#why my room when the perfectly gross kitchen that I’m never in is out there!
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namiho · 17 days ago
I’m so incredibly unhappy w where I am and everything going on :(
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cheezritsu · 2 months ago
Itoshi Sae has far more feline traits than those narrow turquoise eyes of his. At the top of your notes app titled “I don’t need a cat, my boyfriend already is one,” is the fact that Sae will never, ever be clingy, will never ask for your touch, and is coy about romance as a whole—but he just has to be near you.
Manshine City is playing Ubers. Ubers cannot resist having a yellow card every time they step on the pitch, and Manshine City pisses Sae off more than even he knows. You’ll press him about that later, because he’s watching the match in your shared bedroom and not the living room television which is not only bigger, but louder like he likes. Why is he fixing your temperpedic to be a damn near 90 degree angle when there’s a perfectly good couch in another room?
“Who’s winning?” You call from the bathroom. You’ve chosen to grab a bar stool from the kitchen to make yourself comfortable as you part your hair into four sections. It’s a hard ritual, but it pays dividends; you noticed that you were shedding a lot less hair when you sat down and pre-detangled before the shower. And you were a little optimistic about your last style and ended up stretching it out a few days longer than you should have. The end result wouldn’t be good to your heart.
You’re half way through finger detangling your section when you realize Sae hasn’t answered you. You lean back, the open door to your bedroom allowing you to catch a glimpse of him. There’s something off about his expression—Sae’s normally indifferent looking, sure, but there is a harder frown etched into his face. And he’s not even looking at the game. He’s glaring at…the door frame?
“Babe,” you say, and it breaks his trance. He looks up at you, but you’ve once again disappeared from his line of sight. That lean back was killing your spine.
“I asked who was winning.” You carefully two-strand twist the now slippery section together, then use an alligator clip to keep it off your back. It’s kind of crazy how long your hair is now compared to the beginning of the year. You take down your next section, looking up from your lap and-!
“Holy shit!”
Sae gives you an unimpressed look in the mirror. You look at his reflection instead of him when you demand “When did you get in here?”
“While you were daydreaming.”
The tv is off. Or it’s paused. The vacuum of silence is a little uncomfortable. You were doing your hair in an old tshirt; a reprint of Sae’s U20 match jersey. It would make plenty money on the internet, and here you were getting hair products all over it. Sae looks at the front of your shirt with a wrinkled nose. Other reasons your boyfriend is a cat: he needs a fucking collar, and he pulls faces instead of vocalizing.
“What are you doing?”
“My hair.”
You can see his roaming gaze trying to piece together the exact routine you have, but he’s struggling. Before another quip can leave his mouth you elaborate. “Pre-detagnling. That way when I wash my hair it has less breakage.” You squeeze your detangler into your hands and slather it into the wetted section of hair you were working on. “I wanna keep what little hair I have.”
You get a real reaction this time—a snort of disbelief. “You have more hair on your head than Aiku has on his entire body.”
You blink. “That’s not really a metric I’m privy too.”
“He’s like a gorilla. It’s gross.”
You hum, but you love Sae’s endless opinions. You can tell he still has some rattling around in his brain that he’s having trouble spitting out. Perhaps he’s finally using a filter around you, or he’s really trying to find just the right delivery to piss you off. It’s 50/50.
He finally settles on, “You hair has gotten really long,” as he’s transfixed by the quick motion of your digits twisting the hair into a long rope. When it drops against the side of your head and he sees where it reaches, he shakes his head. “Like, really long.”
“Thanks,” you smile, and warmth spreads in Sae’s chest. “Weren’t you watching the match?”
“I paused it.”
He doesn’t answer. “I thought long hair bothered you?”
“It does,” you answer slowly, really trying to keep up with this conversation. Sae pings questions at you like the midfielder he is, but this is a little too quick. “But I think when I was growing my hair out the first time I never shaped it, or did styles with it. There was this girl at a restaurant I went to, like, years ago when I was at the beach with my parents who had long natural hair. She had it pulled back in a satin scarf and had like two little front pieces sticking out.” You create the style by gesturing your hands over your head. Sae’s gaze melts, the usual hard line of his mouth settling into something content.
“She was so pretty.” You have a distant look on your face, and Sae doesn’t doubt you have that crystal clear memory in your head. “I wanted to be as pretty as her. But I didn’t really know what to do with my hair, and it has really hot all the time, so I cut it. I think about it all the time though.”
Sae acknowledges your story with a nod. He traces shape of your curls with his finger, careful not to pull too hard. A soft tug elongated the spiral, and then it snapped back.
“Your hair is beautiful,” Sae suddenly spits, making eye contact with you in the mirror. “I liked it when it was short, and it’s pretty now that it’s longer. I don’t know if I ever told you.”
He hasn’t. Not so bluntly, at least. Sae never needs to occupy his hands, so he doesn’t touch your hair at all, ever, but now he coils the strands around his finger like his own personal fidget. Something stupid balloons in you lungs and press hard against your ribcage. Pride, maybe? Love, probably. You twist your neck and the piece of hair slips from his grasp.
“‘Preciate it,” you reply, adopting his casual air to force down your excitement. Sae’s face stays the same though, and he even goes so far as to press a little kiss to your exposed shoulder blade. He must feel the heat of your skin, because a smirk curls across his face. Oh, you could kill him.
“Alright, alright,” you shoo him. “I gotta get to work. This is just the pre-wash, so I’m going to take a minute in here.”
“I could shower,” he says absently, and before you could even protest, Sae is opening the shower door, rearranging products around the wall to make sure your shampoo, conditioner and wide tooth comb are front and center. “It’ll be warm though, and not scalding hot like you like it.”
“Then don’t shower with me.”
The pipes turn on, Sae’s funger’s dipping under the water the check the temperature. “It’s bad for your skin anyways.”
You don’t even mention it. You probably will halfway through when he’s “unknowingly” doing your hair for you, but it could wait.
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nightxcreature · 5 months ago
Warnings: None
Pairings: BobbyxDaughter!Reader, DeanxFemale!Reader, SamxPlationic!Reader
Chapter One:
“Stop eating that.” I manage to spit out after watching Dean devour his third turducken sandwich since we arrived at Biggersons.
“What?” He asks, mouth full of food and a hazy look on his face, “It’s the best damn sandwich I’ve ever had.”
I roll my eyes and turn to Sam, “Help. Please?”
He and Bobby were still researching through Gerald’s computer when they finally look up and around the building. It seems as though everyone in the vicinity can’t get enough of the science experiment between buns. Suddenly, Sam’s large hand reaches across the table and snatches Dean’s sandwich from his own.
“You’re done.”
Rising to their feet my dad nudges his head in the direction of the door, “Let’s hit the road. Bring that mutant burger with ya.”
Dean grins, reaching to snatch it back from Sam’s grasp until Bobby sticks an arm in the way, “Not you, Idjit.”
“Just give me the damn sandwich!” Dean argues from across the room, “I’m perfectly fine! Great, even.”
“Yeah, okay.” I snort, poking the sandwich with a kitchen knife, “It’s….leaking…Dude, your stomach has to be killing you.”
“Sometimes meat just does that.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“You make my meat….”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Bobby cuts in with a stern look, “I don’t need to hear about that.”
I laugh and turn back to Dean, who looks the calmest I’ve ever seen him, “You’re telling us that you feel fine?” Climbing up on the counter to sit next to him he places an arm around my shoulders and leans back.
“I’ve never felt better. I’m not worried about Cas. Or the Leviathans. I don’t care about anything, actually.” He says with a shrug and eyes the sandwich lustfully.
“Except for that turducken.” I grin and elbow his ribs.
“Dude, you sound high.” Sam states from across the room, grimacing at the sandwich on the table.
“No, he sounds like Ranger Rick and the rest of those lunatics at the diner.” Bobby cuts in, causing Dean to start arguing again.
As they each get louder and louder, I watch the food across from me bubble, squelching out the most disgusting sounds and suddenly spraying gray goo out onto the table. My stomach churns as I quickly slide out of Dean’s grasp.
“Aw, gross! That’s inside you!” I yell pointing at him and visibly gagging, “That’s the same stuff that was in Gerald and it’s inside you.”
Dean looks strangely ok as he stares at the sandwich and says, “If I didn’t feel so calm I would puke.”
“Listen, Darlin’, I know you want to go with us, but we really need you to get this info to Jody and Garth. We need all hands on deck to figure out these Leviathans.” Dad says as we load up the van for their stake out, “I’m sorry.”
“Why can’t you just call them?” I mumble, “Isn’t that what all those phones are for?”
With a roll of his eyes, Bobby drops the bag he’s holding onto the van floor and turns to face me, “I’ve just got a weird feeling about this. We don’t know enough about these guys and I don’t want you facing something that none of us are ready for.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got it.” I throw the last bag in and turn on my heel toward the Impala as he grabs my arm.
“You know I can’t live without you. It almost killed me when your mom died, I can’t do that again.” He whispers quietly, “I love you too much to lose ya, Chickpea.”
I sigh and hug him, “Yeah, I know. I love ya, too.”
Sam exits the abandoned cabin with a refreshed looking Dean hot on his heels, “Ready?” The taller man asks tossing in one more bag for good measure.
“Yeah, it’s all packed. Borax is in the back, a shit ton of it.” I nod toward the the vehicle and grin, “Hose ‘em down.”
“You got it, Shorty.” He says with a wink, hopping into the back and slamming the door closed.
“Here, take care of her.” Dean reluctantly says as he hands me his keys, “If I see even one scratch—.”
“Shut up, you know I’ll treat her well. Probably better than you do.” I throw him a grin and wrap my arms around his waist, “Please be careful.”
He leans down and presses his forehead to mine, “Always am. Gotta make it home to you.” With a quick kiss to my lips he smiles and heads to the drivers side of the van.
I turn to my dad and sigh, “You be safe, too, Old Man.”
“You know I will.”
I grin and pull open Baby’s driver side door, “The cards’ll be on the table when you get home, grab a six-pack on the way back and I’ll kick your ass at poker.”
He winks as he climbs in beside Dean, “Only cause you cheat. See ya later, Chickpea.”
“See ya soon.” I turn the key over and “Hold on Loosely” by .38 Special blasts through the speakers. Singing along, I peel out behind them and watch as they head in the opposite direction.
A/N: This is Chapter One to my first series! I’m excited to see where it goes and how it ends, I’m not exactly sure where I’m going yet so this’ll be exciting! 🫶🏼 I hope you hang on for the ride, I love angst and this is sure to be packed full of it. 🥳
I also joined the most recent Jacklesverse Bingo so be on the look out for those coming to ya next month! 🥳
See ya soon!
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ggukbabyy · 4 years ago
bro... idk about the whole plot of the drabble but it definitely should have some sexual tension going on but i'm not talking about a quick tension, you know... it could take hours or days idk i feel like you would kill it
“No, never,” you comment with a small shake of your head. Taehyung looks indignant.
“Everyone has done something outside of the bedroom at some point.”
You simply shake your head. “Not me.” Your eyes flick to Jeongguk briefly, his gaze drilling holes into the side of your face. He leans forward, forearms resting on the table.
“You’ve never needed someone so badly you couldn’t wait?” His voice is deep and husky, a hidden implication giving his words weight. You hold his gaze.
“The waiting is the fun part.” The corner of his mouth forms a faint smirk.
“That’s where we’ll have to disagree,” he replies, holding your eyes as he takes a long pull from his drink. Everyone breaks off into different conversations, the intrigue of your reluctance to perform sexual acts in a public space no longer the most interesting thing to discuss. Jeongguk appears to be the only one not ready to let it go.
You sit opposite him in the pub, enough people occupying the space that the din of background conversation makes it hard for others to hear as Jeongguk leans across the table once again.
“Do you really believe that? About waiting?” You’re not quite sure why he’s so interested but you entertain his line of questioning.
“100 percent,” you reply without hesitation and Jeongguk nods slowly as he considers your answer.
“You don’t think the desperation to have someone near you, in you, there and then is fun? How is that not better than waiting?” His eyebrows are drawn together in skepticism. He can’t for the life of him understand how you could enjoy waiting. It’s disheartening to hear when he’s spent the better part of the night trying to figure out a plan that would get you to follow him into the toilets. You’ve been acquaintances for about 4 months and he’s spent an embarrassingly large proportion of his time in your company thinking of all the different ways he’d like to spend his time with you if he could get you alone. And not for one second would he want to wait.
“I enjoy the anticipation,” you begin, moving to mirror his position. Jeongguk gets a wonderful eyeful of cleavage and he takes his time appreciating it.
“Wanting it so desperately and knowing you can’t have it now makes it all the better when it does happen.” For most of the sentence Jeongguk is picturing his dick between your tits so he only half hears what you say.
“Anticipation doesn’t change shit,” replies Jeongguk, leaning slightly closer. A small smile plays across your face, head tilted to the side slightly.
“It’s my favourite,” your voice has turned sultry, the alcohol muddling Jeongguk’s brain preventing him from noticing the change immediately. “The person is so close and not close enough, almost touching where you want and you could scream in frustration because two centimeters to the left and it would feel so fucking good, but they make you wait,” your voice is soft and captivating; even with everything happening around Jeongguk you’re the only one he can hear. His whole body feels jittery yet he’s glued to the spot, his chest beginning to rise and fall just a little deeper as you draw the perfect picture for him. “And wait some more, until I could cry, until I’m begging for the slightest touch or kiss in just the right place, so desperate and needy.” The switch from describing a situation to talking about yourself doesn’t go unnoticed by Jeongguk. In fact, it makes the room seem a little hotter, his pants feel a little tighter, his brain seems a little more clouded as he tries to focus on anything but the sounds you’d make as you beg or the words you’d say to get what you wanted from him. Saliva pools in his mouth at the thought of you spread below him close to tears with desperation. Your eyes are alive and wild yet the rest of your face is the picture of innocence and he’s not sure how much more he can take. You’re inching closer to his face across the table as you speak.
“But you don’t like waiting, do you Jeongguk?” You ask and he can faintly feel the warmth of your breath against his lips from this distance. He swallows thickly.
“You don’t want to keep me waiting, don’t like the idea of making me beg for it? For you?” You add on innocently, eyebrows raised as though you’d asked a perfectly simple, appropriate question. Jeongguk can barely form a coherent sentence with his head so full of everything you’ve just said. You stay there leaning on the table for a few more seconds, Jeongguk’s eyes flicking down to your lips, the air around you both suffocating and heavy. You grin widely before leaning back into your chair triumphantly. Jeongguk’s eyes are clouded with arousal, not trying to hide where your words have taken him and his reluctance to return to the real world. By the time he does you’ve moved on to a conversation with Jimin, giggling at his shit jokes. You don’t look Jeongguk’s way once for the rest of the night and it drives him insane.
Two weeks later and you’re at Jimin’s place for a barbecue with a friend. Only Jimin’s housemates are Yoongi and Jeongguk, and no one told Jeongguk you were coming over. Ever since the night at the pub, Jeongguk has fantasised about you more than he would care to admit - even to himself. More than a few times his hand wandered south with pictures of you flashing behind his eyelids, replaying the conversation you’d had over and over, vividly picturing you doing the things you’d described. So when he walks out of the patio doors into the garden to see you laid across a towel on the floor, the smallest bikini he has ever witnessed wrapped around your body, to describe his feelings as shocked is a gross understatement. From his vantage point he can watch you while you remain none the wiser, so he takes the precious time to appreciate everything that you are. Your legs go on for miles and are toned to perfection, your tits fill out your bikini with some left to spill over the side and yearning burns deep in his stomach to have his lips against the smooth flesh, dragging his tongue leisurely across your nipple. Images of you begging for him flash violently across his mind, and he’s itching to return to his bedroom for a few minutes. But then you turn over and notice him, a lazy grin creeping slowly across your mouth.
“Can I help you?” You ask innocently, eyes dancing with amusement at having caught Jeongguk staring. He saunters over to you, arms braced behind him as he sits down.
“You’re in my garden, I should be asking you that question.” Your eyes are glued on the way his biceps tense to support his weight. It should be illegal for Jeongguk to walk around shirtless, even if it is the height of summer. For the sake of your own sanity he should walk around in a full wetsuit - but you’re sure he’d manage to make that look sexy. His broad chest is on full display, the golden skin pulled taut against the toned muscles of his abdomen. Your eyes continue their journey down his stomach, thoughts swirling at the dusting of hair beneath his belly button, following it down until it disappears beneath his shorts.
“Are you nearly done?” Amusement drips from his words as you pull your eyes from their pleasant detour. You fight desperately to keep the heat from your face.
“Almost.” Jeongguk’s tongue pokes the side of his cheek at your answer. He’s used to girls fawning over him, melting into a puddle of shy giggles and doting compliments. Not this. The idea of having you begging beneath him becomes more and more appealing the more you demonstrate all the ways you need to be taught a lesson.
Both of you bask in the heat of the sun in silence, music drifting out from the kitchen, Yoongi’s contagious laughter bringing a smile to your face. Surreptitiously you peek one eye open, looking sideways at Jeongguk. The perfect definition of his jaw is showcased with the way his head is tilted towards the sun, little beads of sweat developing at his temples and clinging to the nape of his neck.
“You should really put suncream on,” you state, shutting your eye before he can catch you again.
“Are you offering?” His tone is bored but excitement thrills through his chest.
“Not really.” Jeongguk fights the smile threatening to reveal itself.
“If I end up burning, it'll be all your fault,” Jeongguk complains, and when you say nothing in return, his arms buckle under his weight dramatically, his back thudding against the grass.
“I can feel the blisters forming already,” he groans, rocking side to side. You suppress chuckles as you watch his performance.
“Unngh,” he groans, turning his head to look at you, a fake pained expression pulling against his features. “I need you to put suncream on me,” he whines, “please.” His lips jut into a pout.
“Only because you asked so nicely,” you reply with an eye roll, Jeongguk all but ignoring it as a delighted grin lights up his face.
While you grab the cream, Jeongguk arranges himself into his original position, a satisfied smile gracing his plump lips as he basks in both his small victory and the heat of the sun. His smile vanishes, eyes snapping open, when he feels the cool of a shadow passing across him only to be faced with you straddling his lap. Your expression is the picture of innocence, eyes wide, head tilted, soft lips slightly parted as you hold to bottle of cream in one hand expectantly, but a flicker of wickedness flashes across your eyes, there one second and gone so quickly Jeongguk could almost convince himself that you’re clueless to the effect your close proximity has on him. But the way your back arches into him gives you away.
Jeongguk hisses a breath through his teeth at the first contact of the suncream against his warm skin and you giggle. There’s no hint of amusement on his face. Having you so close and yet unable to touch you has his mind reeling and frustration bubbling like acid in the pit of his stomach. You smell incredible, sweet and floral, and your hands are delicate as they roam his chest and stomach, eyes completely focused on the task at hand. He sighs deeply as he lets himself become lost in the way you touch him, the way your hands rove confidently, traversing low enough to have him forcing down the urge to buck his hips against you.
Nothing in the world is going to pull your gaze from the path your hands trace against Jeongguk’s skin. From his broad shoulders and collarbones you would be happy to drag your tongue across, to your palm grazing his nipple, noting the muscle in his jaw jumping at the contact. Down, down, down his stomach as low as his shorts allow, over his hips and waist. All amusement has vanished as your fingers explore. Jeongguk’s breathing is deep as you toy with the waistband of his shorts, slipping the tip of your finger just underneath. He’s watching you like a hawk, nostrils flaring as he wills you to just reach down, give him the look so he can take you upstairs and show you there’s no fun in waiting. Instead you raise your eyes to his and breathe out, “I need to do your arms.”
He shifts his weight forward, one arm held out for you, the other sliding around your body, hand resting gently on your arse. Raising your eyebrows questioningly at the placement, Jeongguk simply shrugs, a devilish smile flashing at you.
“What’s the matter, darling?” His deep voice questions. You forego a reply, squeezing cream directly onto his arm. He watches your face with delight as you continue.
“Turn around so I can do your back,” your voice is barely above a whisper. Having him so close for so long is starting to prove difficult. You can’t get your thoughts away from his hands, how strong and big they are in your own, how they’d wrap perfectly around your neck or how easy it would be for Jeongguk to prod and massage your g-spot until you were exhausted from overstimulation. It hasn’t slipped your notice that he’s been getting progressively harder beneath you, every inch of him pushing against your core. It’s getting hard to breathe, hard to look him in the eye - he relishes every second of your struggle with a cocky grin. His eyes are heavy and clouded with arousal and he drags his gaze leisurely down your body and back again.
“I’m sure you can reach from here, darling.” The determined look in your eye has Jeongguk chuckling. The action of reaching your hands over his shoulders and down his back has your chest pushing into his face and a small groan rumbles in Jeongguk’s throat. Your stomach burns with desire at the sound, a desperate need to hear the sound over and over, louder and then whispered into your ear, claws mercilessly at your insides, threatening to suffocate you. Without thinking you push your hips down in an effort to garner some friction against your swollen clit. The manoeuver doesn’t go unnoticed.
Jeongguk’s mind is blank. Your arse is pushing back into his palms, his fingers massaging the supple flesh delicately. With your tits so close to his face he determines it would be criminal if he doesn’t lean forward just a little more. His hair tickles your cheek as he moves, his nose brushing your chest as he gets closer. He flattens his tongue against the swell of your breast, licking a stripe against your glowing skin before sinking his teeth into you. A small gasp escapes your lips, hips rutting against him of their own accord. He groans again, using his hands to push you into him harder, desperation and frustration intermingling at the clothing separating your pussy from his bare skin. He pulls back to look up at you, the muscles of his jaw jumping as he restrains himself. Your lips are so close, both of your chests rising and falling rapidly, each waiting to see what the other will do, the atmosphere suffocating as the tension rises. Jeongguk’s gaze is intense and his eyes flick briefly down to your lips, his intentions and desires clear.
“Come to my room.” His voice is gravelly and shoots heat directly to where you need his touch the most. “Let me touch you, make you feel so good, princess.”
“We can’t,” you whisper back, lacking conviction.
“Why not?” Whines Jeongguk.
“Everyone will see and they’ll know.” It’s a feeble excuse and your resolve to stick with it is crumbling quickly.
“I’ll happily fuck you out here if that’s what you’d prefer.” Your cheeks flame at the idea. “It would be easy,” he continues, mind so consumed with you and his need to have you as close as possible. His fingers skim the apex of your thigh, toying with the edge of your bikini. “I’d just have to pull this to the side and then I’d see your pretty pussy, but I bet you have a tight cunt, couldn’t take my cock all at once.” Your core clenches reflexively at his words and you know you’re absolutely fucked.
“Come to my room,” he states, moving your hips over his with his hands. You smile devilishly, leaning forward until your lips almost brush.
“I’m sure you can wait a little bit longer.”
an; so i clearly don't know the meaning of the word drabble and you said i'd kill it so the perfectionism took over and i couldn't stop until i thought it was good
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jlalafics · 4 years ago
"Photograph"-a Royal!Everlark story
This was inspired by this prompt from @writing-prompt-s:
When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at the park. You never saw your childhood “spouse” again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country… where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid.
This is totally unedited. Thank you to @sparklingdust4612 for bringing this prompt to my attention. Looking forward to everyone else's interpretations along with this one and the story by @jhsgf82!
I actually have more of this but I thought I'd show y'all a little bit of my interpretation of the above prompt.
We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen, still…
-Ed Sheeran
Katniss Everdeen loved building castles.
In the massive sandbox, she packed another bunch of sand into her bucket before placing it upside down to set. While waiting, Katniss imagined how she would decorate the inside of her palace, a delighted smile growing on her face as she thought of the possibilities.
First, the walls would all be yellow. Not the ugly yellow that looked like snot—but yellow like Prim’s, her baby sister, golden locks.
Yellow meant hope: that’s what Daddy always said.
Knocking on the sides of the bucket to loosen the sand like Mommy showed her, Katniss slowly lifted it revealing a perfect tower for her castle.
“Yes!” she hollered, jumping up in excitement.
Her eyes went to Mommy who was sitting on the bench across the way. She was talking to a pretty, yellow-haired woman with a big tummy. Prim was asleep in her stroller, her binky hanging from her mouth.
“Mommy!” Katniss rushed over, stopping just a scant from toppling over on the concrete. “Look! I’ve made the perfect tower!”
Her mother smiled proudly.
“That’s wonderful, Katniss.” She turned to the woman next to her. “My Katniss is always building and dreaming on how to make her perfect home. Her teachers tell me that she has such a creative mind for a seven-year-old.”
“How absolutely charming,” the woman responded kindly, a smile on her pink lips.
Katniss tilted her head at the sound of her voice. There was something different about the way the lady talked—the dips of it sounded strange—but still nice.
“Why do you sound like that?” she asked bluntly.
Her Mommy frowned. “Katniss Everdeen! Please apologize!” She looked to the woman once more. “I’m so sorry—”
“That’s perfectly alright,” the lady assured her. The pretty woman turned to Katniss. “I have a little bit of an accent because of where I’m from, that’s why my voice sounds different.”
Katniss nodded. “Okay, but it does sound nice…like a song!” She smiled. “What’s your name?”
The woman glowed like an angel. “My name is Marguerite.”
“Hello Miss Marguerite.” Katniss looked to where her sandcastle waited. “I better go before someone takes my stuff! Bye!”
Throwing a wave at the woman, she plopped back down onto her space in the sandbox ready to add some detailing to her newest tower—
The foot crushing her tower landed straight in the middle of it creating a space between each side.
