had responded, causing Google Forms to sort those prior responses as ‘other’, thus why this number is so high. I’ll be correcting for this in the final summary]
Romantic orientation (2,091 responses) -Gay/lesbian (318) -Biromantic (293) -Panromantic (298) -Polyromantic (35) -Aro-spec (321) -Heteromantic (42) -Queer (172) -Questioning (152) -Don’t use the SAM (511) -Other (207) [See note for ‘other’ in sexual orientation, above]
Trans (2,117 responses) -36.5% aren’t -35% are -24% aren’t, but aren’t cis -4.6% are questioning
Gender (2,108 responses) -43.8% are nonbinary -34.6% are women -14.4% are men -6.2% said ‘other’ -4.3% are questioning
Neurodivergency (2,116 responses) -77.6% are -13.2% are questioning -9.2% aren’t
Autistic -58.8% aren’t -23% are -18.2% are questioning
Physical disability (2,118 responses) -79.8% aren’t -13.8% are -6.4% are questioning
Chronic Illness (769 responses) [Note: added question a while after survey opened] -76.5% aren’t -17.2% are -6.4% are questioning
Intersex (768 responses) [Note: added question a while after survey opened] -95.7% aren’t -2.5% are questioning -1.8% are
Harassment (2,049 responses) -66.7% haven’t been harassed -33.3% have
Additional comments [Note: I...don’t think there’s any new comments but google forms is displaying a lot of comments saying ‘null’ so? Not sure what’s happening there] Here’s a link to a Google Doc of the comments. I plan to sort through these and organize them a bit better once the survey is closed, but until then, note that there is a lot of heavy content in there, including rhetoric from both sides of the discourse.
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