#why is he so cutteeee
rat-rosemary · 6 months
the tags u added r so cutteeee sapnap all curled up in the nest and happy bc it smells like his pack :,,)
When he first gets the okay to come in he's so nervy and George makes a joke about Sapnap making their nest stink so Sapnap tries to get out all sad but George literally hisses and shoves him into the nest
The hardest part of getting out of the dnf nest is convincing Dream and George that yes, he does actually need to do other things like stream and respond to emails and shower and he can't just stay in the nest like a well loved plushie all day
(Also, part of why Sapnap's nest were so messy it's because he was getting information from two completly different ways of nest making from Dream and George. George makes mostly traditional winter nests, filled with quilts and heavier blankets, while Dream does summer nests made to be comfortable in the Florida heat. He gets a proper nest making lesson when the dteam finally get together tho!)
((I mean... eventually. Dnf might like Sapnap all comfy in their nest a bit too much))
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tojikai · 1 year
Part 6 was amazing as usual but honestly I don't have many thoughts even though I'm full of anxiety and wanted to scream.
I'm happy that Satoru wake up and I'm glad he dumped Naomi and his cutting off his mother. I'm glad Y/N and Toji talked even though it's clear their problems are still massive and need better communication to fix.
But I honestly felt sick to my stomach reading the entire thing.
Also about the test results at the end, Naomi's gonna be like six to twelve weeks pregnant is my guess so it's not a grape baby but accident that will make Satoru life worse when he was just starting to get better.
Oh and Mr. Gojo is a win. Probably the Best Father-in-law ever. Can't wait for more him and who he deals with wife bullshit...hopefully he divorce her and protect his son, granddaughter and by default Y/N.
Can't wait for part 7 but don't rush take your time and focus on your studies if you need to.
P.S here's some fanart I found of Gojo with a baby to help with everyone's anxiety from your beautiful writing (Also the girl in the second I how I picture Yui when she older so had to add it even though it like a set of twins and not a baby)
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gojo's dad was a real nice man. he's just always submerged in work, thats why his wife could roam around 😭 and yep, things could've gotten better for satoru but this just has to happen. that's actually what i was thinking as i wrote his plot. 🥹 anyways omg those fanarts are so cutteeee, but just to inform you, the artist of the last pic uses AI 😔
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
Adorkable (Pavel Chekov x Young!Fem!Reader)
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Summary: [y/n] boards the Enterprise as a new recruit and meets a flustered Pavel Chekov. 
Word Count: 2000+ Warnings: reader is like, 15, though it’s probably not possible but that doesn’t really matter; fluffy af :) also cursing but that’s a given  Posted: Tumblr, Wattpad Requested: No
A/n: Sorry if the Russian is incorrect, I used Google translate. I also left some un-translated because some of my favorite Chekov fics made me look it up myself and it made me smile. It’s also more fun that way :)
Today was the day. Today was the day you were finally going to be boarding the Enterprise and working as a full-time ensign, as well as training to be a backup engineer. You were so excited you could barely sleep, and once you woke up the next morning you already had so much energy you had no idea what to do with yourself.
After stress-eating several bowls of [your favorite cereal] and pacing so long you could've worn holes in your floor, it was time to leave your home in San Francisco. You smoothed out your new gold uniform, making sure it wasn't riding up and tugged on your boots. Deeming yourself acceptable, you grabbed your things and left.
After reveling in the beauty of the massive starship, you boarded successfully and started looking for your quarters. You had to admit you were a little self-conscious. The Enterprise had already been flying for five months and everybody seemed to know each other already. You clutched your backpack straps, keeping your head down as you navigated through the crowd of officers.
Chekov stood awkwardly by Sulu who was talking with someone he had never met. He scanned the crowd, seeing the same usual faces... Except for one. Her [hair length] [hair color] hair shielded her face for a moment until she suddenly looked up and scanned the room. Butterflies exploded in his chest, sending his heart pumping at a furious pace as he caught a glimpse of her features. He was unable to move, unable to breathe, as the same four words echoed in his mind.
You're in love.
She suddenly made eye contact and her face burst into pink and she hastily looked away, causing his own face to redden as he averted his eyes. Unfortunately, Sulu noticed.
"Hey, it was nice talking to you, but I gotta go," he waved goodbye to the person he was talking with and dragged Chekov to the side.
"Who are you looking at?" he smirked.
"N-no one," Chekov tried desperately to get his heartbeat to calm down. "It's nothing."
"Okay, I know that you know that I'm 'batting for the other team'," Sulu made quotes with his fingers. "But I really want to know who you're looking at. Is it someone I know?"
Chekov shook his head. "I've never seen her before." Sulu sighed.
"What color uniform does she have?" he asked.
"Gold," Chekov gulped. "Like us."
"Excellent," Sulu snickered. "Easier to find."
" о боже, помоги мне, " Chekov muttered. (Oh god, help me)
You scurried down a random hall, gripping your PADD with a map of the Enterprise in one hand and the other randomly twirling the hem of your dress.
What just happened?
That boy was outrageously attractive and he was staring at you. You tried your best to brush it off and continue to find your quarters. The captain had requested that you meet him on the bridge so he could let you know what you were supposed to do and you really did not want to show up with your face a blushing mess and your backpack.
When you finally found it, you tossed your backpack down, splashed water on your face, and you were back out the door. Your heart raced and your palms were sweaty as you entered the turbolift.
"Bridge, please," you said, trying to sound confident. The lift went faster than you expected and before you knew it the doors hissed open to reveal the busy space.
Quickly remembering protocol, you called; "Permission to enter the bridge, sir?"
The captain turned around, immediately grinning.
"Ah, Ensign [y/l/n]! So glad you made it aboard," ha pat you on the shoulder. "Let me introduce you to some people."
Does he do this with all the crew?
"Bones, this is Ensign [y/l/n], the fifteen-year-old Ensign I told you about!" Kirk led you over to a tired looking man arguing with a Vulcan. They both looked up when you approached.
"Dammit Jim, since when are we letting fifteen-year-olds join the crew?" Bones grumbled. "Chekov's seventeen and I'm already fed up."
"This is our Cheif Medical Officer, Bones McCoy," Jim introduced.
"The name's Leonard," he muttered, sticking his hand out to shake. You gladly shook it.
"And this here is the First Officer, Commander Spock."
"Pleased to meet you, Ensign," he greeted. "I understand that you have taken the record of youngest Starfleet officer, am I correct?"
"I understand that you have taken the record of youngest Starfleet officer, am I correct?"
Chekov tensed.
That was my record.
He stood up suddenly to approach the person who had taken his prized possession but stopped in his tracks.
дерьмо. (Shit)
It was her. It was the girl from before. Before he could go back to his seat unnoticed, the captain called him over.
