#why you didn't use comic sans
anzstrek · 1 year
bro i just started to read the second tintin story and what the fuck is this font i can barely read it
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feelingbat-ty · 4 months
This is inspired by @aflamboyanceofflamingos post about Tim choosing to publicly hate Robin as Tim Drake, cause to love or hate someone is the best way to hide a secret identity.
I started thinking about Tim coming into contact with his teammates as a civilian and Tim using this as an opportunity to take out all the grievances he has for his team in a way, that 1) Won't cause tension and fights. And 2) let him get away with being a petty arsehole, cause it's not like superheros can just go and beat up random civilians.
And well... my hand slipped.
--- You Can't Spell Spite Without Timothy Jackson Drake ---
The amount of times YJ comes across Tim Drake in the wild would be concerning if Tim didn't stalk them as often as his busy schedule allows (which turns out to be quite often). The Beta tube in the Batcave and another secret Beta tube in the bowls of Wayne enterprise's Francisco building allows Tim easy and direct access whenever he so desires.
And well, Tim never did grow out of his stalking phase.
It would be comical - if it wasn't maddening - how often they don't realise he's there. Most of the time he's stalking trailing a member of the team he's not trying to hide his presence, it wouldn't make sense for him to, not as Tim Drake.
The team have a tally board that sits in the common room, it's at 85.
His team's situational awareness is absolutely appalling. 85, they've noticed him only 85 of the hundreds of times he's followed them around?
He complains to Dick about it, a lot. He's hoping Dick will give him some tips on how to beat situational awareness into his teammates thick skulls. He was the leader of the Titans, so he has to have something!
Dick - like the asshole he secretly is - just laughs at him.
He asks Cassie about it once. Why they don't find it concerning that they encounter Tim Drake: famous for being the civilian who 'beat Robin in a fight' every other week?
"I mean, You're usually right about these sorts of things, Rob. If you don't think Drakes an issue, then we trust you."
Tim can't figure out whether to feel warm and giddy at the fact that they apparently trust him, or to be annoyed at the fact that they follow after him like sheep. Not even doing their own research and recon (Cassie probably did. Kon and Bart? Yeah, hell would have a better chance at freezing over).
The first time was a coincidence. Tim had needed some space (from Bruce. From his deadlines. From his own mind...) and ended up wondering the streets of San Francisco with no real destination in mind.
An impulse turn led him onto the boardwalk and from there right to Superboy.
It was a bright and sunny day in Fran and Kon was glowing. Literally, because of the sun and figuratively from pride after he stopped a would-be pick pocket-er from pick pocketing an elderly lady.
He shouldn't. He knows he shouldn't, not when the team know of Tim Drake, know his face and all about how he hates Robin and makes it his whole personality. Not when the only thing that stops them putting Tim Drake on Baby Super villain watch is Tims general blasé attitude about, well... himself.
But is it oh, so tempting.
Especially because the month before, Kon had accidentally smashed Tim's favourite coffee mug in a series of event's (involving a yoga ball, shearing scissors, laser vision and a will from God himself) so convoluted that Tim was convinced it had been orchestrated for a solid week.
Was it a cheap mug from Kmart? Yes, but it's the principle of the matter!
As Tim’s left shoe impacts the side of Superboys face, a sense of manic glee overtakes him. Tim takes special care to seer this memory of Superboy getting hit in the head with Tim's shoe and the stupid face he makes as the ratty converse collides with his cheek, into his brain.
It's not much, but it's justice all the same for his once beloved mug.
Tim... might just be a tad sleep-deprived.
Superboy startles and lets out a frantic “Shit!” Assuming he’s being attacked by a surprise enemy (the kind that isn’t just civilians throwing shoes) he looks around, taking stock of his surroundings and looking for any immediate threats before glancing down at the shoe and visibly doing a double take.
His face is blank as he stares - undoubtably confused - at the shoe. A second later he's lifting his gaze, following the direction the show came from and staring right at Tim.
Tim, who (like an idiot) is still, for some reason, positioned how he was when he threw the shoe - arm outstretched and leg back to brace himself.
There is absolutely no way he wasn't the one who threw the shoe. If the stance didn't give it away, then him having one shoe (that shoe being a near identical ratty rad converse) probably did.
“What?” Superboy asks. He looks befuddled. A little amused, but mostly just confused. He's got a small, polite smile on his face that just reeks of Clark Kent's influence. Kon is obviously trying to model himself off of Superman - specifically Superman's polite and approachable "Grandma pinching worthy" vibe and not his fashion choices, since he's still got the leather jacket and sunglasses.
Tim makes a mental note to tell Kon that he has a really expressive face. Tim is literally reading all his emotions in 4K. They should probably work on that, it could be a liability in the field.
Tim briefly considers playing dumb and acting like it wasn’t him that threw the shoe, before dismissing that idea, Kon can be clueless at times, but he’s not a complete idiot.
So instead, he says, “that was a very open-ended question.”
And well, it was.
At the look Superboy gives him, he elaborates, “What, when said in that context, could mean literally anything! Like, ‘what was the purpose of that?’ ‘What’s your name, so I can in-prison you’ ‘What shoe size was that?’ Seriously, dude, be more specific!”
Superboy’s befuddlement takes a sudden nosedive to incredulity. “Okay, fine. Why did you throw a shoe at me?”
“Cause you work with Robin.” He says simply. He'd say 'justice' but then he'd sound like batman and like, thanks but no thanks.
“Cause I- what? You physically assaulted me with a shoe because I work on the same team as Robin?”
Tim, personally, thinks assault is a strong word to use for this situation, but he’s glad that at least some of his lessons on the proper terms and vocabulary are paying off.
He nods, cause that is indeed what he just did, he crosses his arms across his chest, and stares Superboy down.
Superboy who, looks like he’s regretting everything that led him to this moment. Tim relishes in that for just a little too long to be healthy. Probably.
Tim doesn’t really care. He told Kon (as Robin) that he’d regret breaking Tim’s favourite mug (accident or not, he's still not over it.) yeah, this might not be how either of them envisioned it, but Tim thinks this might just be better than beating Kon up as Robin in their next team training session. What better way to get someone back than to publicly humiliate them in front of all their peers? Shame he can't do that anymore.
Eh, who is he kidding? He’s still going to do that anyway.
“You’re only gonna throw one?” Superboy has a look on his face that’s similar to the one Bruce gets when he’s decided to give up and play along with the crazy. The one where he'll smile and nod, slowly inching out of the room, as Duke and Damian (There has truly never been a more terrifying duo) explain to him in vivid detail how they're going to use psychological warfare to make a shitty teacher at their school resign.
“Yes.” Why’d he throw both his shoes? He’d have no shoes!
“… Right. Why did you throw this one?”
All these questions!
“I like that one the least,” he shrugs, and it's true, the converse on his right foot has a little bi flag that Steph sewed into it back when they were dating. A throw pillow was the closest thing in reach at the time, so he sewed a little pan flag on it for her (he later did one on the breast pocket of one of her denim jackets).
“You are so freakin’ weird, dude! You throw a shoe at me! Because I work with Robin!”
Uh, yeah, we've already established that.
“How did you even get it off that fast!”
To be Honest, Tim is also surprised at how fast he was able to get his shoe off. One second he’s looking at Superboy the next he’s lobbing a shoe at his thick head.
Instead of saying any of that, Tim channels his inner Janet Drake, sticking his nose into the air and scoffing like Kon is the literal gum stuck on the sole of his shoe.
Kon, - because he’s no longer Superboy, he’s too fired up to hold onto the mask - shakes his head. It’s mocking, when he says, “You must be really shitty at throwing a punch if you had to resort to throwing shoes.”
Tim shrugs, “Well, I woulda thrown a fist, but you’re not worth a fist.”
Kon is silent and doing an amazing impression of a blobfish.
Tim turns and struts away before Kon has the chance to come up with a rebuttal, or just decides to punch him in the face.
He’ll grab his shoe later, after Kon leaves.
The basted incinerated his shoe.
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 2 months
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Crisis on Infinite Mirths - PPG Creator, Craig McCracken asked development team if the original Bubbles could beat up the "New One"
At the recent San Diego Comic Con showing of the new Jellystone special, one of the writers spoke to fans. Saying that they often communicated with the original creators of the series they used for the crossover, including Powerpuff Girl Creator, Craig McCracken.
On stage he said that in a note given to them by Craig, "Can you please have the original Bubbles beating up the new Bubbles somewhere?" To which they cheerfully agreed. In a chaotic fight scene, in the background they hid a part where 1998 Bubbles whacks 2016 Bubbles on the head.
Since the CN Latin America commercial, this is the 2nd time the 2016 series has been depicted in a negative light by official CN content. This time specifically requested by the series creator himself. It's understandable, a large part of why 2016 was the way it was, was because Cartoon Network didn't want to wait for Craig's contract with Disney over Wander Over Yonder to end. Going ahead without him. Craig didn't make 2016, and it's reasonable to believe that he may harbor some sour feelings for how CN handled his brainchild.
Unfortunately no clip of the scene is available online at the moment, as the only clips we have right now come from the Comic Con showing. We will likely have to wait until Jellystone: Crisis on Infinite Mirths releases on tv and streaming services to get a clip of the scene.
Reminder, I am not a news source, but did my best to report on this and source what I could
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No effects version of the image
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Original screenshot
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idontcaboose · 29 days
Haunted car Au part 14
So, it has been a week, and it feels like when you wake up from an unplanned 30 minute nap and have to ask 'What year is it?' While feeling like you have been run over by a whole procession of clowns, clown cars, and maybe a camel for good measure. Granted, that may be from the ragweed that is pollinating like crazy, but oh well... new part!
THIS IS YOUR WARNING! SWEAR WORDS! Plenty of cursing ahead! You have been warned!
Previous. Masterpost
It had been over 24 hours since Jason saw Danny. The most troubling thing was, there were no whispers of a trafficking group in that area. He couldn't fathom what had happened to the kid. Barbara couldn't find the kid on her cameras either, so he might need to go to the cave and look at the Batmobile himself. The footage Babs pulled were just as corrupted as the ally cameras were. Maybe the kid built himself a little jamming device, wouldn't be his first strangely useful creation. Whether or not he had a jamming device, he was still missing and none of the other street kids had seen him. He knew they were probably not harboring him with the bounty for finding Danny being as lucrative as it was. Jason knew offering to cook 3 meals a day for a week would get all of his street kids looking, some adults too.
Jason was a little surprised to see Duke looking at the Batmobile's underside when he drove in. Normally only Bruce and Jason worked on the cars since they had the most hands-on experience with them. Case in point, Duke had the car up on the lift with the front doors open. Did he have to sit Duke down and go through safety in maintenance 101? Maybe he could borrow little Timmy's version “The importance of Maintenance Safety: Or why you don't let Megan write safety plans.” It would hit all the important bits and sear the information in with neon yellow and blue comic sans font.
“So, Glowstick, mind telling me why the fuck you are trying to get yourself crushed?” Jason growled at the kid, the helmet making it even more menacing.
Duke gave Jason an unimpressed look. “B got a stick up his ass and thinks I somehow was involved with the Batmobile running weirdly." Duke sneered as he continued. "Last night when Red Robin activated his emergency beacon, the lead goon got in it and ran over some of his goons. The fail safes for theft didn't activate. Somehow, it was my fault. Perks to being the closest non-injured, I guess.”
Jason was surprised at the bitterness the usually sunshine-y kid had.
“Well, good news, we can swap for a bit, and I can teach you properly how to maintain this beast.” Jason offered.
“Why are you so interested?”
“I can't be nice?”
“You are here willingly, and no, you usually are not ‘nice’. So what is it?”
Jason was not expecting such hostility from Duke, but if Bruce had his panties in a twist and took it out on Duke, he could forgive some of the bite. Couldn't hurt to get Duke in on his hunt for Danny anyway.
“I… need help. One of my guys mentioned they bet a kid, named Danny, some money to put a sticker on the Batmobile. No one has seen the kid after entering the alley where the car was parked. Oracle said the cameras were corrupted at the time the kid was there with it. Figured I would check the car for clues.”
“Oh…. Sure.”
They both looked at the undercarriage of the car in silence before Jason gave a snort.
“The kid really did put a sticker on the oil pan. That is hilarious.”
Sure enough there was a Green Arrow sticker, one where he had his arms crossed and looking smug as all hell, positioned in such a way that eluded that when the oil was drained it would look like Green Arrow was pissing.
“That is amazing, if you find the kid let me give them a high-five for that. What does he look like anyway?”
“Adoption bait, pretty much a mini me with a more ‘polite’ mouth.” Jason was sure Duke could hear his smile when talking about the kid.
“No shit? You with manners? I don't think I can imagine that from a Alley Rat.” Duke teased.
“Watch it Narrows, us Alley Rats are all a little rabid.” Jason found himself teasing back before sniffing. “Besides, Alfie would have my head if I didn't have some manners.”
They went back into a more comfortable silence while working, Jason took to looking through the center, hoping to find some sort of clue of a struggle if Danny got nabbed. Duke was focusing on the engine compartment and any wirings that he could follow. It was rather relaxing until Duke went to move some rubber piping to get a closer look at a relay.
Neither person expected the car to shudder and produce a kind of creepy giggle. Duke froze and Jason reacted by tackling him away from the car and pulling one of his guns at the Batmobile.
“What in the ever loving fuck?” Jason screamed, the Batmobile responded with its own car alarm going off.
“Don't shoot! I'm sorry, I didn't expect that to happen, we are still trying to figure things out!” Duke had jumped back up and put himself in front of Jason, waving his hands and trying to keep attention on him.
“We? What the fuck Narrows?!”
“Just, both of you, stop! Hood, gun down, Car dude, stop the alarm. Please.” Duke all but whined the last word in desperation.
Jason took a Very deep breath, and growled out in the now silent cave.
“Car. Dude?”
