#why is hate mail so funny lmao
henarikat · 1 month
you're so good at art! if only you didn't use it to make mr qi hot. unfollowed
INSANE take anon
I hope you blocked me too
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s2 episode 22 thoughts
i am actually the bravest human alive for surviving this episode
(lmao i joke. MOSTLY. but op lore: i suffer from a chronic illness that gives me terrible nausea and MAN this was NOT the episode you want to sit down and unwind with if you’re feeling ill. for the plague be upon them all. and yet! here we are. my love for these agents must be quite boundless.)
“diseaseee episode… okay so it is probably body horror time maybe idk” <- first thing in my notes, and yes. yes, it was body horror time.
(we open with a fellow in the rainforest catching bugs) and to me it’s giving “he was in the amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died” which was such a funny meme. we moved on from this too quickly. those words will always make me giggle.
that is a turkey vulture… do they have those in Costa Rica? yes they do! wow, bird facts <3
ohh nasty, we see a dead hog in the rainforest, being consumed by bugs… bug scientist takes some of them while it pulsates… and my nausea strikes!!!
AUGHHH the boil blew up on his face. this is eeeeevil!! i was diverting my attention AWAY from the screen at this point and really staring at my notes in the hope they could shield me from the nastiness
NOOOO now the bug scientist’s face is covered in the boils… the vultures got him and so did the bugs, and i am getting the impression this is gonna be a tough watch, but i’m in too far now!!!! (it had been like. 5 minutes lmao but i meant it!)
scene change: prison time.
(is this the outside of the prison they used to film the Please Please Please music video or do they all just look the same?)
a prisoner has been sent a package. it is…. some kind of meat??? can you send meat in the mail…? just wrapped up in newspaper? i find this hard to believe, but maybe things were different in the 90’s, or we can suspend disbelief for the sake of the alien show
the meat is pulsating and now the prisoner who received it has the same boils…… deeply unfortunate for all parties involved
and now boil disease is spreading in the prison!! two guards escaped on a cart carrying the infected man's dirty sheets. so they are pretty much gonna die. but will they spread the sickness to the outside world before they do so?
enter our agents!!
this dude who claims to be in charge is a real jerk. and the agents don’t even know why they got sent there beyond to help with a manhunt, which seems beneath them. but there are some people in hazmat suits, so it’s not adding up.
the convicts are hiding in a rest stop and stole a camper from a poor family :( way to ruin vacation.
scully can tell everyone is LYING and she hates lies and bursts into the hospital area, despite the doctor trying to keep her out… it’s a serve, but at what cost to her health???
here, we learn what is at stake: 14 men have been infected, and 10 have died so far. YIKES! this is not good news.
she always answers the phone with “mulder, it’s me” and idk why I find that so endearing. but maybe I’m just at the point where everything these nerds do wins me over 
NOOOO the dad from the camper was killed…  vacation ruined even more than previously thought 
back at the prison, a dude in a hazmat suit tried to kick scully out by saying that she is violating federal orders by being there, and she says “i’m a federal agent”…. a queen of dealing with nonsense. she needs to know if the escaped men are out and about spreading this!!
“you see what I let you see”, says a man drunk on the power of a lot of people dying around him. and i love that these men think they can handle whatever this disease is without any help whatsoever (/s) the arrogance of men has no limits. 
the convict is coming home… to his gf and baby… SPARE THE BABY from the bubbling disease!!!
one of the dudes who escaped is on the floor of the gas station bathroom, moaning and groaning and covered in boils, and the other convict smacks the poor cashier helping him on the head with a wrench... truly despicable behaviors. and he was probably doing all of this for minimum wage!!
scully in da incinerator room... what is she doing there! she has a mask and some gloves and some bodies to investigate. she cuts one of the bagged bodies open. 
NOOO the doctor tries to stop her and the juice gets in his eye… he runs away. rip doctor. your fate has been sealed.
(rolling up to the gas station w the marshals and a million dudes in sunglasses that look like horrible people to catch the escaped convicts)
mulder finds the poor cashier that got whacked and says “kid’s got a lot of hair, probably absorbed the blow” which is a crazy thing to say 
now he is trying to track the phone call the convict made to figure out where he went, but he’s using the same payphone as the sick man, and the germs... i’m scared!
mulder gives his badge number to the operator. It’s JTT-047101111. will this information be of any use at any time? no. but I still wrote it down <3
woah loud noise! a helicopter arrives to put the cashier in some sort of incubator. this cashier has really had a bad time. and no one is explaining anything!!!! so he doesn’t even know where they are taking him or why!! transparency has never been anyone in the government’s strong suit, i guess.
convict cam. he is reunited with his gf. they are smooching. and that is not good for her survival rate i would guess. after they make out a lil, he shows her the other mostly dead guy in his car. i assume he will be joining the family but not for long. i'd be pissed if my man brought someone home after his prison escape. this was supposed to be about US and not some dude i don't know named paul dying in our bed...
okay the package of the meat was sent from kansas… sus…. from a pharmaceutical company?? could it be a fake return address… (spoiler: no, it was not!)
OUGHHHH the camera cuts to dead flesh and boils and blood BLEAGGHH and scully extracts a BUG from it…. 
back to the convicts. the woman is trying to help the guy who is filled with pus, and she bends down to try and cool off his fever, and just as this happens the boil bursts!!! her face is splashed with nastiness and i moaned “nooooo” and hit pause so fast because I nearly gagged... but this was not a foolproof plan, because it paused on all the stuff getting on her face, so i saw it even more, which was SO NASTY EVIL EVIL NASTY GROSSSSSS JAIL. she’s trying to scrub it off. 
just as she tries to get it off, the marshals burst in and get her. so now they might get the boils… also someone scoops up the baby… put him in a better situation… but the other prisoner is gone!! where did his slippery ass sneak out to?!?
(we see an outside shot of the prison again and AGAIN I think this is the same one from the please please please mv. sabrina carpenter can you confirm or deny? i know you read this blog)
the doctor who was earlier splashed upon has revealed his boils to scully. but this is not all he reveals: he was LYING about the CDC being involved!!! it’s the pharmaceutical company that sent the package to the prison that did all this, and he works for them!! they finance discovering stuff in the rainforest to use in drugs… and they found the bug. and the bug has a parasite on it that makes the boils and the larvae are in the explosion. so explosion = infection.
NOOO she was there when his boil blew up so she might also be infected..... lord her medical history is complicated enough. let her escape the clutches of these damn bugs.
talk with skinner time!!!!! BUT... CIG MAN IS IN THE CORNER. mulder goes over to talk to him directly. is he trying to get them killed!!!!! because it looks like cigarette man put them on this case involving lethal infectious diseases because he wanted to get rid of them. oh, mulder is ANGRY about them lying to the public
meeting with skinner was NOT a success. he angrily fumbles with his seatbelt when scully calls to report the latest in plague news 
they disagree on what to do here: he says the public has to know about the situation, and she says that they don't because the panic will spread faster than the contagion. oooo, juicy moral conflict! but i must admit. pandemic questions interest me less having lived through one of my own.
despite his frustration that she is making a point about not being able to tell the world just yet, he asks "are you okay in there scully?”, and she says yes, tells him to catch the fugitive, and to "take care of yourself out there"... and her not knowing if she is gonna live or die, so she tells him to take care of himself...... has me very emo
now, she is locked into quarantine with the infected doctor, who is testing her for the disease, which involves trapping a bug to her arm and waiting for it to bite her. which is quite hellish. she looks truly disturbed by the event and frankly so was i.