"Keep cool," Chekov muttered, getting desperate to calm his reddening face. He tried not to look her way, in fear he would freeze up like the last time he beheld her.
"Ensign [your full name], this is Ensign Pavel Chekov," Kirk introduced.
He finally allowed himself to look at her, which was an immediate mistake. Her smile launched butterflies in his stomach and, if it was possible, his eyes reflected hearts.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you Pavel!" she beamed at him, and held out her hand. Chekov shook his head slightly and reached out to shake her hand.
" Это хорошо для - I mean, Its good to meet you," He stuttered awkwardly, muttering, "Я испортил это." (I messed it up)
"You too!"
"Chekov, sorry to tell you this but this Ensign has beaten your record for 'youngest crew member'," Kirk said with a grin. "I'm lucky to have the two youngest members of Starfleet aboard my ship!"
"Wait, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" she cocked her head a bit as she looked up at him.
О боже, почему она такая красивая.
"I-umm," he struggled.
"He's seventeen," Kirk winked at him.
"Wow! Seventeen! That's amazing!"
Oh god, that smile.
"Ты великолепен (you’re wonderful)- I mean, you're amazing," they both turned red. "I- I mean that you're amazing for getting in at fifteen."
"Thank you," she smiled sheepishly.
"Chekov why don't you escort Ensign [last name] to her quarters," Kirk instructed slyly.
Sulu didn't tell him, did he?
"O-of course Keptin," Chekov stuttered. He was gonna kill Sulu.
"Thank you," Kirk clapped her on the back and started walking away. "Have fun you two, but not too much fun."
They both stood there awkwardly.
"Um- ladies first," Chekov said when the turbolift opened.
"Thanks," she said softly. The lift was silent before you started speaking.
"So, you're the navigator?" She asked him.
"да- I mean, yes," Chekov cursed himself. "I am also shadowing the Cheif Engineer."
"Hey me too!" she said, smiling. "I actually have to go down there next... Do you wanna come with?"
"S-Sure," Chekov gave a small smile. "I would love too."
There were a couple moments of silence.
"Are you-" she started.
"How did-" Chekov interrupted.
"Sorry!" they both said at the same time.
"You first," she giggled as the turbolift opened.
"No, ladies first," he insisted, smiling as he let you out of the turbolift first.
"Okay fine then," she sighed. "Are you from Russia? I mean of course you are- I mean-"
"It's okay," Chekov chuckled. "I am from Russia. I was born there in 2241."
"I see," she nodded. "I was born in [birthplace], 2244."
"You're fifteen, yes?" Chekov asked.
"Yeah, but I'm turning sixteen in a few weeks," she replied. "Anyway, your turn. What were you going to say?"
"Oh, uh," Chekov rubbed the back of his neck. "I was going to ask how your parents let you join Starfleet so young. Mine barely let me go to America."
"Well it took a lot of convincing by me and my teachers, but once I skipped to the ninth grade when I was ten, my parents agreed to enroll me," she explained.  
"That is amazing," Chekov blushed at his words. "Well, we are in engineering. This is where I leave you."
"I'll see you later?" she cocked her head to the side again, making Chekov's insides turn to mush.
"да- I mean, yes," he stuttered. "I can meet you for dinner?"
"Its a date then!" and she disappeared into engineering.
Your face was so hot you were sure it would explode. Grateful for the door that now separated you from Chekov, you started towards the Cheif Engineer's office.
Once you got there, he shook your hand and started explaining a whole bunch of things that he was going to teach you later and started showing you around the basic parts of engineering. You couldn't focus. All you could think of was Pavel and how flustered he looked when you looked him in the eye. Four words bounced around your mind for the duration of Scotty's tour.
You're in love.
"Well, that seems to be it. Your first day down here will be in a few days. You'll know the exact date later," he concluded, handing you your PADD back. "Can't wait to work with you, [l/n]."
"You too Mr. Scott," you smiled at him before moving away. Your thoughts went back to your dinner "date" with Pavel, and your cheeks flushed. Unsure when dinner was, you looked on the map on your PADD.
                                                  ~спустя два дня~
                                                    (two days later)
You waited patiently for your new best friend on the ship by the turbolift. You were both going to shadow Scotty for the day, and you were anxious and excited to work next to him.
"[Y/n]!" He called as he jogged up to you.
"Hey Pavel!" you greeted cheerfully, getting into the turbolift. "Ready to be a shadow?"
"You bet!" he replied stepping in after you.
The ride was short but sweet, and before you knew it you were standing in front of Scotty.
"Okay, here are the rules," he said. "No running near the warp core, don't mess with the tools, and don't be making out while I'm not looking."
Both your faces erupted into blushing messes.
"Alright, off we go," Scotty waved over his shoulder as he walked away. You hurried after him.
Forty minutes in, you were bored to death. You could tell Pavel was too, judging by his slouching shoulders and sagging eyelids. Scotty barely did anything; signing reports, checking in on his underlings, etcetera, etcetera.
"Hey," he whispered. "I have an idea."
"I'm down for anything. Just end my suffering," you whispered back. He nodded.
"Mister Scott?" Chekov called.
"What is it, lad?" Scotty replied, looking slightly irritated.
"Can [y/n] and I take a break?" he asked, flashing his puppy eyes.
"Oh- alright. Just don't tell the captain," he warned though laughter twinkled in his eyes.
"Yay!" you and Pavel cheered. He grabbed your hand and started running in the other direction.
"Thanks, Mister Scott!" he called over his shoulder.
"No prob- Hey! No running...." he trailed off at the sounds of your laughter before chuckling to himself. "Kids these days."
"So, what are we doing?" you giggled, trying not to think of how perfectly Pavel's hand fit into yours.
"Jefferies Tube C," he huffed, still running. "The gravity control doesn't work there."
"So in other words," you smiled. "It's fun."
"Precisely," Chekov slowed to a stop, still gripping your hand. "Here's the entrance."
You climbed up the ladder first, praying you remembered to wear booty shorts under your uniform. You barely got the latch open before you felt your feet lift off the ladder rung.
"Whoa!" You yelped, gripping the latch as your feet rose higher, tipping you upside down.
"It's okay," Pavel chuckled, pushing himself lightly into the tube. "Here, grab my hand."
You blushed as you gripped his hand with one of yours and let go of the handle.
"You can do it," he encouraged. You nodded, slowly letting go of his hand. Before you knew it, you were flipping around and laughing your head off.
"Now you've got it!" He laughed.
You smiled at him, head full of bliss and heart fluttering.
"Thank you."
"You're always welcome."
                                              ~две недели спустя~
                                                 (two weeks later)
"I can't believe I'm doing this," Chekov grumbled as Sulu thrust a pink rose in his hand.
