#why are we acting like all he's there for is playing second fiddle and helping his teammate
albonoooo · 1 month
commentary team stop acting like oscar is an evil madman for daring to, uh, do his fucking job and race challenge failed miserably
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slowd1ving · 4 months
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Vil Schoenheit and second place aren't supposed to be a thing. He's supposed to be the very embodiment of perfection, so why the hell is someone else's name usurping his crown on the Potions leader board? In which our starring actor cannot quench the flames of academic rivalry and resentment that consume him, nor can he fathom the enigma that you are. gn! scientist! reader warnings: contains nsfw but only later, angst with a happy ending, spoilers for book five, canon-compliant violence
Scene I: Ink .  ⁺
It all starts again on a very dull morning. Staccato beats of the rain on the rickety windows of Ramshackle provide background music for Vil to drink his smoothie to. Except that’s not the only miserable music. His ears are assaulted by the conversation you’re currently having with Jamil, Rook and Ace. Does Grim count when he’s technically the other pea in your miserable pod?
“All I’m saying is that there’s no reason to make a movie series that long,” you argue. Whose movies are you referring to? Vil wishes he was paying attention earlier. “Like what have you got to say for that many movies?”
“Trickster, some people are just dedicated to the pursuit of their passion,” Rook intercedes, leaning his head on his hands to gaze at you more efficiently.
“The Fast and Furious franchise has no reason to be that long,” you lament, frustration creeping into your tone. Vil’s never heard of that movie series. He doesn’t think he wants to know what it is.
“Rook, there’s like nine sequels, and the last one especially does not make any sense,” Vil takes back his earlier thoughts. This seems to be a conversation between you and Rook, in which Ace and Jamil are unenthusiastic spectators. “There’s nothing less beautiful than plot holes.”
“Anyways,” you continue in the same breath, all hints of sadness gone. Vil’s not sure whether to be annoyed or impressed. “Do you guys feel ready for the SDC tomorrow? Your routine is really impressive.”
“My bones hurt so much,” Ace groans from behind his food. “I’ve never felt so pulverised.”
“We will win,” Jamil promises you, fiddling with his spoon on the table. You give them both a cheerful thumbs up while eating - for once, you’ve got scraps of decorum.
“I will put on my most beautiful performance knowing you’re watching, mon cher,” Rook clasps your hand between his gloved ones. Sure, Rook’s probably just being himself, but Vil can’t help the trickle of unease that he feels.
“I don’t doubt it,” you respond with a grin. “Those RSA twerps won’t know what hit them. Although, I’ve had a really weird set of dream-”
“Spudling,” Vil clears his throat to get your attention. You turn to face him, still wearing your jubilant grin. His heart almost stops. It takes all he can to not fumble while taking the lanyard out of his blazer pocket. “Keep this lanyard safe so you can come backstage as the NRC Tribe Manager.”
“Cool,” you take it one handed, still allowing Rook to clasp your other hand. Why does Vil care so much? He tries desperately to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. “Thanks!”
“We’ll go over the routine and iron out any wrinkles in around twenty minutes,” Vil continues, meeting the eyes of each cast member. He’ll just have to ignore whatever he’s feeling until after the SDC. “Make sure the rest of the potatoes are up and ready to go.”
The tell-tale signs of nervousness creep into Vil’s being after he exits the room. He has to beat Neige. No longer will he be cast aside to play the villain. The world will see what he’s got to offer.
“Mira mira, tell me who, at this moment, is the fairest of them all?” Vil speaks slowly and quietly to his phone as he makes his way to his room to get some items for practice.
“Neige LeBlanche.”
He should’ve expected it, really, but he cannot help but let his teeth grind slightly in anger. Just you wait, Neige. He’ll beat Neige fair and square. Finally, he’ll be able to step out of the villain’s shoes.
His muscles ache after his gruelling training. Nothing he won’t be able to recover from; he can’t help but push himself to his limits at the prospect of beating Neige. The rest of the crew somehow manages to execute a near-flawless performance, with only a few minor hand-placement errors.
“Wow,” you cheer them on by your designated spot next to the speakers, cradling Grim in your lap. “You guys are absolutely gonna shred the competition.”
“That’s right!” Ace grins at you, catching the water bottle you toss at him and taking a few enthusiastic swigs.
“Pass me one too,” Deuce reaches out as you toss another water bottle. It’s a natural cue for a break, and the crew decides to take a breather. Vil feels an absurd surge of pride at the sight; somehow, these ungainly tubers have managed to grow into shapely potatoes who can no doubt beat Neige.
“We’ll regroup in ten,” Vil instructs. He’s not satisfied completely, but the passion that’s been poured into this routine is undeniable. Before he can question his body, his legs are already taking him to you. You’re scratching behind Grim’s ears and look up in abject surprise at his approach.
“I need your opinion,” Vil murmurs, leaning down to you so your faces are in close proximity. You furrow your brows; he knows how unlikely it is that he’s approached you. Still, your analysis skills are seriously impressive. “Can you give me a detailed observation of our performance? Spare no detail.”
“Right,” you pull out your phone nonchalantly, scrolling through your gallery until you find the recording of the practice. Of course you’ve come prepared.
“Right at the beginning it’s a really strong start, but as soon as those first few seconds are up, Deuce always misplaces his hand-” Vil’s not sure when he joins you on the floor, leaning ever so slightly into you as you zoom into the areas of imperfection.
“You’ve noticed that too?” Vil comments. You murmur your assent, pressing play again.
“It’s only a slight error, but yeah,” you continue, pausing the video again where it’s Kalim’s misstep. “I think it’s just overeagerness and the adrenaline of performing. The rest of the errors are really just minor hiccups with the singing - but I won’t be able to point them out as well.”
“I’ll give them some extra individual instruction,” Vil promises, more to remind himself than reassure you. You turn to scrutinise him; it’s not like he’s unfamiliar with the weight of people’s gazes, but it’s just you.
“I’ve made notes on the small, consistent screw-ups that’ve surfaced recently when it comes to dance steps. Rook and Jamil are both fine, and Epel only has one,” your shoulder brushes against him as you turn extra carefully to not disturb the snoozing Grim on your lap. You hand him your class notebook, which has been filled with quick sketches of the mistakes. Vil’s eyes widen considerably at the level of diligence you’ve afforded your role. Sure, he knows your eye for detail in science, but he never thought-
“You can borrow it for a bit,” you turn the page to show him the notes you’ve made. Then suddenly you flip back to the previous page.
“I forgot you won’t be able to read them,” you sigh in exasperation. “All that work for nothing.”
Vil is oddly touched. You’ve made extensive notes just for him? He can feel the gesture warm his cheeks as he stares down at the outreached notebook, waiting for him to take it.
“The thought is appreciated,” he thanks you, carefully placing your notebook within his lap. He’s lucky the diagrams are circled with different colours marking out areas of weakness, or he’s sure he’d get lost trying to read through the scribbled notes right next to them.
“I can always just read them out if you need me too,” you lean back on one palm, balancing your body weight as you scritch under Grim’s chin. As much as the little furball wants to deny it, he’s very clearly got the mannerisms of a cat as a large purr rumbles from him. You stifle a little giggle into your shoulder.
“That- that would be great,” it’s so unlike Vil to get flustered, but he can’t help the smile that stays on his face well into the remainder of the practice.
He can’t seem to hold onto whatever hatred he had for you.
Scene II: Rot .  ⁺
The next time he sees your face is around ten minutes before the dress rehearsal on the SDC stage. Vil can feel his already straight posture adjust itself so it’s completely perfect, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Rook, given the look the hunter shoots him. He’s ignoring that.
“They almost didn’t let me in,” you complain, striding over to Rook and waving the lanyard that’s around your neck. Vil’s not sure how they could’ve missed it, with it being what can only be described as a neon red.
“It’s good to see you regardless, mon chou,” Rook is once again clasping your hands, and once again you’re not pulling away.
“I’m going to ignore that you’ve just called me a cabbage,” you comment, looking around at the stage. The little furball that’s normally with you is nowhere to be found; Vil isn’t sure whether to be relieved that he isn’t wreaking havoc here, or whether to be worried that he’s wreaking havoc elsewhere. “Where do I sit while watching?”
“There’s actually the front seats directly next to the stage,” Vil points to the special row reserved for managers and important personnel. You unhook your hands from Rook’s to turn to where Vil’s pointing, your eyes lighting up as you see the comfortable looking chairs set up.
“Right, thanks,” you flash an extremely brief smile at both of them. It seems that whatever rivalry you had with him has been dissolved on your end. He doesn’t know if he should be insulted or happy about it. “Break both legs for both performances.”
“What?” Vil mutters to himself as you stride away enthusiastically. Maybe it’s just a saying from wherever you’re from. It’s ‘break an arm’ for performances, what are you on about? “What could that possibly mean?”
“Mr. Shoenheit, we’re about to go on air to tape your practice performance,” a cameraman apologetically interrupts Vil’s musings. He snaps to attention, letting his face fall back into the most professional poker face he can manage.
“Of course, I’ll get the NRC Tribe into formation,” Vil responds smoothly, waving the rest of the crew to the front of the stage. It only takes a minute; they’re clearly enthusiastic (if not a bit nervous) to perform in front of people who aren’t you and Grim. Deep breaths. A wave of resounding calm flows through him; it’s a lucid state he’s perfected before each and every performance.
The first notes of the rhythmic song start. His eyes unfocus slightly, allowing his muscle memory to take control for the most part. It’s now just a matter of pouring his emotions into the song and dance to truly capture the hearts of those watching. The flow. The haze. It all becomes a part of him, and he knows the rest of those dancing up on stage with him can feel it. Surely they feel the connection of their passion?
He meets your eyes, your wide, enraptured eyes as you gaze at him. He doesn’t fully realise, but the words he sings are for your ears for now. Let this be dedicated to you, and he can worry later about sharing the passion he feels with the rest of the spectators. Vil’s not emotionally stupid; he can tell his feelings have veered into territory that he simply doesn’t want to acknowledge yet. He just has to let them flow into his performance and worry about the rest later.
His mind is deliciously clear, enjoying the endorphins pumping through his blood at the pleasant stretch of movement. It’s already halfway done? The altered passage of time when he’s in the zone is always a surprise. From your excited grin, he can safely assume this performance is one, if not the, best they’ve given. And it’s all for you to watch, before it’s posted for the world to see.
Raucous applause disrupts his flow as the cameras are cut with a signal from the camera crew. You’re standing and clapping your hands with some serious force as you join them up on stage.
“Almost moved me to tears,” you joke, congratulating them on a flawless performance. “Seriously though, you guys are ready.”
You don’t need to say anymore. You stand back to give them space, but Vil watches in dawning horror as you bump into the one and only Neige LeBlanche. It’s only a mild shoulder bump, but it’s happened. The two of you have made contact.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologise profusely, taking a big step back. “I should’ve been looking where I was going.”
“It’s fine, really,” Neige smiles at you, sickeningly sweet. Beside Vil, the NRC dance crew members look at you with incredulity. Why are you so goddamn oblivious? “I shouldn’t have approached this way.”
“If you’re sure,” you trail off, noting the weird looks directed your way by Ace and Deuce. “What the hell are you guys gawking at?
Before Vil can say anything, you’re already being yanked away by Ace’s insistent tugging. Your brows are still furrowed. Goddamn. Have you really never heard of Neige LeBlanche?
It seems Ace is interrogating you with that very question, judging by the furrowed glances he sends both your way and Neige’s. It seems Neige is quick to mask his surprise, walking towards Vil (which was probably the whole reason he approached the group in the first place).
“Your group was amazing,” Neige gushes - his eyes are lit up with awe. Vil feels… nothing, eerily enough. All that’s coursing through him is malicious calm.
“Thank you,” he maintains the professional image easily and smoothly, not missing the way Kalim and Deuce’s eyes swivel between him and Neige.
“It was truly a sight to behold; I had chills just watching,” Neige continues with starry eyes. “I can’t wait to work with you again!”
“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Vil muses calmly, letting the air of conversation fizzle out. Out of his peripherals, he spots you and Ace rejoin the group. Unfortunately, it seems Neige has also spotted you again; he shoots you a smile and turns to you.
“Hi, I didn’t catch your name earlier,” Neige’s innocent question leads you to a quick pause before introducing yourself. You’re not overly friendly, more like care-free as usual.
“I didn’t catch your name either, sorry,” you continue politely. Did Trappola wander off-topic while lecturing you? It clearly seemed like it from your slightly bewildered expression.
“Neige LeBlanche, at your service,” Neige’s eyes carry that stupefied look for only a second before it’s swiftly replaced by a cheery smile. Nothing. Vil suppresses a snort of laughter at your politely unknowing expression. Of course you’d be like this, meeting the arguably most famous person in the land with no respect for their importance.
“Cool, I’ll leave you guys to it,” you respond amiably, sending a thumbs up his way. You’ve just upped and left? Vil turns to the side slightly to stifle his laughter as you wander back to the seats where you’ve left your notebook. Utterly lacking proper conversation etiquette as usual. He supposes it’s a positive seeing the Neige LeBlanche seemingly at a loss for words.
“Was that NRC’s manager?” Neige asks Vil. With dawning horror, Vil realises that most of his crew is also standing at the first row with you, due to their practice slot being finished.
“Yes,” Vil responds succinctly, watching Neige watch your movements as you talk with Rook. You’re currently being rattled like a rag-doll with the way he’s clasping your shoulders and shaking you slightly, no doubt grilling you over how you didn’t know who Neige was. He can hear your raucous laughter from all the way on stage.
“Your manager this year is awesome,” Neige compliments, leaning forward slightly to see the action further. Vil suppresses the shudder of disgust. No way this is happening right now.
“Ah, I’ve got to go round up my own crew,” Neige comments distractedly, looking around him. Vil gladly takes this opportunity to take his leave to join the rest of his group, leaving nothing behind but a goodbye.
That bastard. Vil watches the concluding moves of the RSA crew’s performance with barely concealed disgust from his seat in the stands.
“We’ve been had,” he utters in shock. No way. That bumbling performance they’ve put on-
“What do you mean?” Kalim asks in dismay at Vil’s change in attitude.
“He’s right,” Jamil agrees with a heavy sigh. “Look at how much they’re appealing to all demographics with their sugary sweet performance.”
Deep resentment begins to fester within Vil. A familiar ringing noise fills his ears as he tunes out the chatter of everyone surrounding him. He almost doesn’t feel the way he slips out of his seat and down the stairs leading to the rooms within the colossal arena. He feels the pressure of a heavy glass bottle within the palm of his hand, not even having to look at it to know it’s one of Epel’s apple juice bottles. He’s only dimly aware of subconsciously infusing the drink with the same curse he used during the poison assessment.
May those who drink this fall into an endless slumber, Fairest One.
The comforting bubbling slosh of the drink lets him know it’s been tampered with. A small, rational part of his brain urges him not to do this; the rest of his body is consumed by an abyss of disgust and hatred. Gunpowder and other acrid chemical smells appear in wisps, only registering faintly as familiar with his nose. He ignores it all.
“Hi, Neige,” Vil smiles brightly at the youth in front of one of the backstage doors. “I just wanted to congratulate you on your wonderful performance.”
One heartbeat.
Neige turns at the sound of Vil’s uncharacteristically cheerful voice. He doesn’t suspect anything amiss, but Vil supposes he’s always been that way.
“It makes me really happy hearing that from someone I admire a lot,” Neige beams back. Perfect.
Two heartbeats.
“How about a drink? I’ve become rather partial to this brand of apple juice,” Vil’s smile is rehearsed; it’s absolutely oozing with venom.
“Sure!” Neige agrees enthusiastically. “I saw the brand on your Magicam a few weeks back - I was even going to order before I realised it had all sold out.”
Three heartbeats is all it takes to deceive him.
It’s quite ironic, isn’t it? Vil’s downfall has been secured by Neige over the course of his life, whereas Neige’s downfall will be brought about in only a few seconds. The smooth glass of the apple juice bottle does not reveal the curse roiling within. It’s perfect - scentless, colourless and lethal. He wants to laugh when Neige accepts the cool glass bottle so easily. Has he no sense of danger?
“Roi des Neiges!” Who does that voice belong to? With a start, Vil turns to see Rook’s slightly dishevelled form as he runs up to Neige. “My apologies for interrupting the two of you, but the staff were looking for you, Neige.”
“Roi des Neiges..” Neige’s voice trails away as he stares contemplatively at Rook. “Wait-”
“My, I’m absolutely parched after running around looking for you,” Rook swiftly takes charge of the conversation. Why now? Vil can feel sharp cracking within his very soul. “Might I trouble you to let me have some of that refreshing juice you hold?”
“Of course,” Neige agrees enthusiastically, if not a little perplexed.
“You should hurry back, Neige,” Rook continues, taking the bottle offered kindly. “And do not come back here.”
“Huh? What do you-”
“Go on, off with you! Away!” Neige’s question is sharply cut off by Rook’s insistence. Vil can hear him scurry off, like a little rodent.
“That sweet, tart aroma,” Rook breathes. With a start of horror, Vil notices that the cork of the flask has been removed. “Truly.. Epel’s hometown beverage is magnifique, to say the least.”
“I shall drink it to the very last drop, Roi des Poisons,” his knowing gaze meets Vil’s stricken one as he slowly raises the bottle to his lips.
“Don’t do it, Rook!”
Glass shattering. It’s all Vil can do to keep track of what’s happening. His head feels like it’s underwater.
“He used his signature spell to curse the apple juice!” It’s the same speaker from earlier. Kalim?
“-look on his face was the same as Jamil’s-”
“-lost control-”
“Rook,” Vil’s voice rasps. He’s not sure he made the conscious decision to speak. The hunter turns to him with eyes not holding anger or disappointment, but concern. “Why did you..?”
“I wanted to believe in you,” Rook holds his gaze with no traces of accusation. “If it was cursed, I still wanted to taste it. I wanted to taste the fruit of a poison derived from an obsession with beauty bordering on madness.”
Vil tunes them all out. He’s dimly aware of you speaking in concerned, hushed tones to the rest of them. Why are you here as well?
“Vil, do you have any idea how foolish that was?” Kalim’s voice is rimmed with desperate emotions. “After all that work, after saying the other teams would look like spuds compared to us, why stoop to this?”
Why stoop to this? Can’t he see that there is no other way? Rage pummels his veins, ripping through his body, his mind, his soul. Something gathers within him, dark and inky and fatal.
“That’s what I want to know,” Vil’s voice is laced with ice, and pure venom. “I’ve come to a realisation. That I… can never win! I’m going to handle Neige myself.”
“Trickster, Kalim! Do not inhale that mist rising from the floor! It’s the evaporated form of that cursed liquid!” Rook’s urging has hints of desperation within it. He turns to Vil. “I don’t see why one glass would have such a drastic… Oh, Vil, you didn’t-”
“Stop looking at me with those eyes,” Vil pleads. It’s not just Rook, he can see you as well, looking at him with that gaze that makes him want to bury himself away. “I just wanted to be the fairest, so why? Why? Why am I so ugly?”
“Roi des Poisons, you are far from ugly,” Rook calls out to him, reaching out a hand. Vil longs to take it, but he can’t. He’s too far gone.
“You haven’t actually hurt anyone!” Kalim’s pleas fall on uncaring ears.
“Silence!” Vil’s voice snaps. He can almost see himself from a separate plane, mist rising up around him in acrid, poisonous billows. He can see you, swaying on your feet slightly, looking more shaky than your companions. “What do any of you know? What does it matter if any of you forgive me? I can’t forgive myself!”
Let go.
Dark streaks overcome his vision, ebbing and flowing along the edges. It would be nice, to hand over the reins for a while, wouldn’t it? To let go of his fury, his resentment, his jealousy. What a dream.
“If I just melt everyone into hideous messes,” Vil’s barely aware of speaking. It’s a rather distorted voice, isn’t it? He can’t help but laugh. “Then I’ll be the fairest one of all, won’t I?”
The last thing he sees before it all overcomes him is your stricken face. He’s not sure you’ve ever worn such an expression before. He’s unlikely to forget those eyes, your facial muscles contorting into a painting of intermingling horror and worry. Why does he feel that shame rising again?
Didn’t he let go already?
Scene III: Wake .  ⁺
“I was the villain bullying the hero in the last play, too. Why do I keep getting picked to play the bad guy? Do I really look that mean?”
Villains never stay on stage for the whole play. Once their role is finished, all they can do is watch from the shadows as the happy ending plays out. What I want is to stay on stage longer than anyone else.
“Those kids were trying to hold me accountable for a work of fiction. Silly boys, the lot of them.”
I always aim for one role - the hero. But… all I ever get to be is the villain.
“Vil is too special to play the part of a regular teen that viewers can relate to. Without that reliability, I don’t think he’ll ever pull off playing a hero.”
I would do anything to be beautiful. The most rigorous training. The most tedious hair and skin care regimens. I would shy away from none of it. And yet.. Why? Why is it never me? All I want is to stay on stage until the end of a show.
In the end, it’s not the gentle splattering of rain on his face that wakes him up. It’s some foreign warmth on his face that causes his eyes to slowly open. Framed by his eyelashes and the haze of a deep slumber is your face. It’s as if you know, the way you look at him with such tenderness and concern. It’s as if you’ve pulled him from the deep recesses of his memories yourself, with the way your rough hands prop his head up so gently.
“How am I..” Vil rasps out, looking at you with nothing but queries in his eyes. His eyes search over your tired expression, the way the sclera of your eyes is still tinged a slight purple, and the various small cuts across your face. Did he do this? Waves of shame hit him and he can’t bear to meet your gaze.
“Thank goodness you’re awake, Vil,” you murmur down at him. Is this the first time you’ve said his name? It sounds foreign on your lips, and unbearably sweet. Why aren’t you mad at him? Why do you keep looking at him with those unaccusing eyes?
“Oh, Vil.. fair Vil,” Rook sighs in relief, crouching beside you on the rain soaked ruins. Ruins? Vil takes the opportunity to look round the battle site, the upheaved flagstones, the despoiled decorations. Another wave of shame meets him when he notices the haggard faces of his crew (is that Kalim bawling his eyes out? And is that Jamil scolding him?).
“I’m.. sorry you had to see that undignified display,” Vil apologises, making sure each and every one of his words is sincere. He cannot begin to comprehend how much shame he’s feeling at the moment. “Only third-rate people throw temper tantrums and take their problems out on others. My conduct was most unbecoming of all…”
“Y’right about that,” Epel grumbles, but without a trace of actual malicious intent. “Thought ya said people grow out of temper tantrums by the time they’re three?”
“Yes, you’re absolutely right, Epel,” Vil uses your shoulder to haul himself up so he can sit up. You don’t seem to mind, even grabbing on to his wrist to steady him. With another crash of guilt, he realises how your grasp is shaky, no doubt due to your exposure to the curse when you don’t have any sort of natural magic resistance. “I’m no longer fit to be your leader.”
“You haven’t actually hurt anyone, Vil,” Kalim argues. Vil can see him approaching and standing next to where Rook crouches. “You haven’t stepped over that brink.”
“He’s right,” Jamil says, jabbing his thumb in the general direction of outside the coliseum. “Neige is dancing out there happily with the seven dwarfs. It’s a stretch, but we can say we got worked up and had a team brawl in here.”
“Yeah,” Ace interjects. “No way we’re letting you pull out because of a few bruises, after the wringer we’ve been put through.”
“All of you,” Vil feels a horrendous mushy feeling swell up within him. You’re still supporting him with the way you’re steadying his wrist. “You just want to pretend nothing’s happened?”
“I never said that,” Jamil retorts, but his face blooms into his signature smile. “We can just hold off explanations until after the competition.”
“You truly are wicked, Jamil,” Vil replies with a small laugh. It hurts, and he feels his chest contort with pain. Your grip on his wrist tightens and you steady his shoulder with your other hand, clearly not missing the way his face twists into a grimace.
“Here, I’ll help you stand, alright?” you’re surprisingly strong, with the way you unceremoniously (but carefully) haul him up so he stands leaning into your firm touch. Even with your clearly weakened state, you still grip onto him as if he’s the fragile one that isn’t allowed to fall. Vil can’t even bring himself to protest.
“I wasn’t the one who made the shot so strong, Vil was,” Deuce seemingly replies to a conversation Vil’s unconsciously tuned out. “The spell stores all the damage I take, then hits it back all at once. So it was only potent because of Vil’s potent magic.”
Ah. Deuce seems to be describing the final hit Vil can barely remember taking, the one that likely brought him back to the brink of consciousness.
“Don’t make it sound so violent!” Deuce splutters in indignation, and Vil once again realises he’s tuned out. He doesn’t particularly mind, focusing instead on the way you unconsciously seem to tense your muscles against him when shifting, the way you still have that signature chemical smell to you, the way you’re looking directly at him with that expression-
“Signature… You mean that’s my signature spell?” Deuce seems to be coming to a realisation with sparkling eyes. Good on him. Beside him, Ace seems to be coming to an unpleasant realisation with the way he’s incredulously muttering to himself about how he can’t believe Deuce has mastered his signature spell before him.
“Behold, Vil is awestruck and weak-kneed from the splendour of your blow,” Rook proclaims, gesturing to the not-awestruck Vil.
“I’d wager he’s also weak-kneed from something else,” Jamil comments sardonically, looking pointedly at the way you’ve got him in your grasp. Vil only hopes you’ve become suddenly preoccupied with something else.
“No, I’m just beaten head-to-toe,” Vil swiftly retorts. “That last blow did strike soundly, though. Nicely done, Deuce.”
“Thank you, sir!” Deuce smiles at him eagerly. “Although, I don’t know what to do about the wrecked stage.”
“It’s not feasible to fix it all with magic,” Jamil replies pragmatically, looking around him with a calculating expression. “With what power we have left.. Every scenario running through my mind all ends with the same brick wall.”
“Does that mean.. SDC is…” Epel trails off, looking at Jamil with a dawning sense of horror.
“What do we have here?” The new, booming voice is accompanied by green fireflies that send a small shiver down Vil’s spine. What’s he doing here?
“I thought I’d arrive earlier,” Malleus hums with a touch of surprise, surveying the surroundings briefly. “What do I find but a stage laid to waste?”
“Hornton!” you exclaim, and Vil can feel your sternum vibrate through his shoulder. You’re.. acquainted with Malleus Draconia enough to call him nicknames? He can’t even be surprised anymore. “There’s still two hours until the SDC opens!”
“Hornton?” It’s a collective response from the rest of the crew, voicing Vil’s thoughts.
“Do you have a death wish, calling your upperclassman that?” Ace shudders at your audacity.
“Do you even know who that is?” Epel’s shocked voice causes you to blink in surprise at his tone.
“He told me to call him whatever, so I did,” Vil has to stifle a laugh as you shrug. Of course you did.
“However did you get into the coliseum, Roi des Dragons?” Rook sounds positively astonished.
“I was invited by the Child of Man from Ramshackle,” Malleus replies, gesturing to you.
“Yep,” you affirm. Vil feels as though you’re ignoring the other, more pressing question Rook’s asked.
“The entire venue is still enveloped by the poison mist generated by Vil,” Rook’s explanation trails off as Malleus holds up a clawed hand.
“I am impervious to any curse, no matter how powerful,” Malleus takes another look around the wrecked coliseum. “Whatever could’ve happened here?”
Vil watches as you briefly and efficiently describe the events, listening extra hard for the parts where he would’ve been unconscious. It’s curious, the way you don’t let any trace of exhaustion or pain enter your voice. It only takes around two minutes for you to give the gist of the situation to Malleus.
“Children of men, I shall bestow upon you a gift,” Malleus’ words come with an incredible magic pressure that leaves Vil’s eyes wide. He steals a glance at you, and watches your own expression become slack with awe and curiosity.
“That’s Malleus Draconia for you,” Vil murmurs to you. Your brow furrows as you look down at Vil.
“That’s Malleus? Hornton over there was the one everyone was so excited about at the Spelldrive tournament?” you ask incredulously. After all this, you’re still holding on to that nickname? Your eyes dart back to those green fireflies that are somehow lifting all the ruined flagstones and pillars, and rearranging them into pristine condition. Within the space of a few heartbeats, Malleus has managed to restore the conditions of the arena into an exact replica of how they were before.
“He’s ludicrously out of our league,” Ace mumbles in awe. Vil can’t help but agree.
