#why is it freezing while downloading?
redrosecut · 9 months
I hate Windows 10 updates. They take forever and meanwhile my laptop is an expensive paper weight.
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aenreth · 1 year
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O R B I T C U L T U R E - From The Inside
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dooxliss · 8 months
hi. i would like to learn more about your ocs :-)
omg hi silas :^)
taking the opportunity to talk about my jjk oc that i haven’t drawn in forever (that i’ll hopefully draw for funguary), kei takeuchi
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kei is a grade 2 sorcerer, goes to the kyoto school, and is in their fourth year, so did not participate in the goodwill event.
they did go, though, bc they had heard about yuuji and wanted to meet this statistical miracle (since what are the chances that the person that eats one of sukuna’s fingers has the capacity to be his vessel 💀)
they did hear that yuuji died so did not bring any talismans (but came for the chance to go into inner city tokyo) so when yuuji turned out to be alive they didn’t have anything to give 🫠 yuuji later received a ‘mysterious’ gift in the mail from them
kei’s cursed technique is called inky cap! they have alcoholic blood, which is the fuel for the mushrooms they conjure. they work similarly to real life inky cap mushrooms/tippler’s bane, but can be more potent, especially if they drink alcohol. overuse of the technique causes an inky like substance to ooze out of the eyes, and contributes to the stress indicated in their hair. in the takeuchi family, the color of the hair is an indicator of their health. lighter is better, and fully dark hair is an omen for incoming death. kei’s technique advances the dark color of their hair upwards, as does any excessive straining or traumatic event. as a result, they don’t know if they could develop a domain expansion and don’t want to try (if they did have one tho it would be called extant form of life /ref)
in contrast, their older sister nao was born sickly with dark hair, but her hair has gotten lighter and she has gotten stronger as she got older, especially once her cursed technique manifested. kei believes that nao is the favorite (not wrong)
because of everything related to kei’s technique and likely early death (as a sorcerer as well), they are extremely superstitious person, keeping as many auspicious items as possible, keeping a compass so they never sleep facing north, avoiding the numbers 4 and 9, and religiously keeping track of new years dreams.
while mechamaru did not want anyone from kyoto to come to shibuya aside from todo, kei and nao were already there for a halloween party, so they both responded to the same call and jumped in to help, separating somewhat early on. nao was unfortunately in the direction of sukuna’s cleave and kei pushed themselves so post shibuya, kei uses a cane and nao is missing. (they find each other in time for the killing game :^) )
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hiiiii mei, how are you??
do you remember that trend on tik tok, where you dont let your partner kiss you/wipe away their kiss?? what about something like that with aaron??
love you and alllllll your writings!!<33
thank you! this ask got me so giddy to write that i got out of bed <3
For a profiler, Aaron isn't very observant. Or maybe he just lets his guard down while you're at home, which is why he doesn't notice your phone half-hidden and recording on top of the fridge.
"-and Penelope wants us using some new app," Aaron rambles, knife slicing through the top of a strawberry and butting up to the pad of his thumb, "BeReal? It sounds like an invasion of privacy."
He hands over the sliced strawberry to you where you're perched on the kitchen counter, and you take it eagerly from his hands. He's making a fruit salad, but you're eating your fair share in pieces that don't quite make it to the bowl.
You can tell he's leaning in for a kiss before he begins slicing up a watermelon, so you turn before he can get too close, grabbing his phone that's on the counter beside you and pretending to search for the app.
"It's not that bad," You shrug, "I've heard of it."
He hums in acknowledgement, waiting until your attention is back on him. It's obvious that he's not starting the watermelon until he gets a kiss, and you'd look suspicious if you didn't glance up at him.
"You want me to download it?" You ask, keeping your head down but your eyes on him. He shrugs, plucking a sliced grape out of the mixing bowl, "Sure."
He leans in, keeping the grape between his fingers as you get busy downloading the app. While your eyes are still downturned, he leans forwards to kiss your forehead, and only when that's done does he move the grape to his mouth.
You reach up before he can eat it, though, and wipe the back of your hand over his kiss mark, eyes still glued to his phone screen.
He freezes, grape in hand, mouth half open in anticipation of the snack. Then he slowly lowers his hand, dropping the grape to the counter with no regard for the sticky stain that it'll leave on the granite.
"I'm sorry," He plants his hands on either side of your hips, leaning in until his nose is brushing against yours and you're forced to look up from his phone. You raise your head, brows lifting with it as you stare curiously at him.
"Did I do something?" He asks, leaning into your space so far that it takes all of your willpower not to close the gap and kiss him.
"No," You shake your head simply, leaning back to get a better view of his phone screen, "It's almost downloaded. Then you can-"
"Hey, give me that," He commands, voice low and gentle. He takes his phone, locking it haphazardly and stuffing it in his back pocket. Then he replaces his hand, brown eyes staring imploringly into yours.
"What did I do?" He hums, somewhere between concern and amusement; unsure if he should frown at your actions or smile at your slight pout.
"Nothing!" You insist, pointedly not giving into the urge to kiss him, "What's wrong with you?"
That cements concern into his face. His brows pull down, and his lips settle in that familiar frown as he studies your face, barely an inch away.
"I was talking too much about my day," He guesses, "I should have asked about yours, too."
"No," You feign indifference, shaking your head, "Nothing's wrong, Aaron."
It's very hard to keep your composure like this. He's leaning into your space, you can feel him, you can see him, you can smell him, and you want to taste him. But you stay strong, if only for the video.
"Then let me kiss you." He murmurs, eyes carefully monitoring your reaction. You don't show your usual enthusiasm, only a casual, 'okay'.
His eyes narrow infinitesimally, "No. You kiss me."
"Kiss me," He repeats, "I want a kiss."
"Why can't you just kiss me?" You furrow your brows, trying to ridicule him, "Aaron, are you feeling okay?"
He almost looks offended now, a vein in his neck shifting, "Why won't you kiss me?"
"I never said I wouldn't kiss you!" You huff, "But you said you were gonna kiss me, and then all of a sudden you backed off and insisted that I do it, and you got all up in my business while I was trying to do something! What is your problem?"
"You wiped away my kiss." He finally gives in, and at this point you're having trouble staying upright with how far you have to lean away from him, "I kissed your forehead, and you wiped it away. Am I crazy for thinking that probably means there's something wrong?"
"I didn't wipe away your kiss," You scramble for an excuse, but your facade is slipping, and he sees the faintest hint of a repressed smile on your face. You're glad when he lightens up himself, not wanting him to really get worked up over a joke.
"Yes you did," He laughs incredulously, now more confused than concerned, "You little liar! Alright, spill," He pinches at your hip, shoulders squared as he continues leaning into your personal space, "What's the deal?"
"It's-" You stammer, brain working on overdrive to pump out an excuse you know Aaron will see right through anyways, "It's for a video, Aaron."
He pauses; clearly it wasn't the answer he was expecting.
Your eyes flash to the camera on the fridge and he follows your gaze, then disapprovingly glares back at you. The expression is stern, but there's always a layer of fondness over his features when it comes to you and now is no different.
"I'm sorry," You grin placatingly, kissing his tight frown. Now it's he who ignores you, and you dot kisses around each feature of his face in an attempt to make up for lost time.
"It's a big trend right now," You explain, lips pressing to the bridge of his nose as his eyes almost go crossed trying to keep his glare on you, "I just wanted to try it for fun!"
"That was not fun." He's using his unit chief voice, the one that straightens Morgan's spine and sets Garcia's nerves on edge. But it still has that sweet Aaron lilt, that you wish you could steal like a sea witch to keep it forever.
"It was fun for me," You hum, pecking once more at his frown, "I got a strawberry and you got, like, really really close to me."
"You're lucky I love you too much to make you believe in karma," He grumbles, finally giving in and kissing you back, "Or the first BeReal I posted would be you crying because I wouldn't kiss you all night."
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Thinkin of @radiance1's Prompt & the Threads that @hdgnj joined in on. And got inspired by them alongside *insert a drumroll please*
It is Mermay after all lol. But anyway!
Danny? Can't remember why he reincarnated, or quite how old he was when he died a second... third... fourth... however many times. He thinks he was an adult- or adult adjacent? But now he's not.
In fact? He's tiny, with pudgy little hands that press against glass and it's weird how he's somehow breathing in the liquid which is freezing. Which is what honestly drives him to hit it- and it shatters.
Which brings him to realize? He has no legs. None. Nadda. He's like, like some sort of seal-person, if they had stripes and spines and a too-long tail. And some medical equipment still attached that he practically rips away with a jolt of terror, even if he isn't sure why.
He's in a hall or room, with lots of other tubes, some empty but most... not. Most have things in them, things that look sort of like him but also not... He tears his gaze away from them, already knowing they're dead even before reading the terminated in front of them.
Oh. He has... information? Information in his head, downloaded into it almost like burning a CD. He's a clone. No, not a clone, it's something more like... a test tube baby? Three donors, though he isn't aware of what their names mean.
If it is names and not like, codenames or code words.
His movement is so very slow, it's obvious that while he's able to go on land he's very much not designed to do so. But eventually he makes it somewhere, not an exit but something he's so very happy to have not missed.
There's another alive person, labeled 1 instead of 9 and bigger than him but missing the spines he has. A sibling. A brother. And he's going to get the both of them out of here- there's water tunnels, he knows that, it's part of the information in his head.
.... Okay it's not fair that he has a scruff he can be grabbed by. Like that's so not fair. Look, they have to go that way if you want out, c'mon.
Extra Info? -Technically the merfolk of the world are more akin to selkies, able to take on a human form via shedding their skin -Danny & Match aren't aware of this, hence why they don't just start walking -Around 2/3 of the entire world is merpeople or other similar fantasy creatures -Yes, this is after the not-sidekicks break Superboy (#13) out & before the episode where he learns about Match
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ssentimentals · 11 months
a pleasant surprise {lee chan}
pairing: dino x fem!reader
prompt: 'is that my shirt?' + 'i love it when you moan my name' (this work is part of my 1k event, go check out other works of mine here)
warnings: nsfw (minors, this work is a no-no for you), blowjob, whipped channie, unprotected sex (which is also a no-no but this time for everyone), a tiiiiny bit of dirty talking
chan doesn't find stereotypical 'sexy' things enticing at all. low cleveage, clothes that hug one's body like a second skin, high heels, red lips - all those attributes don't provoke anything in him; he doesn't have anything against them, they just don't affect him in any way. there are other things that excite him and have blood rushing south - you and anything about you, for example. he used to have some views on what is pretty and sexy before but after your appereance in his life, all those criterias changed drasticallly and took a shape of you in a way that is a bit embarrassing to admit. hair color that he finds pretty? exactly like yours. style he prefers on girls? the way you dress. what he looks for in a girl? everything that you have and nothing else. 'don't wait up for me, i'll stay the night,' he says loudly to his roommate.
jeonghan snorts unattractively. 'when you haven't? stop pushing your lovey-dovey relationship right into my face and get out of here.'
chan grins. he knows there's no bite in those words and turns around, sending his roommate a wink. 'don't choke on your jealousy while i'm gone.'