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @thespacedragons @atinygracie @okami-love @lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple
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ex4nn · 24 days
Thinking about merman!San at 6:20AM and I'm really just about to melt.
Thinking about cute little(huge) merman!San who was always a bit curious about land. And so being the adventurous lil' creature he was, he would often swim towards the shore or go to the more rocky side of the beach where he could happily lay and enjoy the sun.
What made him like it even more was when he met you, who enjoyed going on walks around the beach whenever the weather would allow it.
One day that you had been feeling more risky and wanting to see more of the beach, you had gone to the rocky part of the beach with the intention of hopping on one or two rocks to see if the view of the beach was better from a higher point.
What you hadn't expected was to see some movement out of the corner of your eye and when turning seeing a man, with an overall normal appearance, trying to hide between the cracks between the large rocks, until you looked more closely. At first you were confused of why some random man was trying to hide from you if you were both here to enjoy the beach, until your eyes focused more and noticed the few small scales on his cheekbones.
You realized it wasn't some normal man, and you should've ran away when you noticed it but you couldn't help but find it comical how the big man tried to hide in a crack too small for him.
Stepping closer you took notice of the gills on the sides of his neck and your curiosity peaked. Crouching down, you tried to reassure that you weren't here to hurt and that you really couldn't harm him (considering how big he probably was compared to you).
After a while of reassurance and waiting patiently, the wary man decided to trust you a bit. You offered a small smile in acceptance at the progress and soon enough the man had used his strong hands and arms to push himself back onto the rock his was on before.
Revealing his naked upper-body and his long blue tail, you could swear you could see small reflects of silver on his scales. You had taken your time to admire him to the point where his cheeks started getting slightly flushed. You thought he was so pretty and handsome at the same time, his facial features–although sharp–gave way to a soft, friendly expression and his hair damp and falling beautifully over his forehead.
You also noticed how around his shoulder, collarbones and hips there were few scales sprinkled around the areas.
While you took note of all those things San could only be quiet as he started to have an inner turmoil, not knowing why you were suddenly so quiet. Every human he had met had either tried to get close to him too quickly or directly run the other way, and yet you were just admiring. He started thinking about wether you were thinking he was ugly or had just been shocked to complete stillness, if you were thinking about maybe trying to hunt him and get good money.
He wasn't broken out of his thoughts until you have a small "You're pretty... And handsome. Is that some type of mermaid thing?" and although he appreciated the compliments he felt the need to emphasize that he was a merman, not a mermaid. And that's where the conversation started, him unknowingly ranting about his 'daily problems' as a merman and the misconception people had of them and whatever, and you had just attentively listened.
He didn't stop until he realized he was starting to over-share with a stranger eventhough he was usually a private person. The cute little flush on his cheeks and the small pout had made him look like an upset puppy–kitty– and you giggling at him made it worse.
After that afternoon you realized that not only had you made a new friend but that your new friend was also just a little, innocent sea creature with a sensitive heart hidden behind a strong face.
After that you kept going to the beach as much as you could and building your trust with San, now to the point where whenever he saw you approaching he'd already be waiting like an eager puppy, more than happy to be able to lay his head on your lap once you finally settle on the rock, much to your poor butt's dissmay. He'd gladly let you run your fingers through his hair and pet it as he talked about his day, listened to you talk about yours or just asked whatever questions came to mind like the little curious thing he was.
Some days where you felt more teasing you would graze your finger over the scales on his cheekbone or his gills, since you remember the one time he told you how mermaids and mermans' scales and gills were usually sensitive but his were extra sensitive. You just couldn't help yourself when he'd whine and pout so cutely.
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inkblottzz · 18 days
Not a traditional request, but I'm curious to see how your art is formed and what your process is. It's so cool that your art is similar to comyet's!! I always wondered what other people in their newer artstyle would look like but they only ever drew Ink. I guess now I have a chance :D
Drink water and i hope you have a good day!!!
this is a really interesting request!! thank you for asking, actually! i like questions like these :-D
i'll start by explaining my personal art process—how i, 12-year-old me started out, and then explain how i got where i am with my art today! buckle up, because this will probably be a lengthy post :-)
The Progression of my Art
my first ever art posted online was at the beginning of 2020, when quarantine first hit. i had always had a knack for art; doodling in class, making OCs, etcetc. however, when i heard about undertale through a friend, that's when i really started to take things serious.
i did all the things kids do when they first find out about undertale—i watched countless comic dubs, animation memes, looked up fanart, etc. i first started my real art journey when i began making fanart for undertale and the AUs. this is why undertale is so special to me, and why i have loved it for so long! it has fueled my creativity for almost five years now.
this is the first fanart i ever had done. i posted it on amino sometime in may.
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i was SO so proud of this piece. i showed it to my friends & family, and then decided to show people online! this was my first big milestone as an artist.
as time went on, i improved more and more, creating countless UT AU artworks in my spare time. and it was all because of the people who were kind and supportive of my art! the UTAU amino will always hold a special place in my heart, because of the positive experience i had. the positive feedback i got is what drove me to really want to start improving my skills and become a better artist like the ones i looked up to 💛 this is why it's so important to be kind to beginners. even if their art isn't the best at first, you bet your asses it'll be in the next few years!!
SO! i drew and improved, really just trying to find my own style that i liked. i had always loved ink sans, and that prompted me to look into his creator's artwork around late 2022-early 2023. i followed her instagram, and at first, just admired her work from afar.
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then, i tried out replicating her style! this is the first piece i ever drew inspired by mye! i made this last fall, in 2023.
after that, i tried to find my own style some more, leaving the lineless style behind. but, in may of this year—2024—myebi decided to hold a DTIYs, and that's when i decided to replicate her style!
i know, i know, kinda defeats the whole "draw this in your own style" thing... but i had been wanting to try and replicate their style for quite some time, and i saw this as a perfect opportunity to try it out!
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this is myebi's OC, aheran, that i drew for the contest !! it isn't exactly like her style, obviously, since i didn't want it to be too similar and weird mye out. however, i did replicate the lineless style, the grain textures, and the shading style as best i could. i also played around with shape language.
this piece was SO fun to do, and i did end up earning an honorable mention!
this was also my first post on instagram. after this, i started to draw all my art in a style inspired off mye's!
How do I draw in Comyet/Myebi's style?
here is where i'll be answering your question: what does my process look like when I'm replicating myebi's style?
i'll try my best to break it down into seperate steps that i usually take!
1. References!
References, references, references! References are the most important thing you need when trying to replicate something specific. I am currently at a point in my style where I do not usually need references, but you bet I used them big time when I first began to replicate mye's style!
Personally, I believe her instagram (@mye_bi) is the best place to get recent refs of her style! It's the social they post most often on. For Undertale specific references, I gathered them from her Tumblr (@/comyet) because her insta doesn't have Undertale related art. You may have to scroll a bit, but you'll find it on her blog!
I also have some niche references from other online sources, but I had to dig quite a bit for them. You don't need to be that thorough lmao
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all art by myebi/comyet!
2. Sketching
After I gather references, I start with a sketch! Really, it's just taking a bunch of references and finding things you like/need to replicate in your piece. If there isn't a reference for something you are trying to draw, then the best you can do is guess! I have to make guesses on how Myebi would draw something all the time, because I draw a wide range of different characters. It's all about experimenting and doing your best!
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sketch by me, ink reference by @/comyet, error reference by @/loverofpiggies
3. Coloring over the sketch
After I finish the sketch, I go straight over it with all my base colors! I typically do everything on seperate layers, which procreate... hates. I use a lot of layers.
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And, to finish off, I really just add details! Lines, textures, shading, etc. I can't quite explain how I do it—I just go off Myebi's style!
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Finding the right brushes
I have spent a long time trying to find brushes that best replicate Myebi's style, and the one I linked below is the best I've been able to find! It's the pack I use right now.
I use Weak Pencil 3 for any lineart I do, I use Fine Pencil 2 for color blocking, and Weak Pencil 4 for the grainy textures/shading :-)
The pack does cost a bit of money, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a free brush pack that gets the job done quite the same!
and that's all there is to it! i hope this answers your question and gives you some insight on how i make my art :-D
DISCLAIMER: i am not attempting to be a "myebi 2.0" or anything like that. i simply really enjoy how their style looks, and i enjoy drawing in a similar style! i mean absolutely NO ill intent towards mye—she is my biggest inspiration, and i will always have the most amount of respect and admiration for them and her work. 💛
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kiss-me-muchoo · 1 year
𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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part one || part two: with a broken heart
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ When Miguel fell so hard for an anomaly that ended up being another one of his canon events; a soulmate.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ fluff, angst?, reader is a hot Hispanic sunshine, plot twist at the end, age gap? (How old is Miguel?, like 28, early 30's?, reader is like 20 not specified) I'm 19, so in my head reader is 20, fuck it <3.
𝐀𝐍_ hellooo, this is my Ist fic for this fandom, I've been trying to hide this crush for weeks, I can't anymore.
♪ ♫ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙎𝙏 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙈𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙈𝙤𝙟𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙖.
<3,𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙭 (+fics)
[ 2 months before the events of SPIDERMAN: ATSV]...
Nothing is perfect; nothing can be that special. But somehow, you ended up being that, or at least almost.
Because this is how everything starts; you were stressing out for college sophomore year finals when in the middle of your room, a portal opened and absorbed you.
Sounds incredibly ridiculous and cringe... Right?. Well, it's about to get worse.
The portal only left you there, hanging between random universes. There you are seeing how your shoes fly away and your hair is tangling like crazy, and out of nowhere, a spider that seemed like it was made of silver bit you. And seconds later, you were back at home stressing over the finals.
Yeah, you didn't think it would be a problem, only that it increased your phobia of spiders. Later, you accepted that Los Angeles would have an arachnid vigilante.
Yeah, Los Angeles. No shit, you wouldn't fly to save New York in your universe just to fit the stereotype. Besides, they already had one. One who died and then the most significant and original anomaly, Miles Morales.
That's for later, by the way.
You had your suspicions of the existence of the multiverse but no curiosity. You only cared about your sacred home and, to be more specific, your friends and family.
So it goes; you were a spider-woman with sassy webs and fantastic hair, saving people from the crime on Skid Row, abusive elites in Downtown, corruption in Glendale, etc etc.
Your family didn't knew about it, nor friends. Social media gave you a cool but weird surname; Aragmatica.
So you had everything; no pressure from being the spider-woman Aragmatica, wonderful friends, and family. A transcription remote job and a firm college pathway to be a writer and teacher. Though, you would be lying if you said you didn't want to meet the Spiderman from New York. Your abilities were barely used, so the news about your existence were remotely passed by. That's why you were completely fine with it, you had everything.
Except for one thing; love.
You didn't have anyone to hold, anyone who made you laugh. Someone who made you feel the scarlet blush and raced heartbeats. Thus, Why would you care for that? You were so young and you didn't need that commitment yet.
Finally, your official transcript from that year was carefully sealed in an envelope. Summer break was yours, starting with a good ballet class.
Your spider senses weren't fully developed because you never saw 4 pair of eyes watching you.
The class was fun, though. All the music was from the most famous plays, and having the opportunity to wear a tutu was always accepted.
You didn't care coming out of the building wearing it after the friendly teacher gifted you the fluffy piece of clothing.
You also didn't care to sing slightly aloud as you walked towards your car.
And that's when 4 individuals interfered with your way; Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown, and Gwen Stacy.
"Uh... nice cosplays. But the Comic-Con is more to the south. In San Diego..." They looked at each other. Only the older guy stepped further, laughing.
"Oh, you're funny. There's also one in my universe, but it's celebrated in Coney Island and-" only that Gwen pinched him. The older man frowned.
"She's leaving, Peter," Gwen said.
"Hey! Wait!" Peter stopped you from closing your car door, and you looked more confused than ever.
"Dude, back off. There must be kids near us. You don't want to do this..." Hobie giggled. He had remained leaning against a mailbox during the whole interaction.
"What? No-, I-. We need to talk to you... we're also spider people" Rolling your eyes, you just rested your head on the steering wheel.
"Yeah, your suits are too good to be a cosplay. I like your pointe shoes though" Gwen blushed but said thank you for your flattery.
"I'm Peter B. Parker. The guy with the cool outfit that's Hobie Brown. And the girl with the pointe shoes you liked is Gwen Stacy" They looked lovely. Hobie and Gwen, probably your age, but you were running late for dinner. You had to drop the transcript for validation in early registration for admissions to transfer.
You didn't have time for this "Have you heard of the Avengers initiative?" Type of moment.
The best you could do was politely turn them down. But they were already inside your car.
"Hey!. Okay, if this is some spider intervention, I don't have time to travel between universes and that stuff" Hobie started playing your radio. Again, you rolled your eyes.
"This is good music, girl. Nice.." he said, making you smile a little. He seemed nicer.
"Thanks, but." Then Gwen interrupted you.
"You could be dangerous or cause a massive disaster for canon. You are a rare case between spiders" For the first time, you were quiet. Maybe that omen was this, that not everything could be perfect.
"You felt it...." Peter said because your silence was loud enough to tell him.
"You knew about us then?"
"The multiverse and variations are not a thrill in this universe, but I wasn't expecting this on a random Friday afternoon. Besides that, Why don’t you go and ask the famous Spiderman from this earth? " you explained and questioned. They all exchanged looks, which makes you grow curious, but you ignore it of course.
"That Spiderman is not our problem right now. Our boss wants to meet you. We need to know what type of anomaly you are" They all heard you sighing. You had too many questions but also tired, so you wouldn't be annoyingly asking them millions of questions.
"Okay." Peter shrugged in disbelief.
"That's it?. No questions?" Gwen passed you a blue band, probably to travel between universes.
"Not energetic nor annoying. Miguel will like her," Hobie stated, comfortable in the passenger seat.
"Just don't smile too much, avoid questions, and you'll be fine" Humming in agreement, you waited.
A portal of bright colors and blinding flashes appeared seconds later from your car's windshield. It was different from what you expected. In the movies looked easier.