“Thanks a bunch, Hornton!” you beam at Malleus, who stares at you for a brief second before breaking out into chuckles. It’s the first time Vil’s ever heard the fae laugh, but you’re full of surprises as usual.
“Though you know who I am, you still stick to that pet name?” Malleus sounds terribly amused, looking at you as you fumble with an explanation. He interrupts whatever apology is about to leave your lips with another chuckle. “Truly, I do not mind.”
He turns to look at Vil with a resolute expression in his eyes that’s made all the more disconcerting by his piercing green eyes. “I’ve set the stage for you, Schoenheit. I trust you will keep me entertained.”
“I hardly need your urgings to put on my finest performance,” Vil suppresses the wince of pain as he straightens his posture, ignoring the very tangible reality of you still grasping onto him. “Be prepared for a standing ovation.”
“I’ll expect nothing less. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Malleus’ last words fade out with his disappearance. The only traces left behind by him are those green fireflies.
“Lady Luck is truly on our side,” Rook comments after the flashes fade out. “I was hardly expecting Roi des Dragons to appear here.”
Me neither. Though it seems today is a day full of surprises.
Vil leans into your warmth a bit more, and you indulge him. The arm carefully wrapped around him is sure and steady - he wants nothing more than to stay here until the end of time. You don’t ask questions, looking past his shoulder so you can direct the crew to their water. He knows he must let go to perform - it’s highly unusual to see the Vil Schoenheit rely on anyone, even if it’s a little bit. To see him clinging to someone, his rival of all people…
Gingerly, he lets go of you. Your grasp on him is firm to the very end as you let go and make sure he’s not at risk of fainting. The concern you display is almost comedic, but you don’t say anything.
He can feel your eyes burning into his back as he walks away, but he doesn’t look back.
Scene IV: Unopened Missive .  ⁺
Vil supposes it’s comedic as he pours everything he’s got left into the final performance, only to score exactly one point below RSA. It’s always like this; him, exactly one step behind Neige. He can’t fault Neige, anymore, not after he’s come to terms with it. As the thrum of music faded and the flow of performance left him, he was acutely aware of the raucous applause he drew. He did not care. All he was searching for were your eyes.
He’s sure Lady Luck is laughing straight at him as Rook proclaims himself as one of Neige’s biggest fans. What betrayal! Of course this has been added onto the list of surprises. It’s strange; he doesn’t feel the annoyance he’d expect to be simmering through his veins at that moment. It seems he’s let that go.
It’s practically hilarious as he joins Neige on stage to sing an encore. Only scraps of bitterness remain - had Vil not exhausted the whole team earlier, they might have won and took back that one measly vote. He’s accepted that. Still, his frustration is palpable as he leaves his crew to sing with Neige, though not to the audience. His professionalism is the one thing he’s managed to keep up.
“Hey,” your voice breaks him out of the reverie. It’s bizarre, the way you’ve escorted him back to Pomefiore, even though he’s got Rook and Epel to do that. It’s even more bizarre, the way he’s let you gently drag him to his room, where Rook and Epel have already gone back to their own chambers. They already know it’s best to leave him alone when he’s in a bad mood. So why.. why are you still-
The sharp tang of medicinal ointment brings him back to the current situation. You’re poised between his legs as he sits at his vanity, with an assortment of bottles behind you. It’s strangely intimate with the way the soft dusk lighting envelopes you with its mysterious aura. He’s not wearing any makeup, but you don’t seem to care; your gaze caresses his features, laced with only concern.
Please, don’t look at me with those eyes.
“I’m going to begin, alright?” you murmur, searching his eyes for any traces of discomfort. Vil nods wordlessly. The pressure on his chin from one hand of yours is feather light; he finds himself leaning into it slightly. Your other hand lightly brushes over the cuts on his face with the ointment swabbed onto a cotton pad - strangely, it lacks the usual sting which normally elicits a sharp hiss of surprise.
“I made this ointment myself,” you explain after seeing the surprise conveyed in his eyes. Of course you did. In any case, it seems to be working fine, judging by the rapid cooling sensation he’s feeling across his face.
“Why-” Vil begins to ask as you cap the ointment bottle and twist it closed with practised ease. Your hand is still on his face, but he can’t bear to pull away. Not here, in the privacy of his room, where the only eyes upon him are yours. “-why are you still here? Don’t you dislike me?”
You pause in the rummaging you’re doing in your pocket. Vil holds his breath as you turn to him with that contemplative look you wear while figuring out potions.
“I don’t actually dislike you,” you comment matter-of-factly, tilting his face to each side to observe your handiwork. “I’ve got better things to do than spend my energy stewing over you.”
“You still haven’t answered my first question,” Vil’s composure is rapidly slipping down the drain as he remains (quite literally) in the palm of your hand. Your gaze doesn’t falter. “Do you just feel bad for me?”
“No,” you respond idly, still tilting his head this way and that. It’s like watching a cat bat at a toy. “I thought it might be good to have company and rely on someone else for once.”
There’s something else you aren’t saying. It’s unspoken in your eyes and the way your brow makes imperceptible furrows every few minutes. Vil’s breath hitches in his throat slightly.
“Did you-” he’s interrupted by that look, not one of pity, but one of resolute determination.
“Yes, I saw those memories,” you admit. You don’t look at him with an apologetic expression, one that screams pity. It’s a relief. “I didn’t mean to, like at all.”
“It’s fine,” Vil supposes it is fine. You wouldn’t tell anyone, he feels. He watches as your expression shrivels up into one of abject surprise as you feel around in your pocket, drawing out what seems to be a cream-coloured, expensive looking envelope. Vil knows exactly what it is, even as you scan the front quizzically then shrug. Of course. You can’t read the runes.
“It’s the results for the poison assessment,” Vil supplies. Strange. He doesn’t feel any excitement, or fear - it’s bordering on the neutrality of acceptance. It seems you feel the same way, as you just toss the envelope down with disregard onto the vanity and continue your search in your pockets.
“Aha!” your triumphant exclamation leaves him blinking in surprise. Why haven’t you acknowledged the results at all? You brandish another bottle of ointment in front of him excitedly, almost hitting him on the nose due to your very close proximity. “I’ve found the muscle and bone ointment!”
“Aren’t you going to look at the results?” Vil asks incredulously - it slips out before he can even comprehend he’s said it.
“I can’t even read them,” you untwist the ointment with your teeth, leaving tiny dents in the metal cap. “I’ll look at them later.”
The potent tang of nettles permeates the air as you set the open bottle onto the table behind you, letting go of Vil’s face.
“I’m going to need you to undress so I can access your back,” your nonchalant tone makes Vil’s reaction delayed. He can feel the back of his neck heat up at your words. “I heard the nastiest little crunch when Deuce’s spell hit you, so I’m gonna have to check those ribs.”
“Right,” Vil swallows thickly, standing up. Wrong move. You’re much too close now, pressed up against the vanity with him standing right in front of you. His body is brushing up against yours, and he can feel your body heat. Shit. He moves out of the vicinity to the bathroom, with all the composure of a professional actor.
“This ointment’s designed for deeper use than surface level injuries,” you call out behind him. “It’s gonna sting!”
“That’s fine,” Vil responds before shutting his bathroom door. He quickly loosens his shirt, wishing it were your hands doing- His heart pounds in his ribcage as he shuts down the thought. It only takes a minute before his shirt and blazer are both tossed into the laundry basket, all too soon considering the flushed sheen emerging on his face.
One final cursory inspection of his face in the mirror is necessary before he goes out to face you. He’s almost taken aback - not by the lack of makeup which he’s already accustomed to, but the sheer vulnerability within his expression. He looks like such a mess, and you’ve not even commented on it? You’ve just accepted that it doesn’t matter what he looks like; you’re going to treat him the same regardless. It’s a far cry to what he values as his principles.
He pushes open the door hesitantly. His torso is exposed, and he suddenly feels the jarring pangs of shyness. Why now? He’s gone topless for movie scenes before, for Sevens’ sake! Steeling himself, he opens the door completely. You’ve placed the vanity chair by the bed- surely you’re not-
“You can either lie on your stomach here, or sit up on the chair, which might be more uncomfortable,” you explain briefly, rolling up your uniform sleeves as if you’re about to conduct a lab practical. Am I the lab rat? “I’ve picked up a few massage tips here and there, so overall it should be a quite pleasant experience. Of course, if you want to omit the massage-”
“No, it’s fine,” Vil lets out a shaky breath at your nonchalance, gingerly lying on his front on his covers. Jack of all trades, aren’t you? He doesn’t realise just how tense his muscles have been until you press your thumbs into the muscles situated around his scapula. Your hands are coated in some sort of resinous, volatile substance, judging from the brief alcohol fumes flaring up whenever you place your hands down. You were right, there is a sting, but it’s not as sharp as he expected.
Why are you doing this? It’s a question that keeps replaying in his mind’s movie theatre, with the cruel laughing soundtrack interspersed in a tragic loop every few seconds. The two of you aren’t friends, and what you’ve done goes beyond the level of care Vil normally receives from friendship. He can’t complain, not when your warm, rough hands are finally on him, even if it’s to just rub the ointment in.
“Now, I’m no medic,” there’s a faint apology in your tone as you concentrate the ointment into a specific, aching spot. Vil barely registers the sting of pain due to your burning touch. “But I think that your rib’s been bruised at the very least in that spot, and that ointment should’ve healed the worst of it.”
His rapid heart rate distracts him from the loss of body heat from you as you move your hands away from his body. Please don’t stop. He feels a heavy pressure on his right shoulder, and to his surprise it’s the palm of your hand waking him from his reverie.
“I’ll bandage you up just to be sure,” you murmur, shifting your weight from foot to foot and looking around. It’s clear you’re hesitant, maybe due to your lack of experience playing a so-called “doctor”. Still, judging by the way the deep ache within has eased, you’ve done a pretty darn good job, as Epel would no doubt say. “Sit up.”
Vil obeys, gingerly swinging his legs round the bed until he’s sitting, and you’re once again hovering over him as you slip a clean bandage out of its plastic wrapping. He breathes in the comforting warmth of your body heat and repertoire of chemical smells that mask the floral traces on your skin. Don’t you feel the rushed thrum of blood that’s pumping through each vein and each capillary, as you wrap your arms around him to begin winding the bandage?
Is he nothing more than a mere patient to that clinical precision you currently sport?
“What would you have chosen, if you won the poison assessment?” Vil suddenly asks as you clip the bandage into place with a satisfied hum around the middle of his torso.
“Why are you asking as if I lost?” you let out a bemused chuckle, gesturing to the still-very-closed envelope sitting on his vanity. “We don’t know yet.”
“Don’t change the subject,” Vil could melt with the way you’re gazing down at him as he sits with you standing in between his legs. Your sharp eyes contain a warning, one he has no intention of heeding as he presses the subject. “Won’t you tell me?”
“Fine,” your voice rasps slightly as you stoop down to his level. He can’t help but shiver at the sensation of your warm breath rustling past his ear. “Are you really that eager to know?”
“Go on,” Vil almost pleads, and he’s sure you hear the quiet hints of desperation in his voice. Your eyes lock back onto his; he’s slightly regretting asking you as he sees the dangerous glints in your eye. His breath hitches as he realises it’s the same, all-consuming look of seriousness you reserve for your experiments and potions. It’s as if he already knows what your answer will be, with the way his blood excitedly thrums to the surface to respond with an echoing yes.
The rough pads of your fingers meet his chin again in that gentle grasp as you tilt his head upwards. This is really happening, right? It’s as if he’s in a haze; anticipation of your movements is the only thing breaking him out of it.
“Can I..” you murmur, brushing a thumb over his bottom lip. He holds his breath. Yes. Your mere touch calls forth fireworks to explode in a vibrant cacophony.
“Please,” Vil’s quiet gasp is all the encouragement you clearly need, because the next thing he knows you’ve stepped forward and met his open mouth with yours. The heady taste of woodsmoke and cherry syrup lingering on your tongue is positively intoxicating. He’s not sure, but he can also taste the coppery tang of blood as well. Perhaps it’s from the heat of battle earlier? Regardless, his blood rises in response; he’s sure his face is flushed a deep pink.
You don’t hesitate, leaning his head to the side with your fingers to kiss him deeper and deeper. He groans into your mouth, feeling you smile as you taste his desperation. He positively convulses as he feels your hand trace the bare skin of his side; he’s so vulnerable like this, and he knows you feel it as you press into his body.
Vil gasps for air when you pull back. A string of saliva connects your lips to his; with a start, he realises that your lips are shiny and traced with the purple lipgloss he’s wearing. Your eyes are half-lidded with intensity and some other roiling emotion he can’t place. It makes his breathing even more uneven when he realises he’s made you look like that.
“Like what you see?” even now, traces of rivalry still lace Vil’s tone; he cannot help but provoke you to elicit another reaction. Your gaze slowly travels up and down Vil’s dishevelled appearance, making sure to scour every inch of it. He holds his breath when your lip curls in disdain.
“Please,” your voice rolls deep from your throat with sarcasm. It makes Vil’s blood cells burn with want. The sharp, intense look in your eyes only becomes more turbulent; it’s insanely attractive to be at your mercy.
“Don’t make me laugh-” your fingers curl into his chin more, and Vil can feel the suppressed strength within the grip. Blood is rushing straight down, and he can barely keep track of all the thoughts racing through his head. “-not with the way I’ve seen you almost do flips for my attention, with your one-sided rivalry.”
“Ah-” Vil’s gasp sounds suspiciously like a moan as you move closer, pressing a knee in between his legs inadvertently. You’ve clearly heard it, with the way you furrow your brow and pause your motions.
“Did you-” your eyes fully take in his heavy breathing and the way he’s coming undone from just kissing you. Your question is answered immediately.
“Please, keep going,” Vil pleads, removing one hand from where it’s gripping the sheets to your hip. You swallow thickly, eyes darting between his hand and face.
“You sure you want to continue?” you prompt, eyes settling into that same dangerous glint once again. “I don’t want to aggravate your injuries..”
“Please,” Vil all but begs, seeing the way your eyes glaze over with desire. The hazy, smoky smell of your skin almost acts like an aphrodisiac; he cannot help but be ensnared.
“Alright,” your voice is hushed when you tilt his head upwards to access his jugular, biting into the area slightly with sharp canines. He knows you feel it: the way his pulse jumps erratically beneath your touch. You draw out quiet, hushed gasps with every mark you make on his throat, with every movement of your waist against his bare torso, with every nudge of your knee in between his legs.
He doesn’t even realise he’s slowly rolling his hips against your leg to feel any sort of friction until you press down on his hips with the hand that’s been supporting his shoulder.
“Not so fast,” you breathe against his skin - his back can’t help but arch slightly at the feeling of your breath against his neck. “Allow me to take care of you.”
It’s your words that make him pause in shock; they’re an eerie echo of what you said in his dream. Judging by the lack of change in your expression, you don’t know about it; thank Sevens.
You’re pressing into him, forcing him into the bed on his forearms while you lean in, kissing his mouth feverishly to bring out his gasps and moans. He’s unbearably hard, all the more so because of your knee moving out of reach each time he chases that delicious high. This is better than any dream.
Burning kisses trail their way from below his ear down to his collarbone. He’s suddenly glad for the wonders of concealer as he thinks about the marks you’re leaving. On the other hand, he’s strangely into the idea of people seeing he’s taken by you, so much so that you’re marking him up like this.
“Ah- right there,” Vil can’t suppress the noises he’s making as your lips travel down to his chest. He doesn’t care who hears him; he’s seeing goddamn stars with the way your tongue circles his nipple and your thumb mirrors the action with the other one. The pressure you’re applying deftly is making him intoxicated.
“You look so beautiful like this,” your fingers glide over the neatly wrapped bandages on his chest, trailing down to his waist. He doesn’t think it’s possible for his heart to beat any more erratically without thumping straight out of his chest. Is he really sure that you haven’t magically seen his dreams? After all, you’ve seen his memories. He waits with bated breath for your next move, not realising that you’ve already positioned yourself to hover between his thighs with a small grin on your face.
“Mind if I take these off?” you hook your thumbs around the tailored trousers he’s wearing. It takes considerable self-restraint to not tell you to just rip them off.
“Go ahead,” it’s a wonder that his voice doesn’t crack from the sheer pressure of what he’s feeling at the moment. Your grin is all edges as you efficiently unzip the front and slip the pants off. It seems that he’s surprised you when you look down at his smooth legs with your eyebrows slightly raised, taking in the fact that he’s wearing sheer black stockings to his mid thigh underneath his pants.
“All for me?” you run your fingers down his legs appreciatively, feeling the soft material underneath your fingers with an even sharper grin than before. Vil can’t help but shiver at the feather-light touches you give, contrasted sharply with the jagged vertices of your smile.
All for you.
It’s as if you can read his thoughts. You’re once again hovering between his legs, spreading them with nothing more than a gentle push. The touches you leave on his legs feel almost possessive; he cannot help but adore it. Will he be the only one seeing that expression on your face? He wants to be the only one, the only one to see the tumultuous desire warp and thrash within the glints in your eyes. It’s a far cry from your usual composure.
Sticky residue from his lipgloss is left on his soft inner thighs as you press kiss after kiss to the skin. He can feel desire pulse through you with every bruising mark you leave. It entrances him. The unspoken words you leave him are more than enough to assure him that even like this, with all his bruises and scrapes and tears, he’s beautiful.
Your hands slowly ease his underwear off; the cold air on the sensitive skin makes him hiss slightly, but it quickly turns into a gasp as you leave kisses in the crook of the skin connecting his thigh to his pelvis.
“I’m going to absolutely ruin you,” you promise quietly. The ravenous look in your eyes doesn’t subside as you gaze at him from between his legs. He can’t help but let out a small groan at your words. What would his fans say if they saw him, lying so pliant for his supposed academic rival?
One of Vil’s hands fly up to his face to muffle the moans escaping his lips when your thumb circles his slit, made all too easy by the flow of pre-cum from his dick. The other hand is left desperately clutching at the sheets of his bed as his hips involuntarily buck upwards into your hand.
“Uncover your pretty mouth,” you slowly twist your hand down, all while gazing at his flushed face. He’s already seeing stars at the friction and can barely register his hand leaving his mouth to grip the sheets. “I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.”
He can only hope that his door is soundproofed from the obscene noises leaving him as you pick up the pace. It’s not enough. Your hand moves away each time the haze of pleasure builds up, leaving him chasing after your touch. He’s sure he looks an absolute mess right now with the way tears are leaving his eyes and his brow has the sheen of sweat; you clearly don’t care as you lithely move upwards to kiss him. The cool fabric of your clothes presses into his bare skin, making him feel incredibly exposed to you.
You’re still moving with that teasing pace as you swallow down his moans. It’s unbearable, all the more so because you’re still covered in your uniform. He almost sobs in relief when your hand picks up speed and the pleasure starts steadily building in his stomach. His hips desperately grind into your hand and you let him, let him come undone with your touch and quiet praises. He’s close; the dopamine is flooding through his veins and all he can focus on is the way you touch him, the way you’re currently kissing his jaw and leaving more marks on his neck, the way you’re coaxing such obscene sounds from both his throat and from the skin on skin friction.
It builds and builds and builds, until all he can fathom is saying your name over and over, as if he’s some devout worshipper invoking some otherworldly being. He lets go, feeling the way you slow down to allow him to ride out the climax. Only white-hot pleasure courses through his mind, fading out more slowly than usual. He kisses you feverishly, feeling the warm skin on the nape of your neck as he pulls you in closer and closer. You’re now lying side by side on his bed, with you pressed up against him wearing your despoiled clothes, ones that have been despoiled by him.
“You’re removing your clothes as well, I hope?” his gaze trails down your body, looking at the offending uniform that you’re wearing. It’s a wonder he’s managed to form a coherent statement. Still, it’s only fair that you also remove the fabric with those deft hands like you did to those tailored trousers he was wearing.
“Right,” your gaze softens, moving your hands away from his body. His brows furrow with a question as he watches the hand sticky with cum approach your face- oh my. A scarlet flush blooms on his cheeks as you use your tongue to clean your hand up, before using it to lazily remove your blazer and vest. You don’t give them a second glance as you toss the clothes on the floor. The warmth you’re emitting is all the more palpable as only a thin buttoned shirt separates your skin from his. It’s incredibly attractive, watching your languid movements as you discard the shirt off to the side as well as your trousers.
The feeling of your bare skin on his shouldn’t elicit such a burning reaction from him, but it does; he groans as you lean back to slowly kiss him, feeling the way your body heat envelopes him without any barriers. He’s acutely aware of all the points your skin brushes against him - it’s insanely addicting. You’re kissing him without a care in the world, judging by the way you lazily cradle his face with your hands. He’s so malleable under your touch, so starved of affection that he’s wrapped around your pinky finger. He’s sure you can feel the way his skin flushes with a simmering heat.
The blue hour soaks you both in the gloom as your hands press him closer and closer, until he can barely distinguish where he ends and you begin. Is this what it means to become one, united in flesh?
Does he look beautiful to you like this?
He knows he does. He knows he does when you reverently trail down with your kisses, settling between his thighs again to fill him up with your fingers. He knows he does as you feverishly coax those angelic moans out of him; your eyes are blazing with desire for him. He knows he does as you draw out his climax for as long as you can so wave after wave of pleasure can keep hitting him.
It’s late evening when the two of you fall asleep, tangled together and worn out.
The letter on the vanity lies forgotten; Vil doesn’t particularly care about the results when he already feels your equal.
Scene V: Closing .  ⁺
“Goodness, trickster,” Rook’s exclamation when you emerge in the Pomefiore lounge room in the morning thankfully goes unnoticed by the few students milling about. “Our dorm uniform looks simply ravishing on you.”
“Yeah, mine got quite ruined from yesterday’s events,” your voice sounds raspy as you try to sell your act to Rook, who’s positively cooing over you. What a little prankster. Vil can’t help but glance at you from his favourite armchair. As the culprit responsible for ruining your uniform, he of course had to lend you a uniform. Still, you do look rather good in it.
“Don’t tell me you slept over and didn’t tell me?” Rook plasters a look of mock-hurt on his face, and Vil implores you to shut your mouth for once and put on the best act of your life.
“Something like that,” your expression is innocent, with the exception of your raised eyebrows. You don’t look at Vil at all as you smile at Rook, who’s unfortunately glanced over at Vil, scrutinising him with that disgustingly perceptive look.
“Does that explain the bruises on his neck?” Vil chokes on his smoothie hearing the hunter’s whisper. Of course he forgot something this morning. Of all days.
“Whatever could you mean?” you inquire nonchalantly, straightening the ironed collar of the uniform.
“Oh my,” Rook’s eyes are as wide as saucers as his gaze swivels between you and Vil. It’s rare to see him this gleeful. “You two totally slept-”
“I’m going to need you to shut it, Rook,” you cover the offender’s mouth abruptly before he can say anything more. You’re not denying it though, looking back at Vil with a wicked grin on your face.
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seospicybin · 10 months
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Changbin x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle masterlist
Synopsis: You and Changbin become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (13,1k words)
Author's note: I planned on posting it yesterday but i got so busy but here it is, hope you enjoy! :)
There are three things Changbin trying to digest at once.
One is that you kissed someone else last night. Two, Lana is not pleased so she doubles the fine as of this moment and that leads to number three, a total of $24,000 has been deducted from the prize fund.
You're following him as he walks to the firepit to have a talk with you, giving you a chance to explain yourself. You take a seat next to him with your legs pulled up and a cushion on your lap.
Changbin can't decide where to start, he's still having a hard time processing everything.
"What happened?"
You're fiddling with the tassel on the cushion, "I was trying to set Rita up with Nico and that just happened," you answer him.
"Do you feel different about me?"
You snort in reaction, probably thinking that he is joking but with the absence of a smiles on his face, you realize that he is being serious.
"No," you immediately deny.
"I know you also like girls," Changbin supports his assumption with a fact.
You stifle a chuckle, "Yeah and I like Rita, but not that way."
Stretching your leg, you put your foot over his leg and tip your head to the side, "You know I only like you," you say with a smile on your face.
Changbin would usually melt at the sight of your smile but not this time. This is not how he wanted to hear you say how you feel about him.
"How do I know for sure when you kissed someone else?"
You subtly roll your eyes to the side then put away the cushion, "The kiss meant nothing. We were just playing," you explained with an exasperated sigh.
This may sound like he's exaggerating things but Changbin doesn't like how you blatantly broke the rules and did it behind him.
"Put yourself in my position," he tells you.
"How would you feel if I kissed someone else and not telling you about it?"
Now that he has put things into perspective, he hopes you understand why he acts this way. It's not only about the kiss, he feels like you have dismissed him as your partner.
"I get what you're saying," you add a nod at the end of the sentence.
Seeing that you're slowly putting a space in between and the glints in your eyes fade with each passing second, he feels like he's the bad man here.
"I'm sorry," you mutter with a sad smile on your face.
The kiss, he can let it slide but the betrayal, he gets a little upset when you could have said something about it last night and he wouldn't have been this upset over a playful kiss.
CHANGBIN: I appreciate that she told me everything and apologized but I feel like I have to play it safe now.
It's been days and you're still on Changbin's naughty step.
You didn't think he would be this mad over a silly kiss, oh well, he didn't think the kiss you did with Rita was silly at all. You don't want to let this go on for too long but also, you don't know how to confront him.
Frankly, if something like this happened, you would have moved on to the next one. Considering that you're locked in and can't go anywhere, you're left with no option but to resolve it like two mature grown-ups.
The problem is you're really bad at confrontation and the way Changbin cautiously acts around you doesn't help.
"Was he mad?" Liam asks as he sits next to you on the side of the pool.
Your foot is playing with the pool water, "Yeah."
"You like him, right?" He asks, tilting his head to the back to let the sun hit his oiled body.
"I do like him," you shortly answer like it isn't obvious enough.
"What you did... I don't think that helps to convince him that," Liam says.
You listen to him only to hear that he says the same thing with Changbin and maybe this is your punishment, constantly reminded that you're the one at fault here.
"Yeah, no shit," you sigh.
Liam chuckles, "You know that, right?"
You lean back with your hands propped behind you, "I know..." you groan.
It's like he hears you're talking about him, Changbin walks out of the bedroom and heads down to the beach.
"Oh, my God! There he is!" You mutter through your gritted teeth at Liam.
"I know," he whispers, clocking him for you.
Not sure if he sees you or not, but your heart is sinking at the sight of him.
Liam starts talking after Changbin is out of sight, "Talk with him, tell him how you feel," he suggests.
It's easier to be said than done and also...
"I'm scared," you honestly share with a nervous laugh.
Liam chuckles again and wipes his sweaty forehead.
"Don't you see how big he is?" You jokingly say.
"Just be honest, be yourself," Liam wisely says and brushes his dark curls to the back.
Well, you don't want this to continue so it's time to admit that you fucked up and have a talk with him. You don't know how but you'll try.
YOU: I kind of realized that I can't do that to people and like, expect them to stick around.
You're a man on a mission tonight.
Before that, you have to arm yourself well. You borrowed a dress from Sabine and have Rita style your hair, you want to look good, ravishing even.
You're sleeping still with the man but you need a glass of wine to muster up the courage to talk to him.
Changbin is looking fine in a light blue shirt that fits him so well, showcasing his broad shoulders and muscular arms. You get the urge to rip it off of him but you have to hold that thought for now.
Coming up behind him, you link your arm around his and sweetly smile at him, "Can I talk to you?"
He looks over his shoulder at you and slightly nods, "Okay."
Since everyone is out of the house, you pull him to the bedroom to get some privacy, sitting at the end of your shared bed.
You don't talk right away, you give yourself a moment to compose yourself and to also, admire him as he sits close to you.
"I like this on you," you compliment with your hand tugging at the collar of his shirt.
He smiles hearing your words and places his hand on your knee.
"How about me? Do you like what I'm wearing?" You ask, tipping your head to the side and batting your eyelashes at him.
He pinches at the hem of your dress and feels how thin the fabric is, "I like it."
You put your hand on his and lace it together with him, now that you're both relaxed, you can finally talk about it.
"After what happened..." you intently observe his face for any changes of expression to see if it's still a sensitive issue to him.
But you decide to wait until he responds to it.
He turns his head at you, "Yeah?"
You lick your lips before continuing to talk, "Do you feel like you trust me less because of it?"
Changbin inhales air and even with his head facing you, his eyes are nowhere looking at you. He scratches the back of his head and props his hand against the mattress.
"I don't want to say anything. Truthfully, I still don't know what to do about it," he answers.