"You'll do great!" Sulu enthused, leading his friend into the dining hall. "There she is!"
Spending two weeks with his best-friend/ love of his life had been amazing and fun. But he couldn't wait anymore. He had to know.
Pavel's heart raced in his chest as he looked at her standing there. The mess hall was not the place he wanted to do this. He pushed the thornless stem of the rose into his waistband and quickly walked over to her.
"Hey, Pavel-"
"Follow me," he said, putting his hand on the small of her back as he led her out of the busy room.
"Pavel- where are we going?" she asked, struggling to keep up with him.
"It's a surprise," he said, tilting his head down at her small form and grinning. His cheeks turned pink at the sight of hers doing the same.
Once he found the room he was looking for, anxiety spiked through him.
I am really going to do this.
"Wow! Is this the astronomy room?" you gasped, looking around in wonder at the galaxy in front of you.
"Y-yes it is," Pavel stuttered. "[Y/n] I... Uh."
"What is it Pav?" you asked, cocking your head. His grip of the rose stem tightened.
"I-I just-" without thinking, he thrust the rose out in front of him and squeezed his eyes shut.
She's going to reject me. He thought desperately.
Oh God, she's going to reject me.
Instead of being slapped or hearing footsteps run from the room as he expected, he felt a hand cover his on the rose and soft lips touch his. His eyes fluttered open, but seeing hers tightly shut he closed them again. She pulled away.
"No!" he interrupted, giving a soft laugh. "That's what I hoped would happen."
She beamed.
"Will you go on a date with me?" he asked sheepishly.
"Of course," she nodded. "Pasha."
With that, Pavel attacked her lips once again.
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dqhxx · 2 years
heheh mmm do you thing kazutora would dress up as a little kitty for you?? a little tail buttplug and cat ears, even buying a collar from the pet shop just for this. and u can hear the little jingle from the bell on the collar whenever you thrust into him. hehe until kazutora gets hard everytime he hears that jingle again, and then chifuyu needs to help him during work hours poor baby, can’t just leave him hard at work hehe 🤭🤭
I'm screaming right now.
i hated it but i needed to write about it, six you are an angel ily
You were working so hard so he was doing this to relax you a little bit
It doesn't even look like he was having a hard time convincing chifuyu that that collar wasn't for himself but for some animal.
He dressed up so much just for you, he had so much trouble getting his little tail in because his hole was so tight :(
Imagine him wearing those kitty-themed lingerie, he sure looked adorable
he was ready, he was sure you would love it!
When you get home you will be greeted by your cute kitty with red cheeks while that plug that was in his ass was almost touching his sensitive spots
That little necklace tinkling with every step he took, the little ear that matched her lingerie. Everything was perfect!
He went out of his way just to make you happy so reward him for being a good kitty to you! Pick him up, put him to bed and make him moan and cry your name
Fuck him in a position where you can see his pretty face, see those tears coming out of the corners of his eyes, see the drool coming out of his mouth while he kept moaning
The little bell on his collar tinkled, the noise falling in his ears making him harden. You were fucking him like he was your last meal.
He would take anything you give him since he is your good kitty and will do anything to make you satisfied.
Poor thing, the next day he'd be in so much pain, chifuyu would definitely notice that and be worried by his employee
How could kazutora explain why he was in so much pain, when he would try to think of an excuse he could hear that ringing of some bell
He would be so ashamed, last night's memories would surface, poor little guy would get excited in front of his own boss
Chifuyu should help! It was his employee who was like that, he needed to help like a good boss too
Kazutora will have a lot of problems because of those little bells
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look at yoon in his bucket hat- why tf is he so cutteeee????? he didnt deserve any of what he went thru T^T
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tiny-ghost-boi · 4 years
Early Mornings; Bakugou x GN Reader Fluff
Warnings: mentions of nightmares and crying, mentions of showing up late to school, mentions of messy hair (lol showing up late to school is the worst type of angst in fanfiction hehe), some cursing
Reader’s body type: yo it’s fluff, it what reader looks like doesn’t matter. You just have hair that’s long enough to get in your face sometimes so I think you’re good no matter what.
Cuteness under the cut
Bakugou always woke up early. 6:30 to be precise. Honestly, 6:30 was actually sleeping in late for him so that should give you an idea to how early the boy woke up. You however, always slept in as late as you possibly could, which explained why you always looked like you barely had enough time to brush your hair when you arrived at school.
Bakugou had been having nightmares as of late, and you’d offered to cuddle with him so that you’d be there when he awoke in sweat and tears. This was the first night in two weeks that he’d not had a nightmare. He felt well-rested, and for a moment, he had no idea why.
He started to sit up, but felt a weight on his chest. He layed back down, seeing you, fast asleep on his chest. You were cuddled up against him, arms wrapped tightly around him. You looked peaceful, and honestly adorable.
Your hair was falling in front of your face a little, messy and tangled. Your soft breaths tickled his chin. He grinned, reaching his hand up to move you off his chest so he could get up. He paused when you let out a soft whine, gripping his sleep shirt tighter.
“Katsu...” you murmured. “Stay, please~” you looked so cute, eyes still closed as you begged him to stay near you. His heart nearly burst, he was glad your eyes were closed so you wouldn’t see his wide goofy smile. He felt like such a dork, reacting the way he was to you. 
“I gotta make breakfast, babe.” he informed you, smiling at the cute pout on your face. He resisted the urge to cover you in kisses.
“Nooo babyyy please just five more minutes~” you whined, grabbing at his shirt to try and pull him down. That was it, the last straw. You were just too cute! He grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks together as he pressed thousands of tiny kisses against your skin, finally waking you up.
“Cute.” he growled. “Mine. Pretty. Perfect.” Your eyes finally flew open as you squealed.
“Katsu no- that tickles! Hahaha!” you pushed lightly against his chest, not really trying to get him off you. He flopped his full body weight onto you, continuing to abuse your skin with little pecks.
“You’re mine.” he growled possesively. “You were too cute now take your punishment.” he pestered you with his lips as you shrieked and giggled, smiling brightly.
“Katsukiii~” you whined. “Stoooop~” 
“No. You’re cute.” you grabbed him by his cheeks and pulled him up, kissing him deeply to get him to stop. When you pulled away, he was staring at you with soft loving eyes. You loved being able to see him like this, soft for you.
“I love you, Katsuki.” you whispered. “I really do but that shit tickles!”
“Well to damn bad, Teddy Bear!” he laughed, smiling brightly at you. Your heart melted on the spot at his warm and bright smile. It was so rare that he smiled and laughed like this, so you had to treasure it. “Cuz I love you and this is how I show my love!”
“You’re really pretty...” you murmured, kissing him again. He sighed, burying his head in your neck. You dug your fingers into his hair, petting him. Suddenly, you felt something against your neck. You shoved Katsuki off you with a shreik.
