#i shall go to bed satisfied this evening!
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s6 episode 15 thoughts
hehehe… i’m looking forward to this one. i've seen some screenshots.
giggling and kicking my feet.
okay. let me center myself.
i woke up early so i could edit my notes for yesterday’s episode and watch this one today. i will make the most of my weekends, let it be known!
so! let us see where this brings us. i’m in the mood for spooky and sweet. which s6 has been pretty good at delivering so far. with a few headache-inducing moments to balance it out.
post-episode thoughts: nods in approval. haha... YES! YEAH!!!!!!! i have so many thoughts, but i just feel like that meme of the dude looking in through the window! HAHA!!!!! YEAH!
and the next episode has an evil dog! woohoo!! yeah!!! let’s go!!!
okay!!! i need to lock in.
we begin in california. it seems quite beautiful. a gated community!! that requires a code!!! when you enter the code, it knows who you are and announces it, which i think is creepy.
far too many waving and smiling neighbors watering the california grass. girl. the forest fires…
mr. kline gets his mail, and paint on his hands as his neighbor painted his mailbox.
LMAO mr. kline is FURIOUS the neighbor painted the mailbox LMAOOOOO. and i would be too! but there is a weird package on the floor…..
rip it open, mr. kline. but please be careful. i’m suspicious. there might be razors in there!!! it’s... a little thingy of a guy chopping wood!!!
(the proper term is later revealed to be a "whirligig"- isn't that extraordinary?)
mrs. kline declares the neighbors would hate it, and so it goes on display.
it makes a tapping noise, but it stops at night. and they hear the floorboards creaking……
mr. kline gets a trophy to bash someone over the head with. not sure that is the most effective weapon. at least get a bat.
and it’s so dark!! curse you, season 6! why is there liquid on the floor?!!!
something comes up behind him and he screams!!! it looks like a dude made out of… like, bees or something?
mrs. kline hears his screams and cowers in bed!! but the mystery thing gets her, too!! with a terrible scream!!!
intro time…
ooooo, looks like we have a beast. of some sort. a man-beast. not bigfoot. but maybe a cousin. i mean, it LOOKED like it was made of bugs, but it was really dark and hard to tell. so who knows?
full intro... you are my best friend!!!
okay, so 7 months have passed since… whatever went down with the klines. and now a neighbor has a gift for the new residents! the petries.
LMAOOOOO MULDER WITH HIS JACKET WRAPPED AROUND HIS NECK, CALLING SCULLY “HONEY”…. “is this place us or what?!” <-i’m giggling already
it is not them. it is so not them.
LMAO they have to use fake names. rob and laura petrie. scully has not said a word so far, but the giant gift basket has been thrust into her arms.
i wonder if the strategy is to let him do most of the talking since she can have some… difficulty lying. but! sometimes she can pull it off!! maybe she just needs to get really in character to do so!
hey guys. what’s going on here? i’ve been here for 3 minutes. am i imagining this?
the lady who is presenting scully with the giant gift basket is pat. and she tells them that they will not make the 6 o clock cut off!! all move-ins are required to be completed by 6. girl. what kind of rule is that?
i’m gonna need so many minutes.
they’re clearly trying to sniff out information on the previous owners- scully wants to send a thank you note to them for leaving the place SO clean- but pat gets uncomfortable and changes the subject. oh! something weird is going on here!!!!! deeply so!!
she said do NOT get used to that, buddy!
(this is actually so funny to me. because. like. we KNOW they have feelings for each other. but scully does not feel comfortable performing that. and why do you think this is? because it feels so forced? they seem like pretty touchy people in general, but maybe she does NOT want to be touchy in that way? maybe she is anti-PDA. or maybe she is anti-inauthentic PDA.
we don't really ever see her in a committed relationship to know how she feel when it comes to domestic sidehugs. maybe she is firmly against them.
maybe she thinks he's playing a joke on her and she doesn't want to be a part of that. maybe she thinks he's taking advantage of their circumstances to indulge in his own crush, and she doesn't want to process that when there is crime to solve. maybe she thinks it's making a mockery of whatever it is they do have between them. turn it around in your brain and pick the most exciting option to headcanon!)
((but really, it's reminding me of this time i was a teenager, and i had a hopelessly unrequited crush on someone who was really cool and beautiful. and a mutual friend made a joke about how we should kiss. so i feigned disgust. "eww!", i said, "i do NOT want to do that!" <-reader, i was lying. and i feel great solidarity with scully))
the whole town is here to move them in by 6. including the neighbor who previously was painting the mailbox for the klines!! his name is win.
i would not want all these people in my house. who are they trying to please by getting everything done by 6?!
does the beast eat the people that break the rules? is that why they ate the klines? because of their lumberjack accessory??
a neighbor knocks over the box labeled “china��!!! that scully wanted to carry herself!!! he says he is so sorry. there is great distress upon her face. this dude is named mike. he is immediately my suspect for no real reason other than we got his name early on.
cami, win’s wife, helps her haul the china in. which i don’t believe is actually china at all.
mulder wants to bring a basketball hoop, but win says this is NOT ALLOWED!! unless he can get special permission from mr. gogolak, the president of the HOA. but until then… it must go in the garage.
it's cruel to deny this man his basketball.
(giggling at the mental image... did they have any sort of background on this case that nonconformity would lead to being eaten, or was mulder told he had to do an undercover gig and he said "skinner, i am NOT doing this without a basketball hoop"... fun to imagine)
mulder’s jacket that was previously stored around his neck and his polo both have the crocodile logo. hold on. i have to google something.
it is a brand called lacoste. a luxury sportswear line! okay. so this is fancy and suburban. kinda ralph lauren adjacent? or maybe more tommy hilfiger? i don’t know the brand lore. he’s rich and he’s trendy in a way that blends right into suburbia. i’m picking up what is being put down. pink polo man.
ah, you never know how much you appreciate a man's trusty leather jacket until it has been taken from you
right at 6, all of the neighbors leave.
they wave goodbye. “oh yeah, nothing weird going on around here” <-LMAOOOO
“hey, oooh, wait a minute, you didn’t let me carry you over the threshold” he says to scully as they walk inside. and he is having too much fun with this.
she takes off her jacket and asks if he’s ready- “let’s get it on, honey” (JAIL FOR THAT ONE!) and she hands him some rubber gloves with a grin. LMAO.
okay, she’s having fun too. don’t let her fool you. she wants to solve crime and he wants to play house. their interests align.
nooo!!! mike broke the box that had tools for “fluorescein bloodstain enhancement”! mike… my suspicions of you grow… you can’t take away scully's science toys!!!
she has a camcorder. she says it’s february 24th!!! so this happened soon after scully’s brush with death in new york?!?! like. right after she was shot and nearly killed in tithonus?!
unless we jumped ahead a year again, of course. in which case this might be taking place BEFORE the rain king, which was in the summer.
uh… well. who knows? what a fool i am to assume that the episodes are chronological (heavy on the /s)
anyway, i need to shut up. she’s VLOGGING.
the klines were the third couple to disappear since 1991, which was when this place was built!!
her in that sweater looks so fundamentally wrong LMAO... give her a powersuit or a sweatshirt or a big old jacket, but this purple floral piece just seems incorrect!!!
back to the camcorder vlog. all of the missing people were stable professionals with no history of mental illness or discord, and it took a family member or employee to realize they were gone!!! damn… they’re def hiding something in this place. maybe a blood sacrifice? to the HOA gods??
and their cars and some items were taken from the people who vanished!!! the police had enough, so they turned to the FBI!!
given how many autopsies she has to do voice recordings for, it’s perhaps not surprising that she takes naturally to the vlog, but it is still endearing. especially when mulder interrupts.
SKINNER ASSIGNED THEM TO THIS. oh. skinner is plotting. perhaps the very first MSR shipper.
STOP HITTING ON HER (sprays him with water when he makes a joke about the "honeymoon film")
she wants to choose the names next time, and also, she doesn’t think he’s taking this seriously. but he says he is! he just doesn’t understand why they’re on it! it’s their first case back on the x files after they were on general for so long!! but it’s not an x file!!
(i did not entirely consider the implications of the line that she "wants to choose the names next time", which implies that HE chose them out. and i can imagine this scene in great detail: him typing up their aliases and a biography for each of them before they leave, and handing her the detailed file in the car. the way her eyebrow shoots up when she turns to look at him. and he's grinning, his eyes on the road, when she asks if he really thinks she looks like a laura)
she says it’s unexplained. “what do you want? aliens? tractor beams?” LMAO
who is at the door??? it’s mike!! with lots of china!! he says he has more than he needs. “i just usually use one and then… wash it” yes king ❤️ that is how they work, those dishes!
he lives the next street over. and he has something i thought was a cross necklace around his neck.
but doctor scully notices it’s a caduceus! well, of course she’d know that. but would laura petrie?! is she going to blow her cover nerding out?!
he says he’s a vet. and he would be happy to examine any of their pets. but the pet better not be over 16 pounds!!!! it violates the rules!
(i know that she previously had a little dog, but i feel that scully needs a medium to large size mutt to sit on the couch with and read. and also throw lots of sticks for. i have felt this way since ice and i still do so. need to write the AU where literally everything in canon is exactly the same, but she goes home with the border collie from ice)
she says it was so kind of him to bring this china over- everyone is so neighborly, she’s unsure why the klines ever left! that was their name, right? the klines? and he says... he has to leave.
she calls to mulder and he responds with “the name… is rob” <-LMAOOOOOO
i know his ass was staring in the mirror to get into character. thinking, "what would rob do in such a circumstance?"
i thought he was fixing a lightbulb, which would have been funny in its own right, but he found some sort of blood and muck on the ceiling fan!!! must have been a hell of an impact to get up there.
cutscene to the gogolak residence. at 7:59. pat is reporting to them on the new neighbors!!! and the others declare them to be a cute couple. well, yes!
mr. gogolak says “ladies, my compliments to the chef” and all the women leave???????
very creepy. did not enjoy this.
he asks if the “pee-trees” will play ball, and win says that he is keeping his eye on them!!
big mike suggests that perhaps they tell them. win says they don’t know if they can trust them.
but big mike says that there are so many rules- maybe they could keep up with them better if they knew what happened if they don’t. oh. is big mike an ally to our agents?!? despite breaking the science equipment? was it perhaps a mere accident?
he says it’s the neighborly thing to do… i now have a feeling he will not make it through the episode. mr. gogolak says “godspeed”. and big mike asks to use the bathroom. gordy is sent after to make sure he finds it.
win says he can talk big mike out of this. but gogolak says he’s a weak link, and a strong chain cannot survive without a weak link.
you stay AWAY from my friend mike!!!
mike is watching a documentary on a tribal culture and the expulsion of outcasts. his light goes out!!!
he runs and fixes it, wincing as he does so. but something approaches???
it looks like he’s covered in blood!!!
the beast comes, and he loudly declares that he fixed it, he fixed it!!! but this makes no difference. he is…. well. i’m not sure what the verb for what happened to him is. but a large blood splatter appears everywhere.
win sprays it down in the morning. when mulder and scully arrive!!! i was wondering if the blood would wash onto their shoes, but this possibility isn't addressed.
how was your first night? win asks. “oh it was wonderful; we just spooned up and fell asleep like little baby cats” <- JDVSJBDMSBS
i can’t tell if bro is committed to the bit, living a fantasy, or a former theatre kid DETERMINED to not fuck up their cover story. probably all three in a sick way.
the pet names are SICKENING. oh my god.
win says mike had to leave town on business. veterinarian business, i guess. he leaves for weeks at a time. suuuuuure.
mulder wants to leave the china at mike's place, but win says he’ll take the box. oh! get him with the "aesthetically pleasing" jab, mulder.
oh no, win invites them over for dinner at 6. which sounds most unpleasant. and mulder asks who he needs to talk to get up the basketball hoop.
that is gonna be mr. gogolak. who has some sort of statue in his home. and he consults the rule book.
THEY’RE CUDDLED UP ON HIS COUCH LMAOOOOO and mr. gogolak declares a basketball hoop is NOT ALLOWED
the sweater vest on him is CRAZY, bahahahaha!!! and scully’s wearing a sweater now that still seems wrong, but less so than that purple number before. scully grabs his hand at this very sad news of their basketball hoop-less life. see? she can roll with the punches!
it seems his house is filled with masks or sculptures or something.
he sets the rule book down on a special stand… as if it has religious significance. hmm. a clue as to the nature of our beast?
mulder says he loves the decor; is it occidental? mr. gogolak says it’s nepalese and tibetan, actually. he goes there twice a year on business. he runs pier nine imports. he can get them a great deal on rattan furniture. INDOOR ONLY! no outdoor furniture allowed.
they nod and smile at him.
we are now at dinner with win and cami. win shoos away a dog and asks if cami used the dolphin-safe tuna. how… progressive?
win asks where they met. mulder says at a UFO conference. he says she’s a new ager!! and she’s sitting there suffering.
i once again need to see the character biographies i know he made for them.
OH! mulder says he doesn’t think it’s true that big mike is out on business!!! he called his office!! they wanted advice on getting a dog!!!
ohhh, scully’s coming in with the kill. “do you know where he is, win?” she asks, with the most cheery expression. cami is glaring at win.
and mulder proposes that it has to be something freaky for him to lie about it like that- maybe he has a secret life. oh, they are a pretty well-oiled machine at the end of the day... occasional awkwardness aside.
win assures them that their gated community does NOT have a dark underbelly as mulder had proposed. mulder sips his wine. interesting. i wonder if he is a wine snob.
LMAOOOO.... CAMI GETS UP TO WALK THE DOG AND SCULLY OFFERS TO COME, BUT SHE DOES THIS SAD LITTLE AIR KISS BEFORE MULDER CAN PROPERLY SMOOCH HER… oh, the rumors about these two are going to be FLYING around town!!! she didn't even let him SMOOCH!! are they truly in love?! is he cheating?! a lavender marriage, perhaps?!
as they walk the dog in the dark, scully asks cami if it’s really the american dream living here. she hesitates. cami denies being worried about mike. but the dog runs down the sewers!!! and then the barking stops!!!! LET THE DOG LIVE.
scully pulls out a flashlight…. and finds mike’s necklace!!!! but before she can grab it, the dog returns. he is covered in some kind of blood and/or goop that scully wipes off with a handkerchief. FOR ANALYSIS!
but as they leave, the sewer grate starts rising!!
oh!! she WAS able to snatch mike's necklace!!
back at home, mulder is shedding his shirt and tossing it on the bed, which gives scully pause. LMAO. she insists he calls her laura now.
LMAOOOOO she bullies him for how he squeezes his toothpaste. and for leaving up the toilet seat. which would piss me off bad tbh, so i get that.
he tries to get her to come into bed saying “come on, laura, we’re married now” and she stares and says “scully, mulder” which makes him take his pillow and leave
LMFAO???? bro…………..
he wanted to do wild stuff even if she was covered in green goo and it scared him at first.
sex jokes aside, it's really fucking funny how he didn't expect her to come out green, but then immediately played it cool. and the fact that they feel comfortable enough in each other's presence, for better or for worse, for him to toss his clothes around and her to do her skincare.
had he not made that joke, i wonder if they really would have gotten into bed together and had awkward, 100% totally platonic sleepover time. it looked pretty big and comfy! but we do know he is no stranger to sleeping on the couch.
i need to pause and take a deep breath. LMAO oh god. yeah. domestic bliss really is NOT in their future, huh? i could have predicted that. certainly you could have also predicted that! but i’m sure some fans were chomping at the bit to see it anyway.
fans have a tendency to superimpose domestic bliss on any character dynamic, even when it doesn't seem like it would work at all. like, they have to solve crime for a living. not sure if there is time for making pancakes and dancing in the kitchen- no matter how fun it is to imagine.
i can’t really see them living together, really, unless a lot of stuff changed. she is very organized!! it would drive them both crazy!!! she likes to be cozy and he sleeps on a couch! and that is IF he can even fall asleep! because it seems that half of the time he doesn't, and she's probably in bed by 11 most nights!
regardless of mulder’s abrupt advances through the guise of committing to the cover story, he says he has a foolproof way to get an answer as to what is going down. and she says she has to leave to get the stuff from the ceiling fan and the dog tested. so i presume disaster will strike when they are apart.
bro drinks straight out of the orange juice carton and awaits confrontation. but it appears the flamingo has vanished on its own!!!
so he kicks the mailbox over at a strange angle and leaves it open and splashes the orange juice on it. he must have been mad as hell at that point. and he waits by the door.
he clearly considers going to the bathroom in the carton in order to avoid leaving his perch by the front door, but when he chooses sense and runs to the toilet instead, the mailbox is fixed upon his return!!!! and it contains a single letter.
"be like the others before it gets dark"
DO NOT like that.
LMAOOOO, he’s outside at night bouncing his basketball as cami BEGS win to make him stop.
win comes over to try and get his basketball hoop put away, but mulder asks what will happen if he doesn’t!! cami is watching….. but something is following her!!!!!
mulder runs into action as something goes to get her!!!!!! he manages to chase it off????? but their lightbulb is cracked………
so. he hauls the basketball hoop in. just as scully arrives in a mini van. which is wild. she does not give off "i drive a mini van" vibes to me. and she has a shopping bag filled with... blood test results?
there is something creaking upstairs. but when she calls out for mulder, he doesn’t reply.
ohhhh, she gets the fire poker…. she means business! but mulder is still outside with a flashlight!!! he nearly falls into a sinkhole. he rips it open……
scully is armed with her poker as something clatters. she goes down the stairs… but something is inside…….
AH!!!!! she nearly beheads him as he makes a surprise entrance.
someone is in their house, cleaning up. oh! so he did NOT put the basketball hoop away. someone else did it for them. which is very creepy. can anyone just... waltz in when they want?!
he says he got a look at the scary thing, and it IS an x file!!!
win asks mr. gogolak what it is they did wrong!!!!!! he seems to be accusing him of being the source of whatever is going on. but he says win needs to rethink that theory.
no. he says that mulder is the problem.
he’s currently outside digging in the dirt, where he thinks a huge creature lives.
“do you care to hear what i think?” “always” <- oh…. he is so down bad…
turns out the blood they found is not really blood!! it is brake fluid, ketchup, and bristles!!! so is this a beast made of garbage?? and maybe that is why everything has to be organized? lest they fuel him?
the dog’s muzzle was covered in coffee grounds, eggshells, and motor oil… and 50 other things. plus color.
the whole place has been built on a landfill!!! hmm, that isn't too surprising. bet the land was really cheap. and all the chemicals would seep out, maybe make some sort of radioactive beast...
she doesn’t see how this has to do with the disappearances, but he insists they must be connected. what if the klines are still here? buried in the yard?
of course, they cannot start a forensic investigation, lest their cover be blown. mulder ponders…
“what if god’s name are you doing?!” “putting in a pool” “in the front YARD?!” <- LMAOOOO
bro has graduated from polos to a grey t shirt and jeans, LMAOOO. he can no longer tolerate the lacoste and cover stories. mr. gogolak says to let him dig his own grave.
funny how he was so eager to commit to the bit, but was the first to depart with appearances. he needed results.
you don’t know what that man can do, buddy. maybe he can defeat the beast. he has defeated other beasts in the past!
at night, scully comes out to look in the hole. WAIT. she’s talking to him. who is IN THE HOLE. LMAO. she says the klines aren’t down there and he should go to bed.
but he sees something in the equipment!!! the little lumberjack from the klines!!!
he declares scully must get an excavation team, and he runs off to go confront gogolak. i think.
THE THING!!!! it’s bubbling!!!! a hand emerges!!!
scully dials an excavation team. but the beast approaches. and her gun is gone!!!! it’s climbing up the stairs!!!
someone grabs her!!! whoever it is says "it’s coming for you laura, you can’t make a noise"… is it mike?!?? yes!!! he’s covered in the goop!!! and he says she has to get out of there!!!
he says they asked for it, and now they can’t stop it….
he says the ubermenscher wants YOU, laura. her husband has broken too many rules. he shoves her in the closet and takes the gun…. and he fires the whole clip into it!!! but it still runs forward!!!!
mulder is arresting gogolak, saying he is responsible for the death of the klines. by giving them the whirligig.
OHHHHHH, he tries to be all “won’t the judge think that sounds silly?” but don’t try and out occult him!!! he’s gonna tell them it was a tulpa that did it!!! a tibetan thought form!!! he thinks he picked it up on his journeys to asia!!!
gogolak says it’s important that people fit in. but he couldn’t control it. just to hope to stay out of its way.
“son, my lawyers are going to make you sound so stupid, that not only will i never see the inside of a jail cell, but you’ll be signing all your paychecks straight to me” <- LMAOOOO. okay. bet.
he grabs gogolak and takes him to the big yard pile. where he notices that all of the lights are off. and he locks gogolak up outside!!!!!!! who yells out to win that he has two FBI agents for neighbors- but not for long!!!
the house is filled with mystery stains, and mulder calls out to scully. she yells to him from the closet!!!!
win does not help gogolak as he is tied to the front of the house… cami says he deserves what he gets. well!
the thing is eating gogolak, and mulder runs outside!!!!! he’s totally dead!!!
mulder looks really fascinated more than scared as it approaches him. because it crumbles to pieces!!! he must have known it couldn't have survived without gogolak!
scully made her way out of the closet!!!
the next morning, they leave, with scully narrating that several people have blamed the deaths on gogolak. but each person in the gated community denies that they are all somewhat responsible for his death.
the code of silence continues as they move away.
interesting. very interesting.
i mean, we all had to know there is something sinister about those planned communities. the amount of pesticides, water waste, americana, levittown, etc... it's so nuclear, so fake. so i think it's a great setting for exploring the dark side of the so-called american dream, conformity, and the environmental consequences. you can practically smell the DDT in the place.
interesting, then, in an episode centering on american homogeneity, the big bad villain would be a creature from asian folklore. i think the message was supposed to be about the dangers of trying so hard to blend in, but it leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth that the evil thing that forced them all to blend in wasn't a homegrown beast. you can easily choose to interpret that in a xenophobic light. even though the problem was gogolak trying to control everyone, can you see how the optics look a bit... problematic, for lack of a better word?
i don't think the writers came in with the goal of telling a spooky scary story of something scary from TIBET ruining the AMERICAN DREAM, but you could choose to interpret it that way.
nonetheless, it is comparably tame when it comes to the cultural insensitivies of this show. i genuinely don't think they intended it to come off like that at all. but then again, i guess you could also make the argument that it is the cultural appropriation for evil purposes done by gogolak that makes the creature, intended for a very different purpose in its original context, into a murdering machine.
so. with all that being said.