It seems like he's still processing it and not yet getting to the place where he can just let it go.
You softly shake his hand in yours, "Hey, I'm sorry."
You apologize even though you have said it enough to him but you feel like you need to do it again to prove to him that you want to fix things between you and him.
And if that's not enough, you can prove it in another way.
"You know I wouldn't do it again," you remark with utmost sincerity.
As soon as those words are out of your mouth, he stares at you and perhaps, trying to see how much you mean those words.
"I know," He says, then holds your hand back and gently squeezes at it. He doesn't add anything else to it but sure, it's better than nothing.
"Can I have a hug?" You ask, ignoring the fact of how pathetic you might have sounded.
A smile rises on his face and he opens his arms to welcome you which you waste no time to dive right in. You eagerly throw yourself at him, sending both of you collapsing onto the bed.
Oh, how you missed being in his warm embrace! You never feel this comfortable and safe with anyone but him.
"We barely cuddle lately," you grumble at him with a pout.
"No, I cuddled you," he denies.
"Not enough," you complained and put your arm around his neck.
Changbin turns his head to the side and looks at you, putting away the hair covering your face as you snuggle close to him. Catching him off guard, you sneak a kiss on his cheek.
With his lips only inches away from yours, the temptation to kiss him is getting to you. To tease him and also check if he's up for a kiss, you make smooching sounds at him with your lips puckering at him.
Changbin holds you by the jaw, but instead of kissing you on the lips, he kisses you on the cheek. At that moment, you realize that he's not fully getting over it yet.
YOU: It seems like it's going to take a lot more time and I have to be more patient... [groans]
If there's one thing you should know about Changbin is that he has trust issues and that's why he doesn't want to rush into this.
However, he has to admit that he's been distancing himself from you and not realizing that he tortured himself doing it.
He's still sharing the bed with you but it feels much better when you're cuddling him like this.
The others are also still stretching and gathering their senses on their beds after Lana comes for her morning greeting.
You shift on the bed and lay on your side facing him, "Morning, big man," you croak with your eyes half-shut.
Changbin often wondered how you look this good even when you've just woken up. He tenderly caresses your cheek and his thumb wanders by itself, swiping across your lips.
He may as well touch it, feeling it but keeping it in his mind that he can't do more than that.
All of sudden, you open your mouth and take his thumb into your mouth, tugging it between your teeth.
He knows a way to make you stop and that is by tickling you back. He bites at your neck until you let go of his thumb.
"What are you going to do today?" You ask, slinging your hand around his chest.
"Working out," he answers.
Dragging your hand down his chest, you slip your hand under his t-shirt and pinch at the flesh on his abdomen.
"If you keep working out, you'll get bigger," you mumble.
"And that's a problem to you?"
"If you get too big, I won't be able to hug you anymore," you pout.
He pulls you close and holds the side of your face, "Then I'll be the one hugging you," he simply resolves.
You get quiet but overlap his body with yours, "Play with me today."
This is the side that he rarely encounters in you that makes him feel needed, that he is not just some guy you kiss and have fun with.
In fact, Changbin secretly wishes that you're clingy to him, not the other way around.
He puts his arm around you, resting it on the arch of your back as he asks, "What are we going to play?"
You pursed your lips as you thought of an answer, "Uhm... we can get naked and stare at each other's body," you giggle at the end of your words.
You sure know how to keep him amused but that sounds like a dangerous game to play and it's only 8 in the morning. You seem to know that he would skip on it as you kiss him on the cheek before getting up from the bed.
The weather is nice today too and Changbin is having a productive day, as in he manages to finish his workout routine as planned.
It was a good day, well, until Lana assembled everyone in the cabana.
Changbin makes space on the seat next to him the moment he sees you coming and you plop down the sofa with your feet up.
"What's going on, guys?" Sabine asks everyone.
"You tell us," Liam teasingly says to her.
The cone lights up after everyone gathered around her and Changbin's eyebrow perks up at the sound of the way too familiar melodic chime.
"Here we go..." Shane mutters with a nervous sigh.
Even though he didn't do any rule breaks, Changbin still gets nervous whenever Lana starts talking because there's a big chance that she'll come with a piece of bad news.
"To further aid your personal growth, you must learn to resist your urges," Lana starts with a cryptic message.
Changbin doesn't like the sound of it and it instantly puts him on high alert. He notices that everyone else seems to be holding their breath as well.
"So, I am putting some of you to the test."
He is yet can't tell if that's good or bad, either way, hearing the word test, he knows that it's not going to be easy.
"I have arranged two dates..."
"Ooh... dates," Sabine coos in excitement and sparkling eyes.
"Both with new arrivals."
He hears you snicker next to him and he feels a little uneasy with it. When he looks around though, everyone is looking excited for it. New arrivals mean these people are not yet conditioned with retreat rules so yeah, Changbin can smell troubles.
"The first new arrival is... Jax," Lana announces.
The name attracts interest from everyone but the males specifically. While the girls... he sees that Sabine looks a little worried.
"I have allowed the new arrivals to select who they want to ask out on their dates," Lana further informs.
No, wait, Sabine is right to be worried.
Changbin catches you glancing at him before looking away and he wonders if you're worried too.
"Jax has chosen..."
Everyone may not be losing money today but that doesn't keep the tension from keep on building in the cabana.
Sabine gasps at the mention of his name and nods, she has no power to stop him since Lana is the one running the retreat.
"You seem so happy, Ollie," Liam teases him.
Oliver remains coy about it, then a grin blooms on his face, "It is what it is... I guess," he says with a nonchalant shrug.
Changbin feels bad for Sabine because Oliver seems like the type who would jump ship when the opportunity presents itself.
However, Lana is not done talking yet.
"And date number two will be with... Gareth."
The announcement is being welcomed well by the girls and he turns his head to see you remaining calm about it.
"Well, well, well..." Sabine sighs, probably hoping that he'll pick her to get back at Oliver.
"He's also been allowed to choose his partner for this afternoon date."
You look at him and smile, "Are you nervous?"
Changbin subtly shrugs in answer but deep down, he's nervous that you'd get chosen.
"Gareth has chosen..."
CHANGBIN: We have been kind of, like, going up and down so I am worried... I'm worried that her head will turn a little bit.
Can't tell if your manifestation works or Lana reads your intention but you're surprised when you hear your name being called. So this new guy, Gareth, has chosen you to go on a date with him?
You scoff and look at Changbin to see his reaction, he's rather a bit aghast.
"I would be worried," you tell him.
Realizing that sounded like he would mistaken it for something else, you correct yourself.
"I mean, I would be worried if I were you."
This is what you need. This is a good opportunity for you to show him that you're into him and you're going to prove him that.
"You may leave now to get ready for your dates," Lana orders you and Oliver to leave the cabana.
You hope you get more than just his silence but Changbin remains calm about this whole thing. You kiss his cheek before getting up from the sofa.
You wait for Oliver to walk over to you so the two of you can leave together.
As Oliver gets to your side, you like your arm with his and say, "We got it, Ollie!"
"Yeah," Oliver half-heartedly says.
You turn to everyone to say bye and just before you turn to leave, Rita teasingly shouts, "Don't cost us more money, Miss Kissy!"
Getting dressed for the date inexplicably excites you and Oliver keeps on laughing hearing you squealing while you're doing your make-up.
"Are you excited?" He asks while he's fixing his hair in front of the mirror.
"Yeah," you answer without looking at him.
Oliver spins on his feet to look at you, "This is weird for me because I've never been with a girl long—"
Lana chimes in, interrupting Oliver's talk, and both of your heads turn in the direction of the cone sitting in the corner of the dressing room.
"What's up, Lana? Did Gareth cancel?" You jokingly ask.
"I hope you're both looking forward to your dates his afternoon," Lana says.
Oliver sits on the chair across from yours to hear what Lana has to say next.
"To further assess how you deal with temptation, I have not told the new arrivals that they are guests at Too Hot To Handle."
You gasp in surprise, "Lana, you naughty!"
"You must decide at what point you tell them," Lana finishes.
You and Oliver exchange a horrified look on your faces, realizing that this is not just a date, this is a test, for real.
"Oh, fuck..." Oliver quietly mutters.
That changes everything. That means that they will not hold back from breaking the rules because they don't know the rules even exist in the first place.
You lean back on your chair and sigh, "I think the best strategy is to tell them right away," you comment.
Oliver looks at you and smirks, "But then they won't try to kiss us," he innocently says.
There's no surprise that Oliver is not afraid to play with fire and as someone familiar with the game, you can relate to that.
"Yeah, that's not fun," you agree while nervously chuckling.
Oliver walks over to the mirror once again to check on his hair again. He brushes his dirty blond hair to the back and lets a few strands fall over his face.
"What I got myself into?" Oliver sighs.
When it's time to leave, Oliver gives you a quick hug before parting ways to go to your respective dates.
"Good luck out there," he says to you.
"Be good!" You reply with a way to him but at the same time, as a reminder to yourself.
YOU: I hope this Gareth guy is ugly... [clasps hands together] Please be ugly! [A moment later] I know he won't be ugly [sighs]
Lucky that you're wearing sandals because the walk to get to where date is quite far.
Despite feeling pressured to break the news to the new guest, you're also feeling good. The plan is to enjoy it and have fun, you want to flirt because you feel like making Changbin sweat a little.
There he is, Gareth, sitting on the picnic mat and basking in the pale afternoon sun.
Hearing you coming his way, he turns his head and cracks a smile when your eyes meet. He scrambles to get up and hug you.
"Hi, hello," he says to you with a strong British accent.
He then offers his hand to help you sit on the space next to him on the picnic mat.
It's only been a week in the retreat yet you're already forgetting how to be on a date. He looks at you and you look at him, checking each other out in silence.
Gareth is a whole lot of attractive. He's tall, probably six feet two, and with his shirt left open, you can see the sculpted abs. Other than that, he has beautiful eyes.
Lana is doing an impressive job because she's testing you with such an attractive man. Not sure about Gareth, he's been quiet from the moment you met and you start to wonder if he has second thoughts about choosing you.
After a moment, he hands you a glass and fills it with bubbly wine.
"You're more beautiful in person," he suddenly says.
You scoff and without you realizing it, it turns into a shy smile, "Really?"
He licks his lips after sipping his drink, "Yeah, you're beautiful."
"Thank you, Gareth," you thank him and sip your drink.
You take a moment to look at him, finding something on him you can compliment even though every part of his body is praiseworthy.
The sunlight hits him right on the eyes yet it only makes them beautiful, mesmerizing.
"You have beautiful eyes," you return the compliment with a smile.
"Thank you!"
"Is it uh... Brown?" You wildly guess.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" He dares you with a sly grin painted on his face.
Without hesitating, you lean in close to see him up close until you can see yourself in his eyes. Gareth stays still so you can study his eye color.
"It's uh..." You find it hard to focus when he's intensely staring back into your eyes, "Green?"
Gareth doesn't say anything but smiles, "Are you even looking at my eyes?"
You back away and burst into laughter in reaction, flustered for getting caught looking at anywhere other than his eyes.
"Should we have a toast?" He suggests with his glass already raised.
You do the same, raising your glass in the air, "To what?"
"To the nicest date ever," he answers with a seductive smile.
With Gareth, you feel like you're getting the attention you wanted to get from Changbin and you start to worry that your head is about to turn.
You clink your glass with him and repeat his words, "The nicest date ever."
YOU: Gareth is tall, he's nice, he's a handsome man. What's not to like about him?
It's a fact that you have never been on a date this nice before with the beautiful sea view and the sun slowly setting, dipping lower and lower into the horizon.
The date is going to end soon and you feel bad the longer you keep the news from him, it's time.
To prepare both of you, you refill your glasses with more wine and initiate one last toast.
"Hey, Gareth," you call him.
He swallows his drink before answering your call, "Yes?"
You bite into a strawberry and continue talking, "Do you consider yourself a player?"
Gareth laughs, probably at how straightforward your question is and he can't decide how he's going to answer it.
"Well, uh..." he parts open his shirt to get some air or to show off his body, either way, you're liking it.
"Not really," he doubtfully answers with a suppressed grin.
You sip your drink before asking him the next question, "Are you a sexual person?"
Gareth thinks you're being flirty asking him this question and you feel bad playing with him just to break him down at the end.
He nods and confidently says, "Yeah, I think I am."
You bite your lips, having fun with the knowledge you have that he's not yet known. You tip your head to the side, sending all of your hair falling onto one side of your shoulder.
"Do you think you could go a week without sex?"
His eyebrow raises in surprise, "A week?"
"It's possible but I'd struggle, hard," he answers with a smile that slightly turns into a nervous one.
You look at him and look into his green eyes, for a second, not wanting to tell him about Lana and her rules.
"Uhm... well, I hate to tell you this," you begin and take another sip of wine.
His eyes are wavering as he looks at you, "What?"
"But we can't have sex in there," you make a head gesture towards the villa.
"Sorry? What?" He asks with eyes widening in utter shock.
And Gareth hasn't heard the worst part yet, "We can't even masturbate," you add.
He closes his eyes for a moment to take everything in and shakes his head, "What?"
"This is Too Hot To Handle," you finally break the news to him with an apologetic smile.
It feels not right to enjoy seeing him suffer but you can't help it, you must have looked like it when Lana popped out of the box that day.
His hand flies to his face, his fingers are pinching the bridge of his nose as he tries to make sense of it all.
"They didn't—" he keeps opening his mouth to speak and abruptly stops in the middle.
"I know," you say, letting him know that you went through the same thing and know exactly how he feels right now.
Gareth drains his wine and puts away his glass, his hair is tousled from the wind constantly blowing at it.
"I was away traveling for months so I–I don't know..." he stammers as he explains himself.
You do feel bad for him but at least, he's not the only one going through it, you've been at it for a week now.
He then looks at you with his index finger pointed at you then at him, "So... we can't...?" His eyes are saying the words that you know what it stands for.
You shake your head, "No," you meekly say.
"Don't get me wrong, it's because I'm seeing someone in there," you add, not letting him get the wrong idea.
Gareth brushes his dark blond hair to the back, making it messier than before, groaning at the newly acquired information.
"I appreciate it that you're telling me that," he says as he refills his glass with more wine.
YOU: The date is nice, Gareth is nice but honestly, I was thinking of Changbin the whole time I was there.
Back in the villa, Changbin is scared, shitless.
He keeps looking at where you're having the date with this new guy but he can't see much with how far you are plus the sky that is getting darker.
He's been holding his drink but not drinking it, he's too nervous to try to relax.
"They're not back yet?" Nico asks as he sits on the lounger.
Changbin shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the top of the stairs, the only access back from the beach.
"Do you think she kissed him?" He innocently asks.
"That would be wild if she did," Nico gives his opinion then quietly sips his drink.
Rita comes to sit behind Nico, putting her arms around him, and notices the apparent horror on Changbin's face.
"I didn't expect you'd be genuinely this worried," She says to him.
He doesn't know why but he feels offended by what she said, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Nico hurriedly holds Rita to stop her from talking, he knows Changbin is being extra sensitive at this moment so it's best to not poke around him.
Almost half an hour later, you are finally back with the new guy, and your arm is linked with him. He also notices the smile on your face as you introduce him to the girls.
Changbin is not pleased with what he sees but he knows he should keep his composure, he shouldn't conclude without hearing from you first.
"Gareth," the new guy introduces himself to him.
Changbin has this belief that it's not about looks but looking at Gareth, it's impossible to not feel the slightest bit intimidated.
The boys take him for a chat at the cabana and questions asked at the new guy, the basic questions until Shane brings up the date.
"So how was the date?"
Knowing that he's not good at faking his facial expression, Changbin gulps as much air as he can and hopes it's enough to calm him.
Gareth brightly smiles before answering, "I think we had a good time," he answers.
Liam glances at Changbin to check on him, "Yeah?"
"She was great and the setting was beautiful, probably the most romantic date I ever had," Gareth adds and he should consider himself lucky for not knowing that he's talking right next to the man you're seeing.
CHANGBIN: He can have those drinks, that romantic date but don't even think that he can take her from me [shakes head]
Changbin is chatting with Shane when all of a sudden, he stops listening to him. He looks past his shoulder to someone behind him.
"Looking for me, babe?" Shane jokingly asks you.
You laugh at him and put your hand on Changbin's shoulder, "Can you give us a minute, babe?" You joke back at him.
"Sure thing, babe," Shane kindly left so the two of you could talk.
Changbin sees that you're already changed into a new dress and your lips are painted with a fresh coat of lipstick. As you sit next to him on the sofa, you slightly turn your body to face him then place a hand on his knee.
"Hi," you say with a sweet smile.
He looks back at you and he knows that you're here to have a good time, to enjoy yourself and there's a possibility that you might jump ships too but Changbin needs an answer from you about whether he should continue this or not, or do you have anything to tell him.
Changbin needs to know right now.
"So... how was the date?" He begins with an easy question.
"It was good."
You're looking chipper and radiant, it's something that he hasn't seen in these past few days.
"What did you guys do?"
"We chatted, had a few glasses of champagne... we got to know each other," you nonchalantly answer.
None of your answers are pleasing him but he's willing to continue with the interrogation.
"What do you think of him?"
You inhale air before talking, "He is so nice."
That's another answer that displeases him.
"And he was a little flirty to me," you tell him with a low chuckle.
Changbin immediately scoffs at that, "Of course, he was," he says, looking away to see the fire swaying along to the gust of wind.
"To be honest, I got a little flirty on him too," you admit.
He looks down at his lap and sees that your fingers are playing with the lint on the ripped part of his jeans. He doesn't want to hear what are you going to say next, he even regrets asking you about it in the first place.
"Then I told him about you," you suddenly add.
He looks up and sees you smiling at him, "yeah?"
"Yeah," you shortly replied.
You tip your head to the side and gaze into his eyes, "I told him that I'm seeing someone here," you confess.
Scratch his earlier remarks about regrets, Changbin's only regret now is for doubting you. He can't believe it still but now he knows he can continue with you.
Truthfully, Changbin doesn't even know how he would start things over with someone new.
"Were you worried I was going to do something?" You meekly ask.
Changbin hates to be seen as this pathetic guy but he can't lie about this, not when it tells you how much he likes you.
"Every second of it... it was just awful," he emphasizes it with a horrified look on his face.
Changbin has come to realize how much he likes you and he feels that it's safe for him to let you know that. Also, how would you know if he didn't tell you verbally?
"This process brought out a lot of emotions in me that I didn't even know I had," he endearingly shares as he puts his hand on yours.
You nod and say, "Yeah, me too."
Changbin slips his fingers between yours and holds your hand, "Come here," he says.
You scoot closer and then crawl toward him to sit in the space between his legs. You waste no time to rest your head on his chest and let out a delightful sigh as he puts his arms around you.
"Missed me?"
"A lot," he answers without a beat.
He tightens his arms around you along with a soft kiss on your neck, he then drags his mouth close to your ear and whispers, "I'm happy."
CHANGBIN: I feel more confident in us and I can't wait to keep building connections with her [smiles]
The new girl, Jax, is one gorgeous girl and there's no denying it, the other boys were practically drooling when they first saw her.
Changbin would understand if you feel a bit intimidated by her presence, just like how Gareth did to him. But you're not one to worry, the one who should be worried is Sabine because Changbin catches Jax and Oliver stealing glances at each other just now.
"Did you shower?" You ask as you nuzzle your head into his neck.
"Mmh," Changbin hums his answer.
You plant your nose in his neck and inhale his scent, humming as you snuggle close to him. He does the same, planting his nose in your shoulder only to playfully bite at it.
Instead of scolding him, you're giggling in his neck.
"I like it," you suddenly say.
You drag your hand down his chest and lift the fabric to peek inside the sleeveless white top he's wearing.
"I like it more if you take it off," you whisper to him.
After what happened, Changbin realizes how much he likes you and when he likes someone, he will do anything for that person.
"Just say you want me to take it off," he says with a laugh.
"Well, it's up to you..." you coyly say with a flirty smile on your face.
Changbin sits on the bed and pulls his top over his head, putting the piece of clothing on the bedside table afterward.
"Mmh... yeah," you slyly smile as he lays down next to you.
The lights are out and the low chatter in the room dies down not long after but in the dark, that's when things happen.
You keep clinging to his body with your hands freely roaming around his body, feeling his muscles and squeezing at it. Your lips are pressing on the sensitive skin on his neck once in a while.
Then all of sudden, you get up to straddle him, and against the darkness of the room, he sees you taking your top off.
"What are you doing?" He keeps his voice low to not wake everyone else who's sleeping in the room.
Your half-naked body is hovering above him with mere inches between your faces, "What? I'm making it fair for us," you say with a kiss on his jaw.
It doesn't take a genius to know what you're doing. You're kissing his neck and chest with your nipples lightly grazing his bare chest, making the goosebumps on his arm rise.
Changbin allows you for that but when your lips are getting close to his lips, he immediately stops you by looking away.
Yet you continue your trail of kisses down his jaw, then you whisper into his air, "How about a kiss?"
This is a test for him and it's a difficult one. A part of him is dying to give you whatever it is you want but the other part, and unfortunately, the most stubborn part of him demands him to keep to his principle.
A kiss costs $6,000 and Changbin could bear the consequence of losing that much money but the problem is it's not just his money, it's everyone's.
He endearingly brushes your hair to the back and holds your face, "We can't."
It seems like you have expected that answer, "I know," you softly sigh.
You roll to the side to lay back on your side of the bed, clutching at the duvet as you groan, "I'm so horny..."
You best believe that it's not easy for him to say no to you, not when his head is full of filthy things he wants to do to you.
As a way to console you, he presses a long kiss on your cheek and neck. You suddenly pull him by the shoulder, hard enough to send him toppled on top of you.
"Put your whole body on me," you mutter.
"I'm heavy," he tells you like it isn't obvious enough.
You wrap your legs around him, forcing him to put his whole weight on you. Changbin quickly props an elbow against the mattress to spare a little space.
With both of your bodies pressed against each other, he can feel you differently, in an inexplicably intimate way.
Against the darkness that lingers in the room, he still can see your eyes gleaming as you stare at him as he stares into your eyes.
He swipes your lips with his thumb and for a split second, tempted to kiss it.
"You can kiss it you know," your voice is so low that it almost sounds like a whisper.
Once again, his stubborn part wins and he kisses you on the forehead instead.
"Goodnight," he sweetly speaks into your ear.
Without warning, you pull him closer until he collapses on top of you and keeps him close with your arms locked around him.
"Are you okay?" He quickly checks on you.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck and mumble, "You can crush me to death for all I care."
That makes him laugh in amusement, Changbin plants another kiss on the top of your head and gently pats at it.
CHANGBIN: The sexual tension is... unbearable [groans] but I want to do this right.
It's only afternoon but Sabine is already looking done with the day.
You respect people and their boundaries so you would usually wait for people to come to you first and they would when they're ready to talk.
However, the silence that hangs in the air once she steps into the dressing room is suffocating. You decide to, at least, check on her, making sure she's okay.
"Sabine, babe," you call as you rummage through your make-up pouch.
"You're way too pretty to have frown lines," you tell her with a smile.
Sabine aggressively reclines on her chair then lets out a long sigh, sending her long hair dangling down the back and almost touching the floor.
"You okay?" You ask her as you continue doing your make-up.
"I don't know," she sighs again.
She picks up a hairbrush next but does nothing with it, she's holding it in her hand as she continues talking, "It's Oliver."
It must be about the date and you knew Oliver screwed up, you could tell from the moment he got chosen for the date. Also, it's not hard to read a guy like Oliver, he's a player and a few days in the retreat won't instantly change that. Not that it's impossible, but it takes time to get the game out of a player.
"What happened?" You ask even though you guessed the gist of it in your head.
Sabine looks straight ahead and starts talking, "He went on a date yesterday made me realize that my feelings for him are genuine," she explains.
You nod to show her that you're intently listening to her even though you're busy doing your eyebrows, "Yeah."
She then draws a long breath to continue talking and combing her hair with her fingers, "But I know his type, I know how good they are at lying so yeah, I don't fully trust him so I asked Jax about the date."
You didn't know why you thought she was that naive. Sabine knows the kind of guy she's with.
"And what she said?"
Sabine puts her feet up on her chair and hugs them close to her chest, "She said that he went in for a kiss."
It's predictable but it's surprising to hear your assumption is right.
You pause doing your make-up and gasp, "What?"
Sabine is drawing circles on her knee with her finger as she continues talking, "Oliver didn't kiss her but he said it's because he didn't want to lose money..."
She takes a shaky breath and puts all of her hair on one shoulder, "And not because of me, he didn't even mention me at all."
You put down everything you're holding and put all of your attention on her, "Oh, no... babe," you coo.
"I like him for real because..." she pauses to gulp air and holding in her tears
"Now I'm genuinely hurt," her voice breaks at the end of the sentence.
You get up from your chair to come and hug her, putting your arms around her to comfort her before getting back to your chair.
"I think you should confront him about it. Obviously, you don't want to waste time on him if he doesn't want the same thing," you suggest, hoping that it would help her know what to do next.
Sabine sniffles and puts her feet down, she pulls her chair close to the table, leaning close to the mirror to fix her make-up.
"I'll take to him once they're back from the workshop," she says, now picking up her brush to add blush to her cheeks.
You always take Sabine as this cool girl who likes to make boys cry but at this moment, she looks fragile and insecure, she's just like any other girl and so are you.
YOU: I just knew that Oliver would mess up but I didn't think he would really do that to Sabine.
Lana is aware that these past few days have been tense for everyone and with the arrival of two new guests, she throws a party in the villa tonight.
Dressing up feels useless now that Changbin has no intention of doing anything to you and that somehow affects your mood, you don't feel like partying tonight.
You choose to sit this one down with him and quietly sip your wine while watching everyone else dancing to the music blasting around the villa.
Eventually, Nico and Rita join you in the firepit and you couldn't be more grateful that your matchmaking is a huge success.
"Nico, I'm impressed you're not all over the new girl," you jokingly say.
Rita looks at him, trying to intimidate him while giggling close to his face, "You can be honest," she tells him.
Nico shakes his head in false terror, "Nah, I don't want to get in trouble," he says.
Rita smiles in approval as Nico puts his arm around her, pulling her closer to his side even though there's no space left between them.
"Changbin, you couldn't possibly still be mad about our kiss, right?" Rita jokingly asks.
You turn to look at Changbin, wanting to see how he reacts to that question. He's been giving you vague signs whether he is still holding a grudge about it or not.
"Mad? Who got mad?" Changbin jokes back with a grin.
Rita flashes you a questioning glance then she turns to look at him, "Then how about you guys kiss and then we'll kiss?"
"I'm in!" Nico excitedly welcomed that idea.
You turn your head at Changbin and put the ball in his court, leaning close to his face, puckering your lips to tease him.
"Are you scared?" Rita teases him.
"I'm not," Changbin replies with a half smirk.
You take his chin and turn his head to look at you, "Kiss me then," you dare him.
Since he's not doing anything, you keep leaning in closer and closer and Changbin is backing away to avoid you. You stop before you embarrass yourself
"See? He pulls away first," you tell Rita with a shrug.
YOU: I am already sexually frustrated here and now it seems like I'm going to be touch-deprived as well [sighs]
Lana is the worst party host.
She abruptly stops the party and calls everyone to the cabana, it's not a good sign when she has to get in the middle of the party.
Changbin prepares himself for whatever is about to come out of that cone's mouth and his heart drops when he hears that anxiety-inducing chime.
"Did anyone break the rules?" Liam asks around.
Sabine crosses her arms and leans back, "I don't know about anyone else but I'm celibate."
Sabine is looking so upset about something when she says it and Changbin notices that Oliver has been eerily quiet the whole night.
"I stressed the importance of being committed to my process and a few people are falling short on that goal," Lana begins
Changbin can tell right away that something bad is going to happen tonight and he's not ready. He fears that it's going to happen to him or worse, you.
"It's clear that I need to streamline the group and two of you must leave the retreat tonight," Lana announces.
Everyone is gasping in shock, the tension is rising and no one is safe at this point. It's like Changbin's fears manifested into reality and he's dreading it, he doesn't want to leave.
He sees that you're looking calm but he notices your hands are clasped together on your lap, you must be stressed inside, considering that you broke the rules multiple times.
"The first person to leave the retreat is..."
CHANGBIN: I don't like this at all.
No one wants to hear what Lana is going to say but there's no avoiding it, this is her retreat, her rules, she's the one in control here.