'brat!' jeonghan throws a pillow at him and dino easily ducks, making hannie smile. he may tease him a lot, but in reality he's very happy for his friend. 'get your stupid face out of here!'
'already gone!'
chan never understood this game some people play of acting cold. holding yourself back, not replying as soon as you saw the message, getting late to the dates... all of it doesn't make sense to him. chan's enthusiasm towards you is not subtle at all and he never tried to hold himself back. why would he? he's always happy to see you, always rushes to see you, always eager to reply and meet up. that's why he's practically running to your place, breath coming in short puffs as he speeds up at his maximum. casual and chill nights with you are his favorite and memory of your warm body plastered to his makes him smile widely. he sprints to your room and bangs loudly, taking few seconds to catch his breath.
'coming!' you open up, staring at him with a wide grin. 'that was fast, did you run here?'
'i'm always running to you,' he replies cheekily, loving how even after so many months his words still bring blush on your cheeks. 'and-'
chan freezes. he didn't notice at first, but now when you step back and walk towards your bed, he can see very well what you're wearing and his brain shuts off for a second. yes, chan doesn't find a lot of stereotypically sexy things enticing at all, but this? you wearing this? that's the top on his sexy things list. he closes the door automatically and doesn't move away from his place, following your moving figure with his eyes hungrily.
'i think we can continue watching that anime or if not, i downloaded several movies-' you turn, frowning at his unmoved state. 'channie? why are you still standing there?'
'is that my shirt?' he rasps out, suddenly having trouble swallowing.
you quickly look yourself up and down, shrugging. 'oh yeah, i found it in the closet. it's a bit big on me, but that's fine.'
in chan's humble opinion simple 'that's fine' doesn't cover it. his t-shirt which is voersied even on him reaches right up to the middle of your thighs and it does things to him that he's ashamed to admit. familiar heat coils in the pit of his stomach and he swallows dryly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dropping it on the table nearby. you wearing his clothes is a plesant surprise, the one that makes his heart beat a little bit faster and his hands itch with desire to touch.
'channie?' you call, confused. 'is everything-'
'please tell me you're not wearing anything underneath,' he interrupts. 'please.'
'i-' you gasp when he suddenly crosses the distance between you two in a blink of an eye. 'um, there is-'
he doesn't let you finish. chan is not known for being a patient person in general and how can he stay patient right now, when you're looking the way you do right in front of him? his hands are on you in instant, reverently feeling up your legs, groaning like he's in pain when he realizes that you're not wearing any shorts. your silky skin makes him salivate in a really unattractive and maybe even concerning way and he licks his lips, staring down at you with lust blown eyes. 'this is such a nice surprise,' he mutters, pushing you towards the bed. 'the best outfit. you should always greet me looking like that.'
you laugh at this and he softens instantly, looking up at you. your laugh is one of his favorite sounds, it makes his heart skip a beat every single time when he hears. that probably isn't very healthy, but chan doesn't care when it comes to you; you make his heart perform acrobatics in his chest and he doesn't even blink, will gladly rip it open for you to see so you'd know what you do to him.
'what's gotten into you, my god,' you laugh as he throws you onto the bed. 'chan!'
he grins when at your loud squeak as he pounces on you, settling his body on top of yours. you struggle, obviously finding it hard to breathe, but chan just lays motionless, grinning at your futile attempts of escaping. 'you've gotten into me,' he replies hotly, finding your mouth with his. 'all's your fault.'
kissing you is like coming up for air when you've been underwater for way too long. it feels like taking that very first breath of air, filling your lungs with it and realizing that you're saved. chan kisses you with all he has every time, never holds back, fueled by idea that if this might be the last kiss then you'll know how much he loved you. he gives it all for you, to you and you respond to it in such a majestic way that it knocks all the breath out of him. your body is his favorite instrument and he knows what to touch and how to do it to make your head cloud with pleasure. he uses it to his advantage, loves watching you turn into a writhing mess under him.
'feels good,' you breathe out when he finally tugs away his t-shirt from you, grasping your breasts.
'yeah?' chan grins, leaning in to lick a fat stripe on your collarbones. 'wanna make you feel even better.'
chan is a pleaser. he likes making you feel good, better than good. he likes hearing your moans, likes knowing that he's the reason of them. likes playing with your breasts and biting lightly on your nipples to make you groan loudly. likes when you first your hands into his hair and tug, when he gets a bit too harsh with his bite marks. likes when you pointedly try to push his head downwards, always shy to speak up and tell exactly what you want. when your chest is covered in tiny marks almost everywhere, only then chan relents, leaning back to admire his work. exquisite. he is so, so in love.
'channie,' you whine, pushing your legs together in a subtle way of asking for attention there.
'hm? you want something?' he asks, fully leaning back and taking a hold of your knees. 'something in particular?' he pushes your knees to the sides, easily fitting himself between your legs. 'what is it?'
you huff in annoyance and try to glare at him, but your hair is a mess and your lips are shiny and swollen from kisses and you look fucked out so your glare is very ineffective in that state. chan chuckles and gets out of the bed to stand right next to it and pointedly reaches for his belt, quickly opening it. 'i think it's your time to work a little, baby.'
chan is a pleaser but he's not selfless. he will die a happy man if he dies with your lips wrapped around his cock. still glaring at him, you quickly switch positions, crawling on bed till you get on the edge, your face right next to the place he wants to have it the most. 'don't glare, baby,' chan admonishes gently, pushing zipper of his jeans down. 'i know you want it. don't you want it?'
your butt cutely wriggles and you lick your lips, making him chuckle. he is so, so weak for you. but good thing is that you are so, so weak for him too. 'say that you want it,' chan mutters, stepping closer and getting rid of his jeans. 'cmon baby, don't lie to yourself.'
your hands push his underwear down and chan hisses when you immediately wrap your hand around his shaft. 'i want it,' you breathe out, looking up at him in a way that makes his dick even harder.
'go ahead then.'
it's a really hard mission not to come from the first three strokes. just like he knows what you like, you also know how to make him buckle his hips helplessly. your nails digging into his skin, your hot mouth wrapped around him - chan grunts with an effort of not fucking up into your mouth. you look sinful like this, so sexy that it makes his head spin; he grabs your hair in order to stay focused. your head bobs enthusiastically, you create your own rhythm and chan groans, knowing how you like when he's vocal about his pleasure. 'just like that,' his fingers automatically pull your hair into a ponytail, tugging. 'doing so good, i'll fuck you so good afterwards, baby.'
your answering moans revebrates around your throat and he shivers from additional stimilus, bucking his hips. this action makes you choke and you pull back, his hands immediately on your face, caressig your cheeks in apologizing manner. 'sorry, sorry,' chan says, quickly checking if you're okay. 'all good?'
you nod, wiping away spit from your chin. your hand reaches out to stroke him and chan groans, when you look up and lick your lips. 'all good,' you say, smirking. 'if i knew wearing your clothes would get you like this, i-'
'you'd be the death of me,' chan finishes and tugs your hair harshly. 'lay back on the bed.'
chan is a weak man. if he were stronger then at the sight of you naked he would have taken his time to worship your body, but... chan is a weak man and he has no patience. his fingers find your heat in seconds and he tries to slow down, he really does, but one finger becomes two way too quickly even if you're not complaining.
'chan, oh my god,' your back arches as he thrusts up two fingers in a pace that is too quick.
'i love it when you moan my name,' chan whispers into your skin, lavishing your breasts with his attention. 'can you take more?'
chan prays you agree because he feels like he might burst any second now; when you nod, his sigh of relief is almost palpable as he adds third finger, reveling in your wetness and your loud whimpers. he likes how vocal you are, how you don't shy away from pleasure, how you seek for it in the most erotic ways when your head is on the cloud nine. your body moves along with his fingers, wants them deeper and he curses at the lewd image it makes, moving a little downwards.
'i'll fuck you so good,' he promises - babbles, really. 'you've been so good to me, i-'
his words die out as he bottoms out, flesh to flesh. it's always heaven to be locked with you in this way, to feel your warmth all around him. he always has to take few seconds to calm down, to find his footing, to relish in this feeling before he moves. your hips start moving, calling out for him and he is not that strong to resist your call. sometimes chan is in the mood to draw it out, to be slow and tease you until you're crying, but today is not that day. his patience snapped long time ago and he instantly sets a punishing pace that makes you choke on your moans. grabbing at the pillow desperately, it takes you few moments to start moving along with him, bringing you both to pleasure much faster. his grip on your hips is bruising and when chan moves his fingers to grab the back of your thighs and change the angle, you squeak, almost biting your tongue in the process.
'good?' chan asks, concentrating all his strength in holding your legs up higher. 'like this is good?'
'yes, yes, so good, chan,' you drool a little, succumbing to the pleasure fully. 'so fucking good.'
chan only groans at that, snapping his hips harder. he can hold off for you, but it's hard when you're so wet and warm, when your body is so honest in letting him know how exactly he makes you feel. chan prides himself in this, how he can make you crazy with it, how he gets to be the one who sees you like this. it's a privelege more than anything and he will never take it for granted.
'close,' you manage to croak out, gasping for breath.
chan nods in acknowledgement and doubles his effort, losing his rhythm in favor of bringing you to the peak closer. sweat runs down his face and he huffs, falling on his hands. your legs wrap tight aroudn him instantly as his mouth latches on yours, swallowing all your sounds eagerly. 'so pretty for me,' chan whispers into your mouth, looking at you with hearts in his eyes. 'always so good, cmon, you can come baby, i know you want to, don't hold it.'
there's something about his whispers that makes you cry, shaking with pleasure. he sucks hickeys on your neck while you get off from your high. little shocks run through your body and you turn your head, bumping noses with him. 'channie,' you call, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
you sound so satisfied that chan grins. 'can i?' he asks and at your nod, he uses your body to chase his own high. it doesn't take him long to pull out and spill all over your stomach, groaning. 'fucking hell.'
your chuckle makes him smile and he flops next to you, kissing you senseless. he knows you're about to get whiny and bratty at the sticky semen on your stomach, so he quickly stands up, searching for anything to wipe it off with. 'let's just go to the shower,' you call, reaching out of him. 'i demand to be carried.'
chan can't even pretend that he doesn't like it. he can't even for a second keep the barrier of a stoic and cool guy when he's with you. not when he turns into a poodle, not when he's ready to give you everything you ask for. he easily lifts you up, smiles warmyl at your giggles and carries you to the shower, kissing your forehead. 'i'm so leaving my hoodie here,' he says, carefully putting you down. 'greet me in it next time?'
a/n: it's funny how i try to make chan gentle and make it more like love making and not fucking and then my fingers live their own life and he ends up the way he did here :D - nini
tagging @prpldahy
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@somerandomdudelmao oops my hand slipped
Donnie smiled giddily to himself as he plugged the tiny cord into Casey’s mask, absolutely stoked by the opportunity to analyse and pick apart something of his own creation that he’s never seen before. The technology crammed into every nook and crevice of the mask had him smothering an excited churr, treacherous tail wagging non stop as he wondered what amount of data and information could await him.