mulder interrogating the woman whose bf is the escaped convict. trying to find him, but being distracted by her moral questions on who deserves to know the truth... not now, ask these heavy things later. success! convict boil man is on his way to the bus station.
cutscene to the convict trying to buy a bus ticket. and coughing all over the ticket woman. another minimum wage worker victimized by disease. wear ur masks people!
back at the lab, the bug has FINALLY bitten her, but the doctor from the company is going down. he says she has to tell the world if her test is negative because it WILL happen again. way to push your guilt onto someone else, mister pharmaceutical man!
cut to her extracting blood from bugs. how in the hell did they film that scene??? she takes a deep breath and looks at the blood to see if she’s gonna die or not. and she sighs but that isn’t an answer for us, the audience. (spoilers: it was negative...... thank god)
in the incinerator of the prison, they are destroying all the evidence!!! by tossing all the bodies into a fire!!! the pharmaceutical company is covering its tracks!!! they say it was unavoidable but she says “we'll leave that up to others to decide!!!” oh he pulls the “no one will believe you” card… but she’s sneaky, maybe she’ll think of something that can prove it all to the rest of the world
back to the marshals and mulder at the bus station. no pressure but the prisoner who is about to die HAS to make a statement or else everything will be entirely covered up by the pharmaceutical company that killed these people. again, no pressure!! 
mulder going on the bus with the infected convict.... nooo mulder, be careful, i whisper softly to the screen. and sensing his tricks, the sick man holds a boy with a gun to his head once he gets on there!!!
mulder's voice is all growly- you know how it gets when he’s serious. but the sick man is coughing all over the little boy. and foaming at the mouth. mulder convinces him to let the kid go, and tries to get that statement that will prove everything... but....
NOOOOOOOO!!!! the marshals shoot the guy before he can learn what was in the package!!!!!!
so, in all: the pharmaceutical company was using the prisoners as guinea pigs to get their drug on the market without FDA testing… truly sick and twisted!!!
mulder is reporting this to skinner, and he’s gonna tell the public!!! mulder says that covering the truth makes skinner just as guilty as the men who infected the prisoners (which i'm not sure i agree with but i love a man obsessed with the moral weight of his actions)!! but scully bursts in and says they can’t prove anything because the tracks were so thoroughly covered.
mulder is adding things up... that’s why they were given the assignment, so that if they tried to expose the whole thing, they would be discredited!!!
skinner says “you never had a chance, mulder; for every step you take, they’re three steps ahead” “where do you stand?” “i stand right on the line that you keep crossing” <- OHHHHH zinger.
but i'm conflicted... i thought skinner and i were tight after he intervened to save mulder a few episodes ago, but now I don’t know… skinner, my feelings towards you are complex and unnavigable 
“i’m saying this as a friend: watch your back. This is just the beginning” <- WHAT DO YOU KNOW SKINNER!!!!!
there are questions here- such as, to what point does skinner knowingly go along with the corruption in the government? if the government was involved with killing prisoners on behalf of a drug company, what other evil twisted things are they hiding? to what extent can skinner, and every other person in the FBI, be blamed for complicity? is it at all possible to make positive change in a corrupt system?
also, are these the same guys who are hiding the aliens, or do you think that 's a different evil government department?
what was cig man doing there and why does skinner keep letting him into his office like a stray cat that gets one free meal from a nice human? (but that stray cat is evil and was involved in kidnapping scully) should we send skinner to the cancel chambers or is he a real mfer deep down? also, where the hell is krycek? not that I give a fuck. he sucked. 
much to ponder, but i end there for now, because. bleurgh. flesh.
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uselessheretic · 1 year
maybe a silly question, but what does the term “izzy canyon” mean? it conjures up a mental image of “the metaphorical place where izzy hands enjoyers hang out/got kicked into” but I dunno if it’s a hashtag or a group chat or a state of mind or why it’s a canyon specifically (I guess con sounds like can?) the mastodon con makes it seem pretty organized!
not a dumb question at all!
"metaphorical place where izzy hands enjoyers hang out/got kicked into" might actually be the most succinct and on the nose description i've heard of it lmao
it is really mostly just a way to refer to izzy hands fans who tend to interact in the same corner of fandom.
the idea started sometime last year when an izzy fan got doxxed after receiving hate mail for a few months. a burner account posted the person's city and possible locations for the chain they worked at, along with a list of other users they said they would target next (seemed to just loosely be people in the same circle as them? weirdly enough my handle was on there too despite not knowing each other)
nothing further developed from that situation and the person was okay, but understandably it kicked off a wave of izzy fans blocking anyone who had a habit of harassing izzy fans, along with running blockchains on the most vocal ones who'd start dogpiles. around the same time, someone made an "izzy haters" twitter and izzy haters group chat which just intensified "okay just block all of them because that is a huge red flag for incoming networked harassment"
tldr izzy fans grew a reputation for being very heavy blockers. it became an in joke within the community that izzy fans didn't ever know what was going on when the general fandom had new memes, or more likely, new discourse because of the huge block wall between the groups.
almost as if they were at the bottom of a canyon, doing their own thing, and not paying attention to whatever was going on outside. hence the izzy canyon. i think it's also at least 30% a joke about izzy's genitals as well.
so yeah, just generally people who like the same character and hang out in the same social circles. i think because it's the part of fandom most vocally anti harassment, it also has a funny habit of absorbing in fans who don't necessarily like izzy, but had been targeted as part of a harassment campaign or in general just tired from fandom in general.
it pretty much functions like its own mini fandom within fandom? and as a group is very enthusiastic and also freakishly well organized so they end up more likely to do things like make regular fanweeks, set up a blog for doing fandom research and polls, organize a boat tour for a convention, or laying out detail instructions for test running mastodon for week to see how viable it is as a platform.
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somanyfandomsblog · 8 months
ok episode 8 review
spoilers!!!! ‼️
the ares fight …. THE ARES FIGHT and callback to percy and luke’s training YEAH … cinema!
percy thinking sally was in the house when it was really just alecto 🥲 my baby just wants to see his mother
hate Zeus *eye twitch* (love lance reddick, rest in peace 😔)
Poseidon like low key beating the deadbeat allegations but also not answering the one questions his son has ever asked him and just throwing him off Olympus 😃 Poseidon you’re moving down on my shit list, but get it together !!!!!!!!!
everyone cheering for percy as he enters camp YEAH! put that respect on my son’s name!!!!!!!
the Percabeth hug … no one ever speak to me again actually !!!! the lingering while annabeth is filling him in…. biblically accurate Percabeth I fear !!!!
luke being a SNAKE at the cabin with percy and annabeth YOU SNAKE! you know it’s not clarisse 😤
the whole luke v percy …. SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE BOOK IMO! 🤭🫣 maybe just being able to like see the betrayal on Percy’s face (give Walker his Emmy rn pls) but also loved the sword fighting aspect AND how you can tell luke wants percy to come with him more than he wants to hurt him AND THEN ANNABETH BEING THERE AND SEEING AND HEARING IT AND THEN LUKES FACE AFTER yeah never talk to me again!!!!
THE GOODBYE SCENE BY THALIA I’m— no! Percy’s smile at Annabeth AND GROVER GETTING THE SEARCHERS LICENSE why is it a literal flower tho I’m dead
but the whole “no one’s ever thought to check the sea before” SEA OF MONSTERS YEAH season two when babe!!???