(giggling and kicking my feet resumes in earnest)
you hug scully? you hug scully like wife? oh! jail! jail for mulder for 10,000 years!
a very interesting look into their dynamic. man, i just know the MSR girlies were pumping their fists in the air when s6 was dropping.
so, do i think they would make good roommates? absolutely not. do i still find myself wishing to see more scenes of semi-domesticity as they glove up to hunt for clues in their shared house and then snuggle on the bad guy's couch? yes! i am only human!
and scully said she would pick the names the next time they went undercover. which means it WILL happen again. good news for a freak like me.
hehehe...... this was a very good episode. it was enjoyable on the surface level, but also left me with many things to ponder, which i always cherish.
in addition to my many questions regarding scully's distaste for sidehugs, here are some other thoughts floating around in my brain: did skinner know what he was doing when he assigned them to this? i mean, he had to have known. is skinner rooting for them? or is that gonna be an HR problem? did they have to buy new wardrobes just for this purpose? does mulder really fantasize about spooning like kittens? under which circumstances can scully tell a convincing lie?
for those interested in sipping from the waters of angst, do you think his constant joking flirtations make her feel sad because he never quite seems authentic? or do you think she knows that he means it after his triangle confession, but won't mention it because... why risk damaging what they have? why risk crossing that line they tiptoe over and over again but never fully cross, especially when they're both so engrossed in their work and they're pretty much the only person they have?
do you think he feels like he's pushing it when he flirts with her, but that it's as real as they'll ever get, so he might as well indulge? do they both sit there and think the other is too busy with work to ever make time and space for me, so it would be best to steal what we can from this codependent partnership that we have grown accustomed to and never expect anything more? they have both at times mentioned a desire to "settle down"- do they really mean it? or is it what they think they want because that is just what you do? what would happen if they DID try to?
ha! this is excellent. i enjoy thinking about these sort of discussion questions. like a book club, sort of.
please let me know what you think! to any of my questions, or your thoughts on the episode, or how you reacted when you saw it for the first time! there is still so much to mull over, but there is no rush to get it all done right away. that's the beauty of letting something stick with you, i suppose. i can gnaw on it in my brain for years and find new things each time i return to it.
#hehehehe...... giggling.#really want to know what you thought on this one. please? please? please? please? please?#thinking about her telling him to go to bed... thinking about him saying he always wants to know what she thinks#thinking about him accusing her of wanting to play house... thinking of his gasp at her green face... and many other thoughts#i shall go to bed satisfied this evening!#juni's x files liveblog#6x15#the x files#txf
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Intoxicated By Your Sweet Taste 🔞

summary: Zayne thinks he hasn’t given you much attention due to his work.
Pussy drunk! Zayne can’t get enough of you.
word count: 2k tags: NSFW, zayne x reader (afab), no plot just filth, oral sex, oral fixation, cunnilingus, clit play, swearing, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, overstimulation, coming multiple times, domestic fluff at the end, pet names, breeding kink, creampie, established relationship fish notes: as always, pls heed the tags ~ nevertheless, this fic was inspired by this twt here ! hope all of u enjoy <3 ── ao3 link ★ ˙ ̟ | my twt !
It was past midnight when the door creaked open, revealing a tired looking Zayne. She was already in bed, snuggled up with the plushies her dear lover got for her. Zayne smiled at the sight before striding towards her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
That action caused her to stir, fluttering her eyes open to look at her partner. “You’re back.” She mumbled sleepily.
Zayne gently stroked her hair, lulling her back to sleep. “Go back to sleep, love.” He said as he continued to play with her hair.
“I’ll only sleep if you do too.” She replied, which earned her a small smile from Zayne.
Once he had finished showering, she couldn’t help but marvel at his chiseled chest, glistening with droplets of water, running down ever so slowly. She tore her eyes away, feeling a little bit flushed.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by her observant lover though as Zayne pointed out, “Weren’t you half awake earlier? It seems like you’ve got your attention elsewhere now.”
She didn’t even bother to attempt and deflate herself because it’s true. She is enjoying this view very much.
Just like that, she hoisted herself up and had her eyes solely on him. Desire and lust coursing through her veins. “Yeah… you’re not wrong. It’s because you’re so fucking hot, you know that?”
A chuckle rumbled out of Zayne, a little surprised by her bold declaration, considering how sleepy she was earlier. “Ah, so that’s what caught your attention?”
Before she could even reply, Zayne is already making his way to the bed. Her eyes widened slightly as he pushed her down gently, making her gaze up at him.
“Have I neglected my darling? Am I not pleasuring you enough?” He spoke as his face inched closer. She felt her breath hitched in her throat as the pit of her stomach coiled with pure lust.
The words she wanted to say were caught up, speechless by the sudden mood change. She bit her lip, “What are you gonna do if I say yes?”
Thick, strong fingers found its way to cup her face, “Then I shall take it upon myself to satisfy you until all your needs are met.” Without any hesitation, Zayne closed the distance between them and passionately kissed her.
She gasped as his other hand went to grab her hips, keeping her firmly in place as his tongue explored her mouth. Every ounce of sleepiness she had in her quickly vanished, instantly replaced by a primal hunger for him. She needs, no, she yearned to be one with him. To feel him in every way possible.
“Don’t… hold back.” He murmured in between her lips before he moved to trail kisses down on her neck, eliciting moans and whimpers. She closed her eyes shut, taking in the pleasure she’s receiving as he continued to suck and bite on her neck, leaving behind marks.
It was just a pure coincidence that she decided to wear a nightgown but she’s thankful nevertheless since it gave Zayne easy access to slip his hand up and caress her soft skin, feeling her up. She can feel her pussy growing needier and wetter with each touch he makes.
She sucked in a deep breath when his fingers began to rub against her slick, “Someone’s excited.” Zayne remarked as he suddenly pulled his fingers away and moved down to crouch in between her legs.
Instinctively, she spread wide open, staring down at him. “So wet for me… you really want this, hm?” She nodded eagerly, “Please… I need it.”
The once impassive doctor morphed into something else entirely. His expression held a plethora of emotions behind them as he felt his own hardness beneath his towel. “Very well. Scream for me princess.”
Any sort of thoughts she conjured up turned into nothing the moment Zayne licked her drooling pussy. His tongue expertly flicked her clit as she laid back down on the bed and writhed in intense pleasure.
“F- fuck! Zayne… hghh!” She moaned out as Zayne lapped at her needy cunt, savoring all of her wetness, wanting to taste all of her.
Her hands immediately tugged onto his hair, pulling him closer to her crotch as she screamed out his name repeatedly. It was too good that she could barely keep still, Zayne held onto her thighs to stop her from squirming.
The familiar pit in her stomach intensified, itching her closer to release. “Hahh…! Z- Zayne! I’m close, I’m so close!” She whined out, to which he kept tonguing her entrance vigorously until she arched her back and came all over his face.
Zayne pulled away slightly and licked his lips. There are traces of pussy juice on his mouth but he didn’t care. Not when his precious sweetheart tastes so divine. Before she could even beg him to put his hard shaft inside her, she gasped once she felt Zayne’s tongue on her folds again.
“W- wait! I… I just came!” She exclaimed, feeling like her legs were gonna give out from pleasure. But Zayne paid no mind as he resumed his ministrations on her sopping wet cunt. Even after orgasming, her pussy still throbbed for more.
At this point, she’s pretty sure she’s on cloud nine, especially when Zayne sucked on her nub, making her tremble. Green eyes observing her movements, watching as she moans and whimpers. Looking beautiful like this, Zayne wanted to keep this memory etched into his mind forever.
It was unbearable, she tried to push him away but he kept a strong grip on her legs, his tongue relentlessly flicking her eager pussy, swallowing all of her juices. He can feel himself getting intoxicated by her dripping cunt. There is nothing more rewarding than coming home everyday and getting to lap at her entrance like a starved man whilst also relishing her delightful sounds.
“C- coming!” Her hands scrambled for purchase as she came undone. Zayne lifted his head and spoke in a raspy voice, “Did you feel good, honey?”
There was no single coherent thought in her mind right now. She couldn’t even think properly, it’s all a muddled mess, too foggy with pleasure. Sensing her pliant demeanor, Zayne moved to her side, brushing off the strands of her hair from her face.
“You’re so good for me, dear.” Was the only thing she heard before Zayne trailed his fingers down to caress her inner thighs, igniting goosebumps all over. She weakly muttered, “What are you doing?” Instead of responding, Zayne leaned down and pecked her lips. “Are you a good girl for me?”
His finger easily slipped in her gaping pussy, thrusting it in and out, earning a mewl from her. She bit her lips, “T- too sensitive... Zayne…” She clutched onto his arm, looking at him with glassy eyes.
“I said, are you a good girl?” Zayne repeated his question but this time, he inserted another finger in, taking away all of her last resolve.
“Mhmm… ah! Yes! Yes!” That further drove Zayne to keep plunging his fingers deep inside her gummy walls.
It has been hours since Zayne has been pushing her far off into her limits. Sleep be damned as he is now lapping up at her loose, dripping cunt. She could only let out soft mewls and moans whenever he skillfully buried his head in between her thighs. No amount of protest could get him to stop. It’s like Zayne has been possessed by an insatiable lust demon or some sort, at least that’s what she thought.
Tears stained her cheeks as she stared at Zayne who was lazily eating her out. “Zayne… please…”
He gave her pussy one last lick before meeting her teary gaze, “Please what?”
“Please… fuck me…” She pleaded, her hands reaching out to pull him on top of her. “You’ve been torturing my pussy non-stop… I want to make you feel good too.”
“Ah, I see. So, my needy princess wants it that bad?” He spoke as he discarded his towel. It’s kind of amazing at how he managed to hold back his desire to mount her completely, especially since she looked ravishing like this. Blissed out and glowing from the amount of orgasm she lets out.
She nodded eagerly, “Give it to me, please? I’ve been so good.” To emphasize, she wrapped her legs around his hips, trying to close the gap between them and feel his body against hers.
“I guess someone deserves it, after all.” With ease, Zayne lined his cock on her entrance, sliding it in and immediately began to thrust.
While their love-making session was always tender, albeit sometimes a bit passionate, it was never really like this. Intense and unrelenting with vigor as Zayne continued to pound into her deep. Her cunt spasming and clenching tightly around his cock. “Fuck… you feel so wonderful around me, sweetheart.”
Even if she wanted to say something, each thrust made her eyes roll back. Her mind is running into an overdrive as Zayne picks up his pace, unfaltering and burning with the need to come inside her.
Noticing Zayne’s furrowed brows and his eyes closed shut, “Come for me. Come inside me, baby. Want you to breed me.” She spoke, her voice laced with urgency and desperation.
At last, Zayne thrusted inside her hard before stilling, heaving and burying his face in her neck. She smiled at him dazedly as she cards her fingers through his hair. When Zayne pulled out, he watched in fascination at how her cunt drooled with cum. The sight alone made him want to ravage her right then and there, but he knew, they both had to sleep.
So, instead, Zayne helped clean her up and cuddled her as they both drifted off to slumber.
Something was wet… and there were sounds of shuffling. When she woke up, her eyes widened as she saw Zayne languidly circling her clit with his tongue. “H- huh?” She uttered out, confused and yet, Zayne only mumbled out, “Lay back. Let me please you once more before I leave for work.”
How could she refuse when her lover had asked so sweetly? She did as he instructed and laid back down on the soft bed, letting him spread her wide open. At this point, she had lost track of how many times she came, especially from last night.
This time, Zayne made sure to take his time, flicking her folds ever so slowly. One part of her felt like he was torturing her but another part of her couldn’t help but preened at how good it feels when he’s savoring her like this.
The morning sun casted a soft glow around the room, making this even more enjoyable as she focused on Zayne, tasting every drop her cunt oozed, not letting any of it go to waste. The slurping sound reverberated across the walls as she flushed.
Despite coming so many times, the familiar pit in her stomach still lingered, coiling and intensifying as she neared her climax. “Hghh… Zayne… baby, I’m so close.” She meekly mewled out, her legs shaking. Zayne sucked on her nub and sneakily thrusted a finger into her cunt, scissoring her whilst he ate her out.
Just like that, it was enough to drive her to the edge. She came, hard on his face. Her vision blurs and she shuts her eyes closed, letting the euphoria wash over her.
She faintly heard Zayne uttering a soft, “I love you” to her before getting up and tucking her in bed.
The second time she woke up, she found that Zayne had already left for work. She groggily got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. There, she found a plate of breakfast ready made for her and a bouquet of flowers.
Her body was sore all over but this gesture made it all worth it. Smiling, she walked up to the table and picked up the bouquet, smelling the flowers before sitting down and stuffing the food, the tiredness fading away and was replaced by hunger.
Luckily for her, she had a day off today and was able to cozy up at home until Zayne comes back. He gave her a fond smile as he placed the bag on the coffee table, “I got you macarons from the cafe. What do you feel like having for dinner? Let me cook for you.”
Safe to say, she is indeed a lucky girl to be able to love and be with Zayne.
#love and deepspace#zayne love and deepspace#dr zayne#li shen#lads zayne#l&ds smut#l&ds zayne#love and deep space#zayne li#zayne x reader#zayne x you#zayne x y/n#l&ds#lnds smut#lnds zayne#zayne smut#love and deepspace zayne#lads#lnd zayne#love and deepspace smut
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Spymaster's mate - Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel is away on business for the Night Court, but Y/N needs satisfaction while he is gone. He senses through the bond what his mate is needing and winnows home.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Smut, overstimulation, breeding kink, spanking, masturbation. I think that's it..
Author's Note: I don't write smut a lot, so please be kind xD Ao3 Link
Masterlist | Ao3
You had known it was going to be another long lonely night at home without Azriel to keep you company, but that didn’t make coming home to your empty town home any easier. It had been a rainy, dreary day in Velaris but you’d made the best of it deciding to visit Feyre and Nyx at Feyre’s shop surprising them with treats from their favorite bakery.
Even after spending time with you little nephew the ache of missing your mate consumed you once you were alone. Of course you understood that Azriel’s job as Spymaster for the Night Court was an important one, and one that often stole him away from you for days at a time, it didn’t ever take away the ache of being away from him or not knowing if he is safe.
Throwing your things in a pile beside the door, you enter your home and make your way to the kitchen to begin making something for dinner. Much to your surprise, there is a bouquet of flowers sitting on the table, a card with your name on it is sitting beside it.
You look around your home, feeling that your mate isn’t there causing you to wonder how the flowers got into your -locked- home. The note was clearly written in Azriel’s handwriting, confusing you further. You give a small tug on the mating bond you share with him, but can tell instantly that his walls are up and there is no chance of you getting through to him.
I wanted to apologize for leaving you home alone for so long. You know how it kills me to be away from you. Rhysand needs me to stay here longer, I can explain more when I get home. I am so sorry for being away my love, I will be home as soon as time allows. I love you, Az.
A disappointed sigh leaves your lips, it wasn’t the first time his job kept him away longer than anticipated, and surely wouldn’t be the last. You know not to take it to heart, but that doesn’t take away the sting of missing him.
You give up on the idea of dinner, just wanting the day to be over. Sleep sounds much nicer anyway. You give the flowers a quick sniff and smile, he had always known your favorite flowers to get. But you’d still rather your mate be home than have flowers.
Tomorrow would be one week since you saw him, one week since you felt his calming pretense, and felt him inside you. Your core aches at the thought of your last morning before he left, as always he made sure to satisfy you fully before leaving. You get to your bedroom and throw on one of his shirts and crawl into bed, still thinking about that morning.
He had woken you with his lips wrapped around your clit, and hands on your hips to hold you in place while he devoured you.
You move your fingers to your needy cunt, and begin rubbing slow circles on your clit, remembering the feel of your mate.
“Az.” You moan running your fingers through his hair, hips bucking to meet his tongue that is currently lapping at your entrance as though it’s his last meal.
“Good morning my beautiful girl.” He says, moving to slide a finger inside you. “How many times shall I make you come for me this morning?” He questions, adding another finger.
You can’t help but sigh deeply at the memory of his fingers inside you, tossing your head back moving your fingers faster.
You hum in response to his question, but can’t find any words as pleasure is coursing through your body. He begins sucking on your swollen clit, making a knot form in your stomach. “I’m gonna cum.” You clasp a hand over your mouth to hold back the moan rising in your throat. But he stops, taking away the pleasure he’d been giving so freely moments before.
“Don’t you dare hide those beautiful moans from me, princess.” He pulls your hand away from your mouth and holds it with his free hand, then goes back to lapping at your core. “You come for me, baby girl. Come all over my face.” His words are your undoing, your release hitting you all at once. Your legs clench around his shoulders and you let go, cumming on his tongue as he keeps licking, and pumping his fingers inside you quickly.
A tug is sent from the other side of the bond, a satisfied grin plasters itself on your face knowing that Azriel can feel the please you’re giving yourself. You drop what little shield was left to you, letting him in fully, letting him feel the orgasm you’re close to giving yourself.
“Please, I need more.” You beg him, not feeling fully satisfied, needing his cock inside you.
“Beg for it, Princess.” He commands, placing rough kisses up your body, sucking once he gets to your swollen nipple. “Beg for my cock if you want it so bad.” His hand reaches up to play with your other nipple.
Your body can’t help but respond to his deep, lust filled voice. “Az please, I need your cock inside me. I need you to fill my pussy.” Your voice comes out in a desperate whine while you take in the assault on your nipples.
“Good girl.” He praises you, lining his beautifully long cock up with your desperate cunt.
He doesn’t take but a moment before pushing his entire length inside you, earning a lust filled moan from both of you.
A brief rustle beside you brings you back to reality. You can’t help but startle seeing a dark figure in the corner of your bedroom, but once you recognize the shadows of your mate you continue flicking your fingers over your clit.
“You dirty little slut.” Azriel growls, stalking over to the bed and gripping your ankles to pull you to meet him.
You laugh excitedly, knowing that you’re in trouble, but also knowing the punishment will be well worth it. “What did I do?” You ask innocently, eyes raking down the man before you. His cock bulging through his leathers, wings fluttering as they always did when lust overtook him, and his eye narrowed on you.
“You know exactly what you did.” He leans down, grabbing the hand that had just been rubbing your clit and pulled you to a sitting position. His lips are close to yours, but instead of kissing you he lifts your hand to his mouth and sucks on the two fingers covered in your wetness. “Take off the shirt.” He commands, leaving no room for argument.
You do as your told, and toss the shirt you’d taken from his dresser across the room. He stood above you not breaking eye contact, he loved to hold the power over you in the bedroom, to be in control. “Get your ass in the air.” Another command, causing your needy cunt to clench looking for something to fill it.
You turn yourself around so that your ass is in the air, and shake it for him. A hard smack lands on your left cheek, a moan from you as you savor the punishment. “Please Az, I need your dick inside me.” You beg, wishing more than anything that cock was filling you up like it had before he left.
He sucks gently at your collarbone, sure to leave a nice purple bruise after he’s done. His hips pull out of you teasingly slow before he shoves his cock back into you so hard your body pushes up. He repeats his thrust again and again, earning pleasure filled cries from you. “That’s right pretty girl, take my cock like a good fucking girl.”
You clench around his cock at his words, digging your fingers into his shoulder. “Good girl, clench that pussy around my dick. That’s right, take it just like that.” Another thrust into your aching pussy.
Smack. Your right cheek stings as he slaps it bringing you back to him. “Dirty slut, distracting me from my work.” One more slap to your left cheek and he pulls away, a whine leaving your lips. “Take my dick out, and if you’re a good girl maybe I’ll fuck you.”
You sit up quickly, facing him on the bed and begin undoing the leathers between you and his cock. A satisfied hum comes from him at your eagerness, earning you a soft caress on the cheek. As soon as you’ve undone his leathers and hauled them down you take in the beauty that is his length. Pre cum is spilling out of the tip, you lick your lips before getting to your knees in front of him, licking his entire length.
He groans your name, and puts a fist in your hair tugging at the roots. You open your mouth wide to fit him inside, and dip down to take as much as you could, using your hand to pump the remaining length. “Fuck, just like that princess.” He praises, keeping his grip in your hair while guiding you in sucking his cock.
A glance up at him shows you his eyes closed tightly, and lips parted slightly as his soft moans fill the room. You use your free hand to cup his balls and he stiffens immediately, eyes shooting open to look down at you. “You are my good girl, aren’t you?” He grabs both sides of your head and thrusts into your mouth several times, making your eyes fill with tears, and gag as his entire length is shoved down your throat. Just when you think you aren’t able to take more he stops, and pulls you up gently. “Aren’t you?”
You nod, wiping at the tears that had filled your eyes from the face fuck, and reach behind him to run a gently finger across the base of his wings. “Do you think you deserve my dick?” He questions, shuddering at your touch.
“Yes baby.” Your words sound like a plea. You can’t help but grind against his cock, needing the friction, your dripping pussy aching for relief.
He leans down to your shoulder placing an all too gently kiss there before wrapping his arms under your ass and picking you up. Instinctively you wrap your legs around him, and lull your head to the side as he sucks at the soft skin.
Before you know it, your back has hit the wall, and he crashes his lips to yours. “You are my good little girl.” He lines his tip up with your entrance and without another word, thrusts into you. “Who got your pussy so wet angel?” He asks, pulling out and thrusting back in quickly, his balls slapping against you while he fucks up into you.
“You did Az, my pussy is soaked only for you.” You moan, taking his cock up inside you, grinding as much as you can to create more friction on your clit.
He hold you up with one arm, still fucking you when he reaches between you and uses his thumb to rub circles on your clit. A red hot ball begins to form in your stomach, lewd sounds leaving your mouth as you try to form words around the ecstasy that you’re feeling.
“I’m g-gonna.” You try to get out, but just as the orgasm is about to take over you he pulls out and sets you on wobbling legs. “Az-” You beg, looking up, legs shaking as you’re unable to hold yourself up at the let down from you ruined orgasm.
“Not yet you’re not.” He drags you over to the bed, holding you up as your body comes down from the disappointment. “You’re coming on my mouth first, sweet girl.” He tells you, laying you down and kneeling before you.
His cock is being fisted in his hand as he pushes you down and pulls you to the edge of the bed. “You don’t cum until I tell you to. Is that understood?” His mouth is hovering over your soaked pussy, but he refuses to give you pleasure until you acknowledge his words.
“Yes baby.” You confirm, hips rolling looking for any sign of satisfaction.
He leans in and immediately starts lapping at your soaking cunt “You’re so beautiful.” He says into you, sucking and slurping sending lightning bolts of pleasure rushing through you. Your ruined orgasm coming back, full force.
As though he senses the oncoming orgasm, he tears his hand away from his cock so he can put two fingers inside you, pumping quickly while he continues sucking on your clit. The pleasure is about to burst out of you, and you know you need to ask before you come. “Please let me cum.” You beg, hips bucking to meet his finger thrusts.
“Come for me princess.” With those words you come undone, your pleasure fulled moans filling the room, mixed with the slurping of your pussy in Azriel’s mouth. “Mmm, good fucking girl.” He praises, as your body convulses, letting the orgasm run through you.
You moan his name and a string of curse words, running your fingers through his hair. “Now it’s my turn, and I’m going to cum in that little pussy of yours.” Another wave of pleasure consumes you as he lay over you and thrusts inside before letting you come down from your first orgasm.
He fills you so completely, stretching your cunt to the limits filling you with the most beautiful feeling. His large hand finds your throat, and squeezes just enough to send more pleasure through you, his pace quickening as he fucks into you harder.
You reach back and play with his wings, and close your eyes enjoying the feeling of his hand around your throat. “I’m gonna cum in your pussy and fill you with my seed. You little fucking whore.” His thrusts are becoming sloppy, he releases his grip on your throat and hold himself over you continuing to pump into you.
Your second orgasm burst out of you when he took your nipple in his mouth, the sensation overtaking you. You knew he was close, and the stimulation was becoming too much for you to bare, “Please cum inside me, I want you to put a babe in me, Az.” You knew the words would be his undoing, he’d been attempting to get you with child for years.