He was, for once in his life, so incredibly glad Leo decided to open that big mouth of his. It was, after all, his comment that led to them addressing Donnie’s curiosity and Casey nonchalantly handing over his tech.
His computer takes a suspiciously long moment to download all of the data, and suddenly he’s met by at least three dozen folders and files, all storing incredible amounts of data by the looks of it. The majority of them were labelled in seemingly random letters and numbers, except there was something about it that felt more organised for the purpose of looking random rather than actually being random. He opened one of the folders and was met with more folders, maybe fifty of them, all labelled in various kinds of gibberish. 
It took a good minute or two of wondering why the fuck would he organise files in such a way to recognise his simple-but-complicated titling system: the one Donnie’s been implementing into his recording files for years now. His brain began automatically translating the letters and numbers into their actual meaning, while something in the back of his mind screamed that this was an invasion of Casey’s privacy. 
Donnie soon realised he folder he’s currently perusing should be labelled with the year, but was instead labelled with a simple 21. Maybe it meant 21 years into the apocalypse? Casey never said how long it lasted, but he did say he’s sixteen, so it’s not too far of a stretch of the imagination that the apocalypse could’ve lasted that long.
He’s clicking on another folder just as he realised the implications of there being recordings stored in Casey’s mask.
He was, essentially, perusing through Casey’s memories.
That was bad. That was an invasion of privacy, and he should absolutely be unplugging the mask and telling Casey about this (assuming he doesn’t already know), and yet. 
And yet he doesn’t. And yet he doesn’t unplug the mask and he doesn’t delete the data, and he does select a random file and click onto fullscreen to watch something he may regret seeing.
He’ll only watch one.
Judging from the angle, the camera (probably something stored in the mask) was propped up against something, giving him a decent view of what looked to be some sort of medbay. Someone was lying beneath crisp white sheets on a bed mostly out of frame, and someone else…
Donnie was seated at a surprisingly old looking computer, typing furiously away at a speed that’s more than a little impressive for someone with six fingers. He’s hunched over in a way Donnie knew wasn’t comfortable as he worked, occasionally leaning forward and shifting more of his face into the view of the camera. He’s covered in scars of varying severity and age and appeared to have gained several more markings, including three purple stripes that trail from his chin down his neck. He’s significantly taller by the looks of it, and was wearing not only a version of his battle shell, but also his mask and goggles.
It’s kind of like looking into a warped mirror, even though Donnie could only see maybe a third of his torso, the rest hidden by the camera angle. It made the breath freeze in his chest as he watched this twisted version of himself work in silence, eventually slumping in his chair as he stared at the grainy image of his future self.
Donnie - the one in the video (he’s going to refer to him as Donatello for convenience’s sake) - paused his typing and leant forward, furrowing his brow - god he had worry lines - and frowning in a way easily recognisable as his ‘I’m talking to an idiot and I have to be civil about it’ face.
Donnie couldn’t look away, even though, objectively, nothing interesting was happening. His future counterpart was simply typing, working on something while guarding a sick or injured patient. He silently watched at least two minutes of Donatello typing monotonously before something interesting happened: the person on the bed shifts.
Donnie couldn’t see who the patient was thanks to the camera angle, but his curiosity was soon satiated at the awkward little “uhh” sound Casey let out, sounding noticeably younger. Donatello jolted so violently at the sound a keycap literally went flying, and the small corner of his face Donnie could see displayed a very complicated emotion. Donatello was up and exiting the frame in less than a second, presumably grabbing Casey’s arms while a limb from his battle shell extended to grab something above the camera. Casey had just enough time to ask “Uncle Tello?” (oh come on, Leo and Mikey get master but he gets uncle?) before Donatello was speaking overtop of him.
“How are you feeling? Any pain?”
“A little.”
Donnie heard another mechanical limb reach out and grab something, presumably a glass or mug.
“Want to destroy humanity?”
“Is that a symptom or a suggestion -“
“Do you need anything?”
“Umm…” A short second of silence. “Where is sensei? Is he okay?” 
Donatello moved to sit on the edge of Casey’s bed, allowing a small portion of his body to be displayed to the camera.
“I remember I attacked him,” Casey continued, and okay, what??
“Yeah, well.” A small sigh. “You didn’t succeed.”
“But I tried,” Casey’s voice wavered, “he’s not mad at me, is he?” 
“I don’t think so,” Donatello said, voice both soft and stern. “But he has his responsibilities, so he couldn’t stay here all day - he tried though.”
Donnie could practically feel his future self panicking through the screen - thankfully, though, he seemed to be saved by the proverbial bell, and faint footsteps became audible as two people rapidly approached the medbay. Donnie managed to catch the end of “pretend I’m dead, and use your brain instead of mine for once” as he heard mechanical doors slide open, light illuminating part of the floor.
Leo - a very much taller and older Leo with a freaking metal ARM - dashed into full view of the camera, and Donnie barely had time to take in his appearance before, with a quick shout of “Sensei!” Casey practically flung himself into the turtle’s arms. The turtle in question looked suddenly very conflicted and concerned as his hands hovered over Casey’s back, listening to his little repetitions of “I’m sorry.”
He seemed to realise that Casey would not, in fact, fall apart at the slightest touch, and gently placed his metal arm (METAL. ARM) on his shoulder, patting Casey’s head with the other. “You don’t need to apologise, Case,” Leo said, sounding like his voice hadn’t aged a day despite the twenty-two years that’d supposedly passed, “you didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, you did amazing!”
In one smooth motion Leo was suddenly cradling Casey in his arms and turning in a circle, a movement somewhere between twirling him and just holding him as he spoke, “You were literally too cool for the kraang! How can I blame you? Haha, Casey Jones is now certified cooler than aliens!”
Despite the joyous laughter filling his ears, Donnie felt dread creeping up his spine as their words began to paint a very unsettling picture.
“Maybe even I won’t stand up to him now!” Leo laughed, now holding Casey bridal style in a way that finally displayed his bandages to the camera.
“Pfffhaha!” Casey laughed, smiling so easily despite the bandages and cast covering his arms. He used the arm not in a sling to reach up and grab Leo’s mask tails, tugging on them with a smug smile that matched Leo’s as he successfully blinded the slider.
“Oh no! My only weakness!” Leo crowed dramatically, slumping onto the ground as if bested by a mighty foe, Casey giggling childishly as he slid down to sit in his lap. “Donnie,” Leo said, facing the direction of the purple genius, “can you help Raph lead the resistance instead of me? I think I’m defeated.”
And just as Casey let out another boisterous laugh and Donatello his own amused chuckle, the recording ended, displaying their smiling faces as the footage sat frozen on the last frame. 
Donnie exited fullscreen with a slow blink.
Was he misreading the situation, or had Casey been… kraangified? 
That… would explain a lot of his scars. Not that Donnie could exactly confirm or disprove his theory, because it would reveal that he knew of and had access to these recordings.
Speaking of which, he really should stop watching these. He really should unplug the mask and delete the footage from his computer, and finish his examination before giving the mask back to Casey with an explanation regarding the footage.
C’mon, Donnie, just exit the fucking files, you’re being insane. This was a ridiculous invasion of privacy and he’d probably try to kill - or at least maim - Casey if he did this to him but god damn it, his hand. Won’t. Move.
It’s like he’s hovering his hand over a hotplate. He had the autonomy and know-how, but no matter how much he tried he couldn’t even brush the red hot surface. His hand was hovering midair, only inches away from doing something part of him will inevitably regret, but that’s all it would do. Hover. His eyes were glued to the screen as he scrolled through the files, and god, there were dozens of them - hundreds, even.
Donnie exited the folder and perused through the 21 folder for a moment, before clicking the last folder listed. They seemed to be organised and labelled as different weeks, so this one would’ve taken place around Christmas time.
He clicked on the first file, entered fullscreen and pressed play.
“What? It wasn’t me, I swear!”


His brothers (plus Casey and April) were just finishing cleaning up after breakfast when Donnie burst into the kitchen, clutching Casey’s gear to his chest and with his purple hoodie slung over one shoulder, shouting, “SHUT UP LOSERS WE’RE GOING TO THE ZOO.”
Pretty much everyone did that slow blink of what the fuck did I just hear, staring at Donnie with expressions ranging from pure bafflement to startled surprise.
“…What?” Leo spoke up, putting down the plate he was in the process of drying. 
“I had a revelation while reviewing Casey’s tech,” Donnie started, holding out said gear to the human, “thank you, by the way - it was very informative.”
“You’re welcome?” Casey squeaked, accepting the gear and placing most of it on the table he stood next to. 
“But yes - the revelation!” Donnie slid the purple hoodie off his shoulder and began squeezing the fabric as a stim, smile spreading slightly when he saw how Casey eyed the fabric with recognition. “Casey grew up in the apocalypse, yes? That means that he’s missing quite a few experiences we deem normal nowadays, such as eating certain foods or watching certain -“
“Yes yes,” Leo interrupted with a roll of his eyes, “we’re working very hard to introduce him to fast food, science fiction and Lou Jitsu. Your point?”
Donnie smirked triumphantly as he slammed both hands on the table (a little louder than he intended), “Animals.” 
Casey blinked. “…Animals?”
“Animals,” Donnie nodded, “what with the those-that-shall-not-be-named rampaging across the world, it’s not hard to assume that a lot of animals would’ve gone extinct, or at least become very rare. Tell me, Casey - have you ever seen a horse?”
“What’s a horse?” 
“You don’t know what a horse is!?” Mikey exclaimed, practically materialising in front of Casey. “Even I’ve seen a horse! What else have you never seen before!? Sheep? Cows? At least tell me you know what a kitten is!”
“U-uhm, I do know what a cat is,” Casey stuttered, leaning away from the hyperactive teenager. 
“Have you seen one?” Raph asked, giving him a look that said ‘your life as you know it depends on how you answer this question’.
“We must rectify this!” Mikey shouted, darting out of the kitchen and ignoring Donnie’s mutter of “why do you know what rectify means but not imminent?”
“We must!” Raph agreed, practically sprinting out of the room. April rolled her eyes and opened her mouth, only to close it as a faint crash could be heard from somewhere else in the lair. She promptly disappeared to look for the source.
“Great!” Donnie said, “Now that that’s settled…” He turned back to Casey, holding out the ball of fabric that was his hoodie, “Wear this. Just for today.” 
“Oh, thanks Unc-Donnie,” Casey stuttered, accepting the outfit and promptly putting it on. It fit him almost unreasonably well.
“What!?” Leo exclaimed, and Donnie had the distinct feeling that if he was still holding a plate it would be shattered across the ground. “You’re giving him your hoodie!? You don’t give anyone your hoodie! Not even Mikey!”