Katniss fumed and her eyes went up to the blond-haired boy with the snooty face.
She stood, her hand slamming into his chest. “Hey! You destroyed my castle!”
The boy stared at her in shock. “No one ever touches me!”
“Until now—”
Katniss was suddenly blocked by another boy, tall and dark-skinned.
“No one touches his royal highness,” he declared, and the blond boy stuck his tongue at her.
Another boy, this one dark-haired and sharp-eyed, approached.
“Prince Peeta has decided that you will be his bride,” he stated with a scowl.
Katniss made a face, crossing her arms to show them how disgusting that sounded. “Gross.”
The so-called Prince Peeta walked over to her.
“As my bride, you can make as many sandcastles as you want,” he explained. “I’ll build a bigger sandbox than this for you!”
Something inside zinged at the thought. “Really?”
The boy shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”
Katniss eyed him suspiciously. “Why would you want to marry me anyway?”
Peeta shifted in his stance, the confidence in his blue eyes suddenly wavering. “I like your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
A rise of pink colored his cheeks. “They’re soft…and pretty.”
That had been it for her.
On that warm afternoon, by the swings of District 12’s only playground, Katniss Everdeen married the so-called Prince Peeta.
“You may now kiss the bride,” Gale, the dark-haired boy, said. He looked at Peeta, a teasing smile on his face. “Go on—kiss her!”
“Close your eyes,” Peeta told her.
Katniss, wearing her paper towel veil courtesy of the park’s public bathroom, did what he said and closed her eyes.
She barely registered being shoved down into the muddy puddle.
Katniss looked up at the sneering boy, feeling the rise of anger in her body.
“That’s what you get for pushing me.”
Twenty years later…
“Katniss.” She looked up from laptop to find Prim at her open doorway. Her sister held out a Fed-Ex envelope. “This just came for you.”
Without even glancing at it, Katniss tossed the envelope on her bed, going back to the open page on her screen.
“Don’t you want to open it?” Prim stepped into the room and plopped onto the bed, picking the post up to examine it. “It looks important.”
“Probably one of those things saying that I’m eligible for another credit card.” Katniss frowned, sitting back, and staring at the blinking cursor. “I’m so stuck on this blog post!”
“Is this the one about kitchen flowers?” her sister asked, and she nodded. “You got some great pictures from Madge’s shop.”
“I know but my writing inspiration is zilch,” Katniss explained. “I need to get this done if I want to post by Mother’s Day.”
“Speaking of Mother’s Day, mom is wondering if you’re bringing anyone to Sunday dinner,” Prim informed her.
“I love our mother but lately every conversation we’ve had is either about my lack of a dating life or my withering eggs,” Katniss said. “Right now, I need to focus on getting more attention on the blog. It’s just gaining momentum!” She rested back and turned to her sister. “This is important to me.”
“I know,” Prim replied. “And you are good at it. I mean, look at what you’ve done to our apartment! To this room!”
Her sister’s bright blue eyes looked around the buttercream room, beautifully decorated with white-washed furniture. The console that her television sat atop was bought at a nearby thrift shop and refurbished by her. Katniss had sanded it down before putting a whitewash over it and adding lacquer to give it a more modern look.
In fact, most of the furniture in her and Prim’s apartment was completely refurbished by her. She had always had an eye for decorating and instead of going to a four-year college, Katniss had opted to go to design school.
Creating something new from what people considered junk gave her a special kind of thrill—almost akin to being in love.
At least that’s what she thought it might feel like.
Katniss whipped over to her sister—who was holding an unfolded paper in her hands.
She stood from her seat and went to Prim. “What?”
Wordlessly, Prim handed the piece to her—it was a letter.
The letter was on marbled paper, an elegant insignia atop it, and she could see that the elegant calligraphy was done by hand:
Dear Miss Everdeen,
You are hereby summoned to the kingdom of Panem to present yourself to His Royal Highness, King Peeta.
Photo documentation has validified that you are the Queen Consort to His Royal Highness.
Attached is my business card, please contact me to arrange your travel to Panem.
The Rt. Hon. Effie Trinket
Private Secretary to His Royal Highness
“This is a joke!” Katniss tossed the letter onto her desk and laughed. “Photo documentation? There is no such thing—”
The laugh fell from her lips as Prim turned the FedEx envelope upside down and a single photo fell onto her bedspread.
“There’s a business card in here, too,” Prim told her carefully.
Walking over, Katniss could see that the photo was facedown.
Trembling, she picked the print up and read the elegant cursive atop it:
‘Peeta and his new bride, Katniss Everdeen!’
Next to the caption was a happy face; it was obvious that this statement was made in jest.
Turning the photograph, a wave of nausea hit seeing the image of her seven-year-old self, a paper towel veil atop her head, joining hands with a blond boy—
Prince Peeta.
Or to be more precise, His Royal Highness King Peeta of Panem.
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rommahh · 4 years ago
I Carry It In My Heart
Word count: 4.7k
I thank everyone who read part one, it meant so much to me to see the love it got. Heres part two, please comment, like reblog, whatever I just wanna hear your thoughts! I also plan on making smaller blurbs of this universe with fratrry. I have plans for a graduation, wedding, babies, and other random blurbs of their lives. Much love, R.
Part One
Y/N’s drive home was quiet. She drove the whole six hours just listening to her thoughts. Thinking about the future of a relationship she had so much hope for. She wanted this relationship so much and seeing Harry before leaving campus reassured her that maybe just maybe, Harry wanted what she wanted too.
Six hours went by and Y/N finally arrived home. She lived on a very secluded farm with her mom, dad, grandparents, uncles/aunts, and cousins. Everyone lived along the property making the family tight knit. She was scared to reveal to her family that she wasn't with Harry anymore. He grew to be a very important part of the family. Everyone saw how beautiful Harry and Y/N’s relationship was. They could see how close they were and how they just shared a really unique connection with each other.
Getting out of her car, Y/N took a moment to stretch her legs before she was bombarded by her family. Hands were pulling her into hugs, kisses were being planted on her cheek- she never felt more loved in her life. She didn't realize she was crying until her mom held her face between her hands wiping the free flowing tears from the young girl's face. The family left the mother and daughter alone to reconnect.
“What is wrong with my baby?” Her mother cradled her face as she sobs.
“Mommy, we broke up. Me and Harry broke up and- and i'm exhausted from exams, and i'm so hungry!” Y/N’s hysterics caused her mom to chuckle. She helped grab Y/N’s belongings from the trunk and then led the girl into the house. As Y/N wiped the tears from her face she hiccuped trying to catch her breath.
With her bags in her room, Y/N sat at the kitchen table as her mom placed a bowl of chilli in front of her. Her mom sat beside her rubbing her back encouraging her to eat and regain some energy.
“Tell me what happened hon?”
“We got in a really bad fight after he kissed another girl. He basically said that I was overreacting. I tried to tell him that my reaction was merely based on how I feel about our future relationship. He laughed at me and said he wasn't thinking about the future of our relationship. Tha-” She choked up again “-that this wasn't a future he wanted.” Y/N sniffled into her food as her mom guided food into her mouth.
“It's ok hon. Let me tell you something, you and Harry will be fine. It may seem like this is the end but it's not. You will get through this because you guys were made for each other. From the way that you guys know each other's thoughts to the way that you both can read each other with no problem- you two were meant to be. Me and your pa went through our own issues but look at us now. We are solid. Baby, you two will be solid.” Y/N’s mom smoothed the hair on her daughter's head smiling at the young girl.
Y/N thought about her mothers words. Hearing her mom say those things about her relationship made her feel a little better. Her mother kissed her on the forehead and told her to get to bed and get some rest.
Y/N walked into her room and immediately her eyes were drawn to the gift Harry got her. She didn't remember bringing it in her room but there it sat in all of its glory. The gold wrapping paper on the box contrasted with the dark wood of her dresser. The envelope adorned with Harry's name written in cursive.
She was tempted to open the gift but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to even touch the gift. She kept thinking about the moment she shared with Harry in the parking lot. How he made time to see her before she left. How he found time to get her a gift and bring it to her. She grabbed the gift, shoving it into the top drawer of the dresser.
As Y/N lied in her bed that night, wrapped in a blanket Harry bought her, she couldn't run her mind off. She wanted to be with Harry but she was scared of his lack of commitment. She doesn't understand his sudden lack of commitment. She mentioned marrying him in the future and he freaked out on her. It hurt to know that in a quick second, he could change his mind.
Closing her eyes she went to sleep thinking about her brown haired, green eyed boy whose heart she carries with her at all times.
Y/N felt better to be back home on the farm. This semester had mentally drained her to the point where she felt like she had nothing within herself to give. She sat in the barn behind the house watching the chickens run around as she remembered the first time Harry visited the farm.
“No Harry, you just grab them from underneath. Like cup your hands and grab!” Y/N hollered to her boyfriend as he chased chickens around trying to grab them. He couldnt get his hands on a chicken but hearing his girlfriend laughing made it all worth it. Here he was dressed in overalls while chasing chickens.
“Bubs, I cant get one.” He pouted walking back over to Y/N.
“You don't have the talent I have.” She walked over to a resting chicken and grabbed it with ease. Tucking the chicken under her arm, she scratched the top of the chicken's head and walked over to where Harry was standing in shock.
“You are something else!” She set the chicken down, watching it run away. Harry grabbed her arm, twirling her around to face him. She placed her arms atop his shoulders, fingers playing with the small curls of his head. His arms wrapped around her waist squeezing her close to him.
It was a beautiful morning on the farm. Fall break on full blast and instead of Harry going back home, he just decided to come see where his girlfriend lives. They were sophomores now, entering almost a year of dating. This had been one the best almost years of their lives.
Harry placed a gentle kiss on her plush lips. She smiled, kissing him back.
“I love you Harry.” She said, staring at his eyes. His eyes opened wide. He stepped back from her and then started jumping up and down out of happiness. He threw her over his shoulder and started running through the blades of grass like the chickens he was trying to catch earlier. Setting her down on her feet she giggled at his antics.
“I cant believe you just said that. Im so fucking in love with you. So in love.” He said squishing her cheeks together, puckering her lips and smacking a wet kiss on her mouth.
“Ew Harry gross.” she giggled as he continued to place wet slobbery kisses over her face.
Y/N was so happy to bring Harry home. She wanted to show her family this new boy that had completely captivated her heart. He fit in with her family perfectly, making jokes, helping with dinner, playing with the little ones. He was family.
Walking into the house, she was greeted with the familiar smell of her grandma's famous peach crumble. She went into the kitchen sitting at one the stools watching her grandmother whip around the kitchen baking a slew of desserts.
“Hey lovebug, you go out and see your chickies?” Her grandmother asked, never losing focus of what she was doing.
“I did, they are all growing up so quick.” Y/N laid her head down on the table staring out of the window. Head fuzzy with anxiety and muddled thoughts.
“What happened to Harry?” Y/N’s head popped off of the table as she looked at her grandmother in confusion.
“How did you know something was up?”
“You're my grandbaby, I know everything about you. You've also been moping around my house so I knew something had happened.” She took a bowl down from the cabinets scooping a hot piece of peach crumble in the bowl and placed it in front of Y/N.
“Yeah, me and Harry split up. We just had a bad fight that put us in a weird place. He cheated on me.” She scooped crumble into her mouth trying to distract herself from her sadness.
“Oh love bug. I'm really sorry about that. Did you guys talk at all?” Placing a pie in the oven, her grandmother took a seat next to Y/N stealing a bite of crumble.
“He actually said goodbye to me before I came home. He gave me a Christmas gift too. I don't know, we didn't really say much. I miss him though. He was drunk when he cheated on me, which isn't an excuse but I think he was taken advantage of. I'm not mad about him cheating on me. I was mad at how he reacted to me. Like I was in the wrong for thinking about our relationship in the long run.”
“I understand. Can I be honest with you?” Crumble gone now, Y/N turned her body to face her grandmother. She shook her head to say yes. “You and Harry will be ok. It feels like the end right now but it isn't. It really isn't. I watched you two all of that one break and I saw a resilient couple who were going to go so far. This bump in the road can be fixed. Baby that boy looks at you like you are the whole universe.” You blushed at her words.
“What do I do then?”
“Well, I think you guys should enjoy this break. Take the time to reflect on what your relationship was and what it could be. Harrys going to go home and be surrounded by family as you are now, just let yourself enjoy that time. When he comes back for school, meet up again and talk. You both are adults- you know what to do.” You took in your grandmother's words. She always knew what to say.
“Why is it that you and mom always give me advice over food?” You laughed as she winked at you kissing you on the cheek.
“Food always makes people listen.”
When Wednesday finally arrived, Harry couldn't have been happier to go home. He had been on campus all alone and just feeling like shit. Maybe it was karma for how he treated Y/N. His heart felt hollow and even though he saw her before she left campus, he knew they still weren't ok. He wanted nothing more than to just be ok with his girl. The girl who makes him feel happiest on his darkest days. He doesn't understand how he would have ruined something so perfect.
At his gate at the airport, Harry sat staring at his phone waiting for something. He didn't know what he was waiting for. He didn't deserve anything, especially because of how bad he messed up. He didn't plan on seeing Y/N last friday before she left but he didn't want to go home without seeing her face. He also spent all night writing her a letter that laid down his thoughts. He also wanted to give her a gift. He bought it at the beginning of the semester back home. He knew it was perfect for her the second he saw it.
“Welcome to British Airways, we are now boarding all priority passengers.”
Harry stood up collecting his carry on and started walking to the line forming in front of the gate. He checked his phone again. Nothing.
As the line moved forward. He checked again. Nothing.
He scanned his ticket. Checked again. Nothing.
Situating himself in his seat on the airplane, Harry didn't even bother checking his phone knowing nothing was there. He clicked his seatbelt over his lap and opened the window beside him to look outside.
His phone buzzing pulled him out of his thoughts. His breath hitched, heart lurching. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he turned the screen on.
To: Harry, from: Bubs<3
Have a safe flight Harry
Harry's eyes welled with tears.
To: Bubs<3, from: Harry
Thank you, love. It means a lot.
To: Harry, from: Bubs<3
I miss you Harry
A few of those tears tipped over the edge now rolling down his face.
To: Bubs<3, from: Harry
I miss you so much baby
And that was it. But that was all Harry needed to feel something again.
Y/N didn't know what compelled her to text Harry. She knows her grandmother told her to take some time but she just wanted to reach out to him. She wanted him to know that she was still here. She was still thinking of him and still wanted this. Whatever ‘this’ was.
Christmas eve came quickly, Y/N’s house filled with family members, food, and little children running around wreaking havoc. Y/N was sitting in her room staring at the drawer where the gift from Harry hid. She was scared to open it. Pushing that fear to the side, she walked over the drawer opening it and grabbing the box and envelope. She put the gift in her purse before grabbing her keys. She couldn't open the gift here. She needed to go somewhere quiet.
She said a quick goodbye to her parents and left the house in a hurry. She found herself parked at a small store's parking lot a few miles away from her house. She kept the car on for the heat but turned off the christmas tunes she had playing low in the background.
She opened her purse to pull the envelope out. Carefully ripping the top of the envelope she pulled out a stack of items. In the envelope were four photos and a handwritten letter. She saved the letter for last.
The first photo was of Harry and Y/N sitting on a bean bag in the library. Harry had the camera outstretched above their heads, Y/N with her face buried in a text book. This was taken in their first year during their first exam week. They were not exclusive yet but their friends knew how close they were- there was no one coming between the two of them. Y/N had been so stressed that week so Harry invited her to the library to eat lunch and study together. He helped her through some science homework which helped dramatically on her exam.
The second image was of Harry and Y/N at their favorite restaurant off campus. It was taken during their sophomore year during their one year anniversary. It was the week before spring break and they had just finished a round of midterms. Harry surprised her with a trip to her favorite restaurant. The waiter offered to take the picture because of how adorable the couple looked. In the picture they were holding hands, smiling wide to the camera. Y/N eyes welled up at how happy they looked together.
The third pic was taken during an event on campus at the end of their freshman year. It was a piece and love festival where different clubs hosted fun activities in hopes of promoting unity on campus. In the picture, Harry and Y/N were holding up braided string bracelets with beads that said their partners name. They always wore those bracelets after that day. Y/N looked down at the slightly faded bracelet on her wrist. Harrys name on her wrist reminding her that he is always with her no matter what. Cheesy as it may be but the cheap string with plastic was something she would never part with.
The last picture was taken on Y/N’s farm. It was by the barn where Harry and Y/N were chasing chickens. It was taken from a high angle from afar. Harry had her on his shoulder and they were both visibly laughing. They had matching overalls with embroidery done by Y/N's aunt. On the back of the picture, Y/N could recognize Harry's handwriting as it said, “Your Grandma emailed me this picture when we got back to campus. She said that she couldn't help but take the picture when she saw how happy you looked.” Y/N laughed at his sloppy handwriting and her grandmother's words.
The last piece of the envelope was the letter. Y/N slowly unraveled the folded paper, smoothing out the crinkles. Taking a deep breath she began reading.
In my eyes, our future is filled with love. I see us buying a small house in your home town because I know you love home. I know you also said you may want to live in a city so if our plans were to change, I could see us living in a small apartment, decorated by you of course, with bookshelves that towered to the ceiling and many plush blankets littering the rooms. I see us working hard during the day and enjoying each other during the evening when we come home. I see bubble baths and fun new dinner recipes. I see me bringing you flowers to brighten your day from a long day of work. I see us travelling to all of the places you have pinned on your “for the future” pinterest board. I see us having a small wedding, my family, your family, some friends and that's it. I'd let you do whatever you like for the wedding because I want to see you happy.
I see little ones. Direct copies of you and me running around in the backyard as we try chasing them and tickling them. I see bedtime stories and fun days at the park. Picnics in the meadow and swimming in the lake. Catching chickens and rough housing with the goats. Pasta sauce around the mouth after a good meal. Frozen yogurt with all of the toppings. I see everything with you. There's not a moment where I don't see us together. I think about our graduation and where we will be after graduation.
I see a future with you and I was an ass to say otherwise. You are everything to me. I should be doing more for our relationship like I used to. I want to take you out on more dates and shower you in gifts because you deserve it. I love you so much. Please don't give up on me and all of the memories we've created. I want it all with you.
School has been hurting me pretty bad and I took it out on you. I cheated on you because I was too drunk to think properly. I hurt the only person whose opinion I hold higher than anyone else's. We built a beautiful relationship of trust and boundaries and I ruined it for no reason. I want to do better. Please let me show you that I can do better.
I found this poem that reminded me of you. I know you like poems and this poem speaks for me wholly.
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
Have a lovely break and I hope to be able to see you after.
Love Harry.
His letter left the girl speechless. He said everything she wanted to hear. Looking at her phone she checked the time.
7:36 pm
Its about 12 am in london.
Without a second thought she opened Harry's facetime profile and pressed the call button.
Ring. Ring. Ri-
“Love? Are you alright? Did something happen?” Harry was quick to answer, looking half awake and flustered. Y/N broke down in tears immediately. “Y/N are you ok, baby?”
“Harry.” She wailed. It was embarrassing but all of the pent emotion she was holding in finally breached. She couldn't stop crying. Harry sat up from his laying down position in bed holding the phone closer to his face to inspect his girl.
“It's ok bubs, whatever it is, it's ok. I promise it's ok.” Harry tries consoling the girl. Her tears reduced to small sniffles.
“I read your letter Harry. It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I want it all with you too. I've always wanted it with you. Since the day we met Harry.” He let out a watery laugh so overwhelmed with emotions. She wiped her face of tears looking back at the letter next to her.
“Y/N I love you so much. I do. I know I'm not that good at expressing my emotions but I do want a future with you. I'm hurting knowing I hurt the best thing that's ever happened to me.” His tears continued to flow freely.
“It's ok Harry. I'm not mad anymore. I'm not hurt either I promise. I think I was more upset that we were done. I don't want us to be done. I really don't.”
“I don't want us to be done either. I really want to marry you. Maybe not right now but in time I wanna get married.” He paused, wiping his face. “I wanna get married on your farm, maybe put the chickies in little tuxedos.” She giggled at his proposition.
“They would hate you even more if you did that.” They shared a laugh and then some silence. “I guess it's technically Christmas over there huh? Well Merry Christmas H.”
“It is christmas isn't it? Merry Christmas bubs. Did you open the box?” She grabbed the box next to her to show Harry shaking her head. She unwrapped the paper and revealed a box with a logo she wasn't familiar with.
“What's this?” He encouraged her to keep opening the gift. Lifting the top of the box she let out a loud gasp upon seeing a beautiful gold bracelet sitting on a satin pillow. She placed her phone on the phone stand on her dashboard so she could have both hands to look at the bracelet. The bracelet was gold and thin with a nameplate in the middle. Engraved on the nameplate was Harry's name.
“You went silent on me...Do you like it?” Y/N couldn't stop looking at the bracelet in her hand.
“Harry...It's gorgeous. It's so gorgeous.” She whispered. She slid the perfectly fit bracelet on her hand watching it fall in front of her handmade bracelet. The two bracelets adorned her wrist perfectly. “I love you so much H.”
“I love you too, I do. I can't wait to see you in person and talk.” He replies with his heart clenching in a good way, watching his girl smile happily at her gift.
“Om bubby, I'll let you go to sleep. I love you, spend time with your family and then come back to me as the same Harry I fell in love with.” He smiled, whispering goodnight and hanging up.
Going home that night, Y/N’s family watched her come back into the house walking lighter on her feet and looking happier than she did when she came home from school. She showed her bracelet off to her parents as her grandmother made her a plate of food. She smiled at everyone and talked the whole night. Her grandmother watched from afar feeling her heart fill with joy at her granddaughter's happiness.
As Christmas break went on Harry and Y/N continued to keep their relationship moving slowly. Only calling each other once a day and giving each the much needed space to heal with their respective family. Y/N facetimed him on christmas giving him a youtuber esq. Haul of all of her gifts while he laughed at her silliness. He did the same thing with half the enthusiasm.
As move in day approached, Y/N felt herself becoming worried about her relationship. She worried that when she saw Harry, their relationship would slowly deteriorate. Little did she know that she had no reason to be so afraid. Harry was on his flight back to school ready to hug and hold his girl. He was ready to reunite and be the couple they used to be. He was ready to be a better partner for his girl.
“Alright girly, looks like we got everything squished in your car. Are you sure you've got everything?” Y/N’s mom asked sarcastically. Y/N huffed shoving another bag in the passenger seat.
“Yup that should be it.”
“Ok, well you give me a hug and get going.” Y/N rushed into her mom's arms. Her mom kissed her on the forehead and left Y/N and her grandmother to talk on their own.
“Bye grandma, i'm going to miss you.” Her grandmother held her arms tight.
“You get back to campus and see that boy ok? You go and be in love. You too are old enough to know what you want and this relationship is something you obviously both want.”
Kissing her grandma goodbye, she got in her car and started her drive back to school.
It only took Y/N one trip from her car to her dorm to unload all of her belongings. She was able to snag one of the big trolleys to push her things inside. She watched as friends reunited, she even said hi to a few of her friends but her mind was set on one person. She grabbed her wallet and phone from her dorm and left quickly on a journey to get to Harry’s frat.
The air was cool but Y/N felt warm from how quickly she was booking it to Harry. Harry, just like Y/N, immediately left his room to see Y/N. Having not seen her in a month and some of exam week- he couldn't wait to see her. Harry saw Y/N’s familiar face walking down the sidewalk of his frat and he stopped in his tracks. She smiled her bright, beautiful smile before running over to where he stood. Her arms hooked around his neck as his arms adjusted around her waist. He stumbled a bit from the force of her hug but stood his ground nonetheless.
She held him tight, legs bound around his waist, a few stray tears falling from her eyes. He held her just as tightly, hands tightly holding her thighs and back.
“Hi bubby.” She said in his ear, face burrowed in his neck. He set her down and reached for her face.
‘Hi baby.” She blushed at his nickname. They looked into each other's eyes and time froze like it always did between them. Y/N broke theri moment by pulling his face to hers. They kissed like they hadnt kissed in years. To them the time they spent away from each other felt like years. Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. Pulling apart, Harry stared down at his heart, tears begging to be free. He opened his mouth to say something and she stopped him.
“It's ok Harry. My baby, it's ok. We are ok.”
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
Taglist: marlananicole17
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untaemedqueen · 4 years ago
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 14.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Heart Tugging Yoongi, Crying, Emotional
A/N: This chapter is early because I’ll forget to post at 5 like an idiot :) shoutout to the squad @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia, @ppersonna this chapter is goooood!
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You have ascertained at this point that although Yoongi is incredibly fit -- he's never done heavy lifting in his life.
You watch him continuously mumbling to himself while carrying things over to the wooden porch, stopping himself whenever your father passes with something in his arms to show a tired smile.
It's kind of hilarious.
"Well! That's it!" you dad says, clapping his hands together happily. He stands on the porch, a smile etching onto his features as he looks at you.
Yoongi sighs happily beside Minho, feeling proud of himself that he's actually done something on his own for once.
"Will that be all, Sir?" Minho asks, his voice filled with amusement.
The CEO grimaces at him. "That'll be all. Be back here in two days with a new set of shoes for me and an Irish coffee."
Minho nods bowing to the both of you before climbing back into the car.
"Your mother is making bean paste in the back," your dad notifies you as he kicks off his sneakers.
You hum sweetly, walking up the steps to take off your own shoes.