Just like that his weight was on top of you in the most loving way and you felt his cum filling you up. Your name continuing to fall off his lips as he kept thrusting to push his seed further inside. As he finished his hips pressed into you, creating an overstimulated cry leave your lips.
As he realized what caused the cry, he began grinding against you harder, a devious grin spreading across his lips. You try to push his weight off you, feeling another unwelcome orgasm creeping up inside you “Az it’s too much.” You beg, your hips betraying you and grinding into his.
The orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, another cry escaping out of you. “You have one more in you, I know it.” He slides down your body, and holds your hips in place while he attaches his lips to your exposed cunt again.
“Azriel!” You cry out, the overstimulation crashing into you, tears falling from your eyes and your cunt clenching trying to hold back an orgasm.
He nips at your bundle of nerves and that is your undoing, your final orgasm leaving your body like an exorcism. Cries of pleasure and pain fill the room as your cunt aches from overuse. “That’s my good girl” Azriel walks away for only a moment before coming back with a warm cloth.
He kneels before you, as your body is trying to regulate itself. “I’m going to clean you now princess, and you need to let me.” He instructs, you can’t do anything but nod as your adrenaline lowers. As he gently wipes at your dripping and aching pussy you want to pull away, but he holds you there getting every drop off you.
You can’t move in the aftershock of your orgasms, so he wraps his strong arms around you and brings you to the head of the bed, tucking you in. “Come love.” He whispers, pulling you close to him, letting you rest your head on his check.
“You were so good for me, you’re such a good girl.” He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, brushing a few stray hairs from your face. “And who knows maybe I will have finally put a babe in you.” He smiles lovingly at you, and you can’t help but swell with love also at the idea of carrying his child.
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Hiiiii <3
I love your works sm they're so cuteeee
Can I request a situation of the boys' reaction to having to share a bed with you, and when they wake up the next morning they've ended up cuddling you in their sleep? I feel like Xavier could literally end up on top of you, Rafayel might take your arm captive or have his head on your chest, and I feel like Zayne might end up holding your hand, hehe.
Tysmmmmm, take careeee! <33

ೃ⁀➷ ONE BED? NO PROBLEM — xavier, zayne x gn!reader
"What do you mean there's only one bed available in the room?"
ೃ⁀➷ zayne
zayne doesn't seem to mind when you glance back him from over your shoulder. he raises an eyebrow, silently waiting for you to continue with check-in. you let out a sigh, taking the silver key that the hostess hands you.
after inviting you to a medical conference, you didn't expect to be sharing a hotel room with the stoic man. a fresh waft of steam escaped the bathroom door as you opened it. zayne seemed to be busy with his work once more, sitting at the desk by the large-paned windows with his head buried in his laptop.
his hair stuck to the back of his neck and tiny droplets of water occasionally dripped from the strands. striding over, you hovered over his shoulder a moment. his hands stop their movements and he turns his head curiously.
"are you heading to bed now? we will have to be up early tomorrow," he says.
"oh yeah," you say, glancing to the bed behind you. he follows your gaze before returning to his work.
"if you prefer to sleep on the bed, i can sleep at the desk," he says, tone as even as ever.
you shake your head immediately. sure, you seemed to find him napping in his office more than once, but it didn't seem right to offer him space on such a large bed. "no, i don't mind if you take the bed too."
zayne's fingers stop their animated dance across his keyboard once more and he stares back at you with the same unreadable expression. for a moment though, he seems almost amused with your answer.
"alright," he murmurs, pulling his glasses off his face and shutting his laptop off, "then, let's head to bed, shall we?"
you're not sure how your heart can handle itself so well as you lay in bed. the soft sounds of the city seep in from the closed windows and darkness confines the two of you. the bed is large enough for you both to have your own space but you can't help but find yourself conscious of his presence just mere inches away from you.
does he feel just as nervous? can he somehow hear your heart through the reckless silence? your questions go unanswered as you succumb to sleep.
zayne does his best to keep himself from turning around. his back faces you as he attempts to calm his heart. he's a gentleman and he shouldn't attempt to hold you simply because you're laying beside him.
but as he hears the sound of your soft snoring, he turns around. his eyes settle on your sleeping figure. the soft moonlight stark against your skin as you sleep without a care in the world. zayne reaches a hand out; his fingers grazing your cheek for a second before pulling away. would it be wrong of him to simply wrap his arms around you, pull you close? so close that he could hear the sound of your heartbeat against his and your breath against his neck?
he doesn't have time to rationalize it before he's reacting instinctively. your body feels warm against his. just a second longer he assures himself that he'll let you go and things will go as they always have been tomorrow morning.
but when morning comes, sleep encourages him to hold you a little closer. the sweet scent of your shampoo fills his lungs as he slowly awakens. you're shifting beneath the sheets as well, burying your face in his chest with a satisfied sigh.
ೃ⁀➷ xavier
you stare out the window of your apartment. from the bathroom, you can hear the muffled roar of the shower head. you’re certain xavier had everything he needed. towel, shampoo, whatever else he wanted. but it was the sheer idea that he was here in your apartment of all places to sleep over that was making your nerves twist.
but what were you supposed to do when your poor neighbor had texted you about some issue with his apartment and was literally ready to sleep on the streets? so now you were taking him in like a wet dog in the rain.
your thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door opened. a seething wave of steam flooded into the bedroom as xavier walked out. he was already wrapped up in his hoodie and sweatpants with a towel tossed lackadaisically over his sopping wet hair. speaking of a wet dog you supposed….
“sorry if i took too long,” he says, voice soft and warm from his hot shower. he scoots over towards you, still not attempting to dry his hair.
“you’re fine,” you say quickly, “do you need a blow dryer?”
he blinks softly before shaking his head. a singular droplet of water cascades down a strand of hair. you raise an eyebrow, patting the spot on the bed next to you.
“if you don’t dry your hair before you sleep, you’ll get sick,” you scold. he doesn’t pause regardless of his answer, plopping down in the mattress. it allows you to each up and peel the towel off his head. “i’ll dry it for you, turn around.”
he doesn’t protest, but there’s an amused look in his eyes when he leans his head forward for you. your hands make quick work of the slowly drying hair. you’re somewhat mesmerized by the sheer softness of it. as you finish, your hand cards through his scalp.
he takes your wrist gently. a gentle thump in your heart resounds. “we should head to bed right?” xavier asks.
and when the two of you are laying in the stillness. the sounds of your breathing intermingle amongst each other and the beating of your hearts sync.
xavier’s eyes are closed. his eyelashes are long. you can’t help but admire them. your hand slowly reaching out to close the distance between you two. it rests against his cheek, soaking in the features of his apparently sleeping expression.
then in his sleepy haze, his arms wrap around your waist as if ushering you closer. pressed up against his chest, you can inhale your own shampoo swimming through his own natural scent.
“xavier… are you awake?”
silence greets you, but xavier’s hold around you gets a little tighter.
ೃ⁀➷ rafayel and sylus coming soon…
#ੈ♡˳ aurora's writing#love and deepspace#zayne love and deepspace#xavier love and deepspace#xavier x reader#zayne x reader#zayne x y/n#zayne fluff#xavier fluff#xavier x mc#love and deepspace x reader
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Dark!Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!twin!reader
Summary: Where jacaerys loves you, his pretty twin sister, so much that he believed you were created for him, and him only.
Tw: Twincest, p in v, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, breeding kink, blood
From the moment you were born, Jacaerys had always loved you. All those years ago, cries could be heard, from a baby that had just been born, mere minutes after her brother.
Everyone in the room had tried to get you to stop crying, you’d been passed around multiple times, to multiple people, until eventually your mother took you back again, this time Jacaerys in her arms as well.
Once you were placed in her arms, your little cries stopped, as you felt your twin link his finger within yours, the two of you staring at each other.
When you had grown older, your brother had become very protective of you. Some may even say possessive. One time, at age four, the two of you were outside, running around with another child. The little boy took your hand running with you, and your brother exploded.
He shoved the boy off of you, screaming and crying with jealously, making you cry too, as you watched the scene in horror.
As the two of you got older, his behaviour with you only worsened, this led Rhaenyra to announce the two of you to be betrothed. It came as no shock, incest relationships were nothing new for targaryens and the other houses.
The two of you shared a bedroom, you had your entire life. Since you had your first bleeding, you and your brother had been somewhat different. In other words, your brother spent every night between your legs.
One night, you had ran to your bedroom, hoping to find your twin brother. You ran with tears falling down your cheeks, crying loudly as you ran.
You opened the door, and Jacaerys stood with his top off, turning and looking at you. “My love?” He asked coming over and taking your smaller face in his hands.
“It was markus, he hit me and wripped my dress” You cried as you buried your face in your brothers chest.
Jacaerys face turned cold and with a glare he kissed your head lovingly. Markus was one of the lords sons, who lived in the castle with you. He was constantly teasing you and bullying you, but he had never physically touched you, and this was where your brother had finally had enough.
“How about you go to bed, you look tired. I shall deal with Markus, idaña” he told you kissing you before helping you undress for bed.
Around an hour later, when he had returned back to you, you turned in your bed, your nightdress high up on your thighs from tossing and turning. “Lēkia?” You murmured as he undressed for bed.
“I’m here” he whispered, now joining you in bed. You turned smelling blood and sat up inspecting your brother for injuries.
“I’m fine Issa jorrāelagon” he said cupping your cheeks and smiling at you fondly.
“Who’s blood is that?” You asked worriedly. He simply ignored your question and continued to look at you lovingly “All is well” he concluded.
You squealed slightly as pulled you onto his waist to straddle him, your hand going to his chest as his hands landed on either side of your waist.
“Sīr gevie” he whispered, moving his hips slightly to push himself against your tender body.
You moaned softly at his actions, grinding down against him as he moved against you, your wet pussy aching with need.
“Please” you cried, continuing to push your hip’s against his own to try and satisfy yourself.
Jacaerys hands moved up slowly, teasing you. He grabbed the ends of your nightdress, lifting it up above you waist, smirking as he saw your bare pussy on him.
You pouted at him, wanting to feel him deep inside of you. “Please” you said again, this time close to crying from annoyance and overstimulation.
He cupped your cheek, pulling you down to kiss you passionately, before flipping you over, so he was now above you.
He removed your nightdress completely, throwing in to the side, as he kissed you again, this time his tongue exploring your mouth. You moaned into the kiss, your hands now around his neck.
He began to kissing down your neck, then your breasts, eventually finding your lower tummy, and you squirmed under him, making him smile again.
“Patience, my lovely sister” he said making you glare at him.
With no warning he began to lick your wet pussy, and you cried out, your hands going to grip his dark curls, smirking to himself he continued for another minute before moving back up to your face. He kissed you once more, making you taste yourself.
“Jace please” you begged, your eyes now filled with tears.
“As you wish” he replied, removing his trousers, before entering you slowly. His hands on either side of you, as you both moaned. He began to move in and out of you, placing sloppy kisses on your lips every now and then.
“Louder, I want them to hear, I want them to know who makes you feel this good” he whispered in your ear, only arousing you further, as you cried out his name.
After a few more minutes you were both close to your climax “jace, I’m gonna-“
“I know” he replied, knowing your body all too well. He moved in and out of you, until you cried, literally. Tears fell down your cheeks as you clung to your brother, your walls clenched around him as your silhouette cum spilled out.
After a minute he joined you, spilling his seed deep into your womb. Groaning as he eventually pulled out. He watched as his seed dripped out of you, before he pushed in back in “Can’t waste any, need to make you carry my heir” he said breathlessly.
You only nodded, resting your head on your twins chest. The two of you drifting off to sleep, happily.
Some may disagree with your relationship, but you didn’t care, and neither did your family.
Anyway, the two of you were destined, as Jace liked to put it.
Idaña - twin
Lēkia - brother
Issa jorrāelagon - my love
Sīr gevie - so beautiful
#house of the dragon x reader#house of the dragon#jacaerys velaryon x reader#jacaerys velaryon x sister reader#jacaerys velaryon#jacaerysvelaryonxtwinreader#daemon targaryen#rhaenyra targaryen#alicent hightower#aegon targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#yandere jacaerys velaryon#game of thrones#fanfiction#daemon targeryan#targaryen x reader
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Should Have Stayed Home Part 2
Hello this is part 2. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think ❤️
Part 1
Pairing: Yandere Fae Prince x Fae female reader
Warnings: Yandere Behavior, mild violence, blood, kidnapping
As you wake, the first thing you notice is how unbelievably comfortable you are. You have never felt so relaxed in your bed. The mattress is typically hard as a rock, whereas it feels like a cloud right now. The thought causes your eyes to snap open in alarm, knowing your old mattress in the servant’s quarters could never feel this good.
Looking around, you can’t help but be in awe of the room you are in. Aside from its massive size, everything is lavish and beautiful. Large doors open to a balcony with a beautiful view of what seems to be the entire kingdom. Gold-trimmed furnishings, a jewel-encrusted mirror, and what have to be the most expensive fabrics decorate the room with an air of elegance and wealth.
You are broken from your appraisal of the room when a door opens, and the crown prince walks in. You immediately remember the previous night and glare at him.
“Did you get some good rest in our bed, my princess?” he asks in his sultry voice.
“ I am not your princess,” you snarl back. You quickly throw the blanket off of yourself and get out of bed. You barely make it two steps when your leg is halted by a chain wrapped around your ankle. The inside lines with satin to not irritate and chafe your skin.
Looking down in shock, you hear him laugh before saying, “I am not stupid, my love. I can’t exactly leave me little runaway alone and free to leave as you please”.
Deciding that trying to be friendly and appease his ego might work better your day, “My Prince, I never-. “
“My name is Kieran, and that is what you will call me. I am to be your husband. I will not have such formalities”, he demands.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself and continue, “I am not going to be your wife. While I appreciate your offer, my Prince, I have no interest in being royalty. I ask you to let me leave and return to my life”.
The Prince crosses the room in a few quick strides, taking your face in his large hands. “I told you to call me by my name. I want to hear you say it. I need to hear my name fall from your perfect lips”. When you stay quiet, he lets out a frustrated sigh.
One of his hands moves to your lower back, keeping your body pressed firmly against his own. The other grabs your face, his thumb digging into one cheek while his other fingers dig into the other. His grip is tight enough that it forces your lips into a pout.
“Say it,” he says, his voice low and lethal.
“Kieran,” you spit out, refusing to give anything more.
The Prince grins, his smile almost feline in nature. You open your mouth to plead your case again, but he seizes the opportunity to capture your lips. Your shock allows him to explore your mouth further. His tongue moves to caress your own, a firm but sensual movement that has you melting slightly under his touch.
His lips are warm and soft against your own. You almost feel yourself getting lost in him when you snap back to the reality of your situation. You try to move away, but he doesn’t let you, his grip on your face unyielding.
You bite at his tongue just hard enough to draw some blood, and he pulls back. You look up at him, expecting his anger, but instead, you see his eyes full of lust. He pulls you back in and bites down on your lip, licking up the blood that spills and mixing it with his own. He lets out a satisfied groan before you manage to finally pull away.
“You are insane,” you shout at him. He merely laughs and gives you a wicked grin. “Unfortunately, my love, I have some duties I must attend to. I have left you some books on the nightstand. They are all about the history of our kingdom. I can’t have my wife not knowing our land’s past, so I suggest you start reading. I shall return later so we may share a romantic dinner. I’ll have the maids prepare you this evening. Enjoy your day, princess,” he says, each word making your blood boil in rage.
As he heads for the door, you hastily pick up one of the books on the nightstand, throwing it at his head in your anger. The front of the book hits the back of his head, and the book falls to the floor with a loud thud. He turns to look at you and you just cross your arms, attempting to hide your slight nerves behind and air of defiance.
His expression turns from one of shock to an odd sort of adoration, and he looks from you to the book. He mumbles a quiet “perfect” as he glances back at you with a smile on his face before leaving the room. You are left alone in this massive and lavish room, wondering how insane he must be.
Sitting down on the bed, you decide to formulate a plan. Eventually, he will have to unchain you, and you must be ready to flee when he does. It may not be today, but you will escape or die trying.
Let me know what you guys think. Do we like the direction we are going in? How crazy do we want our prince to be?
#monster boyfriend#monster x reader#monster husband#monster smut#teratophillia#monster fucker#monster fudger#monster lover#monster fuqqer#fae x fae#fae x reader#fae prince#fae smut#yandere drabble#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere fae#yandere male#yandere monster#terat0philliac#monster romance#monster fluff#faerie x reader#my writing#yandere x darling#yandere x female reader#fae romance
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Favourite Uncle
English is not my first language, please be kind
OC!Aemond x Fem!Reader - OC!Jace x Fem!Reader
•Warnings: smut, kissing, taking of sexual themes, cheating, incest, secret relationship.•

To Jace, it almost seemed funny that he got to marry his niece just as Daemon did.
He was happy too, you were kind, innocent and sweet, the perfect wife, despite the father and the uncle.
He could still remember the glance the two brothers gave him when the engagement had been announced, and Jace kissed her hand.
But eventually, everything went good, he found himself satisfied with marriage, and also with his two young white haired boys his sweet wife gave birth to.
He had sighed loudly in relief as soon as he saw the white hair on the babies, happy that they would have never had to go through what he did, just because of his brown hair.
He smiled as he saw his wife come inside their shared chambers, her hair perfect as always.
“Have you already taken a bath, wife?” He asked as he stood up from the bed.
“Yes, I had, uncle.” She smiled up at him as he approached her.
“You don’t have to call me uncle anymore.” Jace smiled softly as he caressed her cheek. “Actually, not even husband. Call me simply Jace. We are family.”
She nodded with a sweet smile.
“It’s almost a shame your husband can't see you like this.” Aemond smirked as he kept pounding you from behind, your tits bouncing up and down as you gripped tightly the edge of the table. “Being fucked like a cheap whore.”
His hips snapped forward, thrusting deep into her heat. The feeling of her slick walls gripping him was intoxicating. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a searing kiss, tongue delving deep to tangle with hers.
His hips slammed against hers relentlessly, the force sending ripples through the wooden surface beneath them. The wet sounds of their coupling filled the air, mingling with Aemond's low groans of pleasure.
“I always thought you had favourites, you know?” He smirked as he thrusted into her deeply, feeling her hot wetness envelop him. “I’m pretty sure I’m your favourite uncle, not that bastard husband of yours.” His hands gripped her hips tightly as he pounded into her, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room.
"Fuck, niece." He growled. "You feel so good around my cock." His words were punctuated by swift, powerful strokes that sent shivers through her body. He could feel her walls clenching around him, trying to milk his release. “That dumb brother of mine married you to the wrong person.” He moaned as he pulled back slightly, only to slam back into her with renewed vigor, the force of his thrusts made the table creak ominously beneath them.
She moaned softly as she bit her lip, her back arching off the table as she straightened up. She threw her head back enough to see the expression of pleasure of her uncle as he fucked her unce again.
He gazed at her with burning intensity, purple eyes nearly black with lust. His free hand slid up her body to cup her breast, thumb brushing over the sensitive peak as he continued to drive into her.
"But it’s okay. We found a way to fix it, didn’t we?" He chuckled as he looked down at her, her short, petite form squirming as he kept fucking her raw against his table. "Let's give your husband another kid." The possessiveness in his voice sent a thrill through her, making her moan a bit louder.
“Yes, uncle… put a baby in my belly, please -” She panted as his hand moved down to rub her clit. “Oh, I will, my sweet niece -” He smirked.
“Okay… Jace.” She smiled. “I have great news.” She said as a shiver went through her body as he felt Aemond’s seed starting to run down her thighs. “I’m with child.”
Jace’s eyes lightened up at the news and quickly hugged her.
“It's wonderful news!” He exclaimed happily. She hummed in agreement as she looked at the door ajar, where she saw Aemond looking right back at her.
“We shall celebrate tomorrow!” Jace hugged her tightly.
Aemond scoffed a laugh as he turned, walking back to his chambers.
“Imbecile.” He mumbled to himself.
Taglist: @ka1afbr @cynic-spirit @ladythornofrivia @zenka69 @queenofthekeep @adorewhatever @diannnnsss @kotadislikesthissite @iloveallmyboys @valyrianflower @dixie-elocin @gelacat0413 @quinquinquincy @mamawiggers1980 @darylandbethfanforever9 @rhaethoughts @believeinthefireflies95 @urfavnoirette @summerposie @sk1mah1 @queenofshinigamis @anukulee @chlmtfilms @m-riaa @p45510n4f4shi0n @malfoycassimalfoy @agoldenwoe @sapphirevhagar
#aemond smut#aemond fic#prince aemond#aemond fanfiction#ewan mitchell#hotd aemond#aemond targaryen#hotd s2#aemond one eye#hotd season 2#aemond x reader#aemond x y/n#aemond x oc#aemond x you#helaena targaryen#queen helaena#helaena the dreamer#helaegon#helaemond#aegon the elder#aegon ii targaryen#hotd aegon#aegon the second#aegon ii#aegon targaryen ii#aegon targaryen#king aegon#daemon targaryen#daemon x rhaenyra#hotd daemon
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summary :: after months of waiting for the school year to commence, you were finally able to reunite with Sebastian. The weeks of letters hadn’t nearly been enough to satisfy your want to be with him, even if the contents of such letters were rather intimate. Nothing was better than the real thing.
note :: smut, receiving sex, plot. Characters are in their seventh year.
“Hello Sebastian.”
A silence permeated the Slytherin common room.
“Do I sense tension? Perhaps a bit of awkwardness.” Ominus cut in.
“No, no, not at all.” You hid, readjusting a bag you held.
You were just nervous, that was all. Absences makes the heart grow fonder, and fond you were of Sebastian. So much so that some feelings had developed for him over the holidays. Ones he knew of and returned passionately.
But facing him, knowing what you know and knowing what he knows. You felt rather bashful.
“Shall I help you with your bags?” Sebastian asked.
“Oh, yes. Thank you.” You nodded, passing him the one tugging at your arm the most. “I’ll show you to my room then.”
The two of you awkwardly trodded down the halls, Ominus left to wonder what kind of trials your friendship had been through over the holidays.
Your room had been empty, no other Slytherin mates to interrupt your time with Sebastian. Just as you had hoped and dreaded.
Gingerly, you set aside your bags and felt a heat rush to your cheeks. Since when had it become so difficult to face your friend?
Sebastian had left your bags to the side, steadily approaching you like a starved serpent. Despite his hunger for your touch, he had waited for you to embrace him first.
Which you did, pulling him to your body in an eager hug. “I’ve missed you.” You murmured.
“As have I.” He grinned.
“I enjoyed your letters.” You sweetly included. “Kept all of them.”
Lost in your scent, it took Sebastian a moment to come to and leave the embrace. “And you’ve framed them too, I assume.”
You laughed, sitting down at your bed, followed by Sebastian. “I’ve missed your jokes too.”
“Trust this year will be full of them.”
“Yes. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time together.”
Red faces, smiles and fluttering stomachs drenched you both. It was utterly exciting. His brown eyes caught your attention, then his lips and suddenly the space between you began inching but you two never came close enough.
“Are you going to ask to kiss me?”
He gazed over you laxly and nodded. His jaw tightened at the thought of rejection. “May I kiss you?”
You’d leaned into his lips as an answer and the pressure was readily returned.