“Did you just lick me?” you stared at him in shock as he laughed.
“I was getting bored!” he pinched your cheek. “You’re too cute I just have to tease you.” you pouted, punching his shoulder lightly. 
“Ah but you loove mee~” he teased, grinning at your face. 
“Nope.” you huffed. “Katsuki’s a meanie.” now it was his turn to pout, sitting up and resting his chin on your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Can I make it up to you?” he asked and you nodded. 
“Got it~” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek before getting out of bed and pulling some pants on. You however flopped back into the blankets with a yawn, complaining about how early it is. As your eyes dipped closed again, Katsuki leaned over you and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you, I really do.” you smiled lazily back up at him, eyes closed.
“I love you too, Boom Boom Boy~”
A/N AAAAHHHH SO CUTTEEEE ! My hearts gunna explodeee! I love this man so damn much!
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hlvraik · 4 years
What if after everyone has escaped black mesa the science team (with the help of Gordon’s sister) actually get ahold of Gordon’s parents to at least calm k!Gordon down a little. He’d probably be confused why they look so much older but very happy to have his mom and dad back
please this just too cutteeee-
[continuation of this post]
The Science Team ends up inviting Gordon's parents over for coffee and a quick chat, as not only will seeing his parents in person calm K!Gordon down tremendously, but also due to the fact that they're going to be taking care of K!Gordon for a month or so until Darnold can create a cure-so might as well ask for some parenting tips and tricks while they're at it.. [Thank God that Joshua's currently at camp-]
Whenever K!Gordon sees his parents for the first time, he sprints towards them without hesitation and hugs them tightly as tears stream down the pudgy little face of his. [He doesn't even realize that they're so much older than he remembers as he's just so relieved that they're here-] Of course, his mom picks him up and wipes his tears away using her thumb and tries to soothe him. Meanwhile the Science Team is just awkwardly standing to the side, all astonished at how quickly she was able to calm K!Gordon down in a matter of seconds.
Anywho, they all get comfortable and sit down and the Science Team begins explaining the whole situation to which Gordon's parents take it fairly well-as both of his parents had their fair share of dabbling in mixology and knowing the possible mishaps that come with it- as they state that mixology is pretty difficult science to master. Also while the Science Team is asking Gordon's parents for parenting advice, K!Gordon is non stop babbling about their journey in Black Mesa and all the aliens they encounter, and how they slipped past the military. 
Before they leave, they end up writing their contact number and maybe some other important information too  on a sticky note before sticking it to Gordon's fridge. They also end up giving the Science Team a box they found in the attic full of Gordon's old childhood mementos such as old clothes, toys, ect to save them the hassle of shopping-and you bet they give K!Gordon a hug.
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aot-brainrot · 3 years
po box for you and adult streamer hasan
what ever toys you open up that show will be charged by the next one - you don't always use them then but you always at least go through the settings
after you open the po box you do a test of whatever toys you might have from the last box opening
that's how you get your first suction toy - womanizer sends you the pr package to your adult stream instead and the next week you both try out your toys
and it's wonderful for both of you but you're shocked by just how fast he cums - you need a bit longer even though you cum crazy hard after just a few minutes
hasan is still knocked out from his orgasm after you've cum and you both are panting in silence trying to calm down enough to read the chat and get back to your planned activities
hasan calms down first and lets out a "holy fucking shit dude" and you giggle and agree
AHH THE ENDING-- He'd just brush his hair back and pant, "Fuck..." And the cute lil giggles that's so freaking cutteeee. It's those little moments that remind you guys why you stream for each other and not for anyone else.
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aalissy · 4 years
Some cutteeee kisses in this chapter hehehe ;). Also, I cannottt believe we only have one day left of June :O. Time goes by toooo quickly. Anyway, lemme know what you think of this chapter <3
Sighing quietly, Ladybug looked over at the boy sitting next to her. His bright, emerald green eyes twinkled with awe in the setting sunlight. A small smile twitched at her lips as she watched him instead of the beautiful colors dancing across the horizon. 
They both were perched atop the Eiffel Tower, having just experienced a long day running away from akumas. Thus, Ladybug had snuck into Adrien’s room, stealing him away so that they could relax and watch the sunset together. Was it a little unfair for her to use her powers to take her crush someplace special? Maybe. But it was all worth it for the look on his face when they finally landed on the Eiffel Tower.
His eyes had gone wide and he spoke breathily as he took in their surroundings, “Wow.”
She had given him a shy smile before sitting down, patting the space next to her. Turning her head to the setting sun, she had murmured, “I come here a lot after an exhausting akuma attack. It really helps.” 
Adrien had sat next to her with a small nod, leading them to where they were now. Their hands close to each other’s, sitting in a comfortable silence, completely content with the others’ company as they watched the sun go down. 
Leaning back on his arms, Adrien met her gaze before murmuring quietly, “Thank you for taking me here, Ladybug.”
She quickly nodded her head, averting her eyes back to the sky as her cheeks pinkened at having been caught watching him. Slowly, a smile made its way across her face as she watched the array of colors dance across the sky. She heard movement next to her but before she could turn her head to look back at Adrien, she felt a warm hand grasp onto hers. Her blush darkened and she barely managed to hold back the squeal that was dying to burst forth. A wave of butterflies fluttered to life in her stomach and her heart thumped in her chest as she shot a sneaky glance at the boy next to her. 
I honestly can’t believe this right now! Is this really happening?! Is Adrien actually holding my hand?! Please, if this is just a dream, let me never wake up again!! Ladybug pleaded in her mind. Gulping down a harsh breath, she gathered her courage before grasping his hand more tightly, entangling their fingers together. She practically swooned when Adrien squeezed her hand back. Best day ever! Ladybug thought to herself happily.
“Really?” Adrien looked over at her, one of his eyebrows raising slightly, “I don’t know about you but that akuma attack ruined my morning. Still, this is definitely making up for it,” he squeezed her hand once again.
She let out a high-pitched squeak, flushing a brilliant red. Nibbling her lower lip, she chuckled nervously, “W-well, I’m glad then.”
I can’t believe I said that out loud! What is wrong with me?! Ladybug smacked herself mentally.
Me too,” Adrien breathed out, his eyes twinkling at her, “Maybe we can have more days like this. Just without the akuma attack next time.”
Swallowing harshly, she quickly nodded her head. Did Adrien just ask her out? No, that was impossible! She was either dreaming or he only meant it as friends. Giving him a lovesick smile, she stuttered out, “M-mhm! I-I’d love too!”
“Great,” he beamed over at her.