Niamh seems to have sensed that it's her, she smiles the second she hears her name and tears start rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh!" A broken gasp escapes Rita's mouth as she turns to the side to hug her.
Changbin didn't get to know Niamh well but she's been a complete shut-in and doesn't seem like she wants to build a connection at all. He believes the reason why Lana chose her is because she has the lowest possibility of forming a meaningful relationship.
"It's okay," she says while wiping her tears-soaked cheeks but she can't hide her disappointment from everyone.
"The second person to leave the retreat is..."
There's a huge chance that it'll be from one of the boys so
Changbin holds his breath again, getting more nervous than before.
He happens to sit next to you and you instantly rest your head on his shoulder while Changbin pats him on his knee, feeling like he's losing a friend even though he's only known him for days.
"It is now time for both of you to leave the retreat," Lana orders.
You kiss Shane on the cheek before letting him get up from the sofa to say goodbye to everyone and so is Niamh. She joined him in front of everyone to say goodbye for one last time.
"I hope this reminds the rest of you to take this process more seriously."
And just like that, Lana leaves with dark clouds hanging over everyone's heads.
CHANGBIN: That is one tough pill to swallow.
That should be a wake-up call for anyone to try and do better in this retreat.
Changbin considers himself lucky for not getting sent home tonight and he's still staying, being given another chance to continue building connections with you.
However, Lana demands emotional connections, not physical ones.
There's no denying that he has a strong physical connection with you and that should be the least of his worries. As of this moment, Changbin wants to focus on growing his emotional connection with you.
"Gosh, it feels empty already..." Liam says from the bed across the room.
Everyone's eyes shift in the direction of where Shane and Niamh shared a bed which is now empty.
You turn on the bed to face him and place a hand on his chest, before placing it on his jaw with your thumb tenderly rubbing his cheek.
"Are you okay?" You softly ask.
This is one of the times when he needed you the most. He doesn't reply but rests his head on your chest, letting you softly scratch his head with your finger.
And in a time like this, Changbin is convinced that he has emotional connections with you. There's no other reason why he feels like he can seek comfort from you if not because he's comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you.
CHANGBIN: I don't want to play around anymore. I want to grow with her.
With the girls out for a workshop, Changbin takes the time to get a little sun by the swimming pool with Oliver occupying the lounger next to him.
Changbin seems to have missed something yesterday but he notices that something is going on between Oliver and Sabine.
Oliver spills everything right away and Changbin only realizes it now that Oliver is younger than him which explains his reckless action.
"So you went back from the date with Jax and you said something stupid implying that you're not serious with Sabine?" Changbin concludes out of Oliver's explanation.
Oliver sneers at that, probably realizing how much at fault he is, "Pretty much, yeah."
Changbin lets out a chuckle and takes a sip of water from his tumbler. He knows Oliver is old enough to know that this is his own doing but Changbin feels like he's seeking some bits of advice from him.
"You know you have this connection with Sabine and you're here to develop that connection," Changbin chooses his words carefully to avoid sounding like he's being so self-righteous.
"You just need to control your urges a little," he adds.
Oliver sighs at the last bit, aware that that's his main problem, not being able to control his physical urges.
"But Jax is so... hot like... how come I didn’t think of her sexually when she's that fit?" Oliver innocently says.
Changbin immediately slaps his thigh hard enough that it leaves a mark on his alabaster skin.
"Hey, emotionally! Not physical!" He reminds him.
Oliver laughs, feeling like he's a little kid being scolded by his parents. He recognizes this typical attribute because Changbin has been there once, playing the cool guy who acts like it doesn't bother him but deep down, he does care.
"I know you want to act cool like you don't care about her but you have the chance to make it better, it's not too late," he tells him.
Oliver gets quiet and looks straight ahead, letting a moment pass without a word. Then a minute later, he nods and says, "I'm going to talk to her later."
As a motivation, Changbin gives him a pat on the shoulder, "You can do it, man!"
On the other hand, Lana has been quiet the whole day but that only makes Changbin more suspicious.
When she finally calls everyone to the cabana, he knows he is right to be suspicious, especially at the sight of small boxes on the table.
"Is it Christmas?" Rita playfully comments.
"Have we been here that long?" Nico adds with a chuckle.
Changbin is skeptical that it's going to be a gift, maybe it is but there has to be a catch to it. He knows Lana well enough to know the motive of everything she does.
"Hello, everyone!" The cone chimes.
"Yes, Lana!" Riley shouts, being the loudest to answer to her.
"As you can see, I have a treat for you all," Lana announces, confirming everyone's guesses are true.
Everyone is cheering but Changbin is the only one struggling to accept the fact that Lana is being generous to the group.
"Ooh..." Liam coos in excitement, rubbing his hands together while looking at the box in front of him.
"The purpose of this gift will further enhance your relationships going forward. You may now open your gifts," Lana orders.
No one wastes their time to take their boxes and open them, finding a watch inside. You help him put it around his wrist and he helps you with yours after.
"When I observe two people forming genuine connections, they will be given a green light, like this..."
Lana demonstrates it by turning everyone's watches green at the same time.
"...where the rules do not apply for a limited amount of time."
"This looks good on you," you compliment him.
Changbin flexes his bicep to show it off, "I'll keep close to it with a tense bicep," he jokes.
His first thought is, of course, he wants to get a green light with you and that can be accomplished with emotional growth.
"We have reached the half of the retreat so please use your time wisely," Lana leaves with a gentle reminder that some of us should have accomplished something at this point.
With these watches, Changbin is highly motivated to build an emotional connection with you.
CHANGBIN: We don't need to lose money now because Lana will reward us if we do something right.
Uhm... you wouldn't say you're jealous to see Liam and Riley getting a date from Lana, but you know you just hate to admit it.
It would be nice to go on a date with Changbin because things feel way too alright and you crave a little spark here and there.
For someone who loves getting physical affection, it's exciting that you have the watch and the promise that Lana will reward anyone who shows genuine emotional connection with a green light.
You're not that optimistic that you'd get it but who knows?
The night is warm and you're holding a glass of wine, sitting next to an extremely attractive man.
Changbin is wearing a printed shirt with dark jeans, what you like the most is how his muscles bulge out of those short sleeves.
"You look good, babe," you compliment him with a smile.
"I'm not saying that to try to get a green light," you quickly add.
You know better that a compliment wouldn't get you a green light but because he simply earned it.
You put your legs over his lap and look at him, tilting your head to look him through your lashes.
"You're so sexy and cute and big and gentle..." you compliment him more.
Then you lean into his ear and whisper, "You're irresistible."
Getting no reaction from you, you pout and meekly ask, "Am I not appealing to you anymore?"
"No, baby. No," he strongly denies.
You feel pathetic saying that but at least, you finally get his attention now.
He reaches for your head, endearingly caressing your head, "you are beautiful," he sweetly compliments.
He then takes a good look at you with his hand gliding down your arm until he meets your hand, "Head to toe, I admire all of it," he compliments again.
You deeply look into his eyes and ask, "And you don't feel some type of way?"
Changbin inhales air, his fingers are intertwined with yours on your lap. He seems to know the reason why you asked him that.
"I know you want to break a rule," he says.
"I do," you shortly confirm, beating around the bush will only waste time.
Changbin once again gets quiet, you can't tell if he's mulling things over in his head or if he has no words to say to that.
"I don't think we should be punished for having a connection," you give your opinion.
"But that's what we're here for," he simply responds.
You swallow air to stay calm and keep your tone in check, "I know but I think we shouldn't be adamant about spending the money," you give him a solid de
Changbin nods and a moment later, he comes up with a response to your words.
"I think there's no reason for us to break rules now."
He places his hand on your knee and tenderly rubs the skin with his thumb, "We have these watches and we just need to do this right and Lana will reward us with a green light."
You get it that he's trying to be on Lana's good side but the way he completely shot you down... It almost feels like he forces this decision on both of you and you don't get a say on it.
"Yeah, right," you half-heartedly reply and then drain your glass of wine cause the night suddenly feels cold to you.
YOU: Ugh! I'm so frustrated. I don't know how much longer I can take this.
Everyone is cheering when Liam and Riley return from their date.
They look happy as they become the first to get the first green light. They're not the only ones looking happy, it looks like Sabine and Oliver have made up as they're being lovey-dovey on their bed.
Truthfully, you're happy for both of them but it's hard when you're struggling with your relationship. You feel like, as a couple, you're at a standstill.
Liam and Riley got a green light, you see Sabine and Oliver, they're not perfect but it's endearing to see them overcoming things together.
Then you look at what you have and Changbin, it's alright, it's okay but that's not enough for you. This thought leads you spiraling down, you wonder about everything that is wrong with you and what could've been the source of the problem.
Without intending to, you begin to feel insecure about yourself, questioning everything, including your feelings until it overwhelms you.
When you wake up in the morning, you feel like doing nothing. As if you have the choice, you drag yourself out of bed and get ready for the day. It seems pointless now doing all of this.
"How are you doing, my darling?" Sabine asks.
"Feel like shit," you honestly reply.
Sabine takes her turn to be the one who comes to your aid after you did the same role to him days ago. She reaches across the table to place her hand on your forearm.
"Is it about Changbin? Are you guys alright?" She lowers her voice since the other girls are also in the room.
"I don't like that he's like... 'we're not going to do anything physical'," you tell her while dampening your cotton pad with toner.
"Like... give me something. Fuck!" You lowly curse, putting your suppressed anger into that profanity.
You toss the dirty cotton pads away and let out a long sigh even though it no longer helps you to calm down, "It's like he's cockblocking himself."
"Oh, my God!" Sabine gasps with a horrified look on her face.
Even Sabine can't find any words to say to help you with your crisis because it's that bad and of course, Lana knows about your bad day so she comes to make it worse.
At this point, you give up on trying to guess Lana's intentions and just go with it.
"Hello, everyone," Lana opens her session as usual.
"Hello, Lana!" Sabine cheerily responds next to you.
It's not hard to spot where Changbin when he's the biggest of all of the boys and he's sitting on the far end of the sofa.
"I am pleased to see that several of you have developed romantic connections during your time here," Lana says.
Not sure which couple she deems as romantic but you're sure as hell it's not you.
"But for these relationships to succeed in the long-term, it is vital that you trust each other to resist temptation."
Jax dramatically gasps from the other side of you, "Uh-oh!"
That sure sounds like Lana is brewing something and you're aware you wanted to stop guessing but... old habits die hard.
"Today, I will be putting that to the test."
Oh? Another test? You have done it once and barely passed it, you're not keen on going through that again.
"With the help of two new arrivals."
New guests, huh? So yeah, you don't want to be involved in any drama, not when you're going through something right now.
"The first new arrival is... Javi."
You already have too much in your head to add something else to worry about.
"The second new arrival is... Gia."
And you don't want to do anything, you want to curl up into a ball and be left alone.
"Two of you will be going on private dates with the new arrivals."
Is there a way where you can escape Lana just for a day? A few hours will do.
"They have selected the guests they are most attracted to from a choice of those in relationships."
Everyone else is busy freaking out at Lana's announcement while you keep dissociating yourself from what's happening.
"Javi has chosen to go on a date with..."
You reel yourself back into reality and notice that everyone is looking so tense.
It seems like the table has turned. First, it was Oliver and now, Sabine is being picked for the date. You can see the slight panic on Oliver's face.
But then what if...?
"And Gia has chosen to go on a date with..."
You look over at Changbin and feel a little nervous that he'd get picked, well, even if he did get picked and his head turned, then it would only reassure you about the true state of your relationship.
Yet here you are, letting out a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't get chosen for the date.
YOU: I'm– [sighs] I'm starting to second-guess what I have with Changbin.
Everyone else is buzzing with the new arrivals and all the drama surrounding it, except Changbin.
Everyone has been behaving lately and no one is breaking the rules, everything is going so well so Changbin wonders why you're sitting by yourself looking rather upset about something.
He comes up to you, putting on a smile when you glance up from your glass of wine.
"Hey," he says as he takes a seat next to you.
You hold your drink in the other hand and meekly reply, "Hi."
It's like the girl he met is slowly disappearing from you, you look down and low-spirited, and the sparks in your eyes are somehow dimming.
"How are you feeling?" He asks.
You scratch the back of your neck and weakly smile, "Right now, I'm a little bit lost," you answer.
Lost? Lost as in you don't know where to go or what to do anymore? But the more important question to ask is... is it about you and him?
You uncross your legs and put away your drink, looking serious as you start talking to him, "I do value physical affection and I feel like I wasn't getting what I needed from you," you tell him.
Changbin tilts his head to the side, feeling accused of something he didn't do. He's been treating you well and trying to do better every day so yeah, he won't easily accept you just said to him.
"I told you that there's no reason why we should break rules now," he reminds you of the things he has said to you once.
It seems like you have so many things to say to him but not wanting to let it out, but he's noticing how your jaws are clenched and unclenched.
"We're supposed to work on our connection and I've been opening up so much to you but you're not," you reply to him.
He's not going to lie, you hit him hard with that one. He admits you've been so open to him and what he gave back to you? Not so much.
"Being more open... that's not easy for me," he honestly admits.
"I know," you answer.
"And I've seen you trying but it's been a while now and it feels like we're not going anywhere," you look away and let out a low sigh.
It makes his head hurt how you misunderstood everything and doubted him when all he does is try to do what's right.
"I like you," he says to you, running out of things to say to convince you.
"But you don't show me that and I started to think that maybe it's not because of the money..." Your voice is quivering and you pause to inhale air.
Changbin lets you finish talking because he knows you still have a lot to utter to him.
You brush your hair to the back and sigh, "You make me feel so insecure and I don't like that," you conclude.
Not only that half of what you said is not true, Changbin is a little annoyed at how haste you conclude things. He also doesn't like how you doubt him, questioning everything when he thinks that he has shown you everything he has.
Changbin has a lot to say to that but he doesn't want to do the same thing, being haste about it and saying things he didn't mean.
CHANGBIN: I don't want to give up on her but I need some time to think things through.
It's the first time in the retreat you wake up feeling not excited, you wake up letting out a long sigh instead.
Lana chimes in for her morning greeting so you drag yourself out of the duvet and sit up on the bed with your back resting against the headboard.
"Good morning, everyone!"
A few are sleepily answering to her while the others are still struggling to open their eyes.
"Javi and Gia, I trust that you sleep well," Lana says, talking to the new guests.
Gia turns to look at everyone in the room, "are there usually noises in the middle of the night?"
"What noises?" Liam asks.
"Like smooching sounds..." Gia proceeds to describe the noises she heard last night.
To be completely honest, you're hearing your own thoughts all night to hear anything else.
"From where?"
Gia shakes her head, "No idea."
Well, wherever that smooching sound coming from, it's definitely not from your bed. You wake up next to Changbin but this morning, it feels like you're merely there for the sole reason that is sharing the bed and nothing more.
"How is it going with our big guy?" Sabine asks as the two of you are doing your make-up in the dressing room.
"I talked to him last night," you answer.
Sabine twists her hair before putting it on one shoulder, "And how did it go?"
You squeeze a dollop of moisturizer on the back of your hand and slowly dab it on your face, "a lot of stuff been said, a lot of stuff going down..."
Sabine turns on her feet to face you, "What's going on?"
Your shoulders slumped as you let out a sigh, "I honestly don't want to talk about it," you tell her.
As much as you want to tell her everything, talking about last night only makes you feel sad and you don't want to let it bring you down further.
YOU: The ball is on Changbin's court now so let's see what he's going to do with it.
Just because there's drama going on with you, that doesn't mean you're not aware that the new guy, Javi, has been secretly checking you out since last night.
Just now, you notice him clocking you out while you're chilling in the swimming pool with Jax.
After a while, he realizes that you know so he swims in your direction and stops right in front of you.
Beads of water are dripping down his tattooed body, he brushes his wet hair to the back and smiles at you.
"Hey, how are you girls doing?" He greets both of you, but his eyes are only looking at you.
"Good. You?" Jax answers.
You decide not to say anything but lock in a gaze with him, those light brown eyes are piercing right through you.
Javi looks away to glance at Jax and a moment later, puts his eyes on you again, more intense than before.
"Red looks good on you," he compliments.
The way he's looking at you, it's like he's doing something unspokenly filthy with those eyes.
"I know," you coyly say with a half smirk.
Javi flicks his eyes to your lips for a second then intensely stares into your eyes before brushing his hair to the back again.
"See you girls later," he says, then continues swimming to the other end of the pool.
Jax nudges your side with her eyes watching Javi swimming away, "Look at those shoulders," she whispers.
"I know," you mutter back, getting that fluttering feeling as you recall the way he looked at you.
The reason Lana has been quiet lately is because she's been collecting the receipts and you believe she's going to expose them soon.
And just like you have predicted, she gathers everyone in the bedroom when you're still getting ready for the night. Even though you have to third-wheel Liam and Riley, you decide to sit on their bed because it's much closer to the door back to the dressing room.
"Hello, everyone!" Lana starts.
"Hi, Lana!" The group replies in unison, not sure about everyone else but you're not that excited to hear her voice.
"You have received watches as part of the next stage of your development at my retreat. Unfortunately, some of you have still decided to disobey my rules."
See? You know she's been quiet for a reason, not because she didn't know people had been secretly breaking the rules.
Nico raises his hand and speaks up, "I'm just going to straight up telling you guys that Rita and I kissed," he bravely confesses.
"I'm sorry," Rita quickly adds with an adorable pout.
Everyone let that one slide because someone is quick to claim with their rulebreak and it's making it easier for everyone to assess the damage.
"This breach of rules has cost the group $6,000," Lana announces.
Here is the time for the animosity to fill the air, the cone is still lighting up so it means she's not done, there must be another rule break.
"Okay, who else wants to fess up?" Changbin says and he looks confident saying that because there's nothing happened last night, or anything before that for that matter.
"You're looking nervous there, Gareth," Liam points out, shifting everyone's attention to him.
Gareth doesn't put on a good poker face, he keeps rubbing his chin with both of his ears reddening. You look at Jax and she's only giggling next to him.
"Oh, God!" Sabine groans with her hand flying to her forehead.
Gareth finally faces everyone and lets out a nervous laugh, "We had a moment last night, we uh..." he starts, now scratching his ears, flustered.
"With all of us in the room?" Riley asks in disbelief.
"We what?" Oliver presses him.
"We started with a kiss," Gareth continues, stammering as he speaks, "Then we wanted to..."
"Mate, stop stalling," Oliver presses him more.
Poor Gareth, he's under a lot of pressure right now and Jax is right there, leaving his man facing it alone. After a moment though, she finally finishes it for him.
"I gave him a hand job, no big deal," she nonchalantly admits.
There's a mix of reactions but most of them are disappointed groans. Apart from the fact that he spent money, you understand Gareth's struggle though.
"That's so selfish!" Changbin says loud enough for everyone to hear.
Except for Changbin probably, he doesn't understand the struggle because he's Lana's loyal disciple.
"Jax and Gareth, I must inform you that your rule breaks have resulted in a total of $16,000," Lana announces.
The groans are filling the room and everyone is sure not tolerating what Gareth and Jax did because they're only been here for barely a week now.
"The prize fund now stands at $139,000," Lana updates.
YOU: It seems like Changbin is too busy worrying about the money than our relationship [scoffs]
The vibe gets a little off in the villa ever since Lana announced the current prize fund.
You finish your make-up quickly and get out of the villa, get a drink for yourself, and then sit on the lounger.
The night is warm with cool air blowing your way, you look up and see the stars like pinpricks on the night sky, it's a beautiful night, too bad you don't have anyone to share it with.
"May I sit?" Someone asks.
You turn on your seat to see Javi standing with a drink in his hand, looking good in a black t-shirt and blue jeans and no everyone can't look that attractive in such a casual attire.
"Yes, please," you tell him with a smile.
He then sits on the lounger next to you, sitting facing you with your knees almost touching in the middle.
"How are you?" He asks.
"I'm good," you lie, in the hope that if you believed it enough, it'd come true, "You?"
"Great!" He shortly answers with a bright smile, showcasing his perfect white teeth.
You respond with a smile then take a sip of your wine, your eyes are quietly looking at the tattoos peeking out of the neckline of his t-shirt.
"You look amazing," he compliments with yet another bright smile.
"Thank you," you say, suddenly so aware of yourself that you cross your legs together.
"I like the dress. It suits you well," he compliments again.
Javi sure knows how to amuse a girl, complimenting you to the tiniest details just to let you know that he pays attention to you.
"Thank you," you say again.
Javi takes a sip of his drink before putting his attention back to you, "I actually can't believe how beautiful you are," he sweetly compliments again.
You crack a shy laugh and thank him again, suddenly having problems accepting compliments.
"It's nice to finally be able to talk to you," he says.
"Why is that so?" You curiously ask.
"As soon as I looked at you, you caught my eyes but I obviously didn't want to step on anyone's toes," Javi openly shares, avoiding using Changbin's name.
"Really?" You ask.
"Yes," He answers with a nod then buries his head in his hands, probably to hide his reddening cheeks.
And you like that in contrast to his appearance, he gets shy as he's talking to you.
"I like that you're shy, it's sexy," you compliment him back with a satisfied grin.
"Well, I'm trying to..." he can't finish his sentence without shyly laughing.
Javi takes a big gulp of his wine and swallows it down fast, he looks a little nervous so whatever he's going to say next it's important to him.
"So, what do you think the sleeping arrangements will be?" He asks.
Oh? He's quite aggressive and you like that. It reminds you of someone you used to know but unfortunately, he's not that man anymore and Javi seems to be more than glad to take that role.
You tilt your head to the side and ask, "What do you want it to be?"
Javi is giving you that gaze again, the kind of gaze that slowly strips you away from your senses, making you a little crazy.
"I think you'd look much better in my bed," he boldly remarks.
You're not sure if it's because he's so attractive, a bit aggressive or if it's because you're just so desperate for some attention and some touches.
Either way, you want in.
YOU: I've been waiting for Changbin but he clearly has not gotten the message so I might have to explore some other options here.
The longer he's away from you the more Changbin realizes that he doesn't want to give up on you.
He's indeed worrying too much about the rules and the money that he forgets that the point of this retreat is to build a connection. He admits that his plan has backfired on him.
The worst of all, he's been forcing this on you without asking you how you feel about it.
That's fatal and he understands now why you're so mad. He doesn't know why it took him this long but he's ready to have another talk with you again.
This time, he promises to be more open because you deserve it, you deserve better.
After drying his hair, Changbin tosses the towel into the laundry basket and makes his way to the bedroom. He has nothing in his mind, he's just going get in there and wait for you on his bed.
Once he pushes the door though, he's not expecting to see you getting on Javi's bed. He has to take a second to register what he's seeing before snapping himself out of it. He continues his way to his bed, collapsing onto the mattress and trying hard to ignore how Javi is cuddling you on the bed opposite his.
"You're okay, Bin?" Nico asks from the bed next to him.
Changbin plays it cool by giving him a thumbs up in response.
Well, to be honest, he's mad, he feels like walking up to you and asks, 'What the fuck?
He planned on talking to you but how is he going to do that if you're on someone's bed?
CHANGBIN: I really wanted to believe that this was going in the right decision but I just believed it too soon.
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siren song || - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open! second part of siren song! the third part is also out, check my masterlist! ^^
A/N: thank you for the love on siren song! to read part one, click here! i hope you enjoy this part <3 i had to rewrite this considering i accidentally deleted it :')
wordcount: 4.736 warnings: xavier being a bad friend, curse words, slight memory loss, incorrect information about siren song probably, use of weed.
After finally convincing Bianca to use her Siren Song, you get some well-deserved peace in your head. How long does it take for Xavier to notice the changes?
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The question catches Bianca off guard, not something that happens a lot. Tears are staining your face as you sniff, trying to not start sobbing again.
"Hey, it's okay. Come in."
Her arm is placed on your shoulders as she guides you into her room, placing you on her bed before grabbing her desk chair, sitting next to you.
"What has gotten you so upset?"
You look down at your hands, biting your cheeks as you nervously fiddle with your fingers. You feel embarrassed to sit here, crying in the dorm of your friend that used to be Xaviers girlfriend, but you didn't know anyone that would know how you feel. No one except for Bianca.
"I think Xavier hates me."
"What?" Bianca exclaims shocked. "Why do you think that?"
If there is one thing that Bianca was sure of, it was that Xavier is completely infatuated with you. Even during their relationship, he still made sure to spend some time with you, and Bianca never cared. She trusted both of you, as you became her friend when the relationship was going on. When the couple broke up, your friendship watered down a bit, but you were still both friendly.
"We just had a fight," you whisper. "He never yelled at me like that. Never."
She hands you a tissue, breathing in deeply.
"He has been ignoring me for weeks. He became so obsessed with Wednesday that he did not have any time for me. She- she asked him to the Rave'n and then he found out that she just used him," you ramble. "I asked him to come with me, not even as a real date, but just so he wouldn't be alone. And then he totally ditched me there the second Wednesday came in. The worst thing is, she doesn't even like him. She told me."
How stupid can a boy be? Bianca grits her teeth, shaking her head.
"He is dumb. If there is one thing that he should do, it's to get his head straight. I can't believe that he would do this. Especially after all you have done for him!"
"What if I just become more like Wednesday? I- I can braid my hair? I will even learn to play the cello. He- He said that she was better than me... That I just bother him. Am I too obsessed or- or annoying?"
Even Bianca's heart breaks at that point. The tears are rolling down your face again as you still don't dare to look up at her.
"Am I really that bad of a friend?"
"No!" Bianca immediately responds. "No, Y/N, if anything, you are a great friend. Too good for him. You don't need to be Wednesday to be better. I think she is too emotionless for her own good."
"I wish I was that way," you sigh. "Please, Bianca. If I tell you that I really want it, can you really not use your Song?"
Bianca takes a deep breath, her leg bouncing up and down. Her eyes fall down to the amulet around her neck. It is very against the rules to use her Siren Song, it is something that could get her in a lot of trouble. But, at the same time, she knows exactly how you feel. Xavier is just someone who deserves love, yet he doesn't know how to act around it when someone is literally handing it to him on a silver plate.
Her heart tells her to help you, to give you everything you deserve, but she knows that she also needs to think about the possible consequences. Though your grades have been slipping and your mood has been down for a while now as well. So many factors.
"Y/N, I really don't know."
"What if I consent to it? Surely that must be fine. I- I will sign a contract, even. Write it myself. I- Even only thinking about doing this for me would already be enough."
You must genuinely sound so annoying now, but you know that this will help.
"Why won't you try talking to Kinbott first?"
"I just need something... Something that will work immediately. A Siren Song can always be undone, right?"
"I'm not sure about that," Bianca grimaces. "It's hard, Y/N. I promise you that I will think about it. Just... Try and get some rest, okay?"
You had spent the rest of the weekend laying in bed, napping or reading, and sometimes you would head to the Quad to get something to eat. Kent made sure to try and cheer you up, which did work to an extent. You appreciate having a friend like that.
Even from the distance you sit at now, you can still see the figure of Wednesday Addams, sitting alone at her table while writing something down in her notebook. Ajax waves Xavier over to get him to sit at your table but is quickly rejected as the long-haired boy decides to sit with Wednesday. She looks up with the deadliest of looks, though it doesn't seem to phase him at all. Can't he see?
Bianca looks out from the second level of the Quad, spotting both you and Xavier. Not one word is exchanged, though your body language speaks for itself. Your shoulders are slumped and even though Kent tries his hardest to make you laugh, it isn't enough.
Seeing you so upset about someone who doesn't deserve it makes her feel bad. Even in her relationship, she felt like you were more important to Xavier, and that is something she just... Accepted. She never blamed you for it, as Bianca could never really trust Xavier either. But the feelings he has for you are totally real.
After that dinner, you retired back to your room. Yoko would be hanging out with Divina anyway. Just as you let yourself fall on your bed, you hear a knock on the door.
You kick your bag underneath your bed before walking up to the door, opening it to reveal a Bianca behind it.
"I will only do it after you agree to all the consequences."
She walks in as you close the door behind her, trailing after her.
"You're serious?"
"You deserve to have some peace, Y/N. God knows I wish someone could have done this for me when I was in your situation. I will tell you every consequence," Bianca looks at you sternly. "And I have some conditions."
"Yeah- Yeah totally."
Bianca sits down at your desk, handing you a pen and paper.
"You are to write down that you agree with the Siren Song. I can't just use it whenever I want. Principal Weems will have my head if she finds out."