You had trouble keeping your hands to your side, and reached for him, curling your fingers through his hair and pulling him deep into you.
Sebastian had followed you in suit, hands grazing your back and side.
Before long, a hotness permeated the air and the fluttering from within your stomach reached a lower region. You chased the heat, letting it pull your bodies scandalously close.
You’d slipped onto Sebastian’s lap and in return, he’d held you securely to him; one hand at your back and the other at your thigh. His fingers danced at the hem of your skirt, daring to slip under.
As your lips moved in a hungry unison, you’d come to feel a tented poke at your leg. It had taken you a moment to understand Sebastian had gotten an erection, but once you did you hitched a breath and hid your face in a tight embrace.
Sebastian however continued, feverishly kissing your collar and neck.
He’d hummed as a response.
“I want you to make love to me.”
Such simple words, yet they froze him like petrificus totalus. His jaw had tensed “Are you sure?” A subtle sternness in his tone.
“Yes. Do you—”
“I do. More than anything.” He cut. You had nodded, stiffing in preparation for the act that was to follow. “Are you absolutely sure?” He pestered.
“Yes. I am.” You stroked a hand down his back and inhaled a breath of bravery. “I want you.”
He swallowed thickly, adams apple bobbing.
Carefully, Sebastian had brought you down to the bed. He kept himself off you, but you could still feel the weight of him over you.
He began with his robe, then your own. He tended to your clothes first, slipping off your tie and unbuttoning your shirt. He came devilishly close to your cleavage before opting out and relieving himself of his own clothing. With an anxiousness, Sebastian had fiddled with his belt.
For a moment you were entranced by his thick hands pulling off the garment until you decided to aid in his undressing. Reaching to his tie you slid it off, and let it aside. The next item of his shirt had followed in suit. You had hesitated for his pants, the hardness that lay behind the layers made the fluttering in your stomach turn anxious. As you continued for the button, Sebastian’s hand clamped over his mouth and he’d looked away, cheeks flaming.
Then it was back to your own garments once more until they laid strewn across the bed. Now bare in front of him, you found it too embarrassing to watch his eyes wander.
“Are you alright?” He checked.
“Yes, are you?”
“Fine.” He breathed. His hands slipped to your knees, edging your legs to open and he slipped between them.
As your bare chests touched, you had shivered in delight. His lips reached your collarbone and the hotness at your sex grew as his mouth reached areas no other had gone.
The two of you shared another kiss of reassurance. “Are you okay if I continue?” He asked. You nodded.
You looked up to the ceiling, feeling only the sensation of his length slip against your slit before entering the tip. You’d reached for Sebastian, bracing.
He kissed your chest, whispering, “relax.” Into your skin. The pressure of him entering sparked your insides, and you breathed a sigh of satisfaction. Sebastian drawled a deep groan as your hips came to connect. “I missed you.” He huffed.
Sebastian had come to a halt, pacing himself from a sudden climax. His head had dipped to your collar, cheek resting against your chest and hot breath falling onto your skin.
Sebastian had glanced at where the two of you connected, and groaned. You could feel his sex move from inside and it sent a wiring lightness through your body. “Sebastian…”
Sebastian pulled himself closer to you, taking your body into an intimate hug as he began moving in long sliding motions, rooting himself deep inside every time your hips collided. “Is this— alright?” He grunted.
Lip between your teeth, you nodded. The gradual pace was for him as much as it was for you. To live in the sex as long as you could.
The pressure of him caved inside you ignited a subtle build up, one you surely wanted to reach the end of. Your hips grinded into him and Sebastian had seemed to snap out of the dazed slowness.
He grunted, hand moving to still your hips. He knew if you took control things would surely not last. With his hand locked to your hip, Sebastian pulled and thrusted.
“Oh, Sebastian.” You exhaled, falling back into the pillow and letting the tension in your muscles subsided. The glorious sensation between your legs far too enticing to focus on anything else.
Far too focused, Sebestian’s eyes were shut. You took him in your arms and kissed his lips. You were sure of the moan that vibrated against your mouth was that of pleasure.
Easing into your body, Sebastian had come to lose tension as you did. His swaying became rhythmic and heaped with lust for your wet heat. The feeling was maddening and he wanted to relish in it for the rest of his life.
You were dizzied by the sensations, your legs had gone weak and mind filled with only the face of your lover.
Sebastian released a throaty groan and you urged him to continue with your hips. You were close, so close.
Sebastian could feel the tension your walls created around him and held back his release until yours came.
A powerful surge of ecstasy hit you and you moaned, tugging at Sebastian’s hair. The feeling of your walls spasming around him sent Sebastian over the edge. His mouth latched to your shoulder and he grunted into the skin. You whined at the feeling of his teeth and the hot liquid that pooled into you. It sent a hot shiver down your spine.
As your climaxes passed, you sat in them, laying in one another’s arms with uneven breaths and glistening skin.
Eventually, Sebastian removed his weight from you and sat up, leaving you empty. You reach for him and he took your hand.
“I’ll go fetch you some food and water, stay here.”
You let him slip from your hand and dress himself. “Sebastian.” You cooed, and he returned to your side like a faithful dog.
“I’ll be back.” He dipped you into a prolonged kiss. “You know I will.”
You hummed, hand sliding up to touch his face. “I love you.” You murmured.
He pressed a kiss into your forming teeth marks. “I love you too.” He whispered.
#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x reader#hogwarts legacy x reader#sebastian x reader#wizarding world x reader#wizarding world#repost of an old work#hogwarts#slytherin#Slytherin x reader
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⛧Devotion is Love with Wings⛧ Chapter Two: Emotions Unveiled
Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4
⛧Pairing: - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
⛧Warnings: Alcohol, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, king x servant, panic attack, heartbreak, happy ending.
⛧Words: 2.5K
⛧Summary: Feelings surface and the line between duty and desire begins to blur. Admitting your feelings to the King of Hell could be the best or worst thing that's ever happened to you. Lucifer battles with his own internal struggles in silence.
⛧Notes: Ask and you shall receive, my dears! You all asked me for a part two so here we go! Keep an eye out for my next fic because its time for some Alastor content! My beta reader is @hellfiremunsonn and she deserve all the rainbows and cupcakes.
⛧Tag list: @loslox @tiedyedghoulette @naiadic
As the soft rays of the morning sun seeped through the velvet curtains, you slowly opened your eyes, blinking a few times, adjusting to the gentle light. Despite the room still cloaked in soothing darkness, you knew you were in Lucifer's room. It takes you a moment to recall last night's events. You feel his breath on the back of your neck and his arm around your midsection. You can feel your face get hotter with every detail you take in. He is comfortably curled up behind you sound asleep. He needs rest, you’re afraid to move a muscle and wake him. You look over at the clock on the wall, you both are extremely late for breakfast.
“...Shit.” You say under your breath. Lucifer begins to move slightly, he lets out a soft hum and holds you just a bit closer. You can’t tell if he’s awake or not, even though you truly did not want to get out of bed, it had to be done. You slowly sit up and turn around, you almost place your hand on his shoulder but you take a moment to admire his sweet sleeping face. Instead, you gently place your hand on his cheek. Lucifer’s eyes flutter open, he meets your gaze and gives you a sleepy smile.
“Good morning…” He says softly while holding your wrist, keeping your hand on his cheek. You wanted to pull away, but his eyes made you want to just crawl back into his arms and go back to sleep.
“G-Good Morning, sir.” You stutter a little, Lucifer’s smile turns into a small smirk, he is amused by how flustered you are. He finally lets go and you try to compose yourself, but it's hard to do so when he looks so cute.
“I’ll go get some coffee, it looks like we slept in.” You finally break the spell he had on you and crawl out of his bed. When you leave, Lucifer immediately misses your presence close to him, having you next to him made a significant difference in his mood and sleep. It was the first time he’d felt the warmth of another person in a long time, and now that he’s had a taste, he wants more.
You head down the hall to your room, when you enter you quickly shut the door, thankful no one saw you. You get dressed in your uniform and head downstairs to the kitchen. While you made coffee, the staff were surprised to see you so late into the morning. You make up a quick excuse, stating you were not feeling well but you’re doing much better now so it's nothing to worry about.
You take two cups of coffee upstairs on a silver tray, and you do your best to mentally shift into work mode, but you can't stop thinking about last night. You return to his room, the king is still in bed, sporting a satisfied look on his face. You hand him his coffee and place the tray on the bedside table.
“Thank you, my dear.” He says and gestures for you to sit on the bed, so you take your cup from the tray and have a seat.
“I want to apologize.” You start, and he looks at you with a raised brow. “I shouldn't have fallen asleep in your quarters. That was inappropriate of me.”
“I’m gonna stop you there, you do exactly what is asked of you. Everything you do is for my benefit. I could never be upset with you for something like that.” He says with a gentle voice. His gold eyes soften as he realizes you’re being serious.
“Thank you…” You reply, just barely above a whisper. His words made you feel a little better, you only want to do what's best for your king…but sometimes you can get carried away. You would do anything for him, that includes bending the rules.
“Now stop sulking.” He says and crawls over to you, sitting beside you on the bed. He is seated rather close, you look away trying to hide your red face. He turns your face back towards him using his index finger and thumb. “You’re too pretty to be so sad.”
“Y-You forget yourself, sir.” You stutter, barely keeping it together. You finish your coffee and return the cup to the tray. When you stand up and walk towards the wardrobe, Lucifer chuckles at your attempt to remain dignified. He is knocking down walls with the way he speaks to you. Breaking down each professional boundary one at a time. His touch was setting you on fire and you were running out of ways to extinguish it.
You sort through his clothes and pull out a black suit with red and white embellishments. You set it on the corner of the bed like you always do. “I’ll make sure I have your lunch ready for you in your study, sir” You say quickly, with a red blush spread across your face, you take the tray and quickly excuse yourself.
You rush down the hall and back to your room. Your chest heaves and you're out of breath. What in the devil's name happened there?! He looked like he was going to kiss you, his face was so close and he called you pretty! What is this idiot doing? You cover your face with your sleeves and pace back and forth in your room.
You always prided yourself on your composure. You navigate life’s twists and turns with a steady hand and a level head. At first, you brushed off these fluttering feelings as a mere passing fancy. You find yourself in front of a mental crossroads, on one hand, there is the exhilarating rush of new emotions. On the other was fear of rejection, an unconventional relationship, and possible heartbreak. If you ruin what you have with Lucifer, you will end up with nothing. All your years climbing the hierarchy would be null and void.
But what if it was possible? No, it couldn't be, there was just no way. As far as you are aware, you’ve never heard of such a situation that ended well. This can’t possibly be happening, you need some time to sort yourself out. But at some point, you are going to see him again today and you’re not sure how you’ll handle it. You always buried your feelings deep within your heart, locking them away like a precious treasure hidden from prying eyes. You’d like to think you're capable of continuing this facade, but this time you are not so sure.
Lucifer sighs as you leave the room, your reactions are rather fascinating though. He gets up and takes his clothes to the bathroom to dress himself. Lucifer is well aware of the power dynamic here, and he has a habit of pushing things as far as he can. It comes with the territory of normally having anything he wants. He buttons his vest and looks at himself in the mirror. So what if he had a thing for his advisor? He wonders if he’s just lonely and that’s why he’s acting this way…even if that was true, it wouldn’t explain the relief he feels every time you enter a room. He puts on his coat, straightens his hat, and leaves his room to spend time in his study.
He opens the door and notices his lunch is sitting on his desk along with some invoices to sign and an overview of yesterday's meeting. This is unusual, you normally bring him his meal and check in on his daily progress at this time. This is cause for concern, indeed. Was Y/N avoiding him? Surely that can't be true, they would never just ignore him like that. He slumps into his chair, wondering if he messed up somehow.
Did he ruin the years of trust they had built? He still wants her around, he would hate the idea of anyone else taking your place. The more he thought about it the more the pit in his stomach grew. He attempts to eat but can’t put down much food, his nerves are making it difficult to eat. He needs to find you and apologize, he has to make this right somehow.
Hours go by and you’ve done your best to avoid Lucifer at all costs, but you can't keep this up forever. You are standing on a large balcony in the dining room wearing your pajamas. The sun has set and the stars are visible in the sky, there is a chill in the air. You let out a defeated sigh, you’re going to have to tell him or forget about your feelings completely. You fear that if you confessed your love, the delicate threads that bind you both together would fray and snap. If you forget and try to move on, how bad is it going to hurt when he finds a new love? It would ache so bad you might have to leave his manor entirely, you knew that if that were to happen, it would shatter Lucifer's heart.
You feel a few drops of rain fall on your skin, and as each minute passes the rain becomes heavier and heavier. You look out into the courtyard, it’s getting late and you should be heading inside but you stand there, tears in your eyes. How could you be so foolish and self-centered? You knew the rules and you chose to defy them, it's your own fault you feel so awful.
Suddenly the rain is no longer hitting you, you don't feel the cold drops on your face anymore. You turn around and Lucifer is standing in the doorway, his large wing covers you, shielding you from the rain.
“Hey…Can we talk?” He says with a soft look of concern on his face. You nod while wiping your face with your sleeves, he motions for you to come back inside. He walks slightly ahead of you, leading you upstairs to his bedroom. He opens the door for you and gives you a small half-smile. Lucifer walks over to his desk and pours you both a glass of bourbon. He hands you a glass and you take a seat at the small table next to the window. He sits across from you, you can tell he's a bit anxious because he keeps looking away. You take a sip from your drink, hoping the alcohol will settle your nerves.
The ambiance of the dimly lit room, the soft glow of candlelight danced upon his face. With a hesitant breath, Lucifer cleared his throat.
“I need to apologize to you,” Lucifer says with a despairing look on his face. “I’m sure you’ve felt confused and in distress all day.” He takes a sip of his drink while trying to find the right words. “Before I begin, let me just say that I think so highly of you. Y/N, you’ve been there for me during every awful situation I’ve faced and I am so grateful for you.”
He grabs your hand and his expression changes to a more serious one. “I don't want you to leave my side. I couldn’t bear it if I did something to make you leave.”
“Sir, I–” You try to speak but Lucifer interrupts you.
“Y/N. I need you to drop the formalities for ten minutes, please.” He cuts you off and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Is there something going on between us or am I just a lonely, divorced, delusional, man making it all up in my head so I don't feel so shitty about my life?”
You are shocked by his words, you had no idea he felt that way about himself.
“You’re not delusional, Lucifer.” You answer, it takes you a moment to gather your thoughts and put them in order. “It's all my fault, really. I guess after all this time I’ve developed some feelings.”
Lucifer’s eyes widen, his face softens and he squeezes your hand and you look back into his eyes with a small smile. “I think I just got carried away, I know nothing can happen between us. It would be unacceptable and irredeemable. I’m the delusional one, to think you could ever love someone like me.” You reply while looking down at your drink, your finger toying with the rim of the glass.
Without a word, without warning, Lucifer leaned over the table and grabbed ahold of your shirt. He pulls you close so that you are face to face, leaning over the table. You could feel his breath on your lips as he said, “Love doesn't adhere to rules or expectations, darling. I will choose to defy every convention, every decree if it means I get to spend the rest of my life devoted to someone I love.”
Tears started to well up in your eyes, he slowly closed the gap between you both. His lips softly pressed against yours. Time stopped in that moment, amidst the chaos of entangled emotions. The taste was bittersweet, you’ve only ever dreamed of this. His hand lets go of your shirt and caresses your face. You kiss him back with fervor, a silent confession that speaks volumes. Both of you daring to defy the boundaries of monarchy and courtier.
You lace your fingers with his, he stands up and pulls you out of your seat. You practically fell into his arms, Lucifer held the back of your head, the other arm wrapped around your waist.
Your tears flowed freely as you hid your face in his chest. He holds you tight, offering you silent comfort as you let out quiet sobs. Lucifer strokes your hair and kisses the top of your head.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize…” He says, barely above a whisper. “Just let me take care of you for once, my love.” Before you can protest, Lucifer scoops you up and gently places you on his bed. He climbs in and pulls the covers over you both. He wipes your tear-stained cheeks with his sleeve and smiles at you while you take the time you need to calm down.
“C’mon, babe say something…You’re killing me.” He says, waiting for you to speak with bated breath.
“I love you…” You say between staggered breaths. Your eyes are locked on his, somehow Lucifer blows through the many walls you’ve put up to prevent this and you are left bare and vulnerable. It is terrifying, being this helplessly in love. Bearing the fragments of your heart to the person who held it entirely.
“I love you too, dummy.” His smile is sweet like saccharine, his voice is smooth like silk. Your lips met his once more while your fingers card through his hair. He kept you as close as possible, and in the hush of the night amidst the whispered confessions, you and your king curled up together and fell asleep once again in each other's arms. No sovereign, demon or angel could pull you two apart even if they tried.
#hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar x you#lucifer morningstar x reader#hazbin hotel lucifer#lucifer x reader#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel alastor#hazbin hotel fanfiction#hazbin hotel fandom#lucifer morningstar#lucifer hazbin hotel#hazbin lucifer#lucifer x y/n#hazbin hotel x you
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nobody puts my bald baby in a corner
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen / Named Atreides wife A little nsfw but that's not the point. Domestic family life. They have five kids and Feyd desperately wants another. Wifey won't oblige. Don't pay attention to the other characters and Houses I included, I don't know anything about Dune and I just pulled from the fandom wiki or made them up. Their son is not the Kwisatz Haderach either!
****if you're somebody who works at tumblr hq reading this because i accidentally reported my own fic im really sorry****
It has been five years since Feyd-Rautha last saw his wife swell with his child.
It is entirely by her design, and certainly not for lack of trying. He ravages her senseless almost every night, but after five children, the ever infuriating Diana Atreides refuses to give him another. As a Bene Gesserit, it is within her power to do so; the witches are able to bend their own reproduction to their will, and Feyd-Rautha believes she likes his methods of convincing her too much to give him what he wants.
Tonight, he almost has her hooked. He kisses her knee and up her bare thigh, licking and sucking the plush skin there. She barely acknowledges him and lets him fondle her as he pleases, lost in her own thoughts.
“She’s too old for him. He’s just a boy.”
They are currently hosting several of the Great Houses. Earlier at dinner, he and Diana were approached by the Duke of Ginaz, who suggested they betroth his daughter to their oldest son, Aleksei. Diana had hidden her frown behind her glass of wine, but Feyd-Rautha had seen it and filed it away for later, thanking the Duke for his time.
He hums against her thigh, tongueing over the faint bruise he made. He can use this.
“He will be a man soon,” he reminds her. He pulls her leg over his shoulder as he shifts up the bed, now eye level with her weeping cunt. His mouth waters. “Even if we refuse this proposal, there will be others.”
He knows his wife wants to say more, but the words die in her throat when he shoves his nose against her, inhaling her scent and releasing a shaky breath. He pretends it is for her benefit, but really, this is all for him. With his fingers pulling apart the seam of her, his tongue lolls out, and Feyd-Rautha feasts.
When he has had his fill of her pleasure, he crawls up the length of her body. She pants underneath him, back arching and eyes squeezing shut like a satisfied cat, her neck exposed and vulnerable. He licks off the sweat there.
“It will not stop with Aleksei,” he says, leaning over her.
Diana scowls. She shoves him, but he does not yield. He grasps her hand, pulling it away from his chest and up to his mouth, where he kisses her fingers.
He knows he is being cruel, rubbing salt in her wound. Her children are growing. At twelve years old, Aleksei is admittedly still too young to seriously consider for marriage, but the coming years will go by in a blink. First it will be Aleksei, then Nikita shortly after, and then Maxim – although their youngest and most unstable son will be difficult to pawn off, Feyd-Rautha thinks.
His girls are another story. Sasha and Grisha were both gifted their mother’s beauty, but it is Grisha, their youngest, who takes after Feyd-Rautha the most. She is the only one of his children who did not inherit those dark Atreides curls. She is perfect; wholly Harkonnen, like her father. He knows he will feel how Diana does now when it is time for Grisha to leave his side.
It is why he fucks into his wife now, flexing his hips slowly and purposefully, so she feels every inch of his longing. He staves off the urge to empty himself inside of her prematurely, already aching to see her breasts swollen and leaking.
He stops, trying to catch his breath. He pulls back from Diana to thumb over her pearl, grinding his length into her. “Shall I leave you like this, wife?” he asks her.
“Don’t you dare,” she snaps, her hips chasing his fingers.
“I can give you what you want,” he taunts. “I will pump you full of my children happily. What is one more?”
Diana does not answer, but he sees her breaking, just as he is. He holds her legs open, jutting into the apex of them, growling as he stares her down, willing her to change her mind. She hides her fears behind her pleasure, hides the tear sliding down her cheek by turning her face into the pillow, taking what he gives her.
What is one more child? Certainly not the solution to her problem. It is only a delay of the inevitable, that one day they will all grow up and no longer need her. Feyd-Rautha knows this. But he hopes to delay his wife’s suffering, just as he will delay her gratification if she does not give him what he wants.
When he pumps his load into her, he knows she is not satisfied. He breathes through his own satisfaction, nose flaring like a bull, but she does not complain like he expected her to. She does not roll him over to claim him, or bring her fingers to her cunt to finish what he started, his eyes on her hole, full of his spend.
Instead she buries her face in her hands. Feyd-Rautha leans his weight onto her and pulls her hands away, revealing her face to him. She blinks at him, her lashes wet and clumping together.
He knows what she is feeling. “I feel it, too,” he says. “Let me give you another, my darling.”
Diana nods and looks away, breathing out a held breath. “Alright,” she says. Her eyes soften fondly when they focus on him again. “Alright.”
They lay together for a while, enjoying each other’s company. Feyd-Rautha does not know if tonight will be the night, but he hopes. He hopes she sees it the way he does -- a continuation of their happiness, not the eventual ending of it. He kisses every part of Diana he can reach, and she cuddles into him, their limbs a tangled mess.
A little later into the night, a knock on the door breaks their comfortable silence. Feyd-Rautha grunts, already irritated, and removes himself from her, slipping on a robe and his pants.
When he opens the door, he finds a wide-eyed servant. “It is the children, Baron Harkonnen.”
Feyd-Rautha frowns and widens the door, panic souring him. “Where are they?”
“They are safe, Baron Harkonnen, but there has been a bit of trouble.”
Diana appears behind him, wrapping her robe around her waist. "What sort of trouble?" she asks, brow furrowed.
“It will be best if you follow me to the drawing room within the guest wing, Baroness.”
Diana whips past Feyd-Rautha and the servant, not waiting for either of them to lead her to the guest wing. Feyd-Rautha follows after her, and he knows to expect his boys. It is not the first time he was awoken by something they have done when they should have been sleeping, but it does concern him that they were found in the guest wing.
Although he is the youngest son, Maxim is the instigator of all things. Not as bright as the others, he is aggressive and impulsive, often letting his hands speak for him. He acts before he thinks, and it frustrates Diana greatly. Many nights Feyd-Rautha has been brought before Maxim in the kitchens, where he sticks his grubby hands into pies and picks at berries meant for the morning’s breakfast. The guards know not to let him out of his room at night without their explicit permission.
But as explosive as Maxim is, it is Aleksei who reminds Feyd-Rautha the most of his own brother, Beast Rabban. His oldest son is proud and quick to anger, easily riled by Maxim and his sisters who poke and prod at him in the ways only younger siblings can. Feyd-Rautha does his best to temper Aleksei, to show him the value in patience, in choosing his battles.