Yoongi puts his hands on his hips, looking at the hanok with curious eyes.
"Here goes nothing," he mumbles, following after you.
"You didn't have to get us anything, you know," your father tells him. Helping him push all of the gifts into the house.
"It's my pleasure," Yoongi breathes out.
Your father turns to your boyfriend, holding up the Japanese whisky and winking at him. "It's a nice gesture though. I'll drink this well… by the end of the night." he whispers conspiratorially to him.
Yoongi finds himself smiling, chuckling to himself.
You're a lot like your father it seems. He likes that.
Stepping into the hanok, Yoongi feels like he's in a museum. Which, he can't help but kind of love. Everything seems so olden but perfectly taken care of.
"We do have a bathroom and beds, luckily for you." your dad jeers.
When you step inside, you feel so at home. Nothing has changed at all and it's so perfect.
"Wait for it," your dad tells your boyfriend, putting the gift baskets on the wooden table.
"MY GAESU!" you scream happily.
Yoongi jumps at your loud voice, eyes widening. He's never heard you screech so loudly.
A small corgi runs out to greet you, tongue sticking out with excited heavy breathing.
He watches you bend down, pulling the dog into your arms.
"Be careful," he admonishes you sweetly, watching you rock the dog in your arms.
Your father watches how concerned Yoongi is for you, how he presses his hand to the small of your back for support and he smirks at the sight.
"Whisky, Yoongi?"
"That'd be great, thank you Sir." he replies kindly, unbuttoning his suit jacket.
"Call me Dad," your father says with a wink.
The sentence sends Yoongi frozen. He's never heard such a gentle tone from a father figure before. He's only ever been used to tones of disappointment or anger.
"Alright," he whispers, grabbing the glass with a tentative hand.
You smile at the sight before you, Gaesu constantly licking your cheek to show how much he's missed you.
You know that Yoongi is going to love your parents, it'll just take a while to settle in.
"I heard the infamous scream," you hear from the back door.
Your heart warms at the sight of your mother.
"Mom," you whisper, taking in how happy she looks.
For the first time in a long time, she looks healthy.
"I missed you!" your mother whines, opening her arms to hug you.
"I missed you too!" you reply, hooking your chin over her shoulder.
The CEO can see how fond you are of your family. He hopes it'll be the same for this small family you're making of your own now.
"This is Min Yoongi, my boyfriend," you say, pulling away and nodding to the handsome man.
Your mother's smile seems to widen at the sight of him. "Oh, wow. You're so much more handsome in real life than on my t.v., as if that's possible." she breathes out, her cheeks starting to blush.
"It's nice to meet you," he laughs, bowing to her.
She bows back before sighing. "I'm a hugger!"
He hugs her awkwardly as she pats his back. You giggle at the warm sight before you, you know this must be so strange to him.
"You are the culprit that got my daughter pregnant?" your mother teases, sending him flinching.
He chuckles awkwardly, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. "Guilty." he whispers.
"Well thank God, I thought I'd never have a grandchild," she says, slapping his shoulder.
"Okay, mom." you mumble, rolling your eyes at her dramatics.
"This baby is going to be cuter than a button!" she promises, pointing between the both of you.
Yoongi finds himself filling up with warmth, chuckling as your father rolls his eyes to him.
"Why don't you both get unpacked? And then we can start to make dinner," your mother suggests.
"Yoongi's never cooked before," you tell her, going to pick up your luggage.
The CEO groans gently as you all giggle. This is what family must be like. Joking and loving towards one another. He finds it akin to how him and Maya act sometimes.
"Don't even think about it," he tells you, watching you grip the handle.
"I can pick something up," you whisper as he narrows his eyes.
"So can I. Show me where the room is, little dove." he instructs, grabbing the luggage.
Rolling your eyes, you shrug to your parents as they give affectionate smiles.
"My room and the guest room?" you ask your mother, watching her hug your fathers side.
"Just your room. You're already pregnant, what else could happen?" she replies.
Yoongi's cheeks burn with embarrassment as he picks up your luggage. But, he's content with knowing that he can sleep with you for the next two nights.
He finds himself already fond of this wooden and paper house. And maybe even warming up to the people in it.
"Just through here," you tell the CEO, picking up Gaesu.
"I didn't know you have a dog," Yoongi says, stepping into your old bedroom.
"Leena's allergic so I left Gaesu home," you reply.
He hums understanding before yelping out as he looks around your room.
"What?!" you whine, putting your hand over your heart.
"THERE'S A CHICKEN ON THE BED!" he yells, dropping the luggage to the floor.
You can hear your dad laugh loudly from the kitchen and you snort loudly, stepping into the room and sliding the door shut.
The chicken takes one look at Gaesu before jumping off the bed and scurrying around the room.
Yoongi gasps loudly, jumping onto the bed with fright written all over his face.
"Catch it!" he cries out, shoving his hands in his hair.
"Relax, it's just Miguk." you say with a laugh.
"Why is there a fucking chicken in your bedroom?!" your boyfriend whines.
"Because we keep chickens for eggs? And Miguk probably wanted to be some place warm?" you ask confused, setting down your dog and opening up the bedroom door for Gaesu to chase Miguk out.
"So you don't have a heat lamp or some… warm place for a chicken to stay? Do I have to buy one for you?!" he asks, smacking the bed to get rid of a few feathers.
"It's just a chicken, you'll be eating one in like two hours," you say laughing loudly as the animals finally leave your room.
"It's disgusting. I need to change the sheets," he whispers, clearly grossed out.
"You know the walls are paper and wood?" you mouth to him, shutting the door.
"I shouldn't have to scream about a fucking chicken laying in the bed I'm sleeping in tonight," he mouths back, flailing his arms.
"Everything okay?" your mother sings from the kitchen.
"Yes!" you both reply at the same time.
The CEO finds it hard to not stare at where the chicken was standing just seconds ago.
"Come on, Yoongi. It's okay," you say, sitting down on the end of the bed.
"I don't think you understand that I'm fucking traumatized," he whispers fiercely, watching as a shadow of a chicken walks by the paper door.
"Do you need me to hold you?" you ask, sounding as if you're speaking to a small child.
He grimaces at you, folding his arms.
"No! I just don't understand how this is normal behavior," he retorts softly.
"Welcome to my home," you whisper, booping him on the nose.
He swats at your hand childishly, eyebrows furrowing deeply.
"I like your parents," he mumbles softly as you place both of the luggages on the bed.
"See, I told you. They're nice," you reply happily.
"You need to promise me that I won't wake up in the middle of the night to a chicken trying to poke my eye out with their beak. Do your parents feed them properly? Are they on a mission to assault guests?" he whispers fiercely, grabbing your hands.
"You're an insane person. You're actually fucking crazy," you whisper back, kissing the top of his head.
"What's crazy is that there was a fucking chicken in your childhood bed," he says appalled, appreciating the warmth of your lips on his skin.
"If I'm not worried about it, you shouldn't be worried about it," you say with a smile, grabbing your change of sweatpants.
"That's what they said about Pompeii and a fucking volcano erupted!" he barks out in a fierce whisper.
You find yourself giggling, combing your fingers through his hair. Almost immediately he feels himself relaxing.
After washing up and putting on comfortable clothes as well as insisting to your boyfriend a multitude of times that no farm animals would kill him in his sleep, you were ready for dinner.
Or, ready to make dinner anyway.
When Yoongi was younger, he used to watch Maya cook for him. His parents were never really home, it was just him, Maya and her daughter Myeyoung.
He has no real skills besides making money and playing poker.
Stepping back out into the hallway, he's surprised to witness such paternal affection.
Even from the short distance he can see how much love your father has for your mother as he cuts up an apple for her.
Would he ever get this? Would you be like this to him?
"My Gaesu-ah!" you call sweetly, slamming the paper door shut.
Yoongi takes this in also, how affectionate you are to an animal.
His father had hunting dogs that slept in cages outside of their home in hopes that they would feel less attached to humans.
There was once a time where his father bought him an expensive bird for hunting. He ordered Yoongi to train it. Being only six years old and without love, the CEO named the bird and praised it whenever it did well with orders.
He remembers showing his father, so excited that the bird did his bidding. But, Min Sangcheol was angry when he saw the bird catering to Yoongi's every whim.
"You made this bird adore you, that's why it does what you ask of it, you've ruined the fucking animal."
And his father broke both of the bird's legs.
"Yoongi?" you whisper softly, watching how entranced he is with your dog.
Looking up quickly, he gives you a sad smile and your heart tugs with uncertainty.
"Are you okay?" you ask, earning a gentle squeeze on your side from him.
"Come on," he whispers, pushing some hair back behind your ear.
Hearing your footsteps, your parents smile at the both of you.
"Yoongi, you didn't have to buy us such things!" your mother chides him, gently smacking his arm as she holds her new Chanel purse to her chest.
"I wanted too, it looks made just for you," he compliments, rubbing his hands together awkwardly.
In all actuality, it looks just perfect for her. With a gentle giggle, you can tell how absolutely smitten your mother is with him already.
"The tie you got me is perfect, I'll just have nowhere to wear it," your dad jeers to the CEO.
Yoongi chuckles, picking up his forgotten whisky glass and taking a sip out of eyesight from your parents.
"Very good manners," your mother whispers to you.
Humming, you can only agree. "He took etiquette classes when he was younger." you inform them.
"You should show Y/N's father a thing or two about etiquette."
Your father rolls his eyes, grabbing a wicker basket from near the sink.
"To the chickens, my love," you dad says, shooing you out the back of the house.
"Do you like dak galbi?" your mother asks, putting the gift baskets in the living room.
Yoongi watches you leave, his blanket of comfort gone from his sight. His left hand wraps around his right arm, feeling his usual comfort drift away. "Yes, Ma'am."
He feels awkward. He looks awkward as he stands beside the kitchen counter, watching as your mother begins to prepare ingredients.
The older woman can see how forlorn he looks, how completely out of his element he is and she can understand why you care for him like you do. He's broken.
"Come," she says, pointing to the seat across the counter.
He gives her a nervous smirk, sitting down in the seat she was just in.
"Have you ever peeled a potato?" she inquires softly.
With a small smile, he shakes his head. Black pieces of hair fall into his eyes and he goes frozen as your mother pushes them back just like you do.
"Well you're going to peel potatoes today," she tells him with a smile.
When she smiles, her face contorts quite like yours. And, suddenly he feels okay even for a little while.
Setting a bowl full of potatoes down in front of him, she hands him a peeler.
"We'll make you a chef yet, Min Yoongi," she winks.
Chuckling at her words, he begins to peel. It's clumsy and he loses the potato a few times from how wet it is, but he gets the hang of it after a few minutes.
"One time, when Y/N was younger she went on a potato ban. No french fries, no potato pancakes, no potato chips," your mother laughs at the memory, earning soft eyes from your boyfriend, "she was so adamant that she hated them for a good week or two. Then one night, I woke up in the middle of the night to crying. I went to check on her and she woke up telling me that she missed potatoes so much that it gave her nightmares."
Yoongi laughs along with your mother, shaking his head.
"I hope our baby comes out like her," he whispers hopefully.
In that moment, he realized just how comfortable he had gotten so quickly. It's easy to open up when you're welcomed. His instant reaction is to close himself off again but your mother catches it before he does. Not even giving him a chance to close himself off.
"You have a lot of good traits, Yoongi," your mother praises, beginning to cut peppers.
He hums unsurely, focusing on the task at hand.
"She's going to be a great parent, I'm not sure if I will be," he replies softly, he's so quiet if your mother wasn't paying attention she wouldn't have heard him.
"Why do you think that?" your mother asks and his eyes shoot straight up to hers.
In her eyes is softness and kindness that he sees in you on the daily.
In his eyes is worry and unsureness and your mother croons softly, petting his head maternally to give him some comfort.
He freezes at her gentleness but it reminds him so much of Maya that he feels his heart warm.
"Well my parents weren't very warm with me so I'm very cold with everything I do. Y/N isn't like that. She's understanding and always kind. She has patience and I lack that in spades." he whispers, washing some dirt off a potato.
Your mother hums. "Were your parents mean to you?"
He clears his throat, grabbing the whisky glass and turning away from her as he takes a huge gulp. "Yes Ma'am," he replies through gritted teeth, the alcohol warming his pallet.
"Well, let me tell you something about parents," she whispers across the counter, situating herself on her elbows, "some people aren't meant to be parents. They didn't have that affection when they were young and they don't know how to offer any to children as they get older and need to be cared for. My parents really shouldn't have had me, my father was cruel and my mother was obsessed with soju. I was a very mean, bitter child but as I grew up -- I came to realize that cycles must be broken in order for people to grow. Sure, I could have stayed mean and angry but that just leaves your heart black and broken. It's up to whomever feels this way to try and strive for a new path."
Yoongi takes in all her words, staring at her as she stares back.
Such wisdom. It's heartwarming and jarring.
"I see," he murmurs.
"Now, you're going to be a father. You should break that cycle, hmm?" she asks, picking her knife back up.
He nods thoughtfully. Just the way your mother speaks, it seems like she's lived a thousand lives. It feels as if she knows a part of his soul he couldn't begin to understand.
"You don't know how to be a father. Y/N doesn't know how to be a mother but you'll make that work. Because in actuality, you both care. You both want what's best for your child and you, sooner or later, will understand that they're the most important thing in your life. Not bitterness or hatred. Some people don't see that, but you will Yoongi." she says, throwing the peppers into a bowl.
"H-How do you know?" he stutters, gripping the potato in hand tighter.
"Because I see how you look at Y/N when she isn't looking at you. Like she makes the sun rise in the morning because she's willed it to be so." she says offhandedly, grabbing some green onions.
He whistles long and low at her wiseness, letting the potato fall from his hand to grab his whisky glass.
"I'm very grateful for how you raised her, she's wonderful. So thoughtful and caring… So completely different than anyone I've ever known before. She…" he finds himself saying, just letting his emotions fly out.
"She's bringing you inner peace and happiness." your mother says, looking up from the cutting board.
"Yes." he breathes out.
"And that's scary." she comments, wiping her hands on her apron.
Swallowing thickly, Yoongi turns to the open back door. Watching you gather eggs with your father. He can see your smile from so far away and his throat tightens at the sight.
"Y-Yes," he mutters.
"Y'know. The best thing about being frightened is knowing how at ease your heart will be when that's over." he turns back to your mother as she rounds the counter.
When she goes to hug him, he doesn't flinch this time.
"Your parents may have been mean to you, Min Yoongi. But, that doesn't define you. It shouldn't define you. If you need maternal affection, you can turn to me. I'm plenty of a mother for you and Y/N," she puts her hand over her heart, smiling down at him. He can feel his eyes beginning to burn and he apologizes as he bows his head.
"You don't need to be alone Yoongi, we're a family here and you're very welcome in ours," your mom whispers, cupping his face to raise it.
"Oh fuck," he cries gently, putting a shaky hand to his eyes.
He's never heard such earnest words like this from a parent and it brings him such relief that it makes his body wrack with sobs.
"All you've ever wanted was to be loved and be happy, I'm sure. We can do that for you, if you want that," she whispers, hugging him tightly.
His mouth opens, a small strangled groan leaving his lips as he cries louder.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.
Clicking her teeth, your mother rubs his back. "You never have to apologize for being emotional."
"Everyone can pretend to be strong, Yoongi. It takes a real person to admit how emotional and hurt they are."
Biting his bottom lip to quiet his sobs, he buries his face into your mother's arm as she holds him tightly.
He's never been held like this. Maya never held him like this because she worked for him. She's never spoken so straight with him before. She's loved him and he knows that, that's why he loves her too.
But she's never seen into his soul like this. She's never sat him down and spoke the words he needed to hear, even if it made him break down. But, your mother has.
Your mother has given him something that he's never had. And, he wants it more as he holds her.
He wants that maternal affection.
He wants to be a part of your family.
He wants to be loved.
He wants to be cared for.
And it hits him like a truck when he thinks of you.
You can give him all of these things. You can make him into the one person he never thought would see the light of day. He never thought he could even be that type of person.
But from a distance, he can hear you laughing with your father and he cries harder.
He wants it with you.
He wants you to care for him.
He wants you to love him.
He wants you to be his family.
"Oh my God," he whispers, pulling away from your mother and wiping his face on his t-shirt.
"You will call me Mom from now on," she says, booping his nose.
With a small smile, he nods. He turns to the open paper door once more, watching as you smile and laugh with your father.
He wants this family with you.
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"So," your father says, slinging his arm over your shoulders.
"So!" you reply with a laugh, hugging him tightly.
Nearing the chicken coop, you can hear clucks of excitement as the chickens wait for their food.
Stepping out of the way, you let your father feed the chickens seeing as how you haven't done it in so long. It's for expediency.
"I like him," your father approves.
You smile gently, gathering egg after egg and placing them in the basket.
"He's a little rough around the edges but he's a good man." you insist.
Your father wipes his hands on his pants, getting rid of the small flecks of feed that linger on his palms. "You know, he looks at you like you're the most important thing in his life."
Snorting gently, you lean against the chicken coop. Your gaze fixes on the sky watching as pastel shades bleed into one another. But, you focus on the orange that mixes with a hazy salmon.
"His problem is -- he doesn't know what's most important in his life. He doesn't know how to live normally. He doesn't know regular emotions and that scares him," you announce, tracing a cloud absentmindedly.
Your father leans against the chicken coop with you, tracing your gaze to the sky.
"I see. He's never had a family, has he?" your father prods.
You shake your head, looking down at the basket in hand. "No. He's only ever had himself and heartache." you affirm.
The older man hums, looking at the dirt beneath his feet. "We should give him a family then," he surmises.
With a gentle scoff, you feel your eyes beginning to burn with raw emotion. "He deserves it. He doesn't even know what he deserves."
"Well, you do, kiddo. You know." your father insists, nudging you with his elbow.
Humming, your arms fold like a comfort blanket around yourself.
You want Yoongi to be so at peace. To love and know his surroundings. To at least understand what he feels day to day.
"Come on, your mother must be putting him through hell," your dad jeers, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You laugh, wiping at a stray tear that's had the chance to fall.
You want him to be your family.
Stepping back inside, you can see his gummy smile while he talks with your mother and your heart soars at the sight.
"Here, Mom." he whispers, handing her the bowl of potatoes.
The word he utters, sends you spiralling.
"If she's Mom, then I want to be Dad. You promised!" your father quips, setting the baskets of eggs by the stove.
Yoongi turns to you both in the doorway, black pieces of hair in his eyes as he chuckles.
"Yes, Dad."
Your father hums happily, the smile lines by his eyes wrinkling.
You watch the sight before you, your throat constricting and your nasal passages burning.
Yoongi is happy.
"Excuse me," you gasp, taking off to your childhood bedroom.
"Y-Y/N?" Yoongi calls you, watching you rush off down the hall.
He stands up, bowing to your parents. "Pardon me."
He rushes off to find you, wiping his wet hands on his sweatpants.
"Little dove?" he calls gently, opening the paper door.
Sitting cross legged on your bed, you hold a tissue to your face.
"What did I do wrong?" he asks quickly, shutting the door for privacy.
He's done nothing wrong. It's a shame he always thinks it as such. You were just so astounded, so fucking happy that he could speak so warmly and freely. It took over your whole body.
"Are you upset with me?" he inquires, sitting down at the edge of the bed.
You shake your head violently, sobbing into the tissue.
"Then what is it?" his voice is soft and unsure.
Pulling the tissue away from your face, you take in the worry lines that are etched onto his forehead.
With a whine, you wrap your arms around his neck tugging him into a hug.
Yoongi croons softly, rubbing at your back with comforting swipes.
"Is it the baby? Are you in pain?" he whispers into your ear, hooking his chin over your shoulder.
"No," you breathe out, hugging him tightly.
"Alright." he whispers perplexed.
"I'm happy," you insist, burying your face into his neck.
He feels his heart slow down from the racing pace it was just at. His eyes flutter shut as he pulls you into his lap.
"Me too," he replies truthfully.
Holding each other so closely, your heart beats seem to meld as one. You sit in comfortable silence, your sobs stifling and quieting down to nothing.
"You just looked so h-happy that I…" you croak, balling his shirt in your fists.
The corners of his lips flick upward, his eyes opening to look down at your body in his lap. With soft eyes, he presses his lips to your temple.
"Min Yoongi, I'm going to cut this chicken without you!" your mother calls out.
You feel his body shake with a laugh. "One minute, Mom!"
Your lips press into a straight line, tears threatening to fall again.
"You're happy that your family is welcoming me?" he asks, pulling you away to cup your face with both hands.
You whine gently, nodding while his thumbs stroke at your cheeks.
"I'm happy they're welcoming me too. It feels warm." he whispers, shushing you as you let out a small sob.
"You'll let your family be my family, right?" he asks hopefully.
"Always," you whimper.
He smiles softly, his eyes taking in every curve and inch on your face.
"You'll be my family?" he inquires nervously.
"Yeah, I'll be your family." you cry happily.
He looks up at the ceiling, trying to ebb away tears that threaten to come.
"Good. I'd really like that," he replies gratefully.
Pulling your face closer to his, he kisses you softly, both of your eyes fluttering shut.
When you pull apart, his forehead presses to yours.
"I have to go cut a chicken," your boyfriend mumbles, earning a gentle laugh from you.
"Go cut a chicken," you whisper, sliding off his lap.
"I'm really happy with you," he says earnestly, pushing some hair behind your ear.
"Me too." you reply, watching how he smiles so brightly.
Holding his hand out, he dries your face with the hem of his shirt. "Come on, let's make dinner."
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To watch Yoongi laugh and talk to your parents as if he's always known them makes you feel fuller than any of the food on your plate could provide.
"Y/N saved me in History class one time," Yoongi announces to your parents, picking up his glass of whisky.
They hum inquisitively and you lean back against the wall as he chuckles.
"I did really terribly on a quiz that I didn't study for. And, the teacher was embarrassing me. But Y/N told me when the Mongols invaded Goryeo."
"1216." you state, earning a smile from your boyfriend.
He holds up his fingers and you stare at them.
You do remember it.
You remember how embarrassed he looked as a child. You felt the overwhelming urge to help him.
"I remember," you whisper.
He chuckles gently with a hum. "Anyway, she saved my bacon."
Your mother watches you both as you continue to stare at each other over the table. This is good. This is healthy.
"Yoongi, do you play any card games?" your dad asks, setting his chopsticks down on his empty plate.
The smirk that graces his features is devious and you giggle.
"I play poker," he quips, watching as you set down your chopsticks.
"Every Thursday," you add.
Clicking his teeth, he puts a piece of chicken over your unfinished rice. "Eat more for the baby," he insists.
He sounds so sincere you find yourself picking up your spoon.
"Would you like to play poker, later?" your dad inquires.
Yoongi nods, his hand under his chin as he watches you eat. "That'd be great, Dad."
"So how far along is my grandchild now then?" your mother asks, cleaning up the empty plates.
Your boyfriend immediately begins to help her, something he's never done in his life. "Sesame is almost ten weeks old now." he replies and you sit back on your hands to watch him help her.
"Sesame is a cute fetus name, I like that very much."
You can feel the sheer adoration beginning to drip from your mother for your boyfriend. When you first entered his mansion, you had absolutely no idea that it would lead you here. You couldn't have even guessed that he would be becoming a part of your family.
"I have some pictures if you want to see them, I can get a few more copies made to send to you the next time we go to the doctors." he suggests to her as they enter the kitchen.
"I'd love that," she cheers happily.
"I really like this guy," your father whispers conspiratorially to you, picking up your plate and bowl.
You find your nose wrinkling in delight.
"Me too," you mumble, watching your boyfriend's black hair fall into his eyes as he chuckles.
"I really like him too," you mutter to yourself, resting your head against the wall.
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"Something tells me that this is your first relationship," your father says, shuffling the deck of cards.
Yoongi looks up from his whisky glass, a small smirk gracing his features. "That obvious, huh?"
The older man laughs, setting the cards down in between both of their bodies. "Just a little bit," he quips.
The CEO chuckles to himself, looking around the barren land of your backyard.
It isn't quite a farm and it isn't quite a relaxing place either. But, he finds it quaint. It's the company that's more so relaxing.
"Everything with Y/N is a first for me," your boyfriend admits, dealing the cards.
"Oh?" your father pushes, picking up his glass of whisky.
Yoongi hums softly, almost unsurely. "Emotions. Caring. Being concerned. Happiness. Actually wanting to be happy. It's all new." he breathes out, looking up at the star flecked sky. 
Your father smirks over the lip of his glass, his smile lines appearing.
"It's hard to break out of a shell, isn't it?" the older man asks.
Answering the question, Yoongi nods.
"It'll be worth it though, won't it?"
"Oh yes, it will be. That's the thing about finding someone you want to care for. You find that everything you're feeling, whether it's new or not, is very worth it." your father replies, throwing a few peanuts into the bowl, in the place of poker chips.
Yoongi does the same, his cheeks puffing out as he thinks.
"Y/N's worth it," he surmises, picking up his whisky glass.
The older man smiles, raising his glass to the CEO. "I'm glad you think so too."
Their warm talk is cut off by the sound of a chainsaw a far bit of distance away. Your father huffs out, gritting his teeth in annoyance.
"Old man Im is at it again. Y'know, I can't stand that old prick," he gripes, laying his cards down on the small garden table.
"Old man Im?" Yoongi inquires, squinting at the house lights in the far off distance.