"Okay, here we go..." Peter announced. And with fast blood pressure, you followed them.
It was a prolonged free fall and the twists in your stomach were getting painfully evident. What seemed to last a minutes was actually a second, and you had no time to land properly.
The first thing you felt was the urge to complain on the ground. Laying on your stomach, with your hair in a now disheveled bun.
Everyone turned to look at you, finally noticing you were wearing a tutu and leotard in grey and black colors.
"Lost your hoodie?" Gwen asked, being the first to start giggling, followed by the others.
"Could any of you have alerted me to prepare for this type of landing?" You asked no one in particular. Then you analyzed Gwen's question.
"MY hoodie!. Damnit, it was new!" And that's how you lost 75 dollars. But soon, you stopped thinking about the new tour merch you lost.
It was a bright earth, futuristic and agitated. And as soon as you entered the giant building, you noticed it was full of spider people.
From any size to any color, but... no one was similar to you. Well, you didn't have a suit yet, but... you couldn't feel a spider sense with anyone. Well, you could, since the place was full of spiders people, but there's an specific tingle that lets you know when you share similar abilities or DNA with other spiders.
"Surprised?" Gwen asked, walking by your side.
"Well. I'd rather say disturbed," she giggled.
"You're unlike any spider I've met," the blonde added.
"Oh please, I can't be that special." Bored or not, you were missing dinner. Your family would be worried if you didn't come back past midnight. Hopefully, your first interaction with another universe will be quick.
"Oh, but you are. That's why you're here..." said a new voice. When you turned, you were even more confused.
A pregnant spider-woman?. Could you feel any weirder?.
"Uhh- Hi...I'm y/n, this is the weirdest day of my life" She nodded laughing. Her yellow glasses were very cool, you liked her look in general.
"We know that. But let's go, Miguel needs to see you..." and officially, that was the beginning of everything.
The HQ was futuristic, wide and full of people. Everything was so weird that edged being ridiculous. Until, the group of spiders lead you to a dark room. Full of technology and chemistry stuff.
For the first time, you felt a tingle when he finally faced you; Miguel O'Hara. And to be honest, his broad and tall figure intimidated you.
He said you were a bizarre anomaly. You were the only spider person who had been bitten between universes. Meaning that you were an accident. While there must be variants of you, none of them were spiders, nobody was like you.
Unconsciously, your own canon was building up as every day passed, like a plague. Any of your actions were vital for everyone. One bad movement and everything could go to hell.
He offered you a place in the group to keep order among universes. Suspicious, but seemed honest at the same time.
"I appreciate the offer, but I have a degree to finish. And I got enrolled for summer ballet classes..." you said, ambling towards the exit. The man sighed, not ready to deal with another extroverted spider like most of his coworkers.
"No. You need to be a responsible spiderwoman and do what you're expected to do," the man said, intimidating you more as he towered you. Beside getting lost in his amazing hair, intriguing brown eyes and sharp jaw, your thoughts were running. Maybe you were being selfish. Most of the people in the room had lost a lot and you hadn't. This was the least you could do.
"You just said I'm an accident. There are no expectations from me. I can't break canon. I'm making my own, What could go wrong?..." you dared to say, avoiding looking into his brown eyes.
"You want to find out?" a little closer, and you would touch his chest. Besides, the tingle was back. Miguel also felt it, but he called it on you being angered by this new phase you would enter.
You knew he was going to be hard to deal with from now on. But deep inside, you liked the feeling he had planted on your stomach.
"No.." you admitted. Slightly afraid of losing what you had. He smiled but for less than a second.
"That's what I thought" After that, it was history.
Two months. And things were... okay.
You made a great friendship with Peter and Hobie. Something inside you was stopping you from trusting Gwen at all.
Then, Jessica was good but slightly challenging. Even Pavitr was good.
And then, there was Miguel.
Fucking Miguel O'Hara. He was dead serious every time. Still, you refused to show he could intimidate you.
Like right now, or... at any moment, whatever.
"He's going to kill you..." Lyla whispered, moving in circles around you.
"He won't if someone doesn't tell him" she frowned.
"He's going to kill us both, y/n," she almost yelled. Following you to the briefing of a new case.
"He can't kill you, Lyla. Be serious..." you stated, shrugging.
"I don't want to know..."
"Me neither. So just shush..." The room was almost empty. Only Peter, Hobie, and Jessica were inside.
The sound of the door captured everyone's attention
"Shoot" you said, looking at Miguel who sighed. After that, he stopped talking.
"You're late..." Of course, he would remark on your irresponsibility.
"I had a dentist appointment. What can I say?" he rolled his eyes and indicated you sit down.
"Sorry, I won't come late again would be fine" Miguel scolded you, and then kept giving instructions.
Earth-238, neon venom, evacuated civilians, blah blah blah. The mission would be easy, and you'd be leaving the room.
"Okay, everyone... gone, now" Jess finalizes.
"Not you, y/n..." Miguel's voice caught you off guard. When you turned around, Lyla was still whispering to him.
"Bitch..." you whispered.
"Hey, I'll wait for you," Hobie said, indicating that he would wait outside the room.
You nodded at him, smiling as he left.
"Why did you send the evidence of last week's mission to Jessica instead of me?" He asked, arms crossed.
"She's also my boss," you admitted, avoiding his judgemental brows and gaze.
"I'm in charge. She's second in command. So?..." you pinched the bridge of your nose, anxiety creeping over.
"I-.." It was useless; you had to be honest.
"Because uh-, I didn't want you to see the anomaly recording" he was right. He knew you would be afraid of his reaction. Something inside switched to be softer.
"I almost fail to save that girl. It was an accident, but... I can't control this new ability. And I want to do a good job" Your anxiety was evident. Miguel had to suppress a smile.
"You have a big responsibility on your shoulders. The power to retain or doom canon" a lecture was coming. And you wished he wore his mask because you could see his whole features. Making it prone to capture any negativity from him.
"And that's why you must be on missions with me, not Jessica. I'm training you, not her" To be honest, you were surprised.
"You make me nervous all the time. I'm afraid I'll make something stupid on any of these days, and you'll send me home. My life is so boring..." He kind of chuckled, and it made you beyond surprised.
"I thought you were working on the English degree and summer ballet classes."
"You remember it?" Could your heart beat any faster?. His eyes were deep-fixed on yours, and it was killing you in a good way.
"Please stop giving me that look. I'm gonna piss myself off from nervousness."
"Don't think too much about it. You're doing good, kid" The pat on your shoulder made you explode.
Right there, you knew it was over. You had a crush on Miguel O'Hara.
Was it possible to see everything in pink shades and heart sprinkles? That's how you were looking at every universe. You were starting your lover era.
"PETER! PETER!" You yelled, running towards the man, heading out of the cafeteria. Most spider people on the headquarters looked at you, but you didn't care.
"Woah, calm down, girl," he said with a smile.
"I need to tell you something" he couldn't describe your excitement but happily took your hand when you pushed him inside an empty conference room.
"I have a crush on Miguel," you said with an evident blush.
"YOU WHAT?" He asked yelling.
"I know, I know. But... he's so sweet to me. He said I shouldn't be nervous about him and that I was doing good. He remembers my career and that I'm doing ballet classes. Oh, and today he opened the door for me TWICE!" You explain excited, pinching your suit. It was half synthetic and half like the one from Miguel. In navy colors and silver details. You loved your suit.
"This is insane. Are you insane, y/n?. We're talking about Miguel. Our grumpy and snarky boss that gets stressed over the tiniest detail and doesn't know how to smile" You nodded, rolling your eyes.
"It's not like he's the love of my life or destiny, Peter. It's just a crush...." you tried to convince yourself.
"No, no, no. I disapprove of this. Isn't he a little older for you?" You sighed.
"Oh, c'mon. MJ is younger than you, Mr. No age gap"
"This is serious, y/n. I've known Miguel for a long time. You know what happened to him. I don't think he's emotionally ready for this" he was right. But you were confident that this crush wouldn't be a big issue.
"I know. The least I want to do is hurt him. But once again, it's just a crush, Peter," you started coming out of the room. And, like a big coincidence, Miguel was walking through the hallway with Lyla talking to him.
"Hey, is it okay if I go to your office at lunchtime?" you asked the broad man once he was walking near you. He had his mask, that if you stared too long, it was a severe and scary gaze, but he nodded once. Neither you nor Peter noticed Miguel was actually looking at you. Causing him to feel a weird pricking.
"Sure," with that, he left with the female AI giving you a bad look.
"What?" Peter asked in disbelief once again.
"See? Nothing to worry about, love," you said.
In your Hispanic household, dinner was very important. And the one you missed two months ago was an issue that your family hardly let go.
"Don't be so late, corazón." your grandma told you from the kitchen. You entered the room being greeted by the smell of mole and ponche.
"With this food waiting for me, I will return in a second, abuelita," she giggled as you kissed her cheek.
"I'm just going for a stretch. And maybe a flan for dinner" Your favorite part of the day was starting. So happily, you left the house. AirPods on with your favorite music blasting through them, and it felt like heaven.
Swinging from palms to buildings and watching the crowds of the traffic of LA. Until you were in the Fashion District Downtown. You stopped at your favorite rooftop to see the last minutes of the West Coast sunset.
And it was beautiful. Orange, pink, yellow, purple, blue, and black. Like a firework evaporated in the sky.
The air feels perfect for taking a long breath, and you feel thankful for having a good day.
"Hey." you nearly fell from the building, but a well-known bright red web caught you in time.
When you turned around, you had Miguel watching you.
"Miguel?. What are you doing here?" The surprise and shock were eating you alive. Maybe an emergency happened, or he would get you banned from the Spider Society. Who knows?
"Just checking on you..." lately, he had been more close to you. Giving you a hand on missions, being willing to have more extended conversations, and softer pieces of advice.
"Why?" You ask, arching a brow.
"Last week, you were a little slow." he hears you giggling, and as he walks closer, he sees you hanging your toes on the edge. He sees your hair freely fly as you laugh. Cute, he thinks.
"I was on my period. We're good now..." he thanked, wearing the mask because his cheeks were burning.
"Don't be silly, Miguel. It's... normal," you said after he stood there quietly.
"Come, seat with me.." he obeyed, establishing some distance with you, but not too much.
Then he deactivated his mask, and you confirmed that his hair always looked gorgeous.
"Your universe is interesting," he said finally.
"We are very fixed; little surprises us. And capitalism is leading us to ruin, but yes... it's interesting" Miguel wasn't expecting that answer but smiled. Only because you didn't catch it.
"You are spending too much time with Hobie," you laughed, nodding.
"Yeah, I'll take that.." This time, you noticed his smile. And you wanted to keep the moment a little longer.
"Can we talk?"
"We are talking, y/n..." he let out a brief chuckle again.
"No, I know, but, like seriously...I'm afraid. Of hurting someone in the process of creating a disaster with this thing of being an anomaly" For weeks, you tried to avoid the thoughts of insecurity. But this was a good moment because Miguel had been training you, and he was the right and worst person to talk about this.
"And it frustrates me that I don't completely understand at all what am I..." you said, covering your face, letting all the intrusive thoughts out. Because even on a good day, anxiety could sneak in.
"Being a spider person means being afraid of many things. There's never complete peace. We live alert day by day. Keep in mind that you'll constantly worry, but it's part of the job. You don't sign for it; it just hits you" his words were profound. Enough to soothe some of your panic.
"I wish I could be straight to the point like you..." Miguel was urged to touch your hand or strands of hair that brushed his forearm. But he resisted, only looking at your profile.
"No. It's good to be honest and worry too."
"And you're something bigger than an anomaly. You're special" Maybe his tone made everything sound softer.
"Well, I don't feel special," you admitted.
"I feel like an accident. Not meant to be here, but nothing else to do."
"You don't need to feel it. I just see it..." when you turned to look at him, it was his soft look that made you realize, you were falling in love with him.
As your smile grew, Miguel completely ignored any thought of fear. He was just feeling, letting his heart warm and reciprocate your smile.
"You have to come and have dinner with my family and me," you blurted excitedly, changing the subject.
"Por Dios. No, y/n!" He said, rolling his eyes.
"They're not annoying or nosy, I promise," you pleaded. He knew there was no problem because your family thought you were in a new program in college. That was your lie to disguise your time with him and the team. Either way, Hispanic families could be nosy when a girl arrived home with a man.
"Please, as a thank you for listening to my bullshit. Por favor, ándale. Di que si..." he couldn't say no. He didn't want to reject you.
"Está bien, pues....'
He smiled again, watching you celebrate as you started balancing between buildings. Soon he followed you, happy to feel the way he was doing, and completely ignoring what he preached to keep canon safe.
The shock on everyone's faces only increased the more you talked.
Pavitr, Gwen, Hobie, and Peter had their mouths open.
"And then, we went to get a flan for dinner. A kid asked for a selfie with us, and it was so silly," you narrated.
"When we arrived home, he was so sweet. Only speaking Spanish, and he told mi abuelita I was doing great in job" Peter decided it was time to cover his mouth with one hand. Soon, everyone followed, keeping their shock.
"Dad was slightly judgmental but soon changed his mind because Miguel accepted a beer from him."
"Oh, and we spent hours in my room" That was enough for Peter.
"NO, PETER!. Jesus... we spent hours in my room because I was explaining to him some of my analysis from literature classes" The color returned to his face.
Nodded understanding, and everyone else laughed.
"I can't believe this. I simply can't..." Pavitr confessed.
"Love can come in strange ways..."
"Who's talking of love, Pavitr?" Hobie asked playfully.
"Well.." you whispered.
"What else?" Gwen almost jumped, needing to know more. You were starting to like her more. So you started narrating the flashback.
Once again, both of you were back on a rooftop. It was almost 2:00am.
"I-, I liked this..." Miguel managed to say. Looking down at you, trying to regain his neutral and serious tone and look. But after spending hours with you, it seemed impossible.