Nikita, self-sufficient boy that he is, waits until the battles are over and won to pick at what remains. He watches. Feyd-Rautha suspects Diana favors him over the others, though she will never admit it.
All of them dote on their sisters. Sasha has them carry her around on their backs, even when they are tired and sore and agitated from their training. They still treat Grisha like she is their baby, although she is almost six years old now and loathes the comparison.
Each of them, in their own ways, bring honor to their House. It is not something he had ever imagined for himself when thinking about his future. Feyd-Rautha is proud of his children, and he would not be disinclined to have another.
The chaos they find upon entering the drawing room is enough for him to change his mind.
The lord and lady from Zanbar, whose names Feyd-Rautha has forgotten, fawn over their young daughter, who sits upon an ottoman in front of the fireplace, her face red and streaked with tears. She cries as she pulls at what remains of her blonde hair. It has been crudely chopped off, the ends blunt and jagged like it had been sawed with a knife.
Their boys stand sullenly in front of the governess, disheveled in her bathrobe and still flustered from being awoken in the middle of the night to collect them. Aleksei folds his arms over his chest, his head full of curly dark hair held high. Next to him, Nikita remains calm in the face of their impending scolding. He very likely had done nothing wrong but bear witness to the antics of his rowdy brothers. Meanwhile, Maxim openly glares at the small weeping girl. She deserved what she got, and he is waiting for a reason to give her more to cry over.
“What happened?” Diana asks, dismayed.
“Your sons snuck into my daughter’s bedchamber and cut her hair off while she slept!” the lord’s wife snaps, borderline hysterical. “Where were her guards? How was this allowed to happen?”
She is reaching an unnatural decibel, but withers under the glare Feyd-Rautha shoots her. They were pulled from their bed for this? His darkening expression does not fully quell the lady's anger, and she gawks at her husband, willing him to say something.
"I'm sure there's an explanation," the lord offers unhelpfully, averting his timid gaze.
Diana stills, taking in the sight of the poor girl’s hacked hair. With a deep inhale, she turns to the boys, her hand finding her hip. “Explain yourselves.”
“She was mocking Grisha, mother,” Maxim says, scowling. “We heard her at dinner.”
Aleksei nods, more self-righteous and refined in his anger. “She laughed at Grisha and made her cry because she doesn’t have hair.” He sneers when the lord’s daughter wails a little louder at this, because she, too, does not have hair now. “She called her ugly.”
Diana looks heartbroken over this, but her Bene Gesserit training helps to quickly neutralize her face. She looks to Nikita. “And you? What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I told them not to.”
Feyd-Rautha believes him. Nikita is no less ruthless, but he is also a diplomat by nature, preferring more uninvolved methods of justice or revenge. This boldness is certainly the work of his brothers.
Feyd-Rautha cannot wait to reward them handsomely for it.
Diana believes Nikita as well, for she turns back to the other two. “Apologize to Lady Rosalind.”
“But mother, she–”
“Enough,” Feyd-Rautha rasps, growing tired of the spectacle. “Do as your mother says, so we may all retire to our beds.” He shoots another glare at the lord and lady, who bluster under his attention, too afraid of him to protest again.
Aleksei and Maxim step forward and bow to the young girl. “We’re sorry,” they echo, not meaning it at all.
Knowing that is the best she will get from them, Diana exhales deeply and dismisses them back to their rooms, escorted by their governess to make sure they get there and do not take any more detours. Nikita follows, ever their solemn shadow.
Diana kneels down beside Lady Rosalind. “Don’t fret. Hair grows back,” she soothes. The girl hiccups, and Diana gently brushes the hair out of her eyes before standing up to face her parents again. “I apologize on behalf of my sons. As you can see, they love their sister very much and do not take kindly to those who upset her.”
The lord and lady of Zanbar try to hide their grimaces. They know their indignancy is unfounded now that they know their daughter had started this. “Baroness, I must apologize–” the lord starts.
“That won’t be necessary,” Diana interrupts, putting a graceful hand up to stop him. “Let’s put this unpleasantness behind us. My husband and I will question our guards to understand how this was allowed to happen. Those responsible will be thoroughly punished.” She looks at Feyd-Rautha. “That includes our sons.”
This seems to satisfy the lord and lady enough to gather up their snot nosed daughter and leave, perhaps vowing to never step foot on Giedi Prime again. Feyd-Rautha will not miss them.
He and Diana walk back to their bedchamber in an agitated silence, until she breaks it.
“Still want another?” she asks him, deadpan.
“Not particularly. Would you still like me to thoroughly punish them?”
“Not particularly.”
Feyd-Rautha hums, and he reaches for her hand.
The next morning, Feyd-Rautha walks over to Grisha where she sits on the wide stone fence, her little legs dangling over the side. The boys train in the yard, and she watches with her dolls, acting out the sparring techniques she sees with them. He kisses her head, smooth like his. She ignores him, too caught up in supervising the training of her dolls.
Feyd-Rautha smiles. “Who is winning?” he asks.
One of the dolls headbutts the other. Their yarn-like hair swings around violently. It is hard to tell under the light of the black sun, but he thinks one of them is blonde. That one plops to the ground, landing in the sand.
Grisha raises the hand of the victorious doll the way she sees her father raise his in the arena. “This one,” she tells him.
“Well fought,” Feyd-Rautha says proudly. He bends down to pick up the doll and hands it to her. He watches her run her fingers through the doll’s hair, brushing the sand out of it with great care.
One day, his daughter will train alongside her brothers. She will have no need for hair then. It would just get in her way, and make her easier to grab by her opponents. She will see the use in this, and appreciate what makes her Harkonnen.
For now, Feyd-Rautha cups her head and kisses her again. He calls her his beautiful girl, and returns to the yard, picking up where he and the boys left off.
#feyd rautha#feyd rautha harkonnen#feyd rautha x reader#feyd x reader#feyd x you#feyd rautha x oc#dune part 2#mine#writing
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Christmas in New York- Jobe Bellingham



wearning: +18,smut
It was a cold Christmas Eve in New York. The snow slowly fell from the grey sky, covering the streets with a soft white mantle. The colorful and glittering lights adorned every window, and the air was permeated by the scent of roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate.
You and Jobe Bellingham walked hand in hand down Fifth Avenue, wrapped up in your heavy coats. He wore an elegant black coat with a grey scarf framing his face, while you were wrapped in a beige coat with a soft wool hat covering your ears. Jobe turned to look at you with a sweet and mischievous smile.
"I can’t believe we’re here together," he said, shaking your hand and approaching you. "New York at Christmas is just like in the movies."
"Yeah," you replied, leaning your head on his shoulder as you kept walking. "But it wouldn’t be the same without you."
He stopped suddenly, holding you by the hand and turning you towards him. His warm hands laid on your cold cheeks.
"Don’t even joke," he muttered, staring at you with his dark eyes full of sweetness. "This Christmas is special only because you are there."
You felt yourself melt like snow under the sun. His words were sincere, and the warmth of his gaze made you forget the bitter cold.
"You’re too sweet, Bellingham," you said, your cheeks turning red, perhaps from the cold or perhaps from the fast-paced beat of your heart.
"And you are too beautiful to be true," he replied, bending over to rub his lips against your. The kiss was slow and gentle, but at the same time full of feeling. The noise of the city around you seemed to disappear for a moment.
"Shall we go see the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center?" you proposed with a smile when you parted. His lips curled into a complicit smile.
"Only if we can take a picture like those sappy tourists kissing under the tree," joked Jobe, but there was a shadow of sincerity in his voice.
"Deal done," you laughed, and together you headed to the Rockefeller Center.
The crowd was huge, all with their eyes up to the imposing Christmas tree illuminated by thousands of colorful lights. You let yourself be enchanted by the show, shaking Jobe’s hand more strongly.
"It’s beautiful," you whisper, your eyes shining with wonder.
"Not as much as you," he replied, looking at you instead of the tree. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, and when you turned towards him, Jobe stared at you with an intensity that left you speechless.
"Let’s stop with the compliments, Bellingham, or I might start to believe it," you tried to joke around to hide your embarrassment, but he shook his head, a clever smile painted on his face.
"Do it. Believe it. Because every word is true." His hands again placed themselves on your cheeks, touching them with their thumbs. "May I kiss you again?" He asked with a sweet expression, but his eyes revealed something deeper.
"Why do you ask again? You have my permanent permission," you whispered, and he chuckled before bending down and kissing you again, this time with more passion. His arms wrapped around you, clinging to his warm chest.
People around you applauded and laughed, but neither of them noticed. You only came off when the breath was short, and Jobe looked at you with a satisfied smile.
"Now we look like those sappy tourists," he said laughing.
"And it’s beautiful," you replied, leaning your head against his chest.
Later that night, you returned to your hotel. The room was warm and welcoming, with a small decorated Christmas tree by the window. Jobe closed the door behind him and stared at you with a look that made you shiver.
"You know what?" he said, slowly approaching. "I think this is the best Christmas of my life."
"Why?" you asked, stepping back, but smiling.
"Because I have everything I want right here in front of me." He took another step forward, until your back touched the edge of the bed. His hands laid on your hips, holding you with a gentle but firm grip. "And I don’t want to lose a second without you."
You felt your heart beat in your chest, and his lips found yours with a sweetish overwhelming. His hands moved slowly along your hips, his fingers drawing imaginary lines on the soft fabric of your dress. You felt every touch like a spark of heat.
"Jobe," you murmured against his lips, but he did not let you finish.
"Yes, love?" he replied in a low, husky voice, kissing your jaw and then your neck, where he knew you were most sensitive.
"Promise me one thing," I said, breathing hard.
"Anything," he answered without hesitation.
"Promise me that every Christmas will be like this," you said, looking for his eyes with yours.
"No, love," he said with a smile that made you miss a heartbeat. "Every Christmas will be even more beautiful."
You smiled and kissed him, and he immediately returned the favor. " I love you doll" said Jobe near your lips and you smiled giving him a kiss to the mold. "I love too"
His dark eyes twinkled as his hands drew you closer, as if he could not bear even a centimeter of distance between you. His lips returned to seek yours, this time with a passion that made you tremble. There was nothing more delicate: the kiss became intense, deep, full of desire. His hands, first resting on your hips, moved with exasperating slowness, tracing the curve of your back, while your fingers intertwined between his hair, drawing him even closer.
The room seemed to fade around you. There was no more city noise or Christmas lights reflecting off the walls. There was only him, the warmth of his body against yours, and the way his lips seemed to explore you with an unstoppable hunger. He kissed you as if he were the first and last time, with an intensity that left you breathless.
His fingers stopped on the edge of your dress, barely touching your skin, and that simple touch made you shudder. You felt his lips detach from yours only for a moment, just the time to look at you with a look that spoke more than a thousand words. "You’re so beautiful," he muttered in a husky voice, his breath irregular as his thumb drew a gentle line on your cheek.
"Jobe..." his name slipped away as a whisper, while he smiled, that smile you knew so well, full of sweetness and desire. He didn’t wait for you to continue: he bent down again, capturing your lips with such intensity that you felt your heart beat wildly. His hands, now more secure, lifted you slightly, making you slide on the bed as his body followed yours perfectly synchronised.
The fabric of his sweater was rough under your hands as you pulled it closer, your bodies seeming to find a way to match perfectly. His kisses fell down your jaw, to your neck, where his lips lingered, leaving you breathless. Each kiss was like a promise, a secret shared between you two.
"I don’t want to stop," he whispered against your skin, his voice low and charged with emotion. His warm breath caressed you, and his words made you smile as you looked at him with eyes full of confidence and desire.
"Don’t stop," you replied, pulling him back towards you, ready to live every second of that moment that seemed only made of magic and warmth.
Jobe looked at you with a new light in his eyes, as if all the control he had tried to maintain until then had vanished. His breath was warm and irregular, his pupils dilated as his eyes fixated in yours. He didn’t say a word, but the way his hands slowly fell down your hips was enough to make you understand what was about to happen.
He leaned towards you, his lips brushed your neck with exasperating delicacy, almost as if he was savoring every inch of skin. Then, without warning, he began to kiss you with more force, more passion. Each kiss was a mix of sweetness and desire. His lips moved firmly against your skin, leaving a trail of heat behind.
His warm breath stopped right at the groove between the neck and shoulder, and at that instant his teeth touched your skin. You were out of breath for a moment, fingers instinctively sank into his chest, feeling the strong and constant beat under the palm of your hand. Your nails drew a slow line along the fabric of his mesh, following the contours of his muscles.
"Jobe..." his name escaped you like a whisper, more like a prayer than a simple call. He just lifted his face, looking at you with a look that sent a jolt down your back.
"Say my name again," he murmured, his voice so low and stinging that it gave you the shivers. Before I could even answer, he attacked your jaw again with slower but incredibly intense kisses. Every time his lips closed on your skin, he left a small pink sign that darkened slowly, unmistakable proof of his presence on you.
"Jobe," you repeated with a whisper, closing your eyes as his lips stopped under your ear, where your breath was faster. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, your fingertips drawing slow circles on his chest. You could feel every muscle under the tissue, the solidity of his body against yours.
"So, my love," he muttered, never taking his lips off your skin. "I want to hear it again." His voice was low, full of sweet authority that made you shiver down your back.
His hands slid to your back, pressing you further into him, as if trying to eliminate any space between you. Every touch he made was slow but firm, and every kiss on your neck brought with it a jolt of heat. You felt light-headed, like the whole world was a blur except him.
“Jobe…” you whispered again, and the way he groaned against your skin made your legs feel weak.
"I like it when you say my name like that," he confessed, his lips now resting on your shoulder, his teeth pressing lightly, leaving another sign that you knew would stay there for a while. "It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard."
Your heart was beating like crazy, and as your fingers kept stroking his chest, he lifted his face, his dark eyes that were looking for yours with a hunger that left you breathless. "I will not let you go tonight," he said, his voice that was a promise and a sweet threat at the same time.
"Who said I want to go?" you replied with a cheeky smile, letting your eyes gaze upon hers. He smiled slowly, looked down again at your lips and, without hesitation, caught them in a kiss so deep and passionate that the world ceased to exist for you.
Jobe smiled and then he started to strip you off, and you did the same thing with him. He smiled as you were naked under him. " So beautiful baby" he muttered and then kissed your belly and you made little sighs. You moaned and then felt his tongue in your pussy, making it squirt. At first he was mocking you around putting his tongue in and out and you were moaning wanting more.
You raised your hips for more friction and pulled his hair. " Jobe please" you muttered and he smiled and started making out with your pussy as if it was his favorite dessert.
Jobe started licking your pussy and eating it like a hungry man and this made you squirm with pleasure, you moaned his name as a prayer and he was fucking your pussy with his tongue so well that you couldn’t even feel your own pussy anymore.
"continue like this please" you screamed with pleasure and Jobe satisfied you. Your legs were shaking and about to close from too much pleasure. You could feel your high coming, Jobe squeezes your legs to keep them from closing and you keep moaning and screaming as you pulled his hair making him moan into your pussy and this sent the vibrations and made you rub your pussy on his face.
"Let’s go baby don’t close these beautiful legs, I’ve just started" whispered Jobe near your pussy and you cry with pleasure.
It was making you feel so good that you couldn’t even think anymore, you just thought about the pleasure you were feeling. Your eyes were rolling back as you opened your mouth moaning at his name, like a song. You pushed your hips more on his face and tightened his hair to bring it closer to your pussy.
"What a good girl" Jobe muttered as you cum in his face.
He leaves you a kiss on your pussy and then slowly moves away and looks at you and smiles at your face with such a fucked up expression.
You looked at him and moaned as he was hot with your cum on his face and tried to pull it to you to kiss him and he smiled back. When you broke off, you caressed his curls. " the best Christmas of my life" you whispered and he smiled, bringing his lips back to yours with a sweetness that contrasted the urgency of a few minutes before. It was a slow, deep kiss, as if he wanted to savour every moment. His hands went up your back, pressing against him, the heat of your bodies that did not seem to fade.
"I can’t get enough of you," he whispered against your lips, interrupting the kiss just to look into your eyes. His thumbs touched the sides of your face, his gentle and reassuring touch. "No matter how much he has you, it will never be enough."
Your heart lost a beat, his words that settled in your chest like a sweet melody. You looked at him, trying to hide the smile that threatened to bloom on your lips. "You’re a real romantic Jobe Bellingham" you said to him, leaning your forehead against his.
"Just for you," he replied with a half smile, pressing another sweet kiss on your nose, then one on your jaw, and finally back on your lips.
His fingers kept caressing your hips, and the way his thumb drew lazy lines on your skin made you feel a comfortable and familiar warmth. It made you feel safe. Every kiss, every caress, was like saying "you are mine" without needing words. And at that moment, you knew you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else enjoying Christmas.
#jobe bellingham x you#jobe bellingham fluff#jobe bellingham x reader#jobe bellingham social media au#jobe bellingham smut#jobe bellingham#jobe bellingham x oc#smut imagine#jude bellingham smut#judes hoe😚#christmas#new york#sweet couple#football fanfic#footballer x reader#footballer x y/n#jude bellingham x reader#jude bellingham x you#jude bellingham imagine#jude bellingham#english footballers#jobe bellingham fiction#jobe bellingham hoes#jude bellingham blurb#bellingham#jobe bellingham angst#jobe bellingham sweet story#jobe bellingham imagine#jude bellingham angst#jude bellingham fluff
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Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter Two


<<< Chapter One
Your eyes widen when you see Chiron being half horse half man.
"You are a centaur"
Chiron chuckles at your shocked expression.
"Indeed, I'm, and I'm here to guide you"
"Thank you, sir"
"Are you not going to greet me, (Wrong name)?"
You turn your eyes to stare at the dark haired dark eyes man with confusion.
"My name is (Y/n)" you correct him before asking "And you are?"
"As in the god who has a cult?"
"That's me, I miss my cult"
You nod in agreement, unsure if that was meant to be humor or a genuine confession.
"Yes, I used to rule an entire cult in ancient Greece. They all worshipped me and offered me sacrifices."
You feel a twinge of unease at the thought of being in a cult, especially one led by a god like Dionysus.
Still, you don't want to be rude, so you just smile politely and say.
"That's... great."
Dionysus nods, seemingly satisfied with your response.
"Well then," he says,
"Shall we continue on? I can show you around the camp and introduce you to some of the other demigods."
Chiron frowns, looking at Dionysus, finding his behaviour strange.
Dionysus is never friendly towards any demigod.
But now, he is offering to show you around.
Chiron never understood the gods obsession with you.
He assumed it has something to do with your powers.
"There is no need, but thank you for the offer, Luke showed me around the camp"
You say before turning towards the centaur.
"I will be going now if that's all"
The moment you take your leave, Dionysus sighs in disappointment.
"If only she was my daughter"
The cabin is all pastel pink and surrounded by flowers and cherubs statues, and it is also close to Aphrodite's cabin, which is not surprising.
But what made you uncomfortable is the glass window in your room.
You will need curtains for that later.
What is surprising is that you found tons of gifts on your bed and your wardrobe is filled with clothes.
And a note that says 'From your beloved grandmother. Aphrodite'
Also there are gifts from different deities.
For example, Hermes gave you a golden caduceus pendant with a blue diamond.
Apollo gave you healing potions.
Ares gifted you a dagger and also has a note with it 'Sharp enough to kill your enemies'
But what astonished you the most is the gift from Etos, it's a music box.
A cherubs music box, when you turn it on, it starts playing very enchanting music.
There is a long letter too.
My sweet demigoddess,
I write to you on this fine day to express my deepest love and adulation for you.
Your strength, courage, and power all demonstrate your divine ancestry, and your beauty and grace shine with the warmth of the sun.
My heart aches for you from far away, and all I desire is to embrace you in my arms and to watch you flourish with all that you are and can be.
This music box is a gift from me, once it starts playing, all monsters will flock away from you.
From your father,
The strong fragrance on the letter makes you calm down.
To be honest, you don't hate Eros even though he never was by your side when you grew up.
Maybe the new life for you here, isn't bad after all.
"Capture the flag? As in fighting other demigods? no thank you"
You say, walking by Percy's side.
The boy showed up at your doorsteps first thing in the morning, and asked you to walk with him.
"Don't worry, I will protect you, if you stay by my side"
You stop and look at Percy and cross your arms over your chest.
"Why did you tell Luke that I'm your girlfriend?" you inquire.
Percy smiles.
"Because you have always been my girlfriend, remember in grade one where you wanted to marry me and made a promis-"
You quickly stop him, your cheeks heating up from the childhood memories.
"I was a child"
"I don't care, a promise is a promise"
"What if I fall for another?"
Percy shrugs, with the smile still on his face.
"It would be like Icarus flying too close to the sun"
You raise an eyebrow but he continues.
"Another might get close to you but they will never reach you before they fall to their deaths"
Chapter Three >>>
#tw: toxic relationships#reader insert#platonic yandere#daughter reader#yandere percy jackson x reader#percy jackson and the olympians
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Hey there! How about having the madara, hashirama and itachi's way of celebrating an anniversary with his wife as headcanons? Thank you!

[ 🌸 ] oh...! If I were married I would like to go to a beach to do you know what thing… that's right, I'm talking about drinking pineapple with my partner while I tell him the gossip that my grandmother told me the other day-
characters: itachi uchiha, madara uchiha, hashirama senju
genre: fluff with a touch of comedy
warnings: none, spicy parts, reader being pampered by three adult men, happy married couple
Itachi Uchiha
—My sweet boy.
—He sleeps a little longer than usual to enjoy the warmth of the morning by your side, even though he has a whole list of plans of what he wants to do with you. —When he feels he's had enough rest, he gets up quietly and heads to the kitchen.
—When you wake up, he brings you breakfast in bed with a smile so beautiful and bright that it makes you fall in love with him for the thousandth time.
—He gives you a shy smile if you decide to share something from your plate with him (he'll eat it, but, don't expect him not share from his own plate with you too).
—In the end, the two of you end up feeding each other while laughing like lovestruck teenagers.
—After that, he takes you to the bathroom for both of you to take a shower before starting your day.
—He is gentle as he scrubs your shoulders, back, and chest while you just sigh relaxed with his soft touches.
—Of course, he'll let you help soap up his back.
—In the end, he wraps both of you in towels before carrying you in a princess style to the bed.
—Things… happen when you get there.
—Let's just say your legs wouldn't stop trembling for a good few minutes.
—You both go out to eat at a nice place.
—While eating, Itachi's free hand plays with yours under the table.