"Anything, Bianca."
You start writing, still listening to the siren as she explains everything.
"I can genuinely not say if I am able to undo the Song. There is a high likelihood that it will not return to you and Xavier being best friends. I also do not know what to do if this news ever reaches Weems. No one knows that we are planning to do this, no one except for us."
"I promise you, I will take all the blame," you nod, a weak smile on your face. "It is the least I can do."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She looks at you, her eyebrows stuck in a frown. "It's not something small. You deserve much better than how Xavier acts now."
"I- Yeah. I thought about it all day yesterday. I just... I want to. I promise."
You hand her the paper in neatly written handwriting.
I, Y/N Y/L/N, fully consent to the use of the Siren Song by Bianca Barcley. I have willingly agreed to be under the influence of the song for as long as I wish. All punishments that are given for using the Siren Song are punishments I will take over. Bianca Barcley is not to be lectured nor punished for her actions.
Underneath it is your handwriting, together with the date of today. Bianca takes a deep breath, nodding as she reads it over and over again.
"What exactly... Is it that you want me to do? You just... Want to forget him?"
You nod.
"I was thinking that... I don't want to be scared of him, I just want to stay out of his way. If that makes any sense?"
"Xavier Thorpe will be the one you forget, from now on his name will stop sounding in your head," Bianca mutters, trying to practice whatever she will say. "Distance is something that you will keep, he will not be the reason as to why you... Weep?"
You will forget Xavier, make sure to keep your distance, and not cry over him. You do feel guilty for making Bianca use the Siren Song on you, but in your eyes, it feels like the only way out.
"I think you will just return to how it was before you met Xavier," she then nods. "I will try to make sure that you will not get too close to him again, but I can't promise anything. If you have feelings for him now, you might just... Start liking him all over again."
"I just need to forget," you say, handing the handwritten note to Bianca. "Thank you so much, Bianca."
"This might be the first time I feel guilty for using it," she laughs nervously. "But, you deserve it. Truly. Xavier just needs to get his act straight. He loves you, he's just dumb."
You don't fully believe her. You want to, but you can't. You truly thought that he liked you back, that he was also interested in you. But now you were not even sure if he liked you as a friend anymore.
"Ready? You will probably be sleepy after this."
Trembling hands and nervous sighs.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Bianca nods, pulling the necklace off of her neck. She closes her eyes, holding your hands in hers.
"Xavier Thorpe will be the one you forget, from now on his name will stop sounding in your head. Distance is something that you will keep, he will not be the reason as to why you weep."
You had woken up with a slight headache. Your limbs are still sore from the Rave'n dance, but that can't stop you. Not that you remember a lot of it; they must have spiked the drinks. You pick up your bag from under the bed, emptying it out before filling it with everything you need for the day. After finally finding all your books, pens, and notebooks, you exit your room.
"Hi, guys!"
With a big smile, you greet your friends, plopping down in between Kent and Bianca. You had gotten a sandwich from the dining hall, trying to get some breakfast in before your first class.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Kent snickers. "You're up before me most of the time."
You shrug, taking a bite of your sandwich.
"I was so tired," you mumble, wiping your mouth with the napkin. "I'm still sore from all the dancing!"
Ajax and Enid soon also join the table as Enid huffs.
"I feel like the paint is still in my hair," she complains. "I mean, it was a good post for my blog, but that dress was my favorite dress ever! "
You let out a chuckle, closing the sandwich container before placing the leftovers in your bag. Yes, the paint was a pain to get out of your hair and your dress has also been stained, but the rest of the evening went splendidly.
After fifteen minutes, the first bell rings, signaling that classes are to start in only five minutes. You sling your backpack onto your back before standing up from the table.
"You ready for Botany?" Bianca smirks.
"Well," you sigh. "Can I use your notes? I can't find any of mine from the last three weeks. I don't know what I did during class, but I know that there is a test coming up and this is not my best subject."
Bianca's smile falters for a second, realizing that you really don't remember a lot about Xavier anymore.
"Yeah, you can sit with me. Might be the easiest anyway."
You nod, entering the class as you greet miss Thornhill. She had already placed some strange plants in the front of the classroom as other students slowly entered the classroom.
Some students already picked a spot, including Wednesday. She is placed next to another person, hair to his shoulders and a frown on his face.
"Good morning, Wednesday!"
You sit down on the opposite side of Bianca as she and the boy sit between you and Wednesday.
He feels familiar. It is almost like he was in a dream. Like you accidentally bumped into him once or twice, only seeing him in your classroom once in a while. It's like the lingering smell of perfume when someone walks past you, or when you see a half-erased line of pencils on a page. He is mesmerizing, yet extremely intimidating. It is almost like you can't rip your eyes off of him, but you are also too scared to keep looking.
Bianca gives you a look before placing her notebook in front of you, making sure that you can read all of it as Thornhill starts talking. You try to write down all she says, making small sketches of the flowers and plants she shows while also trying to write down all the notes from the last few weeks.
"Alright, so, I will be expecting the essays about the Ghost Orchid and at least two more carnivorous plants. No maximum amount of words, but at least 450 words per plant."
Thank God for Bianca's notes. Without those, you would have actually failed this.
"I think I'm going to be doing my homework in the Nightshade library," you whisper to the girl. "I really need to get started on this."
After writing down the last few sentences, you drop your pen. Your hand is cramping from all the writing and your fingers are covered in ink. Only Biology and one hour of fencing left and after that, you were going to sit with the Choir Club, even though you're not a member. You would often hang out with them, sitting on a bench nearby while waiting for your friends to finish. You yourself were actually in the Art Club, but you tend to hang out with other clubs on days that you didn't have any.
A small break after Botany, just long enough to grab a hot drink from the dining hall before getting dressed in your fencing suit again.
"Bianca? You want to team up?"
She raises an eyebrow, smirking while grabbing a saber, switching it from hand to hand.
"I thought you would never ask."
"I can use some competition. And improvement."
Bianca won. Not once, not twice, but five times. You groan as you end up on the floor again, the tip of the saber pointing to your chest. You hold up your hand before pushing yourself up.
"We get it," you let out a laugh before pulling the mask off of your head. "I'm going to need a break."
She holds out her hand, helping you get up before taking her own mask off. The two of you walk towards one of the small wooden benches that sit against the wall of the room, grabbing a bottle of water before cracking it open, and taking big sips.
Everyone else is still training, the clanking of sabers and the sound of shoes against the mats filling up the classroom. You let out a big sigh, pushing some strands of hair out of your face.
"I don't know if I will ever fight you again," you mumble.
"You're getting better," Bianca laughs, closing the bottle back up. "I have seen worse."
You look at everyone around you, some also taking off their masks to catch their breath as Coach walks around, giving out tips and advice where needed.
The boy with the long hair is here again, yet you still don't know where you know him from. Bianca sneakily looks at you, blinking before looking at Xavier. He acted like you weren't even there as he just fenced against Ajax. She does still think the two of you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, but Xavier first needs to figure himself out. She knows he likes you; it is clear as day. But as long as he acts like this, he doesn't deserve you. Not at all.
Has he always just been in the background? It is like a ghost, you know that you have seen him, yet you don't know where or when.
"One more round?"
"I think I'll be heading to the library now," you tell Bianca. "I genuinely don't know what happened these last few weeks, but I am behind on all my homework."
Half of the Choir Club time has passed as they rehearsed their songs for Outreach Day. They were to perform when the new statue in the town square was going to be revealed. But you had more than enough homework to do.
"I might join you later," she sighs. "Some quiet would be nice."
You tell your friends goodbye before slinging your bag over your shoulder, hurrying down the Quad and into the small hidden hallway leading to the Poe statue. With two snaps you get in, making sure that the entrance is closed off again before going down the stairs.
Nice and quiet.
After around forty-five minutes, you hear some more rumbling. Ah, Bianca must be here. You have gotten a lot of work done, actually. The Ghost Orchid part of your essay is already done, now moving on to the Crimson Pitch plant.
"Hey, Bianca!"
The footsteps descend the stairs, but the figure does not belong to Bianca. The tall guy with long hair walks into the library, the one that felt like he lived somewhere in your memory. Your eyes grow big as you immediately throw everything back in your bag. You didn't know that he was a Nightshade as well.
You close your bag hurriedly. Something about him is so intimidating, but he is absolutely mesmerizing at the same time. Why are you so afraid of him? When walking out you accidentally bump into him.
"Sorry," you quickly mumble, running up the stairs before he can even reply.
Bianca is cleaning up when you get out of the library, so you run up to her. Luckily she is still there.
"Can I do my homework in your room? Yoko was inviting some friends to my dorm and..." You look around, making sure no one is around them. "That guy showed up again. The new one."
Bianca clenches her teeth, grabbing the last few papers before stuffing them in her bag, taking your arm to take you up into her room. She can't have Xavier mess this all up. You haven't been this happy in weeks.
You sit down against her bed, laptop on your lap as you are typing away. But the words are getting stuck, the same sentence being rewritten multiple times before finally getting one that slightly makes sense.
"Is he new?"
Bianca turns around on her chair, looking at you.
"The guy with long hair. He was in the Nightshade library. I- I didn't know if he was supposed to be in there because I wasn't sure if he was in our group."
Why does he have to be there at the exact same time as you? It almost makes the Siren Song useless. You might avoid him as much as you can, but he isn't under the spell.
"He's new."
"He's kinda pretty."
Bianca scoffs.
"Pretty weird. It might be best to stay out of his way, he needs to work on himself before making new... friends."
Xavier groans, dropping his bag on the floor. You had been fully ignoring him, but to be fair, he totally deserved it. He had noticed you sneaking into the library and his plan was to try and talk to you, but you had fled before he could get one word in.
He had called Ajax, asking him to come down to the library as soon as he could. Xavier spent some time sitting in the room, biting on his lips while bouncing his leg up and down. He really, really fucked up.
Rumbling of stones and footsteps.
Ajax shows up, slightly out of breath. He had ran here from his dorm. Xavier said that there was a big problem and if he was needed in the Nightshade library, it would probably be huge.
"What's up, man?"
"I fucked up," Xavier runs his hands over his face. "Like, really bad."
The Gorgon frowns, looking at his friend. Xavier looks stressed out, more than usual. His hair is messy, his eyes are red and he has big eyebags underneath his eyes.
"What did you do?"
The artist breathes in shakily, pacing around the room while fiddling with his hands.
"I have been a total asshole to Y/N," he mumbles. "I left her at the Rave'n, drenched in that paint, and then she went up to visit me. I wasn't only a horrible date, but I was an even worse friend."
"Xavier?" Ajax asks yet again. "What did you do?"
Xavier breathes out roughly, blinking while pursing his lips. He is too ashamed to say it, but he needs to tell someone. He needs someone to set him straight.
"I treated her like shit. I told her Wednesday was better than she is."
His friend gasps, looking at his friend almost disgusted. How could he have said that to her? After all those nights of the artist hanging out in Ajax's dorm, him smoking some weed while listening to his friend blabber on about how much he liked you, and then he does this?
"What the fuck? Xavier, you have liked her for years, why would you say that?!"
Xavier rubs his eyes. If anyone is disappointed, it's him. He was so in his head that he took it all out on you. Wednesday isn't better than you. He has liked you for the longest time now, and this just messed it all up. Xavier his mental health has been declining, especially now that he is also suspected of being some type of monster. But that isn't your fault. None of it is. You have always, always been there for him, and he just swept you to the side.
"I'm going to be honest, dude," Ajax looks at his friend. "I am really disappointed in you."
"As you should be," Xavier whispers.
"I'll help."
Xavier looks up, kind of shocked. For some reason, he expected Ajax to just abandon Xavier in the library, leaving him to fend for himself.
"Only if you promise to never do this again. Go to Kinbott more, try and talk about your feelings. Y/N never cared, you could show up crying at her dorm at three am and she would make sure that you're fine before she even thinks of going to sleep."
"Ajax- Thank you so much."
"Yeah, yeah. Just try to talk to her. I'm serious, Xavier. You might be my best friend, but this is not cool."
For the last two weeks, Xavier had tried to talk to you on multiple occasions. He even sat at your table, though Kent and Bianca were hovering around you, not even letting Xavier get one word in.
During Botany he tried to draw a butterfly, making it float in the air before it quickly gets swatted away by Bianca who just gives Xavier a disgusted stare.
During Fencing he walked up to you, wanting to ask you to train with him like you usually did, but you quickly darted away once you saw him coming for you.
He went down to the Nightshade library to wait for you, yet you never came.
What he did do was 'accidentally' bump into you. He would calculate when he had to stand up to go to class. The first thing you would put in your bag was your notebook, followed by your pencil case. After that you would close the zipper; his sign to stand up. After swinging the bag on your shoulder, you would walk off.
You accidentally bump into someone's back, making the bottle of water that they had in their hand fall.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
As you go to pick it up and give it back, you see the boy again. The boy that appeared in your dreams as if they were faint memories. The boy reminded you of ink splatters and the smell of freshly painted walls.
You quickly hand him the bottle, excusing yourself before finding your way to a picnic table again. He makes you nervous, and you don't know in what way. Bianca warned you for him, so all you could do was listen.
In your room, you had a collection of handwritten notes, asking you to meet up in the Nightshade library. You never did. Once you showed them to Bianca, she immediately shook her head.
"I don't know what else to do," Xavier furrows his eyebrows, "She just doesn't want to talk to me. I don't blame her for not wanting to, but sometimes she even completely ignores me. As if she doesn't even know my name. I tried everything."
Ajax takes a hit of his joint, his eyes tinted red before he blows it out of the window. The moon is lighting up Nevermore, its stars shining around it.
"Yeah," Xavier responds. "I tried to talk to her, give her notes, even accidentally bumped into her. But, Bianca and Kent are just acting like bodyguards to her."
"If you want, I can try to talk to her tomorrow."
"You would do that?"
"Yeah," the Gorgon shrugs. "She still talks to me sometimes. Hanging out in the Quad after classes. I'll let you know how it went."
"Y/N! Hey!"
Ajax runs up to you, a big smile on his face before he pulls his beanie back down.
"Ajax! It is nice to see you again."
"What are your plans for today?"
Hm, what were your plans? You did really want to go to the Weathervane to get a drink, but considering it is a Thursday, you weren't too sure. There are no shuttle buses today, and walking in the chilly weather for twenty-five minutes didn't sound too appealing.
"I have some homework I still need to do. I was thinking of going to the Nightshade library to study. Want to join?"
The boy eagerly shakes his head, following you through the hall and down the stairs. The small table gets filled with books, pens, and notebooks. Ajax didn't really take a lot of homework, but he did provide some snacks.
The two of you talked about all different types of things. How he was planning on asking out Enid, how you expected Outreach Day to go, which homework you were doing, and much more.
"Can I maybe ask you something personal?"
You hum, looking up from your paper.
"Of course."
"I was just wondering," he awkwardly laughs. "What happened at the Rave'n?"
"I have no idea," you shrug. "I think there were some Normies who set off the sprinklers. All I know is that my dress is still stained and that, whatever it was, really burned my eyes."
Ajax frowns, what are you talking about?
"Yeah, no, I was there. One beanie destroyed," he chuckles. "But I meant more like... After the Rave'n. What happened?"
It is your turn to be confused.
"Well... I showered, tried to wash the stains out of my clothes, and then hung out with Bianca."
Do you just really not remember?
"What? No, Y/N, I mean... What happened with you and Xavier?"
Even more confusion spreads on your face as you put your pen down on the paper. What is he talking about? All you did was dance, drink punch, took a break, danced more, and then went to clean yourself from the sticky red paint. And who is he talking about?
"Who is Xavier?"
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akesdraws-blog · 7 months
Giving you a hand
Version (🎞️TMNT BAYVERSE🎞️)
Note: The turtles help you prepare for a job interview and will pretend to be the future or possible boss. Warnings: None, spelling mistakes
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🍵Leonardo 🍵
It will prepare you as if you were going to go into the most dangerous fight of your life. He was reading your application for a few moments and made you show him that you really have all those skills that you put. (If you said you are fast at writing, you better be, because it will take your time) You better not stutter at any point or you'll get Leo's ninja stare. (And he is not very pretty to say the least)
Y/N. -Why the hell do I have to practice immobilizing someone?!- L. -Never know what is going to happen in your work- Y/N. -But I'm going to apply for secretary, not security!-
And when they have to simulate the interview, Leo will come into character, a boss who may seem friendly but will not be. He will offer you some tea and they will start doing the “interview”. But after a few minutes his response is…
L. -We will call you- Y/N. -What? Leo, this is supposed to be the part where you tell me I have the job.- L. -I would if you had done it well- Y/N. -But I did everything right! I answered everything, which part was wrong- L. -To begin the posture, you are hunched over, and you play with your feet, in addition to fiddling with your hands, that does not show security, and your smile seemed more like a request for help… Shall I continue? -
That's right, Leo is going to evaluate everything you do. Internally you will be grateful that you are not going to have a boss like him.
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⚗️Donatello ⚗️
This guy will review your application about 10 times and he will always find some error, which will cause you to do it again. He gave you a time to answer each question and you better not spend another second or they will go back to the beginning. He himself wrote you a few pretty good letters of recommendation. He will prepare you in any aspect that the interview may cover and even that which it will not cover.
Y/N. -Is it necessary for me to study this?- D. -They have to see that you are skilled in any case- Y/N. -But I don't think a cafeteria would ask me to know how to repair an engine- D. -But maybe your boss's car doesn't work, and that's where you act!-
When it's time to simulate the interview, you'll be as nervous as if it were a real one. Because like Leo, he gets into character and we're not talking about a good one, his character will be like talking to John Jonah Jameson Jr. himself.
D. -So you want to work- Y/N. -That's how it is- D. -Why here? Why not somewhere else? I heard they were looking for one near here- Y/N. -Well, it's the closest to where I live- D. -Just that? Isn't it because we are the best? Are you reducing us only as an option for closeness? Y/N. -I did not mean that- D. -If you don't see how we are the best of the best, maybe it's not the place for you, look for another place!- Y/N. -Donnie!- D. -What? Was it too much? You never know what kind of boss you will have-
Let's say you'll practice interviewing with different types of bosses, from a nice boss to one you'd want to hang. But in the end he will apologize if he feels that he has crossed the line or notices that your morals have gone to the ground.
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🥊Raphael 🥊
It will only help with two issues.If she found what you were doing curious or because she saw you as nervous as a chihuahua. (And your murmurs were already bothering him)
First he will question the place and position you will go to, he knows that you are much better for such a low position, but he hopes that at least they will give you a good pay.
But if you have photos of the place where you are going to apply, this guy will go into overprotective mode.
R. -Why can't you see where the fire extinguishers are? The emergency exit is very far away, and have you already seen the windows? Any crazy person could throw a stone and it would break into thousands of pieces, what kind of security protocol? do they have in case of a theft? Or if the Foot Clan arrive?
Y/N. -Why would those on the foot go to a cafeteria?-
R. -They may be criminals but everyone needs a coffee-
That's right, raph just created a new fear for you.
You will have to beg him to simulate an interview, because in his words it is a waste of time.
R. -Do you have schedule availability?-
Y/N. -Yes!, at the time I set I will come right away and...-
R. -Do you know how to make coffee, tea or whatever we sell?
Y/N. -Yes, my espressos are wonderful and...-
R. -Do you want to work here?-
Y/N. -Um, yes, but you have to let me finish talking...-
R. -Hired, I'm leaving-
Y/N. -Raph!-
It will be a matter of a few minutes before your mock interview ends, mostly because Raph won't let you finish talking.
But he always encourages you, he knows that you can do it if you put your mind to it.
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🍕Miguel Angel 🍕
He already knew that you were preparing for an interview, it's not like he will use your phone to order a pizza and by mistake he read the message of the day and time your interview would be, that didn't happen at all.
He will show you the best streets and shortcuts to avoid traffic.
M. -And if you go this way you can get there in less than 20 minutes-
Y/N. -Mike... They are buildings-
M. -You will never see traffic over there-
Mikey will beg to simulate the interview.He even converted the room into an office, you saw how he made a boss badge out of a pizza box that said “Super Chief Cowabunga”.
You don't even know where he got a tie, much less a briefcase.
Y/N. -Very well, remember Mikey, you are the one who is going to interview me, just follow the questions that I put on the sheet and the ones that occur to you-
M. -Understood, but bosses are always full of papers, Donnie must have a lot of papers-
Y/N. -I don't think they are necessary-
M. -And the bosses also have a phone to call their pretty assistants-
Y/N. -I don't even think that's important right now-
M. -Wait, a boss has a white cat, right? I need a white cat-
Y/N. -I don't think bosses have a white cat-
They never start to simulate the interview, as Mikey quickly gets distracted.
In the end you will only see how Mikey continues to bring more and more things to be a true “boss”
One good thing is that you weren't nervous anymore, and if you started to feel a little nervous you only remembered how Mikey started to get distracted and it just made you laugh a little.
@turtle-babe83 . @dilucsflame33. @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon. @leosgirl82. @tmnt-tychou .@little-bunny-in-space . @happymoonangel . @lazyafgurl . @kikithedreamerwriter .@androidships007.
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marksbear · 2 years
can u do a poly!louis x reader x lestat? reader is human and gets flirted with by a different vampire and louis and lestat get jealous and protective? (both louis and lestat are vampires at this time) ty! :)
Your welcome and I hope you enjoy
Warnings- Sadist Lestat but light, club owner reader, poly, killing,implied sex but nothing happens,Red is lestat and blue is for the vampire drew. White is the reader and Louis.
Way before Lestat Y/n used to mess around with Louis. Y/n ran a strip club a busy one in fact. That's how Louis met Y/n at the club. He was there with some of his business "friends." The group Louis was in were a bunch of perverts and basically forced Louis to be there. That's when he saw you. One girl on your left thigh and a boy on your right. He was amazed how bold you were for doing that. The other men in the group didn't like it and gossiped around "How and why is that man just sitting there normally while a black woman on his thigh and a white man on the other!?" Louis turned around and started at the man. "Why don't you say it to his face?" The group becomes silent until the fat one speaks up "Because that's Mr L/n he owns the club. But I heard that his whole family including him are gangsters."
When Louis and Y/n officially met they fucked. Y/n was helping his workers close up the place until someone tapped his back. Once Y/n turned around he was met by a hand "Louis de pointe du lac nice to meet you sir." Louis gives Y/n a huge smile. "Y/n L/n nice to meet you too." Y/n gives Louis a firm shake with smiling. The two begin to talk like they knew each other for years they instantly clicked. Y/n made the first moves like holding on Louis thigh for too long or the flirty jokes. But when Louis finally got the hint Louis took him and Y/n to a motel.
When Lestat got in the picture he was stalking Louis.
Y/n and Louis were walking around the forest. Lestat was reading Y/n mind every second of the walk he was surprised when Y/n thoughts wasn't racist and sexual or just using Louis.
"Who was that boy Louis?" Lestat asks once Louis gets home. "No one. And why did you follow me again!?!" Louis shouts turning around at his lover. "Louis you could have been in danger. My love. Now who is he?" Lestat was closer to Louis wrapping his arms around his waist. "Y/n L/n. But you can't mess with him because him and his family gangsters he told me." Lestat chuckles and brings Louis to the coffin.
Louis and Lestat have been trying their hardest to get with Y/n and drop tiny hints about vampires and all of that. The trio goes on little group dates that Lestat calls them or just spends a lot of time with the L/n. What took them both surprised is that Y/n made the first move. "We're acting like a bunch of boyfriends. Which I don't mind" Y/n said on the bench looking into the sky with Lestat on the left side and Louis on the right. Louis lost the air in his lungs fiddling with his cane. The comment caught Lestat off guard but quickly gathered himself. "Really? Well I guess me or Louis wouldn't mind sharing you" Lestat says caressing Y/n cheek. "Then I guess were boyfriends." Y/n kisses both on the lips not caring if anyone saw him and walked away.
The couple spent all of their days together. Once Lestat fully trusted Y/n told him the truth of what monster he truly is and showed him how strong he is. Y/n watched as his boyfriend brutally murder a musician because Y/n wanted to hear something jazzy but the musician could only play classical upsetting Y/n. Once Louis finally got home he looked into the living and gasped. Y/n and Lestat naked both covered in blood. "Lestat what did you do!?!" Louis shouts rushing over to Y/n checking for any scars or marks. "Louis my love don't worry I haven't turned him yet. We invited a musician to play for us while we made love. But he didn't play what Y/n liked and got him out of the mood so I killed him to show my loyal devotion to him. Y/n simply told me I looked hot in blood and we began to continue where we left off."
Y/n was locking his club up. When he turned around he was face to face with someone his age and shorter than him looking up at him. "Are you Mr l/n? I-i need help..." Y/n signals the man to keep talking as he pulls out a cigarette lighting it more inhaling it and blows it to the man's face with a giggle. "I need you to walk me home please I beg you... There's someone out for me and my friends say you're the only man in town who's untouchable!" The man begs snatching Y/n hand tightly and desperately. "Okay okay relax. I'm only doing this for my good deed of the day let's go." The two walk is anything but silent the two and chatting and laughs can be heard from afar. Once they reach the house the stranger invites Y/n inside but he shakes his head no. "I'm sorry I can't maybe next time, But I never caught your name?" " Drew Jackson"
After that met up Y/n and Drew kept meeting each other in odd or normal places. This time Louis and Lestat were around when Drew crossed paths. They were in Y/n club. Louis and Lestat were in one of the open booths where they could see everything and anyone. Y/n was talking to one of his workers that was in his lap just laughing and talking. Lestat had slowly gotten used to all the attention and the platonic love and cuddling that his boyfriend gets from work and out of work. Then Lestat eyes shoot up when hes hears a certain thought "My y/n my beautiful strong Y/n. Maybe tonight i'll make you mine." Lestat tells Louis what he heard and the both of them get next to Y/n protectively having their guard up.
"Y/n!" Drew shouts at Y/n but Y/n couldn't hear him. Lestat and Louis share a look and look at the man. Lestat looks at the man and pauses time so only him Louis and the man are talking and moving. "So you are the man taking all of my love's time most nights---" "Lestat." Lestat turns to face Louis. "You're a vampire?" Louis asks looking at the man's eyes and nails. "I could ask the same thing. And lover! please Y/n has no love I mean you see the women and men basically wearing nothing on his lap and at his feet. If he ever has a love it will be me."
Time starts again and Y/n kisses the back of the girls neck as a comeback later. "Bye boss" The woman says kisses Y/n jaw before going back to work. Y/n looks at Louis tense face and takes his hand and gives it a squeeze before looking at Lestat and gives him a half hug before getting up and tells his lovers that he'll be right back. Lestat stops Y/n and whispers in his ear and Y/n nods in approval and walks away. "Well I asked Y/n could I bring someone over and he said yes. So follow us as we close up the club."
When the club closes Lestat and Louis take Drew into their house waiting for Y/n to come back from whatever he was doing. "Louis! Lestat! Im back." walking into the living staring at the three people in the house. "Drew? Why are you here?" Lestat quickly goes over to Y/n and kisses him deeply and says in french "Salut mortel!" He takes Y/n hand and takes him to the couch to watch "Did you know that your friend here is a vampire and wants you to be his." Lestat giggles caressing and running his sharp nails into Y/n mouth touching his teeth. Y/n playfully slaps Lestat's hands away from him and jokingly tries to bite Lestat. Louis gives the two a serious look and they both stop their childish antics. "Wait! Hes a vampire!" Y/n shouts after it finally registers in his head. "Yes Y/n and that's why we decided to show you one way to kill a vampire." Lestat gets up and picks up the tied up Drew and drags him outside. Drew is already bloody and messed up but screams for his life as they go outside. "The sun is coming up in two hours so you can watch him die a slow and painful death my sweet mortal." Lestat says tying the man up with chains this time. And he hands Y/n a stake with a smile. "Kill him if he somehow escapes."
Louis sucks on Y/n's neck deeply and says "Good night Y/n and be careful!" Lestat walks up from behind Y/n and kisses and sucks on his neck to give him hickeys like hes marking him as his. "Good night mortal" "I swear Lestat if you keep calling me that i'll run this stake in you instead!"