"I've been offering to buy that man's land for years now, it's lush and my wife would be able to plant flowers in it but he always asks for such a high price that it's nearly impossible! He wants to sell the land! He just won't give it to me because Y/N threw a rock through his window when she was a little girl," he proclaims, grabbing the peanuts and munching on them.
Yoongi watches how irritated his new family member is and he's immediately annoyed as well.
"How much is he asking for?" The CEO inquires, folding his arms.
"Five million," your father mumbles, grabbing the stack of cards to shuffle them again.
That's pocket change.
"Old man Im, huh?" Yoongi mumbles, watching the house lights shut off.
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Yoongi knows you've been in bed for some time when he enters the shared room. The sheets are ruffled due to your constant turning and your hair is splayed all over your pillow.
He finds himself smirking at the sight, stripping off his shirt to climb into bed with you.
Sliding beneath the sheets, he shivers at how cold his side of the bed is. But he's immediately warm as you throw your body over his.
"Did you have fun?" you mumble somnolently, putting your head on his bare chest.
He snorts gently, smiling up at the ceiling. His eyes flutter shut at the comfort of your body on his. Stroking your head gently, he breathes deeply letting the pleasantness of today wash over him.
"I had more fun today than I probably have ever had in my life," he answers you truthfully.
Your fingers drift over his abs and it's instinctual that he flinches. "Sorry, still working on it."
He still finds it surprising how easy it is to apologize to you when he has never said he's sorry to anyone in his life.
You shake your head, kissing over his skin softly. The shock drifts away, leaving Yoongi to only be comforted by your lips.
"Why do you have so many small tattoos?" you inquire, dragging your fingers over the colorful ink.
Looking down, his tongue runs over his lips feeling as if they're drying out. "Each one is a memory I don't want to forget."
"A memory?" you repeat, picking up your head to look him in the eyes.
"A memory of every cigarette burn that wasn't my fault," he croaks, clearing his throat as he caresses the apple of your cheek.
Your blood runs cold at his strangled voice.
"Like this one, the one of the hummingbird. I put up a bird feeder on my balcony in the winter so they wouldn't starve. And, my father told me that I have no brain. 'Why would you invite those rats with wings into the sanctuary near your bedroom? Are you Mother Theresa, huh? You're making them weak for not finding their own food.' I remember it all the time." your boyfriend says, staring at the paper door as he recites the old memory.
Your teeth grit, eyes narrowing as you cover the tattoo with your hand.
"I hate him," you whisper fiercely, putting your head back on his chest.
"Get in line, little dove." Yoongi murmurs, closing his eyes with a smirk.
There are so many small tattoos that litter his chest, and your throat constricts just looking at them in the moonlit room.
Yoongi looks down at your hand that covers a selection of scars. "Interested in any others?"
He doesn't mind sharing his past with you. In fact, no one knows about these stories he would so quickly give up to you. Not Maya or Namjoon. No one.
"It'll just make me angry," you mumble, turning your head to look up at him.
He chuckles, running his hand over your arm to your stomach. "Well, we don't want that. Anger is poison for Sesame. I should know, I've been poisoned twenty eight years of my life." he sighs.
You scoff gently, moving to lay fully over his body.
"Watch the baby," he grumbles, running his hands over your back as he looks back up at the ceiling.
There's silence for a bit. You just stare at him. Staring at the handsome broken man that's never known happiness.
"I can feel your eyes burning holes into my face," he jeers, squeezing your side gently.
"I really like you," you tell him, sitting up.
He peeks one eye open, the corners of his mouth flickering up with a snort.
"I like you too, baby. That's why I want you to be my family." he replies softly, stroking your thighs with his large hands.
You hum assertively, putting your hands on your hips. "You are my family."
He chuckles, kissing his fingers then mushing them into your lips. "My family member without my blood, housing my family with my blood. My goodness. How much luckier can I get?"
With a smile, you tilt your head as he clears his throat. "Thank you for bringing me here, little dove." he thanks you, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it softly.
"What'd you talk about with my dad?" you inquire, laying down beside him.
Turning his body to yours, he pulls your back against his chest, situating his hand on your stomach.
"Just this and that. I'm probably going to buy a farm tomorrow," he murmurs sleepily.
"A farm? What for?" you ask, running your fingers over his arm.
"I hear that a farm around here has great land for planting. And, I want my family to be able to plant." he whispers, burying his face in your hair.
You go to lift your head in confusion but he shushes you softly.
"Sleep now, little dove. Sesame is tired, just like their father."
The words warm your heart and you smile to yourself, tracing random shapes over his skin.
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It's easy for you to wake up in your old bed to the sound of roosters crowing good morning. It's not so easy for the father of your child.
Folding the pillow over his ears, he kicks his legs childishly.
"I hate chickens!" he whines loudly, stamping his feet on the bed.
"That's a rooster," you correct him, stretching as you stand up.
"Smart ass!" he barks out, flipping his body over.
Smothering his face in the pillow, he groans loudly.
"Guess he's not a morning person," your mother calls from the kitchen and the CEO's head immediately pops up.
"Yes, I am!" he retorts softly, his eyebrows furring.
"Mhm," you droll, combing your fingers through your hair.
Sitting up in bed, his joints pop and crack loudly to which he groans.
"The air here is so fresh," you exclaim, opening up the bathroom window.
"Why are you so chipper? We went to bed late," Yoongi inquired with a grumble, standing up out of the bed to crack his knees.
"Because I'm with my family," you reply, turning on the sink.
The CEO turns to the mirror, tilting his head as his hair falls into his eyes.
You're with your family. And that includes him.
He finds himself smiling to himself, grabbing a t-shirt from his luggage.
"Family," he whispers, running his fingers through his hair.
The simple word has so much more meaning than two days ago.
"Did you bring another set of comfortable clothes?" you ask him, peeking out of the bathroom.
"Why?" he inquires, showing you a pair of expensive sweatpants.
"Because it's six o'clock in the morning and we don't get up that early to just stare at each other," you quip with a laugh.
His hand falls, clutching the sweatpants with a frown. "What's that supposed to mean?"
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"Have you ever done manual labor?" your father inquires to the CEO, watching him sip his coffee.
Yoongi looks up from his Irish coffee, internally groaning at the question.
"No. I'm a CEO," he retorts, setting down the cup.
Your hand slides over your mouth as you begin to smirk.
"Well, my knees aren't what they used to be. You'll help me gather some apples from the trees out back, won't you?" your dad asks, a kind smile gracing his face.
Pressing his lips into a straight line, your boyfriend sighs. "Of course, Dad."
"Good boy," your mother praises, petting his head sweetly.
He smirks at how affectionate she is.
"And what're you going to do while I'm hard at work?" Yoongi inquires of you, watching you kiss the top of Gaesu's head.
"Probably help my mom cook lunch," you reply.
Yoongi immediately begins to smile, "I love when you cook."
With a giggle, you wrinkle your nose at his cuteness. "I know you do."
"Alright Mr. Never-Did-Manual-Labor. Let's go pick some apples!" your dad cheers, patting your boyfriend on the back.
Yoongi is grateful that you insisted on comfortable clothes. He would have never pictured himself climbing a ladder a day in his life, but here he is. Climbing towards the heavens to just reach for a few apples to fill up a basket.
"I was thinking about something last night," your father states, holding the ladder still as the CEO continues his journey upward.
"Oh?" your boyfriend replies, sitting down at the top of the ladder.
"Why'd you get married to that woman, if you don't like her?" your father prods.
Yoongi's eyes widen, staring at the canopy of leaves not so high above him. Oh, if the ground would only open up and swallow both him and the ladder whole.
His hand shakes as he reaches for a ripe apple, his Adam's apple bobbing uncomfortably.
To be truthful, even though he's only been here a day, he'd forgotten that he's married. He's forgotten that he lives with a despicable woman who ruined him.
"Because my parents made me," he announces, almost falling off the ladder due to nerves.
Your father holds the ladder tighter, watching how nervous the younger man's back is. He can see it tensing and shaking like he's frightened.
"They can just make you get married?" your father asks, clearly appalled.
Yoongi turns to him, dropping an apple to him with a smirk. "Rich parents can make you do anything in the world."
Your father hums softly, his eyebrows furring while he catches the apple.
"Is she mean to my daughter? Should I be worried?"
Yoongi finds his teeth gritting. The simple idea of your father being so worried about you in a house with that leech makes him wrought with anger.
Folding his body over the top of the ladder, he narrows his eyes at your father. "Dad, nothing will ever happen to Y/N and our baby. I would die before that bitch has a chance to hurt them or be mean to them. There is nothing for you to worry about, because I would never let that happen."
Your father's eyes widen at how angry your boyfriend has gotten at the drop of a hat. But, he knows just how serious he is. And he finds his body filling with warmth at how protective the father of your child is towards you.
He hums gently, nodding to Yoongi letting him know he understands. "Why don't you just divorce her?"
The CEO's arm stops as he reaches for another apple.
Why doesn't he just fucking divorce her? Who is she to him? No one.
And then he remembers. And he sees red once more.
"My head maid Maya. She had a daughter named Myeyoung. Sera made her move out when we got married because she was beautiful. I never thought so, she always felt like a sister to me. She was always around so she was just a comfortable person to me. When she moved out, I helped her get a job where she could make enough money and live a good life. She opened up her own art gallery. But I learned what a snake that woman is, that damned woman who loves in my house. If I ever divorced her -- Sera swore she would ruin her life and make Myeyoung suffer if I ever took her money away from her." Yoongi fumes, running his fingers through his hair.
Your father shivers at his words, completely appalled with how bitter and evil this woman sounds.
"I see," he whispers softly.
Yoongi can feel anger coursing through every part of his body as he hangs onto the top of the ladder.
He hadn't thought about it in so long, he hasn't wanted to think about how absolutely vile Sera is. But, she's always brought up and always around to make him miserable.
He takes a deep calming breath.
"Maya has always been like my mother when I didn't really have one. I couldn't just let Myeyoung get fed to the wolves. She's too sweet for that." he announces, grabbing an apple and ripping it from its stem.
"You're a good man, son." your father praises, catching the apple as it falls.
Yoongi chuckles darkly, his tongue licking at his lips. "I'll be a better man when the leech is out of my life."
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"Where are we going?" you whine, following your boyfriend as he tugs on your hand.
"I'm going to buy a farm." he replies happily, wading through thickets of bushes.
"This is Old Man Im's farm! He hates me!" you insist, feeling old emotions of terror from when you were a child.
Yoongi stops in his tracks, turning to you.
The sun is setting now, the pretty colors of the sky highlighting your features.
How he adores you.
Lifting his hand, he cups your cheek.
"You know, I'm feeling an emotion that I've never experienced before." he states, stepping closer to you.
With both of your bodies shrouded in the large thicket, it's only you and him.
"What are you feeling?" you ask, concerned and wanting to help.
He hums unsurely, wrapping his free arm around you. Pulling you up against his body, he pushes some stray hairs behind your ear.
"Whenever I look at you, little dove, my heart races like a horse on Sunday. I feel weak and needy when I'm with you. I just want to hold you without the need for food or water. I just want to stare at you every minute of every day.  I just want to… keep you. Forever." he admits.
Your cheeks puff out, heart warmed by his kind words.
"Maybe what you're feeling is infatuation? Or maybe you're feeling comfort?" you ask, adoring how his arms wrap around you, tugging you to his body.
"No I'm not infatuated with you, I'm infatuated with art. My heart -- it bleeds for you." he says, putting his hand on the back of your head to bury your face into his chest.
"Well, we'll figure it out together then," you reply.
"I'd like that." he whispers.
He knows what emotion this is, even if he's never experienced.
He's falling in love with you.
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Next Chapter ------->
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Third Wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer, @imluckybitches, @slothykreuger, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland, @rspbrryy, @iv-bts, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts, @mxxngxdss, @bluewhale52, @milesjeon11, @diamonddia-mond, @vinylphwoar, @yxnxxli, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn, @bts-7beauts, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace, @eclectically-esoteric, @nikkiordonez12, @kaitswrld, @skamlover200, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria, @jikooksgirl19, @hobbledehoy26, @singular-itae, @dchimminie, @lowlifeoeuvre, @sugaslittlekookies, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth, @softysuho, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire, @betysotelo18, @jeonmisha, @iwanttohitmyself, @ayyyocee, @neverthefirstchoice, @itsbangtanoclock, @little7bitchh, @veryuniquenamegoeshere, @deathkat657, @firstlovesuga-93, @namjoonia, @paperpurple, @muzikabijou, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites, @kleff03, @ruinsofangels, @brightwingr5, @leekanchol, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside, @melaninkpops, @y00ngisbabygirl, @ungodlyjoon, @prochnost513, @dunixxd, @athenakyle, @igotnotype, @chxmachxps, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog, @alpaca1612, @ohcarolinamin, @thegreatestsushi, @jooniebuggy, @eltrain80, @btsmylife21, @deeepvibes, @httpminyg, @deliciouslydisturbed365, @rkchmestizangmaldita, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie, @preciouschimine, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii, @kooafraid, @ladykadyrova, @singjisu, @yazanii, @moonlitmyg, @justzeera, @absolutefantrash, @whocaresarchives, @loosewindmill, @vantesfx, @bt21chim, @flowerboyhobi, @kozuume-kenma, @taepiper​
Sorry for those it didn’t tag!
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free-pancakes · 3 years ago
Levihan Song Prompt
Like My Father by Jax
Aged Like Fine Wine
a Levihan post-canon fix-it oneshot
AO3 link here
Summary: Hange and Levi send an adult Gabi off on her first date with Falco, heavily inspired by the lyrics of Like My Father by Jax
Notes: Thanks for the ask @29austro-lover, this ended up being such a soft little thing, and I loved writing it! it feels almost ooc but maybe this is just how it would feel to get a canonverse happy ending for levihan lmao
“I’m home!”
Gabi heard a tea kettle whistling from the kitchen as she hung her coat up by the front of the cabin, and closed the door gently behind her. A record player played softly in the living room, the sound of a piano filling the home.
She walked up to the small table in the foyer, smiling as her eyes ran over the bouquet of yellow roses lying on top of it. A small sticky note lay next to it—“Four-Eyes, don’t tell me titans are cuter than these damn flowers I picked for you.” Gabi laughed to herself after reading it.
“Gabi, is that you?”
“Yes, Captain!”
The thumping of a cane grew louder, until Levi popped his head through the doorway.
“Gabi, I told you to stop with that already. It’s been years since I’ve retired from the Survey Corps. Just call me Levi already.” His slightly graying hair swayed as he nodded his hand towards the sofa in the living room, and Gabi obliged to his routine.
She sat and waited until Levi shuffled in with a piping hot teapot, and he poured some for the both of them. As they sipped, they listened to the record player continue to play.
“Hange loves this song, right?” Gabi asked, almost getting Levi to smile—it made her wonder exactly what memories came to Levi’s mind as he listened to the song. He stood up, gesturing his hand towards Gabi, and she took it happily. He took her hand holding up to the side, supporting it, while Gabi let him lean a bit into her, keeping him steady without his cane. Levi led her, dancing slowly to the lovely song together.
Levi looked up at Gabi, a warm sensation swirling up inside him as he saw how much she’s grown since they had first met. Gabi had grown into a fine, strong-willed woman emanating sunshine—oddly very similar to someone they both knew all too well.
“Gabi, you better make sure that Falco brat is treating you right,” he said out loud. But in his head, he wanted to say that that boy should be treating his little girl like royalty—a queen for that matter, just as she deserved—as she was the closest thing he and Hange ever had to a daughter.
Gabi smiled, and squeezed Levi’s hand. But before she could reassure him, the sound of a horse and carriage came from just outside. Gabi knew by now there was nothing stopping Levi whenever Hange arrived home from a meeting. She could only assist him by handing him his cane—otherwise, he’d get so worked up if she helped him anymore than that. Gabi waited, staring outside the window as Levi approached the horse and carriage on his own. She couldn’t help but laugh seeing Jean and Armin always trying to help Hange out, their faces absolutely terrified every single time—Levi’s back was always towards her, but she knew he definitely had that menacing scowl strewn across his face to elicit such a reaction from them. But they knew to expect this—Levi always wanted to hold the carriage door open and help Hange out by himself.
Like clockwork, Hange would happily wish them farewell, while Levi simply waved them off, wondering why they still had to still bother Hange for advice—they were “grown and could handle it themselves” he had always complained. But Hange clearly didn’t mind.
Arm in arm, the two walked back in, Hange squealing at the flowers as Levi moved with purpose towards the kitchen.
“Oi Levi, titans are still cuter, though!” She yelled after reading his note.
“Why, because they’re gross, like you?” he retorted.
“No, because they’re at least taller than you!” she answered, and threw her head back in laughter.
Before Gabi could visibly cringe at their weird way of poking fun at each other, Hange walked into the living room, greeting her with a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. It never failed to make Gabi smile.
“I hope Levi wasn’t giving you a hard time! Your date with Falco tonight is going to be great, honey—“
“Ah titan shit!” Levi exclaimed from the kitchen. Hange and Gabi made eye contact, smirking before saying in unison, “Titans don’t shit!” and doubled over in laughter.
Levi brought out the pie he had been baking, the edges of the crust a bit dark, and a disappointed look on his face as he sat on the sofa next to Hange.
“Don’t worry, Levi! I like when the crust is a bit more crunchy on the outside!” Though suddenly, she paused and looked down at her belly, frowning as she poked at the excess layer of fat. “But my old body isn’t keeping up with all the sweets you make me anymore,” she muttered with a frown. Before she could dwell on it for any longer, Levi pushed the bangs out of her face and around her ear—“Pfft, well you look pretty hot today.”
She smirked, and placed her hand on his knee—“Hot, huh Shorty? Well—“
Gabi slapped her hands over her ears and groaned, “Guys, please don’t be weird while I’m around—“
A shy knock on the front door sounded, startling all three of them. Gabi rushed to find Falco standing their blushing like a fool, a small bouquet of lilies in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other. After catching up, a slice of pie, and a solid glare or three from Levi making Falco feel like he might just drop dead on the spot, the two decided it was time to go.
“Seeya later, oldies!” Gabi said teasingly.
Falco froze as he watched the smile disappear from Hange’s face, and Levi’s glare grow fiercer, and the two of them simultaneously flip them off. “Just you wait, age will hit you hard too someday!” Levi yelled as Gabi laughed and closed the door.
When the two reached the top of the hill, Falco looked back at the cabin, seeing Hange and Levi through the window, dancing together, a glass of wine in Hange’s hand. Hange leans back to look at Levi—
“And now cue Hange-san saying, ‘Levi, well you’re just like fine wine, better with age!’” And Falco’s jaw dropped as he watched Gabi’s mocking sync up perfectly with the words forming on Hange’s lips. Gabi giggled at Falco’s reaction.
“They’re perfect together right?” Gabi said under her breath, while Falco nodded confidently in agreement.
A wonderful evening later and a sweet hug goodbye, Gabi closed the door as Falco made his way up the hill. When he reached the top, he decided to take another look back at the cabin once again. He turned, and watched Gabi approach the sofa in the living room under the warm, dim light in the home. She smiled at Hange and Levi, both having fallen asleep next to each other. She stared lovingly at the two, noticing that the grey hairs grew a little more prominent on their heads with each day. Gabi carefully took Hange’s glasses from Levi’s hands, picked up the book that lay in Hange’s lap, and gently placed a blanket over the two of them. Falco smiled softly at the scene occurring before him, hoping he’d get to continue being a part of it. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he stared up at the night sky, and wondered how the stars aligned so perfectly for the 4 of them to live out the happy ending that previously only existed in dreams.
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it9chi · 4 years ago
PLEASE JAN #23 “Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!” AND GOJO THANK U
this week has relatively been a shitty week for you. you almost lost a limb thanks to the higher ups who somehow managed to fuck up and miscalculate the entire situation in some abandoned building in kyoto you were assigned to. turns out it was a not a grade 3 curse like the report said it was but a special grade 1
right now all you needed was some well deserved break and probably a good night’s rest preferably a week long rest to compensate for the physical and mental drainage it caused you
“wow” gojo gasps, his eyes peering away from his phone to look at your current state. you’ve just emerged from your room after days of sleeping in “you look like shit!” he cackles.
“haha. very funny” you mock, walking straight past him to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of milk. gojo stands up from his chair and follows from behind. “i know you’re on break right now but i’m lonely so let’s have lunch?” he suggests
you eye him from the side before putting the milk back inside the fridge. “what about ieri and getou?” you raise a brow at him. you were almost one hundred percent sure that he doesn’t leave the dorm without getou unless he’s out and about dealing with girls
“don’t know, don’t care. c’mon just the two of us. i’ll pay for everything i swear”
and that’s how you found yourself roaming the streets of shinjuku with gojo and as promised, he did buy you a few trinkets here and there and some clothes (more like an abundant amount of clothes)
“satoru, are you sure it’s okay for me to spend your money like this?” you stifle in your laugh as you eyed the paper bags he was holding for you. “why? got some luxury brand in mind?” he quips, nudging your shoulder. 
“god, no! i’m not a cheapskate i can buy shit myself!” you laughed, running away from gojo. you fail to notice how big his smile on his face was when you turned around. “i’m hungry, let’s go to KFC”
gojo was surprisingly nice about being the one to get you both some food. you never thought you’d live to see the day where gojo himself would take orders from anyone besides yaga (without full on complaining) but here we are
while he was busy ordering up front, you didn’t notice a pair of eyes looking at your way. 
typing on your phone, you were texting shoko about you whereabouts with gojo.
ieri <3 [12:43 PM]: interesting...
ieri <3 [12:44 PM]: right...
ieri <3 [12:45 PM]: geto says you’re dumb
you [12:45 PM]: wow
you felt someone slide in the seat in front of you, you looked up expecting it to be gojo with your lunch but instead you were met with an unfamiliar face. “uh hi?” you smile awkwardly at the person in front of you. who were they and what did they want from you
“you probably don’t know me but you’re really pretty so can i have your number?” the said person casually flirts. you were quite.. shocked? at his boldness? like what happened to hello? my name is?
before you opened your mouth to say something, gojo beat you right to it. “you’re in my seat” he tells the man in front of you. the man waves him off, “just wait a moment, yeah? this fine lady hasn’t given me her number yet” 
without any hesitation whatsoever, gojo drops the tray filled with your food at the man. the cola, chicken, fries, and whatever gojo ordered spills over the man’s shirt, soaking him completely in kfc. 
gojo grabs your hand (along with your paper bags) and drags you away from the fast food chain as fast as possible. 
when you two were far out of the area, you yanked your hand away from his. “what the fuck was that about” you hissed. gojo turns around and eyes you down. “he was flirting with you obviously” he scoffs, agitating you even more. 
“but did you have to throw away our lunch like that? what the fuck!” you fumed, stomping your leg like a child. you had every right to act like this. he just wasted some perfectly good food for what? a stranger flirting with you?
“well what did you want me to do? watch you give your number out?” gojo retorts, shaking his head. “well, you could” you snap. gojo rolls his eyes at what you said and starts walking away from you
"oh so you’re walking away now” you were fuming at this point. “just tell why you did it!” you stomped your way towards him and grabbed his arm. tugging them so he would face you. “because i’m in love with you, okay!” gojo blurts 
he was what?
"welp, my secret is out” he says, dejected. “just so you know, i’ve liked you for a long time now and just didn’t do anything about it” gojo adds. he notices you’ve gone quiet and turns around to face you. “damn you’re even more dense than i thought you—” 
“why didn’t you tell me” you cut him off. gojo shrugs and avoids your eye contact. “it wouldn’t be gojo of me to tell his classmate and his comrade that i’ve been crushing on them, c’mon now” he notes
you wanted to punch him right there but you can’t thanks to his stupid limitless technique. 
“it’s okay if you don’t like me back—” “i like you too” you cut him off, again. 
gojo whirls his head at your statement, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets. you do? well that’s great! he thinks to himself quietly. trying to process this information
“for someone who talks a lot of shit, you’re awfully quiet when you’re with me” you snickered when he hasn’t uttered a word. gojo opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. 
“... well, you do take my breath away” he winks in attempt to cover up his embarrassment. “gross!” you giggled, intertwining your hands with his.
“wanna go back to KFC?”
“just take me out for some lunch, satoru” 
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WHY WAS THIS SHIT SO FUCKING LONG !!!!! anyway send me a prompt!!
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fernpost · 3 years ago
looking forwards
[link to ao3]
Angus McDonald, boy detective. Greatest detective, if you asked him. And if you asked most of his clients.
He could solve any case, any mystery or murder or missing persons case. He’s always able to find the truth.
He just struggles sometimes, when it comes to himself.
His own emotions are swirling masses of weird bubbly feelings . He does not like how hard it is to decipher his own feelings.
Deciphering people's feelings about him is often just as hard. He knows social cues. He’s studied them thoroughly, and knows why people say what when he’s asking them certain questions and what they’re hiding when they ask him to leave.
Working a case is easy.
He’s solved plenty of murders before. Those are easy. Child’s play! And Angus is not a child anymore. He’s twelve whole years old, and had the first birthday party he’s ever really enjoyed to celebrate with all his friends.
Sure, most of them were adults, but he’s always gotten along really well with adults.
And they’re his family, so it’s fine-
Well. They’re not really his family. He’s not blood related to them. He’s not sure he has any immediate family now that his grandpa is gone. He’s never asked Taako or Magnus or Merle of Kravitz or Killian or- or any of them if they consider him family.