—When your stomach is satisfied along with his, you go out holding hands and walk through the park (which was surprisingly empty) before sitting on the grass under a tree. —And now it feels like a dream to Itachi. You by his side as he feels the fresh breeze. —Your head fits like a puzzle piece on Itachi's shoulder while he wraps his arm around you, resting his head on top of yours. —You stay like that for a while until Itachi tells you he has a little surprise for you. —You’re a little surprised when he takes you to a spa. —And Shisui suddenly appears, telling him that the Hokage is calling him for an emergency. —He kisses you on the forehead before telling you he'll come back for you and to relax at the spa in the meantime, giving you some money before disappearing. —You stay there, trying not to feel too disappointed but thinking it will be quick. —When you're relaxed and your hair is styled and shiny, you're surprised to see Itachi outside the place. —Waiting for you with one of his lovely smiles along with a bouquet of flowers, as if he hadn’t left you there for two hours. —"Shall we go?" he asks, giving you his hand and the bouquet to take. —On the way home, you wonder what has him so smiley until you enter the house and find out why. —He made you dinner. —Well, it looks more like a buffet with your favorite foods combined with his. —He guides you to the table and pulls out the chair for you to sit before sitting next to you. —That's when you realize it's impossible that Itachi could have done all this by himself in such a short time. —"The Hokage didn’t call you, right?" "No, but I made you dinner." —Enjoy his food, please. —He had a great time enduring Shisui’s cheesy jokes on the way home. —When you’re both satisfied, he gives you something he’s been working on for several months as a gift. —As a gift, Itachi gave you a small book in which he wrote some poems that perfectly describe the love and affection he feels for you. —Every feeling that your words, touches, and voice evoke in him is written in its pages. —It’s a very personal and special gift for him, one that he made exclusively for you and only you, and no one else. —Please! Don't cry or he might get alarmed. —Anyway!
—At night, when you enter the hallway leading to the bedroom, you’ll see a path of petals.
You let out a soft laugh when you saw the petals on the wooden floor. Your heart was pounding hard against your chest, making you feel excited.
A small blush crept up your face as you imagined what Itachi had prepared for you. "Itachi! What is all this?"
"Another gift for the most special woman in the world," he replied with his own quiet laugh while leaving several kisses on your shoulders, as far as his position behind you allowed him to reach.
The walk to the bedroom felt relatively much shorter than it had all the previous times.
You let Itachi guide you, feeling so in love while feeling his hands over yours, caressing them with his long, cold fingers as he accompanied you.
A gasp of awe escaped you when you saw the bed. There were several petals on the bed and the floor, the window curtain was open, letting the angelic moonlight into the room, making it look ethereal and so intimate.
Your heart skipped a beat when Itachi cupped your face with such tenderness. He kissed you so gently that it almost made your knees want to give out. You smiled when you felt his hands slowly and methodically undress you.
He was definitely the man of your dreams.
Madara Uchiha
—Many will say that Madara is already prepared to celebrate your anniversary four days in advance.
—Well, that is half true and half false.
—Don't look at me like that, the man has been preparing since the beginning of the month.
—Don't get me started on your first anniversary (the poor guy was running around like a headless chicken since the beginning of the year. He was like that until you saw him nervous because he couldn't find a good gift for you… and there were still five months left).
—He will want to give you a special (and expensive) gift. —Although sometimes he runs out of ideas or has them but doesn't know if they are good and if you'll like them, the poor man is like: "😦, now what?"
—Sometimes he goes and asks Hashirama for suggestions (once the good man suggested for some reason that he bake a cake and bring it to you in bed as a nice surprise, he even offered to help him… it didn't go well).
—Sometimes he goes to the cemetery to talk to his brother's grave and ask for advice. He knows it's useless to ask a dead person for help, but somehow it makes him feel better and gives him more confidence with the ideas that come to his mind.
—And, in turn, it fills him with energy to continue. —Because your man may be stubborn and confident when he's on the battlefield or when he's face to face with a tailed beast, —but then you come along and weaken him, and he doesn't know what to do, aww! —Going back to before! —Girl, you hit the jackpot. —It's like it's your birthday. —He spoils you a lot, he just wants to pamper his beautiful woman (not that he doesn't do it every day, though). —He takes you to eat wherever you want and buys you whatever you want, because you know, in his words: "My wife's happiness is my happiness." —When you get back to your house, he'll ask you to stay in the room for a moment while he disappears into the bathroom. —And when he comes out with a big smile, you know he's up to something.
“What are you doing?” you asked, letting out a small breathless laugh as he held out a hand to you, which you took with amusement.
Madara smiled at the sound of your little laugh. “It’s a surprise,” he replied, looking into your eyes with love, his own body trembling with anticipation and longing at seeing the subtle playful glimmer in the rich color of your eyes.
He gently guided you towards the bathroom door while still holding your much smaller hand compared to his. Before entering, he turned to look at you, “close your eyes”
You made an ‘o’ with your mouth as you did what he had asked; to tell the truth, you were excited, very excited in fact. You heard the soft sound of the door opening and then felt the gentle warmth of the steam on your face and a smell that at first, you couldn't distinguish but had escaped when the door was opened.
A smile spread across your lips from the excitement, but you held back, not wanting to ruin the surprise your husband had prepared for you.
You quickly identified the smell, it was… lavender? A soft laugh wanted to escape you, it was your favorite and your husband’s too.
You felt his body press against yours from behind, giving you a different kind of warmth than the steam. His chest found its place pressed against your back while his strong arms wrapped around you. His chin rested perfectly on your left shoulder.
When it came to him, everything felt like a puzzle; every piece always fit in its place, your hands when you interlaced your fingers, when you both hugged or when your lips met, it felt as if the world had made you for each other.
“Open your eyes”
You did.
Your eyes opened to see several petals on the floor and on the water in the bathtub. The candles lit up the bathroom, the light was soft, giving the bathroom a special and romantic touch.
“Happy anniversary, dear,” your lover whispered before making a trail of kisses on your shoulders and back. You squeezed his arms as his hands moved over your beautiful body with the sole mission of pleasing you.
Hashirama Senju
—Fun guy.
—He has several gift ideas he wants to make (I feel like if Hashi-Hashi had Pinterest, he would have a board specifically for ideas to make for your anniversary).
—In fact, in modern times, I can see him making ice cream with milk and crushed cookies just because he saw it while browsing the internet looking for easy desserts to make 🥺 Hashi-Hashi solves.
—Okwy, okay, okay
—Let's get to it!
—My handsome guy will wake you up a bit early to make the most of the day (he managed to escape after signing all the papers the day before and somehow left his younger brother in charge of the Hokage Tower).
—Also, he is somewhat excited and nervous about what you will say when you see his wedding anniversary gift. I mean, he spent a few months making it with such care that he fears something might go wrong.
—He insists on making you breakfast as a reward for all the times you have kindly made and prepared food for him when he has to go to work.
—But it doesn't turn out so well, you know?
—Poor thing, my boy 😭.
—Please avoid the burnt part of the egg and the overly toasted side of the bread. He did what he could 😭✨.
—After eating, you both wash the dishes (you insist on helping him after the last time you let him wash the dishes alone, he managed to break a cup… and it didn't even fall to the floor to begin with, you are still trying to figure out how he managed to break it).
—After that, you both stayed on the porch enjoying each other's presence until lunchtime.
—He will take you to the forest for a picnic lunch in nature ✨ The guy has some ideas.
—He will lean on your shoulder while nibbling on his ham sandwich (he leaves some crumbs on you, although he removes them afterward).
—After eating, he will ask for permission to lie on your thighs, he simply loves the feeling of being with you.
—You both stay talking for a while as you gently run your hands through his hair, relieving all the accumulated stress he has from his job.
—Sometimes, the leaders of other villages drain all his energy, but he keeps going, for you and for all his people!
—After that, he takes you to another place.
—He looks nervous yet excited. When you reach a part of the forest, he is practically smiling from ear to ear.
“Close your eyes”
“Why?” you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
“Just do it, I promise you won't regret it”
You smiled. Although you were nervous, you trusted your husband— whatever he was planning in that head of his.
You felt his rough hands gently taking yours to start guiding you. Some giggles escaped you when you heard him nervously trying to guide you and tell you not to trip over a rock.
Although, to be honest… you didn't feel as many leaves under your feet— could it be that Hashirama had cleaned the path you were now walking on?
Your heart bubbled at the thought of your husband trying to keep the path clean and perfect for you, and suddenly you understood why Tobirama was sometimes alone in the Hokage Tower and seemed a bit nervous when you asked about your husband's whereabouts.
A laugh threatened to escape your throat, but fortunately, you held it back. Both brothers were terrible liars, maybe it was in their genetics.
“We're here, darling,” Hashirama said excitedly. You could practically feel him bouncing a little with excitement, like an impatient child wanting to show something he was proud of.
“Alright… open your eyes”
You opened them only to marvel at the variety of vibrant colors dazzling your sight.
In front of you was a landscape with several flowers of different shades and colors. The soft scent that filled your lungs made you sigh with pleasure, freeing your mind. You vaguely wondered how you hadn't noticed the smell of the flowers before; maybe you were so focused in your mind that you didn't pay attention to it.
The gentle squeeze of Hashirama's hand softly brought you out of your thoughts. The sun was beginning to set, and the sky was tinted with various colors, which only added to the beauty of the landscape before you.
“Shall we?” your husband asked, excited to show you around.
Your eyes shone, “Yes...”
And if you both did something else that afternoon, well, that would stay between you two and the flowers surrounding you.
#naruto#naruto shippuden#itachi x reader#itachi uchiha#itachi x you#itachi uchiha x reader#itachi uchiha headcanons#madara x reader#madara uchiha#madara uchiha x reader#madara x you#madara uchiha headcanons#hashirama senju x reader#hashirama x reader#naruto hashirama#hashirama senju#hashirama senju headcanons#How I wine pon you#The way I wine pon you#Be like a museum#got you looking#boy you can't touch#:b
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Late night scenarios with Seventeen hip hop unit:
It's past midnight, and the bedroom is dark except for the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. The two of you lie on your sides facing each other, just talking. You've been discussing everything from childhood's memories to future dreams, your voice is low and soft, almost as if afraid to disturb the serenity of the night.
"Do you ever think about where we'll be in 10 years?" Seungcheol asks, tracing small circles on your hand. You think for a second, a tired smile on your face. "As long as I'm with you, I don't really care where."
You fall into a comfortable silence after that, just listening to the distant sounds of the night, feeling completely at ease in each other's presence. Eventually, the conversation drifts into softer, sleepier exchanges until you fall asleep, still facing each other, fingers intertwined.
It's 1 AM, Wonwoo is in front of his pc, while you sit on the bed with your laptop in your lap working on a deadline. The room is dim, lit only by the glow of your screens, and the click of keys fills the air. Wonwoo removes his headphones and looks at you with weary eyes.
"How's it going?"
You sigh, rubbing your eyes. "Almost done."
"Great" He smiles even though he knows what you said was not entirely true. "Want some tea?"
After your nod, he heads to the kitchen and returns with two mugs. He hands you one and kisses the top of your head, then goes back to his video game. With a steaming mug of tea in hand you get back to work, occasionally stealing glances at Wonwoo, who is yawning uncontrollably while playing. An adoring smile displayed on your face, the sight was enough to give you motivation to finish as quickly as possible.
As hours tick by, you're finally done. You close your laptop with an exhausted but satisfied smile. He grins at you already logging out of his game. "Now let's get some sleep, shall we?"
"Yeah, thanks for staying up with me."
The new season of your favourite show just came out so Mingyu and you decided to watch the whole thing in one sitting like any other sensible human would do. It's way past midnight now but the two of you are still not giving up on your mission. The TV flickers softly, casting a warm glow across the living room. Mingyu stretches out on the couch, his head resting on your lap, eyes fluttering closed as sleep starts to pull him under.
"You still awake?" He mumbles, voice groggy, as he curls up tighter, his legs draped over the armrest. You smile, brushing her away from his face. "Barely. You?"
"Mm-hmm" comes the sleepy reply, though within minutes, soft breathing indicates he has fallen asleep. You reach for the remote and turn off the TV, grabbing the blanket draped over the back of the couch to cover him while gently easing into a more comfortable position. Sleep overtakes you almost immediately, feeling safe in your partner's arms.
It's late, and the day has left you and Vernon both restless and tired. You are sitting on your shared bed with a book in your lap while he is showering. After finishing he joins you, crawling under the comforter and grabbing his phone from the nightstand. A few more moments pass by before you break the silence. "Vernon?"
"Can you... read to me?" you ask, your voice quiet, almost unsure.
He blinks, momentarily surprised. "Read to you?"
You nod, a small smile playing on your lips. "I like the sound of your voice when you read, it's calming."
Vernon chuckles then holds out his hand, and you place your book in it. He pulls you closer before starting to read. His voice is steady and deep, the words flowing smoothly. As he reads, you close your eyes, letting the rhythm of his voice lull you into a state of tranquility. The quiet intimacy of the night was just what you both needed after a crazy day.
#seventeen x y/n#seventeen x reader#seventeen imagines#seventeen hip hop unit#seungcheol imagines#wonwoo imagines#mingyu imagines#vernon imagines
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Not the same anon as before, but what about a reverse Mummy/Daddy kink - the companions calling Tav Mummy/Daddy 👀👀
LMAO alright here you go. happy belated valentines ya crazy kids (same set up as last time, as if it’s being called out mid-sex) - minors DNI this is filthy
companion piece here

Does it because he thinks you’ll like it. Makes sure to moan it wantonly as you’re fucking him, rolling your hips slow and sensual.
Looks up into your eyes as he says it, caressing each letter across his tongue, heavy-lidded and breathy. Every inch of him is sex.
You pause your hips, cock a brow.
“Do you mean that, Astarion?”
The way you’re staring at him makes him consider. Does he? He loves the way you’re making him feel, and now he considers it a warmth is creeping across his body…
Whispers it again, then moans when you start fucking him in earnest. He cums harder than he has for ages.
You cuddle him afterwards and he’s never felt safer in your arms. Perhaps he’s more fond of calling you that than he realised…
(wrote a whole fic about this here…)
Is mortified. Apologises profusely. Should have cleared it with you first.
Didn’t mean for it to sneak out, he just feels so safe with you… He couldn’t help it…
You catch his face between your hands and give him the most gentle kiss, beginning to move your hips and fuck him again. He cries out into your mouth in ecstasy.
Is so full of love as he cums, collapses into your embrace after and lets you pepper him with kisses.
You whisper that he’s a good boy, and he melts.
Just as mortified as Gale, maybe even more so.
Tries to pull away, assuming you’ll want to stop —
So is surprised when you pull him back to you, start kissing him softly and sensually. Reassuring him he’s alright, you’re not angry.
Press your forehead to his and rock your hips back and forth until he begins to whine out in need, and you eke the word from his lips again.
You make love softly and slowly, showering him with praise, luxuriating in the sweet sounds of ecstasy he makes.
He does apologise again after, but you let him know you don’t mind. You quite enjoyed it, actually…
You tease him just a little, but always with a kiss afterwards.
She gets so super duper swept up in the session that she doesn’t even realise she’s said it.
“Karlach, what did you just call me?” “Eh? What did i call you??”
When you tell her, she laughs. “Oops! Did I?”
You stroke her face, brush some of her hair out of her eyes. “Do you want to call me it again?”
She grins and, as you go back to fucking her, she shouts it out so loudly that the whole camp knows what you were up to last night…
… she can’t pretend she’s ashamed.
“Aww, Shadowheart, what did you just say?”
She huffs and tries to deny it, but you bring it out of her again later when your mouth is between her legs. It’s a name she cries out as her fingers bury themselves into your hair.
You don’t stop, in fact you go harder, encouraging her to cry out even more.
It becomes a chant of your name and that word as you drive her to the edge, she moans it as she orgasms on your tongue.
You tease her good-naturedly for it, and she gets grumpy, but then you whisper “mummy/daddy doesn’t mind…” into her ear and it gets her going again…
You aren’t sure that you heard her right.
“Uhh, Lae’zel, did you just call me…” “Tsk’va! Do not stop in the middle, keep moving your hips!”
So you keep going, even if you’re a bit bemused, because gods was it hot to her that word drip from her mouth mid-sex.
She, as always, leaves you sore and satisfied afterwards. You turn to her as she relaxes on the pillow.
“Did you mean to say what you said?” “I mean every word which passes my lips. There was no mistake. Did you enjoy hearing it?”
You consider this because… yeah. You did. She looks smug.
“Then it shall be repeated.”
Genuinely never thought he’d be the one using it in bed, but you’re fucking him so good, he’s on fire for you…
It just sort of slips out. You pause and look down at him, grinning, delighted.
“The mighty archdruid Halsin calling me that, hm… let me show you what a good boy you are.”
He’s left just wide eyed and utterly boneless after. You hold him close and kiss him all over, stroking his hair and checking that he’s alright.
“I’ll admit, I did not think such a word would ever cross my lips… but I cannot pretend I did not enjoy it. Perhaps we can repeat the experience…” he confesses, feeling his cock grow hard again.
You grin, and oblige.
“Minthara did you just call me—“ “no. Return your mouth to my body and do not speak of this again. Ever. To anyone. Or I shall gut you.”
Afterwards you let her know that it’s alright if she did call you that word. She still denies it, but when she thinks you’re not looking she seems… pleased.

taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate @dhampling@wereallbrokenangels @tilldeathdousnugget @somethingblu3 @hopeful-n-sad
#Minthara x tav#Minthara x reader#Gale x tav#gale x reader#gale of waterdeep x tav#gale of waterdeep x reader#wyll x tav#wyll x reader#Wyll ravengard x tav#Wyll ravengard x reader#astarion x reader#astarion x tav#halsin x reader#halsin x tav#karlach x reader#karlach x tav#bg3 x reader#Companions x reader#shadowheart x reader#shadowheart x tav#Lae’zel x reader#Lae’zel x tav
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⤜♡→ ɯҽʅƈσɱҽ ԋσɱҽ, ԃαɾʅιɳɠ!
Summary: something soft and sweet... you've missed him, & he's missed you! Give him a big, welcome home kiss; it'll take all that stress away! Note: pure fluff! I've been stressed out recently and I need some comfort. IB by Plastic off the Sofa by Beyoncé. I also kinda went overboard on Toji's bit. This shall also be edited later on, I just wanted to post it immediately so I could go to bed 💀 IT'S ALSO 11.3K WORDS SOO Incl: Toji Fushiguro, Kento Nanami, Satoru Gojo, Yami Sukehiro CW: lewd jokes (kinda)
╰┈➤ Work... so, so much work. It's like the jobs are never-ending! After Toji Zen'in decided to take up some more work in order to provide for your guys' future and the lifestyle you deserved, the amount of jobs that he's taken up has increased tenfold. Even he, a man who was in peak, even superhuman physical condition, had his limits. The number of jobs he's ground out has to be in the double digits (and not some puny number in the tens). After the 21st job, he gave up on keeping count. He was able to justify the grueling workload, though, because of you. You were his everything, the reason for doing what he did (which included living), and he'd be damned if he couldn't spoil his future wife like he wanted.
Finally, he had earned enough to satisfy his unrelenting need to provide for you after he closed up on his last and biggest mission yet: a job that took 3 days and paid him over 48 million yen (~300,000 USD). It was enough to last the two of you for the rest of the year and then some. The man breathed a sigh of relief when he got the bank notification on his cellphone, and he said to himself: "a job well done, Zen'in." He even smiled in public a little bit at the sight of it. He then put the phone in his pant pocket and went on his merry way back home to you.
You, meanwhile, were in the living room of your shared apartment, fixing up a little celebratory dinner. He'd told you about how this was the last night he was gonna come home late, how this was the last job that would keep you apart, how he was gonna take you on an all expenses paid shopping trip the minute you had time to go with him to Shibuya. You knew he had certain sacrifices to make, given the fact that neither of you had much money when you started dating, and that was why you never chose to complain.
But that didn't mean that you didn't miss him.
You missed his touch, you missed his tender kisses, the way that he held you close as if he was afraid of you being stolen from him by some unseen force, and you sure as shit missed all the nights spent together in each other's company watching shitty movies & UFC fights.
The way he tilted your chin up to make you kiss him, the way the words "pretty" and "doll" rolled right off his tongue, the way he looked at you like you were god's gift to this shitty world...
All of a sudden, you heard the door swing open with the sounds of the rain pitter-pattering outside of the balcony entrance. You knew he was coming home earlier tonight, but you didn't know he'd be home that early!
"Princess?" his gruff voice called out from the door. He closed the door behind him and dropped his robust duffel bags next to the door, letting out another sigh of happiness. He looked up at the ceiling lamp before looking back in front of him, and he outstretched his arms the moment he saw you coming from down the hallway. "Princess," he repeated, a soft smile growing across his face as you jumped into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, burying his face into your neck.
"Toji!" You exclaimed into his black sweater, breathing in his natural smell... and he smelled just like home. He always managed to smell good, even when his job involved less-than-ideal activities. "I missed you," was what you finally said after the two of you took in each other's presence.
"Missed you too," he hummed, craning his head to look down at you. "God, I've missed you... missed you so much, baby." His mind was so swamped with work, he had forgotten what a beauty he held in his arms. After he took a few moments to admire you, his sense of smell brought him back to reality, and he could smell his favorite meal from the kitchen. "Is that... offal meat I smell?" he asked, looking at the kitchen and then back at you.
"It sure is," you replied excitedly, making his smile grow even wider.
"Princess, did you really make my favorite?" he asked to which you nodded and giggled. "You didn't have to, baby," he replied, ruffling your hair gently with his big hand.
You pulled away from his embrace and he pouted instinctively, not wanting you to go anywhere just yet. "I didn't know when you were coming home, so it's not ready just yet." He watched the sexy sway of your hips before catching up to you, not wanting to leave his princess by herself after just seeing her again.
"I don't mind," he replied, following you into the kitchen. He stood behind you as you continued prepping it and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I thought you didn't like it, though?"
"I still don't," you corrected him, "but I just figured that, with how tired from work you must be, you'd enjoy it."
He continued smiling down at you and placed his lips on your head. "You really are the best, y'know?" he muttered in between crown kisses.
"I know," you replied coolly, as if you didn't just make his favorite meal.
"Still cocky as ever, I see," he quipped, making you giggle again.
"Go ahead and sit down on the couch. It won't be ready for another ten minutes, and you must be exhausted from all this work." You looked over your shoulder at him, only to see that he wasn't budging. "Toji, I'm serious! I know you're the big, bad 'sorcerer killer' and whatever else you might be, but even you need to take a break every now and then. I don't want you throwing your back when you're still in your prime!"
"Nuh-uh," he shook his head, hiding his face in your neck. "Don't wanna; not when I've got the best thing in the world right in my arms, and who's to say I'm reaching my end soon? I'm just getting started, sweetness," he replied with a confident grin. You didn't say anything in response, instead grabbing him by the hand and dragging him to the couch. "Princess..."
"Just sit down already, you stubborn brute," you muttered under your breath. "Sit down, and let me take care of you for once. Just rest your feet and wait 'til I'm done making dinner, okay?"
He didn't say anything, instead crossing his arms over his chest like an impotent teenager. "Fine, fine... I guess I'll relax for a 'lil. Now go on, don't let the meat burn."
"I'll make sure it's cooked to perfection, you big baby," you reassured him. He cracked a little smile and watched you walk off, going to finish the meal that you'd cooked especially for his return from work. He guessed it wasn't too bad to let you take the reins every once in a while... he was always the one bringing home the dough, making dinner for the two of you, and making sure that your pretty little face didn't have a single stress line or brow furrow on it.
He kicked up his feet on the wooden coffee table and patiently waited for you to finish. He wasn't exactly used to relaxing and lounging around when you were doing stuff; he was always the one taking care of his sweet baby.
So, he looked around at the apartment the two of you shared. His green eyes scanned over everything, from the framed portraits to the color palette you used for the living room. He grabbed a nearby photo of the two of you, and he couldn't help but smile: it was a photo of you two at an ice skating rink. He remembered that day so, so fondly, the memory of you helping him learn making his heart swell with affection and joy.