“Oh shush,”  Donnie said, rolling his eyes and blushing slightly. “I do so, stop being dramatic. Besides, it’s cold out and Casey doesn’t have any winter clothes.”
“Then we can get him some!” Leo sputtered, gesturing wildly as he struggled for words. “Why are you giving him your hoodie!??” he eventually hissed.
“Would you believe me if I said out of the goodness of my heart?”
“Well then, I guess l’ll never tell you.” With that, Donnie walked past Leo into the living room, planning to grab his winter jacket from the cupboard, only to stop as Leo grabbed his upper arm and whirled him around.
“What’s going on with you?” Leo asked, voice low as he gave Donnie a surprisingly concerned look. He searched his twin's eyes for a long moment, taking note of his deep eye bags and his missing mask, and how he adamantly refused to make eye contact. He saw how his hands shook as they were folded against his plastron, and that he looked a little pale and off-balance.
“Donnie…” as Leo looked closer at his twin's face, he could’ve sworn he saw dried tears covering his cheeks. But that’s impossible, because Donnie never cried.
His mouth flopped open and closed uselessly for a moment, before Leo finally spat out, “Are you okay?”
His question was enough to startle Donnie into making eye contact. Eye contact with his brother who, objectively, deserved to be asked that question a thousand times more than him.
Donnie’s eyes wandered over to the cracks in Leo’s plastron, held together by fibreglass and covered by resin, and suddenly he was surging forward and wrapping his arms around Leo, burying his face in his neck willing himself not to cry.
They were both frozen for a long moment, before, slowly, Leo slid his arms around Donnie’s softshell and held his twin close. They both felt as Donnie’s breath stuttered in his chest, and as he pressed his snout deeper into Leo’s shoulder and neck. “I’m okay,” he whispered, and they both knew he was lying.
And with that, Donnie withdrew without another word, walking away and leaving Leo to ponder what the fuck just happened.
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simmergetic · 9 months
Santa's 'Lil Wonderland
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Happy Holidays! I am so excited to announce that Santa's 'Lil Wonderland is officially uploaded! I put a lot of time and effort into this build and had so much fun creating it. I hope you have just as much fun playing it. Hope you all have a great holiday season. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions!
A few notes...
-this lot has been play tested with no issues found
-it is recommended you clear your cache and thumbnails before attempting to open this lot as it requires a lot of memory
-this lot is free of custom content
-requires ALL expansions including Holiday Stuff
Santa’s Retreat
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“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… Jack Frost nipping at your nose.”
As the freezing temperatures set in over the quaint village, many seek shelter and comfort in Santa’s Retreat in hopes of easing holiday stress. Some will get warm by the fireplace while listening to sounds of the piano, while others might head upstairs for a massage from the village’s best (and only) massage therapist around or sweat out all those Christmas cookies in the hot ‘n toasty sauna. After some much needed relaxation, why not head downstairs and have a good ‘ole toast with those they love around the Christmas tree, perhaps make some hot soup in the mini bar, touch up on piano skills or just simply relax and unwind on the couch with a good movie? No matter who you are, Santa’s Retreat is sure to offer a warm and inviting atmosphere to ring in the holiday cheer and spirit!
Santa’s Toy Store & Workshop
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“Our finest gifts we bring, Pa rum pum pum pum”
What will the kids do on this little holiday trip, you might ask? Fear not, as Santa’s Toy Store and Workshop will be sure to keep the kids entertained for hours! Planes… trains… and automobiles…. Oh my! While parents and grandparents shop around for that one special gift, the kids can let their imagination run wild at the train table, zoom around remote controlled hot rods and helicopters or perhaps find something fun in one of the toy chests! And for parents who are just as much kids like their own, they can head upstairs to Santa’s Workshop and learn how to make their own toys… oh, the simoleons that will be saved this Christmas! And don’t forget to check out those picturesque views on the rooftop… capture that special moment and paint the perfect holiday picture. Just don’t freeze up there… brrrr. It’s a lil chilly!
Santa’s Clubhouse (more pictures coming soon)
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“And they never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games”
Join in any reindeer games, you say? No one needs to feel left out… as there are certainly no shortage of games here at Santa’s Clubhouse! This central area of the village is a great place to seek refuge, catch up with friends and family with chats by the fire and play timeless games upstairs. So… how about a coffee, nice game of chess by the fireplace and a holiday movie afterwards? Sounds quite delightful. What’s that? You’ve got more simoleons than you know what to do with? Hmm… I know! How about a game of poker? Just don’t lose all your money before enjoying the other festive activities this wonderland’s got to offer!
Cheers! Bar & Bistro
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“And later we’ll have some pumpkin pie… And we’ll do some caroling”
Pop! Sizzle! Delish! What better way to ring in the holiday than at Cheers Bar & Bistro? Right next store from Santa’s Clubhouse you’ll find a grand hallway and entrance to this cozy restaurant nestled up on a hill overlooking the entire village. Grab some holiday cheer inspired drinks at the bar and dine downstairs for or make your way upstairs to the family style dining room complete with a fireplace and covered outdoor dining! Whether you’re in it for the drinks or just want a little date night with the honey, Cheers is sure to leave everyone full of tasty food and fun!
Holiday Stop ‘N Shop (pictures coming soon)
“Joy to the world, my shopping’s done…”
So you made it to Santa’s Wonderland… but you just realized… it’s so cold and you didn’t bring your winter clothes…. One stop by The Holiday Stop ‘N Shop will surely fix that! This clothing store features an indoor/outdoor shopping experience with more great views of the village and skating rink. In addition there’s magazines and cologne for sale to make this lil shopping trip well worth it!
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Enjoy! And Happy Holidays to you and your family. <3
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anxmone · 7 days
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Word count: 4.6k+ Rating: !Mature (it's 18+ so please MDNI) Pairings: San x f!character / Wooyoung x f!character a/n: I finally decided to put one of thie things I last wrote here, I'm still green in this shit so please bear with me You can also read it here and the tags are included there
Synopsis: Wooyoung has an issue and San can help, but it was not the help that he needed and a single audio file completely changed the dynamics of their friendship
This was a bad idea from the beginning.
"Yeosang, have you seen Wooyoung?" "Yeah, he said he wasn't feeling well and told me to go ahead. He went to the bathroom," Yeosang replied, trying to sound casual.
San’s brow furrowed. Why the bathroom? It didn't add up.
Privacy. Of course.
"Alright, I’ll go find him. Need to ask him something, anyway," San said, forcing a smile. "Do you... know which one did he go to?" Yeosang only shrugged at the question, he truly wasn't sure where Wooyoung went after they arrived.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung locked the door to the most secluded bathroom in their villa—the one by the garage. It was the only place where he could be sure no one would bother him. His hand trembled as he stared at his phone. The notification blinked at him, in their encrypted chat, an audio file waited. It has no title, just a single heart emoji: "❤️.m4a."
He became nervous and connected his AirPods for double privacy. With a few taps, the file began to download, the progress bar inching forward. It felt agonizingly slow.
While waiting for the audio file to finish downloading, Wooyoung found himself thinking about how this whole idea even began. Why did San think this was a good idea? He could have gone back to his teenager years but he knew exactly where to pin point it out, this whole thing began when they were first roommates at university. The idea was simple, they were already friends and were studying a similar degree so why not- but he knew this whole idea started from there.
It was one of those mornings when Wooyoung returned to the dorm that he shared with San. It was still pretty early, where the morning sun would make its presence known, its warm light filtering through the curtains. San was probably still knocked out, so Wooyoung moved as quietly as possible, easing the door shut and tiptoeing across the floor. San was a light sleeper—one creak, one wrong step, and he’d stir.
Wooyoung went to grab a textbook from his room and leave, nothing more
But as he neared his bedroom, a faint sound broke the silence in the dorm. He froze mid-step, his breath catching. The sound came again, this time clearer—a soft creak. It was coming from San’s room, the kind of noise a bed makes when it shifts.
Wooyoung’s brows furrowed. What was that?
He stood there, listening, and then heard it once more. The creaking came back with a rhythm now, slow and deliberate. He moved closer to San’s door, and as he did, other noises became more recognizable. Sheets rustling, shifting in tandem with the movement. The sound of skin slapping against skin. His stomach twisted. It felt intrusive to keep listening, but his feet didn’t move. He heard another noise drifting through the door. It was soft, muffled... but definitely a moan. A woman’s moan.
Shock coursed through him, his mind racing to catch up with what he was hearing. Was San really...?
He wanted to leave the dorm, go on with his day like nothing happened but his entire body was betraying him, freezing by San's door and bearing witness to the entire scenario that was playing in front of him. He can visualize it clearly thanks to the fact that the noises were becoming more and more blunt, like more moans and slapping of skin. His body was reacting to it, he felt a strange warmth creeping over him, it was making his skin. tingle and his chest tightening up. He didn't want the sounds affecting him. But they did, unfortunately. Was he... turned on by this?
No, this was wrong. But as much as he tried to convince himself to move away, the sensations in his body told a different story. His face burned with shame, and before he knew it, he was retreating. Quickly. Quietly. Backing away from the door, he turned and rushed to his own room. Once inside, he locked the door, leaning his back against it as he slid down to the floor. His heart was still pounding, his body tense. What the hell just happened? He had no idea how to process what he was feeling.
But he knew that skipping classes seemed like the only option now.
He spent the morning in his room, and when it became midday, Wooyoung finally had the courage to finally leave his room. He made his way into the bathroom they shared in the dorm, hoping to see if by taking a hot shower it can clear his mind. When reaching the door to the bathroom, he saw the mystery woman leaving, her eyes widened up the moment she saw Wooyoung. She looked startled, almost embarrassed. Maybe San told her no one was home.
Before Wooyoung could make sense of it, she rushed out the door without a word. He stood there for a moment, confused. Why was she so shocked? I heard all of it. He shook his head, deciding not to dwell on it, and stepped into the bathroom to shower.
The steam filled up the bathroom, causing the mirrors and any other metal surface to fog up. Wooyoung was scrubbing away the confusion of the morning but no matter how hard he tried, the memories of the sound and the sensation in his body kept replaying on his mind. He felt embarrassed just by the sheer thought that he really did hear all that. When he finally stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, San was waiting for him—leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, with a calm, almost amused look on his face.
"I knew you'd be here," San said smoothly.
Wooyoung nearly jumped. His breath hitched, and he forced out a nervous laugh, trying to shake off the spook. "Oh! Oh, you’re up..." He trailed off, his face burning—half from the steam, half from the memory of what he’d overheard.
Just say it. But the words wouldn’t come out.
"Uh, hey... uh..." Wooyoung pointed awkwardly toward the door, still stammering. "I just saw some... girl leave—" He was about to ask what that was all about when San cut him off.
"Oh, her?" San shrugged. "She’s not my girlfriend, if that’s what you were thinking."
Wooyoung was confused by how casual San was by it. What the hell--?! San just brushed it off. He didn’t know what bothered him more—the fact that San was so nonchalant about it, or the fact that he couldn’t stop replaying the morning’s events in his head.