Unable to resist, Ladybug leaned over to brush a kiss against his cheek. Adrien’s head turned at the last second, though, and she hit a different target. Her eyes popped open wide as their lips connected. A tingle shot up her spine and she was about to pull away and stammer a million apologies when Adrien sighed lightly into their kiss. He scooted closer to her, tilting his head to deepen their kiss. She practically choked out loud, shock mixing together with pure euphoria.
“I-I’m sorry,” Adrien pulled back immediately, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, “I shouldn’t have done that. I-I didn’t mean too!”
“No, no! You shouldn’t be the one apologizing!” she waved away his apology, her lips still tingling from their kiss, “I was the one who kissed you first! This is my fault!”
“You’re fine, really!” he said as his cheeks flushed a dark red, “Besides, I-I didn’t mind at all.”
Ladybug’s mouth practically fell open at that, “W-what?! Really?!”
Adrien didn’t mind kissing her?! This must be a dream, she thought to herself rather sadly.
“Yeah,” Adrien chuckled nervously, “That’s sort of why I kissed you back, actually.”
Her heart thumped quickly in her chest. She felt dizzy and giddy. This couldn’t be real. Could it? Sucking in a deep breath of courage, Ladybug spoke shyly, “Well, I didn’t mind it either.”
“Oh. Oh,” he said, his eyes widening with realization.
She giggled quietly before repeating him, “Oh.”
Adrien came even closer to her, squeezing the hand that was still in his grasp. He tucked a stray strand of her hair back into her pigtail before murmuring, “Is it... I-I mean... would it be alright if I kiss you again?”
“Yes please,” Ladybug breathed out. If this was still a dream, she was going to make the best of it at least! 
Slowly, one of Adrien’s hands wrapped around the back of her neck, pulling her into another passionate kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed and she cupped his cheeks as she finally got to experience the kiss she’s been waiting years for! The two stayed up on the Eiffel Tower for a while, exploring each other’s mouths before taking breaks to giggle and whisper giddily to each other. The sun had long finished setting before Ladybug finally pulled back from yet another kiss to gesture at the long-darkened sky, “I think it’s time we get you back. I don’t want your father to worry.”
“Do we have to?” Adrien whined, pouting up at her with his big, beautiful eyes.
“Unfortunately, yes,” she giggled, “I don’t want the whole city thinking you’ve been kidnapped.”
“Oh, but I have been kidnapped. Ladybug you took my heart with you years ago,” he sighed dramatically.
Ladybug blinked at him a few times before a fit of laughter bubbled up in her chest. She had stolen Adrien’s heart years ago?! She had been the girl Adrien had been pining for?! If only she could tell a younger version of herself. She could have saved herself so much heartache. Tapping him lightly on the nose, she grinned at him, “You took my heart with you too, you know. I guess we’ll both just have to be careful with them then.”
She stood up as Adrien nodded his head at her, his eyes softening, “You got it, Ladybug.”
The superheroine smiled down at him gently before scooping him up into her arms, swinging the two of them back to his mansion as her heart sang in her chest.
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intoafandom · 5 years
The movie was soooo freaking good i gotta talk about it
I loooooooved how many scenes came from the book
The fortune cookie scene was amazing
I WAS SO HAPPY they put the scene with Richie and the paul bunyon statue.
All of the monsters/forms were freaking creepy omg. Like way more than the last movie
Rip Stan
Eddie’s scene with his mom gave me so many reactions freaking damn. Cuz every time he said mommy i was swooning from how adorable he was. And he was so scared I was like aijdjajs get away from my babay. But then he was gunna leave her there and i was shook. And then it stuck it’s tongue in her mouth and i was like 🤢
It was waaaaay more gory and unsettling than the first one
The actors who played adult richie and eddie were spot on
Richie and eddie also made me laugh the entire time
“FUCK YOU” “oh fuck you” “fuck you thats not even funny”
The part with stans head turning into a bug🤢
The main scene with them in the gave with the spikes is exactly how I pictured it in the book. Spot on perfection
I thought it was sooo cool how cuz bev got caught in the last movie, she was able to have those visions
Rip eddie my fav
Literally cried when he died
Cried again with richie crying
Cried again when richie cried again
Cried AGAIN when richie cried AGAIN
like freaking WHY😭😭😭
This movie was soooo much darker than the first one
I loooooved actually getting to see bill scarsgards face in that one scene
so was the old lady thing
I was SO happy that bills wife was barely in it. I was so annoyed that she was there during the fight in the book so im glad it was just the losers
The only scene i was sad wasn’t in the movie is when bens in the library and he sees all the balloons pop blood
The flashbacks were PERFECT and flawless
Like older eddies face fading into young eddies
Or the clubhouse switching to them coming in as their younger selves
Also sooo happy they included the clubhouse
and when eddie slapped richies face with his foot I diiiiiiieeed😂😂😂
That little kid that bill tried to save was so cute omg
GEORGIE!!!!! my little baby
Loved seeing stephen and andy getting those tiny roles
Stans speach 👏🏻👏🏻
Fuck henry
There were only a few things I didn’t like
This is dumb but I really wanted them to break eddies arm again instead of just stabbing him in the face. It really didn’t make that much sense. Breaking his arm like in the book would’ve been so much better
I really didn’t like that they got rid of henry so fast. Like he breaks out of a mental institution, stabs eddie in the face just to get axed by richie. Kinda made his character just seem too random
Wish we got to see the dead versions of his other gang members too
So richie really loved eddie huh 🥺🥺
His crying was literally so sad.
Im 100% with richie on this one. In the book i was SO PISSED they left him down there and clearly richie was too in the movie
When he was screaming eddies still down there 😓😓😓😓
Ughhh still hate it
BUT IM SO FUCKING HAPPY THEY DIDNT MAKE IT LIKE THEY FORGOT WHO EDDIE WAS LIKE IN THE BOOK. LIKE HOW THE FUCK DO U FORGET EDDIE KASPRAK AND THAT HE HAS ASTHMA. DONT PLAY WITH ME. so thank you movie for not forgetting him or replacing him with someone who “looks and acts a lot like eddie kasprak” cough cough old it chapter 2
Richie and eddie with the puppy tho🥺
Until it when batshit crazy
Kinda reeeeaally mad eddie didn’t get his “dont call me that” line in response to richies “eddie spaghetti” line
FUCK PENNYWISE but not bill skarsgard tho
Jack Dylan Grazer ALWAYS slays the screen💪🏻
Old bill meeting young bill in thaaaaat scene was so good
Stans smile at the beginning to when bev told him about her “dream” was so cute and it made me so sad knowing he was about to die
Eddie saved richie though. A warriors death 👏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻
IT was sooooooooo good. My babies 🥰
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ask2d · 6 years
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Gorillaz frontman 2D joins bassist Murdoc Niccals in an exclusive chat with fans online to answer their questions. 