You looked so effortlessly cute in that little knitted beret of yours, and the matching grey & pink Burberry cape & skirt combo only made you look even cuter. A stark contrast to his usual all-black or grey ensembles, but in your eyes, the contrast only made him hotter in your eyes.
The two of you were just so different, and yet; you were perfect for one another. You went together like jam and toast, with you being the oh-so sweet strawberry jam that he couldn't get enough of.
Oh, how he loved ravishing you any chance he could get. The feeling of your soft, untainted & supple skin against his scars; your soft chest squished against his hard one; the way your plush thighs expanded when he bent your knees to your chest...
He was just so incredibly in love with you that coming home to you and bringing you flowers was the highlight of his day.
After all, ou were the one who showed him how to love. You were the one who restored his faith in humanity, and you were the one who made him feel like he was more than Zen'in trash.
You were a paladin sent from heaven, and he'd rip apart anyone with his bare claws if they tried to take you away from him. He'd tear the throat & heart out of the people who so much as even thought about doing so.
Because, you... you were home to him.
"It's readyyy!" you sang from the kitchen, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Coming, princess," he called out to you, getting off the sofa and sauntering over to the dining table. It was laid out beautifully, the fine china he stole obtained from a client and the silverware he also stole making everything just perfect.
"Doll..." he walked over to you, wrapping his big arms around you and cradling you close. "You didn't have to do all of this for me, y'know?"
"I know; just wanted to make you feel appreciated, was all." You flashed him a bright smile, and he felt his heart skip a beat. That smile... fuck, he could just devour you for dinner and skip all this other stuff.
"Even so much as looking in my direction makes me feel appreciated, baby, but I appreciate the dinner regardless." He pulled you in close and pressed some kisses along your spine, inhaling your scent like you were the oxygen needed for him to live. "God.... god, god, god--I don't even know what I did to deserve you, baby. You're the best fuckin' woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."
"You don't have to do anything but love me, Toji," you whispered back, a rare moment of vulnerability shining through. "You love me more than any man ever has, and for that I cannot repay you. All you have to do is protect me and maybe give me a couple kisses, though."
His eyes widened and closed slightly, his mind registering the ambrosia of your words. "Doll... you're gonna make me cry over meat, y'know?"
"Oh, Toji," you giggled, grabbing either side of his face. "Try not to cry over the offal; it'l make it soggy and gross."
"You're right, you're right," he conceded, taking his place at the table. He took a bite of the meal that you so graciously prepared for him, and his eyes widened--it was like the food came straight from heaven. "This is... delicious, doll. How the hell did you make it so tender?"
"You think so? I'm not much of a cook, but I'll take the compliments regardless," you giggled. "So, now that you have work off for the rest of the year, where are we headed off to? Kyoto? Okinawa?" you asked in between bites, finding the meat surprisingly good yourself. "I've got a vacation lined up soon, perhaps we could get out of Tokyo for a little while.
"Hm... a vacation would be nice," he pondered for a moment. "But, if we're talking about a vacation after I just got my big pay day, you might wanna think bigger than just Japan, baby," he retorted with a sly grin.
"Paris?" you asked sarcastically.
He didn't say anything, instead smiling at you knowingly. You quickly realized that he wasn't joking around with you. "Toji... Toji!" you repeated, jumping up from your seat and hugging him. "You're taking me to Paris?! Oh my god, I just love you, Toji!"
"Only the best for my princess," he chuckled. "Figured I'd spoil ya with my little check. I don't gotta work for the rest of the year, so we can plan according to your schedule, baby. I'm thinking after Paris, we can go to Rome, too."
You looked at him again, a satisfied smile gracing your gorgeous features. "I am so gonna suck your dick," you sighed, making him burst out in laughter
"I was gonna give it to ya with no strings attached, but, hey; I'm not stopping ya!"
Curiosity got the better of you, and you had to ask: "but, if you've already got it planned, then... how'd you know I'd have the weeks off?"
He shrugged. "Just a sixth sense. May have pulled a few strings here and there, but it's no biggie."
"Wait, that was you who got me the time off? No wonder it was for 3 weeks; I usually never get a vacation!"
"Baby, you already know I'd do anything for you. I've dealt with way more stressful situations than talking to your boss, so it really was nothing for me." By the way he said it, you could just tell that he was being serious. The man's an assassin--if he wanted something done, he'd get it done.
You continued to eat your food only you smiled at him the entire time. "Paris... I've never been to Paris before," you sighed dreamily. "I've always wanted to go there since I was little."
"Well, now's your chance," Toji hummed. "The city of love with your love, does it get any better than that?"
You put your chopsticks down and smiled brightly at him. "No, it really doesn't." You leaned in, pressing a nice, big kiss to his cheek. You were about to pull away when he pulled you back in, clearly demanding more.
"Nah, don't gimme those cheek kisses; kiss me on the lips like I'm your boyfriend," he demanded, making you laugh again. He pulled you in by the waist, plopped you on his lap, and all but smothered your face in a big, sloppy kiss. "Baby, I gotta tell ya," he murmured in between smooches, "and I know I've told you this a lot," even more kisses, "but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't even know what possessed you to pick me, but I am one lucky bastard... good god, woman, why do your lips taste so fucking good?"
"It's the taste of love," you murmured. Normally, he would've recoiled at how mushy your words were, but every ounce of mush made him hungrier for more.
"Whatever it may be... I want more of it. Order up!" he joked, making you giggle yet again. "C'mon, let's finish this meal up so we can get to the good part: the cuddles."
"You don't wanna have sex?" you asked with a furrowed brow.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm kinda tired. I know we have it every night we're together, but I'm wiped from all the work. Let's just cuddle, yeah? I don't mean to disappoint you or anything, baby..."
You put a hand on his cheek and rubbed it soothingly. "You're not disappointing me; you could never disappoint me. I was just a little confused, but it's alright. We can cuddle." Your hand subconsciously rubbed the scar on his lip, and he couldn't help but smile at you.
"You're the best, sweetheart," he whispered before hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
"Ahh," Toji sighed as he laid down on the bed next to you, "this is just what I needed, sweet stuff." He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in, wrapping his big arms around your body.
You were currently laying down on your shared bed when he finally made his way into the bedroom. Toji had to take a quick shower before he could engage in any sort of cuddles with you, due to the fact that he smelled like blood and bones. He threw on a sweater over his still-damp body and immediately got into bed with you.
"C'mere, big boy," you said giddily, "and gimme some love."
"You don't have to tell me twice." After a few seconds of kissing, his hands roamed around your body and went up your shirt.
"Didn't you tell me that you didn't wanna have sex?" you asked jokingly, your eyebrow raised.
"I just wanna touch my woman, not touch her like that," he quipped to which you giggled and kissed him again.
"I know, I know. I just felt like teasin' ya," you hummed, booping his sharp nose with the tip of your finger. He merely shook his head and continued kissing you, the scar on his lip tickling your own lips. Still, you welcomed that tickle--for that tickle represented how tough and strong Toji was. It was funny how something so small could have such a huge effect on the man, for where Toji saw a remnant of his weakness and his disgusting past, you saw his bravery and his courageousness. It was like a trophy in your eyes, a shiny, gold object that you couldn't help but admire.
It was a damn shame he couldn't see it the way you did.
But why would he? It did represent the ugliness of the Zen'in clan, the clan that abused him and took him for granted. So, instead of starting a debate over a scar of all things; you decided to remind him of his worth in a way that wouldn't stir up bad memories for him.
"Toji, my big, handsome baby," you started, your lips moving from his to his cheek.
"Hmmm? What is it, my sweet, beautiful princess?"
You kissed a trail from his cheeks and to the bridge of his nose. "I just... can't help but admire you, y'know?"
He quirked an eyebrow (which you kissed) and looked at you more intently. "Elaborate."
"You're just such a strong man, both physically and mentally. You care for me in ways no man ever has before, and you cradle me to your heart as if I'd shatter if dropped." After kissing his eyebrow (which he still found odd), you moved his bangs out of the way and kissed his forehead several times.
"Now you're just butterin' me up, doll," he chuckled with a light pink blush.
"You're incredible, y'know?" you murmured, "an incredible man, so worthy of my respect and love... you look at me like I'm the Earth and you're the Moon."
"That's because you are, baby," he muttered.
You simply smiled at him and continued kissing him. "You've had a rough life, but you're still here; you're stronger, if anything. You're resilient in ways I could only dream of being."
By this point, Toji had gone silent, the sudden rush of emotions making him stop talking. He didn't wanna start crying in the middle of your little trail of kisses, after all.
"Do you know how much I love you, Toji?" this time, instead of continuing to kiss him, you pulled back and looked at him.
He nodded silently.
"I love you more than anything, baby. I love you more than... well, I honestly can't think of anything that comes close to you in terms of love."
"Baby-" he choked up, his voice cracking slightly.
"You don't have to speak, Toji. Just hold me and let me tell you how much I love you, 'kay? You've had a rough week, so just sit back, relax, and let me take care of you." You pressed another kiss to his nose and smiled at him.
He nodded, going back to silence. Your lips moved from his nose to his lips, and you pressed a special kiss to where his scar was. His eyes widened, knowing good and well what you were doing. You didn't have to tell him; you just had to kiss him in that special spot--the spot which was the bane of his existence.
A few more kisses to the scar, and you pulled back again. "I love you, Toji... I love you, love you, love you, love you, love youu, I love you..." the little whispers of your love came out of your lips like a never-ending stream in spring, like a waterfall after a rainstorm. With each "I love you," Toji felt himself being pushed to the brink of losing it.
You, the ever-vigilant girl that you were, picked up on this quite easily. It was easy to tell when he was on the brink of breaking down, especially since he tried to hide his gaze and the quiver of his lip. So, you gave him the go ahead: "go on, Toji, cry your heart out."
And so he did. He buried his face within the crook of your neck and started crying, his entire body being wracked with emotion. You sat up on the bed and got into a more comfortable position so that he could be soothed.
"C'mon, Toji, just let it out. I'm never gonna judge you for anything; not a single thing, do you hear me?" you whispered into his ear. He nodded and simply wrapped his entire body around yours. He was twice the size of you; but right now, he felt like the littlest man on Earth. He felt like the little Zen'in boy who was cast aside and tossed into a pit of horrors; like the young man who found himself on the brink of homelessness; like the scared & scarred lost soul.
He may have been scarred, but right now, he wasn't scared, nor was he lost.
He was home.
"I f-fucking love you, princess," he managed to choke out in between sobs, his head slightly craned up to look at you through his tears. "D-Do you hear me? If I ever lose you--if I ever hurt you-"
"You needn't think about that right now, Toji. Just cry, baby. Cry all the tears you've been bottling up, and let me pick up the pieces after you're done."
He nodded, burying his face into your torso and crying his eyes out. The pink sweater which you had on was now wet and damp from all the crying, but that could be fixed with a simple dry. Right now, you were focused on your boyfriend.
"I'll always be here to pick up the pieces."
╰┈➤ Overtime could be such a pain, especially for Kento Nanami. Seriously: the thought of spending his entire day (the time after 6 PM) fighting a bunch of ugly, hideous curses who did nothing but attack and kill innocent people was more repulsive than the curses themselves. At least, while he was dating you, his sweetheart. You were everything to Nanami. In his eyes, you were a lighthouse in a dangerous ocean filled with stormy waters and jagged rocks that tore apart the boats that passed through the area; you were iced lemonade on a hot summer day; you were an angel sent from heaven itself to heal his past troubles and give him a much needed break.
This day was no different. Kento was in severe need of some comfort, and he looked to you for help. Normally, he wouldn't dump all his trouble on you, but it was growing to be way too much for him.
"Ugh... so tired..." the blonde man said to himself. He grabbed the Rolex watch that you gifted him for your anniversary and checked the time: 5:53 PM. Just 7 short minutes, and he'd be able to go back home to you.
Time never seemed to go by as fast as it did when he wanted it to, nor did it go by as slow as when he wanted it to. It was like his workdays were 10 hours long, and the time he spent with you was 1.
"Hey, Nanamiiiin~!" the oh-so annoying voice of Satoru Gojo, his "coworker," perked up.
"Why are you always here at the worst times?"
"You're always so mean, do you ever lighten up?" the white-haired man pouted before settling into a chair next to him. He relaxed into it and stretched his long legs out. "Sooo, Nanamin, you got any plans for after work?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Do you... wanna tell me 'bout em?"
"No, I don't."
"Aw, come on! You're not making this any easier for me," Gojo whined, rolling around in the chair.
"That's because I don't want to."
"Hmph." He crossed his arms and pouted again, looking around for something to do. "Neither of us wanna be here so late, anyway--and we both wanna go home. Why not a little bit of small talk with your favorite before we head out?"
"You're not my favorite; Itadori is, but fine, I'll humor you." He grabbed his wallet and opened it up, showing Gojo a photo of you. "My after work plans are to pick up some flowers on the way home & head home to my wife."
Gojo looked at the photo for a few seconds before chuckling a bit. "Yeah, that checks out. I mean, if I was in a relationship, I'd also wanna head home ASAP. Think I could help you pick those flowers out?"
"No, you don't know what kind of flowers she likes."
"Hmph." He pouted once again.
Nanami grabbed the wallet and smiled at it softly for a few seconds. "She likes peonies and irises..." he trailed off. Gojo didn't say anything, instead smiling at his adoration for you. The clock finally hit 6, and Nanami sprang up from his chair, grabbed his belongings, and sped off home. "Have a good rest of your day, Satoru," he called over his shoulder.
"You too, Nanamin," he replied softly.
"I wonder what's taking him so long," you hummed to yourself over your dinner plate. You were currently seated at the dining table of your shared apartment, the one that you bought after getting married 2 years ago. You looked around at everything, at the life that the two of you had built after so many years of dating, engagement & marriage.
Like the couch that Nanami had brought with him when you were moving in together. It was a cream leather couch--nothing special or amazing, but it was a moniker of your relationship's progress.
Or the hardwood table that sat next to it. It was one of the many things that the two of you had purchased when you were buying furniture for the apartment.
It wasn't just the material possessions that were markers of your progress: the photos of the two of you that hung on the walls; the little souvenirs you picked up in places like Malaysia; and the stuff you bought at flea markets were markers of such.
"He's never late... he's always home at 6:20," you pouted. "He's not... no, what am I thinking? He's been late before."
Just as you'd said those words, you heard the door unlock, and your head swiveled in the direction of the sound.
"Honey? I'm home!" he called out. He loosened his tie and took it off, and then he took his blazer off and hung it up on the wall. He was met by the sight of you walking towards him, your heels clicking on the hardwood floors.
"Welcome home, darling!" You enthused, throwing your arms around your beloved's shoulders and kissing him. Your hug was cushioned by the flowers which crinkled under the compression, and you looked down at it. "Oh, shoot, sorry! I didn't see those there--are they for me?"
"Who else would they be for?" he retorted, making you smile.
"Well... I guess you're right!" You giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek again. You took his blazer and put it in his closet, and then you returned to his awaiting arms. "How was work?"
"The same," he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Satoru was bothering me, as per usual, and I didn't have any more missions than usual. It was really quite boring."
"Well, then, I'll make sure your evening's not boring," you promised him.
"They could never be boring with you."
Your smile widened in response. "Come, come; let's eat dinner before it gets cold, kay?" He nodded happily and followed you to the table, and he took his place beside you.
"You're always treating me so amazing, sweetheart," he sighed as he relaxed into the soft chair.
"It's just dinner," you said bashfully, waving your hand around.
"Even if it was just ramen, it was you made it for me, therefore it makes it all the more special."
"So, you're saying you want me to make us microwaved ramen?" you teased with a cocked eyebrow.
"Well... if you made it, I'd still eat it, yes."
You couldn't help but giggle, and he chuckled as well. "Don't worry; I'd never subject you to that kind of torment. If we're gonna be starting a family soon, then I'll need to hone my skills as a mother & make sure our kids will be well-fed!"
Ah, that's right: you were starting a family soon. There was a reason you looked for a 3-bed and not a 2-bed when you went apartment shopping. The mention of your future kids reminded him of all the names that the two of you mulled over. You were still finding the perfect ones, but you still had time to settle on them.
"Kento, eat up already! Don't let my hard work go to waste," you said as you picked up the katsu curry with your signature pink chopsticks. Even after becoming Mrs. (Y/N) Nanami, you still stayed true to your pink ways.
"Sorry, sorry. I wouldn't wanna tarnish my beautiful wife's handiwork; not even a little bit."
"It's just dinner," you reminded him, making him chuckle.
"You're right, you're right," he conceded. "Happy wife, happy life."
After dinner ended, and you tried to clean up both of your plates, Nanami stopped you. "Here, let me, sweetheart," he said before standing up.
"There's no need, Kento," you stopped him by putting your hand on his wrist. "You were at work all day; just sit back and let me handle all the heavy lifting."
He was about to protest when he saw the look in your eyes. Normally, he wouldn't let you lift a single finger; but he saw how determined you were to do this simple act of cleaning up the dirty dishes. He knew he had no choice but to let you have your way. Therefore, he sat back down at the table. "Okay, sweetheart. I'll let you do your thing," he nodded. "Just don't dirty up that shirt of yours."
You flashed him a smile and rolled the sleeves of your pink silk blouse up. "I wouldn't dream of it." You then grabbed the plates and made quick work of them in the sink & put them away in the dishwasher. Then, you returned to him and unfolded your sleeves again. "Now, then, what would my amazing & handsome & super sexy husband like to do now?"
His eyebrow raised the more adjectives you used to describe him. "Well, your husband would like to cuddle with his wife for a little bit. Would she like that?"
You nodded giddily, dragging him by the arm already. "Hurry up, slowpoke!" you quipped, making him chuckle again. He didn't say a word as you kicked off your heels & climbed onto the bed, taking extra time just to pose extra sexily for him. Your smile quickly dropped when he went to the dresser and started taking all of his stuff off. "Kento!" you whined as he took off his rolex.
"I don't want all this stuff making you uncomfortable while we cuddle," he retorted, bringing a gasp & a smile to your face.
"Fine, fine... just get over here the millisecond you finish."
And go over there he did. He kicked off his house shoes and finally stepped onto the bed where you patiently waited, and he pulled you into a nice, warm hug. "C'mere already, let me hug you," he muttered as he did so.
"I wouldn't dream of denying you," you sighed happily. He sank his lips & nose into the top of your head and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your shampoo and perfume like a man who hasn't seen his partner after spending time apart.
"Do you know how much I love you, (Y/N)?" he asked you quietly, now looking down at you.
"You tell me everyday," you murmured contently.
"It's not enough... need to remind you every chance I get," he whispered, pressing several kisses to your scalp. "You don't know how important you are to me, sweetheart. You're one of the only good things of mine that are untouched, untainted by the hideous double life I live.
"Ken, don't think about that, hm? Matter of fact: if you wanna quit and leave that life behind, then you should. It's not good for you, or for us," you whispered with a tinge of sadness in your voice.
He looked off to the side, took a deep breath, and looked back at you. "One day, I will. It pays well, and it makes our dream lives much more attainable... we could go for ages without needing to work."
You smiled sadly at him and put your head back on his chest. "Whatever you need to do, I'll support you in it. Just... promise me it'll reach an endpoint, okay? I don't wanna see you struggle just to provide for us."
"I'll do anything for you, sweetheart. Even sacrifice myself just to do so. I'll fall if it means you can rise." You looked at him one last time before closing your eyes.
"Just be sure I can catch you when you fall, alright?"
╰┈➤ "Work... so much work..." the white-haired man's face fell into the equally white stack of papers which he had to grade. Satoru Gojo prided himself on being a good teacher, however, one of the pitfalls of being a teacher involved grading all these papers. It's not like he taught some boring subjects like history or--god forbid--algebra! But, even so, he hated this part of the job.
Being a teacher was a surprisingly rewarding job for the man. Even though he initially had no expectations outside of producing good sorcerers, he actually liked the job. He got to meet some amazing students & prodigies and, if he did a good job, then he'd create an amazing generation of future sorcerers!
But, part of that nurturing process was grading these stupid papers.
When he graded one paper, another 10 would appear. By the time he'd be done with these stacks of tests and assignments, then it'd be past midnight for him.
And he couldn't let his job cut into his relationship with you--not when he made a promise to never let you feel taken for granted.
Then again, he had deadlines and other, different responsibilities to fulfill.
"Gotta get through these papers, Satoru... don't wanna spend another day in this stupid office."
A voice appeared from behind Gojo and he almost jumped out of his seat and hollow purpled you. "(Y-Y/N), what are you doing here at this hour?! Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack there!" He tried to pass off his initially embarrassing scare by laughing it off and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, Nanamin told me about how you'd been spending all this time cooped up in your office, and, since it's been cutting into our relationship time: I figured it'd do me some good to come and see you myself!" Before he could even respond, you pulled up a chair and sat next to your boyfriend.
"Pookie-bear, I don't want you to sacrifice your quality time for me," he retorted with a pout.
You rolled your eyes at his silly little nickname. "Every time you call me pookie-bear, it's almost impossible to take you seriously. Anyway, quality time is only quality time if I spend it with you or shopping, and shopping is never fun without you."
"It's because my wallet's limitless, isn't it?"
"Well... it never hurts you if your wallet's a bottomless pit of money, does it?" He couldn't exactly refute that statement, so he merely laughed.
"Alrighty, then. If that's how you really feel, then I suppose I can't exactly kick you out. But I must warn you, sugar-bear: it's gonna be really boring to sit around and grade all this stuff with me."
"Good thing I'm also a teacher," you giggled, scooching closer to him.
"Right, I forgot you're a teacher... probably because you teach a subject as lame as Japanese history!" he teased you, ruffling your hair.
"It's not lame--what do you even do, huh? Teach all this stupid stuff like 'cursed energy' which we've known since birth?! You might as well be teaching chemistry," you snarked back, effectively shutting him up.
"I'm so hurt!" he said dramatically, "my girlfriend thinks my subject matter isn't important..." he even put his hand on his forehead and pretended to die.
"Ate you up," you snickered, grabbing one of the stacks and looking at it. "Hmm... this stuff's not too hard to grade, but I can see why you've been cooped up in here since there's so much of it."
"Baby, I don't want you to die of boredom," Gojo whined, pressing his cheek to the top of your head. "Seriously, it's gonna make you look at me like I'm some sort of loser."
You scoffed and looked up at your boyfriend. "Satoru, it's fine. I can handle grading a couple of dumb papers. You most likely think that I'll die of boredom because of the number of papers you've graded on your own. You probably mistook the boredom as difficulty--so really, it's fine."
Gojo was now agape at your observation, given how spot on it was. "That's... exactly how I felt about it. Damn, baby, you're a smart one."
"Did you think I was dumb or something?"
"Well, no!"
"It's fine, it's fine--I'm just messin' with ya. If I was dumb, you probably wouldn't have liked me from the jump." You were already on your fifth paper by the time you were at this point in the conversation. "And, anyway, even if it is as boring as you say it is, then it'll be cut in half by my assistance. Then, we can go home, pick up some kikufuku, and then watch some stupid movie & go to bed in our new matching PJs. Now, doesn't that outweigh the boredom?"