They’re his friends. That’s fine. He’s perfectly content with that (he thinks. Again, his own emotions are confusing).
But that’s okay. Because he’s going to school soon. It’s kind of far away from where most of them live, though. Far from the home Taako, Lup, Barry, and Kravitz have been sharing. Where Angus has been staying.
Very far from where Magnus has been setting up his school. And a whole day's ride away from Killian and Carey’s home.
The school is three hours away from Angus’s ho- from Taako’s house, where Angus is staying.
He hasn't- he hasn’t told Taako he’s going to school yet. He doesn’t know how to tell him he’s going to need to move out because obviously he would never ask Taako to uproot his whole life- all of them to uproot their lives just for Angus to be able to attend school. Not when they finally got settled down.
He really doesn’t even need school, but when his parents passed away and he went to live with his grandpa he dropped out. And if he wants to go on to college (if Lucas is serious about the potential teaching job) he needs to at least graduate high school. He was almost done too, but his grandpa didn’t have a lot of money like his parents did, so he started solving more and more cases to help out.
His parents didn’t give his grandpa any of their money because they didn’t expect him to be around when they passed on- not that they were bad people! He doesn’t mean to make them sound bad. They weren’t bad. They weren’t the best, he guesses. They’re not as fun as Taako, or as warm as Lup, and didn’t give as many hugs and Magnus, and didn’t talk to him about science like Barry, or-
But they were nice. They just weren’t really into parenting. They still left their small fortune to him, he’s just not old enough for it.
He’s thinking of petitioning the banks and saying he’s perfectly independent to get the money so he can move out easier.
He wonders if Kravitz would help, because he’s really good at that type of stuff, and the bank workers would be much more likely to listen to an adult than him.
Being young had its perks when solving cases, but it sucked for his day-to-day life.
It also sucked when his stomach churned for no reason that he could deduce. He’s just sitting in the kitchen, watching Lup cook in her still-slightly-fresh body as she sings a funny folktale song (Barry is sitting next to him, and he’d leaned over when she’s started singing to tell him how she learned this song early on in a world that had no writing system, and the song was about a man who could never remember where he left his pants. Angus didn’t really get it, but Barry kept laughing and smiling like it was the funniest thing in the world. Angus was pretty sure Barry would laugh at anything Lup did as a joke, though. He didn’t need to be a great detective for that).
But despite how good the food smells, his stomach hurts really bad. He’s barely eaten today, so it can't be food poisoning. Not that he’s had that since moving in- the Taaco’s are wonderful cooks and he trusts anything they feed him implicitly.
He tunes out Lup as he thinks.
The stomach pains are probably anxiety. Kravitz was telling him how he used to get them all the time, so it’s possible it’s just that.
But he shouldn’t be anxious . He’s a big kid- he’s just waiting for Taako to get home so he can tell him he’s moving out.
He has already looked for an apartment. Once Lucas' Academy of Arcane Sciences is fully up and running, he should have a highschool diploma and will be able to move on campus to work on his own degree. And be a student teacher while he works on it. It’s very exciting! If he should be feeling any physical effects from his emotions, it should be excitement, not this. This gross conglomerate of mushy feelings he can’t piece together.
He hates this.
Lup is holding a spoon to him, and Angus snaps back to the present to hear her softly ask, “you okay, little dude?” He doesn’t like the look of concern on her face- she’s been through too much to have to worry herself with him (he can’t get the century out of his head, these people are so amazing and they just let him hang around them. He doesn’t know what he’s doing right and he’s scared he’s going to stop doing that and they’re not going to like him anymore).
“I’m fine, Miss Lup! Thank you for asking.” He folds his hands tighter in his lap as he smiles. Whatever is on the spoon smells great, but he’s not sure his stomach is up for it yet.
Lup continues to stare at him for another second before pushing the spoon a little closer, “if you say so. Now, tell me, how’s it taste?”
Angus shakes his head and pulls back, “my stomach isn’t feeling too good right now, I don’t want to infect the rest of the food if it’s contagious.”
A hand appears on his head and he jumps a little, still not used to the casual touch-language of the household, and Barry’s nasally voice joins the conversation. “You don’t feel hot. Want us to call Merle over and give you a check up?”
The spoon is back, “it’s a good soup, Ango. It shouldn’t upset your stomach, and I can just get a new spoon. Barry can call Merle while you give me pointers.”
“You don’t need to, it’s fine really.” He waves his hands at Barry before turning to Lup. “And I’m not sure what help I can be with the cooking, I haven’t improved much these past few months even with Taako walking me through those other recipes.”
Lup snorts, “you’re improving much faster than Barry ever did. And I haven’t been helping Kravitz much with it, but he’s worse than anyone I’ve ever met at cooking. You’re doing just fine.”
Angus straightens up, discomfort momentarily disregarded, “Mr. Kravitz hasn’t needed to eat or cook in a long time, so he’s forgotten a lot of the basics so it’s not fair to judge me against him.”
“Sure, sure.” Lup waves her free hand in the air, the other still holding the spoon. “Still, this spoon is staying in the air until you taste it.” She glances at Barry, “and don’t worry about bothering Merle, he’ll never admit it but he likes the excuse to come over. Barry will pick him up; gives him more practice on perfecting the portal spell.”
Angus frowns, but reaches out to take the spoon anyways, “you really don’t need to call him. I’m sure it’ll pass by tomorrow.”
A hand is now on his shoulder, and Angus glances over to make eye contact with Barry, who speaks. “I won’t call him tonight, but if you still feel bad tomorrow we’ll tell him, okay?”
“Okay.” He’s not going to tell him if his stomach still hurts tomorrow, because it shouldn’t. Because he’s going to tell Taako right when he gets home and there will be nothing making him anxious or sad or excited or whatever that will make his stomach hurt. Because he’s going to do it.
He punctuates the thought by sticking the spoon in his mouth. Lup has turned back around, a fresh spoon stirring the pot, so she doesn’t see Angus’s eyes widen, but she turns back to face him with a smile when he gasps.
“This is really good, Miss Lup! Thank you.”
“Anything missing from it?” She crosses her arms, a new spoon dangling from her fingers as she twirls it around. It feels like a test, and the stomach ache is back.
Maybe it is from anxiety, because he used to get them before really hard tests. But why is he anxious? Taako is most likely going to take the news well, because Angus will finally be out of his hair.
(But maybe he doesn’t want that. Maybe Taako being okay with him moving out would hurt. Maybe the thought of Taako not just being okay, but being excited at the thought of him moving out is making him sick with worry and sadness and-)
“I’m not sure what else. It tastes perfect as-is.” He can’t think about cooking anymore. “I’m going to read on the couch, if that’s alright.”
The twirling of the spoon pauses, before she gives him a smile he knows is a bit forced, “okay, but when Taako comes home complaining that something is missing from the soup we’re blaming Barry.”
Angus slides from the stool, moving to the sink and placing the spoon in there before heading to the couch. The living room is open to the kitchen and dining room, and he can hear Lup puttering around in there as she and Barry speak quietly to each other.
He’s unsure if they’re talking about him, or just being polite because he said he was reading, but his stomach twists again anyways. He picks up his book from where he set it on the coffee table this morning, and tries to read- he really does.
But he can’t focus.
The words blur together as he stares down at them blankly. He’s so zoned-out he misses the sound of the door opening, and the ensuing whispering in the kitchen.
It’s only when a hand is on his shoulder does he notice someone else is in the room, and he almost jumps out of his skin. Turning his head quickly, he catches sight of the gaudy sequin coat Taako had bought a few months ago. He’s paired it with a pair of jeans with tassels, and Angus doesn’t know much about fashion, but he’s fairly sure that’s not a normal outfit combination.
“Lup said your stomach hurt? Did you eat the so-called muffins Barry made yesterday? Because I told him those were toxic for human consumption. Probably dwarven consumption as well.”
Angus shakes his head, eyes following Taako as he slips his coat off and throws it on the armchair. He’d taken one look at those burnt muffins and slid them behind the milk, hiding them to prevent anyone from eating them. The elf walks around the couch and sits on the opposite side as him, tucking his knees under him as he stares at him with those eyes that are far more observant than most people think.
“Uh-huh. I’m throwing them out anyway. Don’t want to risk it.”
Angus nods, fiddling with the pages of his book. He runs a finger down the edge, finding a temporary calm in the weird texture of the uneven edges. He’s wearing a crease into the sides, he knows, but that’s fine. His grandpa liked to talk about the beauty of a well-loved book.
He’d spent all night planning on what he was going to stay. He wants to make sure Taako knows he isn’t throwing his kindness back in his face, and that he is going to be able to do this mostly on his own. He doesn’t have many belongings, so the move itself would be pretty easy. There won’t be much for Taako to worry about. Angus has always been very self-reliant. He isn’t a pushover, and is fine taking care of himself. While living here has been nice, he’s fine going back to living like that.
A foot knocking against his knee gets his attention, and he glances over to Taako. The elf’s face is pinched, ears flicking back and forth.
It’s a weird expression to see directed at him. Taako speaks, “you with me, Agnes?”
He nods, eyes flitting away. The nickname is an endearment, something he figured out soon after he started living on the moonbase. Their story being projected into his mind only reinforced that knowledge; seeing how Taako interacted with the others (and how the others teased everyone as well) proves that Taako being mean normally shows he cares.
He states instead at the fireplace; it’s still kinda dirty because no one has wanted to clean it out from when Lup caused it to flare up during a particularly intense board game night (they banned board games when the fire was going after that, at least while Lup was in her lich form. Far too much magical energy waiting to be released).
“Angus. You sure you’re feeling okay?”
He doesn’t mean to flinch, but seeing a hand come towards his face after already being stressed all day caused him to react unfavorably.
The hand yanks itself away, and Angus forces himself to look over at Taako, apology already leaving. “Sorry, sir. I just didn’t expect it- I’m fine, really.” He almost says ‘I promise,’ but stops himself. He doesn’t like lying, and it wouldn’t have been a lie but it wouldn’t have been the full truth.
Taako doesn't seem to believe him anyways, as he squints at him. “You’re a terrible liar.”
Angus starts, “I’m not sick!”
“I know you’re not sick, but you’re acting all weird.” He wiggles his fingers, and it almost makes Angus laugh.
He takes a deep, steadying breath. It only makes his stomach clench even more. His face gets hot, and suddenly his throat is tight and he can’t- he can’t do it- he doesn’t want-
“I need to move out.” The words leave him at once, just barely slow enough to be comprehensible.
The soft conversation in the kitchen stops at once, though neither of them walk over to the couch. Taako is staring at him, face blank.
He finds himself beginning to ramble. He hates it, he’s normally more composed, but working a case is much, much easier than navigating people he cares about. “Mr. Miller offered me a position at his school once I graduate, and the school is on the other side of town. I can’t make the commute each day, it’s too far and the walk would be too much. So, I found a small place that’s cheap, and once I get access to my parents money they left me I’ll be fine on that front. And-”
“Miller? Lucas Miller?” Taako cuts him off. He hasn’t done that in a long while, and it shuts Angus up immediately.
“Yes? He’s opening his school, the Academy of Arcane Sciences.”
“And he wants you to teach there?”
Angus' face flushes, and he gets hot with indignation. “I’m very smart, sir. I am very qualified to teach, and it’s not a stretch that he would seek me out and-”
Taako puts his hands up. “Not what I was implying. You’re just young.” He glares off to the side, before pulling his crystal out. “Thought Miller was above hiring a child.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“How old are you, then?” Taako glances back over at him, eyebrows raised in that annoying way he gets when he thinks he’s made an excellent point. He’s typing without looking down, and Angus wants to know what he’s doing.
“I- that’s not what I meant.”
Taako leans back on the couch, looking back at his crystal. “You should be focused on being a kid, not teaching nerds at Lucas’s subpar school.”
The indignation that started when Taako brushed off what he’s been worrying about has been building and building. He clenches his hands into fists, letting the book drop to the floor as he stands and yells, “stop trying to make me have the childhood you wanted!”
He regrets it immediately, but can’t bring himself to look at Taako. The room is so, so quiet. It’s almost worse than if they yelled at him. He runs past the couch, dodging the hand that reaches out as he passes by Taako. He slips into the room he’s been staying in, closing the door and locking it behind him. He sits on the floor, back resting against his bed, and shoves his face into his knees, pulling them tightly into himself.
At least he made it easy, right? He’ll wait for Taako to cool down, finish packing his things, and leave.
He doesn’t even know why he said that. He knows Taako was just being nice, even if he phrased it poorly. He just wants him to be a kid because he knows what it’s like to not have a childhood. Angus had no reason to say that. He didn’t mean it.
The hot press of tears builds in his eyes and he forces them down. He has no right to cry when he was the one in the wrong.
Knowing Taako, Lup, and Barry are in there, talking about him, is almost as bad as the guilt. Not knowing what they’re saying is disquieting.
It doesn’t take long for a soft knocking on his door to fill the room. He says nothing, but looks up at it. He stares at the handle, checking it’s still locked.
“Angus, it’s Lup. Can I come in?”
He considers not answering. They’ve been good about not barging in before, when he makes it clear he wants to be alone. He doesn’t want to be alone, though. He’s just not sure he wants to have this conversation.
“Yeah.” He stands, unlocking the door and holding the handle. Breathes. Opens the door.
Ears tilted down low, Lup stands there with hands in a neutral position at her side. Gods, she’s being so aware of her movements right now so she doesn’t startle him. He turns, walks over to his desk, and stands by it. He’s now very aware of his backpack and small suitcase against the wall, half-packed. Not enough to be obvious, but enough so that when he told them he was moving he could do so quickly.
Lup is staring at it. She hesitates, then goes to sit on his bed. She doesn’t shut the door all the way, leaving it just barely cracked.
He hates being treated like this.
“We’re not mad.” She begins, and Angus can’t bring himself to look at her as she talks, staring instead at his bags. “Taako isn’t mad either. We’re just confused as to why you want to move out.”
Angus furrows his brow, glancing over to Lup for a second before retraining his eyes on his bags, “I told T- I said that it was too far for me to walk there each day.”
“Me and Barry have basically mastered rifts, we could bring you there and back you know. So could Kravitz.”
“I already thought about asking you to, but you’re called to go help the Raven Queen randomly, and I wouldn’t want to be stuck on campus.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, “I didn’t phrase it very well out there.” He forces himself to make eye contact, “I am very grateful for everything you all have provided me, and I’m not leaving because I’m unhappy or anything. I just know I’ll be fine on my own, and I really want to go to school.”
Lup purses her mouth, “I’m not going to argue that you aren’t responsible or that you couldn’t live on your own. But you are young, there’s no reason you should be teaching at this age.”
“I’m not though! I’m finishing high school, and then student teaching until I graduate from his school. I’ll just be helping the professors until I have the proper qualifications.” He clenches his hands, trying to keep himself calm. He doesn’t like when people don’t understand what he’s saying.
She takes in what he says, keeping her gaze steady. “Okay. That’s better. But, you still shouldn’t be living on your own, little dude.”
“I used to-”
She holds her hand up, “come on, this is a group conversation. The other two people living here should be here for this.” Angus casts an anxious glance at the door when she says that. She continues on, “before we go out there, though, we do need to talk about what you said.”
Panic fizzles through him again. “I know! I didn’t mean it, and I’m really, really sorry. I just got frustrated because he was patronizing me and I don’t like being treated like that. I’m very smart and capable- I’ve done- I’m just-” He feels his emotions begin to well up again, and it only makes him more upset. He knows he’s more mature than this. He’s caught numerous serial killers, solved murder cases, and helped so many people. He can keep up with serious adult conversations, as well as banter with everyone easily. He’s good at words. He hates getting sensitive like this.
“Hey, hey. Angus, it’s okay. Breathe.” She steps towards him, moving slowly to not startle him and he hates how he’s already shown that she needs to do that. “Taako was being rude when you spoke to him, no one is denying that. But what you said at the end was also pretty rude. And we understand needing to take a minute to ourselves, but we have to make sure we have hard conversations. You’re telling us you don’t want us to treat you like a child, and we are not going to baby you. But you are still very young, especially compared to us.” She closes the gap to him and rests a hand on his shoulder, kneeling down. “Being mature means hard conversations. Being nice means having harder conversations. All we want from you, Angus, is for you to be honest with us and listen to us when we want to be honest with you.” She removes her hand from his shoulder and spreads her arms wide, offering a hug.
If he says no, she won’t make a fuss. He knows this.
He crashes into her, smushing her face into her shoulder. Her arms tighten around him as she runs her hand through his hair. “Here’s the plan. We go out there, Taako apologizes to you for being an asshole, you apologize for snapping, and then we all talk about you moving out, okay?”
Pulling his head away from her shoulder, he nods. He knows if he tried to speak, he would devolve into tears. She smiles and pulls him back into the hug.
They stay there for another moment, before Angus pulls away. Lup stands and gestures for him to lead the way.
His stomach clenches again, but some it’s not as intense as it was a few minutes ago.
They walk down the short hallway, and find Taako and Barry sitting on the couch. Both are staring at them as they enter the room, and Angus finds his hands twisting into the hem of his shirt.
“I shouldn’t have said that, sir. I’m sorry.” Angus says it fast. He hopes it doesn’t sound dishonest, the way it tumbled out of his mouth, but he knows if he slowed down the tears would fall too and he doesn’t want that.
Taako moves to stand, but Angus watches as Barry’s hold on his hand keeps him on the couch. Taako, instead smiles. “It’s okay, Ango. I was being an ass first. Should have listened to you all the way instead of cutting you off. Taako’s better than that.”
Lup brushes past Angus, moving to sit on the armchair next to the couch. Angus stays where he is. “I am still moving, though.”
No one speaks for a moment, but all three of them look at each other. After a moment of silent conversation, the type born from living together for a long, long time, Taako speaks up. “Okay. We’ve been talking about getting a bigger house anyways. This one is too close to the city and when the others visit it’s far too crowded. We need more extra bedrooms.”
Angus blinks. Then blinks again. “What?”
Lup sighs. “That’s one way to bring it up. We’ve already been talking about it- there’s a chunk of land just outside of the east end of the city. It’s not far from the school we assume is the one you plan on attending. Magnus has already said he’ll help us fix up the house there.”
He is still wildly confused.
Barry gathers that, and he sighs, “we will all move. So you can be closer to your school.”
He starts shaking his head, “no, you guys just settled down, you don’t need to do that.”
“Do you really think you could make us do anything we don’t want to do?” Taako asks as he begins to walk over to Angus. He mimics the position Lup took earlier, squatting in front of him. “If you really don’t want to live with us, fine. But we had already been talking about getting a bigger place. This isn’t a sudden decision- if Krav wasn’t on some mission he could tell you the same thing. The house we were looking at was empty before the Hunger arrived, and it got fucked up even more during the fight, so the land there is cheap. So if you want to stay with us- and I’m not asking what you think we want, I’m asking what you want- then one of the rooms will be yours.”
The tears he’s been working so hard to hold back begin to fall, so he just nods quickly. He lets Taako pull him into a hug, “I’d- I like living with you. Are you- you sure?”
“When has Taako ever lied?”
Angus just laughs, and does so even harder when he hears a pillow thwack against the back of Taako’s head (it’s a common occurrence in this house).
He feels someone approach on the side, and their hug is yanked to the side, both of them stumbling as Lup pulls them towards her, and he glances up to see Barry hovers right beside them. Taako must see him too, “Come on, Barold. Looks like it’s hug time.”
It’s awkward, and not at all very comfortable, but it’s warm. Angus’s tears have dried up, and he’s about to pull away when the familiar zip of a portal being created precedes Kravitz’s voice.
“Oh, am I interrupting?”
Taako laughs, “just missing out on a group hug.”
“Come on,” Lup speaks up now, her voice coming from just behind Angus’s ear, “it’s a family hug.”
Angus barely has time to process that when Kravitz steps forward. He’s almost as awkward as Barry, but it’s nice.
They separate eventually, Lup heads back to the kitchen to finish the food, with Barry close behind. Kravitz gives Taako a hello kiss, the two of them sitting on the couch, and from their low tones Angus can tell Taako is giving him a quick rundown of… today.
Angus see’s his book was placed on the coffee table at some point, and sits on the armchair once he grabs it, pushing Taako's discarded jacket to the side. Opening it to where he left off, the page is bent with a large crease down the center, from when he dropped it on the floor. He reads for a minute, before Taako speaks up.
“Mending should get rid of that crease, if you like.” Taako says.
Angus just smiles and shakes his head. “It just proves it’s used.”
He shrugs, looking down at his crystal, and Kravitz nudges him. It causes Taako to huff and hold out the crystal. A flyer for a recreational soccer team is displayed.
Join the new Neverwinter recreational soccer league! Ages 10-14. Help your kids make new memories and friends- Create everlasting bonds!
Angus frowns, “what’s this?”
“Soccer team. Was looking for one in the area when we started looking for potential houses to move to. Planned on signing you up.”
Tears begin to well up in his eyes again, and Angus finds himself frustrated. Not with Taako, no, of course not. Not now, not with this. But with himself, and how emotional he’s being.
Because he’s been talking about Caleb Cleveland books at Taako for so long now, and he’d always assumed he’d only been tolerating it. But Caleb Cleveland was a part of a soccer team- it wasn’t even a big part of the books. Angus has probably only mentioned it once or twice. And yet, Taako specifically looked for a soccer team and-
“Thank you, Taako!” He grins, and the way Taako’s ears are flickering, he knows he’s embarrassed.
“Just thought you could use the exercise. You know, you can’t be running around solving crimes if you can’t run.”
The smile doesn’t leave his face as he snarks back, “but sir, you never do physical training and you saved the world.”
“I just transmute my legs to be strong and fast if I need it. Or get Magnus to carry me.”
He leans further onto Kravitz, who smiles. “Or he just calls me to pick him up.”
Snuggling back into his chair, Angus holds the book close to his chest, “thank you, really, sir.”
“Come on, little dude. We’ve been over this. The ‘sir’ thing is so formal.”
“Would you prefer me to call you ‘sappy bitch’?” He turns up his fake innocent charm, the one he uses often on cases, as he says it.
Kravitz bursts out laughing, and he can hear Barry and Lup in the kitchen do the same.
Taako flares up, pointing an accusing finger at him, “who taught you that kind of fucking language!”
“I’ve always known curse words!”
“Not in my house!” Taako stands, and Angus climbs out of the chair and starts running. He knows what will happen if Taako catches him, so he runs to Barry, calling out for help.
Barry, the traitor, only holds him still so Taako can grab him and ruffle his hair. He begins yelling at Barry, cursing his name, but it’s hard to get the words out through his laughter.
Kravitz is the one who saves him, pulling him out of their arms and holding him high in the air. “Do not assault the child, please.”
Taako steps towards Kravitz, “you heard what he called me, didn’t you?”
“And he was right.”
Taako’s affronted gasp is so loud, it must scratch at his throat as he begins coughing.
Angus is giggling, kicking his dangling feet lightly in the air.
Whatever Lup is pulling off the stove smells delicious, and he cannot wait to begin eating.
As they sit down, Taako looks over at him and says, "you know, you should be careful about accepting a teaching job at Lucas's lame school. Taako here is working on a much cooler idea, and he could use a smart kid like you, if you can pass the rigorous application process."
"What is it?" Angus asks, getting excited. He hasn't heard Taako talking about anything like this.
"Top secret."
Angus laughs, "it won't be for long!"
"You're pre-emptively fired, then."
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years ago
𝑫𝒂𝒅! 𝑨𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒛: 𝑪𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝑲𝒊𝒅𝒔
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Hongjoong smiled proudly as he finished putting on the top coat on his daughter's tiny finger nails. Blowing on them softly, he admired his work of painting on a cute array of different glittery red and blue designs on each nail.
"Oh you already look so pretty my darling. Now let's finish up your hair."
Going behind her, he began to brush her hair, making sure not to pull too hard, not wanting accidentally hurt her.
"You know darling, daddy once had his hair those colors." He told her as he watched her admire her tiny painted nails.
The little girl, whipped her head around, an incredulous look on her face as she looked at her father's natural hair color.
"Don't worry. There was a time mommy didn't believe me when she saw my natural hair color."
His hands skillfully managed to make her hair into a ponytail and he fastly secured it with a a red scrunchie.
"Speaking of mommy, we're going to pick her up from work and then go out as a family to the park. What do you say?"
The girl immediately nodded, clapping her hands cautiously, not wanting to mess up her still drying nails. Picking her up, Hongjoong placed her on his arm and kissed her forehead.
"You're such a little cutie. You get that from your mommy...."
Holding up his finger to his lips, he continued:
"Don't tell her though. Remember she doesn't like being called cute."
He made her pinky promise not to say anything.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa had just finished helping your son brush his teeth and tucked him into bed. Kissing him goodnight, he made his way back into your room.
"Seonghwa?" You called out for him.
"Tell me love." He answered as he got into bed with you, his arm instantly pulling you against him.
"Do you think he's ready? Sleeping on his own from now on?" You asked him, full of worry.
Chuckling, he kissed the top of your head.
"Baby he's already 4 years old. I think it's perfectly fine for him to sleep in a room of his own."
You nodded softly, still unsure about it.
"Darling, his room is right next to ours and you saw how crazy and excited he was with picking out his bed and decorations. I think even he was anxious to move out of mommy and daddy's room." He teased you.
You huffed softly. "I miss my tiny baby."
"Oh how will you hold up when he goes to college?"
Right at that moment, a tiny head peeked into the room.