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tocupid · 1 year
﹒ “ so ... wanna come over? ”
hssenior!yujin x gn!reader warning ﹕nothing that ik of + some cussing edit status  ﹕not edited ..  word count   ﹕545 words  ⠀    ⠀masterlist note  ﹕this is a completely platonic yujin (zb1) fic! 
senior year .. the year everyone that just enters highschool wished to be at, but to students like han yujin and name it was a complete pain. it was now that they realized that things went by wayyy too fast. the years went by like a breeze and now they really had to act as real adults soon. no more midnight movie “mornings” at their weekend sleepovers that alternated each week. no more after school picnic “study sessions” at the park nearby where they did anything but studying and instead stuffed their faces with as much ice cream that they could afford. no more crashing into the teachers office with ollie and eunchae who still held onto name arm anywhere she went, too afraid to interact with anyone, and ollie who was as energetic as ever, practically dragging yujin to the office with him while name and eunchae trailed behind, all to have lunch with their favorite homeroom teacher.
yujin sighed, gaining name’s attention hearing it. today was a friday, only a few days before graduation. what were they supposed to do with their lives? for fucks sake he didn’t even know what college or major he wanted to go to. 
“what are we gonna do?” 
now this had name’s brain spinning because what the fuck did he mean. was he talking about after school today? it’s times like this when name needed motherfucker to be more specific. 
“ummm what we always do? did you want to do something else today?” 
this had yujin turning his head so fast before glaring at name and smacking them in the head. 
“no you little shit, i’m talking about with our lives.” 
grumbling and murmuring a bunch of curse words at him, they at least understood why he was zoning out for the past 5 minutes. he was probably thinking about what to do again. this was the third time he asked them about what to do and to be honest, they had not a single clue either. the plan was to wing college, get drunk and high the first year (that college experience), and then actually give a fuck about it the second year. but it was clear yujin was completely different. he actually cared .. something name was too sleep deprived to even worry about to be honest. sitting up and smacking him back in the head too, it was time they become a bad influence and set this man child straight. 
“ok han yujin, listen here. stop stressing out and just live. life’s no fun if you don’t actually LIVE. you need to calm the fuck down and just do what you feel right now.” 
wow, that advice actually helped, and sadly was what shocked yujin the most. grumbling he slid down his chair a bit till his head was at the top of the chair. fiddling his fingers he would never admit that it was times like this where he was so extremely grateful for them. instead he let out a weak lil question that was enough for name to pull him right back up and open a notebook to play hangman during the class that was going to start soon in order to pass the time, 
“ so ... wanna come over? ”
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siennadraws · 9 months
Wenalen is probably gonna be my DA:D protagonist. And he's absolutely loving it 🙃
At least there's Fado?
Tuning the guitar was already second nature to Wenalen, so as he fiddled with the strings, one by one, he scanned the tavern.
It was a strange sight to Tevinter, to have a Dalish elf playing Dalish songs as he spoke Elvhen with a fellow Dalish elf and drank Tevene wine. But times were strange, or changing, or, most likely, ending.
Terys sat diagonally to him, the corner of their small table separating them, one of her legs stretched to have her foot rest on his bench, as she leaned on her wooden arm and smoked. But her eyes never really laid on him, behind their laziness he recognized restlessness- no matter how much elfroot she smoked, he couldn't remember the last time he saw her relax.
No, that was a lie. He remembered it vividly. The day before she went away, to that Shem temple. They had smoked and drunk that day too- in their Aravel, smelling of rosemary and lilacs. She had joked about every danger she'd find at the Conclave, and he had laughed along, because his soultwin was strong and brave, and invincible as far as he could tell.
The twelve strings were tuned, so he started picking on them with his nails, as his voice remembered the words to match the chords. It was a sad song, but when were Dalish songs happy? He couldn't remember any. Or, at least, her uncle had never taught him one (his father had only taught her to kill, so it was only fair).
She seemed almost distracted by the song, now. He could see her fighting it, but she was losing. He hated it, hated how she resisted any reprieve given to her. If she hadn't gone away, if she hadn't surrounded herself by those self-flagelating Andrastians, she'd be okay- another lie he told himself.
But it was still their fault anyway, wasn't it? They were the ones who made them both change their paths, who made them need to wield blades. He had thought his anger died down with Wycome, with breaking bread with them.
He hoped everyone listening to him here could feel it too. He wished they'd feel everything, cry at both their feet. Maybe he could get that from the other elf, the one that dragged her here to Tevinter, who dragged her to Ferelden and Orlais. Away from her life and family and him.
He'd always been so certain of the future, he had walked that tightrope with his eyes closed, only to have it ripped from his feet. And he couldn't even hate the man who did it- he could still taste him on his lips and tongue.
She was looking at him now, her foot following along with the beat, but her shoulders remained tense even at the final notes.
His face twisted as he swallowed back a shaky breath. "You need to go home, Terys. You need to rest. And I really mean rest."
"The world is ending," she enunciated each syllable, baring her teeth in disgust at his words.
"I know that- I'm here, aren't I?" he locked his eyes on hers, daring her to get out of the conversation.
"Then what would you have me do?"
He almost hated her then, the patronizing tone, like she was above this conversation, just humoring him. Almost hated how clear the facade was and how she acted like he, of all people, wouldn't see past it.
"I wouldn't have you do anything! I just would have you try to be happy sometimes. You may have left us-"
"I was forced by circumstances bigger than any of us-" she didn't look at him as she interrupted.
"-but, I have always, and will always stand by your side, Terys. Talk to me. I came here to help you, make me more than your pawn."
"What?! 'Pawn'? Why are you calling-"
"Then do something with me other than moving me in that game of yours with him! Talk to me! I have known you for our whole lives, we've shared every breath."
"We both know that's not true."
Redcliffe- it was all he could do not to roll his eyes. She had played that card as often as she had woken up screaming about it, as often has he had been woken by her screams to comfort her.
She was angry, but the more he looked into her the more certain he was that it was not directed at him, even if a part of her hated that. He hated it too.
He kept his gaze steady and mouth sealed into a tight line.
"You know I would still love you, even if I never saw you again," she broke the silence.
"But can't you love me, seeing me every day?"
She kept her silence then, tracing the lines of the bark in her arm with her flesh fingers.
"How am I supposed to feel safe when not even you do?" his voice was soft now, only a whisper he knew she heard. "You can't even feel safe around me?"
"It's not about feeling safe, Wenalen. But this burden I carry is mine alone. I can't share it, even if I wanted to. And I'm not going to show it just for you to feel helpless."
"I feel helpless already."
She slid then to his side, wrapping him up in her arms, "It'll be over soon. I promise I'll be back."
He held her too, as tight as he could, as he shook the dread from his chest. As if she hadn't told him that so many times, so many years ago.
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❥𝗌𝗇𝗂𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗍 : 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖺 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗋. (𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 + 𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗁)
{ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 — 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗉𝗎𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝗈𝗋𝗈𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗎, 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗀𝖺𝗌 𝖺 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗉, 𝗉𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗒 𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗉𝖺𝖽 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍, 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽. }
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"(S/n) what the hell do you mean you're failing your class?!" Your son looked at you like a secret had been let loose. Because it did.
"Pssh mama w-what are you talking about?" You could hear the fear in his voice. "Your school just called me and said that I need to have a parent teacher conference cus you failing their class. What subject?"
"Science but the teacher's off." You hum watching your son fiddle with his fingers. "He's off... so you just fail your classes?" He sighed looking off to the side.
"Alright here's what’s finna go down. I'm taking you to school tomorrow, you are grounded and you better not touch that game."
He tsked. "Cmon mommy!" You raised your finger. "Boy don't play with me. You're going to your grandma's house where you know she don't got Wi-Fi or electronics."
He groaned and you gave him that glare that made him shut up. "And while you're there for the weekend you're studying. Don't play with my mama or she's gonna beat your ass."
He grumbled stepping up the stairs. "And you bet not slam my damn doors!"
"Hello I'm (s/n) mother. I heard that he was having some trouble in this class?" You look up a tall pale man with slender golden eyes stood before you.
You examine the man feeling like unsuspecting prey to a disguised predator, you understood why your son thought he was weird, his hair pinned back in one of those safety caps
"Ah yes (s/n) is a very bright boy I just think he's affected by the influence of his friends. They don't seem to pay too much attention to the lessons."
You looked inside the window through the door giving your son a hard glare watching as he puts his head onto the desk.
A hand stroked the corner of your shoulder making you focus your attention to the culprit, you hadn't even noticed when he touched you.
"It's fine Ms. (Y/n), my son used to act the same way in another class... and later today—" He hand went down your arm, gently caressing your elbow, causing you to laugh nervously.
  "—We'll talk about what we can do for his grades. It's fine since we're only into half the second quarter. He has more than enough time to pull up his grade."
"Yeah sure, umm, I'm running late for work but we'll talk more on this later. And it's no trouble to move his seat around if you think it'll help him focus better."
You thanked the man glancing at your child giving a little wave that he reciprocated before taking your leave.
"Thanks ma for taking him. Please watch him make sure he's studying and understanding... mmhm ... yea..yea. Thanks ma. Love you bye." You hung up the phone sighing raking your fingers through your twists.
You got started on a small dinner since Mr. O requested to have the conference at your home. His reason being that he has classes all day and paperwork after he didn't want to sit inside the school any longer.
You didn't necessarily have a problem with it, it was just...strange.
A knock on the door startled you. "Good evening Mr. O. I made dinner so hope you have an appetite. Are you allergic to anything?"
"I have worked up quite a hunger and I'm not allergic to anything thanks for your concern." A sly smile framing his face, one that you didn't catch, too busy fixing up your plates to notice
You place a plate in front of him, eyeing as he took a bite, his face showing surprise. "I'm sorry it's just...this is amazing." You playfully waved him off.
"So is there anyway he could... I don't know get tutoring?" You questioned the male who looked slightly different from earlier, his hair fell against his shoulders, a few strands framing his face.
His eyes held a certain mischief to them. You both are sat on your living room couch, finding comfort in how his hands held yours, too much so where you ignored the boundaries of unprofessionalism.
"I mean of course my dear, tutoring is no big deal and it's not out of the way, but there are some things that perhaps...you can do to help." He makes it sound as if he's asking you.
Pulling back as you looked at him skeptically. He had to reel you in. "I mean that's only if you want him to pass. I would personally take all the chances I could if my son were failing. But it's fine you have your doubts."
You hurry to hush him. "Umm no no that's not wha— I mean I'll do anything." A scheming smirk found his face. You had fell right into his trap.
"Alright my dear. Take off your pants." You looked at him baffled. "I-I'm sorry what??" You stutter. "Your pants. Take them off. Please my dear, I don't have all night."
You slowly pulled your pants off leaving you in a (f/c) lace thong. He spread your legs, putting your feet up on the couch.
Orochimaru sat on his knees leaning close to your clothed pussy taking in a big whiff as his hands held the back of your thighs.
You let out a whimper turning your head, your face hot, the feeling of his nose on your clit through the fabric, and the embarrassment of this situation.
He couldn't help but laugh at the wet spot that stained the center of your panties. "And here I thought you reluctant." You mumble a soft rebuttal that he didn't see the need to regard
"Let me just enjoy my dessert." He slid your panties to the side your arousal coating a perfect glaze over your pussy. He spreads you watching you clench around nothing.
Using his thumb, he smeared your cum on your pussy, tracing your hole, dragging it upwards to circle your clit. He watched you shiver ready to close your legs before you stopped yourself.
"You should be ashamed of yourself; getting this wet." He ridicules. "It's not my fault." You mumbled just before a moan slipped pass your lip as he kissed the sensitive nub. "H-haven't done this in a long time."
He ran his tongue from your hole to your clit sucking it, pulling away to watch your expression as he spat on your pussy. "F-fuck." You moaned, the man watched it dribble down your folds then licking it up.
"Sh-shit shit sir!" You bucked feeling the hot muscle tickle at the entrance of your hole. You moan watching him eat you out, his unnaturally long tongue stroking and brushing around your cunt.
Jolting you cried out, feeling his tongue enter inside of you, he massaged your clit holding you still, his other arm slung over your torso.
Burying his face into your pussy, shaking his head from side to side, smothering himself in between your legs. With all of his ministrations you quivered.
He felt you clamp around his tongue, your hips thrusted into his face. You trembled coming down from your high as Orochimaru pulled away slurping the rest of your juices.
He stood up fixing himself, observing how you twitched, pressing your legs close. He bent forward grabbing your chin staring at your lust filled face.
"That was nice... We'll keep having parent teacher 'conferences' unless you want your son to fail my class." Your eyes widened a fraction, catching the smirk on his face.
"You fu—" He interrupts. "We wouldn't want that happening, would we?" You paused, shocked by the reveal of his true colors. He pats your face the cunning smile burned into your brain as he heads towards the door.
"I'll see you next week for a follow up conference. Have a goodnight Ms. (Y/n)." You hugged your knees hearing the door shut. "What the fuck."
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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New Solar Opposites Episode #3: “Hot Love” (by @avaveevo)
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The episode starts with Korvo wearing a sunhat, sunglasses, and a trench coat.
Korvo: sigh Nothing like a wonderful day.
Korvo closes the door. The others are busy doing their own thing but didn’t notice.
Terry: I wonder how Korvy is doing.
Yumyulack: I dunno.
Sonya: Guess we’ll never know.
Jesse: Yeah.
Evil Terry: He's probably getting drunk with another dude.
Terry: Mmm nah. He and I are very bound now.
Evil Terry: Oh. Sorry.
Terry: I still think Korvo's acting suspcious.
Jesse: We should follow him!
The other family members thought about them shrugs it off.
Solar Opposites: Nah!
The next day, Korvo is wearing the same sunhat, sunglasses, and trench coat. Then he heads out as the family sigh in dismay.
Sonya: On second thought, we should follow him.
Jesse: Yeah. I’m kinda worried about him.
Terry is in the bus with Jesse, Yumyulack, Sonya, Pupa, and Evil Terry, following Korvo.
Evil Terry: To be honest, we should keep a low profile.
Sonya: Well, it's easy for you.
Evil Terry: blushes I hate to admit it. But you’re right.
Terry: Yeah. You really gotta teach us that
They then arrive at a strip club as Korvo heads in.
Terry: Whoa. A strip club? Korvo must be really working himself out.
The group heads inside.
Club Owner: Now, welcome to the stage, Korvo Opposites!
“Poison” from Hazbin Hotel starts playing. Then, they hide and then sees Korvo wearing a fancy stripper as Korvo starts singing:
I'm not above a love to cash in Another lover underneath those flashin' lights Another one of those ruthless nights Yeah, yeah, yeah
I shoulda' guessed that this would happen I shoulda' known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes Spewin' all your red-hot lies Yeah, yeah, yeah
What's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself
'Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow
Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
I got so good at bein' untrue I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah, yeah, yeah So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp
Yeah, I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow
Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
Poison, I'm drownin' in poison I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison Wish I had something to live for tomorrow…
The song ends as Terry makes sexy cat growls. Terry is shocked
Terry: Whoa. blushing lovingly at his husband
Korvo notices Terry and gasps before running offstage
The next morning...
Terry: I kinda feel bad guys. You don’t think it has something with Korvo thinking I stop showing him affection in bed.
Sonya: Eew.
Jesse: Really?
EVA: appearing from out of nowhere What are you guys talking about?
Terry: I do always show Korvo affection, with the fiddling and the sexy seductiveness. I guess the main reason why he took this job is because he wants more affection. I should go there and make things right with him.
That night at the strip club, Terry arrives dressed like a pimp with the kids and Evil Terry behind him
Terry: sighs lovingly after seeing Korvo putting on his stripper He looks so hot in that stripper.
Korvo then walks over to a man and kisses him.
Terry: sighs remorsefully Man, I should’ve shown him more of that. Maybe I wasn’t showing enough affection.
Sonya: So how are you gonna make things right Terry?
Jesse: Yeah? What can we do to help on this whole thing?
Terry: Jesse, can you sing?
Jesse: Yes!
Korvo is still kissing the man.
Strip Club Owner: Please welcome our next performer, Jessica Opposites!
“Turn Me On” by Nicki Minaj starts playing. Korvo is surprise because he no idea Jesse will go on for this. Then, he grows amazed once Jesse starts singing:
Doctor, doctor, need you back home, baby Doctor, doctor, where ya at? Give me something I need your love, I need your love, I need your lovin' You got that kind of medicine that keeps me comin'
My body needs a hero, come and save me Something tells me you know how to save me I've been feeling weird, oh Oh, I need you to come and rescue me
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on Make me come alive, come on and turn me on Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on (turn me on)
Boy, I'll make it, make it right My temperature is super high If I scream, if I cry It's only 'cause I feel alive
My body needs a hero, come and save me Something tells me you know how to save me I've been feeling weird, oh Oh, I need you to come and rescue me
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on Make me come alive, come on and turn me on Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
You've got my life in the palm of your hands (palm of your hands) Come save me now, I know you can (I know you can) (Uh, uh)
D-d-d-d-don't let me die young I just want you to father my young I just want you to be my doctor We can get it cracking, chiropractor I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I I know you can save me and make me feel alive
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
Korvo: Whoa!
The audience cheers and Korvo then grows surprised by this but then sees Terry in a pimp costume as he started to feel embarrassed upon seeing and then walks over to him. Terry smiles while blushing.
Korvo: Uh hey Terry.
Terry: Hey. You look beautiful.
Korvo blushes.
Korvo: So you figure it out huh?
Terry: Yeah.
Korvo: I’m sorry Terry-bear. I should’ve never gotten this job here. The reason why is took it it’s because I was worried you weren’t giving me affection in bed anymore.
Terry: What? Yes I have.
Korvo: Huh?
Terry: Korvy, those fiddling fingers and sweet nicknames are the signs of affection. You know I always love giving you do that smiling because you’re my husband and I love you.
Korvo: Really? Well, I love you too Terry. I’m sorry I acted like a total jackass. I guess can do without this strip club. smiles But I can never do without you.
Terry: smiles Oh Korvy…
The two alien husbands then kiss while moaning lovingly and then starts having sex as they take off their clothes, much to the kids’ disgust.
Yumyulack: I'm gonna throw up.
Sonya: Yeah, me too.
Evil Terry: Don't worry. They won't get to finish. We'll probably be kicked out.
Jesse: What? How do you know?
Evil Terry chuckles.
Evil Terry: Told ya.
The group is then dragged out of the strip club.
Strip Club Owner: AND STAY OUT!
Korvo: Pfft. Who needs those guys? Fuck them!
Terry: You know, Korv. You'll always be my stripper.
Korvo: Aaw. Thanks Terry-bear. kisses Terry on the cheek
The next day, the kids are having breakfast while Korvo and Terry have sex offscreen. Janiz comes in with AISHA.
Janiz: So glad things are getting better.
Terry: *offscreen* Oh fuck Korvy!
Korvo: *offscreen; moans lovingly* I love when you do that! *moans*
Terry: *offscreen* Oh I love it when you fuck you beautiful blue stud!
They then start making out.
Sonya: *news is playing* Hey look guys! The news is on!
Jesse: I’m so glad this is better than hearing our dads have sex. News outta calm our minds!
Yumyulack: I wonder what’s happening on the news today!
New Reporter: Breaking News Tonight. We now go live to court where we see the release sentence of Miss Frankie.
Kids: Whuh?
Yumyulack: Miss Frankie?!
Korvo and Terry come downstairs half-naked.
Korvo: What is it fam?
Yumyulack: They released Miss Frankie from jail
Terry: Wait wait wait. They released her early?! What kind of shitty sentence was that?!
Janiz: Why did they put Miss Frankie in jail?
Yumyulack: Eh, beats me.
Korvo sighs
Korvo: I know what happened...
Flashback starts.
Korvo: *fighting and grunting* What the fuck is going on!
Miss Frankie: Get away you fucking filthy alien!
Korvo: Miss Frankie, please! If you listen, I'm sure we can-
Miss Frankie slashes Korvo’s back with knife as the two continue fighting and Korvo falls down. Just when Korvo could escape Miss Frankie slashes his arm that gave him a scar.
Korvo: FUCK!
Miss Frankie: Pfft. You’re so pathetic.
Suddenly, Terry yelling in anger is heard as Terry runs up to Miss Frankie and stabs her in the leg.
Miss Frankie: Fuck!
Terry: Stay way form him you bitch!
Korvo gasps and blushes. This place before Korvo and Terry got together by the way.
Korvo: Wow. Thanks.
Terry: Anytime, Korv.
Miss Frankie growls. Miss Frankie gets up and yells in anger as she starts ranting.
Terry: What the fuck is with you hating us man?
Miss Frankie: Why! Why?! Because, ever since you guys came here, your sci-fi has been fucking up our town! To think? The stuff you did that torture us for years! The crazy bullshit and to think, I even frame you with the Peter the Pig thing!
Suddenly, a crowd is heard gasping on a TV. Turns out that Principal Cooke recorded the whole thing.
Miss Frankie: Cooke?! What are you doing?!
Terry and Korvo: *gasp*
Terry: So… we didn’t torture Peter?
Korvo: It was you? Why Frankie?!
Miss Frankie: Uh...I...uh...
Principal Cooke: Enough, Frankie!
Korvo: Oh wait. Probably because of Yumyulack and Jesse turning you into a Marvel’s Wolverine. But whatever! That was wrong of your to frame us!
Miss Frankie: Cooke, back me up here!
Principal Cooke backs away sadly while shaking his head. Miss Frankie gasps and growls.
Then, the cops came.
Cop: Miss Frankie, you’re under arrest for framing the Solar Opposites!
Miss Frankie: What? No! Cooke, help me!
Cooke sadly shook his head. Miss Frankie then gives in as the cops cuff her and takes her away. As the cops drive Miss Frankie away, Korvo realize he has something to say to Terry.
Korvo: Terry, there is something I want to say.
Terry: Oh, what is that Korvo?
Korvo: I...I...
Terry realizes what Korvo is trying to say and puts a finger on his lips.
Terry: No need to say it. I love you…
Korvo gasps and smiles tearfully.
Korvo: Oh Terry, I love you too!
The two aliens kiss as the crowd cheers and Randall starts crying.
Randall: It’s so beautiful! *cries hysterically*
Korvo and Terry then start falling to the ground and start taking off their clothes.
Korvo: *moans* Oh baby! Oh! Fuck me! Fuck me now! *moans*
Terry: Shit, Korv! We've never fucked before!
Korvo: I know! And I fucking love it!
The two the moan as they have sex as the others get uncomfortable. The Headphone Kids film them on their phones. The flashback ends as Korvo sighs.
Korvo: You weren't there because you were in the bunker.
Sonya: What?! Miss Frankie frame you guys?! I’m sorry I didn’t know
Korvo starts crying.
Terry: Oh Korvy why are you crying
Korvo: These scars remind of what happened.
Korvo removes his robe to reveal his scars. The entire family gasp as Terry comforts Korvo.
Jesse: Oh, Korvo...
Sonya: I’m sorry that happened to you…
Terry hugs Korvo as Korvo sniffles.
Terry: You know, Korv. These scars remind me of how brave you are.
Korvo: *sniffles* They do?
Terry nods and leans in to kiss Korvo on the lips
Korvo: *smiling in tears* Oh Terry!
Korvo pulls Terry over the two alien husbands kiss while moaning lovingly.
Sonya: Aw...
Yumyulack: Eeew.
Terry: Wanna take this upstairs?
Korvo: Yes! A billion times yes!
Terry carries Korvo bridal style to the bedroom while they kiss. Then the two husbands sex away while the kids run away screaming.
Yumyulack: WHY?!
Jesse: EEEEW!
Sonya: GROSS!
Pupa: YUCKY!
The next morning, Korvo and Terry are in bed. Terry traces a hand over Korvo's arm scars.
Terry: Man, she really did a number on you. But you were so brave.
Korvo smiles and sheds a tear.
Korvo: Thanks honey.
The two husbands kiss. Meanwhile in an alley, the sunsets as a mysterious stranger walks in. A dealer notices the stranger
Dealer: What will it be, Miss Frankie?
Miss Frankie: Something useful.
Dealer: Name it.
A few seconds later, the dealer gave Miss Frankie some supplies as she leaves. Miss Frankie smiles as she looks at the supplies.
Miss Frankie: Get ready Opposites… I’ll be back soon…
The End?
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"They love me!"
You love them! They...they know you do! They...they know! They...know?
The Riddler: Jonathan Crane was excellent at getting into peoples heads. The mind of his playground, even Edward's. Many learned quickly that opposing Jonathan was not a good place to stand. Jonathan could play Edward like a fiddle at times, given he presses the right buttons at the right time. You were a rather large and easy button to push when it came to Edward's vulnerabilities. Edward was surprised that even as his friend, Jonathan would still press that button. "You don't know me and you certainly don't know them." Edward said icily. "I don't need to. I've been you. I know how it works." Scarecrow scrutinised Edward. "It's always the same." He said to himself. "Don't." Edward ground out. "We've done this our whole lives, different, misunderstood, alone. There is always somebody else who replaces us. Don't think for one second (Y/N) won't be relieved the next person they let in their life was born and acts normal." The Riddler turned, a look of fury in his eyes. "They...love me!" He ground out, furious at Jonathan's words. Despite his gaze, Jonathan continued, unphased by Edward's fury. "You can't love someone you don't understand and if you ask me...they haven't understood a thing about you for a while-" "Shut up!" Edward roared and lunged.
Scarecrow: He noticed how Jervis' gaze lingered on you and it struck a nerve. You had been driving even then Jervis watched. The whole day you had been oblivious of Jervis' lingering stares. However Jonathan wasn't and he wasn't going to entertain his imagination. "You guys coming?" You asked as you turned the ignition off. "One second dear, I need to talk to Jervis." Jonathan said lightly and you nodded, handing Jonathan the keys which he tucked away in his pocket. When you were gone, Jervis couldn't help but look at Jonathan in the front seat who simply looked forward silently. "What is it, Mr Crane?" Jervis asked and Jonathan got out of the car before getting into the back seat beside Jervis. "You want to know what they're like?" Jonathan asked. "Hm?" Jervis knew almost immediately what was happening and tried to get out of the car. Jonathan was quicker ripping his hand away from the handle as he stared into Jervis' eyes, jaw clenched. Jervis tried to look away, shifting in discomfort but Jonathan wouldn't let him. He grabbed Jervis' jaw and forced him to look back at him. "They're warm." Jonathan began, voice soft but his grip painfully tight- a reminder that this wasn't a friendly conversation. "They look at me day and night with love, like I'm the best thing that ever happened to them. It's addictive. Amazing. Yet it never tires, that look. I've given my everything to them because they gave their everything to me. You know why that is? Hm?" Jonathan squeezed harder. "Mr Crane- y-you're hurti-" "Because they love me!" Jonathan snapped. "Because they love me..." He said again. "...and I won't let you get in the way of that. I catch you looking at them one more time and you'll learn to be afraid to open your eyes." Jonathan released Jervis before getting out the car.
Two-Face: It was no secret that sometimes Harvey and Harv didn't get along. It was a surprise when they fought about you. Harvey was determined you loved him. Only him. Harv' wasn't so sure and most certainly wasn't content with the answer. He made his protest known and from there things escalated. Fighting as though only one could have you. "They love me!" Harvey argued. "They love us both!" Harv' snapped. "Don't you get it? We're a package deal. They get us both. They're around because we want them around!" "You're an extension of me!" Harvey spat. "We are extensions of each other, Harvey. We always have been!" Harv' reminded him icily. "You forget who's kept you going all these years. You don't exist without me and I don't exist without you. We both love them and they love us too."
Black Mask: Gossip between the highest and lowest classes was common. The rich have eyes and ears everywhere. The poor are none the wiser...well most people. Very few got the word about just who were listening and when. Roman Sionis immediately took action getting through everyone who dared to speak your name until he got to the source. Rumour has it that Roman's main squeeze isn't there willingly. Instead, they're scared. Roman didn't like that. It most certainly touched a nerve. Truth be told, he was afraid of that but not even he had permission to admit it. After a lot of back and forth, Roman had enough. "They love me!" His eyes shone behind his mask, furious and surprisingly distraught. It clearly struck something in him. A clearly vulnerable spot for him. "Maybe...but I think it'd be more realistic to say they actually are afraid of you." "That's it! You wanna talk so much!? Fine!" Roman yelled. "Eyes, teeth, tongue and then face." He ground out picking up a pair of pliers.
