#why not let things be simple and sweet for cherry 🥹
whyeverr · 7 months
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"I was thinking, would you want to come over for lunch this afternoon?"
"What, like a date?"
"Whoa, haha—"
"—I'd love to."
"Alright! Swing by the depot in an hour or so. Let me see what I can whip up."
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
baker!reader who sees jotaro a few times a weeks when he comes to the little shop to get a simple treat to go with his afternoon coffee, engaging in small talk that gradually becomes more friendly and comforting making the guy look forward to his *now* daily treat
this didnt go the way i wanted but ykw? im equally as okay with that 🥹
When Life Gives You Pastries — Single dad!Jotaro x baker!reader
“Hello, hello! Daily bakeries, happy to serve!”
Jotaro is impoverished with the sickeningly sweet greeting as soon as he enters the small bakery.
He doesn’t say anything back because he’s here for one thing, and one thing only, and that’s his breakfast.
It was already a hassle getting Jolyne ready for school and in the rush of trying to cook his breakfast, he burnt hers and so in the orderly sacrifice of a parent, he gave her his and went without.
Jotaro scours the small selection for a gathering max of three minutes before slapping a plain croissant and a takeaway coffee cup onto the cashier table.
“Will this be to go, sir?” You ask, your smile wide and attentive despite the broody man’s disposition.
He hadn’t even registered that you’d spoken to him at first, his eyes emptily boring into your apron as he mentally flicked through today’s to-do list like a flip book.
It’s only once he realised you were giving him an expectant look that his ears caught up to his brain and his brain to his mouth.
“Yes, to go. Sorry.” He fumbles.
“No worries!” You chirp, as understanding as ever.
Jotaro pays for his purchase and patiently waits as you make his coffee of choice — a Long Black.
(“So an Americano?” You clarify.
“No. A Long Black; Hot water first and then the espresso, not the other way round.”
Jotaro notices how you smile knowingly at his correction and without taking any offence.)
When it’s done, he then leaves a mandatory tip before leaving without any further thought.
“Hello, hello! Daily bakeries, happy to serve!”
The next time Jotaro finds himself in this same bakery is when he’s on his afternoon break just a week and a day later.
He vaguely remembers your first encounter but hadn’t thought much of it until now. He does however vividly remember your diabetic customer service greeting and it stimulates him to reply back.
“Hey…” He aimlessly mumbles.
“Already got your coffee today?”
When Jotaro places the wrapped plain croissant by the counter, he’s shortly thrown off guard by your question.
Looking down at his styrofoam cup which donned his work company’s logo, Jotaro is confused why you ask him this.
“Y-yes?” He thinks hard before looking back up at you.
You ring up his item on the till, your smile still cloy.
“Then I’m guessing no Long Black today.”
Realisation finally licks Jotaro’s brain and his face slightly widens in clarity of that.
He remembers now; how he ordered coffee from here last time, and how it kept him proactive through the day. Not like the cheap instant stuff his office gives for free. What you gave him was a true espresso infused coffee and for that he’s grateful.
“No, not today.” He finally answers as you hand him a small bag that contained his croissant. “Maybe next time.”
You give the man another warm smile. Jotaro leaves a cash tip this time despite only buying a croissant.
“Hello, hello! Daily bakeries, happy to serve!”
The gap between when Jotaro last visited the bakery was shorter this time, he was back three days later.
Jotaro had thought to himself that he should buy Jolyne a treat for when she gets home from school. He’d gotten a call not too long ago from a teacher who was rather pleased with her progress and thought to let him know.
It was small encouragements like that which spurred Jotaro on. Being a full-time working single father was hard and a lot of the time he was unsure whether he was doing a good job or not. Yet, noticed achievements like that, regardless of how big, he was determined to celebrate.
When Jolyne won, so did he.
“A croissant and a cherry bakewell. Unlike you.” You jokingly spar when Jotaro places the items on top of the counter.
He’s already getting out his wallet as you package the food up.
“It’s for my daughter, thought I should treat her today.”