"Me too. You were so caring, and thank you for being so comprehensive" Your excitement match your words, not that Miguel cared. But he realized you had jumped and grabbed both of his hands. And before you pulled away, he was caressing your knuckles.
"It was nothing..."
"Are you coming tomorrow?" He asked, ignoring the way he always tells everyone he doesn't like touching or any type of contact.
"I think I stopped being a half-time employee some time ago..." he nodded, smiling.
Hands were still holding. And none of you wanted to break the touch.
"Till tomorrow then..." you said, sad to break the touch but happy for everything that happened that night.
And with that, you saw Miguel opening a portal, and you left.
"NO - FUCKING - WAY!" Gwen yelled.
"Are you sure you weren't dreaming while drunk?"
"No, Peter. I can't drink yet" he snorted as if he had heard something incredible. Gwen couldn't stop looking lost, taking time to digest the information, Pavitr too, and Hobie was... being Hobie.
"Dude looks nice with her. I heard him laugh the other day," Hobie stated.
"Me too. And he canceled a meeting to go and train her," Pavitr added.
"He's, like, the last person I imagined you would say you had a date with."
"It wasn't a date..." you said.
"IT WASN'T A DATE?. Girl, he had dinner with your family, listened to your boring old books for hours, and held your hands for... five or eight minutes?"
"Okay. maybe it unconsciously turned into a date." They all nodded in agreement.
"Oh, my god... Was it a date?"
Peter sighed as he watched you laugh with Hobie. Soon went straight towards Miguel's lair. The man greeted him with a silent wave, before returning to look at all of the recordings and screens playing them.
".. y/n is very happy. Did you two have fun last night?" He asked Miguel once stepped further.
"I'm not discussing this with you," the broad man approached to say.
Peter loved you like family. He wanted you to be happy and safe.
He trusted Miguel after knowing each other. But he wasn't sure if you two had a bright future. After all, Peter saw how Miguel changed so much after losing Gabriella.
"I don't want to discuss this with you either."
"Look, she's like family. You are like family too. I want her to be happy. And you too, man. But... I want you to think... Is it correct?" Miguel stopped looking at the screens.
"We can't lose her. And I don't want to see another era of pain and collapse" It hit him.
What was he thinking? Letting all of his feelings take over him. He couldn't be in love; it wasn't meant for him.
Your canon was unsure, delicate. And his... was doomed. He imagined having to see you gone, and he wasn't ready to find out. He wasn't ready to go through that pain again. And he didn't want to see you in pain.
"Just think... because maybe it's meant to be, but-"
"No. You're right..." Miguel accepted.
Peter grew quiet.
"After y/n leaves tonight. Call the others, except Hobie..." Peter nodded unsure, wondering what was Miguel plotting.
Miguel made a decision. Losing you was going to save both of you. Or so he thought.
The cafeteria was quiet.
Then a piece of your suit ripped off.
And spider-cat was absent!!!
Then, you didn't see Miguel the day before. When you asked Lyla, she said he was swamped with his job, so you would not make him stressed. Plus, having some space after spending the night together would be great.
"Hey!" You called Hobie when he sat next to you on a bench. He was used to visiting you in your universe. He liked the food and how the people complained about something new daily.
"Something feels weird," he blurted, tilting his head.
"RIGHT?. I thought I was the only one" he nodded and sighed. That was also weird; Hobie never hesitated to spit the words out.
"Yesterday. After you left, Peter called everyone except for me. It seemed weird that just as you left, he called everyone to get a lecture from Miguel," Another weird thing. Why you and Hobie would be excluded? Well, he rarely followed rules, but he was always included in briefings.
"Miguel stopped wasting his time with me, But a meeting without you?" Maybe it wasn't anything. Perhaps a simple meeting. There had been some occasions where you had not been present.
"Do you wanna go out and ignore why we were excluded?" you asked playfully. He nodded with a cocky smile.
"Hell yeah..." Both of you left in seconds.
Spending time with Spider-punk was always fun. Hobie made you remember things like; fuck it, just do it.
But for the first hour, you didn't find anyone. Even when the headquarters of the Spider Society were big, you thought it would have been easier.
By the evening, you find yourself eating an empanada, thinking of Miguel. Accepting you started missing him.
"Guys!.." Gwen called you and Hobie, appearing from an elevator that had opened.
"Don't ask anything yet..." you nodded to him.
"We were busy being scolded by Miguel. But there's a new mission we need to go to. And he wants us all, let's go..." Hobie and you exchanged looks, not buying Gwen's words.
You got too carried away, forming possible explanations for her weird behavior. Why you hadn't seen your friends the day before?. And why you and Hobie were excluded from the last meeting?.
When you follow Gwen, you didn't even look at Pavitr taking Hobie away.
As soon as you entered the room, Jessica, Peter, and Miguel were inside.
"Where's Hobie?" Miguel asked. You also turn confused, because he was right behind you.
"He was right here..." Gwen mumbled, looking around, making Miguel sigh tired.
He didn't look at you for the first minutes of the debriefing. The more he ignored your presence, the more your questions emerged.
"Everyone get ready... except for y/n," he announced with his neutral and cold face.
"You're going home."
"WHAT?" you screamed.
At the end of the day, Miguel wasn't ready for this. But he was doing his best, even if it meant lying to you.
"Your canon is changing, constantly glitching. We can't risk anything happening. I'm sending you home..." he explained like nothing.
"No, please. I'm not a danger. If it was something bad, it would've happened already" he kept looking straight at the doors, not even moving.
It hurt you that he was still unsure of you, especially after everything he said in your home.
"It's for the best."
"Can we talk... In private?" You whispered, taking his forearm. He slowly moved away, making you feel the pain grow.
"There's nothing to talk about"
"Oh really?. I think we do. What about the other day?"
"It wasn't a coincidence that you appeared after someone tried opening portals in your earth," you gasped in shock.
"I did recruit you for the sake of the  Spider Society. I needed to know you were not a threat."
"You said I was special" he managed to hear you whisper. And it was tearing him.
"You are. But a potential danger too. Which is why l'm sending you home.." you shake your head, fighting the tears rapidly forming in your eyes.
"All of you knew about this?" You asked, looking at Peter, Gwen, and Jessica.
The pregnant woman bowed her head while Gwen looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't.
"We do this because we care for and want to protect you..."
"Really? This is not what friends do. All you do is lie and lie to me!" you said with a broken voice.
"I'm sorry," Miguel admitted looking down.
"GOD, STOP LYING" you yelled.
"Tell me I meant nothing to you. Or admit you might be scared of the possibility of falling in love with me..."
"There is no love in this equation. You have made all of this in your head." he broke you. You swore you heard your heart decreasing its heartbeats.
"For one minute, I thought you... felt the same, that you cared" As he stood there quietly, you started crying.
To everyone's shock, it was the first time they saw you crying. Gwen tried to reach you, but you stepped back, moving away from all of them.
At the same time, Pavitr and Hobie entered the room.
"Something weird happened. You might want to see this, boss," Pavitr announced.
"It was dope..." Hobie admitted leaning on the door frame. But stood quiet after watching you crying.
The moment turned uneasy, debating whether to go or stay with you.
"Please, let's go, and then we'll talk with tranquility about this," Peter told you. Giving a look that he wasn't happy with seeing you cry.
Slowly, you followed them. Ignoring Miguel's look.
Then you thought, What was the point of following them? If they would send you home after that?.
Anger wasn't a good feeling, but it was blinding you. All the fantastic facade they sold of being good friends. The months Miguel lied to you. He could have done it differently. But he even dared to agree to have dinner with your family.
He held your hands and made you believe there was a chance. He made you believe you weren't dangerous, that you could be in control of your fate.
So you stopped following them and turned to the lower plant of the building, deciding to that you would choose  what you wanted, not what they thought it was correct.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group watched how all of the canon was held together. Until your specific web was expanded.
Your web was tiny, like a baby's. It glitched a lot, but when Miguel entered with the others, he noticed the glitch was even more aggressive than ever.
There were only two canon moments; you getting bit and joining the Spider Society. But there were new ones forming. And from the shiny dot, a new line grew.
"What the hell?" Peter asked in disbelief.
"This isn't possible..." Jess whispered.
Lyla was following your web and paying attention. Until she saw the first new canon event. You would lose your best friend, and the time was quickly coming. Gwen lowered her head, lamenting for what you would suffer, just like her.
But then, your thread started moving and growing until it was connected to another one: Miguel's.
And from that connection, a new canon event was officially established.
You and Miguel together.
"Holy sh-" Gwen almost said but couldn't finish the sentence.
"Does this mean..." Jessica started.
"She's part of your canon," Peter confirmed.
Miguel was in shock; his eyes remained on what the model displayed. Your masked figured siding his. You were really meant for him. He hadn't need to worry about it ending in disaster. Still, it didn't soothe him.
"Uh-boss? Our pretty little y/n started a countdown to return home and temporarily block the entrance to her earth," Lyla announced, appearing beside Miguel.
He turned to look at her, worried.
"I tried stopping her, but I believe she's growing her cosmic powers?" the day couldn't get more complicated for Spider-Man 2099.
"Cosmic powers?" Peter asked, running after Miguel, who started heading towards the exit.
Lyla, crossed her arms looking at everyone starting running. She couldn't admit it to anyone. That if your issue wasn't fixed, something darker could happen.
The Al couldn't throw salt in Miguel's wound.
"Jessica, send help. Lyla, stop her," he demanded. Jessica nodded, and Lyla disappeared.
"There's no spider with cosmic powers. But y/n was a bit between universes. So maybe she has some of them or..."
"Peter shut up!. I just can't lose her!" If you were Miguel's destiny, he would do things right. And he regretted setting up all of the secret meetings and lies.
He rushed to get to you faster than anyone. He wasn't even sure the blocking earth thing worked.
Maybe he was exaggerating, but he was willing to set the alarms so everyone would try to stop him.
If he had waited a day, none of this would've happened. But he had understood once that things happened for a reason; canon.
So as fast as he was running, something inside told him it was already late.
Peter and Gwen followed close to him, ready to find you prepared to leave.
The panic finally settled when they entered the dark room, and you were already behind the colorful barrier.
"NO!. Please, y/n" You turned to hear Miguel's voice calling you.
Your look was empty, but the anger was there. He kept calling for you, but you didn't say a word.
All of you wanted was to leave. Sleep and forget you were a spiderwoman. Ease the pain of your broken heart. And accept that no matter if you were the only variant of yourself in all the universes, you were meant to choose your own destiny.
You bolted, when he had you face to face, you were gone.
Confused, you appeared on a random street in Downtown LA. Your suit was ripped, your hair was a mess, and the tears didn't seem to stop. A wave of cold air hit you, making you shiver and hug yourself.
Feeling broken and in shock, you found yourself stepping on a broken glass bottle. Your left foot instantly started bleeding, making you fall to your knees.
That's when you no longer held the tears; you just let all the sobs take over.
You shouldn't have accepted to join the Spider Society; you shouldn't have pushed your crush for Miguel.
I hate this. I hate this. God, I hate this...
With no more strength, you stood up. And tottering, you started walking towards home.
It was okay; it would be okay.
Cringe in general? Maybe… part two?
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callofdudes · 7 months
Late little Valentine's thing for the boys, their love languages and how they show you affection 😊
This will only include 141. Was busy on my birthday and never got around to this. So before February ends. Can be platonic or romantic.
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Heavy on physical affection. Any time he can squeeze in a hug, a high five or really anything, he will.
He's super into encouraging words and will call you something if he sees you passing by. "There's my favorite (lad/lass/lovely/soldier)"
His love language return and send is physical affection, so whenever you want to show him that you love him, physical affection will set him in the right mood.
For Valentine's Day he got you a box of chocolates you really like and a photo of himself, with comic Sans saying, "Don't let anyone steal your swag, this Valentine's."
To show you affection, he's only ever going to do what he knows you're comfortable with. If you're happy with a little peck, he'll go for it.
If you're smaller than him then he'll do that thing where he asks you to sniff his collar and then kisses your forehead. If you're bigger than him he will jump on you. Don't fight it. Hold him. Hold him!! Let him give you a nice good smooch. Don't be afraid- DON'T BE AFRAID! COME BACK!!! HE'S NOT FINISHED!!
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Not a huge physical affections guy, just isn't his thing. However, how he does show affection is through acts of service.
Sometimes it may seem that Ghost is being bossy by not letting you do things or that he cleaned your room because he didn't think you could do it on your own. Truth is, he's showing you he loves you.
Ghost took time from his incredibly busy schedule to clean, or tidy, or do something that he knew was so minimal in the grand scheme he might not get praised, but he knows you'll like it.
That's why when he can't sleep at night he may clean. Sweep the common area and clean up the kitchen and wash dishes. Because he knows you guys will come in and need to use the space tomorrow and would appreciate it being clean.
That being said, please, please oh please praise him. I'm not saying he's starved but if you tell him he is doing a good job, or you're proud of him, or thankful for his help?? He might just cry. No, scratch that, he'll excuse himself to catch the waterworks.
You're speaking to his inner child when you praise him. Ghost doesn't do anything in return for praise, but when you offer it, oh please don't let go of him.
Simon knows some flower language, so naturally he goes out to get you some flowers. Whether you look like you'd typically be into flowers or not isn't the question. It's which ones he's getting you, and why.
He got you Azaleas as well as some lilies just to break up the pink. Azaleas being the equivalent of "Take care of yourself for me, temperance and fragile passion"
It's a subtle way, If you know, for him to tell you how he feels without having to say it. And with that he also gets you hotrods. No, not the car, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, here.
If you're smaller than him (which, in most cases you probably are, let's be for real) he'll lean over from behind you and simply rest his chin on the top of your head.
It's something of affection for him, watching the world with you quietly, relaxing with his head resting on yours. Simon's way of saying "I love you."
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Gifts are his love language. Whenever he's out and about and he sees a trinket that reminds him of you he'll snatch it and bring it back.