“let’s all agree no matter what to meet back here next year” ok so percy… funny story…. 👰‍♂️
SALLY but then them taking that away and it’s a Kronos dream… rude
but then actually sally 🥰🥹🥹🥹
percy calling Kronos grandpa has me DECEASED LMAOOOO
go to 7th grade percy yeah put Annabeth’s picture in your notebook yeah🥰
the bonus scene with Gabe turning to stone HAHAHAHA it honestly made so much more sense that he just grabbed it and opened Percy’s mail unprompted bc he’s a dick lmao.
whew. WHAT AN EPISODE … best one yet, dare I say????? I loved it! Ugh! I need a season 2-5 renewal NOWWWWW!!
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mooifyourecows · 6 months
Can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them? Thanks....
Hmmmm let's see... I'll do top five. Generally I like ALL the fics that I've written (I wouldn't post something I didn't like, tbh)(even though some have been started and then completely abandoned RIP sorry to them) so it's kinda difficult to rank them, but here's my best whack at it:
Summer Rain- I really enjoy writing this fic. I love the massive cast and all the little storylines happening all at once. I know it's kinda on hiatus at the moment but I really do look forward to when I get back to writing it because I love thinking about how everything will eventually coalesce into the climax. Dropping off on cliffhangers is also a special indulgence of mine, even if it makes people angry 😈I started this one based off of an OLD original story idea i had once upon a time. I realized that it had a better chance of getting written if it was a daisuga fic, so here it is! Though it definitely went completely off the rails from the original plan.... (in a good way)
and the Emi goes to...- The DaiSuga dynamic in this one is probably one of my favorites. At this point everyone should know I LOVE slow burns and this one takes its sweet ass time. And as someone who hates the idea of being a parent myself, it's nice being able to live vicariously through the characters to get my fill of parenthood without ever having to have a kid lmao. My inspiration was "I want to write a single parent AU" and poof, there it was.
Let it Ride- Man I don't even know what it is about this fic but I adore it. I think Daisuga's relationship in it is just so... 😘👌 The childhood best friends who know everything about each other and are willing do to ANYTHING for one another, even give up the opportunity of a lifetime... just the sentiment of loving someone so much that you'd be happy struggling with them really takes me out, you know? It's about love but it's about like, too. They LIKE each other so much, what a pair! I got the idea to write it because I LOVE fake relationship AUs and I LOVE LOVE when the stakes are set at the highest setting, AKA Marriage.
Hard Times- Another fake dating AU because as previously mentioned I LOVE them. This one just checks so many boxes for me. Revenge? Crime? Sex? Comedy? Drama? More revenge? Closure? Catholicism? Sign me up! (as the writer I think I'm automatically signed up, but ya know.) I had a lot of fun writing it. And Radish made beautiful art for it so really, what's not to like? I don't remember what inspired it... I think I just wanted to write another fake dating scenario with a funny meet cute.
Open Tab- I feel like I'm obligated to put Open Tab on any list when it comes to my writing because it's the OG, ya know? It's the first fic that got me deep into the Haikyuu fandom and I gotta appreciate it for that reason alone. We've been through a lot together, me and good ol OT. The only hate mail I ever got was on Open Tab. The thrill of it all... I had so much fun writing it. And while right now it's definitely a bit of a pain in my ass, trying to get the motivation to continue it, I can't erase all the good times we had together. I owe it a lot! Someday it will finally be over and I'm both dreading and looking forward to that day. My inspiration was alcoholism. Drink responsibly, kids.
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littledudeholland · 3 months
Guys i got my first hate mail!(?) :D
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Like i'm not even gonna indulge this person lol i don't need to explain why this is dogshit but anyway
The fact my first hate mail is homestuck related just... it's so funny man LMAO
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi Shaz, how are you today?
I've been quietly observing people's reactions to Jimin's last vlive, more specifically towards his answer on whether Jungkook had cooked him ramen, and, while some of them were understanding, others were very insensitive and even harsh.
Just a few weeks ago, Holland, one of the few publicly out gay artists of Korea, was assaulted on the streets because of his sexuality. I guess not many people heard of it, but it's not exactly a surprise. Korea might be evolving on the subject of homophobia little by little, but it's turtle steps.
Now, Holland is famous, but I don't even have to say how much more famous Jimin and Jungkook are. If Holland got some attention for coming out, then Jungkook and Jimin will have everyone and their mama's attention if they ever do.
So, in a world where Jimin can't even step outside without being photographed and chased, in a world where he can't go to a restaurant to eat with friends without everyone on the internet knowing, in a world where his mail is stolen and his privacy is invaded, and in a world where his relationship with Jungkook is closely observed, Jimin has all the right in the world to kept ONE LITTLE THING to himself, to cherish and protect from the media's claws and the public's judgment. And that's exactly what he's doing, while also protecting himself along the way.
I mean, if Taennie, a hetero couple, came out and still had all that backlash (Taehyung was criticized by his own fans who live in their crazy, jealous delusions, and Jennie gets called a whore like, at least ten times a day), imagine if Jungkook and Jimin tried anything like that? When they already get hate just by fucking standing next to each other?
Was Jimin deflective? Yes, he was. Do I think his deflective behavior is exclusively towards Jungkook? No.
Jimin is a very private person, we all know that. I don't know why we have to keep repeating this, but okay.
What I mean is: if Jimin was questioned about something/someone else very important in his personal life, like his family, his romantic relationship, or his close, not-famous friends, or something he cares about and doesn't want the media/fans to know too much about or interfere with, he would deflect. He might even give a short answer, just something so he won't be too obvious about it, but he'll probably change the subject really fast.
The reason is obvious: he clearly wants to separate his personal life from his public life, and he knows very damn well how to do that. Jungkook happens to be one of these people he loves, adores and cares about so much (one of the most important ones besides his family, no doubt), and, because of that, he wants to protect them. He wants people to keep their noses out of their business, and he's so right for it.
That's also why he talks about the other members (mostly Hoseok and Yoongi) more openly: because there is nothing to hide. They're best friends and family, and he loves them just as much, but there is nothing at stake between them. There is nothing between them that could risk their careers and their safety. He can talk about visiting Yoongi and he can talk about meeting up with Hobi because people don't keep a close eye on them like they do with him and Jungkook. People won't bat an eye if he says he just saw Namjoon yesterday.
See, the rain fight isn't too personal, that's why he was so smiley and open to share when it was brought up. It's a funny memory for him, just like the dumpling incident, as bad as it was (they make it sound like it was the whole world war iii lmao), they all laugh about it. He can tell fans about that without giving too much away.
Now, to let people in as to whether he was at Jungkook's place or not? Hmm, that might not be too much for us, but it is for him, and we don't have to understand that, but we have to respect it and stop questioning their bond over something so silly as ramen.
Jimin saying that Jungkook hasn't cooked ramen for him yet doesn't mean that he's cold towards Jungkook, and it doesn't mean that they don't see each other. There are literally so many other things to do, and we need to get it in our heads that they will not tell us everything that they do, and that, if they want to, they'll lie to us. They can lie to us, they don't owe us anything.
"Oh but they wouldn't do that they wouldn't lie", I'm sorry, but please grow up. Even our parents/family/friends lie to us sometimes, what makes you think that these grown men who, yes, love us, BUT DONT OWE US anything and don't know us personally, wouldn't lie to us when it comes to it? Like... Some people have to wake up, because the real world isn't a fairytale, your idols have the right to keep their lives private, and being gay in Korea will never be easy.