"You know I take some night classes right?" San started explaining, leaning casually against the doorframe as if he were explaining something as mundane as what he had for lunch. "Well, she's a classmate and I guess she got bored because after class she hit me up asking if I wanted to grab some drinks at that bar near campus, and well-- one thing led to the other--" He shrugged, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
Wooyoung shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting toward the door, as though planning his escape. But San noticed. The smirk that tugged at his lips was almost predatory as he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "How long have you been here?"
Wooyoung froze, his stomach knotting. San tilted his head, his gaze sharp and curious. "Normally, you're in class by now, finishing up before heading to your part-time shift. This is the first time I’ve seen you skip," he said, the words hanging between them.
There was a pause—heavy, deliberate—before San dropped the question he’d been holding back, his tone teasing but firm. "Was she too loud for you?"
Wooyoung’s heart raced, his stomach sinking further. He felt his legs stiffen, but somehow forced himself to move. Does he know? The thought buzzed in his head like static. Without another word, Wooyoung brushed past him, his face flushed, his breathing shallow, and disappeared into his room, shutting the door behind him with a soft thud.
He leaned against it, exhaling shakily. His mind replayed the sounds from earlier—the creaking bed, the moans, the slap of skin. It all flooded back in a rush, and he hated how his body had reacted to it. A knot of shame twisted in his gut, but beneath it, something else lingered. Something he couldn’t quite push away.
On the other side of the door, San stood for a moment, just staring at the closed bedroom door. His brow furrowed slightly as if piecing together a puzzle he’d only half completed. He knew something was different about Wooyoung. He always had. But now... now, it was starting to make sense.
He turned and headed toward the shower to clean up from his one-night stand. As the water ran, his mind drifted back to a night when the semester began. It was a stupid joke—he’d pulled up some random porn videos, just messing around to see how Wooyoung would react. But Wooyoung didn't flinch. No laugh, no awkward glances—just a blank stare at the screen, completely unaffected. At the time, San shrugged it off. But later that night, something happened.
San had gotten up to use the bathroom when he heard it—muffled grunts and shallow, hitched breaths. Curious, he paused by Wooyoung’s room. The door was slightly ajar, and through the crack, he saw Wooyoung at his bed, headphones on, lost in his own world. But it wasn’t the screen that had him hooked—there was no video playing. Just the sounds. The unmistakable sounds of skin, breath, and moans.
San watched for a moment, the realization hitting him like a slow wave. Wooyoung wasn’t interested in the visual—he was drawn to the noise. He’d heard of auralism before, but seeing it... seeing it in his roommate was something else entirely.
A small smirk tugged at San’s lips as he recalled the scene. So that’s how it is, he thought, stepping out of the shower. Drying off, a plan started to form in his mind.
It was during winter break when San and Wooyoung were packing up to visit their families for the holidays. Before they left, San had casually invited Wooyoung to join an encrypted chat—just the two of them. At first, Wooyoung didn’t think much of it, assuming they’d use it to send vacation photos or random updates. But what struck him as odd was that their mutual friend, Yeosang, wasn’t included in the group.
Christmas Eve rolled around, and after a quiet evening with his family, Wooyoung finally got a notification from the elusive chat. It was from San.
A single file. No text. No caption.
Curiosity flickered in Wooyoung as he pressed the download button. The file loaded quickly, and he opened it with a single tap, thinking it might be a voice memo or even a joke San had recorded. But as soon as he hit play, the unmistakable sounds of sex blared through his phone—loud and clear.
His heart nearly stopped as he scrambled to pause it, glancing around the room in a panic. His family, thankfully, seemed occupied with their own conversations. But his younger brother shot him a suspicious look, and Wooyoung quickly shoved the phone into his pocket before any awkward questions could follow.
Breathless and flushed, Wooyoung tried to shake the scene from his mind, but the sound of it... those sounds... lingered. He locked himself in the bathroom, heart pounding, fingers shaking as he stared at the screen. The audio file wasn't titled, but it had a Christmas tree emoji (🎄) and a few droplets (💦). Just from that, he knew.
San had sent him an audio of him... fucking someone. His stomach lurched as he opened the chat to send an angry message.
[MSG - 5:45 PM] Wooyoung: WHAT THE FUCK!? [MSG - 5:46 PM] San: Merry Christmas? 🤷🏻
Wooyoung pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning in frustration. San's casual response only made it worse. It wasn’t until hours later, with curiosity gnawing at him, that Wooyoung finally listened to the file in private.
[MSG - 11:50 PM] Wooyoung: Can you not sound like a drunk frat guy having sex at a party? The exaggerated moaning was pretty annoying
"PFTT!" San burst out laughing at the single response Wooyoung had sent. He was sitting in his bedroom when a woman standing in front of him raised an eyebrow, curious about his late-night laughter. "What is it?" she asked, her voice soft with intrigue. Still chuckling, San looked up, shaking his head. "Oh, it's my roommate," he said, setting his phone down on the bedside table. "I sent him something, and now he’s giving me feedback. I can't believe it—he's actually criticizing me."
The woman didn’t seem too interested in the details. Instead, she straddled his lap, her hands slipping around his shoulders. San smirked, knowing exactly what she was up to. "Now," she whispered, leaning closer, "where were we?"
After Christmas break, the audio files that San would sent became a little secret between them in their friendship. Every time San hooked up with someone he would send an audio file to Wooyoung, although a strange arrangement he welcomed it, most of the time he wouldn't listen to them immediately-- or in fact never listen to them at all but in the deepest parts of his mind, Wooyoung appreciated that San gave him "material"
But back to the present, the ❤️.m4a file finished downloading
Wooyoung hesitated before pressing play, settling himself on the toilet seat. This file was longer than usual, and for some reason, that made him more curious.
The recording started like the others: the creak of furniture, the soft rustle of someone shifting to get comfortable. Then came the muffled sounds of heavy breathing, like someone was trying not to be heard. Suddenly, a sharp gasp broke through, the sound unmistakably feminine, drawing Wooyoung's full attention. More creaking followed, but there was no familiar rhythm of skin against skin—just the sound of the woman bucking against the furniture. Wooyoung caught a faint whisper—San’s voice, soft and distant, cooing something to her, the words too quiet to make out. It was far more intimate than usual, the dynamic between them felt different, unsettlingly close. "Fuck-- is it because of when we were at the pool earlier that you're like this, so fucking wet for me?"
Wooyoung knew the villa they were staying in for their summer vacation was part of a cul-de-sac that surrounded a shared pool. Most of their neighbors were families or retirees— the quiet types. Then there was him, San, and Yeosang. Wooyoung started to replay the day in his mind. Earlier that day, him and Yeosang had gone out to explore the town—see what it had to offer in the day time, not just its nightlife. San, on the other hand, had chosen to stay behind, saying he wanted to "chill" and sleep in. Yeosang had shrugged it off, and they left without him.
Now, as the sounds of the recording continued, a question hung in Wooyoung's mind: Was there someone else of interest around the cul-de-sac today? And then he heard her—her breathing quickened, voice rising in pitch, as if she was on the verge of climax. "W-Wait-- Fuck San!" was followed by a sharp gasp, her moans becoming unrestrained, as if she'd finally removed whatever she was using to muffle herself. The sound was louder now, raw and uninhibited. Then came the unmistakable noise of a grunt by San, adding to the charged atmosphere of the recording. Wooyoung's stomach started to have that familiar feeling of a knot getting tighter inside of him.
The longer he listened, the more the woman's voice tugged at something in the back of his mind. Her pitch, her cadence—there was something achingly familiar about it. It made him tense. His gut churned as what he was suspecting started to take shape. She whispered something, but the words blurred into the background of San’s noises, frustratingly just out of reach. But the voice—her voice—was unmistakable.
The realization hit him like a punch to the chest. It was the voice that had lingered in his mind for weeks after their brief, fleeting conversations. That casual, almost effortless summer flirtation that never quite crossed the line.
It was her.
A wave of heat shot through him, from the pit of his stomach to his fingertips. His pulse quickened, and suddenly his body didn’t know what to do with itself. How—? His hands were gripping the phone too tightly, and for a second, it felt like it might crack under the pressure. San—out of all people—with her.
Then, a second wave hit—it was arousal. He despised himself for it, but human nature made it impossible to ignore. The sounds of sex, the jealousy and desire twisting into something far too potent. Wooyoung's breath grew shallow as the audio continued, now reaching the unmistakable point in the recordings where it began to sound as the other recordings, the grunting noises of San, the rhythm of skin meeting skin. He didn’t want to imagine it— her with him. He didn't want to imagine their bodies intertwining, how her soft skin would be like under his hands. Her reactions. Wooyoung had fantasized about these same things for weeks since they first met— only now, it wasn’t him.
"Why her?" The thought echoed endlessly, tangled in a web of frustration and lust. Her gasps and moans filled his ears, drowning out reason, morality, everything that should have made him stop. He knew it was messed up. But knowing wasn’t enough to make him pause. His heart raced, his breath coming in shallow gasps as the truth crashed over him—San and her. Together. His best friend with his summer crush. The strain in his pants became unbearable, the tension pulling him in two directions, both impossible to resist.
He paused the recording, trying to catch his breath. The images in his head wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t keep pretending this wasn’t affecting him. The tightness in his boxers was proof enough. Begrudgingly, he removed his pants along with his boxers, noticing his all too evident arousal. He swallowed hard as he stared down at himself, pre-cum slicking his length.
His hand hovered above himself, he was debating if to continue or not. Part of him wanted to stop and throw the phone against the wall and forgot this ever happened but he wanted a release, it was something that somewhere deep inside of him craved, he wanted to lose himself in the sounds he heard in that damn audio file.
His fingers curled around his length, a low groan escaping his lips as his body gave in to the inevitable. He hated this—hated himself for it. But the desire, the heat pooling in his gut, was too much to resist. With each slow, deliberate stroke, he could hear her more clearly in his mind. Her breathy moans, the soft way she gasped when San touched her, her body reacting to every movement. His grip tightened as the rhythm of the audio replayed in his head, San's deep, guttural grunts mingling with her soft whimpers. It wasn’t him making her feel like that—it was San—but his mind refused to let that be the only truth. His frustration turned into something raw, something that felt dangerously close to envy.
With each stroke, he was imagining himself with her instead, trying not to let San win and being with her. His imagination ran wild and caused him to hitch his breath, he imagined how her skin might feel in his touch, how she smelled, how soft her lips would be with his own. But no matter how hard he tried to replace San in his imagination, it was hard, his presence was loud and undeniable.
Unfortunately his mind kept flickering back to reality-- her with San and their bodies entangled in the fantasies he'd spent weeks thinking about and despite everything-- despite the jealousy, the anger-- his body responded to it, his climax building with every passing second.