At the mention of his kin, you looked up in warm aptitude.
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you. Hopefully she enjoys it.”
Jotaro internally gleamed at the prospects that you thought him sweet for treating Jolyne. Not that it meant much (he tells himself) but to hear a compliment on behalf of his parenting skills always made him keen.
You didn’t share anymore conversation after that. The both of you were quiet as you made his Long Black.
Once you passed over the package, you smiled once again.
“Thank you.” Jotaro says, as he leaves his tip and a very minute smile.
“Hello, hello! Daily bakeries, happy to serve!”
“Are you really?” Jotaro asks almost immediately after you say the phrase.
Taken aback, you blink over at the man rapidly.
He realises, now that he’s said that out loud, how intruding that must have sounded. Figures, since the phrase had absolutely been rattling like a ligma bean throughout his mind all week and that was his verbal fruition of that torment.
But he doesn’t mean any harm. If anything it’s just bridled curiosity and so Jotaro pauses within the middle of shop to clarify what he meant.
“No, it’s just…your small greeting thing you say. That you’re happy to serve.”
The explanation offers little context to his verbalised brain funk but still yet, you try to piece together as much as you could.
“Oh. Well, I guess I am. I enjoy what I do.”
“That’s good.” Jotaro hesitates before he moves towards the designated area where the croissants usually are. “It’s good to enjoy what you do. What keeps you getting out of bed, I suppose.”
There was an easy lulled silence as Jotaro hovered by the croissants.
Even though he got the same thing every time, he still liked to make sure there wasn’t anything else he fancied.
“Do you enjoy what you do?”
You ask once Jotaro places the croissant on the counter.
Already shuffling through his wallet for his card, he answers your question with his head down.
“Not really. But it pays the bills and it helps me keep Jolyne happy, so I guess it figures out.”
“Jolyne — your daughter?”
At the mention of her name, Jotaro looks up at you, a pause in his thinking at how you could have possibly known her name, but he then realises that it was from his own Freudian slip.
Jotaro slowly unveiled the card he planned to used and placed it on the counter.
“Yes. Yes, that’s her name. Jolyne.”
Your smile was light as you kept the conversation going as you rung up the items.
“Who named her?”
“Uh, I did. After her late mother’s favourite song.”
You halted in your actions, your fingers hovering over the till screen. The look of regret washed over your face at the prospect that you’d gotten too comfortable with the man and opened a messy can of worms.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
Jotaro shook his head as he gingerly tapped his amex over the card reader.
“No, it’s fine.”
As you sheepishly handed him his package, Jotaro backtracked his words.
“Well, I mean it’s not fine but you just gotta keep moving.”
“Of course.” You say with a nod.
Jotaro offers you a weary smile.
“Thanks.” He lifts his bag in solidarity to as he beckons his way out the shop.
“Hello, hello! Daily bakeries, happy to serve!”
The chiming and opening of the door alerted you of a new customer but from behind the counter, you didn’t see anyone come in.
With a face of confusion you looked over the counter to be none other than met with a rather small face looking up at you.
“Hey, there.” You greeted the individual.
The smile on your face was wide as the little girl looked up at you with massive curious eyes.
She didn’t say anything in reply, just stared right back up at you as you questioned her presence in your bakery.
Leaning your arms over the counter top, you pouted down at her.
“Are you lost?”
Before anymore exchanges could happen, the door to the bakery chimed once again.
“Hello, Hello! Daily bake— Oh! Hey!”
Your smile widened once you recognised who had walked into the store.
For a second, you hadn’t recognised him without his usual suit and tie, but you guess seeing him within his casual attire was even more of a nice surprise. You then connected the dots once the small girl had run up to the man’s leg and stretched her arm upwards so that she could hold his hand.
So this must be the infamous Jolyne.
“Hey, sorry for that. She unexpectedly ran ahead of me once we turned the corner.” Jotaro said whilst taking his daughter’s hand in his.
With an easy smile, you shook your head.
“No worries.”