Sorry for the long ask, but I'm just getting tired of the Jimin backlash.
Anon has summarised it perfectly. I think we can end the ramen discussion now. I'd say its been exhausted, wouldn't you?
Thanks anon for this. I for one agree.
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dreadnoughtus · 10 months
Liveblogging after taking an edible and watching
game awards
I don't know what these games are
Oh wait assassins creed VR??
Got distracted my friend texted me.
The dress is kinda flapper ish you know not in a bad way it's fine
What did Forza just win
Oh that's cool good for them I don't drive cars
The height differences......
This would freak me out being on live TV I would hate it ohmygod
Wait huh hometlstuck
This is such strange vibes
Sign language is so sick tho
Why isn't there a general neutral version of mommy and daddy
Oh here come the names I don't know
I'm playing Sandrock while I watch this
Would it be weird if your kid immediately called you by your name like would that fuck them up or
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Was told to use beepbo
Alright I'm back
Jk gusher break
I'm fucking clappiny
Ok but this game fucks
This is about persona 3 btw
I'm absolutely freaking out over her writing
Wait is it a bit
She's in a silly goofy mood
Oh never mind I wanted more burning things in a fireplace game
Cool if you're into goo.
I'm a googetter myself
Omg remember this
Ok but I'm hype
I'm gay
Hell yea hell yea
Remember when Rocco was sitting all by himself on camera
Guys I really don't hope someone says some dumb shit on stage again
Geoffs walking out music is cracking me up
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Get you a mans who sends you two chairs and a table through the mail
Omg remember his speech last year lmao
Oh it's a bit
What is this lol
Is this a roast
My fucking boyfriendddd
Idris where you at
Idris you're missing the fanciest night in gaming
Our boyfriend won!!!
.....what is he wearing lmaoooo
Security BEEFY this year
Aww omg
He wore his armor I'm dead
I need to replay baldurs gate NOW
That's right baldurs gate!!!! You can fuck a bear!!!!
Geoff relax
Huh lol
Immediate fanservice
...I'm dying
Turned him on??????
Is he gonna fuck us????
This isn't interstellar
Damn bro
Wet Chair :/
Daddy's back
Oh free dayum ok
Geoff has the air of a man who presents this as if he himself made these games
Goose guy 2
Wait this is great
This is my kind of game
I love this
Fuck gta6 I got Big Walk
Is this fornite Lego????
What the huh
Took a break for ice cream
I just got the news Wonka will be presenting
They give them less speech time than on the Oscars
Oh wait this is the cool lady
Gonzo has good taste
Cocoon was good
Ok Sega ok!!!!!
Hold up anime game I'm awake
Oh nice ok I'm into it
Alan Wake sweep
Apparently the site you have to login into to get a steam deck for whatever is crashing crazy lol whoopsie
I liked venba!!
His boy
I'm scared that's just a video
Not the fog machine
His broach is wild
I'm so glad kojima is finally making the movie he wanted to make
Is this wrestling
This is a WILD collaboration
They have my support
Movies and games!!!!
Ohhh dinosaurs?? I'm too scared to play this
Everything is fortnite now we are all assimilating into fortnite
Monkey 👍👍👍
I cannot escape suicide squad
Nooooot a fan of the remix
Where do I aquire claws
What is Warframe sorry
Good games!! I loved tchia
This looks sick, ori vibes
So many cool looking games
Man with ponytail?????
I want to play rebirth so bad
SHUT UP STOP lol huh?????
Sea of stars was meh sorry I said it
Omg I forgot about hades 2
Cutting to ads from ads is so funny
Holy shit he almost killed the camera guy with one kick
Anthony Mackey doing crowd work lmao
He's zooted
Thank you for the meme s
Thanks for the memeorys
Steve Martin looks different
There's 3 genshins now
Hell yeah democrazy
Are these guys a big deal I just don't know
I feel like I need to have played Alan Wake I guess
Ok but they are shredding
Ok I'm ready for bed how much longer
Stop flirting on stage
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Gamer snax
We get it you're a voice actor 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ok wait the armor??? Ok nice
It's funny tho cause the last thing I liveblogged was last of us, good show
The PR glowup for no man's sky was impressive no doubt
No mans sky 2!
We're always talking about mountains
Dragons so I'm in
Can I be a wolf man
Badass title
Stretching this is what I'm always saying unironically to everyone
I love tonberry king
Omgggg monhun!!! Chocobo
Huh what modded controller???
He flutin
Gotyyyy let's goo lol
Bg3 🫡🫡🫡
I sleep 😴
I'm not reading this back
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shuublebunny · 2 years
Childhood blinded me to how problematic some people can be.
It is the year 2023 and I am writing headcanons for a problematic ship in an old ass minecraft roleplay series
✨Aarmau HCs✨
Ok so to start out, I wanna address the UNCOMFY age gap. I think it should have been mitigated by making them about a year apart. “But Bunny, how do we handle the whole debacle of her not knowing Aaron is FC?” We drag it out in true slow-burn fashion. They meet when Aphmau is a freshman and Aaron is a sophomore (no more icky freshman-senior relationship because that is FRIGHTENING). So for 3 years they go about their lives kinda hating each other, but also kind of morphs into a “you’re not that bad, I just hate your stupid face (in an affectionate, platonic way (kind of)) and will tease you relentlessly because we’re both assholes” thing. Aph learns Aaron is FC yada yada yada BUT she’s in her JUNIOR YEAR by then.
Now the nature of their relationship. They’re not horrible with each other, but they’re definitely not super close or kind either. They have their gripes with each other and absolutely CANNOT stand each other at times. So when they find out that they have, in fact, been best friends online for the past several years, they both have a complete internal meltdown and panic. They’re idiots. They have no idea how to handle the situation. They’re awkward for like, a few months, but gradually build back their friendship, keeping a teensy bit of the snark they gave each other when they were “rivals” for the funny. But now that snarky, obnoxious behavior is ACTUALLY just a joke and they’re super close. Think of it like sibling banter.
Aph ends up developing a crush on him, but he can’t reciprocate her feelings(yes he can, he’s just scared bc he’s going off to college). Sylvanna still hATES him bc she thinks he’s trying to get with her daughter, but they just go to prom as friends. No kissing that night, nothing, just hanging out, being dumb, and ugly crying and hugging when Aphmau realizes he’s actually going away to college, and now that she only just realized her best friend was with her in person after 3 years, he’s being ripped away from her after only just getting to be his friend irl. They’re both distraught. They are ugly cryers.
They get reunited in college like they do in the og series, and that’s when Aaron realizes “oh fuck, I DO feel the same way, actually,” but doesn’t act on it because he thinks Aphmau has moved on by now. I’m not going to touch the bullshit that happened with Ein and Kai but for the sake of me being lazy and not having the energy to remove them from the story entirely, we’ll just say that all their bullshit happened Aphmau’s senior year and Aaron had to deal with them on breaks when he came back from college. None of this whole “you didn’t keep in touch with me for 3 years and now we’re reunited in college” bs. He cares about her enough as a friend to keep in touch, and finds sneaky ways to do so. He’ll send letters via snail mail after curfew and Agent R totally doesn’t notice (he’s cool like that; i will absolutely write more hcs on how Agent R is like Aaron’s adoptive dad). He’ll also use pay phones (loose change so it isn’t as traceable) around the campus/city to talk to her in real time So he absolutely knows that Aphmau is going to Falcon Claw University. Hell, he was the person she ranted to the most and panicked to over college applications. So when she got accepted to FCU she flips and calls Aaron to tell him before she even shows the letter to her mom (yet another reason why Sylvanna hates him lmao).