"Mommy." Your son cried out, his tiny legs running over and crawling up the bed and onto your lap.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" You asked.
"I wanna sleep here." He answered as he began making his way in between you two, getting under the covers and smiling at you two.
Seonghwa looked at you, about to say no but failing the moment he saw you pouting your lips. He looked back down at your son who had a similar puppy look on his tiny face.
Seonghwa had to admit defeat at his two babies ganging up on him.
"I guess one more night won't hurt. "
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Even though his hands were already full with the two baby carriages, Yunho somehow still managed to open the door for you.
"I made sure the house would be clean and spotless for when you all got here."
Your hands covered your mouth as you saw the big "Welcome home" banner that Yunho had put up the day before.
"Oh my god." You exclaimed.
"Oh. Wait til you see the nursery. And I want you two to see it as well."
Leading the way, Yunho and you walked down the hall and stopped in front of the room you had originally picked out to be the nursery. Although you had both started decorating it, you never got to fully finish it after you got further along in the pregnancy. And Yunho really wanted it to be a surprise for you and the twins you were carrying.
"Close your eyes." He told you.
You did as he asked and waited patiently for his next instructions. Putting the carriers down for a second, Yunho opened the door and quickly brought the babies inside.
"Now you can look."
You gasped as you took in the beautiful pink nursery. The two cribs had the girl's respective names carved into them so it'd be easier to tell them apart. The walls were decorated with flowers and butterflies, and the diaper station was already installed in the corner. It made you tear up how much work he put into it.
"Oh my God Yunho....thank you so much." You sobbed.
"No.....thank you for giving me not one, but two blessings." He pecked your lips.
Turning back to the babies, he picked them up in his hands.
"All right, now how about we figure out who goes in which bed cause I'm already confused."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang calmly stirred the baby food before looking at the baby in front of him.
"Ok sweetheart time to eat. So....open up."
Yeosang held up a spoonful of the food, but his 5 month old son simply looked away towards where Seonghwa was standing.
"Hey no no no. Don't look at Uncle Seonghwa, look at me, look at daddy. Look at daddy's hand! He has food!"
Yeosang swirled the spoon around, mimicking airplane noises as he held up the spoon right in front of the baby's face. Still his son made no initiative to eat it.
"Pleeeease eat the food! Your mom will be so mad if she finds out I couldn't feed you." Yeosang was now whining and sulking at this point.
Rolling his eyes, Seonghwa went over and snatched the spoon away from him.
"You're doing this all wrong Yeosang. Watch and learn."
Taking Yeosang's place, Seonghwa cooed at the baby, holding up the spoon again.
"Mam-ma?" Seonghwa did his infamous aegyo.
Yeosang was about to say something, but then he saw his son giggle and happily accept the food. Yeosang's arms dropped to his sides.
"Seriously? He listens to you but not me? I'm his father!" Yeosang complained.
"You'll learn in time Yeosang. I'm already on baby number three while you're on your first. Give yourself time. You'll soon learn how easy it is."
He gave the utensils back to Yeosang so he could finish. Sighing softly, Yeosang attempted it
"Mam-ma?" He was embarrased but elated when he finally got to feed his son himself.
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San had a huge smile plastered on his face. He was holding his 6 year old son's hand, the little toddler happily skipping about, sometimes landing big jumps that caused San to almost let go of him.
"Somebody is excited." You chuckled as you adjusted your 1.5 year old daughter on your arms.
"Of course he's excited. It's his first day of school. He's going to make a lot of friends and he's going to make us proud. Right buddy?"
The little boy nodded and almost ran off when he finally caught sight of the entrance to the school. San however was faster and caught him.
"Ok ok slow down bud. First things first."
Setting him down, he began opening his backpack.
"Do you have all your school books and utensils?"
San began to check that they didn't forget anything he would need. Satisfied that he had everything, San kissed his forehead.
"Say bye to mommy and your baby sister."
You put the girl down so she could give her older brother a kiss on the cheek, which he made a cringing face at but still accepted. Then he went over and kissed your cheek, saying a goodbye before sauntering off to class. You and San just looked at him, feeling somewhat nostalgic. Your thoughts were interrupted when your daughter let out a squeal and tried to run after her brother.
"Oh no way missy! You don't get to leave me for another 4 years......maybe 40." San giggled as he picked her up.
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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"27, 28, 29, 30! Ok! Ready or not here I come!"
Running down the hall, Mingi began his quest of finding out where his daughter was hiding at. He first checked under all the beds, knowing she would usually fit her tiny body underneath them.
"Ahh I see you're getting more clever now."
Chuckling, he went to the bathroom, sneaking in very quietly.
"Gotcha! Oh wait no." Mingi felt flustered when he didn't see two large eyes looking back at him when he pulled back the curtain.
"Seriously, where can that girl be?" He asked as he went back to the kitchen to search.
Puzzlement soon turned to panic as Mingi couldn't find her anywhere. He began running frantically all over the place, searching every corner and shelf, but still there was no trace of his little girl.
"Haha...ok princess you win..... so please come out now....." He called out, unable to mask the worry in his voice.
But the girl didn't respond and now he was freaking out.
"Oh my God! I lost my own daughter! What will I tell Y/N?! She's gonna kill me! I'm a horrible father! Sweetheart where are you?!"
He was on the verge of crying when he saw some shuffling coming from one of the curtains. Mingi walked over there and pulled the curtain back, relieved and shocked to find his daughter laying on the huge window sill, hugging her bunny plush, sleeping soundly. Mingi let out a sigh of relief.
"God what a scare you gave me." He said as he picked her up and carried her back to her room.
Gently, he layed down on his bed, his arms holding her against him. He smiled at her tiny sleeping figure.
"Oh look. You pout in your sleep just like your mom. Never noticed that."
Kissing her nose, he decided to take a nap alongside her as well, exhausted from the terrifying moment he just went through.
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung definitely wasn't having the best time of his life as he peeled the diaper open.
"Ew ew ew ew." Wooyoung looked away, not wanting to see the mess caused by his 3 month old son.
You however stood behind him, watching him and trying to direct him, although right now you were merely rolling your eyes at how dramatic he was being.
Wooyoung took a quick glance and groaned.
"Why are babies so gross?"
You smacked him on the head for that.
"You wanted a baby? Well now you have to learn to take care of him. I go back to work in one month and I sure as hell aren't leaving my kid in your care if you're not ready." You told him.
"Ok fine! Geez. Just don't pressure me. I'm new at this."
Wooyoung struggled to get the diaper off and rolled up to throw away, but once he did, it seemed he got passed the hard part. You then proceeded to show him how to wipe the baby's bottom and the importance of using the cream the doctor prescribed to prevent diaper rash or any infection. Wooyoung seemed to be doing fine, all he had left to do now was put on a clean diaper.
Wooyoung screeched loudly when your son decided it would be a fun idea to pee at that moment, landing right on Wooyoung's chest. You bursted out laughing, literally doubling over and slapping your knee.
"Oh my God! That was so funny!" You exclaimed.
"What the heck?! Why would you do that?! Attack your own father like that?!"
Grabbing the diaper, he handed it to you.
"Take care of your son."
"He's your son too Woo." You reminded him.
"He's only my son when he's a little angel and is well behaved. Right now, he's strictly yours."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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"All right. Now here's what you're going to do. You're just going to kick that ball into that net as hard as you can."
Getting into position, Jongho waited for his son to kick the ball. The boy ran as fast as he could and kicked the ball, but not hard enough so it was easy for Jongho to catch it.
"Good job buddy! Just a little bit more."
Tossing the ball back, he once again got into a goalie position, watching in amusement as his son tried once again to kick it into the net but failed as it didn't even reach anywhere near it, the boy getting a little sad.
"It's ok. Don't worry about it. You'll get the hang of it soon." Jongho assured him.
"Daddy I want to try!" His sister, who up to now had been helping you prepare food, now stood up and ran over, not wanting to be left out.
"Ok baby girl, give it a try." He tossed the ball to her, which she surprisingly caught rather easily.
"What can you sissy little girl do?" Your son taunted her.
"Put a stick on it." She stuck her tongue out at him, which you quickly chastised her for.
The little girl surprised everyone when she kicked the ball so hard and fast that even Jongho couldn't block it, it just flew past him. Jongho was so surprised and soon he was happy.
"That's my little girl! Daddy's girl!" He shouted as he ran over to her and began parading her around the soccer field, already planning on having her take soccer lessons.
Your son on the other hand, stomped all the way back to where you were, huffing slightly. You hugged him.
"Don't worry. You know you'll always be mommy's boy."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
The undatables as uncles need more love, so... What if L!MC and the rest of the children just go to the castle or purgatory Hall for a few days because the Bros got tired or just need a day of rest. Idk this makes no sense
Yes, more uncle shennaniganery!
A Day at the Demon Lord’s Castle
It was Demon-Flu season, and no demon in the House of Lamentation was spared from its sniffly wrath. It started with Belphegor waking up and sneezing right next to Beel, and it was all downhill from there.
Notice how I said “demon”, the dear little Half-Demons were all fine thanks to the efforts of M!MC who for some reason had bought a bunch of plague doctor masks the week prior.
“Why... why did you buy these?” L!MC asked, their voice muffled by the badly fitting mask.
“I saw em’ in a store window and I decided I wanted them.”
Three out of four of the Brat Brigade (plus the cat) were on their way to the Demon Lord’s castle to stay until the house’s little epidemic passed. Lord Diavolo had oh so graciously asked (begged) to be allowed to host the kids for a while.
What could go wrong?
Many things could go wrong.
For one, the first thing A!MC saw when they first arrived, was a rat. Not one of the gross scary ones, but one of the absolutely adorable ones that turns you into the ‘gently holds’ meme.
“I’m going to call you Templeton!” “*squeak*” “Yay!”
Barbatos of course came to greet the guests, and explained that they have a little... issue with rats at that moment. Butler-dad assured them it wouldn’t be a problem, just if the children saw any of the vermin running around to tell him and he’d dispose of them.
Templeton the rat was promptly hidden in one of A!MC’s pockets.
The Purgatory Hall crew was there as well, apparently Solomon decided to make brunch and Purgatory Hall’s kitchen exploded.
Lord Diavolo finally makes his entrance and declares that everyone should unpack and relax, his gorgeous/terrifying castle was their gorgeous/terrifying castle.
“So,” L!MC rested their head on their hand and rotated the knight in their free hand as they stared half vacantly at the chess board. “Did you take care of the snake in the labyrinth, Dia?”
Diavolo lit up when he heard his seldom used nickname. “Well, Henry 1.0 isn’t exactly bothering anyone down there at the moment, and I don’t think Levi is equipped to deal with a fifty foot long untamed snake.”
L!MC smirked and placed their knight down. “Yeah, at least not right now.”
The moment L!MC removed their hand from the knight, Diavolo moved his bishop and took their queen. Shit.
“Aw man...” L!MC mumbled, after a cursory look at the board, the poor thing realized that they had been screwed for the last five turns and Diavolo was just prolonging the match.
“Don’t feel too bad, L!MC.” Diavolo gave them a pat on the head. “Lucifer can’t beat me in chess either.”
“Hmph.” They wouldn’t admit it but... that did make them feel a little better.
“That reminds me, I have a favour to ask of you.” L!MC almost outwardly drooped at the mention of... ugh... a task. “Do you mind reviewing some dad-jokes with me to make sure they are suitably dad-like?”
“...what?” Quickly remembering they were in the presence of honest to God (poor choice of words... uh... Grandfather?) royalty, L!MC straightened their posture and tried their best to look respectfully curious instead of completely and utterly confused. “Pardon?”
“M!MC and several others have said I have ‘dad vibes’, so I’m leaning into it!” Diavolo smiled so brightly if L!MC hadn’t been the child of the Morning Star they may have been blinded. “My father wasn’t one for jokes, so I’d like to run these by you before I say them to others.”
Suppressing a snort of laughter, L!MC nodded. “Go for it, I’m all ears.”
Diavolo pulled out quite the long list and began to read out loud... L!MC quickly realized that this may take longer than expected. “Okay, to begin: I’m afraid for the calendar, it’s days are numbered.”
“Oh not-that-good-Lord...” L!MC muttered under their breath.
The dad jokes continued, some were funny, some were absolutely awful, some sounded like they were made for children in the Victorian era... overall, it was a good- holy shit that took over two hours...
“Finally,” Diavolo squinted at the last joke. “I went to the liquor store and they asked for my ID, while I fumbled for my wallet, my Blockbuster card fell out, the cashier said ‘nevermind’.”
L!MC furrowed their brows. “What’s a Blockbuster?”
“That was what I was hoping you’d explain to me... is it a dad requirement to get a card for that establishment..?”
“Mmmm...” L!MC pursed their lips. “Probably not. I mean, Lucifer doesn’t have one.”
“That’s true...” Diavolo looked at the clock, then stood up and began to shoo L!MC out the door. “Look at me, taking up all your time that you should be spending with your friends. Thank you for your help, L!MC, now don’t let me keep you any longer!”
Giggling slightly, L!MC shot a wave over their shoulder as they left the room. “Bye dad! See you later!”
They were half way down the hallway when they realized their verbal slip-up.
“Oh.” L!MC’s face burned with embarrassment. “Shit.”
Dad-volo was totally delighted and very cool about it, don’t worry.
M!MC and Bean the cat were hanging out with the angels in the very pretty royal gardens when that mess was going down.
Luke was being absolutely adorable and was snuggling Bean while he and Simeon looked at the pretty plants.
In traditional M!MC fashion, they were engaging in an average game of ‘lightly tease the chihuahua’.
“It’s just... you’re so small.” M!MC took the opportunity to rest their arm on Luke’s head as he stopped to observe a colour changing flower bush. “How many years have you been this height? 100? 200?”
M!MC had taken the news that Luke was older than them in stride, finding new opportunities to make the little angel do his adorable angy face. They were obviously succeeding in their jerkwad-endeavours as Luke pushed their arm off and fixed his now smushed hat.
“You be quiet! I’m perfectly average height for an angel my age.” Luke huffed, petting the cat, who hissed at M!MC. The stupid cat absolutely hated them for some reason, it brought L!MC never ending joy to bring the cat into their shared room and watch it hiss and swipe at them. L!MC should really show some more respect for their older cousin!
“Are angels normally the size of a fifth grader?” M!MC snickered. “Is Simeon considered a freak for his height?”
“No, M!MC, I am not.” Simeon chuckled. “Rest assured, Luke will grow.”
“Yeah! And I’m sure I’ll be taller than you!” Luke added.
M!MC smirked deviously and pinched Luke’s cheek. “Well, I’ll have to take advantage of your smallness and baby face while I still can!”
“Hey! Stop that!” Luke tried to swat their hands away, but M!MC had inherited their father’s reflexes and his penchant for being a little shit every once and a while, so Luke’s swatting only resulted in more pinches.
“Never!” M!MC teased. “Surrender to your smallness!”
Luke took off deeper into the garden, surprisingly quickly considering he was holding a cat that was hellbent on clawing M!MC’s eyes out. M!MC laughed and gave chase.
“Luuuuuuuke! Come back! I promise I’ll be nice!” M!MC lied right through their teeth like the little heathen they were, as they ran down the path they noticed that they couldn’t see Luke up ahead anymore, nor could they hear him yelling for Simeon to make them quit their teasing.
“Heheh...” M!MC wheezed as they stopped to catch their breath. “Luke c’mon, don’t be a baby. It’s real immature to hide like that!”
There was no response, which made M!MC just a little nervous, just a smidge. The plants had changed from pretty flowers and gorgeous trees to a much darker clump of vines and twisting branches. It all seemed to be the same plant, M!MC noted as they scanned the area for any sign of Luke and the cat, or Simeon for that matter.
“Luke? Bean? Come on! Haul your asses over here, this isn’t funny any-” M!MC paused and looked down as something coiled around their left leg. “-more?”
The vine tightened and yanked them backwards, M!MC fell right to the ground and clawed at the path to stop them getting pulled into the brush. Another vine wrapped around their right leg, any resistance that digging their nails into the ground was nullified as both vines yanked M!MC into the bushes.
Well, this was a nightmare of epic proportions. The vines continued to wrap around the helpless half demon until they were completely unable to move. As M!MC looked around frantically, they made eye contact with an all too familiar pair of blue eyes. Ah! There was Luke!
“Mmmph!” Only Luke’s eyes were visible, but the eyes are the gateway to the soul or whatever, and M!MC took an educated guess and decided that Luke’s soul wasn’t too happy with them.
“Mmth! Mmth!” M!MC tried to speak, but their mouth was covered by the vines. The two would have to communicate with their eyes only.
‘This is your fault!’
‘How the fuck is this MY fault?’
‘If you hadn’t teased me this never would have happened!’
‘Grow thicker skin, you chihuahua!’
‘Fuck you!’
Listen, Luke probably wasn’t capable of trying to communicate a swear word, but it was incredibly funny for M!MC to think about.
“M!MC? Luke?” Simeon stepped into their limited field of vision. “Where are you two? This plant is carnivorous.”
Oh... lovely. That was good to know.
“MFTH!” Luke and M!MC tried to call out to Simeon, only for the vines to wrap around them even tighter. Wow, what a way to go... strangled by a plant... ugh. L!MC would never let them live that down...
“Hm,” Simeon looked down at the vine that was coiling around his leg. “What a bother.”
Quick as lightning, Simeon grabbed the vine and sent a burst of shining gold magic shooting through it. The magic quickly spread to the rest of the plant and the moment the magic slammed into M!MC they nearly passed out from the searing pain that shot through their entire body.
They clamped their eyes shut and clenched their teeth to stop them from rattling as they felt the massive wave of Celestial magic wash over them. It was weirdly warm, like a hug from a friend, but it wasn’t a pleasant sensation, at least not to M!MC.
The plant let out an otherworldly scream as it threw Luke, Bean, and M!MC back onto the path at Simeon’s feet.
Luke picked Bean back up and dusted off his clothes like he didn’t have a care in the world. M!MC lay on the ground, if you listened closely you could hear them sizzle a bit. Nothing like being nearly strangled by a plant and then roasted by holy ‘fuck you’ magic.
“I’m glad you’re both okay,” Simeon pulled Luke into a hug and helped M!MC off the ground. “Did I ah... use to much magic?”
M!MC half-scowled at their saviour and wiped down their outfit. “Yeah. A little too much.”
“My bad,” Simeon ruffled M!MC’s hair. “I hope this serves as a learning experience for you two, Luke, don’t run off like that, and M!MC,”
The half demon nearly jumped in fear and surprise as Simeon swivelled to look at them. The smile on his face was far from comforting. “Don’t tease poor Luke too much, okay?”
“Uh... uh huh.” M!MC quickly nodded.
“Good! Now let’s head back, I think we’ve all had enough of the Royal Gardens.”
As the group returned, they passed a very red in the face L!MC and wondered what exactly went down in the time they were gone.
It’s common knowledge that Barbatos hates rats, it’s also common knowledge that A!MC is the embodiment of a ray of sunshine.
What does this lead to, you may be asking, well...
A!MC and their dear rat Templeton needed to hide from the politely homicidal Barbatos.
“Sh!” A!MC whispered into their pocket, the rat responded with an indignant squeak.
The Demon Lord’s Castle was absolutely massive, and trying to navigate it without a map was akin to wandering around an ancient pyramid filled with death traps. A!MC and their dear companion were wandering the place without a map and trying to hide from a butler that had the power to see into the future. The two fugitives were at a clear disadvantage.
A!MC had managed to stumble into an area that had paintings and statues completely everywhere, it was then they realized they were completely lost.
While quietly perusing the room, A!MC took notice of quite the lovely portrait of a woman. She had long flowing locks of golden hair and the most gorgeous captivating eyes... A!MC nearly shrieked when the woman’s eyes snapped to their’s and her face contorted into a scowl.
“Do I know you?” The woman asked, A!MC gulped and shook their head.
“N-no ma’am, I don’t think we’ve met...” A!MC mumbled before sticking out their hand for a handshake. The painting woman stared down at their outstretched hand, very unimpressed. “I’m A!MC, it’s nice to meet you.”
The half demon offered their cutest smile, their dad had lovingly taken the time to coach them in the art of being so darn tootin’ adorable that everyone would fall over themselves to get A!MC to like them. The moment the woman registered the smile, her scowl returned for a brief moment, then vanished entirely.
“Oh,” The woman smiled sweetly. “I do think I know you, do you mind coming a bit closer so I can see you better?”
Suffering from a complete inability to detect red flags, A!MC happily moved closer.
“Ah, just as I suspected. You look like Asmodeus.”
“You know my dad?” A!MC asked.
“Yes,” The woman’s eyes narrowed. “I know him quite well.”
A!MC was suddenly knocked off balance as a massive gust of wind shoved them closer to the painting. They frantically clawed at the stone ground as Templeton squeaked and squirmed in their pocket.
“Your father is the reason I’m stuck in this painting,” The woman explained coldly as A!MC tried to scramble away. “He escaped the labyrinth twice, but I don’t plan on letting you escape.”
“I-uh- m-muh-my dad’s probably really sorry about whatever he did! There’s no need to be rash!” A!MC stuttered.
“Yeah, no.” The woman huffed. “He had his chance to fix things. I’m getting even.”
“Not right now you’re not.”
A!MC swivelled their head around to see Barbatos calmly holding out a pair of scissors.
“Now Helene, I’d recommend releasing the child before I’m forced to take drastic measures.” Barbatos clicked the scissors together twice, and Helene paled. The wind pushing A!MC towards the painting dissipated and the half demon ran and hid behind the butler.
“Th-thank you...” A!MC mumbled.
“It’s not a problem, A!MC. Now I believe it would be a wise choice to move to another room.”
The two, (plus the hidden rat) ended up in the kitchen. A!MC shifted nervously as Barbatos began prepping lunch.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Barbatos asked suddenly, A!MC straightened their posture and nodded.
“I um... promise you won’t be mad...” A!MC mumbled.
“I can assure you, I won’t be too upset.”
“I made a friend.” A!MC took Templeton out of their pocket and held him closely to their chest, Barbatos’s calm smile froze on his face. “He’s really sweet, please don’t kill him!”
“...A!MC.” Barbatos began slowly. “I’m not mad... just make sure it doesn’t escape and run rampant... now... please get it out of my kitchen.”
“Yes sir! Thank you sir!” A!MC turned and sprinted to their room.
Ugh... Barbatos, haven’t you ever watched Ratatouille? The rat can cook dammit!
When Luke went in to bake with his second dad he was very confused as to why Barbatos looked like he was having war flashbacks.
Huh... weird right? Anyway...
Good ol’ weird uncle Solomon suggested that after dinner everyone should get together and watch a movie.
L!MC and Solomon suggested that they watch The Conjuring and that idea got immediately shot down.
M!MC brought up that the most “family get-together” movie they could think of was Star Wars.
So they watched A New Hope.
“We could be watching the Conjuring right now.” L!MC murmured as they watched Luke Skywalker fumble his way to Obi Wan Kenobi.
“Yeah.” Solomon whispered back. “You know, I met Ed and Lorraine Warren.”
“Cool,” L!MC smiled. “My ren took me to their house once, when I went in to see all the haunted objects all the demons inside wanted to hang out with me.”
“Huh,” Solomon snickered. “Did they think you were Lucifer?”
“Yep. It was funny, Annabelle’s a pretty big asshole though.”
“I’d be an asshole too if I were stuck in a raggedy Anne doll since the 60s and not allowed to leave.”
“Both of you sh!” M!MC hissed, they threw some popcorn over their shoulder, which L!MC threw right back.
A while into the movie, M!MC elbowed Solomon and pointed at one of the aliens. “That’s you.”
“I’m so hurt…” Solomon pouted.
“And that’s you.” L!MC pointed at a stormtrooper that had just gotten shot with a blaster. M!MC scoffed and rolled their eyes.
“I’m not some dumb stormtrooper.”
“Yeah, you’re a little short for a stormtrooper.”
“SHHHHHHH!” A!MC and Luke turned and started throwing their own popcorn…
The mess that they all had to vacuum after the movie was much more terrifying than The Conjuring ever could have been.
So, after a few days, Lucifer called to say that everyone was back to normal and the last remnants of the Demon-Flu were gone.
Yay! The kids could go back to their really overcrowded house!
The goodbyes were something to behold.
“Goodbye everyone! Come back sometime soon!” Diavolo waved from the doorway.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo!” L!MC smiled brightly and returned the wave. M!MC snickered and nudged them.
“That’s a pretty cold way to say goodbye to your dad-”
“Shut up…” L!MC growled.
“L!MC, what are they talking about?” Lucifer asked.
M!MC looked like they were weighing the pros and cons of surviving the conversation, then shrugged.
“M!MC, no, you have so much to live for!” A!MC pleaded.
“L!MC called Lord Diavolo dad!”
Mammon erupted into hysterical laughter while Asmo giggled and half heartedly patted L!MC on the head. Lucifer was not impressed.
“You know,” L!MC sighed. “I’m moving out. Lord Diavolo can I come live here?”
“L!MC, come back.” Lucifer trailed after his very embarrassed spawn.
A!MC pulled on their dad’s sleeve and cleared their throat.
“Yes sweetie?”
“D-dad, do you have a vehement hatred and or fear of rats?”
“Meet Templeton, he’s adorable and my friend.”
Author’s note, The next part of the main series is coming next week… or this week… idk how long things take.