In the duration that the two of them weren’t at the counter, neither you or Jotaro spoke to each other. Which was understandable considering he now had to entertain Jolyne.
“Dad, I want the one you got me last time.” She said.
“Yeah? Have a look and see if you can find it.”
Jotaro took one glance back at his daughter before approaching the counter. Rather than his usual croissant, he placed down a pain au chocolat.
“Good choice.” You muse
“Thought I ought to shake things up on a weekend.”
The both of you shared a polite bought of laughter between each other. Upon hearing the exchange, Jolyne skipped up to the counter before holding her bakewell tart in the air.
“Found it!”
She was too small to reach the counter top so you didn’t require that she place her treat there.
“Well done, Jojo.” Jotaro plainly laid his hand on top of his daughter’s head before removing it again. The touch wasn’t much but it secured a triumphant smile on Jolyne’s face.
Placing Jotaro’s treats into a bag, you directed your question towards the smaller girl.
“Jojo! That’s a very cute name.” You muse.
Hearing you engage with her, Jolyne’s eyes lit up as they flitted towards her dad before dancing back to you.
“Thanks. It’s dad’s name too, we share it!”
“Dad is also called Jojo?” You smile as you now look towards the larger man.
The man was quick to correct you as he took his bakery goods, his demeanour seemingly bashful at the prospects that his in-house nickname was being used anywhere but.
“I—As a nickname, For Jotaro.” He feigns.
“Jotaro.” You repeat.
For some reason your cheeks start feeling hot at the prospects that the man had just shared his name with you.
“Nice name.”
“Thanks.” He eyed you back,
And you weren’t lying, the name genuinely did suit him. A large stoic man who shared names with the daughter he begrudgingly, yet gladly, went to work for and brought to his favourite bakery shop on weekends — The name complimented him very much and in a very odd way, you found yourself smiling at the prospects of that.
Jotaro easily used his electronic watch to pay for the items as he hovers it over the machine. The cute ding signalled that the payment went through.
“Well, Jolyne, Jotaro. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.”
Collecting his daughter by her small hand, Jotaro widely smiled as he nodded his head in a bid goodbye.
“And you.” He firmly said back.
The jingled ‘Byeeee!’ from Jolyne along with the opening bell of the door rung together as the two left the store.
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Hi again, I hope you're doing well :) if you don't mind could I request a short fic where the reader always gets flustered when draco calls her my love and then he notices after a while bc she always hides her face after he calls her that? Thank you!
Cherry cheeks
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Pairing: draco Malfoy x reader
Summary: you're headed over to your best friend when he decides to play with your heart…
Word count: 236
Warning: use of pet names? [Gender neutral reader]
Universe: Harry Potter
A/n: I'm doing great thank you for asking 🥹 Honestly thank you so much for making this request. It was refreshing to write fluffy stuff, it's been awhile since I got a request for just fluff anyway I hope you like it!!
All mistakes are mine
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Your feet tread quickly across the green and yellowish grass till you meet the oak tree your best friend sat in with the rest of the gang. you smiled widely when he looked in your direction, a sweet teasing smile on his face as he jumped down. You were always in awe seeing him do things like that but you weren't entirely sure why. He swayed a bit walking towards you causing you to giggle, hand covering the lower half of your face.
"hello my love, seems you couldn't wait to see me again" he smirked and if that wasn't enough your breath hitched and your heart swelled as you recalled what he'd just said; even if he meant nothing by it and maybe you hoped he did your cheeks still become tinted showing just how much you were affected by the simple name. Like always.
you attempted to hide your face knowing he'd tease you about it because draco didn't give it a rest when he saw you get like this but he grabs your wrist, his Larger hands wrapping around it before they even graze your skin. his blue eyes lock on yours.
"I knew you'd get all flustered if I called you that." He whispered, chuckling. He let go of your wrist; you huffed shoving him forward a bit as a shiver went down your spin.
Walking towards the others you couldn't help but smile as your cheeks continued to blush as you played the words on a loop.
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@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04 , @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa @lovelycassy
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