Anonymous: What do you and your band mates do before a show?
Murdoc: I take a preshow shot and try to keep 2D from puking in the garbage can. It ruins the vocal cords, you know?
2D: I don’t ALWAYS puke in the garbage can, sometimes it’s in the toilets.
Anonymous: What are your favorite things to do with fans when you’re not playing shows?
Murdoc: I know this might sound a tad bit strange, given the context for when I last…did a radio show, but I’d rather fancy doing it again—the fans always seem to soak that rrrrigghhhttt up.
2D: I like doing stuff like this ‘cos they get to ask us whatever they want, it feels more personal I think. I wasn’t part of a lot of Murdoc’s pirate show since he kept me in the basement. A couple days weren’t bad, but most of ‘em were.
Murdoc: Want me to do it again, then?
2D gives Murdoc a look of confusion and slight concern.
2D: No.
Anonymous: I hear Muds is answering some questions with you! That’s pretty neat. :) Hmm, 2D, What’s the best/worst practical joke you’ve played on someone or that was played on you?
2D: One time Murdoc tipped off the bobbies and told ‘em I was the Zodiac Killer. I didn’t know what was happening at first but then they wouldn’t stop asking me questions for the next few weeks. They finally quit sometime after the SWAT team showed up, see, I think Murdoc had something to do with that too.
Murdoc clears his throat to mask a laugh.
Murdoc: I was just joshing, I thought maybe it was a good time to end it when the SWAT team showed up to take 2D away…
2D: I’m glad you didn’t let them. That was nice of you, they were scary.
Murdoc: I only didn’t let them in because I thought they were there for me.
Anonymous: alongside the album, 2D released copies of his song journal. it was very interesting seeing your process, 2D! could you elaborate on the images we see in it, and what you were feeling when you rewrote some lyrics in big text? murdoc, have the two of you gotten the chance to discuss the album with 2D?
2D taps the tips of his fingers together while his expression becomes more concentrated; he looks like he’s trying to remember something.
2D: Mmh, ya know, I think a lot of it was just me observing the world and things I seen in it. I do lots of scribbles to help me concentrate on what the subject is…I always get really distracted when I see a spider on the wall or think there’s a piece of pizza floating by my window.
Murdoc, being very blunt: The idiot couldn’t read his own lyrics, so he wrote them out bigger.
2D: This part is for me, Murdoc. I guess I just liked certains lines so I wanted to make ‘em stand out! I hope it worked.
Murdoc rolls his eyes.
2D: I actually played the album for him when he got home, ‘cos I wanted to see his reaction in person.
Murdoc shifts uncomfortably and tucks his hands underneath his armpits, while 2D bounces his leg out of nervous habit.
Murdoc: Yeah, we’ve talked about it and frankly, I’m glad something good could be made in my absence.
2D: When he said he liked it I got really shocked. With him being gone I taught myself how to be uh, a leader, and got to try being in the spotlight a lot. I liked it—for the most part. Sometimes the stage lights were too bright though. That sucked.
Niccals bites his tongue, holding something back before the next question.
Anonymous: How have things been since you returned home, Murdoc?
Murdoc: Just swell. I’ve been mostly in a comatose like state while I recover from my adventures in the mountains. Ah, but not for much longer! Gorillaz has got a hot new deal; we’re going to have our own tv show! 
2D: Yea, yea! Jamie, who directs all our videos, said he’s finally got some things under his belt.
@punpkin-314-pi: how was halloween/noodle’s birthday?
2D: Really good! I made her this playlist on Spotify and we ate her favorite Japanese candy while we watched a scary movie.
Murdoc: I made a special trip into Hell and got Noodle this cool hellfire lava lamp. She always talked about how she wanted one—or maybe she didn’t, I don’t remember.
@xxtimber-the-killerxx​: D, I don’t know what to do. I feel so alone. I just want to sit and sip my tea and play sombre music. Could I get some encouragement? I hate having to ask, but you’re my inspiration. 
2D: I love drinking tea and listening to music! Actually, I do that all the time. But it’s not a bad thing, yea? And ya see, I think that’s where you start to find that you’re not really ever alone. You’re not alone because someone will always have the same interests as you or even understand how you feel, or whatever! Sometimes, I think…I think it’s the simple things that can make us the happiest. And things don’t have to be complicated for you to enjoy it. 
Anonymous: uhhhhhhhhhhhh can i live with u guys???? also tell noodle i said hi pwease 
 Murdoc: No. 
2D immediately pulls out his cell phone and dials a number, waiting patiently as it rings. 
 2D: Hey—hey Noodle! I’m doing this interview with Murdoc and one of our fans wanted me, well us, to tell you hi. So…hi! 
Noodle, on the phone: Naze anata wa denwa shimashita ka? Watashi wa isogashī nda! Watashi wa kao no masuku o kite iruto watashi wa Katsu o nadete iru! Watashi o hottoite! Oh, Kon'nichiwa! 
“Why are you calling me? I’m busy! I’m wearing a face mask and petting Katsu! Leave me alone–oh, hi!!!”
 2D, silent for a moment: She said, uh…her and Katsu say hi. 
 Murdoc: I thought she said something about cutlets… 
 2D: Oh, I wanna talk about cutlets. 
Anonymous: for Murdoc and 2D: aaaaah can I kiss both of you, you guys are so cutteeee ❣️💋 
Murdoc: You’ll cream yourself 2D—am I allowed to say that? Will that be off the books? No? Yeah, alright, what I said still stands, and we don’t want you making an absolute buffoon of yourself right? 
 2D: …I’m not gonna jizz myself. 
Anonymous: Tell us a story from Jamaica!
2D: When did we go to Jamaica again?
Murdoc: Oh, oh! I’ve got one that will really get you rolling! I was wasted and it was blistering hot outside, right? Well-Well, there was this really friendly Jamaican man chatting 2D and me up and…er…uh…mmmgh…why don’t you take the reins, D?
2D: Uh…all I can recall is Murdoc talking about a freesome and getting his nipple twisted by the Jamaican guy.
Murdoc: Threesome. But, yes, that was uh…the highlights.
Murdoc: My face has a date with destiny, I’ll see you on the big screen, or I suppose, just bigger because I’ll be on the telly…and not the movie screen—you remember, our movie got scrapped. 
2D: Uhh, yea, whatever he just said. Thank you! Cheery-bye!