(Probably this week)
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years ago
What If- Alive!Luke x Reader
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You had spent countless hours attempting to find out the perfectly logical reasoning as to why Luke had blown you off today… But there you were at a two-hour meeting with the wedding planner with no real excuse as to why you were alone yet again.
This was a moment you had been looking forward since you met Luke Patterson. He was a light that was brought into your life right after you lost your Dad, and he was the rock to help you grieve. But no sooner did you become friends, did the two of you fall head over heels for each other. From 17-year-olds to now, everything you did was to further your careers. After all Sunset Curve was your brilliant idea after meeting Alex and Reggie at school.
You wanted nothing more than to live your life out with Luke, he was the one person that meant the world to you. No matter what happened, your love was always a constant.
Flash forward to this moment, where the anger was finally taking over you. How dare he stand you up, again. He was so caught up in the band and the new music, that he forgets that you are also a member. Not like you can play without the rhythm guitarist- but in Luke’s mind he could do anything he wanted.
More than anything you just wished you had the time to be yourselves again, full of happiness and love without the pressure from the band, and record labels, and fans. Just two seconds to focus on you, and this wedding you both desperately wanted- well at least you desperately wanted.
You marched right into rehearsal- they had already started your new song and you weren’t even there! Seriously?
Reggie caught you gaze as you came into the room, the anger clearly emanating off you. He stopped playing, before catching Alex’s attention. They were trying to stay out of the middle of a fight, but lord knows that was not going to happen. Especially now- you were there, and you were angry.
“Hey lover, where ya been?” Luke said as you approached him, he went in for a kiss. You held your hand up in front of your face. Reggie sucked in a deep breath behind you- he knew Luke was in trouble now. You never avoided a kiss, no matter how angry.
“Where have I been? You are kidding me, right? I know that did not just come out of your mouth.” You said, anger gripping your words as you tried to hold back the screaming. You felt hot tears beginning to pool in your eyes. This cannot be happening; he doesn’t even remember.
“Uh-no. I seriously have no idea where you have been all day. We had to start rehearsal without you, you know we have this big showcase coming up. I need you on your game, lovebug.” He said ruffling your hair, trying to get back into rehearsal. But that was the final straw, you couldn’t contain the pain in your chest as anger erupted in your words.
 “Are you actually kidding me? You want to complain to me about being late, and missing things? Luke, you want this huge future for us, for you and me, when I am barely a part of your life now. I have become a shadow in your world, and that is unacceptable. You have music is coursing through your veins and that is truly remarkable but now- now I am a background player again. I am the rhythm guitarist that you sometimes pay attention to, but that’s usually when I fuck up. When we started this together, the band- our future was supposed to include each other and now I am just a face in the crowd. The sad part is you don’t even notice how alone I am.” You screamed at Luke.
He yet again forgot another meeting and he didn’t even know it. If it wasn’t band related, then it wasn’t important, per usual. So yup, he forgot the meeting with the wedding planner and here you were screaming at him, in the middle of rehearsal. You were nothing- and that was clear after today.
“You are being ridiculous, I forgot one meeting, one stupid meeting. It is not the end of the world- you are blowing this completely out of proportion, Y/N. I don’t know why you are acting like a brat.” Luke said back, anger hanging on to every word. Tears sprung to your eyes; you were not being ridiculous. This was your wedding for fucks sake. This was supposed to be your big day and now- god now you don’t even know him.
“I am ridiculous? Luke, are you fucking blind? Clearly you missed the memo again because the meeting was for our wedding, you know the day where I wear a big white dress and commit my life to you? Do you have dementia or something? Cause apparently you forgot about even proposing to me, because YOU HAVE MISSED EVERY MEETING WE HAVE HAD. I am not being a brat, I am upset, and angry, and heartbroken because I thought I was going to spend my life with you but now- now that is over. I am done trying to be perfect for you, and for this band, and for the whole fucking world. I am done. I-I-I just can’t anymore. You now have the perfect what if situation, because what if I never met you, I wouldn’t be so fucked up.” You raised your voice, clearly angry at him. You yanked your ring off your finger placing it on his amp and turning on your heel. This just was not working- not anymore, if he made some effort then maybe- but now, you had no idea what you saw in him all those years ago.
You heard heavy steps behind you, so you ran. Trying to reach the comfort of your car, not wanting to have another fight. You had just dumped Luke, and you didn’t even mean too. Everything you said- you never meant. You were just so mad, you heard Luke’s voice behind you, “WAIT”
You closed your car door behind you, briskly pulling out of the driveway. You could see Luke in your rearview mirror- Reggie was comforting him. You knew he was heartbroken- but you couldn’t be a background pawn any longer. You were supposed to be his future wife, and he treated you like dirt.
You drove around for what felt like hours before going to the one place you knew Luke wouldn’t be- Alex’s apartment.
Wiping your cheeks, you knocked softly on the door. Waiting for Alex to pop his head out, but instead it was Reggie who opened the door,
“Hey Reg- can I come in? I’m just not ready to go home”
He nodded, stepping to the side. He knew how much you were hurting; Reg was your best friend and you confided everything in him. He knew that Luke had blown off multiple meetings and he knew how confused you were, he was so happy about the wedding in the beginning and now- he could give two shits about it, clearly.
You plopped down on the couch; Reggie followed close behind. He knew you just needed a listening ear.
“Reg… I-I-I” You couldn’t even find the words before sobs began pouring out of you. You thought you and Luke were going to be endgame and now- that probably wasn’t going to happen. You had ruined everything with your mouth getting in the way.
“I am only going to say this once- you have not lost him. You are his entire world, no matter how much he has fucked up” Reggie said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. He knew Luke better than anyone and what he was saying was the truth, Luke would go down fighting for you.
You giggled under your breath, “Yeah I know Reg, you don’t speak girl. But thanks for trying. I just messed up today, I let my anger get the better of me but at the same time Luke shouldn’t have stood me up, AGAIN. I mean you know how it has been, it’s awful. Like I am pretty sure the wedding planner thinks I am marrying myself. How am I supposed to plan a wedding when he is too busy for even a simple meeting? Like he would probably miss our wedding day all together because he is so damn busy…” You said, trying to bring humor to the situation. Luke was your person and now, now you needed to fix everything.
You looked at Reggie who hadn’t spoken to you, but you followed his gaze to the kitchen. There was Luke, with his head deep as anything in the fridge eavesdropping on your conversation. He was seriously a five-year-old.
“Seriously Luke? Do you have to listen into everything? I am not exactly happy with you!” You said annoyed.
He chuckled at you, “I know you aren’t happy with me. But I wanted to give you space, I didn’t think you would come here… I thought you would go home. I didn’t think you would actually want to see me. ”
You shook your head, “I didn’t want to intrude, that is why I came here instead. I didn’t want another fight, cause I am tired of it. I am tired of feeling less. ”
He walked towards where you were sat, “Honey- there would be no fighting. I am going to make this simple. I love you- and I wish I had known how much of an idiot I have been. I love you more than anything in this world, including my music. You are the inspiration behind everything I do, and I am so so so so sorry I forgot the meetings. I have been trying so hard to plan things in advance so we could have an incredible wedding. Oh baby, I am so so sorry for making you feel less. You are my whole world, hell my whole solar system and I wish I had noticed how sad you have been. I want nothing more to be your husband, if you will still have me...?”
Tears ran down your face, “You really wanted to marry me?”
He laughed, wiping tears off your face with his thumb, “of course, you dork. I wouldn’t have asked in the first place if I didn’t.”
You threw yourself off the couch and into his grip, it was the first time in a long time you felt safe and at home. You tightened your grip around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He just chuckled in your ear before pressing his lips to yours, it was like you were made for each other. Every kiss felt like it was molded perfectly for the two of you.
You truly were a match made in heaven.
“That’s like super gross…. Can you go home and have sex? I really don’t need that image in my living room, especially on my new carpet.” Alex said, causing laughter to escape from the both of you.
“Too late for that bud... that carpet is way broken in. ” Luke said before throwing you over his shoulder. Trying to run away form the horrified look rested on Alex’s face.
You were barely out the door when you heard Alex screaming orders at Reg, “OH MY GOD, REGINALD GET THE STEAM CLEANER. I-UH-UH I NEED TO CLEAN. THIS IS DISGUSTING. I LAY ON THIS CARPET. UGHHHH”
You were home, and that was the most important thing to you. You knew some way, some how Luke was your endgame and that was not going to change.
@parkeret​ @coldlamaspersonspy​ @calamitykaty​ @all-in-fangirl​
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expectingtofly · 4 years ago
What It Means to Love, 3k
established dean/cas, hurt/comfort, post 15x20, human!cas
day 2 of @thiscastielhasflown and i's follower celebration
prompt: hurt/comfort
“Dean, I am perfectly fine, I—” Cas paused, face scrunching up, then he sneezed before he could finish his sentence.
Dean took a step backwards. “Dude, gross! Seriously? Sneeze into your elbow. That’s like preschool 101.”
“Oh, then it’s so great that I went to preschool,” Cas said, managing to sound sarcastic even with his nose stuffed up. Dean winced as he wiped his nose on the sleeve of his trenchcoat. “It’s not like I haven’t been a human for only three months.”
Right. “Yeah, well, guess this is the perfect introduction." How the hell did Cas manage to still look so adorable slumped against the kitchen counter, clothes wrinkled and nose red? “Welcome to humanity, you have a cold. Here, stop that.” He couldn't watch Cas wipe his nose on his sleeve again. They didn’t have tissues in the kitchen, but he grabbed a napkin and handed it to him. Dutifully, Cas took it and blew his nose. “What you need is to get in some comfier clothes, lay down, and get some sleep.”
Violating the few feet he'd put between them to stay clear of the germs, he stepped closer to loosen Cas' tie. Cas let him, saying, "I can still help research—"
"No, no." Cas leveled him with a glare, but it had lost its bite now that Dean knew he couldn't strike him dead with his angel grace. Okay, it was still pretty menacing. "I'm trying to save your ass. Sam will kill you if you sneeze on his laptop or precious books. Come on, take off the coat, you gotta be burning up."
He was helping Cas slip it off when Sam walked into the kitchen. “Ew, gross," he complained, covering his eyes with his hand, and Dean realized he was essentially undressing Cas in front of the kitchen island. "Get a room."
"Grow up," Dean said, draping Cas' coat and tie over his arm. Okay, so maybe they’d given Sam a reason to be on-guard now, but, "It's not what it looks like."
Sam lowered his hand, then frowned at Cas. "Woah. What happened to you?"
"I'm sick," Cas answered, as if that wasn't obvious enough by his glassy eyes and disheveled appearance.
"Well, uh, wash your hands," Sam said, stepping back as Cas started for the door, Dean following. "Don't wanna spread any germs. And try to stay out of the library."
"Told you," Dean whispered to Cas as they went down the hallway. In their room, he gestured for Cas to sit on the bed as he rummaged through their dresser. “T-shirt and sweatpants,” he said, handing them over.
Cas unbuttoned his white button-down which was identical to the dress shirts he always wore as an angel. Apparently old habits died hard—in this case, an affinity for business casual. Actually, maybe Cas getting sick and out of his old clothes was a good thing. Dean didn't know the last time the trenchcoat had been washed.
Collecting Cas' shirt and pants, he said, “I’ll get rid of these disease-ridden clothes.” He thought he caught Cas rolling his eyes as he pulled Dean’s sweatshirt over his head. "You watch TV or something, I’ll go see if we have cold medicine.”
After starting a load of laundry and raiding the medicine cabinets in the bathroom and cabinets in the kitchen, he returned to the room to find Cas sitting cross-legged under the covers of the bed, remote in his hands.
“Here, you go,” Dean said, handing over a warm mug. Ancient Aliens played on the TV; one of Cas' favorite pastimes was refuting every crazy claim and theory the show presented with his own recollections of the ancient times. “Sam said this tea will help. He ran out to get some medicine.”
Eagerly, Cas took the mug from him and took a large gulp, then coughed. "Ow. It's hot."
"Drink it slowly, idiot."
Cas took a more hesitant sip, then squinted up at him. "This tea is incredibly flavorless."
Dean snorted. "’Cause your nose’s clogged up. And you probably burned your tongue. Another joy of being human."
Groaning, Cas dropped his head back on the pillows and stared at the ceiling. "Why is being human so difficult?"
Dean inwardly winced at that. Or thought he did so inwardly, but his expression must've revealed something because Cas glanced over at him, then straightened up, nearly spilling his tea. "Dean, I didn't mean anything by that."
Clearing his throat, Dean shrugged and sat down on the other side of the bed. "No, it's fine. You're right, being human sucks."
"And I wouldn't trade it for the world," Cas said.
"Yeah, yeah. I know."
Cas seemed about to say more, but then he sneezed. Into his elbow this time. Progress.
Ancient Aliens finished, and they got halfway through an episode of UFO Hunters before Cas started to nod off. Dean took the mug from him, and his eyes fluttered open, head jerking up. "I'm fine," he said.
"I know you're tired because you missed them saying aliens created the lost city of Atlantis."
Cas sniffled. "That's ridiculous. Everyone knows Atlantis was formed by—" He was interrupted by a yawn, and Dean made a mental note to return to that subject later.
“Come on, take a nap.”
“I am not a small child, Dean,” Cas protested, but he settled down anyway. Dean couldn’t resist adjusting the covers, essentially tucking him in. He wasn’t trying to baby him, but it was second nature seeing how miserable the guy looked. Turning off the lights, he went to the door. "You good? Need anything else?"
"No." Cas squinted one eye open to look at Dean over the blanket pulled up to his shoulders, and, fuck, if he wasn't still the most beautiful man Dean had ever seen, even sick as a dog. "Thank you."
A tiny alarm went off in Dean's brain about germs, but he returned to the bed to kiss Cas on the forehead anyway. True love, and all that. God, he was getting sappy in his old age.
Cas looked marginally better when he woke up from his nap. If marginally better meant pillow hair and pillow lines on his cheek. Well-rested, at least. He swallowed down the cold medicine Sam had brought home, complaining that he could taste enough to know the flavor was not, quote, "similar to anything occurring organically in nature."
"Whaddya wanna eat?" Dean asked him as he drained his glass of water. "And don't say PB and J," he added before Cas could speak.
Cas set his glass down on the nightstand and slid further down under the covers. "Anything that won't make my throat hurt more."
"My, uh, mom used to make me soup when I was sick."
"That sounds wonderful."
"Whatcha making?" Sam asked, coming into the kitchen. He lifted the lid of the pot on the stove and Dean snapped him with the towel.
"That's for Cas, back off."
"Wow," Sam said, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. "Look at you."
"Look at me what?" Setting aside the pot lid, he scraped the celery he'd been dicing from the cutting board into the pot.
Sam shrugged. "Taking care of Cas, making dinner, you're almost domestic."
Dean turned red and scrambled furiously for a comeback. "Yeah, and you're, you're still a little shit." Nailed it.
Sam laughed. "Wasn't an insult. Just meant, I don't know. Different for you, I guess."
Dean eyed him, stirring the soup. "Don't have much of a choice. Poor guy just turned human and he's already going through it."
"I think he's dealt with worse than a cold before."
"Yeah, well, wish he didn't have to deal with any of it." Any of it meant plenty. Between Dean’s own fuckups, world apocalypses, and near-death and actual death experiences, Cas had been through the ringer several times over. And now he was human—which, by all counts, wasn’t the worst thing he’d been through, but it wasn’t ideal. It’d been a rough transition, anyway.
Cas seemed better recently, though, since getting somewhat used to being human. And things were going well between them. Getting sick was just one tiny wrinkle compared to everything they’d been through, right?
He stared at the soup and startled when Sam straightened off the counter with a comment that Jack was out with friends, he was leaving for Eileen’s, have fun giving Cas a sponge bath. Dean flipped him off as he headed out the door.
When the soup was finished, he ladled a bowl full and returned to the bedroom. Cas looked up from his phone when Dean entered with the bowl of steaming soup. “Hear from Claire?” Dean asked, nudging the door shut with his foot.
“She says she and Kaia have almost closed up the case." He set his phone aside. “They’ll be able to visit soon.”
“You tell her you’re sick?”
“She was incredibly non-sympathetic—thank you." Cas took the bowl from him. “She seemed to find it amusing that I once ruled garrisons and now can’t go five minutes without sneezing.”
Dean tensed, hoping Cas wasn’t hurt by the comparison, but Cas didn’t look offended. “Sounds like her.”
"Yes.” He breathed in the steam coming from the bowl. “This smells incredible.”
"Family recipe," Dean joked, sitting down next to him. "Well, someone's family. Straight from some blog online. Think it's pretty close to what my mom would make." He watched Cas pick up his spoon, and added, "Don't tell Sam." He'd never hear the end of it if Sam knew he was reading mommy blogs.
"Your secret is safe with me."
Dean picked up the remote as Cas ate, wondering if he should give Claire a piece of his mind. Sure, Cas was pretty easy-going about the whole giving up his grace thing, but no need to rub it in his face. Becoming human had to feel pretty pitiful after ages of being an angel.
He was trying to make it better where he could, though. “You wanna watch a movie tonight? I'll let you pick because you're bedridden."
"I am not," Cas protested, though he looked more than a little pleased at the idea of getting to choose. Dean braced himself for whatever ridiculous romance or musical Cas insisted on watching now—to date, he'd been subjected to La La Land , the ending of which had reduced Cas to tears for the rest of the night; Pride and Prejudice, okay not too bad, though he'd never admit it; and You’ve Got Mail, dammit not bad enough for him to hate either.
Instead of suggesting a movie, though, Cas said, "You're very caring, Dean."
"Uh." Dean turned from cycling through the movie options on the TV to look at Cas. He felt himself turn red under the look Cas was giving him, head tilted, that fond almost-smile he got. "Yeah, uh. What I do."
"Yes," Cas agreed. "It is what you do. You're very good at taking care of others."
"Oh, God, don't start that." By that, he meant the long compliments Cas so shamelessly gave him now, like he'd been storing them up for a long time and was finally able to hand them out. It was like the dam had broken that night when Billie and the Empty—
But he didn't want to think about that. Not when all the events since that day had led to Cas now sitting in bed blowing his nose, the trashcan by the bed overflowing with tissues. Poor bastard; he'd gone through one whole Kleenex box already.
"I'm only going to stop because talking hurts too much," Cas told him, tossing a tissue at the trashcan and missing sorely. Dean grimaced.
They nearly got through Mama Mia before Cas dozed off, head resting on Dean’s shoulder. It wasn’t the most comfortable position and Dean’s arm was half-asleep, but he refused to move. The mere fact that they were sitting together in bed, pressed against each other, was still enough to send him into shock anytime he thought about it too much. Cas—a literal former angel—had fallen in love with him. It was almost too good to be true.
But Cas was currently slumped against him, drooling on his shoulder, so he guessed it really was true.
As the credits rolled, he turned off the TV and touched Cas’ forehead with the back of his hand. Not as warm as before. At his touch, Cas blinked awake.
“It’s over already?”
“Whaddya mean, already? I just had to sit through two hours of singing and dancing.” It hadn’t been that torturous, but he couldn’t admit that—he had a reputation to uphold. Straightening, Cas rolled his eyes. “Feel any better?"
Cas’ expression turned thoughtful, as if taking stock of every physical sensation in his body, and Dean had to grin at his seriousness. He nodded. "Yes."
"Great.” He glanced at the time on the clock and realized it was later than he’d expected. “You probably wanna get some rest.”
Cas nodded with a yawn. "You don't have to sleep here if you don't want to."
Dean froze in the middle of pulling back the covers, mind immediately spinning out. "What?" They'd only started sharing a room a month ago, oh God, he'd known it was too good to be true, Cas was sick of him—
"I want you to," Cas said quickly, as if sensing Dean's downward spiraling. "I just don't want you to get sick."
Oh. Oh. Feeling a little sheepish for immediately jumping to the worst conclusions—one of his greatest talents, if he did say so himself—he shook his head. "Nah, I have a great immune system."
Cas' expression turned guilty and Dean narrowed his eyes. "What?"
"About that..." Cas started slowly. Dean gave him a look. "Well, uh... Your immune system isn't quite as healthy as you think. I've been giving it a boost for the past several years, every time you started to get sick."
"What?" Looking back, it was pretty remarkable that he'd never gotten even a common cold with all the other shit they dealt with. "Fuck."
"No, don't apologize. I should be thanking you. So, uh. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
Of course Cas had been taking care of him for years, Dean thought, when they settled in bed and he turned off the lights. Cas told him he was caring, but it was Cas who was the caring one. He’d sacrificed his life for him, for Christ’s sake. Then gave up his grace to return to Earth because he wanted to be with Dean and Jack and Sam and everyone. The guy didn’t have a selfish bone in his body.
The thought should’ve been a comforting one, but instead he felt antsy, unable to stay still, shifting under the blankets.
Turning onto his side, he nudged Cas, whose eyes had fallen shut. With a grunt, Cas opened his eyes and looked over at him.
“You alright?” Dean asked, which wasn’t really what he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to say it.
“I was when I was falling asleep,” Cas grumbled. But he shifted to face Dean. In the faint light coming from the bunker hallway, Dean could see the concern in his eyes. It sent a pang through him. Cas had given up so much, and Dean was doing all he could to make sure he never regretted it, and Cas told him all the time that he was content with his choice, but still the worry sat heavy in his stomach.
"Listen,” he started. “I just wanna let you know that being human isn’t all bad. I swear it won’t be miserable forever. I know you've been introduced to the bad shit first, but—"
"That's not true," Cas interrupted, touching Dean’s hand resting between them. Dean raised an eyebrow. "Dean, being human has been the single most rewarding experience in my entire life second only to raising Jack. It started with you rescuing me from the Empty and revealing my feelings weren't unreciprocated like I thought. I would say that's far from miserable.”
"Yeah, but you had to adjust to living without your grace, and eating food, and getting sick..."
"It's been difficult, yes. I won't lie and say I enjoy bodily functions or sneezing or headaches. But I do enjoy being with you and eating chicken soup and watching absurd TV shows. I wouldn't change this for anything. Whatever happened in our lives, it led us here. And I’m happy with where we are.” He studied Dean for a moment before asking, quieter, “Are you happy?”
“Yes, yeah, of course,” Dean hastened to say, because it was true. Fuck, it couldn’t be truer. “Of course. Just feel bad, I guess. That you gave up your grace and all that. Feel like I’ve hardly done anything.”
Castiel’s expression softened. “You’ve given me more than I could’ve ever dreamt of. And anyway, it’s not a competition, Dean. I take care of you, you take care of me. That’s what love is.”
Throwing that word around, love, still made Dean’s heart skip a beat. But it was true. He loved Cas and he’d do anything for him. The same, he knew, was true on Cas’ end.
Cas said it best, so he settled for lifting Cas’ hand and kissing his knuckles.
“I would kiss you," Cas said, smiling, "but I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Screw it," Dean said, and propped himself up on an elbow to kiss him. Then he shifted, turning over and pulling Cas’ arm to wrap around him. Even if the bastard was sick, Dean was making him be the big spoon.
"For the record,” he said, feeling Cas curl around him. “I wouldn't change anything either."
And he meant it. Even when he woke up the next morning with a sore throat and stuffed up nose. Cas—who seemed to have gotten over the worst of his cold—took only one look at him before declaring it was his turn to play doctor, throwing extra blankets at him and demanding the chicken soup recipe in a flurry of activity.
He’d take care of Cas, and Cas would take care of him. It sounded like a good life, Dean thought, settling back against the pillows with a smile. He wouldn't change a thing.
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1kook · 4 years ago
commercial break ; ONE
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a netflix & chill drabble  this follows directly after disney+ and bust !
summary; Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same. warnings; none unless u count yn bullying him as one miscellaneous; yn is regina george thats it word count; 1.3k
notes; u guys may be like “u feed us so well!” wrong i obsessively post bc I'm never satisfied with my work, like in d&b i really disliked the lack of resolution so here i am writing one the day after god bless lmk what u think xxxx
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Because Jungkook is Jungkook and cannot go three minutes without profusely professing his feelings to you, the apology gets old real quick.
“I’m sorry, y’know,” he says in the middle of dinner, idly picking at his plate. It’s Chinese tonight, sprawled across the kitchen counter that overlooks your living room. The Bee Movie is playing on TV, a movie you hadn’t seen in years yet still managed to put a smile on your face. But you know what wasn’t putting a smile on your face? Jungkook ruining this movie experience with his fourth apology of the night.
You nod through a mouthful of rice, eyes zeroed in on the screen. “Uh huh,” you hum, foot idly bumping against the leg of your chair every few seconds. “That’s great, honey.”
He sighs. “I’m being serious,” he stresses. “I think, maybe you should like…” a long pause you use to shovel more food into your mouth while the bees on screen go to human court. It was a wild ride. Were they on crack when they pitched this idea? You would have been. “Punch me in the face or something,” he offers after a moment.
You quirk a brow in his direction, finally abandoning the film on screen in favor of turning to face him. “You want me to use you as a punching bag to help you get over your hurt feelings that you developed from being an asshole to me.” Jungkook nods. You shrug. “Okay.”
“Wait, really?” he says, face paling as you roll your shoulder around. “You’re gonna hit me? Like for real?” You raise your brows, as if that’s obviously what you’re going to do.
“Well, you asked for it,” you respond, giving your wrist one final flick before rearing it back. His eyes flutter shut tightly, pouty lips pursed together in a thin line. Your fist comes barreling, ripping through the air in an insane, Fortune 500-like speed, and then—
“No,” Jungkook groans, touching the spot where you lightly flicked his forehead. His bangs saved him from most of the impact, but even without it, it was barely more than a teasing poke of your finger against his skin. “You need to like, beat me up.”