He constantly does this and telling him he doesn't have to doesn't stop him.
For Valentine's Day he'll go all out. He'll buy you chocolate, some flowers to make your office window look a little prettier, and a card too.
To show him affection back, please praise him. Like Ghost, he had to fight a lot in the past for recognition or praise, so you saying "I really appreciate you, in glad you're here, you did a good job picking, you really know me" sends him spiraling.
He'll be at your heel the rest of the day, and you'll happily grant him praise and recognition without him having to claw and scratch for it.
Like John, he does kiss and touch to show affection to those he's close to. But if you are only comfortable with it. He's a mixed bag, and will kiss you all over every single day if he has permission.
If he doesn't, simple touches suffice. Bumping your shoulder on the way by or wrapping his arms around you from behind to smoosh his face into your neck or shoulder blades, depending on how tall you stand.
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This man is no pussy, will straight up tell you he loves you and appreciates you. Will make you breakfast on the day and wake you up with a kiss, (or forehead kiss, or both)
He'll let you wear your comfy clothes and will make you stay in bed as you eat. If you couldn't have guessed, he serves through acts of service and gifts!
John Price is always right there, even after a long day to help out. Now, if you leave a trash bag for him on purpose, he'll be stubborn and won't take it out. But if it's on his own terms John will do just about anything for you. You call the shots.
If you want to stay in bed, then that's your call. He certainly isn't complaining. If you want to go out, then you'll go out!
He's a very traditional man, no matter who you are or your style, Price will give you the gentlemen's treatment. Flowers, a bag of chocolates (yes, a whole bag. Come on 141 get on his level)
He'll pretty much pamper you all day. Please pamper him back. He feels loved most when given physical affection and repaid with acts of service. If you clean the house so he doesn't have to then you're a dream.
But even if you just come up behind him and hug him, tell him you love him and appreciate him, that's enough to make his whole week.
You have to do it again though, because he swears that it just rubbed off and he forgot. Do it again. Don't be afraid. DO IT AGAIN.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 9 months
Pairing- Mingi x Named Reader
Word count- 7.8k
Includes- Rumors, pussy eating, cum eating, missionary, cock riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Mingi Masterlist
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Mingi POV
As I pass another group of female stylists on my way to the makeup artist who called me, I notice them look at me, whisper to each other and laugh so loudly
What the fuck?
This has been happening all day
Female staff laughing when I pass or whispering as soon as they see me
Some look me up and down then giggle while others give me a pitying look after
I don't know what the fuck is going on
Neither do the guys and they're saying it's not happening with them
It's just me
I get to Joanne, plopping down in the make up chair
"What's with the face?", she asks, as she tilts my head back, immediately starting on my foundation
"Something's going on"
"Like what?", she asks
"I don't know"
She snorts, "Cryptic much?"
I crack a smile at her sass
She's really cool and I've become friends with her
I like her "no nonsense tell it like it is" attitude
She doesn't sugar coat things and especially not with me or the guys
Which a lot of the staff do because they don't want to upset us
It's not that she doesn't care if we're upset but she says it's better to know the truth about stuff than believe the lies
I agree
Apparently I'm not the only one as the guys all like her and have formed their own friendships with her
She's really the only staff member we talk to about real shit
I trust her advice and judgement
"Wanna tell me what's going on without acting like a cryptic super villain in a lame comic?"
Rolling my eyes, I tell her what's been happening all day
Just as I finish, two makeup artists pass us and they give me a look, then whisper and laugh as they walk away
"See?", I say
"Ah. Yeah", she nods, spreading concealer under my eyes
"Do you know what that's about?"
"Yup", she answers, then says no more
I wait until she sweeps powder all over my face to confront her
"Well what's it about?"
"Close your eyes"
"Joanne!", I protest
"Just close your eyes Mingi. I'll tell you while I do your eye makeup"
I glare but then close my eyes
"Well?", I prompt
I feel a makeup brush run over my right eye as she talks, "Well there's some trash talk about you going around"
Trash talk?
What trash talk?
I haven't done anything to warrant trash talking
I don't talk to most of the staff here besides pleasantries and being polite
She sighs, "Well people are saying you suck in bed. And you have a small dick"
"What?", I yell, my eyes snapping open
"Mingi! You're gonna mess up the make up and I'll be very upset if I have to do it all over again"
Fuck the makeup
People are talking about my dick and I want to know why
Or how they even came up with the idea that's it's small
Or that I'm terrible in bed
"How? What? Why? How?", I demand
She rolls her eyes again, "It's your own damn fault"
How is this my fault?
"It's because of Bong-Cha", she replies, "You fucked her and never called her back. Never spoke to her again. Never sorted out if it was just a one night thing or not"
"So because I don't call she spreads rumors about me?"
She shrugs like it's no big deal, "She liked you Mingi. I guess she thought that night meant more. And when you went back to ignoring her, she got pissed"
So she spreads lies?
I slept with her once, a few weeks ago
It was on a whim
I was feeling horny after a performance and she was there
She was willing and I just did it
And I didn't go back to ignoring her
She's a stylist that is normally assigned to Yeosang and Jongho
I don't deal with her directly, just my stylists
I've said hi to her in passing since we slept together
She never looked like she was pissed at me
"She should have come and spoken to me instead of telling her friends lies about me"
"Yeah you're right", she agrees, "Close your eyes"
I do it instead of arguing
"What do I do?"
"Ignore it", she answers simply
"I can't ignore it!"
"Why not?"
"Because my dick isn't small!", I exclaim
I can't let that fucking go
I don't want people thinking that about me
And the fact that it's a lie and she took the immature route pisses me the fuck off
"Yeah I don't need to know about your dick ok?"
"Jesus, what?"
"I need to do something"
"Like what Mingi? What can you possibly do? You can't tell her to say it's a lie"
"Why not?", I ask, opening my eyes to look at her
That sounds like a good idea
Get her to take it back
"One because she won't admit she lied to her friends for a stupid reason. And two, no one would believe her anyway. They'd think that you forced her to say your dick isn't small", she says, "Just let it go"
"I cannot let it go", I growl
"Oh my god, stop with the guy shit with the massive protection over your reproductive organ! Christ, it's not the most important thing in the world"
"Right, because you'd want a rumor spread that your pussy is loose? Or that it's gross or dirty? Or that you don't know how to fuck?"
She snorts, "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about my pussy or my fucking skills. I only care what the person I'm seeing thinks. And since I'm currently single, I couldn't give less of a rat's ass"
I know she's telling the truth about that
She really doesn't care what people think of her
It sounds so freeing
I wish I was like that but unfortunately I'm not
"Well that's you. I don't want rumors spread about me. About anything"
"Ok genius, what are you gonna do about it then?"
I don't fucking know
I have to think
"Close your eyes", she repeats and I sigh, doing it
As she adds more eye shadow, I rack my brain for something I could do to dispel this stupid rumor
And I do come up with something
It's stupid but it could work
"I could fuck another staff member", I think out loud, "That way that girl will know Bong-Cha is lying and set the record straight"
"That is a very bad idea", she answers
"No it's not", I say, defending the stupid idea
"Oh my god, yes it is! You're gonna sleep with someone just so they can spread it around that you have a big dick? And that you're good in bed? What if they decided to keep up the lie? Or what if they don't say anything at all? And who are you gonna get to sleep with you? They all think you have a small dick"
Yeah ok, I didn't think that far ahead
But apparently girls like to gossip so I bet that whoever I fuck will tell everyone my dick is big
I just gotta figure out who I can do this with
"There has to be someone", I mutter, thinking
"Yeah good luck with that"
I go through the list of staff members in my head, sorting them into no and maybes of who'd give it a shot to sleep with me
There's no definite yes' yet
As I go through the list, I get to one person and it's a yes
It's perfect actually
"I got it!", I yell, snapping my eyes open
"Mingi!", she shrieks, pulling the eyeliner from my eye, fuming, "Are you fucking crazy? Don't fucking open your eye like that! I could of stabbed you in the eye"
"Dramatic much?", I quip, raising my eyebrow
"We'll see how fucking dramatic I'm being when you're holding your eye, crying from the pain!"
"Alright I'm sorry!", I apologize, "I just got carried away"
She grumbles something under her breath and I ask her what she said
"Nothing. What do you want to say? I know you won't let me continue with the makeup until you tell me"
"I know who I can sleep with"
She sighs, "Who?"
"Excuse the fuck outta me?", she snaps
"No it's actually perfect", I tell her
"No it's actually not. I'm not a whore. I don't sleep with just anyone"
"C'mon Jo, I know you're not a whore. I don't want you to think that I think of you like that. I don't"
"Well that's a relief", she says sarcastically
"Look, what I'm suggesting, it'll actually work", I say, hurrying to explain, "You don't give a fuck about the rumor. I think everyone can see that. They know your personality, they know you're brutally honest. They know you have no stake in this. So they'll believe you when you refute the rumor"
She glares at me, her arms crossed over her chest, "No"
"C'mon! I'll make it good, I promise. I'm actually good in bed. That was a huge fucking lie"
I know I've good
I've heard that many times and have gotten no complaints so far so I know it's true
"Mingi, I just...no", she shakes her head, making my hopes fall, "I don't even fuck on the first three dates and I'm supposed to sleep with you? My friend?"
"Well yeah", I nod, "It's just a one time thing. You know it. I know it. There's a reason why we're doing it. Nothing's gonna change. We'll still be friends"
She bites her lip, looking hesitant, "I don't know Mingi"
"Please? It'll be fun. It's just a one night stand between friends"
She avoids my eyes, looking down at the floor
After a minute of silence, she says, "Yeah ok. Fine. Once"
"Yeah?", I repeat, hoping I didn't mishear
"Yes", she grits out
"Great!", I smile widely, "Tonight?"
"Jesus Christ, really?", she exclaims, "You move fucking fast, you know that?"
"Yeah well, just want the rumors to be over", I remind her
"Yeah well, Jesus"
"So tonight?", I repeat
"Yeah fine, tonight"
"Ok. Come to the dorm tonight"
"The dorm?", she says, raising an eyebrow, "With all the guys there?"
"Yeah it's fine. I have my own room and they have noise cancelling head phones"
"Uh...what's wrong with my apartment?", she says, looking a little uneasy
I shake my head, "Can't be seen there. If anyone sees me going in or out of your apartment the media will have a field day"
"Oh right", she mumbles, "Yeah ok. I'll come to the dorm"
"Yeah great", she repeats, "Can I finish your makeup without interruptions now?"
"Yup", I smile, closing my eyes
"I'm here", the text message reads
"Coming", I answer, then get up from my bed
Opening the front door, she stands there, looking hesitant
"Who's here?", Yeosang yells
"Jo?", Hongjoong asks
I turn around to find all of them being nosey and staring at her in shock
"What uh...what are you doing here?", Seonghwa asks
"She's here for me", I answer
"You?", Yunho gapes
I roll my eyes, "Yeah me"
Turning back to her, I take her hand, sparks running up my arm
What the fuck?
Ignoring it, I tug her gently inside, closing the door
"C'mon", I tell her, leading her to my room
Looking back at the guys gaping faces, I smirk, "Use your headphones"
"Oh my god", San squeals
I pull her into my room before she can hear anymore of San and Wooyoung's big mouth
Closing my door, I lock it because I don't trust those two buffoons
They'd come in here unannounced just to embarrass us
And she's doing this for me, I don't want her to be embarrassed
"You could put your stuff there", I tell her, pointing to my computer desk
"Oh, ok", she says, putting her bag on the desk, then taking her sneakers off and setting them under the desk, "Sorry about the sneakers. You kinda dragged me right in, I didn't have time to take my shoes off"
"No big deal", I answer, plopping on my bed
I thought I'd be nervous but now that she's here I'm more excited than anything
To say she's gorgeous is an understatement
She's stunning with her long hair, her bright eyes, cute nose, kissable lips and small body
She's standing nervously by my desk and I want her here next to me right now
"Come here", I call, watching her slowly move towards my bed
She sits at the edge, nervousness falling off her
"Don't worry Jo", I tell her softly, taking her hand and pulling her to me, "It's just me"
Leaning down, I press my lips to hers, kissing her
The second our lips touch, sparks fly around my body, every one of my nerves lighting up, heat flooding every inch of my skin
I don't know what the hell this is or why I'm feeling this but I fucking like it
Getting my arm around her, I pull her right against me, kissing her harder, my tongue playing with hers
Her arms move around my neck as she kisses me and fuck me it feels so good
I lay down, taking her with me, her body curled into mine as she lays in my arms
As we kiss, our tongues playing against each others, her fingers slowly move into the back of my hair, tugging slightly and fuck, I really like it
Guess I'm into hair pulling
Her other hand slides under the sleeve of my tshirt, gripping my upper arm hard
Honestly I like that too
No one has really done that or grabbed me there
Normally by now we'd have our clothes off and be fucking already
With her it's different
Yeah she's small and kinda dainty but for some reason I don't want to go hard yet
I like this soft making out, touching and exploring each other's bodies
It feels nice, it feels like more than a quick fuck
I get lost in kissing her, moving my hand under her tank top, touching her soft skin
Her skin trembles against my fingers as I slide them slowly up her back and I fucking like that a lot
Moving my lips from hers, I press kisses to her neck, gliding my hand from her back to her stomach, slowly trailing up her body
The soft moans from her mouth are surprisingly beautiful and turning me on
Sliding my lips down to her chest, I lavish kisses all over her, pulling my hand from under her tank top to pull the neckline of it lower
Her hand moves from my arm to under my shirt, her hand feeling so small, her cold fingers a shock to my skin
It feels good and I moan into the top of her boob I'm currently kissing
Pulling her tank top lower, I hook into her bra, popping her boob out, licking along her hard nipple softly, my cock completely hard
She groans, her hand finding it's way into my hair, tugging softly
I really like that and it sends shivers down my spine
Wrapping my mouth around her nipple, I suck once, her body arching into mine as she moans out so softly, "Mingi"
That sends shocks through my body, the way she said my name so fucking sensually, blowing my mind
And I know, I'd do anything to hear it again
Moving off her nipple, I slide her tank top up and off her body, her bra following
Looking down at her, I'm awed at how perfect she is
She is exactly what I'd go for in a girl, looks and body wise
I squeeze her boobs softly, my eyes on her face as I say, "So pretty aegi"
Her cheeks turn pink as she shyly looks at me and I'm shocked she's being like this
Normally she's loud, in your face, not taking shit from anyone, cursing up a storm
I've never heard her be so quiet
Her hands slide up my arms slowly, until they wrap around my neck and it feels so right, it's throwing me off
She sits up a little, her lips against mine in a kiss that has stars blasting in my vision
This time I don't think about how her kiss makes me feel, instead just enjoying it
She pulls me down as she lays down, kissing me slowly but passionately
I've never been kissed like this before and I fucking love it
Her hands move to the bottom of my shirt, taking her time as she pulls it up my body
I move my arms through the sleeves, reluctantly pulling away from her so she can get it over my head
Her eyes watch me as she drops my shirt to the floor, her hand moving to my waist
She gazes down at my body, biting her lip as her hands slowly move up
Her tiny hands run along my stomach to my chest, every nerve on fire from her touch
She spreads her hands all over my chest, slipping over my shoulders, beginning to roam my back
"Kiss me", she says softly, her gaze moving to mine
I immediately lean down, pressing my lips to hers
She pulls me against her, her soft skin against mine, feeling so good
Her fingers trail up and down my back as her tongue plays with mine, fire racing in every cell in my body
Slowly, her lips move to my neck, kissing right into the spots that make me feel fucking amazing
I don't know how she found them so quickly but she did, my mind clouding as I moan loudly
Her tongue licks my skin before kissing me, her hands moving down to my sweatpants, under the waist band of the pants and boxers, tugging them down
"Fuck", I moan, reaching for her pants, pulling them down as far as I can
I press kisses into her neck, her whimpers so fucking hot
"Take it off Mingi", she whispers
I groan, moving off her, standing by the foot of my bed
Leaning over her, I pull the rest of her pants, along with her panties, off and dropping them on the floor
I raise my eyes, the sight of her naked and in my bed driving me crazy
She's fucking perfect
Everything about her body is stunning
I can't tear my eyes away, just drinking her in
"Mingi", she whispers, my eyes moving to her pretty brown ones, "Off Mingi"
Right, I'm supposed to be taking off my clothes
I pull the rest of my pants and boxers down, getting them off in one go
"Holy shit", I hear her whisper
I look back at her but her eyes are elsewhere
She stares in between my legs in disbelief, "That is a huge dick. How the fuck?"