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melsuki · 3 years
SO I WAS LOOKING OUT AND WHEN WE STEPPED OUT HE WENT "the old couple in front of us were fangirling about us i think" and i was like "what why" and he shrugged
and oml yes thank you my love <333
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Hey, just found this blog and its friken fantastic I love it sm. Do you think you could do some Junkrat, Genji, Reaper and Mccree (if its not too much to ask) with an s/o who is really scared of storms and loud noises? I think it would be soooo cutteeee♡ keep up the good work :)
Thank you! And I’m actually really excited for this one.  It isn’t specified but I hope you don’t mind that it will be headcanons
Is all about loud noises
Explosions are what most of his life has been about
So the first time that he shows you a detonation demonstration, you end up covering your ears and closing your eyes in hopes of blocking it out. The noise only gets louder and freaked out, you run away
Junkrat is a little offended at first, as the demonstration had been just for you, but Roadhog tells him why you left
Instantly feels guilty, because as your boyfriend he feels like he should have already known
Finds you hiding a couple blocks away, sitting on the corner of the road looking rather miserable and disappointed with yourself
Hobbling over, Junkrat crouched and gave you a little bouquet of daisies he’d pinked while trying to find you
“I’m sorry, Darl,” Junkrat said glumly. “I didn’t know loud noises woulda spooked ya, mate, or I woulda been on me best behavior, I promise.”
You couldn’t help the little laugh as you looked down at the daisies he had picked you, feeling a tad embarrassed. “No, I’m sorry. I should have told you. You just…you worked so hard on it and I thought maybe i could handle it this time…”
Junkrat shook his head and pulled you in, pressing his forehead to yours. “You don ‘ave ta ‘andle anythin’ to be with me, darl’. If they scare ya, then I’ll be more careful, i promise,” Junkrat said, wanting to make you feel better
It was really sweet to you, considering his profession, and the two of you ended up walking back in back.
Ever since Jamie really has been careful around you, not letting bombs go off and whenever you get spooked by loud noises, he’s holding you in an instant and cursing the heck out of whatever scared you in a long, unintelligible Australian string of curses
Each time does, its funny enough to make you wonder why you were scared in the first place
The opposite of you, he loves storms
When you hear that you decide not to tell him that you actually have a fear of loud noises and storms
It hasn’t mattered before because Genji is such a quiet person
One night though Genji is just getting back from a mission
There has been a bad storm going on for a hour or so now, lightning crackling across the sky repeatedly
Genji had walked into the house to find the power out and called for you
When there was no answer, he searched the house for you till he found you hiding in bed, wrapped in layers of blankets. You didn’t notice him come in, your hands over your ears as another round of thunder sounded and lightning lit the sky.
“Y/N?” he asked gently. You felt yourself lifted into his arms but you couldn’t seem to move, staying as you were. Finding your face, he realized you were crying a bit
“Your scared of storms, aren’t you,” Genji said gently, feeling terrible. How had he not known? If he had realized, he would have taken you with him as there had been a storm weather report for this storm for a few days now
Sniffling, you pressed closer and closed your eyes tightly. “I-I-I’m s-sorry,” you sniffled. “I…I d-didn’t w-w-want you t-to know… ”
Shaking his head, Genji held you and turned on your phone, turning your playlist of music on to its highest settings. It didn’t fully drown out the thunder but for the most part, it filled the room and soothed you
“That might a bit better. Next time there is a storm, we will go elsewhere, okay? It is better I know, because your happiness is what is most important to me,” Genji said gently.
From then on, you two either went over to Nepal when there were storms at your home in japan, or Genji would distract you with music and dancing and games, never leaving you alone with your fears again
Found out all by himself during a Talon trainee practice that you didn’t like loud noises
This was before you two started dating.
You’d thought you were doing good, taking the noise in good stride but whenever guns went off, you’d cringe or tremble or flinch
So when you guys later started dating he kept that information to himself, and you decided not to tell him because you didn’t want to seem weak
Reaper had actually cheated a bit, and because of knowing your fear he managed to work you either into the information center or go on recon patrols (the safest he thought there would be)
One time though Reaper got a call from the head of a squad who you’d gone with on recon with that you were missing
Other then the part that that practically promised the squads death, he went to find you in the area
It was growing stormy and Reaper felt a bit more worried as thunder cracked across the sky
The noise was loud and he knew you’d be frightened, so he yelled for you, looking for you in his wraith form
He found you half conscious on the ground near a tree
It looked like you had panicked and ran but fallen
There was a bullet whole in your leg
Picking you up, Reaper decided the chances of you leaving base now were unlikely
Trembling, another stroke of thunder sounded and you whimpered softly
Reaper carefully wrapped you in his cloak, and even in your half conscious state you snuggled into it, the warmth and scent and feel of him bringing you a sense of peace
“I have you, y/n,” is all Reaper said, and his hold protective, and he took you home to the base
He didn’t leave your side till he was positive you’d be fine
The squad didn’t survive
Already knows that you have a fear of storms and loud noises
Due to this he makes sure that you don’t go on missions
Instead you work with Athena and work on everyone’s comms to give them information during the missions
You don’t try to hide your fear from McCree
Whenever a noise scares you, you press to him and hide your head under serape
He’ll just wrap his arm around you and stroke your hair
During storms, Jesse will make a nest in the bathroom and the two of you will snuggle in there. Honestly, storms make him uneasy too and that’s why you two do this.
Its something he used to do as a kid when the storms scared him
When the two of you are snuggled in the tub, Jesse will distract you by telling you some of his old stories or asking you some of yours
Even when you tremble, he’ll just rub your shoulders and start to ramble till you find something funny in what he’s saying
Out of everyone, he is the most comforting
One time he didn’t make it in time before a storm started
You were laying in the bathtub alone
McCree felt terrible as he walked in quickly, seeing you sniffling as you looked up at him, curled up there alone
“I’m sorry, Darlin’,” he said gently. “I got back as soon as i could.”
Drapping his serape over you, he crawled in and spooned you in the nest of blankets.
To distract yourself and to help rid him of your guilt, you started telling him something dumb that had happened that morning and his warm laugh made you smile with happiness.
He never let you be alone during a storm again
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winwiniswinning · 7 years
Boyfriend! Jaehyun
Requested by Anon: hey!! I loved your boyfriend!johnny so much it bias wrecked me lol. do you mind doing a boyfriend!jaehyun when you have the time? thanks :)
Much love to this boy
He’s so sweet and lovable
ANYways, I’m back with another member for the boyfriend! series. Yo I’m hyped cause Jaehyun is so beautiful and amazing and such boyfriend material
Now, onto how you met! 
Jaehyun and you met in a quiet bookshop that’s not very popular. You’d visited the bookshop since young so it always had a comforting atmosphere for you. And you also took comfort in the fact that you probably wouldn’t meet anyone you knew because it was in a small side street and you were one of it’s only visitors. 
Even to the point where you and the owner, Chittaphon, got to become very close friends since you were usually the only two in there
So you were shocked (like JungSHOOK) when you stepped into the shop one day to find a guy, a very attractive one at that, browsing the books in one of your favorite aisles; the sci-fi section. 