Harley Quinn: "They love me!" She sobbed weakly. "They love me!" She cried louder towards the Joker. Only he could get in her head like he did. Even after it all, he still had power over her. His smile looked like a mix between a sneer and a mishevious grin. He stood over her, leaning down, hands on his knees. "You've always been a hopeless romantic who will throw herself at anyone haven't you, Harley dear?" "They love me!" She screamed. "You're nothing!" Joker bellowed before chuckling. "What is there to love!? You're nothing! You're not a person! You're mould, Harley. You do nothing but spread, absorb those around you and beg for their love and attention. You're nothing without someone else to leech upon! Nothing but an empty carcass. Though a pretty one, I'll give you that but didn't daddy tell you? There really is no getting by with just a pretty face anymore!"
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Michael and Anna went to watch David’s play as we all hoped!!! Also her Instagram post’s caption said it all lol. If only we got a picture of Michael and David sigh….
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My socials have been blowing up since AL posted this, and wow, so much to unpack. Let’s get the visual up here first, for those who haven’t seen the post: 
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So, I think we knew Michael was going to see David’s play at some point (though I was thinking it’d be next weekend, when he’s in London for the Comic Con), but I love that he chose to see it this weekend instead, to give the play (and David) his undivided attention.
Speaking of which...everything about this is hilarious to me, though I’m not sure if it’s hilarious for the reasons she intended. When I first saw this, I wasn’t sure if Michael was side-eyeing AL or looking at David on the poster, but I am leaning  more toward the latter. I think he’s looking at David like that because Anna is right there and this is Michael’s version of trying to be subtle. Haha.
But I honestly cackled at the caption, because...wow. Is that self-awareness I am detecting? Or maybe it’s more her trying to be cute and do the “complaining about her life” thing that Georgia does (again with the copying). Except I don’t think AL really thinks it’s cute at all, because she knows she’ll always be second fiddle to Michael’s boyfriend.
It also seems like another attempt at selling her relationship with Michael, but again, it falls flat. (This post from @problematicwelshman​ further illustrates AL’s attempts to do this and why it doesn’t work.) With Georgia, there’s a marriage and years and years of a relationship at work, so her “complaining” posts (as annoying as they can be at times) feel natural. But with AL, the only thing that’s actually believable is that she is a third wheel, in every sense of the phrase.
I also can’t help imagining Michael going to visit David’s dressing room (and Anon #2, there is definitely a fic waiting to be written there, and the wheels are already turning in my head...). I doubt AL was invited in or would listen outside the door, especially not if it’s the first time Michael and David have seen each other in person in months, so...she was probably at the bar with Georgia or something. Haha.
So Michael and David...alone...in David’s dressing room. I bet there was about 30 seconds to a minute of very British polite small talk--Michael complimenting the play and David’s acting in it--and then ten minutes later there was no surface left in that dressing room that Michael hadn’t groped David on. David pleads with Michael that it feels too good, that he can’t make himself be quiet and everyone will hear...and Michael touches David in exactly the way that makes him writhe beneath him, urging David to be louder, to let everyone know who he belongs to...
Oh, I could certainly see that happening, yes indeed. And I’m with you, Anon #1...I would love for us to get a picture of Michael and David together backstage. We know that David has taken selfies of him and Michael before, so I would not be at all surprised if he took one with him in private. Again, if this is the first time they’ve seen each other in months, you know the moment they clapped eyes on each other, everything and everyone else faded into the background. Lovely.
Also, if Michael is in London for the week, hopefully he and David will have at least a few more chances to see each other. Fingers crossed...
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So I had an idea.
Abyssal's not sure how long she's been hiding in the little dark corner of the multiverse she found, but by now she's reasonably certain that no one's going to find her, assuming they're even looking (and some small, rebellious part of her hopes they are). And then, because she just can't have nice things at this point, somebody stumbles in.
And she has no fucking idea what's up with this strange blue blobby guy, because he's clearly a game character but somehow has high enough code density to comfortably exist in a Program area like this one. Plus the energy he's giving off feels almost but not quite like her own, as if somebody tried and nearly succeeded in replicating Abyss Code. There's also something vaguely familiar about his appearance.
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"Well hi! Didn't expect to see anyone in here." They lean in to get a good look at her, closer than she would've been comfortable with even on a good day, and she scrambles back in terror.
"D-don't get so close!"
Mercifully, they back off, their gloopy, drooling grin becoming a bit sheepish "Ah, sorry about that. I'm not great at the whole "personal space" thing."
They keep looking her over, clearly taking note of the scraps of feather on what could be loosely considered the floor, but not seeming inclined to bring it up, "Anyway, I'm Ecolo! Who're you?"
"I'm..." she hesitates, then starts curling into herself, "I'm nobody, really."
For a few seconds after she says that, there's a strange Look in Ecolo's eyes, and his smile drops for the first time since he showed up...and then the moment ends before she can figure out what it means and he's got that dopey grin again, "Well, I gotta call you something. You alright with Pinky?"
"...Sure." Something tells her he'd be calling her that anyway, so why not, "Sorry for snapping at you. I don't want anyone getting too close because I...I'm dangerous to be around. Really dangerous."
"Dangerous, huh? That why you're hiding in here?"
She nods.
After a moment, he sits down across from her...or at least, he shifts from a vaguely standing position to a kicked back lounging position and floats closer to the "floor" than he was previously, "Well, I'm considered pretty dangerous myself in some circles, so you're in good company!"
"That-You don't understand. I could really hurt someone. I did hurt someone!"
"So have I," and he's got that Look again, and now she can see in it that he does understand, "Lots of times. Some of 'em were even on purpose."
She's not sure what to say to that. Not sure what to think, about him or herself or the Abyss or Um-
"Say, do ya like games?"
She blinks, her swirling thoughts quieting for a moment as she processes the sudden question, "I...maybe?"
He's back to being all smiles, "Great! I know a pretty good one we can play. Might help you take your mind off things for a bit."
As he's talking, he summons a few little colored blobs and idly fiddles with them in his hands, and abruptly she realizes where she knows him from, "Those are Puyo's right?"
"Oh good, you're familiar! You ever played before?"
"I...not really, but I know the rules at least." Well, more that she can download them into her processor, but still.
"Works for me!" He sets up a pair of Puyo boards for them in a way that's somewhat similar to bringing up a Command Box, just with magic instead of code.
"Just so you know, I'm pretty good at this, so don't get too mad when you lose."
Despite herself, she smirks, "Don't go acting like you've already won, we've still got a whole game to play."
"That's the spirit Pinky! Now, if you're all set.."
"Let's play Puyo Puyo!"
(I'll admit it seems a little on the lighthearted and silly side for an arc this dark and angsty, but I couldn't help myself.)
OKAY THIS IS REALLY SWEET? Abyssal hiding herself awa obviously is not, by the way you protray her emotions is?? Yes?? And then Ecolo coming in, code bearing a resemblance to Abyss Code, making her on guard?? JUST??? ALL OF THIS IS GREAT I LOVE IT A LOT
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A/N ::: I haven't written anything for like, a week now? I mean, nothing substantial. I started this 4 or 5 days ago and dropped it until this morning where I finished the last 3-5 pages. Anyway. I never write "Asshole Draken" because I really just don't see him pullin' that shit. But we all have bad days. And I guess this was one of his. But don't worry, it turns out so, so good (I think).
C/W ::: Asshole Draken x F.Reader, saying mean shit to each other, without saying too much, he gets a teeny itty bitty bit physical with her but that's all. He doesn't hit her so don't be completely deterred by this if that's what you were thinking. Uh, M->F and F->M Oral. Slight face-fucking, name calling (but it's ... ok? Idfk. Shut up.) I proofed this once cuz I got a sick kid that wants me to play roblox with her so I gotta go do that. If I missed anything shoot me a message and I'll check it out. I hope you guys like this!!
WC ::: 3,314 *roughly 8 pages on Google Docs* Sorry not sorry it's so fucking long.
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He sat in the corner of the garage, working in near total silence on his bike. 
You came over today because he invited you. You thought it was going to be fun, sitting in there with him while he fiddled away with the machine. Boy, were you wrong. 
He was quiet for the most part. But when he did speak, he had nothing nice to say to you. He was really short for someone who was so much fucking taller than you.
You looked over at him, watching as he pulled the old engine out of the bike. He had a rag in his mouth and grease on his face. His hair was messy and his eyes were focused on the task at hand. You admired that determination. Still, you couldn't figure out what the hell his problem was.
You leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms over your chest. A question sat on the tip of your tongue, threatening to pass the closed threshold of your lips and enter the shared space. God you wanted to talk to him. Maybe you could help him find out what was wrong with the bike. You knew a thing or two about mechanics. Sure, not as much as he did. But a second set of eyes and hands rarely did more damage.
But then, the question died on your tongue. Because you knew why he didn't want your help. You're not even sure he wanted you there. You stood and headed toward the door to the house. Then and only then, did he finally speak up.
"The fuck you goin'." He said quietly.
You turned around and glared at him. "What?"
He set down his tools and pulled the rag out of his mouth. "Said, where you going? You're supposed to be helping me. You said you’d come over today so you could fucking help me with this goddamn thing."
"Helping you? Helping ...? Ken, you won't so much as even look at me. You haven't smiled at me, you barely said hi when I got here. And you're pissed at me?"
Ken stood up and walked over to you, towering over you as he wiped the grease off his hands. "I asked you for help and you said yes. I didn't ask you to just sit there and look pretty. Speakin' of, what the hell you wearing today, anyway? Is this supposed to be cute or somethin'?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, I am just here to look pretty, Ken. I'm not here to do anything else. I'm not here to actually do anything."
Ken took a step back and scoffed. "Are you serious right now? Are you really just gonna act like this? You don't wanna be here. I can see that. You can leave, g'head. Get out."
You stepped away from him and squared your shoulders. "Fffffine." You challenged. "Your wish is my command, my King." Turned away from him now, you muttered under your breath what a dick he was being and how you didn't know for sure if he wanted your help today with this. If you had known, you wouldn't have dressed the way you did.
"Sorry? Did'n hear ya jus’ now. What was that?" He said it louder than he needed to. 
You spun around and met his gaze with your own. "I said, you're being a dick."
"Well, if the shoe fits, babe. And you're being a bitch. So, let's just wear these shoes, eh?" He shot back. “Let’s wear these shoes and jus’ walk away from each other.”
You were both silent for a moment. The air between you thick with tension. You could feel the anger bubbling up inside of you. Who the hell was he to speak to you like that? You came here to see him and he was treating you like shit.
You wanted to scream. You wanted to hit him. But you didn't.
Instead, you turned on your heel and stormed out of the garage, slamming the door behind you. He yelled at you to come back but you ignored him. You were done. Done with his shitty attitude and his shitty behavior.
Grabbing your jacket and your purse from the couch, you threw them both on and headed for the front door. You could hear his footsteps coming from the laundry room into the kitchen and sooner than you expected, they were right behind you.
"Jus’ gonna leave, huh?" He growled. "That's it? You're gonna walk out of here and leave me to finish this stupid fuckin' thing on my own?"
"You don't want my help, Ken! You don't even want me here right now! You've made that painfully obvious. So ... yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go. And you can call Mikey and have him suck you off while you two idiots do whatever it is that you do when you're toget---"
He grabbed you by the jaw and brought his face down to yours. "You … don't fuckin' talk to me like that. You understand? You're the only one who sucks this cock. An' right now I feel like you should be doin' a lot more of that than mouthin' off to me the way ya are. Gettin' on my las' fuckin' nerve righ' now, princess."
You looked up at him, shoving his hand away from you. "Ken." You said softly.
He pulled his hand away from your face and took a step back. "Mm? ... Ya got somethin' to say? There's a surprise."
You shook your head and bit your bottom lip. "I'm ... I didn't mean to ..."
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're ... what? You're sorry now? You always know the right things to say to me at the right times, don't ya? Yeah, yeah ya do."
You nodded. "Yeah. I guess."
He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "So, what? You're gonna come back ...? You gonna help me with this goddamn thing like I wanted ya to? You think I want you here now after ya actin’ like such a shit?"
"Oh my fucking god, Ken. Make up your mind, would you? This conversation is like watching someone on a swing that's out of control. I don't know which way to look and I'm getting nauseous. Just fuckin’ …tell me what you want." You rolled your eyes so hard at him it felt like you pulled a muscle in your socket.
"Tch. There go ya world famous eye rolls again. You look like ya do when 'm fuckin' ya real good. You're good at those." He smirked. "You're so goddamn dramatic. Always making a scene. Just come back here and help me with this thing. I'll even let you hold my big, heavy tools, k, princess?"
You stood there, arms crossed over your chest. You were ready to throw hands with him if he said anything else. But he didn't.
Instead, he walked over to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. He kissed the top of your head down to your neck and whispered an apology. You could feel his breath on your skin and his body pressed against yours. You couldn't believe he was acting like what happened didn’t just happen between the two of you. 
"What the hell was that, Ken? You're such a ... a ... an asshole!"
He chuckled softly and kissed you on the lips. "I'm sorry, baby. You're right. I am an asshole. But you make me crazy, ya know? Ya little hissy fits irritate the shit out of me sometimes 'n I just explode."
You shook your head. "I don't want to be the one who makes you explode, Ken. Not like that, anyway." You giggled. "That's not why I came over today. I came here to help you. But I didn't even get the chance to. You didn’t give me the chance to. You were in a bad mood when I got here."
"We’ll get back in there and you can hold my tools like you always do. And I'll show ya what to do. Deal?" He looked down at you with a soft smile.
You smiled back. "Deal."
"Think you needa learn a little lesson about how you need to not take that bitchy ass little tone with me, hah? Follow me, now."
You watched Ken walk away and disappear around the corner into his bedroom for a second before what he was implying was registering in your brain.
"Oh. OH, shit." You caught up to him and found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his coveralls pulled down to his waist, he was leaning back on his hands. A vicious smirk set on his lips.
"Yeah, 'Oh shit.' Come here, brat." He reached back and took his hair out of its braid and tossed the tie onto the bed.
You walked over and stood between his legs. His hands were on your hips, gently caressing the  silky fabric of your dress. You were already wet for him and he knew it. It was written all over your face. The way your hips swayed when he touched you. 
"'M sorry I said what I said about what you're wearing today. You look really fuckin' sexy. It's distracting. I think you should take it off f'me." He gestured his hands downward, "C'mon. Get outta it."
You smiled and slid the straps off your shoulders one at a time. Then you slipped the dress down to your ankles, exposing your tits and pussy to him.
“No panties today, hm? You really had no idea I wan’ned your help with the bike?” His eyes were glued to your body. He stared at the roundness of your belly, rubbing it with the palms of his hands, sliding them around to the fattest part of your ass. He squeezed it gently and pulled you toward him, placing kisses on your stomach, moving down to your pussy.
His stubble tickled your skin as he kissed you. You sighed as he slipped his hands between your thighs and spread your legs apart a little more.
"What's this?" He dipped his fingers into your pussy and pulled them out, pressing them against his thumb again and again, holding them up to your face to show you how wet you were - like you were completely unaware of it at this point.
"You know what that is, dummy." You threw your head back, forcing your chest out a little bit more.
He laughed. "Yeah, I know what that is. What I don't know is why. Why ya so goddamn wet when you were just so fuckin' angry with me a minute ago. You like it when I yell at ya?" He was teasing, you knew he was. But his expression was anything but playful.
You shrugged. "It's not like I want you to be mean to me, Ken. But, I do … I kinda like the way you get when you're mad. It's ... hot."
Ken rolled his eyes. "Of course, course ya like it ... little freak like that. Just like when I fuck you hard and call you names." He licked his fingers and grabbed up your ass with a loud smack, making you yell out and jump closer to him.
You nodded. "I can't help it. I like it. And now? Well, now I know you like it too. You wanna fuck me like that, don't you? Fuck me hard and make me scream? Tell me what a perfect little slut I am for you? Tell me what a horny little bitch in heat I am? Fuck, Ken." You lowered yourself down and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. You could feel his hard cock strain against his clothes and he winced as you ground against it.
"Can't help it. You look at me an’I get wet sometimes. Can't fucking stop it. It's like my body is under your control." You whispered. "You know what I like."
He looked up at you with a wicked grin on his face. "Yeah, I know what you like. You like to be told what to do. You like to be bossed around. You like when I put you in your place, princess. An' I'm gonna do that. Righ’ now."
He stood, hoisting you up with him and turned around. Facing the bed, he lowered you down onto it. "Fuckin' slut. Startin' a fight with me just to get this cock. Tch. You asked for it, sweetheart. Fuckin' asked for it today ... 'n you're gonna get it." He shoved his coveralls down the rest of the way, leaving his boxers on and climbed down between your knees, kissing your thighs softly.
He rubbed your pussy with his fingers, ghosting them around your clit, teasing you, making you buck your hips up into his hand. He held your legs down with his other hand and sneered. "Did I tell you to fuckin' move like that?"
You raised your head off the pillow and looked at him, "N-no. Didn't."
"Sorry? N-no? N-no WHAT?" He mocked.
"NO SIR, you didn't tell me to move like that. 'M sorry." You smiled.
"Good girl ... learnin' fast. I like that. Good fuckin' girl. Keep it up, keep learning, keep behaving for me." He leaned down and kissed your pussy softly, moaning quietly into you.
"Hngh, fuck, Ken. Wanna move, please lemme move!"
"Mm-mm. No. Did'n tell ya to, did I? Hold the fuck still, princess." He smiled that smile at you and you could feel your cunt clench up immediately.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, Ken." You whined. "I w-, I want it, fuck, please."
He sat up and shook his head. "Nah, nah. Not yet. You're gonna have to wait for it. Be patient."
You groaned and slammed your head back down onto the pillow. "Ken, please. I can't wait. Please, please, please ... fuck you. Holy shit."
He laughed harder than you thought he should have. "F- ... fuck me? You come over here and get all uppity and have the audacity to say that to me. Goddamn it. I don't understand why you keep making me teach you these lessons, baby girl. It's like you need to be taught the same shit over 'n over 'n over again."
You couldn't speak. You could barely breathe. You were so worked up and so ready for him to fuck you relentlessly. But he wouldn't. Not yet. You had to wait. And that was driving you crazy.
"Fuck, Ken. PLEASE. Please fuck me, fuck me. I wanna ... ngh ... you ... so fucking bad. Please, fuck. Ken. PLEASE." You begged.
He chuckled and stood up, motioning for you to take his boxers and pull them down. "Fine, fine. Since you asked so nicely." Take 'em off." You sat up and pushed his boxers down with both of your hands and kissed your way down his abdomen until they were all the way off and his cock slapped against your chin.
You took it into your mouth and sucked on it, swirling your tongue around the tip and then taking as much of it down your throat as you could.
"Fuck, fuck ... that's it, that's it ... suck that cock, suck thatttt cockkkk baby." Ken growled. He pulled your hair back and held it tight in his fist, moving your head up and down on his cock. You moaned and choked, your eyes watering as he fucked your face.
"Mmmm, fuck, you like that, don't you? Like when I fuck this pretty little face of yours. Fuck, it's so fuckin' perfect. Fuck, baby. Look at me, look at me." He lifted your chin and forced you to make eye contact with him. He groaned as you whimpered.
He let go of your hair and backed away from you, standing at the edge of the bed. "Get over here."
You crawled over to him and sat up on your knees in front of him, waiting for him to tell you what to do next.
"Suck that cock s'more, baby. I want to see that make-up fucking ruined on that sweet face of yours."
You took him back into your mouth and sucked him harder, faster. You moaned and whimpered as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock.
"Good girl, g-hah fuck-good fucking girl. Righ' there righ' there righ' there FUCK ... fuck yes."
He held your hair back and thrust into your mouth, making you gag a little on it. You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face. His eyes were closed and he was panting heavily. He was close. You knew he was close. You felt his cock begin to twitch against your tongue as you doubled-down on your efforts. 
He pulled out of your mouth and turned you around, bending you over the edge of the bed. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down your pussy, teasing you, making you moan and cry out for him.
"Ken, Ken ... ple- goddamn it! Ken, pleeeaaase." You whined.
"Mm-hm mm-hm, beg for it, bitch."
You both stopped and stared at each other when he said that.
It kind of surprised you. The both of you.
He furrowed his brows and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He couldn't think of anything to say after that.
You had never been more turned on than at that moment.
You jumped up and quickly positioned yourself over his cock, sitting down just enough that you were sure he could feel you as much as you could feel him. Both of you pulsing over the touch of the other.
"Ken, Ken ..." you whined against his lips.
He kissed you and pushed your head back with his hand, forcing you to look up at him. "Mmm, fuck, baby. What do you want? Tell me what you want, slut."
You moaned at that and sunk yourself down onto his cock, taking him all in at once. "Wan' this, fuck ... wan' you s'bad."
"Yeah, yeah ... you fuckin' do. You want me to fuck you so hard you can't fuckin' move anymore. That's what you want, right? That's what you want, sweetheart."
It was not a question. He flipped you over and onto your back and he began fucking you at a brutal pace. "Fuckin' wanna get wrecked by this dick. Gonna get so fucked out you can't do anything but drool. Fuckin' slut. Fuck ... fuck yes."
You could barely speak. You couldn't form a coherent thought. All you could do was moan and whimper and whine.
He fucked you so hard and so fast, you weren't sure how he was able to keep going. He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue in your mouth, his cock in your pussy. It was bliss.
You screamed out and he bit your bottom lip, growling at you, "Fuck! Fuckin' love it when you scream like that, baby. Keep doin' it, keep cryin' 'bout how good I fuckin' feel n’side of you."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and held onto him for dear life as he fucked you into oblivion. He was relentless and unforgiving. You could feel him tense up and you knew he was about to cum.
He groaned loudly and thrust into you a few more times. You could feel his cum rush into your deepest places. He collapsed on top of you and you both gasped for air.
"Holy shit, Ken. Jesus fuck." you said through deep breaths.
"Right." He chuckled. "Gonna have to be an asshole more often."
You reached down and pinched his ass between your thumb and index finger.
"Hey! The hell ...?" He kissed the tip of your nose. "Did'n mean it. I know better 'n that."
"Yeah, don't forget who this pussy is attached to, princess." You laughed and shoved him off of you so you could help him finish the work on the bike before the day was over.
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hrteddie · 2 years
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sypnosis: cheerleader!y/n confesses her feelings for the “freak” of the school. Tags: fem!reader x Eddie Munson.
Just some fluff hehe. sorry if this isnt good, This is my second time writing something like this and also for grammar mistakes english isn’t my first language
It had been exactly two months since your first encounter with Eddie in the school’s forest, the day that your life got changed upside down.
“Wow um hello… uh what.. what are you doing here exactly—?” “oh i’m sorry, I didn’t know this was your place—“ “no, no it’s okay!!”
Evee since then you and eddie would sneak off into the woods once in a while to talk, play games or just hand out. You thought about how he was not what everyone painted him to be. “Eddie Munson…? isn’t he part of a satanic cult..?” “Eddie?? You mean that freak that plays Dungeons and Dragons..?” “Eddie?? he’s a weirdo stay away from him y/n” But in reality he was a big softy that loves to play his guitar, loves to make you laugh and loves to play his little fantasy game.. not a freak nor a weirdo. He would leave little notes in your locker, asking you to meet him after class or asking you to go to one of his shows. “Y/n you have to come! I’m going to play a song just for you!!” “alright alright I’ll be there Munson”
And there you were, straight out of cheer practice and inside the little venue where he would play with his band every tuesday.“This song goes out to my good friend y/n, captain of the cheer team and my no.1 fan of course!” he spoke into the mic, smiling at you. “yeah, his good friend.. that’s all we are.. good friends!” you reassured yourself every night.
Also you couldn’t help but blush at the sight of him during lunch, him sitting with his friends, members of hell fire and you sitting with your “friends” from cheer and the basketball team. He didn’t bat an eye at you, he knew that you couldn’t be seen with him, or for another matter even make eye contact with him. It just wasn’t possible, beloved y/n and freak eddie? not happening. But oh how desperately he wanted to just steal a glance at you, I mean you did it, so why couldn’t he..? Why was it weird for him to look at you, but not you to look at him..?
“Earth to y/n.. hello?!” asked chrissy, giggling and waving her hand infront of you. “oh, sorry i spaced out..” youre replied while smiling. “did you space out or where you looking at munson again?” she whispered while poking fun at you. “ohmygod, was it that obvious?” you replied while covering your mouth in embarrassment. “a little..” she said while lighting punching your shoulder. “You should talk to him.. he’s a good guy” “I already do… It’s just that we don’t talk in public…” “oh… why?” “because it’s weird?” “so??” she replied while looking at him. “what is he to you y/n?” she asked not breaking contact with him. “He’s a good friend.. why?” “are you sure?” You nodded while looking at her confused. “good friends don’t look at each other the way you two do” she said while smiling. “It will be our own little secret if you two decide to finally confess your feelings for each other..” “what feelings are you talking about..?” “don’t act dumb now, go on and tell him. trust me okay?”
You weren’t acting dumb, and either ways even if he did like you it wasn’t going to be easy to date each other.☆
And now the present time, You were sitting on the picnic bench once again, awaiting for your friend to arrive. It was a little bit past 12, students leaving for the day or going out for lunch. The empty forest made it easy for you to hear him when he was nearby “Y/n hey! waited long for me??” eddie asked making his way towards you. “no of course not, just got here..” you mumbled while fiddling with the end of your skirt. “saw you and chrissy talking today, what was that about? not that i’m nosy or anything … but i’m nosy” he said while setting his stuff down and sitting across from you. “oh you know, the usual, just cheer stuff” you said quickly while looking down at your skirt. You couldn’t dare to make eye contact, what did chrissy even know about you and eddie? It was obvious that he only saw you as a friend, and it was also obvious that you two would never work out—
“Y/n?? are you okay??” he asked interrupting your thoughts. “oh yeah, sorry I just had something on my mind...” you said still not making eye contact with him. “are you sure..?” he asked while placing his hand on top of yours. It took you by surprise, a small gasp leaving your lips. You hadn’t even noticed that your hands were now resting on the table infront of you, or the fact that Eddie was staring at you intensely. His big hand covering your small one made you gulp. “Yeah totally okay!!” you smiled while taking your hand away. It was an awkward silence, nothing that you ever experienced with him before.You sighed as you finally let the words out.
“I just don’t know why i feel this way, but I know that you’re really important to me..” “feel what way..?” “i dont know.. it’s a feeling that i only get when i’m around you and see you.. you know..?” you said finally looking at him. “like butterflies in your stomach..?” he asked while tilting his head. “i suppose yeah… gosh this is so dumb.. I’m sorry, i’m going to go.” you said, picking up your stuff. “no, it isn’t dumb… y/n i actually wanted to talk to you about them same thing and i like you—“ “yeah as a friend i know—“ “no,no more than a friend..” Eddie said.
Was this real? was he actually serious? or maybe he was just joking around you know? “are you joking..? do you actually like me…?” “y/n, I should be asking you that question.. the head cheerleader liking me? the freak of the school? we’re on two different spectrums here love.”
You giggled, while smiling at him. “you know eddie i actually liked you since we were in middle school…” you finally said while standing and walking over to him. “you did…?” he looked surprised, while putting a hair strand behind his ear. “yeah I was just always so scared of you because of what people had to say… you know you’re not what i thought you’d be like..” you trailed off. “Mean and scary?” he asked, twirling his hair and hiding behind it in embarrassment. “yeah.” “well i could say the same thing about you.. i thought you’d be mean and scary as well..” “me?” you whispered while smiling. “yeah.., but you’re not… you’re kind with a heart made of gold.” he added on.
You couldn’t help but smile, you giggled over your silly little crush on the guy. “I’m glad i met you again, and I’m glad this time i actually had the courage to tell you how i feel.” It was like a heavy burden was finally lifted off your shoulders. You turned to face him to see what he had to say. He didn’t say a word, he just took his hand in yours both of you looking into each other eyes.
“I cant believe you’re actually real” he stated. “I want to be with you all the time.. and I want to hold your hand and kiss you and just hold you forever… will you be my girlfriend y/n?” he asked, you could see the sparkle in his eyes. You kissed him in response and for the first time things actually felt right.
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violetarks · 3 years
pretending to be their girlfriend pt 2
anime: tokyo revengers
characters: ryuguji 'draken' ken, kawata 'angry' souya, tachibana naoto, sano shinichiro
summary: in some certain situation, y/n is put in the position to help him out by acting as if she was his girlfriend.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns, third person pov
a/n: part one | part two
↣ ryuguji 'draken' ken:
"You want me to what?" Y/N huffs, crossed arms over her chest as she listens to the tall boy in front of her.