I just smirk, "Rumors were false as you can see"
"Yeah", she says, her eyes wide
Grabbing her ankles, I pull her down to the edge of the bed while I kneel on the floor
"Gonna eat your pussy", I tell her as I open her legs
I suck in a breath seeing her cunt for the first time
So fucking tiny
It's going to be hard getting inside her
I'm just gonna have to make her soaking wet then
"Oh...I thought-"
"I have to", I say, looking up at her, "You're really small and I need you to cum before you take my cock. I don't want to hurt you"
She looks unsure, saying, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You can just use your fingers"
I shake my head
I think I made it sound like it's a chore I have to do to get her ready for my dick
It's not
"I want to"
"You don't have to lie"
"Jo, I'm not", I assure her, "I want to taste you, I want to make you cum in my mouth"
"You do?", she asks skeptically
"So much", I reply, "You're pussy look so fucking good. So wet already and I just want my face buried in your cunt. So can I?"
The look of disbelief on her face is so cute as she nods
Taking that as a go, I put my tongue on her pussy and lick up slowly, getting a good taste of her
Fucking delicious, just like I knew she'd be
"Oh my god", she moans
I smirk then run my tongue rapidly up and down her cunt, right between her swollen pussy lips, my face getting so fucking soaked
"Shit", she whimpers, her legs already shaking around my head
I push my face into her cunt and at the same time pull her closer to me by her legs, desperate to be as close to her cunt as I can
Moving her legs around my shoulder, I dive into her wet hole, shoving my tongue in as far as I can
"Mingi, fuck", she cries as she clenches on my tongue
"Fuck. Do that again", I murmur
"Ddd...do what?", she stammers
"Squeeze my tongue when I tongue fucking you"
"God Mingi"
She nods and I smile before I continue to fuck my tongue into her pussy
And each time, she does squeeze my tongue hard, sending pleasure down to my cock
She moves up on her elbows and I can feel her watching me
Sure enough when I look at her, her eyes are on me, biting her lip
"Like what you see baby?", I tease between tongue thrusts
She nods, whimpering
"Like watching me eat your pretty pussy?"
"Yes Mingi", she answers, pleasure all over her face
I slide my hands up her thighs to her hips and keep going, my fingers dancing across her skin, her body trembling against my touch
I really really like that
She definitely likes watching, her pussy drenched and dripping into my mouth so much I have to swallow frequently
It's fine, she tastes so good
I slide my tongue out of her hole, licking all the way up and flicking her clit
She lets out a soft pretty moan
I like how quiet she is
I'm used to screaming and dirty talk and everything being super rough, so this is a nice change of pace
I like that I have to really work for her sounds, that I have to listen hard for them
And when she calls my name, it's better than I've ever heard it before
It just makes me want to please her so much just so I can be rewarded with hearing my name in her pretty voice
Turning my attention to her clit, I lavish it with licks, starting with the flat of my tongue and ending with my tip at the end of the lick
She breathes hard, watching me, my hands wrapping around her boobs, squeezing gently
I'm so into eating her cunt, actually loving every second of this
Tugging her pulsing clit into my mouth, I moan as I start to suck on her
"Mingi", she gasps, her hands gripping my sheets so hard, her knuckles are white
I amp it up, slurping all over her clit, wanting nothing than to keep it in my mouth forever
Still gripping her boobs, I move my fingers, pinching her nipples, her head lolling back as she moans quietly
"No baby", I tell her between sucks, "Look at me. Watch me"
She lifts her head, her eyes on me again, just how I want it
I tug softly on her clit, switching between slurping hard and suckling softly, visibly bringing her closer and closer
I suck hard as I pinch her nipple, a loud groan coming from her as her hand slides in my hair, holding on, at the same time her hips snap into my face
She keeps moving her hips as I play with her clit, fucking my face, her hands pulling my hair hard
"Yes baby", I moan between sucks, "More aegi. Fuck my face baby"
"Fuck", she whispers, her hips moving faster as I suck desperately on her
"Mingi, I...I'm gonna cum", she breathes
"Eyes on mine when you cum", I demand
Her big brown eyes meet mine, the pleasure in them turning me on
"Mingi", she calls softly, her legs shaking around me as she cums, grinding into my mouth
I hold her gaze as I suck her through it, then drop my tongue down to her hole
I lick her cum, moaning in shock at how fucking good tastes
So sweet, so creamy, so delicious
I can't help but close my eyes as I lick up and swallow all of her cum
When she finishes and I clean her up, I press a kiss to her pretty pussy lips, then move to press kisses to her inner thighs
I can hear her breathing hard, her fingers lazily running through my hair as I suck on her skin
I leave a dark purple bruise on her and when she sees it, she says softly, "More"
"More?", I tease, "You sure?"
She bites her lip, nodding, "All over"
"I can do that", I murmur, licking a spot on her inner thigh right before I suck her skin in my mouth
I love the feeling of her skin in my mouth, how soft she is, love hearing her quiet noises
After leaving many marks on her, I sit up on my knees between her legs, pulling her closer to me, getting her legs around my waist
"Gonna play with your pussy for a little. Get you nice and wet to take me"
She nods, breathing hard
Moving my cock between her lips, I move forward, sliding my length on her cunt, my head brushing against her clit
Fuck, it feels so good
And based on her soft moans, it feels good for her
Her pussy is so wet, coating my cock, the feeling of the sticky slick so good
I keep rubbing my shaft along her cunt, her clit throbbing against my head, that sensation running up my spine
"You're so fucking wet", I murmur, keeping her legs spread wide, my eyes stuck on her swollen pussy lips wrapped around my cock
I move a little faster when my cock head slips inside her hole accidentally
She moans as she clenches hard, pleasure zapping up my body
"Fuck, tight", I groan
Even from that little bit, I can tell she's really tight
Glancing up at her, I pull my cock head out, then slide it back in, watching her body shake, her hands grip my sheets hard, pleasure on her face
I pull out then move in again, her legs squeezing my waist, her head pressing back into her pillow, her eyes closed
"Feels good?", I ask
She nods, biting her lip
Gripping my cock, I guide my head and a tiny bit more of my cock into her cunt, the immediate squeeze around me so fucking pleasurable
"Think I should fuck you this way?", I ask, thrusting in and out
"Yes", she moans, her hands twisting in the sheets
"Yeah? With just my head? The way you're clenching on me makes me think you like it"
"I do", she whimpers, "Please Mingi, fuck me like this"
"I will baby", I assure her, moving into her hole faster, keeping a grip on my cock so I have control of how much enters her
I'm not going to lie, it feels really good
I've never used just my cock head to fuck a girl
But she is the tiniest I've ever been in and this is a good way to stretch her pussy out
I feel her drench me, tearing my eyes from her beautiful face down to her cunt
Holy shit
"My god, I've never seen a pussy this creamy before", I gape, slowly pulling my head out, then moving back in, watching her swollen pussy lips petal open, her tiny hole spread and her cream dripping on to me
On to the bed
"Is...is that bad?"
"No baby", I say, mesmerized, "I love it"
The sloppy wet sound of her pussy taking my cock head is fucking music to my ears
It's so loud, so pretty, so pornographic
"Feels good?", I ask when she moans
"Yes", she nods, "Good for you?"
"So good", I assure her, "You're sloppy creamy little hole is so pretty swallowing my head. Could watch this all day"
"Mmm", she moans softly, one of her hands moving from the sheet to wrap around my wrist, holding on tightly
Her body shakes, her breath getting faster, her cunt throbbing on my head every time I go inside her
She's close and I want her orgasm so badly
I want to feel her, want to see what I tasted all over my cock
"Cum on my head", I tell her, watching her hole throb around me, "I know you want to. C'mon aegi"
I thrust into her hole a few more times when her body arches, her cunt sucking on my head as she cums, throbbing so fucking blissfully
The pleasure from her orgasm is as shocking as it is amazing, blowing my mind
I watch her hole spasm, her cream dripping down my shaft
"Mingi!", she moans, holding onto my wrist so tightly, "Fuck me Mingi. Please. Want your cock inside me baby. Now"
I want that too but I don't want to hurt her
Letting go of my length, I hover over her, my hands on either side of her head as I slowly push inside her
Fuck fuck fuck
So fucking tight
I can't think of anything except how tight she is, can't feel anything except for her cunt stretching around me
Getting inside her feels incredible
"Yes Mingi!", she cries loudly, her legs squeezing around me, her hands grabbing my hips, gripping hard, "Please, more. All of you"
"I don't want to hurt you baby", I tell her as I ease into her, her pussy sucking me in, latching on to my cock tightly, spasming quickly
Her hands pull on my hips, helping me get inside her
"All of you now!", she whispers, "I can take you"
I bite my lip as the pleasure takes over and I slam the rest of my cock into her, impaling her on my shaft, hitting so deeply inside
"Yes, fuck!", we both shout, her body arching into mine
"Yes, yes, yes", she whimpers, "Fuck me Mingi. Fuck, want you so bad"
I nod, leaning down, my lips crashing to hers just as I start to move
Her kiss sears through my body, fire running along my back, as I pull out then slam back in
I move fast, wrapping one of my arms around her waist, lifting her right against me, her arms moving around my back
Her pussy splits open so well for me, actually taking my entire cock without a problem
Her tongue plays with mine, her fingers barely running up and down my back, shivers on my skin every place she touches
Those shivers just enhance the pleasure, making me crave more
I don't know why I'm feeling like this
I never shivered during sex either so I don't know what the fuck is going on
I don't want to think about it, I'm just going with it
I thrust into her harder, feeling so fucking amazing, the sound of her sopping pussy mixing with the slapping sound of our skin hitting with every stroke
I just keep kissing her, not able to get enough of her lips against mine
Hiking her legs up higher on my waist gives me more room to move, giving her stroke after stroke, right into her spot
"Mingi", she moans, sending chills down my spine
I love hearing my name in her voice
I move my kisses to her neck, feeling her skin tremble, one of her arms moving around my neck, sliding into my hair, holding on
Making my way down her neck, down her chest, I wrap my hand around her boob, pushing it up
I run my tongue over her hard nipple once, then lock my lips around it, sucking hard
"Oh god", she whimpers, her cunt clenching my cock hard, her pussy flooding my length even more
Her pussy spasms get faster with each fuck into her, her moans getting louder
"I'm...I'm....", she whimpers
"Mm hmm", I groan around her nipple, moving my hips faster, wanting to feel her cum on my entire cock
After a few more thrusts, she cries my name, climaxing, intense pleasure hitting me hard
I shove my entire cock inside her, letting her ride it out on my length
And it feels fucking mind blowing
I lift my head, watching her cum underneath me and fuck, she's so stunning
Her legs are squeezing me hard, her hand pulling my hair, pleasure all over her face
"So pretty", I hear myself say, my fingers running in her hair
Her eyes open, looking shyly at me, her cheeks pink
Her hand unclenches my hair, sliding through the strands to softly touching my cheek
Fire zaps into my cells as I turn my head into her palm, kissing it gently
She smiles softly at me, lifting her head, her lips against mine in another heated kiss
As I kiss her, she gently pushes me to the side and I go with her until she ends up on top of me, straddling me
Breaking the kiss, she sits up in my lap, her hand holding my cock up for her
She sinks down on my length, whimpering softly, wiggling her hips as she goes, opening up her pussy for me
"Mingi", she barely whispers, shivers running down my spine hearing my name
"Mmm baby", I groan, the pleasure of getting inside her so fucking intense, "All the way down. Split that pussy open for me. Fuck, you feel so fucking good"
Her hips are mesmerizing me with the way they move as she takes more of me slowly, her pussy making a sucking sensation on my dick as she pulls me inside
I keep my hands on her hips, trying desperately not to dig my fingers into her skin
She just has a little more of me to take
"Please baby", I moan, "Take all my cock"
She whimpers, finally shoving herself down, my length buried inside her to the hilt
"Mmm Mingi, fuck", she moans, "So big, shit"
She sits on me, feeling me, her pussy walls fluttering around my length, driving me crazy
I move my gaze down to where we meet, spreading her lips apart to get a better view
"Oh my god", I whimper, my eyes on her hole around me
"Www..what? What's wrong?"