A strained moan escaped him as his hand moved faster, chasing after the release he both craved and despised. The tension in his chest tightened, his breaths becoming ragged as he felt himself getting closer. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the guilt, the frustration, everything that told him to stop. But it was useless.
With a shuddering breath, his body gave in, the pleasure flooding through him in a rush so intense it left him shaking. His release was bitter, tainted by the knowledge of what had driven him there. For a long moment, he just sat there, panting, the aftermath of his climax leaving a hollow pit in his stomach. The phone was still in his hand, the screen dark, the audio paused right where he had left it.
And now the third wave-- guilt was rushing in, settling like a weight on his chest. He knew he hated what he did, he hated that he let himself succumb to pleasure, falling into the trap. Hated how powerless he felt afterwards. "Fuck- I'm the fucking worst" he said to himself, watching the release that was still in his hand.
Once the clarity settled in, Wooyoung stood up, rinsing his hands and splashing cold water on his face. If he was going to leave the bathroom, he couldn’t let it show—couldn’t let San see what he’d just done. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down before stepping out.
But the moment he opened the door, San was there, right in front of him. His expression was weirdly concerned, like he’d been searching the entire villa for Wooyoung.
“Oh, hey, I found you!” San said, his voice slightly breathless, as if he had been running around.
Wooyoung didn’t respond. He couldn’t even look at San properly. His mind was still replaying the audio, the realization, the anger. All he wanted was to get as far away from him as possible. He made a move to leave, but San grabbed his wrist, halting him in his tracks. “Hey! I wanted to ask you something—” San began, but before he could finish, Wooyoung turned and threw him a glare of sheer anger. He jerked his wrist free from San’s grasp.
“Are you alright?” San asked, his tone softening, genuine concern creeping into his voice.
"Shut up. Shut up..." The anger crept in more, boiling over as Wooyoung glared at San, hating how he was once again so nonchalant.
“Well anyway, now that I found you, I wanted to ask you away from Yeosang—” San began, but Wooyoung already had an idea of where this was going.
“It’s about the audio file. Was it too long? I usually edit them for you, but—”
“Shut up!” Wooyoung snapped, shoving San into the bathroom. The door slammed shut behind them, the small space suddenly feeling suffocating. San blinked in shock, rubbing his neck where Wooyoung had grabbed him, confusion flickering across his face.
"What the hell is your problem!?" San asked, catching his breath. "My problem- is that you--" Wooyoung's voice was thick with disbelief. He paced for a moment, trying to rein in the whirlwind of anger and frustration that had been building since he heard the audio file. "Why-- did you DO THAT! you--" He cut himself off, shaking his head. "You sent me that file. Do you even care who she is?"
San was clearly confused, he started frown because he wasn't getting why Wooyoung was frustrated "Look I don't get what's happening just tell me-"
"Why did you send me THAT-- You did it with her!” Wooyoung spat, his voice trembling, barely containing his rage. “Of all people, her!” San froze, his expression shifting as realization dawned. His cocky demeanor faltered, but only for a second.
“Wait, you're mad because I—?” he started, but Wooyoung didn’t let him finish.
“Yeah, you!” Wooyoung spat, his hands balling into fists. “I liked her and you knew I liked her and even still—” He choked on the words, the jealousy and anger twisting in his gut. “Do you have any idea how fucked up that is? And then you sent it to me like it was some kind of joke. Like I’m supposed to just... what? Enjoy it?"
"Look I--" San wanted to say that he truly didn't know, he didn't know that Wooyoung liked her that way, but he never made a move on her, San thought that they were friendly that was it, he wanted to apologize but Wooyoung just stared at him, his breathing still labored, anger and confusion swirling inside. "You don’t know her," Wooyoung muttered, his voice almost pleading, but San just shrugged, clearly unbothered. "Look, let me just say this but, maybe you’ve been thinking of her in this whole different way, putting her up on this pedestal. What if she’s not what you think she is? What if she just wanted to have a little fun and I just so happened to be there? You don’t know her like you think you do."
Wooyoung clenched his fists, his jaw tight. He was done with this conversation—done with San. "I don’t want to see you. Not now, not tomorrow." He turned sharply on his heel, ready to leave this behind him but San wasn’t finished. "By the way," he called out casually, his tone maddeningly light, "she’s a good kisser. Like, really good. You know I almost... you know, just from that."
And that was the final straw. Wooyoung stormed out, slamming the door behind him, his anger boiling over. It wasn’t just about her anymore. It was everything—San's smugness, the way he treated everything like a game. The sound of the door echoed through the villa as Wooyoung moved quickly, heading up the stairs and locking himself in the room they shared. No one noticed him, his footsteps heavy and fast, his heart racing.
Minutes passed, and soon San followed. He took a deep breath before entering the living room, where the shared pool from the cul-de-sac was in clear view. Yeosang and she were chatting casually, her laughter carrying lightly in the air. They paused as San walked in, clearly upset but trying to mask it.
"What are you guys talking about?" he asked, his tone a little forced.
"Oh, just about the town. How me and Wooyoung went to get some food and checked out a few shops..." Yeosang trailed off, noticing his mood. "Wait, did you manage to find him?" San shrugged, playing it off. "Yeah. He locked himself in the bathroom for a while, but I found him. He didn’t look great—probably just needs to sleep it off."
Since the audio files were a secret between them, San kept quiet about the real reason. Yeosang looked concerned, unaware of the tension simmering beneath the surface.
"Will he be coming down later?" she asked, oblivious to what had really happened.
San glanced away for a second before responding. "Not today... maybe tomorrow."
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Exploring the dofus-la-serie.com website - Part 1
The website is kind of broken, which makes me quite sad. Though that's life for you.
Character Profiles:
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I am not translating this because as fans of this franchise, you probably know all of these words. (Well, except gouvernante. That can mean "housekeeper". He isn't calling her their governor. Though she should be.)
I am not even going to mention that Kerubim is here twice. Sometimes, a second Kerubim appears in a random spot among the characters while going to this page or refreshing it. Just another one fun thing about this being an eleven-year-old website for a series that has been over for years.
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I wonder if, in-universe, he's the one who drew on their portraits, or if it was Joris's doing, influenced by Kerubim's stories?
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Love how Atcham isn't mentioned, but his pandawa drinking buddy is. Also, that neither of them have commentary by him.
The character pages themselves have unique character art:
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As well as short descriptions of the characters.
Because the entire site is saved on web archive, and probably won't go down anytime soon, (despite its buggy state,) and these not offering any new, groundbreaking information — I will not be posting most of them here, save for the main ones:
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Also, a note: this calls him a "papa poule", which I decided to google, to hilarious results:
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Thank you, dofus-la-serie.com... for everything. I already noticed, in the past posts, that it's actually weird and off-putting that Joris has no friends, and that it might be Kerubim's fault, but we never really see him make parenting decisions (COUGH-COUGH-COUGH besides the decision to constantly endanger and neglect Joris but EHHH I spent 50+ posts talking about that in the show liveblogs) in the series due to its slice of life format.
I'm glad to know that at least one canonical source describes him as overprotective, bearing, and anxious parent, (but not to a helicopter-parent level). That's actually quite valuable!
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Multiple notes here:
The description does not seem to use explicitly masculine pronouns for Pupuce, who, as we know from Joris, is a girl. This is just an error on the Google Translate's part.
You know what, actually considering Joris himself is a cat furry, but in a much more subtle, subdued way, her being his pet is a match made in heaven. Two creatures who wish they could be cats, breaking bread and drinking tea together. Love wins.
The broken "find the object" minigame:
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One can only be thankful that it's not more broken — because 2013 was prime time for flash games, and yet, this game does not seem to use flash technologies.
When you click anywhere on the screen itself, instead of the UI, the game, and the page itself freezes. It's a shame — I bet the game was fun, back when it worked.
I had taken it upon myself to download and archive the music from the minigame, so, here it is:
Using archive.org I was able to get to the next page, the link to which is usually invisible and also unclickable in the minigame:
Kerubim's Collection (link included so you don't have to suffer like I did)
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It's quite a long list, with many items, but I am not Ronik, this show's biggest, and probably, by now, only fan, if I don't read all of this and bring the most interesting parts to you.
Firstly, thankfully, all of these are, for the most part lore-less. Just little blurbs of the episodes those appear in, whether you can find them in-game, and a hint as to where to find this in the broken minigame. But there are some gems:
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Kerubim doesn't like Joris's photography hobby (...I sure do wonder why!)
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"I'm cautious" "Simone whyyy did you put it here??" How these two people hadn't killed Joris fr is still beyond me.
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He's genuinely insane.
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doodler-jpeg · 2 years
So idk if ur still doing this but if u are
Jerma oneshot rn
Oh em gee a Jerma enjoyer - and me rising from my grave and ignoring the other asks in my inbox too i guess KFHEKE WHY IS THE GIF NOT FILLING THE WHOLE SCREEN MOBILE YOU SUCK
CW// Jerma being seen as a cryptic entity/social experiment, reader's kinda creepy, kinda crack, kinda horror, hinted parasocial relationship, that's about it
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"I wish he was real," you sigh, caressing the screen of your monitor as you watch the streamer make bizarre noises that shouldn't be humanly possible. You close your eyes and shake your head as Jerma's character around the map, just looking around for some entity to battle to continue his Elden Ring stream.
You yawn and check the time, humming when you notice the early hours right before dawn hits. Deciding to go to bed soon, you type something in chat, though, when you go to type, the stream freezes, as does your screen. In confusion, you move your mouse around, though the cursor doesn't budge from its space beside the blank chat box. You let out a quiet curse, heart rate increasing as your screen begins to glitch. Then, the screen begins to warp. And not in the cliche 'I'm being sucked into a portal because I downloaded a magical virus after taking a survey', no. This is some 'The Ring' shit.
You stand up and walk to the door, not wanting to die just yet. You grab the handle of your door and, before you've even twisted the knob, a hand juts out of the screen, and then an arm, and the hand begins to search for something to grab onto.
"Did I take something?" You question yourself as you exit your room, panic etched onto your face as a horribly loud 'thud!' resonated through your place of residence. You freeze, blood stilling in your body as you mull over all the life choices you had made that lead you up to this very moment.
The air falls silent for a long while, and you take that as your cue to get the fuck out of dodge. You don't make it far when your door creaks open and a voice rings out.
"Where ya goin'?"
You hurry down the stairs, pleading to your balance that you don't end up slipping from the friction of socks on slippery steps. As you get to the last one, you're grabbed by the collar of your shirt and are turned around to face whatever is in your house with you.
You're thoroughly shocked with what you're greeted with.
"Jerma?" Your face scrunches as you take in the characteristics of the man. His eyes stare into yours, and you can almost see some sort of . . . oh, that's liquid in there. That's weird. But, like, the sick kind of weird.
The streamer responds with not words, but a melody of beatboxing that you're barely able to comprehend due to how little his mouth moves with the noises.
"Is this real?" Your voice is quiet, still taking in every detail of the online being (who's still holding you by your collar). You swear you can see a low poly rat take his place when your vision blurs from strain.