Draken looks small, though, sitting down on the steps while Y/N watches him. He sighs out, "I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend, just for a few days."
She pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes. "Okay, so let me get this straight." She says, Draken sitting up more properly as she goes on, "You're asking me to act like we're in a relationship for a while because Mikey said you have a girlfriend. And you need me to do this for a few days until the heat is blown down." He nods his head in confirmation. "You need to introduce your girlfriend in the next meeting. Right."
Draken huffs out, rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah... Mikey said I had a girlfriend partly because he wanted to give his sister a reason to back off." He fiddles with his thumbs for a few moments as Y/N clenches her jaw. "He just seemed to drag all of Toman into it as well."
Y/N's brows turn up a little and tilts her head. "Draken, you should've just told her that you weren't interested." She says, "She's probably heartbroken."
"She was actually fine." Draken states, shrugging his shoulders, "She told me that it was alright, she wants me to be happy and that she already knew all along that I wasn't interested in her like that. It was just something that could prove that I had feelings for someone else."
When Draken confronted Mikey about the whole lie, he said it would be easy to go through with. 'Just ask Y/N to do it', Mikey told him, 'You have a crush on her, don't you? It should be easy to pretend to be in a relationship with her then!'.
His logic was mind-blowing.
As if that would be any easier, he was better off just asking Mikey to dress up like a girl for the sake of the lie to go through.
Y/N watches him carefully, then sets her hand onto his shoulder. "Fine, I'll play along. Just as long as nobody will be extremely hurt by this." She says, giving him a sympathetic smile. She understood how embarrassing it would be for him. "When is the next meeting?"
"Excuse me?"
The revving of bikes fills the air as Y/N turns around to see all of Toman driving towards them. Her eyes go wide as Draken clears his throat, standing up from his spot on the stairs. He gives her head a little pat before setting himself in his spot beside her. "Get ready." He tells her.
She gives him a look before the bikes are all parked and people are walking towards the two. She stands a little more straighter, hands clasped behind her back.
"Hi Kenny!" Mikey calls, waving his hand at his taller best friend, "And Y/N! Nice to see the two of you, together."
Y/N gives an annoyed smile before sighing, "Hi, Mikey. Where should I go, since the meeting is about to—"
"Hey, guys! Kenny brought his girl over to meet us!" Mikey yells loudly, gesturing for the rest of Toman to come closer.
She widens her eyes, tugging on Draken's arm. He glances at her for a second before holding an arm around her shoulders. Almost like protection.
Baji is the first to come up, blinking as Chifuyu peers over his shoulder. "You're L/N?" He questions, tilting his head. Y/N nods her head in response, holding the back of Draken's jacket nervously. "Oh shit. We had Mikey talk about you the whole ride here, thought he was fucking delusional."
Draken's eye twitches. "Why is it so hard to believe that I'd get a girlfriend?" He grunts, glaring at his friends.
Mitsuya chuckles, "Maybe the fact that you've never once mentioned L/N to any of us. All about hard to believe that you'd even want a relationship."
Mikey goes on, tilting his head to the side, "Plus, I wouldn't have ever thought that a anyone would want to date someone so tall and mean all the time."
Y/N holds up a hand to stifle her laugh as she looks away. "Pfft!" She mumbles into her palm, other hand grabbing tightly on his back. He glares back at her. "That's so true!"
"Whose side are you on?" Draken scoffs, poking her cheek.
Chifuyu gives a reassuring smile to Y/N, who has finally finished laughing. "It's nice to meet you, L/N. My name is Matsuno Chifuyu, and this is my Captain Baji Keisuke." He says, watching as she nods her head in return.
She didn't know how to act around them. Y/N had only ever met Mikey and Draken, and heard things about Toman. How ruthless they were. It was hard to believe these guys were apart of this gang. Or maybe they were just acting nice to her since she was supposedly Draken's girlfriend.
After a few more introductions, they began asking Draken questions about his new-found relationship, and why they hadn't heard about Y/N.
"Trying to keep it a secret, huh?" Baji crosses his arms over his chest, raising a brow.
Y/N is seated on the steps, Draken beside her with an arms around hers. He huffs out, rolling his eyes at Baji, "No, just want to keep her from your dumbasses." He watches as they all take offense to that. "I don't want Y/N involved in Toman business. She needs to be safe."
She turns to him, scanning his face for some sort of falsehood. This was all an act, anyway. She was never going to see Toman again after this. But Draken seemed to really mean it, how he wanted her to be safe.
"Aw, that's sweet." Mikey smiles, sitting back in his spot as he watches he faux relationship play on, "And what about you Y/N? How do you feel about Kenny?"
She freezes in her spot, sitting up straighter and holding onto Draken's arm tighter. He looks over to her, seeing her state and turning to Mikey. "Y'know, she doesn't really need to say." He claims.
"Why? Scared that you'll get embarrassed by what she says?" Mitsuya taunts, leaning his chin in his palm as he watches the scene unfold. Draken glares a little at him before allowing Y/N to speak up.
She turns to the others. "Ken is the kindest person I've ever met." She claims, "And he's always looking after me no matter what."
Baji grunts, waving his hand, "It sounds like he's treating you like Mikey."
"Oh my God, Draken is dating me!" Mikey gasps, having a little too much fun with this.
"I'm not dating Mikey!" Draken shouts, flipping them all off.
Y/N stifles her laugh before trying to save him. "He knows how to take care of me. Somehow always knows when I'm upset and how to cheer me up." She explains, playing with her thumbs, "Helps to make me feel very appreciated, even when I don't think I should be."
Draken looks away, hand on his chin as he tries to cover his cheeks. He never did ask Y/N what she had thought about him. Hearing all of this all of a sudden make him blush. He furrows his brows.
Mikey nudges Mitsuya to look over at Draken. They both share a knowing smirk.
Y/N gives a shrug of her shoulders, leaning back with crossed arms. She claims, with the most calm exterior ever, "I don't know, I just feel a lot better when Ken is around."
Draken then stands up, having enough of his heart racing. "Alright, let's get this meeting started. Enough fucking around." He calls, gesturing for everyone to enter the temple area. Y/N stands from her spot and brushes the dirt away from her pants. He looks over to his friend. "You did well."
"Mm." She hums out, hands behind her back. She gives him a smile. "So, Draken, wanna' get lunch tomorrow? My treat!"
"I feel like I should be paying you back for today." Draken chuckles, shrugging his shoulders, "But sure. A date."
He meant it as a joke at first, but when he sees Y/N nod, Draken widens his eyes. He wants to ask about it, but she is already placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Sounds good to me." She says, pulling away and walking down the stairs, "Text me after the meeting, we'll figure everything out! Have fun, Ken!"
Draken brushes a finger against his cheek and gives a wave as she does. When he sees her round the corner, he drops his hand and goes to turn around. There, the boys stand with giggles and smiles.
"Flustered by your 'girlfriend', Draken?" Baji jokes, raising a brow as Draken rolls his eyes. He walks passed them towards the temple.
Girlfriend was a nice way for him to address Y/N.
↣ kawata 'angry' souya:
"Are you excited?" Y/N's best friend questions, nudging her in the side as they made their way through the school hallway, "The school dance is coming up in a few days. You and the committee did a real good job setting it all up, I'm impressed."
Y/N huffs out, holding her bag over her shoulder, "Thanks, we've had to do so much promoting. How have you been with finding a date to it anyways?"
He sighs in response, hands behind his head, "Eh, pretty good, actually. Me and Hinatsuro are pairing up." He glances to his best friend, who is looking through her bag. "What about you?"
"Oh, I haven't had the time." She huffs, waving her hand at him, "With all the planning and stuff, I've kind of left it for last minute. I might as well just go by myself."
"What? No way!" Her friend replies, shaking his head as they enter the classroom, "How are you gonna' show up alone at your school dance?"
She goes to answer when she overhears some more whispers. They talk about a certain boy in their class who recently got embarrassed in public by his brother. She overhears something about asking hundreds of girls if they'd want to go to the dance with him, but they all turned him down so fast.
"What are they talking about?" Y/N hums, standing at her friend's desk with crossed arms.
He waves his hand in return. "The Kawata Twins." He sighs, nodding towards one of the brothers in their class at the moment, "Per usual, Smiley was causing a ruckus about Angry going alone to the dance, and accidentally made a scene at lunch. Of course, Angry kept telling his brother to knock it off. But Smiley asked all these girls to go with Angry, but they got scared and ran off."
Y/N's brows knit, a frown pulling on her lips. As far as she knew, Angry was actually pretty easy to get along with. They had talked only a few times, but he was never mean to her at all. In fact, he was the quiet one out of the twins whenever she'd speak to them. Y/N didn't believe that nobody would want to go to the dance with him. He was very kind and considerate.
Angry knows he shouldn't really care about all the whispers and all the comments. But it can get to him. Especially when they call him a 'lost cause', as Smiley was actually getting asked to the dance at least twice a week. How could he feel as if he was on the same level as his brother when everything went down as this?
He can hear a few more people talking.
"Imagine how embarrassing that would be?"
"Don't you think it's tiring to carry your brother around?"
"Shh, don't let any of them hear that."
"Did you hear? Apparently Smiley got asked to the dance by someone from Class D."
Angry is sinking more into his seat, opting to place some earphones in. He could act as if nobody was there.
But when he feels a tap on his shoulder, he is kind of forced to realise someone is standing in front of him.
It's one of the members from the dance committee. Notably, L/N Y/N. He feels himself tense up as he puts his earphones down onto his desk. "Uh... yes?" He mumbles out.
"I... um." Y/N takes a deep breath in, hands fiddling behind her back. She can hear her best friend a few feet away, asking her what the Hell she was thinking. But her eyes are kept on Angry. "I wanted to ask if you were free on the night of the dance?"
The whole entire classroom has gone quiet, all eyes on Y/N and Angry. This was one pairing that nobody had seemed to even think about.
"The night of the dance?" Angry repeats, furrowing his brows. He stands up, hand coming up to rub the side of his neck. "I think so. Why?"
A smile slowly dawns on her face at that. She nods her head once. "Great! I was wondering, if you wanted to go with me?" She questions, her grin making Angry's chest tighten.
She's not joking. He can tell in the way that she is smiling at him, and how she doesn't step away as he stands up. From what he's experienced from her, Y/N was never scared of him or his brother, even though everyone knew the both of them were a part of a gang. She's never even felt threatened by them.
"To the dance?" He murmurs, gulping as he points to himself, "You... You want to go with me? I don't know..."
A part of her is hoping that he'd already catch on. She is trying to get the attention off of him, and help. Maybe if she'd suggest that the two of them leave the classroom to speak. But it's a little too late for that. So she has to make her own decision.
Y/N places her hands on the desk, leaning forward so that their noses are nearly touching. A bunch of gasps sound around the classroom, even at the small movement. Angry freezes in his spot, watching as she plasters another cheeky smile on her face as her fingers link around his. It's warm and inviting.
"Why wouldn't you want to go with your girlfriend?" She chuckles out, tilting her head with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
"G—Girlfriend...?" He whispers out, a heavy blush falling over his cheeks at her words.
"GIRLFRIEND?" The rest of the class suddenly shouts.
Y/N turns to the lot of them, awkward smile on her lips. She keeps one hand on top of his and the other waving at her classmates. "Ah, sorry that I haven't told anyone. I've been so busy with planning everything that I couldn't find the time." She claims, "And I forgot that I was actually supposed to ask my boyfriend to the dance."
One of her classmates turn to her best friend. "Is that true?" They question.
She blinks at her friend, who turns his head right back at her. A glare from Y/N is all he needed to feel threatened. He then hums out, "Yes... she is, in fact, in love with Kawata Souya." He has this thin-line smile, looking as if he was getting interrogated.
Thankfully the bell rings. She lets out a sigh, picking her bag with her hand still linked with Angry's, "Let's go. We got a lot to talk about."
He nods his head, swallowing his fear as clasping onto her hand tightly. "Right." He mumbles, making his way through the classroom with her.
Once they're outside and in a secluded area, Y/N unlatches her hand from his with an apologetic bow of her head. "I'm sorry, Souya, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." She states, hands on her lap as she feels her face heat up, "I just heard about what Nahoya was up to, asking every girl to go to the dance with you. I thought that if you and I pretended to be together, then the whole gossip would stop."
Angry blinks at her, bringing a hand to cover his reddening cheeks. She was too sweet. "It's fine, really." He clears his throat, looking away, "Listen, you don't really have to go to the dance with me."
She lifts herself up, smiling at him. "I don't mind." She tells him, leaning against the wall as he was, "Because of everything, I was just planning to go by myself. But... I, uh, think I'd have fun if you and I went together. Only if you really want to, though. No pressure. At all."
Angry glances towards her. She's about as friendly and comfortable as anybody could be. A small smile appears on his face as he looks to the ground. He retorts, "That'd be cool, L/N."
She grins at his reaction. Just as she's about to offer walking home with him, someone turns the corner to them, and fast.
"ANGRY!" Smiley suddenly appears, waving his hand around with his other holding his bag. Y/N and Angry stop, blinking at the boy. He then shouts again, "I just heard that you and L/N are finally dating! Did you ask her out like you told me you would at some point? Oh, hi L/N! Are you and my brother going to the dance together? That would be so fun!"
"Smiley!" Angry interrupts, standing in front of Y/N and blocking her view from her brother, "Keep it down!"
Smiley only shrugs, slinging an arm over his shoulder. "Let's go celebrate and let your girlfriend figure out how to deal with us both, now that I'll be around more often!" He chimes, already walking them away.
Y/N gives a short laugh as she watches the whole scene. Angry looks over his shoulder to her, giving a small wave. Once she does so back, he can feel himself relax.
She begins to walk herself home, finding a bunch of texts from her best friend. She huffs, "I should find an outfit soon."
↣ tachibana naoto:
"What about Sumi?" Hina questions, pulling up numbers of her friends. She is now at the bottom of her contact list after 20 minutes of speaking with her brother. "She's really nice and she's shown interest in you before! I bet she'd be willing to be your date to my wedding."
Naoto shakes his head, placing his mug of coffee down on the table in front of them. "Absolutely not. She got drunk and tried to kiss me on New Years." He states, looking away with disgust, "And honestly, I don't understand why you feel the need to set me up with someone, all for just one day. Especially with any of your friends, it's not as if it would go anywhere."
Hina furrows her brows, hands on her hips as she sits in front of Naoto. She's just as frustrated as he is, but then again, her brother never tried to make things easier for her concerning this problem. "Because it's my wedding day, Naoto! Our parents want you to show up with someone, they think you drown yourself in work all the time." She sighs out, closing her eyes with a pout, "If you don't, they'll believe you're going to be alone forever."
"That might as well be true." Takemichi mutters quietly, sitting down beside Hina. Naoto throws him a look to which he shrugs innocently. "Well, how about that girl from work? The one you eat lunch with?"
Naoto widens his eyes at the mention.
Damn you, Takemichi.
"Oh! Y/N! How did I not think of that?" Hina gasps, grabbing her phone after clapping her hands together, "I've had lunch with her a few times, she's the perfect fake date! I'll call her and see if she's up for it."
Her brother doesn't even get a say, since Hina is jogging to the kitchen with phone in hand. They can hear the muffled conversation in the background noise. He sends Takemichi another glare. "You moron, why would you suggest Y/N?" He scowls.
Out of all the people, it had to be the one person he really wouldn't mind doing this with.
Takemichi shrugs his shoulders. "Because that's the only person who you would agree to, Naoto." He informs the younger man. Takemichi has his hands on his lap, looking determined. "And if your parents somehow ruin Hina's wedding because you're there alone, then it'll be her worst memory." Naoto looks away, making Takemichi furrow his brows. "Please, we've worked so hard for this ending. We just need this one day to be special. It would mean a lot to Hina."
The detective then sighs, crossing his arms over his chest, "Fine. But only because of all the hard work we put through for this."
The night of the wedding is beautiful and magical. The bride and groom were happy and couldn't stop smiling, and Hina's parents were watching with such pride. Naoto watched from his seat as couples danced across the floor, music booming and setting the scene. He gives a sigh, hand on his chin.
"Your sister looks to be having a good time." Y/N says, setting a glass of champagne in front of Naoto. He glances up to her, a small smile on his lips as she sits down beside him, his other arm slung over the top of her chair. She tilts her head at the star couple. "Hanagaki is lucky that Hina has so much patience for him."
"You have no idea." He mutters out, sipping from the glass.
Y/N watches him carefully as she does the same. "You look annoyed." She claims, nudging his side as she leans back into her chair, "Is it because your parents have been eying us from the dance floor the whole time?"
Naoto raises a brow at his parents, who quickly look away. "You've noticed it too, huh?" He huffs, placing the glass down as he puts one knee over the other, "Even with my father being a retired police officer, he has never been good at spying on people."
She laughs quietly at that, unconsciously leaning towards Naoto.
Y/N and him have been friends for years, ever since he joined the department. As a fellow detective, she worked alongside Naoto plenty of times before, ultimately building this sort of friendship between them. When he had approached her to play the part of his girlfriend for his sister's wedding, having heard about it from his sister first, Y/N was willing to do so. After all, they were close.
Naoto tilts his head. "Sorry, again. For having to do all of this for me." He mutters out, looking at Y/N beside him. Her head is leaning slightly against his shoulder as she glances back at him. He clears his throat. "It's a hassle, isn't it?"
She shakes her head. "No, not really." She admits before standing up, gulping down the rest of her drink, "Now let's go dance! Hina told me that if you were seen out there at least once, then she would treat me dinner."
Naoto sighs, taking her hand and allowing her to lead him along, "Of course."
But before they take a step, Naoto's parents are making their way over. He notices, pulling her back beside him and leaning to whisper back to her, "Just act natural. Our story is the same, except I asked you out and we've been dating for two months."
She furrows her brows at him before scoffing, "Uh, it's more realistic if I was the one who asked you out." He deadpans as Y/N wraps her arm around his, as if he was kindly escorting him somewhere. "Don't worry, I'm great at making things up on the spot."
He knows this for sure, taking a deep breath in as his parents stop in front of them.
"Naoto, how are you enjoying the reception so far?" His mother asks, tilting her head with a sweet smile.
"It's amazing, Hinata's always been a good planner." He retorts, nodding his head with a grin. He then notices his mother glancing to Y/N. "Hello, we're Naoto's parents. Are you the girlfriend that Hina was assuring us about?"
Y/N responds, shaking his hand with a short laugh, "Ah, quick to question. My name is L/N Y/N, and yes, I am his girlfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"Oh, Naoto, she's wonderful." His mother states, giving him the sweetest smile. He never would've guessed they'd be this happy for him when it came to getting a girlfriend. Did... he really seem that lonely?
He retorts, shrugging his shoulders, "I wouldn't pick anyone else."
Y/N glances at him with a small smile. She then looks towards his parents. "He's lucky he's such a smooth talker." She mumbles out, earning a laugh from the both of them.
Mr Tachibana then speaks up, "Takemichi tells us that you two work together." Y/N nods her head. "I used to work as a police officer, and I was thrilled when Naoto said he wanted to follow in my footsteps. He's great at his job, isn't he?"
She responds, tilting her head and closing her eyes, "Oh he is. But there's a reason I get more cases than he does."
His parents laugh even louder at that one, making Naoto roll his eyes and look at her. There's a warning in his eyes.
Mrs Tachibana hums out, "And how is working with him?"
His fake girlfriend holds onto his arm tighter, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Great, actually. Do you know how much of a romantic this guy is?" Y/N jokes, pointing at him. His parents raise their brows and turn to him. "He brings me coffee every break, always ready to go and even reserves a spot for us at the cafe across. Oh, and one day he decorated my desk with these cute flowers and cut out hearts—"
"That's enough, Y/N." Naoto nervously chuckles, pinching her behind her back. She gives him a cheeky grin. "We were just about to go join the newly weds. Hina has been nagging us to do so since the end of their first dance."
"Oh, well, we won't hold you two up anymore." Mrs Tachibana says, waving her hand as she pulls her husband away, "Go have fun. We'll see you two after the reception."
As they walk off, Y/N and Naoto happily wave at them, smiles plastered onto their faces.
"You're really testing me tonight, aren't you?" Naoto grunts, leading the way to the dance floor. He watches as she stands in front of him, looking very amused by her little antics.
"Not any different from any other day with you." Y/N responds, allowing him to place his hands on her waist. She rests hers on top of his shoulders, coming to a stop as the music continues to play. "Plus, you love me, don't you?"
He rolls his eyes once more, slowly moving with her. A smile is on her lips as she hugs him tighter, laying her head on his shoulder. He closes his eyes for a moment, placing a comforting hand on her back. He could do this for a while.
"We're not gonna' hear the end of this at work, you know?" Y/N claims, her breath sending chills down his spine. He goes tense for a second before relaxing again. "Everyone has seen how Chief acts about this stuff, not gonna' leave us alone. Can't wait to get teased."
He retorts, "You could always say you did it out of pity."
Y/N shakes her head, pressing a kiss to his cheek before pulling away enough to look at his face. His brows are raised and face slightly pink.
"Or we could just go out for real." She suggests.
He blinks at her, as if waiting for her to retract the request. But when she doesn't, Naoto gives a slight sigh, "I suppose that would be a good way to... clear the air."
"Cool. Now our story is true." She chimes, shrugging her shoulders, "I did ask you out first."
"That's the only reason you suggested to start dating."
"I guess so, yeah. Couldn't let you beat me."
"You're so petty."
"Thank you, I am pretty."
↣ sano shinichiro:
He glances over his shoulder, a rag thrown over his shoulder as he examined a customer's bike. A 12-year-old Emma is standing there, hands on her hips with a determined look on her face. Shinichiro raises a brow as she rounds the shop and stands there beside him. "What's up, Em?" He chuckles, tilting his head, "What's got you so upset?"
"I need advice!" Emma claims, voice booming around the walls. Shinichiro leans back a little more, sitting on one knee. His sister points at him. "And you're the only one who can help!"
Mikey, who is sitting on Shinichiro's bike a few feet away, widens his eyes. "What about me?" He asks, pointing to himself.
Emma shakes her head. "You can't help me, Mikey, it's advice on love." She claims. Shinichiro feels whatever hope he had to having a 'big brother' moment, disappear. Sometimes, Emma could wound him unknowingly. Even with the purest of intentions.
"Ha! And you're asking Shinichiro?" Mikey laughs out loud, shaking his head this time, "The guy who has been rejected 20 times in a row?"
Shinichiro closes his eyes, feeling his heart crack at the statement.
But Emma comes to the rescue. She places a hand over Shinichiro's shoulder and claims, "But Shinichiro isn't a loser anymore! He's got a girlfriend!"
"What?" Both Shinichiro and Mikey gasp out.
"Yes! Remember Y/N?" Emma asks, tilting her head with her hands on her hips, "That's Shinichiro's girlfriend! She's here all the time!"
It was true, she was at their house all the time. At first, their grandfather was a little cautious and advised Shinichiro to keep her visits to a minimum. He believed that she would distract him from doing well.
But as soon as the man walked into the kitchen to see Y/N looking over Shinichiro's homework, correcting it and also helping him cook, he knew that she was good.
Once, Baji had asked her out. Y/N had to politely decline and right after that, Baji challenged Mikey to a spar. Shinichiro and Y/N watched.
Shinichiro waves his hands as he stands from his spot. He sighs out, "Uh, Emma—"
"Shinichiro isn't dating Y/N." Mikey scoffs, rolling his eyes with a smirk, "He's too boring to get someone as cool as her. As if Y/N would settle for our brother anyway!"
The shop owner then glares at his little brother. That asshole. He goes to argue with him when they're interrupted.
"Hey, everyone." Y/N calls, walking through the doors with bags in her hands. She sends them all a big smile and lifts the plastic up. "I brought lunch for us."
Emma and Mikey light up, running over to Y/N who is locking the door behind her, flipping the sign over to say that it was closed for lunch. When she turns around, her legs are getting tightly hugged by her best friend's two younger siblings. She gives them a smile.
"Aw, I missed you guys too! You're both so adorable." She says, patting both of their heads before moving towards Shinichiro, "Let's eat, I got us yakisoba just in case Baji was gonna' stop by without warning."
She gestures Shinichiro to the front counter, where they was enough space for the four of them to eat. She pulls up chairs for the younger ones, Emma sitting on the end of the counter and Mikey sitting beside Y/N. Shinichiro wipes his hands on a rag and tosses it on one of the bikes, walking over to them. He sets himself down across from his friend.
"So, what have you guys been up to?" Y/N questions, helping Emma and Mikey open their food. They all had said their thanks and are now chowing down.
Mikey smirks at Shinichiro on the other side of the counter, who is eating his food innocently. But when he sees the look in Mikey's eyes, he begins to choke.
"Actually!" Mikey speaks loudly, lifting his chin and sitting up straight, "Emma was just telling us about how Shinichiro is dating you now. Apparently."
Y/N stares at Mikey for a few seconds. As if he's going to say 'sike, that was a prank', but he doesn't. She sees that Emma is nodding her head in agreement. And then Shinichiro is holding his head in his hands, immediately regretting ever letting her meet his family.
He wouldn't blame her if she was going to embarrass him further now.
But she doesn't. Instead, Y/N leans her chin in her palm and grins at his little brother and sister. "Oh, so he let it slip?" She chuckles, shrugging her shoulders, "We were supposed to tell you guys on the weekend when I'd come over for dinner. But I guess this isn't so bad."
"What?" Mikey yells, standing up in his spot and hands on the table. He looks at her with a confused expression, furrowed brows. He can't believe that it's true. "No way you're actually dating Shinichiro!"
Y/N holds her chin in her fingers with a sly smile. "What makes you say that?" She hums out.
"Well—" Mikey begins.
Emma interrupts, raising her hands in the air with a grin, "That's great! Y/N is my big sister now!"
Shinichiro watches as his friend continues to eat, acting as if this wasn't some lie they were playing out. He could forget that Y/N was good at acting on the spot, which had helped him more times than he could count.
The four of them continue to talk and laugh, Mikey wanting to know about the relationship.
How long have they been dating for? Three months. Who asked who out? Y/N asked Shinichiro out. Have they had their first kiss? Yes. When was it and which one of them initiated it? On their third date to the arcade, Shinichiro kissed her first.
"Pfft, what a horndog." Mikey scoffs, looking away with his cheek in his palm.
"Shut it, Manjiro!" Shinichiro scowls, poking the boy in the forehead. Before he can say anymore, his phone buzzes. After checking it, he sees that it's one of his clients asking about a few items in stock. He stands from his seat. "Ah, give me a few minutes. Gotta' check the back room."
The two kids wave their hands as they continue to bite into their food. But Y/N tugs his forearm, turning around to him. Shinichiro raises a brow.
"Gimme' kiss." She hums.
He widens his eyes for a second, holding his breath. "R—Right now?" He stammers, glancing to his siblings.
She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't mind." She tells him. And he gets the memo. She doesn't mind all of this.
He gives a small chuckle before leaning forward. He' be lying if he said this wasn't something he dreamt of before.
Shinichiro places a hand on the counter, back blocking Mikey and Emma from most of the view. But the two lean to see if it was true. Y/N has her hand placed on her lap, other on Shinichiro's shoulder. He dips down, lips gently pressing against her own, almost like he's asking permission. But Y/N leans into him, closing her eyes as he did and smiling at last. Shinichiro keeps his hand on the table, still trying to act proper in front of his little siblings.
"I can't believe this..." Mikey sighs, shaking his head.
Emma gives a dreamy giggle, "So cute! I want someone like that..." She turns to Mikey. "Y'know your tall friend? Does he have a girlfriend?"
Mikey shrugs. Then after a second, yells, "Do you mean Kenny?"
The two continue to bicker and whine, allowing Y/N and Shinichiro to pull away from one another. She looks at them for a moment before turning back to Shinichiro. "That was cool." She hums.
Shinichiro leans his forehead against hers. "Mhm." He retorts, smiling at her, "We should do it again."
She rolls her eyes. "Later, take me out first." She chuckles, pushing him back, "Don't you have a customer to help?"
Shinichiro blinks and nods his head. He leans forward and kisses her forehead quickly before moving off. "Go to dinner after work with me, Y/N." He offers.
Y/N looks away, twirling the food in her bowl. "I'll pick you up at 8." She states.
Shinichiro shakes his head in disapproval. "9, you heathen." He claims, "Give me time to get pretty."
"What's the point of giving time if you still look ugly?"
"We're breaking up."
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