"Well, when you put it like that..." Gojo pretended to think before he threw his hands up. "It does!"
You giggled and kissed his cheek. "I knew you were a smart one."
The two of you decided to focus on the papers and lock in so that you could get out of that room quicker. He wasn't lying; there was an immense amount of stuff that needed to be graded, and his inability to sit in peace didn't make it any easier for the two of you. He'd poke your sides, try to pull you into his lap, and almost fall asleep on your head.
"Satoru," you said in warning, "focus. If you want that kikufuku, then you'd better grade these things. We can play some music... actually, you'd probably get even more distracted."
"Aw, babe! I liked the idea of listening to music," he whined with his signature pout. "Ugh, why did I have to take up teaching!" He complained, putting his hands over his face.
"Because you make bad choices," you said while taking his hands off his face. "Now, put these fingers to good use-"
"Good use? I can think of more than a few-"
You took a deep breath. "As I was saying, put these hands to good use and keep grading, alright?" You even put your hands on the pencil he was holding and he solemnly nodded.
"Fine... only because you're asking me." He picked up his pen and started grading it again, and he actually managed to focus on his papers.
23... 24... 25...
32... 33... 34...
49... 50... 51...
Geez, how many students did he even teach?! It was actually beginning to look like he was reaching his limit with this grading effort. Many things in this world were limitless, and that included his papers
"(Y/N)-" he was about to ask if you guys were any close to being done when he looked at the number of papers that were left on the table.
They were almost gone.
"Oh," he said, rather unceremoniously. "They're... they're almost gone?"
"Hm?" you looked over at Gojo, confused as to why he was confused. "Yeah, they are. We graded them quite quickly, if you couldn't tell," you explained with a light smile on your face. "Just about 9 more, and then we can head home-"
"WOOOHOOO!!!!" he had to resist the urge to jump up from the table and run around the room, but he luckily had you to keep him in his seat.
"Easy there," you steadied him. "We still have nine to grade, so don't start celebrating just yet."
9... 8... 7...
6... 5... 4...
3... 2... 1...
"WOOOHOOO!!!!" this time, he was actually able to get out of his seat and stretch his legs. "Finally--we can go home!"
"Satoru, calm down! Don't wake up the students- hey!" He'd suddenly scooped you up off your chair and started running from the building. "I CAN WALK, Y'KNOW!!"
"Why would you need to when you're dating the strongest?!"
"This is way better than spending the rest of my days at that school," Gojo sighed while munching on his kikufuku. Naturally, he had to buy at least 9 boxes of it, just to satisfy his limitless appetite. You, a normal person, had only 2 of them.
"How do you stay in shape when you eat all that sugar and do nothing all day long?" you asked, looking at the empty boxes of sweets that he chowed down on.
"Because... my metabolism... is great!" he replied, his mouth full of the food. He swallowed all the food was in his mouth, then dove right back into his kikufuku. "Are you calling me fat, babe?" he asked, pouting at you slightly.
"Well... you're not fat; you just eat three times as much as I do."
"Well one of us has to eat! How else will these vendors stay in business?"
"Leave it to your limitless wallet and appetite," you sighed, deciding to enjoy the sweets for yourself. In the time that it took for you to finish your boxes, he had already eaten all 9 of his.
"Ahh, that sure hit the spot," Gojo sighed, settling back into his seat and stretching his long limbs out.
"I hope it did, since you ate 9 boxes," you muttered before stretching yourself. "Fuck, am I beat... maybe I should've heeded your advice and gone home instead of helping you."
He sat up a bit and looked at you through his messy white bangs. "But, if you didn't, then I'd still be at school, and you'd be all alone."
"I know, I know," you conceded, reaching out to move his bangs from his forehead. "I wouldn't have my handsome boyfriend keeping me company."
"Did you just call me handsome?" the smile on his face grew in size, and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Yeah, I did--because you're very handsome~"
"C'mere, you, and give your handsome boyfriend some sugar," he said giddily, already pulling you into his lap.
"You've already eaten enough sugar!" you protested as he pulled you in.
"I've got a sweet tooth, baby, and you're the sweetest thing I've ever sunk my teeth into." He finally had you where he wanted, and he couldn't resist the urge to literally latch onto you with his long limbs. "Mmm... I've missed you so much, sweet stuff. All those papers have been keeping you away from me, trying to steal me... well, guess what? A couple of dead trees have nothing on Satoru Gojo."
"Whatever you say, baby," you giggled into his chest. You simply sat there and let him do as he pleased, whether it be sniff your shampoo or give you a sweet kiss on the forehead. "Y'know what you said back there about me viewing you as a loser?"
He pulled back and looked at you. "Yeah, baby?"
"I just wanted to let you know that... there's nothing you could do that would make me view you as a loser. Even if your job may be boring at times, and even if you can sometimes act like a big baby, there's absolutely zero things that could skew my view of you. And you wanna know why that is?"
He was silent for a little bit before he realized you were asking him a question. "Yeah, I do wanna know."
You kissed him on the forehead, the cheeks & the nose, and then on the lips. "It's not because you're the strongest sorcerer; it's because you're the strongest person I know. You're more resilient than you think you are, at least mentally. You've been through so much in life, and you're still determined to build a better future for the Jujutsu world."
He was at a complete loss for words by what you were saying, the feeling of your hands on his cheeks a comforting warmth for him. "I... I don't even know what to say," Gojo's whispered, his voice cracking slightly.
You quickly realized that you might've gone a little overboard with the praises, and you let go of his face. "Shit, I'm sorry--I didn't upset you or anything, right?"
He put your hands back on his face and shook his head. "'s fine, I just didn't know where that came from, y'know? You started telling me how amazing I was out of nowhere."
Your smile softened and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I can't resist the urge to do so, y'know. You're just so amazing."
His shocked expression turned into a smile of his own, and he relaxed into your grip. "You're amazing too, baby. You don't view me as the strongest because of my power or my ability; you see past all that and you see the real me. And for that, I'm always gonna be the best and strongest boyfriend I can possibly be."
"That's what I like to hear, baby. Even if you're already the strongest, I'm gonna push you to be even stronger." You let him pull you in for a hug, and he enveloped you in his arms again.
"Did I ever tell you how amazing you are, (Y/N)? Because you deserve to hear it."
"You did, but you can always keep telling me, Satoru."
"Well, you're fucking incredible, sweets. If I ever forget to tell you of that, please just slap me on the face so I can be reminded."
"I'm not a fan of violence--at least not against my loved ones, but, if you say so!" The two of you giggled and he pressed another kiss to your forehead.
"God, I love you. I seriously don't know where I'd be without you."
"Don't try to imagine it; just let yourself bask in the reality of your situation, 'kay?"
He nodded decisively and turned his focus back to you and your guys's current reality. "Why don't we make our reality a little bit sweeter and... relax on something much softer?"
By the time he asked you that, he'd already scooped you up bridal style and was carrying you into the bedroom. "Give a girl a moment to decide!"
"You were gonna say 'yes' anyway."
"You've got that right," you muttered before being plopped down onto the comforter. He then laid down next to you & wrapped his lanky arms, and legs, around your frame. Within only seconds, you were stuck in a prison made entirely of his limbs. "Are you sure this is comfortable for the both of us, or is it just comfy for you?"
"You don't want my cuddles?" he asked you into your hair.
"No, I do! I just don't wanna be imprisoned by you," you said into his chest.
"Fine, fine," he relented, untangling himself from you. He still kept his arms on you, though, and he refused to let go. The two of you were finally able to relax & bask in one another's presence, and it was a welcome reward for the long day of work.
"You wanna take a shower?-" When you looked up from where you laid, your boyfriend had already fallen asleep. His handsome face looked finally at peace, and you couldn't help but smile at him. "It's too bad I need to take a shower," you said under your breath, somehow able to disentangle yourself from his prison of cuddles.
"Don't go... need you here..." he said in his sleep, instinctively reaching out for you.
"I need to take a shower first, Satoru. And, while we're at it, you should probably change into some pajamas." Before you left the room to go shower, you peeled his jacket, work pants & undershirt, somehow getting him to make it easier for you. Then, you put on the matching set that the two of you had saw while surfing through the internet. "There we go. Isn't that much better?"
"Mm..." he mumbled into the pillow.
"I'll take that as a yes," you giggled softly. You pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before making your way out of the room to take that much needed shower.
When you returned from the bathroom with your hair washed & dried, you saw that he'd sunk even further into his little haven of pillows. You walked closer to him, a soft smile gracing your features once more, and you crawled into bed again.
"Hey, Toru," you murmured softly. "Did you miss me?"
"Too much..." he mumbled into the pillow. "Was waiting for you... can't sleep without you... y'know?"
"I know you can't," you giggled fondly. "Don't worry, though; I'm back, and I ain't going anywhere."
"Good... now, c'mere," he said, closing his eyes fully and pulling you into his warm embrace. He was warmer than any Kotatsu table that money could buy, sweeter than any kikufuku out there, and more amazing than Christian Dior.
Quite possibly the best part about sleeping next to Satoru was getting to see him at his most tranquil. You knew that he trusted you wholeheartedly, that he'd only ever open himself up fully to you. He entrusted you with his heart and soul, and you vowed to never let either one of those precious things get hurt. In reality, you were probably the only person who could hurt them in any capacity.
Satoru Gojo looked like an angel when he slept, with his snow white hair falling on the pillow and over his eyes, and the handsomest face you'd ever seen. Finally, after taking a good look at his face, you closed your eyes and cuddled closer to him.
"So ethereal when you're at peace."
╰┈➤ The job of a Magic Knight Captain wasn't for the weak, and anyone who took up the job knew that good and well. Not only were you expected to be among the strongest Magic Knights out there, but you were also expected to lead a group full of them & ensure their safety, survival, and growth. It was a job that required brains & brawn, leadership & personableness. Magic Knight Captains essentially had to become the parents of whoever they took under their wing, but perhaps no one was better suited for the job than Yami Sukehiro.
Although he was labeled every bad nickname under the sun, and although he was the antithesis of what a Clover Kingdom citizen should've been, acted or even looked like, the Black Bulls were probably the most successful squad in the history of the Kingdom, and that was all in thanks to Captain Yami and a few of his subordinates, but he's too stubborn to admit that.
All of this was to say that the job left him fucking exhausted.
Sure, the Black Bulls were an amazing bunch of "kids;" and sure, they were some of the strongest and valiant mages out there, but they were also extremely hard to rein in and were tiring to deal with on their own. Throw them into one building and make 'em live with one another? Now, that's enough to send any man into early retirement.
Then again, Yami wasn't just any man--but he was still a man at the end of the day. A man who, despite his preachings about "surpassing your limits," had his own limits with his squad.
Magna and Luck were giving him the worst possible headache with all of their "sparring." The sparring, in question, was happening inside, late at night, when everyone was supposed to be relaxing.
It didn't help that Asta was busy screaming on his own, and it also really didn't help that Noelle was screaming at him.
It didn't help that Gauche wouldn't shut up about Marie;
It didn't help that Gordon kept making those creepy dolls;
It didn't help that Vanessa wouldn't stop offering people drinks;
None of them were HELPING!
"Can all of you just SHUT UP ALREADY?!" Captain Yami's voice boomed from where he sat. "A man tries to get some much needed rest, and he can't do that because all of you won't stop causing a ruckus! Can't you fight outside like normal people?!"
"But, it's nighttime-"
"YEAH, IT IS NIGHTTIME--SO THAT MEANS ALL OF YOU SHOULD COOL IT DOWN A LITTLE BIT!" he shouted at whoever was trying to talk back to him. He stood up, crushing his cigarette underneath his boot, and stomped out of the room without another word.
It seemed as though he was having a terribly exhausting day, and it wasn't until he literally screamed at everyone that he finally got some pace and quiet. He hated screaming at them like that, but he had reached his limit a while ago. Luckily, for his sake and the rest of the Bulls' sake, his ever-present and perceptive girlfriend, you, knew just how to calm him down.
"Is she seriously going to his room? I get that they're dating and all, but-"
"Noelle, if you want us to live another day, then just let her do her thing."
You ignored whatever Noelle and Vanessa were saying and headed down the hall to where you knew Yami was. The base was always changing in where its rooms were, but you knew exactly where Yami headed off to; nobody could sense his Ki like you could. You tried to keep the sound of your heels hitting the cobblestone floor to a minimum, but there was only so much you could do to prevent them.
When you finally reached his room, you knocked on the door to signal your arrival, and you opened the door. "Who the hell is it?" he asked from over his shoulder.
"It's your girlfriend," you replied. You didn't miss the way his tense shoulders immediately fell when he realized it was you, and you watched as he let out a sigh.
"Why're you here? Weren't you busy reading a book to catch up on your magic studies or whatever?"
"That stuff can wait; my boyfriend's temper can't, though." You locked the door behind you and took slow, careful steps to where Yami was hunched over on the edge of his bed, and you put one hand on his boulder-like shoulder. "You're tense," you remarked.
"Thought it was easy to tell," he huffed.
"Tenser than usual, Suke." The sweet nickname you gave him after he told you you could use his first name never failed to butter him up. "You must've had a really rough day, huh? Rougher than usual?"
"You've got no fucking idea, princess." After your hand worked its magic on his tense shoulder, he pulled you in by your waist and sat you on his lap. "C'mere, I wanna feel you against me," he muttered into your shoulder.
"Anything you need, I'll do for you," you reassured him. Your hand went up to his hair and you started lightly massaging & scratching his scalp, making him sigh into your embrace. His arms tightened around you to secure you to him, then loosened a little to let you breathe. "One of my favorite things in the world is the feeling of your arms around me, Suke."
"Really?" he asked, now looking up at you.
"It sure is," you said with a nod of affirmation. "You touching me in general, it never fails to make me happy."
"I'm glad I do that for you, then." A tiny smile started worming its way to his tense features, and you gave him an even bigger smile. "Hey, princess--are you a witch or something?"
Now, this question made you cock your brow in confusion. "No, not really; I wasn't exactly born in the Witches' Forest."
"You must be, because the way your touch melts me has gotta be some sorta black magic. I mean, seriously--did Vanessa teach you a spell for relaxation?"
"She didn't exactly teach me a spell, per se; she didn't teach me anything about magic. I taught that relaxation spell to myself."
"'N how'd you do that?"
"By devoting some of my time to learning what makes my boyfriend tick or relax," you giggled, making him shake his head in disbelief.
"Really, now? Well, it's working wonders on me, I must say..." he let his words trail off before planting a kiss on the exposed skin of your chest, closing his eyes & inhaling the scent of your sweet vanilla & almond perfume. "I don't deserve you, baby--I really don't," he whispered into your chest.
"'Course you do, Suke, don't be ridiculous," you scoffed. "You earned me by being an extra caring and affectionate man to me. Why wouldn't I have fallen for you? You earned my affections all on your own."
He pressed another kiss to your chest before looking up at you. "Would you say I surpassed my limits in doing so?"
You snickered at his little question. "You and your limits... yeah, you did: you surpassed your limits, and it earned you my affections."
"Damn straight, I did." He suddenly grabbed you and fell back onto the bed, making you yelp in surprise. In just the blink of an eye, you were now hovering over him, your silky hair falling onto his muscles and tickling him slightly.
"Suke, what do you think you're doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cuddling my woman." He rolled you around until he was overtop of you, and he shot you a confident grin. "You sayin' you don't want me to?"
"Of course I do!"
"Then lemme cuddle." He silenced any further protests by pressing his lips to yours, savoring the honey sweet taste of your lips. "Mmm... just what a man needs to calm down..." He let his hands go up your shirt and he rubbed your sides gently, tracing circles on it. Suddenly, his exhaustion kicked in, and he got a slight cramp in his arm, making him buckle and fall to the side. "Shit," he hissed in pain.
"Suke, what's wrong? Are you hurt suddenly?" you looked at him with mild panic, wondering why he suddenly gave out.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just got a little cramp. Gimme a sec, and I'll- fuck," the pain resurged, and he clutched his shoulder in pain. "It's worse now..."
You sat up and crawled closer to him, putting him on his back. You looked at the place where his arm cramped, and you touched it gently. "Princess, don't do that, it'll hurt-" he suddenly felt all the pain leave his arm, and he looked at you in amazement. "How did you...?"
You shrugged. "I just pressed a little hard and let your muscles relax. I didn't really give it a second thought."
He looked at his arm and then at you again. "Yeah, scratch that; I really don't deserve you."
"Suke!" you chided him, making him laugh. "Hmm... it must've been from all that stress and tension you've been under--I can feel it all throughout your body. Even when you were kissing me, I could feel your muscles tense."
"Really?" he looked at his arm, then at the rest of his body. He sighed, conceding to your observations. "I guess you're right... I've been so focused on surpassing my limits, I didn't give myself a break."
"Normally, I'd applaud your efforts; but I don't like seeing you in pain because of them." You looked off to the side for a bit, wondering what you could do to make him feel any better. "I know! Since my hands are so good at getting rid of your stress and anxiety, why don't I give you a nice massage?"
"A massage? What, you'd really give this ol' brute a rub and a tug?"
"Well, don't call it that! That sounds kinda weird... Suke, it'll just be a good old fashioned massage--nothing more, nothing less. I don't want you to cramp up again, and I certainly don't wanna see you in any pain. So roll over, big boy, because I'm gonna make you feel heavenly."
"Did you really have to do all of this stuff, princess?" Yami asked as he laid down on the makeshift massage table that you'd set up in the middle of the room. He was currently lying almost completely naked on it (save for the towel covering his penis) with his arms folded behind his head.
"Be quiet and let me take care of you," you quipped, grabbing the massage oils and rubbing your hands with them. You looked over at Yami, your eyes trailing down his muscular body shamelessly.
"Are you gonna do that or just stand there and ogle me?" he asked again, this time with a cocky half-smile.
"Y'know, you really shouldn't be mean to your masseuse." You reached for his arm and unfolded it, and you began with his shoulder. "I could pull you any which way I want, make you cramp even harder."
"Please don't do that," he said, a bit panicked.
You giggled and started massaging his big shoulders & delts. "I'm just messing with you, Suke; I wouldn't wanna injure my captain anymore than he already is."
As your hand started making its way down his chiseled arm, he couldn't stop the grunts of satisfaction that escaped his lips. "Fuck, princess... that feels so good..."
"Why, thank you, handsome." You continued to massage his entire arm until you got to his hand, and you even massaged his fingers. Within just a few short minutes & touches, his arm was already feeling quite at ease.
The more you massaged him, the more grunts & groans & even whimpers that he let out. You missed not a single spot on his body, from his chiseled abs to his calves. "Fuuuuck, princess," he groaned especially deeply into the pillow, "keep it up... goddamn--your hands are a godsend."
He wasn't the only one who was deriving satisfaction from this massage; you got to touch and feel every single muscle on your boyfriend's impressive body, and that alone was enough payment. He truly had some amazing muscles, possibly the best in all of Clover. 'His biceps are bigger than my head... and his thighs are so thick--I bet he could crush a watermelon with them!' you giggled to yourself.
"Is there something funny?"
"No, not at all." You turned him on his belly, and that was when the real fun began. Pecs and abs were some amazing muscles, yes, but the back was where the glory laid. His back muscles, although quite tensed, were nothing short of incredible! He had such a wide, tapered back, and each inch of it was covered in thick muscles that he'd acquired over the years. 'I know I'm dating the man, but seeing his back never gets old!'
"Heh, like what you see, princess?" he asked from over his shoulder. He knew that you were ogling his back right now, and that little piece of satisfaction, of knowing that his girl was a huge fan of his muscles gave him all the confidence he'd need for the week.
"Yeah, I do." Your hand sunk into his upper back and started steamrolling all the kinks and tension out of his muscles, and it was like going to heaven. The upper back was where a lot of tension was held in the human body...
And yet, despite all that tension accumulated, you still got rid of it just like that.
"Fuckkk... fuck, fuck, fuck- fucking, fuck!" he laughed into his pillow, feeling like a new man already.
"Wow, am I really that good?"
"Do I even have to answer that?"
You giggled in response and instead continued on the man's back. Once the big knots were out of his body, you went to his traps, his triceps--even his butt--the backs of his thighs, as well as his calves. Not a single spot was missed by your watchful eye, and not a shred of stress remained in the man. Not only that, but he was also soft and smooth from the massage oils.
"And... there we go! Should all be done. Is there anything I missed?" you asked as he sat up.
"Nah, you didn't miss a thing, princess." He reached out and pulled you in by the shoulders, pressing a deep kiss to your forehead. "I know I don't hand out praise often, but you're my girlfriend, and you did this for me without any strings attached."
"Is someone finally saying thank you?" you giggled.
"Be quiet before I change my mind, brat. Anyway, thanks for that. It meant a lot to me that you were willing to take such good care of my body."
"Suke, someone had to do it. Your body were practically screaming in agony--I could sense your Ki from a good distance away. You snapping at everyone only solidified that notion."
"Shit, about that..." he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "You think they'll mind?"
"Nah; they'll understand, Suke. You were under a lot of stress. If anything, you deserved it, especially since they just wouldn't shut up," you said, making him laugh.
"I knew you'd take my side."
"I usually do," you sighed, retracting from his arm.
"Hey, where are you going?" he asked suddenly. You turned around, only to see him reaching out for you. "I wanted to cuddle with you..."
"We can cuddle when you're not all oily and naked," you scoffed, throwing him a towel. He dried himself off, then you threw a change of clothes at him, and changed into some yourself.
"But I thought you liked seeing me naked?"
"There's a time and place for everything, Suke." After putting all of that stuff on and brushing out your hair, you eagerly jumped into your boyfriend's bed and arms.
"Now, this is more like it," he said as he pulled you in for some much needed cuddles. "I'm all relaxed and ready for bed with my beautiful girlfriend in my arms. What more could a man need?"
"Maybe some sleep?" you asked, making him dig his knuckle into your head. The two of you blew out the lamp, and he snuggled up to you, his arms & legs entangled with yours.
"I appreciate everything that you do for me, (Y/N)," he murmured into your ear. You knew it was serious when he used your first name & not his "princess" pet name.
"I appreciate that you appreciate my efforts," you hummed, looking at him. The Yami that everyone else knew and the Sukehiro that you knew were like two completely different people. Yami was the fierce warrior, proud of where he came from; and Sukehiro was the gentle giant who treated you with the utmost care. He looked at you like you were the sun and he was the crop who needed your sunshine. If he ever lost you, then there'd be hell to pay for whoever was involved.
"I'll always appreciate everything you do for me, princess, even if it's something as simple as cuddling up to me." He closed his eyes and allowed himself to finally relax, hugging your smaller frame tightly. "Goodnight, princess."
"Goodnight, Sukehiro."
© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 7/2/2024
HELP WHY WAS TOJI'S 3.7K WORDS also I'm editing this later, I just wanted to get the first draft out since this took FOREVER to write
#Spotify#jjk toji#jjk fanart#jjk#jjk x reader#jjk gojo#satoru gojo#gojo satoru#jjk nanami#toji zenin#toji fushiguro#toji#toji x reader#toji smut#toji x you#fushiguro toji#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader#jujutsu gojo#gojo smut#jujutsu kaisen#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento#nanami x reader#nanami smut#jujutsu nanami#kento nanami#yami sukehiro smut#yami sukehiro x reader#yami x reader
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