In college, they have a HEAVY slow-burn relationship development. They’re still not dating by the time they both graduate, but they’re also both kind of aware of the fact that they both like each other? They’re weird. Both of them are scared of fucking up their friendship. They eventually start dating around the time MyStreet takes place but uhh
This version is a lot less problematic
They catch feels for each other as ADULTS
I need to write headcanons more, this was highly cathartic.
(Slight edit made because it was pointed out that I said something pretty tone-deaf that just didn’t make sense, so I fixed it).
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More more Stark's Mind notes eps 9-14
Episode 9
“Have you guys ever heard of Felix Freeman?” FELIX MENTION. Talks about him like they were friendly/friends
“Just don't get discouraged by that man's words.” I stg it sounds more like he's telling that to himself than the little survivor group he has
“Just keep going. Whether you have to help someone, or kill someone, there's one clear goal in mind.” Oh 💔
“Just don't let up, Stark. Don't give in.” He's trying to make himself feel better </3
“We would've been out of here if someone had one god damned key.” Key's would help if the locks were on your side of the door
“Just don't mind the neurological stress this whole thing has had on me.” And it's gonna get WORSE from here
“People like them are counting on me. And I swear, I will get through this, I will. I have to. It's my responsibility.” He's putting so much on himself god
Episode 10
“What do they use? Echolocation?” I have no clue about the Black Mesa headcrab models, but the og Headcrab models do actually have eyes! They're on its front pincers(?) and are pretty small
“I wish I knew how to do a pull-up.” Again, twink.
“You can never hate Mr. Whiskers.” CAT PERSON 🐱 (cat-bo💥)
“Sorry, insects and arachnids.” Very important to make that distinction
“I concur.” STUPID FUCKING NERD ASS (/aff)
‘can you access the mail server?’ “That's not helping!” I just found that interaction funny lmao
Episode 11
“So as of right now, when I get to the surface I'll have to deal with being an imposter, PTSD, the deaths of several employees, and an alien invasion. Oh and that whistle blowing thing from back then.” The whistle blowing thing???
“I can already see the headlines. ‘Charming physicist saves entire facility.’” Sir, your ego is showing.
5 grenades used before he gives up on trying to blow the turret up with one. Please learn to conserve your shit I'm begging 💔
Gets shot somewhere by the turret (probably on face? He says he felt it)
“Once I get out… Well, if I get out. Correction.” Give yourself some more credit man </3
Episode 12
“I might be overthinking this whole thing!” About seeing someone from the ‘rescue team’ shoot a scientist
2 ear injuries! Both ears are injured
“Christ my ears…” There's no way he doesn't have some form of hearing damage from all of this
“Somebody should supply the military with a fucking thesaurus.” *cough* Yore dead Freeman *cough*
“I still don't know how I'm doing this!” Fear and adrenaline is one hell of a combo
“I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and somehow… I really shouldn't dwell on that kind of thinking too much. Usually that kind of thinking leads you to your death.” Oh ☹️
Episode 13
“I'm being a bit overdramatic, aren't I?” HAVE YOU SEEN THE SITUATION YOU ARE IN?
“There's also no point fighting scared civilians either!” sir you are way past the point of being a civilian?
“It's kill or be killed.” No actual comment, I just like how he says it
Episode 14
He's… so, so dumb sometimes (presses a random button without knowing what it would do)
“This is how I would envision a railway system set deep underground.” That's… so specific cause what else would that be.
His reaction to the actual tram is so <3 cause it's the only time in this whole series he finds something amusing (which I mean, fair tbh)
“My nose is bleeding because of the sheer amount of rage and frustration that I am going through right now.” Fun fact, stress can actually cause/worsen nosebleeds! So rip man
“I am the embodiment of anger.” I am so sorry but he's so cringe sometimes please shut up (/lovingly)
“See! That's not real- it's real.” I have so many questions. Why does Black Mesa just, have that much toxic waste??
“Until I become suicidal or something.” You… aren't already?
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buggknife · 9 months
🍕💼🎯🥊❤️✂️🧊🍀🌂🙌🍎💎🍩 gib me scrunkly lore plz 🥺
yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa thank you so many aahh, once again since this is a Big One I am gonna throw these under the cut/zaza pic :3
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🍕 - What is their favourite food? Since we’ve established the gas station snack food thing I’ll make another addition that isn’t dependent on a modern setting: jerky, generally anything crunchy. Any setting in which chips (or even crackers) exist you can bet he’s gonna be scarfing those fuckers down.
💼 - What do they do for a living? Ok so this is funny; in everywhere except the very scuffed ass modern/fc5 AU he mainly just steals shit. If asked why he’s always very ideological about why he does it, very particular about his targets but ultimately yeah. Whatever he can’t obtain via his weirdo hermit ass lifestyle he just forages in other peoples’ homes and businesses for. He could probably make some bank selling the shit he makes if he had any tolerance for the prospective buyers but that is not going to happen because stealing is less annoying.
🎯 -What do they do best? Answered HERE
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? Loves to fucking chill idk. If left to his own devices he would probably just roam around, climb some mountains, build some dumb shit, make a campfire, play guitar, who knows. As for hate. uhm. I don't think there's any day-to-day activity that he genuinely cant stand. Like he doesn't particularly like going to pick up the mail or answering the door but like it's not the end of the world. He definitely hates when things are done TO him though lmao- he hates being touched except by a VERY specific few people, otherwise expect to lose an arm.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? Answered HERE &lt;3
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? There was a prominent antagonist in the main RP I did with him, a dracolich who managed to push his buttons like no one else could and more or less took away everything that he held dear. Needless to say Eran went full murder mode, forgot how to be human for a few years, the whole nine yards. I could gush about that RP for hours it is my favourite thing I’ve done with Eran like ever
🧊 - Is their current design the first one? I went and tracked down a specil [ EXCLUSIVE !! ] piece of sprinkle history: behold scrackle circa 2009.
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Needless to say the current design is slightly different. Having said that I think I had the basics of his design dialed in within the first few years.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC? I can’t explain this without sounding like an insane person, but it involves a fixation that 13yo bug had with a popular Canadian country-rock band. It’s all completely irrelevant now but it is funny to think about. There were comics.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? For a long time I had him really locked in to fantasy stuff but I am less and less enamoured with that genre as time goes on for a few different reasons. It’s familiar and comfortable for me certainly, and Eran has BY FAR the most ‘lore’ in his original, fantasy-ish canon. So I’m not sure if that counts as belonging but it’s certainly his origin. Even then that's more of a setting than a genre so I'll expand on that- I think there are certain elements that make an Eran story successful in my eyes, that aren't limited to fantasy. I need him to be able to do crimes, be a Wild Boy and generally be more of a freak than a modern setting would typically allow (not to 100% trash the FC5 au but it definitely needs…something). I think it would be funny to put him in a heist movie. I’ve always liked him best when leaning heavily into the drama, character study sort of shit.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have? One brother, Ash, whom he hates.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? Bad! His whole family is a cult in its own right more or less and Eran really doesn’t want anything to do with them. It's admittedly something I haven't fleshed out toooooo much. E's very much a 'keep moving forward' type of guy so naturally his family past stuff has not had too much attention.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? I have had him beef it before- obviously it’s been in self contained storylines. As for anything more permanent- hard to say. I never want to rule out the possibility entirely. I definitely feel like I’ve exhausted my writing options for him at the moment so that seems close to death in a way. I can draw the little bastard until the end of days but coherent story content has been…. Lacking. :|
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? I don’t feel like he’s had a ‘nemesis’ really in any of the main stories. His scraps tend to be against larger organisations, the world around him or his own dumb ass decisions. I think his most persistent ‘enemy’ has been a Mages’ Guild (also from ‘The RP’ I keep blabbing on about) which he angered on many different occasions though not without good reason. ;)
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nami-moittli · 5 months
I was gonna wait till I finished the chapter to post it on ao3 (if I posted it at all lol), but I want attention and feedback and stuff, so I’m gonna post the introduction scene for my (idek what to call it lmao) shoujo romcom AU-type thing 👍
“Ughhh…” A boy with light purple hair groaned, his back sliding down the barrier around the edge of the school’s rooftop. “This sucks. I hate my life.”