You pretended to act like it was totally normal to see another human in the store other than Chittaphon (IT WAS NOT) and casually looked to see if Chittaphon had bought anymore books for the shop that would interest you
You get curious and start to lowkey stare at the mysterious dude without meaning to. And you may have been staring too intensely or for too long because he turned towards you and started to stare right back at you
Aka it was a stare contest
You guys are only staring at each other’s eyes but then Jaehyun flicks his eyes to look at the rest of you and he blinks in shock
“Wait, how do you know me?” Your mind starts sending large, blinding, red signals like STOP DON’T TALK GET AWAY FAST STALKER ALERT STALKER ALERT STALKER ALERT STRANGER DANGER 
“Oh, you don’t remember? I’m Jaehyun. We were in a lot of the same classes back in high school,”
And you’re uber embarrassed about not knowing a classmate from your high school days so you get all red tomato faced and apologize but he waves it off with a laugh
 “It’s fine! It’s already been two years since we graduated and we all look pretty different.”
So when you get home, to jog your memory, you scavenge for your high school year book and flip through until you find Jaehyun.
 And you remember that he was a hella popular dude with the girls and would constantly be getting chocolates and love letters 
You also remember not liking him much. And honestly it was probably just because you didn’t like popular people cause you always thought they were just attention seekers and stuff
And you clearly remember that he would never eat the chocolates given to him which really pissed you off because why waste perfectly good chocolate?
From then on, every time you visited the bookshop, Jaehyun always seemed to be there
The two of you start to chat even though you were hesitant about it at first
But you find it that he’s a really chill guy and super nice as well so y’all become pretty tight (I mean, as tight as you can get when you guys only see one another when you go to the book shop on the same days and during the same time. And this happens quite a lot)
You guys even start leaving post-it notes in books to talk to one another when you don’t coincidentally bump into each other
Most of the time, the sticky notes will be placed in Divergent, since the two of you really bonded on how amazing the series was
Jaehyun’s pretty silly with the notes
He’ll tend to leave stupid puns and jokes or just a little smiley face
But one day, after not seeing Jaehyun for a surprisingly long amount of time, you find a full out card in Divergent
Shooketh to the fullest
You’re like, okay?
And inside the card Jaehyun confesses to you and he just talks about how he always thought you were a nice person in high school but now that he got to know you better, he really liked you. And not just as a friend, but as something more. And how he understood if you didn’t feel the same way 
And out of nowhere, Jaehyun just pops out from behind one of the book shelves
“Hey, not to be a stalker but I saw you read the card and don’t feel pressured to answer right away, it’s just I wanted to let you know...”
And you don’t know what to say 
Your heart is pounding
And this amazing guy is standing in front of you, blushing like hell
You then realize like wowieeee I’ve had a crush on him since we first met each other in this book shop
So as casually as possible you’re like, “yo okay.”
just saying you didn’t say it like that but whatevs 
Jaehyun would be the softest boyfriend ever
And also pretty shy when you guys first started
SO shy that he had like a random conversation with himself before he kissed you for the first time
Like just imagine him leaning into you and you’re like damnnn first kiss going on here omg wow I wonder what his lips feel like whoop 
Right before your lips touch, he stops and starts muttering to himself. Like you can hear him talk to himself super fast
“You can do it Jaehyun.” 
“Just a little peck.”
“C’mon man.”
“AH but what if I mess up?”
“Nah, I wont.”
“But what if she doesn’t like it? Omg what if she breaks up with me because of it?”
“But I practiced with Johnny and Taeyong...”
“Well not practice practice.”
“I didn’t actually kiss them...now that’s just weird.”
“Ah but what if she doesn-”
And you just slam your lips into his to shut him up because despite what he thought, you had heard his entire conversation or whatever the heck it was
After getting over the shyness of kissing, I see him as the sort of guy who loves giving tummy kisses
Just soft little kisses on your stomach. And like sometimes he’ll do it so they’re like fart sounds to make you laugh 
Lol my dad used to do that to me when I was little
And he likes pecking you like anywhere cause pecks are cute
When you’re stressing out out about something or having a bad day and need to rant, he’s right by your side. He’ll be like totally ready to listen to your problems and comfort you and give you some advise
But also be ready when he needs to let something off his chest. Jaehyun will really need some support and positive words when he’s feeling down about himself or if something bad happened
When you’re sick, he’ll zoom straight over to your house and tuck you into bed really lovingly
And Jaehyun will whip up some of your favorite dishes along with a whole big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup which he’ll spoon feed you (He’ll even blow on the soup every time before giving it to you because he’s scared of you burning your tongue)
Dates will be very romantic and cute
Jaehyun will prepare everything and prob in the beginning of the relationship he’d be super frantic before dates and constantly talk to his friends like
“Do you think it’ll be fine? Like will she like it?”
“Jaehyun, it’s fineeee. Don’t worry, I’m sure Y/N will love your date.” 
“Really? Cause I think that-”
“Shut up, get out of the house, and meet Y/N for your date.”
When you guys start to get really comfortable with one another and sleep in the same bed, he’ll like it when you sort of just curl into him and rest your head on his chest or shoulder
Jaehyun never falls asleep before you do (he can’t sleep right knowing that you could still be awake) so he’ll stroke your hair and softly sing some songs until you fall asleep
Once you guys move into an apartment together, he’ll just casually return home one day with a mother freaking dog
And it’s like one of those big ones that is legit right under your chin or at your chest when they’re on their hind legs
Lowkey really scared of those dogs cause I’m short lmao
But he’d just waltz right in the door with this big ass dog right behind him like it’s the most normal thing in the world
You’re shooketh to the fullest but he’s just like
“Isn’t he so cutteeee?”
And Jaehyun’s just fawning over the dog so much that you give up trying being mad and go along with it
Jaehyun will insist on constantly buying new toys and food for the dog and he’ll lowkey joke that the dog takes priority over you
Whenever he’s home, you’ll either see him cooking, sleeping, or on the couch with you or the dog. 
Jaehyun actually spends like 70% of his day in the kitchen, cooking over the top meals for you
Tbh he mostly does it to show off 
He’s constantly stuffing you with food because he worries that you never eat enough
Seriously though, the amount of food he gives you will be the death of you
Imagine that...
But he loves feeding you since he thinks you look really cute when you’re chewing on food
Okay so I’m done 
Lmao I hope you enjoyed this little boyfriend!Jaehyun whipped up
Also, this little baby is gonna be on Law of The Jungle so watch that if you can and pray that he doesn’t get hurt
And maybe pray that he gets tanner? Cause I’d love to see a tan Jaehyun HAHAHAHA
Okay I’m out
Btw this GIF is so big wow
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