"Fuck, you're pussy looks so fucking good wrapped around my cock", I whisper, glancing up at her, "That fucking hole, fuck. Straining around me"
I actually think I might be too big for her
"Does it hurt?", I ask
"No", she shakes her head, "It feels so good. God, I've never had a cock like yours inside me"
"Cock like mine?", I ask
Her hips move, rocking on me, my head rubbing inside her, soft moans escaping her mouth as her body shivers
Each rub into her spot makes her clench on me, pleasure so good
"Yeah. Huge like yours. Snug inside me. No extra room. So fucking deep. Overstuffs me", she groans, her hips grinding on me faster, "Never had a cock this hard inside. God, clenching on you....fuck so good. I....I think I really like having your dick inside me"
I smile at her, happy she enjoys being with me
"I like having my cock inside you. Your pussy is the tightest, smallest, I ever had around me but you fit so perfectly on me. Like your pussy was meant to take me"
She tilts her head, smiling too, "I know what you mean"
I'm glad she does and I don't sound like an idiot
She leans over, her lips brushing against mine in a brief kiss
Then she's sitting back up, her hands against my shoulders as she slides up my shaft
When she gets to my head, she squeezes so hard, making me gasp from the bliss
As she slowly slides down my cock, she clenches over and over, feeling like she's sucking on my cock
She bottoms me out, grinding on me then she's sliding back up again
She repeats the movements slowly but takes me in so deeply, each clench of her pussy as she takes me back in sending unbelievable bliss through my whole body
I never had anyone ride me like this, never this good, never this deep, never squeezing my cock so much as I go back in
It's driving me crazy and my head is getting hazy
She's getting me so fucked out and it's a new experience for me
Normally I'm doing that to the girl
But God do I like the emptiness in my head, the only thing I can do is feel her, feel the pleasure
She sits up a little straighter, her hands now on my abs, moving just a touch faster
I watch her as I feel everything, loving the pleasure on her face as she moves on me
She's so fucking stunning it's stupid
She breathes harder, my gaze moving to her pussy creaming my cock like crazy
All over, a pretty white mess covering me, thick creamy ring around the base of my cock and I just want more
Her skin has a light sheen of sweat but her hair is soaked, falling in her face as she bounces
She bites her lips hard, shaking slightly on top of me and I know she's close
"Fuck", she whimpers, her fingers squeezing my skin hard, "Oh god"
"Say my name", I beg her, squeezing her hips, "Please, fuck, I love hearing you say my name"
"Mingi", she whimpers so softly as she climaxes, her pussy throbbing uncontrollably, squeezing my cock in a vice grip
She's so fucking beautiful
"Mingi", she repeats, "Mingi"
Hearing my name is just what I need, throwing me over the edge
"Fuck Joanne", I cry, holding her on my cock as I cum deep inside her, complete ecstacy taking over
Holy shit it feels so fucking good
Coming hasn't felt this good before
"Fuck Mingi, yes", she moans, her pussy milking my cock for everything I have
"Yes aegi. Fuck, Good girl. Taking my cum so well just like you take my cock", I praise her, "Good girl"
Moving my hands from her waist, I wrap them around her, pulling down against me
She comes willingly, her head on my chest, breathing hard
My god, she fits so perfectly in my arms too, like she was meant to be there
She cuddles into me, her hand resting on my chest right where my heart is and I just smile, then kiss her forehead
I like this, just laying with her in comfortable silence
I don't do things like this
Not when the girl is not my girlfriend
After sex, I just get up and either leave or the girl leaves
But I'm finding that I really don't want that right now
I want her to stay right here with me
So I just hold her and enjoy the feel of her in my arms
One week later
Mingi POV
I fidget in my seat as the car drives us to the photo shoot set
I haven't seen or spoken to Joanne in a week
She ended up sleeping over that night
She fell asleep in my arms and I didn't want her to leave
The next morning it was awkward
I didn't know what to say and she didn't either
We both got dressed and she said she'd see me for the next shoot
I said ok, we said bye and she left
Then I found out that the next photo shoot was a week away
We had practice all week and didn't need any stylists
I was too chicken shit to text her and she didn't text me either
As the week went on, I found myself thinking about her all the time
Wanting to see her
And not for sex which completely threw me off guard
I just wanted to spend time with her
Hold her again
And kiss her
Fuck do I want to kiss her
Feel her soft lips against mine, her tongue playing with mine, her arms around my neck, her fingers in my hair
Yeah I realized I got it bad for her
Feelings that I either didn't know were there or developed really quickly
Doesn't really matter which because all I know is they're there and I want her
I'm just worried I'm going to fuck it up because I'm a complete doof when it comes to talking to girls about feelings and asking them out
I enlisted the help of Wooyoung, who surprisingly gave me good advice
Be calm, be direct, be clear
Tell her how I feel and what I want
Don't be afraid
The worst she can do is say no
Which is terrible but he's right
The car pulls up to the building and I breathe out, trying to calm myself
We get out and as we walk towards the dressing rooms Wooyoung says, "You got this"
I nod
Stepping into the dressing room, I scan the room for her
She's at the far right of the room, by the makeup tables
Here goes
As I walk over to her, she looks up at me nervously
God, she's so fucking beautiful
"Oh uh Mingi, hi. I uh... I didn't get a chance to tell-"
Right, she's talking about the rumor that I don't give a fuck about anymore or proving anything to anyone
I just want her
I reach her, cupping her face in my hands and brushing my lips against hers
The same spark hits me hard, my head dizzy and in the clouds
I wasn't imagining it
This confirms that what I felt was real
She kisses me back, her hands holding onto my wrists as I deepen the kiss, my tongue against hers
"Ho-ly shit", someone says
"Is Mingi kissing a makeup artist?"
"Is that.....Joanne? And Mingi?"
Gently pulling away after the kiss ends, I look into her beautiful brown eyes, "Forget the rumor. Don't tell anyone anything"
Confusion fills her eyes, "Why?"
"Because I don't care what anyone thinks", I answer softly, "I just care about what you think. It's just between us"
A small smile forms on her lips, "Just between us?"
I nod, "Between me and my aegi"
Her smile widens, "Who would that be?"
"You", I tell her, "If you want. If you want to be with me. More than friends"
She nods, "I do but...is that what you want?"
"Yes", I answer, "I didn't know I wanted that with you until that night. Until I realized I have feelings for you and you're all I want"
She nods, "You're all I want Mingi. I...I always had feelings for you"
"You hid them so well baby", I tell her, smiling softly
I had no idea she felt that way but I'm so fucking glad she does
"I had to Mingi. You're an idol. I'm a staff member", she reasons, "And you just wanted a one night thing. I...I figured if there was one chance to be with you this was it. I'd take it and then we'd go back to normal. We'd still be friends"
"I don't want to be your friend, baby. I want more. I want you"
"I want you too baby", she whispers, my heart soaring at hearing her call me baby
"I'm all yours", I assure her
"I'm all yours too", she tells me
I smile like I just won the lottery
Because I did
Pulling her right to me, I kiss her, not giving a fuck who sees
Her arms move around my neck as mine move around her waist, both of us holding each other tightly
"What the fuck is going on?"
I know that voice
Slowly, begrudgingly, I pull away from her sweet lips and turn my head to look at Bong-Cha
"What the fuck are you two doing?", she shrieks
"I'm kissing my girlfriend", I tell her, "Not that it's any of your business"
"You're girlfriend?", she asks shocked, "You just slept with me a month ago, how are you with her already?"
How the fuck is she questioning me?
She's acting like we're together and she just caught me cheating on her
She needs to back off
"That's none of your business. All you need to know is we're together. That's it"
She needs to stay out of my business
She scoffs, glaring at Joanne, "Well sucks for you. He has a small dick"
The whispers of the staff start up again, giggles coming from some of the women
But I couldn't care less
My baby knows the truth, that's all that matters
Her eyes narrow at Bong-Cha and I can tell she's pissed
"Actually I'm gonna clear one thing up without too many details", she snaps, "You're a fucking liar"
It's so quiet in the room, a dropped pin could be heard
"You lied because Mingi never called you back after your one night stand", she growls, "Instead of being a mature adult and going to speak to him to clear things up, you spread a false rumor to make your pathetic self feel better. And the rest of you idiots spread the rumor like you're in fucking high school"
I just stand back and watch my baby go
Like I said, brutally honest
"I'm gonna say this once so you better listen or there will be problems", she says to Bong-Cha, "Keep my boyfriend's name out of your fucking mouth"
"Your girlfriend is so cool", Wooyoung whispers gleefully
"I know", I smile
Bong-Cha wordlessly nods her head, the turns and scurries away
The rest of the staff just stand there in shock
"Well", she snaps, "Fuck off"
"Definitely cool", Wooyoung compliments
"I'm sorry baby", she says, turning back to me
"Don't be aegi", I say, "You were amazing, baby. You said all you needed to without giving away anything. Thanks for defending me aegi"
"Always baby", she smiles, moving her arms back around my neck
I smile widely so happy that everything turned out well and I now have an amazing girlfriend
"Kiss me Mingi", she says softly
"Always aegi", I answer, leaning down and capturing her lips in a mind blowing kiss
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so. do you think the port mafia rules are pasted on a poster on the door to mori’s office in comedically small comic sans
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if you can’t read them (and honestly i’d be more surprised if you could):
1. be a decent member of our organization and whatnot
2. you can no longer just leave out of nowhere, especially not if you're a person in power. thanks dazai
3. you can no longer buy your way into being an executive. thanks ace
4. if your name is dazai osamu you are to stay outside of a 100 mile radius around the building (rule suggested and enforced by nakahara chuuya)
5. as long as you are in this organization you will ALWAYS pour the milk in before the cereal
6. failure to comply to the rule above results in the death penalty
7. don't ask mori about elise. just don't (rule suggested and enforced by ozaki kouyou)
8. don't go in the basement
9. don't ask WHY you can't go in the basement
10. you can't go in the basement because verlaine is down there. this is self-explanatory enough
11. steal something from the person who got you into the organization or whatever. if you joined on your own, no you didn't
12. do not question nakahara chuuya about his past affiliations with dazai, he WILL bark at you like a chihuahua for the rest of the week
13. the popcorn machine is always broken (thanks to chuuya), don't bother trying to fix it. trust me, we've tried, that was some good crusty popcorn man
14. refrain from using personal playlists as background ambience during executive meetings (especially those containing the song "it's not like i like you" by static-p. we don’t talk about why this is a rule)
15. ignore rules 5-6
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theskeletongames · 1 year
Random question.
Ok i finally did a deep lore dive into why Horror is the way he is, and given he has the red eye due to His Undyne taking his old magic eye, and forcing him to steal the eye of a guard...
What do you think would happen, if someone tried to give Horror back a magic eye? would it just over lap the red one that has more or less settled into his body, would he be slightly more crazy due to power that he had lost habit of controlling. Would he just come off as a Crazy Classic Sans?
What is your take?
I have a deep theory that is brought out more by the authors note on page 84 on their deviantart post of the comic. There's a mention that the only way to get to the core's core is to dismantle it. In other words, there's a machine called the core, and then a core to that machine. The core's core. I think Sans eye fused with the core's core and I don't think Sans was truly able to destroy the machine once that happened, at least the core's core pare. I also don't think he tried to destroy the machine out of revenge only, just as eating fallen humans is more than revenge towards Undyne/Humans. He was going to tell Undyne something about the core before the incident, but she wasn't listening. (Probably something about combining all monster magic to power the core just like combining all monster souls will create the equivalent power of 1 human soul) I think his eye fusing with the core's core was not a good thing.
Why is it keeping him alive? That's what the guard said afterwards. Why does the guard start screaming about destroying the eye once it's put into the machine? What is the eye doing? If the eye was keeping him alive, why didn't he die when the machine was destroyed? So is the eye still active? Why was the eye so creepy at the end?
I do think that he'd exchange his eye if he could, but it's his' original eye's connection to the core that's the issue. He'd just pull the red eye out if he got ahold of his old eye (Or maybe someone else's...) I think the second eye he puts in his skull is just a replacement for him, and his change from Sans to Horror Sans was more than just his head getting cracked open and his eye stolen. And uh, I'm hoping more of this is elaborated on before I get far enough in my comic that he shows up, because right now I'm using that theory in my future plan...
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fuk1ngb1tch · 1 day
Kids and my AU Flowey + Extra
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Raaah more Undertale au art upon thee!! I love my silly au<33 but this time it isn't just the au- (which is called Mutated Cores) but I'll talk about that last. Anyway talking about the drawings and characters under the cut to save space, which will also have cropped versions of the image<3
First, I'll talk about my AU version of Flowey the Flower. Look at this silly mf
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He's MUCH bigger. Context: Frisk is 10 years old!(A little short for their age, but yk) "Normal flower size" is how big he used to be. He's still got the same personality as og Flowey though.