“C’mon now Epel,” Started a girl with blue hair tied up into high pigtails. “You’ve been saying that for years, and guess what? It’s been a lie every time!”
Epel looked up at her with a glare from where she was sitting at the top of the barrier.
He huffed and curled more into himself with a pout, crossing his arms. “You’re gonna fall and die up there, I swear.” He said, which got a laugh out of her. “Besides! This isn’t like before! It’s worse!”
“Oh really?” She said, turning to face him from where she was looking at the city before. “Do tell, I’d love to hear this!”
“Ugh. I hate you.” Epel said. “But, y’know how I like Jack?”
“You have since we were approximately ten years old! Most likely longer.” She helpfully chirped. “Why? Something happen?”
“You could say that. Well anyways, y’know Sebek?” Epel asked next.
“Ehe, silly Epel!” She laughed once more. “I know all of the freshman at this academy!”
“Ortho.” Epel deadpanned. Ortho just responded by lightly hitting her head and giving out another fake laugh.
“This is why people think you’re some kinda robot y’know? Why are you like this.” Epel told her.
Ortho fake laughed again. “Wrong again, Epel! People call me a ‘robot’ due to my prosthetics! It’s only once they get to know me that they call me an A.I. for my memory.”
“Hah! Still half right.” Epel called out.
Ortho let out a small sigh and giggled a bit, before jumping down to the roof.
“Y’re gonna hurt yourself if ya do that, ya dumbass.” Epel chided.
Ortho giggled good-naturedly. “Just a little. Anyway, what about Sebek Zigvolt?”
“Ah, well…” Epel’s cheeks turned red, and he quickly turned his face away from her. “A-actually, it’s nuthin. Don’t worry bout it, ya’hear?”
Ortho hummed, shifting her weight and leaning her torso to the side to see her friends face. To which Epel turned his head farther, to look out through the holes in the barrier.
“Oh really?” She drew her words out long and accusatory. “Nothing to worry about at all? Hm. How curious.” She stood herself upright and gave her best innocent smile, not like anyone could see it though, from behind her mask. “Well in that case, I should go ask Sebek Zigvolt himself!”
“Huh?!” Epel yelped, his face whipping around, red.
“Well, you’re obviously worried about something, but you wont tell me.” Ortho said, carrying on with her innocent act. “So since you mentioned Sebek Zigvolt, I figured it would make the most sense that he knows something you won’t tell me. And because of that, it’d make the most logical sense to ask him about it!”
“HAAHH??!!” Epel remarked, and it was almost as if Ortho could see the smoke coming from his head. She could almost laugh.
“No!” Epel said. “No, no no no no no no, no, you are not going to talk to him!”
“Aw, why?” Ortho asked, letting her arms slack.
“Ughh…” Epel whined. “You’re the absolute worst, Orth, ya know that?”
“Ehe, whatever do you mean, dear friend of mine?” Ortho lied.
“You know exactly what I mean, you little bitch.” Epel let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, you were gonna find out sooner or later.”
Ortho gave a smug grin, which she was sure helped him get out with it. Though, of course Epel could only see her eyes close slightly, but Ortho knew that the feeling got through. It was fairly obvious what Epel was going to admit, especially since Ortho was most definitely going to find out sometime, like he had said, but it was still funny to watch her best friend try and get his words out. How she wished she could record this right now. Good black mail material!
“I, uh, ugh, you already know it…” Epel glared.
Ortho put on a shocked face. “What? I really don’t, Epel! If you can’t get it out, then I’ll go ask Sebek Zigvolt!” She chirped as she turned to walk away.
“Wait!” Epel yelped, grabbing her wrist. “I hate you so, so much.”
“Ehe, love you too, Ep!” Ortho laughed, now once again facing him.
Epel sighed, and his sharp gaze softened into a look of exasperated defeat. Ortho was so proud of herself.
“Alright fine. Ah’ve got uh crush ahn Sebek, how’zat for ya?” Epel said.
“Wow! Really? I couldn’t tell at all! You’re really good at hiding it, y’know?” Ortho said helpfully, which made Epel groan with his face buried into his hands. “If we we’ren’t so close, I never would’ve known!”
“Don’t patronize me, you witch.” He said, as if he were mad at her. Who could’ve guessed why?
Ortho laughed, genuinely this time, while putting her made-of-flesh right hand on Epel’s head, ruffling his hair a small amount.
“Sorry, sorry.” Ortho said. “It was just too good of an opportunity.”
“Wow, that makes it so much better, Orth.” Ortho could feel him roll his eyes at her while saying that.
Ortho took her hand off of his head and let out a small giggle. “Sorry.”
Epel sighed as he stood up straight and checked his phone.
“Well, it’s about time for class to start back up now.” Epel said, pocketing his phone again. Though Ortho could hear him mutter, “Vil’s gonna kill me, ain’t he?”
“Nah, don’t worry.” Ortho said as she opened the door to the roof. “I didn’t mess up your hair too badly, so you’ll be fine.” She told him as he caught up to her. She let Epel through the door as she said, “Besides, your hair is already fairly messy. In a styled way, of course!” She said the last sentence as she too, went through the door.
“Good.” Epel said, his hands in his pockets waiting for her. “I really don’t feel like getting chewed out this early into freshman year.”
“True.” Ortho smiled as she finished locking up the door to the roof. Students aren’t usually allowed up there, and honestly, considering how easy it was for her to climb the barrier around the edge of the roof, that may be a good idea.
“Sooo,” Ortho started as the two made their ways down the stairs. “You like Sebek Zigvolt,”
Epel got a look on his face that said he did not want to have this conversation right now, his cheeks gaining a hint of red. “Yes…?”
“But you still like Jack Howl, correct?” Ortho asked.
The red of Epel’s cheeks grew as he groaned and said, “Ah jus’ knew you w’re gonna ask that…”
Ortho laughed before she realized something, stopping in her tracks. “Wait!” She said, as if it was a life-changing revelation.
“Huh?” Epel said, also stopping and looking up at her now. “What’s it now?”
“If you like both Jack Howl and Sebek Zigvolt,” Ortho said.
“Uh-huh…?” Epel confirmed, obviously tense due to not liking where this was going.
“And this is our freshman year of high school,” Ortho continued.
“Yes…?” Epel once again confirmed.
“Do you know what that makes you?” Ortho probed.
“A… gay disaster?” Epel guessed.
“No.” Ortho told him, before re-evaluating and correcting herself to, “Well, yes, you most definitely are, but another thing!”
Epel sighed and just asked, “What am I than, if not that?”