Jerma doesn't respond to you this time, instead turning around and heading to your bedroom to place you on your bed. He settles you under the covers, pulling your blankets over your body and up to your chin, before grabbing your chair and situating himself comfortably.
You take a moment to ground yourself, looking around your room to make sure you can see the clocks clearly, and to see if your PC setup is okay, as well. Luckily, both of your questions are answered when your eyes land on the bottom corner of your monitor, bright and tiny.
3:59 am
You blink, turning your attention back to the cryptid sitting in your swivel chair.
"Um." You're not sure how to start a new conversation, so you better make this short. "Do you know any lullabies?" You idiot, not that short!
Jerma nods and clears his throat, warming up his vocal chords eagerly. And he sings, hushed and speedy.
Your eyelids droop, and your head lolling to the side as the real-time Nightcore enters your ears.
You dream of nothing but that one TikTok account: JermaSpins.
When you wake, you're greeted with the sight of Jerma spinning, just like in your dreams.
"You are real." Indeed he is.
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
This screams Dando.
Bkth wanting to fall in love but because they're drivers they try this new anonymous app and immediately hit it of. They decide to meet and guess who is there when they arrive. Right, the other one but they can't see their date(s) so they begin to chat to pass the time.
Later they go back to the app and ask why the other was a no show but they said they were there, wtf.
I feel like Daniel would be the first one to get it and make the moves on Lando who is just hella confused but also has a crush on Dan for the longest time
Daniel has been on the app for a while. He's had some great conversations, got some great food and music recomendations and he made friends with some of the people he went out with. However he has never found a person that suited him, or that he felt that instant vibe with until he matches with a guy who's name is some ridiculous gamer tag-esque.
Daniel doesn't think much will come of it, especially when the guy starts the conversation with a meme but Dan responds. The more he talks to this guy, the more he finds himself smiling. He can't wait to chat to him, to make jokes just to get the other's gif of a dog hiding it's face, and after chatting for two months, Dan wants to meet him.
Lando joined the app to get over the crush he's had on Daniel. Max F pushes him to join it and use it after he starts dating his girlfriend from using the app, so Lando gives it a go. He gives himself a stupid gamer name that has Max telling him he's an idiot but then he comes across the profile of a guy that makes him laugh so he chances it. He makes the first move, and he ends up falling head over heels for the anonymous dude so when the guy asks to meet at a discrete place, Lando agrees
He spends ages trying to find the perfect outfit and he's so nervous when he gets there that seeing Daniel is a shock. He's a little flustered because of all the poeple to be there, it has to be the man he's been pining for? Dan doesn't spot him at first, but when he does, he makes his way over to Lando and gives him a big hug. They make smallt alk, have some jokes, and then split up because they both realise they got there early and are waiting for their date
Lando goes onto the app first and messages Daniel. He messages him that hes at the bar and sends a description of what he's wearing in case he can't see him, and when Dan recieves the message he just freezes because "fuck", and his heart is pounding. Daniel had had a crussh on Lando that he's been trying to push down but here he is. He's here, he's been talking to Dan for two months but he doesn't know if Lando would want this if he knew it was Daniel
So Daniel takes the leap, he slides up beside Lando again and he smiles, teasing him about his username on the app. When Lando looks confused, Daniel shows him his phone and Lando goes white and looks as if he's going to flee until Dan puts a hand on his waist and goes "Isn't it funny how I downloaded this stupid app to get rid of this crush I had on this teammate I had called Lando, only to end up matching with him. It must be fate", and that has Lando ducking his head shyly and smiling because "I was trying to get over this guy named Daniel..."
They end up having dinner and it's better than either of them could ever have imagined, especially when the night ends with a kiss
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I'm at Jess's house watching Mama Mia. Which is very fun. But man am I tired. Today was a long day. I was happy but also nervous about the trip. And just very tired.
I slept better. I woke up at 6 to see if James had made it to the water yet for their kayak trip. And they had! I took a screen shot of their location dot in the harbor and went back to sleep.
When I woke up I was a little uncomfortable. James was home though and I would go and get washed and dressed and felt alright. I was mostly just happy to see my husband.
James would come upstairs to sit in the floor with me for a bit while we decided what we were doing this morning. It was decided we would go to Southside and then run a few errands.
I had to rewash my face because my blush stained in weird dots. But soon I was ready and we were off.
It was humid. It would rain hard later. But it was fine for now and we went to brunch.
I dont know why but I tend to feel sick half way through the meal at Southside almost every time we eat there. And it sucks and I don't understand why it happens. I was also just a little stressed when I got an email that the organizer from yesterday sent payment to the wrong venmo. And so I had to figure out how to log in and James and me were able to work together to get that settled but it was very stressful. And I would take half of the food home. They even gave me a soda for the road.
James would run the leftovers to the car and we would walk around five below. James had promised to come back for an inflatable raft I wanted and we got a bunch of freeze dried candy to try out. Which I was excited about but ended up being very very strange! The gummy worms were like a cheese curl.
We would go to ace hardware next to get the latches for all of our doors. We were struggling to find them but James went and asked for help and we were able to get exactly what I wanted.
Our last stop was to go to the dispensary. I have never been in one before so I was nervous but I just followed James's lead. Brought my id and everything. And the customers were all very strange in their own special ways.
I was very tired though and was ready to go home.
When we got back we brought in our things and put things away. I would collect my temperature blanket yarn and brought it outside to work on measuring out june. James brought Crabcake outside and I would hang out on the porch swing. Measuring and cutting and getting through the whole month.
I was very tired though and I kept wanting to quit but I knew I would feel better if I finished it. And I would feel better in the end.
It started drizzling and I decided that that was going to be my deadline. And would rush to finish cutting and then assembling everything. Which did take most of an hour. But it was nice being out there. And just as I was finishing the big rain drops started. And we brought everyone inside.
I would hang out on the couch with James for a while. Tried the candy. James downloaded a new video game. We cuddled and talked. And at 1 I went upstairs to take a shower.
I for sure felt a little better after the shower. Still sleepy but better. James would come upstairs to lay with me. And that's when the rain really started to pick up.
We talked through my packing and I felt pretty confident I had everything. While we were sitting and talking I got a call from Kathleen, from the markets, who had a few questions she wanted answers from a vendor perspective. And it was a really eye opening conversation for me too. She told me how she gets paid to run the markets and encouraged me in trying to organize more of them after doing the one in the spring. An interesting concept for sure. A little scary! But neat.
After I got off the phone with her I decided I should probably leave a little early for my appointment. The rain had gotten really heavy. And I for sure made the right call.
We said goodbye in the living room. And I got my umbrella but the rain was so heavy it collapsed! And me and James were screaming and running to the car and James basically threw my suitcase in the car and ran inside. I'm glad we had already kissed goodbye. It was nice to leave with so much laughter.
I was also just really glad I had a towel in my car. I sat for a moment and tried to dry off. I was still laughing. And then I headed to the doctor.
It was not an amazing drive. Everyone today was driving stupid. But I made it in one piece and it wasn't even raining anymore.
My appointment went fine. And I got my shots. The nurse accidentally got me in the nerve of my right leg and my leg spasmed and twitched for a half hour! We were both very confused. But it didn't hurt. Just felt like worms wiggling in my leg, all the way through my knee. It was very odd.
After checking out and using their bathroom I decided to check the map. I was unsure how I was getting to Jess's. But it turned out there was no quicker way. Traffic was horrible and would be horrible for 80% of the drive.
First people just absolutely were not paying attention and not letting people merge and I sat in a back up that I can't even explain, no evidence of a crash or anything, for a half hour. Then I was still in the tunnel for a while. And people were just being horrible. Then it started pouring again and we were down to 30 mph on the highway. But once I was over the Susquehanna River things got easier.
It still took me over two hours to get here when it should have taken an hour and 15. But I made it.
I was very happy to see Jess. We would hug and she helped me bring my bags inside. And we would laugh and joke and it was just really nice to be here.
We decided to go to Applebee's for dinner because we thought that was funny. And it actually turns out to be really good. We had a nice conversation on the way there and it only continues throughout the whole night.
The reason we went to Applebee's was because I wanted mozzarella sticks. Which turned out they were having a 50cent mozzarella sticks night. How lucky am I. And we would get salads and fries and cheese curds. Which was a lot of cheese to be fair but it was a lot of fun. And we discussed the cruise and Jess's new medical stuff and my medical stuff. And a guy who was sitting at the bar (who clearly was treating this Applebee's as his hometown bar) as weirdly flirting with me?? But I was still having a lot of fun.
Jess needed to get bananas for her house sitter, Nick. Who apparently eats one every day. And so as we were leaving the restaurant she says "banana time!" And in my mind I go and maybe a little ice cream. And she says workout me saying anything "and then ice cream time!" I love how in sync we are.
We would find the bananas. Jess did not know how much a banana would cost and was excited to find that she could get 6 for $1.50. we also got pomegranate ice tea lemonade to have tomorrow. It's the little things.
We would go and get custard instead of ice cream. Jess got chocolate and I got white chocolate. And then we went home.
When we got back where we looked at our packing and discussed some stuff about the trip and the house. And then we would hang out on the couch. She just got a replacement for the fancy one that turned out was broken. And this one is bigger and so much more comfortable. It's great.
Jess would ask if I wanted to watch Mama Mia and I had never seen it so I said yes and it was great but I mostly took away from it that I want to be Meryl Streep. Not shocking, she's beautiful in this movie.
And it was just nice hanging out and watching a movie with my best friend.
We both just said goodnight and brushed our teeth and are in our own beds. The guest room is pretty comfortable. And I am very much looking forward to sleeping.
And then tomorrow is cruise day!! I'm very nervous. But it will be a very good time I'm sure. We will leave here by 9. Get to Jess's parents. And leave there around 11. And our port call is 230. It's the last one and I'm nervous about that but it will all be okay. It's going to be a great day.
I hope you all have a great day. Sleep well and be safe!! I should have WiFi on board tomorrow (I paid for it) so let's hope posting is not interrupted!!