You snort, turning your attention back to the screen. “You know, you’re beginning to sound a lot like me these days, Jungkookie,” you point out, fork scraping across the plate. Jungkook sighs, dropping his head onto the countertop in defeat. “Very childish.”
He lightly bangs his head across the faux marble, a strained whimper filling the air and ruining The Bee Movie. “Which is why you need to hit me or something, I don’t know. Make me pay for how horrible I was to you the other day.”
“I’m not gonna hit you,” you say, “because that would mean the next time you get mad at me, you’d hit me.”
“I would never!” he exclaims, eyes wide and round. Gone was the perfectly put together Jungkook, in was this sloppy mess of emotions. “Besides,” he says softly, cheeks a warm rosy color as he goes back to picking at his food, “you’d never wrong me like I did you.”
You hum, toying with the fork in your mouth. “Really,” you murmur, dropping the fork back on the table. You place your chin in your palm, lazily watching the movie now that you’ve missed a pivotal scene because Jungkook wanted you to beat him up. “I used your toothbrush the other day,” you mention.
“You what?” he squawks indignantly. You glance at him from your peripherals. There’s an obvious expression of disgust on his features, eyes flickering from side to side as he digests this information. “Babe—that’s, that’s actually really…” He can’t even finish his sentence, mouth opening and closing as he finally seems to process the fact your mouth germs were on his beloved toothbrush.
“Yup,” you add. “Hope you don’t mind,” you babble on, “well, I mean, you really shouldn’t.” You glance at him, the mean streak in you crooning loudly in your ear the more and more uncomfortable he grows. “Considering you’re always spitting in my mouth.”
As wild as you and Jungkook liked to get in bed, what happened in bed mostly stayed in bed. It sounds gross to say it aloud, but he really has just been casually spitting in your mouth for the past few months. He was a dirty boy, and that fact makes him squirm.
“No, that’s different,” he frowns, obviously distraught by the valid point you bring to the table. “My toothbrush is my toothbrush.”
“I know,” you agree, nudging his foot teasingly. “Should I tell you about all the other mean stuff I do to your things that I never say sorry for?” He turns those frantic eyes on you.
“You’re lying,” he says, though there’s a question embedded within. You tilt your head to the side, as if to say, am I?.
When he doesn’t say anything more, you jump into a full novel recapture of every mean thing you’ve done and why. “And one time I was so pissed off that you finished my strawberry shampoo that I went to your house and drained the water from that stupid cactus’s pot. You know, the one Namjoon gave you?” Jungkook’s mouth opens and closes. “Why do you think it died so fast? I killed it.”
Before he can reprimand you for purposefully orchestrating the murder of his favorite senpai’s potted cactus, you’re intercepting him with yet another tale. “And another time, I was so sick of you polishing your awards all day that I went in and sprinkled a layer of adhesive pixie dust on them from the craft store, and I know it still bothers you to this day.”
“Jeez,” he sighs after a good ten parables. “It sounds like I piss you off a lot more than I think I do.”
You pat his shoulder gently, scraping the remnants of his meal into the trash can. “Yeah, but the difference is,” you say, finding your place beside him again. You don’t climb into your chair, just hover beside him until he’s begrudgingly wrapping his arms around your waist. There’s a cute pout on him, face squished against your boobs. “I routinely let out all my raging hatred against you instead of bottling it up.”
“Yeah,” he agrees sadly. “I guess so.”
Before you can let him off believing this much is fine, you intervene once more. “And also I never purposefully pick out everything you’re insecure about.”
“I didn’t know,” he cries, all traces of that suave gentlemen you love so much gone. But it’s okay, because in his place was this vulnerable puppy looking at you with the eyes of every rescue pop in those dramatic commercials on tv. Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same.
“Well, now you do,” you reprimand, giving his nose a playful pinch that almost makes him sneeze. “And I think it’s only fair I get a turn.”
He pushes away from his hiding spot in your boobs with a frown. “So you won’t physically attack me, but you will verbally attack me.”
“Yes,” you respond without missing a beat. “Because you’re easy to bully and it’s probably because of the fact you didn’t have many friends in high school, which essentially made you the class loner, thus an easy target. Explains why Namjoon had to set you up on a date with someone as amazing and outgoing as me, otherwise you would have died forever alone because of your inability to talk to women and the fact you have an awfully picky personality that can be overwhelming at times. So thank me once in a while, yeah?” you smile.
Jungkook blinks. “I think I might cry,” he admits.
You cup his cheeks in your hands, puckering his lips obnoxiously for you to smooch. “Baby, you’re dating a retired Regina George. Y’gotta tighten up a bit,” you tease, relish in the tiny smile he tries to hide after your kisses.
“So is this going to be like a thing now?” he asks as you tug him over to the couch, where The Bee Movie is still playing loud and clear. He plops down and you follow, snuggling into his side. “Because I don’t think I can ever do that again. Hurting your feelings hurts my feelings.”
You snort, taking in his smell and his warmth beside you. Jungkook sinks into the cushions, pulling you close into his chest until the soft beats of his heart echo in your ears. “No— unless you want it to be?”
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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floralseokjin · 4 years ago
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final sleigh drabble #2
❛ it’s Christmas day night...❜
original oneshot here // drabble index here
kim seokjin x reader smut  4,179 words 
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It was Christmas Day night. You’d spent most of yesterday and today at Ana’s parents’ house. It was different to how your own family celebrated the occasion but lovely, nonetheless. Her family always made you feel welcome, no matter the instance, and you were really grateful that they’d let you spend Christmas with them, like you’d already said, because your parents were spending the holiday season abroad. 
Now, just gone eight, you and Ana were getting out of an Uber outside a familiar house. Seokjin and Yoongi’s. You hadn’t seen your co-worker, since the weekend. The weekend of nonstop sex. You’d only parted because he had a train to catch, promising his mom he’d visit for a few of days before Christmas Eve. The sex had been so good it had taken him a while to remember said plans actually, and when he had, he’d unbelievably tried getting out of them just so he could stay and fuck you even more. 
“You want to ditch your mom to continue getting your dick wet?” You asked him with severe judgment, both of you naked in your bed. It was Sunday morning. Yes, that was correct. He’d stayed over practically 48 hours nailing you over and over again. And then some. 
“Don’t say it like that,” he whined, feeling instantly guilty. “I just don’t want to leave you. I’m having too much fun.” 
“We can still have fun when you get back.” You murmured suggestively, running a hand down his chest. You were not ready to give this all up quite yet… 
With a raised eyebrow, he seemed intrigued. “Even more fun than right now?” 
“We can try.” 
You hadn’t known if it was possible, the weekend had been very fun to say the least, but who knew. You’d definitely give it your all... 
You’d spent the last few days messaging each other sporadically, but there hadn’t been too much conversation. You mean, you’d never talked a lot before the sex, so why would you start after it? But seeing his face right now, as he opened the door, you practically beamed. 
“Merry Christmas, ladies,” he grinned, outstretching his arm to gesture you both to step inside. 
Admittedly, you weren’t expecting him to invite you over tonight. He’d been back since Friday but you hadn’t made plans to meet again yet so when he’d text you this afternoon, asking if you and Ana would like to come hang out with Yoongi and him, you’d been surprised. Excited, yet surprised, but obviously you’d played it cool. 
Ana had been a little reluctant. She had slept with Yoongi a couple of weeks ago after all – and hadn’t seen him since. But, obviously Seokjin had run this idea by him? They’d both decided it together, right? So it was fine. Plus, she needed to support her best friend. If she wanted you to get boned again, she needed to come! You couldn’t turn up on your own. Not that she needed much convincing after the initial unwilling... Secretly you thought she was hoping for a round two with Seokjin’s best friend... Who knew, maybe he was too... 
Ana stepped in first and as you followed Seokjin pulled out a small piece of mistletoe from behind his back. He held it up between you both, taking you by surprise. A good surprise though. “Oh,” you uttered, wasting no time in reacquainting your mouths. 
“He’s been planning this all day.” It was Yoongi’s voice, coming from somewhere ahead of you, but you both ignored him, kissing just a little longer. 
Ana scoffed. “Surely no planning was needed. It’s holding up some mistletoe.” 
“Mmm. I missed you,” Seokjin hummed, breaking away to snake an arm around your middle. 
“I missed you too,” you grinned, aware Seokjin was dialling up the amount of yuck to piss your two friends off. 
“Jesus, you guys.” Yoongi sounded like he was about to be sick. “I preferred it when she hated you.” 
Seokjin turned to the other guy, sounding vaguely annoyed. “She never hated me. It was a misunderstanding.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, man,” Yoongi chuckled. “Ana, let’s leave them to it. I’ll get you a drink.” 
You watched as they walked off together, towards the kitchen. Seokjin was the first to turn back to you, an eyebrow raised. “How much do you wanna bet they end up hooking up again?”
You were both on the same wavelength. It was obvious something was going to happen. “She hogged the entire bathroom getting ready.” 
“Have fun, you guys,” Seokjin sang as Yoongi and Ana made a less that inconspicuous exit from the living room. It was three hours later. They’d lasted well, but obviously the need to get in on again had won. 
Seokjin turned to you immediately, sat next to you on the sofa and gave you a wolfish grin. “Finally, we’re alone.” 
You were no sooner in his lap, mouth glued to his. Moving your ass a little as you broke apart for a much needed breath, you felt the familiar impression of his erection. “You’re hard already?” You raised a judgmental eyebrow. 
“Why do you sound so shocked?” He questioned indignantly. “My dick has missed you insanely.” 
“Just your dick?” 
It was a playful remark, you didn’t mean anything by it, but Seokjin lowered his gaze, giving you a small chuckle. Instead of answering he kissed you again, his tongue pushing its way inside your mouth as his hands gripped your ass and rubbed you against his groin. Instant pleasure zapped up your body and it wasn’t long before you were grinding on your own accord, fists clutching his white t-shirt, which you had to admit, outlined his chest perfectly – You’d been trying not to stare all night. 
“Do you want to go upstairs too?” He panted against your neck, teeth nipping the flesh sharply and you bit back a moan. He was already so tuned into what you liked. “I really need to fuck you.” Pulling back to get your answer he saw the look on your face. “What’s that face for?” 
“It’s turning into a sex party,” you moaned. You couldn’t all be having sex upstairs, it seemed... You couldn’t think of the word. 
“An orgy?” Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Behave.” You needed more people to turn it into an orgy.
Seokjin’s mouth was back on your neck, kissing down your throat, to your collarbones and he sunk his teeth into the thin skin gently, causing your breath to hitch. “Well, do you wanna fuck down here?” 
His dick was so hard underneath you, you rubbed against it some more, despite your objections. “No! What if one of them catches us?” 
“Don’t be stupid. Yoongi is definitely balls deep by now.” 
You whacked his back and he yelped in surprise. “That’s my best friend you’re talking about.” 
“I didn’t say who or what he was balls deep in.”  His reply didn’t impress you and so he grumbled. “I wish I was balls deep in you right now... Don’t give me that look, it turns me on when you’re pissy.”
Unable to stop your grin, you leaned in. “You must be constantly turned on at work then.” Pressing your lips into his, you bit down on his bottom lip. His hiss soon turned into a moan – and then a whine. 
“Let’s take this upstairs. There’s a bathroom between our bedrooms. It won’t be like our headboards are hitting the wall in rhythm.” 
“Fine.” You couldn’t hold out much longer anyway, and you both made your way upstairs, yelping loudly when Seokjin slapped your ass. You glare didn’t do much to discourage him, laughing loudly as he wrapped his arms around your middle and directed you to the door to his bedroom. 
“At least they’re being considerate and playing music,” he said, the music loud enough to block any other noise going on inside Yoongi’s bedroom... Thank God. 
“I feel like I’m back at college,” you whined as you stepped inside Seokjin’s room. 
“Huh? Did you and Ana make a habit of hooking up at the same time? Hot.” 
You pushed his arm. “No.” Chuckling, he made his way to the bed, sitting on the end, but you were too preoccupied with checking out his room. It was a lot larger than you imagined, walls cream, some covered in artwork. His computer was the main attraction, multiple screens, an unnecessarily large gaming chair and some other things you weren’t familiar with, mainly character figurines. His bed cover was a grey check pattern, a throw draped over the end with a couple of cushions against the headboard. Very clean. 
“Your room’s cute,” you commented. 
“Yeah.” Turning to look at him you smiled playfully. “So, I guess this is where you jerk your dick to fantasies of me.” 
He scoffed. “I don’t need to fantasise anymore. I have memories stored away in the wank bank.” Tapping his temple with his index finger he looked more than impressed with himself. 
“Gross!” You cried. 
“Come here,” he groaned, fed up with stalling, and he leaned over and grabbed you, causing you to squeal. “Or are you just planning on being a cocktease the whole night?” The sound wasn’t like you – but Seokjin had become good at making you act in ways you weren’t used to so far... 
Which is why you found yourself on your knees for him, sucking his dick, his jeans and underwear around his ankles. “Your mouth is fucking magic,” he grunted, head falling back, his perfect, thick neck on show as you glanced up. You felt the urge to take him deeper, pushing him closer and closer to the back of your throat, ignoring any noises of reluctance it made. 
“Fuck.” Seokjin choked, his fingers running through your hair to collect it in his fists. “That’s it. Take it all.” He pushed his hips up, stuffing your mouth for a few gloriously unbearable seconds before easing up. You lifted off, half of his dick still in your mouth as you caught your breath. He looked down at you with half-lidded eyes that seemed to eat you up. “Do you like choking on my cock?” 
Nope. He was not doing this. It was infuriating what his words did to you, and you immediately swallowed him again, ignoring the way your underwear stuck to your damp skin. He was going to have a field day when he felt you... 
Gasping for air not soon after, you had no choice but to pull off him entirely, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You were drenched in spit, so was his cock. You watched him kick off his clothing, naked from the waist down and you made moves to follow, reaching for your shirt and pulling it over your head. 
“Let me see those tits. I’ve missed them.” He murmured, and you complied, unhooking your bra to reveal yourself to him. His eyes instantly glazed over.  Confidently, you cupped the soft flesh in your palms, massaging yourself, putting on a show, and as your thumbs brushed the hardened peaks that were your nipples he practically growled. “Oh, fuck. You want to end me.” 
Laughing, you stood up, pushing your skirt off your hips, leaving you in just your tights and panties. He followed with his t-shirt, now fully naked. You’d never get enough of his body. “Come up here,” he whined. “Let me taste them.” 
Sat in his lap, you let him grope you, his mouth making out with your chest like it could kiss back. The sensation was so intense you quickly became weak at the knees and you clung to his neck, grinding against his thighs like nobody’s business. Unable to take it any longer, his hands slipped behind you, into your underwear, and he felt the silky fabric with a groan. Soon enough he was wrestling with your pantyhose again. 
“These fucking things. What the fuck. You’re doing it on purpose now.” 
“Am not,” you insisted. (Maybe you were). “I need to keep my legs warm.” With a furious tug you heard a rip and looking down you saw his damage. “Seokjin! You laddered them!” 
“Ugh. Just get them fucking off already, I need to feel you.” 
Asshole, but wet and desperate you quickly pulled then off, giving Seokjin a great view of your ass in the process. The underwear you had on had a cut-out at the top of your ass, revealing a “cleavage” of sorts. He seemed to appreciate the sight very much, giving you a playful smack and now you were very confused. Was he an ass man like you’d originally thought, or a tits guy? He was probably both. Greedy. 
You slipped the panties off too, settling back down in Seokjin’s lap, who instantly started running his fingers over your heat. You pulsed against him, desperate for some stimulation. 
“I swear to God you get wet so easily.” 
Says the guy who’d grown hard from a kiss? Okay... “Are you complaining?”
He shook his head. “Not at all. It’s stroking my ego.” 
“Your massive ego.” 
“Behave, or I won’t fuck you with my massive dick.” Okay, now he was just bragging. His smirk was annoying you. He looked way too sexy. 
You were expecting him to finger you for a bit, make sure you were stretched out enough for him, but all he did was dip his fingertips into your entrance, content with what he’d felt and then he was shuffling out from under your body to grab a condom from his bedside drawer. 
“God. I want to fuck you so much,” he muttered a few moments later, sliding the latex over his length as you securely sat on top of him again. You kissed him sloppily, letting him angle the head of his cock against your entrance. Impatiently, you pushed down, surprising yourself – and him – when you took him whole. 
You sat there, both breathing heavily as you started to adjust to him, walls clamping down like no tomorrow, which must have been torture for Seokjin, if his expression was anything to go by. 
“Shit. You got tighter,” he panted, reaching for your mouth again, trying to calm himself with kisses. You attempted to do the same, beginning to slowly grind back and forth, getting used to the full feeling. It wasn’t painful, just a little uncomfortable, but you were no longer scared of his monster cock. You’d had a fair few goes last weekend and you were now a near enough pro, so without further ado, you started moving for real. Up, until he was almost out of you and then down, slamming into him. You just about knocked the air out of Seokjin’s lungs, but he soon steeled himself, grabbing the tops of your thighs to keep you safe as you started bouncing up and down, riding his dick like it was the easiest thing in the world. In this moment, it was. 
Seokjin started groaning pretty quickly, his jaw clenched as he watched your every movement, his chest and neck patched with red. You clung to his shoulders, anchoring yourself to him as you flung yourself back. 
“Shit. Y/N!” He panicked, hands coming out to hold your lower back, afraid you were going to fall backwards off the bed. You were still sat on the edge after all, but of course he was strong enough to hold you tight, letting you lean back as far as possible to fuck yourself along his cock, the squelchy, sticky noise music to his ears. 
“Mmm. I missed this cunt so much,” he moaned. 
You wanted to tell him he was being a big baby, it had only been a few days but his vulgar words were having the desired effect on you yet again. You were like putty in his hands, especially when he started thrusting into you, meeting your movements with a thud. “I want you to cum on my dick.” 
Fuck. You were so close, his words only helping, but by now you were getting tired; out of breath and sweaty. “Seokjin—!” You moaned, voice breaking at the second syllable, and you leaned forward, collapsing into his chest. 
“Take it easy,” he murmured, hands dragging up your sweaty back. “Want me to take over?”
You grinned drunkenly. “No way, I’m enjoying myself too much.” 
Seokjin chuckled, pressing his mouth into yours. “Make yourself cum.” He whispered against you, thrusting into you still as he grabbed your ass, digging his fingers into the flesh. “You can do it, Y/N. Grind on me like you mean it. Grind all over me.” 
You listened, rutting into each one of his thrusts, holding on for dear life as your sensitive clit rubbed against his groin. You were both so sweaty and hot, your fingers sliding down his back, unable to grip on until you dug your nails into the skin. He hissed, thrusting into you harder. It seemed like Seokjin liked a little pain, too... 
“Baby, go a little faster,” he panted, kissing your neck, and you sped up, grinding into him messily, chasing your high like something possessed. You were so turned on, so sensitive, it only took a couple more minutes, a strangled cry leaving you as you tensed in his arms, your orgasm rocketing up your body.  “Ngh, fuck. Fuck.” 
Seokjin stopped his thrusts, letting you gradually come down, and soon enough your body relaxed, almost turning into goo as the pleasure warmed its way all throughout you. You lifted your head up, staring Seokjin straight in the eyes, both of you panting like crazy, and without a word he lifted you, flipping you over, your back to his mattress before he crawled over you. He wasn’t done yet – and neither were you. 
As he pushed inside you again, his hand found its way around your throat and he looked down at you carefully. “Is this okay?” 
You nodded, voice hoarse as you replied. “Yeah.” 
It wasn’t the first time he’d asked or done this – last weekend had been a lot, you still weren’t over it, and right now you were still so horny and desperate for him. You also really liked the feeling of his grip around your neck as he fucked you. 
“Fuck,” you breathed, feeling him start to thrust harder, faster, his palm tightening around your neck a little. You folded your legs at the knees and widened them, wanting him as deep as possible. 
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” he grunted, kissing your mouth in a frenzy, all tongue and teeth. His whole body was pressed into yours, pushing you into the mattress, his pelvis beginning to rub against your mound. You were still a little sensitive from your first orgasm, but you could already feel yourself a little needy for another. If he kept this up he’d have you coming again, and he knew by the way you started to meet each one of his thrusts, moans starting to slip from your throat – louder and louder. You hoped Yoongi still had his music on... 
“S-seokjin,” you stammered, hands sprawled across his back as you felt that familiar sensation again. “I’m going to–ngh–”
He moaned in reply, pushing into your harder, using his pelvis to get you off, and you held your breath, willing your orgasm to come. Your walls clenched around him, making it harder and harder for him to drag his cock inside of you, but he fought it, continuing with gritted teeth until he heard you cry out, your body stiffening under his. 
It wasn’t as strong as your last orgasm, but seemed to knock you for six, heady dizzy as you felt Seokjin kiss down your chest, slipping out of you carefully. His tongue circled one of your nipples, his hand cupping the other breast as he groaned softly. His erection bobbed against your inner thigh. 
“Coming on my cock twice. You’re amazing.” He awed, lifting his head up to smile at you. He sounded drunk. You felt drunk. 
“Well, I do try.” You joked, voice soft. 
He chuckled, and then his voice grew serious, eyes large and black, still very much turned on. “Tell me what you want, Y/N.” 
It was pretty obvious, his dick burning a hole against your leg. “Your cum.” 
His eyes widened, obviously not expecting you to be so upfront, and you took great pleasure in that. 
“Where?” He whispered. He didn’t bother to wait for your reply. “Mouth? Can I come in your mouth,” he asked. 
Your stomach dipped with urgent need, and you nodded your head rapidly. “Yeah.” 
He sat up instantly, moving to kneel over your face. He tugged the condom off, jerking himself off a couple of times before his eyes met yours. “Tongue out.” You obeyed, keeping your eyes open as the weight of his cock pressed against your tongue. “Good girl.” 
Okay, that was new. He hadn’t called you that last week, and instantly you felt your gut squeeze. You sucked the tip of his cock, eager now for him to cum in your mouth. As you did so, he started jerking himself off, eyes fluttering closed as his head lolled back, Adam’s apple bobbing slowly. His movements grew quicker, matching his breathing and then he hissed, body tensing up. 
“Fuckkk.” A couple of drops of cum landed against your tongue and you swallowed them, ready for more. You sucked him for all he was worth, your gaze never leaving his face, and even once he was done, you kept on lapping him with your tongue, digging the tip across the slit. 
He shuddered, making a strained noise and he pulled back, his cock falling out of your mouth. “Shit. I’m sensitive,” he laughed, collapsing next to you. You were both out of breath and sweaty, but wholeheartedly satisfied. 
“That’s gotta be the best yet?” You asked, grinning from ear to ear. 
“I think you may be right.” He agreed, pushing his hair out of his eyes, exposing his forehead. You wanted to reach over and kiss him, but you stopped yourself. “You were riding dick like a pornstar.” 
“Shut up,” you whined, pushing his shoulder. How embarrassing. 
Laughing at your reaction, he sat up, propping himself up with his elbow. “If you want the bathroom I have one over there.” 
You followed his thumb to a door on the right of his room. “An en suite? Very fancy.” 
Seokjin shrugged. “Yoongi has the main bathroom, so.” You didn’t move, tired more than anything, peeing could probably wait. Seokjin’s brows furrowed together. “Are you okay though?” 
“Of course,” you laughed. “I feel fricking amazing. I’ll be sad once this ends.” 
As soon as you said the words you felt funny. Seokjin looked surprised, voice low with... what was it, concern? “Who says it has to end? Do you want it to?” 
“...No,” you answered after a pause. 
Truthfully you didn’t want it to end just yet, you were enjoying yourself, you were just unsure of what was happening between the two of you... You’d  both confessed something back at the office last week but you were still uncertain what exactly it was. What had you been expecting? To fuck once and then that would be it? You liked having sex with Seokjin, it was fun, and you liked his company (most of the time). You liked him. He liked you. Maybe you didn’t need to put an expiry date on this thing. It was fine to see where it went. You didn’t need to turn it into a big deal. You didn’t need an outright answer for everything. It was fine to just live in the moment. 
“I don’t either,” Seokjin smiled, looking mildly relieved by your answer. 
“I just... when work starts back we won’t have much time to meet up like this.” 
“I’ll make time, trust me.” He kissed you then, hovering over you, lips warm and soft, a far cry from earlier, and the thought made you giggle. 
“What?” He asked bemused. 
“You know, you turn pretty demanding when you get horny.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
“Like, bossy and all, I don’t know, domineering.” You shrugged, feeling a little awkward. “It’s hot.” 
He smiled, chuckling softly as he kissed you again, a hand cupping your face. “It’s not too much?” He murmured. 
He didn’t sound surprised by your revelation so something told you he was aware of how he acted. Which made it even hotter, to be honest. 
“I like it.” You told him, biting down on your bottom lip. 
Eyes darkening, he hummed, his gaze running down your body. “So how about I tell you to spread those gorgeous legs so I can eat dessert?” 
You repressed the urge to laugh out loud. Dessert?! He was such an idiot. “Right now?”
“Yes. Right now.” Then he paused, rubbing his nose against yours, his tone softening. “Yeah?”
With a massive grin, you spread your legs. “Be my guest.” 
A third orgasm? You weren’t going to turn that down. 
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 Written 2020 - 2021.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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