“It makes you,” Ortho paused for dramatic effect. “The protag for a romcom!” She announced with utter seriousness, pointing at him.
The words hanged in the air for a few moments. And then,
“Uuuughhhhhnnnnooooo…” Epel groaned into his hands as Ortho burst out laughing, resuming her walk down the stairs.
“I hate you.” Epel muttered as he also continued to his way to class. “I hate you, I hate you so, so, so much.”
“What? Am I wrong?” Ortho asked. “You’ve got the childhood best friend type and the, well, admittedly I don’t know what type Sebek Zigvolt is, but I’m sure you could spin it the right way!”
“The thing about that is,” Epel said with a dejected face and the weight of disappointment in himself in his voice. “They’re both super tall and buff, so I can’t even tell if I have a type, or if it’s gender envy.”
Ortho burst out laughing again but quickly corrected herself to patting Epel’s back. “That must suck, I get gender envy from Hatsune Miku, so I’m pretty good on that front.”
Epel muttered another, “I fucking hate you.” Before straightening himself. “What’s that goddess of love again? The one that loves drama? Aphrodite? Yeah, that’s it. If I pray or something to her, than will you have a terrible love life too? Please?”
“Please don’t do that Epel.” Ortho said, taking her hand off his back as they stopped at their floor to head to class. “I don’t feel like dying this year. Or at all, honestly.”
“Oh fine.” Epel sighed. Ortho knew that he was joking when he suggested that, but it was kinda funny to take it seriously. “Well we’re almost at my class so, I’ll see ya after school?”
“Mhm!” Ortho nodded. “See ya then, and we’re still seeing that new movie?”
“It’s one of Vil’s, so of course!” Epel confirmed. “Bye!” He said as he gave a small wave.
“Bye!” Ortho returned as she turned to walk to her own class. They might not be in the same class, but their classes were right next to each other.
She pulled out her phone, not really checking anything in particular as she mentally noticed that the constant stream of music that always was in her ears changed from one song to the next, going from a VOCALOID song to one from a musical.
“STOP RUNNING IN THE HALLS!” Came a voice that snapped her to attention just in time to see someone bump into her.
“WOAH!” Both Ortho and the person that had bumped into her yelled out, as Ortho just managed to stop herself from falling.
“Oh crap!” The red headed boy, Ace Trappola, Ortho gathered from her memory, spoke as he quickly glanced behind him and hurriedly said, “Sorry!” as he continued running.
Ortho stood there in shock for a few moments before another person, another red head at that, came running by her too.
Riddle Rosehearts, Ortho knew. She had heard about her from her older brother before. That Riddle was the strictest person on campus - and probably ever - she remembered her older brother had told her. Break even the tiniest rule and Riddle would start screaming her head off about it.
Ortho sighed and shook her head. Poor guy. Epel had apparently met Ace before during the school’s orientation day. Seemed like a troublemaker. No doubt that he and Riddle will butt heads a lot. Unless Riddle managed to straighten him out.
Ortho started to make her way back to her classroom when Cady’s “Shit.” from her headphones matched up with Ortho’s noticing of the two kids in the hallway talking about her.
She gave a small glance to them from the corner of her eye before returning to her phone. Seriously, just because she wears headphones all the time doesn’t mean she’s deaf.
Though, of course, it’s nothing new to her.
She was born this way.
Like a “robot.”
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, Day 1
GUYS when I bought these books i mistakenly received TWO copies of Queen of Shadows so I mailed one to my friend! They SAID they’d read along, because they still haven’t finished the series either, but also idk if they’re gonna read along.
Books are hard
(But no one can stop me I’m a huge fan of Celaena and this series sooooo)(shirking literally all other responsibilities)(and reading books instead) (HERE WE GO)
Ch 1
hi Dorian i’m sorry you’re sad
I’m sad too but also I am excited to be reading this book
(I keep forgetting that the tone has RAPIDLY shifted and we are in the worst timeline rn) (everything sucks and nothing is fun)
Ch 2
I wanna know what color she dyed her hair
(This is so awesome!!!!!!!!) (I can’t wait for her to start exacting revenge)
(Kill baby kill)(slaaaaay queen!)
Ch 3
I have so much rage in me for Arobynn it’s not even funny
(God he’s so disgusting.)
I have no idea what Chaol is doing but my thought is that maybe he’s here trying to hire someone to help him rescue Aedion?
Ch 4
AEDION, don’t give up. Chaol is planning a daring rescue (I think)
Ch 5
So - who is this lady
I can’t think of any ladies actually.
Does she have a name and have we met her before?
Ch 6
I think maybe we’ve never met her before. She says her name is not important. Well lady, I’m still gonna root for you, even if you don’t feel important.
(Go, weird sewer lady, go!)
Hi Chaol
I missed you
Are you planning a daring rescue? What are you up to?
Ch 7
Oh Nesryn! Hi!
Ooh boy this is rough
I thought maybe they could… be friends… even after the breakup
Guys, guys. You should try and work togetherrrrr
This is heartbreaking, I hate when mom and dad fight.
“Dorian is my king” Chaol, you’re precious and I fucking love you. LMAO you loyal piece of shit. You absolute madman.
“She knew herself well enough to admit that the relief was partially that of a coward- that she didn't have to face Ren and see how he might react to who she was, what she'd done with Marion's sacrifice.” Ugh why is she being so hard on herself????????
Ren and Aedion do not hate you, no one hates you, I promise. Not even CHAOL hates you. I think he’s just upset about Dorian and misses getting snuggles. Deep down that’s what every man wants… snuggles. It’s not your fault you guys aren’t in love anymore. Please, please, please stop being so hard on yourself.
I’m just ready to devour this book at this moment.
My hope is that our good guys can conquer and kill some of our villains, but also, I know this is book 5 of 8 and I might have to waiiiiit a little bit before. Ya know. The defeat of evil and the saving of the day.
A girl can dream.
I’d also LIKE TO SEE SOME ROMANCE SJM please my crops are dying
I know it’s hard to work in when everything’s intense intense intense like this but
Can we get some soft moments please
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transhawks · 2 years
*posts that are going to get you a box of my favorite orange flavored chocolates mailed to your doorstep (anyways, yeahh!! Lmao, it was so wild to me to read a post that lists everything Hawks did and I’m going like yeah!!! And then it ends off with something like “and that’s why I hate him and he’s evil incarnate” we are two different people lmaoo, I feel like you’re the only appreciated of unhinged Hawks on this site. He can be a sad little chirp chirp while still being crazy. So r other ppl
That sounds delicious actually. In all seriousness I had to disengage with actual Hawks "haters" in late 2020. I was very critical of him, argued with Hawks apologists (specifically in the whole Twice aspect) left and right, was getting frustrated at people just ignoring the clear references to the current political situation in the work, but seeing the actual Hawks hate hurt the nonetheless. I'm really lucky that a bunch of us in the Jinkei server and dbhwks spaces were really down to clown him and roast him, but there was still an element of at least finding him an interesting character if not liking him. A lot the hardcore Hawks haters not only didn't find him distasteful (which isn't wrong imho) but also felt that anyone who felt he was interesting was approving of his actions.
I had to justify why I liked him as a character to so-called friends, even a beloved best friend. Why I found him interesting - as if that invalidated my well-worn anarchist/leftist ideals and years of them and all the political activism and organizing I got involved in my late teens/early twenties. It was like... a very cruel time. I have a whole personality disorder that makes me think in polarities and extremes, and that space and group on here was not helping.