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that-darn-clown · 2 months
laptop decided to freeze while writing this last time, so here we go again:
so. thought about Rewrite!Malhare and Help Wanted (OG) and that one "the haunted house loves you and doesn't want you to leave" post. also your original response to my ask going into detail on the plot of Help Wanted in the Rewrite where you said it was like if Purble Place wanted you dead.
like, if we can consider William's mental state at this point (had already been dead and stuck in a building, both alone in a backstage area with the door blocked off and surrounded by ghosts who either hated him or were terrified of him, and was now currently being tormented by his son in a hell of his son's creation with the occasional appearance of the other souls of his victims), He Likely Ain't Doing Too Hot. he's probably desperate for any positive human contact. mix this in with William still doubling down on the fact that he was a good father and having some control in his current situation, and you've got one unstable (in multiple ways) lil glitchy hare, who can swap between being a manipulative charismatic, silly guy to being fucking terrifying within seconds. (and is only 2% of Afton's soul in AI form but y'know)
so like. imagine this from the perspective of our three protagonists:
you're Vanessa. your abusive dad just kinda moved in with you, because you felt an obligation to take care of him. you escape to video games and the internet as a way to ignore your current...circumstances. you download these games by Fazbear Entertainment, the games constantly getting recommended to you as you browse the internet for some reason. then this...AI thing starts talking to you. you spend more and more time talking to it, and you hardly even realize it. it keeps making these...odd statements. it compliments your fursuit, a rabbit (makes sense). it seems to comfort you as you vent about your current life problems. then it gets worrying. it says things like "You remind me of my son, I think you two would get along! :)" and "Your father's terrible! I would've been a much better father to you than him." his suggestions keep getting more worried, and you've had to switch your sessions online with it to being during the night, since it's...oddly clingy. and, of course, the other two people in your house have to use the computer, too.
then, it starts suggesting that you kill.
starting with your father.
you're Summer. your girlfriend roommate has been acting weirder since her father moved in with you both. she's been on the computer for hours at a time. even weirder...the game pack she downloaded is on your account, too. you decide to investigate. you discover this...Thing, too. it's toying with you, you know it is. as to why...well, that's anyone's guess. it keeps messing with you, messing with your progress through the games. and you don't know why. you record audio logs, keeping track of all of this, but you hide them the best you can. it...starts asking questions. about her. "How long have you both known each other? :)" "Vanny doesn't seem to like her father here...is that why she comes to talk to me so often? :)" "Has Vanessa expressed any interest in murder before? :)" even worse, she's getting...weirder. and not in a good way. she seems more...volatile now.
you don't know what to do.
and, finally, you're Bill. you're surprised that you're even in this situation in the first place. you were honestly expecting her to slam the door in your face and tell you to fuck off, but...she doesn't, surprisingly. but you can tell things are tense. she's been getting on the computer more, playing these...well, to be blunt, they're kid's games. she's, what, 23 now? great, now they're on your account, too...wait, Fazbear Entertainment? that's a name you haven't heard in years...well, for good reason...you don't have the happiest memories with that place...but it's under new management now, so who knows? then...you come across IT. it's hostile to you, knowing things about your history that it just...shouldn't. with your daughter, with your brother...and it hits you. somehow, you're talking to your brother's killer. it keeps fucking with you, messing around with you as you try to get through these games, not letting you leave until you do it "right," all while practically taunting you, sometimes bringing up your brother's murder. you don't know why this thing doesn't just let you get through the games as fast as possible, if it hates you so much. it won't have to deal with you, then. even worse, your daughter is...hostile, now. she seems like she's about ready to snap at you any moment.
you don't feel safe in the house now.
(don't mind me. just rambling about random thoughts i had about this)
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fictionfixations · 3 months
its only playing star rail that got me to actually take the time to build my characters
trying to clear space for zzz (and still not having enough) gave me enough space for genshin LOL so
looking at my builds
wriothesley and furina arent even fully leveled up
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also idk how team comps work in this game ive only ever focused on the story in this game
i dont know why wriostheley's here besides 'water + ice makes freeze' like
before this i had wanderer. like. hes. bETTER. uhm. i dont know what stat numbers are considered good but this is better then others. like. HES FULLY LEVELED
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i feel like i could create such a better team but in all honesty this is more made up of my favorites. tighnari should probably replace one of them because 1. hes good. 2. I DONT HAVE A BOW USER on the team (the amount of times ive been dying inside facing stuff you need archers for and trying to cheese them with wanderer 😭)
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to be fair if i had it my way id replace raiden with cyno (but i gave up on him cause i didnt have the commitment to go hunting scarabs. ..i dont know WHY i decided wriothesley was a good idea considering i think you have to hunt shit down for him too) but i think raiden's e like. makes everyone stronger??
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or maybe replace one of the anemo boys with cyno but like. i know kazuhas really good. wanderer is convenient for exploration
we're pretending wriothesley doesnt exist (i dont even LIKE characters that consume hp cause im the type who likes my characters fully healed. ..furina is there because furinas my favorite besides cyno)
but in all honesty they arent too bad? like. at least they're decently leveled (talents however... uh.)
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(wanderer. i dont have yae miko so uh. i know he cant use it to its full potential but hh)
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about raiden. i have this
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and this (on cyno rn) and. i mean. the 4 star gives more damage. cause. i mean. yknow. so the 5 star doesnt do as much. and im still mixed on whether to leave it as it is or switch them (or if itd be better by being leveled up to 80)
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also this is furina. in all honesty i should probably give kazuha his sword back.
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im. gonna go grind and build my characters up. and maybe see if i can get furinas weapon in the meanwhile
ive never been a fan of multiple teams (which means end game fighting content with two teams is kinda rough) but in all honesty i have enough characters fully built that i probably could.
like look at tighnari he has a good weapon. hes lvl 80. he has ok artifacts.
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ahdiuhuasdh i have so much i probably have to do in this game. (kind of why im not the biggest fan open world exploration games like this and wuwa. its just. the story is keeping me hooked. its just that sometimes you play so much you get burnt out which is what i did i think. and i dropped the game for months lOL. then sumeru fontaine go brr. more burn out but story cool. BRRRR)
its like. cause theyre both HUGE time sinks. i give star rail a pass because you can set it to auto and do other stuff while its grinding for you ok
which i dont really like but what can you do
..thinking about it now if i downloaded wuwa (i mean if i deleted genshin) i probably wouldnt lag as bad. but also past me has already given me kind of partially built characters. so. less of a time sink. and i dont know if i have the patience to go grinding all over again during the start where you change weapons or characters so many times cause you get better ones and having wasted materials
so uhm. ghjsuifhsiudfj
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
Hello! Can I request ray/saeran being in love with MC while she is with 7?
yes yes! i took some inspiration from the bad ending where ray starts questioning if you've been playing 'his version' of the game,
also first fan fiction post of the year hehe happy new year everyone <3
ray x reader / seven x reader
[Heat lightening]
"there's nothing i can do, not much i can change. i give it up to you. i surrender"
cws : none; angst no happy ending / one sided love
"Why does it always crash when Seven's around?" your voice is frustrated - you'd taken a fondness to hacker, regardless of Ray's attempt to warn you his route would only hurt you. You'd be prepared to face the angst even for just a moment more of his sweet words - but it seemed the game would glitch and freeze, or Ray would conveniently have to come to do reports mid conversation. Were the warnings just covers for the route not being complete?
"Does it? It must be because that AI is the worst of the lot, he's filled with so many bugs he's caused nothing but trouble for me... of course you can chose who you'd want, but I'd advise a different route."
"Hmm... but I like Seven, it'd be a shame to give up just over a few bugs, don't you think?" He seemed to stiffen at your words, searching for something to say.
See, his excuses had worked, they'd all made sense even if they were a bit suspicious - but upon learning the AIs were in fact actual people, and this was an actual party you were planning, and you were also now surprise kidnapped by a cult, the excuses didn't work anymore. All he'd say was 'Seven is a traitor' ,'He's a liar' and 'He's a danger to the Mint Eye.'
From what you'd gathered... what you'd suspected... was Ray was being manipulated, controlled, hurt buy the 'saviour' of this nightmare. And if that was the case, then surely that only meant Seven wasn't the heartless evil you'd been told. Surely it meant... his words were true? You cared for Ray, perhaps not in the way you suspected he was starting to care for you, you didn't blush around him, your thoughts were platonic - but that doesn't mean you love him any less. Just different. You still want him free. But how could accomplish such a task? V was trying... what could you do that was any more? The man seemed too focused on desperately trying to get you to love him not Seven, love him, love anyone not Seven, please not Seven. Ray was crying, pleading, calm only when your hands were soft on his shoulders - only for his heart to shatter over and over again whenever you called him nothing more then a friend.
And he'd come night after night as though one day you'd change your mind, fall into his arm with the sparkle in your eyes he only saw when he was mentioned. Your words about escaping fell on deaf ears, went through a man who couldn't care less what he went through if he could only hold you once. He was sorry, sorry he lied, sorry he wasn't enough - he'll change everything, anything, please, please, please.
Saeran wasn't as kind. He shut down the messenger the second the party was cancelled - you didn't need to speak to them anymore. Seven was frantically trying to get through to you, setting up rooms after rooms that he tried to hide from Saeran's merciless attacks - never getting more then a few words out before Saeran shut it down, teasingly letting you both think that just for a second it would work.
"He took everything from me, he was always better then me. It's not fair, it's not fair! You're my toy! Mine! Mine, mine, mine!"
Day after day passed, nothing more then a blur of events. Had it been a week? Three days? A few minutes? Time meant nothing to you anymore.
707: ive found a way to send a message he can't see... but only one!! pls follow the link!! trust me and download it!! pls pls pls!!
And then you had a chatroom again. Well... it was just the two of you. He could add the rest... but... wasn't it nice to have the online equivalent of some alone time? He'd pass your messages on the others if you had any.
Oh? Was that your selfie? He thought you were even cuter then he'd pictured you. Are you embarrassed? Gahh, he can't handle it.
All the teasing from the members came to your mind, all the 'ohhh Seven likes you!!' from Yoosung, 'he's a man!! be careful!! from Zen.
707: imma dangerous guy... you shouldn't fall for someone like me lol
(name): im already in a dangerous situation, arent it?
707: lololol
707: true...
707: do i need to be ur prince in shining armour to come save u?
(name): saved with a true loves kiss!
707: ki
707: kiss?!
(name): its the only way to truly save me
707: ah, then i'll have to do it. you know. to save you.
Your mood rose, Saeran hated it and snatched your phone again and again, unaware Seven was sure to keep the app hidden unless he activated it, calling you before hand and with a whole system to shut it off in a second if Saeran came barging in - code words, secret clues, it was all hidden and neat,
But then he slipped up.
You two were never at pet names. Not seriously. The sudden accidental 'Darling' in one of his what Saeran now understood as fake attempts at contacting you felt like a slap to the face. Could it have been a joke? But in such a seemingly serious message... He looked back, he saw the switch, the one night he hadn't noticed anything and suddenly you were happier and Seven was trying less.
Saeran: You two think you're so clever, huh?! Using private chatrooms.
Saeran: just you wait...
Saeran: i'll take your phone myself.
Saeran: sit lonely in that room and do nothing but wait for me. i'll even install a speaker system, you can talk to me through that hehehe
Saeran: say goodbye to your lover boy.
He through his phone after sending that last message, ignoring the cracking of the screen as he yelled into the palms of his hands. He couldn't admit why this angered him so much, if he thought he would have to admit - so he didn't think. He sat there in silence, no sound beyond his shaken breaths.
If he were to head to your room he'd break down again, he'd yell and fall crying at your feet, he'd forget the phone and run, it would the catalyst to you leaving. To him having to accept the one simple fact : you didn't romantically love him.
Perhaps he knew this. Subconsciously. Perhaps consciously.
Perhaps he went to you anyway,
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