Anyway, I made an OC! And drew Clover!! The OC is the integrity soul, the soul that fell before Clover! Her name is Quaver (Eighth note) and they go by She/They pronouns^^ (oh, and, she's clover's older sister^^)
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Btw individual closeups of Clover and Quaver cause I feel like it<3
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She fell into the underground when she was 13, and when Clover was 7, Clover going to the underground 4 years later, when they were 11.
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Man, I wonder why two siblings both fell in the underground. Definitely had nothing to do with their shitty parents 👁️👁️(headcanon of mine for clover considering things said in undertale yellow, but their main reason was still to do with the fallen humans ofc)
Also NERD (I love him)
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Also mini comic?? Wanted to draw my au Clover and Quaver together (as I unintentionally made certain things of their hair very similar which I found neat and wanted to compare them) and it turned out as lighting/shading practice. So proud of myself bro<3 (did not wanna draw that background tho lmao)
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Also ended up drawing Starlo and Frisk for it too (I was gonna draw Chara too but I didn't know what to do for em) so ye😋
Anyway wanna learn about my Mutated Cores AU? You can find Frisk&Chara, Papyrus, and Sans too for additional context about the AU! Frisk&Chara will have the most info about the AU itself though currently, along with Papyrus!
Anyway, Finally, the Grillby! He's from a roleplay au:) he's got first that looks like hair just cause it looks cool.
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You can find papyrus of the same au of the random Grillby here^^ hope you liked my drawings:)
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From the Ashes: Marvel Infinity #13
For those who don’t know, Marvel has a subscription service where you can read back issues of comics digitally. This service is called Marvel Unlimited. I really enjoy it. I’s nice to read comics without handling my comics or comics that I have not yet gotten ahold of.
Another part of unlimited is their infinity comics. These are short weekly comics that are online only. They tend to be silly short stories or they explain some missing back story from a main comic book. This week’s issue focuses on Magneto and is meant (I think) to fill in some back story on how Magneto went to young and powerful after being resurrected and fighting Orchis to now old and wheelchair bound.
I know not everyone has access to this so I thought that I would write up a summary about it.
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There’s not going to be a lot of screenshots because the comic is meant to be read on a tablet where you scroll down through the story. It makes it so that it’s hard to capture a whole scene. But I’ll try to add some good ones. Plus, I don’t want Disney coming for me. I'm not going beat by beat but I do the major points. Anyways, I talk too much…
We start with this image:
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Only to see Max scream “no” as he wakes up. He was having a nightmare. He looks over to the hover chair that he has been using in the new X-Men series. The helmet sits on the chair and seems to be daring him to wear it. “But he is Magneto… …he dares.”
Next scene, Max is hovering around in the chair as Hank is bouncing around him, asking Max if he plans to going Merle. Max confirms, “not that it’s any of your business, but yes”. That’s when Hank asks him if he could not go wearing his helmet and floating chair.
Max has a good response:
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Honestly, I just love that Max calls his helmet gaudy. Hank responses that the helmet sends a signal that might be distressing given Max's "checkered" history. “At least try to put our new neighbors at ease.”
Next scene is Max in town in a normal wheelchair sans helmet. He compares the townspeople of Merle who worked or ignored the sentinel factory to the “neighbors” who willingly ignore the concentration camps outside their towns or the trains that passed through during the Holocaust. Honestly, a pretty fair comparison. “And so he will never trust a “neighbor” again.”
At this point someone bumps into Max causing him to drop what he was holding. The person is saying sorry but Max is calling him an idiot. A random girl picks up what Max dropped and gives it to him. Girl: “Here you go Mister Magnet. You dropped your pretty hat.” The art makes the girl look preteen but the dialogue makes her seem younger.
Max responds like this:
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The girl’s dad says to her, “Don’t worry about it Anna. That old man’s probably just having a bad day.” Anna responds, “*sniff* he seems so sad, Daddy”. None of that seemed sad to me. Just angry and cranky. Maybe justifiably cranky given how things have changed for both him and mutant kind and he is stuck in a town where people worked towards the eradication of mutants. And it's cold. And someone bumped into him.
Maybe the writer was trying to reference that scene in Son of M where Luna says that Max is not a bad man, just sad.
But look at this face! It just makes me laugh.
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Why does Max have a kippah? He’s going to a temple. Maybe the dream made him decide to go to temple.
Once inside, there’s a person who approaches him, “I was wondering when you’d drop by”. Max says he's been busy and that Merle was the last place he expected to find a temple.
The person is Rabbi Rachel Sagan and she offers Max a cup of coffee and to listen to him. She calls him "Mr. Eisenhardt", which I didn't know Max's real name was public knowledge or not. I guess it is now.
Max takes her up on it and over coffee he lists all the various places that he's seen destroyed: "Asteroid M. Utopia. Avalon. Genosha... Oy, Genosha. And now Krakoa."
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So Rabbi Sagan asks how this brings Max back to temple.
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It's really understandable why he would feel this way and everything he's been through.
"When Genosha fell, I looked out over the ruins and I knew we only had one or two chances left to marshal our factions together in the pursuit of a common dream. That chance will never come again."
Rabbi Sagan compares Max to Moses, leading his tribe though the wilderness. Max states, that was Charles. "The bald schmuck with the eyebrows? No, he never saw himself as an instrument. You can tell. It's you. It's always been you. But there's a problem..."
The show Rabbi Sagan put her hand on Max's, "Moishe was a humble man, Max. Are you?"
Pfft! No! He's the Master of Magnetism!
Max responds. "I... have been humbled. Over and over."
Rabbi Sagan says that's not what was asked, and prompts him to remember his Torah; how Moshe was was commanded to climb and was told him he would not live to cross the River Jordan.
Max: "What are you insinuating, Rabbi?"
Rabbi Sagan: "I'm suggesting that your fear is a consequence of your pride. Do you really fear that there is no promised land for your people, or do you fear that they will not be able to reach it without you?"
Max doesn't respond well to this.
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Everyone has probably seen the scene where Max is then zooming out on his wheelchair while stating, "This was a mistake. I should never have come." so I'm not going to include it here.
The next scene is him outside in the street. He's angry about what the Rabbi said. A caption box says, "The Gall! Why if he was still himself, he'd..." . When suddenly, a truck sliding at full speed in the snow with a loud "Skreeeeee". Someone yells, "Billy, get outta the road! It can't stop!" and Max is surprised.
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Bam! The truck hits him throwing him from his wheelchair before hitting a telephone pole and bursting into flames.
There is a close up of Max's face with blood on it. A caption box says "Yes, in dreams, he is a founder and feller of nations."
Then we end on this scene.
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What's going to happen? We'll find out next week!
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whoiwanttoday · 2 months
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Not only is the Olympics going on (I am currently watching the US Men's Rugby 7s match and greatly enjoying it. Longtime readers will know that ever since I discovered it in 2016 it has become my absolute favorite Olympic sport to watch. Some would say I didn't discover it but I did and I claimed it for the Queen of Spain. She hasn't gotten back to me but what are you going to do) there is also San Diego Comicon going on. That's probably of more interest to my followers than the Olympics which is strange because you guys have such good taste in blogs, this is a weird misstep. I joke of course, SDCC is a fine thing to care about but for something that had mythic stature to me as a kid years and years ago it seems to contain little to excite me these days. Bella Thorne is there though and she looked good so I am posting her. There is a shitty crack here that could be made about "famed comic creator" Bella Thorne but I actually have never really taken issue with Hollywood's takeover of the con cause there are so many comicbook conventions that people can go to if that's what they care about. It is slightly symbolic of why I can't get worked up about the con though cause it seems to largely focus on pitching stuff that I would never really care about. I don't know what she's there promoting at this point. Anyway, my point was she looked good in a Deadpool t-shirt so here she is. Today I want to fuck Bella Thorne.
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
sweet 16
Detective Conan + BnHA
Usually solving a murder took observation, cleverness, and deductive prowess.
Usually It was not a matter of Conan and Heiji walking in on a woman bludgeoning the victim in the head with what looked like a rather large piece of bismuth with two officers of Tokyo Metropolitan in tow. (It couldn't be. Bismuth would shatter when hit against a skull, not deal the obviously lethal damage it had)
"Suda-san, why?" Takagi gasped.
The woman smiled, the expression all the more horrifying for her blood splattered face. "For this of course. That idiot Kawahara wouldn't give it to me. Not for money, not for me proving it was just 'fake' bismuth, though he had no idea the real value of what he had." She cradled the crystalline metal in her arms like it was an infant.
She was insane. Conan had met several people who were not mentally well, who killed for the dumbest of reasons, but he couldn't remember seeing insanity on this scale.
"Suda-san, put the stone down." Takagi said gently. Sato was uncharacteristically quiet, but Conan had figured out why a little bit ago.
"You're not taking it from me." Suda stood up and the crystal began to glow. "So now you'll all have to go far enough away so you can never come back."
'Sato' lifted her arm, the gun she was bringing to bare heavier and misshapen for a police firearm, but it didn't have the chance to go off. The four of them were swallowed by rainbow light.
The vertigo was overwhelming. There was no up or down, no motion or standing still. And it made the moment it stopped just seemd to make it all the more worse.
"I think I'm going to hurl" Heiji moaned.
"Sato-san? Are you okay? Sato-Kaitou Kid!?" Takagi exclaimed.
"Can't be surprised you got caught, you pulled out your cardgun." Conan snarked, not quite able to sit up yet."
Okay, never mind. That startled Conan up. Had he turned back? No, he was still Conan, but Takagi was looking at him in shock. Or rather, right above him, where his head would be if he were his proper size.
"Takagi-keiji, that's Conan-kun." Kid said slowly, but in his own voice. He seemed to accept the jig was up for him.
"No it's not, it's Kudo-kun! I'm not blind."
"Err, it's really not. Like yeah, Sato-san turned out to be Kaitou Kid in disguise, but that's still Conan."
For once Heiji got his name right.
"Not it's not, that Kudo. And Kid's not in disguise, he's wearing his usually white suit. Isn't...he?" It seemed to be dawning on Takagi that no one else in the room was seeing what he was seeing.
"What's going on here?" A man who looked like he belonged in a comic book convention marched in
"Tsukauchi I need your help"
Detective Tsukauchi looked at his phone in annoyance. "You know I'm working on a big case right now Vibes."
"Just for a minute? I saw something really weird with my quirk and found two adults, a teen, and a kid. One of the adults is either hallucinating or lost control of his quirk and all of them...claim superpowers don't exist and heroes are only in comic books. I need to know if their pulling my chain to hide something or if they've been attacked by a villain with a mental quirk." The sympathy in his voice made it clear Vibes was leaning towards the latter.
Which was terrifying in the long term. A villain who could make a small group of people forget a main cornerstone of society and modern life...those four may have been a trail run for something bigger.
"Go." Toshinori urged him. "We've been spinning our wheels for hours anyway."
"Is that All Might?" Vibes asked over the phone.
Tsukauchi sighed. "We'll be right there."
"We?" Toshinori sounded surprised.
"You get frustrated when you don't feel you're being useful." Tsukauchi pointed out. "As you've said, we're spinning our wheels, so let's be useful."
"Blond skeleton!" Takagi yelped as two more people entered the room.
Conan kept a sharp eye on their reaction and Heiji was doing the same. Yep, a momentary flash of fear on the face of the normal looking man and a guy who looked even more like he stepped out of a comic book. And while comic book guy was blond, he was the opposite of a skeleton.
And yet...whatever was going on with Takagi seemed to be revealing things people wouldn't want known. He saw through Kid's disguise, literally. He saw Conan as Shinichi. And he saw that big guy as a skeleton. What could it mean?
"My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa with the TMPD." Instant alertness from their group, who knew of no such man working there. "I am legally obligated to inform you that my quirk is Lie Detector. I'm going to start with something simple. Can you tell me your names?"
"Takagi Wataru." Takagi answered nervously.
"Hattori Heiji"
"Edogawa Conan."
"Lie." Tsukauchi simply stated.
Conan stiffened and Takagi yelped.
"What wrong?" Heiji asked. "I just saw Ku-Conan-kun look severely injured. But he didn't seem to be reacting to it, so it's probably not real?" Takagi sounded just this side of hysterical,"
"True except for the name."
"Will you give it a rest!" Conan snapped. "There's no such thing as superpowers. And no one's a human lie detector! Even the best detectives are subject to falling for misdirection and tricks."
Tsukauchi sighed. "True."
"Well F-"
"LANGUAGE, YOUNG VIBES," All Might boomed, (albeit pleasantly. The man didn't sound angry, just loud). "WE NEED TO GET THESE FOUR TO A HOSPI-WHERE DID SHE GO?"
She? Oh right, Kid had been disguised as Sato-san. And had managed to escape while they were distracted by Conan. Great.
"We need to find her." The first comic book guy sounded like he wanted to curse, but didn't want to be scolded again. "We don't know who did this to them or if they'll tie up loose ends."
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jjaydazo · 5 months
Why do you ship Sans x Frisk? As a person who ships them myself, what do you see in them, like about them? Personality traits, situations, tropes etc, anything that comes to mind, what makes you enjoy them and continue to breathe life to them?
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when I first shipped them, I didn't know I could ship Frisk with Sans.
As I said before, when I first saw undertale, I didn't count Frisk as a character before. I thought they were just a self-insert because you can name them whatever. and hardly say anything whenever.
there were time i see some frisk x asriel or frisk x monster kid, but frans won me over. so much pretty art and fun comics.
Frisk is a misunderstood character. Everyone and a lot of the fandoms mistaken their character. "Frisk is a Blank character" - I think Frisk is a character that players will see themselves in. But Frisk isn't entirely Blank, they literally have a name.
one of the things that always interests me about Frisk is when Asriel asks Frisk why they went to Mt.Ebott
There so much to Frisk's character that I am fond of because it's like they're quietly their own person. And to pair someone like Sans is just a fun dynamic to be seen.
The au's themselves are just used for me to draw them in different ways and explore their personalities. I've grown fond to the community and it helped from my hard times before.
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