And then his development seemed to stagnate (or more I just didn't really understand what Horikoshi was doing with him) and I don't know, I clung on to what I originally liked. It really took reevaluating the entire manga and starting to find all of him funny to really, truly love him again.
He's a fascinatingly complicated character, incredibly well-crafted by Horikoshi, and I'd say among his top-tier written characters, like Tomura or Dabi. Now, that's on his *complexity*, nothing else. Not that I go looking for such opinions, but I'm going to clarify that and save some Hawks haters time gossiping about me saying "Hawks is a good as Dabi or Tomura according to local Hawks-obsessive transhawks", nah, we're talking about complexity and his narrative. Those things are very different than the character being ethical, not that any of them are.
And! And! It's okay to like the confusing, unhinged characters who bring chaos! 2020 me could never understand loving All For One, but he's so fascinatingly hypocritical and hilarious that he's quickly becoming a favorite.
I just regret we spent so much time as a fandom ascribing moral values to liking certain characters rather than just fucking enjoying them as they are. That wasn't healthy. That wasn't right of us, or me, specifically. I'm still someone who believes that the fiction/reality argument is bunk and not understanding that there isn't an actual separate space or how much any sort of art medium affects and shapes our values is a big problem, but I think when we started saying that anyone finding a character interesting was condoning their actions was when the plot was lost.
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
OKAY MEL BUCKLE UP YOUR SEAT BELT BC THIS IS GOING TO BE A RIDE ! also ik i have 9203402849 potential love letters i could write but there is one that truly warrants a long explanation because all i've ever written is hate mail about him to you... yes this is about lee fucking jangjun of course it's about lee jangjun 🙄
ok but i swear i'll try to actually write nice (🤢🤮) things unlike my one lino letter LOL
your favorite thing about them  he is sUCH an entertainer!! ofc he's funny and high energy and very much an enfp (the synergy of him with other enfps is insane LMAO) but also he does put in effort to be prepared when he goes on variety shows (vaguely all i know is that he does research beforehand especially if he's meeting other idols, prepares some jokes or stunts or props, idk maybe thats standard but at least it's not lazy)! besides him being absolutely deranged for entertainment purposes, i do love watching him on variety shows he really does the whole entertaining idol gig thing with such ease with his very mc-host way of speaking, his comedic timing, and the way he puts people at easy by ironically catching them off-guard with his irreverent jokes, etc. etc. honestly it's an especially great skill bc he's interacted w a lot of dongsaeng/rookie groups while hosting ssap possible and idolympics.
when you Knew TM they were your bias  LMAO the way u literally watched my realization in real time... okay but i don't actually remember what exactly cemented my coffin. i started noticing his rarer soft / calm / cute moods (instead of his obnoxious parodies of aegyo) and that he just happens to be good at everything. OH I REMEMBER NOW. SOMETHING SOMETHING HE IS GOOD AT COOKING ASDKFJLSJDFLKSDFL!!! lmao fuck why is it cooking that always gets me! also that was around the time i learned that he won 10 medals at isac 2018-20. and can do like 5 hurricane kicks in a row while singing. oh and he went from being literally tone deaf (or so he claims) when he auditioned to making it past several rounds on king of masked singer. okay but even tho he's good at everything he failed kindergarten <3 we stan having capabilities that can't be assessed by a standard education curriculum and being successful anyways 🤪
your favorite looks on them  jokes on you i don't look at him. ok just kidding u got me. honestly i rly haven't watched that that much content to be super familiar with his full range of looks/fits but i'll give you my top 3 from my jjun tag: 1) the white hoodie outfit from one of the ssap possible episodes with curly brown hair just got me i think he was super sleep deprived that day bc he was very subdued and sleepy the whole time it was very cute 2) pink jjun from the rata tat tat mv was insane w the givenchy tank and silver necklaces and and arm band... 12 dead 47 injured. 3) glasses + leather jacket from dream radio!! okay i couldn't even see half his face bc of his mask in this radio special but it was a great outfit so i had to give it a shout out. he did lower it at once point to show off his side profile ! 🥰🥳💕 ... did i mention men's health magazine nov 2020? haha forget i said anything what.
your favorite verse/chreo they do  the entire poppin' song he did with sungyoon!! some highlights w timestamps: - he has a pretty high pitched voice so i'm easily impressed by how he manages to pitch it down pretty low for the chorus. - also his verse after the first chorus is so addicting, there's something about the pitching and tone and varying emphasis of that verse that is so funny and satirical - my favorite part is the one singing line he gets lol a rare commodity as for choreo idk why the only thing i can think of rn is that time he danced w weki meki LMAO
your wish for them (solo stuff, being in a drama,  a nap maybe  lolo) to me he's honestly up there with seungkwan and baekhyun as born-entertainers so i hope he sticks around the entertainment industry for a long time 😃👍
anything about them !!!!  THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN TOO MUCH ABOUT HIM. and i've already spoken so much about him to you in the past month LMAO i swear i also love golcha joochan and jibeom dearly too :( anyways i shall leave you with a picture of jjun in a soda can and we shall never talk about this post ever again 🤫🤐
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surprise ! <3 my gift for u for making it to the end ily 😘
no you're right though, it's a skill to be such a great entertainer and mc like not everyone can do it! and to put people at ease and read the room and research guests beforehand, it takes work!! (and from the jangstar videos that you sent me to watch, mad respect to him for it cuz i would open the video thinking that i'd only watch the timestamp you sent but then end up watching the whole thing lmao)
LMAO i remember watching your realization happen in real time, it went from "no way jjun is gonna become my bias" -> "oh no i think he might be my bias....." -> final acceptance of the fact 😂🤣 oh but the cooking explains why you also bias lino hahahahaah i agree that gets me as well (although, mark cant cook eggs to save his life so idk). also jjun FAILED KINDERGARTEN LOL love that <3 he's so good at everything else
okay but the DREAM RADIO OUTFIT omg....he looks so good even with the mask on and with the glasses too (lol i guess how it's the cooking that gets you, for me it's the glasses) and then sunoo's fckin cute smileeeee omgggg 😭😭 the pink jjun with the tank and arm bands though 😳😳😳 and mens health ok bestie dont need to pretend you didnt mention that because i remember you mentioning it to me so i already know exactly what youre talking about and yes i will torture you
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okay moving on to poppin, his verse after the first chorus really is so addicting and so good, he nails the satirical tone well there (and then sungyoon's part after it omg). THE WEKI MEKI DANCE IS SO FUNNY?? the way he just turned it on and started dancing like he's always been a part of weki meki LMAOOO he got really into it
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(blurry af pic of jjun dancing to the song fabulously)
the soda can jjun is so cute 🥺
also i cANT BELIEVE YOU SURPRISED ME WITH THE LEE KNOW PIC AT THE END YOU HIT A SPECIFIC WEAKNESS i literally have that pic saved in my pinterest.....he's so hot....i had to stare at that pic as i was typing up this response and i was in PAIN and the ROLLED UP SLEEVES WITH THE WHITE BUTTON DOWN omfg this is literally one of my WEAKNESSES okay clearly you can tell i am now spiraling, this is what lee minho does to me 😐😐😐 i blame you
tell me why you love your bias!
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greeneyesfriedrice · 2 years
Stop projecting and accept that Harry enjoys being called daddy. Why are you so invested in their sex lives that it upsets you 😭
OHH is this why i’m getting hate mail LMAO yall are funny
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